#sorry answering after a long time
aroacehanzawa · 1 month
whats ur beef?
My favourite manga lost the plot so now i cope by being a hater 👍
#long answer is i have beef with the direction that the bsd manga has taken#it only superficially resembles the beloved mystery and character-driven detective agency story with atsushi as the main character#i'm dissatisfied with major developments like killing off fyodor and reviving him and pulling this#PSYCH his ability wasn't what you thought it was. with zero foreshadowing or buildup#because the manga has become full of marvel-movie type plot twists that serve little to no coherent narrative purpose except shock factor#it cheapens the story and it cheapens the development of characters and it cheapens the reader's experience#because we can't speculate and we can't draw connections and parallels and engage with the story on a deeper level#what connections there exist (for example between manga and anime) are shoehorned in after the popularity of the anime and#specific characters (e.g. fyodor who was shoehorned into untold origins in the anime) and mostly the characters who bring in money#i.e. fyodor and dazai and chuuya and their relationships especially soukoku. all this at the expense of characters like atsushi or#the majority of the female cast. who have been MIA for god knows how long and who were barely given frame each in the anime's finale#bsd treatment of its female characters has been subpar shounen level at best and now they're completely sidelined#as with most of the original cast and the original themes of the story. in fact i struggle to identify a coherent overarching theme#for the current arc. other than military action scifi movie go brrrr#compared to early arcs where each chapter had a meaningful message to say about the importance of living and what it means to stay alive and#keep going and why we are fighting to keep important people in our lives and to keep ourselves alive#and what it means to belong somewhere and what it means to be good or bad and how your place of belonging affects that#as a long term reader i just feel betrayed and disappointed. by how a story with complex and vibrant characters has become another#generic cashgrab shounen. and i mourn for the lost potential it had and everything the series has build up#only to have plot points abandoned at a whim.#so that's why i'm a hater now 👍#i know a lot of my bsd mutuals are still big fans of bsd so i try not to be obnoxious about it and mainly keep it comedic#like i don't actually hate the manga. because it's so important to me. and i respect the creators of the manga and anime#but it's frustrating to watch a train wreck in real time. and it's my blog i can hate what i want 😔#sorry if there are typos i wrote all this on mobile and can't edit the tags. i didn't wanna put any of this in the main post
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desertfangs · 5 months
Reading through QotD and this somewhat obscure Armand/Daniel quote is driving me insane. “Oh, we shall go to the stars together! Nothing can stop us.” THEMMMMMM 🩷 Right before the concert and all Daniel can think of is how in love he is.
ANON yes this line is so good!! And he's so full of love, he's bursting with it!
And it's even better when you remember that it comes on the heels of Daniel asking Armand if he's happy with how he turned out. Daniel is manic and riding the high of finally being immortal. It's Halloween! It's the night of Lestat's concert! Everything is a spectacle to him, the way the street lights glint off windows, the kids racing by in costumes, the sounds. He's elated.
But also, Armand had always vehemently refused to turn him. They had horrible, vicious fights about it. We don't know exactly why he left six months before this but it's a solid guess that it was because he was fed up with Armand not giving him the blood and (imo) hoping Armand would chase him and finally relent. Victory is his!
But he worries that Armand isn't happy with him. He's so all over the place and Armand is trying to usher them safely to the show despite the danger to their kind is facing. Armand is focused on the task at hand and Daniel needs reassurance that he is okay, that Armand does not regret it, that this is what Armand wanted.
And this is the line in this book that I wanted painted on my wall. I want it illustrated and framed and hung above my bed! Because it gets me every freaking time:
"I love it well enough the way you turned out," he had whispered with a sudden irrepressible smile, the warmth still there. "You're my firstborn," he'd said. Was there a catch in his throat, a sudden glancing from right to left as if he'd found himself cornered? Back to the business at hand. "Be patient. I am being afraid for us both, remember?"
🥺🥺 I just. Even now I'm tearing up a little because it's so sweet, it's a genuine moment of emotion from Armand, who is actually overcome with love and pride for Daniel, even amidst this chaos. And it seems that for the time being at least, that is all the reassurance Daniel needs.
We shall go to the stars together! 😭😭
God, they deserve to. I know they have a rough road, but I do firmly believe they had some really good times together in those first few years before things got really tense, and even then, they had good nights, good weeks, good moments until they finally split.
This is why I really hope they have a lot more fun together in the post-canon era, after they reconnect and rekindle that love we see here. Their love is so powerful and special. This is why I love them together so much.
Thank you so much for sharing, ANON!
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 2 months
Do you know how to fix the "Shloomp. There It Is" episode? This can be done MIS style by putting Chase Young in Nomicon's place. After all, Chase Young was able to obtain the evil essence Omi of the Yin-Yang World. Why doesn't he do the same to Randy for a chance to get to the First Ninja? This idea addresses many important issues. Firstly, a dubious lesson from Nomicon (he put the guys in danger in the original plot development), and secondly, the very existence of NomiRandy. Where did he come from? Thirdly, this will limit Randy’s activities, which means he will not be able to get out of the Yin-Yang world on his own and get into someone else’s body. Poof! I forbid rc9gn characters from moving into other people’s bodies so easily!Randy's fall to the side of darkness will infuriate the First Ninja, which fits perfectly with the concept of his relationship with Chase Young. In addition, it will be a kind of bitter reminder: “Look, I took from you the one who at one time took from me the best chance to win you over to my side.” The First Ninja was at his most vulnerable mentally when he was going through a crisis, and only the appearance of Randy made him perk up. The First Ninja will not be able to come to terms with the fact that Randy has become evil (and even more arrogant).NomiRandy may be more than just arrogant. He may represent the vengeful part of Randy. He will probably say something that will plunge the First Ninja into long thoughts, because he will not be able to deny what he said, since it is a part of Randy, and not just his opposite. NomiRandy is everything that the First Ninja never wanted to accept in Randy himself, so this will be some kind of test for him? Very high quality test. Another plus in the karma of this idea.NomiRandy is not stupid, but he is a brutal teenager who doesn't need anyone. Because of this value system, he will not be able to become a part of society, because when he grows up with his peers, his brutality will lose its meaning. Deep down, Randy wants to show others his rebellious nature, what he can really be, but he will have to understand that being NomiRandy all the time is depriving himself of a future. Then this thirst will stop snowballing. A good lesson for any teenager, including Ninjas.So this idea is great, it has conflict, meaning and a "little" Chase Young/First Ninja feud of course. Chase Young is going to give morals for once (especially for the First Ninja), even if that wasn't his intention in the first place, because damn it, Chase Young was never JUST evil. He is many hundreds of years old, he is wise enough so that he does not have to prove it to others. That's why in this scenario I put him in the place of Nomicon, who was supposed to teach the Ninja. He could have locked Randy's moral self in the Yin-Yang world, not just to annoy the First Ninja and force him to accept his terms, but because "I may take YOUR place in the eyes of YOUR students, but the outcome will be the same as the outcome of the one that NomiRandy has taken Randy's place" (that is, a crossed out future for the whole world), or "we can feud not only physically" (Chase Young is a manipulator; he can not only give dubious advice to Randy, but also really important lessons for both him, same for the First Ninja; a kind of care, similar to medicine: whether you like it or not, sooner or later you will need it, but by taking it, you are slowly destroying yourself, because it contains a small dose of poison, and Chase Young will give for his own purposes you just enough to destroy you). What happened will also hit the value system of the First Ninja, which he chose in the afterlife. Chase Young has never been susceptible to petty mischief. In a ship with someone like the First Ninja, this should be emphasized more often.
