yellosnacc · 2 years
Hey there
Here's the full sketchy comic of Neal's first Uniima C student asking a question.
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I assume it's hard to read since I have yet to explain Uniima C expressions and Neal's expressions but you are welcome to guess how they feel.
The student's name is Fueem but Neal doesn't remember it with his hollow head. They are a salty one.
Both are speaking using sonomagic (what Neal teaches).
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kyanako5972 · 19 days
What would it be like if Amane was in your world of Philharmonia? :3
My world of Philharmonia, hm?
A world where sonomancy (sound-based magic) is not uncommon. I'm not sure whether it's 20% or 80%, but it's noticeable either way. There's also a relatively high mutation rate that can make sonomages out of nothing.
And either way, distinct communities of sonomages and asonics would crop up. (I just made the latter term up now. The others were made up last year, despite the concept dating back to the start of SWAP Ensemble)
So let's split this post into two. And maybe more.
If she's part of a sonomage community, she wouldn't have her powers yet. Those only come around at age 14. So she wouldn't be able to kill her mother by those means. And it'd be difficult for her to catch her mother off guard without those powers.
And even if she was 14, she would be far too inexperienced, and most of her environment would be magic-proofed.
Nope, nope, not thinking about that. Get my girl out of that house right now.
Now this will depend if her community reveres or persecutes sonomages.
If they revere sonomages, then she'd be put on a pedestal with sky-high expectations if she ends up being one.
If they persecute sonomages... It'd be difficult for Amane to hide her powers early on, so-
Please get my girl out of there!
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sono-mag · 3 years
Le Robert Juliat SpotMe en installation permanente
Le Robert Juliat SpotMe en installation permanente
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yellosnacc · 2 years
-Outdated sloman design-
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The true main character of "The story"
As usual, it's Prof. Neal Faulkner.
Since the setting is closer to medieval times than to 20th century it's not common to have a last name and to be a professor is like being a 'king of a field (science or other)'. Faulkner being the younger but more known professor of Sonomagics and Acoustics (out of two). All professors get their title from the current elven king after being nominated by their professor tutor. These tutors pick their disciples and they have the whole continent to pick.
Mr. Faulkner is not only very natural in his field but has had a giant impact on the science world thanks to his help discovering atoms or his own work 'medical use of sound' among others. Sadly it's been many years since his last breakthrough.
In his opinion non of these are really useful anyway without the technology to use all this knowledge /Steam engines are still in their experimental phase but this world will likely start with electricity much much sooner than us/.
Most of Faulkner's work consists of teaching noble heirs how to be annoyingly loud with sound manipulation, mostly unsuccessfuly.
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Size comparison
I'm trying to make the magic much more about physic than other stuff so hopefully it wont get boring. Just need to research a lot more.
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yellosnacc · 2 years
Neal Faulkner gets teleported to modern Earth and gets a big mac (because why not)
Neal meets a native Uniima Cornifer fella and knows exactly what they are saying (does not)
For context Uniima C. people use their very specilised 'crest organ' to communicate.
Neal is not only missing that organ due to a defect but he also doesn't understand the language (or any of the languages). Instead he talks entirely with magic (in multiple humanoid languages) - he is a professor of Sonomagics in elven lands.
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yellosnacc · 2 years
Not home so I had to draw on paper and got lazy.
Here's Neal coming late to work. He's a professor of Sonomagics at a university. (There's magic in the universe.)
The existence of magic is the whole reason why people like Neal can live along Elves and other sentient races. But this post doesn't feel appropriate for me to explain all that.
I can't say what exact time their world is in right now since it's very different but lets say 16th century-like time. Nothing modern but they do almost have public education for everyone (in some countries). Which is also very recent.
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yellosnacc · 2 years
Here's some storyboard progress for you with no spoilers.
It should be called touch or something with that word. Just a sad little film.
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Here's an oc (biology teacher to accompany Neal the sonomagics teacher)
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I know it must be disappointing to see human (elven) people when the world has damn dragons and bug people and planes (planes) but this guy is important in Neal's personal story.
In this story that might someday appear he will travel a bit and show you some of the worldbuilding while he deals with personal stuff.
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kyanako5972 · 10 months
Wrapping up NaNoWriMo
NaNoWriMo has ended, and I have logged 11088 words.
I plan to write three more vignettes, and then I will mark "Some World About Philharmonia" as complete.
"Bad History Speeches" (currently 254 words) - Set sometime after the Chase is dismantled, two people talk about how they hate their assigned speech topics. Based on my high school experience.
Some wish fulfillment about cross stitching because I'm really salty that Amane won't just make herself. It's been more than a week.
"Breath of Life" - A sonomage gains their powers 14 years after they first breathe. No idea where I'm going with this, but this will be the finale.
And then I'll finally be able to work on my OCgram "voice" drama.
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kyanako5972 · 11 months
NaNoWriMo Day 7
I did a bit of brainstorming and realized that most of my displays of sonomancy were kinetic forces. So I was able to come up with a few more ideas by just remembering other ways to use sonomagic.
Chapter 9: Echolocation
Half the vignette is about Elsie being very cautious about the stairs.
Roundabout way of saying she's 6'3" using the ceiling height and hypothetical hanging decorations.
Randomly mentioning a spoon and fork at the very end like "hey, I'm Filipino!"
There will be a sequel.
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kyanako5972 · 8 months
Finishing up NaNoWriMo
Two months late... Ah, at least it's done. Marked as complete. 12,569 words. That's about 25% of the 50K word goal. I'll take it.
