#something something the only difference is that alphys succeeded in making mettatons dream come true while swatch failed something somethin
spamsandsuch · 1 year
why does nobody ever talk abt the parallels between swatch and alphys. Both have similar looking heads and wear glasses. Both created a neo suit for mettaton. Swatch literally looks like a handsome anime character and alphys LOVES that kinda shit. do you get what im saying
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Chapter 6: Welp, it surprisingly succeeded
In which not only you have hope.
*Toriel's POV*
I haven't felt this happy in such a long time. (Y/N), a sweet and wonderful young lady, has made our wildest dreams come true. Now she's our ambassador, and she'll continue fighting for us. She is just that wonderful! I couldn't be more grateful!
Asgore and I started to walk back to the house, talking happily about our plans for the future. Such a happy event even made me forget all my problems with my husband. It's just a miracle!
However, when we arrived... the mood completely changed. The owner's daughter looked like she was about to cry, the owners themselves looked uncomfortable, and everyone else was silent.
And Sans was missing.
"Oh my... what happened in here?" I asked, calm as I could.
"Mrs. Dreemurr..." Surprisingly, Emily was the one who answered. I didn't interrupt her, indicating she could continue. And she shyly did. "They had a fight. Alphys started to speak negatively, and Frisk shouted at her. Then, Undyne intervened and fight back. Papyrus tried to help, though, but he failed, receiving a hard push from Undyne..."
I was surprised, especially by my daughter's behavior. Just when I was about to open my mouth, Emily continued.
"...then Sans lose it. He screamed at Undyne, then he punched her. Then, for some reason, he punched Dr. Gaster as well..." She started to weep, and I was in shock.
I never saw Sans hitting someone. And even less his own father. Do I know my friend as I thought I did?
I was about to scold my child when I was interrupted. Emily gasped for air, the continued.
"Sans apologized. I know he didn't mean it. He was just angry that Papy got hurt..." she took a pause to stand straightly, and then spoke with more security. "He thanked me for everything, saying that it was good while it lasted. Then he teleported, and... he cried."
I saw how everyone's reaction was the same as mine's: shocked eyes full of guilt. I felt guilty of thinking less of him from hitting his father, but know that I remember, Gaster has never been the best with his sons. He may have done something.
Also, to hear that my favorite comedian was crying, I couldn't just take it easy.  
But, instead of guilt, I saw something else on Papyrus's pupils...
And then I realized it was fear.
"SANS! WHERE ARE YOU?!" he shouted while he rushed upstairs, worry taking over him. This shocked us even more. Because yes, you may worry if a close one is crying, but there's nothing to be afraid of.
No. It can't be.
Sans is just too cheerful for that- it couldn't possibly be.
A few minutes after, for everyone's surprise, Sans walked downstairs. He immediately went to the couch, something he normally does. But I noticed something besides he was lazy...
He was tired.
Really tired.
"My friend- Sans" I spoke, more worryingly than I thought I would "Are you feeling better?"
"yes, tori. don't worry 'bout me, k?"
I sighed in relief, noting he used his usual expressions. That's the Sans I know.
Before I could answer, Asgore decided to say the news. I would have disagreed, but I realized this could lighten the mood a bit more.
"Listen up, everyone..." he made his way through the center, all eyes on him. I smiled "We made it"
*Sans's POV*
I walked downstairs with Papyrus at my side, feeling like the scum of the Earth. Then I realized that the kings have arrived.
I'm not ready to hear the truth.
I immediately went to the couch so I could feel safer. This was my plan: whenever they finally spit it out, I would hide on the couch so I can't hear everyone's sobs. My hoodie would also help.
This plan always worked on my house- why it wouldn't in here?
I suddenly feel tired.
Like, really tired.
Oh boy.
"My friend- Sans" Tori said worryingly, making me turn towards her. "Are you feeling better?"
How did she- shit. They told her.
Don't let her know more, Sans.
"yes, tori. don't worry 'bout me, k?"
She sighed in relief, making me relaxed. She won't ask anymore. And I'll be safe...
for now.
Suddenly, the king made his way to the center, catching everyone's attention. Tori smiled, and I frowned.
"Listen, everyone..." he firmly said, making me suspicious. "We made it"
If I had a drink, I would have surely spit it out by now.
We all stared in shock until Paps broke the silence.
"OH MY GOD! SANS! WE DID IT!!!!!" he exclaimed happily, while he held me in the air. Then the realization hit everyone and they started to celebrate. Even Emily and her parents.
