#somnia tag
kiwiparfait · 5 months
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roetrolls · 5 months
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As you all know, my dear beloved Chase @sasster and I discovered around two years ago that we really like making stories together. We've gotten very good at it, I think!
But no matter how good at it we are, it can be a bit hard to follow a plot that's moving along as sporadically as this one has been. That's not a knock against us, life can be demanding.
But, for both our sake and yours, I thought it might be helpful to write up a summary of everything that's happened in this narrative so far. So sit back, take a nap, and let's go over what we know ✨
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The Church of The Divine Dreamer - A non-clown religion built upon the worship of dreams. According to its devotees, dreams take place in the divine world, which we are linked to through subconscious thought. They believe that the act of dreaming is in itself holy.
Nymira - A spacey blackblooded mutant who is, purportedly, a fledgling god. With a host of abilities related to dreaming, she is seen as a bridge between worlds and the personification of divinity. She can conjure objects from her dreams into the waking world, and though she is less practiced in it, she also possesses the ability to traverse the dreams of others and pull them into her own.
Cylion Lefera - The current head of the church and eldest child of its founder, Cylion serves as Nymira's prophet, mouthpiece, and even guardian at times. He claims to possess no abilities of his own, but trusting anything he says could prove to be a mistake...
Somnia Poppet - The middle child between Nymira and Cylion, Somnia proselytizes for the church and acts as its head of security. He's a weaselly little thing, but he's powerful in his own right. Though perhaps there's a caveat?
Favion Lefera - The church's founder, Nymira's first (and imperfect) prophet, and the father of the trio above. There is something wrong with Favion... But we'll get into that later. For now, what you really need to know is that Nymira loves him dearly, and she even uses her powers to create a tonic that can help with his condition.
Little Friend - Nymira's dearest buddy and closest confidant (a position he happened to steal from Cylion). LF is a doll, created in Nymira's dreams and brought to life through the generous aid of the Restorer-- It seems the Roatus clan might just be wrapped up in this too!
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So now we know who's on the board... But perhaps we could understand these players a bit better.
First, just a quick peek into the dynamics at play within the COTDD. These are less crucial to the actual events of the plot, but say a lot about the characters themselves. Have some drabbles about:
Nymira and Cylion Favion's lovely treatment of Nymira One of Cylion's core memories With the supplemental reading out of the way, let's jump back in time, shall we? Because it turns out Favion and Ailzea have some history...
Childhood Woes - In this drabble from the Restorer's youth, we learn several important things about Favion. The first is that, once upon a time, he was a under the thumb of Ailzea's abusive ancestor. The second is that he loves torturing Ailzea's dolls. Third, he has always been fixated on getting a true reaction out of his "friend." And fourth? Favion has died at Ailzea's hand.
That last point is especially vital, because unlike most people Ailzea revives, Favion possesses the innate ability to dampen the powers of other trolls. He came back... But not quite right.
And he really hates the Restorer.
Good thing he doesn't know about his daughter's greatest treasure, huh? Cylion knows, though.
And Cylion loathes that thing.
It doesn't help that Little Friend knows about some of the secrets Cylion is keeping from Nymira... Like the fact that he has the power to manipulate dreams, and many of the messages she receives to guide her hand come straight from him.
Table Talk - We learn that little tidbit here. Somnia thinks it's hilarious. It also helps explain a little semi-canon something that happened earlier. See, Nymira sometimes struggles to tell whether or not she's dreaming. So when the same person who helps someone differentiate the two is also able to dictate what they dream?
Well. Sounds like a recipe for dictating that someone's very reality.
That fact might be why Nymira's had so little practice with her second ability. She can't exactly go visiting dreams while she's having custom-made ones pumped into her head, now can she? Still, the dream-hopping she does manage to do is very important to her, as we learn in Hallways, a drabble about Nymira's routine and thoughts inside her own domain.
That drabble ends in a rather unique way, though. One of the visitors she comes upon speaks her name, cementing her certainty that these are real people and real dreams that she is poking into, not just figments of her subconscious mind.
Cylion wants her to believe that's not the case. As much as she trusts her brother, it's frustrating to feel that he's not listening to her.
Hello, seeds of unrest. Shall we uproot the status quo?
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Have you ever met Marrie? She's Ailzea's daughter, a life-sized marionette with an adorable smile and a heart of gold. She's also friends with Nymira! Little Friend needs to visit the House of Restoration regularly to stay in working order, and Marrie delights in the task of ferrying him between the churches. Especially because it allows her to speak with Nymira, even if Cylion sometimes tries to keep that time short.
