#sonic realizing that his baby brother was actually a baby
0vergrowngraveyard · 10 months
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i feel like it was only a matter of time before i did something with de-aged tails
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emthimofnight · 7 months
I love Stellar! She's so cute! Love your art, keep being amazing, et cetera, but also I have a question:
You mentioned that at the time of Stellar's, shall we say, adoption, Shadow and Sonic were still in their "it's complicated" rivals era. I'm guessing Shadow wasn't especially close to Sonic's friends either? And that kinda got me wondering: how do Sonic's friends feel about Stellar when she first arrives? Obviously they love her on sight, but like, does Tails feel weird that he's now basically Shadow's brother-in-law? Is Amy a little alarmed at the thought of Sonic and Shadow being responsible for a literal baby? Does Rogue foresee the inevitable Sonadow to follow? And so on ...
Idk, would love to know more about the early days and everyone's reactions.
EEEHEHEH thank you so much for the compliment!!! 🥰🥰🥰
And I'll give you a quick rundown on everyone's feelings immediately after Shadow brought Stellar home!
Rouge was the first to know, as she was actually present when Shadow discovered Stellar. The two of them had been tracking some leads about Project Stellar for a while, not realizing they were stumbling upon another attempt at Project Shadow until they were right on top of it. Rouge initially tried to reason with Shadow, recognizing his anger instantly and trying to convince him to let cooler heads prevail. She even tried to warn him against removing Stellar from her stasis pod, fearing that it was acting as some kind of life support and would kill her upon removal. Shadow decided to remove her regardless, deciding that either way, a life in the government's hands as a weapon was no life at all. Still, Rouge convinced him to take her straight to Sonic—and, more importantly—Tails, since he had the tools at his disposal to give Stellar a proper look over.
Sonic and Tails live together, so they were the next in line to find out. Shadow basically showed up looking like he was out for blood with a baby in his arms, demanding that Tails use his equipment to see if she was okay. Tails and Sonic both wanted more of an explanation (like, where did you get a baby, WHY do you have a baby, why do you look like you just got out of a fight, etc) and Shadow would begrudgingly tell them what he'd learned, clearly deeply uncomfortable with the entire conversation.
Well, to say they would both be shocked would be an understatement. Sonic would be at a loss for words, for once. Tails, ever the scientist, would immediately want to look over Stellar to see if Shadow was telling the truth. By the time Shadow had handed the baby over to Tails, Sonic's brain would have rebooted and the motor mouth would start up again.
He'd be in total disbelief, really. He'd just start yammering on about every question and concern that would come to mind.
"The government tried to make another you?? With ME?"
"Does that make me a dad? Does that make YOU a dad?? ARE WE DADS??"
"I can't take care of a baby, I don't even remember BEING a baby! What do babies even eat??"
Etcetera, etcetera. Shadow would just stand stiffly in a corner of Tails's workshop, laser focused on whatever tests Tails would be running on tiny baby Stellar. He would totally tune Sonic out, instead focusing on the barely noticeable rise and fall of Stellar's chest, petrified that she might stop breathing if he looked away.
Honestly, the first night would be VERY tense. Shadow would still be high strung from the rescue, Sonic would be trying to wrap his head around the whole idea, and Tails would be devoted to running all the tests he could on Stellar to try and get some answers.
Tails would determine she was healthy, showed no signs of requiring any kind of life support, and was definitely Shadow and Sonic's biological child. Half Shadow's DNA, half Sonic's.
He would also realize in his tests that her energy readings were off the charts. Whatever they had been cooking up in that lab wasn't good, and Stellar was almost like a living chaos emerald. He'd immediately be concerned about the implications of keeping her around, but Sonic would have come around by that point, deciding there was no way he and Shadow would be getting rid of her.
Shadow wouldn't be so sure. He'd suggest talking to Rouge, Amy, or Vanilla about being a mother to her instead, since he wouldn't be confident in his own abilities to raise a child. Sonic would be annoyed by that, pointing out that it would be pretty messed up to try and pass her off on anyone else. Vanilla and Rouge both have their own kids to worry about, and Amy lives in the Sol Dimension with Blaze most of the time. He'd reason that they should at least try. Besides, who could possibly understand her more than Shadow?
Eventually, they'd agree to try raising her as a team. It'd be a begrudging decision, but one they'd learn to live with. The two of them wouldn't be romantically involved at this point, either, so the two of them had a LOT of growing pains trying to figure out how to parent together. Getting a baby government assigned to you is one thing, but having to raise it with your rival is another!
Oh, and as for Amy, Knuckles, and the rest of the group? They'd almost all be horrified LOL! Stellar definitely received a rocky reception at first! They all grew to love her eventually, though.
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s0fti3w1tch · 2 years
Tentative Devotee AU (TBC Soon)
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Leonardo is a Foot trainee, raised and trained by Lieutenant and Brute since he was 9. Life before then is fuzzy at best. — In the past several months, he's been going on his first proper missions, quickly aware of a persistent threat against the Foot Clan: 3 mutant turtles and a human who've foiled them time and time again.
What he wasn't aware of was that they were 4 siblings who never gave up on finding their missing brother.
CONTENT WARNING! This AU will explore: Mourning of family / Mourning of a child (who isn't actually dead, but believed to be). Violence is canon-typical up to the standards of the movie— That is also a reference point for the tone of this AU. There will be cult themes and dips into the topic of cult trauma, alongside family issues.
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Main Comic:
Enemies || [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ tbc... ]
Baby Blue || [coming soon]
Donnie's Apology Gift
First Mission Mishaps!
PSAs: Triggering Content, Why Leo will not have a "Dark Side," Cult Parents
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More content below the cut! ♥︎
Scrapped/Changed Ideas or Scenes:
"Maybe this is the lowest point of my life" / Severing Ties
Usagi's first design + role
Mona Lisa first design
Reference Sheets:
Leonardo's Room
Leo's Outfit Change + Sorta-Timeline
Hand Marking
Leo's Guitar
Eyes (outdated)
Nail Polish
Butterfly Charm
Usagi WIP
More Lore/Story Heavy = ♥︎ / Just More Fun = ☀︎ / 💬 = answer to an ask
Leo Solo!
"Keep it together, Leo"
"What I know about family?"
