#song: diamonds are a girl's best friend/material girl
gleesongtournament · 1 year
Glee Song Tournament Redemption Round
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theostrophywife · 9 months
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pairing: lorenzo berkshire x reader.
song inspiration: dress by taylor swift.
author's note: can't stop thinking about that anon that called me out on being feral for theo yet soft for my baby boy cutie pie sweetie enzo. they were so right, but can you blame me? enzo is the pretty boy. he invented baby girlism.
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“How do I look?” 
Enzo blinked away the words that materialized in his mind, shaking off the thoughts that he had no business thinking about his best friend. His honey eyes darkened as you descended the winding staircase, the billowing skirt of your ball gown kissing the checkered floor of your family’s mansion. 
The pretty lilac shade complimented your complexion, making you glow underneath the crystal chandelier. Every curve draped in luxurious velvet fabric, like temptation wrapped in a pretty little bow just to torment him. 
“Earth to Enzo,” you teased, poking at your best friend’s shoulder with a gloved finger. “Have I lost you?”
Enzo sucked in a breath, relishing in the sight of you. “Sorry. You look…” he trailed off, searching for the right words. “You look stunning, Y/N.” 
Your smile nearly took his breath away. The action lit up your entire face, crinkling the corner of your eyes in the most endearing way. Enzo was entranced as you straightened his tie, pinching his cheek because you both knew that he secretly loved it.
“You don’t look so bad yourself, Berkshire.” The playful tone of your voice made his heart skip a beat, the steady rhythm echoing in his ears as Enzo offered you his arm. “The girls will be envious of my handsome escort.”
“I think they’ll be more envious of that dress,” Enzo murmured softly. The smooth, low cadence of his voice flowed through you like honey. “I don’t think anyone will be able to keep their eyes off of you tonight, love.” 
Including him. 
The ballroom was filled to the brim with guests from the sacred and influential families, the women dressed to the nines in silk, lace, and velvet, their ears and wrists and necks dripping with diamonds. The men wore impeccably fitted suits with watches and family heirloom rings that cost more than a year’s worth of wages. 
All around the room, attendees nursed their cocktails and indulged in the impressive spread of hors d'oeuvres, whispering excitedly about the grandeur and opulence of the ball your family hosted every year, but he barely picked up on their conversations. Enzo smiled and nodded politely, but his attention wasn’t on any of them. 
Instead, the entirety of his focus fell on you. Enzo watched as you chatted and charmed the crowd, even going so far as gaining a slight smile from his surly uncle Lucius, who was notoriously unimpressed by anything and everything. Your best friend was entirely convinced that you could’ve charmed the feathers off of a hippogriff. 
“What a delightful girl you are. Exactly the type of lady young Lorenzo should be courting.” Lucius drawled. “Draco would do well to follow his cousin’s example.” 
Narcissa smiled. “I’m afraid our son is too late. These two are quite smitten with each other already.” 
Neither one of you corrected the couple. There was truly no use. Despite the countless attempts at clarifying the nature of your relationship, the adults still assumed that the two of you were together. Sometimes it was just easier to play along. Enzo had no complaints. Especially not when you placed a kiss on his cheek and nodded in agreement. 
“Can you blame me, Mrs. Malfoy?” You teased, winking at Enzo. “Lorenzo’s quite the catch. Anyone would be lucky to have such a perfect gentleman by their side.” 
Enzo tried not to blush as Lucius and Narcissa nodded in approval. Luckily, his aunt and uncle moved along, allowing you to greet the other guests. Throughout the night, Enzo stayed by your side, chiming in when needed, refilling your drinks when you ran out, and feeding you appetizers in between breaks. The rest of his friends teased him for it, but Enzo was perfectly content with playing the part of escort. 
“Mother was right. Y/N has every male in here eating out of her hand,” Draco said, looking over at you in appreciation as he took a sip of champagne. “Can’t blame them. That dress is something else. She looks proper fit.” 
“You don’t stand a chance, Malfoy.” Mattheo scoffed as he popped a bacon wrapped fig into his mouth. 
Theo nodded in agreement, eyes glazed over from the smoke break that he and Mattheo took in the gardens earlier. “Blondes aren’t Y/N’s type.” His mouth quirked as he glanced over at Enzo. “Isn’t that right, Berkshire?”
“You lot are insufferable,” Enzo said with an eye roll. 
He glanced over the top of his champagne glass, smiling softly to himself as he watched his mum fawn over you. She often joked about taking her engagement ring out of the Gringott’s vault despite the fact that Enzo repeatedly told her that the two of you weren’t in a relationship. Along with everyone else, his parents seemed convinced that the two of you were meant to be. 
“What’s the matter, cousin? Jealous that Y/N might take a liking to me?” 
“She’d sooner snog a rat,” Enzo replied sarcastically. 
“A ferret is close enough, isn’t it?” asked Regulus.
“Malfoy might stand a chance after all,” was Tom’s deadpan response. 
Mattheo chuckled. “Good one, brother. Come on, lads. We should let Enzo get back to his date.” 
With a sigh, Enzo downed his champagne glass before rejoining your side. You were in deep conversation with his parents, but broke out into a goofy grin the minute you caught sight of him. 
“There’s my handsome date,” you exclaimed. “I must say, you raised quite a gentleman, Mr. and Mrs. Berkshire. I couldn’t have asked for a better escort. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that he looks quite handsome in a suit.”
Enzo flushed as you straightened his tie. His father smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “I reckon Lorenzo gets that from me.”
“No doubt, Mr. Berkshire. All the ladies seem to think so. Perhaps I should stop hogging him to myself and give the others a chance.”
“Try as you might, Lorenzo only has eyes for you, dear.” Enzo groaned, blushing at his mum’s embarrassing statement. “What? It’s true. You two make a beautiful couple.”
Enzo was about to correct his mother for the millionth time, but you simply slipped your gloved hand through his elbow and smiled. “Thank you, Mrs. Berkshire. We clean up rather well, don’t we?” 
You giggled as Enzo turned red in the face. Completely unaware of his desire to melt into the marble floor, his mother flashed you a pleased smile. “There’s no need for formalities. I insist that you call me Helene. You’re practically family at this point. Though I do hope my son will add you into the Berkshire brood soon enough. Speaking of which, what is your ring size, dear?”
Never in his life had Enzo felt so mortified. It was one thing to have the adults mistake you for a couple, but to have his mother imply marriage was an entirely different beast. One that Enzo had no plans of tackling tonight. 
“That’s our cue for a dance. I think you’ve kept our gracious host long enough, mum.” 