Quick Visit - This time Cylion's busy, though. And that's about to cause him quite the headache. You see, Marrie's bought Nymira a journal... And some pens...
Thing is, Cylion goes to great lengths to keep writing utensils out of his sister's hands. After all, when he benefits so much from being able to decide for her what's real and what isn't, what could he possibly stand to gain from allowing her to leave notes about? No, that won't do at all.
Missing? - No worries. It doesn't take long for Cylion to notice the pens, though he doesn't know where they've come from. In fact, he assumes Nymira must have conjured them herself. Easy fix, then, right? He probably thinks so! Until, of course, he discovers that someone else can corroborate their existence... Time to think fast.
Too bad for him, it seems Cylion has forgotten something about his sister–– she's trusting. Not stupid. And even the most naive troll can notice a lie if it's sloppy enough.
Especially one who combs through details with such idle frequency that they've formed an absent tick of counting how many fingers they have.
Nymira is uneasy.
And then Marrie meets her dad.
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Pretty Doll - Remember that thing we learned about Favion? The one where he really, really likes breaking Ailzea's creations? Marrie is one of those. You can see where this is going.
Or... Where it would be going, at least.
Interception - Because Cylion and Somnia aren't the only brothers hanging around this arc, and Archie Roatus will be damned if he lets someone hurt his sister and get away with it. Welcome to the narrative, Archie! You're gonna have a great time, don't even worry about it.
Archie gets Marrie out with minimal damage, just a single arm left behind. That's minimal, she's made of wood. She's fine. It's fine.
Reminder - Except it isn't. Because Nymira's here to witness the aftermath, and she is not happy. Especially after overhearing that Cylion intended to hide Marrie's arm before she could see it. In a fit of near hysteria and with her pens bled dry by her brother, she takes drastic measures to ensure she won't forget what she's learned. Black blood must look remarkably like ink, don't you think?
White Bear - And she's not the only one keeping this incident in their thoughts. Archie's back, and he's having trouble moving on from what Favion has done to his family. He promised Ailzea not to act on those feelings, but, well... Ever heard of the white bear experiment? Archie accidentally activates his powers and teleports to Favion. Whoopsie!
In the resulting interaction, he realizes that Favion's abilities mitigate his own, and he buys time to get out by mouthing off and generally being a little shit.
And there we go! That's all we've got, at least for now... Let's see what we dream up next.
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lycankeyy · 2 months
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We're so back
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churbo · 2 years
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Surprise this is what I’ve been doing is jojo ocs and redoing refs… top two are new (rainbow guy doesn’t have a name yet sorz) bottom two I’ve actually posted here before; Cannoli and Annetta! I have another gal being wrapped up rn and then it’s moore, the natorigawas, another lil girl, and then the Demon (hopefully)
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goldieclaws · 5 months
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Tweaked an old sketch just to make this joke again lol
(Charlie uses they/he)
Reblogs appreciated, thank you! 💖✨
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artanddrabbles · 8 months
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The traveling magic dealer, Umbra, is willing to give any wayward adventuerer a hand. Well, any that has something to trade.
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ehud1564 · 2 years
I think I'll make the Pink Addison Item from the Eternia Somnia (Preciously Pacify) Route:
The Lullaby Slippers. Lullaby because it makes enemies tired faster. Slippers because they came from the pink Addison who sells shoes. Their Effect is tired up. Going to the Berdly fight without it aborts the route.
It makes enemies tired if their HP is less than 75% off their Total health. That way you can cast a sleep spell on Berdly. Unlike the other two item, you don't have to equip it to Ralsei to progress the route, You can equip it to Kris too.
You get it just before fighting Berdly, after you drove all the other enemies to eternal sleep. You get back to The pink Addison after sending them all to sleep.
The pink Addison starts with his usual "You two look together. Would you like some Marriage Shoes?". We have three options to respond:
Saying yes as a joke, makes Ralsei Embarrassed but ultimately more comfortable seeing the prankster side of Kris, aborting the route. If we try and talk to the pink Addison again they will say the same thing, but we won't be able to respond.
Saying no politely. This option will do absolutely nothing. You can still talk to the pink Addison, and get the same response and the same options.
The third option is saying no rudely, and it's the only one to progress the route. After saying no Kris starts walking away, and the pink Addison says "You look really tired. How about some comfy slippers?"
Kris and Ralsei Turn around. The Pink Addison Says "They only cost [100 dark dollars more than you have]" Than we have two responses. "No thank you" and "Can you lower the price?".