What other episodes would you like to fix in this way?
Oh, wow, this is a very intriguing and very detailed idea that is certainly worth exploring!
There is a lot to process, and I've been thinking about it for...like a week, and I'm not sure if I got everything, so if I misunderstood anything I apologize (my brain no work so good sometimes lol sorry), but I wanted to offer you my opinion if you want it!
In general I prefer to leave canon alone and just loosely refer to events that happen in cartoon, especially RC9GN, so I never thought of rewriting/fixing an episode (I mean they are sort of 'rewritten' in my head with better lore and just cooler but like nothing definite). With MIS I tend to concentrate primarly on Finja and Chase first, and the kids are sort of in the background for me. I only had like two? three? ideas that are episode & Randy/Monks related and those are mostly in Xiaolin Showdown, and one of them is in Favorite Warrior AU, lol. And even those are not rewrites/fixers but crossover fusion - the events happen almost exactly the same but just with more characters involved. So I can't say I have many idea for rewrites/fixers in RC9GN that would involve MIS.
But what I do like, is using canon to suppliment idea for 'after' cartoon canon, so after reading your idea, I wanted to offer you a slightly different take: let the canon episode happen, but then use it to build an even more serious situation with Chase, like you described and it would hit everyone involved even harder.
Let me explain my reasoning more (this might get a bit long, be warned!):
Let's start with canon first - In my opinion 'Shloomp There it is' episode is fine by itself, however dumb it might seem at first.
I kind of agree with you on the first point, about it being a dubious way to teach a lesson, but to be absolutely fair - it was a very dubious and silly problem originally, that Randy created by being a little bit of an idiot himself. So as in theme with the show, the problem and solution kind of fit each other.
Secondly, NomiRandy. I also agree about your point of Where did he come from and where the heck did he go? Well I have (most likely unpopular) opinions about that.
Personally I believe that NomiRandy is not an actual evil representation Ninjanomicon somehow created from Randy himself, but rather it is a caricature of him that Nomicon created by itself. It's an absolutely fake doppleganger that only looks like Randy on the surface - with many of his negative and opposite traits amplified to a comical degree, but not really an evil entity made of Randy's deepest dark desires. It's nothing more but a papermache puppet Ninjanomicon used to teach a lesson and later discarded, and thats why we never see him again, because he wasn't real in any shape or form so after returning to Nomicon he doesn't exist anymore.
(I am very much aware that my headcanons about NomiRandy are probably in minority, because this fandom absolutely adores NomiRandy, lol)
So, NomiRandy was a relatively mild threat used as a mild solution to fix a problem created by Randy being a bit of an idiot.
Your third point, about Randy being limited in his activities, is where I have to disagree with you a bit more. Because what's the point of teaching the lesson if a big part of Randy is not there to learn it? I mean, in canon version Randy actually witnessed NomiRandy act as an asshole which helped him realize that he himself was acting foolishly. And him having to fight himself but in Howard's body was actually pretty interesting concept of Randy having to actually physically confront his failings and bad traits head on.
There is also something to say about the fact that the only ones involved into body swap were people who were in the Nomicon at first , so one could argue that the body/mind swap was controlled by Ninjanomicon, that it used to make a point for Randy. (But that would be a thought for another time, lol.)
So, as you can see, in my opinion the episode is relatively fine by itself, and if we replace Ninjanomicon with Chase - the total tone shift will change all of it drastically. Not to mention the lesson itself will change, becoming more serious and with actual consequences - all of it would be something completely different.
And while it absolutely could work and the idea of this rewrite by itself is incredibly intriguing, I think it would work better as a continuation, as more dire development for after the end of the series.
You might ask why the end of the series? Well primarily because of my own headcanon that Chase in general tends to stay out of Norrisville Ninja business out of respect to First and also because they change so fast, (I mean what are 4 years to immortal??) he rarely gets to pay attention to them, let alone get interested in them and their usefullness to his agenda with First. But if something big happens, like I dunno, Randy defeating Ghoulian and unmaking the Sorcerer himself it would make Chase pay attention to Randy and realize how useful he can be.
The other important reason, is because of episode 'Winner Takes Ball' where we catch the tiniest glimpse of the actual evil side of Randy that appeared thanks to influence of Chaos Ball. He is power hungry, he is so sure of himself, he is cocky, he is merciless and ruthless and most importantly he still loves being THE Ninja. There is no annoyed apathy and uncaringness that NomiRandy displayed, this Evil Randy would have been just as hyper as normal Randy, enjoying his newfound powers just as much, but also would be unburdened with morals of using those powers.
Because, you see, I think Actual Evil version of Randy is in many ways would be a lot like an Evil version of Omi. Evil Omi was hyper pumped, thriving on newfound power, in this new freedom from morals, ruthless and doing what he wanted, rather than what is right. And what he wanted is to fight, to show everyone how talented he was, that he was the best warrior there ever was.
