#sometimes i have to SKIP A CHAPTER
podcastwizard · 1 year
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i wrote seven thousand words today but not all of them were winners
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rockybloo · 27 days
Posted all of Chapter 1 over on the Beanstalked webcomic Tumblr mirror.
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everymeloneveryday · 5 months
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chapter 162 page 18
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brittlebutch · 2 months
finally found a place to read With the Light online and i'm thrilled; if you haven't read this manga i do Legitimately recommend it
#N posts stuff#like don't get it wrong it Is Not a series about being autistic it Is a series about raising an autistic kid#but also don't be put off by that because it's legitimately a series that I feel Loves autistic people with its whole being#it's kind of a teaching manga so it showcases a lot of different opinions/characters/conflicts/etc. but the Framing is very consistent#in that the manga is Extremely of the opinion that autistic people are People who deserve to be Valued and Accepted As They Are#the onus for change is never put on autistic individuals the framing is basically Universal in the 'the World needs to change#to be more accepting' -- it's a very Social Model depiction of autism that ALSO never veers too far into the#'autism isn't even Really a disability' fallacy; it's very much a 'A lot of autistic people will need constant support in a variety of ways#throughout their lives but that isn't the roadblock preventing them from having their own lives; ableism in society is the roadblock'#the first two chapters are the hardest to get through bc they take place before Sachiko has any real understanding of autism and#so she's isolated and stressed out and the ignorance makes it difficult for her to care for Hikaru properly (there's also a lot of#other characters Blaming her for what's going on which goes unchallenged at this point though that changes later); but after she#understands what autism is she's Firmly in Hikaru's corner for the rest of the series - you can skip right to ch 3 without a problem#if you're not interested in reading about that initial conflict#there's still a Lot of conflict ofc but by then the chapters have some of my favorite moments so i don't want to advocate skipping#them; like Hikaru's daycare teacher explaining how Hikaru's difficulty speaking is the same as other kids' troubles with#things like jump-roping/etc.; and then a mother who has An Issue with Hikaru's presence in her daughter's class realizing the#depth of the problematic opinion bc Her mother (who had a stroke) faces similar ableism from her peers#i'm cutting this post off b4 the tags get Too long but if you're curious but still hesitant man. send me an ask and i will Happily#write an insanely long essay about how much i love this series; i have all the books i'm not excited about the online availability#for Me i'm excited bc i've been wanting to rec this manga for like almost a full decade and i can finally give you a link instead of#saying 'well. you can find used copies sometimes' lol
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thecollectionsof · 1 day
a little drabble from postcards to get me in the writing mood :)
"That shirt looks nice."
Crystal laughs, looking down at the sweater Gigi gave her for her birthday before looking back up at her. “You made it!”
“No! I mean—yeah, but I like seeing you in something I made. It’s… nice.” Gigi’s cheeks glow brilliant red as she looks away, her gaze resting somewhere past her for a second.
“Oh.” Crystal feels something burning in her, something hot and electric, “I like wearing things you made for me.”
That feels like something. This feels like something.
It’s not like she has the courage to do something about it, to take this further, to poke and prod and flirt and test the boundaries of their newfound "bestie era", so she looks away to hide her blush. "It's nice," she says, parroting the words Gigi said only seconds ago. There's so much she could say, but that sums it up without pouring her heart out to her.
She doesn't say it though. She just keeps watching the person walking past the window who's walking their very excited poodle, or looking at the way the wind blows through the trees, or looking at anything but Gigi.
Gigi reaches out, lightly adjusting the way the sweater rests on her. It's quick, light adjustments, but she feels every single one. Especially a quick graze of the back of her hand against Crystal's bare side, her fingers slipping around the bottom of the sweater.
Once again, it's electric.
And then it's over.
"Okay," Gigi starts, taking a step back. Crystal lets out her breath, not that she knew she was holding it, and nods. At what, she's not sure, but it feels like the right thing to do. "Ready to go?"
