tindomielthings · 2 years
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Sorlandet, Norway
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spockvarietyhour · 3 years
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The Sørlandet in 1933, after it sailed the Atlantic from Norway to Montreal.
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historianatlarge · 5 years
So I was tagged in a thing.
I usually don’t do these, but perhaps people would like to know a little about me, at least. Got tagged by the excellent @psifitopia, too, and they are a nice enough person I’d do it just because it’s them, really.
Taking a couple of these out for repetition/privacy, but I’ll compensate you all with a bit more elsewhere.
Name/Alias: Charles
Hobbies: Reading, by and large. I suppose writing still counts, since I find the work I do on here quite enjoyable. Still have some fun with games of various descriptions, in my spare time. I’ve also got some model kits (all of them historical, go figure) that are laying about incomplete that I really ought to get back to, at some point.
Favorite colors: Orange! The story behind how it became my favourite is a complex one, but nowadays it’s still going strong – and has been ever since I was a small child. Oddly enough, however, I don’t usually care for it as a colour on cars.
Last song listened to: I’ve been listening a lot to Anna Akiko Meyers, who is just an utterly superb violinist. Specifically, I love her interpretation of Arvo Pärt’s Fratres. The piece isn’t even my usual style with classical music, but something about it just works when I need to get work done.
Last film watched: Most recently, the film Hurricane about the 303rd Squadron in the Battle of Britain. I found it rather rushed overall, though I’m glad some attention was being paid to these brave Polish pilots. It had a good underlying message that tied past British events to current ones, but I’m hoping to see Dywizjon 303 to make a comparison.
Inspiration or muse: Well, my wife helps inspire me quite a bit. Perhaps above all in reminding me that what I do is interesting and relevant. I’m also inspired by the idea of sharing historical knowledge with people who may not have it – historical knowledge is critically important these days in the defence of democracy. In other words, it helps to know there’s a good reason to do what you’re doing. (And it’s just fascinating, but individual mileage may vary on that one!)
Meaning behind your url:  Well this one is relatively simple – I have a terrible time thinking up usernames. Whatever other creativity I have, it fails me utterly there. It was the first idea that came up that I didn’t think sounded ridiculous, so I went with that.
Currently reading:  Working my way through a couple books, far too slowly. Trying out Ursula K. LeGuin’s Steering the Craft, and starting Bitter Glory, about Poland’s history between 1918-1939. I’ve got a stack beside them to either read or finish re-reading, foremost amongst them a re-read of the superb Into the Dark Valley, which details the descent into extremism in the 1930s, and has very important lessons for today.
Dream job: I’ve already got it! I’m a teacher of History and English with an Ontario school board. I’ve been proud of every day I’ve spent on the job. I’ve had some truly remarkable young minds under my tutelage, and I could pick out the ones I think will be making this country better one day.
Top three ships:  This one is supposed to be about fandom, isn’t it, I can’t just list my three favourite actual ships of all time? Can I do both? I’m going to cheat and do both. Well, I love the liner Normandie, and consider her the most beautiful ocean liner ever constructed. After that, I’ve always been fascinated by the submarine Surcouf because the entire concept of a cruiser submarine seems so alien and out-of-place today, beyond which the very idea of a submarine capable of sinking a destroyer on the surface is just so wild to look back at. Lastly, I absolutely love the sailing ship Sørlandet, and feel so very lucky to have had the chance to board her. Possibly the most beautiful ship around today.
Now, for those who may or may not enjoy well-written pairings in fiction. The first I’ll mention is Nick and Nora Charles – it’s so rare, even today, to see a married couple written as actually enjoying time with each other. I find the ‘take my wife, please’ stuff rather tiresome – it’s far more enjoyable to see the positive aspects of a couple, their partnership and how they compliment and improve each other. For the sci-fi fans out there, I’ve always enjoyed the suitably operatic pairing of Aeryn Sun and John Chricton from FarScape. Frankly, I find the entire show just delightful, especially the space muppets. Lastly, a bit of an obscure one: Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors from the Star Wars: Dark Forces games and books. In part, I suppose, because they might be the first fictional couple whose development I enjoyed.