His mother started to protest until his father placed an arm around her shoulder. “Now, now, my love. Let the children be. Plenty of time to discuss serious matters during Y/N’s next visit, which we hope will be soon. Our grand piano has been feeling a bit neglected lately and we have missed your lovely rendition of the classics.”
“Well we certainly can’t have your Steinway sit idle for too long. I promise to come by for tea before term starts.” You kissed both of his parents on the cheek. A friendly gesture that he had never seen them engage in with any of his friends. “It’s always a pleasure, Helene and Henry. Now if you’ll excuse us, Lorenzo and I are about to put those waltz lessons to good use.”
Enzo’s father clapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t let this young lady get away, Lorenzo.”
The tips of Enzo’s ears went positively red as his parents departed. “Sorry about that. I’ve tried to tell them that we aren’t dating, but as you can see, it’s fallen on deaf ears.” 
You grinned, reaching up on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “It’s alright. I truly don’t mind. Your parents are quite charming. Clearly you inherited that trait.” You rubbed at the kiss print you left behind and giggled. “Now, I believe you promised me a dance, Mr. Berkshire.” 
Enzo smiled, his arm already circling around your waist. “I always keep my promises, Ms. Y/L/N. Prepare to be swept off your feet, love.” 
Time seemed to still as Enzo escorted you onto the dancefloor. You beamed at him, curtsying with a silly grin while he bowed in return. The two of you waltzed together as the live musicians played a soft and slow tune. Enzo couldn’t help but admire you as you twirled around in your pretty lilac dress. A few curls fell out from your updo, sweeping against your rosy cheeks while you fell into step with him. As he held you tightly against him, Enzo hoped to Merlin that the music was loud enough to drown out the rapid beating in his chest. 
Deny it as he may, Enzo knew deep down that his heart only beat for you anyways. 
The rest of the night passed by in a blur. Ever the gracious host, you personally said goodbye to each guest until the last person left the manor. Given the late hour, you insisted that Enzo stay the night, a request that was quickly turned into a command by your parents. They adored Enzo as much as you did, perhaps even more. Though he doubted that their affection would remain the same if they knew the filthy thoughts that plagued him every time he stayed over. 
“C’mon, Enz,” you said, tugging at his hand. “Last person up the stairs has to pick up croissants in the morning!”
Enzo chuckled before breaking into a sprint. You squealed as he gained in on you, gathering your dress up in your hands while slipping your heels off and making a run for it. You nearly tripped on the taffeta, but luckily Enzo caught you around the waist and hauled you over his shoulder. 
“I guess we both lose, honey.” 
You giggled as Enzo marched into your room before discarding you gently on the four poster bed. He smiled as you sprawled out on the mattress and dragged him down beside you. Scooting up against the pillows, Enzo traced the initials that the two of you carved against your bedpost when you were ten. 
“Do you remember the day we carved those in?” 
Enzo nodded. “The summer before our first year at Hogwarts.” He smiled as he recalled the memory. “We were both so scared of being sorted into different houses, but you said that if we carved our initials together, then nothing would be able to separate us.” 
“Mum and dad were furious,” you said with a chuckle. “But it was worth it. Ten years later and it still stands true. If we’re lucky, it’ll last for an eternity.” 
“Luck has nothing to do with it,” Enzo declared. “I’d still be by your side even when the carvings fade.” 
You smiled softly and turned over to face him. Enzo brushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear, those honey eyes flickering with emotion. “Do you really think so? What about when we both get married? I don’t think your wife would appreciate me hanging around, Enz.” 
“That won’t be a problem,” Enzo countered confidently. 
You traced over his dimple, memorizing the feel of his skin underneath your fingertips. “How can you be so sure?” you teased. 
“Because you’re the only one I could ever picture myself marrying.” 
The gravity of his words settled between you. Enzo almost wished he could take it back if not for the relief that flooded his entire body now that he had spoken his true feelings out loud. After years of silence and patience, of pining and anticipating, of hands shaking from holding back from you, Enzo felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. 
Whether or not you returned the sentiment mattered very little to him. All Enzo knew was that he loved you and he could no longer sit here and pretend that you weren’t carved into his heart and soul like a golden tattoo. 
“Lorenzo,” you whispered softly. If it were anyone else, Enzo would’ve loathed hearing his full name, but the moment you said it, everything just stopped. “I don’t want you like a best friend.” 
His heart stopped beating. “Do you mean that, Y/N?” 
“Of course I mean it,” you affirmed. “You’re my favorite person. You’re not only my best friend, but you’re my lifeline. We’ve seen each other through the best and worst of times and somehow we haven’t grown sick of each other and I don’t think we ever will. You’re the only person I see myself marrying too, Enzo. You’re my one and only.” 
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear that,” he whispered softly, noses brushing close. “Though it’s not nearly as long as I’ve waited to do this.” 
You held your breath as Enzo leaned forward, closing the gap between you. The space that signified the boundary of your friendship was nearly nonexistent now, filled with longing looks and shaking hands. Your eyes fluttered close as soon as your lips met. 
With a shaky exhale, you melted into Enzo’s arms as he clutched you close. One hand weaved around your waist while the other cupped your jaw. You sighed into the kiss, relishing the feel of his lips against yours. Enzo tasted like champagne, making you dizzy with the sweetness as he deepened the kiss. You giggled as Enzo tugged you into his lap, tracing your fingers over the initials on the headboard before tangling them in his hair. 
The feel of Enzo was familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. This was your best friend. You knew every scar and mole and freckle by heart, but the soft sighs and plush lips were an entirely new experience that you longed to explore. 
“I wish you hadn’t waited so long,” you whispered against his lips. “We could’ve been doing this all along.” 
“We have all the time in the world to make up for it, my love.” Enzo caressed your cheek with such tenderness that it made your heart ache. “Do you even know how hard it’s been to hold myself back? How many times I’ve had to physically restrain myself from kissing the breath right out of you this night alone?” 
“You’re not alone in that. You look so damn good in that suit, it should honestly be considered a crime.”
Enzo chuckled as you straightened his lapel. “If this suit is a crime, then that dress would land you a cell in Azkaban. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you the entire night.” 
“Good,” you said with a cheeky smile. “I only bought this dress so you could take it off.” 
Those innocent honey brown eyes darkened as Enzo toyed with the strap of your dress, kissing every bit of exposed skin available to him. “Allow me to do this properly, then. Now that I have you, I intend to savor every smile, every touch, and every kiss you give me.” 
