#song: once upon a dream from maleficient
mothmanavenue · 1 year
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i know you, i walked with you once upon a dream
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boundinparchment · 2 years
Everytime I read your brilliant Dream a little dream of me, I think of this song sjsjsjjsjdjdj
I’ve never seen Maleficient but I remember the original song. This one’s creepier and very fitting, thank you for sharing!
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freshcreationgarden · 4 years
My suggestion for next season's dancing with the stars: combining halloween night with Disney night for a Mickey Mouse Spooktacular night.
Song/movie list:
"Ain't got nothing" from monsters inc
"Grim grinning ghosts" from the haunted mansion
"I put a spell on you" from hocus pocus
"One little slip" from chicken little [aliens]
"This is halloween" from nightmare before christmas
"Substituiary locomotion" from bedknobs and broomsticks
"Hellfire" from hunchback of notredame
"Once upon a dream" from maleficient
"Just like fire" from alice through the looking glass
"Remember me" from coco
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wafflesmcgeesus · 5 years
Check out this Palaye Royale fic from mah frand! It’s based on the song “Once Upon a Dream” from the Maleficient movie, specifically the cover by Lana Del Ray. I personally love it (and I swear I’m not just saying that because she’s one of my friends, she really is a super talented writer). Good thing she and her skills can make up for my complete lack of talent in that department, lol. But seriously, I really recommend it. It’s a short read but totally worth it. The first time I read it, it made me go “woah” out loud. She’s @rock-n-roll-dolly if you want to check out her blog too.
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edwinas · 6 years
Playlist for EiG
It has been exactly a year since I first interacted with the wonderful @faeriexqueen. So here is a little something to celebrate our one year anniversary!
You are such a wonderful person and have been with me through so much. It’s only been a year but my life changed drastically and you’ve been a shoulder I could cry on many times. But the moments I remember the most are the happy ones. I have been very fortunate to meet you and love you to bits! 
I’ve made a playlist of the emotions I’ve felt reading each chapter of Encompassed in Glass, an incredible Yulma fanfiction that I FINALLY finished! There will be some spoilers. (I am eagerly waiting for your Lucky head canons from this AU as well!)
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Chapter 1: Prologue: Seed of Desire - Crazy in love Remix by Beyoncé
I chose this song because it holds a classy darkness that matches the epilogue perfectly: the tense meeting between the noble families and Tricia’s mental journey which ends with her caving. Faerie has really put an immense amount of effort to depict Tricia as a grieving complex woman and I think this remix does her justice! 
Chapter 2: A Light in the Darkness - Main Title: Prologue from Beauty and the Beast (2017)
This song perfectly conveys what I felt when I read the first part of the chapter with Suman wading through murky waters to get to the innocence flower (like the magical rose in BatB). If the scene was to be recreated in a melody, it would be this epilogue. It has this magical, suspenseful and hopeful quality that really permeated this chapter!
Chapter 3: A Voice from Within - Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars 
This is because Alma starts hearing that voice in this chapter. He inexplicably (or not) gravitates towards his innocence which is reminiscent of the painful longing in canon with Yulma’s past selves. So even if it’s not necessarily melancholic in EiG, I loved the parallel to canon so I thought of this song because of the longing in both canon and this chapter! 
Chapter 4: The Visitors - Under the Sea from The Little Mermaid 
I’m such a sap for Lavi and Bookman’s dynamic so this is for them! I LOVED their exchange in this chapter. I have chosen this song because it is very fun and goofy but also carries a deeper message (vegetarianism and even cannibalism in a sense) and it resonated with the Bookmen’s relationship. They are a comic duo 95% but have a chilling purpose. So I found Under the sea to be an adequate(ish) match for their complexity! (I’m still not a 100% on board so if you have a better suggestion, please tell me)
Chapter 5: A Fragile Synchronicity - Runnin’ (Lose it all) by Beyoncé & Naughty Boy
I felt that this chapter was very much about Alma struggling with his innocence until he realises they are one and the same. So he stops running and is able to synchronise and become and accommodator. This song starts with an agitated tone and settles into a strong message of being true and accept yourself, hence why it was chosen! 