He/They/Xe of the day! / Speed-Color ☀︎
Scooter Boy! ☀︎
He's Writing Fanfic ☀︎
Guac Baby ☀︎
"Yeah, of course! But also..." ☀︎
Animation Test
No Sleep
[ i was listening to sonic music while drawing this ] ☀︎
Cook :P ☀︎
3 Swords?! ☀︎ 💬
Peepaw'd :) 💬
Head Empty + Leo kinda mad ♥︎ 💬
Blep! 💬
Feelings Down ♥︎💬
Multi POV
TD Spoilers Over Memes [1]
Trust in the Foot ♥︎ 💬
"Keep your brother safe" ♥︎ 💬
Big Sisters ♥︎
Turtle Sister to Turtle Sister 💬
Foot Clan Family
Motorcycle Theft! 💬
Shell Cracks + A Small Moment ♥︎ 💬
Trans Sibs!!! ☀︎ 💬
Hamato Clan
Not Growing With Us ♥︎💬
Recognition? 💬 ♥︎
"Donnie, stay out of this"
Unknown Tension
Protective Older Twin 💬
"Can we be brothers?" 💬
Donnie's hope (colored ver: here)
"Donnie, whatcha got there?" ☀︎
Drawing for Donnie 1
Yōkai Connections
Hueso's First Encounter With Leo 💬
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+ All my AU Crossover Content linked here~!
Separated Leo Crossover : Bathtub Arc ☀︎
Preview Comic (Test)
TMNT AU Competition Basketball Saga ☀︎
Nail Bat Recieved
Leo Hype Squad!
No PomPoms
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I didn't intend for this AU to be that big, but I realized I did want to give this a go and make at least something. It's my goal to finish this project eventually.
The AU will be told in segments, comics of various points of the story.
Bonus! Miscellaneous info that doesn't play big into this AU but matters enough to me:
Leonardo is transmasculine, uses he/they/xe pronouns and is referred to with primarily masculine terms.
A version of Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo comics exists and it's Leo's second favorite comic series in this AU.
'Tentative Devotee' is the name of the fanfic I was originally going to write. It was just gonna be a 2-shot fic and a way to navigate some feelings as someone who was born and raised in, and eventually left, a cult.
The initial tone/direction of this AU was much different, Leo ending up in the Foot Clan under different circumstance (i.e. direct kidnapping from Lieutenant and Brute). I found this didn't quite work for me.
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absurdcosmonaut · 7 months
Headcannon to counter the tails/sonic angst going around >;( I SEE YOU @0vergrowngraveyard!!!! YOU STARTED THIS DIDNT YOU!?!?!?
Tails was shot by Metal Sonic with Eggman’s newest weapon using a chaos emerald. Initially Metal thought it would tare recent through the fox, being that on testing it on other living things, the result was just that. However when the light faded the Metal hedgehog was staring right at a baby fox on the ground looking scared.
Metal Sonic had such a hard time processing this that Sonic immediately shattered the bot to nothing but scrap, (Doesn’t kill the inorganic copy due to its memory being remotely updated to the egg-cloud every hour or so) allowing the hedgehog to swipe the emerald out of the newly broken pile lying on the grass.
When Sonic runs over to the crater where the fox was standing the first thing he notices is the socks and shoes of his fox bro lying there, causing him to nearly loose himself and seek out Eggman to kill him. But just as he turns to go on the hunt to avenge his sidekick, he hears an infantile cry and finds a brown fox cub lying under the pair of socks.
Sonic gathers the pairs of shoes and socks for when his brother returns to normal, (they were his favorite hand-me-downs after all. The fox would be devastated if they were lost), but finds the cub is more elusive than he would have thought due to his small size. Realizing the little guy might not fully remember him or be scared, Sonic decides to be patient and allow the fox to come to him instead. This works far better when as soon as the fox calms down some fragment of his memory remembers his brother as the only safe place he knows and quickly attaches to him after some coaxing in the form of the mints he keeps in his quills for the kit.
The big question they have after talking with all their friends and netting professor pickle is why did the emeralds’ power do so much damage but spare the fox when it killed almost everything in it’s path when fired into anything else?
In short, the fox gets chosen by the emeralds to be a chaos user, but because he’s not a male hedgehog like shadow, sonic, or silver has to be given a new body altogether. Thus, the kit can suddenly become super when all the emeralds are near as they are now attracted to him just like Sonic when he’s experiencing strong positive or negative emotions. (See previous fics I made for @0vergrowngraveyard)
This is also where the fox’s new form comes in, being a bright blue with nine Tails (possibly meaning they turned him into a kitsune…? 0_0)while his previous color was yellow like Sonic’s when he had to use his chaos energy to go super. Now though, after the transformation his eyes gradually shift from blue to green when he ages just like Sonic. In fact, now that his friends look at him he could almost be mistaken for being Sonic’s weird kid…
And that’s what ended up happening. The emeralds turned the fox back into a cub with a newly minted chaos user’s body to finally be granted a family at the young age he deserved…
Yes, this was a long winded way of me working Dadnic into actual cannon MWAHAHAHA >;D
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whotfletamothhyperfx · 10 months
You know, i just realized that there's not much info on scarecrow knuckles in your oz au. Is he actually a scarecrow or was he made to look like one and had his mouth removed by a witch?
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Knuckles has always been a scarecrow. All the echidnas are scarecrows, no one really knows what makes them but the master emerald gives them sentience it gives them life so they protect it. Angel island is less an island and more a kind of secret temple in the middle of a forest. You cant find it unless an echidna specifically lets you in.
Sonic and tails had been on the run a while. From the circus tails was born in, from Sonics whole family, random hunters and whoever was out for them on whatever day it was. One day a hunter managed to get a good hit on sonic and ended up breaking his legs. Tails dragged him deep in the woods. Both of them honestly expected to die that day. Sonic couldn’t get things to survive without his legs and tails couldn’t survive on his own he was too little.
Then knuckles came along, took sonic and tails back to where he was living and fixed them up they grew really close honestly knuckles saw them as his baby brothers, they were his to protect, suddenly the master emerald wasn’t as important as keeping these two kids who had been dealt a bad hand at life survive. He really did love them
Sonic accidentally removed knuckles mouth the first time it was only gone for two minutes and they didn’t know whether to be terrified or impressed that sonic took away knuckles mouth. But knuckles didn’t mind, sonic was only a kid and learning to control his powers
Knuckles knew he shouldn’t have let them leave by themselves to the shops. He gave them money and sent them off to get themselves toys and sweets and just stuff they wanted. Thats when they were found and sent off to shadow, starline and eggman.
Tails didn’t come back..
But sonic did
And got did it hurt knuckles to see sonic like that, the kid was manic, terrified, angry, upset. Knuckles couldn’t do anything to calm sonic down as sonic raged and cried and broke. At some point knuckles told him to calm down and that it wasn’t his fault but sonic did not take that well. He yelled at knuckles to shut up and suddenly his mouth was gone.
Sonic panicked and ran away leaving knuckles like that
And despite all the atrocities sonic does and all the evil shit that he hears about him.. knuckles cant be mad. Sure he cant speak but should he really need to? He still loves sonic either way.
