#something that'd fit comfortably over that area would help
miss-floral-thief · 1 year
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ooh kinda want this skirt 
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kagedbird · 1 year
Idea based on friend of mine suggesting ideas of modern Kaidan….
Imagine reverse scenario of allora au, modern skyrim and she came from skyrim era earth. Or shes from skyrim and got plopped into modern earth
God, do you know how overwhelming that'd be?
There's no magick in our realm, so I don't think I'd keep whatever magick I did have, so like. That's all ready overwhelming. Secondly, no gods?? What?? Like, no one to directly commune with or anything like that. Akatosh?? Mara?? Where are you?? Who is this Jesus- why is he dead?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR GOD?!??!? (AND WHY ARE SOME WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO PROCLAMATE THEIR GOD-)
Secondly the TECHNOLOGY. THE ADVANCEMENTS. You see all these people living in thatched roofs, stone and wood houses. It's a little cold and drafty sometimes but it gets the job done. DO YOU KNOW HOW OVERWHELMING AC AND HEATING WOULD BE?? Instant spoiled cat. I'd never leave the house. OR THE PLUMBING-
God there's just so much. That's not even getting into the politics, economy, infrastructure (kind of)- it'd be weird to see so many people homophobic too, given the world of Skyrim is essentially full of bi / pan people. And I consider Interesting NPCs to be canon- IDGAF- that beautiful trans darling asking for aid for you to help her transition makes me cry. Not being able to magically transition?? Being GOUGED for prices to feel comfortable in your own body?? A travesty.
Kaidan would likely have to hold me back on storming up to the White House or whatever official in the area he lived in and giving them a piece of my mind. I do enjoy the idea of the boys being like, college roommates or something, that's super cute. The three of them having to hide me because I just question EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. None of them can EVER let it get out that I just fell outside from the SKY, I'd be taken by the government somewhere and tested by various scientists.
Kaidan would probably be really concerned about me a lot of the time- all ready stressed out from faltering on his grades for college courses and now he's gotta keep a random woman who fell into his lap safe?? STOP TOUCHING THE ELECTRACAL SOCKETS WOMAN- this man needs a nap. But he'd be really sweet about educating me about life around the area for sure. Street smarts, definitely thinking his weaknesses in school is that he was homeschooled his whole life maybe? And the overwhelming college transition is making it more difficult? The pressure, the costs, the amount you have to deal with; it'd be a lot for sure. But I'd help with what I could, even if it's just a rubber ducky moment where he reads stuff out to me just to find what in what is wrong.
And I know you specified Kai, but I do enjoy thinking about what my other husbands would do with me around 😊😂 Lu-Lu would be pestering me about magick versus science and, me being me with loves for both, would go back and forth about discussing the utility of both in the world, despite how little the advancement is in society. Definitely talks about the Dwemer- probably asking if THEY were Dwemer and wondering if I got shunted by the Heart somehow, despite being no where near the Tribunal or Solstheim. He'd be all over learning about various aspects of Skyrim, the gods, the social structures, the wars- horrified of course of the ongoing war, but all the more curious to how people handle it.
Inigo and I would be fast friends, as always in every universe. We both have that sense of humor that most people find a little kooky but we fit like a glove together! And I could definitely see myself opening up to him about the horrors of war that had been going on, worrying about my family and if they were okay, etc. He's very relaxed but also has a lot on his shoulders, and I'd definitely wanna be there for him too.
OH but man that raises the question about Bren- would he be in this universe? If he is, I feel like he lives nearby and finds me after I get lost around the nearby area, takes me in, takes care of me for a while until the boys find me. I don't want to leave him behind in another universe, thas my uncle. Him family.
The biggest question would be why was I sent here? Because I all ready have that figured out for TESSDE, but in a modern setting, in this world, what would the gods have for sending lil ol me a whole world- an entire universe- away? That's the big one. I don't want it to be a punishment because TESSDE is about finding your place in the world no matter how much it seemingly doesn't want you, and I'd wanna keep that. But I'm not sure how I could twist it for a real world.
(Maybe watching the Barbie movie could help.)
Sorry for this HUGE blurb 😂 Not what you were expecting I'm sure, but it is always so fun to think of AUs!! Thank you for asking!
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hentaimommi · 4 years
ᴏᴄᴇᴀɴ ᴇʏᴇꜱ | ᴀʀᴍɪɴ ᴀʀʟᴇʀᴛ (x fem reader)
Warnings: cute cute cute. This is s4 Armin btw! (for timeline)
Summary: Being the new commander of the survey corps was fresh, new. Your first act was an innocent trip to the beach..but was it all so innocent?
