#sorry! i'm jetlagged and dumb
oh-no-another-idea · 1 year
Happy WBW! 💜💌 Are there any unique punishments for certain crimes in the world of your WIP? Do authorities in your WIP take certain crimes (murder, theft, etc.) more or less seriously than we would? Are there unique crimes that can be committed due to the nature of this magic/society/world? :) - @liv-is
Thanks for the ask, friend! Sorry it's so late. :)
In The Invisible Girl, we're watching as industry and machines start to replace out magic--people with a Gift are no longer integral to society, so they're slowly being moved to the slums and almost hunted, while the ungifted become wealthier and wealthier due to technology and turn a blind eye to the problems happening beneath their notice. The police are generally ungifted and deep in the pockets of the wealthy, and while use of magic isn't illegal yet, things don't look good.
Actually, basically the answer is no, I haven't thought up anything for punishments yet, and I am very sorry 😫😂 Have a random fact up there that I thought correlated but doesn't really
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12woso12 · 2 months
Dorothy lands in North London - Part 5
Part 4
When you finally made it back to Emily's apartment block, it was a quarter to seven in the morning. It was obvious that neither you or Kyra were time conscious which you could see being quite a problem for the two of you in the future. Quietly, you slipped inside the block and began to ascend the stairs to the fourth floor, eyes aching from the lack of sleep. Your joggers clung to the bottom of your legs, soaked from hours spent rolling around on wet grass. You must have looked as though you'd been dragged backwards through a hedge.
As you unlocked Emily's apartment door you found the older woman waiting for you at the kitchen counter, stoney expression on her face.
'Decided to return have you?' she mused, aggressively taking a bite of toast. 'How's Kyra?'
You flinch nervously at her tone. 'Sorry Em, I should've messaged you'
'Yeah you should've! If i hadn't of seen that dumb instagram story, which the club aren't going to be happy about by the way, then i wouldn't have known where you were!'
'I'm not a kid, Em' You retaliated 'I was with Kyra, we had a kick about at the park'
'At 3 in the morning? God help us all deal with you and Kyra being friends' She rolled her shoulders and began to ease up slightly. 'Want any breakfast? I've got cereal under the counter'
You gratefully find a box of something called Cookie Crunch and begin to nibble at a few pieces from the box. 'Wow, the Brits sure made this tasty didn't they?'
Emily snatched the box from your hands and took a bowl from the sink. 'Don't stick your hands in there! Look how muddy you are, you're going to need to take a shower before you get picked up for the Emirates'
You ate in silence, casting an occasional glance in Emily's direction in an attempt to see if her mood had changed. When after ten minutes the line in her brow still hadn't shifted, guilt coursed through your veins and tied your stomach in knots. Your fellow American had taken you in and this was what you repaid her in - sneaking out and mud caked shoes.
'I am sorry.' You said 'I couldn't sleep and Kyra was messaging me...I was exited to meet someone new and so i didn't really give much thought to the consequences'
'Thank you for apologising' Emily smiled for the first time that morning and then: 'Why couldn't you sleep?'
'Jetlag' you lied, Emily didn't need to know about your nightmares. You hadn't told anyone before. Of course, people knew the basics about your life, or at least what they'd read in the press. But you didn't think they needed to know how your father's abuse still haunted you or how you could still see the blood splatters from your mum's head.
'I'm getting picked up at 8:30 right?' You glance at your phone.
'Yeah. Know what you're wearing?'
You shrugged. 'Haven't even touched my suitcases yet.'
Emily stared at you in disbelief. 'Then how did you brush your teeth last night?'
'Gum?' you said matter of factly. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy feeling fresh before bed but it had been a long day and figured it could all wait until the following morning. What you hadn't counted on however was having little to no time in the morning due to your impromptu meeting with Kyra.
'Bloody hell' Emily murmured
'God you're so British now aren't you' You teased Emily
'Just you wait' Emily grumbled 'The Brits will get to you too'
The journey to the Emirates took a long hour of fighting traffic through the streets of London. You'd been picked up in a black and shiny SUV driven by an elderly man named Michael who you weren't exactly sure should have a license after you witnessed him reversing backwards over pavement.
But who were you to judge? You couldn't exactly drive either.
When you finally built up the courage to tackle your suitcases you had picked out a pair of loose blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a tweed blazer to fit over the top. You decided that smart casual was the way to go, not wanting to seem too eager but also excited to sign such a professional contract.
You were nervous as you approached the stadium. Your stomach was fluttering and your jaw clenched tightly as every second passed by. You weren't too sure what to expect, you knew Jonas Eidevall would be there to greet you at some point and you knew you'd be meeting the player liaison who would be helping to settle you in, but that was it. Everything else was the complete unknown.
