#song is ANGELUS btw
twigsyy · 4 months
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meat-wentz · 2 years
this one is mainly links, plus resources at the end for more in depth dives.
some cool pre-fob/outside fob links:
arma angelus livejournal
where sleeplessness is rest from nightmares (arma album playlist, heychris is working at the moment to get these on spotify)
the grave end of the shovel (arma EP)
last arma show
first novena show (pre-arma arma angelus)
racetraitor "broken dust" ft. a young pete and a young andy
another one
racetraitor 2019
racetraitor 2022
interview with mani mostofi 2018
now some general lore, i'll bold the ones that are referenced most often:
"The Story" 2004 (from My Heart Will Always Be the B-Side to My Tongue dvd)
"Cutting Room Floor" (LOTS of classic moments in this, joe sleeping in a cage, patrick drinking garlic butter, dunking his head in a pool, getting nervous and shaking pete's hand, etc)
extra bits sorry this literally opens with a dirty toilet
the story behind the album cover (patrick, joe and pete all lived in a shitty apartment together, where the cover of tttyg was shot on their broken couch, i promise this link is so much more informative these are just the basics)
take this to your apartment pt. 1 (fall out boy return to the apartment)
take this to your apartment pt. 2
a little reflection on the van accident
notes between patrick and joe (resolution by pete)
patrick in high school
first interview
the hollister show (includes pete jumping off the roof with an umbrella, van tour, andy "what's goin' on guys" which is important TO ME)
2003 acoustic set (IMPORTANT TO ME)
the hollister show pt. 2 (the show, which is fucking insane, sweater, shorts and black socks mention, borders mention, patrick drinking half a bottle of tobasco, pete getting tazed, first ??? mention of jason which will be expanded upon later)
i'm not putting release the bats lmao that's your job, warning it's gross, it's a will-tester for sure.
but you do get bedussey, it's like, on the syllabus. there will be a test.
FOBR bio during futct
the jason interview
patrick and pete interview for the documentary bastards of young (2005)
behind the scenes AOL
TRL debut
nintendo ds makes me forget that i don't have any friends
mtv vma performance of sugar (iconic because of the uniforms)
mtv2 video awards arrival
mtv2 win
warped diary (fob did warped in a fucking van, which is hardcore af)
behind the scenes sugar we're going down
behind the scenes dance dance
behind the scenes a little less 16 candles
fuse rock star guide (IMPORTANT TO ME)
you look good in everything honey
behind the scenes live in phoenix
don't google yourself
you look like the unabomber
wind power
fall out boy gets uncomfortable
pete's do's and don'ts for valentine's day
world's most in depth interview
gabe bothering patrick with socks and sandals
piss roulette
IMPORTANT PATRICK VIDEO TO ME (black clouds and underdogs tour)
gay above the belt
it's not a hot girl
the backpack
mark hoppus shaves pete's head (death of emo)
drum battle and this view of patrick
andy drum solo (live in phoenix)
thanks pete
boys of zummer
happy paintings
coffee's for closers dance
YBC commentary by patrick and pete
family feud
just a few reading extras because i'm tired and i've worked on this for so long i'm going crosseyed:
pete/patrick huge primer
what a catch donnie songfacts page
in defense of folie a deux
(btw patrick does a different song every intro for i hate myself, also it's very healing please listen to all 6 episodes)
Loud and Sad Radio (pete podcast)
@stumpomatic-blog and @fobomatic-blog are both archival projects to document the band
here's a giant video vault
peachy.stump on instagram, invaluable resource for updates, throwbacks and all the little tidbits you could want.
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moaning-riddle · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers.(ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
Omg this is so cool!! Hii 👋(im @solis-angelus btw if u didn't know :))
Ok so—
music. Electric guitars, guitars of any kind. Drumsssss (I would kill to learn those.) Loads of songs. and my voice when its good, which is rare.
the smell of storms/rain. uk wet soil, leaves..that smell (the general feel of storms is great, as long as you're out of harm's way ofc)
My mother. She's the reason I live for.