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[O C E A N E Y E S]
"Commander (F/N), this is your new office. I expect great things from this space. Armin Arlert will be here shortly." Captain Levi left coldly, as he always did. A mystery even to his superiors, who had stripped him raw over the years. Your eyes met each corner of what used to be Erwin's office. Dust had taken over old areas, books piled high and unfinished paper work rested on his desk. Your eyes softened, paneling over to the chair Levi had sat your things in.
Erwin was a leader you'd looked up to the entire time you participated in the corps. Even as a newbie, he held his head high as the commander, and others followed. Being apart of the 104th was difficult; but you had ripped your way up the charts. Caring for no one was the name of the game, it was easy. Until you met Armin. He was the sweet to your salty, always right beside of you. He'd push you through every problem, loss, and back track you faced.
When Eren was gone, taken by the traitors, you knew nothing would be the same. Armin cried on your shoulder that night, and slowly, you learned to comfort him. Mikasa didn't mind your connection to him, neither did Eren. They only asked that you never hurt him, but, how could you? He was the sun in your darkness. So smart, kind, and full of dreams. The way he talked of the ocean, you knew you had to go. The day you all rode out for hours, nearly lost. Levi kept pointing out how stupid and useless that was, but you didn't care. Armin was happy, so were you.
When asked who you wanted your 2nd in command to be, the answer came without question. Armin accepted with joy on the promise that you would, once again, see the ocean. With him. That was your first thing to do, first plan as the 14th commander. No one agreed with you, but why would you care?
Unpacking the rest of your items and sweeping the last parcel of dust, you sighed looking upon the clean room. It was a nice fresh sight to see, perfectly suited to your style in all. You sat down in the old chair, only to hear a quick knock at the door. "You may enter." Your voice was raspy from not using it for so long. The door creaked open slowly, revealing the short-haired blonde man. "Hello commander! I'm here to help with plans for tomorrow! Sorry for the intrusion I just-" "Say no more, Armin, its okay. You can sit down- and, call me (F/N), as always, please." He nodded, sitting down along with the three books on the ocean he had brought.
You smiled at the sight, eyes lingering in his blue ones for a second longer. The one to break contact was him, looking down at the now open book you hadn't realized changed. "So, um, when would you w-want to leave?" His voice was meek, you could tell he was scared. "Are you afraid of something?" You asked, slightly smiling and removing your hair from the tight pony tail it had been in all day.
His swallow was hard, eyes jerking out of the window that subsided in the left wing of your office. "I just don't to overwhelm you to the point you don't want to go." His shame filled voice was sweet, making you smile once more. "I will go, no matter what. It's the least I could do." He nodded, beginning to read aloud a passage of the sea.
The night was sweet. He read, telling you interesting facts about the ocean. His eyes wouldn't leave the book, if only once to look at you. He observed your under eye bags, pretty hair, even wondering how soft your skin was. He then felt as if he had violated a boundary, instantly looking back down. By the end of the book, you'd fallen asleep in your chair. Armin smiled down at you, standing up. His heels clicked across the wood over to you, his nimble fingers scaling through your locks. He enjoyed seeing you at peace, for no one else had.
The next morning you awoke in your bed. The morning light split between the slips of your curtains, blinding your freshly awaken state. Groggily, you stumbled into the bathroom, only to find yourself losing motivation. Then, a knock came on your bedroom door. "Comman- (F/N)! Sorry. Are you ready?" The meek voice plated into your ears. Armin.
Swiftly you ran back into the room, opening your drawers to find a quick outfit. "Yes! Give me a moment please sweet heart!" Blushing at the accidental name calling, you threw on a uniform, matching yourself with the cloak in hand. Putting your hair into a ponytail, you then slipped out of the door and into the office portion of your quarters. "Sorry, I woke up late. Ready?" You asked, smiling. He took one look at you, then stared for a moment. You looked so breath taking, like this. His heart began to thump until he was smacked back into reality with a firm grip on his shoulder. "Armin?"
When you all set off there was a breeze in the air, something special. You had wished other cadets a sweet goodbye, leaving your duties to Levi for the evening. He agreed in order to keep his fresh shipments of tea coming in. Armin looked back at you a few times on the ride. You rode the carriage, which had many supplies for an overnight camp-out on the shore. Everything was tied down well. You all spoke little, determined to arrive there before dark.
Upon arrival, the ocean stared at you smack in the face. A sea breeze like no other, salty and sweet, perfect for the both of you. He looked back once more, only to feel the same feeling from before boil in his ribcage. You looked stunning. You had been looking back, too. The eye contact was unbreakable, like the ocean wasn't even there. Although it broke when your horse shook, scaring the both of you. Playing it off with a chuckle, you coughed. "Should we set up camp?"
