#sorry I’ve been juggling work while trying to wrap my head on how to proceed with this scenario
just-absolutely-super · 11 months
(Different anon) (continuing the Hikari Pirates & Chaud teamup)
Chaud: so, the plan is simple, once this ship gets close enough, the captain will examine the ship, they tend to trust pirate ships. Once that happens, the ship will slow down for you to engage in Parley, trade goods & other necessities you may need. Thats when Blues & I will swiftly place the seastone handcuffs on him & any other devil fruit users.
Mayl: sounds methodical.
Roll: using the Pirate Code to your advantage, thats underhanded, i like it!
Protoman: there are a few contingies in place should a battle actually take place, since both ships will be close in proximity, the Devil Fruit user's teleporting ability will want to trigger, but they only ever have 1 ship, so we figured it can't teleport more than one.
Lan: right, i'm gonna check in on Glyde.
*Lan walks over to Glyde*
Lan: Glyde, how close are we to that ship?
Glyde: very close, i raised our flag to show we mean no harm.
Lan: good. *notices something* hey, their ship is slowing down.
The Hikari ship gets close enough, and sees the ship Chaud was persuing. Both Lan & Glyde's blood runs cold.
Hub walks out, and sees the ship in question, also having a scared look on his face
Lan&Hub: the Regal Pirates!
Glyde: they're notorious, they create artifical Devil Fruit known to enhance the powers of other Devil Fruits, the Dark Fruit itself is infamous for corrupting even the noblest of Pirates & Marines alike. Even if the person in question wasn't a devil fruit user, eating a Dark Fruit would be akin to 3-7 years woth of body training excersizes in just the second of eating it
Hub *thinking*: no wonder Chaud & Blues wanted help dealing with them
(A/n: basing the "Dark Fruit" on the Dark Chips from NT Warrior & Battle Network)
This prompt is making me try and establish more lore lmao
Some backstory: Tadashi and Wily were both part of the Navy as Vice Admirals, but after a falling out Wily turned to piracy
During his voyage he fathers Regal and, much later after he becomes an Emperor of the seas, adopts Baryl
Regal goes off on his own voyage and later in his adult years becomes a Warlord, where he used his ties to the government to do some shady shit
Obtained the Dark-Dark Fruit even though that shit was supposed to be locked up in Davy Jones’ locker but of course people would find it!
The Dark-Dark Fruit in the OP universe is mostly associated with the endless void and not really evilness, but somehow Regal was able to use his darkness abilities to add to faux and artificial DFs, making them more powerful than the real things but it takes a toll on the user, succumbing them to madness and eventual death
After a turning point in the story Regal will leave his Warlord position to obtain title of Emperor
Yes he is essentially the Blackbeard of the story
Lan: You didn’t tell us we’d be dealing with Regal!
Chaud: Regal isn’t on that ship. It’s some of his men we’re dealing with
Lan: Even then, this is dangerous! Not just for my crew but for your position too! He’s still a Warlord isn’t he? You can’t just attack and arrest his men unprovoked, even if they are pirates!
Chaud: The Navy may be “allies” with Regal, but what he and his henchmen are doing is illegal. Just arresting some of his crew isn’t a direct attack on him if I catch them in the act. So don’t act like you’re worried
Lan: I’m worried because this operation could get us involved in some shit we’re not prepared for! I don’t like this!
Mega: Lan, let’s help them
Lan: Are you for real?
Mega: You know what they’re doing is wrong. A lot of people have gotten hurt because of this. I think adventuring on the seas would be a lot safer if we put those guys behind bars!
Lan: I know you’re right but…
Mega: Aren’t you the one always telling me things will be alright? Where’s your confidence Captain?
Lan: …Alright, we’ll do it! Anyone here have objections?
The crew: …
Lan: What? Scared?
Dex: No, no we’re all on board, it’s just…
Yai: For once you were the worrywart and hesitater while Hub was the encourager!
Guts: It’s the sign of a storm coming, guts!
Lan: Seriously? You guys are too superstitious!
Chaud: It’s either a storm or you two are imposters…
Lan: No one asked you!
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flooffybits · 4 years
Idol: Bae Joohyun
Request: Not exactly
She’s been at the top and has experienced the ups and downs of fame, but when the decision of whether she wants to keep going comes, Irene feels that maybe she’s done enough as Irene Bae and that she wants to see her life more as Bae Joohyun.
Author’s note: May or may not have teared up while writing the first part
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Staring at the girls in front of her, the air around them wasn’t the usual playful and hyper atmosphere they’ve all gotten used to for the past years they lived together. Joohyun scanned their faces individually, starting from the youngest until her eyes met Seulgi’s sad eyes.
Yeri, despite her usual playful nature, was trying to hold back tears while she gripped Sooyoung’s hand tightly in her own and the older girl tried to comfort her the best she could while she, herself, was trying to control her emotions from coming out.
“Are you really sure about this?” Seungwan was first to speak, and like usual, Joohyun smiled at the way her friend would always ensure that they were alright despite herself. “Unnie, we aren’t forcing you, but we just want you to be sure about your decision.”
Her eyes met Seulgi’s again, the person she’s had by her side for the past decade or so. The understanding and concern in her features were easily distinguishable by the older woman and she knows.
Seulgi would be a great leader.
“I am.” She answers, her voice soft yet firm. All her life, she’s had to make decision, not only for herself, but for the group. At this moment, this decision of hers would affect both greatly and she’s spent many days and nights, leading up to this moment. “I know that it’s a big step but… I think it’s time that I start living as Joohyun and achieve more as such, instead of Irene.” She says carefully.
“I’ve accomplished a lot, and I’m really thankful for everything but… as Joohyun, there’s still so much that I have yet to do and I think that it’s time that I focus on that aspect of myself.” She tells them and the ‘94 line nods before she turns to look at the two younger girls.
“Yerim-ah, Sooyoung-ah, I know that this is hard on you but just because I won’t be staying in SM doesn’t mean that I won’t be a part of Red Velvet.” She tells them, reaching forward to place a hand on their joined hands and squeezing them with an encouraging smile that it ends up forcing a sob on the youngest girl’s lips.
“We understand, unnie. And it’s okay but you have to know that you did a lot as Joohyun, too.” Sooyoung assures her, showing her that there was no hard feelings. And how could they when all throughout their career, Joohyun has been there, every step of the way and looking after them.
She was Red Velvet’s safety net, but they knew that they could not rely on her forever, and it was only a matter of time until they had to accept that things were going to change.
“Joy is right.” Seulgi spoke up when she placed an arm around her friend and squeezed it. “You don’t have to worry, because no matter what your decision is, we’ll respect it.” She says softly and Joohyun leans against her shoulder with a smile on her face. “Yeah, and like you just said, we’ll still be in touch.” Wendy added as she wiped some of her tears away.
“I’m sorry, it’s just… I’ve gotten so used to having you around.” Yerim sniffled as she wiped her cheeks. “It doesn’t even feel like years. It’s as if I had just debuted with you, yesterday.” She added and the four older women smile at her sentiment.
“We’re still here. The five of us are always going to be a team.” Seungwan nodded to her before she leaned closer to get a good look to her friends - the people she considered her family. “It’s going to take some getting used to, but whatever happens, Red Velvet is always going to have Irene Bae Joohyun in it. We formed as five, so we continue as five.”
Though she’s used to not showing any signs of weakness in front of her girls, Joohyun couldn’t help as tears began to sting her eyes and she had to collect herself while she gripped at Seulgi’s wrist. “Unnie, we promise that we’re going to make you proud.” Sooyoung told her and she smiled softly while nodding her head.
“You already have.”
She spends one last night at the dorm as their leader. But by the time morning came, they make their way to the company to meet with management and some of their managers.
Joohyun holds Yeri’s hand on the way there, and when they get off the van, Joohyun pauses in front of the building just to take the place she’s grown accustomed to for majority of her life and takes in a deep breath.