The hillside. The hilly/mountainous areas are SO GOOD in my state istg
thank you for such a nice and kind ask <333
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badluvkii · 2 years
blue flame by lesserafim was laced w crack bc this song is so beautiful and usually i cant listen to slow stuff like that bc it’s boring [my fav songs r new lyfe by angelus and sunny by saturn u can see km not for slow songs] but lesserafim do that musix so well they literally became my ult gg
eunchae is my bias btw 😘
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clandestine-rabbit · 5 years
Random story #3
Here we go again folks.
So my friend Angel was in town so he asked if I wanted to meet him and his gf to hang at the library. I was planning on it already so I headed there (where I currently am but I stayed after they left. Anyway) so I got here earlier than Angel did so I was chilling working on a doodle when I saw a sweater that looked weirdly familiar and i couldn't figure out why but I payed no mind and kept drawing. Finally i get a text from Ange and his gf's friend was at the library so we were all gonna hang. I didn't think anything of it and said okay cool see ya soon.
Again I saw the sweater closer but still ignored it, the guy walked by me and his sneakers looked weirdly familiar too and i couldn't figure out why but I figured I'd seen them maybe on a drawing character or just on some random person. Angel texts where are you and I tell him I'm in the back corner of the library.
So Angel walks around a bookcase, his wonderful gf behind him.
And y'all know who her friend was?
Can ya guess? I'll give you a bit
It was Mr. Fall-Out-Boy-are-sell-outs
He looked like he'd shit his pants when he saw me but no way was i going to ruin Angel's time in the city so i just greeted them both and Angel's gf introduced me to the dude by my nickname (which may as well be my name now). We all sat down and caught up, Angel introduced me to new music and I showed him new bands too, his GF talked to me about college while tge guy, I'll call him V, was practically squirming in his chair.
GF is an absolute angel btw, not kidding. She's sweet and nice, but I'll admit when I say she's a lot more firmer than I am that when someone's appears nice they always are (not that i think everyone's evil, I just don't always think someone's always Sunshine's and rainbows). She turned to V and asked if he was okay cause he'd been dead silent the whole time. He just said sure and that he was a little under the weather.
I didn't say anything, Angel and me were just talking and he asked if I'd recorded singing Victoria yet (Arma Angelus). I said i hadn't cause I was still trying to figure out how to do so when this conversation happened and O O F I wish I could've recorded his face.
GF: what's Victoria?
Me: oh here *hands her phone and earbuds* I like Arma Angelus
GF: *has a look of surprise on her face when it plays* oh! I didn't know you like this stuff
Me: mhm
V: *thinks I don't hear him* Fall out boy trash
Me: *I stare at him blankly, he starts to squirm again* what was that? I think you're feeling a little down, maybe you should head home
V: maybe you should fuck off
GF: *takes earbuds out because i had the volume low for her* V what the hell did you say?
V: she's being rude
GF: okay first of I told you Chicago is a they, it's not hard to remember. Second, they just said maybe you should head home if you feel that crummy
Angel, who has been looking at me while i mouth "hes the guy" because i told him the story: hey V, look, just cool down okay? Chicago didn't mean anything by it. We're just worried about you
V: *is glaring at me but I've won this round, as if there'd be more and OH IS THERE*
GF: well anyway Chicago. That was a pretty cool song, what are they again?
Me: Amra Angelus but they're gone now. You can however find the vocalist in.... *I whipped out my drawing bag, on it are little 16 candles fall out boy pins* fall out boy!
GF: *is now laughing, cause I'm smooth like that* oh wow really? Oh wait is it the bassist, I think Angel mentioned that
V: wait you like those sell outs *he starts glaring at angel* you're kidding right?
Angel: I'm sorry you think they're sell outs but yes I like them, especially Andy
Me and GF: oooooooooh (we ways tease him about his crush on andy)
V: wait you're GAY? (I almost strangled him) *to GF* Why are you dating a gay dude
GF: He's bi, V. Jesus what is wrong with you today?
V: whats wrong with ME? why are you friends with that *points at me* and why are you dating a gay guy *points at Angel*
(Remember how I said this got better? Here we go : ) )
V: I happen to have known the dudes in arma and they would've curb stomped you to the street *talking to me*
GF and Angel stand up, pretty sure GF is ready to break V's face but I start smiling.