Crystal nods again, clearing her throat. "Yeah," she agrees shakily, clearing her throat again, "yeah, okay, let's go."
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fruitybashir · 4 months
hey i was going to say this anyway, but now that I've seen someone actually being rude to you, just gotta stress it:
you do not know how grateful I am to you for writing such wonderful wonderful words every week. I am also so very happy that you're getting a lot of appreciation from so many people (well deserved 🥰)while I can understand that it's super motivating for you, to see so many people love your work, to write more, it can also be a bit of pressure (but depends on you ig)
you mentioned being sick and not being able to write some weeks ago. you're a working adult with bills to pay and this isn't something you're obliged to do anyways. pls don't strain yourself, take enough rest. if you're behind on a chapter or if it's going slow, I'm sure we can all be patient!
In joker out's words, "no waiting, no gain" :)
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thank youuuu 🥺🫂💖💖💖💖💖
that is so so so sweet of you to say thank you so much <3333
dont worry, the only pressure on me is the one that i place on myself (weekly chapter) and thats honestly bc i suck at finishing things so i have to keep a schedule that is strict enough that it keeps me constantly engaged instead of slacking off, but still lose enough that i have some leeway (some days i write more and some days less etc) and so far thats beeb working out pretty well! im impressed and surprised by myself hahaha!
and all the comments and your sweet messages and all keep me sooo motivated and i cant wait for everyone to see it all come together in the end 💖💖💖
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aroaessidhe · 8 months
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2023 reads
Saint Juniper’s Folly
YA paranormal mystery
follows a foster kid returning to the small town he grew up in, who runs from the judgemental townspeople and ends up magically trapped in a mysterious house in the woods
a boy who lives a boring life in the town until he finds him, and wants to figure out how to save him
and the young witch from the town over who’s heard the woods calling since her mother died, and wants to help
m/m, friendship & investigating a mystery
#Saint Juniper’s Folly#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#this is….okay#writing is quite young - it feels like middle grade. would be fine bc i like middle grade but it's a bit at odds with the fact that#they’re 18 and talking about college soon and driving round in cars a lot#There’s very little ghosty or spookiness - it’s more just about the characters and their developing relationships#I felt like there were quite a few pivotal scenes missing? Like it skips from the kid being back in this town for the first time#to suddenly he’s stuck in this house in the woods. We don’t see him go out there; realise he’s stuck; or anything.#(unless libby skipped a chapter in my audiobook again?)#It also felt like it skipped any of them like testing the supernatural stuff? They go straight to researching the house’s history.#Once the end is revealed it makes sense I guess - but it’s like the because the author forgot to make the characters (who Don’t know)#do the first logical things you might do in a situation like that. idk.#the boys hating each other at the start felt manufactured for some hate to love thing instead of for any reason.....I didn't buy it#Also my pet peeve of: having a character call her dad by his first name! …….but it's an indication of their bad relationship. okay then.#(I know that is also a real experience but MAN sometimes people just do that it's not always a sign of emotional neglect!!!!)#Anyway - I didn’t hate it by any means; there’s just a few little things that didn't work for me
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chickenkooks · 1 year
Hi, it's May 2023 now time rly does fly fast huh? I still re-read TRA bec it's my comfort fic. Anyway i hope you're doing well and still having amazing sex lol! I miss hearing bout ur seggs stories and just ur life updates. I hope one day if by chance u can still open this acc, and you'll see our positive messages ahhh! tysm for writing tra really. Every year i still send you an ask it's pathetic jshdhd but i miss you sm my fave writer but I hope u're well, happy and healthy! 💜 it's been what 4 or 5 years but i still won't give up hope that u'll update us someday even if it's just a life update huhueee im just so thankful u wrote tra. And i truly miss you xx take care always!