Chapter 6: Disquietment Afterwards - Once upon a Dream remix from Maleficient
So much happens in this chapter and I chose to focus on Tricia’s flashback with Victor. The memory itself is sweet and romantic (Victor is too sweet) but Tricia comes back to reality and it stings. This remix is the perfect mix of sweet lyrics and a haunted arrangement, which symbolises her pain and sorrow. 
Chapter 7: Night of the Autumn Ball -  People by Barbra Streisand 
During the ball Alma is surrounded by people but he is lonely in the sense that he has no close friendships (hence him being quite excited by Lavi’s arrival) and now he is infinitely more ostracised as a royal exorcist. Since the first chapters, we see how Alma tries to avoid conflict, especially with Sheril, and wants to get along with everyone. Alma’s loneliness was accentuated by him reminiscing about Victor and how close they were, which harshly clashed with the state of his current relationships. This song showcases Alma’s need and happiness found in others. 
Chapter 8: Before the Fall - I remember from The Little Mermaid 3 
The song is about better times when the Queen of Atlantica before things fell apart. There was a sense nostalgia with Alma looking forward to apple picking like in the old times and Suman thinking about the perks of being an exorcist like giving Jaimie better health care. Then everything goes to hell in a hand basket. So the song is dedicated to the happier times that the characters reminisce about AKA the calm before the storm!
Chapter 9: The Hunter and the Stag - Crying Crying Crying by Ali 
This song is played in a drama about mother-daughter relationship (and betrayals), which I thought worked quite well with this chapter. We see Suman trying to fight the lifelong relationship he has built with Alma as a parent figure. Hell, I see him as more of a father to Alma than Sheril. The disbelief and grief going through Alma when he point that arm at him just... this song fits, especially when you’ve seen the drama. 
(This chapter is a MESS but I know things will look up eventually!) 
Chapter 10: In the Woods - The Plagues from The Prince of Egypt 
I chose this song more for the visual aspect. Alma is chased from his home into the woods which is consumed by darkness. The situation looks even more hopeless with the hoard of Akuma that find him. The song is about being hounded by misfortune (mainly the plagues) and having to leave your people, which I found quite fitting for this chapter! Dgm’s imagery and plot line is closely linked to Christianity so the song works even better, 
Chapter 11: The Men in the House - Somebody’s got your back from Aladdin the musical 
This song definitely does not suit the tone of this chapter which has more of a homely and relieved feel with Alma finding refuge with Team Tiedoll to it whereas the song is just exuberant. But this song makes me smile so much and the message matches the chapter perfectly! This was more indulging in fun songs than one that reflects the scenes. 
Chapter 12: The Other Exorcists - One of Us from The Lion King 2
This song is for Kanda’s hatred towards royals and his immediate rejections towards Alma. I am quite proud of the song choice because it really works with Kanda wanting to banish Alma from his home and the lyrics “Someone once lied to us/ Now we're not so blind” which makes sense with Kanda’s past experience with royalty. So this one was more to explore Kanda’s initial feelings towards Alma which are not friendly, at all. 
Chapter 13: Entanglement, Entrapment - This Is My Idea from The Swan Princess
I loved hostility between Alma and Kanda (mostly from Kanda). As a Yulma shipper, I have always loved how their relationship began in canon and every AU imaginable with them fighting, though it is definitely more serious in this fic. The song does not match with the chapter but it was mainly for the hostility /bickering (even though Kanda loathes Alma first in EiG) and I also remember Faerie recommending this song for Yulma a while ago!
Chapter 14: The Aftermath - Bring him home from Les Misérables
It is a short passage but Tricia’s emotional journey into accepting her son’s loss stood out for me. The way she hopes that something will be different when she opens broke my heart and there is something so devastating when a mother looses her son. This is from a man’s point of view but it conveys Tricia’s desperation quite well. She internally begged her son to be there, which is quite similar to the whole premise of the song with Jean Valjean.