He dosen’t care what people say
sonics a good kid.
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clumxy · 6 months
Do you have ur own ocs?
I actually do, yes! But their stories only exist in my head unfortunately. I wanna try very hard to actually flesh them out and share them with the world but it's not easy lol.
Hope you don't mind, this will be a little long
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These are the main guys I'm working on. My little witches, it's supposed to take place in a fantasy world but everything's subject to change.
Red hair: Terrence, Pink hair: Olivia, Blue hair: Aster.
Terrence and Olivia meet when Olivia goes to her local bakery and finds that they've hired a new worker, that worker being Terrence. He seems familiar to her for some reason but she can't quite put her finger on it 🤔 She eventually finds out that the owners found Terrence, injured near the bakery and took him in and allowed him to work there for a place to stay.
One day, Aster comes into the bakery and bursts into tears upon seeing Terrence. She talks about how she's happy to see him again since he (her brother) has been missing.
What she doesn't realize, however, is that Terrence isn't her brother but is instead someone else who has uhhh, borrowed his appearance.
That's the basic premise of the story and I worked on a whole magic system for this thing but realized that it wouldn't actually come into use that much haha.
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Then there's this guy!! La Min Han :]]
(I like his name a lot but my friends say his name is really ugly rip)
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The story is takes place from middle school to high school, and my little guy over here is a little antisocial lol. He hates interacting with people except for people he already knows which is why throughout his entire school year, he's stuck to his childhood best friend, Thura Aung.
All that changes when he meets Yu Wai.
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Yu Wai is a bubbly cheerful character who experiences a lot of pressure from her parents. She has to move a lot because of their work and ends up not making any long-term friends because of it.
She quickly befriends La Min Han although he's hesistant at first. They become really close friends that their classmates can't help but tease them about it and that sparks an awkwardness between the two of them, mainly from La Min Han's side.
Sounds sooo stereotypical but I really want to focus on the importance of having good friends to support you through tough times and also how you should just communicate with people.
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Extras are Eve, Anthony and his sister. I wanna make a short story with them. Eve's a new practicing witch and Anthony thinks she's the coolest girl ever.
The story's about Anthony's sister finding one of Eve's charms and using it to her benefit while Eve is freaking out because her charm is gone. It's something more sweet and lighthearted compared to the other stories I have in mind.
Aaaand my first ever sonic OC, Fig because it's a rite of passage!!!
That's all of it I think, I hope whoever read this far was at least a tiny bit entertained, if not I will cry. They are my babies and I care for them
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fosermi · 2 months
Having an Insomnia filled writing attack upon you~
Shadow had never had an easy relationship with his brother.
Eclipse had been created to kill him, but then he couldn't and Shadow had destroyed the Black Arms. Which Eclipse felt he had to get revenge for. It had turned into an endless cycle of strikes and vengeance against each other. The two of them had always been stubborn and vicious. Neither one ever giving a single inch toward each other.
Except now, something had happened.
Shadow was a father.
He and Sonic had been granted two little babies.
There was something to be said about children, it was very difficult to hold a tiny child in his arms, to look upon their sweet, innocent faces and feel nothing but awe. To want to protect them.
It also made Shadow realized his children, these sweet darlings, could not see the cycle of violence he had with Eclipse. What if the two of them tried to emulate it?
He couldn't even bring himself to imagine them actually hurting each other. As siblings, he knew they would fight in the future, get annoyed with each other, but actually attempt to seriously cause each other harm?
Shadow didn't want to face his brother, so he just sent him a note, explaining that he was done fighting with him. Maybe in the future, they could work on something better, but to leave it as this right now.
For a long time, that's what was it. The two of them in a strange position of no longer being active enemies but also not working toward being better siblings either.
Shadow wasn't even sure if Eclipse was aware of the changes that had happened to him, but he didn't want the darkling to know either. What if he tried to use the twins against him?
For his part, Sonic just stayed out of it. The two of them were busy, they had young children that needed care. Their days will full of the joys and frustrations of being parents, there was barely any time to think about anything else.
He had told his kids about their uncle, but they didn't really know Eclipse. It was better that way.
And then one days, the twins slipped off to another universe. One where Silver and Shadow were children, cared for by a human. And Eclipse, also a child was there was well.
It was a shock to see him, especially a version that was so small.
Shadow couldn't help but be suspicious. What if this version of Eclipse was hiding something?
And then Shadow said something simple, just confirmed that this was his brother and the kid all but lit up like a puppy. His tail wagging, eyes shining.
How eager he was for a bit of his brother's love, it was so clear how much he wanted it.
Shadow couldn't help but pat the child on the head and saw plainly how deeply Eclipse loved that.
The night, after getting the twins to bed, Shadow lay up, thinking about his own brother. It had been a long long time since the two of them had seen each other. What was he doing, how had his life turned out?
Maybe it was time to see each other once again. See how Eclipse was doing. And maybe make up with him.
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Eclipse didnt know what to expect. He hadn't really heard from his brother in a couple of years and had been peacefully minding his life taking care of the dark arms in a secret chao garden.
The day he had received the letter had left him feeling lost. As though he lost his purpose. And in a way it was. But that gave him more room to focus on his dark arms. It had been good in the long run, he no longer had to go after the only family he had left and he got to live a peaceful life.
As peacefully as it gets when you're trying to raise 5 dark arms and two mobian orphans that appeared at your doorsteps all alone.
So when he received another letter from his brother, asking to meet up again. To talk. To catch up. Eclipse didnt know what to do. He didn't want to go alone to meet up with Shadow somewhere that could potentially be a trap for him. So he decided to send back a letter detailing that he wanted to meet at his own terms.
In a day, at the Chao garden he lives at. That way he would have the home field advantage in case of a stage up. Plus he could be assured that his kids were safe beforehand.
The following day eclipse had prepared. Made sure his kids hid and were safe with the dark arms ready to defend but hidden as well. They had strict instructions to take the kids away if things went south.
Eclipse waited. And waited. And waited.
By the time noon rolled in. Eclipse had gotten tired of waiting and was about to give up when he caught sight of his brother’s familiar form.
Eclipse had been completely stunned by the sight, not because his brother had changed, no, he stayed the same. It was because he had two kids at his sides, one a green hedgehog with pink highlights, the other a lavender hedgehog with darkling features. Oh, and the fact that shadow was smiling. That too. But mostly the kids.
Eclipse watched from his hiding spot as the three walked in, the green one excitedly babling a mile a minute about their uncle and how excited she was to meet him.
"Alright, Variscite, settle down," Shadow said, a light chuckle in his tone.