It’s Seungwan’s hand on her shoulder that brings her back to reality and she offers her a smile before they finally enter the building to finalize everything.
“And you’re sure with this decision?” They knew it was coming, and though Joohyun is a big representative of SME, they understand her decision of not renewing her contract.
“I am. I have also talked with the members about it, and I promise that, even when I am no longer signed to SM, I will still support them.” They were all bracing themselves, knowing that once this meeting was over, everything would be finalized and that would be the end of their time together.
The man stared at them a bit longer before slowly nodding his head. “I see.” He murmurs and then looks back to Joohyun. “You’ve been an exceptional part to the company, Irene, and SM thanks you for your contribution and being part of the family.”
When they wrap up, the five of them sit in the conference room, staring at the table in front of them before Joohyun releases a shaky breath, steeling herself before she looks to the four with a small yet fond smile. “Well… one last show?” After agreeing that they would be doing a special stage for her farewell, they had all agreed, thankful for being given the opportunity to do so.
On the way there, Joohyun takes her phone out and she smiles lightly at the picture set as her homescreen. The lockscreen was all five of them, but when she opens it up, she’s always greeted by your smiling face and she knows that it was time that she no longer had to worry about you because of her work.
Sooyoung catches the look in her eyes and chuckles while poking her shoulder. “How is Y/n, unnie?” She asks curiously since it’s been a while when they last spoke to you.
At the mention of your name, her smile widens a bit more and she holds the device to her chest. “Y/n is doing great, just like always.” She murmurs and the teasing look on Yerim’s face comes back to replace the frown she previously wore.
“You sure are whipped.” She commented and the eldest rolled her eyes, though made no move to deny her statement. Joohyun was way too in love with you to ever deny it.
“What did she say when you told her you weren’t going to continue?” Seulgi asked curiously, knowing full well how much you supported your girlfriend’s career.
The look on Joohyun’s face shifted and she bit her lip while looking back down at her phone. “I… haven’t actually spoken to her about it.” She admits quietly, and the four look perplexed by her answer. “How come?” She looks at Seungwan while fidgeting with her bracelet and then shaking her head.
“I wanted to surprise her a bit. She’s been juggling a lot with work and I’ve been busy, too. So I thought I could do something really nice for her when I do tell her.”
The Canadian stares at her for a while, trying to understand her words when Sooyoung squeals beside her. “Are you going to… you know?” The excited smile on her face infects Yerim as her eyes widen. “Are you really?”
Soon enough, Seungwan understands the reason for their questions and raises a brow at their former leader, silently asking for confirmation while the bear stared at them in confusion, still not catching on to what was happening and Joohyun laughed while she nodded her head.
She rummaged through her purse before producing a little velvet box, prompting all four girls to scream inside the van, never mind the driver that was in front.
“Oh my god! I can’t believe it’s finally happening!”
“Can we help with planning?”
“I think I’m going to cry again.”
“I’m ready for tiny Irene and Y/n!”
For how long they’ve known your and Joohyun’s relationship, they were certain that you would end up together. The conversation came up every now and then and you would both grow flustered at their enthusiasm. But there were nights where you both laid in bed and did talk about the possibility of it.
Though you both knew that it would be difficult, add to the fact that it was still taboo for Korea, Joohyun knew, deep down, that you were it for her.
Her soulmate, the love of her life.
So with this being the first step as Bae Joohyun, she needed your yes before she could proceed with everything else.
Because for Joohyun, her biggest accomplishment would have to be marrying the person that had stolen her heart, and eventually have the family she’s always wanted with you.
She may not have started this career with you, but she was thankful for it. This job brought her, sisters that would last a lifetime, and eventually, the only person she wanted to share that lifetime with.
Irene has done a splendid job.
But as she takes a bow and exits the stage, Joohyun was ready to explore the world with you next to her.
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littleladymab · 4 years
yesterday @thesugarcookieday​ distracted me from being glum by making us both sad over 7yg ldr nrmts+trucy headcanons so i decided to return the favor in between working on things that I should Actually be working on 
i love this fambily, ur honor
Trucy is still mostly asleep when they disembark from the plane. Phoenix is used to this, of course — having more than his fair share of handling all of their things one-armed as he carried her in the other. The stewardess is nice enough to help him with their things, even if he tells her he’s fine. (But it’s hard to say no when the older woman seemed to be extremely fond of Trucy, so he lets her help.) 
The line through customs moves smoothly, thankfully, and Trucy remains mostly asleep through the entire process. The one time they did this when she was awake, Phoenix had to keep making sure she didn’t wander off to investigate something or show someone a card trick, and then he’d lose sight of her for a few minutes and it was a whole process. Half asleep, he knows exactly where she is, can present their passports single-handedly, and has perfected the art of stacking their backpacks and single suitcase. 
Not that they’ve made this trip often, but the frequent weekend trips to visit ‘Aunt’ Maya in Kurain have helped hone the skill. 
Phoenix’s phone buzzes in his pocket, and he juggles Trucy carefully as he pulls it free. 
Have you successfully convinced customs that you’re safe to allow into the country? 
“Hah hah,” Phoenix mutters, and Trucy mumbles the laugh back into his shoulder. 
“What’s funny, Daddy?” she asks, becoming a little more awake as they jostle their way through the airport. “Oh. We made it through the long line already?” 
“You slept right through it. Do you want down?” He thumbs out a reply, careful to keep an eye on where he’s walking as he does so. Despite your wishes, I have infiltrated your country once more.
Trucy hums in thought, then nods. “I want to pull the suitcase!” 
“You sure? It’s almost taller than you.” 
She pouts. “I can do it!” 
Phoenix laughs and puts her down, ruffling her hair as she attempts to fix her skirts. 
“Daddy! Stop!!” Trucy’s pout only deepens, though the seriousness of it is greatly diminished by the creases on her cheeks from her travel pillow. “Is Uncle Miles here already?” 
“Should be.” While the text didn’t say as much, Phoenix knows how to interpret most of Miles’ humor. But to be sure, he also sends, Truce and I will be down shortly. 
The reply is almost immediate. See you soon. 
Phoenix can’t help the smile before returning his phone to his pocket. “Alright. Do you need to use the bathroom?” 
“Are you sure? You remember how long the drive was back to Miles’ place, don’t you?” 
She thinks about this, tapping her finger to her chin. “Okay, you’re right, hold on.” Trucy gives his hand a pat, as if telling a dog to wait, then skips off in the direction of the nearest restroom. 
Phoenix takes the time to stretch, pulling off his beanie to ruffle his own hair — knowing that there’s no possibility of making it look even the slightest bit presentable. How Miles manages to step off of a sixteen hour flight looking as immaculate as always, Phoenix has yet to learn. 
Perhaps it’s one of the perks of First Class, though he’s more certain it just has to do with Miles’ inability to look ruffled in front of other people. 
Trucy emerges from the restroom, looking more awake and refreshed than when he put her down. Well, at least one of them will look presentable. 
She rejoins him, pulling her backpack free from the tower he made. “Okay! Let’s go!” 
“Are you sure you want to carry the luggage?” Phoenix asks as he takes his own backpack. 
“I am sure!” she says, and expertly nudges the suitcase with her foot to tip it down in her direction. “I helped Daddy and Uncle Valant move equipment all the time! This is nothing.” 
He laughs and reaches out to pinch one of her biceps, and she puffs out her cheeks in response. “Oh, good, you’ll be able to take care of me in my old age.” 
Trucy flexes her free arm as she starts walking. “Don’t worry, Daddy! Soon, I will carry you when you get too tired!” 
“I’m going to get you to make that promise in writing!” He’s not even thirty, but with his luck, who knows how soon that would be. 
She takes his hand in hers, and proceeds to take the lead in navigating the airport. Even though this is only her third time visiting, and she can’t read German (as far as he’s aware), she has a keen sense for where to go and who to follow. 