Armin nodded, "U-Um, yeah that'd be good." He jumped down from his stallion, climbing onto the cart that held your supplies. Pulling a small paper and pencil from his pocket, he began checking off things. You, however, were captivated by the sea. So large and beautiful, like nothing you had ever seen. You almost felt bad. In your own world with Armin, citizens would never see this in their lives. Why did you deserve this?
"(F/N), we have a problem." His voice was almost squeaky as you turned around, wind blowing through your locks harshly. "Yes?" You walked over, smiling at his frown. "There is only one tent, someone must have forgotten the other." Hands placed firmly onto your hips, you laughed a bit. Problem? That wasn't so bad. "We can sleep together, can we not?" As soon as the question left your lips, his ears and cheeks free ablaze. "Y-Yeah, we can. For sure." You smiled, clapping your hands together. "Okay, let's get this done!"
When finished setting up camp, Armin had been basking in the dull light of the shore. His feet were dug into the sand, pants rolled up along with his sleeves. Your heart panged, why were you feeling this way? He was so beautiful, so untouched and virgin to anything. If you had romantic feelings, would he even notice? You shook off the feeling, sitting down beside of him. There were no words as you both looked out, the ocean reflecting beautifully from his eyes like the depths of something you had never seen. In a fit of exhaustion, your head fell loosely onto his shoulder, making his chest rise. You looked so calm, so gorgeous. He wanted to hold you instead, but knew it might overstep a boundary.
"Sleepy head, it's dark, we need to get into the tent and snuff the light." You heard Armin's voice push you away from your sleep, your eyes meeting with his. His hands were tucked softly under your legs, which had been wrapped around his waist. Never had you felt so flustered, although it was obvious he had lifted you from the sand. "Oh! I'm sorry." You got down, wiping yourself of the sand. He smiled, opening the tent flap for you to crawl in.
You did, and he followed, only making you realize how cramped the space was until this point. The tent was meant for one person and a few items, but you had two people, along with their items. Armin felt conscious of his breathing, as he nearly held you agaisnt his chest whilst being curled into the cramped tent space. "I-Is this, is this okay?" He asked, pushing the light away with one hand. It was dim, barely providing adequate light. "You can come closer, if you need. I know the sand is uncomfortable." You offered, pulling yourself as close to the tent wall as possible. He did so, scooting further, spooning you.
Both of your faces were bright red, ears as well. The tension was so thick even Levi couldn't cut it, and that was saying something. You felt him hesitate, but slowly relax. "(F/N)?" He asked, arm resting onto your shoulder. You turned, finding him closer than you had thought. Your faces were met close and together, finding out just how small the tent really was. "Yeah?" The air was hot, matching your cheeks and forehead. "I have something to tell you."
You nodded, stomach churning. Did he not like this? Was this making him uncomfortable? How stupid were you. "I have feelings for you. The reason I insisted we go alone, was because I'm in love with you," He admitted, clearly zoned out enough to let himself admit just embarrassing things. "When I see you walk with Eren and Levi, laughing, it hurts. When I watch you cry, I only want to hold you. I've never felt this way for anyone, so I have concluded this is love." He finishes, finding himself looking into your eyes for reassurance.
You are stunned for a moment, taken aback that he felt the same for you. Quicky he over-thought the silence, thinking this was rejection. Though, you noticed the drop in his expression, and cupped his pale cheeks into your hands. "Armin, I love you."
His cheeks grew even more red, eyes searching for your own. His large hands came up to yours, cupping them softly. Your bodies came closer, forever shutting the physical and metaphorical gap between the both of you. Your lips met, noting how soft his were. Just as he was. Then, his nose nuzzled against your own, foreheads meeting to match. "I truly do love you."
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moody-cowdaddy · 5 years
Blue Button-Down
Arthur Morgan x Reader | Imagine #4
Summary: You get soaked during a rainstorm while on an overnight trip with Arthur, and now you're freezing.
Category: Fluff, Sexual Tension.
A/N: I'm honestly having too much fun writing these lil' fluffy/sexual tension Arthur pieces. 😭 also, I apologize in advance about not being able to put add a 'keep reading' cut. It's been almost a year or so since I've been on Tumblr to actually write as much as I have the past week. I'm not sure how Tumblr mobile works anymore. So, if anyone would know how to put this under a cut, please let me know. 🤷‍♀️
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"I said, I wanna touch the earth
I wanna break it in my hands
I wanna grow something wild and unruly
I wanna sleep on the hard ground
In the comfort of your arms
On a pillow of blue bonnets
In a blanket made of stars
Oh, it sounds good to me."
