#something something queer chars in ow are just token representation you get the drill
wickedlittleoz · 1 year
Hello hello! 🙌 Some time ago on blue bird app I saw someone talking about a royal guard Genji x a (what if) royal guard captain Hanzo and would like to give a penny for your thoughts on it? :3c I think the idea is fun and has lots of potential to develop but also potential to create plot holes if not careful 🏃
Thank you and have a nice day!
sooooo i'm not sure if you wanted this to be like a list of headcanons but i got a little excited and wrote a little drabble lmao
I LOVE THIS IDEA!!! like i didn't enjoy questwatch as much as i thought i would tbh but including hanzo and shimadacest in the story just made it so interesting LOL
i think genji would give hanzo so much work just because he knows hanzo wouldn't punish him, it would be hilarious. and the shit genji and tracer would get up to, to queen emily and hanzo's dismay? blizz should've gone with that angle XDDD
anyway, little drabble coming up under the read more, and anon? thank you!!! hope you enjoy <3~
Hanzo is but a child when they meet
The King has a nasty habit of taking in unruly children whose parents can’t or won’t care for, and training them to be knights. Genji comes in a scoop of scrawny 8-year-olds about three years after Hanzo himself is handed over by his father, except that Genji’s parents don’t try to get rid of him like Hanzo’s dad did; no, Genji's father was a knight himself and died in the long running war, and his mother, or so the gossip goes, died of heartache upon hearing the news.
At this point Hanzo has made himself a bit of a top dog among the other kids. He’s only 12, but there’s already so many ugly feelings inside him that he pushes and pushes on the training grounds, until when he goes to bed at night he just blanks out. Wakes up the next day and does it all over again. The kids fear him; the knights who train them, love him.
So when Genji arrives full of toothy smiles and snarky responses, they clash. He gets under Hanzo’s skin fast and he enjoys doing it – revels in the looks of wonder the other kids save for him, because he’s the only one who stands up to Hanzo.
It takes less than a week for Hanzo to lash out at him during training. Adults have to step in and push them apart before he beats the younger boy to a pulp. He gets weeks of cleaning duties for punishment and hates Genji even more.
But time does its thing; they learn to get along if only to avoid problems. Hanzo finds that Genji is fun to be around and as they grow older, when he realizes that boys are more than just stinky and prone to fight, he sees beauty in Genji’s smile and a similar desire in the hands that search for him after nightfall.
Genji is his first kiss when he’s 17 and shaking with cold and anxiety.
But they’re not alone, that night. There’s a knight doing safety rounds and he sees them hidden in the forest. It’s nothing more than kissing, but he takes them in and punishment comes hard enough to drive them apart. Hanzo is made knight early and sent to war on the far eastern front; Genji stays to finish his training.
The war is long, merciless, horrifying. Hanzo learns that while boys might enjoy a little spar, men are more destructive than any monster he’s ever encountered. He’s forced to forget Genji because he knows he might never see him again; just hopes they can end this carnage before the younger man is sent to fight alongside him and either has to watch the other die.
Years later, when he returns victorious in spite of everything, one of the few survivors, the King is dead to old age and Queen Emily, a much more benevolent creature than her father, is ruling. Her hand is kind and her smile is easy, and she crowns Hanzo Royal Guard Captain for his merits in the war.
He doesn’t think he deserves it, but when he stands before the crowd and sees the proud joy in Genji’s eyes, he forgets all the horrors and all the time passed fades away, and they’re kids hiding in the woods to experiment love for the first time all over again.
They run off that night to that same place, and Genji tells him they were going to make me Captain if the war never ended when it did and Hanzo says he’s sorry, that he deserves it more than Hanzo does, and Genji laughs and tells him thank you, I didn’t want it, you were born for this.
Hanzo cries when they make love for the first time because he’d forgotten, for years and years, what good feelings were like.
It doesn’t take long for the word to spread out, that the Captain takes one of his knights to bed every night, that this was the whole reason they got separated in their youth. Queen Emily calls them to a private meeting one cold afternoon and Hanzo wants so bad to hold Genji’s hand, he’s terrified that they’ll never make it out of here alive, but they kneel before her with pride and resilience, and she sighs.
Before he died my father told me a story about the two of you, she says gravely. About why he arranged to send you away. It wasn’t because of your love… You should know my father, albeit harsh and strict, had no problem with men like you, or… Women like me.
The Queen seems to blush, bowing her head gently to glance at her own personal guard, a lively brunette who’s far too quick on her feet for anyone’s good, Hanzo has learned since his return.
And the soft tone of this conversation finally clicks. He chances a quick look in Genji’s direction and finds a knowing smirk.
However, she resumes a minute later, the truth is that… Well… Though you weren’t raised together, my father told me you two are actually related. It was a matter of forbidden love between your darling mother, Captain, and your heroic father, Knight Genji. Now, we have no way of knowing how much of this is true, but… You understand his reticence to allow a romantic relationship to bloom between you. Here I am no one to stop love when it’s so clearly written before my eyes. But I thought you deserved to know.
Her words fall flat at Hanzo’s feet; they might be half-brothers, he thinks, but as the Queen herself said, they weren’t raised as such. He feels no fraternal affection towards the man beside him. And life and war have thrown so many horrors towards him that he wants to grab the good and the love while he has them.
Genji as well doesn’t seem at all unnerved by the news. Instead, later that night when they retire to Hanzo’s sleeping quarters, he claims love to his big brother and laughs when Hanzo blushes, and things seem to be just fine.
So in the years that follow, the kingdom of Overland becomes a place where people like Hanzo, Genji, Queen Emily and Tracer, the knight, go to find peace and acceptance. They don’t start new wars and the knights fight to protect the Queen and the goodness that she sows. Hanzo still assists training squires and Genji becomes his right arm on the field.
And together, they’re unstoppable.
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