Chapter 15: Lullabies of Lavender - Meant to be from Anastasia the Musical
I know the chapter is mostly from Alma’s point of view but I tried imagining Kanda’s thought process when picking out the lavender (I SCREAMED when he did) and imagined him being at peace when he thought of this kind gesture for Alma. The song is definitely for the more mature character who understands himself, which is not quite Kanda at this stage. But the song is so peaceful and relaxing  (especially the instrumental bits) which was the whole purpose of Kanda’s gesture towards Alma. It is also a nice change of pace after Alma’s breakdown. 
Chapter 16: Remnants Intertwined - Save the Hero by Beyoncé
One of my favourite things from this chapter is Lulubell’s analysis of Klaud. The way she sees Klaud as a proud and dutiful woman whose swarmed with exhaustion. But Lulubell is reluctantly (or not) impressed by her strength and tenacity. There’s something so powerful in a woman respecting another woman. This passage is really striking and I need more female interactions. This song shows the duality of Klaud who is an exhausted hero on a one woman job. It encapsulates the complexity of a woman ready to save the world.
Chapter 17: Night of Terror - Take me to Church by Hozier 
This song is dedicated to Road’s character and Alma’s mental torture. There is something obscene about Road and how she can mentally manipulate people, both in canon and this chapter. This song is less about a relationship with someone but emotional heaviness and how the Noah are linked to Christianity but represent something insane and unholy. It sums up how Alma looses himself in the Noah’s powers and is almost broken.
Chapter 18: Shards of Broken Glass - Dusk till Dawn by Zayn and Sia 
This is for Alma calming down and Kanda being there for him. Hell Alma even goes “For the first time that morning, Alma felt comforted. And when he thought of Kanda, the comfort remained”. Kanda kept him company through the night and his presence reassure Alma, which works with the lyrics “But you'll never be alone/ I'll be with you from dusk till dawn”. The chorus is a bit too lively but the lyrics match the scene. 
Chapter 19: The Ripples Beneath - Don’t Speak by No Doubt
I know that Suman does not speak anyways so this song does not make sense. But I wanted to focus his helplessness and the overall situation where Klaud does not want to believe that he did it. But she still feels disappointed (”Klaud felt something break inside, and for a shattering moment disappointment flashed in her eyes as she looked at Suman regretfully.”) when he does not speak to deny the accusations. I chose this song more in the sense that Klaud does not want Suman to say that he was involved in Alma’s assassination.
Chapter 20: A Glimpse in the Well - Sakura Kiss from High School Host Club
I am sorry but Alma’s heart palpitations were the highlight for me!!! He is so confused and awkward and.... he just reminded me of Haruhi from High School Host Club, hence the song choice AKA the anime opening. Alma and Haruhi both think they are ill/ something is wrong with them when they start having feelings. Alma even goes “Alma’s own feelings to jumble more, as his thoughts twisted together into something incoherent”  so I chose the intro song not so much because of the melody (though the lyrics somewhat work) but because of Haruhi. (I am still bitter Faerie, you let me in Yulma heaven for less than 10min) 
Chapter 21: Twisted Heart, Suffering Heart - Flaws and all by Beyonce 
Gosh this chapter made me go from stressed to soft with Yulma kissing. I, of course, chose a song for that scene that was so well written. Alma’s selflessness shone through with him not being scared/wary of Kanda but more concerned about Kanda’s well-being while Kanda was petrified by Alma pulling away from it. They ended up accepting each other regardless of all their insecurities which is why I chose this song which is really about finding solace in one other (I mean “But holding each other quietly, and for a moment both finding solace”)  acknowledging the other’s flaws. 
Chapter 22: When Dusk Falls - Too Good at Goodbyes by Sam Smith 
... why, WHY FAERIE. Here I was ready to see the world through rose-tinted glasses but Kanda goes on and lies to Alma about not caring for him. Even though the chapter started with them cuddling, the prelude to Kanda’s lies was very easy to follow and very much in character. Kanda is a self-sacrificing fool and he wants what is best for Alma hence the timeless trope of the character pretending to no love the other to pieces. The song is about breaking up to protect your own heart which is the clear opposite of this chapter but I though that if you changed that bit, it fit quite well!
