#sometimes i look into his big black eyes and feel like im entering nothingness
aashiyancha · 7 months
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Sometimes he just stares at me in the most uncanny way
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Mirrors of Nightmares
IT chapter 2
Bill Denbrough x sister! female reader (non-romantic)
Warning: gore, blood, violence, horror, death, cursing
Specifics: horror, platonic, violence, angst, action, one-shot, race neutral reader, brother/sister
People: bill denbrough, little boy, pennywise 
Words: 1,513
Requested: By anon Hi!!! I just saw it chapter 2 and it was so good! Could you write where the reader is bill denbrough little sister (by like 1 or 2 years) and she was apart of the losers club and they come back to Derry and she goes with bill in the mirror maze and after the kid dies she has a panic attack and bill has to help calm her down and comfort her?
Authors Note: my first IT fic! i luv this movie franchise thing sm like yall have no idea. my fav is richie and i luv bill hader on a scary kinda level u know? but im srry for taking a gazzilion years, life is a butthole and keeps me away from fun and u guys. 
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It was fear. You felt almost your stomach drop entering into Derry again, after so many years. As trees move side to side from the wind and shake so did your hands. You began to see yourself as fragile and weak once more, just like when you and the rest of the gang were little. Sometimes you felt alone in all of this nightmare, like the world was a vast, endless space of black nothingness and you were fighting to stay alive, all alone. Bill - your brother - made you look at life through another lens. He kept you alive. He made you feel strong. Whenever life seemed unbearable he was there for you just like the older, protective brother he was. His number one - when entering into this memorable town again - was making sure you were safe.
If only he could suck - like a vacuum cleaner - all those terrible moments from that terrible clown that laid burrowed in your head. 
In the moment of hero or a savior you put someone above you. Someones safety and life on top of your own. Their life is in your hand. No matter what you do you are the ending decision of their fate. 
“Not this little boy,” you cried in your mind as you and Bill teamed up as sister and brother, like a team, but it was no cheerful time. Time was ticking and either you and Bill stop Pennywise from hurting this boy or the boy becomes non existent. 
The carnival was supposed to be a trip full of laughter and fun but instead it made you anxious. Hearing the different, loud noises made it difficult to focus, along with the hoard of people leaving and entering. 
“This way,” Bill waved his hand forward as he started sprinting. 
You followed him, feeling your heart beat rapidly and vigorously. Your eyes tried to find the little boy. He was not safe. He was in grave danger. “There!” You see the young kid giving tickets to a little girl. “He’s right there.”
“Hey! Hey kid!” Bill shouted as he ran to the child. “Kid!”
The blonde haired boy walked in the fun house. Not knowing the evil that followed him. 
“He can’t hear us.” You both jump into the twirling of the carnival entrance and are greeted with neon, glow in the dark clowns that sway back and forth on a path. 
One hits Bill as he passes. You go to his aid. “Are you okay Bill?”
“Yeah I’m fine. Lets go.” He grabs onto your arm, protectively. 
As you proceed there is a huge room filled with only mirrors. It makes you dizzy and unsure as you see you and Bill through your reflection. “Where did he go?”
“I don’t know but stay close.”
Lights were blinking constantly making your eyes and head hurt. You and Bill touched the mirrors to try to find an exit to continue on to find the kid. That was all part of the game, all part of the chase. The kid walked by further away. 
“Kid!” You and Bill shouted over and over in unison. 
Bill ran and was greeted with glass or the mirror. 
You went to the opposite end to try to find another way to the child seeing as Bill was blocked all around. You knew this was Pennywise’s doing. “I know I can find him.” You were met with a dead end and tried to go back to Bill but you were enclosed in one area. “Bill!” You got frightened as you couldn’t go back to him. The side you were on was getting smaller and as you turned to your right you saw the little boy. 
“Y/n!” Bill screamed. He sprinted to you and the kid but was met with another glass. 
You saw Pennywise walk past you with a horrific smile on his face. “Bill I saw IT! IT’s here! He’s here!” Bill’s forehead pressed against the glass. He felt powerless. 
You placed your hand on the glass. “Whatever happens Bill promise me you will help that boy. Please.”