They descend into the area near the luggage carousels, and Trucy bounces up on the balls of her feet with every other step.
“You’re going to trip if you keep that up,” Phoenix says, steadying the suitcase after one particularily wild leap sends it skidding to the side and nearly colliding with someone passing them. 
“Can you see him, Daddy?” she asks, ignoring his caution. “I’m not tall enough.” 
“You wanted to be put down.” 
She sticks her tongue out at him and does another bounce to try and see. “Why is everyone so tall?” 
Phoenix scans the crowd as well, trying not to wonder if he is simply looking in the wrong place or if he’s glancing over Miles or— 
The phone in his hand buzzes with an incoming call and Phoenix answers it without even looking at the caller ID. “Do you always look so lost when in a crowd, Wright?” 
He frowns out of habit, and has to tug Trucy back to his side before she can go wandering off in search of the man currently on the phone. “You can see me?” 
“Yes, I can.” 
Phoenix scans the crowd again, frown starting to deepen as he ignores the twinge of panic, but then their eyes meet as a group of tourists parts and his heart jumps as he watches the smile form over Miles’ face. 
Miles’ lips move seconds before his voice floats through the phone. “Ah, you found me.” 
“Of course I did,” Phoenix says at the same time Trucy tugs on his hand and says, “Oh! I spotted Uncle Miles!” 
He lets her tug him a few steps before she simply abandons him and the suitcase to fling herself headlong through the rush of people. 
“Trucy!” he calls, hanging up and scrambling after her. 
Another flood of tourists surges past, and he scoots through the thick of them to come out the other side — just in time to see Trucy being caught up in Miles’ arms and her delighted laughter ringing out. 
“You’ve grown considerably, Trucy Wright,” Miles says with a groan. “What has your father been feeding you?” 
“Haven’t you heard?” Phoenix asks as he gets within earshot. “She’s been working out. Show him your muscles, Trucy.” 
This time, she has both arms free to flex, and Miles gives an appreciative whistle. “I see,” he muses. “It all makes sense now.” 
Phoenix tucks his hands into the pockets of his sweatshirt, resisting the urge to reach automatically for Miles — always afraid of the distance at first, uncertain what might have changed between visits. “She’s volunteered to carry me in my old age.” 
“Well, I certainly wouldn’t be able to manage. I wear myself out with paperwork.” Miles sets Trucy back down and moves to close the distance between them. 
The pull is automatic and magnetic, and Phoenix frees his hands just in time to wrap his arms around Miles. “I’ve missed you,” he says, the sentiment buried into Miles’ shoulder as he tries to tug himself closer. 
“And I, you,” Miles returns, his nose pressed to the side of Phoenix’s head. 
There is a beat before Phoenix can feel Trucy’s arm around his hip, and he looks down to see her clinging onto both of them with a large grin on her face. 
“I want a hug, too!” she says, rocking up on the balls of her feet and giving her most winning smile.
“Dads only hug, sorry,” he teases, and ruffles her hair. 
She pouts, arms crossed over her chest, but the expression doesn’t last that long before Phoenix gives a sigh and scoops her back up into his arms. From this height, she gives Miles another hug, and snags Phoenix’s beanie for herself. 
“Hey!” he says, having to free one hand to try and snag it back. “I’m the one with bad hair, not you!” 
“You keep ruffling mine!” she says matter of factly and tugs the beanie on, even though it’s too big and slips down low over her brow. Doesn’t diminish the large, teasing grin she wears though. 
Miles laughs, and combs his fingers back through Phoenix’s hair (so maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing after all). “Come on, then. Let’s get you home so you can relax.” 
Phoenix swoops in for a quick kiss, hearing Trucy gasp as Miles doesn’t let him immediately pull back. When he looks, he sees that she’s pulled the beanie down over her eyes. “Are you going to pull the suitcase again, or are you going to make me carry you?” 
“I’m tired, Daddy, carry me,” she says, and drapes her arms around his neck to settle her cheek against the top of his head. The beanie is still pulled down over her eyes, so he reaches up to pluck it free. 
“I’ll get your suitcase,” Miles offers, and ignores Phoenix’s protests — and also effectively ends them by taking Phoenix’s free hand in his own. “There. You have Trucy, I have your suitcase. Seems fair.” He gives Phoenix’s hand a fond squeeze. 
“Alright, you win this round.”
Miles leans in to give him another kiss, then leads them out of the airport towards where his car is waiting for them. 
The drive back to Miles’ apartment takes a bit as it is a few cities over, though they also stop for lunch on the way in. 
Trucy has to fight to stay awake in the back seat, as Phoenix has to remind her to stay awake until it’s bedtime here in Germany instead of responding to her body demanding California time. He gives her his phone to play games on during the long ride — content to sit with his hand in Miles’, the two of them talking softly as they drive. 
The apartment is as clean as always and Trucy gives a delighted whoop as she bounces onto the sofa that will be pulled out for her bed later. She pulls out her deck of cards and barely gives Miles the chance to sit down before she’s already demonstrating her latest tricks for him. 
They spend the rest of the afternoon like that, making plans for the two weeks of vacation. They order take out for dinner, and Trucy picks a movie that they all curl up onto the couch to watch. 
When Trucy’s bedtime finally arrives, Phoenix helps Miles set up the pull-out sofa for her. She’s already back to being mostly asleep, so he has to usher her into the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face before carrying her back into the living room. 
The room is dark, illuminated only by a nightlight in the corner, and the light spilling out of Miles’ open door. 
Phoenix tucks Trucy into bed, running his hand through her hair as she gives a huge yawn. “You’ll be okay?” 
“Yeah, I’ll be okay!” 
“You know where to find me if you need anything.” 
She nods, then throws her arms around his neck for a hug. “Goodnight, Daddy.” 
“Goodnight, baby.” He gives her a kiss on her forehead before picking his way carefully across to Miles’ room. 
Miles looks up from his phone when he hears the door click shut. He doesn’t have to say anything — he just sets aside his phone and barely manages to pull off his glasses before Phoenix collides with him. 
He feels like he can finally breathe again the moment Miles’ arms close around him. “Christ, I’ve missed you,” he sighs. 
“Are you alright?” Miles asks, fingers carding back through Phoenix’s hair.
“I am now.” 
“It’s fine. I’m fine.” It must not sound that convincing because Miles cups Phoenix’s face between his hands and pulls him back far enough to make eye contact. “You do the Disappointed Dad face a lot better than I do. Trucy would listen to me more if I could pull that off.” 
Miles gives a snort of amusement before leaning in to kiss him. “I’m not disappointed. I’m just worried.” 
“Nothing I haven’t already told you.” 
“They’re all valid things to be worried about, and it’s okay to not be fine.” 
Phoenix shifts up so he can sit on the edge of the bed next to Miles. “I know. I just… Everything feels easier here.” 
Miles lifts an eyebrow. “In Germany?” 
He rocks to the side and nudges Miles with his shoulder. “Next to you.”
There’s a breath of silence between them as Miles takes his hand, lifting it to his lips and placing a tender kiss on their joined fingers. “I’m sorry I had to cancel my trip out over Christmas.” 
Phoenix takes a breath, but Miles cuts him off with a kiss — and a second and a third when the first wasn’t enough. “You don’t have to apologize,” Phoenix says instead of it’s fine, because each time he tries Miles doesn’t let him get the words out. “You know you don’t have to apologize for that.” 
“I get so few chances to see you,” Miles murmurs against his lips, and Phoenix turns it into another kiss. 
He kisses across Miles’ jaw, then down his neck — nuzzling the soft skin there to earn a throaty laugh. “Then make up for lost time,” he says, and gives a sharp, delighted grin as he is tugged into Miles’ lap. 
