#sorry i went a little off canon here with their origin and relation
toadslug · 3 days
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I FINISHED IT!! Here are my silly opinions for the silly dragon series 🥰 Character names, explanations, and template below the cut:
★ Favorite character: Clay
Clay has been my favorite character since I read his book!! I think his character goes a lot deeper than how some of the fandom treats him (his character arc is amazing), and he's also just a really nice guy.
★ Liked by everyone but me: Queen Ruby
I have no idea why I don't like her 😭 I think the way she treated Peril just kind of pissed me off when I was a kid, and I've never been able to shake the grudge. It's not her, it's me. I almost put Bumblebee here instead (I can't fault her for acting her age, but her screaming can get tiresome).
★ Didn't like at first: Fatespeaker
I considered putting Glory here, but I only started to hate her when that was the popular thing to do (I'm back to liking her now). I immediately didn't like Fatespeaker... Probably because I was rooting for Sunny x Starflight at the time 😬 I PROMISE I'm not like that anymore omg, I was, like, nine. I've come to value Fatespeaker a lot more; her character is surprisingly interesting to pick apart.
★ Would like to know more about: Hailstorm
There's so many characters I want to know more about!! Gill!! Tau!! Riptide!! Moray!! Osprey!! Sora!! Literally any MudWing character!!! But I went with Hailstorm. I adore the cool, supportive big brother energy he radiates, and seeing him trying to fit back into IceWing society (and maybe go through a teensy identity crisis) would be interesting.
★ Least favorite character: Sky
Honestly, I don't really have a least favorite character...? There's Whirlpool, of course, but that's too easy. I ended up choosing Sky 🤷‍♀️ I liked him enough in Dragonslayer, but he annoyed me in The Flames of Hope. I feel like he became a lot louder and more brash.
★ Like the design, dislike the character: Vulture
His dragon skull tattoos and the gimmick for them is so sick?? Why is this grandpa more stylish than me and everyone I know??? His design is great, but everything to do with him and his crime ring felt a little out of nowhere to me. It's been a while since I've read Darkness of Dragons, so maybe I'm just not remembering everything? But yeah. I wish he was introduced better.
★ Like the character, dislike the design: Luna
I like Luna!! And I like how she looks on her book cover, too (the rendering on her is drop-dead GORGEOUS). But the rest of her appearances in canon art... ehh.
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These shades of green are making me feel things. And the spots on her wings look kind of awkward to me.
★ Favorite ship: Jambu x Pineapple
I was really close to putting Clay x Peril here because of how OBSESSED I was with them as a kid (shout-out to the Demons Peril PMV by Echosplash Animations that saved my life); however, Jambu x Pineapple is the only ship in the series that got me kicking my feet. The flashback to them cuddling in the hammock melted my heart 💖 Luna x Swordtail, Tamarin x Anemone, and Mangrove x Orchid are also my beloved. Honestly, though, I'm not that involved with shipping anymore.
★ Would never befriend IRL: Sundew
I like Sundew as a fictional character, but I would be slightly scared of her if she was real. She probably wouldn't like me.
★ Would befriend IRL: Umber
He just seems chill. I don't think he'd prod me to do stuff or talk, and I like people like that... People who can just let you exist. I feel like he'd tolerate my cringey humor, too.
★ Similar personality: Clearsight
I am NOWHERE near as girlboss as her, but I can relate to constantly worrying about future situations that may or may not happen 😁😁
★ Least favorite ship: Burn x Scarlet
Sorry toxic yuri ☹️ I just don't ship Burn with anyone.
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*This template wasn't my idea; I took the original template and modified it to my liking.
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wickedlittleoz · 1 year
Hello hello! 🙌 Some time ago on blue bird app I saw someone talking about a royal guard Genji x a (what if) royal guard captain Hanzo and would like to give a penny for your thoughts on it? :3c I think the idea is fun and has lots of potential to develop but also potential to create plot holes if not careful 🏃
Thank you and have a nice day!
sooooo i'm not sure if you wanted this to be like a list of headcanons but i got a little excited and wrote a little drabble lmao
I LOVE THIS IDEA!!! like i didn't enjoy questwatch as much as i thought i would tbh but including hanzo and shimadacest in the story just made it so interesting LOL
i think genji would give hanzo so much work just because he knows hanzo wouldn't punish him, it would be hilarious. and the shit genji and tracer would get up to, to queen emily and hanzo's dismay? blizz should've gone with that angle XDDD
anyway, little drabble coming up under the read more, and anon? thank you!!! hope you enjoy <3~
Hanzo is but a child when they meet
The King has a nasty habit of taking in unruly children whose parents can’t or won’t care for, and training them to be knights. Genji comes in a scoop of scrawny 8-year-olds about three years after Hanzo himself is handed over by his father, except that Genji’s parents don’t try to get rid of him like Hanzo’s dad did; no, Genji's father was a knight himself and died in the long running war, and his mother, or so the gossip goes, died of heartache upon hearing the news.
At this point Hanzo has made himself a bit of a top dog among the other kids. He’s only 12, but there’s already so many ugly feelings inside him that he pushes and pushes on the training grounds, until when he goes to bed at night he just blanks out. Wakes up the next day and does it all over again. The kids fear him; the knights who train them, love him.
So when Genji arrives full of toothy smiles and snarky responses, they clash. He gets under Hanzo’s skin fast and he enjoys doing it – revels in the looks of wonder the other kids save for him, because he’s the only one who stands up to Hanzo.
It takes less than a week for Hanzo to lash out at him during training. Adults have to step in and push them apart before he beats the younger boy to a pulp. He gets weeks of cleaning duties for punishment and hates Genji even more.
But time does its thing; they learn to get along if only to avoid problems. Hanzo finds that Genji is fun to be around and as they grow older, when he realizes that boys are more than just stinky and prone to fight, he sees beauty in Genji’s smile and a similar desire in the hands that search for him after nightfall.
Genji is his first kiss when he’s 17 and shaking with cold and anxiety.
But they’re not alone, that night. There’s a knight doing safety rounds and he sees them hidden in the forest. It’s nothing more than kissing, but he takes them in and punishment comes hard enough to drive them apart. Hanzo is made knight early and sent to war on the far eastern front; Genji stays to finish his training.
The war is long, merciless, horrifying. Hanzo learns that while boys might enjoy a little spar, men are more destructive than any monster he’s ever encountered. He’s forced to forget Genji because he knows he might never see him again; just hopes they can end this carnage before the younger man is sent to fight alongside him and either has to watch the other die.
Years later, when he returns victorious in spite of everything, one of the few survivors, the King is dead to old age and Queen Emily, a much more benevolent creature than her father, is ruling. Her hand is kind and her smile is easy, and she crowns Hanzo Royal Guard Captain for his merits in the war.
He doesn’t think he deserves it, but when he stands before the crowd and sees the proud joy in Genji’s eyes, he forgets all the horrors and all the time passed fades away, and they’re kids hiding in the woods to experiment love for the first time all over again.
They run off that night to that same place, and Genji tells him they were going to make me Captain if the war never ended when it did and Hanzo says he’s sorry, that he deserves it more than Hanzo does, and Genji laughs and tells him thank you, I didn’t want it, you were born for this.
Hanzo cries when they make love for the first time because he’d forgotten, for years and years, what good feelings were like.
It doesn’t take long for the word to spread out, that the Captain takes one of his knights to bed every night, that this was the whole reason they got separated in their youth. Queen Emily calls them to a private meeting one cold afternoon and Hanzo wants so bad to hold Genji’s hand, he’s terrified that they’ll never make it out of here alive, but they kneel before her with pride and resilience, and she sighs.
Before he died my father told me a story about the two of you, she says gravely. About why he arranged to send you away. It wasn’t because of your love… You should know my father, albeit harsh and strict, had no problem with men like you, or… Women like me.
The Queen seems to blush, bowing her head gently to glance at her own personal guard, a lively brunette who’s far too quick on her feet for anyone’s good, Hanzo has learned since his return.
And the soft tone of this conversation finally clicks. He chances a quick look in Genji’s direction and finds a knowing smirk.
However, she resumes a minute later, the truth is that… Well… Though you weren’t raised together, my father told me you two are actually related. It was a matter of forbidden love between your darling mother, Captain, and your heroic father, Knight Genji. Now, we have no way of knowing how much of this is true, but… You understand his reticence to allow a romantic relationship to bloom between you. Here I am no one to stop love when it’s so clearly written before my eyes. But I thought you deserved to know.
Her words fall flat at Hanzo’s feet; they might be half-brothers, he thinks, but as the Queen herself said, they weren’t raised as such. He feels no fraternal affection towards the man beside him. And life and war have thrown so many horrors towards him that he wants to grab the good and the love while he has them.
Genji as well doesn’t seem at all unnerved by the news. Instead, later that night when they retire to Hanzo’s sleeping quarters, he claims love to his big brother and laughs when Hanzo blushes, and things seem to be just fine.
So in the years that follow, the kingdom of Overland becomes a place where people like Hanzo, Genji, Queen Emily and Tracer, the knight, go to find peace and acceptance. They don’t start new wars and the knights fight to protect the Queen and the goodness that she sows. Hanzo still assists training squires and Genji becomes his right arm on the field.
And together, they’re unstoppable.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
A Dangerous Game Ch 3
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Emily Prentiss x reader Warnings: language, usual Criminal Minds canon type conversation, mentions of violence, nothing descriptive though. Minor flirtation, smut maybe eluded to. So. for those of you who loved how long the first chapter was, this may just be the fic for you. I originally wanted this entire "trip" to be one chapter but this one ended up being long enough on its own so I've split it up by days. Downside: you now have to wait for the smut. LOL. sorry not sorry at least that means we're now getting more plot? more time for our girls to actually get to know each other...
It was as if your first case in the field was your official initiation onto the team. Though honestly, it kind of was, being a profiler wasn’t for everyone, especially with the BAU. You had to be quick on your feet, fit in well with the rest of the team, be used to seeing gruesome crime scenes and be ready to leave Quantico at a moment’s notice, not worrying about what you were leaving behind. After the case in Omaha you’d proven yourself on all accounts and found yourself thoroughly enjoying coming into work and the people you spent your days with.
It started out with a coffee left on your desk, a friendly good morning from Penelope along with a warm smile. Monday’s she would linger a little bit longer, asking how your weekend went and when you mentioned most of your free time was still spent making yourself have energy for unpacking and trying to figure out where everything would go in your house she offered up some of her time the next weekend. Considering her office was one of the most positivity oozing rooms at the BAU you figured it’d be nice to have her as a second set of eyes. That weekend you discovered you were both coming from the same direction and usually stopped to grab coffee together on the way into work, giving you a little more gossip time before hitting Quantico.
After your first trip to the range with Derek you found that there was a lot of friendly competition banter going on between the two of you. In spare time between cases or to kick the mid afternoon slump doing paperwork you started running together, which lead to hitting the gym together a couple of times a week. The competition definitely helped both of you push yourselves passed the limits you’d normally go, not to the point of hurting, but you were already seeing results and you weren’t complaining.
One of your weekends you’d been out exploring Alexandria and ended up running into JJ coming out of a cute café. The accidental run in had you being introduced to Will and the boys, joining them in the park for a couple of hours afterwards. The boys loved you, pleading for more playdates, asking if you could come for dinner. You politely had to decline that night but did offer up to Will and JJ that if they ever wanted a date night you were more than willing to babysit free of charge.
Spencer and you often found yourselves talking about books, exchanging some of your favourites to read in downtime or while on the jet. It was another thing that helped you actually get unpacked and get yourself set up, wanting to find specific ones you knew he’d enjoy. He took you to a couple of his favourite old book stores around the area, spending a few hours perusing the shelves for a few hours until you had selected a few.
Even Rossi you found yourself getting along with perfectly, though your conversations were more limited or related to work. He did have a plethora of knowledge on fine wine and whiskey that you weren’t about to turn down, and you ended up having a couple of life chats over the weeks. He’d been with the bureau for long enough to have seen it all and the stories and lessons he could provide were ones you were going to pay strict attention to.
The only one you hadn’t had much one on one time with was Emily. Well… since you’d shown up for your first day of work that is. There were small fleeting moments here and there, ones where you had to drop off paperwork in her office, or when the two of you happened to be filling up coffees at the same time. Caught in the breakroom together with so much sexual tension buzzing between you, you were glad you were alone, it would be a wonder for no one else to pick up on it. It certainly didn’t help that you’d both been busy trying not to think about fucking the other person and with work that you hadn’t exactly had time to find someone else to relieve the urge. Instead your nights were full of remembering just how good Emily made you feel, your hands often wandering, wishing they were hers instead of your own.
Every day you got to work Emily would, once again, think about completely remodelling her office so your desk wasn’t in her direct eyeline when she was sat at hers. Your laughter would drift through the bull pen into her ears like fucking silk and it was killing her, she was more than happy to see you fitting in with everyone else but there was almost a twinge of jealousy. She wondered if the two of you would be able to hang out and just be friends as she watched you chatting with Penelope. She nearly had herself convinced she would be fine until you stood from your desk, leaning over to grab something from Spencer’s and the neck of your blouse gaped low enough she could see the green lace of your bra and swell of your chest underneath it. She let out a groan, dropping her pen to her desk as she shifted her thighs together. She needed to fuck you again.
Absolute need, not want.
It had been a relatively relaxing week, if one could even say that about working with the FBI. You all thought you were basically in the clear, waiting for the okay to come through so you could enjoy the weekend ahead. You’d finished a pile of paperwork earlier, dropping it in Emily’s inbox on her desk, thankful for the fact that she was in the conference room for once. Currently, Spencer had pulled up to your desk as the two of you were competing to see who could finish the crossword the fastest. (It wasn’t a competition, you all knew Spence was going to obliterate you, but it was a fun way to kill the time). None of you even noticed Emily exit the conference room as she quickly strode along the raised platform to her office, her authoritative voice breaking into the calm atmosphere of the bull pen.
“Wheels up in ten!”
You glanced up and she’d already disappeared into her office, your brow furrowed as you looked across at JJ, curious about what was different today.
“Means it’s super time sensitive.” The blonde replied, pulling open a drawer of her desk to grab her go bag, “we’ll debrief on the jet.”
The jet was on its way to Atlanta, where an unsub had been kidnapping young girls, taunting their families and the local police down to a specific timeline until he killed his victim. The first girl had been kidnapped almost a month ago and her body hadn’t turned up until nearly a week later but with each victim he got, the unsub was escalating, taking less and less time between the hunt and the kill. It had taken two weeks for police to realize things were connected, much less a pattern. Two days ago a young girl had gone missing from her bed in the middle of the night, it was the first kidnapping of its kind, originally not thought to be connected until the taunting started. Police found her body thirty six hours after she was taken. At eleven a.m. today a girl, April, was snatched from the playground at school and you had deduced you had less than twenty four hours to find her alive.
“We’ll be touching down in ten.” Emily’s voice floated through the jet, returning from the cockpit, pulling you out of the trance you’d been in reading over the case file, “Spence, Morgan, you’re going to the local precinct, read what they’ve got, figure out what they’re missing. JJ and Rossi talk to the families, all of them, we’ve got to figure out if there’s a connection between these girls, something that might help us find the unsub. Wilson and I will take the school and work through the other crime scenes.”