Anticipation hung heavy in the air as Enzo tugged at the laces of your dress, carefully unraveling you like his own personal gift. He helped you wriggle out of the purple fabric, sliding the dress down over your body with such gentleness and care. Your lips met once more as you slid off his jacket, your fingers making quick work of the button shirt underneath as well. When both of your clothes were piled up on your bedroom floor, Enzo lifted his head up to properly look at you. Butterflies erupted in your stomach as he drank in the sight before him. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” Enzo breathed, his voice full of awe and wonder. He tugged at the ribbons in your hair, setting your curls free. 
Tenderly, Enzo laid you back on the mattress and captured your lips with his. As promised, he took his time exploring every inch of your body. Slender fingers caressed your skin, eliciting satisfied sighs while Enzo lavished you with kisses. He groaned as your fingers tangled through his hair, pulling him impossibly close until you couldn’t tell where you began and he ended. 
You moved as one, the trust and care evident between you and Enzo. He knew you better than anyone. Knew all the quirks and flaws and oddities that made you you. Enzo knew how to touch you, how to kiss you, how to look at you in a way that made you feel like he truly saw you. 
Enzo pressed his forehead against yours. “We don’t have to rush. I’m perfectly content to wait until you’re ready.” 
It was sweet and such an incredibly Enzo thing to say. Even after waiting all this time, all he cared about was that you were comfortable. 
“I think we’ve both had our fill of waiting.” You smiled up at him, cradling his jaw. He leaned into your touch like he was savoring every bit of affection he could get. “I’ve never felt more ready for anything in my life. I trust you more than I trust myself. I love you, Lorenzo Berkshire.” 
The smile on Enzo’s face was blinding. It was like feeling the sunshine on your skin after years in darkness. It was golden. 
“I love you too, Y/N.” Enzo confessed. “I think I’ve loved you even before I knew what love was.” 
“My one and only,” you whispered, peppering kisses along his jaw. “My lifeline.” 
With heartbreaking gentleness, Enzo wrapped your legs around his waist. Honey eyes latched onto yours as he hovered over you, his astute gaze flickering over your face as he eased into you. Enzo was slow and gentle, giving you time to adjust to his size and brushing your hair out of your face while lavishing you with luxurious kisses. You moaned into his mouth as his hips met yours, feeling full and content, like joining your bodies together in this way was the most natural thing in the world. 
“Look at me, honey. I want to see those pretty eyes.” 
Your eyes opened to the most beautiful sight. The candlelit room cast a hazy glow over everything, bathing Enzo with its soft golden light. Your chest tightened as you admired him, fingertips grazing the curve of his jaw, the angles of his cheekbones, the cheeky dimples that you loved so much, the perfect aquiline nose, and the dark lashes framing those mesmerizing eyes. In the dim light, they looked like pools of honey and you felt like a fly swimming in liquid gold. 
“You’re beautiful too, Enzo. Like a work of art,” you beamed as he flushed. “My pretty boy.” 
“Don’t say that, sweetheart. Not unless you want this to be finished quicker than it started.” 
You chuckled. “Is that so? Have I found your weakness?”
Enzo groaned, shifting his hips in a way that had you moaning underneath him. “You are my weakness, my love.” 
“Yeah?” You asked, wrapping your legs tighter around his waist and rolling your hips against his. “Show me how weak I make you, pretty boy.” 
The precarious thread of self control that Enzo was desperately holding onto snapped. With a roll of his hips, he set a pace that had you clawing at the sheets. He chuckled darkly as you clambered for control, nails raking at his back before finding purchase in his hair. You tugged hard, desperate for more. 
“Oh god, Enzo.” You moaned as he slammed into you, feeling boneless as he silenced your sounds with a filthy kiss. 
“You wanted to see what you do to me?” Enzo teased, gripping your hips to hold you in place while he slid all the way out. The head of his cock barely brushed your cunt and you ached to feel all of him again. You whimpered in response as he teased you, taunted you. “You drive me fucking insane, Y/N. I think about this, every second of every day. You’re all I want. You’re all I need.” 
“So have me,” you breathed. “Have all of me, Enzo.” 
You groaned as Enzo slammed back in. It felt good to be full of him. It felt right. You murmured as much into his mouth, canting your hips to his as he raised your arms above your head and twined your fingers together. In that moment, there was nothing in the world but you and Enzo—the boy you loved making love to you. 
Despite the lust swimming in his eyes, something softer reared from underneath the surface. A look that Enzo had given you countless times over the years. A look that was pure love and adoration. Your heart swelled as you squeezed his fingers. 
“I love it when you look at me like that,” you whispered.
“Like you’re my whole world?” Enzo murmured against your lips. “You are, you know.” 
You kissed him, slow and deep. “You’re mine, too.” 
“Don’t take those pretty eyes off of me, honey.” Enzo said as he pushed your body to the brink of pleasure. “I want to watch you come apart for me.” 
“Together?” you asked, brushing the hair out of his eyes. 
“Always,” he responded. 
Enzo pressed your forehead against his, slipping past the edge with you and indulging in the sweet ecstasy of your bodies fitting perfectly together. The orgasm rocked over you first and you panted into Enzo’s mouth as he watched in awe. His own pleasure took over after a few more thrusts, your name falling sweetly from his lips as he chased the high. 
Neither one of you made any indication of moving. You were content feeling the full weight of Enzo’s blissed out body on top of yours, smiling to yourself as you ran your fingers through his hair. He sighed happily against your neck and cuddled closer. 
Enzo took your hand and kissed your fingertips. He intertwined them through his, squeezing gently as he examined your hand. 
“Four and a half.” 
“That’s your ring size, isn’t it? I’ll have to tell mum. We’ll need to get her engagement ring resized.”
You chuckled. “Engagement ring? You haven’t even asked me to be your girlfriend yet. Now you want to jump to being my fiancé?” 
“Well, girlfriend is certainly not strong enough to describe who you are to me,” He said, kissing your ring finger. “I prefer the love of my life. My future wife and the mother of my children. Though I suppose I’ll settle for fiancé.” 
“Will you at least let me get used to calling you my boyfriend first?” 
“Fine,” Enzo huffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. “You can call me your boyfriend. For now.” 
“How generous of you, Mr. Berkshire.” 
You grinned and pulled him in for a kiss. Enzo nuzzled his nose against yours, looking down at you with those innocent honey eyes. “I’ll show the future Mrs. Berkshire how generous I can be. Then you’ll be calling me your husband in no time.” 
“I like the sound of that, pretty boy.” 