oh boy so hi i don't even know how many years its been at this point but this message just really warmed my heart and i thought you were owed at least a response!!! thank you so so so much for this kind message. you guys have been getting after me ever since i left and trust me i see every message but i just didn't know what to say? i don't even know how many of you remember me or will even see this. im sorry for that. god i can't believe its been that long. i don't know if ill ever update tra. i really intended to finish and hoped having beta readers would help but.... i think i had left the fandom at that point so it was hard to put myself back in that same space. i really want to say how i intended for it to end but there is a part of me that hopes to finish it. i just don't know when that'll be, if I even decide to. but i've been getting back into writing lately but I post on ao3 now!!! if u guys are at all interested I could answer messages privately? anyway I hope ur doing well too whoever u are and i appreciate u from the bottom of my heart!!!!!! thank you so much for your patience
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cinna-bunnie · 4 months
nooo im all caught up on my manhwa and now i have to actually do something else
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hell world
#*scoffs* as if i don't have a bunch of other comics and some video games lined up#BUT!!!! 😩 u know when u get sucked into something for weeks or a month then u finish and face The Void#yeah lol. it's still going too ૮ – ﻌ–ა I'll try 2 keep up#i been rereading Tower of God for a while tho 😹 it's sooo good.#it's rly funny it just has the one season animated because this is one of those cases where you TRULY have not seen anything yet#i assumed there was just enough material for like one or two more seasons but oh no. lmaooo#it's like ~12% of the story and there's hella seamless time skips bc doing things actually takes a realistic amount of time lol#so there's still A Lot to explore. i already liked it but i found it a lot more enjoyable the second time around 0:#“takes a realistic amount of time” ← it is seamless bc u do not have to necessarily see or follow them thru this time#u can just b at the result sometimes. the pacing is always p good tho. it never rly feels like it drags on longer than it needs to#except maybe the last like 50-100 chapters bc the artist needed to take it easier‚ which makes for some good long visuals#but they do kinda feel like padding for the story that drag a bit before getting to the point#but this is after being absolutely spoiled for like 560 chapters which are long as fuck themselves. the scrollbar is like 1-1.5mm 😩#on top of it moving fast and staying interesting like berserk does. kinda stumbling frm one thing to the next but#yeag :3 yayy it was very nice and i will be referring back to it a lot as a means to keep up w the story and to practice my drawing
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strohller27 · 5 months
#I’m just gonna use this blog as a diary because. y’know. I already do. anyway#I don’t know what’s gotten into me recently but I just feel like. like I’m supposed to be ‘further along’ in my life than I am now?#and like. I know it’s bullshit because. the milestones I was told I would hit as I grew older have definitely not been predictable#they tell you you’ll get a job and a car and a significant other and you’ll get married and buy a house and have kids and grow old and die#and it’s like. that’s all we’re given to measure our lives by; these big milestones.. people are supposed to feel accomplished when they hit#but those things are just titles to chapters like. nobody tells us that there’s all this other plot happening between those pages#and so yeah I mean. it feels like I’m not on the right chapter and I really want to skip ahead but like#the truth is. I’m not even to the climax yet. I’m still in the lore-dump stage of ny story#and that’s been so hard for me to accept recently. I’m yearning to be in the chapter where I fall in love and get married#but that’s just it like. that chapter comes earlier in other people’s stories than it seems to be in mine#although I’ve fallen in love many times. I’m not at the ‘get married’ chapter. because it’s not the right part of the story yet#and sometimes I wish I could just find the author of my story and tell them HEY GET ON WITH IT ALREADY because things seem to be moving so#so slowly. and yet they’re moving so fast I simultaneously feel like I’m running out of time#like. why do some people deserve to have co-stars in their stories from almost the very beginning who stick by those protagonists and grow#together? What did I do in my last story to deserve such a lonely one this time around?#Why am I so unlucky that I have good close friends that stick by me and all I know how to do is hold them at arms length because I don’t#think our relationships are quite as deep as I feel that I need out of a relationship?#why is my story about desparately trying to find a place where I feel comfortable enough to belong and share myself with others#and hey. why am I not at that part of my story either?#and maybe it’s that I don’t do enough. as a protagonist my toxic trait is that I’m pathologically suspicious of others#if someone shows interest in me I’m suspicious of why. what are they trying to get from me. because in the past people have taken from me#without giving much back. and if someone wants to date me I’m immediately suspicious of their intentions.#because I’ve realised that there’s much more to being in a relationship than ‘you’re hot let’s fuck’. and I know that’s not what I want#I want to be at the part of my story where I can share myself with someone without worrying that they’re going to take more than I can give.#I want to be at the part of my story where I can trust someone with myself when I’m fragile and they can trust me with themselves as well#I want to be at the part of my story where my life slots together well with someone else’s; so well it just feels normal and right.#I want to be at the part of my story where…I know I could live without this person because we can both take care of ourselves but.#it’s just preferable to spend time and solve problems and exist *together*#and you’ll have to forgive me for saying so but I’ll need physical affection from that person whoever they may be#I feel like certain things are falling into place. I like where I am. now I want to set down roots. and I can’t. I’m not at that page yet.
