#something about not being seen as a lesbian
isatartdump · 3 days
You draw them all so cool!!! And awesome!! But is that top surgery scars on loop 👀 (sorry I’m also curious were you thinking about anything specific when you drew them in casual clothes cause they all fit the characters So Well) sorry for bothering you I love your art
YES! I think Siffrin, Loop and Isa have top scars (CAN!! Do a stretch and say Odile has them too but I am not ready to think about it, I think she'll get more butch lesbian than she already is)… Lemme talk about them and hope I don't accidentally spoil the game HA
Loop's are more like how people usually draw top surgery scars? Mostly because I draw them by joining stars up, so it KINDA looks like stars blowing up!
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I believe Isa left some really small scars just for the simbolism of finally being his authentic self or something… Since in vaugarde they transition (or honestly just find new ways to become themselves both physically and mentally) by using craft so I kinda headcanon it to be like… Treating your own body like it's made out of clay, people can just opt to have no scars whatsoever. Way easier than it is IRL, haha. I wish… Also I believe he'd put some tattoos on there to be stylish and handsome and pretty but I also don't know what kind of tattoo Isa would choose to get. If I do a modern AU I might think about it…
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And Siffrin I'm. I'm working on it… I don't draw them shirtless often enough to think about it… But I see them as little lines that end on a small explosion at the end. Simple but gets a point across- More so a thing to remind him of how far they've gone rather than a thing that will be seen by other people but to fair isn't this what top scars are for us sometimes? Little reminders that things get better and how far we've come?
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Now that the top scar ramble is over!!!!! Onto the thinking abotu something while drawing them casual... I was mostly thinking about clothes that would fit them in a sense of like. Fitting their body shape and just generally looked like they belong in their wardrobe. It's mostly about comfort and feeling like "Yeah they went to the store and bought that pair of pants". At least in my brain.
Making them look confident and comfortable in clothes that either fit their personality or what they usually wear kinda gets the overall feeling of "Yes of course Odile would wear that" methinks :) I'd say Loop is kinda the hardest one to dress in a way that... They would dress? Since they're. Nakey nakey the entire game but then you just work with what you think this sassy motherfucker (/aff) would wear. They have an absurd amount of personality that I think would be hard to not go into how they wear clothes
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Loop my beloved. Was gonna gatekeep this last one but you guys can have it :) Also you don't bother! Thank you so much for liking my little thingies <3
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starful-emporium · 2 days
Bad Kids queer headcanons (excluding canon stuff lol)
Kristen is def someone who considers her gender as just "lesbian." being raised with the definition of woman being so strict and het normative, they can't connect to "woman" in a meaningful way, and uses any pronouns.
Gorgug is a bigender bitch if ive ever seen one. think i rb'd from the op of that headcanon a bit ago, they were saying how well it fits with his barbificer arc and just. Yes. Correct. She/he gorgug ftw.
Riz is fully uninterested in the whole gender thing. triple a vibes 100%, specifically the ambivalent kind. is okay with any pronouns but has no motivation to switch from he/him.
Fig being transfem <3 something about growing up as one thing and then suddenly becoming another, having your body do things outside your control and visibly weird. just gahhh perfect little niche to occupy my brain.
Adaine aro-allo truthers rise up! Seriously this girl does not want romantic intimacy, she would like the occasional casual date and getting her kisses in, and that's all, thanks.
Fabian is schrodinger's queer. hasn't connected the dots that liking men and women makes him bi. also has no idea how to separate jealousy and crushes, mostly bc his dad taught him to view other men as competition.
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houkagokappa · 1 year
This week I’ve had two guys tell me they’ve been thinking of me late at night/throughout the week and it’s only Wednesday
Any ladies wanna chime in to even out the numbers?