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jknerd · 5 months
The Secret of NIMH: Sparklies Are A Girl's Best Friend
I just wanted to draw Mrs. Brisby wearing a red bow dress (similar to Marilyn Monroe/Madonna's from their respective song "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend"/"Material Girl")
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butterflystrands · 2 months
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we're sorta living in a material world where diamonds are a girl's best friends or smth 🤨✋ ( two VERY obvious dolly songs that are on her playlist lollll - old doodle that pays tribute to that hehe )
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yssa3002 · 5 months
Roundtable Presentation: A Musical in Disguise: Moulin Rouge (2001).
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What are the social aspects within the film’s narrative that align with the film’s songs?
The film explores many social aspects throughout the course of the narrative, and they play extremely significant roles in the story and in providing context for the story. It explores themes of love, sin, societal norms, freedom, forbidden love, love, and ambition. I included forbidden love as being separate to love in this case because while love is an overarching theme, the narrative is as tragic as it is because the love is forbidden.
For example, to set the stage for the film contextually, we have three songs performed at the nightclub, Moulin Rouge, by Satine (Nicole Kidman) and an ensemble of the other nightclub performers. They perform "Lady Marmalade" which talks about the performer's sense of independence as women doing what they have to do provide for themselves. One of the lines in the song is "We independent women, some mistake us for whores/I'm sayin', 'Why spend mine when I can spend yours?'" The next song, "Sparkling Diamonds" performed by Satine also contributes to this idea of freedom and ambition. "Sparkling Diamonds" has a catchy line, "Diamonds are a girl's best friend...'cause we are living in a material world/and I am a material girl". This provides context to our story, and the kind of life that the female protagonist leads, as her character is driven by her ambition to become a "real actress" with no time for love.
Also during this ensemble musical number at the nightclub, the men dance around singing lyrics to Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit", "Here we are now, entertain us", suggesting that the women are there solely for their pleasure, and that they are entitled to the power they hold in that dynamic.
How do the historiographies of previously recorded songs inform audience relationships with the musical’s narrative and performers? 
Seeing as this movie was released in 2001, the songs used in it are from an era that now in 2024 evokes much nostalgia. Now, the film samples a lot of existing songs, and combines them to make new songs. Some of the songs with historiographies that carry the most weight are "Come What May", "Roxanne" by The Police in "El Tango de Roxanne", "Your Song" by Elton John, "One Day I'll Fly Away" by Randy Crawford, "Diamonds Are a Girl's best Friend" by June Stone and Leo Robins, and "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. However, I will only talk about a few of them.
What's interesting about "Come What May"--as it is actually an original song for the film--is that it was originally intended for Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet. We are all familiar with Romeo and Juliet, their story synonymous with tragedy. Knowing this, we can get a better understanding of the doomed relationship between Christian (Ewan McGreggor) and Satine (Nicole Kidman).
Now "Roxanne" by The Police is a song about a man who falls in love with a prostitute. The song as is used n the film is meant to convey the futility of Christian and Satine's efforts to maintain their relationship. In fact, it comes at a pivotal time in the film when Christian must confront his jealousy.
The song "One Day I'll Fly Away" by Randy Crawford is actually a very telling number as it foreshadows what is to come. It is performed by Satine after her first encounter with Christian, and after having passed out on stage earlier that night where we learn that she is very sick. Though within the context of the film, it sounds like flying away means achieving her dream of becoming an actress, but this is not the case. The song's meaning is that one day we'll be able to "fly away" and go to heaven. For Satine, this is very much the case as we learn at the beginning of the film that she passes away soon after falling in love with Christian due to her sickness.
The last song I'll talk about is "Diamond's Are a Girl's best Friend". This song is about women accepting the cruel ways in which the world operates, and learning to take advantage of it. It talks about not relying on men for anything beyond his material value. This song is sung whilst Harold Zidler (Jim Broadbent), the nightclub's owner tells Satine that he has arranged for her to meet The Duke (Richard Roxburgh) so that she can seduce him and convince him to fund their next show so that she may have a better chance of becoming an actress. Just as the song says not to rely on men for anything beyond their money, Satine must secure The Duke's funding by pretending that she is in love with him.
What musical genre/style drives the film’s score, and how does the genre/style (re)define the film as a musical?
The film's musical genre that drives it's score is pop. This style of music with the backdrop of Paris in the 1890s creates a bit of a disjointed feel, however I believe this only adds to the timelessness of the film. I also think with the use of songs being from an era much more recent than the 1890s, it gives the story more power almost. Power in the way that the emotions can be communicated in a way audiences can relate to more easily, especially since it is a jukebox musical. In his article, "INTRODUCTION: The Hollywood Musical Is Dead. Long Live the Hollywood Musical!", Alberto Mira writes, "although the stage continues to be one key semantic element in pop musicals, the pop stage brings to mind different connotations: it tends to be more open, less organized, it works less to isolate performers from audiences" (Mira 19). This idea of the open stage applies to Moulin Rouge in the way that even though there is a clear stage, that stage is occupied by both the performers and the audience. This is especially clear in the first ensemble musical number at the nightclub, where there is no distinction between the audience and the performers, as they all pile onto one dance floor. Moulin Rouge is an interesting film to pair with the pop genre, as its concept is very reminiscent of the old Hollywood musical, but the score erases all borders and definitions between the stage and audience.
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beccalendsahand · 9 months
End of Year Takarazuka Tag 2023
That's right it's back baby! Year 3! I thought it would be nice to share some positivity in the fandom so I have updated the tag for 2023, largely the same but I have tweaked a couple questions.
As always you can do this tag how you like, you can do it as one question per day, as one big post, you name it! Also, feel free to do this on twitter and instagram, basically do what you like!
Please tag it #endofyearzukatag2023 so we can look at each others, and link back to this post so more people can find it! Thank you!
1. Sumire no Hana: Did you find a new favourite this year? (Either someone who has entered the company this year or someone who has been in the company a while but you have only just become a fan, or both!) Optional bonus question for those that did the tag last year: Who did you put this question in 2022, are you still following them and how have they grown as an actor/person in 2023?
2. Ai sore wa... : Tell us about your number one! What's been your favourite role of theirs this year?
3. Never Say Goodbye: Which taidansha was the hardest for you to say goodbye to this year?
4. Material Girl: Favourite piece of merch (most treasured Takarazuka thing you have bought yourself this year, OR if you didn’t buy anything this year, a piece of merch that is on your wish list)
5. Mon Paris: Did you discover a new fav show that was not from this year? (This can be any fav show that you saw for the first time this year that was released before 2022)
6. Wings of the Heart: Favourite fandom memory (this could be a fun stream experience, going to the theatre with friends, all collectively freaking out about something together, anything really!)
