#sonic drabbles
twisting-echo · 2 years
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Sara Headcanons/Drabbles
Whatever is underlined is a link. 🔗
This is a list of my Sara Sonic OVA headcanons and drabbles.
Being raised in a sheltered life in the Land of the Sky, Sara comes off as prissy, spoiled, selfish, and lacking in empathy for others. But underneath it all, she is actually a very sweet, purehearted, and caring person who is very sensitive to the feelings of others and will protect her friends at any cost. After the events of Sonic OVA, Sara has shed most of her spoiled mannerisms and is very confident, upbeat, and adventurous.
Sara's species is something that I call a "Neko-onna," meaning "Cat-woman," taken from the Yuki-onna ("snow woman"), a spirit or yokai in Japanese folklore that is often depicted in Japanese literature, films, or animation. and Nekomusume, meaning "Catgirl," a female kemonomimi character with feline traits such as cat ears (nekomimi), a cat tail, or other feline characteristics on an otherwise human body. Catgirls are found in various fiction genres and, in particular, in Japanese anime and manga.
And I just give Sara's dad cat ears and a tail to make it easier on my headcanon, he is called a “Neko-otoko,” (“Cat-man”).
Sara's Abilities:
Claw Retraction: Sara can project or retract razor-sharp claws from her fingertips.
Climbing: Sara is able to climb and otherwise move effortlessly and smoothly on angled or vertical surfaces, taking advantage of any handholds they find, no matter how small, on trees, rocks, walls, etc.
Nictitating Membrane Protrusion: Sara can generate nictitating membranes for her eyes, usually for eye protection while maintaining vision.
Powerful Bite: Sara has a particularly strong bite, because of her sharp fangs and strong jaw muscles.
Pheromone Generation: Sara can secrete powerful pheromones that have a variety of effects on others, all related to behavior.
Tapetum Lucidum Manifestation AKA Eyeshine Creation: Sara can generate Tapetum Lucidum, layers of tissue in the eye of many vertebrates.
Vertical Pupils: Sara can generate vertical pupils in her eyes. She can also transform her regular eyes into vertical pupils.
Sara's father made sure that she was never going to be defenseless, so he had her trained in martial arts and mixed martial arts. So, I'd say that she's very skilled in the fighting department. And seeing how she handled herself with Robotnik in the OVA, I mean, come on, Sara kicks ass!
Sara has multiple piercings on her cat ears. (Looks like this Feline Piercing Chart By farorenightclaw.)
Sara has a belly button piercing. (It pairs nicely with her crop top.)
Sara has an Industrial piercing on her left neko ear (Looks like this grump  By LilyFie)
Sara has a gaming channel called "Gaming Gamer Girl." The name is supposed to be silly, stupid, and ironic.
Sara's gaming channel, streams, and social media are very popular, and she has a large following.
Sara does makeup and cosplay tutorials and fashion unboxing videos. The clothes and cosplays are given to her by her sponsors.
Sara has her own fashion and makeup line.
Sara is best friends with Elise, Maria, Amy, Blaze, Honey, Rouge, Wave, Whisper, Topaz, and Tangle. but she is closest to Elise, Maria, Topaz, Amy, Honey, Rouge, and Tangle.
Sara is a member of Team Chaotix; she joined when Knuckles introduced her to Vector, Espio, and Charmy. 
Knuckles noticed how she could really take care of herself and thought that her feistiness and sincerity would be good for Team Chaotix.
Sara plays video games with Elise, Maria, Eggman, Vector, Charmy, Tangle, Tails, Sonic, and her dad.
Her favorite color is pink, and she is proud of it.
Sara is Cream's babysitter and babysits for Vanilla often. I thought it would be nice for Sara to get into babysitting because it really showcases her nurturing side, and she's really great with kids, and being an ex-brat herself, she really knows how to deal with the brats.
She is Cream’s big sis, and she found a mother figure in Vanilla and enjoys cooking, knitting, and folding laundry with her whenever she's at Cream and Vanilla's house. She even got Vanilla interested in playing video games with her, especially the horribly scary ones.
Sara teases Vector about his crush on Vanilla and plays matchmaker for them. (I’m a Vectilla shipper.)
Sara's mother died when she was very young, so she doesn't have a lot of memories of her, and it upsets her greatly.
Sara had a crush on Sonic, but now she is Knuckles' girlfriend. At first, she had no idea that Knuckles liked her, especially after she kissed him. She quickly noticed how Charmy and Vector would tease Knuckles whenever he would ask her if she would like to go treasure hunting with just him.
T.W. Barker has developed a liking for Sara and wants her to be in his circus as his “tightrope walking princess.” (His words, not mine.)
This scene gives me Sara vibes - SING 2 - Girl on Fire Song Clip (2021)
I call this Sara’s song - Halsey - Could Have Been Me (Sing 2) (Lyrics)
I can just imagine Sara singing this - Kitty sings "Dangerous Woman" by Ariana Grande.
Sara reminds me of Marin Kitagawa from Sono Bisque Doll Wa Koi O Suru AKA My Dress-Up Darling.
Mimi Tachikawa from Digimon was based on Sara. (Mimi is my favorite character.)
Sara still likes to affectionately call Knuckles "Mr. Mole" in a playfully teasing manner.
I will be posting a Knuckles x Sara (Knuxara) headcanon in the future.
🚫 This is my headcanon, so please be respectful. 🚫
🚫 If you don't like anything in my headcanon, please don't comment. 🚫
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antirepurp · 1 year
sonic who's a bit older and a bit more mentally tired than he used to be. who's finally had some time to understand the weight of the things he does and foes he faces, who's beginning to realize the kind of shit he battles and the powers he messes with, but who actively tries not to think about it too hard. who keeps up the smile even when he's not fully feeling it that day, who's much more quiet when he's by himself than he used to be. whose appreciation of his friends grows with every passing day, who believes in them even more than he used to to the point he doesn't need to fear death (if he even did in the first place); if the world is in their hands after his passing, things will turn out alright
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I've seen a lot of takes on what would happen if Sonic and Tails returned to West Side Island and confronted the people who were so abusive to Tails, and I had an idea for a somewhat new spin on it.