There was a small rumble of accepting roles through the jet, nods from all of you as you shifted into the right focus for the rest of the day. Emily hadn’t even really realized she’d paired herself off with you, she’d simply been thinking who was best applied where to find this girl as fast as they could. She dropped down into the seat next to you, her arm brushing against yours on the arm rest and heat surged through your body at what felt like an incredibly inappropriate moment. You cleared your throat to regain your focus, passing her the file you’d been looking through and shifted slightly in your seat so you weren’t touching her.
You could think about her touching you once you were in the privacy of your hotel room tonight, right now you had a job to do.
You were thankful for the distraction of work as you and Emily pulled up to the school, briefly talking with the local pd, a couple of teachers and the principal. Despite the police already doing a sweep, it was still ongoing, while Emily busied herself with talking to a few of April’s friends, trying to figure out exactly where she had been playing and if anyone had a description of who she’d gone off with you were retracing steps through the playground. One of the structures was made up to be a ship, cops said they’d found April’s back pack on the lower deck of it so you knew she’d been playing somewhere on it. You noticed a child sized entrance that lead to the below deck area, letting out a groan at the fact that this was clearly made for tiny humans and not adults, but weaseled your way through it anyways. Using your flashlight you searched the area, sand squishing under your shoes as you swept every inch. A bit of graffiti on the wood, an sand pail in the corner to collect the garbage, a note or two pinned to the wall as form of communication between kids who had recess at different times. The beam of your light swept over the corner of the space and a flash of vey bright colour caught your eye, pulling a glove out of your pocket you tugged it on before picking it up.
“Prentiss!” You called out, scrambling back through the entrance.
“Yeah?” Her voice replied from a distance and you found an exit from the ship, jumping back down to the sand. “You get something?”
“This is the same bracelet that they found on Lucy’s body.” You held it up.
“Looks like some kind of friendship bracelet.”
“Can’t be a coincidence.” You tugged your phone out of your pocket, snapping a picture of it before Emily pulled out an evidence bag for you to drop it into.
“Get that picture to JJ to see if any of the other parents remember seeing it on their kid, or who it might’ve been from. Loop in Garcia to see if it’s chain made or not. You mind?” She reached out for the bag and you shook your head, handing it off to her, “I’m gonna talk with a couple of these guys, make sure April was the one wearing it.”
You shot off the handful of texts, checking in with what the others had discovered so far, chatting back and fourth a bit before you swept through the rest of the playground. Emily appeared at your side again later and you glanced up,
“Hers?” You gestured to the bracelet and she nodded.
“You’ve got a good eye.” She practically smirked and you laughed softly before following her back to the car.
The rest of the afternoon was spent examining previous crime scenes, or doing so through photos and reports, visiting the medical examiner’s office and finally making a pit stop at the local pd’s office. You poured over photos there, looking through the files Morgan and Reid had left for you, along with statements JJ had emailed over. The sun was long gone from the sky by the time you and Emily were finally pulling up to the hotel, parking and grabbing your bags before heading into the lobby. Rossi was waiting for you, tossing a key in Emily’s direction, and old school keychain on it that had the room number embezzled on it.
“I don’t get one.” You half joked and Rossi laughed.
“You two were the last here, you’re bunking up.” He shrugged, clapping Emily on the shoulder, “can’t pull that chief card every trip.” She rolled her eyes, swatting her hand in his direction as he made his way out the front door.
“C’mon.” She nudged at your elbow, nodding in the direction of your room number, wandering through the halls until you found it. She let out a breath when the door swung open to reveal two beds, thankful she wouldn’t have to be that up in your space tonight. “I need a shower.” She grumbled, dumping her bag on the bed farthest from the door.
“Go for it.” You sighed in return, flashing her a small smile before kicking off your shoes, dropping yourself onto the other bed letting out a groan.
Emily grabbed a couple of things from her bag before slipping into the bathroom, making sure the door was locked behind her. She had to admit, so far things seemed to be going good, there wasn’t any awkwardness lingering in the air, despite the back of her brain wanting to invite you into the shower with her, you’d both managed to keep what happened between you from coming up again. She flicked the water on, giving it time to adjust to her preferred temperature while she stripped down and stepped into it.  She took the time to relax, to try and turn off the profiler part of her brain for at least a couple of hours before going to bed. She had almost forgotten where she was, her mind drifting to that first night spent with you, her hand slipping lower on her body when she heard the television spring to life in the other room and her eyes snapped open.
“Fuck…” she muttered, shaking her head, “get yourself together Prentiss.”
On the other side of the door your head tilted up at what you thought was Emily talking, wondering if this was one of those hotels who stored their towels outside the bathroom or something. But after a moment of silence you figured you must’ve heard something from the hallway instead. Dropping back onto the bed you did your best to distract yourself, scrolling through your phone, it was purely out of instinct you’d left the tv on the late night news channel, you almost always had it going to see what they were reporting on versus what you were working on.
Your eyes drifted toward the bathroom again, listening to the sound of the water running, wondering how long Emily usually showered for. Your only hope of relief after spending all fucking day with her was once you’d gotten to the hotel; however this was far less private than you’d been hoping for. You thought about it for all of two more seconds before you realized that it was a terrible idea, if you were going to you should at least wait until you were the one behind the locked door.
Emily turned off the water, stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around her as she used a smaller one to somewhat dry her hair. She’d washed her face in the shower, smoothing on overnight cream and drying herself off. Since you were in the room she figured she’d get dressed in the bathroom, tossing the used towel over one of the racks before finally opening the door and wandering back into the hotel room. Her eyes moved between the tv playing the news and you sitting on your bed with your iPad on your lap, she knew by the way your lip was tugged into your mouth that you were still working. At the very least you’d changed into comfier clothes, a cute pair of glasses on your face as you worked.
“Didn’t realize you wore glasses.” She greeted and you glanced up at her.
“Hmm?” You replied before you’d properly digested what she’d said, “oh! Pen suggested them, they’re for the blue light, supposed to help with eye tiredness and headaches and shit.”
“You get a lot of those?” She asked, picking through amenities on the coffee table.
“They can get pretty bad from time to time.” You let out a soft sigh, “especially with the constant travelling. I’m still pretty used to Florida so anywhere particularly dry or cold makes it worse. Part of why I liked Florida so much, cold aggravates the ribs, never really heal properly those things.”
“Don’t I know it.” She chuckled softly, her fingers moving from the caddy of coffee pods over to the basket of snacks. “Injury in the field?”
“Cheer camp.” You admitted and she turned to you with a laugh, a wide smile on her face.
“What?” She laughed, the smile wide enough her eyes crinkled in an incredibly adorable way, “you were a cheerleader?”
“Scholarship covered university.” You simply shrugged in response, smile on your cheeks.  
“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” She teased with a grin as you laughed, turning back to your iPad. She let out a small sigh, chucking a pack of peanuts down onto the table, “I’m gonna go grab some food, you wanna come?”
“Nah.” You mumbled, not glancing up from the screen as she pulled on a jacket, picking up her wallet.
“You better not be overworking yourself.” She warned and you rolled your eyes.
“You know when you’ve got two dots and you just can’t seem to connect them but you just know that they’re related.”
“Okay, okay.” She held up a hand in defeat, “we’ve all been there. Can I at least get you something?”
“Where’re you going?”
“Dunno.” She shrugged, “saw a diner up the road that was still open, figured it’s twenty four hours.”
“Yeah.” You let out a small sigh, leaning over on the bed to grab some cash out of your wallet, “just like a sandwich or something, I’m not picky.”
“You sure?” She asked, tucking the cash into her pocket.
“Oh!” Your face nearly lit up, “don’t ask me why but I have had the worst hankering for mozzarella sticks.” You grabbed your wallet again, digging out some more cash to hand to her while she laughed.
“What are you, eighty?”
“What?” You laughed back while she took the cash and shook her head,
“Hankering? I’d expect that from Rossi but not you.”
“Now you’re just being mean.” You feigned offence and she chuckled softly, moving toward the door as you returned your attention to your work. The news on the tv took a turn, covering the open case you were working and it caught Emily’s attention for a moment as she stalled right by the door.
“Hey…” she began softly, “how did you know to even check under that ship thing?”
“Park by my house has the same structure.” You muttered in response.
“You spend a lot of time at the playground or are you hiding some secret kids on us?” She raised a brow and it was your turn to bark a laugh.
“Em… you’ve been to my house.”
“I wasn’t exactly given the grand tour.” She nearly smirked back and you felt your cheeks heat.
“You’re telling me an FBI profiler isn’t at least tempted to snoop a bit on their way out?” You grinned across at her, “and no, I babysat for JJ, the boys loved that ship. I had a fucking heart attack when I thought I’d lost them but they were just underneath the ship, called it their own private fort.”
“Hmm…” She nodded with a small smile, a blooming within her at the thought of you out with the team outside of the office, partaking in non work activities. She was glad, it was important to form those kind of relationships, to have those bonds so you weren’t constantly buried in work and lost in the darkness that was the world of unsubs. The thought crossed her mind and she glanced back up at you, “hey…” that caught your attention and you looked up, “if you’re going to keep working would you at least turn on something a little bit more lighthearted?” She gestured to the television and you held back an eye roll, “that’s an order from your superior, you know that right?”
She smirked as you bit back a grin, reaching for the remote and flicking through a few channels until you found some late night South Park, glancing back to her with a raised brow in the way that you were asking if that was substantial. She nodded with a soft smile before slipping through the door, making sure it was closed behind her before making her way to the car.
You felt an overwhelming sensation of warmth and comfortability as you settled against the headboard. Perhaps attempting to avoid each other was the wrong move, after all, you hadn’t exactly spent much time talking the night you’d met, maybe this was the route you were meant to go after all.  
@ssa-sapphic @mickey-gomez @clarawatson @yesterdaysgone @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @softgamerking @httpjupiterbby @somethingimaginative177 @temilyrights @alexxavicry  @mysticfalls01 @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @alcabots @7thavenger @ladysc @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @disneyfan624 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @gamma-ray-bursts @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @bookpillows @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx  @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess  @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @bluetodie @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum
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drbtinglecannon · 2 months
for the character ask: genshin asogi? 👀
Everything during canon happened because of the professor case... Heh, could say London really felt Genshin's Impact 🥁
How I feel about this character
Sorry Kazuma I have a lot of unholy thoughts about your dad
Haha but really I have a lot of conflicting hcs for him, like I imagine he was very serious and focused, but I also like imagining he was snarky and comedically strict about his opinions like Kazuma is (like why he wore the hackimaki in the first place or the over the top manner he talks about Karuma, etc). It's bittersweet when a character is soooo bare bones in canon, because sure I can imagine anything and it'll never be contradicted in canon! But also I want information!!! Tell me about them!!!!!
Anyway regardless of other traits I'm munching over, I always stick with he and Klint were genuinely extremely close, like Herlock&Yujin level, and they shared a joking mean humor in private like calling each other a twat over any little inconvenience
All the people I ship romantically with this character
His own wife haha, Klint, and Klint & Lady B
Kazuma has enough issues so his parents not really caring about each other doesn't do it for me. Legit tho it isn't compelling to me to think they were a loveless marriage, the only point to it I can remember being was she wasn't mentioned in his final letter, but there's bittersweetness to explaining that away as out of a sense of paranoia that it would be wishing ill on them so he had to stay quiet until he made his escape, which..we know how that went. I think them having a loving marriage also kinda ties up the original study students, with Genshin having a wife and child he's leaving, Yujin losing his wife but gaining a newborn he has to leave behind, and Jigoku not having a spouse or kids, and it mirroring each Londoner they attached to (Klint has a wife and a baby on the way by the end but loses both, Herlock loses Yujin but gains a newborn, and Stronghart never takes a family). Genshin can almost relate to Yujin too, their wives are no longer around and they have young kids back home, but he still was expected to be able to return to her one day, and his fate is so similar to Klint's, they both lose their wives and their kids end up losing their connection to the family & being taken in by someone else (iirc Kazuma is kind of cut off from the Asougi clan after they learn his dad died and was outted as "a killer"), those parallels work better if Genshin and his wife were mutual love.
Genklint had an insane unhinged yaoi ending like the homoeroticism of a duel to the death for the honor of your friend that fell so far but you still cared about him too much to leave him like that... when it would've been way smarter for them to team up and kill Stronghart then Genshin tell Klint "no more killing or istfg >:(" and that's that. I also love the mutual suffering that is Barok & Kazuma going back to the prosecutor's office after 2-5 and just staring into the room with the deepest eyebags and deadest expressions like "they definitely fucked in here"
Genklintville is just the ultimate version of genklint haha. It makes it all so much hotter AND tragic! And what more could we ask for from their canon endings
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Genshin & Yujin is a fun relationship I think about a lot. I wonder if they were both jealous of their respective British bestie for being able to get so much closer than they ever were with each other? Was Genshin the shoulder Yujin cried on during the boat trip to London and during the time before he met Herlock? Yujin went above and beyond to help Genshin when he was arrested, and maybe if Genshin listened to him on getting extradited he would've survived, but also Yujin cared so much for him to not only go to Lady B at his request but take Kazuma in once all the dust settled. Idk, I'm not sure I'd call them an OTP but they're a favorite non romantic dynamic for both characters
My unpopular opinion about this character
Ok so there was a post from a blog I love that used pixels from the games to determine character heights and deemed that Genshin was 6' tall based on that information, and I've seen a number of fics describe Genshin as very tall, and I vehemently disagree. Genshin was at most 5'10, taller than average and a tiny bit taller than Kazuma, but still noticeably shorter than Klint & Barok. I will die on this hill
One thing I wish would happen/ had happened with this character in canon
Lived haha but really I can't think of anything that wouldn't drastically change canon (him living, them killing Stronghart, him actually escaping, etc) that like is actually impactful for his role in the story. Not that I don't love AUs but I like leaving this all as my sandbox and not canon. I guess I wanna know his height so I can be correct that it's not 6' tall haha!
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hopeofhouse · 5 months
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i finally finished dos2.... thoughts ft. drawings + choice playthrough phone notes (spoilers obv)
my godwoken was an elf witch named allegory. he ended up as a necromancer/hydrosophist combo. blood damage + healing was a fun mix! odd contrasts <3
his backstory, 2 me, is that he was lost in a marshland as a little kid, and tir-cendelius saw the chance to keep him isolated (seeing off any potential rescuers, magically expanding the marshes every time he tried to trek out and leading him in circles) + raise the perfect tiny loyal godwoken for when The Time was Right. he let him out when he was an elf teen. t-c should have kept him longer because if anything it just made him weirder when he got reintegrated into society a couple decades later. F
what if your god grew you in a petri dish to [major game spoilers, redacted]. but you were a capricious little know it all with a jester's soul. what then
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gorry took sebille, fane and ifan with him because i thought he would assemble a team of hot emos if given chance. this paid off + i love them all dearly
i wasn't expecting the origin characters i didn't take with me after act 1 to UP AND DIE. but it actually added a really good set of stakes. responsibility for ur actions. lohse yelled at me for leaving her to her fate and i felt SO bad. sorry miss thing
LOVED the worldbuilding....i was super familiar with 5e before i played bg3 so i sort of knew what was coming most of the time but for divinity i had to LEARN. super fun. 100% recommend
also i thought bg3 went in on the body horror but divinity was Something Else.