If you say "No thank you" the Pink Addison responds "Alright. Come again." And if we talk to them again they respond "Changed your mind about the Slippers, and you get the same options as before.
Choosing "Can you lower the Price" Will lead you to choose through different Dialogue options that will lead to different Dialogue options. We are going to make Kris the Rudest most Annoying Costumer. You have to choose between the Dialogue options to get correct orders. If you failed, just approach The Addison Again, and it will give you the same options as if you picked "No thank you".
You need to get three corrects orders, after finding a correct order the Addison will lower the price by 20 dark dollars. You also need to approach the Addison at least 10 times.
Once you do that and approach them again, the Pink Addison will snap. It will say something like "Stop Kid! Just Stop! I am TIRED of this! The Lowest price I will go to is [20 more Dark Dollars than you have now]. Take it Or Leave it!"
You can choose "Take it" Or "Leave it". If you choose "Leave it" The Addison Responds "Than Leave me alone!" And the Route is aborted.
If you choose "Take it" Ralsei says "Kris that's still too much." And you can choose between Take it Or leave it. If you choose Leave it, The result is the same as before. You need to Keep choosing Take it.
Ralsei says "Kris We can't Afford it". Take it. "Kris we don't have enough money". Take it. "Are you talking to me?" Take it. "You want me to take it?" Take it. "I...I.." Take it.
The screen turns black. There's text saying "You got the Lullaby Slippers". And when the screen brightens up, The Pink Addison is asleep on the floor.
Attempting to Equip it to Noelle and Susie will result in them saying varients of "They're too small." Ralsei will Equip them but respond with "I thought they were for you". Kris can equip it as well.
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phorthefrozencrow · 1 year
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Grain Reference Sheet
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seasaalttrio · 2 years
greetings, everyone! uchikoshi has broken my brain again!
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solarwoniii · 1 year
enhypen series - 'her' [ ON HOLD ! TAGLIST OPEN ]
smut !!! minors dni pls
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(coming soon) lee heeseung - break her
SYNOPSIS you are the unarguably the cutest person lee heeseung has ever laid his eyes on. it'll be fun to break you.
wc ; tba
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(coming soon) park jongseong - pamper her
SYNOPSIS your boss, jay, is so in love with you that he will find every possible opportunity to pamper you.
wc ; tba
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(coming soon) sim jaeyun - corrupt her
SYNOPSIS you're too perfect to be true. jake knows that if he corrupts you enough, he'll see your impurities. and that's exactly what he desires.
wc ; tba
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(coming soon) park sunghoon - ruin her
SYNOPSIS sunghoon has a knack for ruining pretty things, so it only makes sense to ruin you.
wc ; tba
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(coming soon) kim sunoo - princess her
SYNOPSIS you are no person to sunoo. no, you are way more than that. you're royalty. you're a princess. and he plans on treating you like that until the day he dies.
wc ; tba
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(coming soon) yang jungwon - tease her
SYNOPSIS jungwon sees the way you look at him. he will relentlessly tease you just to see more of it.
wc ; tba
taglist ; @jungwoning @deobitifull @jaehaki @hoonxclsvly @xiaoderrrr @aengello @hongincha @ksnooppy @cherryunie @furious-eaglegle @rayofsunshineeee @nikisdidntsleep @safariniki @pansies-garden @floclover @starsforjongseong @cha0thicpisces @idcilovejung1 @marcyschaos @chaechae-23 @beeomgui @buuhsworld @shinrjj @jw0ostar @vivibelov3d @in-somnias-world @kabekusa @celozia @niinjo @thejjrl @crazydelulu @paimonwithoutthemo @hoonlvr @kakaotaek @fromkamal @scis0rhands @elavin @luvkpopp @seokseokjinkim @rikisly @roxanne-ragnvindr @blackbutterfly203 @llyozl @hoonpalettes @quuuuueeeeen @qoh3 @dr3aluv5 @squidd3rs @yunhoejg @champagne-n-yachts @strwberrydinosaur @dammit-jjk @sunghoonmyprince @loves0ft @alexai @joiabedin @wuyinglin @aeminju @hii01mii @novacontreras @goldenchunkycat @ilovechanhee @mvxeon @j-wyoung @jcm-kyu @enhypens-hoe @tinydeerwasteland @dneltrise @markaeong @justjj97 @httpsrinrin @andromedawillburyyou @nvrys-blog @x-mbl @dasa3040 @yunjinsbbg @unlikelysublimekryptonite @bsu4lli @onlyuyu @sjakewrld
individual fic taglists !! (everyone in the main taglist will be tagged in every fic. if u want to be tagged in specific fics, please specify or i will assume that u want to be in the main one T^T)
break her ; @toruro @kryln8 @iamliacamila @beomibeom
pamper her ; @kryln8 @bachiraslvr
corrupt her ; @kryln8
ruin her ; @kryln8
princess her ; @sacrificeblud @ctlvrsworld
tease her ; @kryln8 @bachiraslvr @ctlvrsworld
wanna be added to any of the taglists ?? shoot me an ask or comment !