What if, now that Tails is a world famous hero, the Islanders try to try to basically gaslight him into thinking none of the abuse ever happened? They find out he's coming and they throw a big "Welcome Home" party and give him a medal and stuff, and when confronted about their treatment of him just completely deny or twist it. Like "oh yes I'm so sorry there were a couple kids who were bullies but that happens to everyone you weren't being targeted, and we tried to get them to stop it" or "we didn't know you were alone and homeless, if we knew we would have taken you in" and all sorts of garbage like that
And Tails, who's maybe a tween-young teen now, and no longer has distinct memories from that early in his life, starts to question if maybe he really was blowing things out of proportion. Maybe he really was just bullied by one or two kids, and they weren't really that bad. Maybe people didn't really chase him away and refuse to even let him go through their garbage for food. He knows he has anxiety. Maybe he was just imagining how much everyone hated him. And he almost wants to believe it, to believe that he was never truly hated.
But Sonic remembers. Sonic remembers the gang of older kids beating and violently attacking toddler aged Tails, and only stopping when he physically intervened with his own fists. He remembers questioning the townsfolk about the two-tailed fox he'd seen and being meet with sneers and complete disdain. He remembers how skinny Tails was, how his ribs were visible even through his fur and how he wolfed down the food Sonic offered him so quickly that he nearly threw it up later. He remembers how Tails flinched from any quick movement or attempt at touch. He remembers the long process of gaining the fox's trust, a process that tested his nine-year-old patience as he spent literal weeks urging Tails to come closer, keeping his hands slow and his face friendly, finally getting the fox to join him at the campfire, to walk beside him without dashing away when moved his arm too fast, and then, eventually, to let him touch him. He remembers the first few times Tails let him try to brush out his matted, dirty fur, each knot a testament to neglect, and finding scars and wounds on the skin beneath that spoke of so much abuse. He remembers realizing for the first time that normal, everyday Mobians could be just as cruel as Eggman.
Tails doesn't trust his own memory. But Sonic remembers. And Sonic is not quick to forgive.
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nixoon-again · 6 months
This was a bad idea.
Sonic usually prides himself in his chill and easy going nature and his calm demeanour, it's not really that easy to get him riled up. He doesn't like being angry either, his love for freedom includes feeling free too — not burdened down with some infuriating people and their meaningless rants or whatever engaging acts they participate in and absolutely not any of it being given more than a second long stay in his mind, no. Sonic doesn't like that. He prefers to stay clear of such things as much as he can. 
If the bulging vein on his forehead has to say anything, unfortunately, this is not one of those situations where he can just up and leave.
No because he's stuck here, forced to sit around this stupid dinner table by the absurdity of the situation. Really, how did he even get here? Why did he let it get to this point? When has Sonic ever conformed to the groundless rules of a stupid village to solve a problem before? Why was this one any different? In fact, by all logical means, Sonic shouldn't even have bothered to ask these villagers for anything at all. He should've gotten the work done and over with, giving very little — which is none — thought to the customs and formalities of these absolute nutcases.
This is Westside Island after all.
He shouldn't have expected anything else from these guys.
Sonic knows very little of what these lunatics did to Tails in his earlier years and what he does know of it already makes him want to burn the entire village down. Right now? The urge is stronger than ever.
Today he has learnt a lot more about what exactly they did to his little brother than he has in the four years of knowing and raising Tails.
The only thing keeping Sonic from lashing out right now is his little brother's small hand resting on top of his own.
He doesn't know how Tails is keeping his composure right now because Chaos knows Sonic's ever-deepening scowl is going to become something these people are always going to associate him with. The kid is acting like the constant insults and accusations don't even affect him — which is, yeah, good! They shouldn't because they're meaningless lies hurled at his way by people who don't even possess a quarter of his IQ. But this is getting out of hand and Sonic doesn't know how long he can tell himself that these words don't matter because they're not aimed at him, they're aimed at his little brother.
His little brother who just so happens to be the smartest, kindest, bravest person in the whole world. His little brother that these people abandoned as a literal baby, starving and abusing him to the point Sonic still has damage left to undo after all these years. His little brother who he will not hear any foul words about.
Tails’ grip on his hand tightens.
He must've noticed the hedgehog's quills sharpening. The kit's signalling him to calm down.
Right… He can't let his anger overcome him now. Not after they're so close to finishing their job here and going back home, hopefully never having to even look in this place's general direction again. He can't forget the actual reason he agreed to talk with these people; to get information since the duo aren't allowed to investigate the situation freely as outsiders.
Fate must really hate Sonic though because it just so happens to be that the guy who can actually give them any valuable information is someone Sonic never thought he'd ever come face to face with in a million years.
Tails’ father.
(He cringes internally, oh how wrong it feels to refer to the man as his kid's father.)
The resemblance between father and son is uncanny; no matter how much Sonic tries to tell himself this guy is just another fox, he can never convince himself as such. Not when he has the same ocean blue eyes, sparkling with wisdom and tactic. The same shade of orange fur dissolves into dark browns and blacks at the tips of his ears and between his eyes. The way he talks, the way he sits, the way he moves and the way his singular tail swishes behind him gently. His voice, his manners, his accent, his tone — it's all Tails.
It's infuriating. 
It feels unsettling.
Because this man is so unlike his little brother that he feels uneasy under his gaze, that shade of soft blue doesn't deserve to hold such contempt and malice in it. His facial features resemble Tails’ so much and yet he scowls and sneers where the kit is always laughing and smiling — the man may be related to his little brother and his little brother may have gotten his appearance from the older fox but there's definitely a stark contrast between them. The difference between one's unforgiving cruelty and the other's mellow kindness is shocking when placed side by side.
“That's the most I can tell you at this hour,” the man says as if he's granted them great knowledge when barely any of what he just said was something other than an insult directed towards Tails, “I wish I could do more to help you but as the village's rules stand, there's very little I can allow you to do here when you've brought that thing along, Mr. Hedgehog.”
For whatever reason, people on Westside Island like to tell Sonic that they would've helped him as much as they can if it wasn't for the fact that he brought his partner with him. They're so adamant that everything would've been such a streamlined process if it was only Sonic asking to investigate the village. 
As if.
He knows talking back to the man would later have Tails scolding him but the temptation is too great to not jab at the nonchalant fox, “You know, maybe you wouldn't have all these problems suddenly spiking up if you didn't treat a literal child like some thing to be disposed of.”
“I believe you don't understand our history at all.” The guy has the audacity to sigh, “Treating a curse as a child is welcoming death with open arms. In fact, I believe all these problems are suddenly spiking up because you decided to bring that freak back here.”
And oh boy, that makes Sonic’s left eye twitch in a way that gives away the fact that he's about to throw hands.
He would've too, if it weren't for the sudden surprise of Tails standing up to his father.
“I'm not a freak…” His voice is small, but so so certain and it makes Sonic's heart swell with pride. A small smile graces the hedgehog's muzzle as he gives Tails’ hand a squeeze.
Unfortunately, the moment is short lived.