"Awww but dada! We get to meet our uncle! OUR UNCLE!!" The green one pouted, her excitement evident.
"I know, but we need to wait. He might not even come today." That made the green one pout even more as they settled down for the wait.
Eclipse couldn't help but stare and watch for a couple of minute as they settled down and talked. His brother had kids with him. Were they his kids? Probably since they were saying something about an uncle.
It was actually the purple one that took notice of Eclipse first. The kid's gaze continually glancing in the direction of the darkling until finally eclipse decided it was time to approach.
"Didn't expect you to being hatchlings, brother." Eclipse couldn't help but sneer at Shadow who only sighed and crossed his arms.
"Brother," Shadow gave him a nod in greeting. "Glad to see you look well."
"Uh?" Eclipse had been taken back by that, blinking away the tears that had rapidly began forming at those first words. It implied that shadow cared enough to have wondered if he was ok. And he called him brother in a non derogation way. It didn't feel real for a moment.
But he soon found himself with an armful of kids. One babling a mile a minute and the other with the brightest expression in the world. Briefly, Eclipse looked up to Shadow. The black hedgehog's smile was encouraging. And Eclipse couldn't help but smile too.
It seemed like for once, they came to an agreement. These children didn't deserve to see the past animosity between them. They deserve much more than that.
It didn't take long before eclipse was introducing his own kids to Shadow’s kids, allowing both parents some time between themselves to talk.
"So... kids huh?" Eclipse started his gaze focused on the children that were playing with the dark arms and the various chao in the garden. "Didn't take you for a father figure."
"Neither did I," Shadow huffed his expression calm and relaxed as he watched the kids before turning to look at Eclipse. "Didn't take you for a parent either. Where did you get them?"
Eclipse shrugged and leaned back. "Found them at the entrance of the Chao garden, abandoned." The darkling turned to face Shadow, an eyebrow ridge raised in questioning. "And yours?"
"Chaos emerald," That didn't really make sense to eclipse and it showed. "We don't know how it happened either."
Eclipse blinked then just shrugged, accepting that explanation. They both turned to look back at the kids. The silence only bareable thanks to the sounds of the kids playing in the garden.
After a few minutes, Eclipse spoke up again. "This is nice..." He braced himself for nothing in response just in case, not expecting his brother to speak.
"It is." Shadow's gaze was far off but fond. "We should do this again. Meet up. Catch up... as brothers."
Eclipse really wasn't expecting that. Especially that last part. Shadow had given him an olive branch. His brother who killed their entire species. His brother who hurt him again and again. His brother who abandoned him. His brother who for the longest time he believed hated him.
Rage bubbled up in his stomach at the thought of shadow only now caring. Only now wanting to be brothers after rejecting Eclipse’s advances. All the words eclipse wanted to say died in his throat at the sight of his brother, his anger and rage leaving him.
Shadow's head was in his hands his breathing heavy and jagged and the slight scent of salt wafting in the wind. He knew this sight well. He's seen it many times on his kids when they cried. For a moment he tracked a single tear fall and looked away.
Eclipse was mad at shadow but he swore he would be better for his kids, so he wouldn't push shadow away like how he was rejected before. After a minute, Eclipse leaned his head on shadow's shoulder in comfort. He didn't say anything, knowing that his brother would like to get the attention of the kids. It would be hard and rocky for the both of them moving forward. But it was a start.
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gorogues · 4 months
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Spoilers for Flash #9!
You can see the first few pages here.
Okay, so Pilgrim isn't Jai -- he's actually his baby brother, Wade. He was apparently given a mission from the Arc Angles to wipe out all speedsters to save reality, but is putting them into stasis instead because he doesn't want to kill them. And Linda's given him his baby self for safe-keeping while reality's collapsing and Team Flash is battling the bad guys.
Hartley doesn't do much in the issue except for one key moment of disrupting Kadabra's flute/mindflayer with a sonic frequency. That allows Linda to focus and be herself again, and she's exceptionally unimpressed when Kadabra awkwardly tries to woo her. I don't know if Si Spurrier is aware of the long history of him hurting her, or if Kadabra's recently developed a crush or is just trying to cover for his recent cruelty towards her…but either way, that punch is very well deserved.
It turns out that Barry's been stringing along the Crown of Thawnes to get useful information, and it isn't even very challenging to be rid of them once he realized who and what they are. Nice job helping the heroes with your chatty bragging, Eobards! Hopefully Kadabra wasn't serious when he said the Thawnes were put on Barry to keep them out of trouble, because if so then he doesn't know Eobard at all.
And I like Iris' pragmatism here; she points out that she's not going to be able to escape if the Thawnes' mind control really does cause Barry to try to kill her, so there's no reason to run. It's very dark, but anyone close to a speedster must have thought about the situation, so I appreciate that she's realistic about it. Plus she has faith that he can shake off the control without hurting her, which of course he does.
So this was a pretty good issue overall, I think. The heroes are acting smarter and more like their normal selves, and yeah the villains in this issue are being arrogant dumbasses but arrogance getting the better of Kadabra and Eobard is generally in-character for them. Wally's still understandably struggling with despair he needs to work through, but everyone else is starting to regroup and it's good to see at long last.
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lizlives · 3 months
Something that's always kinda been a pet peeve to me is how people talk about Archie Sonic Preboot and Postboot. Often in conversations there's this idea that the old world is old hat, and anyone upset about the way it went out is just stuck in the past, with the implication that we really didn't lose much in the transition.
To me this reads as incredibly disingenuous and dismissive. Putting aside the obvious fallacy in claiming not much was lost (two decades worth of original lore, much of which was either good to begin with or seeing redemption in better writers), the transition was so obviously rough.
In the middle of one of the most emotionally harrowing sagas and well-written arcs in the entire series, the Mecha Sally Saga, readers who were keeping up with the behind the scenes drama basically had to watch every month as more cracks started to show. At the start of the Endangered Species mini arc, issue #243's text is obviously altered to remove any references to specific characters and events. Then next issue, in the most lowkey way possible, without so much as any real fanfare, the entire echidna society is erased basically for good. The rest of that saga is one long drawn out fight between Knuckles and Thrash, that they tease could end a number of ways, but again, anyone following the behind the scenes drama knows that the characters are never coming back. The sheer inevitability of the conclusion almost feels chilling reading it now, like a Greek tragedy. There are lines that almost feel like the writers venting their actual feelings, how they feel angry that all of this has to change.
The final shot of Knuckles in the entirety of preboot archie is him punching the floor in rage because his entire species and family, his mother, his baby brother, and the love of his life are all gone forever. A mini arc arc that was originally conceived as a way of bringing Knuckles out of his depression arc was transformed into one where all his worst feelings are completely justified. Jesus Christ.
