#son of the shadowns
teacupnotes · 5 years
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Today i finished Child of the Prophecy, so i want to talk about this trilogy. It will contain spoilers. And i know it’s actually a series, with another 3 books; but i still don’t have them.
Besides i will take a break from reading fiction, to read the book about racism i mentioned on my other booklr post.
Rereading Daughter of the Forest, I was able to go back to my teenagehood and relive my love for fairy tale retellings. I don’t think i had finished this book before, because i didn’t remember the ending.
But Sorcha, oh my gosh, she was a formidable MC. She was strong and with an iron will, that impressed me quite a lot. I might have had a tiny (lol who am i kidding, big) crush on Red, so i see what she saw in him by marrying him, even if he’s a breton. 
It was amazing reading her grow up, to see how Sorcha as a child was different from Sorcha the older teen. I refuse to call it young adult, because gdi, they’re still KIDS. Yeah yeah yeah the ~times were different~ and people lived half of our current life expectation, but it was something that i was constantly aware of while reading: how Sorcha and Red’s age gap was uncomfortable for me.
Sorcha’s relationship with her brothers was so beautiful and complex that it made me wish i wasn’t an only child. Sorcha’s romance (depite the age gap flaw), made me wish i could experience something similar, at least. I loved coming back to this book and experience it, like it was the first time, all over again.
With Son of the Shadows, i didn’t really know what to expect. I remembered vaguely some characters (but not the MC, Liadan, who’s the youngest daughter of Sorcha). I remembered Ciarán and his forbidden relationship. Rereading the book was, once again, like reading it for the first time.
Liadan was very much like her mother, with a powerful inner strength, a clear path to walk on. She was very stubborn, and i loved how she confronted the Fair Folk, despite the constant threats they made her. I loved how she stubbornly made The Painted Man change his mind about women, and eventually they even fall in love. 
The only thing i didn’t quite like about him was that he was bald. Well, not quite, because he could grow hair but chose to have a shaved head. He was as stubborn as Liadan. They were made for each other. Although the freaking age gap existed again, with Liadan with like 16 years old and her guy being 21. What’s up with thaaaaaaaaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, i wanted to know more about Niamh, her older sister. Her story felt incomplete, empty, as she was made to be more like of a bimbo, an airhead, and i think that was very unfair. I really understood her resentment to Liadan, who was a copy of Sorcha almost, and so, treated very differently.
 Anyhow, this was a great read. I had hoped that the (then) final book would be as fantastic. But boy was i wrong...
Unlike the other two previous books, Child of the Prophecy was a difficult read. Unlike Sorcha and Liadan, Fainne was a MC with whom i struggled immensely connecting to, and to root for.
She did many terrible things; her constant self doubt was tiring and annoying, her back and forth morals and choices, made her a two sided character, to which was very difficult to relate with or to look up to. Not even the last 3 chapters, where she finally decides to choose the path of Light and Good, make up for what she did in the rest of the book. Fainne was extremely insecure, constantly pushed everyone she loved away, and believed blindly that she was cursed and that was nothing she could do to live a life of a good woman. She was a witch, you see...
I wanted to pause the book so many times, and stop there. (This has only happened with another JM book, Cibele’s Secret, which i began reading but never finished.) I wanted to know more about the side characters, like Darragh, Johnny, or even Ciarán. I was very unsatisfied with the ending too. It felt rushed. I wanted to have the chance to see Fainne and Darragh’s relationship truly blossom, something that was the focus of the story, instead of a sub-plot (something that you wouldn’t even pay much attention to). (At least they didn’t have as much of a big age gap as the other two!)  Instead, i was given a extremely short epilogue, that talked more about the outsider’s perception of Needle Island and its inhabitants, than about Fainne and her family.
I really hope that the other 3 books in the series make up for this one. But i think they will, since they’re about the daughters of Liadan instead.
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christophernolan · 3 years
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Kaz dropping some pearls of wisdom.