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick, though the only one I use these days is a orange-scented one my wife found me. I wish I could remember the names of the people who made it, but they also made Harry Potter-themed lip balms that are rather delightful. If you are someone making such lipbalm in Southwestern Ontario, let me know and I’ll tag you here.
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stalkpub-blog · 5 years
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sunken restaurant #underlindesnes by #snohetta, 1 of the world’s 100 greatest places 2019 according to @time magazine. @underlindesnes @snohetta #sorlandet #norway #lindesnes #restaurantdesign #architecture #underwaterrestaurant read more on #designboom. . images: @frederik_bye, bjarne røyland, juergen pollack, inger marie grini / bo bedre norge sunken restaurant #underlindesnes by #snohetta, 1 of the world’s 100 greatest places 2019 according to time magazine. underlindesnes snohetta #sorlandet #norway #lindesnes #restaurantdesign #architecture #underwaterrestaurant read more on #designboom. . images: frederik_bye, bjarne røyland, juergen pollack, inger marie grini / bo bedre norge sunken restaurant #underlindesnes by #snohetta, 1 of the world’s 100 greatest places 2019 according to @time magazine. @underlindesnes @snohetta #sorlandet #norway #lindesnes #restaurantdesign #architecture #underwaterrestaurant read more on #designboom. . images: @frederik_bye, bjarne røyland, juergen pollack, inger marie grini / bo bedre norge
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nordiclndscp-blog · 6 years
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#Repost @silje.dalen (@get_repost) ・・・ Difficult roads often Lead to beautiful destination 💙☝️🍁🍁 - - - - - - - - - - - - God morgen fra Tromøya 🇳🇴 ______________________________________ @nordiclndscp @bestofnorwegiannature @sorlandet.no @bestofnorwegiannature @norway4me @nortrip _____________________________________ #nordiclndscp #bestofnorwegiannature #sorlandetno #norway4me #nortrip #dnt #turistforeningen #trivselsfylket #sorlandet #stedervielsker #tromøya #norwaynature #nature_perfection #bestnatureshot #norgeimitthjerte #mittfriluftliv #turgleder #utno #brilliantnorway #norway2day #norgeidag #godmorgennorge #nrknatur https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq6zsmWhPV5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jthhebbnzft1
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speedsilver-blog1 · 8 years
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2nd photo of a series of boats, most taken during my sailing sorties. This one is the beautiful full-rigged ship Sorlandet. One of the oldest in operation, it's name means the lands of the south, meaning the soutern Norway. #sorlandet #norway #sail #ship #boat #sailing #sea #atlantic #tagus #training #photo #navy #norwegiannavy #portugal #lisbon #instagram #a #beautiful #cool #style #old #kim #instaphoto #water #sky #blue #yacht #marine #d7100 #nikon (em Lisbon, Portugal)
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interaktivemaxi · 3 years
Lewis Houck. Nasas mann i Risør.
En rekonstruksjon av NRK-artikkelen om en bekjent av meg, NASAs mann i Risør, Lewis Houck. Nettsiden er laget med den hensikt til å lære seg enkel koding med html og css. Derav den enkle stylingen.
Det er utrolig artig å kode enkle nettsider i html og css! Jeg prøvde meg litt frem og fikk til enkle hover-funksjoner samt sticky object men jeg brukte mesteparten av tiden på å prøve å plassere innholdet der jeg ville, noe som var vanskelig fordi det måtte displayes som et block element også videre…
Men utrolig artig og lærerrikt!
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wiadomosciprasowe · 11 years
Scandic åpner Sørlandets største hotell
Scandic åpner Sørlandets største hotell
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Dato: 05-06-2013 09:22 CEST Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Scandic åpner Sørlandets største hotell Kategori: , Miljø Nye hoteller Hotell Scandic Scandic Norge bystranda kristiansand Miljøkjeden
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5.juni åpner Scandic Kristiansand Bystranda dørene – midt på idylliske Bystranda i sentrum av Kristiansand. Hotellet får en av Norges beste beliggenheter, og med dette fortsetter Scandic sin ekspansjon på det norske markedet.
