#sophie x tedros
marsconer · 2 years
i’m a tedros x sophie stan bc i love toxic. i do not care about how awful they are for each other. actually that’s WHY i love them. they embody “no children” by the mountains goats. if sophie and aggie are sisters, then i’ll love the next best thing. because if they aren’t soulmates then why they keep destroying each other
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
Dating Hort of Bloodbrook
summary : general headcanons of dating Hort while being the princess of Camelot.
word count : 0.7k
type : headcanons
pairing/s involved : Hort x Reader, Sibling! Tedros x Reader
warning/s : discrimination against Nevers and Evers.
here is my masterlist!
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Note : I know this is late but this has been on my unfinished works since the movie came out. I fell in love with Hort, he is so cute and loyal to Sophie 🥹. I haven't read the books but I might soon when I need to escape reality again.
You will likely be a year younger than Tedros.
Because of the heir and the spare™.
I know it sounds bad but some rulers actually do those.
Tedros is extremely overprotective over you, especially when Queen Guinevere ran away with Lancelot and King Arthur died.
He's like the typical older brother you see in movies; handsome, buff, (kind off) a meathead, and annoys you to know end.
Will also be the first one to come to your defense.
When you got to the School of Good, you were determined to destroy the image of being Tedros' little sister.
Which results to you preferring to be a hero in your own story than being a queen in someone else's.
As expected, you quickly became friends with Agatha.
Not afraid to stand up to those who think girls are inferior to boys.
While the other Evers found the Nevers horrible for being future villains, you have a neutral perspective towards them.
After all, the School of Good has many stuck up and vain students.
Meeting Hort was definitely a memory to remember. It was when Professor Dovey took the first years to the Wish Fish (Let's pretend Agatha didn't free them).
When you put your hand on the water and begin to think of a wish, you didn't feel the water swirling like Agatha told you she experienced,
Instead, it was hand that intertwines its finger with yours.
And it harshly pulled you down the water.
The girls' screams and the professor calling out your name in panic caught the boys and Tedros' attention, running to the 'rescue'.
Under the water, you see someone smiling at you, or at least that's what you hopes he's doing.
A Never named Hort, son of Captain Hook.
Tedros immediately pulled you out of the water, with Hort in tow.
The angry professor commands the nearby guards to bring him back to the School of Evil and how Lady Lesso will surely punish him.
"It seems like I'm your wish, my lady."
He expects you to be disgusted like the other Evers. To his surprise, you give him the sweetest smile he has ever seen in his life.
"That you are, Hort of Bloodbrook."
To say Hort is surprised was an understatement.
You didn't only smile at him but also knew his name.
Cupid's arrow struck him at that moment. His villainous smirk drops, staring at you with wide eyes as much as he could before they were out of sight.
Tedros, who saw the whole thing, was not pleased and gave you a warning on how Nevers can't be trusted.
After your encounter, Hort seeks you out more.
You didn't mind, he is an odd yet funny companion.
He also doesn't care for one's physical appearance like the girls do or how you're nothing but a pretty face with a royal title like most guys think.
He encourages you to be yourself, like Agatha does.
You two would get judgmental looks from both sides.
Sophie was pissed, not only because Hort was losing interest in her but being the princess of Camelot is everything she wants to be.
So is Tedros. And everyone else who sees you together.
Agatha is just worried and would remind you to keep your guard up.
But you enjoy each other's company, that's what matters.
Hort was in love with you the moment you met but it took you a longer time to realize your feelings for him.
You only told Agatha about it but Tedros overheard.
Believe me when I say that Tedros will demand you to be examined.
"She's not under any spells, my prince."
"Are you certain?"
"Oh my God, I love Hort and there's nothing you can do about it!"
Everyone in the hall heard you.
Silence before a giddy howl ensues.
Hort runs to you and gives the biggest hug you could ever receive.
Despite being initially embarrassed, you returned it.
Before he could kiss you like he always dreamed of, Tedros stops him.
He pulls out Excalibur and points its tip on Hort's neck. Your brother will mercilessly give the poor boy threats if he broke your heart or hurt you in any way. Agatha joined in without words, just sending a warning glare on his way.
Hort would be lowkey terrified but so happy at the same time.
I mean you love him back. He could take a fucking army if you command him to.