Bill started to panic as his breathing became harsh and tears were starting to fall from his eyes. You were his baby sister, he vowed to protect you all his life. “N-o y/n! N-n-no!” He tried breaking the glass. 
“What are you two doing here?” The kid was confused. “Both of you stop following me!”
“We’re only trying to help you,” you said. 
“I-I’m gonna g-get you both o-o-o-out.” Bill became more and more afraid. 
Suddenly, behind you and the child Pennywise laid his long tongue flat against the glass, licking up. The sight and noise was chilling. The face of the little boy’s was traumatic. 
“No stop. Stop!” Your whole body shook. 
“Please,” Bill cried some more feeling useless. 
“I’m here. I’m right here just t-take me,” Bill pleaded to Pennywise. 
Pennywise started to cackle as he hit the glass of yours and the boys with his head. 
“Son of a b*tch!’ Bill cursed. 
You screamed as Pennywise did it harder and faster. You and the boy both huddled by the corner of your glass rooms. Bill, repeatedly, tried breaking the glass. He tried with his hands, fists, feet, but nothing worked. Your eyes teared up as you saw the glass cracking with each blow Pennywise gave it. This was the end. It was either you or the kid and a hero puts the kid first. You gave a knowing look to Bill to remind him of what you asked for. 
Pennywise paused and gave a huge, demonic smile. “Billy boy, which one do you choose? The boy or your sister?”
“No Bill don’t do this. Remember what I told you.”
Bill screamed, “stop! No!”
“I am going to give you a riddle. If you guess right you save the kid but I kill your sister, if you guess wrong I save you sister but I kill the kid. You only get one try and if you don’t answer at all,” Pennywise smile grew, “I’ll kill them all.”
There was an argument going all around. Bill felt pressured and didn’t know what to do. He loved you more than life and needed to save you but the boy also needed saving. 
“Bill please, I’l be fine.” You smiled, tears falling down. 
“...fine. I’ll do your riddle.”
“The person who built it sold it. The person who bought it never used it. The person who used it never saw it. What is it?”
Bill thought in his head all the possibilities. 
“Bill choose-!”
“No helping him,” Pennywise shook his finger. “Time is ticking, what will it be? You only have one chance.”
One chance to choose the fate of the people in front of him. 
“A lie?” Bill asked. 
The world became quiet and Pennywise’s smile enlarged showing more teeth and fangs. “If only you said coffin.” Pennywise broke through the glass and ate the little boy right up. 
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Blood splattering on the glass.
You and Bill screamed as the lights flickered showing a gone little boy who knew nothing of this nightmare and was purely innocent. 
“No,” you felt defeated, crying. You and Bill finally met up at the exit of the mirror rooms. 
“Oh my God,” Bill embraced you. Fighting the urge to sob uncontrollably. 
“I’m sorry Bill. If I didn’t leave you none of this would of happened.”
“Its not your fault.”
You remembered that boy. How scared he looked but yet there was hope in his eyes. Hope that the adults would save the day. The memory of his wine colored blood splattering on the glass flashed within your mind. You bent over a trash can to hurl. 
Bill patted your back, “that’s it. Let it out.” 
You couldn’t breathe. The drumming within your chest increased to a rapid pattern. You tried to search for a comfort object that your eyes could land on. The activity was busy at the carnival and made it worse for you. The noises, screams, cheers. Panic was bubbling in your gut and you were about to erupt like a volcano. “Bill.”
Bill knew that look. For Pete’s sake you were his sister! He pressured you to sit down and tuck your head in between your legs. “Breathe y/n. You’re okay. I’m here and I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you.”
You did as you were told. Gripping onto Bill’s hand like when you were little and you ran to his room claiming you saw a monster under your bed. He would let you cry and console you. He was your calming system. You felt at home and safe with your big brother. Bill hugged you and you leaned your head against his shoulder. 
“Sometimes I think I’m crazy, that its all in my head.” You sniffled. Voice rough and scratchy from the screaming and crying. “Then IT does something like that that makes me see that its all real. That Bill, that is what scares me the most.”
“I know,” he whispered. “I know.
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​, @reginalinettis​​​
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