Hotellkjeden Scandic satser videre på innovative, miljøvennlige og spennende designløsninger med sitt nyeste hotell. Hotellet ligger midt i byen og midt på stranda, og vegg-i-vegg med Aquarama som blant annet kan tilby treningsfasiliteter, SPA samt et av Norges største badeland.
–Scandic vokser og vi er stadig på jakt etter hotellprosjekt med god beliggenhet. Med Scandic Kristiansand Bystranda har vi truffet perfekt – dette er et av Norges flotteste hoteller rett ved stranden og samtidig midt i byen. Endelig får Sørlandets hovedstad et hotell som tilbyr det beste både for ferie- og jobbreisende. Det gjør at vi i sommerhalvåret satser på barnefamilier og ferierende mens fokuset i vinterhalvåret er på kurs og konferanse, sier Svein Arild Steen-Mevold, administrerende direktør i Scandic Norge.
Tar med havet inn Fra hotellet har man en fantastisk utsikt over stranden, båthavnen og resten av skjærgården fra de fleste av gjesterommene og hotellets restaurant og bar. Og samspillet mellom hav og mennesker finner man også igjen innendørs.
–På Scandic Kristiansand Bystranda sover du så godt som på stranden, og derfor er hovedtemaet for interiøret menneskers møte med havet. Fargene er blant annet inspirert av storm, morgentåke, skipsskrog og containere, sier hotelldirektør Håvard Solum.
Det er det svenske interiørfirmaet Krook & Tjäder som står for utformingen av rommene og fellesarealet i det nye hotellet.
Fleksible løsninger Scandic Kristiansand Bystranda er Sørlandets største hotell og har over 800 sengeplasser fordelt på 229 rom. Det er et resultat av smarte og fleksible løsninger som gjør at de fleste av rommene enkelt kan utvides med ekstra sengeplasser ved behov.
Det nye hotellet er selvfølgelig også bygget slik at det oppfyller Scandics tilgjengelighetsstandard på hele 110 punkter. Denne standarden omfatter alt som tilbys og er et integrert hensyn for alle produkter og tjenester på hotellet.
–Ved hjelp av smarte løsninger legger Scandic forholdene til rette for alle gjester uansett om de har svak hørsel, bruker rullestol eller har andre funksjonshemminger. I tillegg er 23 rom spesialtilpasset gjester med spesielle behov, sier hotelldirektør Solum.
Miljø i strandkanten Scandic har utviklet det som i dag er et bransjeledende og prisvinnende miljøprogram. Det innebærer at sunne miljømessige, økonomiske og sosiale aspekter skal gjennomsyrer beslutninger i den daglige hotelldriften. Det nye hotellet i Kristiansand er Svanemerket, og det gir et svært lavt energiforbruk, god avfallshåndtering og at det brukes lite miljøskadelige stoffer.
–For oss i Scandic er det å satse på miljøet viktig, og vi stiller tøffe krav til oss selv for at våre hoteller skal være så snille mot miljøet som mulig. Et resultat av det er at hele 98 prosent av inventaret i våre hotellrom er gjenvinnbart, forteller hotelldirektør Håvard Solum.
HOTELLFAKTA Antall rom: 229 Antall senger: 814 174 Standardrom 54 superiorrom: 1 suite 43 connecting-rom 23 tilgjengelighetsrom 1 restaurant 1 bar
Om Scandic Norge Scandic Norge har totalt 20 hoteller her i landet og har de siste årene åpnet en rekke nye og store hoteller. Til neste år åpner i tillegg kjeden Nordens største kongressanlegg på Lerkendal i Trondheim og det nye Scandic Stavanger City.