7. The Final Dance (Saigo no Dansu): What was your favourite duedan of the year?
8. My Everlasting Dream: What show have you rewatched the most this year?
9. Fascinating Rhythm: What zuka song has been stuck in your head all year?
10. Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend: What was your favourite costume(s) of the year?
11. Cool Beast!!: what was the most ridiculous costume(s) your saw this year?
12. Greatest Moment: A special moment on stage that stayed with you
And finally, the big ones:
13. Musical: What was your favourite musical (one act or two act or both you want!) of the year?
14. Revue: What was your favourite revue of the year?
BONUS: The Diamond: "A Play is great, but coupled with a Show: that's divine." Finding a performance with both an amazing revue AND an amazing one-act show is very very difficult. Was there a show this year that did this for you? If so, bestow it the highest honor, The Diamond Award:
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nspdr-neo · 1 month
Volo comes backs after a day of merchant stuff, large golden boom box in tow from his new friend Junko. Elesa, Skyla, Fantina and Cynthia are tickled by this new aquistion. Then *deep sigh* Skyla presses the on button, because of course she does, it's Skyla.
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
Hey, when you get sent forward in time, you need some method of gaining revenue, and what better way to do that then by catering to sex appeal!
Thanks to his own interdimensional travels giving him that golden boombox, all Volo had to do was call up four ladies that he thought would best work as his new employees. Skyla with how little she wore to cover her boobs and ass, Elesa being a gorgeous model who wouldn't mind thin or showy clothing, Fantina's own flair for dramatic and Cynthia?
What pinhead wouldn't go absolutely feral to see her~ He invited the quartet over and left the boombox alone in his living room with them, while he went to get something (earmuffs)....and waited for Skyla's curiousity to essentially screw them over~
Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap~
"Heeeeey, I know you girls can do better than this!!! We need to prepare for tomorrow's show, so get those buns a moving~" he ordered, giving a nice ass slap to Skyla. Compared to the others, the boombox's effects were quickly instantaneous, turning an already mildly slutty woman into a full fledged twerkslut with ease - with an ass that easily ripped away her shorts to boot~ Yeeeep, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that Skyla's brain was long gone in haze of intense electro and sudden thrill to show-off.
"Aaaaaaah~ Yes, Mister Volo!!! Sky will make everyone's hearts soaaaaaar~" she moaned, her own booty essentially flying in a total, noisy, blurr that would have anyone impressed.
"Ughhh, p-peeeeerv!! J-just you wait until this song ends!!! I swear, I'm gonna-heeeey!! Don't-!!!" Click~ As the boombox cranked it up, Elesa, who had some form of resistance to the control, found herself being washed with the same urge to being super slutty just like Skyla. "Crank it up, Vollyyyyyy!! I can make sparks fly with this show~" she bragged, ripping away her skirt (which had been barely clinging to her new doughy ass) and dancing away with experience that only her modeling gig could bring her.
"I'll be hoping for it Elesa! How are you, Fantina? Doing fine?"
"Th-this is so magnifiiiiiiiiiiiqueeee~ Mon ami, I must say thanks~ Neither Sinnoh or Kalos, has such a device, so this is quite the marvel! Am I doing it right?~" Fantina gushed. While Skyla and Elesa were both caught up in a hypnotic funk, Fantina (lover of theatrics) was somewhere in the middle, being somewhat aware of her body moving on its own, sending her to the ground, ass up. Something that eventually lead to her flipping up her dress and dropping her panties to enthusiastically shake her meaty buns in front of her new boss~
Volo gives her a nice pat to her soft cheeks. "You're a fast learner, 'Tina!....Cynthia? How about you?"
"I...I'm doing - completely fiiiiine, VoVo, I'm so stoked to get to work tomorrow!! Like, I bet I can get a dozen of guys to splooge for this twerkmea-no!!! O-of all the things!! I swear I'll destroy - so many CAWKS~ They won't be able to stop cumming and coming back and cumming and coming back and - count yours days, Volo!!! This won't last forever and I'll - pump up those numbers and dicks for you lickety-split, teehee~"
Yeaaaaah, Cynthia definitely had the most unique reaction to being under the spell of Volo's boombox - trying very much not to give into her new bimbo side. A side that craved to strip down to her underwear, drop down as low as she could and twerk her soul out into people would throw diamond and pearls at her (if not their own spunk-covered money). A side that was gradually winning, glazing over Cynthia's eyes in lust and greed as she stripped down to a black thong that was enveloped by her fatty globes that were slowly growing with each fierce 'CLAP' in time with the Boombox' music.
Volo chuckled and nodded proudly. "I'll be looking forward to it, Cynthia!! You and the others will be doing a great service helping me out!! Hey, and soon, maybe we can get even more employees to help you out!! How would you like that?~" he asked, which earned a round of hollering in approval towards their new boss. Something that he couldn't help but chuckle at their fanfare.
He'll have to thank Enoshima for this machine later on - who knew just one box was enough to get him on the path to riches...and to eventually build his way back up to getting his own dreams of conquest back in gear~
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sillyname30 · 2 months
I just listened to the latest episode of and that's what you really missed on Glee.
You're all the world to me: Jenna: How do they cut that? Like is that the editor cutting? (The whole number was filmed in one take. Why would they even need a rotating box, if they cut it? It was in the bts video.)
Shout: Jenna: I remember this number being the bane of my excistence. There were so many parts, so many locations. Kevin: Over so many days. Jenna: Having to pick up people along the way.
Jenna had a lot of fun doing Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend/Material Girl.
Kevin checked out a little during the boy's mash-up.
Santana going through the things was very Naya. She would sniff out a secret from a mile away. Naya will say the uncomfortable thing, but because she cares and she'll break the ice.
Jenna and Kevin are jealous that they didn't got to do Come What May in this beautiful recreation of Moulin Rouge.
Footloose: Jenna: That number was very hard to learn. It took a long time. Not everybody is very coordinated. So it took a while. Kevin on singing: It was the stupidest demo I've ever received. It almost sounded like it was all sped up. He (Luke) was doing so many runs back to back to back that I felt it was fake. And I was like this won't gonna happen. This is the recording session when I started to really enjoy Luke's guide vocals. 
Cringe moments: jokes about eating disorder
best dance move: You're all the world to me with honorable mention of Kevin's hand foot dancing in Footloose.
best song: Unchainded Melody
performance mvp: Naya
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Very very important question:
What are the Mysme characters favorite barbie movies?
Bonus, what are your OC’s favorite barbie movies?
Finally. A question that fulfills two of my special interests. So, let’s think about this using every Barbie film since 2001 since there are a lot of materials to think about and plenty of characters to consider.