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What The Future Holds
For Christina, @makeitreignonem  I really loved writing this bughead and varchie in NYC for Christmas, so I hope you enjoy it!
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Betty pulled her scarf a little tighter as a gust of wind sent a shiver down her spine. They had unseasonably warm weather through Thanksgiving, and in the span of a few days the weather had caught up to the season as the temperatures dropped.
Just a week ago she was wearing shorts and t-shirts. Veronica insisted they needed to get some fresh air in Central Park to enjoy the small amount of free time they had between when classes ended for Thanksgiving break and before they headed back to Riverdale. Their professors had the decency to have homework due prior to Thanksgiving instead of immediately after the break, so they were all able to take a much needed breather and relax for a few precious days.
By the time they all returned to New York City, Betty needed to layer with scarves and sweaters underneath her winter coat.
Not that she minded.
The fall was her favorite time of year. She loved watching the leaves change to shades of orange and red, the crisp scent in the air, and awaiting the first snow fall of the year.
The time of year also meant that Christmas was right around the corner, and it was her favorite holiday. There was something so peaceful about decorating the tree and the baking. Everything from pecan pie to sugar cookies and jelly thumbprints.
Betty even enjoyed the holiday with her family now, ever since Alice has toned down her disapproval to her daughters. That could be because Polly and Alice had gotten in a yelling match over Polly’s parenting.  Ever since Polly threatened to never let Alice see her grandchildren again, Alice had really turned over a new leaf. She was actually pleasant. At least most of the time.
Now Betty was embarking on a new tradition. She was about to see the tree lighting at the Rockefeller Center for the first time. Well, the first time she’s seen it that wasn’t televised.
If nothing else, Betty Cooper was prepared. She arrived immediately after her last class of the day and was saving a spot for her and Jughead.
Betty was in the middle of mentally cataloguing her next assignments that were due. Homework for Western Civilization and Intro to Sociology were done. She just needed to work on her final papers for Intro to Journalism and Creative Writing next. At least when those papers were done, those classes would be done for the semester. Then she just had to worry about finals.
“Hey there Juliet.”
Betty smiled at his voice and turned to embrace him in a hug. Some of the tension left her shoulders, not even registering that thinking about finals would have that effect. Just the sound of his voice could do wonders for her anxiety over classes.
“Hey there Romeo,” she spoke into his exposed neck. He had his plaid scarf draped on either side of his neck, not even bothering to properly wrap it around his neck. “How are you not cold, Jug?“
He laughed as he tightened his grip around her waist. "What can I say, my metabolism is what keeps me warm.”
Betty pulled back, still keeping her arms behind his neck. “How was work?”
“You know, the same. Jaded masters students drowning their sorrows, and freshmen with fake ID’s. Just a typical Wednesday night. How was class?” He adjusted the scarf around Betty’s neck, trying to cover more of her skin.
“Not too bad. I just wrapped up my final assignment for Intro to Journalism, and then I just have to edit my Creative Writing assignment. And then I just have to worry about finals.” It was exhausting just even getting that all out, let alone actually dealing with her classes and the massive amount of information she had to memorize for the aforementioned finals.
He brought his arms back around her waist and pulled her tight. He leaned down so their foreheads rested gently against the other’s.
“I’m sure you’ll kick some serious ass, Cooper.”
“Thanks, Jones… You know, I’m looking forward to Christmas break. Which is a little disheartening considering we just got back from Thanksgiving.” She began playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. “Hey, were you able to request off for some of Christmas?”
Jughead let out a sigh. Unfortunately bartending near a college campus in a busy city did not guarantee time off like it would in college towns, ones that pretty much shut down during Christmas breaks because ninety-five percent of their customers were college students. “About that, I spoke to the manager and the only days we’re guaranteed off are Christmas Eve and Christmas. New Year’s Eve is their busiest night, so Archie and I both have to work.”
The smile immediately fell from her face. She knew it was a long shot, but it was worth him asking. “It’s alright, at least we have those two days. You’ll come back to Riverdale, right?”
“Of course. I didn’t even get to the best part. Even though I have to work New Year’s Eve, Archie and I were able to get a few extra days off. I have off the 26th and 27th, and Archie got the day before Christmas Eve off. So yeah, I’ll be in Riverdale for Christmas.”
She tilted her head up and pressed her lips against his briefly. “That’s the best Christmas present a girl could ask for,” she whispered against his lips.
Their breaths intermingled, and the added warmth caused a shiver to go down her spine.
He pulled back and ran his hands up and down her arms, eventually taking her hands in his own. “Hey, I have news,” he said softly.
She beamed at him. “Oh yeah? What kind of news?” she said hopefully.
“You remember the meeting I had with the publisher about two weeks back?”
She nodded in understanding.
He had finished his first book last year on Jason Blossom’s murder and its effect on their small town. He had been reaching out to publishers ever since graduation, hoping to get signed to a book deal. He thought it was a no brainer for a publishing company, considering he was nearly done with his second book on the serial killer that ravaged their hometown in their sophomore year of high school, and he had an outline for a third book- his first fiction novel rather than the retelling of the atrocities of their town with pep.
“Well I heard back from them today,” he said solemnly. “Apparently they don’t feel that a nineteen-year-old kid with no life experience was a worthwhile investment. They thought I was too risky.” He rolled his eyes at that. It wasn’t the first time he’s heard that exact feedback, even though multiple publishers said his book had ‘potential.’
She squeezed his hands. “I’m so sorry Jug. It’ll all work out one day.”
He inched forward and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “Thank you, Betts.” She felt as well as heard the words against her lips. “But I do have good news, kind of related to the publisher turning me down,” he continued.  
She raised an eyebrow and waited for him to proceed.
“Well I’ve been thinking that while I don’t agree with their presumption of be being inexperienced with writing, I figured maybe I could take some classes and get my degree while I work, both at the bar and on my writing… I actually already applied and got accepted into the local community college for next semester. I can take a few classes during the day and work in the evenings.”
He had already worked out that he could afford about two to three classes per semester on their payment plan. And if everything went well, he could look at transferring to NYU in a few years.
Her face lit up in excitement. “Jug, that’s fantastic! Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Did you send in your acceptance yet?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “I didn’t want to jinx it. I just got the acceptance today actually. I need to send in my acceptance by December 15th along with a deposit for my tuition.”
“I’m so proud of you, with or without the college degree.”
He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. “I know,” he whispered affectionately.
“Oh look,” she pointed off to their side. “I think they’re about to start.”
Jughead shifted so he could pull Betty next to him.
It didn’t take long for the announcer to kick off the tree lighting ceremony. Betty’s attention was fully focused straight ahead, but Jughead couldn’t help but glance over at her every few minutes.
When it was finally time to light the tree, Betty let out a smile gasp and her smile reached her eyes. “It’s beautiful,” she said quietly.
“Yeah it is,” Jughead agreed. Although he was watching the expression on her face light up brighter than any tree lighting ceremony could hold a candle to. He pulled her closer and just enjoyed the moment.
After a few minutes, Betty turned to him. “I don’t suppose you’d want to accompany me back home?”
“You know you don’t need to ask. I have to make sure you get home safe.” He interlaced his hand with her gloved one and they started off for the subway.
“And I keep wondering who will keep you safe on your way home?”
He threw a pointed look her way. “I’d like to see the day that someone jumps a former gang member. Don’t forget, there’s muscles hiding under all this flannel,” he remarked.
A light blush appeared on her cheeks. "Oh, I didn’t forget.“
"And I was actually hoping that you’d stay over tonight,” she continued. “Ronnie is staying with Archie at your place… And I was wondering if you’d help me decorate the tree?” She flashed her pouty face at him, hoping that he wouldn’t say no. “I’ll even make cookies,” she elaborated.
“Why didn’t you lead with that? What kind of cookies are we talking?”
“Chocolate chip cookies and snickerdoodles.”