Because of course Tails’ father has something to shoot them down with again.
“And is that why your mother died, Miles? Is that how you're going to kill Sonic too?”
The room goes silent.
Sonic feels Tails' vice-like grip on his hand tightens to the point it must've hurt at those words. He can feel the kit's claws through his gloves, as he holds Sonic's hand like his life depends on it.
Instinctively, Sonic turns his head just enough to take a look at the younger boy sitting to his left.
Tails has his head hanging low, his bangs cast a shadow upon his eyes but Sonic still catches sight of big, fat tears rolling down his muzzle.
And that's it.
That's the final straw.
Sonic doesn't know what overcomes him next.
His mind goes blank for a moment as his body moves on its own, taking his hand away from Tails and putting his entire weight into his fist as his curled up hand connects with the older fox's jaw with such force it knocks him out of his chair, leaving him disgracefully sprawled on the wooden floor. A pained noise escapes the man as he crashes down with the chair he's been sitting on and oh, is it music to Sonic's ears.
The older fox holds his muzzle, his glove staining red as Sonic takes a slow and calculated step forward — a dangerous aura surrounds the hedgehog, emerald green glinting with so much hatred and ill intent that it sends shivers running down the man's spine.
Sonic raises his fist again and Chaos knows he wouldn't have let the fox scramble with just a few punches, he doubts the man could even get up on his own after what Sonic wants to do to him but fate seems to be in the fox's favour as Tails grabs Sonic's upper arm and effectively pulls him back.
“Sonic, stop it!” The kit still has tears in his eyes, his voice cracks a bit but he manages to mask it well in favour of stopping his older brother from possibly committing first degree murder.
Tails drags Sonic back to his side but the hedgehog still has his murderous glare fixated on the older fox who has barely managed to even sit back up on the floor.
“That's enough, we're leaving. Come on.” Tails speaks fast, his eyes dashing between Sonic and the door as takes a big step and tries to pull his older brother with him. Except Sonic doesn't budge, still glaring down at his father who has denied to match him with one of his own. Tails looks at the hedgehog, almost pleading if it weren't for his stern tone, “Sonic.”
The addressed hedgehog opens his mouth to say something, seemingly to the older mobian but decides against it when he feels Tails pull at his hand again.
Sonic lets out a huff, brows knitting.
He disregards his anger and frustration to listen to Tails — Tails wants to leave, he's clearly too uncomfortable in here for Sonic to be pulling these stunts.
“Let's go.” Sonic says, interlocking his fingers with Tails’ as they both leave the place.
Mr. Prower thinks things would've been better if Sonic didn't bring Tails with him? If it weren't for Tails, Sonic would've made sure Tails actually didn't have a father anymore.
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underratedgrapeju1ce · 4 months
i wonder if sonic ever talked to shadow about what happened with other shadow...
sonics not a huge "talking about feelings" guy, but i imagine seeing shadow---even a fake version version of him---begging him for help as he deteriorates, would mess him up a bit
when the others ask where sonics been for the past few days, he brushes it off. free as the wind, remember! he does his own thing! but i dont think shadow would buy it.
he probably brashly interrogates sonic, assuming he was off being irresponsible. when sonic snaps that no one would believe him if he told them, that catches shadows attention.
he probably softens, just by a hair, and demands to know what REALLY kept him away. when sonic describes the Other world, shadow doesnt laugh, or tell him off for making up lies like sonic expected him to. and when he brings up the other maria, any trace of irritation in shadows demeanor is replaced with quiet shock.
little blurb under the cut. (i lied its like a whole ass chapter)
"...Told ya you wouldn't believe me," Sonic huffed a humorless laugh. "Chaos, it sounds even more insane when I say it out-"
"I believe you."
Sonic's hand paused where it was exasperatedly wiping down his face. Emerald eyes blinked up at Shadow, the gloved hand now hovering aimlessly in midair.
"Don't give me that idiotic look, hedgehog," Shadow seemed to snap, but his voice lacked any sharp, incriminating edge, "You're not remotely creative enough to come up with a lie that elaborate."
"There's a compliment hidden in there somewhere, I can feel it."
Shadow's round ear flicked in irritation, his eyes rolling and his shoulders heaving as he sighed. Ruby eyes closed, brows furrowed, carefully planning his next words.
"I know how you behave when you lie. This is not one of those instances."
There was silence, save for the far-off twittering of Flickies, muffled by the canopy of the forest. The sun was sinking now, casting orange flares in both hedgehogs' eyes. Sonic sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Well, nothing to do about it now," he mumbled, "I'm sorry I said anything. Doesn't have anything to do with you guys-"
"You said this world seemed to be some exaggerated form of paradise for you, to some extent?"
The blue hedgehog was a bit taken aback by how calmly and objectively Shadow was going about this, but... hey, it was Shadow. He balked for a moment, stammering his explanation.
"I... I mean, I-I guess? I'm not sure how creepy button eyes is an ideal lifestyle but-"
"I'm serious, hedgehog."
Sonic sighed again, averting his eyes to the ground.
"I..." Sonic laughed shortly, devoid of warmth, and threw his hand up in surrender, "Sure, yeah. I guess that's what the thing was going for, but obviously that creepy doll hellscape thing is not my idea of paradise. But Shadow, why is this-"
"Do you think I would be happier if Maria was here?"
Sonic's heart dropped to his feet, and he felt his veins run cold. His body was still for a moment, then he shrugged. Then he started to speak. Then he cut himself off. Then he put a hand to his face and stared at the grass through his fingers. The hedgehog noted how close the toe of his shoe was to crushing a small pink flower. He took a step backwards, then looked up.
"I-I don't know, would you?"
"I'm asking you, Sonic."
The blue hedgehog gave a huff through his nose, shoulders slumping in defeat.
"I mean," he spoke quietly, digging a fang into his lip, "I guess so? I feel like it's pretty natural to wish we didn't have to lose people we care about."
Sonic's thoughts flitted to his parents. He brushed it away for now.
Shadow looked thoughtful, deadpan, brows furrowed and eyes staring vaguely at the grass in front of him. Sonic didn't know why he felt like he was poking a grizzly bear. He knew he and Shadow had a tendency to compete rather than talk, so he supposed he expected the black hedgehog to dart off or hurl a Chaos Spear at his skull.
"I don't think I would be."
Sonic blinked in surprise, the tension dropping from his shoulders from when he'd braced himself for an attack. Shadow seemed surprised at his own answer.
"As dear as Maria is to me," the hybrid continued slowly, as if his words were an elaborate chess strategy, "As much as she would've loved this planet, and you---" Sonic felt a pang in his chest. "--what's done is done. If I could speak to her one last time, I would do so in an instant. But..."