So, I guess we’ll start off with these group’s gamer boy, Yoosung. I feel like you could get him invested in more of a modern era Barbie so the films after 2009. Cliche but, Video Game Hero has a whole story arc about solving video games by programming as you venture in a plot that’s better than anything SAO could ever dream to be. Let’s get Yoosung into more games instead of leaving him to climb through LOLOL.
Jaehee deserves Barbie & the Diamond Castle film. Which is, hands-down, one of the more sapphic films in the series. What’s more powerful than learning how to work together with your best friend, singing songs and finding yourselves in a world of chaos? Nothing, you’re right. It’s what she deserves and this would be a great watch as Jaehee starts to realize more of her romantic inclinations toward MC.
Zen is one I would give to Swan Lake. I feel like he would be able to identify with that story in more ways than one. Feeling trapped and unable to live the life he wants because he seems to be nothing more than an “oddity” instead of a guy with a huge heart that shines on stage. It doesn’t matter if he feels “Cursed,” he will make the best of his situation, just as Odette does in that film since it has a much brighter ending then the original ballet does.
I know what you’re thinking here and you’re going to ask, hey, what would I give to Jumin? Well, you’re in luck. I’ll be happy to inform you that he’s getting to sit back, relax, and engage with Princess and the Pauper. I feel like he enjoys the aspect of the original story, but now they’ve added charm to it with cats and that happens to be easy to watch with Elizabeth. But, really, he would enjoy watching two worlds collide and the lessons that come from realizing everyone could have a way of relating to each other if given a chance.
Saeyoung would love Star Light Adventure, hands down. It’s the Barbie sci-fi films of the century and since it’s one of the more modern films, it doesn’t get a lot of love or attention. But, Saeyoung would love the hell out of this movie for a lot of reason I can’t spoil to you. But, let me tell you, he would love to be Barbie in this situation, surfing the stars to save space from losing its glimmer... and the little pet sidekick is cute.
V is one you’re gonna need to hear out. Okay, so, Magic of Pegasus is probably the most sassy Barbie film ever. She is a stubborn girl who dreams of nothing in this life but ice skating, but when her family and life is threatened by a wizard, it turns out she has to learn more about her family and the curse that came to take them away. Conflict happens in more ways than one, and I think V would be able to see his younger self in this movie, as well as his current self, the one who is at his wits end trying to decide what’s good for him. Literally the comeback and all the quips in this film are teenage V.
GE Saeran is my love. Therefore, I’m giving him Rapunzel since that’s always a story he can relate to. I appreciate that this Rapunzel has the ability to draw and paint her way to her freedom with a magic paintbrush set, and he would love that brand of whimsy once it was shown to him. Also, this movie has a dragon... who doesn’t like dragons? I debated if there would be a better option for him but this is what makes the most sense to me.
Vanderwood is my most cliche answer by far since Spy Squad is a movie about spies. But, I feel like this movie would be comforting to him somehow. Just this thought of Vanderwood thinking about how he wishes that the job had more a lot more like this, not corrupted, just doing good for others and not losing yourself to despair and death. It’s a movie where Vanderwood claims to be hate-watching it but... not really. There’s something about plucky spies who are too happy for the sake of it... cough cough, reminds him of the brat.
Rika... might be another cliche decision but i feel like this is the best choice in this situation. Barbie did a take on the Christmas Carol, and it’s about an opera singer instead. I feel like Rika would like this film despite how many already are aware of the plot, simply because this story is about a girl who has friends, but her trauma and frustration with the past begin to isolate her from the people in her life who love her. I think Rika needs a reminder that she’s more than all of her anguish and fear, and seeing someone overcome that and get her closest friends back could do wonders.
Bonus OCs!
Lila gets The Nutcracker, not just because it was my favorite as a child, but because there’s a lot of warmth in the story itself. It’s about not giving up when you’re faced with impossible circumstance. She would be able to do that since she’s the Saeran MC, you know? She has a heart that won’t shatter when the going gets tough. Yet, she would never be able to believe she was a princess... much like how Clara in the story doesn’t realize she’s the Sugarplum Princess until her strength reveals itself in the last second.
Judas... yeah, we already know he’s going to say that Princess Charm School would be his favorite. I assume it’s because he sometimes wishes that he had been born to better parents who cared for him instead of the ones he had. It’s a cruel dream of his to discover his parents weren’t really his parents at all, but it’ll never be the case. So, he can project onto Barbie who gets to live happily with a lot of friends and a newfound family that wanted her from the start. Of course, it’s got to have drama, too, which is why the conflict here as why this princess was far from her kingdom is right for him.
Minji is our down to earth girl. I’m giving her both of the Mermaid Tale movies as they’re both very enjoyable films that she’d take to like bread and butter. This is a series about a surfer who discovers her mother is a mermaid, and tries to find her way back to her only to discover the kingdom is in need of help. I will say it’s enemies to lovers in the second film when you meet Barbie’s newest rival and it happens to be one of Minji’s favorite tropes in media. You would think I might be thinking of a more food centric Barbie movie, but, nope, it’s about sports!
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
....I have to ask..... what do you think about gidle song nude? The Marilyn Monroe inspiration was definitely there along with that jazz age sound in a way?? But man... I'm not sure what to think of it. Bc I can see what they're going for. The different shades of blonde remind me of red velvet ice cream cake era. I can see the message maybe about embracing sexuality? Something that exid would do in terms of messaging but way more obvious. Idk. It feels like soye*n is trying to make impactful songs which chart wise and album sale wise she does but it doesn't ever hit for me.
i wish gidle would actually do something that was worth the 'hype' that they get. i don't like the song but i've never liked a song from them so. the mv........it's complicated. there are actually a lot of good connections and ideas happening there, but the problem is that they just don't DO anything with them. like 90% of the mv is references to different types of 'scandalous' media or cultural touchstones, and from which ones they've chosen i can see that they're trying to make some kind of comment on the judgement and policing women's bodies and sexuality, but they don't really follow that through to anything meaningful. they themselves don't actually do anything scandalous, which, in my instincts, would be the logical conclusion in my brain. they just make references and call it a day.