“I get two types of cookies! You got yourself a deal.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The chocolate chip cookies had just come out of the large double oven and were cooling on the counter. She then put all four dozen snickerdoodles in.
She set the timer for twelve minutes and turned just in time to see Jughead juggling a very hot cookie as he took a bite. “You literally saw me take those out like thirty seconds ago,” she commented while shaking her head.
While Jughead attempted to finish the one cookie, rather carefully, Betty started cleaning up the counter and started on washing the dishes. They had accumulated quite the pile of dishes, and the dishwasher was already full and running. By the time the first mixing bowl was clean, Jughead took over drying the dishes while Betty washed.
It wasn’t long before the dishes were cleaned, that the timer went off and all the cookies were cooling on the counter.
“What do you say, time to decorate the tree?” She asked hopefully. She grabbed Jughead by the wrist and led him to the living room, but not before he could grab two chocolate chip cookies on his way out of the kitchen.
He quickly scarfed down the cookies before observing his surroundings. “A growing boy has got to eat, Betts. Especially if I’m expected to do physical labor,” he said playfully.
He looked up at the probably ten-foot tall tree that now took up residence in the corner of Betty and Veronica’s living room, near the windows that overlooked Central Park. It seemed proportional to their very large (and rent free) penthouse apartment in Veronica’s father’s building. Anything smaller would likely look like a miniature tree in this setting.
“No assembly required, Jug. It’s really just decorating.”
“Did Veronica hire someone to cut a tree for you both, and then bring it up here?” He reached out to touch a branch, noticing a slight plastic texture that he didn’t expect.
“Oh, Veronica wouldn’t let me get a real tree. Something about not bringing a spider infested tree into our lovely apartment with expensive furniture. But it looks real, doesn’t it? It was the best she could buy on Glamazon,” she said.
“Then why does it look like, and smell, like a real pine tree?”
“She got the scent infused tree,” she said casually with a shrug of her shoulders.
Jughead busted out laughing, clutching his side. “Scent…  Infused… Tree,” he got out between laughs.
Betty giggled along with him, not realizing the absurdity of such an item until now.
After the laughter died down a bit Betty said, “Well you know Veronica. If she can imagine it, she can probably pay someone to make it.” Betty skirted around Jughead to one of the living room closets and pulled out a box of decorations. “Will you grab the other boxes?”
He eyed up the rather large box that Betty leveraged her weight to push it across the hardwood floors. “You mean there’s more?”
“Yeah, two more,” she responded and pointed towards the same closet. “Once I told Veronica I wanted to put up a tree, she went a little overboard on ornaments. And lights. And tinsel. You know Veronica, she goes all in for everything.”
Jughead brought out both boxes, and they got started on decorating.
Within an hour, the tree was decorated with silver and gold tinsel, candy canes, and more ornaments that they could count. Betty put the final touches on the tree with two hand decorated ornaments that she and Veronica made one night as a destressing activity on campus. They each tried to paint a poinsettia, but Betty’s ended up looking more like a Gerber Daisy. It didn’t matter, because she cherished it anyway. They even wrote “B & V, BFF’s forever <3” underneath their respective painted plants, Betty chose silver and Ronnie wrote hers in gold. Two very different yet complementary colors, just like B and V themselves.
She stepped back to admire their work. “What do you think?”
“I think that I’ve worked up an appetite.”
She laughed. “Jug, when don’t you work up an appetite?”
“What can I say, I’m a bottomless pit when it comes to food.”
“Well I’ve known that since we were three and you ate the entire plate of cookies I brought over. They were supposed to be for Archie and Fred too. Do you remember? My mom was so embarrassed that she ran back over to the house to bring over another dozen cookies.”
“I couldn’t help it Betts! Those were some delicious cookies.”
The doorbell rang, effectively interrupting their reminiscing of their childhood. Or in Jughead’s case, reminiscing about mouthwatering chocolate chip cookies.
“Who could that be?” Betty asked. Veronica wasn’t planning on coming back that night, and she certainly wouldn’t ring the doorbell.
“About that. I ordered us pizza,” Jughead replied. He rushed off to open the door, quickly signing for the order and accepting the three boxes in exchange for the signed receipt. He kicked the door shut with his foot and flipped the deadbolt.
“Don’t worry Betts, I got your favorite.”
She glared at him briefly. “Extra cheese? With pepperoni?”
“You know it. Besides, I worked up quite the appetite from all this decorating. It was quite the strenuous activity.” He walked into the kitchen and got out plates.
She smirked at him. “I guess I could eat dinner,” she admitted.
“See, I was thinking ahead. Why don’t you pull up Netflix and I’ll bring out the food in a second?”
“You got it.” She placed a swift kiss on his cheek before practically skipping off to the living room.
Jughead put all the garlic knots and marinara sauce on one plate for them to share, put two slices on another plate for Betty, and managed to stack four slices on his own plate. He closed the boxes and put all three in the fridge. He also ordered two slices of their famous cheesecake. He knew that Betty would be willing to share one piece of cheesecake, but he could probably eat two just by himself. So, he thought one each would be a good compromise.
He picked up the plates, very carefully, and joined Betty in the living room.
They ate in comfortable silence, as Betty put on one of the many rom-com Christmas movies she recently added to her wishlist. After they finished eating, Betty snuggled into Jughead’s side and he put his arm around her.
She was content to watch the movie, and didn’t speak until the credits were rolling. The movie was predictable, but just put her in the Christmas spirit even more.
“Hey Juggie?” She turned to him and tilted her head upwards to look at him.
“Yeah, babe.”
“I was wondering if we could make tonight our little Christmas tradition? The Rockefeller center, then a cozy night in decorating and baking. If you had a good time tonight, I mean.” She nervously bit her lip and waited for his response.
He smiled at her. She always had this little crinkle between her eyebrows when she was nervous, and he thought it was absolutely adorable. “Of course, this can be our tradition Betts. And for the record, I had a great time tonight. As long as we’re together, that’s all I really need.”
“Thanks, Juggie. It really means a lot to me.” She paused to look him in the eyes before continuing. “It’s just that my mom had this tradition with Polly and I, at least until we were teenagers and shopping with mom wasn’t as exciting as hanging out with our friends. We went Christmas shopping in the city every year, but we went in the beginning of November before all the holiday crowds. We always begged her to take us to see the tree lighting ceremony, or even go sometime after it was lit. But she never wanted to deal with the crowds, and not to mention that the tree lighting ceremony is on a weekday… I just- I really appreciate you coming with me tonight.”
“I’m just glad I have you to make new Christmas memories with… It probably won’t come as a surprise to you, but the Jones family didn’t really have any Christmas traditions. I have vague recollections of a few Christmases where we put up this small tree. But ever since my mom left, my dad ignored the holidays for the most part. In fact, the only reason we celebrated at all was because Fred invited us over for the major holidays.”
“I’m sorry, Jug.” She leaned in and placed a light kiss on his lips. He quickly deepened what was meant to be a peck, pulling her into his lap and playing with the edge of her shirt. Her hands instinctively went to the sides of his face, gently grazing his cheeks. He pulled her flush against him and tightened his grip. She sighed happily into the kiss, her fingers playing with his hair at the edge of his beanie.
He pulled back slightly, breathless and drunk off their kiss. She tried to chase after his lips, letting out a slight groan from the lack of contact. He just smiled and brushed the few stray hairs out of her face. “You could probably ask me to dress up like an elf for a Christmas party and I’d say yes,” he confessed. He ran his fingers up the side of her neck and framed her face. He kissed her briefly, before noticing the clever gleam in her eyes. “I wasn’t actually serious about that Betts.”
She laughed kissed him on the cheek. “I figured you were joking, but the mental image that popped into my head was too funny. You would look really cute with one of those red and green elf hats with the jingling ball on the end,” she said gesturing with her hand.
“You’re just lucky you’re so irresistible.”