For mer informasjon, ta kontakt med: Håvard Solum, Hotelldirektør, Scandic Kristiansand Bystranda [email protected] +47 415 50 646
Kilde: Pressekontor Scandic Hotels Norge – PRESSEMELDING –
Hashtags: # #Miljø Nye hoteller Hotell Scandic Scandic Norge bystranda kristiansand Miljøkjeden Miljø Nye hoteller Hotell Scandic Scandic Norge bystranda kristiansand Miljøkjeden
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heavyarethecrowns · 6 years
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Those that have married in to the Royal Families since 1800
Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby born 19th August 1973
Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby was born in Kristiansand in the southern part of Norway, the daughter of Sven O. Høiby, who worked as a journalist for a local paper, and Marit Tjessem. Her parents divorced, and her father would later marry Renate Barsgård. She has a sister and two older brothers, including Per Hoiby, chief executive of the PR agency First House. Her stepbrother, Trond Berntsen – by her mother’s 1994 marriage to Rolf Berntsen – died in the 2011 Norway attacks.
Mette-Marit grew up in Kristiansand, spending many weekends and holidays in the nearby valley of Setesdal and on the coast, where she learned to sail. During her youth, she was active in the local Slettheia youth club, where she was also an activity leader. As a teenager, she played volleyball, qualifying as a referee and coach.
After starting at Oddernes upper secondary school in Kristiansand, Mette-Marit spent six months at Wangaratta High School located in North East Victoria in Australia, as an exchange student with the exchange organisation, Youth For Understanding. Later, she attended Kristiansand katedralskole, where she passed her final examinations in 1994.
She then spent several months working for the Norwegian-British Chamber of Commerce at Norway House in Cockspur Street, London, where she stayed in the same flat the King and Queen of Norway lived in during their period of exile during World War Two. When her assignment in London ended, Mette-Marit relocated to Norway, where she embarked upon a period of wild hedonic partying, ending up as a waitress in an upmarket Oslo cafe. By her own admission, Mette-Marit experienced a rebellious phase before she met Crown Prince Haakon Magnus
As a part-time student, she took longer than usual to complete her high school education before going on to take preparatory university courses at Agder. She then worked on and off at the restaurant Cafè Engebret in Oslo. In the late 1990s, Mette-Marit attended the Quart Festival, Norway’s largest music festival, in her hometown of Kristiansand. She met Crown Prince Haakon at a garden party during the Quart Festival season.Years later, after becoming a single mother she met the prince again at another party related to the festival.
Since becoming crown princess, Mette-Marit has taken several university level courses. In 2012, she obtained a master’s degree in Executive Management
When the engagement between Crown Prince Haakon and Mette-Marit was announced, some Norwegians felt that the Crown Prince’s choice of partner was questionable because of her previous socialization in a milieu “where drugs were readily available”. At the time of their engagement, Mette-Marit was a single mother to a son named Marius Borg Høiby, born 13 January 1997.
Her first official appearance as the intended bride of the Crown Prince was at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony at Oslo City Hall on 10 December 2000, following the announcement of the couple’s engagement on 1 December. At the press conference, Haakon said that he and Mette-Marit had been together for about one year. Haakon gave Mette-Marit the same engagement ring that his grandfather King Olav V and his father King Harald V had given to their fiancées.
The couple married on 25 August 2001 at the Oslo Cathedral. Upon her marriage, she acquired the title, Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Norway. They now live at Skaugum estate, outside Oslo.
In October 2005, Crown Princess Mette-Marit accompanied Crown Prince Haakon, King Harald and Queen Sonja on an official visit to the United Kingdom to mark the centenary of Norway’s independence.
During 2002 and 2003, the Crown Princess undertook development studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, apparently without graduating. She was also accepted as an intern at NORAD, the Norwegian government’s development organization. Mette-Marit is attending lectures at the faculties of arts and social sciences at the University of Oslo.
The Crown Princess is a UNAIDS Special Representative and visited Geneva to learn more about the organization and Malawi because of this post. In 2007, the Crown Princess extended her commitment as a UNAIDS Special Representative for another two years. The Crown Princess and her husband attended the International AIDS Conference in Toronto in August 2006 as part of this role, serving as Jury member to the UNAIDS family-led Red Ribbon Award.