Shadow looked solemn. He sighed again.
"It would be selfish of me, to undo the permanence of death. This planet is as dangerous and ruthless as it is beautiful. If people did not have mercy on the ARK, it would be no different here. Her illness would be expedited, and there would be nothing for me to do."
"But what if--"
"The best thing that I can do for Maria is keep this planet safe in her name. That is all."
Twilight now stained the sky softly purple, the faintest glimpse of stars beginning to flicker into existence, and the sinking light cast sunken shadows on the black hedgehog's tired face. Sonic figured talking like this was a fairly herculean effort. The chilled wind softly ruffled their quills. Instinctively, Sonic wanted to lighten the mood by making a jab about Doctor Frankenstein, or Night of the Living Dead, but taking one look at Shadow's exhausted face, he knew it wasn't the time.
The silence was tenuous, both hedgehogs unsure what to do with their feelings out in the open.
Sonic thought about how wrong the Other world had been, how uncanny and fundamentally terrifying it all was. He knew that thing, the puppet made of string and buttons and false fur...it wasn't really Shadow. But it still tried to help him. It was still Shadow's voice begging him not to leave, not to do this to him, not again. He knew the pain in its expression as the little girl in the blue dress unraveled was far from fake. As much as that fake world tried to create happiness, the only real, raw thing? Had been that pain.
Deep down, Sonic thought Shadow deserved to be a bit selfish, at least in this hypothetical, fantastic situation they'd created. And Sonic had the feeling that Shadow really, really wants to be as well. But, ever the realist, he doesn't even allow himself the fantasy. At least that's Sonic's guess. Maybe he's just projecting his savior complex again.
"Race ya home, faker?"
But Sonic also knows that living in a past as painful as Shadow's can be dangerous.
"You mean my home, or the fox's lab you sleep on the floor of?" Shadow smirks challengingly.
He's watched it consume Shadow before.
"That's a low blow!"
It's probably better off for both of them to just live in the present.
"Last one to Rouge's buys drinks?"
Shadow may not have his sister with him anymore, but, maybe the new normal isn't horrible.
"Oh, you're so on! I can taste my victory Shirley Temple already!"
"A Shirley Temple, are you a child?"
Maybe this freedom is what Maria wanted for him all along.
"You're gonna be crying like one when you lose!"
Shadow hmph's with a grin as his skates spark to life, glowing even brighter beneath the now inky black sky. With no warning, he darts off, leaving billowing ripples in the grass behind him. Sonic gapes for a moment, before his mind catches up and he peels away with an eager smile.
The blue hedgehog slows up near the end of their race, if only to see Shadow's victorious expression as Rouge opens the club door.
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max-nico · 6 months
Sonic knows a lot of things, Tails thinks.
Tails knows a lot of things too, but Sonic seems to know everything about everything. He knows all about places, and people, and even planes—one of Tails' favorite things right now. Sonic always knows what to say and how to say it, and Tails still stumbles over his words with all the grace a five year old has.
Today, Sonic said a word that Tails is unfamiliar with. Sonic has said it multiple times before, every time with a soft voice and a specific facial expression that makes Tails want to cry. The one where his eyes lose that flighty sharpness he always carries, and his smile falls into something less playful and more gentle.
Today Tails repeats that word. It's nowhere near a perfect pronunciation, honestly the word is barely distinguishable from gibberish, but Sonic just repeats it slower. He's patient, something Tails always has been and something Sonic had to learn.
He asks Sonic what the word means.
Sonic shrugs, he doesn't know. Just a word he picked up, because Sonic is very good with language. It's something he's overheard a few times, he claims, because Sonic is very observant. Families say it to each other, and Sonic says Tails is his family so he likes to say it to him.
Something in the little Fox's chest moves, it's a bit jarring and a little painful, but it's hard to focus on.
Tails decides he will learn this word if it kills him. If Sonic—who is literally the smartest person Tails knows, and because of their adventures Tails knows a lot of people—says this word means family it must be true.
And if Sonic decides to use that word to talk to Tails, and by proxy decides that Tails is his family? Well, that must be true too.
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scribblestatic · 1 month
Shadow secretly likes being held, but only wants to be held when he's feeling it.
When he and Sonic end up in some unknown corner of the world or some hidden place Sonic invites him to, Shadow will often melt into his arms. Just quietly close his eyes and rest, listening to the birds and creatures around them.
Sonic smells like many things, but he mostly smells of the fields. Of blooming flowers and soft grass. Like some force of nature himself, he smells of it.
Shadow assumes he smells like blood, so he always bathes with lavender-infused soap. Not only does the lavender calm him, but he genuinely likes the flower.
One day, while he's curled up with Sonic in one of these spots, he ends up asking Sonic what he smells like.
"Hmm... Coffee beans, mostly."
Shadow moves his muzzle off his shoulder and stares at him with lidded eyes.
"Be serious."
"I am being serious though?"
Sonic leans toward him and sniffs, his long nose twitching. Shadow's aware he turns into a werehog on occasion (it's when he's the most fuzzy), and he knows his sense of smell has always been higher than most hedgehogs (Shadow wonders if one of his parents had perhaps been a wolf or something and the hedgehog genes won out).
Sonic hums, satisfied, and he leans back with warmth in his eyes.
"Yeah, coffee and lavender. Maybe a little oil from your motorcycle. Or Omega."
"...Do I not smell...strange?"
Like gunpowder? Bloodied? Alien?
"No. You smell like you."
Shadow's quiet for a long moment.
He curls back up like he didn't ask anything, and Sonic leans back into his previous position.
Neither say anything when the other starts purring.
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myymi · 8 months
“Look. Yer new here, I get it.” Sails grumbled, his mechanical arm resting on the hedgehog’s chest to force him to keep his distance, “But you need to learn our rules and fast.” He growled, eyes narrowing into a glare.
Sonic tried to keep his body from visibly wilting at the rejection. He wasn't used to being pushed away by his little brother, and it seemed to hurt worse the second time around.
Except they aren't his little brother, are they? Nine and Sails don't know him. They shouldn't trust him. But he needs them to. Sonic needs his brother(s?) to trust him to keep them safe, why won't they let him protect them?
That's his job, isn't it? He has to keep them safe from those who are hunting them or whatever awful thoughts are plaguing them. What good is protecting the world when he can't protect his world?
“Whaddya mean?” He decided to ask, firmly ignoring the way his voice wavered even after the fox in front of him raised a brow at it.