“I know it,” she confirmed. She stood up and pulled him by the hand. “Let’s go to bed.”
“Wait, I got dessert,” he protested but continued to follow her towards her bedroom.
“That can be breakfast.”
He chuckled and said, “I won’t say no to cheesecake for breakfast.”
~ ~ A few weeks later ~ ~
Veronica was curled up to Archie on her couch, running her fingers through his hair. They were waiting for Betty and Jughead to come home from his shift at work, so they could exchange presents before going back home to Riverdale for Christmas.
“Hey Ronnie, I have something to tell you,” Archie started.
“What is it, Archiekins?”
“Well you remember me auditioning for that little bar on the edge of campus?” He paused, and she nodded in confirmation. “I got it, Ronnie. I’m on the schedule every Friday, and if the crowd likes me they said I might be able to get a slot on Saturday too.” He beamed at her, thankful that something had finally come through after months and months of rejections or hearing that he wasn’t the right ‘fit’ for them.
She threw her arms around his neck in congratulations. “Archie, that’s fantastic news! I knew you could do it. When’s your first show?” She pulled back, beaming at him.
“It’s actually this Friday, right after Christmas. We’ll be back here anyway, so it’s perfect timing.”
“You’ll do great.”
She leaned back and brought her hands up to the sides of his neck. “So, I know we were going to wait for Betty and Jughead. But… What do you think about us exchanging gifts now?”
Archie grinned wide when he answered, “Sounds like a great idea.” He practically jumped up and retrieved his present from underneath the tree. He did a quick scan of the presents and found a silver gift bag with green and red tissue paper, with her handwriting with 'to: Archie <3.’ He joined Veronica on the couch, and handed her his present wrapped in shiny red wrapping paper.
“You first,” he said, placing the present in her hands.
“Well if you insist.” She carefully unwrapped it, noting the (rather large) silver frame first. When she inspected it closer, she saw the lyrics to the song he had written for her, and it was handwritten in Archie’s neatest writing. She brought her hand over her heart. “Archie it’s perfect, thank you.”
She set down the frame on the coffee table. She was already making a mental note to put the frame in her bedroom above the fireplace. “Okay, you’re next,” she said.
Archie nodded and shifted the tissue paper until he found a simple frame with a flyer in it. He read over it, realizing it was the flyer for his first show. In tiny scrawl on the bottom, it read 'Archie’s big break, xo Veronica.’
“How did you get this? The manager said he wouldn’t have it for a few days,” he asked.
“I may have persuaded the manager to request a rush order on the flyers, if I paid for it… And I gave him a tip, so he wouldn’t tell you they were ready.”
Archie hadn’t wanted any of the Lodge influence for his music career. But that didn’t mean Veronica couldn’t use her influence (or money) to get the scoop on his career after the manager already decided to add Archie to their Friday timeslot.
“Oh, and I have a small stack of flyers to bring home for your family,” she added.
“It’s great Ronnie, thank you so much.” He set it down next to her gift and embraced her in a tight hug.
She leaned in and kissed him. He pulled her flush against him and deepened the kiss with a swipe of his tongue across her lips. She swung her leg over his hips to straddle him while his hands ran up her back in an attempt to unhook her bra. She smiled into the kiss and loosened his shirt from his jeans. She had it nearly halfway up his torso, when they heard someone clear their throat.
“Are we interrupting?” Jughead asked.
They broke apart quickly, both their cheeks flushed and breathing heavy.
Archie said, “No, of course not.”
Veronica cleared her throat. “Not like that’s the first time you two have interrupted,” she said under her breath.
“What was that?” Jughead asked.
“Nothing.” She stood up and pulled the hem of her plum dress down a bit. “Well, we ordered in pizza and it should be here relatively soon. I’ll get us some sparkling cider to celebrate our little Christmas get together.” She ran off to the kitchen.
While the majority of them were unopposed to underage drinking (even Betty on rare occasions), and Veronica had the means to acquire such alcoholic beverages, she knew that Jughead never wanted to go down his father’s path. And the best way he knew how was to never start drinking in the first place. So as to not cause issues, she decided on sparkling cider.
Jughead and Betty took off their coats and got settled in for the evening.
Veronica’s voice carried from the kitchen. “Hey Arch, can you come help me carry the glasses?”
He nodded at the pair on the couch and said, “Be right back.”
They were back in the living room within a minute and Veronica took one long look over Betty. “You’re a total smoke show tonight, B!” She was wearing a red dress with a deep v neck. They bought it when they went shopping a few weeks back, for their newly minted shopping tradition for Christmas. But Veronica hadn’t had the full experience of the dress combined with Betty’s hair down in waves and some light makeup.
Her cheeks flushed, and she accepted the glass Veronica held out to her. “Thanks, V.”
Jughead wrapped his arm around her, and accepted the remaining glass with his free hand. “Yeah, she caused quite the scene at the bar,” he exclaimed.
“Do tell,” Veronica inquired.
Archie popped the cork on the bottle and very carefully poured into their glasses.
“It was nothing, really,” Betty insisted.
“I wouldn’t consider the bouncer having to throw out one of our regulars, nothing,” Jughead continued.
“Wait, which regular?” Archie asked. Being close to campus, they had quite a number of regulars from students to professors on occasion.
“Johnathan, he’s in one of the master’s programs at NYU. He was very drunk and couldn’t understand why I couldn’t serve Betty, even though he was paying for her drink. He ended up shoving me a little and the bouncer had to throw him out and call him a cab.”
“Well, why don’t we lighten the mood and exchange presents?” Betty asked.
“Now that is an idea I can get behind,” Veronica exclaimed. “Actually, I have a little something extra that I wanted to give the three of you first.” Veronica stood and grabbed her purse from its hook in the entryway, before returning to her seat next to Archie on the loveseat. She pulled out four envelopes, with her delicate scrawl on three of them, leaving the unmarked one for herself.
“Veronica, you know we agreed on a $20 limit,” Betty protested.  
“I know, I know. So, let’s just call this an early birthday present for everyone. Or my personal favorite reason of just because,” she smirked. She passed out the envelopes to each of her friends and gave them a minute to read the contents.
They each pulled out a plane ticket and a brochure for an all-inclusive resort in St. Bart’s in the Caribbean. She strategically chose the pamphlet that didn’t list prices, although she knew that she couldn’t prevent her friends from googling. Sure, it was pricier than your typical spring break vacation, but Veronica was not your typical student seeking a bargain vacation. Her friends would be a little harder to sway.
She watched as they processed the information she had given them, ranging from elated (Archie) to hesitant but cautiously excited (Betty) to downright miserable (Jughead).
They all spoke at nearly the same time.
“This is great Ronnie, thanks!” Archie exclaimed. He placed a swift kiss on her cheek.
“V are you sure?” Betty asked, a smile spreading across her face.
“I cannot accept this Veronica, it’s too much,” Jughead argued.
“I knew you’d say that, and I came prepared,” Veronica began. She focused her attention on Jughead before continuing. “First of all, when you are friends with Veronica Lodge, you have to accept that sometimes you’ll get extravagant gifts. Secondly, it will be a well-deserved vacation by that time in our semester. Thirdly, I don’t know about all of you, but I’ll want a break from the snowfall.”
“But what about work? I can’t just request off when they’re already short staffed during breaks,” Jughead protested.
She lifted a finger to tell him she wasn’t quite done. “If you would let me finish, I already arranged for both of your shifts to be covered. Luckily for us, it’s a first come, first serve on vacation requests. And with Christmas right around the corner, no one else has thought ahead to request off for spring break.”
Veronica didn’t mention the fact that she bribed the assistant manager to cover Jughead’s shifts, as only Archie’s was approved due to the number of people required during a normal day. “And lastly,” she continued, “-the tickets are non-refundable. So, there’s no point in arguing.” She sent a satisfying smirk his way.