As the SUV churned to a halt and you bid goodbye to Michael, the door swung open and you were met by a short woman who introduced herself as Jennifer.
'Sorry about all this secrecy' she said gesturing around her at the emirate's parking garage that you had been brought to. 'We try and keep all our signings under wraps until announcement day'
You sniggered slightly knowing that Arsenal could never keep a secret 'When will i be announced?'
'Day after tomorrow, if all goes to plan'
You eyebrows shot up 'That's quicker than i thought it would be'
'We were aiming for next week but it seems as though you and your new Australian friend decided to throw a wrench into our schedule' Jennifer made reference to your instagram post 'You've created a lot of buzz and we want to make sure to utilise it, so within 48 hours you'll be officially announced'
You decided not to defend yourself, the last thing you needed was your own player liaison to take a disliking to you. Instead, you followed her silently through a set of double doors and into the halls of the mighty Emirates stadium.
'This is David, he's our media specialist' Jennifer pointed to a man who was dressed head to toe in Arsenal gear. He held a phone in hand, video clearly on and pointing directly at you. 'He'll be following you around today, getting some content for the fans and that type of thing'
'Well as long as he doesn't follow me into the restroom' You deadpanned attempting to hold in laughter as Jennifer's eyes widened and David turned a deep shade of red.
'Have Kim and Leah been warned about you?' Jennifer half-joked. You shrugged and shot an apologetic glance towards David who instantly averted his eyes. 'This way, we need to get you into some red'
Jennifer led you and David down a maze of hallways and through a dozen doors until you finally came to a rest outside the player changing rooms. 'There's a kit waiting for you inside, once you're changed we can head up to the offices. I think Jonas has arrived so you can get to signing the contract. After that, we've got a welcome video to make'
You nod and hesitantly turn into the changing rooms. You were overcome with an overwhelming nausea suddenly and as you entered the Arsenal changing rooms for the very first time, the transfer became scarily real. The first thing you noticed about the room were the lights, they were harsh, almost too harsh for your tired eyes to take in. The Arsenal cress was printed onto the floor in the middle of the cubbyholes, it glistened with history and somehow sent a wave of pride into your bones despite having yet to wear its colours.
In the centre cubby hung your new kit. Usually you played with the number 13 on your back but since that had already been taken, you'd opted to swap the numbers around for 31. You made quick work of changing into the kit and ran a quick hand through your hair to add some volume. You paused in one of the mirrors to study your appearance and were happy to discover that the red kit suited you.
It wasn't too often that you worried about how you looked. You had the fortunate gene of appearing skinny and gorgeous, at least that's what your mum used to tell you.
You kept your own trainers on and folded the rest of your clothes to sit neatly in the cubby as you readied yourself to step back into the hallway where David would most definitely be waiting, camera in hand.
'Not bad this kit, is it?' you re-enter the hallway and smile at Jennifer who nodded at you impressed.
'Suits you' She said 'Come on then, up to the offices we go'
As you trudged up several flights of stairs, your hands grew sweater and you began to worry whether you'd be able to grip the pen tight enough. You tried to shake off the stupid thought and happily found yourself distracted when you finally came face to face with your new manager.
'Y/n!' Jonas exclaimed as Jennifer led you into a media room. 'It is great to meet you, we are all so excited to have you here' The Swedish man thrust a hand towards you which you took enthusiastically, meeting his wide smile and firm shake.
'Good to meet you' You replied as he gestured for you to take a seat at a table in the centre of the room. You sat down in front of a maroon wall, the Arsenal cress above your head. On the table lay a pen and paper, ready and waiting for your signature.
'I really hope we're able to build something here together' Jonas told you as he picked up the pen and handed it to you. The snap of David's phone capturing the moment was difficult to ignore.
'Me too, i'm excited to get started' You lower the pen to paper. Your life was about to change, for the worse or better, you didn't know. The pen moved fluidly as you drew out your signature and Jonas clasped you on the back in celebration.
You'd done it. You were officially an Arsenal player.
'Well, now that's out the way we're about to do something a lot more exciting' Jennifer smiled.
'The video?' You questioned
'Yep. And we've got a special guest'
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rainiishowers · 9 months
Obey Me Incorrect Quotes
A/N: Haha sleep deprivation go brrrrr
MC: So I can either do something dumb that could very well get me injured or I can listen to Simeon and not do the thing,
MC: Well there’s a clear right answer here.