“I mean quit stickin’ yer nose where it don't belong.” Sonic tried to ignore the fact that only one of the pirate's ears folded down as he crossed his arms, shrinking into himself. “My tale ain't your business, so quit poking.”
“I didn't mean to offend you or anything,” Sonic said, raising his paws in surrender. He'd never want to push his brother to talk about something he didn't want to. Why didn't he just drop it? “I was just worried, y’know?”
“Don't worry over strangers, landlubber.” Sails warned, his metal arm retreating from the teens chest as he averted his gaze, “it'll only make things harder for ya.” He mumbled, almost too quiet for the other to hear.
“But you're not a stranger, Sails.” The older argued, watching the fox’s movements, “I know everything about you!”
“No, you don't.” The kit frowned, his fur bristling, “If ye did, ye wouldn't be here askin’ questions about a life that doesn't concern you.” Was the last thing he said before turning away from the hedgehog, quickly making his way to somewhere on the boat that wasn't near him.
Sonic's ears flattened against his head as he watched Sails walk away, his left paw holding his right arm in an absolute death grip. He groaned and ran his paws down his face.
This was his own fault.
He's always been one to preach about boundaries. He remembers he used to have to remind a 4 year old Tails quite often that sometimes people just didn't want to talk about or do certain things and that was okay.
So why didn't he keep his big, stupid mouth shut when he saw Sails start to pull away?
Sure, Sails wasn't technically Tails, but they had the same mannerisms. His tails twirling around themselves to appear as a single appendage, his eyes looking down to stare at his crossed arms, his fur proofing up, and his foot tapping against the ground were all signs that someone was pushing him too far. Sonic knew that, yet he wouldn't stop pushing.
Maybe it was the desperation to understand this two tailed fox. Because he wasn't his fox, but he was so close he might as well be his doppelganger. Yet the teenager didn't actually know him.
But he wanted to. He wanted to show the kit that he was the one the kid should trust. He wanted to prove to Sails that he was a free shoulder to lean on if he needed it.
A big brother who would always have his arms open, waiting to comfort the fox should he need it.
It was a need for the hedgehog. He so desperately needed his little brother to understand he was always here that he forgot that Sails wasn't his brother. Not in those blue eyes, anyway.
To Sails, Sonic was a stranger. He was just some guy they found on an island who begged to be let aboard their ship. They had only met a few hours ago.
He was, understandably, overwhelmed by the hedgehog. It seemed like the stranger knew almost everything about his life, except for one key detail; Sonic didn't exist in it.
And that's exactly what made Sonic keep pushing. He wasn't a part of Sails’ life, but he wanted to be. Because he knows what Tails’ life was like before meeting the hedgehog, and he needed to make sure Sails was safe.
Nine wasn't.
Mangey wasn't.
There had to be at least one variant of his little brother that was okay. The kid's safety couldn't only rely on Sonic, surely there had to be one of them that got off easy.
But he guesses that was just another assumption he was wrong about.
“Landlubber!” Sonic's ears twitched at that, swiveling around until they located the direction the shout came from. He turned around to see Batten flying above him.
“What’d ye say to Sails?” She asked, one hand resting on her hip as the other held the hilt of her sword. The bat nodded her head up towards the crow’s nest.
Squinting, Sonic could see Sails was leaning against the banister, his head hung low.
The hedgehog winced and rubbed the back of his neck, “I kinda pushed him about something I shouldn't have.” He admitted, ears folding down against his head. “Do you know how I can make that up to him?”
Batten’s frown deepened as she glanced up to the fox for a brief moment, “Don't do anything. He'll sort it out on his own.” She advised, lowering herself down to land beside the hedgehog. “And don't bring the topic back up again. Ever.”
“Noted.” Sonic tried to smile, but it was very obviously strained. He sighed and looked away from the fox, not wanting to be caught staring.
He wasn't used to leaving Tails alone. When the fox was upset he would always bring him a gift to make up for whatever it was he did.
But maybe it's time to stop treating these two tailed foxes like they're his little brother. It never seemed to work out in his favor.
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marinaiguess · 1 year
something something sonic held onto blaze with both his hands at the end of sonic rush because the last time someone turned into their super form alongside himself, ended up falling and Sonic didnt get to catch him even though he tried.
He didn't wanna see the same story unfold again.
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orienteddreamerrr · 5 months
Imagine: Shadow saving you from a suicide attempt…
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(Shadow the Hedgehog X Fem reader!)
Rating: PG-13 for…Angst, attempted suicide but very fluffy towards the end!
(Don’t read if you have/had trauma like this before!)
(Not sure why I wanted to create this…for awareness??? I guess???)
Normally you would be at home, wanting to rest of course and maybe have some time with Shadow. But no. You were stuck here in your corner office, busying yourself with mundane work of filing papers. It was getting tiresome as you were hoping for Shadow to come rescue you. But no. He was busy, forced to be fighting alongside with G.U.N soldiers somewhere. You sigh to yourself as you see the clock, the hand almost hitting 9. You were tired. But that could also be your depression. Your boss comes out of nowhere and notices your mood. “Hey…what’s wrong?”, You look to your boss as you shake your head. “I’m needing to go home…”, Your boss nods in understanding. “We’ll have Karl take it from here…go home and rest…you look like you need it…”, You could only nod in response as you watch your boss walk back to his office.
Your mind was screaming for rest. You log off on everything as you start getting ready to leave. But as you left the office building, you can’t help but feel your depression worsening, with all these kinds of thought rushing in your mind: “Am I enough? Am I enough for Shadow? Does he even CARE about me? Does he still want me?”. These thoughts had grown louder, making their presence known. You continue walking down this sidewalk you were on, seeing all the cars zooming back and forth on the street beside you. You can’t help also but have this sense that nobody wants you around…not even Shadow. This voice in your head was screaming for you to jump off a platform somewhere as you make your way to this abandoned building that was across the street. You make your way to the top, seeing there was nobody around. You step on the edge of the roof, seeing it was good distance down to the ground of concrete that lays just below you.
You could feel your heart racing as you sigh a shaky breath, still hearing those thoughts rushing in your mind. Out of nowhere, you hear a sound behind you as if someone had teleported. You crane your head over to see it was Shadow himself. Shadow had a feeling he knew what was going on as he stands there, his arms folded as he stares at you. “What are you doing?”, He asks you, his brows furrowing a little. You can’t help but feel your tears forming as you turn around to fully face him. “I need to know…do you still care?”, Shadow of course doesn’t answer as he continues staring. Shadow does care, he just doesn’t show it. You take notice of his silence as your feet shuffle closer to the edge. Shadow sees this as he too steps closer to you. He extends his hand for you to take.