If there was ever a time for New Hanover to suffer a torrential downpour, it was always whenever you and Arthur went on trips where it was necessary to stay overnight. There had been some O'Driscolls spotted in the Valetine saloon. So, immediately, Dutch sent the two of you out to tail the gang back to their hideout to take them all out.
You were halfway to Strawberry when the bottom of the sky seemed to just give out, pummeling the two of you and the surrounding area with rain. It was already close to dusk, so Arthur decided that you needed to stop and set up a campsite as fast as you could to get you and the horses of the rain.
You agreed with him as you slid yourself off of Jasper, leading him over to a slightly more wooded area to provide the stallion with some form of cover from the weather onslaught. Your clothes were already halfway soaked with water, and you could feel your body temperature dropping the more the cold rain fell on you.
"Think ya can help me get this tent up?" Arthur asked as he untied a canvas from the back of Athena's saddle.
"Yeah, we gotta be quick. Looks like it's set in for the night." You walked over to him, helping him unload the rest of the supplies from his saddle.
He nodded. "Seems that way. Them O'Driscolls will have'ta wait 'til mornin'."
The two of you were utterly drenched by the time you finally got the tent set up. Arthur seemed to be unbothered by it, but then again, he had been subject to far more harsh weather than this. You, on the other hand, were completely chilled to the bone. When you were finally able to get inside of the tent, it was a relief to finally have yourself sheltered from the freezing rain, but you were still cold, regardless. It was going to take more than just shelter to warm you back up. You dropped yourself to the ground, shivering as you pulled off your trail coat, tossing it to the side. It was a bit of a relief, but not by much, the majority of the rest of your clothes were still soaked through to the skin.
"Goddamn," Arthur hissed as climbed into the tent after you. "I tried'ta get the horses s'much cover as I could. It's a damn mess out there."
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He lowered himself onto his bedroll near you as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lighting one up. It was quiet, all except for the sound of the rain as it poured on top of the tent, beating the material to hell, gallon by gallon. You did what you could to wring the water out of your hair before bringing your knees up to your chest, wrapping your arms around them as your shivering began to intensify when the cool air from the outside hit your drenched clothing.
Arthur had took notice of it immediately, turning his attention towards you. "Ya alright, girl?"
You shook your head. "Other than freezing to death, I'm fine."
"Ya bring any extra clothes?" He stuck the cigarette between his lips, taking a drag.
You gave him a pleading look as you shook your head, figuring he'd berate you for not bringing any extra. But he didn't. He never did, and you knew better than that. Arthur was always different with you than the others. He'd berate anyone else in a second with his quick wit and a smart mouth, but with you, that wasn't so. If he ever had a difference of opinion with you, or needed you to know better about a situation, he'd always give you that familiar stern look of his, followed by the dangerous way his tone sounded when he said, "Girl".
Quite frankly, sometimes you'd antagonize him just to illicit that response out of him. He was even more desirable than usual when he had a streak of anger in him.
He shook his head amusingly at you as he reached over to dig through his saddlebag. "I gotta lot to teach ya about bein' prepared, huh?"
A bashful expression appeared on your face as you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "I guess ya do Mr. Morgan."
He finally leaned back over to you holding a worn, blue button down shirt. It was the one that you had seen him wearing so many times before, and your heart skipped a beat as you saw him offering it up to you now.
"Oh, Arthur. You'll have nothin' to change into if I-"
He cut you off with his free hand as he held the shirt out to you with his other, the cigarette still hanging from between his lips. "It ain't up for debate, (Y/N). You'll catch ya damn death out here if ya keep that on."
You took the shirt gently from his hands, clutching it tightly. "Thank you, Arthur."
He smiled, "Ya know damn well I ain't gonna let you freeze. Ya need me to step out?"
"No." You shook your head, "There ain't no need to for all that."
Truth be told, you'd have been more content if he was taking these soaked clothes off of your body for you.
"A'ight then." He took one last drag off the cigarette before throwing the butt of it outside of the opening flap of the tent.
But, him being the gentleman that he was, he still turned his head away from you. You sighed lightly, smiling to yourself as you began to unbutton your own shirt. Sometimes he was too much of a gentleman, but that'd have to wait, The focus right now was getting these clothes. Pulling the saturated clothes off of your body was a torture all on it's on. The wet material of both your pants and shirt still tried to cling to your body, making you hiss everytime a freezing piece of the cloth touched your skin.