Then one more issue, and just as Sally is rescued, the world is re-written by a Genesis Wave. What follows is a Megaman crossover arc that would be fun in any other circumstance but following everything else we've seen just feels bizarre. Then it ends with Sonic attempting to restore their reality but just... failing. Again, knowing this moment's repercussions now reads extremely bleak and tragic. If it weren't for the fact that it was all done because of external forces it would be artfully tragic, idk maybe it still is.
The reboot that follows immediately hits the ground running, and very slowly you realize what you should've realize all along. Two decades worth of lore was just wiped with simultaneously too little fanfare, but also in the most tragic and bleak way possible. The reveal is made that the entire multiverse is wiped out as well, great.
No attempt is made to explain the mechanics of the fate of people who didn't find their way into this new reality, because they literally can't legally. Did they become other people somewhere? Did they just die? We don't know, and to make it worse, they even acknowledge that the characters are just losing their memories of the previous reality? The sheer dissonance in how the characters are acting vs how they emotionally should be treating this is kinda insane.
But you know, after all this, the reboot is fine. It's really fun actually. Really, I don't hate it. Any and all of my issues stem not from it itself, but from the fact that it was necessarily marketed as a continuation of the old story, it just isn't. That's not an insult, it just isn't and can never be.
I'm not kidding when I say they should've just canceled the comic, said we're sorry that we couldn't finish it, and just started a brand new comic from issue 1. To me, these are two separate series, that's I think the best way of thinking of them, because trying to think about the reboot in terms of the fact that an entire multiverse was wiped out and we're never implied that some characters weren't just wiped out in every way permanently, is just so bleak. Like the old reality or not, it doesn't change the fact that trying to just move on from something like that with no catharsis or explanation is weird.
So yeah, I kinda got distracted remembering how conflicted the whole situation makes me lol, but to make a long story short, I think that people should stop treating the reboot like it was a natural continuation of the original story, and stop treating people who liked and/or still like the old reality as stupid. It was imperfect, even very imperfect, but it was a lived in world that was allowed to develop and was only going to improve more if it was allowed to.
With the reboot, we basically started from scratch and given Sega's restrictiveness, we probably weren't gonna see as many off the wall concepts like we did previously. Many people might have seen that as a boon, but to me it takes away from what I like the most about Sonic, that being that it's a franchise that isn't afraid to be weird, to be wacky. I think tbh that's what I miss the most about the preboot era.
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kittygamer2888 · 8 months
If you were to give your Evil Sonic a redemption arc how do you think that would work out? I love thinking about possibilities like this! <3
That's... a really good question, ngl.
I was just thinking about that yesterday--
If a redemption arc were to happen, I'd say that he would probably break down to the point of wearing himself out, making himself vulnerable and weak after consuming all of that Chaos energy, giving Knuckles and the group no choice but to carry him back to their base as he's unconscious along the way. And then after he wakes up to find himself bandaged up but also tied down on a medical bed so he wouldn't escape, Miles steps in and tries to reason with him one final time, but he's met with nothing but outbursts and rage by Maurice due to his bias and showing how his anger blinded him throughout the years to the point where it feels like he's doing this for no reason whatsoever at this rate. This would make Miles finally snap and actually call out Maurice and the things he's done to not just him but also to the world and he himself, which then leads to Miles leaving the room that Maurice was in and slams the door shut in anger as he leaves him in the room for hours.
Maurice would never admit it out loud, but even he knows that, deep down, he doesn't know if what he did was even right at all. After all, he always thought that what he was doing was right because there was no one there to show him what was right or wrong, and considering how all he got was being bullied and picked on for almost half of his childhood years, he made the decision to go against the world instead. He never once acknowledged how Miles genuinely thought the things he did were interesting, even when he was still working for him, all he saw was just an assistant who wanted to join his plans of world domination, not seeing how he actually had someone to be around with and make good memories with each other, like a real friend, maybe even a brother.
Realization would eventually start to hit, and after some complications with him and Knuckles, along with the Resistance, it was only a matter of time before he took in his first baby steps into becoming a better person.
But hey, that's just a possibility. Who knows if this could be cannon or not. Because in my head, i was debating whether if i should take that possible route or keep him as a villain for the rest of the AU, just like how Eggman is still a villain even after the very few and rare moments of him working with Sonic when it came to very dire times.
Fun fact: I was actually planning on showing a doodle of this possibility, but in the form of the part where Spinel breaks down during her fight with Steven in the Steven Universe Movie :P
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If Tails does need stitches, poor baby. Those needles (And the contents of them) hurt like crazy and are scary when you're younger, that's even without taking into account the existing pain of his wound.
I could see him bawling his eyes out and needing to be comforted during the whole thing.
Tails receives stitches
Tails is a very durable little dude. He has high pain tolerance, and has survived things others wouldn’t.
So let’s say he accidentally slashes his arm open when working on an invention. He doesn’t notice right away. But then he realizes the decently sized gash on the back of his forearm. Tails isn’t too worried, he puts a cloth on the wound to stop the bleeding. Then he realizes it won’t stop.
He leaves his shed and heads inside to tell Maddie what happened. Maddie drops what she’s doing and panics asking him what happened. Maddie doesn’t usually panic from his injuries, so this is freaking him out.
Maddie tries to stop the bleeding herself, and cleans it up so she can examine it closer. It’s a deep gash. By now the pain is setting in, and Tails is starting to tear up.
His tears summon the rest of his family. Tom freaks out, and his brothers are losing their minds making sure he’s ok.
They take a family trip to the Vet. They figured that if Maddie were the one to do the stitches, Tails would be less frightened, which was mostly correct.
Maddie does have to shave a little bit of the fur off of Tails’ arm so she can properly disinfect the site. The others didn’t want to leave Tails, so they’re all there with him.
Tails gets some numbing so he won’t feel the stitches, but he’s still very scared. It breaks his families hearts to see him frightened to tears. He makes the mistake of seeing the little tools Maddie will be using to fix him up, which just makes him cry harder. Tom goes to his baby boy and holds hand to comfort him. Sonic sits right next to him on the table so Tails can lean on him. Knuckles is providing the distraction by getting Tails into a conversation about whether or not Pluto is actually a planet.
This works! Until Knuckles (deathly afraid of needles) sees the needle and thread. He feels the blood rush from his face and faints. This makes Tails freak out again. Sonic and Tom keep his eyes away from what Maddie is doing.
When it’s done, Tails gets a nice blue bandage wrapped around his arm.