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torahtot · 6 months
ok ive had enough of queering judaism. can we start judaizing queerness now. or something
#like. it feels like so much of this queering judaism shtus just layers an american/secular queer identity over judaism#which i guess is fine for certain communities. but it's only going to push you away from orthodoxy#and if as queer jews we already feel like our queerness makes us into secularized outsiders in our own communities#how does this help? is trying to get our communities to embrace an essentially secular american iteration of queer identity supposed to mak#us feel LESS like outsiders? it's not quite doing it for me#we need a queerness that comes from within judaism that is essentially jewish#ive seen a couple of articles recently from ppl talking abt how word/concept of butch doesnt exist in their language & culture#but they use it anyway#& like. i love being butch. it's important to me ill never give it up#& i am american too. but my whole identity as a butch he/him lesbian is exclusively secular american it came from the outsifr#which is definitely due in large part to the fact that my Gender Problems were really tied up w orthodox jewish gender roles#so naturally to get out of that i'd pull on something not jewish. but i wish there was another option? idk if that's possible#or how it would look#maybe that's why im obsessed w the idea of a butch w long curly payos.... 😦#i forgot where i was going w this but yeah it's frustrating#this is a large part of why im wary of starting a queer Jewish club on campus bc the people who would wanna start it w mr#well no offense but they are insufferable about this#(incidentally they're also insufferable about chanukah. no surprises there)#nachi speaks#jew blogging#others have Actually written abt all this tho
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bidokja · 4 months
hey just so you all know, it is possible to acknowledge how often hsy is sidelined in fandom because of joongdok without being a...lesbophobe? how did you even come to this conclusion in a yaoi related poll. quit that shit. this has been a psa <3
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eiimxko · 1 month
I simply think that white straight male incels shouldn't be playing genshin/hsr anymore and should just die afterwards
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a-dope-fiend · 7 months
i noticed a pattern with lesbians tending to latch onto skwisgaar as their fave
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lunathewafflelord · 5 months
Sometimes it seems like the anti fandoms are more toxic than the actual fandom that the anti fandom people hate on, it's actually really sad.
MLP fans will know what I'm talking about
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casiavium · 9 months
All of these "who has more anything gender!" polls are just. white man without extreme body builder muscles v white man without extreme body builder muscles. The gender is "masculine" stop pretending it's universal
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arrowpunk · 4 months
You know it kind of sucks to see discourse about whether or not me and people like me should exist. Like just the fact that it's even a question in the first place sucks.
#ramblings of an arrow#I really need to make more friends that just arent christian at this point#like I still love my religious friends very much#but the fact that its an actual question being asked and that the majority answer is no like SUCKS dude#like holy shit and yall wonder why ppl leave the churh in droves#why there are so few queer christians#like its so fucking difficult to exist in a space where your right to exist is up for debate#its exhausting#like even if you arent outright saying it you make it so obvious you dont want ppl like me around#that the fact that I exist is either abhorrent or just too awkward to acknowledge#also sorry not sorry that my marriage is healthier that all but like 2 christian marriages ive ever seen#my lesbian ass is better at having a healthy loving marriage and good sex than most of you will ever be#youre gonna look at me and tell me that its wrong? really??#can you look me in the eye as you treat my existence as something to be ignored or spoken about in hushed tones#oh hide your children I might corrupt them because I exist being a loving caring adoring spouse to my wife#you dont like to talk about us or acknowledge us unless its to debate our right to be#as if that should even be a fucking question in the first place#im sorry i just.... this gets exhausting sometimes#im not gonna apologize for existing or try to hide the parts of me that make you uncomfortable#I am queer as hell I am a dyke I am a faggot I am a tranny and thats not gonna change no matter what you want#I adore my wife she adores me and I never felt this level of deep abiding compassionate love in christian spaces#your love comes with strings attached even though I know you want to believe it doesnt
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drewsaturday · 5 months
you'd think as someone who's knowingly been a lesbian for over 10 years i would've watched more than like, 4 lesbian movies by now, since there were more than a handful to choose from by that point and waaaaaaaaaaay more now.
and part of me thinks i should make it a new years resolution to watch more sapphic movies to experience the culture tm and feel those feelings.
but i also want to just go rewatch loving annabelle and call it a day.