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^ and then larian said okay that was fun what if we do it again. and made bg3. anyway
i was hideously bad at combat for ages until i listened to all the people on reddit chanting 'put points in warfare' and then it was much much much more doable lol
ngl i actually very much prefer dos2 to bg3. i loved loved loved bg3 but after like 4 playthroughs during various patch stages it was such a relief to play a game that's actually completed and won't eat my laptop for breakfast!!! first two bg3 files i had i couldn't make it to the lower city because the optimization on mac was so diabolical that it wouldn't actually play until after patch 5. dos2 lets me also have photoshop on my computer. and files that aren't bg related. miraculous
but even ignoring technical issues: from a story and world standpoint dos2 felt way more expansive and inventive. campy but also harrowing in a way that bg3 just didn't hit for me. i also genuinely enjoy being given a zillion pieces of almost overwhelming info and then sorting it out so i am biased. may expand on this at a later point and not under a mile long read more. moving on
romanced fane bc i loved his voice acting and i thought the culturally cannibalistic elf/the one guy with no flesh to eat bit was funny. jokes on me i fell in DEEP. u canonically have disappointing sex because hes simply made of bones without nerves and afterwards he takes notes. he calls u dear heart offhandedly in act 1 like it's nothing then goes right back to being aloof. how many more times does he have to tell you? he has business in the blackpits. he spends the whole game having an increasingly worse time. he's a loser. it's all his fault. he got me. he got me good. god damn
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my game glitched (?) and even tho he rejected sebille (sorry baby) her and allegory still made out right before the big final choice. no option not to. then he had the expected epilogue with fane. poly ending canon enough for me!
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also the music was bonkers good and the audio direction in that one battle in the final act? mwah. and dallis' va knocked it out of the entire park.
last thing here's a gorry i drew when i was still back in act 1. 180 hours ago. titled on my phone as 'praying at every altar so i always come out on top'
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anyway if u made it this far: thank u. go get divinity: original sin 2 when it's next on sale. wise wise wise choice of £6.99 <3
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captainjacklyn · 2 years
Azul Ashengrotto x Great White Shark!reader AU
Part 1 (which includes the request), and this is Part 2 of my azul ashengrotto x shark! Reader fanfic.
Wow I can't believe I'm making a whole fanfic with this AU which started off as a simple head canon to a whole fucking novel. Thank you to the one who requested the head canon and to anon who requested a scenario.
You guys are around middle school just so you are aware of the timeline.
Content & Warning(s) : This is pure angst and violence, as warnings we have fighting, blood & mentions of injuries/graphic violence, strong language, basically kids causing huge damage to each other. If you are sensitive to these kinds of topics please feel free to ignore. (the fact that I watched so many shark documentaries for this fic is unimaginable) Oh and the reader is a great white shark because the original hcs request was precisely asked for a great white. I'm sorry if you wanted to be a different kind but if you do not mind then enjoy.
The love story of a Shark and an Octopus Part 2 :
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It had already been a few years since you two befriended each other, You both encountered a pair of moray eels who soon became your new companions spending time with azul and observing him studying his magic. You were truly happy to finally find people who weren't blood related to care for. Days went by and the bullying almost stopped with your presence around azul. But like I said, almost.
Due to your terrifying reputation as a white shark being the primordial predator of the seas. It would be unexpected to find someone who tried to mess with you, but unexpected never meant impossible. As you weren't the only deadly predator.
On that faithful day the leech twins were away so it was only going to be you and azul together. You and him were at his octopus pot simply having a chat together. You then had a sudden idea for a game leaving azul alone as you went to get the materials.
But when you came back, so much had happened and the horrid sight of your bestfriend getting beat up by a group of mermaids.
You dropped the seashells you were holding and speeded yourself towards them in anger, only to be slapped by another merman's tail. "[name]...!" azul who was getting held back by the others witnessed you getting slammed onto a coral reef nearby, making you bare your fangs from the impact.
"Ah ! So much for a white shark ! You were really overestimated [name] !" a cocky voice exclaimed as the others around him laughed, you opened your eyes to find an orca merfolk in front of you. A killer whale. You swinged your tail to hit him but he dodged and grabbed your hair to slam you back onto the rocks. Cutting you and making you bleed in the process, you had to admit he was about has big as you and the damage he inflicted was slowly making you lose consciousness. For some reason, his face was familiar to you.
"I think it's time I tell you who really is the boss around here, don't think I came all the way here just to eat your little octopus. Furthermore...I was waiting for this day my whole life, remember that mermaid who you caused this to ?" he lifted his tail slightly revealing a hideous scar tracing his fins. An extensive bite mark was placed there. No wonder he looked familiar, that boy was in your class when you were younger...Not only so but he was the one who worsen your reputation in the first place by provoking and making you lose your temper.
"Y-you...!" your words were faint but he understood that you started to reminisce him. "Hugo- !" at those words, Hugo smiled sadistically as he pushed you back onto the corals. "See ? You just needed a little shake to remember. You guys take care of the tako, this one's mine- !"
Hugo let go of your hair and grabbed you from both arms, slamming you once more and dragging you and practically wiping the ocean's depth with your body. You tried to fight back and bite him, even so your efforts were futile and he used his left hand to smash your head back onto the sand once more. Causing an enormous puddle of your own blood around the both of you.
He later on brought your head up with the hand he used to drag your face and used to other over your throat. Obliging you to look at azul receiving punches after punches, That was a grave mistake.
"OH YOU SON OF A-" you bit his arm to such capacity it broke his bone, making him let go of your body while hissing in pain. "You sly BITCH !" he yelled back and quickly pursued you. The other mermaids and mermen didn't notice your speedy arrival onto them as you lashed your tail onto the two mermaids who were holding azul and sent them flying to the water surface. You swam right after and grabbed one by the tail with your razor sharp teeth, ripping a huge chunk of their fin and overtaking the others.
Your power was truly underestimated when it came to regular merfolk. Overpowering all six in only a matter of seconds, azul was half awake on the sand when he saw you destroying each and every one of these bullies.
As you beat them all down, Hugo tackled your stomach and knocked the absolute wind out of you. "huff...huff...You asshole-" your stare on him was filled with rage as you panted and grabbed your throat, trying to steady yourself. "HOW ABOUT WE FINISH THIS LIKE WE STARTED !" you made a beeline for his own throat, smiling like an insane maniac. "FINE BY ME BITCH !"
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End of part 2 click here to read part 3.
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versadies · 3 years
Hello!! Can I request a song fic of that Scaramouche concept you thought of(if that is allowed)?? Sorry if this seems messy, You can ignore this if you want. The song can be any of your choosing, but if it required to choose a song, then the song can be "Alec Benjamin - Let Me Down Slowly". Thanks in advance!!
down slowly (songfic)
penpal: omg i honestly didn’t expect someone to request this 😳😳😳 hope you like this!!
pairing/s: scaramouche x gn!reader (reader knows how to sing)
sypnosis: an au where the reader was the original 6th harbinger and the calm, intelligent scaramouche was their right hand man. a tale of how he becomes the scaramouche we know of after a tragic incident that happened to the reader.
warning/s: death, violence, ooc!scaramouche (he's not going to act like the canon one)
song: let me down slowly by alec benjamin
note: scaramouche's role for you is basically like sara to baal but there's romance between the two of you (your age in here is the same as scaramouche's). take note that anything related to scaramouche’s past here is not canon to the actual lore.
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this night is cold in the kingdom i can feel you fade away
it was in inazuma when he met you, beating all the fatui agents thinking that they were going to beat you, a "helpless" person.
your cold eyes was the first thing he laid eyes on when he looks up at you.
"and who you may be?" you asked, staring at the man in disgust as you stand up from the ground and pat your outfit. "you must be bold enough to beat down ten fatui agents in front of a harbinger."
while others would've been peeing their pants at the sight of your presence alone, he stared at you as though you're the most divine thing.
you scoffed at his silence. "can't talk buddy?" you asked, causing him to blink a few times before standing up quickly and bow down. "apologies, i-i thought they were going to-"
"fight me? please, if anything they're going to be the ones getting beaten down by me." you cut him off, glancing at the unconscious agents with a sigh, not noticing how scaramouche felt his mouth twitch upward a bit from your comment.
"though i must say, the way you fought them is impressive- even without using your vision and all." you said blankly, adjusting your hat.
"....i beg your pardon?" he asks, causing you to roll your eyes. "do i have to repeat myself? it's not everyday that you have a harbinger praising your skills."
before scaramouche could say anything, you immediately interrupted again, looking at him as though you thought of an incredible idea.
"say.. why don't you join the fatui?"
from the kitchen to the bathroom sink and your steps keep me awake
the man then found himself being a part of the fatui. if there's one thing that makes the fatui less sufferable for scaramouche: it was you, the 6th harbinger of the fatui, the balladeer.
although he had to go through extreme measures to get to his position as the right-hand man, it was worth it being able to be by your side. even if he has to listen to you yelling and cursing at your subordinates all day, it was worth it.
your reputation among the fatui is truly something scaramouche looks up to, the cunning-intelligent individual who can turn the skies to purple and struck opponents down with lightning. not only were you one of the most intelligent but also one of the most powerful harbingers that teyvat has ever seen.
and no, he doesn't care about the fact that you're the most disliked harbinger. to him, you're his savior and the only person he could spend an eternity with.
besides, you brought him something worth living for.
it was the cold atmosphere he felt when you first praised him as a fatui member.
"how are the recruits while i was away?" you asked, walking around the hallways of the zapolyarny palace with scaramouche following behind, making pace with you. "they've been to their assigned positions and i assigned a few of the subordinates to supervise them."
"good." you then stood in front of the doors of where the tsaritsa resides, fixing yourself before taking a deep breath. "you may start preparing our next mission. i'll be back in my office shortly once i'm done talking to the tsaritsa."
he bows. "understood, my lord/lady."
"i'll see you then, scarmouche. keep up with the good work."
don't cut me down, throw me out, leave me here to waste i once was a man with dignity and grace
although he was living the dream of being your right-hand man, he often seen people talking about him behind his back. it doesn't bother him, really, but sometimes it gets irritating whenever one mentions your name for such a pathetic conversation.
however, he would never expect a fatui agent to push him off the cliff in the cold embrace of snezhnaya's winter with no sign of coming back. all of this because of how envy the agent is of you "favoring" scaramouche.
it was a miracle that he survived (with major injuries of course) - though, he was astounded that the fatui agent didn't think of taking him to a higher cliff to instantly kill him.
if only he had a pyro vision to keep him warm.
given the circumstances, scaramouche would most likely die from hypothermia if not blood loss. he didn't think this is how he'd died. he thought he'll die from protecting you, or even from old age. but no, he had to die in a pathetic cold way.
it felt like hours, days even. the pain was killing him slowly as he stares at the sky.
however, when he heard familiar footsteps coming nearby followed by a familiar voice calling out his name, he felt relieved, finally allowing himself to embrace the comfort of slumber.
he heard the sounds of your humming when he woke up.
you stopped humming, watching as he slowly wakes up from his slumber. "oh good, you're awake." you spoke up, a dull expression on your face was plastered. "and here i thought i was going to waste my time waiting for my right-hand man to wake up."
"how... how did i get here?" he asked, voice hoarse. you sigh in response, leaning against the chair more. "i was the one who found you. one of my cicin mages reported me that a stupid agent recklessly boasted about how he left you in the middle of nowhere while being injured and can become the next right-hand man." you answered.
his breath hitches at your response. you decided to go through snezhnaya just to look for him?
if scaramouche wasn't in love back then, he's head-over-heels for you now.
"don't think i actually had to drop my responsibilities for you. the fatui agent killed himself before we could get any information on him, so i let my most trustworthy agents to search for you but didn't find you at all. i had to find you myself instead." you said, as if you read his mind. "besides, you didn't die and you didn't deserve what you went through."
he watched as you stood up from your seat. "i'll be taking my leave given that you look okay." you then snap your fingers, gesturing the nurse behind you to treat him. "take your time in healing. just come back to my office when you're okay enough to work."
before scaramouche could say anything, you already left the room, leaving him alone with the nurse.
although he felt flattered that you went around the nation to look for him, all he could think about was how you must've been disappointed that he's weak enough to be killed by a fatui agent.
now I'm slippin' through the cracks of your cold embrace so please, please
the moment he was released from being hospitalized, he started to focus on being stronger - stronger enough to prevent himself from being pushed off on the cliff by a jealous agent, stronger enough to take down 20 agents in less than 5 minutes, stronger enough to protect you -
stronger enough to become a harbinger.
when you found out of scaramouche's new goal, he was surprised that you started helping him. teaching him how to defend himself without a vision.
"if there's one thing i can teach you about being a harbinger, it's better to have nothing to lose." you said to him one day as the both of you stroll around inazuma. "when being a harbinger, there has to be a lot of consequences that one must face. it's better to face them alone than to see someone you care for suffer because of the consequences you caused."
he felt your cold hand as he brushed his fingers against yours when passing documents to you.
"i see..." he said in understanding.
"kill my curiosity but do you not have someone who you consider as your loved one?" you asked, raising your eyebrow in confusion.
scaramouche pauses from your question. indeed he does not have one other than you- but he knows he couldn't say it's you. why would he? he's aware that you'll never look at him the same way he does to you.
you'll never love him.
"i don't, my lord/lady."
and it hurts to know.
could you find a way to let me down slowly? a little sympathy, I hope you can show me
he wonders what would happen to you and him when he becomes a harbinger.
"oh? you're planning on becoming an official harbinger once we get back?" you asked, looking at scaramouche as though he has two heads. you cackled in amusement and comment, "hah! good luck with that, i'd like to see you try."
you took note of how he's oddly silent. "you're being weird lately, what's gotten into you?" you ask.
"forgive me but may i ask.. what will happen to us when the day comes, my lord/lady?" he asks, hesitant laced in his tone.
you furrowed your eyebrows. "the day when you're a harbinger?" he nods in response, looking away from your gaze with a sigh. "i was wondering if... if we could still be together-"
suddenly he felt your cold fingers cupping his cheeks and turns him around to your direction.
he could taste the sweetness of your lips when you kissed him.
it was a short kiss, but he felt like he's on top of the world. is this a dream? please don't wake him up from this dream.
you then wipe your mouth, chuckling at his astounded reaction. "that," you breathed out. "is what will happen to you and i when you become a harbinger."
he felt his heart beating so fast, watching as you look at one of the most dangerous areas of inazuma. "this shall be your last mission, scaramouche."
if you wanna go then i'll be so lonely if you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly
he thought he finally has what he wanted.
"why?" he breathed out, staring at you with wide eyes as though you did something bad. "why did you do it?"
you shakily look up at him, trying to ignore the overwhelming exhaustion from your body. you overestimated yourself in using your foul legacy but you didn't care, all that was in your thoughts was making sure scaramouche isn't in danger.
you will not let the only person who doesn't hate you die.
"i had to." you said weakly. "go, leave this nation. report to the tsaritsa of my passing and take my position."
he shook his head, kneeling beside you. "i refuse to leave you, my lord/lady."
you chuckle lightly. "idiot. the agents will take my body back to snezhnaya, of course you won't leave me." you then look down at your vision, watching its light flickering.