And what does Randy want? Constantly throughout the show Randy expresses his delight at being the Ninja (unlike some protagonists that find themselves suddenly thrust into a hero role, Randy takes to it instantly, there is literally ZERO hesitation from this boy), he loves it and most importantly he wants to be this strong, powerful, capable and amazing.
But that is also one of the most important Ninjanomicon continues to impart on the Ninjas - not to be this prideful and arrogant, and chase after power with such disregard to everything else.
So, now picture it like this:
Chase learns about Randy and what he has done, and how talented and powerful this new ninja is. At some point he discovers about NomiRandy and what happened, and it gives him an idea.
Chase Reverse Chi-s Randy, and this Evil Randy is still Randy in many ways, and it would absolutely devastate First to see him like this - power-hungry and ruthless, disregarding everything that Ninjanomicon taught him to prevent exactly this fall to Darkness and Evil, and the worst part is he has been taken under Chase's wing not only to nurture and encourage this new evil seedling - but to taunt First and Ninjanomicon, because - isn't it what you once wanted to teach him by creating NomiRandy? About his dark self that should be kept in check and balanced in a good warrior, good ninja? But your lesson was deeply flawed and now look at me, I will do a so much better job than you ever attempted, and I will show this young Ninja, that it's not only the bad side that needs to be balanced but the good side as well.
Which would play into what you said earlier - NomiRandy, or in this case just Evil Randy - will be so power-hungry and thirsty for fighting, he will disregard many things, like the fact that existing like that is impossible - even such urges must be tampered in order to actually live a fullfilling (if evil) life. And who is better to show and teach it to him than Chase Young, who (most likely) spent centuries in the beginning of his immortal life so hungry for battle, he served as an attack dog for Hannibal Roy Bean. But with time Chase has found balance in his new evil existence, and that helped him to overcome Roy Bean and rise to new heights.
That comparison about how Roy Bean controlled Chase, can also can influence how Randy views Ninjanomicon (and by extension First), and how tightly it tries to hold reigns of Ninjas it teaches. I mean, Randy sometimes resented the lessons and rules Ninjanomicon gives, we've seen it a few times, but Evil Randy will feel all of that frustration and annoyance even more, like a rebelious teenager that saw how controlling the authoriive figure in their life is and it will poison his relationship with Ninjanomicon.
And First? Well, Evil Randy could also bring up how Randy, a supposedly not-good enough for your high-and-mighty Ninja Rules and Forbidden Powers managed to do what the original oh-so-powerful Ninja could not - finally defeat the Sorcerer. About how a teenager that you dumped your mask on, your responsibility, and kept holding back with all your stupid rules and limitations - did what you couldn't in 800 years. And what can First even answer to that? Because its all true, no matter how poisoned Evil Randy's view may be, the bare facts are all true.
So, First can only watch, helpless and angry and so so sad, how Chase takes under his wing the one who saved the world from Sorcerer (not even once, but twice) and twists that raw power and energy that served for good into something that will serve evil. ( And the worst part, is that it all happened because of First - because of Chase's initial interest in First. All in an attempt to get to him.)
And well, like you said, there could be two endings - where Evil Randy is here to stay (aka Very Bad Ending lol), or where Good Randy makes it out of Ying-Yang world and reunites with his Evil self again.
But even then, the damage will be done. Because Chase's lessons could still continue. I mentioned earlier about lessons in balance, and how in good warrior, not only his dark side should be kept in check, but his good side also. In a way, I think Good Randy will lack a very important part to being a Ninja - and its the ruthlessness that Evil Randy brandishes like a blunt weapon, but with Chase it could be sharpened into a precise tool, and if Good and Evil reunite, the lesson will be still carried over.
And not only that will be carried over, but all the words and feelings that Evil Randy experienced -Randy will remember, and that can forever change and/or damage his relationship with Ninjanomicon and First. And Chase? Well, Randy will also remember that Chase was not just an Evil Jerk that split him in half - he actually tried to help and teach his Evil self to control himself better, so the seedling of mentor&mentee relationship will still be there.
After all of this, I have to admit, unlike you, I have a harder time imagining how exactly the situtation will help Chase sway/manipulate First to his side. I mean, this way Chase might probably sway Randy to his side, especially if he somehow orchestrates the return of Good Randy and says that all of this was just a lesson to help Randy be a better warrior, because he just couldn't watch all this talent wither away under Ninjanomicon's dubious tutelage.
But when it comes to First, If anything, I think it will actually backfire horribly. First is already constantly unstable in his regards to Chase, but something like this will only solidify his belief in Chase being a manipulator that could never be trusted, because its one thing to try and manipulate First to his side, but its another to involve his kid successor. First might even lose whatever respect he had for the immortal, because he would view manipulation of children as beneath him (of course I think Chase will argue, that those young warriors are hardly children).
I think I mentioned it before in some ask, but I personally believe that if Chase will try to get to Randy it will just send First into apocleptic levels of anger, and destroy any slim chances Chase had, and will literally set him back to zero in his progress with First, lol.
But that's just my personal view, you probably have some really good ideas about that! ;D
On another note, a tiny thing I got to disagree with a little - is about Chase being above 'petty mischief'. I can agree about Chase not being particularly petty, but mischief? In my opinion, this immortal lizard is very much into mischief, albeit a more strategic type of mischief. xD This is the man who continuously taunted pre-teens while trying to manipulate one of them to his side, and also continuously made poor Jack's life hell.
Though admittiedly, I like to think that being around First Ninja brings out more of Chase's mischevious side (opposite to his cruel and uncaring sides) - partially because First Ninja doesn't always reacts the way Chase expects him to. And sometimes Ninja catches Chase before he gets into a scheme and that sometimes leaves Chase himself wrong-footed. And partially because, Chase grew to enjoy testing Ninja's patience a little too much, after the got to know each other better.
But you are right about the fact that in this ship it should empathized more how much of a threat and manipulator Chase could be, the problem is i can't write this type of characters like at all, lol, to my great dissapointment i just don't know how to do it well. xD So that version of Chase just kind of exists half-baked in my mind, and meanwhile in my art and fics he just turns into a mischevious asshole with all his schemes in background, haha.