#txt#like obviously representation was very important to me! and it still is!#but i think bc my baby gay journey began right when we started getting this explosion of rep...#rep almost got tainted for me bc i was on tumblr and it was this whole thing about You Need To Watch This Or You're Homophobic#or nitpicking everything slightly wrong with problematic representation etc and it became more of a chore#i appreciate representation i don't expect most i think. like k0rrasami happening?#instead of getting dragged into the show with the promise of rep it just... unfolded in something i was already interested in#i think representation has sorta unfolded in weird ways as well over the years since it's now profitable to queerbait and that#impacts how enjoyable/well written a thing is - see: why i love 90's subtext most bc of the authenticity of it#and i like to think maybe movies aren't as impacted by that when the focus is actually queer shit vs. shows needing to pull#people in for the long-term but idk. it's genuinely not something i've seen enough queer films to have a good idea of j;lksdkfj#i just want like. fun plots that happen to be gay and i think that desire kinda extinguishes the need to consume every piece#of queer media in existence even though i did very much have that pull at the start naturally#but of course. tumblr kinda ruined that for me at the time so now i'm 10 years in the future chilling surrounded by queer people#not having that sense of feeling alone and needing More#and i think it could be healing to check out those films (as Choice as they may be) but it's not a Need if that makes sense#ohhh and while i do get a hit of meaning from seeing any kind of lesbian rep bc the normalization etc#i just don't rly feel Seen in non age gap stuff? so that limits the amt of films that check all the boxes for me as opposed to#just being a 'normal' lesbian and most films automatically being a full course meal for u#so it almost feels like too much effort aj;lksldkjf#anyway. im grateful we're here now and we have so much i just have a complicated relationship with it all#and i wanna be able to just turn that off and try checking out lesbian films now that we do have so much#bc although i don't Need it necessarily it would be nice to actually explore now that i've ditched some of the toxic tumblr mindsets#(which also i now remember included being called problematic for watching the understandably problematic rep that came years before#which probs also explains why i stayed away so long from the old AND i was too poor/ill to go to theatres for the new)#so uhhh recs welcome? regardless of if there's age gaps or not lmao aj;klsdf#specifically for films not tv shows. ive fought that fight too long.
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acidicpenumbra · 2 years
(oh my god edit this is so old i was a hater ifnore this i was wrong about multiple things and i was also being annoying as shit regardless of whether or not i still hold any opinions here) i hate dirkjake and also like other pairings but whatever
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paintingformike · 1 year
lot of people in the st fandom misuse the term comphet...or maybe its just a tumblr issue in general
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nymika-arts · 1 year
I rmbr you posting a while back that 911 isn't queerbaiting. And at that time I agreed. Just found out about this though-
This is DEFINITELY queerbaiting, acc to me. Thoughts?
honestly i mostly just find this hilarious lmao
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dovedrangeas · 1 year
love it when i look at anti trans/terf/otherwise transphobic posts that are “receipts” of trans people being harmful/stupid/“crazy” and it’s just. trans people being confident. or making jokes. or having confusing relationships with gender or sexuality. or literally just talking about themselves. it’s very funny and depressing
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the-trans-dragon · 2 years
#trying my hardest to let my gender be fluid without being harsh on it#I’ve been finding myself cozy using woman-y words for myself lately and it#makes me feel very tense since I’m afab#I am trans and I’m genderfluid and I’ve spent years with my gender wandering around between many many many genders#agender and trans man and nonbinary and bigender and Demi gender and#it always makes me nervous when it swings towards woman because it feels like#oh now I’m cis okay#and it makes me very afraid that I should be isolating myself from the trans community during that time#like quarantining myself because my gender isn’t trans enough right now#and it feels very weird to be Butch and be androgynous and be seen as a man and a woman by strangers#and to be afab and feel something similar to dysphoria when I’m mistaken for a boy#it feels like I’m larping as a trans woman or fetishizing the experience or trying to claim it as my own when I have no right#the shared experiences of trans women and butches is a long history but I still feel guilty about feeling like I’m trans and like I’m#closer to being a woman than normal#It makes it hard to experience my gender without guilt which is weird#but there’s a ton of fun stuff about it too like being able to call myself a lesbian#or experience happy gender feelings when my wife calls me feminine terms#if I just refuse to worry over other peoples opinions then everything is fine#but I do worry and I am concerned with the opinions of my community and I am afraid I’m doing queerness in an unacceptable way#3: sorenhoots#sorenhoots#soren stresses 3:
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