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filmofhybe · 6 months
new written series ! — by filmofhybe.
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in which
> y/n was a young girl who believed in the multiverse. Believed that in each multiverse your in, something special or memorable would happen. What if she figures out a way to travel through each and every multiverse she would be in, and meet seven different boys that captures her eyes. Which she sadly can’t seem to get them off her mind at the end of every Adventure.Will she ever meet them again in her every multiverse?
PAIRING : ot7! x reader
🥥 GENRE : friends to lovers , academic rivals , streamer x streamer , stranger to lover , patient x doctor , singer x dancer , café owner x regular customer , coming of age
WARNINGS : angst , swearing , kissing , romance , kys jokes , dad jokes lmao
🗯️ FEATURING: enhypen obvi , rei - ive , K & Jo - &team , Yunjin - Le Sserafim , Sana - twice , Hanbin - ZB1
TAGLIST : feel free to comment to be added :)
STATUS : every Friday :) (hopefully…)
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The perfect blend - YJW
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synopsis : can you ever imagine in this multiverse, you having the biggest fattest crush on your best friend - Yang jungwon, however knowing he already has a “girlfriend” hurts more than just a sting from a bee.
warnings : angst (100%) , fluff , crying , kissing
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
video our love - LHS
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synopsis : you were extremely camera shy in the actual world, so what makes you be so confident in front of millions across the world while facing towards the camera with your lover - Lee heeseung.
warnings: kissing , slight angst towards end (not much tho) , tooth rooting fluff
Healing hearts - PJS
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synopsis : doctors and patients aren’t suppose to have romantics love towards each other. However, in this multiverse, your very much in love with you hot doctor - Park Jeongseong. Whose secretly trying to heal your broken heart..
warnings : kissing , tooth rotting fluff (cheer cuz there isn’t any angst on this one WOOHOO!!)
Academic Enmity Rivalry - JS
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synopsis : all the studying just to make your parents proud until your biggest academic rival - Sim Jaehyun decides to have the biggest academic comeback. And offering you free legit tutoring lessons so you can beat him
Warnings : tooth rotting fluff , kissing , begging
Amidst Crowns - PSH
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synopsis : crazy to think about how your a Royal in this multiverse, only for the crazy self-obsessed prince himself - Park Sunghoon to hit on you 24/7. Finding it annoying you decided to throw insults at him, not knowing the consequence.
warning : insult comments , fluff , slight angst , crying
Brewing Love - KSN
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synopsis : now your a café owner?? Serving your favorite regular customer- Kim Sunoo everyday was the highlight of your day. Realizing you were falling for him before he starts bringing in girls, crushing your heart as you can’t handle it.
Warning : ANGST (I mean heavy) , kinda fluff , kiss on hand
Melodies of music & love - NR
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synopsis : the last and final multiverse , your a singer to your lover dancer - Nishimura Riki. Promised to Perform together until realizing it isn’t your passion anymore. Maybe you want to continue in this universe and never go back… but how when you miss every boy you met in the other 6 multiverse..?
warning : sweet fluff , comfort , angsty (at the end.)
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SERIES TAGLIST : @enhaz1 @dubuii @in-somnias-world @ultimatestayandminoronce @yenqa @euncsace @hoondiors @yannew @mrchweeee @ariadores @oldjws @frukkoneeeeg @dimplewonie @seobstarr @asteria-wood (white = i cant tag)
; AUTHORS NOTES : since is December 1st on Friday , I would be updating this series every Friday leading up to January-February (or even earlier than that) . I hope you guys enjoy this series as much as I do. Don’t hesitate to ask to be on the taglist by commenting!! I love you all and hope you enjoy this series that’s going to be delivered to you soon :)
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© filmofhybe on tumblr — do not copy , translate or share.
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roetrolls · 21 days
Somnia, bystanders aren't innocent...
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"Never claimed to be."
> He sounds... Resigned.