Anyway, I tried really hard to adress everything you mentioned and offer some insights and ideas, but i still feel like i might have missed something, so - sorry about that! I know its probably not the answer you quite expected, but I do hope it was sufficient, and if not - that at least it was entertainin to read! ;3
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multicolour-ink · 6 months
Okay I have a question for the MerMario AU: would Luigi know about Mario's plan to see the sea witch? Would he go with him to try to stop him? (Kinda like how Flounder and Sebastian followed Ariel) or would he support his decision despite his own misgivings about the whole thing? I have so many questions gah! I really don't know where to start! LOL 😂 I want to learn everything about this AU! I guess this ask is as good a question as any and I am curious what Luigi's presence there would mean for Kammy's plan or if it would just play out the same as in The Little Mermaid.
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@sapphire-light02 @keylovesstuff
Well the thing is, Luigi doesn't know Mario is going to meet Kammy - but it all happens by accident.
Mario is pretty down after his fight with Pio (especially after the latter said that he had been dragging Luigi into this 'obsession' long enough), and late that night he goes a little ways out to think things through. How can he stop Bowser from harming Peach and her kingdom? How can anyone not care that Bowser is about to wreak destruction to the surface?!
And then Kammy comes out of the shadows. Mario knows who she is - Kammy was a former resident of Atlantica, after Bowser's first downfall and banishment to the Great Depths. However, Kammy was soon kicked out of Atlantica for clearly showing her allegiance to Bowser, as well as her use of dark magic (which is outlawed in the kingdom).
Knowing this, Mario is more than aware that he shouldn't trust her.
"You are desperate to help them?", she asks. "I can help with that."
There's a lot more to it, and she and Mario both know it. Mario isn't a fool, but he is desperate. He wants to help Peach, as well as the surface and the ocean, but doesn't dare want to get his family involved - let alone allow them to know what he plans to do.
So he follows Kammy to her lair.
Meanwhile Luigi, who has been asleep back in their room, suddenly wakes up with a start, and clutches his moon necklace. Part of the bros' mer-magic is that they can sense where the other is through their bond. It's an unshakable link that has existed since they were born. And Luigi knows Mario is in trouble, and quickly swims as fast as he can towards his brother, desperate to save him before anything terrible happens!
Meanwhile, the scene with Mario and Kammy plays similar to The Little Mermaid, except Mario has to give up his mer magic rather than his voice, which is transferred into his sun necklace and kept by Kammy.
As soon as the spell is done, Mario is overcome by an incredible pain. His lungs suddenly start letting in water rather than air. His tail is split into a pair of legs. It's agonising - and Kammy is doing nothing to help him.
Abd then, just as Mario is about to feel like he's going to suffocate, a flash of green pushes Kammy aside, grabs Mario, and holds him close, as they swim as fast as they can to the surface.
The air is fresh and wonderful on Mario's body. He coughs and gasps as he takes in a lungful of air, and then collapses in exhaustion as Luigi carefully guides them to shore...
* * *
And that's that ^^ What follows of course is a similar scene like in the movie, where Mario wakes up on the beach and discovers his legs. The only difference is that he and Luigi have a long overdue talk 😒.
Long story short, Luigi states he's going to help Mario from afar - he's not going anywhere when his big bro needs him!
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crescentfool · 9 months
I noticed you're a Ryomina!!! How did you get into it? And do you have any good fanfics/doujinshi you can advice me to read? ANYTHING on Ryomina actually? I'm dying for anything about them!!! Thanks!!
yes!!! it's me!!! i'm ryomina fan (one of many)!!! thank you for visiting my askbox, i'll do my best to answer all of the questions because it always makes me happy to see that ryomina sparks joy for people! :D
...this got really long because i like linking to things, so i'm putting it under a read more (IM VERY NORMAL ABOUT THEM)
how did i get into it? i got into persona 3 around august 2021 through the movies- at the time my only experience with the persona series was with P5R / P5S / P5D. p3 was the one that interested me the most (i thought minato was very pretty + i caught wind that the themes of the game were very resonant with people). i picked the movies over the game because i'm a guy who plays games at a snails pace, haha.
admittedly, i did latch onto ryomina because of the scenes in the third and fourth movie (i have mentioned in the tags of this art i drew how much i felt like i was exploding and blasting off to the moon watching it).
but what really dug me into the ryomina hole (and what has kept me there) was thinking about how much ryoji encapsulates the themes of p3- and how interconnected his fate is with minato. i wrote some musings about their dynamic here, if you're interested!
tl;dr: what if we were both boys and we were mirror images of each other and i inherited your kindness and looks but god doomed our narrative even though we're soulmates
on ryomina fanworks recommendations:
regarding fics: i'm going to assume that you've probably read the fics that have the highest kudo ratings on them, so i won't really be listing those.
a personal favorite fic that i always hold close to my heart is Eurydice's Vow by crescentmoontea, which explores the idea of ryomina in p5r's third semester. this was the first fic i read about ryomina and it made me tear up lots...
i also think a lot about I Alone Await You by Nail_gun, literally scrumptious writing that captures the ryomina dynamic so so well. actually check out Nail_gun's other ryomina fics while you're at it too!
other fun fic i'm fond of: can't get my mind out of those memories (what were they?) by foxmulder_whereartthou. ryoji being homeless lives rent free in my head and it's all because of this fic. there's a bunch of other fun ryominas from the same author too (i still need to read them)
BkZa555 also has some fun AU scenarios if you're into that too, notably with Zagreus (P5-Setting, Ryoji focus) and The Definition of Insanity (TIME LOOP fuckery!), but they're currently ongoing.
these were some ones that came to my mind first- as i have the strongest recollection reading them. admittedly i haven't really been reading fic this year, so i don't have many recommendations from fic that came out this year. but if you're so inclined to let ryomina consume your soul, i definitely recommend giving the newer works in the ryomina tag a look-see and see if it strikes your fancy!
as a side note, i do have a few ryomina fics that i've bookmarked on my ao3 here, though i have to say that i'm not sure how well they hold up in terms of like... what i would seek out of a fic these days. but they made past me happy so i bookmarked them, LOL. it's kind of outdated (my collection of fic recs has my old username *disintegrates*).