"take my vision with you too."
he felt a part of his soul disappear as the light of your eyes fades away, leaving nothing but your fatigued corpse on his arms.
from that day, he stopped shedding tears.
let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down
he stares at your.. his vision.
as soon as he was announced as the new 6th harbinger of the fatui, your vision glowed under his palm, showing a familiar color of purple.
was this the electro archon's way of mocking him for what happened?
he grits his teeth. out of all the times he could've earned his vision, it had to be weeks after suffering the things he endured to have this position,
and it had to be in the vision you once used before you pass.
"i'll live on for your legacy, my lord/lady." scaramouche mumbled to himself, staring down at your hat on his desk. not only did the tsaritsa appointed him as the 6th harbinger but she also assigned everything you own as his. your title, your office, your unit, everything you once owned was now his.
it was clear to him that he's no longer the weak scaramouche that always follows the balladeer's footsteps. he's now the vengeful balladeer that yearns for the screams of his victims in inazuma, living in your name.
he’s now devoted to the tsaritsa, unknown to her majesty that it was all an act just because you taught him so.
he treats his subordinates the way you treat them, making everyone being weirded out by how he's so much like you. although he despises the gossip that runs through the organization, he really can’t deny that he does act like you,
he has nothing to lose after all.
if you wanna go then i'll be so lonely if you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly
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dilucids · 3 years
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤSacrificial duties, Mondstadt ver.
would they sacrifice you or mondstadt?
includes: jean, lisa, kaeya, diluc, amber, albedo and venti.
( i'm too socially inept to request for someone to do this so i took matters into my own hands. )
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━━ is this even a debate? jean would sacrifice you to save mondstadt.
━━ the question would tear her apart though, she'd spend so much time trying to find another way to save both her city and you that she'd neglect her health ( basic needs, like eating, sleeping )
━━ if it were a person or god who was demanding these terms, she'd try to negotiate anything to save both, even her own life, though if you were willing, she'd hesitantly ( literally beg you to not go through it and reassure she'll find another way ) let you go.
━━ no matter what she chooses, she'll still feel incompetent in the end, as if she isn't good enough to be the acting grandmaster and would probably overwork herself to try and focus on something.
"I'll do it," Jean looks back at you, horror flashing through her eyes though you didn't falter, still staring the entity in her eyes. The wind picks up as if feeling the ameno swordswoman's vivid emotions, she shakes her head, taking small steps towards you as she reaches out for your hand. You cringe when she fell to her knees, "no no no, please, you don't have to do this."
You don't look at her, knowing it would only make things worse for the both of you, you didn't want her to be the last thing you saw nor did you want your face to plague her dreams like a ghost. "I care about Mondstadt too, Jean." You hope she understands that you were also doing this for your city and doesn't blame herself, "it's my duty."
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━━ lisa is a bit more of a wild card.
━━ lisa only oversees the library of mondstadt but it's really unclear the extent of her care for the city itself.
━━ it's impossible for one to say if she would hold a lover priority over a city due to lack of background so that's why she's more of a wild card right now, because i could see her potentially doing either.
━━ though i'm leaning a little towards sacrificing you because of her closeness with jean and her involvement in the knights of farvonius, she knows it would be morally wrong to sacrifice an entire city for one person, lover or not.
"It's okay," you reassure her, smile still gracing your face albeit the heavyweight pressure of death for your city digging it's claws into your shoulders. "I'm sorry," she apologises for the nth time and you can do no more than squeeze her hand in affirmation, knowing a hug would be too much for the both of you right now.
You feel her fingers slip through yours and your hand is embraced by the winds of Mondstadt, a sudden change from the electricity that plagued her fingertips and passed onto yours. You take a shaky breath and leave her behind you, her eyes watching your back along the way until you were nothing more than a dot in the horizon━━ ready to become a star in the sky.
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━━ another wildcard!
━━ unlike lisa, however, i'm leaning towards sacrificing monstadt.
━━ even with all his background knowledge, kaeya is still a character that holds a lot of secrets and it's canon that he's a mysterious figure, cavalry captain or not.
━━ don't get your hopes up though, because he still may sacrifice you ( after a talk with jean or diluc/j )
━━ kaeya lets anything happen as long as it falls into place of how he has expected to end, he really doesn't know what to do when an unknown entity shows up and demands the price of you for his city or vice versa.
━━ really hard to get a grasp on him.
━━ i could see him spending one last day with you after deciding he was going to give you up ( you obviously knew of this ) but after 24 hours with you, away from mondstadt, he might realise that, even if he regrets it for the rest of his life, he'll never be able to give you up.
━━ alternatively, if he didn't open up to you about this or went to jean or diluc, they would convince him to "do what's right" and give you up.
"No. I'm not doing it," his tone differed from the norm━━ he was never like this, not even on official knights' business. His eyes unnervingly determined, tone you were unable to refute, and words that scared you. "Kaeya, you have to," your fingers place themselves over his, which were barely touching your cheeks.
"I'm not doing it," he reaffirms, sounding as if he were trying to convince himself out of all people. "I'm━━ I'm not losing you to some city. I can rebuild a city, we can find a city elsewhere," he states, eyebrows furrowed and not taking a single breath between his words. You pry his fingers away from your cheek, holding them over your lap. "Kaeya, this isn't just 'some city', it's the city you love. The city we love." You coax, finally getting him to look into your eyes. "You're the person I love." He says, exasperated.
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━━ hate to be the bearer of bad news,, and as biased as i am to this man, he would give you up.
━━ wouldn't open up to anyone about it, he'll just drive himself insane pondering both options.
━━ and although it would literally make him insane even thinking about losing someone precious to him ( again ) but his loyalty lies within the city of freedom and the city alone.
━━ even after the dispute with the knights of farvonius ( in the webtoon ), he still remains as the protector of mondstadt and i don't think nor am i able to see it will ever change.
━━ unlike kaeya though, i don't think he'll be able to see you at all once he decides to sacrifice you, he'll just be reminded that he'll never be able to see you again and the terrible decision that he's going to go through with.
━━ will also throw himself into extensive work to get you off his mind afterwards.
"You okay there?" Your eyebrows furrow, leaning against the open door of Diluc's office, seeing his hair tied back into a bun, hands in his face as he gazed deeply at his wooden desk. His head flies up at the sound of your voice, clearing his throat, "when did you get here?"
You shrug, taking steps towards him as he leans back into his chair, "being a hero taking a toll on you?" You tease him, taking a seat on his desk next to him and placing your feet on the chair, leaning forward to cup his cheek. He turns away. You're no stranger to his austere ways so you merely lean back, balancing yourself with your hands against his desk, telling him about your day.
"━━and then he wrapped it up and sent it to me, which was awfully disturbing might I add."
"I'm sorry," your eyebrow quirks when he suddenly cuts into your storytelling. You push yourself forward, reaching out for him and redirecting his gaze ( which hadn't looked in your direction even once ) onto you. "What's wrong my dear?" He only grimaces at the nickname━━ wincing almost and still refused to look at you, gaze cast upon the floor behind his bangs. You couldn't even see his eyes.
"Your guilty act is making me ponder if you've had previous relations with someone else, Master Diluc," you frown a little, using your other hand to force him to peer at you. He leans forward, placing his forehead on yours and whispers, "never."
"I just wanted to apologise for the future," you smile a little and place a kiss on his forehead. "I will always forgive you."
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━━ albedo's original creator hails from khaeri'ah and venti, archon of mondstadt, was one of the original seven who aided in the destruction of khaeri'ah; is that enough reason to destroy it for a lover? no.
━━ would he still do it? yes, yes, yes.
━━ we all know he considers himself a threat to mondstadt but i don't think he would've ever thought this was why he was a threat, to hold an entire city in his palms and be able to destroy it with a single word was quite a terrifying thought.
━━ it wouldn't stop him though, i really don't think albedo holds any sentimental attachment to mondstadt, he only works and lives there as of right now but he's currently heeding his creater's words and pursuing the truth of the world.
━━ he might grimace over losing a few people that he holds dear and end up rethinking his decision but in the end, will choose you.
━━ another reason i think he would destroy mondstadt is that, once albedo discovers something or the feeling of enlightenment that comes with studying something new disperses, he is quick to stop studying that and abandon it due to the "bittersweet truth" hitting him so if he grew tired of mondstadt,,,,,, rip to jean 🙏
Your eyes flicker from the sight of his back to the unknown entity, hovering just above the floor, her eyes uninterested in you as she gazed into Albedo's eyes, maybe trying to read his expressionless face. "Have you made a choice, Kreideprinz?"
Nothing is said. Nothing from Albedo nor you, you didn't seem to have a part in this private conversation but you also seemed to be an integral part of it due to the way Albedo kept looking back at you, squeezing your hand as if to remind himself that you existed. "I'm choosing them."
She peers at you now, her eyes boring into yours as she scans you for something, "are you sure about this decision?"
For some odd reason, you're not offended by her words, maybe because she didn't sound like she meant it in a rude way ( it also seemed out of her standoffish character ) but was genuine in her curiosity if Albedo would go back on his words. He squeezes your hand again, rubbing circles on the back of your hand━━ something he did to calm you but it seemed that this action was to ground him instead.
"Yes, I am."
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ〔 AMBER ━━ OUTRIDER 〕
━━ YOU.
━━ in the most heart breaking – heart warming way ever, she'd give you up.
━━ notice how more than half of these mondstadt fuckers would give you up? yeah 🙄
━━ on a serious note, a lot of them have devoted themselves fully to protecting the city and i don't see any one of them being able to give the command to destory the city, even if their s/o was being held with a knife to their throat right infront of them and amber is the very same.
━━ even though we don't know to much about her, she is seen as a perfect example of justice by kaeya, and is extremely devoted to her work, she's just below diluc and jean in the most to least likely to sacrifice you in my opinion. it's simply overlooked due to her lack of presence in the game.
━━ i think her compassionate and kind side will make it harder for her to come to a decision because she doesn't want to have to lose one thing to keep another but in the end, she will give you up.
Amber seemed extremely distressed, immediately running into Jean's office once arriving back at the Knight's base after finishing her usual trek of Mondstadt's surroundings. You had attempted to call out her as she ran through the halls but she didn't even look your way, which was peculiar to you but you could only guess something dangerous must've happened due to her eagerness of reaching Jean's office, slamming the door wide open.
You quirk an eyebrow and Kaeya, stood beside you, whistled briskly, hands on his hip. "Someone's in a hurry," you roll your eyes at his comment and simply grab his arm, dragging him over to Jean's office, "just shut up and come."
The minute you knock and open the door however, the room is quiet. Jean sat on her chair, elbows placed on the table and concern burrowed deeply within her furrowed eyebrows and Amber, who was shaking her leg up and down in anxiety, fiddling with her nails.
Kaeya seems a little amused by the situation, unlike you, who was extremely concerned by the little actions of anxieties Amber was exhibiting, striding over to her side in an instant. Placing your hand on her shoulder, she leans into you almost instantly and begins quietly sniffling into your shirt.
You mouth to Jean that you're taking her out and Jean nods, thanking you with a small smile on her face. You guide Amber into a quiet room in the headquarters, letting her silently cry as you attempt to soothe her. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?"
She shakes her head, only repeating a small, "I'm sorry."
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━━ venti is characterised as a free spirit, like the freedom that the city of mondstadt represents, he carries that within him but at the end of the day, he is still mondstadt's archon.
━━ so we all saw this coming but you 👫
━━ i don't really think there's a lot to explain, he's their archon and even if he loses everyone he's ever loved, his priority is mondstadt.
━━ he'll probably take you on that ride on dvalin he's been promising you for the past year with no explanation.
━━ you'll ask him why he's dragged you from work and he'll just say he's feeling nice or that the winds are good for a ride right now.
━━ you'll stare at him with that, 'don't–you–control–the–winds?' look and he'll wink at you, telling you to stop staring at him or he'll blush.
━━ will completely come undone when he seed you happily laughing on dvalin's back, arms spread open as your laugh echoes into the wind.
Your excited whooping is all he hears, previous nervousness abandoned with his hands placed on your waist as Dvalin pierced up above the clouds; the ground nothing more than a fleeting dream to you both. It's such a shame that young, immature Dendro Archon got his hands on you first, gifting you his gift of Earth's nature━━ if not for the God of Wisdom, Venti would've gifted you heaven's winds if he knew how simply being in the sky made you so ecstatic.
The adrenaline finally dies down when Dvalin arrives just above the clouds, wings creating new and dispersing the old. You lean into Venti who takes this as an invitation to push himself further into your side and begin playing with your fingers, allowing you time to simply relish in the situation. "You're awfully quiet today," you muse, staring at Venti with a small smile.
He hums, "it's quiet up here," in nothing less of a whisper. You nod along with his words, fighting the urge to jump into the clouds, knowing you'll pass right through them. Venti sinks into you further somehow, like you were a passing cloud; his shoulder pressed into the crack of your arm and torso, head leaning on your shoulder. "You'll be okay Venti," and you embrace him.
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The One Where Wilford asks Dark about a Fanfic Trope
Wilford’s been reading too many fan fictions. Then he told me this very silly idea about asking questions about a common trope in said fics and wouldn’t leave me alone until I wrote it. 
Word count: 1,010
As the resident ‘fourth wall breaker’, one of Wilford’s hobbies was to sneakily check the fandom and their works inspired by the egos and their world. On days when technology worked in his favour without causing major disruption for everyone else (who could forget the time that he skipped a Youtube ad and broke the coffee machine?), he would snoop around the various websites. He would coo over fan art, get immersed in fan theories, and lose track of time reading fan fiction. All in all, it was great to see what the fans were doing when there was nothing new in ‘canon’ to work with.
(Oh, the ships! The fluff! The angst! The crack! It all made his little heart flutter. How creative their fans were!!)
One such day had Wilford spending a free day catching up on the fandom works. He was supposed to be in the studio, but all the Jims were called away for a ‘family emergency’; while Bim worked on his podcast. Not that Wilford minded. It was good they all knew work wasn’t the most important thing! Instead, he lounged on the sofa, flipping from drabbles to headcanons to stories. What a great way to spend the day… Until something caught his attention.
“Hey, Dark?” 
“Yes?” The entity didn’t look up from his laptop, nor did he stop typing.
“Why are ya workin’ in an office?”
“It’s a rented office space. Cheaper and more efficient than renting a giant house like you originally wanted. This is more beneficial given that a large majority of this ‘company’ is dedicated to matters in the entertainment industry and they require a large space to rehearse and perform.”
“Ah. Okay.” Wilford dropped the topic for several seconds until… “Hey, Dark?”
“Whaddya mean th’ ‘majority’ is fer th’ entertainment industry?”
“The eclectic group that the ‘egos’ consist of have a variety of careers. Since a lot of them focus on the production of entertainment features - such as news, chat shows and game shows - it was the most reasonable solution to focus efforts there so that there is a sense of productivity amongst the entire group, even if the target audience is small.”
“Huh… But ya hate bein’ involved with shows.”
“I know that, Will.”
“Like, ta th’ point where ya accept people will call ya ‘Dark’ instead of ‘Damien’.”
“Where are you going with this?”
“Well,” Wilford wriggled from his position on the sofa to peer at Dark. True to many of the stories he had been reading, Dark sat in a plush office chair behind a large desk, with a laptop in front of him and various folders and paper surrounding that. “Yer here. All th’ fans know that, an’ everyone punishes ya fer bein’ here by makin’ ya do borin’ paperwork. Why’s that?”
“You do realise that there are timeline variants of all of us, and what I do isn’t a staple for what others do, correct?” Wilford nodded in response. “So why does it matter?”