Me: okay? I mean if they wanted to kill soke kid for just being the way they are then fine
V, looking like a freshly picked tomato: you fucking crazy bitch. You like a bunch of sell outs, fall out boy are shit dudes. What was it, didn't the drummer try to shoot himself? Oh and that basssit dude almost died in a Best buy. What a pussy
--interrupting story time--
Bring up
What Andy said to me
Or what happened to Pete
If you're going to insult them and call them weak in my face
--back to our schedule--
Im 5'3/4", I'm a tiny bean and I'm mainly chub but I will still knock you down. I stood up to beat this fucker cause I was DONE but GF must've summoned the god of patience because she placed her hand on my shoulder and gently sat me back down, Angel sat down but was obviously angry still.
GF, with the kindest calmest voice I've ever heard: V, you are no longer my friend and I want nothing to do with you. I don't know anything about Arma Angelus or Fall out boy but Chicago is my friend and I won't listen to you say those kinds of things to them. Please leave the table before I get a librarian and tell her you've started getting agressive and need to leave.
V looked like he was going to say something then, at that point i was crying because I was so mad and angel had pulled ne into a hug, GF sat back down and looked at him expectantly before saying in the most terrifyingly calm tone that i swear could've frozen the whole library in a block of ice
"I said get the fuck out of here or I'll be the one to curb stomp you're homophobic ass into a pile of mush"
I've never seen anyone run that fast but he was gone. Immediately GF was apologizing and hugging me, she was crying because she didn't know how awful V was and when Angel told her about how he'd been rude to me yesterday the poor girl looked like I was a kicked puppy. We hung out for a bit longer, got some Burger King, then said goodbye
And hopefully that is the last i will see of V
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Man, I was having all kinds of crazy dreams last night.
First I was dreaming about Sora and Kairi, but they were kind of like Angelus and Buffy... which would thankfully never happen. You know you have Buffy on the mind too much, when-
Then for some reason, I was dreaming about the anime “The World Is Still Beautiful” and Livi and Nike from it, like that it finally got an English dub. Actually, I think it’s had an English dub for a while--don’t quote me on that--and that it was really good. And that I also bought the soundtrack, and they finally made that “It’s a Tender Rain” song something to write home about... though to be honest, I don’t know if anyone could save that song. I’m sorry, but it’s true.
The best dream, though, was that I was back to working at the daycare and my RL best friend was my co-teacher in the baby room (she never once worked there in RL, btw). And, like, I guess she’d been in this app where she’d been trying to pay on her car, and she paid $5,000 on it. But then one of the babies stole her phone without her realizing it, and pressed the button again, so she ended up having to pay an extra $5,000 on the car that she hadn’t planned on. And rightfully freaked out when she found this out. Oh, man. This was really funny. I felt bad for Danielle in the dream, but it wasn’t real so it doesn’t matter. I was cracking up about then when I woke up. I wonder what prompted this. XD. The funny thing is, the babies totally would steal your phones, like out of your pockets, if you weren’t careful. I also remember the day my favorite baby one a battle in Kingdom Hearts Union X on my phone. Good times!
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zyx · 8 years
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So I've been tagged in the lock screen / home screen / tag song by @sehunjusthitthelotto thanks btw 💜 There's no explanation for my backgrounds lmao wot can I say I love my boyfriends :/ AND I've been obsessed with this song like honestly ? ICONIC!!!!!!!! 👏🏼 I tag @softjaebeom @soloyixingsalbum @zhangiyixing @yicxing @micheggalicious @louils @magnusgoatee @angelu @bemybabybywondergirls @ghostmagneto 🙈💙
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cheekyhearteyes · 8 years
11, 16, 34?? x
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? - 18 i guess? it was a year when SO MANY things happened, both good and bad, but it taught me a lot. plus i could buy alcohol lmao 16. The last song you listened to? - Alterniabound- Rex Duodecim Angelus (it’s from webcomic Homestuck which i never finished btw :D but the song is cool, makes me think of space and alternate timelines and stuff like that :))34. What was your last dream about? -you know i dont dream much lately so i can’t really remember? :/ i feel like i should remember, but i don’tthankyou for the ask jade
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