"OH YESSSS BABYYYY!" Mettaton shouted excitedly, stretching his legs 'glamorously'. Ew.
Everyone was clapping and jumping, shouting and forgetting the fight we had. Even Gaster was smiling, for God's sake!
But who...
Wait, did (Y/N)... Oh lord, God bless her.
And at that moment, I swear, I was happy. Truly happy.
The impossible turned out to be possible. Then, by any chance, maybe I will be happy in the future. Maybe I will change. Maybe.
But now the 'maybe' doesn't seem too far.
Now I'm filled with HOPE.
Since it was dark outside and we were tired, we didn't make a party. I mean, for today.
So we all went to sleep. And with all, I mean everyone.
Even me.
Not before calling (Y/N) in the bathroom, of course... the guys are just too annoying if, well, a boy talks with a girl their age. And she's probably on her twenties, so... yeah.
I dialed her number and had an anxiety attack on the bathtub. What was I even supposed to tell her?! I'm such a fucking idiot.
"Hello?" she answered kindly, and a little bit startled I think. "This is (Y/N) (L/N). How can I help you?"
Oh, she doesn't have my ID? I would feel offended, but hey, I'm a freak. Not even I would save my ID.
"uh, eh... hi (y/n). it's me, eh, sans. y' know, sans the-"
"Oh! Hi Sans!" she interrupted me, with a slight new hint of confidence in her voice. "I'm sorry, I didn't look at the ID when I picked up the cellphone. The sound startled me so much I just immediately answered. I apologize..."
Oh, so she does have my ID? Weird.
"Anyways, is there something you want to tell me, Sans?"
Oh, right. I almost forgot why I was calling her. I mentally facepalmed myself, then almost slammed my head on the bathtub before reconsidering it. I decided not to do it, though. Last time it happened it hurt like fucking hell.
"i, uh... just wanted to thank you for everything, kid" Kid? Dude, what the- "i mean, (y/n). the kings just gave us the good news and... i thought i should thank you for all your effort and disposition. no one else had the courage to do it, so... yeah... thank you"
There was an odd silence after that.
Oh lord, did I just screwed up?
*Your POV*
Sans was thanking me for what I did...
I stood there in shock, unsure of what I should tell him. I've never seen this side of him. He normally just jokes around me and kink-shames way more than anyone else has ever done. And now, he is sincerely thanking me for everything.
Is this a plan of Papyrus?
"I, uh... it's really nothing Sans. I did my best, and I'm glad it turned out well"
"i heard that you are our ambassador now. is that true?"
Oh shit, he's right. I'm the ambassador, therefore, I might see this dude again...
Just don't say anything stupid.
"Oh yes! That's true! I'll be helping you guys more in the future. Especially for... discriminatory causes" I let out a sigh, not wanting to scare him. But, again, he is most likely an adult. He needs to know, sooner or later. And the sooner, the better. "You see, we humans may be quite... egocentric. Most of humanity does things for their own benefit, without caring about the others. And some people may try to hurt you, just because you are different. Not in rights nor in feelings, Sans. Just in looks... and in souls I suppose"
"yeah... we may be different than you guys..." He took a long pause, and I was trying to think of something to say, but it would be rude to interrupt him... again. After a few moments, though, he spoke:
"that doesn't mean we can't be friends, right? eh, i mean, you are pretty cool, and my brother would love to see you again, so... yeah. i know you're different than them, which is why they have criticized you, but still... we are different species. would you be ok with being friends with different people?"
"Of course I'll be okay with it, Sans! Monster or human, a friend is still a friend!"
Wait, did he just said something about me being criticized? There's no way he could have known...
"But what do you mean about me being criticized, Sans?"
"i'm not stupid, (y/n). i recognize disapproval looks anywhere. i may have listened to some comments as well..."
Of course, that sneaky skeleton.
"and that's why i'm mostly asking you, anyway. are you sure you want to keep up with this crap?"
Am I? People have been looking at me quite different these days. I lost touch with some work partners, even. But...
How am I supposed to give up a friendship? And more, if it is with Papyrus? He's just really sweet and charming, one of the best people I've ever met. Even if he may be a kid, he is just wonderful. If the price I need to pay is to get all those looks forever, then I'll pay for it. I have gained worse things, anyway.
"I'm sure, Sans. It's not like I haven't endured worse things. I can take it. And, besides, it will be worth it"
"...ok. just be careful, tho. there's a dangerous world outside"
"You don't say"
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