MC: *proceeds to throw five packs of mentos into a barrel full of diet coke*
Barbatos’, at Solomon’s “funeral”: I need a moment with them.
Everyone else at the funeral: Of course. *leaves*
Barbatos, leaning over Solomon’s coffin: Okay, listen here you little shit. I know you’re not dead.
Solomon, sitting up in the coffin: Yeah, no shit.
Asmodeus: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.
Satan: ARE YOU-
MC: Fucking.
MC: Fucking.
Satan: IDIOT!
Beelzebub: …What was that?
MC: Lucifer banned Satan from swearing, so I’m helping him out.
Simeon: The odds of this happening by coincidence are vanishingly small.
Satan: I would say infinitesimally.
Mammon: And I'd say teenily-weenily. We all know words
Leviathan: I lost my fish.. :(
Beelzebub, cooking the fish: …Uhm…
Solomon: Protip is you do not feel good about yourself after eating tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce.
Luke: Are you okay???
Solomon: I literally JUST said I ate tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce. Pay attention.
Simeon: No, they mean other than that.
Solomon: Ohhhhhh.
Solomon: I haven't slept in 4 days.
Belphegor: Why were you up yesterday until 3am?
Mammon: How did you know I was up until 3am?
Lucifer: We could hear you clapping to the FRIENDS intro every 25 minutes.
Mammon: If we don’t get out of this alive… If we’re both about to die… I love you, MC!
*Neither of them die*
MC: …
Mammon: …
MC: So do you wanna talk about somethi-
Mammon: No thank you.
MC: How long do you reckon it’ll be until Simeon finally snaps and commits murder?
Solomon: I’ve been going through life assuming it’s already happened at some point and it’s just that no one was ever able to trace it back to them.
MC: We’re going to defeat you with the power of friendship!
Mephisto: We’re not friends.
MC, holding an axe: We’re going to defeat you with the power of incredible violence.
Asmodeus: Don't break someone's heart, they only have one.
Satan: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them
Beelzebub: I’m so jetlagged I can’t even regrender my chorf.
*Everyone stares at Beel*
Beelzebub: …I don’t even know what I was trying to say.
Asmodeus: What's worse than a heartbreak?
Satan: Stepping on a cat's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry.
Luke: You know guys, sometimes I feel like Lucifer doesn't take me seriously enough.
Mammon: "Sometimes"?
Solomon: "Enough"?
Luke: …
Lucifer: Lord Diavolo? What are you doing here?
Diavolo, wearing a hawaiian shirt, sunglasses and holding a gatorade: My best.
Mammn: *is throwing stones at MC’s window*
MC: You have a phone for a reason, Mammon!
Solomon: Guess who just found out the difference between wax paper and parchment paper the hard way?
Asmodeus: Wait, what’s the difference?
Solomon: One you can use in the oven safely, and the other you can also use in the oven... if the thing you are trying to make happens to be fire.
Solomon: Wow, they really hate us.
Asmodeus: Yea, perhaps they’re homophobic.
Solomon: But we’re not gay, Asmo.
Asmodeus: We’re not?
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incarnateirony · 3 months
Dumb bitch, please stop overcompensating pretending to suddenly care about the wheel of seasons, there's so much shit up her ass people are getting jetlagged by her tryhardism.
-- and since the psycho will pretend this is a real attempt at contact with her, since she refuses to stop stalking my goddamn personal shit, no, read this in the tone of the lord's fucking prayer.
We all just want the fuck away from her
every single way
we want nothing to do with the goddamn fraud. None of us do. We want her off the planet, or at least out of any radius she can continue to abuse the piss out of us. We want to be able to forget the goddamn deranged ass jibberish spraying manipulative social predator blimp exists. But she won't fucking let us.
no seriously.
she's not pretty. she's not wise. she's not smart. She's not egalitarian. She works capitalist self interest jobs. Even while admitting she was on the wrong path, she could not bring herself to stop charging people for bullshit that kept being proven fraudulent. She's just a mindless flabby robot in the machine who spends her free time vampirizing everything around her.
My world would instantly be 300% better if this bitch didn't clog up the same reality cluster with her bullshit. And it's reached a point that now even people who never met her personally or aren't part of her circuits have identified her presence, energy, and her being a fucking fetid, rotten pustule in denial called out by the collective constantly.
Literally the whole world is over this Llothian piece of shit. And I don't have time for her attempting to compensate for not walking a single goddamn part of any path by convincing herself she gives a shit about the solstice after I've only posted about it for months.
She doesn't give a shit about Solstice. Not the real Solstice.
She wouldn't have left her screaming within even when I warned her about it before she showed. She wouldn't be walking away from it and dropping those threads.