regarding doujinshi: i have not read all the ryomina doujinshi available, but as a starting point, please take a look at this list from pandora-scans from livejournal!
notably, this is where you can find the strawberry-chan say good bye doujin- which features a small and cute comic from shuji sogabe (the p3/p4 manga artist), as well as other artists. the existence of this doujinshi is the funniest thing to me because it's like "HEY if you're wondering what the volume 8 cover is really gay it's because sogabe contributed to a ryomina doujin." this fact makes my head spin (positive). it explains a lot about the manga.
regarding persona side material:
i know you didn't ask for these but i thought that i mine as well list these too, since i feel that the side materials have some fun expansions on ryoji and minato's interactions. i haven't... watched/read all of these but, hey, i like to share these things!
for comic anthologies for the persona series (some of which have ryoji!). if you're interested in reading them, here's a scanlation index from maboroshi-no on tumblr. i don't think this is a comprehensive list, but i think it will be a great starting point!
for some translations of the persona 3 drama cds, check out imaginary-numbers on dreamwidth! ryoji and minato interactions can specifically be found in the persona 3 character drama cd vol. 1, and for the audio + english subs, you can watch this video on youtube:
and ohh the musical. ryoji singing and dancing gives me so much joy. i haven't watched the musical in it's entirety (only fragments), but here are some links that may be of interest to you:
Ao no Kakusei (The Blue Awakening), Sakuya version - playlist for the first p3 musical, translated by Phoenix Maiika.
Ao no Kakusei (The Blue Awakening), Kotone version - playlist for the femc version!! also translated by Phoenix Maiika on YouTube.
Persona 3: The Weird Masquerade (English Subtitles) - playlist by rumio!
P3 Weird Musical DVD & Soundtrack Booklet Scans by rumio_k - twitter thread that links to these funsies, if you don't have twitter, here's the publicly shared drive link.
god. these sure are a lot of links, huh? i hope you enjoy them- pick and choose whatever sounds most appealing! (if this overwhelmed you im sorry GKLHLDH i just like being very comprehensive in my answers about things so i got carried away).
and as a reminder, you (and anyone else reading) are always welcome to browse my tags/archive and reblog things from there anytime! i have... nearly 300 ryomina posts which, while mostly consists of art, has a few fics, meta, hcs, gifs, memes, and whatnot scattered about.
or browse the minato and ryoji tags too! there's.. nearly 1k minato. and 500 ish ryoji. and they're going to keep on growing because i can't stop being obsessed with archiving these things. god help me i am so deep in this hole called ryomina hell and now you're here too. welcome aboard!
there's always going to be a lot of fun ways to enjoy rotating ryomina around in one's brain, i think- they're a pairing with such fun symbolic imagery that is So Deep (to me) but ALSO they're immensely hilarious and weird guys (affectionate). so i love to share these things in hopes that it gives you joy too! they are the most couple ever (to me) (i'm biased)
thank you again for the ask! i hope it can satiate your need for more ryomina, and be a nice aide in exploring the p3 fanspace :)
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Hey! I'm feeling mischevious.
if the four of you were to square up and fight eachother, who would win? I'm curious 😁
oh and, you guys are awesome!! hope you're doing well
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The post Tord was referring to
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heymrspatel · 2 months
Something fun? Erm…
Tomorrow I’ve got an assessment class (with real life paying customers!!) and if I pass, starting next week, I will officially be an archery instructor! 😳
So, in that vein… here’s a scenario that would never happen:
The entire Gallagher Milkovich Fisher Ball clan go for an archery taster day…
Who’s good at it? Who’s awful? Who’s really into it, but still super bad? Who is a sore loser? Does anyone throw a hissy fit and storm out? Does anyone break the club rules and fuck about so much they get benched? And why is it Lip? lol
oh my god michelle aaah have i left you hanging.... CRINE! you're so cool! i bow down to you, ARCHERY INSTRUCTOR MICHELLE!!! 🏹🎯
🎉Gallagher Milkovich Fisher Ball Archery Day of Fun! 🎉
good at it: ian. the dude prides himself on being a sharpshooter and having impeccable aim and this has somehow translated into archery as well! no one understands how, possibly not even him, but he still struts away like he's hot shit.
awful at it: kev. he's so bad and looks like such a big goof while he's at it! still has the best time cheering/egging everyone on. giving shoulder claps and ass slaps any chance he gets.
really into it but still terrible: debbie and liam. i feel like they'd both have the most fun and silly time with it. at the end of it making it a game of "who can be the worst at this" and giggle at how off their arrows end up from the target! they take a bunch of selfies laughing and pointing at their terrible aim!
sore loser: lip. hehe i hear you! but i also think he would get in such a heated competition with ian and come out pissy about the fact that his little brother beat him.
threw a hissy fit and stormed out: mickey. he's good with a gun. he rivals ian in skill and aim. so why thE FUCK CAN'T HE GET THE LITTLE ARROW SHITS TO LAND IN THE BULLSEYE? THIS GAME IS FUCKING RIGGED, IAN! FUCK YOU! *kicks over the arrow holder*
broke club rules and got benched: carl. that boy is not a cop. he let that shit go so quickly, i just know it. and deep down he's still got that rebellious spirit that would get him into all sorts of trouble. i fully see him whipping arrows around and poking people with them until he gets sat down.