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What it is like dating Minecraft Diaries Zane Ro'meave
(I'm bored it's late. You know the drill-)
To even be close enough to him like this would either mean A. You have somthing he wants and he thinks this is the way to get it or B. He genuinely cares for you (obviously).
Early in the relationship he would be slightly hesitant to do anything really intimate. As in simple cuddling or anything of that nature. Mainly because he does have people who hate him and wouldn't miss the opportunity to attack him. After some time though he won't object to the idea of it though!.
But in saying that he would still do nice things for you. Like buy you gifts and take you places.
If your relationship is more of a secret he would tell people your just friends who are hanging out of someone asks.
If your relationship is out though he won't hesitate to tell someone your together.
Or if someone is hitting on you he will shut that down SO quick!
This man doesn't have many people but he is loyal to the few he has by fault. So you don't have to worry about him cheating or anything like that.
In saying that he is also the type of person to be paranoid just a bit, thinking someone will try to take you away from him or that you would find someone better.
He just needs reassurance.
I feel like his love language is affirmation and gift giving.
Cause he is a lords son so of course he has money. He will spoil you rotten if you let him.
Saying that if you give anything to him he would act as if he doesn't care or doesn't make a big deal of it. But in all honesty he would be very happy and love that you cared about him to the point you wanted to give him somthing. It could be small and he would cherish it to the end of his existence.
If you got with him before his brother Garroth ran away and all that stuff he would be a bit worried about you meeting his brothers. Cause he feels like maybe you would think their better then him and/or leave him.
Would love it if you wanted to meet Zianna!
On meeting Garte though he would be 50/50. He hates the idea of Garte saying anything bad about himself or yourself. Or he would be afraid he father would not let him be with you. On the other hand perhaps if your of high enough status and/or convince Garte "of your worth" and then have Garte aprove of you would make him ecstatic!
Now further into the relationship where you both completely trust each other he won't mind holding hands with you or putting an arm over your shoulder/around your waist in public.
To him your beautiful and deserve to know that.<3
Not to mention he will flirt with you alot. He is known to be good with his words (*cough* manipulation *cough*) so he would be good at pickup lines or somthing along the lines of that.
After he becomes a shadown knight though he kinda worries more. There is more people after him and he is afraid maybe they will use you to get to him.
So he would definitely become more protective/possesive.
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Sooooo thats all I have for now! I plan to do garroth next!^^
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spider-man-199999 · 6 years
SF9 Taeyang as a bad boii part lll
Part1 Part2
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You were shaking after you read the message he sent you
You tried calling his number but an operator said it was no longer active
You didn’t sleep for days wondering where he was
And if he was ever coming back
Judging from his message, he wasn’t
You didn’t attend the group presentation because your teammates were absent
The professor said Tae dropped out of college
You cried during that class
You had no idea what was going on
Everything was a huge mess
And there was no going back
All you really wanted to know was that he was ok
At least you knew he was alive
You were a walking shipwreck
You hands were shaking all the time and you started skipping meals
A walking corpse, that’s what you were
You started skipping your classes altogether
All you did all day was feel bad and lay in bed
you weren’t comfortable with this situation 
and you were basically on a pill diet 
because you felt like killing yourself most of the time
you felt guilty 
but most importantly ypu felt like your ture self vanished together with Taeyang 
Somewhere in another city Taeyang was back to his old ways, driving an expensive car, spending money on alcohol
He didn’t plan on telling you he was leaving
But he felt like he owed you this much
After starting his new life there he felt like there was a void in his chest and it was consuming him
He tried to fill it with alcohol and cigarettes
Even one night stands
But nothing could fill it
he took pills 
but none of them work 
something was eating his insides 
he lost some weight 
and himself in the meanwhile 
he felt pain constantly 
and wanted to end it 
if he had died that night, he would have been a million times happier than now 
One night he met a girl at a bar
She was stunning
And he knew he’d take her home
They ended up having sex
And he felt more attached to her than anyone else
To him, she became more than just a one night stand
He saw her often, they had sex often
At a point he even thought he loved her
But one night while he was smoking his cigarette on the balcony and she hugged him from behind, kissing his shoulder, he realised that the void in his chest as not been fulled but the exact opposite - it had grown bigger
she had no substance 
she was appealing to him in looks 
but her personality was absent 
she’d say ok to anythig he asked her to do 
she was just a pretty shell 
like a doll he got to fuck 
and he knew she didn’t love him 
she loved his car and his money 
his looks 
his touch
but not him 
she’d love anyone who’d give her the right kind of attention 
and she’d never be greatful for what he had done 
she said she loved him 
but she never said “thank you”
they never argued 
And that night he laughed at himself for being such a fool
“What’s so funny?” She’d ask, pressing her cheek agains his back
“I don’t love you” he’d say exhaling the smoke from his cigarette
“What do you mean?”