Betty nudged Jughead’s knee with her own. “You do know there’s no point in arguing, Juggie. You eventually agreed to her post-graduation trip to Ocean City. And I’m sure Veronica will treat you to all the food you can eat.”
Jughead’s stomach grumbled at the memory of the few buffets they went to, the pizza, the Mexican food, and oh the mouthwatering and fresh made donuts from the Fractured Prune. “Fine,” he acquiesced.
If Veronica had it her way, they would have gone to Miami. But Betty insisted that she wanted to be close to family, since Polly’s twins had come down with a bad case of the flu. She wanted to be close by in case Polly needed help. So, Veronica had compromised on a short trip down to the shore, and assured Betty that her father’s jet would be available if absolutely necessary (it wasn’t, but Betty appreciated the thought).
“I, for one, am looking forward to this vacation. Thank you, Ronnie,” Archie exclaimed.
“You’re welcome Archiekins. Oh! I almost forgot. We’re going Saturday until Friday, and we’ll be back in plenty of time for your show,” Veronica said.
“Wait, what’s this about a show?” Betty asked.
“Oh! I got booked for a weekly Friday timeslot at one of the bars by work. My first show is this upcoming Friday. You guys will be there to support me, right?” Archie inquired.  
“Of course!” Betty agreed.
“Sure thing, man,” Jughead added.
“Thanks guys. It really means a lot,” Archie said.
“He’ll do great,” Veronica commented. “Archie Andrews will be the next big star from New York, just you wait.”
Jughead shifted in his seat and pulled Betty closer. “Well if we’re sharing good news, I have some of my own.” She leaned into his shoulder, having already heard the news a bit earlier that night.
“What is it? Don’t keep us in suspense for too long,” Veronica insisted.  
“I just got a publishing offer for my first book. And if it does well, they’ll extend the offer to include a second book deal.” A smile spread across his face and Betty patted his knee with her hand, letting it rest there.
“Congrats Jug!” Archie said, lightly slapping him on the back.
“Congratulations Jug,” Veronica added. “Look at us B. We’re dating the next up and coming stars in the music and writing industry.”
“I think this calls for more cider,” Archie insisted. He topped off everyone’s drinks just in time for pizza to arrive. Veronica answered the door, signing for the delivery, and brought the boxes and plates to the coffee table.
In the middle of their meal Veronica asked, “Did you two exchange gifts already?” She motioned at Betty and Jughead.
“Yeah, we did,” Betty offered with a blush.
~ ~ Earlier that evening ~ ~
Betty was perched on one of the bar stools, waiting for Jughead to gather his things so they could meet up with Veronica and Archie for their gift exchange before going back to Riverdale tomorrow.
She didn’t have to wait long before Jughead placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and asked, “You ready to get out of here?”
She chuckled and nodded, accepting his outstretched hand. They exited the bar and turned towards the subway station.
“Hey,” Jughead started. “Do you maybe want to swing by my place first?” He preferred to give her his gift in private, not wanting to share his news with the other half of their core friends just yet.
“Sure,” she replied simply.
They spent the rest of the walk in companionable silence, just enjoying each other’s presence.
They arrived at his place within a few minutes, the small apartment he shared with Archie in the East Village.
Jughead unlocked his door and ushered her inside.
“Listen, I know we’re doing our gift exchange at your place, but I wanted to give you yours first.” He nervously rubbed the back of his neck, before taking off his coat and placing it on its hook.
She copied his actions, setting her coat on the next hook.
She noted his nervous tick. “You alright Juggie?” She brought her hands up and placed them on the sides of his face, her thumbs gently caressing his cheeks.
“Yeah, I’m more than alright actually.” He brought his hands up to cover hers and leaned into her touch. “I got a book deal, Betts!”
“What?! That’s fantastic news Jug. I knew it would all work out one day.” She smiled at him, excited that it was finally coming together.
“Yeah they wanted to give me the good news ahead of Christmas. I have a meeting to go over the details after we get back to the city.” He leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss to her lips. “I don’t think I could have done this without you, Betts.”
She pulled back and sent him that sly little smirk when she loves to prove him wrong. “You would have survived just fine without me. I just offered a little encouragement is all.”
He ran his hands down her sides and resting on her lower back. “Agree to disagree, Betts. Because if it weren’t for you believing in me, I’d probably still be in the Serpents with no exit strategy in sight. And I’m so thankful that you didn’t give up on me, on us, even when I did. I love you, Betty Cooper.”
“Jughead Jones, I love you. And I’m just glad we both saw reason.” She shifted her hands behind his neck, tugging on the hair that escaped his beanie. “So, what’s this I hear about exchanging gifts?” She raised a brow at him and swiftly kissed him on the cheek.
He chuckled and extracted himself from their embrace. Having already planned on exchanging all their gifts at the Lodge-Cooper residence, he had them all in his messenger bag. He picked up the rather hefty box, wrapped in shiny red wrapping paper (he and Archie didn’t get gifts for that many people, so they split the cost of one roll of wrapping paper).
“Here,” he said, handing her the gift.
She accepted it and dug around in her own oversized purse that she switched to for this very occasion. “Why don’t we exchange at the same time?” She pulled out a carefully wrapped package, with snowmen and penguins interspersed on a green background, and handed it off to him.
“If you insist.”
They each unwrapped their presents. Jughead was a little quicker, revealing a leather-bound journal with the initials J.J. in the bottom right hand corner. “Betty, I love it.” He had mentioned on a few occasions that he wanted to carry around a journal, particularly for late night shifts at work or if he traveled through the slightly shadier parts of town. He hadn’t wanted his laptop to make him more of a target, but still wanted to be able to write down ideas. He could handle himself, he just didn’t want a damaged laptop as a result of the smug criminal that would try his luck with a former gang member.
Her gasp broke him out of his thoughts. “Jug, is this what I think it is?” She ran her fingers across the title and by-line. Currently called 'Untitled’ by Jughead Jones. He always had the hardest time coming up with titles, and was hoping he could get some feedback from Betty over the break and that they could come up with a title together.
She turned to the first page, reading his dedication. 'To my partner in crime-solving, without whom this case would likely be unsolved.’ She started to tear up and blinked a few times to prevent them from falling. “Jug, I-”
“I finished it a few days ago. I was hoping you could look over it during the break. You are my favorite editor.”
“I’m you’re only editor,” she argued.
“Exactly, and therefore my favorite. You’re the only one I trust with this, Betts.”
She hugged the manuscript to her chest. “This is perfect, Juggie. I get to read your soon to be, second bestselling novel, and I get to edit it. What more could an aspiring journalist and girlfriend want?”
“You’re not just an aspiring journalist, you are a journalist. Your work at The Blue and Gold got you a full ride. I think the admissions office would agree with me on that,” he reminded her.
She lightly shoved his shoulder. “Who am I to argue with your wise words?” She beamed at him, and was looking forward to the break more than ever.
“Hey, what do you say we get back to Park Avenue?”
She nodded. “I guess we should.”
She carefully placed the manuscript in her bag, underneath the other wrapped presents.
They left hand in hand, holding onto each other just a little tighter than they had earlier in the evening.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
They spent the evening laughing and catching up, eating an enormous amount of pizza (mainly Jughead), and exchanged the remaining gifts.
The respective couples were cuddled up on the couch and loveseat, enjoying each other’s company and the last bit of peace and quiet before going to see their families the next day.
“Oh!” Betty exclaimed. “I do have a little extra gift for the couples here. It may not be a trip to an all-inclusive resort, but- well let me just get them.” She jumped up and retrieved the last two gifts from her bag.
���B, you know the cost doesn’t matter to us. I just like our vacations so we can all spend some time together. And if happens to be in a fabulous resort, then that’s just an added bonus,” Veronica insisted.
Betty didn’t have time to wrap the presents as they just arrived that day, so she just handed them each to Jughead, and Veronica and Archie.