“Take my hand…”, He tells you, but all you could do was stare at it. That voice was nagging you to jump. It was growing louder as you shuffled even more to edge, before losing your footing and falling off the roof. Shadow, with his quick reflexes, uses his teleportation power to teleport from the roof to you, quickly teleporting you safely to the ground. During the time, memories of Maria flash through his mind. He didn’t want you to end up like her…dead. And his instincts had kicked in. Shadow kneels in front of you, making sure you weren’t injured. He wipes some of your tears that were streaming down your cheeks. “Don’t ever do that again…”, He whispers to you, his voice stern but gentle, hoping you would understand his words. You could only nod as he nods back to you. He picks you up bridal-style, your weight being nothing to him as he teleports you to your apartment.
He sets you down on the couch, making sure you were comfortable and not shaken up still. He usually doesn’t display affection towards you, especially around people, but he gives you a very light kiss on the forehead, his gloved hand running through your hair before disappearing. You could feel the exhaustion start to slowly creep onto you as your eyes droop close. When morning came, you stir up to find Shadow standing by, seeing he had watched you sleep for some time. You sit up as you smile at him, in which he returns it faintly. “Do you feel alright?”, he asks you, walking over to you. You sit up fully as you nod to him. “Yeah…”, Shadow nods back, taking your hand in his. “I promise I’ll be there for you more…I may not be around, but I’m still here…if you’re needing anything, just ask…”, You smile more at Shadow’s words as you kneel in front of him to embrace him. He was stiff for a moment, but he was able to hug you back.
After you released him, you could see his faint smile grow wider. He places a light kiss to your forehead again, his gloved hand resting on your cheek as he nods to you, acknowledging that you have fully recovered. He gives you one last look, letting you know that he’s off to do other things before teleporting away. You can’t help but feel satisfied as you make your way to your room to gather your thoughts, refreshing yourself before proceeding to go out, hoping to get your mind straighter, willing to see another day, willing to be with Shadow until the end of time!
The End! ❤️
Hope you liked it! I tried!
Leave a like if you did!
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raccoonbug · 5 months
Eggman never quite realized just how small the hoglet was.
Sonic had been living with the scientist for months, having desperately sought shelter during one particularly bad blizzard. The boy had slammed his fists against his door as though to knock the damn thing down, clutching his little brother to him as he shook.
When the doctor had opened the door, Sonic looked up at him, and something struck his chest. A feeling Eggman didn’t recognize burned in his chest. The boy had begged for help, not for him, but for his brother, who’d gotten sick due to the swaths of white coating the ground.
Originally, the doctor only helped to gain an advantage. A way to get this roadblock out of the way to further his goals.
In the end, though, he’d grown attached. These little mobians grew on him like a fungus, and now, months later, he pondered this as they slept comfortably against his chest.
The two purred heavily, contentedly swaddled in his coat as dreams swirled through their heads. They both fit atop him easily, curled up like cats as they rested. It took Eggman a while to realize it, but they really were just kids, and they were so very small.
He couldn’t wrap his head around it. Little hands about half the size of his own, if not smaller, I needed gently at his shirt, and it warmed his heart. Tiny tails, little baby shoes, big eyes that begged him for extra sweets after supper. It made his chest ache, like he’d coughed a bit to hard.
Subconsciously, he wondered. How could he have ever hurt them? They were kids, his kids, and at he’d grown unfathomably fond of him. Eggman would rather give up science forever than allow these boys to be hurt again.
He refused to acknowledge these feelings, though, repressing them deep down. Perhaps he was just sick, he thought, the ache in his chest more due to growing congestion than the budding growth of familial affection. Eggman would have to see a medical professional later, figure out a way to fix all this feeling.
For now, though, he’d nap with his kids. Rest would best help heal the body, after all. It definitely wasn’t a way to relax with his boys, not at all.
Not that he’d ever admit.
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domi091 · 8 months
The Struggle of Parting Ways
Tails knew Sonic never cried, it just wasn't him, even if Tails had the chance to witness him tearing up once or twice in his short life, but never cried, his eyes shined sometimes, with emotions more than tears, but they never spell, they well up his eyes and steadily stay there until he blinks them away or they dry of sheer will and stubbornness, that was just his brother, that's how he handled his feelings.
Sonic never cries, and he didn't cry when they sat in silence on the floor in Tails's room, packing up the yellow bag that used to carry their whole life and everything to Sonic's name before they settled in the workshop, tails wasn't going to take it at first, he wanted to grow, he wanted to be his own person, he was taking the cyclone instead of the tornado, he wanted to feel like himself and grow into his full potential without any influence, even Sonic's, especially Sonic's
But the rational part of his brain told him that if anything was going to hold him back it certainly wouldn't be their bag, a piece of worn-out fabric, holding more memories than any other item they have now,
and maybe, just maybe a tiny part of his brain wanted it, wanted to have something of theirs, of sonics, to keep with him for reassurance, it was a childish part, a traitorous one, but his fight over it was weak.
When Sonic showed up at his door holding the bag in his hand and offering to help him pack up before his trip, tails couldn't say no, sonic smiled at him, one of his signature grins almost too natural for the situation,
He didn't cry when he stood in the hangar with a less wide smile but a smile nonetheless still planted in his face, quietly watching tails do the last of many checks on the cyclone and putting away all the things he needed.
There weren't many words to be said, they already had that talk, and soon, the quietness became too much to bear. He was too familiar with Sonic's behavior by now, and could always sense the unsaid words that Sonic struggled to voice or refused to say out loud. However, this time, he felt the weight of the unspoken words in the air around them, and for the first time in a while, he couldn't fill the gaps. He could feel Sonic's gaze on him, and he tried his best not to fidget under the intense scrutiny. When he finally mustered the courage to look up at him again, he found Sonic's arms open and his expression soft. too soft tails almost looked away, He hesitated for a few seconds but soon gave in when Sonic gestured for him to come closer.
Sonic didn't cry as he pulled Tails into the hug, not even when his arms tightened around him too much it was almost painful. He cradled the back of Tails' head with his palm, just like he used to do years ago. sonic remained silent as Tails buried his wet nose in his shoulder and cried, despite his best efforts.
He didn't cry sending him off, tails turned on the engine and nodded when Sonic gave him a thumbs up after checking the way in front of him, all clear.