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wonlovie · 9 months
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After a nasty fall, you, world-renowned figure skater and stealer of hearts, are forced into an early retirement. But with a boyfriend who’s the star player in one of Korea’s leading hockey teams and a friend group of trending skaters who refuse to leave you in the dust, the cameras stay on. So, how are you supposed to keep it a secret when Yang Jungwon, your boyfriend’s publicly declared rival and enemy, decides you’re his next target?
— starring. hockey-player!jungwon x ex-figure-skater!reader, ft. enhypen as jungwon’s teammates, le sserafim’s yunjin and itzy’s ryujin as reader’s friends, oc as reader’s boyfriend
— tags. my super unfunny humour, some kys/kms jokes, they joke abt jake being 'dead' but he's not, smau, minor angst, fluff, kind of but not really enemies-to-lovers, slowburn, some mature content in later chapters: [cheating (not by jungwon or reader), brief depiction of drunken assault, nothing nsfw] tags will be updated as needed
— status. in progress [started 2023/09/03]
— update schedule. every sunday and thursday! bonus chapters may be posted at any time :)
— notes. my first smau !! this was originally thought of with stray kid’s han in mind but that was many months ago LOL the plot and everything has since been revamped and reimagined for jungwon so hopefully u all like it ! :)
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— teaser. blossom!
— profiles. pretty ICY || jungwon + his six kids
— content.
PROLOGUE. don't drag me down
ONE. #pushkids
TWO. yoon's hit list [smau + written ~0.8k]
FOUR. respect for the lil guy
⇀ BONUS CHAPTER. the fight [written ~1.5k]
FIVE. uh,,, oops
SIX. embarrassing
SEVEN. no one ditches movie night
EIGHT. we're lying to each other now?
NINE. i'm literally gonna get violent (smau + written ~1.1k)
to be updated
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taglist [open! send an ask or reply to be added // bolded cannot be tagged]
@jiawji @lovelovelovebts @enhacatalog @manooffline @delulu4-life @sooshibot @nwjws @lilriswife4life @maimoirs @shinrjj @bluxjun @aylin-hijabi @luviehyck @y0ubleedjusttoknowyourealive @jngwnlvs @jaeyunsleftnostril @pansies-garden @ilovecheese09 @enhaz1 @amesification @woncine @zellypop-main @underneaththestarlight @gg1609 @glitterssim @sunukissed @in-somnias-world @catsyoon @angigls @ladyartemesia @clairecottenheart @beatr2x @sunghoonsfeethair @en-happiness @woncheecks
*if you cannot be tagged, your visibility may be turned off! tumblr also doesn’t allow users to tag new blogs sometimes. i will periodically retry tagging you if your user is bolded!
©WONLOVIE please do not plagiarize, repost, translate, or copy any of my works.
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goldieclaws · 1 year
The timing on this one kept throwing me off with how fast-paced it was and hmm PERHAPS I regret picking a song like that without considering slowing it down lmao.
Either way, that's at least one animation freed from my files and backlog!
Reblogs appreciated, thank you! 💖✨
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@raven-campanile ‘s tags inspired this post
Sabo can’t close his eyes for more than a couple seconds otherwise he passes out. He wishes that would be the case when he actually tries to fall asleep but Miss Somnia is a bitch like that.
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fakeuwus · 3 months
UNDERSTAND | CHAPTER 12: omg i love jungkook sunbaenim
warnings: cursing, typos
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MESSAGE FROM NIC: realized i fucked up the tags for ch 10 and 11 so my bad 😭😭😭 hope yall enjoyed this one and are ready for the wave of angst thats coming 🫨🫨🫨 it wont be too bad tho, just crucial for the story! and feedback and reblogs are appreciated, lmk what u guys think!!! ily all 😽🫶🏼
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TAGLIST: @enmayz @02zhoonie @myjaeyunn @shinrjj @justandloyal2961 @enhaz1 @quemirasboboandapaya @mrchweeee @in-somnias-world @stqrrgirle @heesbaby @dear-hoon @karinasbaby @sunjaywoning @jjhmk @en-happiness @sunsunl0ver @yenqa @fluerz @ohmykwonsoonyoung @nicholasluvbot @enhypeniara @mari-oclock @randomperfections05 @astrae4 @cassie6392 @jongseongslvr @kwiwin @bbangricz @darly6n @kyanmeai @cheybabey @jiawji @luvkpopp @rory-cant-sleep @miujunhui @odisdad @luveuism @manooffline @hyehae @aloverga @stryroses @infpistj @isawritesss @fufubai @chaerybae
© fakeuwus 2024 do not repost, translate, or plagiarize
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