the base format for the whole thing is vaudeville, which is pretty much the ancestor of burlesque and stripping; the opening moment with the pink velvet dress is just a knockoff version of marilyn's diamonds are a girl's best friend number from gentlmen prefer blondes; the cone bra is obvs a madonna reference; the cartoon is jessica rabbit from who framed roger rabbit; the book she's reading is (i'm assuming) walt whitman's leaves of grass; obvs also the marilyn white dress moment; also inexplicably there's a banksy reference too with the shredding frame. which was a scandal, but it's not at all related to gender or sexuality so i have no idea why it was included, unless they're trying to make the conflation between the female body and art as a bought and sold commodity, which.................well. there's better ways to handle that that make more logical sense. like clearly there was a creative team that had relatively lofty ideas, but you have to do something with those ideas. and they kind of set themselves up for failure in this instance, because they were clearly trying to make some sort of intentional statement (basically it wasn't just a spectacle piece), but you can't just reference a bunch of media and call it a day. you have to synthesize something new out of those references. that's the difference between why something like 2 baddies works and why this doesn't; 2 baddies makes something new from a ton of source material (literally in the case of the custom porsche too). it also isn't trying to be deeper than it is, yea it's based in a bunch of weird niche research but the mv isn't expecting you to know about the history of car manufacturing or art deco in order to appreciate the neon vomit chaos. it's there in order to give the visuals an underpinning logic. but if you don't know any of the references in the nxde mv, the theme means literally nothing. it's incomprehensible. they literally have to name some of the references at the end of the mv so people get it. and that's a cheap shortcut, instead of actually doing the work to make something that has artistic merit on its own.
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oldbaton · 2 years
Wow. Absolutely abysmally bad. When it’s entertaining it’s VERY entertaining. Opening sequence was a delight. And Aaron does some great work in the second act with some otherwise terrible material. And thankfully they left Roxanne alone. Like the movie, it’s the only part where it crosses from just a fun little diversion (except the stage version is like a very cringe diversion) to something really brilliant. And Aaron tore it a new one what a fucking voice. Nailed it jaw on the floor. But… B A D SHOW.
But like. Ok. What made the film work was that it had a pretty stellar selection of songs. And even with the different styles they still spoke to the specific moment and allowed the characters to do their thing. They were exactly the right lyrics for the situation. So for diamonds when satine enters. diamonds are a girls best friend establish her materialism. Great. They paired it with diamonds are forever which establishes that she’s a loner. Brilliant! Great choice. They go together well. But then they add in single ladies and material girl? Which already do the same thing that the first two songs did?
90% of it is a medley I’m serious. The music credits page take up a page and a half in the playbill no joke. And like. If almost all of it is medley it ruins the fun of the elephant medley? Which they also fucked up.
I knew that new songs would need to go in I have no issue with that but they existed solely to be sung. The audience would laugh often at the song showing up. And sometimes that was purposeful! They should have saved those laughs for the great like a virgin sequence! WHICH THEY CUT FOR ZIDLER SINGING CHANDELIER?!? The audience was trying to hold back laughs at firework being a dramatic power ballad. (Did not help that the satine was bad). Like they did not understand what made MR the movie tick
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nyarashi · 2 years
end of year zuka tag!!
so extremely late to do this so I’m just doing it all in one post!!
1) sumire no hana - new favorite
I became a fan in late 2021 so almost all of my current favorite siennes are ones I fell in love with this year… for actresses already in the theatre id definitely say I become such a huge fan of towaki sea!! she is such an incredible singer and is able to be such a wonderful otokoyaku and an enchanting onnayaku. as for new girls, I’ve been keeping my eye on shiragiri tsubaki!
2) never say goodbye - hardest to say goodbye to
100% oto kurisu, she was such a standout in hanagumi and it was never a dull moment when she was on stage. She’s such an amazing performer and singer. I’m so glad she’s on Instagram now and I’m so excited for her future projects!
3) material girl - favorite merchandise
I was able to go to quartre reves and takarazuka an for the first time this year since i was in japan, so I think my favorite pieces of merch are all the bromides I was able to buy! going to the stores in person was such an amazing experience I’m so grateful for. I think my most treasured though is my yuzuka rei clear card, she’s been to so many places with me!
4) mon paris - new favorite show not from this year
2004 phantom!!! idk how I found it but I’m so glad I did. wao youka is just so incredible…. her portrayal of erik is maybe one of the best performances I’ve ever seen tbh… I’m so obsessed with her voice. her acting as well is so fantastic, the scene where christine is singing to erik trying to convince him to take his mask off is a work of art. you can see all the emotions erik is feeling so clearly, you see this hope in his eyes as christine continues to sing. also the way wao youka is styled in the show is so dated but i think it fits so well. she has these very prominent shoulder pads that look a little silly at first but I’ve grown to love it so much. I love the other versions of the show (esp 2018) but 2004 hold such a special place in my heart.
5) wings of the heart - favorite fandom memory
I had so many fun streaming experiences this year! I’m so lucky to have had the time to attend as many as it did. I think maybe the most impactful fandom moment was just walking around the tokyo takarazuka theatre and seeing all the other people taking pictures with and gushing about posters outside. such a crazy feeling as an international fan to see that so many other people share the same love you do
6) where is god - shocking hankyu announcement
maitis senka transfer and yurika + kano taidan!! for yurika and kano I guess it makes sense, but I feel like having any top star retire is surprising to me. yurika has been the only face of soragumi I’ve known, so it’s going to feel strange having a new top star but I’m so excited to see who it’s going to be. maitis senka transfer is a bit puzzling to me but I know she’s going to be amazing in whatever she does next.
7) the final dance - favorite duedan
saki and kiwas duedan in soukyuu no subaru. I was able to see the show in person which I think made it so much more powerful. I could feel their connection much better. I swear I was tearing up watching it. the reality of kiwas taidan hit me like a bus during it, and I felt so honored to be able to see one of their last dances together
8) my everlasting dream - most rewatched show
it’s a revue but probably beautiful garden! I put on shows a lot in the background while doing work and beautiful garden was this years top pick. I love the music so much and so many of my favorite siennes are in it! I love flower theme so much and the costumes especially!! purple and pink are my favorite colors and this revue has so much of them
9) fascinating rhythm - song that got stuck in my head
continuing the last one a bit, the theme song of beautiful garden got stuck in my head so often. especially senna ayase’s part! it’s such a catchy theme!! and the performance of it is so lovely
10) diamonds are a girls best friend - favorite costumes
such a difficult question because I really love the costumes of takarazuka, especially ones with frills and ruffles… there’s just so many to chose from. I think I’m going to say all of the costumes from genroku baroque rock. I love Japanese traditional clothing and it combined with takarazuka’s flair was such a treat. I love madoka’s costume during lucky koi koi. it’s so detailed and I love the way it moves. all the different patterns on it make me want to look at it forever.