They took in their gifts, ornaments she made on ShutterBug. They were just a simple picture of each couple on a metal frame with scalloped edges, and the year underneath in delicate text.
“B, this is the sweetest,” Veronica gushed.
“This is great, Betty,” Archie added.
“Thanks babe,” Jughead said sweetly.
Betty shrugged her shoulders, repeating something Kevin had mentioned to her on a phone call just the other day. “As Kevin would say, it’s not a Christmas tree without the classic bughead and varchie ornaments,” she said with a giggle.
“Oh, speaking of Kevin, will he be home for Christmas too?” Veronica asked.
“Yes, we’re actually meeting up with him tomorrow at Pop’s,” Betty replied. “Allow me?” She motioned for the ornaments back, and went to place them on the tree. She nestled them on branches near their B and V ornaments, closer to the top of the tree. She returned to her seat next to Jughead, snuggling back into his embrace.
“Hey guys,” Archie started. “Did you ever really think we’d end up here? In New York, you girls going to school, Jug about to become the next best-selling author, and me playing my music.” He smiled and pulled Veronica a bit tighter.
“I always knew I’d make it back here one day, Archiekins. I just never imagined I’d have the greatest friends with me when I did,” Veronica admitted. She leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
Betty squeezed Jughead’s hand a little tighter and placed a featherlight kiss on his cheek. “I knew it would all work out,” she said.
Jughead thought back on their sophomore year, which was undoubtedly his worst. From living in the drive in, to his dad’s trial for covering up Jason’s murder, and the Black Hood torturing Betty as well as the town. But then he remembered how hard Betty fought for him and how she wouldn’t give up on him, even when he gave up on them. Betty was the light in his world of darkness, and she was the one who convinced him to get out of the Serpents. She saw their future together, and how it was slipping out of their grasp day by day, as long as he remained in that gang. With her help, he finally got out of that toxic (and occasionally illegal) life, as well as helping take down Penny, so his father could escape that life too. She was the sole reason he was able to focus on his book instead of running drugs, and she may have inspired his father to stay on the straight and narrow. Now, his father was working with Fred Andrews again, and going back to school.
He knew that Betty would disagree, but he didn’t deserve her. Although she constantly reminded him that his past didn’t define him, but rather the actions that he took to deal with his past.
He turned to meet her bright green eyes that shined so bright, especially in the soft glow of the Christmas decorations. He pulled her closer and pressed his lips firmly against hers. “Yeah, I did.”
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kumikoshortcake · 7 years
Nijimura breaking up with s/o because he's too stressed from juggling his studies and work, taking care of his father then being the male authority figure in the family, and thus he feels it's unfair for s/o that she only gets what very little time he could barely manage to spare for her and their relationship is given least priority. But s/o assures him she won't leave his side. Happy ending? :-))
Hello! Sorry it’s taking longer to update everyone. I have a training camp this week for eight hours a day and it’s physically and mentally exhausting. I also fractured my thumb. I still have a few more requests and if you guys will please be patient with me, I promise to answer them as soon as I can. I could probably finish them sooner if I made them a bit shorter but I’d rather take more time and make sure that the scenarios I post are to the best of my abilities rather than rushing it. Now, enough of my rants. Your scenario, anon. I hope you like it!
“I’m breaking up with you.”
His voice was cold and his eyes, emotionless. Far from the gentle and sweet voice accompanied with warm and loving eyes you’re used to.
“Why? I thought everything was working out,” you barely choke out. You were truly happy with Nijimura. “Look at me, Name. It’s not. I’m sorry,” he says, voice devoid of emotion. His gaze slightly wavers, as he then proceeds to turn around and walk away.
Tears rapidly fall out of your eyes, your vision trained on the blurry figure who walked out of your life, your shattered heart in his hands. You barely remember walking home. When you wake up the next morning, you almost think what happened yesterday was an awful dream. However, the wet stains on your pillow and your puffy eyes were proof that the occurrence yesterday was indeed reality. Almost robotically finishing your morning routine, you walk to school recalling all your moments with Nijimura. Was it anything you did? Was he unhappy all this time? No, he really seemed to be happy as well…Then why did he break up with me? Determined to find out what caused Nijimura’s behavior, you quickly run to class, waiting for lunch.
Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. The bell rings and you rush to the rooftops. You and Nijimura used to eat lunch at the rooftops. “The only place where the brats aren’t. I swear one day I’ll go crazy because of them,” you remember him saying. Though you knew the truth, he truly cares for the Generation of Miracles and hopes that they grow and develop into even more talented players.
Lost in your thoughts, you end up walking into the door. The noise startles Nijimura and he goes to find out what happens. What he doesn’t expect to see however, is you. On the floor. Rubbing your head in pain. Swearing you grab your head in pain as you feel a little dizzy. A slight bump indicates the beginning of a bruise. Slowly getting up, you see black spots in your vision. You think to yourself, “No! I can’t pass out now! I have to…find…” You feel yourself falling before passing out. In your unconscious state, you didn’t realize a familiar set of arms wrap around your waist, catching you just in time before you fall onto the hard, concrete floor.
A yawn escapes your mouth as you wake up, oblivious to your situation and surroundings. Instantly, everything hits you - the breakup, the search, the door - you vaguely remembering someone catching you while you were passing out. A familiar voice interrupts your thoughts, “Awake I see. How are you holding up?” You gasp, “Shuuzo! What are you doing here,“ “Well Name-chan I was the one that made sure you didn’t break your head open on the floor,” he bitterly chuckles. An awkward silence fills the room as neither of you are sure on what to say.
“Why did you break up with me,” you ask. “I just want a reason. Did I do something to upset you? Were you not happy with me? Do you like someone else? What,” you question, numerous possible reasons spewing out of your mouth, each reason more upsetting than the last. “Did you get bored of me?” You ask the question that’s been on your mind. Your timid voice and question absolutely broke Nijimura’s heart.
“No! What are you talking about? I loved being with you. I love you. The times we had together were some of the best times of my life,” he exclaims in surprise.
“Then why,” you choke out. All the tears you’ve been holding in, spill out. Your body shudders as you quietly sob, slowly releasing all the sadness that you’ve kept inside.
“It wasn’t fair to you,” he quietly murmurs. “What?” you ask. Sighing, Nijimura runs a hand through his hair, not knowing exactly what to say other than the painful truth. “It’s not fair to you,” he repeats. “I have to keep up my grades and work in order to take care of my father. His sickness has been getting worse lately, and I’ve been working more in order to help pay for his bills which means I have to make some more time to study. I’ve been prioritizing all of these over us and our relationship. It’s not fair that the only time we spend together is the little time I occasionally get. You deserve much better. A relationship should be where both sides give, not just one.”
“It’s isn’t fair,” you whisper. Raising your voice you speak clearly, “It isn’t fair you jerk!” Nijimura looks down in shame. But you ignore him and continue, “How could go through all that and not tell me. All the time together was what little time you had left. You should’ve used that as a break or a resting period. How could you ignore your health like that? Why didn’t you tell me? We could’ve talked over it and I could’ve helped you, but no you bottle it all in and deal with all the pain yourself. How in the world is that fair!” Taking a deep breath, you try to calm yourself down. A flurry of emotions whirl through you. Happiness since he still loves you, hurt that he kept all his problems to himself, anger that he’s dealing with all of this.
Nijimura looks at you in shock. “Wait, you’re mad because I didn’t tell you about this? Not because I prioritized everything over our relationship?” Looking at him as if he grew another head you reply, “What are you talking about? Of course your family is important. Why would I be mad? I thought we knew other better than that Shuuzo!” Puzzled and a little relieved at your answer, he wraps you in a tight hug. “Can we start over Name? I really didn’t want to let you go and I’m so sorry,” Nijimura mumbles into your hair. Feeling relieved, you return his embrace murmuring six words into his chest.
I will never leave your side.
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