When you finally got the shirt and pants off, you threw them across the tent, wanting them as far away from you as possible. You pulled Arthur's large shirt over your shoulders. It was an indescribable feeling, not only for the warmth that it held, but the fact that it was his shirt. It smelled like him; a mix of cigarettes, campfires and pine needles. He was considerably bigger than you, so the shirt was very loose fitting and comfortable. It was long enough to where it hung just a little past your thighs. You were still cold, but you felt much better than you had before.
When you finished, you lowered yourself back down onto your bedroll. Arthur peeked around to check if you were decent before he shifted himself back to the front of the tent. The rain had calmed down from what it was a few moments ago, but that wasn't saying a whole lot since it was still pouring down rather heavily.
"Ya know I'm gonna feel bad about takin' ya shirt. I owe ya one," you admitted.
"Nah," he said. "Long as your warm, that s'all that matters."
The way he cared for you almost made your heart hurt sometimes, especially when you so desperately longed to care for him, and to be with him in more than just this way.
You gave him a nod and a thankful smile as your lowered yourself to lay down on your bedroll. You and him listened quietly to the rain for a while, thinking over your own things, and thinking about how this whole thing with the O'Driscolls would play out tomorrow. But you couldn't keep your mind on much else, not even on Arthur, and that man consumed a good portion of all your thoughts. You were still bitterly cold, and the sharpness of the air outside didn't help. At all. You had began shivering again as you curled yourself up into a fetal-like position, trying to get some more warmth going, but it wasn't much use.
"Ya still cold?" Arthur cocked an eyebrow at you.
"Very. This is why I don't meddle with the cold." You could see small clouds of fog each time you spoke.
"I can't start a fire with it rainin'," Arthur breathed, looking from you to his saddlebag.
He finally stood up and quickly began to unbutton his own shirt, dropping it to the ground before he kicked his boots off. Next, he worked on his gunbelt, letting it drop the the ground with a THUD as he went for the button on his pants after that. Even as cold as you were, seeing him literally strip down in front of you like this was obviously enough to take your mind off of it for the moment. You lifted your head slightly as you watched him standing there in nothing put a pair of underwear. The man seemed to be all muscle, there was almost no part of his body that didn't look like some kinda statue you'd see in a big city, or one of them old places like Greece.
He ended up pulling out a pair of dry pants from his saddlebag and put them on. When he got the fresh pants on, he walked back over to his bedroll, yanking his blanket off of it before stepping over to you, quickly gesturing to you with his head.
"Scoot," he said bluntly.
A certain look of surprise came over your face as you leaned up, forcing your tensed muscles to move as you made room for the hulking man to lay himself down beside you. He threw his blanket over you, lowering himself down beside you. He lifted the blanket up just enough to his work his way up under it. You could feel your whole body go even more tense when you felt his body heat and the way he protectively wrapped his arm around you.
You scooted yourself just a little closer to him. You laid your head down near his chest while you brought your hand up, resting it against his broad, firm chest, feeling the tussles of chesthair beneath your fingertips. You could hear the slight hitch of his breath when you touched him, and you weren't completely sure if it was because of how cold your hand was, or if he was just that touch starved. You had a feeling that it might've been both. He didn't seem the slightest bit uncomfortable about it, though.
Overall, it seemed as if it was somewhat of an open secret between the two of you, that, you both knew that each of you had some sort of attraction to the other. But how much and how far either of you were willing to go with that was still up in the air and never discussed. You knew what you wanted from Arthur, and you just hoped that somehow he knew that.
But those were thoughts for a different time. The man literally had you in his arms at this very moment, doing whatever he could to keep your from freezing to death, and that's all you were worried about. You were absolutely grateful. You laid there for the moment in a state of complete bliss. The feeling of his strong arms around you was almost too much to bear, you hadn't experienced anything else in your life that made you feel what you were feeling now.
No one else in your life had ever made you feel the way that Arthur was making you feel in this very moment, and it made your heart ache all the more because of it. You were so close to him that you could hear the slow, steady beating of his heart in his chest. It sounded more lovely than any song you had ever heard before.
"How ya feelin'?" He asked.
The grumbling of his his deep voice vibrating in his chest sending another shockwave down your spine, but, atleast this time it was for a reason that you actually enjoyed.
You rolled your eyes up to him, looking directly into those crystal blue iris' of his. This was the first time you had ever been this close to him, and you couldn't help but be in awe of him. You admired his chiselled features, and how thick his beard was beginning to get. Any other time you'd stop yourself from doing this, but he seemed to be studying your face just as much as you were his.
You finally sighed, reluctantly peeling your eyes away from the handsome cowboy. "I'm a lot better now. Thank ya, Arthur."