“What I said”
He’d put on his jacket and walked out
She kept calling and texting him
And he ignored her
She eventually gave up on him 
Not long after they saw each other again 
she had moved on 
and he had started realising things 
things that made him feel like he had left his soul back home in your dorm room 
and she asked what had she done wrong 
to push him away 
he smiled at her 
with that cocky smile of his that made you weak in the knees 
he didn’t answer 
which frustrated her 
“Was I not your type? Or was I too good for you?”
“I ain’t got no type. And you shouldn’t get too attached to your new one, he’s not a keeper”
“You’re one to speak. I guess I’ve always knew it, you were in love with someone else the whole time, weren’t you?”
“Maybe I was” 
he looked away into the distance thinking to himself 
“But I never realised it”
“Of course you wouldn’t, you’re too selfish for that”
“You’re one to speak” he imitated her remark 
her eyes sparkled in the darkness of the night 
and her long black hair blended with the shadowns surrounding them 
“I miss the old you. The one that used to hold me down and pull me close”
he laughed at this and walked away from her slowly, waving his hand, the other one in his front poket but never looking back 
he left her for good that night after they had sex and he eas smoking on the balcony 
because she couldn’t fill the void 
the next couple of days were blending to him 
he could not say what happened and when it happened 
but he got lost in spending money and having sex with diffrent girls 
he didn’t have hangovers because he never stopped drinking
one day his mum tried calling him, but couldn’t reach him  
she called because his birthday was approaching and she wanted to know if he was coming home for it
she left a message on his voicemail 
he opened it while looking out the window
he had just went out of the shower, his hair was wet and little droplets from it were falling on his lap while he was sitting on the bed 
“Son, you need to pull yourself together. You’re not living right. I sometimes wonder how you haven’t ended up with a bullet through your brain yet. You used to be such a cheerful kid when you were young. I still love you, despite your currnet state. Son, I don’t know what went wrong but the light in your eyes, you know, the one you used to have before you finished high school, I saw it again not so long ago. I saw it during the time you were working on some kind of homework with the other kids. I don’t know what it was that returned it but it was there. You need to find yourself again, son. Anyway, call me back when you make up your mind on coming back for your birthday or not”
the droplets were still falling down from his wet locks and landing on his tights 
they were cold and made him shiver 
and hot tears were running down his cheeks and falling next to the droplets 
“Oh, mom” He sobbed “Only if you knew why the light is gone”
he cried himself to sleep that night 
and called his mum in the morning 
“Yeah, I made up my mind, I won’t be coming back, sorry mom”
“It’s ok, have a nice birthday, my love”
right around that time your friends decided to cheer you up and go on a roadtrip 
you were getting better but you still weren’t completely fine with the sudden disappearance of Taeyang 
you were in the backseat eating the sandwich your friends made for you 
“Why was the great depression all about, Y\N?”
you chocked on your sandwich 
“Oh, um.... you know that guy that used to study in our uni, his name was Taeyang”
“Wait you mean THE TAEYANG, the one that got sucked off in the locker room?”