heehee this was fun! thank you for sending 💙
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chibi-scone · 2 months
It’s been said before and the fact that I’m an Izzy simp aside like having a character who survives the most certain death shit ever (shooting himself in the head at point blank) and literally being nicknamed by another character “indestructible” and then become a symbol of protection for a whole group of people die from a fucking bullet to the side that was established in universe to have no vital organs in order to “atone for his sins” or however you wanna spin it and have him say he wants to go after (see point one) literally trying to kill himself in the show that is literally about growth and betterment of the self in a cruel world that wants you dead and where the main (and mostly queer) characters survive the most batshit insane injuries is like COSMICALLY stupid writing like I don’t even understand how you get there and the fact that it’s supposed to be a kind/ happy/meaningful ending is beyond me
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#and Izzy’s whole speech to Ricky before that could be interpreted as what like#being about even if you kill and try to eradicate queer people we’ll always be here#and then have RICKY deal the killing blow ????#wahhhh it’s symbolic#ok it would’ve been more symbolic to have the fucking queer character live like idc you’re all stupid god bless#ofmd critical#tbd#maybe#oh and then I mean not even talking about how it’s supposedly all good#because the main gays who had borderline no redeeming qualities this season had their picket fence ending#literally what’s the point of having Ed come back from the dead#so he can learn that death is not the answer and that there’s love and betterment for him#and have that whole scene with Jim and Archie where they refuse to kill one another because there’s more to life than the cards#they’ve been dealt and they can be the difference#JUST TO HAVE THAT ENDING#my god I just#sorry if you guys are sick of me ranting about ofmd like 5 months after the shit show supreme#but these are like all thoughts that I’ve just had in my head for months but tried to forget#and now they’re just spilling out like idc anymore#ppl have made so many good posts that all say what I think but ig I still need to rant myself jvhsjnv#how long can your neck be for it to allow you to bury your head so deep in the sand#where you truly believe this is good writing idk#side note but gifs of cats randomly blowing up are my favourites#‘Izzy bettered himself before dying so it’s aaaallll good’ hits you hits you#stupid ass shit argument but also that was across maybe a week and dude was piss drunk dissociative half the time
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histi27 · 3 months
bilingual (I am Italian-Japanese Gio truther) Giovanni who also learned English VS Ghetsis who only knows English (I think he also knows Latin but that's less applicable). Ghetsis would be so peeved that he'd been 'outdone'
Japanese-Italian Giovanni >>>> But honestly I've been thinking about this and while I love the language barrier team rr content, seeing how many regions in pokemon are based on Japan (first 4 gens basically), how Alola is connected to Kanto (pretty sure there was a city in there inspired by Kanto culture), how the currency is based on yen, I believe that Japanese is the dominant language/culture in the universe rather than English.
Having said that Giovanni would still learn other languages outside of Japanese and Italian because it's just good for business. And Ghetsis knows Japanese for the same reason, but other than that he'd only know like ancient languages he needs for his historical research. So he'd still feel outdone because while knowledge of dead languages is cool for showing off it's not that useful in day to day life lmao (at least it lets him understand the modern languages somewhat but still not nearly on the conversational level). Basically jack of all trades vs guy whose knowledge is needed in specific situations (and you just know that he acts soooo full of himself whenever Gio needs his expertise).
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sneez · 2 years
since i started testosterone in february i have been reading a stanza of andrew marvell’s poem ‘the garden’ every month to track the way my voice has changed. today i finished it :-)
#my voice#does it belong in that tag given that i am speaking and not singing. ah well in it goes#andrew marvell#it is exciting to finally be able to post this! given the nature of the project i've been working on it for a while#i can't remember if i was initially intending to post it but i think it's neat so you guys can see it too :-) a questionable gift unto ye#it's one of my favourite ever poems which is why i picked it. partly because it's a cracking poem but also because the garden in#question is very likely fairfax's garden given that marvell wrote it whilst he was living at his house to tutor his daughter :-)#i love the line about melons. i love the idea that fairfax was growing melons. his melonship#also 'the luscious clusters of the vine upon my mouth do crush their wine' is such incredible imagery i think about it all the time#stopping myself now before i start explaining all my favourite parts of the poem because then i would just be reciting the whole poem#sorry the audio quality changes quite a bit by the way i kept changing where i recorded#oh also i skipped a month because my voice hadn't changed at all (between the first and second stanzas i think) which is why the#number of months doesn't quite match up to the number of stanzas#i do wish i had recorded a stanza when i was one month on T given that my voice barely changes in the last few verses. ah well#anyway i hope you enjoy it my dear friends :-) holding you all in my arms#also as usual i have a few messages and things to answer so i will do that soon! i have been enjoying being active again after so long :-)#ive got a song to post soon too. he he ho ho ho. hum hum hum
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yellowvixen · 5 months
Wait, if Rime's ice powers are not innate to her, being the result of her endure to her frozen imprisonment, does it mean she struggled to control them in the first moments? Or even in the first days? Maybe months 🤭?
If so, does it mean she fought/met with Blaze three times while still figuring out how to control her powers? (Because it would be really hilarious if she posed all like "the superior fighter" and pulled some "ultimate yadda yadda" speech, like Shadow did with Sonic, even though she was still learning to properly control her powers)
Definitely!! She didn't even realise she HAD ice magic until she used it by accident, and then immediately went "oh this is sick as hell!!!" and threw herself into learning how to use it, but that would have taken a while.
I don't have an exact plot down, but if Rime and Blaze's first few meetings/fights are similar to sa2, then Rime would actually have used her original power of magic absorption/nullification to make Blaze powerless for the first few fights. Then both of them would just be punching and scratching each other like normal cats LOL. Once Rime learns about her new magic, she decides to fight Blaze with it as "it's way cooler" <- pun intended.
So, yeah. She's fighting Blaze while not really having any idea how her magic works lmfao. It's fairly strong magic but she doesn't know how to use it as she's never had training in that regards, while to me Blaze would have been trained from childhood to use her fire magic (even if she couldn't control it fully before meeting Sonic, she still has more control over it than Rime). I guess for Rime, being the superior fighter would be referring to literally fighting - Blaze is good but Rime is the better brawler! She's used to fighting without magic so usually comes out on top if they both fight like that. However you also need to know that Rime likes being beaten by Blaze. In a lesbian way. The rituals are intricate and all that LOL. Where's the fun in nullifying Blaze's magic and then beating her up when Rime could let Blaze pin her to the ground and threaten to burn her? She thinks it's hot!! <- pun intended again.
Her "ultimate [???]" speech would no doubt be pretty different from Shadow's too. Rime doesn't consider herself as an ultimate lifeform, if anything she considers herself less human (or mobian lol) than others due to her upbringing (Gertrude treated her as a non sentient animal) so I'm not entirely sure yet how that would go. Lots to think about!!! A lot of my thoughts on Rime are based on half baked headcanons I have for the Sol dimension, I rlly need to bulk those out and properly write them down djhfhd
Thank you for the ask 🩵🩵🩵
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jarognieva · 9 months
Ok so i’m sorry i don’t remember if i already ask about your headcanons on Micolash background story before Byrgenwerth? But if you already answer this, you said a while ago that you hc he studied history right? Could you tell is more?