You know what, fuck it, I'll just use it against her, cuz she's gonna be violently disassociating for the next 2-3 days.
Then whatcha gotta do is drop the hammer down, drop rhyme, drop hammer You've got blood all over; Ash all over Spit it out son (gn), game's over; A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. I'm sorry, it's about your choices. I know it's hard, but it is. I gotta do what I gotta do.
Even if the result of that is her realizing, that for all my blatant hatred, I'm the only person who gives a shit about who she used to be.
There are only two fruitful endings to me. Her removing herself from the planet, or her being honest which comes with obligatory penance, confessions, and cognitive behavioral changes. I know which one the coward will ultimately choose. But she's the one that made the one man that knew her for 20 years feel like this, by her own psychotic behaviors.
Putting down the monster that replaced her is my final act of love for the daughter of athena murdered by this echidnian horror.
That's more than her current husband or friends have ever done for her.
They're the ones that helped her kill herself.
I did her wrong by not more vocally cutting her off, but her response to being cut off from the source of her delusions and psychosis is abandonment to find someone that will fulfill them. Which is why her current spouse keeps feeding her delusions like catnip to keep her. He just wants her money, body, and social presence. Not sure why anyone would want that body anymore, but to each their own kinks I guess. Or maybe it's more a thing he tolerates while waiting for a payout, I don't know.
Either way.
I'm making it right now.
Because it is her only hope to return to sanity.
Honesty or a self delivered death are the fates ahead. That's it.
And her fellow vampire "friends" that let her destroy herself over stupid fandom grudges. Well. I hope when she dies they're criminally prosecuted for their own liability. Even now they won't stop grooming each other to keep her in an unwell bubble encouraging the psychosis instead of recovery.
Me, o/~ i accepted my fate, not worried about a thing, it's in the bag, so burn my dread. Every second I was losing patience. Couldn't execute like daily operations, who could? When we had such a "deep relationship". But I chose the path, the right path for sure; Giving my all for the cure. Prolly the toughest decision I made and ready for whatever outcome which I’m gonna take. I shall touch the moon one day. And today is that day. Invisible hands behind you just now. o/~
I'll spit it out like a fucking spear.
I'll burn my dread.
Now she gets to live it o/~ persecuted by heaven o/~
yo. we gotta take it out like this, ya'll. Drop. Like. This.
maybe if a daughter of athena can't whine her way out of things in a court of law, not only is the law not with her, neither is that goddess of that domain. She's kept her too trapped inside herself. And she knows her own logic brain would be embarrassed by the attempt, once she stops feeding herself nonsense to tell her it's okay to blindfold herself from what she's done.
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dreamingwithbts · 6 years
Life Changing - Chapter 1
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Genre: ForeignAu!; Angst; Fluff
Summary: I finish university and I'm trying to find a job for a while and to be worse I found out my few friends were all fake before thinking that my life could go worse something good happened.
My name is Katherine Adams and at this moment I'm waiting for my plane to land on South Korea where my life is gonna change forever.
*Weeks before*
I finish college happy to start my life but I never thought this would be so difficult, so here I am trying to find a job for months without a success and to be even worse my friends are leaving me behind to processed with their life and their new friends. "Sorry Katherine I have work!" "Sorry Katherine I'm going out with my coworker's!"
"Kat honey! I'm home!" My mom says entering our house. "Hey mom." "So any luck today?" "No..." "I'm sorry honey." She says hugging me and at that moment my phone rings, it was Sara my partner in college. "Hello Sara!" "Hi Katherine! Sorry to bother you! But Professor Edwards called me saying he has something for us and to go to the university when we can." "Oh well I'm free now if you want!" "Great! All come get you!" And with that I talked to my mom and wait for Sara.
An hour later me and Sara are in front the Professor waiting for what he wanted. "Hi girls! I'm here to offer one of you two a job! You were one's of the best in class so a rfriend of mine told me there's a translator job available on a big success company in South Korea! But there's only one job." He says making me shock, South Korea is one of the reasons that I wanted to be a translater and I look at Sara nervous. "That's very generous Professor but I have to decline! I have my family here so I can't go." Sara says making my stomach burst in happiness. "Well what about you Katherine?" "I would love sir thank you!".
*Present time*
I still remember the face of sadness on my mom's face but at the same time she was very happy and excited for me.
I leave the airplane and I look at everything amazed when I see a man with a card with my name. "Hello I'm Katherine!" I say confused at the man. "Hello Miss Adams I came in behalf of BigHit to get you at your new home safe." "Oh! Thank you!" I say and we go to the car that was so fancy I try not to touch everything.