Tails soared into the sky, he blamed the tears welling up in his eyes on the crisp morning air hitting his face too fast, the fact that his eyes got used to it long ago to tear up went ignored, and the fact that he was wearing his goggles completely forgotten, tails didn't want to look back, not now, not at the start of his own journey, not when he probably looked miserable and childish right now, not when that was exactly what he was trying to grow out of, but he couldn't fight the strong feeling that washed over him, forming a lump in his throat, a tiny voice in his head, sounding suspiciously like his younger self, told him that one last look at his brother won't hurt, one last glance for the road, for good luck, for extra comfort, for the cold nights, he turned.
And he saw him, still standing at the hanger door almost too far to see but Tail's trained eyes didn't miss the small shake in his shoulders, sonic was covering his eyes with his palm and his face was looking down, whether Sonic thought tails was too far away to see him anymore or if he just couldn't hold it any longer tails didn't know, but it was too much to witness.
so he looked back ahead trying and failing to swallow the lump away, he pretended that he didn't see anything and that his eyes were clear and not too blurry to see through, years of practice and the way ahead of him memorized like the back of his paw was the only thing keeping the plane airborne.
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true-blue-sonic · 4 months
In Rivals 1 and 2, Silver's special power is that he uses his "ESP" move to confuse rivals' senses of direction:
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This ESP is actually not extra-sensory perception at all, but seems more like a telepathy-esque ability to me. (Specifically, ESP would be the ability to take note of happenings in "other" places, such as far away or a different time; though Wikipedia does claim telepathy can fall under it.) I am thus wondering if Silver can develop his mind power further, and what abilities he would gain from it. TSR touches on the ability of him having developed clairvoyance through his time-travel adventures already; would he be able to communicate with people like "true" telepathy, or even wipe minds?
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lazorbeanz · 6 months
Late Night
Unbreakable Bond
Headcanons #3
🧡 During the times when he’s not busy or on missions, Tails has volunteered to help other kids in his area with their homework, especially maths. (one could say he’s a tutor lol) and they all love him (they’ve given him the name ‘the Fun Enstein,’ though Tails wonders if Sonic has been whispering in their ears), because he somehow manages to turn boring, stressful homework, with all its mountain load of impossible tasks, into a fun investigation, as he eagerly dives into the problem with them, breaking it up and solving it piece by piece until they can put those pieces together and get a complete answer. But it’s not just his teaching methods as to why they love him so much, but how he presents the task in front of them. He makes it not just a question on a page anymore, but rather an important mission, a thrilling adventure in their minds. He displays it to them in a way that will not only get their thinking caps on, but also make them just as excited to solve them, as tough as it may appear, because Tails wants them to know that every problem must and always has a solution…and that learning can be fun if you make it! The energy and enthusiasm he has radiates onto those while teaching, his giddiness and excitement over what they’re tryna solve spreads to them, realising that it can be fun, because he makes it look fun and easy and possible. He doesn’t push them or expect them to know right off the bat, if they have questions, he stops and listens, and will get them to use their “thinking caps,” providing small hints or information he gives out to see if they can solve it themselves. If they’re stuck or confused on something, he will go through it over and over, simplifying and carefully explaining it until they understand (he’s already used to doing that with a certain blue hedgehog)
Sometimes he will get so caught up in their work, he ends up doing a problem or 2 all by himself. He can’t help it though, it’s just out of instinct.
Many parents have come to Tails with questions as to why or how he is so good at what he does.
“When you love something with a burning passion…something that brings you so much joy, you will naturally have the ability to teach others, because you will end up finding joy in teaching them, and might just so happens to spread that joy to those you teach.” He replies
Because to him, this is his passion..this is the thing that brought him that joy. This was something that once brought him nothing but a series of bullying and mockery from his peers, now brings him a series of praise and compliments from those around him. This is the something that he can share to help others, whether it be to save the world, or to save a kid from failing their math class.
Whenever Tails thinks back on when people would bully him with names such as “Mr. know-It-All,” he shrugs…they were right, because being a genius means you know it ALL. And if there’s one thing he knows…
Is that he loves being a STEM nerd :)
💙 Sonic, for the life of him, cannot stay still for too long, and that makes sense..i mean he’s the fastest thing alive for crying out loud…he doesn’t stop moving. Even if it’s just a leg rapidly bobbing up and down, or finger tapping on a surface, or…the fidgeting…oh the dreaded fidgeting!!
And Tails completely understands his reasons for this behaviour…he knows his brother almost, if not, better than he knows himself sometimes, but BOY does it really begin to grind his gears when he begins to subconsciously start fiddling with something of Tails’ when he’s in the lab with him, or if they were eating out, he would pick up the cutlery and twirl it around in his fingers. Even if he has no item to hold Into, he will start tugging at the ends of his gloves. It’s like he has to hold or touch something…anything he can get his hands on.
Tails can’t complain too much though, as he also tends to do the same thing, but it’s almost as if Sonic’s is twice as annoying because it’s twice as frequent to happen. He’s even bought him an unruly amount of fidget spinners, all for them to have their fair share of tasting plaster, due to Sonic spinning them so fast, they’d spin right out his fingers, and straight through a wall.
So after multiple repairs and half tempted to remove the entire wall, he scratched that idea, leaving him sitting at his desk, finger tapping the surface in deep thought…finger tapping..oh no how he was doing it too! But that’s when he got the lightbulb, and began to use all that tapping energy in his fingers into rapidly typing on his keyboard.
Tails walks into Sonic’s bedroom, where he was sitting on his bed and to no surprise, fidgeting. He plonks down beside him, and hands him a tablet.
“I think you’ll enjoy it.” Was all he said, before getting up and making his exit.
Sonic stared at the tablet perplexed for a short moment before picking it up and looking at the screen, all he saw was a square button that said Start. He tapped it, and before he knew it, music began to play and multiple squares were appearing on the screen increasingly fast, but he managed to hit them before it was too late..if that was the game, he thought.
What was this Tails had just bestowed upon him? Soon enough he began to fall into the swing of things, hitting and swiping the split second a square would appear. He even changed the difficulty because it was too easy. This game…was just so…satisfying. His fingers have never felt so relieved. Even the music was catchy too. So he sat there for the rest of the day tapping away to the beat.
Tails was humming away as he tinkered about on his latest project. He then shot a side-eye to see his older brother, standing by his desk with the tablet he’d given him earlier. He looked up to face him, and when he did Sonic tossed the tablet at him. Looking down at it, Tails noticed there was a finger sized crack in the screen. He looked up at the hedgehog wide eyed. “How did you-”
“Fix it.” Sonic said, turned around and left.
Well I guess he enjoyed it then…
s/o to @mbrine for the inspo of these 2 hcs ☝️
🧡 Tails used to earn pocket money from Sonic for the little things he’d achieve when tagging along on his adventures, or if he was being a good boy and sonic decided to treat him.