Lady Lesso and Professor Dovey would only look at each other in disbelief, worried for what happens next.
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liv45no · 3 months
Agatha: *sliding a photo across the table* I need you to shoot this girl in the leg.
Hester: that's a picture of you
Agatha: Tedros and Sophie want me to try zumba.
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*The squad is playing a team sport* Hort: Are you upset you don’t get to be on the same team as Agatha? Sophie: Have you ever played a game with Agatha? Dot: No… Sophie: Have you ever been trapped in a cage with a wolverine? *Meanwhile, on the other side of the field* Agatha, chasing Tedros: I SAID FASTER! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE WORD “FASTER” MEANS? IT MEANS MORE FAST!!!!
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petrichora-art · 2 years
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“Agatha, you dressed as a bride for Halloween." "Weddings are scary.” ― Soman Chainani
Sophie and Agatha, princess and witch, best friends.
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liketwoswansinbalance · 3 months
Books 1-3, Oversimplified:
Rafal: I knew it. You're Evil!
Sophie: And whose fault is that, darling?
Rafal: ...
Agatha: I hate you and you're an idiot!
Tedros: Well, I hate you and... wait, hang on, I love you.
Agatha: Great. Now what are we going to do?
Tedros: I—
Agatha: Stop talking. That was a rhetorical question.
Tedros: Wonder what Sophie's up to these days...
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merakicharm · 1 year
Maleficent and Agatha running in frenzied circles to find the guy who can give true love's kiss to Aurora and Sophie in order to save them.
also Maleficent and Agatha being the ones to give them the true love's kiss and revive them from death.
Philip and Tedros : well... 😐
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max-is-a-giant-nerd · 3 months
SGE characters as random things my friends have said, part 2!!
Tedros: I'm so sigma, I have 19 testicles!!
Agatha: I'm dumping you
Evelyn: I wish i could date a gay guy, they just seem so fun.
Rhian (disguised as Rafal: uhhhh
A very drunk Emma: If I had a penis I would put it in orbeez
A VERY sleep deprived Dovey: I would put it in oobleck
Emma: But it would get all in the crevices
Dovey: Or rice, rice has a really interesting-
Sheeba Sheeks: Who would win in a fight, 50 4-year olds or one dude with a sword?
The rest of the class is spent arguing about the question
Kiko: Better head than dead!
Beatrix: Do you know what that means?
Hester: That's the type of pizza you could slap someone with
Dot and Anadil: Nodding and munching on their pizza
Lesso: There is such a thing as postpartum birth control, though i believe that's called homicide.
Aric: And you used that on me
Dovey: 😱🤯🙀
Hort: I remember when i was throwing the dall for the bog
Sophie: How are you a teacher?
Hort: I could ask you the same thing
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okayclaryfray · 1 year
My lovessss<3
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theenchantress36 · 2 years
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This scene from The Last Ever After is one of my favourites from the book fr. Agatha realising her self worth and Tedros choosing her over Sophie just melts my heart
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Tedros: How’s the sexiest person here~?
Agatha: I don’t know, how are they~?
Sophie,from across the room: I’m doing great thanks!
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marsconer · 2 years
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“ sorry that i stabbed you, i love you actually”
it ends up sweet right? but about the part of you that longs to draw blood.
enough poison for two
sometimes i think you’re the only person who truly knows me.
— i never told anyone but i have a scar that looks like you ( and it looks like love )
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amistillreallyalive · 2 years
Clarissa hovering lesso aaaaa
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Agatha: I’m so tired, I think I’m going to go to bed.
Tedros: You literally just got up.
Agatha: ….What’s your point?
The Coven (and Sophie), standing behind Agatha with knives: Yeah Tedros, what's your point?
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petrichora-art · 2 years
Would you consider drawing some sort of Hester x Anadil sketch? Your depictions of those two are the only ones I like/imagine them as lol
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hey there!
thank you so much for your inquiry!
your comments always brighten my day and I really wanted to make this one special! I did go a bit experimental with the textures haha!
I know alot of people prefer my typical "animated Disney" style, so I was a bit hesitant doing something different with these characters! However, I quite liked the way it turned out, hopefully you guys do as well!
As for Hester and Anadil, I was inspired by a photoshoot and loved the pose, it suits them perfectly!
thank you again so much for your support! I hope everything is going well!
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