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diseaseriddencube · 6 months
i keep going back to read sparklecare thinking i'll like it but i just...don't
maybe i'm silly but it feels very flat? I still have no real grasp on the characters or attachment to them, I have vague ideas of a few of their main traits but not much else. I'm aware the entire comic is basically vent art, it does just read like a child's fanfic though..not to be insulting to fanfiction, but it does have a certain style or writing or joking to it. I don't dislike it either, but the writing and characters just don't vibe with me, i don't have the words to adequately explain why though
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newjenns · 2 years
Sapnap is the J-hope of Dteam in terms of shipping not talent...
this is evil
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orcelito · 2 years
I should make an actual outline for the coming chapters of discacc. Maybe if I'm more organized it can make writing easier
#speculation nation#discacc shit#my mental outline only process probably isnt going to keep working with me diverging from the plot of the game#i just kinda followed along with the game for a While. and then the past week in fic has been pretth easy to follow#bc it's just a week.#but we r gonna start actually moving through time more. it's been only a day or two per chapter. sometimes less.#but for next chapter i have in mind uhhh. well starting on monday. a few things throughout the thing#and then i think thursday is what i have in mind for the final scene. That one is very important.#in large part a lot of what we'll be getting is the New Normal. so there will b mundane scenes and time skips#but also peeks into the Training Process#and then we enter the next stuff lol. idk how long it'll take to get there.#maybe i should try to figure that out.#haha just a funny what if but what if i tried to plot out the remaining chapters. Loosely.#i still like the plan as i go thing bc im a very impulsive author lmao. if the characters r tugging me a different way from my plans#then yea i'll follow them. more organic that way.#but it'd be nice to have a better idea of Approximately how many more chapters there r gonna be#maybe it'd make it feel like less of an endless beast#bc someday discacc Will end. it will. im going to see this through.#on god it will end. but it's gonna b several hundred thousand words more lol#GOD i really am looking forward to smth in like a month in fic time#we r in end of september rn. and near the end of october is a very mean plan for goro lol#but when am i ever not mean to goro lmao. Rarely.#anyways hi im out of work and somehow despite the sleep deprivation i am consumed by thoughts of the discacc#i already have 41 largely thought out. but i need to officially decide on the scenes and order.#definitely gonna be less action than we've been getting. but theres smth really important coming up. So.
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evature · 2 years
i finished spy x family!
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animelibera · 5 months
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Imagine a roller coaster slowly climbing the first hill. Then once it finally gets to the top, you have to get out and walk across a playground that has that deep gravel that's annoying to walk in. "Oh well it'll be worth it once I get to ride the rest of the coaster". Then you go down the shortest straightest plastic playground slide imaginable. And also it's kinda damp. A single firework goes off in the distance, but there's some trees blocking the view. Then the ride's over.
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beauzos · 9 months
i am having so much fun writing these chapters of SOBR. i haven't had this much fun writing in quite a long time.
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