11) cool beast!! - most ridiculous costumes
definitely not the most ridiculous, more like my favorite silly costumes are hozumi mahiro’s in top hat as beddini
12) greatest moment - special stage moment
the parade in soukyuu no subaru. being able to applaud for the actresses was such an honor to participate in. it was such a thrilling experience
13) favorite musical
genroku baroque rock! it’s very special to me for being one of the first musicals I saw. it matches my tastes very well and it’s maybe my favorite musical visually.
14) favorite revue
the fascination!!! I love this revue so much!!! pink is my favorite color so of course the costumes to me are so fantastic. especially the parade costumes… madoka’s dress is just so gorgeous. rei’s carnivorous flower is one of my favorite costumes and performances. I love the music in the revue so much too! rei singing in English and anytime hitoko sings are my favorites (of course I also love fashionable empire but I just haven’t watched it enough..)
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beccalendsahand · 2 years
End of Year Takarazuka Tag 2022
Last year I created a 14 question Takarazuka tag, and I thought it would be fun to bring it back for 2022! You can do this tag however you please, I know some people did it on twitter and as a daily tag, others posted it all at once, there are no rules it's just a fun way to talk about the things you loved this year! Please tag it #endofyearzukatag2022 so we can look at each others and a link back to this post so people can find the questions and have a go themselves! The questions are basically the same as last year but I did add an extra question!
1. Sumire no Hana: Did you find a new favourite this year? (Either someone who has entered the company this year or someone who has been in the company a while but you have only just become a fan, or both!) Optional bonus question for those that did the tag last year: Who did you put this question in 2021, are you still following them and how have they grown as an actor/person in 2022?
2. Never Say Goodbye: Which taidansha was the hardest for you to say goodbye to this year?
3. Material Girl: Favourite piece of merch (most treasured Takarazuka thing you have bought yourself this year, OR if you didn’t buy anything this year, a piece of merch that is on your wish list)
4. Mon Paris: Did you discover a new fav show that was not from this year? (This can be any fav show that you saw for the first time this year that was released before 2022)
5. Wings of the Heart: Favourite fandom memory (this could be a fun stream experience, going to the theatre with friends, all collectively freaking out about something together, anything really!)
6. Where is God (kami wa dokoni): What Hankyu announcement shocked you the most this year?
7. The Final Dance (Saigo no Dansu): What was your favourite duedan of the year?
8. My Everlasting Dream: What show have you rewatched the most this year?
9. Fascinating Rhythm: What zuka song has been stuck in your head all year?
10. Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend: What was your favourite costume(s) of the year?
11. Cool Beast!!: what was the most ridiculous costume(s) your saw this year
12. Greatest Moment: A special moment on stage that stayed with you
And finally, the big ones:
13. Musical: What was your favourite musical (one act or two act or both you want!) of the year?
14. Revue: What was your favourite revue of the year?
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diaryofageekgirl · 2 years
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I posted 772 times in 2022
33 posts created (4%)
739 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 772 of my posts in 2022
#video - 175 posts
#spn - 105 posts
#fanart - 102 posts
#art - 83 posts
#kitteh - 78 posts
#ddaawwwww - 70 posts
#nomnomnom - 70 posts
#aesthetic - 57 posts
#fandom - 56 posts
#music - 45 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#and if they want to like it or reblog it or just bookmark it in their browser and i have no idea that they've interacted with it
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Add Magic To Taste aesthetics 5/20: A Family Thing by Jessica Black @alocalband
Add Magic To Taste is the debut publication from @duckprintspress, an anthology of 20 spell-binding (and scrumptious!) heart-warming queer stories.
17 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
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Strawberries // Red
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anna Milton/Rachel Characters: Rachel (Supernatural), Anna Milton Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Season/Series 06, Post-Canon, Fluff, Light Angst, Implied/Referenced Brainwashing, Mutual Pining, Angel True Forms (Supernatural), Femslash February, Cover Art, Collage Series: Part 1 of Femslash February 2022: Fruit Salad Summary:
A fruit, forbidden, is tasted in the Garden by a woman in love.
No, not that one. This one is an angel.
18 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
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Add Magic To Taste aesthetics 13/20: Breaking Bread by Beth Lumen
Add Magic To Taste is the debut publication from @duckprintspress, an anthology of 20 spell-binding (and scrumptious!) heart-warming queer stories.
21 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
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White Chocolate
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Librarians (TV 2014) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cassandra Cillian/Karla Characters: Cassandra Cillian, Karla (The Librarians) Additional Tags: First Dates, First Kiss, Ice Skating, Fluff, Awkwardness, Femslash February, Cover Art, Collage Series: Part 1 of Femslash February 2022: Chocolate Fondue Summary:
Just a lovely first date in a winter wonderland for Cassandra and Karla.
22 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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A list of songs that make me think of Bela Talbot. Listen here on Youtube.
Killer Queen - Queen
Short Skirt, Long Jacket - Cake
Material Girl - Madonna
Run The World (Girls) - Beyonce
Pocketful of Dreams - Billy Talent
Hit And Run - LOLO
Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy - Tata Young
Rude Boy - Rihanna
Mad Woman - Taylor Swift
Fevah - Viktoria Modesta
Maneater - Nelly Furtado
Primadonna - Marina and the Diamonds
Sorry Not Sorry - Demi Lovato
Me Too - Meghan Trainor
Fashionista - Jimmy James
That’s What I Like - Bruno Mars
Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend - Marilyn Monroe
Getaway Car - Taylor Swift
How To Be A Heartbreaker - Marina and the Diamonds
Everybody’s Fool - Evanescence
She’s Always A Woman - Billy Joel
24 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sillyname30 · 2 months
I rewatched Girls (and Boys) On Film and the bts videos as preparation for the next recap episode.
Ohio: The glee club has a group competion: boys against girls with mash-ups of songs from movies.
Finn finds out where Emma is, Will and Emma talk and start over. Later Finn confesses kissing Emma.
Jake confesses to Marley that the Valentine surprises weren't his idea, but makes it up with an idea of his own. Marley confesses she knew and that Ryder kissed her.
New York: Kurt, Adam, Rachel and Santana are snowed in in the apartment. They watch Moulin Rouge and Kurt phantatizes about singing with Blaine. Santana is suspicious of Brody being a drug dealer after rooting through the pocket and drawers in the apartment. Santana confronts Rachel about her pregnancy test after going through the trash.
Cringe moments: Santana's behaviour (although it was funny)
best dance move: You're All the World to Me is most difficult one and was shot in one take, but I like the choreographies of Shout, Old Time Rock and Roll/Danger Zone, Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend/Material Girl and Footloose too. They are all very different and good.
best songs: Shout and Come What May
performance mvp: Cory (Ohio), Chris (New York) and honorable mention of Darren for his 3 songs
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