“Because yer my friend. I don’t want ya sufferin’ with paperwork if ya don’t wanna be here.”  Dark rolled his eyes, but it appeared the sentiment was appreciated. His eyes dropped to the laptop screen so he could save his work and shut the lid. Then, at last, Wilford had his full attention.
“I’m normally cast in the role of ‘working in an office’ because fans normally don’t know what to do with me in a work-related setting. They saw our scene in Markiplier TV where I sat at the head of the boardroom table, noticed that my appearances had no direct involvement with any actual productions and were instead me directly interacting with them with no interference; and thus concluded that I must while away my hours behind a desk with generic paperwork. For all they know, these are pages with endless lorem ipsum blurbs pasted on them. But since most fans don’t know much about office work beyond what they’ve seen on TV, it passes with little complaint.”
“That… Really sucks. I’m sorry that’s yer fate. But, uh… What are ya doin’?” Wilford tumbled off the sofa to approach the desk and lift one of the pages. Compared to the glorious fanfics, it was written in a tiny typeface with big words that scrambled his head.
“Again, what I do career-wise as a ‘Darkiplier’ doesn’t match what others may do, but I am a qualified lawyer by trade. I’ve had to shift my focus to working in the world of a business rather than helping individual clients. In brief, I’m the main reason that the studio hasn’t been sued out of existence by making sure every project is legally sensible. I also write up and maintain the contracts of those that work here who aren’t egos, as well as offer legal advice beyond what Google or Bing might suggest from their search systems. I’ve had to also take a side-step into accounting and finance to make sure that people get paid.”
“... That sounds like a lotta work.”
“Which is precisely why I deal with the brunt of it and call you in when I know how best to explain it. We’re both in charge as two of the ‘mascots’ of Mark’s channel. The ‘heart and soul’, if you will.” To Wilford’s surprise, a coy smirk appeared on Dark’s lips. “Our studio isn’t as disastrous as you think. I actually have quite a large amount of free time. I mainly stay here to keep away from the chaos. Did you know I paint?”
“Ya what?” Curiosity piqued, Wiford planted his hands on the table and stretched forward. “Ya paint? What do ya do?”
Dark opened his laptop again and resumed typing.
“Hey. Damien. I wanna know ‘bout yer paintin’!”
No answer.
“C’moooonnnn, pleeaaaase?” 
Dark looked up with a sigh.
“I’m afraid my hands are tied. There simply aren’t enough fan fictions and headcanons to allow me to elaborate.” There was a glint of mischief in his eyes as he went back to work, ignoring Wilford’s pleas to hear more.
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liesoverthec · 3 years
Hey !! So I hope my previous ask didn’t come off as me saying I think buddie would turn out corny because they are a mlm ship, because that definitely isnt the case (although I totally understand the gender roll thing in lgbt relationships and how that makes couples come off) ! And agree with you that bathena, maddie/chim and henren are all beautifully written couples and that the writers do a great job with them. I think more of my concern with buddie is the proximity with which they interact with each other at work and how it might change if they become canon. For example, bathena and maddie/chims jobs overlap, but they don’t work with each other which allows them space to have their own stories, I guess. And we get scenes where they develop the relationship at work (like the ep last season where athena went into the building to save bobby, or the dispatch hostage episode). But because they have separate jobs its not all the time, so the characters are allowed to grow in the relationship but also outside of it. But eddie and buck are very well established as partners and I just worry that there would be blurred lines between work life and home life and given the fact that theres not really a strong comparable on 911 (closest would be bathena) and my distrust in network tv in general I guess that just makes me a little wary? And then I also think the way the other couples were clearly developed as romantic while buddie’s development so far has been more platonic/familial (once again imo - completely understand if ppl view their development differently) that it makes it hard for me to see how they would write buddie as a couple because I personally feel like writers haven’t written “romantically” for them yet, so I dont know what their romantic take on buddie would be. but on the other hand if they canon and their interactions remain mostly the same as they are now then thats great! I just personally cant picture it well (also like you said, maybe fanfic has a role in that too haha)
Hi anon, sorry I held onto to this for a little bit! (For anyone curious, the first ask is here)
Okay so I'm gonna start with your second concern first - bc actually you're wrong! Of the couples, only Henren was really MEANT to be together. Originally Eddie and Maddie were going to be a couple, so Madney was a shift, and Bathena was DEFINITELY not meant to be together (idk if you remember but they took a swing at Bobby/Abby first even). Going back to my relationship data, Bobby and Athena only had 12 interactions together in the entire first season (aka only 12 of 314 interactions total, so only 3.82% of the entire season had them together. Only 4 of those interactions were the two of them alone, and all 4 of them came from eps 9 and 10 so only 1.27% of the entire season was the two of them together). Plus Peter Krause has mentioned before that he didn't know he'd be married to Angela on show when they started. So when you say Bathena was developed to be romantic (as opposed to Buddie in particular), you're dead wrong! The romance actually came AFTER they got together. Which goes to show that they're capable of pulling a loving, convincing relationship out of a hat on a dime just because. So your worry there is totally actually based on completely wrong evidence.
As for your other point regarding their jobs, here's the thing. The incredibly simple solution to your worry about them blurring the lines between work and home is them having stories with people other than each other. And honestly - they're doing that already, particularly with Buck. Buck already spends copious amounts of time with his sister and Chim, and has stories related directly to his relationships with them, and not his relationship with Eddie. So they can just ... keep doing that. And Eddie has plenty of openings for the same thing (since I'm assuming you're worried that his stories with Christopher would be absorbed into Buck's) - he has two younger sisters, if he and Buck got together there's PLENTY of room for a story with his parents, hell it doesn't even have to be bc he's dating a man that he has issues with his parents, he could talk to Hen about queer identity, he could have an Army buddy come to town, it's all there. I can think of a million things they could write for both Buck and Eddie that have nothing to do with each other, and some of them are really, REALLY compelling - so I'm not really sure why you think the writers wouldn't be open to exploring those. They developed David as his own person w his own character outside of who he was with Michael, and he wasn't even a main! David was absolutely the side piece, in terms of the show. So I'm not really sure why you think the writers would do that for David and just ... not extend the same courtesy to Buck and Eddie, whom are infinitely more important to the writers as individuals than David.
Also - the thing is, most of the Buddie scenes where they're at work, aren't Buddie scenes. Things like Buck mentioning the telenovelas Eddie watches this week isn't actually a Buddie scene, they're talking about Toni and Clive and Hen, and they just happen to connect to one another during that. Which is a thing that happens between ALL the characters on this show all the time. So your worry that their work lives will always be about each other is something you're probably just viewing completely through a Buddie lens. They can have stories outside of work together, and still be together at work, and things they do that WE think are solely about their relationship won't really be. And it's okay that we see that, but it's also important to acknowledge that at moment, they're just two participants in a conversation about someone else's life. Not everything will be about them, bc rn now not everything they do is.
So I really think all your worries are unfounded, and I reiterate my statement that it's important to get to see them together BEFORE the finale, bc I know they're going to be treated right!
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aoitrinity · 4 years
The “Me Too”
DISCLAIMER: I am about to put forth further speculation about a major Destiel-related event from this season, specifically the confession scene in 15x18. This is 100% pure speculation and I do not claim to have any insider knowledge AT ALL. If you are not in a place to read such things, please go take care of yourself instead of reading this. Do not cause yourself any additional pain. 
If you are here to be an asshole and call me delusional...uh...I mean, go for it, but like I really don’t get what that’s doing to make your life better? If shitting on people’s desire for understanding a TV show brings you joy then uh...that says more about you than it does about me?
With that out of the way...read below the cut for my theory about the “me too” line.
I know I just unloaded my theory about the finale on all of you the other day, and that I should probably give you all a break in between my bouts of theory-dumping, but I had to get this out here tonight.
If you somehow haven’t seen it yet these last few (painfully exhausting) days, there is a rumor going around of a cut in episode 15x18 of a specific line--a “me too” that Jensen supposedly recorded during the 15x18 sequence, which would have given us all textual validation not only that Cas is in love with Dean, but that Dean is in love with Cas. Various people have been trying to confirm or deny this rumor since it surfaced. We all figured it would have happened during the final scene, with Dean crying, alone. It would have been there in place of the crying, and we hypothesized that Jensen had to dub it over with AMR of his sobs. It was an interesting thought, but we had no real proof it ever happened. I, for my part, started to assume it was entirely false.
But then tonight, on the Latin American CW, we apparently discovered that in the Spanish-language dub of 15x18, they had taken Dean’s last line to Cas, “Don’t do this Cas,” and dubbed it as “yo a ti”--translated to “me too,” seemingly confirming to us that the line did exist!
I watched the clip of the dub excitedly, hoping for some secret new shot that we had been robbed of in the original episode, but the “me too” was simply dubbed over Dean’s line of “Don’t do this Cas,” which is definitely something Dean very clearly said in the original recording. That wasn’t a dub, Jensen said that line.
So what gives? Where the heck did the “me too” come from?
Well, as apparently I am wont to do recently...I talked @winchester-reload‘s ear off and was eventually hit with a stroke of realization. 
I don’t think the “me too” went in the crying scene. I think Dean said it to Cas’s face, and we were robbed of it.
Before I go any further, I want to again remind you that this is PURE SPECULATION. PLEASE JUDGE FOR YOURSELF AND ALWAYS BE SKEPTICAL.
The original end of the scene runs as follows:
Dean: Why does this sound like a goodbye?
Cas: Because it is. I love you.
Dean: Don’t do this, Cas.
*a longing exchange of looks, with Cas smiling through his tears even more broadly than he was earlier*
*the Empty appears and Dean starts to panic*
Cas: Goodbye Dean.
*Cas throws Dean out the way, smiles at him one last time, and is taken*
Now that always struck me as a sort of weird exchange because...I mean, Dean can tell Cas not to “do this,” but whatever he was going to do that would get his ass taken by the Empty, he had clearly already done. But I originally handwaved it as Dean begging Cas not to go and leave him again by dying, even though it was too late, because I was too entranced with the beauty of the scene and of the performances to imagine anything otherwise.
However, after this Spanish-language dub story broke this evening, I started to wonder if the exchange had initially gone a little bit differently. 
What if the “don’t do this, Cas” was pulled from earlier in the scene? 
I would have originally imagined that it actually went between the “Because it is” and the “I love you,” but in the leaked shots of script we got a few days ago, there doesn’t seem to be any line there--Cas goes straight from his “because it is” to the “I love you.” Thus I conclude one of two things: either the line it was adlibbed or added by Jensen on the spot, between the “because it is” and the “I love you,” or it was dialogue that originally came earlier in the scene.
Either way, what matters is that I think that line, “Don’t do this, Cas,” was moved to after Cas’s “I love you” in the final cut and replaced the “me too.” I think the initial episode probably followed the Latin American dub instead, and went like this (with the one line inserted where I feel it best fits, though again, it could have come from earlier):
Dean: Why does this sound like a goodbye?
Cas: Because it is.
(Dean: Don’t do this, Cas)
Cas: I love you.
Dean: ...me too.
*a longing exchange of looks, with Cas smiling through his tears even more broadly than he was earlier*
*the Empty appears and Dean starts to panic*
Cas: Goodbye Dean.
*Cas throws Dean out the way, smiles at him one last time, and is taken*
Doesn’t that all hit a bit differently now? Doesn’t it now make sense why, after Dean’s line, Cas starts smiling more broadly than he was during the entire rest of the scene? Doesn’t it make sense now that when Dean turns to look back at the Empty emerging, there are way more tears in his eyes than there were in the prior shot? Doesn’t Dean’s body language line up better between shots if we read it this way? Doesn’t it make Cas’s sacrifice hurt both more and less at the same time, because he could go to the Empty knowing he was loved in return? That he had the one thing he wanted most? 
To me, at least, it does. 
Unfortunately, I think that, similar to what I speculate happened with the finale...they were told by the network that they had to cut Dean’s reciprocation because the CW panicked about coming off as too gay at the last moment. You can read all about that in my other post.
Anyway, here’s more food for thought. Remember @oceaxe-ifdawn’s post about how she had spoken with a cast member about how the script for the finale was being frantically rewritten in March, the weekend after they finished shooting for 15x18? Why would they suddenly have to start tossing out their own ending in MARCH? TWO WEEKS before they were supposed to start filming the finale?
What if it was because that was the moment when the network started to pivot? If their contacts on set told them how very beautifully homosexually gay the scene was, and that was the moment that the CW decided that they couldn’t risk losing a very specific (conservative, heterosexual) part of their fanbase and needed to start toning down the gay before it got out of hand? And since they couldn’t obviously go back and reshoot anything for 15x18, given everyone then immediately went into quarantine for COVID, they had to remove Dean’s reciprocation from the script and replace it with another, earlier shot, that could have FEASIBLY gone in its place. But they couldn’t take Cas’s confession because it was entirely necessary to the whole plot of the season (and that, I think, was a fucking genius move by the writers to at least get us this much--god bless you, Bobo).
And this way, the CW could actually have their cake and eat it too--they could claim they were still being accepting of queer people (look, we let Cas confess his affection for Dean!) while avoiding the potential loss of their favorite cishet male audience (whom they really want to transition to Walker after all of this is over because MONEY) that they might suffer if that audience discovered that one of their two “traditionally masculine” lead characters was in love with another man this whole time.
The only reason they didn’t carry it all off is that, when they needed to send the script over to the Spanish-language dubbers for recording, there was some sort of screw-up. They somehow forgot to have the dialogue swapped out back in March and the lines were never replaced in the dub script.
And that is how we got the “me too” line from Dean in Latin America tonight, a line that we had  heard rumors existed, but had no actual evidence of... until now.
I’m sorry to have pulled you guys into this theory with me, but... It just lines up too perfectly. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, yes, but sometimes that cigar is actually a dick. A big, beautiful, gay dick that your stupid homophobic TV network executives are censoring because they are afraid of the reactions of their more conservative viewership.
On the plus side, I think that this more than ever confirms that Destiel is and was always canon. Textually. Reciprocally. 110%. 
And the CW fucking robbed us of it.
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imthepunchlord · 3 years
I’ma be completely honest right now and say that I don’t think anyone (who follows you and knows/shares your feelings on the specials at least) would mind if you were straight up like “yeah sorry guys the New York and Shanghai specials are non-canon for Off to Italy because I really don’t like the way they handled diversity, worldbuilding, or relationships, and the future Rio and Africa ones are non-canon as well for the same reasons” from the get-go. Like those are such valid reasons to cut something out of a story, and it doesn’t seem too different from cutting out certain episodes or starting from a specific season like a lot of ML fanfics do, especially since the specials feel even more removed from the main canon to begin with because of how the writers decided to handle the ML continuity, AND this frees up a bunch of the kwami animal choices used, which would make things exponentially easier for you like you said in both animal choice and character design by having a visual base to already work off of for the ones you pick.
I also don’t think a majority would take issue with me cutting those out either. Because the things they bring in, lore wise, I don’t see anyone talking about. 
No one is talking about the NA Order, and its existence brings in so many questions. 
So I’m going to put this under cut cause I want to go off. I technically don’t have a right to as I didn’t watch either, but I listened to those who did to get an idea and somethings bother me. 