Tails takes safety more seriously in his workshop from that day forward.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 days
LMAOOO I’m about to rewrite and entire parody for aiku I’ll send it in once I complete it it’s funny it’s like the reversed croagunk trope instead of cockblocking it’s helping him rizz girls up
SHSHSH goodra underrated goat I do love its vibes sm legible and snores collecting dust in the basement LMAOO after that one convo about the moon/space manshine shenanigans it’s disappeared forever but I can imagine nagi sending snorlax out only for it to continue lying down taking up like half the field and whenever he tries to get it to move it just swats him with its arm and send him flying by accident LMAO
AHAHA Rin being so desperate he goes to Shidou (wait the Karasu beef full circling to that second lead idea we talked about way back when)
LMAO “not unproblematic” tullia catching strays but Karasu holding a mini grudge for having his baby birds electrocuted like they ran into a telephone pole because of lanturn is so funny
Wait yk a combo I think is funny yarou because it also means bitch/bastard in japanese LMFAOOO wait but shoyoi is kinda cute too the way barasu sounds has me cackling though LMAO bayosagi love triangle wait this could be a kdrama on its own
LMFAO lowk makes me wonder if Karasu refrains from fowl products because he’s like “those are my children…” but FR full circle development where he’s confident enough and thinks it’s ok to be mediocre ehdhsjshsj
LMAOO you should give him that fit in a goofy crack spinoff side episode he would totally wear it (imagine they have a musical number with the phineas and ferb dance style too)
Reo calling bachira banged freak and raichi shark teeth LMAOO truly teenage boy activities kurona also catching strays everyone calls him a midget too ok but two sides of the spectrum both equally as attractive barous cluelessness imagine he just goes “your hands are tiny” and instinctively does that finger bend thing over your fingers (im so bad at explaining i hope ykwim) while Karasu KNOWS and just has a shit eating smirk on his face maybe there is something about guys who style his hair up like that
I didn’t even consider that they didn’t exist oops but WAIT THAT MAKES THE IDEA GO HARDER I’m not crying bruh imagine reader goes to the safari zone and is like wait I thought beautifly didn’t exist here?? Is yayoi doing some pet project and then big reveal
LMAOOOO I lowk love when memes have the “running faster than chigiri” aspect it’s so funny like the bllk equivalent of running faster than sonic the hedgehog but SHSH NO PRESSURE im just happy to receive whatever you come across don’t feel obligated to look for one specifically LOL
NO FR because like what you want me to add a period?? Nuh uh I don’t enjoy those vibes which is why I also default to just using “…” too LMAO
AHAHAHA ok so maybe i do need to use proper punctuation when explaining stuff my b I definitely used a run on sentence when I explained that part so I’ll make it less confusing next time LMAOO that’s so funny thigh that would actually be really embarrassing if that WERE the case though
Wait I’m loving the drama of this Isagis last straw Karasu comforting mc (CRYING THE BROTHER THAT STEPPED UP) I fw this Isagi so hard the conflict and character complexities >>>>> and the added love triangle yayoi originally leaning towards Barou not Isagi BRUTAL I love it
Otoya being spike is so funny bro getting demoted but actually seeing how everything is so interconnected is really interesting since we’re like metavisioning looking at a universe you created imagine life being this interesting but anyways I’m not about to get into an existential crisis rn
The way you’re converting readers (me) and yourself is so funny HAHAHA
IT DOESNT MATTER IF I MEMORIZE THE ENTIRE DEX (not gonna happen) but wait i just realized what this means CONGRATS ON 1K!!!!! Not you saying “idk it might be awhile still since it fluctuates” literally one day ago LMAO but here’s to more miraverse shenanigans!!!! DONT WORRY DADDYS HOME SHSHSHS but THANK YOUUU I just saw the event so I’m running rn let’s see who I get inspo for LOL
- Karasu anon
PLEASE DO SEND IT IN OMG an aiku parody would be insane…i love how no matter the au/verse aiku somehow makes his way into infecting it w crack LMAOAAO he’s lowkey the face of the miraverse (in a diff way than nagi and karasu)
nagi’s goodra is so CUTE tbh honestly it’s one of his best pokémon too considering it’s a pseudo legendary (wait now that i’m thinking abt it so many of the characters EXCEPT reader have pseudo legendaries 😭😭😭…like chigiri has a dragonite, nagi has a goodra, hiori has a metagross, karasu has a garchomp, and noel noa has an aggron…meanwhile reader’s rocking w galvantula LMAOAOA) PLEASE nagi finally meets his match w his snorlax he asks reo if that’s what it’s like dealing with him and reo’s just like “yes 😐” omg wait potential ova that’s just nagi attempting to train his snorlax ⁉️
HAHA YESS this is the au i was referencing when i mentioned rin as a second lead!! i’ve had it cooking for a while but yes since nagi’s the main lead and karasu’s the bestie w weird tension (i’m realizing this is a format i utilize often) rin has 0 way of winning like it genuinely hurts him to know that reader would rather go for a) lazy dumbass genius or b) cocky rude weird hair over him LMAOAOAO that’s why in the smau reader calls him “poor kid” she’s not here for that bfb dating younger men era 🤫 nagi’s like a couple months older than her and karasu’s a year older than her she is NOT abt to go for baby rin (especially considering there’s a whole subplot with sae that’s again meant to subvert the reverse harem vibe while also still having lots of love interests)
wait this just reminded me that isagi is canonically older than nagi and both nagi AND isagi are older than reo KDBCJSKS
LMAOO no because given how much we’ve talked abt tullia bullying otoya it’s impossible to call her UNPROBLEMATIC (not that otoya doesn’t deserve it ofc) but for the most part she’s pretty chill it’s like specifically otoya who she messes with 😓 PLEASE IT’S LITERALLY KARASU’S OWN FAULT TOO if i had a nickel for every time karasu got cocky and challenged someone he was wildly unprepared to face w his team of baby birds i’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it means bro needs to be STOPPED 😭 it’s a good thing he gets garchomp later on i think garchomp will be 99% of karasu’s impulse control as well as his main battler
YAROU ACTUALLY IS SO FUNNY especially because both of them are kind of uhhh kind of bitchy (especially to isagi) but agreed shoyoi is kinda cute sounding!! bayosagi love triangle…i have many thoughts about it that i will get to TRUST but agreed it’s giving kdrama
see i feel like the mediocre thing relates to his end of the world comment in the egoist bible too so it’s like in character yk?? like now he’s SEEN the end of the world (almost) what with team x and their nonsense, almost witnessed all of his friends die (if reader hadn’t sent nagi back to help save everyone they would’ve been overwhelmed because karasu’s garchomp is legit the only one left) and nearly died himself, and i feel like that makes him realize ykw why should i gaf abt being mediocre or not mediocre??? him realizing that as long as he’s happy nobody else’s expectations matter to him…lowkey this DOES mean that fwtkac reader doesn’t really fit because he’s too happy post epilogue to care about a rival but actually wait yk what would be cute imagine reader’s like a pokémon nurse who comes out to do check ups on the daycare pokémon and make sure everything is looking alright but karasu ends up falling in love with her so for a solid while he just makes up illness and injuries to call her out for like “oh my lucario hurt his paw” and she comes out and lucario is just standing there like “😐” obviously not injured and she’s like ???? but eventually she ends up liking karasu back and then he asks her out and it’s all cute and adorable (pursuit reader is just glad he’s finally getting married because she’s been making fun of him for being the last one to settle down for ages…“how did otoya AND aiku end up in happy relationships before you???” “I DON’T KNOW”)