"Don't mention it. I ain't gonna let nothin' happen to ya. Ya already know that." You could feel him shrug as he shifted his arm, moving to rest it flat against the small of your back.
You scoffed playfully, "Yeah." You looked up at him once more, "I think I know that better than 'bout anyone."
"That ya do," he chuckled. "Don't think I'd be lettin' anyone else take my best shirt."
You scoffed at him, "This ratty ol' thing, Arthur?" You were only poking fun at him, and he knew that.
"Hey, don't be talkin' shit 'bout mine. It's keepin' ya warm, ain't it?" He chuckled again, shifting his eyes down to you.
"I won't doubt ya, but I think that's more you, ol' man." You smiled innocently back up at him.
"Who you callin' ol' man, girl?" He squinted his eyes at you in mock offense.
"You," you repeated with a coy smile.
"A'ight then, I'll remember to let ya freeze next time. Maybe one'a them grizzly bears will keep ya warm." He cut his eyes to you again, trying to hold back his smile.
You shook your head at him. "Y'know you'd never let anythin' happen to me, Arthur Morgan."
That familiar smile danced across his lips as he gave you a slow nod. "Well, I can't argue with ya on that one. Yer the pain in my ass that I jus' can't live without."
You both laughed as you laid there, arms still around eachother. It was one of the few moments where the two of you could just let your guards down and be yourselves. And getting to spend this time wrapped in his embrace only made it better. You honestly couldn't think of a moment where you had ever been happier. The two of you locked eyes with eachother once more, both of you seemed to be doing the best to stare into the other's soul, wondering who would ever be the one to make the first move.
"So," you spoke, trying to break up the silence that had set in again, "Mind tellin' me what Dutch's obsession with these O'Driscoll men is?"
Arthur sighed, bringing his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose as he turned his head to look up at the roof of the tent. "Ehh, it's a long story. We've been at war with 'em boys for years. Colm, the leader, killed Dutch's woman years ago. The only woman I think he ever really loved, an' he's been tryin' to kill that slippery bastard ever since."
"Oh. Well, you can't damn 'em for that. I think I'd wanna kill the person that took someone I love. But, then again, I ain't never found a man I could stand for more than a night." You shrugged.
"That right?" Arthur asked curiously.
You looked up at him, biting down on the inside of you lip. "Perhaps I fancied at least one of 'em."
Of course you were referring to Arthur himself.
"What about you. Why ain't you gotta woman?"
Arthur hummed, his chest heaving slightly at the question. "I did, long time ago. Almost got married, but she didn't want no part'a this life, an' this life is all I ever known, so, that was that. I'm a bad man, an' I know that."
You rolled your eyes at what you were hearing him saying. "You're pullin' my leg, right?"
"What?" He cut his eyes to you.
You grunted, propping yourself up on your elbow to look at him head on. "Arthur, you are one the of the best, most kindest men I ever met."
"She didn't see it that way," he gestured his head, still unconvinced.
"Jesus Christ. Just 'cause some woman disapproves of ya ifestyle don't make you a bad man. Do you think I'm a bad person 'cause I live this life with y'all?" You narrowed your eyes at him.
His lips parted in surprise as he shook his head quickly. "No. 'Course I don't think that. Why'd ya say some shit like'at?"
"To prove my point." You smiled mischievously, knowing you had just got one over on him.
His lips stretched into a thin line, stifling a smile. "I swear, gal."
"Ya know I'm right," you said confidently.
He hummed again, "Hah. Careful, darlin'. Wouldn't want ya gettin' too cocky."
"Yeah, yeah," you giggled.
You were finally able to relax once you were fully warm, thanks to Arthur. He still had his arms slung around you, and he seemed to be just as comfortable as you were. The feeling of his bare skin against you was the epitome of heaven.
"Ah shit," Arthur breathed, finally laying his head back down to the bedroll. "If we're gonna get the jump on them O'Driscolls, we better get some rest."
You had already began to get sleepy once you finally got comfortable. So you had no reason to argue with him about that.
"You're right about that."
"Ya want me to get back on my bedroll, or stay here?" He asked, peering up at you with those blue orbs.
"You can stay right here.. I mean, if youd like?" You asked.
He sighed, giving you a non-chalant shrug as he nestled himself down onto the bedroll. "Ah hell, I'm already comfortable where I am."
You tried to hold back the feverish nip of red at your cheeks, but there was no stopping it now. You gave him a nod, and lowered yourself back down beside him.
"Thank you again."
He turned his head in your direction, giving you a look of sincerity. "Ya don't have to thank me, (Y/N). I'd do it again."