But first, I think the only thing I saw being talked about was LS stuff in the NY special and HM getting pink Thanosed in Shanghai and that’s it. That’s the only stuff I’ve seen between the two specials. And that’s not good if those are the most iconic things to be brought up. 
Anyway, onto my salt. 
Was the NA Order around when Fu made Feast? Why didn’t he work his way to them to pass the Miracle Box to them? Or did he know they exist? Is the NA Order aware that something happened to the Chinese Order? Presuming that they communicate, did they not reach out with how quiet the Chinese Order was and look into it or try to gather lost miraculouses if they did? 
And then there’s the wonder of the historical context. You can’t just casually reveal there’s an NA Order and Native American miraculouses that brings up a lot of questions as the Native people have experienced a lot of wrongs and sufferings in our history and still are facing issues. What does having confirmed Native miraculous mean for America’s bloody history with Native people? 
And then there’s the Shanghai special, bringing in the Renlings and that’s another can of worms. 
Not only are they another magical set from China, cause you know how magical China exclusively is since all magical stuff comes from them, but these are established coming in before miraculouses and were put away because they were “dangerous”. So, what are kwami views on the renlings and vice versa? And from what I’ve seen and heard, I don’t get how they’re dangerous? And then there’s the issue of their power set up, turning the user into an animal, and you got Fei, a Chinese girl, using it. This adds onto character of color being/becoming inhuman, and this is the 2nd special to do so (with Aeon, our official 2nd black girl to appear, being a robot). And this adds onto poc becoming an animal. 
And there’s Mei Shi, who design wise, as a “kwami” I really I like, but, what is Mei Shi? Is Mei Shi a unique kwami? A renling? Or is Mei Shi a 2nd sort of cousin to kwamis to reveal later? I also hear Mei Shi is a guardian but didn’t really do anything as a guardian. I will say, I wish now there was an in between the kwami and renling designs, for sometimes the kwamis are weird and some of the renlings look off or are creepy, and so far, Mei Shi is like the best take for that ideal mixture of both. 
While this is not lore wise related and more nitpicky, I am also bothered with Fei, not really the character herself but more the choices the creators made with her set up. Between her design and her backstory, she is essentially the older concept of Marinette that we didn’t get. 
Visually she’s had tweaks, but you can see that they took big inspirations from Marinette’s old look. How Marinette was going to originally look before they decided to make her more white. 
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And then there’s Fei’s backstory: her father being mysteriously murdered. That was Marinette’s first backstory, back in the day of Mini Menace Ladybug, coming home to find her dad mysteriously murdered. 
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And adding to this, there are implications that Gabriel might’ve played a role in the murder of Fei’s father, and I’m incredibly salty about that. Fei has more tie in and connection to ML’s plot than Marinette. 
And what frustrates me is that, by set up, they actually could’ve still given this to Marinette. You can cut out Tom and Sabine and very little changes in ML, and you can add more depth to Marinette, who is a bubbly and nice girl who wears her heart on her sleeve and will go over the moon for you if you need her to, but she has a dark thorn in her heart as her parents were mysteriously murdered and she doesn’t know why. 
Keeping in that Gabriel (and potentially Emily) played a role in their death and took something from her parents that they had, this would give Marinette that emotional stake in the plot and direct tie in to Gabriel. You could even set up that her parents had the Butterfly, Peafowl, and/or the book, and at least one or two of those items technically belong to Marinette as they belonged to one of her parents. Peafowl would probably make the most sense as we don’t when they got it or how it even got broken. All we have is that Butterfly and book were found together a year prior to the events of ML. But that comes down to how long ago the murders should be. 
And narratively, this set up would work. 
Marinette’s parents are incredibly removed from her life and are hardly ever seen; it’s also to a point she doesn’t even go to them for advise or help for anything, only Tikki. And they themselves are hardly characters of their own. At the start of the show, which we know know has her being 13 yo, she’s incredibly independent which can back the impression of absent parents. This also really backs her knowing next to nothing about Sabine or the Cheng side of her family, not even knowing the name Sabine used to go by. 
This set up also could’ve set Fu up as a closer mentor and really add to the grandfather-granddaughter theme they were going for, especially if he steps up to act as a guardian for her and secretly trained her to be ready for a miraculous, adding to how he has such faith and trust in this 13 yo to save the city. 
So that is my biggest gripe with Fei, not so much her herself, but the factor that the creators took Marinette’s most interesting and original set up (and design) and gave it to a random character who we are probably never going to see again or even get mentioned again, and is largely here for diversity brownie points and give us half hearted lore that won’t be elaborated on; and Marinette could’ve had this back story and set up instead and actually have a tie in and stake to the plot. 
it was very frustrating to hear. 
So yeah, I am more inclined to cut out the NY and Shanghai special and not count any other specials that come as lore wise, they don’t do anything or what they add is just too much and doesn’t answer much. I think the biggest shame is that there were some big appeals to them. NY and Shanghai actually should’ve been more Adrien and Marinette having their own exclusive adventures, or at least just have them be Marinett’s own adventures. 
I would’ve loved it if the NY Special was instead Marinette having her own adventure with Sparrow and Aeon and have her face a different villain who is not HM. 
And that the Shanghai special was instead giving us a look at Marinette’s Cheng side of the family, and her going to see the ruins of the Chinese Order, facing something supernatural, and potentially this is where she finds the Chinese Zodiac miraculous and brings them back to Fu. If you want to work off the canon Shanghai a bit, perhaps instead of introducing “kwami cousins”, Mei Shi/Meeshi/idk is a lion kwami who distanced himself from his miraculous, went to the ruins, and made himself a Guardian Lion to watch over what remains. They work together and he approves of Marientte taking the Zodiac, and he travels back to somewhere in Africa hinting at the special that will have Lady Lion. 
This also nicely sets up why Fu didn’t release any of the Zodiac to help LB, as what he had of the 5, Cat would’ve been the best partner to work with LB and it was worth risking the very two HM is after. Revealing that he has the Zodiac from the start didn’t work in their favor. 
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missmorosis · 3 years
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here’s our bus route map for my bus ride! (masterlist!)
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here’s the original event post :)
here’s how i formatted it!
title- author’s @!
pairing genre warnings word count their summary that they made
-> my review!
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let’s take a look at our map...
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starting from LA, heading to bilbao! we’ll stop along the bus stops on our way! 
and yes im aware that the route is going in a weird, illogical way if bilbao is our last stop, shush i wasnt thinking when i made bilbao our last city KJDFJKS
masterlist under the cut!!
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now arriving at... los angeles, California!
-> write an AU!! the AU can be literally anything: royalty AU? road trip AU? GO FOR IT!! just as long as it’s not in the canon era hehehe
first stop... “something only the stars know” - @luvoratomi​ 
pairing: suna rintarou x gn!reader genre: secret relationship au, royal au, crown prince!suna, knight!reader, established relationship, fluff, angst  word count: 544 their summary: in which you and crown prince, suna rintarou, find comfort in each other’s arms underneath the moonlight, where only the stars are witnesses of your love.
-> my review: um. nayru. OKAY IM CONSTANTLY BLOWN AWAY BY YOUR TALENT AND THIS IS NO EXCEPTION. i dont even KNOW who rintarou is but im in love with him. ALSO I DONT THINK IVE EVER READ A ROYAL AU BUT KLASDFJ THIS WAS SO?? WELL?? WRITTEN?? ive reread it at LEAST 5 times.   
next stop... an untitled zombie au from @eunoianthia
pairing: yamaguchi tadashi x female!reader genre: zombie au, angst :) warnings: a lot of angst, death, a bit of gore? word count: 1.1k their summary: going to Los Angeles was a dream, and you were finally achieving it. It’s like a dream come true, going to Los Angeles and your boyfriend tagging along? What could go wrong?
-> my review: OKAY WAIT THIS IS THE FIRST ZOMBIE AU IVE EVER READ. like EVER. AND WHAT I DIDNT EXPECT IT TO HURT THIS MUCH. i- the ending- PLEASE I- i dont even know what to say. how COULD YOU.
now arriving at... 3:38 am from @arquitecturadelanada​​
pairing: zuko x fem!reader genre: roommates au, i would say fluff! warnings: none! word count: 1.1k their summary: As sokka’s best man zuko has to write a heartfelt speech for the wedding day, the only issue? he doesn’t believe in love, but maybe his roommate can change his perception on the matter.
-> my review: so youre saying this whole time youve been supporting my writing when YOU WRITE BETTER THAN I DO?? ugh you’re so talented this isn’t funny, and this fic ALMOST MAKES ME WANT TO BECOME AN ATLA BLOG AGAIN BAHHA- “he noticed he was considerably less stressed just by hearing his roommate’s voice” IM GONNA CRY​​
last stop... “what are the odds” from @hikariakaashi​ 
pairing: kuroo x fem!reader genre: roommates au, i would say fluff! warnings: none! word count: 3.2k their summary: it was an act of desperation, to say the least, downloading the app lev recommended for him. but he was in dire need of a wedding date. so when kuroo opened up the brightly colored app titled rent a girlfriend, he knew he was in for an interesting evening.
-> my review: so uh 1) i remember writing a review for this and i have no idea where it went IM SO SORRY DSKJFJ and 2) i would do anything for kuroo to be my bf even if it was just my job 😩😩 and 3) um ??? YOURE SO TALENTED?? MISS MA’AM??
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now arriving at... london, england!
-> breakup fic time </3 you can make it an angsty breakup, or a fluffy exes to lovers!
first stop... “i love(d) you”- @floralkawa​
pairing: tsukishima x reader! genre: angst! warnings: none! word count: 300 their summary: one where tsukishima never showed his love. making it onesided, leading poor f/n on in a bitter relationship. of course, no one can handle it forever, can they ?
-> my review: this is the reason why i dont like angst. i felt this IN MY HEART, OKAY? NOELLE YOU LIED & SAID YOU COULDN’T WRITE FEELINGS. i hate it I HATE IT I HATE IT. but ugh youre talented enough to pull anything off and your angst is PROBABLY the only ones ill read willingly :( 
next stop... “i should have seen the signs”- @kirishimas-manly-eyeliner
pairing: oikawa x reader! genre: angst! warnings: none! word count: 2k their summary: going to the city of love and london was supposed to be an exhilarating vacation after a long week of exams. as it seems, love is fake and so is toru oikawa.
-> my review: um. this kinda hurted me tho. how am i even allowed to be friends with you like ?? miss ma’am? YOURE SO TALENTED??? i hate angst and ill say it again: I HATE ANGST. IT HURTS IT HUUUURRTSS. OIKAWA MY BABY WOULD NEVER DO THAT BUT HE DID. I CANSTEALK I CANT DEAL WITH THIS 
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now arriving at... berlin, germany!
first stop... “Spring Chills”- @wesokkasimp
pairing: oikawa x reader! genre: fluff! warnings: none! word count: 447 their summary: you and Oikawa go for a walk on a chilly spring day. beware: banter ahead
-> my review: 😐😑😐 my heart wasn’t prepared for this. AND!! I BET Y/N LOOKED GREAT IN THAT TANK TOP; OIKAWA BETTER HAVE GIVEN HIS JACKET TO HER AFTERWARDS. jacket + tank top = cute outfit smh
next up... “warm and fuzzy”- @oikawaplssteponme​
pairing: kuroo x reader! genre:  fluff, a hint of angst, childhood friends to lovers, ‘boy next door’ warnings: one swear word, kuroo calls the reader ‘pretty’ however no gender pronouns are used, mini make out word count: 1.4k their summary: n/a but a quote: "The lights in your room were dim. Their golden-yellow tone shone above you, though you paid little attention to what was going on inside your room. You were much more interested in what was happening outside.”
-> my review: wait this actually reminds me of me and my front door neighbor GOODBYE AKLSJDF I MISS HIM :( ANYWAYS BAHHAHA- see you never miss 😐 i think awkward tetsu is underrated BYEALKSF THIS WAS SO CUTE I CANTASEKL
last stop... “ice cold”- @kyotarou​
pairing: tsukishima x reader genre:  fluff! warnings: bit of fanon tsukki, mutual pining, smidge of angst, fluff word count: 700+ their summary: n/a but a quote: “Asshole was the best word to describe Tsukishima Kei. He was an asshole to his peers, and it didn’t change towards you, his best friend.”
-> my review: mY TSUKISHIMA HEART OMG- okay OKAY I THOUGHT I GREW OUT OF MY LOVE FOR HIM BUT ITS ALL COMING BACK ASLKJFDL- oh to share a jacket and be vulnerable with tsukishima ✋😩 once again bestie youre so talented it isnt funny
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now arriving at... bilbao, spain!
our only stop in this city... "break-in”- @kohi-zeri​​
pairing: iwazumi x reader! genre:  fluff!! warnings: mentions of food and common illnesses, use of “darling” and “brat” word count: 1.4k their summary: n/a but a quote: “there’s something so… infuriating about having a migraine. especially when it’s uncalled for.”
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here’s what some of our passengers are saying...
one passenger says “Wait. Stand right there, I want to take a picture of you.”
“pretty petals, pretty pictures”- @shxyo-sho​​​
pairing: iwazumi x reader! genre: fluff, mutual pining, just two best friends crushing on each other warnings: none! word count: 590 their summary: If you could describe your best friend, Kiyoko, in one word; what would it be? I would pick the word, flawless.
-> my review: repeat after me: kiyoko is a queen. and YOU DO HER JUSTICE I ASFDLKJ PLEASE- in all honesty i would be blushing if kiyoko said a word to me too- y/n you arent alone ✋😩
another passenger asks “Why aren’t you asleep?”
"night owl”- @atlabeth​​​​
pairing: sokka x reader! genre: fluff! warnings: stress over school and one (1) curse, but other than that it’s pure fluff word count: 907 their summary: If you could describe your best friend, Kiyoko, in one word; what would it be? I would pick the word, flawless.
-> my review: alright this isnt fair where is my irl sokka 😐 YOURE BRINGING ME BACK INTO MY ATLA DAYSDF LKSJA- not complaining tho I LOVE SOKKA SO MUCH. and “But for a “fairly smart person”, you made a lot of bad decisions.” THATS TOO RELATABLE STOP IT RIGHT NOW SFKDJK
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fanartfunart · 3 years
Fly Away
Episode 4: Bibliotech
Ao3 - First - 2 - 3
(Féline Sombre & Paon Lilas designs)
Summery: An AU where Adrien never went to in-person school, not getting the cat miraculous, and found the peacock miraculous. -Adrien sets out to find the Grimoire, and Alya volunteers her investigative skills, interviewing her classmates. Until a librarian gets akumatized and traps them all in a maze of books.
(tw for sickness. very vauge. Much like canon)
Alya hummed along to her CD of Nino’s music, ignoring the sounds of siblingly chaos outside her room. Her phone buzzed and she looked down at the text.
Double A: “Hi, you’re the local superhero expert, right?”
She chuckled at Adrien’s question and texted back, “The one and only! Why? Whatcha wondering about?”
“I’m looking for a specific book, actually? An older one about superheros, with lots of different kinds. Seen it anywhere?”
She tilted her head “Just the one you said Chloé took from your dad’s???”
Adrien spent a long time typing only for his reply to read “Oh. Of course, thank you.”
Alya frowned and called him. Adrien picked up with a delay, piano music playing in the background. His voice was hushed “Hi, uh, why are you calling me?”
“What’s going on? Did you not know what kind of book Chloé, or I guess your dad, had?”