Noo you didn’t ask:) So
Let me begin from this: I'm not sure how to interpret the game world - whether it is placed in a world similar to ours in which there are the same nations and countries as ours (and Yharnam is in one of them or is a city-state) or maybe it is a completely different world? Anyway, my point is that Micolash is a Czech name (as you probably already know), but anglicized - in Czech (and Slovak) it is Mikoláš or Mikuláš. I think that the game's creators used many Slavic names (and motifs) for a reason (but I will write about that in another post...) So I think he is either Czech, or it is a way to show that he is a foreigner? Or Yharnam is actually based on Prague and Slavs are actually native here? Either way - my headcanon is that in both situations he is either a foreigner or the child of foreigners. Eventually Yharnam became such a cultural melting pot that people gave different names to their children regardless of origin, because different names from different cultures became popular here. Therefore, since childhood, he has an idea of such things as cultural differences, language differences, etc. It was something that made it easier (or even motivated him?) to study history.
Early on when I joined the fandom, I adopted the headcanon that he and Rom were siblings. Well... They had a rough childhood (BUT this is absolutely not an attempt to excuse Micolash - I hate the type of Disney villain who is made into a poor victim, so all the bad things he did were not his fault uwu). They supposedly had both parents, but... both parents severely neglected them. There was often physical and psychological violence between them. All this happened for years in front of Mico and Rom. Emotional neglect always has a strong impact on the child's psyche... And in this case, the younger Rom suffered the most. Mico was the one who had to keep calm and take care of and protect them both. And it was Mico who convinced her to join the university. For them, studying was a chance to escape from this terrible everyday life. Of course, that wasn't the only reason, they were both very intelligent and curious about the world. Yes... VERY curious, especially Mico. But more on that in a moment. And at that moment I had a dilemma - because I couldn't decide whether they were studying history or medicine. Or maybe something else?
Yes, I told you once that Mico studied history (because Byrgenwerth was mainly a place to study history and archeology). The "Byrgenwerth squad" must have had some idea about the Pthumerians, what their history was like, and what their contacts with the Great Ones were like. But he might as well have studied medicine! Whereas there is a theory that the Mensis Scholars were actually kidnapping people to study the corpses. It wouldn't make so much sense if Mico didn't know anything about it, right? And honestly, I REALLY like Katy's theory about Mico's strange "fascination" with women's organs and their ability to give birth in general (I can't find it now, but you probably know what I mean xD). Already in his childhood, he did not have a good example when it comes to treating women as equal (as I already said... a difficult childhood and severe domestic violence). He saw only Rom as his equal. What I'm getting at is that this is where history and medicine come together! A woman's ability to give birth and the possibility of being an "incubator" for the Great Ones was connected to the history of the Pthumerians (Queen Yharnam and Mergo) and Cainhurst (Annalise and the child of blood). Fascination with these two topics led to experiments in Yahar-Gul, the creation of The One Reborn and an attempt to make contact with the Great Ones! Apparently history likes to repeat itself... Did it stop Micolash to do all these things? Absolutely not.
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evermorethecrow · 2 months
WIP ask game-
Talking to Dazai's weird bar friend sucks 5+1
its an olddd draft i havent updated for a while so i dont really want to post anything from the like single paragraph it iss
'Oda was especially no stranger to being asked for favours by Dazai'
this fics for yuuko au the plot for the whole fic (since its a 5+1) is dazai trying to avoid having to babysit by contacting like every single person he knows and trying to convince (or tricking) them into watching over the child instead </3 without mentioning anything to chuuya of course
this fics gonna be the silliest in the series by far as its supposed to be a little intro fic (so i can convince people to read the backstory segmant thats gonna be long as fuck) im lureing in the masses with promises of their favs interacting in hopes to trap them....
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prototypelq · 10 months
DMC Questions Anon here!
Take every character you wish to and tell me what you think is the most emotionally devastating situation they could be put in and how they would react to it.
Hi, Ember! You just had to do the ask around the DMC1 anniversary and the twins' very bad absolutely no good horrible terrible birthday huh) lol we love angst in dmc everything is completely fine
To be perfectly honest with you I am surprised the twins are... somewhat functioning persons after all the shit they went through. I mean, they are barely functional, and 5 was just one massive mental breakdown for both of them but still! They remain Somewhat sane which is very hard to believe to tell the truth, and they really need years of extensive therapy (...also any therapist they go to will need therapy themselves after a session with the twins, I feel sorry for the poor soul).
All of this is to say that this is my ask and I don't want the twins to suffer too much)
this is also the reason I side with the 'twins have normal human lifespan' answer in Raven's poll, because Sparda Luck has had nothing good in store for them ever, and prolonging their years means risking their fragile mental health even more. they just really need a leave/retire at this point and my wish for them is to live their years in relative peace
I'l go over the twins briefly as I don't want them to go through shit again, the canon was cruel enough towards them. Nero is their weak spot. Nero is extremely important to the twins, because he is the physical manifestation of hope for their future. Before 5 the answer to this question would have been each other, as the pain of being the lone brother has been familiar for each of them and has been festering for decades at this point, but it all changed in 5. The ending of 5 shows rekindling of their brotherhood, it it was only possible thanks to Nero, as in 5 both of them were so exhausted they wanted just to end everything*
*I've discussed this with Raven, and we bounced around the idea that the circumstances of twins 'mutual agreement for the end' was not so mutual in details. Vergil was exhausted and had no idea what to do next, except have one last great stand with his brother, and to force Dante's hand to end him. But to bait Dante into doing that, he had to go all out during their battle, so Dante kind of rightfully assumed Vergil was out for his blood. Again. DMC3 tragic parallels my beloved.
I doubt Vergil realised how badly this was all going for Dante, or the consequences of such action on his twin. Though Dante absolutely knew he could not live with himself after ending Vergil again, and that's exactly why he left the deed (= inheritance for Nero) behind before going on this hunt. He thought it would be his last.