You could feel a warmth in your chest as he spoke. His voice was gruff, but was as smooth as silk whenever he spoke. You couldn't help but smile, and you were convinced there wasn't anything you didn't like about this man. You took in a calming breathe and met his eyes again.
"I know you would. You wanna know why?" you asked as you leaned up once more, surprising him as you laid a kiss on the side of his prickly cheek, the hairs tickling your lips. "That's because you're a good man, Arthur Morgan. And you're gonna know that someday."
He looked at you in shock as a small, shy smirk tugged at the side of his lip as he watched you lower yourself back down beside him. You nuzzled your face against his chest, listening to his heartbeat again, which was beating considerably faster this time.
"Goodnight, Arthur," you whispered in a sleepy tone.
"Goodnight, (Y/N)," he answered back softly.
You could have swore you felt him pull you closer into his chest, wrapping his arm around you just a little tighter as you drifted off to sleep.
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supersizemeplz · 5 years
Nose Wide Open
CountryBoy!Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader
Another #supersizedfic short. I'm southern, but this doesn't really scream it. I really tried though. Enjoy!
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Sun spilled over the front yard, reflecting off the tiny speckled dew that frosted the grass. Trimmed bushes lined the front of the house with beautiful roses here and there. The wind chime that hung from beside the green vines swayed gently in the morning breeze. You rested lazily in the white cushioned chair that occupied the porch, reading a novel you bought a week before. Some love story that you were deeply into.
Beside you, a small circular table sat to match the chair you were in. It held your glass of lemonade that sat atop a floral coaster, next to a small vase of fresh looking flowers. A small tag hanging from it with a cute note from Erik.
The rumbling of a familiar pick up truck caught your attention before it's golden paint caught your eye. It eased into the shade of your driveway, right behind your car. Excitement sparked within you and you had to stop yourself from jumping up to greet him. Once the engine went silent, that bun of dreads popped out. Erik shut the door behind him, smiling as he rounded the truck. His jeans were tucked into his dusty Georgia boots, but his white tee wasn't tucked in today. Though you were sure his belt with his last name stamped into the leather hugged his waist.
"Mornin, princess! You're up early." His accent as thick as honey.
You grinned with a playful eye roll, closing your book and resting it on your lap. Sitting up straight, you watched as he approached the stairs. That gold chain peeking from beneath his shirt. "I could say the same for you, Stevens. You missed me, huh?"
Erik chuckled, slowing as he got to the steps. Taking his time, he took in your appearance as he ascended them. A sundress comforted your body, afro freed and skin glowing. "Every second we're apart, baby girl.." He put a hand over his heart, giving you that charming smile of his. "..and I came to see what your pretty self had planned for today." He stepped onto the porch, both hands in his pockets as he looked over at you. You felt your cheeks heat up and your lips give in to a smile.
You sat your book on the table, shrugging lightly as you looked up at him. "Nothing really. I was just gonna take a lazy day since I'm off.." Standing, your bare feet pressed against the dark stained wood. "What did you have in mind, Mr. Stevens?" You walked to stand beside his relaxed figure against the porch railing, looking at him over your shoulder. His eyes followed you until you stood at his side.
He smirked, standing from his relaxed posture to stand by you. His right hand rested over your left atop the railing, his thumb massaging over your soft skin. "Nothing really. I was just gonna do some work for my aunt, tend to the horses and stuff. I was hoping you'd tag along?"
You smirked, nodding slowly before you chuckled. He knew you'd never turn down a chance to visit his aunt.  "Give me two minutes.." He nodded, holding up his imaginary watch and tapping his wrist.
Just as promised, you'd returned two minutes later with shoes. As well as your over the shoulder. He'd led you to the truck, opening the passenger door with a smile. You took his awaiting hand, allowing him to help you up into the high truck. Which you believed he really enjoyed doing. When you thanked him after getting seated, he replied with 'my pleasure, sweetness'.
Not long after, he'd climbed into the car and pulled out the driveway. With the grace of a falling feather, smooth and gentle. You smiled softly at the fuzziness you felt riding with him. His hand would soon find your hand, giving it a small squeeze so you would look at him. Like he just did. Then he'd flash you a smile that'd make your heart flutter. Like the one on his face now.
"You good, princess?" The teasing in his voice was evident, making you shift in your seats. You gave a nod, liking how your hand felt in his.
Your body eased further into the seats to calm itself as you admired the black leather of the interior, mentally approving of the golden touches here and there. Your eyes found him laid back comfortably while he drove. Erik was too handsome for his own good and your eyes didn't attempt to stop their admiring anytime soon. It took him catching you to look away, blushing at his chuckle when he met your stare with a glance of his own. Those dimples of his deepened and he licked his lips.