Along with UNAIDS, the Crown Princess is president of various other organisations. They are The Norwegian Scouting Association, the Amandus Film Festival, Kristiansand’s International Children’s Film Festival, Risor Festival of Chamber Music, FOKUS Forum for Women and Development Questions, Norwegian Design Council, Red Cross Norway, The Norwegian Council for Mental Health, the Full Rigged Ship Sorlandet, and the Oslo International Church Music Festival.
In December 2008, she received the Annual Petter Dass award, which recognises a person that helps to unite people and God. Mette-Marit released the CD Sorgen og gleden with religious psalms: the Crown Princess wrote in the booklet “psalms are a link between me and God, between me and life”.
If her husband ascends the throne, Mette-Marit will become the third Norwegian queen consort to have been born as a commoner. The first was Désirée Clary, the consort of Charles III John. The second is her mother-in-law, the current Queen Sonja
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jeanine011 · 3 years
Covid-19: Erna Solberg, Bill Gates, oljefondet - Milliardavtaler om vaksiner og test-utstyr har nå resultert i regelrette overgrep mot vergeløse barn!
Covid-19: Erna Solberg, Bill Gates, oljefondet – Milliardavtaler om vaksiner og test-utstyr har nå resultert i regelrette overgrep mot vergeløse barn!
FOTO: PER-KÅRE SANDBAKK / NRK 21.04.2021 – Her blir Linnea (1) koronatestet. 128 barnehagebarn ble massetestet for koronasmitte i Lindesnes onsdag. https://www.nrk.no/sorlandet/massetestet-barnehagebarn-for-a-stoppe-smitte-1.15465540 Bakgrunn: “Oljefondet eier også aksjer for mange milliarder i selskaper som leverer coronatester og annet utstyr til helsesektoren” – se lenger ned i posten. VG…
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historianatlarge · 7 years
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The Sørlandet tall ship.
(Photographs by original poster)
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o-k-e-a-n-o-s · 7 years
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SORLANDET - Halmstad Race Start 2017 - 55 10N and 012 56E Sørlandet is the oldest of the three Norwegian Tall Ships and the oldest full rigged ship in the world still in operation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%B8rlandet_(ship)
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wiadomosciprasowe · 7 years
Scandic vokser i Norge: I dag åpner Scandic Valdres og Scandic Sørlandet
Scandic vokser i Norge: I dag åpner Scandic Valdres og Scandic Sørlandet
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Scandic Valdres Dato: 04-04-2017 13:30 CEST Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Scandic vokser i Norge: I dag åpner Scandic Valdres og Scandic Sørlandet Kategori: , Sosiale spørsmål Turisme Miljø, energi Mat, drikke Scandic Hotels, Nordens ledende hotellkjede, vokser videre i Norge. I dag får Scandic-familien to nye medlemmer med åpningen av de nyrenoverte hotellene Scandic Valdres og Scandic Sørlandet.
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Scandic Hotels, Nordens ledende hotellkjede, vokser videre i Norge. I dag får Scandic-familien to nye medlemmer med åpningen av de nyrenoverte hotellene Scandic Valdres og Scandic Sørlandet.
– Scandic har hatt en sterk utvikling i Norge de siste årene og skal vokse videre. Vi er glade for å ønske de nye hotellene velkommen i Scandic-familien. Scandic Valdres vil gi våre gjester et enda bedre tilbud i området med sin beliggenhet i hjertet av Valdres. Scandic Sørlandet vil styrke vår posisjon i Kristiansand mot ferie- og fritidsmarkedet, så vel som mot konferansemarkedet, sier Svein Arild Steen-Mevold, administrerende direktør i Scandic Hotels Norge.