Let's hop off from where we left off.
New chapters:
Cross Stitching - Cross stitching is quite tedious. Why not use some sonomagic to lift the burden?
Bad History Speeches - Picked a speech topic before realizing you don't actually agree with it? Well, it's better than being stuck with the topic that nobody wants.
Breath of Life - Fourteen years after one starts breathing, sonomantic powers manifest.
I wonder if I'll touch on this again next November...
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kyanako5972 · 9 months
OCgram 127 - Irena Agita
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"My name is Irena Agita. I'm 28 years old. I'm working on my doctorate right now. Why is this place full of sonomages? I don't feel safe around them. Well, it's a little comforting that their sonomagic isn't working here..."
"*t w*s m* or ****! S**f d*f*n*e! D*n't I h**e th* r**ht *o pr**e*t m*s**f?"
(Babbling under the cut)
Originally, I was going to make her 5'11", but then I realized it might contradict her themes... which I came up with when I started drawing. Anyway, heights are not final (except for Claire; that was established ages ago). I think I'll make Ariella 5'11" instead. Then Irena would be either 4'11" (swapping with Linnea) or 5'5".
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kyanako5972 · 10 months
NaNoWriMo Day 18
I continued with "Bar" on 1am brain. 289 words this session. 602 words in the vignette so far.
Perhaps the lady's "half a drink" brain is like my 1am brain. Or maybe she's just being cheeky.
“Do you wonder why I was attacked that day?” “I do, but again, it's not my business.” “I'm granting you permission to ask.” “Wasn't asking for it.” The lady sips her drink in silence. The student can't help but notice how little she sips at a time and how her face scrunches up at every sip. “You look like you really don't like that.” “So what?” “And wouldn't it also impair your sonomagic?” “It's not like anyone's going to target me now.” “Alright, you've become completely incoherent. Let's take you home.” “Oh, such a gentleman, aren't you? I don't need your chivalry.” The student lets out an exasperated sigh. “So you want to keep chatting then.” “You got it.”
I'll be at the in-person write-in again tomorrow, hopefully. Not sure if I'll conclude this vignette there or work on completely different ones. We'll see.
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kyanako5972 · 10 months
NaNoWriMo Day 16
Finally finished the birthday vignette. It boasts a whopping 2157 words. Okay, maybe that's not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but most of my other vignettes are around 300 words each. This is like 7 vignettes.
Words added this session: 233 (I'm sure I wrote more than this. I just happened to delete a bunch of words as well.)
I also put the depressing conversation more in the middle.
"You know, I used to envy them. They were destined to have amazing powers, while I'm stuck here with a subpar potential.”
The lady's sister tapped her arm. “Okay, we're not talking about tuttimages anymore.”
“Oh, I must be sloshed to be spilling about heavy topics.”
“No, you're not even halfway through your glass. Your vocabulary is fine too.”
When I put this up, I'm going to need to come up with a glossary for both the fantasy words and the Tagalog words. Let's start with one: Tuttimage: A sonomage (sound magic user) who has ancestry of all four major types of sonomancy (at least 1/16 of each).
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kyanako5972 · 11 months
NaNoWriMo Day 13
Continuation of the birthday party vignette.
Words added: 335
I got to the part where my throat was on fire! Well, actually, I moved it earlier because moving back and forth between the lounge and the hotel room might get tedious. I also added a bit about how alcohol impairs sonomagic even if you aren't remotely drunk.
Excerpt: “Are you even old enough to drink? How old are you?” “Twenty-four.” Her cousin stared at her for a few moments. “Wow. We're getting old.”
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kyanako5972 · 11 months
NaNoWriMo Day 1
Alright, let's do NaNoWriMo!
As per my poll, the "book" I will be writing is "Some World About Philharmonia". It is a set of vignettes about the world of Philharmonia and how sonomancy (sound magic) affects the daily lives of its inhabitants.
It's going to take until about November 4 before I get an AO3 account, so I'll post some snippets here in the meantime.
Vignette title: Train Station
Running total word count: 697
The lady stands at the edge of the platform, waiting for the next train to arrive. The station is quiet, with perhaps only two other people around. The lady doesn’t pay them any mind.
It doesn’t cross her mind how easy it is to go over the edge until a force sends her forwards, onto the tracks. The train is fast approaching. She gets to her feet and makes her way to the ledge of the platform, but she can’t pull herself up. Did anyone see her? Will anyone help her up?
As she struggles to find her footing, a powerful burst of sound brings her up in the air and safely back on the platform. A second later, the train arrives.
As she sits on the platform, she looks up at her rescuer. A man wearing a Canary College sweatshirt. He couldn’t be much bigger than the lady’s own husband.
The student extends his hand towards the lady. The lady thanks him as she grabs the hand and begins to pull herself up. The student yelps as he falls to the ground, unable to support the lady’s weight.
A powerful sonomage whose spells can lift a person out of the train tracks in less than a second but cannot even pull that person up with his own arm? It’s such an absurd situation that the lady forgets that she could have been flat on the tracks just moments before.
The lady apologizes before getting herself on her feet, and then she helps the student up. The student sighs with embarrassment over his lack of strength.
An announcement rings out, signaling the doors’ closing. The lady and the student rush into the train.
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sono-mag · 5 years
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AYRA PRO BY RCF AUDIO Les moniteurs de studio actifs Ayra Pro de RCF sont disponibles en trois modèles 5, 6 et 8, en fonction des tailles respectives de leurs woofers.
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