He leaned forward, inches from your lips as he smiled. His fingertips held your chin, slowly easing you closer. "How are you so damn pretty?" You melted at his voice, taking in the faint smell of his cologne before he pulled back. With a teasing smirk on his lips and a wink. "Lets get to it, princess."
You couldn't help the little pout of your lips as you watched him get out of the truck. Mumbling a soft 'good lord' as you relaxed against the seat. You hadn't realized you'd made it. He came around to open your door, helping you out of the truck. Smiling at the dazed look on your face.
You avoided the smirk he held, looking to the barn ahead of you. As well as the area for the horses next to it. The screen door to the house closed, catching both you and Erik's attention. His aunt, Nina, waved at you both. Erik smiled as she came to where you both stood beneath the shade of the oak tree. "Hey, auntie."
She walked up to him with open arms, giving him a hug as greeting. "Hey, baby.. About time you brought your girlfriend back up here to see me. How you doin', sugar?"
You looked to Erik with a raised eyebrow, smirking as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm fine, Ms. Nina. How are you?" His girlfriend you say?
"I'm still working on that, auntie. Don't scare her off.." He teased, chuckling as you all laughed.
She wrapped her arm with yours as she playfully waved him off, heading towards the house. "I'm fine, baby.. and call me auntie, sugar. We're basically family. Why don't we catch up inside while Erik feeds the horses?" You agreed, giving another teasing look back at Erik before heading to the house. To which he gave back a wink.
Once you'd both gotten in, Aunt Nina fixed two glasses of lemonade. She sat across from you at the table as she caught you up on her life since you'd last seen her. Amusing short stories and questions of her own for you. Though when she asked a particular question, though it was bound to pop up, it still made you ponder.
What's going on with you and my nephew?
You didn't answer instantly as you'd rehearsed in your head a few times before. To be honest, you had no idea. You and Erik were great friends, you'd trained yourself to think. Just friends. Of course, Erik hinted at his fondness of you. It just hadn't clicked yet. He was almost to good to be true.
Nina placed her hand over yours, rubbing her thumb against your skin to soothe you. "You shouldn't over think it, honey. Erik's a great guy and I can tell you that he really cares for you. It's hard for Erik to show his emotional side, but with you.." She chuckled, nodding before she sipped her drink. "..with you, it's something special. He's head over heels for you. And you ain't hear it from me.. but when he's around me and on the phone with you, he's smiling from ear to ear. I don't see how his cheeks aren't sore after y'all conversations."
You laughed out at that, having the privilege of facetiming him once and catching his raised cheeks numerous times.
You looked out the window to where he was carrying bales of hay from the barn to the horses. A smile graced your lips as you watched him. Nina stood from her seat, walking to the cabinet. "How about you take him something to drink, baby?" She filled the glass with lemonade and brought it to you. Accepting it, you stood with a nod. "I'm sure he misses you too."
You headed back into the shining sun, making your way across the yard. Erik rolled his shoulders after dropping another bale of hay at his stack. He looked over to you, smiling as soon as he caught sight of your face. "So you do care about me.." Giving a teasing wink, he accepted the cold refreshment. Taking a sip as you admired him.
A dark wife beater now fit his frame, showcasing his broad shoulders and chest. His arms were glistening with sweat and you could really see the definition of his arms. As if you'd needed help in the first place.
"What makes you think I don't care about you, Stevens? You're my ride home." You teased back, looking up at him under your lashes. He laughed out loud at that, looking at you in amusement when he calmed.
"I forget how funny you are, princess. A beautiful woman with many surprises.. No wonder I like you so much." He licked his lips, walking with you into the shade of the massive oak tree.
You shrugged, shyly as you both stopped. "I've heard it's hard not to."
He chuckled, taking another sip of his drink. Looking back to the house, he motioned his head towards it. "So you and Aunt Nina had a good talk, huh? You were in there a while."
You nodded, "We did. I always love our talks. She's easy to talk to"
"Yeah, she's my go to for advice.." He confessed. "What did you two talk about? Me?"
He took another sip of his drink, catching a drop of liquid with his tongue before it fell from his full lips. You felt the butterflies dance in your stomach as you looked away. "Yeah, actually.. About us. How she can see that you really like me.."
He rubbed the back of his neck again. Something you'd notice he did when he was nervous. "I've confessed to her once or twice with how much I like you. But she seen it before I said anything. In her words, you got my nose wide open."
You smiled up at him, slipping your hand into his. Stepping closer to him, you brought your free hand up to play with the coils of his beard. Which he really liked you doing. "I supposed its a good thing that I feel the same way about you, huh?"
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