Now, it’s Sonic earning pocket money from Tails…
Tails (mildy unenthusiastic): congratulations Sonic, you managed to put your laundry in the machine…here’s $1.50
💙 Sonic is fairly good at Tap and Irish dancing *cough cough happy feet sonic edition HACCK-*
🧡 Sonic takes pictures of funny or weird things and makes memes out of them to send to Tails
💙 Sonic and Tails are stargazing and Sonic points out a star.
“That’s a bright one.”
“That’s Sirius, also known as the Dog Star. It’s the brightest star in our night sky. Its name literally means “glowing” in Greek. Sirius has a high luminosity in comparison to other stars, and has a mass twice of that which the sun has. In fact, if you were to place Sirius next to the Sun, it would outshine the sun more than 20 times over…”
Sonic doesn’t even bother to fact check him as he’s probably right. All he’s thinking about now is whether his little brother has an IQ of 300 or 3000…
🧡 Sonic and Tails have a special handshake, and I mean a gumball and Darwin kinda handshake lmao
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nixoon-again · 7 months
"I wanna fly high…”
Sonic doesn't remember when was the first time he caught Tails singing this melody or where the kit picked it up from but what he does know is that whenever the hedgehog sung it in a hushed tone — in soft murmurs to match the steady breathing of the fox cub in his arms  cuddled close to his chest — it will be enough to put him to sleep.
He can't deny that catching Tails singing it to himself while tinkering alone in his workshop is cute and all, especially when he catches him dancing and the kit gets a little embarrassed afterwards and Sonic has to tell him it's nothing to worry about, but there's just something different about the nights when his baby brother just couldn't sleep, whether it be nightmares or thunderstorms or simply insomnia plaguing his cunning little fox brain, when he shyly tiptoes to Sonic in the dead of the night whenever the hedgehog decides to crash in his place and, with a quiet request, climbs onto his chest as Sonic holds him close. He scritches the back of his ear as his free hand brushes through the golden fur on the kit's back, both of their hushed breathing and soft heartbeats combining to make the melody even more peaceful.
To Tails, it was simply always more peaceful when it was Sonic's voice singing it.
It was never about the melody, about the song, about the lyrics. Just his big brother's voice.
Calm, soothing, safe.
"So I can reach the highest of all the heavens..." Sonic shifts a bit, just to give his sleeping arm some movement before he drapes it over the small of Tails’ back, the kit snuggling into the crook of his neck in return. Tails hums, content with his place atop the hedgehog's chest, listening to his (steady?) heartbeat as he wraps his twin tails around the both of them to provide enough warmth to fight off the cold that isn't necessarily the weather's fault this time. 
Just their own bodies failing to generate enough heat for comfort.
"Somebody will be waiting for me,” Sonic tries his very best to ignore the blood on his hands, the blood tainting his baby brother's chest and his own through the contact as well. He doesn't want to open his eyes, he doesn't want to see the red when he can pretend he's simply lulling Tails to sleep on a cold winter night and not to a slumber he might never wake up from. “So I-I have gotta fly higher..."
Tails purrs in his hold, secure and Sonic doesn't want anything else. He can't ask for anything else — well, he can. He can ask for a life that's going to be snatched away from his arms way too soon, for years yet to come, for wanting to see the boy in his arms grow up, for his bright smiles, for the wafting scent of breakfast in workshop he's returning to after a morning run, for a little more time, for home.
But Sonic doesn't ask for it. 
He's already using all of his leftover energy to stay awake just long enough for Tails to go first.
He doesn't want Tails to be alone, he doesn't want him to be scared, hurt and terrified in Sonic's arms who won't get up no matter how many times he begs every deity out there — Sonic doesn't want that. So he'll stay. Just long enough for Tails.
"Gotta keep goin'... Everything is a brand new challenge for me," If a tear rolls down Sonic's muzzle, he doesn't regard it. If anything it's hidden from sight when he lowers his head just enough to plant a soft parting kiss on top of Tails’ head. 
He continues with his lips still hovering above the boy's soft golden fur, "I will believe in myself..."
He can't feel his hands anymore, he doesn't know if he's still petting Tails. He doesn't want them to stop, his baby brother needs all the comfort he can offer to him right now. 
“This is only the start…”
His voice betrays him next.
Within moments, the world goes numb.
Sonic doesn't know which one of them went first.
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xviiper-rents-houses · 5 months
Yandere Sonic
Yes, yes, this is a bit of a random drabble. Grammar might not be the best but, hey, you get something! I'll probably do some writing for this guy later on, we'll see!
Ah yes, the name of the games, comics and films: Sonic. Honestly, good character. He's smart, fast, funny and replies with quick combacks when battling enemies or participating in playful banter. Sonic has a bit of an ego as well, flamboyant and loves to show off, making you wonder why you should even root for him in the first place.
That's where the writers get you with Sonic constantly being humbled and told to slow down. His need for speed and impatience are two of the biggest weaknesses he bears, hindering Sonic from being whole. However, he learns from his mistakes and keeps trying; Sonic does not give up. Sonic also hyperfixates on problems that bother him, probably digging far too deeply into an issue that might not need that much solving, thus creating further problems.
That's where I get the idea that he could be a yandere. I mean, (this was mentioned in another blog) how scary would it be if he was your stalker? Petrifying, I'll tell you that. Honestly, you could be minding your own business, going on a simple walk or maybe doing a favorite hobby, being followed by Sonic and when you turn your back, there's no trace of your stalker.
Here's what makes it even better, (or worse, depending upon how you feel) Sonic in my interpretation would absolutely focus on you. Sure, he'd still interact with other characters but, you are his top priority. He'd chose you over anything. Sonic's good at putting up an act, he can downplay any accusations with his good reputation and charm.
Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. Sonic doesn't give up, as mentioned before, he will find a way to make you his. He's saved so many Mobians and Mobius itself alike, gone on interdimensional missions, fought in space; the blue hedgehog is a traveling connoisseur. Each adventure he went on, Sonic made it out alive and better than before. He's had a lot of down points, I see this as a reoccurring issue he has to deal with, and still, he finds a way out of it.
Perhaps his constant down points give him paranoia? I'm thinking with the amount of things Sonic has endured he'd be worried about losing you. Maybe not to the point of isolating you from the entire world, (I think Sonic would still let you speak to your friends under watchful eyes and listening ears) but he would make sure that he's always around and ready to protect you.
Yeaaaaah, that's about it. Let me know what you guys think! I'll probably work on writing some random drabbles about other characters, fanfics, y'know, the usual.
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