Chapter 23: Poisoned Heart - Trust in me (The Python’s song) from the Jungle Book 
The process of dodgy Kanda luring Alma out in the woods reminded me of the scene in the Jungle Book with Kaa hypnotising Mowgli. Both villains want the hero’s demise and the song is about the hero “sleeping” with “Shut your eyes and trust in me/You can sleep safe and sound” from the song and the whole Snow white imagery in EiC with Alma eating the apple (and falling into slumber). The song has a poisonous/macabre edge to it which is the vibe fake Kanda gave.
Chapter 24: A Deep Sleep - If I Die Young (Glee Cast version) 
This chapter messed me up. Alma dying and seeing Kanda struggle with his loss was very emotional. He felt so guilty for his last words to Alma be lies and Alma taking these lies to his grave. I knew that the AU would ha happy ending (courtesy of Faerie reassuring me many times) but Kanda’s realisation that Alma was gone was still hard to take. The song is oddly peaceful but the lyrics are what I focused on. There is a lot of nature imagery which echoes the lotus imagery in the chapter. “Sink me in the river at dawn” (from the song) really reminded me of ““Lotuses are always fated to sink back into the mud…” A voice repeated – this time, one that sounded eerily like Road.” It is not a hopeful message but more of a death sentence. 
Chapter 25: The Lotus That Rises - Keep Holding on by Avril Lavigne 
This for the whole troupe (partly) travelling with Alma back. It warmed my heart that Kanda decided to accompany Alma, especially when he was the prime fugitive and framed for murder. But Alma’s near death experience seems to have really opened Kanda’s eyes and he seemed to have finally made peace with his past. Kanda surprisingly seemed like the most optimistic character in this chapter because he promised himself that Alma will stay safe, even at his own detriment. So this song is about hoping and making it though! 
Chapter 26: A Broken Defense - The Host of the Eldar/ The Battle of Hornburg  from Lord of the Rings 
This chapter is so tense and very focused on breaching the castle without being discovered by people other than Klaud and Tricia. I felt that it was a stealth mission and an instrumental is more suited than a song. I am redacting the Lord of the Rings trilogy and chose one of its soundtrack! This chapter kind of reminds me of the battle of Helm’s deep (minus the crushing hopelessness from the film) in the sense of it the ramp up to the climax which will probably be a battle with the Noah. The soundtrack is when the elves showed up to support the people of Rohan at the fortress AKA when there is a bit of hope left, like its this chapter! But honestly, almost any soundtrack from LortR would work here. 
Chapter 27: The Fallen Siege - Who you are from Jessie J 
This is a mess of a chapter but what stood out to me was Alma standing up to Sheril which was so different from pre-Team Tiedoll Alma. He has really grown into his own and found his footing and himself. He is no longer tiptoeing around his royal life but is fully invested into doing what is right and no longer pleasing everyone (to be fair, he initially did not know the full story). So I chose a song about struggle and accepting your true self. 
Chapter 28: Gift of Grace - Two Worlds from Tarzan 
I loved Alma’s two worlds colliding harmoniously with Kanda (hopefully) being pardoned and Team Tiedoll no longer being fugitives. I chose the song very much for these two sides of Alma coming together and him finally returning home and yet not having to loose his new family. Tricia’s relief in seeing Alma can also be found in the lyrics “No words describe a mother's tears/ No words can heal a broken heart/ A dream is gone, but where there's hope “ even though Kala looses her baby.
Chapter 29: Epilogue: Seed of Hope - Lucky by Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat
I am now wearing my rose-tinted glasses and can only focus on Yulma’s soft (last) interaction. It was such a sweet moment and I thought this song was perfect, both for Yulma’s relationship and for the whole epilogue. I really think Kanda is now one of Alma’s best friend and what is better than falling for your closest friend?