In the longe drive, me and Mister Kon talked a little about our life's and I'm happy that at least I have a new friend in Korea. "Good bye miss! Good luck tomorrow!" "Thank you Mister Kon! Say hi to your family for me!" I say getting to my new homs.
I enter and I see my boxes everywhere and I see the apartment isn't small or big just the way I like it and so I prepared mentally to start unpack everything and get a nice early sleep for tomorrow.
The next day come faster than I wanted and to be even better I woke up later that I wanted because of the jetlag so here I am trying to get ready to leave, a difficult task since I didn't unpack yesterday because the moment I sat down on the bed I felt asleep.
I finally get out of the house and I'm going to my interview or trying to. I'm following my phone GPS to the location when it suddenly stops working and there I am in the middle of the street trying to repair my phone, people are walking pass by me looking at me weird, of course they would I'm a foreigner in the middle of the road looking everywhere and trying to repair the phone.
"Hello! Need help?" A voice interrupts my thoughts and in front of me it's a beautiful blonde man wearing a mouse mask and speaking a little broken English. "Hi! I can speak Korean! I'm a little lost!" I say to the man making him shock with my Korean then he took of his mask and I immediately recognized him, a very well-known Korean Idol. "You're... You're... Jimin from BTS!" I say to him shock making him do his famous eye closing smile almost making me faint on the street. "You're an army! Nice to meet you!" And I nod afraid of speaking. "What's your name?" "Oh! I'm Katherine Adams and I'm..." I start saying but something behind him caught my attention and I saw a group of high school girls looking and pointing at us and I think they recognized him.
"We need to go now! Let's go!" I say to a very confused shock Jimin while I put his mask on and running with me to nowhere when I found a little dark ally and we hide there. "Shh!!" I silence him before we could talk and then he understood everything when he say the girls running past us.
"WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU THINKING! YOU'RE A FAMOUS IDOL! YOU CAN'T JUST TAKE YOUR MASK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET JUST TO HELP A PERSON YOU DON'T KNOW! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!" I ramble and yell at him and then I stop realizing I just yelled to Park Jimin but when I looked at him he mask was gone and he was smiling at me. "Thank you." He says to me. "Just don't do that again." "Don't worry!" "Well now that we are safe...I actually have to go to an interview at Bighit.." I say shy. "You're the new translator!!! Yes!!! Let's go let's go!!" Jimin says very excited takes my hand and he start running to where I assume is where BigHits building is.
"Here we are. I'm so excited!" Jimin says happy while we enter the building with him still pulling me and I look at everything excited but also scared. "Ahahaha Jimin I may not get the job!" I say to him laughing of his enthusiasm and when I say that he stops looking at me with his big eyes shock. "Of course you will! Don't say that!" He says and he got me to his Bang PDnim office. "Good luck!" He says hugging me and leaving me to suffer alone.
I knock on the door and someone says enter and so I did and I saw Bang PDnim himself and BTS manager too. "Hello! Are you Katherine Adams? Please seat." "Hi! Yes. Is nice to meet you." I say. " I was afraid you would get lost but I can see you got here fine." "Actually I got lost but coincidentally Jimin found me and got me here." I say to him very nervous because he got really serious when I said that. "I see." He says. "And I can of yell at him." I continue making him and manager look at me weird. "You yell at him?" The manager asks. "Yes because I save him from some girls and I yell at him from taking his mask in public." I say and I notice that they starting smiling then look at each other and nod and look at me.
*With Jimin and the others*
Jimin enters the practice room and see everyone in a circle together doing their own things. "Hyung! Your late!" Jungkook says. "Again." Yoongi says looking at Jimin. "Sorry! I was helping a girl that was lost and you don't believe who it is!" Jimin says. "Who is it then?" Namjoon asks. "The new translator!" "Really! How is she Hyung?" Taehyung asks excited. "Well....she yelled at me." "Yelled at you?" Yoongi asks and everyone looks TT everyone thinking maybe it was a bad idea having this translator but then they look at Jimin when he continue. "Yes because we started being chased by this girls and she yelled at me for being stupid for taking my mask in public." He says pouting making everyone look at him and start laughing. "Hahahah you got ahahaha yelled ahahaha by a girl...." Jungkook tries saying while laughing. "...for being stupid ahahaha!" Taehyung continues. "That's what you take for being dumb Jimin." Yoongi says then everyone started thinking that maybe she wasn't that bad after all. At that moment they look at the door when they heard someone coming in.
Note: Hi! This is my new story! Please let me know if you liked it! 🙈😊💜💜💜
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