“Oh...oh um. No, no I did. Of course I knew what kind of book it was, that’s why I was asking about it. Because it’s lost and I wanted to find it, for my dad,” Adrien chuckled awkwardly.
“Why are you whispering? Are you at a concert?”
“Oh... no I’m supposed to be practicing piano right now...”
“Oh so you’re playing a recording? Huh. Smart.” Alya got up and grabbed her shoes. “Want me to ask around for your book then? It’s kinda my thing. Plus, Chloé never let me get close enough to look at it.”
“You’d do that?” Adrien whispered softly.
“Yeah boy! Don’t worry about it. If Chloé lost it during or before the Collector situation then it’s probably not too far from the school’s social circle.”
“Wow great! Oh whoops- I gotta get back to my practice, Natalie’s coming- so uh... goodbye!”
Alya chuckled “Bye Adrien.” They hung up and Alya got ready for her interrogations.
The majority of the students Alya could easily get a hold of knew nothing about where it went. So her only leads were Chloé and Sabrina. They had the same story: Marinette and Lila were the last two people they saw besides each other when the book disappeared.
She met with Lila at the library, Marinette scheduled to meet her not too long after.
Lila was looking at the mystery section when Alya waved her over. "Thank you for meeting with me."
She nodded with a smile, putting down her murder mystery novel, "Of course, what did you need?"
Alya got out her notepad, pen at the ready. "Are you aware that the book Chloé brought to class is missing?"
"It is? Oh no, I didn't. Are you looking for it for her?"
"Not exactly," Alya scribbled down a note. "For its original owner, not Chloé. But! Do you mind describing where you saw it last?"
Lila hummed and shook her head, "I'm sorry, I just remember Chloé showing it to me before she fell and ran off. I thought she had it. Sabrina seemed to really want to leave though."
"I already got Sabrina and Chloé's statements… Marinette was with you, right?"
"Oh! Yes, she was. If you want I can talk to her for you?"
"That's okay," Alya said, "I've already arranged for her to give me her story next. I'm just covering my bases."
Lila hummed and nodded, "If you don't mind my curiosity, who's the original owner?"
"Oh, the Aggrestes," Alya said, "Adrien asked me to help."
Lila raised a brow, "Adrien? He's the one whose face is plastered practically all across Paris, yes?"
Alya chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, I guess he's a little famous. He's pretty cool. He almost was gonna be in our class, actually. He would've transferred in just before you," she shrugged, "Guess his dad changed his mind."
Lila tapped her fingers across the mystery novel's cover and smiled, "Well, I don't have much else for you. Hope you find it for him. It seemed like a special book." Lila stood up, and they waved goodbye.
Adrien quietly walked up to the librarian. He smiled, “Hi.”
The librarian looked up with a barely suppressed annoyance, “Hello. How can I help you?”
"I was looking for books related to superheroes?"
He sighed, "Right there. Very popular lately." He pointed lazily and returned his gaze to his computer.
“Oh, thank you!” Adrien followed his direction towards a section that seemed to be dedicated to Féline Sombre and Ladybug. Decorated with red and black spots and green cat paw paper crafts. It was small, secluded. Creating a comfortable nook.
"Come on out, Duusu," Adrien whispered. The kwami zipped out and fluffed his feathers, tilting his head. "Any books you recognize?" Duusu hummed and flitted between the shelves of books. Adrien skimmed through the titles. (How did people get the rights to publish fiction works about the heroes? …Do Ladybug and Féline Sombre get royalties?) He tilted his head at a title "A History of Heroics: the Lesser Known Origins of Paris’s Superheroes"
Duusu came back and hovered in front of him, "Nope, nothing.”
Adrien huffed a sigh, "Well this is the last library nearby I can think of. It's got to be in somebody's private collection then, Duusu." 
Duusu's head drooped, overcome with a quiet sadness. He glanced up, seeing something behind Adrien. He gasped and hid. Adrien spun on his heel. Natalie stood there, hands behind her back.
"You abandoned your piano practice and missed a photoshoot," she said, "I'm glad you're…" she looked around at the shelves, raising a brow, "taking initiative... in your learning, but you can't just abandon your responsibilities."
He nodded, hanging his head. "I- you're right, sorry..."
She glanced down at him and sighed. Her tone softened, "Go finish up and check out your books, we will wait for you outside in the car."
He looked back up with a smile, "Oh, thanks, I'll uh-" He glanced down at the book he was caught holding. Apparently he was into history today... "I'll go check this out…"
Lila waited at the doorway, much to the annoyance of the terse librarian. She ignored him. 
Marinette stumbled through the doors, carrying a box of pastries. Clearly buttering up Alya to make her believe whatever lie she came up with. Lila rolled her eyes at such amateur tactics.
She sashayed towards Marinette, "Hi Marinette, how are you today?"
"Lila! Good, good, how are you?" She smiled brightly and opened the box of macaroons, "Want some? I mentioned I was visiting a friend and we had some leftovers, so my dad kinda pushed them on me."
"No, thank you. I'm just fine. But Alya was asking about that book you borrowed from Chloé. ...I'd be careful if I were you, I wouldn't want it all pinned on you. Who knows what Chloé's reaction would be."
Marinette tilted her head “She was? Why should I-”
”Well you had it last... But I know, you're so sweet, you could never steal, could you?" she smiled, grin sharp and fox-like. "Although… you’ve had ample time to return it... actually, I just remembered something... I should go tell Alya-"
"Wha- no no, I didn't steal it! It's fine, I can explain everything to Alya!" Marinette waved her hands frantically.
"Hm. You still have it right?"
"Er… No...I uh, returned it.... To the… library."
"Well should be easy to find again then," She waved a hand to the library's bookshelves, "I'd love to see it again. I'll make sure Chloé never hears who had it, if you give it to me."
"What? Why do you want it?"
"I want to return it to its original owner, that's all," she said, pressing a hand gingerly against her chest, "and do you really trust Alya to be quiet about it? She's all about truth and justice..."
Marinette frowned, folding her arms, "Alya’s more trustworthy than you, that's for sure… Whatever plan you have, I'm not going to be part of it." 
The librarian abandoned his post, frowning, "Excuse me, what's going on here?"
Lila gave a pitifully sad look to the librarian, "She stole a book from one of my friends and won't return it! She loved that book and-"
Marinette sputtered. "What, I didn't steal-" The librarian raised a hand to stop them both.
"You'd make a very good actor. But, you're a tad over dramatic, young lady. I overheard your conversation. Your earlier tone clearly indicated elements of blackmail."
"Wh- well...well," Lila looked around, at a loss for how to lie her way out of this. Her hands balled into fists, "Well, you're just a dumb book scanner. You don't know what you're talking about," she said, "Stay out of it!"
He balked and his expression hardened, "Out."
She gasped, "What? This is a public library-"
"Yet, this dumb book scanner is telling you to get. Out. You blackmailed another patron and then tried to lie to me," he pointed to the doors, pen in hand. "So, I'd rather not repeat myself a third time."
Lila stomped out. Adrien tilted his head as he walked towards the counter, seeing Marinette watching the sceene. “Marinette?” She turned to look at him, raising a brow.
“Wha- Adrien? What are you doing here?”
A purple butterfly landed on the librarian's pen.
"Bibliotech, I am Hawkmoth. One too many people have dismissed and belittled you. I can give you the power to make sure everyone listens to you. You'll be the smartest person in the room at all times. In return, all I ask is for Ladybug, Féline Sombre, and Paon Lilas' Miraculous."
The librarian narrowed his eyes, adjusted his glasses, and grinned, "They'll all regret underestimating me." His glasses were now a glowing visor, his pen had seemed to have morphed into a staff. He twirled the staff in a motion that made a red “P” in the air.
“Marinette!” Adrien pointed, and ran towards her. Marinette turned and gasped as the window crashed as the pen-staff was thrown towards Lila’s receding figure. Lila disappeared as the pen touched her. Bibliotech summoned the staff back to himself, a meter on the pen filling slightly. He turned towards Marinette and Adrien.
"You seem like smart kids," he said, which didn't sound especially good to be in this context, "I hope you're ready for the test. Unfortunately, I don't have a number 2 pencil for you to borrow!"
He twirled his staff-pen and was about to hit Marinette with it, but Adrien shoved her to the floor. He stared at her for a moment. “You okay?”
She nodded and scrambled up. “Run!” She directed, pointing somewhere for Adrien to go while she ran into another opposite direction.
Adrien took the opportunity to dive behind the library counter. “Duusu, spread my feathers!”
"Akuma! Evacuate the Library!" Marinette yelled. She glanced down each row of books for a hiding spot to transform.... Come on, why does every row of books have at least one person in it?!
Alya stood up as Marinette ran toward her, "Marinette?! Akuma? Where!?" She started getting out her phone.
"Do not go toward the angry supervillain, please!" Marinette exclaimed, pushing Alya in the opposite direction.
Paon Lilas crashed into a bookshelf nearby, chuckling awkwardly. “Hi girls. Don’t mind me.” He stood back up, wobbily, as Bibliotech and a pair of people with a red “F” on their chests walked forward, expressions frighteningly vacant.
“You deserve a bad grade for your attitude!” Bibliotech called.
“My attitude? Who are you, my father?” Paon Lilas snarked back, running back towards him.
“No, I’m Bibliotech,” he said, matter of factually. He side stepped Paon Lilas’s attack and the minions grabbed the superhero.
He hummed, "I don't want to make it easy for you," Bibliotech drew the shorthand for “revise” and tapped a book shelf. The shelves bended and twisted into a maze-like structure. Blocking off Marinette and Alya together, and Paon Lilas with the villains.
"Nonono nooo," Marinette cried.
"If you can escape this I'll let you pass automatically!" Bibliotech's voice echoed. "Trust me, you'll need to pass this test."
"Ugh, we're not gonna be able to see the fight from here…" Alya turned towards Marinette,  "Come on, we gotta stick together if we wanna get out of here. Two minds are better than one, girl. I'm sure the superheroes will have it handled in no time!"
Marinette sighed. "Let's just hope they can find their way through this…"
Féline Sombre called Ladybug again, and huffed as it continued to not go through. She really hoped she hadn't been caught by Bibliotech. They landed outside the library and looked around. It was eerily quiet. She cautiously walked in.
"Hello Féline Sombre. I'll give you one chance to do this easily." Bibliotech sat on the top of one of the book shelves, legs crossed, "Hand me that ring, please."
"I appreciate the please, not so much the everything else," Féline Sombre said, and extended her staff to knock him down towards her. 
He blocked it with his own staff, and dropped to the ground, twirling it. "I hope you're ready to pay your late fees then."
Féline Sombre narrowly avoided being tapped with his staff and giggled nervously. "Do cats get late fee exemptions?"
"No," he said bluntly, twirling his staff and using the back half of it to throw her off balance. They grabbed onto their staff and extended it, twirling on the bar and leaping down to kick him back.
She tumbled and turned around, only for the man to have disappeared. They sighed, “Ladybug better get here fast.”
Paon Lilas threw off the other mindless drone and kicked the bookshelf. He stumbled backwards, barely avoiding the avalanche of books, vision blooming with spots. The akuma’s minions didn’t move after he was out of their grip. “Wow, is that what a failing grade does to you? He made them real dunces.... Oo, Dunce caps. That’s what I’m calling them now.”
He frowned at the rows of books and braced a hand against the wall to keep his balance. Someone nearby was very frustrated. He turned to follow it. It was probably Bibliotech.
Marinette anxiously tried to find somewhere to lose Alya. She took unexpected turns and ran ahead, but no. Alya just turned right with her, despite the fact that she was also recording everything. 
"It seems Bibliotech basically gave the building a revision, like a teacher might to a student's essay." Alya narrated, "He's also making this maze really hard… Marinette no, we went that way before!"
Marinette groaned in exasperation, "Shouldn't we… split up to cover more ground?"
"I'd suggest against it," A calm, overly gentle, masculine voice said, "Besides, I’m here to help now." 
Marinette froze. Please no, please no not him. Couldn’t Féline Sombre have come to save them before him? She turned around and frowned at Paon Lilas. He smiled (annoyingly) at her.
"How did you find us?" Marinette cried, throwing up her hands.
"I followed the feelings of frustration,” he said with an awkward laugh. “Anyway, we should get you out of here-”
“You’re not going to help Ladybug and Féline Sombre with Bibliotech?” Marinette said, folding her arms.
He shrugged, “Can’t be much help if I can’t find any of them, can I?” he offered a hand, "Paon Lilas, if you haven't heard of me yet." 
"Alya, creator of the Ladyblog. I’ve definitely heard of you," Alya accepted the hand and instead of shaking it, he leaned down to kiss her hand. Marinette pointedly did not give him her hand or a name.
"So, you mentioned you followed our feelings- Can you tell who the emotions are connected to?" Alya aimed her phone camera at Paon Lilas, obviously preparing to interview him. Paon Lilas waved for them to follow him and started walking. Alya followed.
"Er, stronger emotions are easier to find, and akuma victims are usually really really strong… So, I can make a good guess? Uh... a few people are… loud? Emotionally. Right now, though." He seemed to wince, minutely. It was covered with a smile. He shrugged, "It's making it a little hard to isolate Bibliotech."
Marinette frowned and turned down a random turn the rest of the group had walked past. Paon Lilas turned around, "Mar- er, Miss, where are you going?"
Marinette groaned in frustration and smiled sharply at him, "Sorry, got excited."
He giggled, a strange (condescending?? No… fond?!?) smile on his lips. "I noticed. Do you need me to hold your hand? ...To keep you from running down every turn out of excitement?"
"Nope! Nope. I'm good." She stuffed her hands in her pockets and glared forward. Alya mercifully was too distracted by Paon Lilas to comment.
Féline Sombre ran past, then skidded to a halt and returned to the group. “Birdy! Seen Ladybug?”
“Nope, no Buggaboo yet. Nice of you to join us though, Kitten.”
Marinette wrinkled her nose at the nickname. Buggaboo? Really?
Féline Sombre frowned, “Okay.... We need a way to work through this maze to get to the Akuma and make sure Ladybug can find us...”
"We could help!” Alya said, “Marinette and I could make a book trail.”
“If you do that, I could probably more easily use my powers to track down Bibliotech’s emotions.”
"What?" Marinette squeaked, "Surely they can do that themselves. How about we… find a good place to hide while they do that!?"
Paon Lilas frowned and glanced at the group. He gently pulled Marinette off to the side.
"You're nervous and frustrated... Do you really want to stay here? Wait until Ladybug captures the akuma?"
Marinette glanced around. Easy out. She nodded. "Sure, you go ahead and I'll stay right here!"
"I could give you a sentimonster to protect you, and your friend Alya, if she wants to stay too. Then Féline and I can just go find Bibliotech."
"Oh you uh, you don't need to do that. I'm fine staying here alone!"
"I want to," he smiled, "I want to help. Trust me."
Marinette frowned and nodded, "Fine…"
He fumbled forward without warning, eyes widening. He quickly straightened himself out and took a deep breath. He smiled again, like the moment never happened. He plucked a feather from his fan and imbued it with power, blowing it towards Marinette in away absurdly close to blowing a kiss. The feather fluttered into Marinette's purse and the twin masks of light appeared on their faces.
"If you need anything just tell me," he said, "I can hear it, no matter how far." He winked and the light faded. 