These Palace Walls from the Aladdin musical
Let me by Zayn (maybe for Entangled in Your Arms AKA a wonderfully soft oneshot)
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photolover82 · 4 years
Ranking 15 Disney Princess Movies
Hey everyone! Long time, no talk. I have been thinking about what to do to continue with this pop culture blog, and I decided to go with some Disney content. So, recently, I have been watching most (by most, I mean about 15/17 available on Disney+ bc you know quarantine is boredom) 
of the Disney Princess movies and I am going to rank them in order from worst (12th place) to best (1st place). Let’s do this, let me know how you would rank these in the comments!  Not included: Brave, Pocahontas, & Maleficient since I haven’t seen them recently, I’ll try to watch them & update the list 
15th Place: Frozen 1
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This one is an unpopular opinion, but I wasn’t a huge fan of the original Frozen movie. Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of sisters kicking booty as royalty without any men, but like it lacked a lot of emotion and heart for me, mostly because the songs are overplayed and the movie itself is super overrated in my opinion. The only cute thing about the movie was Olaf, but other than that meh. Oh and another unpopular opinion: I really dislike Elsa, but we can get into that later. Also, this movie isn’t nostalgic enough to me since it came out when I was 13 years old. 
14th Place: Sleeping Beauty 
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Ok, so most of the older Disney movies are going to go in these places, mostly because the princesses lack any kind of complexity in their character. Aurora is beautiful don’t get me wrong, but she is too much of a damsel in distress and has no unique personality traits. Also, it’s kinda weird that the Prince sees her as a baby and he’s a toddler or child idk. The best part about this movie was the fairy godmothers (especially when they are arguing about the dress color) and the Once Upon a Dream scene. 
13th Place: Snow White & The Seven Dwarves 
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Ok, this one also has the same problem as Sleeping Beauty, except (thankfully) there is no weird Prince meets princess when she’s a baby scene. However, yeah Snow White has little to no personality tbh but her singing makes it tho. The best thing about this movie are the dwarves 1000% which makes me rank it above Sleeping Beauty. 
12th Place: Cinderella (Cartoon Version) 
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Alright, Cinderella actually doesn’t have as bland of a personality as the other ones and the mice also made this movie so entertaining, but there are some plot holes (that thankfully are filled in the live-action, we’ll get to that later) that I cannot look past, so I cannot rank it higher. Cinderella does have more of a personality, but unfortunately the Prince has legit no personality at all. They made her a very kind & hardworking girl, but they didn’t really give him any background at all. Like, it didn’t make sense why she fell in love with him. 
11th Place: The Little Mermaid
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This movie was super nostalgic for me as a kid (as was Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, & Cinderella), and the music is everything still to this day, but the plot is a bit meh, I mean a girl giving up her pretty voice for a guy... ya not my favorite storyline, but I hope they make it better in the live action that I heard they are going to make. However, Sebastian, Flounder, and all the music really makes me very happy & it makes the movie 100x more enjoyable. 
10th Place: Frozen 2
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Now, I know I trashed the first Frozen movie, but I honestly love the sequel way more. I really love Anna and this movie gave her more screen time which I really wanted from the first one and it also gave her more complexity as a character and it made me really love her more than the 2nd one. There were also more funny, heartfelt, and emotional moments here and they gave Anna a strength that was amazing, letting Elsa kind of take a step back which I like (because I honestly think she is a bit selfish & only thinks about herself/her magic/problems and abandons her sister/kingdom). It was awesome to see Anna take charge and be a strong leader in this movie. I loved it! Oh and the music was much better. 
9th Place: Beauty & The Beast (Live Action) 
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Overall, I really enjoyed the live-action Beauty and the Beast. I love everything about it, it’s such a wonderful movie. Evermore is an amazing song that was added for this live-action version. However, it is my least favorite of the 3 live-action Disney princess films because I honestly didn’t like the choice of Emma Watson as Belle. Her voice just didn’t make sense with Belle’s. However, I did like that they included the backstory of Belle’s mom, and I love Belle’s dad in this film, he is portrayed a lot better than in the cartoon. I also loved Josh Gad as LeFou, it was such a perfect choice & also portrayed better than the original. However, I preferred the original, cartoon movie’s music, especially Be Our Guest which was a bit disappointing in the live-action since it is so iconic. 
8th Place: Mulan 
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Mulan is such an amazing movie! The music is great, I love the characters, it’s funny and super empowering. Mushu is legit my favorite character, which is why I am a bit scared about the live action version. Honestly, I really love the sequel more than the first one which is not super common to me. Mulan is everything tho, she is such a strong, powerful woman, we stan. 