REO DOES NOT CAREEE HE’LL VIOLATE ANYONE i love villainous team v reo he’s so so funny and his crashouts are legendary 😩 PLS YES THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING like barou has no idea that you’re flirting so he’s super serious about it and he’s like “wow your hands ARE very small 👍” and does the finger thing (ik what you’re talking abt) but karasu starts messing with you because he knows you’re trying to rizz him up (he’s already rizzed up obviously i think if a girl flirted w him he’d fold in 0.2 seconds) but he’s so funny about it and it def culminates in him lacing his fingers through yours and using it as an excuse to hold your hand (he definitely calls you mediocre for having small hands as a joke though HAHAHA)
NO THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING LIKE IT MAKES IT 10X BETTER one thing about hiori he is going to LOVE his love interests like there’s something distinct abt the way i imagine hiori as the male lead he’s on a completely different level than the others…the closest in terms of emotions is probably nagi but with nagi a grand declaration of love is just him getting out of bed and like. cooking breakfast or smth 😭 so the scale isn’t quite the same…but hiori always goes all out in my mind like i’ve never imagined him being normal about someone he genuinely loves he always does insane shit like building a house or importing an entire species of pokémon instead of just being like “hey i like you” the way karasu (eventually) would JFJFJSSJ wait speaking of which your request for the event hehehe miscommunication/misunderstandings w hiori…i’m considering some things (i feel like that trope generally implies humor but it’s hiori he doesn’t give crack vibes to me…he’s like nagi i can only write him seriously unless he’s just a side character but trust i will cook smth up and it will be good)
PURSUIT ISAGI IS SM FUN I LOVE HIS CHARACTERIZATION because honestly he definitely thinks that he should be stepping into barou’s role as his best friend but he has zero idea how to do so meanwhile karasu does it so naturally (in this au i fucked w everyone’s ages so isagi and barou are a couple years older than karasu and are the same age as yayoi if i didn’t say that already) which is just another punch in yoichi “inferiority complex” isagi’s gut…eventually he does end up being kind of a cool older cousin/sibling to reader but it takes him a lot of effort to get to that point 😕 and for the love triangle i was lowkey think that yayoi would actually have originally liked isagi but isagi never pursued her (given that he thought she liked barou) so he kinda pushed her towards barou and she ended up falling INSANELY in love w barou (who wouldn’t) but that way the possible eventual yayosagi isn’t just her settling it’s her being like look i always liked you and maybe i still might but i have a lot of trauma from barou’s abandonment/death and isagi’s like yo me too let’s just be friends again and see where things go KDFHSKJDSMJDJS i lowkey love them as a trio and the relationships/duos within that trio honestly this is a version of isagi i would actually enjoy writing (ofc i’d have to braid in more of his canon characterization but this is a fun foundation to me)
OTOYA JUST GIVES SUCH SPIKE ENERGY i feel like based on vibes/lore alone, tullia is fluttershy, karasu is applejack, chigiri is rainbow dash, reo is rarity, otoya is spike, nagi is pinkie pie but like the opposite?? like he’s also incredibly random and insanely lucky with stuff but he’s super lazy instead of super energetic, and reader is twilight sparkle (not just because she’s the protagonist LMAOO)
HAHAHA BRO THANK YOUUU IT’S VERY UNREAL but AHH hiori inspo?? cheating on karasu i see /j 😭 it’s okay two of the twelve so far are karasu reqs…the way i only have four spots left and ZERO people have requested for nagi i think people don’t even realize how much i love him despite him being all over my blog because i never get reqs or anything for him 😩 or maybe it’s that everybody hates nagi atm so nobody wants me to write for him 😓💔 THAT’S OKAY THOUGH NAGI GETS PURSUIT SO WHO’S REALLY WINNING ⁉️
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oddogoblino · 1 year
My Boom!Hog sonic is so funny, he's almost completely his normal self, just gets really protective of Tails and sometimes, in his bigger wolf forms, carries him around with his mouth by the scruff 😭 even in his casual form or just normal hedgehog self, he gets agitated if like- Knuckles pats Tails too hard or if Sticks tries to talk about breaking Tails's machines because shendoesnt trust them.
That's his baby brother, he's just a lil guy, a silly little two tailed dude. Big brother wolf has to protect because Sonic already has a pre-existing mild paranoia about Tails getting hurt.
He both despises and likes lavender, depending on his form. Normal werehog finds it overwhelming and hates it but Moonstone!werehog smells it really differently, calming. Casual werehog also finds it a bit overwhelming but he will cling to it if he's scared of getting too stressed. He's totally sto- borrowed it from Shadow since Shadow has had to throw it at him to avoid being mauled once during the early times of his werehog acceptance.
He absolutely does love the fact he can be a little taller than Knuckles in the normal werehog form. Brags about it even and goes all "hey if this is my true form you're soooo gonna lose all your tall guy bragging rights lol"
Once he picked Amy up while in werehog form in an escape attempt but it got awkward because he nearly dropped her and ended up crash landing. She was fine but this was also how they found out Sonic's bones were very very much not normal bones anymore like this. Scared the living daylights out of Amy and himself until he realized his bones just go wiggly woggly and the only pain he was in was from bruising and scrapes.
His blood is neon pink, Shadow found out about the werehog form because of this actually while the werehog was newly awakened. It was both a terrifying but oddly enough a mild bonding experience for them. Shadow still sometimes has disturbing dreams about nearly being minced by werehog claws and teeth though, won't admit it.
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chaomother · 2 years
『robotnik birthright au』
❝ What if the interrelation between Sonic and Dr. Robotnik ran deeper than we all thought? ❞ #robotnik birthright au
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oh, sonic, my brave hero, aren't you forgetting to run from daddy dearest?
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Since he was a baby hedgehog, Sonic had been raised by Robotnik and over the years he’d picked up on some of his adoptive father’s more odious peculiarities and habits. However, Sonic left the Eggman Empire in pursuit of defeating the antagonist after having met Tails.