It would be curious to see Vergil's reaction to that information, I think if he learns of the deed he'll piece the puzzle himself, and then there is going to be an Interesting conversation between the twins. I doubt Vergil would have gone through with his plan if he knew the toll it would take on Dante, and Vergil never wanted his brother dead.
Nero is the twins future. He gave them a deserved slap as a wake up call, he reminded them of the possibilities the future could hold, while twins only ever look to the past. They found kinship in their shared respect and fondness of Nero, this is their starting point to heal.
Loosing another after 5 would be, of course, extremely painful for either of them (arguably worse for Dante, as his mental state is pretty much in shambles in 5, and Vergil was the same before that, literally in his case, but he has new page now, he just has trouble figuring out what to do with it), but with Nero's help they just might be able to pull through.
But if anything happened to Nero himself? I don't think twins, even with their bond rekindled would be truly able to come back from that. So yeah, the twins' weak spot is Nero.
Nero`s weakspot is obviously family, however much has been much kinder to him in that aspect than the twins. He grew up loved and cared for in his adopted family, but with his own isues of course. While Nero had not knew Dante&Vergil for very long, he certainly does take after his uncle&father (must be the Sparda heritage) in term of issues, because Nero combines the twins' together! Nero struggles simultaniously with self-worth and the need for recognition, which I reckon, will give him A Time while the twins are gone, and if anything they will only worsen after their return too. Nero has already unlocked two power-ups, yet he is abandonned by the twins (for reasons he will have to come to terms with) And he is not even close to their power levels (Vergil only lost to Nero because he did not want to fight in the first place and was exhausted). Nero has been trying to establish himself... for his entire life, but every major demonic outbreak had Required a Dante call, Nero had not been able to handle it on his own. And after twins return this issue will only persist, because he means so much to the twins, he now basically has a very agressive safety net, which all the spardas will have to work together to solve.
Also I could have just said family. Nero will be worrying over twins the entire time of their absence, no doubt about it. Hopefully, in the meantime of awaiting their return, he will look into whatever he can find of their history, and he will get at least a rough picture of what the hell the brothers have been through and why they had to go together.
Other weakpoint of Nero's is, of course, Kyrie. I actually have no idea how he leaves their home, knowing his blood attracts demons, which are already plenty in Fortuna, and with canon suggesting no special abilities to defend herself with. If something happens to her it will be devastating for him, but Nero has grew up with good support system around him, he has another adopted sibling in Nico, and now even his blood relatives are close. It will be hard, but I believe he could pull through with all of their help. (but I want nothing bad to happen to Kyrie)
Same applies for Kyrie - she will be tortured by the loss of nero if it came to that, but hopefully she will be able to work through that loss.
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howie-horsdoeuvres · 13 days
What popular food/ingredient(s) do you despise with your entire being? Mine is alliums (minus garlic, love that stuff) and nuts (in my defense I am mildly allergic)
Common? None, really. I didn't like Natto, but that's an acquired taste even in Japan where it's something of a staple. Also don't like Foie Gras, but again, that's Rich People Food and also uncommon.
What I DO despise with my whole being is people's attitudes toward food and ingredients.
Food is incredibly subjective, and that's not accounting for things like allergies, diabetes, sensory issues, eating disorders, and a bazillion other things that affect what one can or cannot eat. What we like to eat or can eat doesn't often come down to conscious choice; we either do or don't like something, can or can't afford it, or can or can't consume it. I will defend 'picky' eaters with my life, and people who like to say others are fat bc they're lazy and eat 'junk food' all the time are really exposing their complete lack of understanding things like the socioeconomic factors that prevent people from eating 'well' (Google 'Food Desert', and be apalled that places like this exist. In major population centers in the US). If you work two jobs just to keep the lights on and your family housed, and your partner also works, where are you gonna get the time and energy to cook three meals a day? Or even do meal prep? Throw kids into the mix and that puts cooking 'healthy' food even further out of reach. But people like to act as if spending four bucks on an 8oz box of chickpea rotini pasta because they're on the 'keto diet' makes them morally superior to everyone else, and healthier. In reality they're probably just a snob who's abusing a medical diet designed for diabetics to try and induce a metabolic state that is DANGEROUS to a non-diabetic, or they're significantly misguided, at best.
I could go on, God could I ever go on, but shit like THAT is what I despise with my whole being. You can hate alliums all you want, that's perfectly fine. I'll even support vegans and those paleo folks, because what they put in their bodies is their choice. But when they act like anyone else is a morally bankrupt degenerate, it makes me want to bite and kill.
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starzwithapen · 5 months
what r solar's thoughts on brozone... the brozone brothers.... them.... 😈.
Solar does not like them upon first meeting purely on the basis that there must've been a reason Clay got upset if he thought about them too long right? And she thinks Viva REALLY needs to do background checks before just letting anyone in- but he warms up to them ^w^
I think she'd get along most with Branch surprisingly- I'd assume they'd spend more time together when Viva and Poppy hang out, and he's familiar enough that it doesn't have Solar on edge, and she actually really admires him [don't tell anyone but Branch reminds Solar of his sister sometimes, and he finds that a little comforting]
Solar likes Bruce but is lowkey intimidated by him LMAO mostly because he was closest to Clay and the one Clay spoke of the most so Solar's like "oh my god this is the equivalent of meeting their parents since they dont have parents . I have to Impress Bruce constantly . Does Bruce think Im weird . If Bruce thinks I'm weird ill throw myself off a cliff . "
I dont think Solar spends much time with Floyd- Floyd doesn't initiate in fear of making her uncomfortable, and Solar would rather eat a car battery than initiate any interaction. Floyd's pretty okay in her book, and everyone's reaction to Floyd's hair being positive makes him feel better about his own hair
SOLAR DOES NOT LIKE JOHN DORY . number 1 reason Clay did not speak of him fondly so he's been on Solar's hitlist since before he even met him . Number 2 reason he also reminds her of her sister but in a Bad way and Solar doesnt wanna think too hard about that. I think they'd have a bit of a heart warming moment when Solar first reunites with his sister and their relationship kinda improves from there
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