“Yeah, the same asshole”
“NO, WHAT THE HELL??? I DIDN’T BLOW HIS FLUTE! LET’ME FINISH! we had this group project together and all and I somehow got involved in his stuff and I ended up kidnapped one night. He...um... he almost died that night, and then he just disappeared into thin air”
“You make it sound like you two were dating or something”
your friends went silent 
“I was scared he was dead,ok? I still think he’s most likely dead. And I think it’s my fault”
“It’s probably not like that...”
“It’d be best if it were like that”
you had an overall nice day when you arrived in the other city 
you saw some sights and went shopping 
ate until your stomach started hurting 
took lots of pictures with your idiotic friends 
you felt happy for the first time in a while 
at the end of the day, right before sunset, you went to the shore
you sat on the sand and watched the sun setting while drinking beer 
“Guys, I have an idea! Let’s scream something we wish we had said before and we regret not saying!” your friend suggested and you and the other one agreed 
they were screaming stupid things like “I DON’T LIKE HOW THAT DRESS LOOKS ON YOU” “NO, I DON’T WANT A PLASTIC BAG”
it was your turn to say what you wanted 
you got up and took a deep breath 
and you fell on the sand looking at the sun, tears running down your cheeks once again 
you heard familiar voice shout 
at first you thought your mind was playing triks on you 
but your friends heard it as well 
you turned around and you saw Tae standing a few metres away from your group 
his cocky smirk was present 
and the stupid leather jacket he always wore 
his hairstyle was diffrent from before but it only made him sexier 
it was pure luck that both of you ended up on the beach at the same time on the same day 
he couldn’t hold back his smile seeing you there on his birthday 
it was the best gift he could wish for 
you ran up to him scolding him and crying at the same time 
you threw sand at him and started hitting his chest afterwards 
and he was laughing through it all 
he pressed you to his chest so you couldn’t hit him anymore 
you sobbed into his shirt 
“You’re a dirtbag” you mumbled aginst his chest 
“I know” 
“I hate you”
“You don’t”
“I do”
he laughed
“I don’t want to see you ever again. But I don’t want to let you go just as much”
“Can we talk elsewhere?”
you nodded still hugging him 
“I’ll steal her for a while” he shouted to your friends “Or for ever, haven’t decided yet”
he lead you to his apartament 
and you talked about what happened that night when you were kidnapped 
he said that he did, in fact, almost die that night
and he said he had to run 
and that those guys had been watching you 
so he had to leave and not contact you, or they’d find him in a matter of seconds 
you talked about a lot of other things as well 
your feelings as well 
and why he had become a bad boy in the first place 
you never knew he hated his dad for cheating on his mother 
she still didn’t know 
and Tae didn’t believe in love ever since he saw his father with that other woman 
he never had a stable relationship with his dad 
and this only made the matter worse 
he cried that night 
and you hugged him tight 
it was already late 
and he had to drive you to your hotel 
the drive there was silent 
“Will you ever come back?”
“I might in a year or two”
he stopped at a red light and looked at you, seeing the sadness written all over his face 
“Don’t be sad kiddo, I’ll come visit. Plus, my apartment is always open for you, it’s only a two-hour drive from home you know”
you crossed your arms in front of your chest 
“yeah, whatever”
“Hey, look at me” 
you turned your head to look at him 
and he kissed you
“I’ll make it work, I promise”
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speeshblog · 5 years
Review: A Mighty Dawn - Theodore Brun
Review: A Mighty Dawn – Theodore Brun
My version: Paperback Genre: Historical Fiction, Early eighth century Scandinavia Publisher: Corvus First published: 2017 ISBN: 9781782399971 Pages: 581 (590 with Historical Note, acknowledgements) Supplied, signed
From the cover: Hakan, son of Haldan, chosen son of the Lord of the Northern Jutes, swears loyalty to his father in fire, in iron and in blood. But there are always shadown that…
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libidomechanica · 6 years
‘the elsewhat Now when be like to shadown love bar’
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