➝ Used to hunt Robotnik’s enemies for him. Which is where his infamous nickname “Blue Blur” originates from; Robotnik’s enemies thought he was a new weapon created by the mad doctor until they realized it was actually a hedgehog. ↳ The primal desire for dominance has been etched so deeply on Sonic’s soul it's irrevocable, having left countless cowering before him. These past experiences make him more susceptible to needing that sense of total control over others again. ↳ Now, as a hero, Sonic will occasionally go too far in ravaging enemies; to the point where it’s just cruel and his teammates have to settle him and his impulsivity down.
➝ Robotnik had subjected Sonic to innumerable mindgames growing up—ranging from physical beatings to psychological torture. Every act of maltreatment was for the sake of having Sonic completely submissive to him; because even if Robotnik felt some type of corrupted affection for the hedgehog, he still didn’t tolerate disobedience. He wasn't a robot, after all, but an organic being.
➝ Doesn’t want to view Metal Sonic as a brother, but secretly does harbor a distorted love for the robot deep down. Metal was created specifically after Sonic left Robotnik, as a replacement for his estranged son, his son who had betrayed him. And that’s why Robotnik seems to only treat Metal as a son-like figure and expects so much of him; expects him to utterly destroy Sonic. ↳ Hates being called ‘Big bro’ by Orbot & Cubot. ↳ Sometimes various badniks who recognize Sonic are hesitant to fight against him, causing them not to attack and leaving him an advantageous opening. This leaves Sonic grappling with his inner-turmoil—because fighting against those who don’t want to goes against his new set of morals.
➝ Sonic still has little knowledge on the way robots operate, but holds them in high reverence, even after splitting from Robotnik. The mindset that the world would be a better place had everyone been dismantled from their foolish whims and ‘needs’ still lingers in the back of Sonic’s mind.
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anichibicore · 2 years
Collection of random rise hcs because i do what i want and i cannot stop thinking abt them
april thinks of the boys as her brothers
april's parents actually love the brothers. once they got over the initial shock of "oh god our daughter's friends with weird turtle men" they were dotting on them like they were family (which they are if april had anything to say about it) and the boys call them auntie and uncle o'neil
april's mom is a nurse and leo loves learning stuff from her as the team medic
april's dad is a therapist and he eventually realized these boys are in desperate need of therapy. so he is now the family therapist.
leo shortly after meeting her parents coined the name "hamato'niel" and it sorta stuck after because both they and splinter found it sweet. it's the name of the family group chat now
april LOVES horror and will get the boys to join her in indulging. she will cackle during chase scenes in games while her poor victim is screaming and clinging to her arm or something
leo likes to act all brave but he is the biggest baby about it.
leo is a sonic fan. this is just canon the writers told me themselves
leo and donnie are both big fans of rhythm games. leo's got tons of them on his phone
raph and leo are both big texture stim guys. if it's soft and fluffy they will love it. april got leo a fluffy sweatshirt (she didn't get raph one bc when leo mentioned wanting one raph said he was worried he'd ruin it cuz of his shell) and it's designated the cuddle sweatshirt now. if either of them are in a mood the other gets the sweatshirt and at least one of them passes out holding the other ten minutes later (usually leo) (i definitely didn't write a fic w/ this that's right here it was too cute not to)
donnie listens to camellia. he can and will play his entire discography while working in his lab and sometimes his brothers wonder how he can still hear with how loud he blares his music sometimes.
mikey is the only person that can get donnie to come out of the lab simply because donnie has a very hard time refusing mikey (that and dr delicate touch scares him a little)
he/they donnie. again this one's canon the writers whispered it in my ear. he likes when people alternate between the two but it took forever for his brothers to get used to doing so without prompting and it drove him up the wall. the first time raph did it the euphoria was through the roof and he nearly cried.
most of the people of new york at the very least know of the brothers existence since they aren't the subtlest ninjas in the world (that and they think simple hoodies work well as disguises when they. really don't) they just pretend they don't because they aren't hurting anyone and are doing a fairly good job at protecting them from the actively harmful mutants so they're like "eh. whatever ig"
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myymi · 2 years
Saw your post for Tails fic prompts and how you write angst- PLEASE make something angsty 🙏🙏🙏 I'm so hungry for Tails content he is my little guy
Maybe movie!fam finding our just how old tails actually is and kinda freaking because?? He was shot with a rocket?? And went on this crazy adventure worlds away?? But he's so small, knuckles could literally hold him with one hand and HE'S 8???? (Or younger, tbh they all seem younger than the game cannon ages in the movies to me)
Maybe game!tails is overworking himself dangerously ragged, enough that most of his friends have taken notice too, but his work is so undeniably important to their fight and he's so good and convincing them it'll be OK that they let it slide till he just collapses, alone in his lab, or maybe infront of someone, and that's enough to get sonic to step up his game and actually talk to his little brother about how he has to prioritize himself too
Idk if you've seen in the tails tags recently, there's been a resurgence of baby tails content, especially with AoSTH and Sonic SATAM influences, so maybe tails is deaged (or maybe he's just young and sonic is still cannon age 15ish) and only really comfortable with talking to or being around sonic, and sonic has to relearn being a pseudo-caretaker again
One of my favorites tropes is Tails having to return to Westside Island for some reason and absolutely HATEING every minute of it- I think it could realistically work for any universe- so maybe tails (and the others? (Sonic, knuckles, amy?) I live for Tails having his friends/siblings absolutely wrapped around his finger) crash land or for another reason, are forced to return to Westside. Maybe tails figures out where they are first and is anxiously trying to figure out the quickest way to get off the island without attracting attention, but soon realizes that they NEED parts from the town. You can decide who knows already or not, but I like it when he has to explain it to his friends/siblings and we get to see them go from concern to horror to raw anger. And then it's just tails' deteriorating mental state as he walks through his old place of torment with a pack of pissed off teens... scary dog privilege jajaj
Maybe some Kitsune Tails content? Like experiencing gaining a tail or grappling with immortality/longevity/remaining a child for longer? Idk I don't see many tails as a kitsune stories that are lone standing
That's all the prompts I have bouncing around in my skull currently, I hope any of them could have sparked interest for you :]
I am so mentally ill for this fox, I will literally consume any media about himmm 😭😭😭thank you for letting me get these out, I hope they help!!
ahh, omg thank you for these!!
first off, if you want tails angst stories i have quite a few up on my ao3 account!! if you're interested, the user is myyla ^^
but yeah, ill definitely explore these ideas!! if im able to write a fic abt any of them that im actually okay with posting, ill make a post on here abt it! thank you again!! 💛🌼✨
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