Valdres nye storstue Scandic Valdres har gjennomgått en omfattende oppussing av fellesarealer og står nå klart til å ta imot gjester fra fjern og nær. Hotelldirektør ved Scandic Valdres, Ole Volden-Sandersen, ønsker å bygge hotellets posisjon som et samlingspunkt for hele Valdres-regionen.
– Jeg ønsker å befeste hotellets rolle som et møtepunkt i Valdres, og bidra til å bygge Valdres som en viktig turistdestinasjon. Det at Nordens største hotellkjede nå etablerer seg i vår region er jeg helt sikker på vil bidra positivt til å sette Valdres på kartet for enda flere, ikke minst også i våre naboland. Og selvfølgelig gleder jeg meg til å tilby gjestene den prisbelønte Scandic-frokosten og et helt nytt lunsjkonsept, sier Volden-Sandersen.
Scandic Valdres har 10 fleksible møterom, hvorav det største møterommet har en kapasitet på opptil 700 personer. Hotellet ligger midt i Fagernes med utsikt over Strandefjorden og har 139 rom. I løpet av 2017 starter oppussingen av hotellets baderom.
Satser på Sørlandet Oppussingen av Scandic Sørlandet er i innspurten, og før påske vil både fellesarealer og alle hotellets 210 rom være nyoppussede og klare til å ønske påsketurister og øvrige gjester velkommen. Målet er å bidra til å videreutvikle Kristiansand og omegn som turist- og møtedestinasjon. Scandic Sørlandet ligger strategisk plassert kun 600 meter fra en av Norges største turistattraksjoner, Kristiansand Dyrepark. Det gjør at hotellet er attraktivt for så vel barnefamilier som konferansegjester. Scandic Sørlandet kan huse 550 konferansegjester i sin største sal, og hotellet tilbyr ni møterom og to konferansesuiter.
– Med Scandic-nettverket i ryggen har vi alle muligheter til å bidra til vekst i turistnæringen i og rundt Kristiansand. Vi gleder osss til å samarbeide med søsterhotellet Scandic Kristiansand Bystranda for å tiltrekke oss gjester fra inn- og utland, sier Ricardo Sousa, hotelldirektør ved Scandic Sørlandet.
Scandic vokser ytterligere Både Scandic Valdres og Scandic Sørlandet har vært drevet av Pandox som Thon-hoteller. I januar 2017 ble det kjent at Scandic hadde inngått en avtale med Pandox og Eiendomsspar om å drifte åtte hoteller, fordelt på fem hoteller i Norge, to Sverige og ett i Danmark. Pandox har frem til nå stått for driften av samtlige åtte hoteller og eier syv av hotellene. Det åttende hotellet, Grand Hotel i Oslo, eies av Eiendomsspar.
For mer informasjon, kontakt:
Svein Arild Steen-Mevold, adm. dir. Scandic Hotels Norge, +47 951 79 390, [email protected] Ole Volden-Sandersen, hotelldirektør Scandic Valdres, + 47 928 67 350, [email protected] Ricardo Sousa, hotelldirektør Scandic Sørlandet, +47 468 93 956, [email protected] Kristian Røise Dahl, PR- og kommunikasjonsrådgiver Scandic Hotels Norge, +47 958 41 992, [email protected]
Kilde: Pressekontor Scandic Hotels Norge – PRESSEMELDING –
Hashtags: # #Sosiale spørsmål Turisme Miljø, energi Mat, drikke Sosiale spørsmål Turisme Miljø, energi Mat, drikke
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Turku is a city the is surrounded by islands. When we were there there was a tall ship race from port to port. The ship that we got to see was called Sorlandet; it was built in 1927. This boat is from Norway and is 62.2m long. There are 85 people working on the boat. 15 permanent people and 70 trainees. The name Sorlandet means “The Southern Land”. This ship was built to be a training ship. On the boat they try and keep the same old-fashioned traditions in keeping the boat in check. For example when they were fixing the sails they use an old fashion sewing machine. The whole port was filled with these beautiful ships. They put the ships in different time groups and different skill sets. Most of the groups were decided by the type of engine and age of the ship.
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