7th Place: Moana
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Ok, so Moana legit has the best music of all these Disney movies (because Lin Manuel Miranda helped produce the music so ofc it’s amazing) and the best (arguably) cast. Dwayne Johnson as Maui was literally the best choice ever, *chef’s kiss* to that. It’s also so cool that she doesn’t need a man and she’s independent/fearless. Probably one of the best modern Disney movies that isn’t live action. 
6th Place: Aladdin (Cartoon) 
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I love Aladdin, it is also super nostalgic for me. It’s amazing how the focus is more on Aladdin’s feelings, which is not super common in Disney movies, showcasing how the man feels. Also, Robin Williams (RIP) as the Genie was amazing and it made me laugh. The music was also so amazing and iconic. Jasmine is also one of the best princesses, I love it so much. 
5th Place: Aladdin (Live Action)
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Now, for the live-action, I honestly think they did the impossible and made it even better. The casting was such an amazing choice, and even though I was very skeptical about Will Smith being the Genie at first, I really loved his portrayal of the Genie because he made it his own, and it was reminiscent of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Also, Jasmine’s song, Speechless, was beautiful and such a great touch to the movie (Noami Scott’s voice was a perfect match for Jasmine in my opinion). 
4th Place: Cinderella (Live Action) 
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Ok, I prefer the live-action Cinderella so much more than the cartoon version, because it gave Cinderella and the Prince a more human and well-rounded personality. I love that they included the background on why her name is Cinderella and on her mom. I also really enjoyed the people they casted in this movie and it was just such a beautiful movie with so much heart. 
3rd Place: Beauty & The Beast (Cartoon) 
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Ok, so ya this is such a classic and it is so nostalgic to me. Belle, for me growing up, was the princess I related to the most because she was intelligent and loved books instead of just being praised for her beauty, she was seen as weird because of her love of reading. I also really love all the characters and songs, they are so amazing! 
2nd Place: Princess & The Frog 
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I realized that the best Disney movies came out during 2009-2011. Princess and the Frog is a huge example of that. Tiana is an amazing princess because she is super hardworking and independent which is such a great role model for young girls. It is also an adorable movie and was so funny/cute. The music is also amazing and I love the New Orleans vibes, it's so good, I have no bad things to say. 
1st Place: Tangled 
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Tangled is literally my favorite Disney movie of all time! It is so funny and beautifully made. I can literally watch it over and over again without it being annoying because I am that into it. Also, the music is *chef’s kiss*. 
There ya go! Comment down below your thoughts/rankings. 
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readyforit · 4 years
playing dangerous is the song i know. and the once upon a dream cover from maleficient.
ahh yes, so you should definitely start with born to die and let me know what you think 🥰
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ftyeonjun · 7 years
tagged by @lumiereswig!
1. who’s your favorite disney princess?
aurora or belle honestly i cant pick
2. who’s your favorite not-princess disney character?
Gaston LeGume also maleficient and dr facilier and lthe three fairies from sleeping beauty (idk their names in english) and peter pan and winnie the pooh
3. what disney location would you want to live in?
villeneuve it reminds me of where i live now but like. cosier plus its rly pretty
4. which disney character would you date? (or be besties with, for our ace friends)
2017 lefou i love him so much
5. which disney character would you MURDER
captain hook i’ve hated him since i was like three
6. what disney character is most underappreciated?
dr facilier like? his song is a bop??? hes out here turning ppl into fuckin Frogs! i love and would die for this man
7. what’s your favorite disney SPELL?
all the spells from sleeping beauty honestly
8. is there any disney movie you would significantly change the plot of? how & why?
not rly honestly i cant think of one?? except maybe make them spend less time as frogs in princess & the frog but thats not like. Significant
9. what’s your scariest disney moment?
so i never watched the disney version of pinocchio but it probably counts bc the fucking whale scene is Terrifying i loved it but oh my GD & also every and any scene w 1991 monsieur d’arque tht man is every level of scary
10. your top 5 disney songs?
gaston both og and 2017 esp english & pt belle (reprise) bc it Bops part of your world under the sea once upon a dream bonus: friends on the other side
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