A fluffy, black and white dog with a pink floral pattern on its forehead and paws, sat next to Marinette. 
Paon Lilas turned towards Alya and Féline Sombre. "Marinette's staying here with senti-pup. Alya, what do you want to do?"
"I'm going with you, I wanna record this!"
Féline humed, "Okay but you need to keep out of the way… I still have no idea what the Akuma is in so-"
"The pen" Paon Lilas said, “The akuma’s in the pen.”
Marinette blinked, “How did you know that?”
He chuckled awkwardly, “I- er, call it intuition.”
“Huh. Great. Cool, go save the day!” Marinette pushed Paon Lilas away, as senti dog barked at the rest of them, herding them like a sheepdog. 
With the group finally gone, she ran down the corner a little farther and sighed as Tiki zipped out.
"I love Alya but seriously, I could've been helping Féline Sombre already."
Tiki giggled, "What are we doing with your new buddy?" 
"Oh. Right. Uh…" She took off her purse so it wouldn't disappear in her transformation. "There, let's go. Tiki! Spots on!" 
She picked up her purse and made a hush motion to the dog, who wagged its tail.
They followed Paon Lilas's lead Alya trailing behind putting down books to keep them on track. The strongest emotions led them into what must be the center of the library maze. Surrounded by Dunce Caps. 
Ladybug ran in behind them, Marinette's Sentidog at her heels. 
"Ladybug?" Paon Lilas frowned at her, "Why do you have Marinette's purse?"
"She, uh, gave it to me, I led her out of the building and she didn't want your amok to go to waste."
He sighed, "So brave," under his breath. He shook his head. “Let's get this over with...”
Ladybug caught his arm before he could jump into fray. "We've gotta be smart about this, this whole thing is a test, right?"
He glared at her hand on his arm and pulled away. "Fine, what is your plan, M’lady?"
She huffed and then glanced at Sentidog and Alya’s phone. "Okay, Alya, I need your phone for a second. Mind pulling up a recording?"
Alya nodded and handed her the phone. Ladybug handed it to Sentidog who bounded off, as the audio began playing. The Dunce Caps turned and followed the noise, leaving the entry unprotected.
The group walked up to it. Paon Lilas tried the door and frowned. "Locked."
"It's a puzzle," Féline Sombre said, pointing to the books above the doorway. She extended her staff to allow her to reach, and began rearranging the books. 
"They're all classics, but," they clicked them into place, "They were out of order.”
The door opened. Paon Lilas raised a brow, "How… do you know the library’s organization system?"
Féline Sombre looked confused, "You don't?"
The group walked in, and Sentidog returned, no longer holding the phone, clearly having dropped it somewhere. (Alya meanwhile got out her tablet to record instead.)
Bibliotech sat on a floating platform of books. “Took you less time than I thought it would... Are you cheating?” He shook his head, “Doesn’t matter, once I deal with you, I won’t have anything else in my way.”
Bibliotech flourished his pen in an P motion and moved to tap Ladybug with it. Paon Lilas jumped in front of her, taking the hit. He disappeared. The staff returned to Bibliotech’s hands.
Ladybug gasped. "Why did he do that? Ugh! Stupid bird- Lucky Charm!" A box fell into her hands.
Bibliotech focused on Ladybug. She used her yoyo as a shield on each hit, searching for how to use the cardboard box.
Féline Sombre extended her staff to meet Bibliotech, landing a solid kick. Bibliotech wrote another Revise note and created another platform for him to jump onto, away from Féline. The red meter went down. 
"It's an ink pen." Ladybug whispered, "Féline, destroy the platform!"
"No problem, Bug! Cataclysm!" Féline Sombre touched Bibliotech’s platform, and he grabbed their hand. They yelped and stumbled to remain precariously on the platform. Ladybug whistled and Sentidog ran up and grabbed Féline Sombre’s leg. She shifted to a less unsteady part of the platform, trying to shake off Bibliotech’s grasp on her arm. He readied his pen.
"You forgot the lid!" Ladybug said, and threw the cardboard box up. Féline Sombre grabbed it with their free hand, and caught the tip of the pen from Bibliotech’s attack.
Bibliotech tried to pull back, but the Sentidog grabbed Bibliotech's staff, growling.  Ladybug tied Bibliotech's arms in her yoyo and sentidog pulled the staff away and raced down the platforms. Féline shifted to keep a hold of Bibliotech.
Ladybug caught the dog as it jumped into her arms, giggling, "Good puppy."
It dropped the pen and she snapped it in half.
The butterfly fluttered out and the book platforms began to crumble. Féline grabbed Bibliotech and extended their staff to catch their fall, sliding down.
Ladybug caught the Akuma and threw the cardboard box in the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!"
Paon Lilas and the rest of the people reappeared. Paon instantly doubled over and coughed. His miraculous beeping.
Féline Sombre ran over to him, "Are you okay?"
He groaned, but nodded anyway. "Fine…Ya know, I was going for knocking the pen off-course but, taking the hit works too, I guess." He stumbled to a wobbling stand. Ladybug walked up to him, the sentidog on her heels. He ran.
"Wait!" Ladybug called. He turned a corner. She tried to follow him, but the aisle of books was empty. He was gone.
A mask of light appeared on her face. “Hey, Marinette. Hope you’re okay. They purified the akuma. I’m uh, pulling the amok, make sure to get your purse back from Ladybug. Sorry-” The mask disappeared, presumably because he had detransformed.
Sentidog was gone when Ladybug returned. She sighed. She was kinda going to miss that dog. Ladybug went to go help the librarian before her transformation dropped. 
Adrien barely caught Duusu as the kwami tumbled out of the brooch, exhausted. He pressed himself flat against the bookshelf, taking deep breaths between bouts of coughing. Pulling out the mango chips for the kwami, he groaned and slid to the floor.
He didn't know how long he sat there. Next thing he knew, Marinette was crouched next to him. Her hand on his shoulder, gentle. "Hey, hey, are you okay?"
He looked up, "Uh… No." He glanced back at the ground, his mind going back to his mother. Her illness. Her unsteadiness and coughs. He felt tears well up in his eyes. "I don't think so."
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vowled · 4 years
Sherlock and Asperger’s Syndrome
“ His powers of observation, memory and rational thinking, and deduction made him a master of his craft, but he was famously incapable of relating to people other than actors to be analyzed and explained.”
These three core characteristics have led to speculations that ACD had diagnosed him with what is known as Asperger’s Syndrome.
So, in case you’re unaware, here’s the description of Asperger’s Syndrome:
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Here are the keywords:
inability effectively socialise and communicate
socially awkward
all-absorbing interest in specific topics
High-functioning autism
summed up, it refers to a High-functioning sociopath !!!
@tin-chen12​ ,a friend who was kind enough to reply to my previous post, helpfully supplied the following: “Sherlock claims to be sociopathic, but it's only self-proclaimed. Sherlock isn't a so called "high functioning sociopath". "High functioning" is a term which is usually used for people in the autistic spectrum who are intelligent enough to adapt to the society and environment. Sherlock used the remark "High functioning sociopath” as a mask to scare people off of seeing the truth. Autistic people often speak this way to set themselves apart from others.” And indeed, in one interview, Steven Moffat did say something very similar. He spoke about how “Sherlock has never been a sociopath - it’s simply a shield that he uses to defend himself.” After all, it’s easier to deflect by saying that he’s a High-Functioning Sociopath instead of a High-Functioning Autist.
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Originally posted by sherlock5countdown
and just like that, so many of Sherlock’s personality traits fall into place and are no longer so very eccentric! But wait! there’s more! It is actually canon !!
The Hounds of Baskerville, in my humble opinion, is a very comforting episode. However, it also is the episode which completely brings out Sherlock’s more....sociopathic side and exposes his Autistic tendencies:
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wow this was pretty intense. And perhaps it is the most infamous of them all.
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But here’s the cherry on top : in this episode, at 56:50 ,John says that familiar faces might help with his Asperger’s, thus making it canon!!!
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Let’s look at Sherlock’s expressions after this!
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HE’S BEEN OUTED!! Turns out Jawn is pretty clever!!
Now there might be some confusion and disagreement with this topic based on the fact that this condition couldn’t possibly have been deliberately inserted into this character. I mean, to do that, you’d have to clearly know what this condition entails from the start, right?!  It wouldn’t be possible to just make it all up as you went along.... you’d have to know what you’re doing and show the symptoms from early on...So how exactly was Sherlock portrayed to be Autistic?
Here’s another sweet little fact (courtesy-my wonderful friend Supriti): Sherlock Holmes was based off an actual person, Dr. Joseph Bell, a medical practitioner and a friend of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. ACD himself was a medical man too, and apparently he was also very good at it. Dr. Bell diagnosed his patients’ illnesses as Sherlock deduces his cases. Himself and ACD were both brilliant doctors. So this is the thing I’m hinting at : It was entirely possible that ACD diagnosed his friend with Asperger’s syndrome. At his time of writing Sherlock Holmes he could do nothing more than simply describe its symptoms because ACD wrote SH before 1930s, while Asperger’s was discovered in 1944. So in a nutshell, Dr. Bell had undiagnosed Asperger’s.
Here’s a few descriptions that further prove the point:
Sherlock being rude and cold unintentionally because he doesn’t understand social protocol and has different body language and ways of expressing.
Sensory Overload - the reason he’s good at noticing details and observing things. He further further learns deduction to use it to his advantage.
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Sherlock being able to selectively remember and recall info because he doesn’t think in words. This further supports why there’s never any internal monologue, always just words floating on the screen.
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Struggling with cognitive empathy and understanding his own feelings
Hyperfocusing on a case and using it to his advantage- While people accuse him of being moody and just simply not wanting to talk, he’s actually hyperfocused.
Needing people to take care of him due to executive disfunction.
Not being able to deal with a change in routine after John leaves (*cough* *cough* drugs)
Using dramatic hand gestures to mask his stimming (Here’s a wonderful post that clearly demonstrates it) https://tmblr.co/ZEnJ9UZMVRk54W00
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and here’s a sad one : Sherlock valuing his intelligence and skill above all and neglecting emotions because he was praised for it as a child and didn’t learn to love anything else about himself.
Here, I rest my case ~
Thank you for reading this! I’m still learning how to write and present my theories, so I’m sorry if sometimes they appear not very systematic. I hope I’ve not been disrespectful or offensive to anyone who’s actually diagnosed with this condition. If I have (unintentionally) done so, please do tell me about it, I’ll surely make changes. Again, please do feel free to give me any feedback whatsoever. It really really cheers me up <3
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1, 12, 28 and 38 for the ask game
Fun fun fun!! Thank you!!! I love getting to talk about the best game.
1: What's your favorite route?
This is such a hard question oml. In terms of story, Birthright. It has the most cohesive and reasonable story, as opposed to Conquest where you're trying to bring down an evil king by... following the orders of an evil king until the last chapter lol. And then in Revelation there are plot holes a plenty. In terms of how the Royals and Kamui talk and bond, it's Conquest. I just feel like they seem more natural together, which is to be expected given Kamui doesn't know the Hoshidans and she is very close already wth the Nohrians so... However, I keep trying to go back and play Birthright and Conquest and I almost always end up giving up and replaying Revelation instead because the other routes make me cry every single time. So you could say that's my favorite.
12: What stuck with you after finishing Fates?
Leon who my autistic brain is some how still hyperfixated on even though those usually only last a few months at most... and Camilla's boobies. Honestly, this game started my love for Fire Emblem. I like Fire Emblem fairly well, Sacred Stones was fun, but it never was something I was that invested in and I would only really choose it if I had nothing else available. But something about Fates just really made me love the series as a whole.
28: Who did you marry the first time?
First I played Birthright, and I was torn between marrying Takumi, Cyrus, and Joker (Jakob). I decided I didn't want to marry Joker because of he's kinda obsessed with Kamui, and I'm glad I didn't because the way he treats Deere (Dwyer) upsets me greatly and I am not a violent person, I've never been in a fight before, but if I have kids and my spouse treats them like that I will go fisticuffs with that mf. Then It was really hard choosing between Cyrus and Takumi (It had already been spoiled for me that they weren't related please understand. And also Kamui isn't really that much of a character, they're supposed to be a self-insert. If they weren't I probably wouldn't ship them with any of the royals tbh.) but I felt like the dynamic with Takumi growing to like and then even love Kamui after he hated them at first was too good. What can I say? I love enemies to lovers more than childhood friends to lovers.
For Conquest there shouldn't be a surprise here... I love Leon so much he is shown to be perfect but then he has so many little flaws like canonically wearing his clothes inside out a lot (it was not a one off, it's confirmed in the manga that it's a thing he does) and that he snores. I love being able to see behind people's mask and not a lot of characters in this game have that dimension to them. Even Takumi who also has an inferiority complex is much more overt in it and it just doesn't seem as special seeing his insecurities/flaws like it does with Leon's. And then!! How he's sweet like how in the manga he spends days researching flowers (which he said he knows absolutely nothing about flowers and their meanings and that's weird because he is tree boi you would think he cares about other plants too the freak) just trying to find the one that fits Kamui the most and then he gives it to her and is like "psh no big deal. I just bought them for you, it's nothing special". He's kind, and even though he strives to appear amazing and perfect, he doesn't get cocky about helping others and I just aldkhasdklas I love him. I can talk about this man for days on end.
And then in Revelation it was him again. I really want to marry new characters because they're interesting and I went into Revelation intending to marry Cyrus and I could not help myself. Every single time, I have to marry Leon.
Sorry for that rant... anyways....
38: A big change you would make to Fates.
Honestly, I want it to be more like the original script. There were some major changes, like the addition of Hinoka who wasn't originally there, and I want to see what Kibayashi intended when he wrote it. Even if that means cutting things that I love like Hinoka.
I also would have the writers who took the original plot and turned it into the game + the character writers be more like Dragon Age Inquisition writers. In reality, there were character writers and plot writers and they did not coordinate at all to make sure everyone acted like they should. If the game writers weren't the ones writing the characters reactions in the plot it would've been better. In my head, they did it like DAI, where each companion character (or in this case groups of characters because that's way too many for one on one) had their own writer who really knew them. They would write the supports and the my room things, and obviously they would be coordinating on the supports with the other writers. And then they would coordinate with the game writers. They would work together to make them stay in character. But they didn't. They were separated. I feel like that disconnect affected the main characters in pretty negative ways. Also I think the paralogue writers were different than the support writers, but don't quote me on that. Just things like Leon's supports with the other Nohrian Royals vs Foleo's paralogue is just so jarring. Leon is shown to be incredibly caring and he values his family so much, just look at his and Elise's supports. And he knows what it's like to have a horrible mother and pretty early on in life his father became horrible (which must've been so upsetting like, "he wasn't horrible and then he is what did we do to deserve this") so he definitely would not treat Foleo like he does to begin with. I understand that they have hobbies like his mother, and that he was brought up to look perfect. I fully believe he would try to steer Foleo away from dresses and women's clothes at first, but to call them a disgrace? And treat them as horribly as he did? He didn't even want to see Foleo because he was embarrassed of them. That's such a horrible thing to do and I do not think Leon would do that.
Also a small change of Leon's name remaining the same. I can understand the thought process of some names like Kazahana and Suzukaze being changed, but Leon sounds so much better and more princely than Leo. I get that an FE character named Leon already exists, but so what? Multiple people can have the same name.
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