#sorry for answering every single question with a video šŸ˜…
capybaraonabicycle Ā· 7 months
Iced lemon tea
Earl grey tea
Iced coffee
Thank you for the ask <3
Iced Lemon Tea : Favorite song/band?
That changes like every month šŸ˜… The Longest Johns were my top spotify wrapped artists last year, but I continue to be very fond of Dota and cavetown as well. My longest lasting love is for Abba though, and my favourite song of theirs would probably be - oh, I really can't say. I definitely love 'The Winner Takes it All' and 'Chiquitita' and 'Mamma Mia' a lot.
I recently listened to 'Bang-A-Boomerang' for the first time, though, and it is adorable? At least the music video is? So if you happen to have missed that one until now, like me, and you generally enjoy Abba, maybe have a listen?
Early Grey Tea : The inevitable Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! Whatā€™s your plan of action?
Okay, so my parents are some sort of preppers? They don't have a full panic room in their house or anything, but they have food and water for ages and wood and a fireplace and a radio that works with solar energy. So, I would try to get to their place and team up (in case they aren't infacted yet). And like, sadly covid has been a good way of evaluating who among the people you know are very likely to be stupid and get bitten immediately (because they don't believe in zombies even when scientists are telling them to run), so I have a list of people I would definitely stay away from.
And then I'd probably die within a week anyway.
Not the point of the question, but may I recommend you my favourite piece of zombie apocalypse art? It's a BlackBoxTV production starring the amazing Mary Kate Wiles and Monica Joy Sherer. It is heartbreaking and morbidly funny and I had to watch it several times to grasp the little details of what exactly was going on:
So, yeah, I've learnt all my tricks there and from tgwdlm -> meaning I'm definitely screwed.
Iced Coffee : Do you like reading? If so, whatā€™s your favorite book?
I like reading and I don't do it nearly enough. I adored Tschick (Why we took the car), and have read it like 5 times, so I usually say that's my favourite book. But I think, actually, most of my favourite books are children books? Like Something else by Kathryn Cave (illustrations by Chris Riddell). It is one of the most beautiful books out there. Just, look at that art:
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Isn't it gorgeous?
And, Idk, the little animal trying to fit in and it just doesn't work, because no matter how hard they try to imitate the other animals, it always looks just a little different? Until someone else who is different comes along and then he doesn't have to fit in? They can just be something else together? That just really resonates with kids who feel like they don't fit in either, I guess
In case you don't know it, there are several people reading it aloud on yt. Like this one is lovely, f.ex.:
Also, omg are you seeing that Something else has a stuffed animal that looks like him? That is literal perfection. (Also, like, I don't want to spoil the ending but the ending is amazing.)
(Also I just realised Tschick is basically also about a boy who doesn't fit in whose life becomes so much better when he makes friends with the other boy in class who is cast out, so, yeah, I am seeing something of a theme there.)
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detailtilted Ā· 3 months
hi! I'm sorry if you've talked about this before, but I've been wondering how you enhance the spn con videos. like, how does it work? cause your videos look amazing, especially in comparison to the previous footage!
Thank you so much for being interested enough to ask!
At a very high level, the visual enhancements to the original videos themselves are made by running an upscaling program and then manually adjusting color-related settings in my video editing software. Sometimes I also fix aspect ratios if the original videos are squished.
Below are way more details than you probably ever wanted. šŸ˜… Iā€™ll put my very long answer after a break...
The very first thing I do when I start a new video is to take all the video sources I can find, pick out the ones I think I'm most likely to want to use, and see if I can get them to upscale. This is actually one of the easiest parts of the whole process, at least in terms of the actual time that I myself have to put into it. The computer does most of the work.
The upscaling is done through a software program. I don't actually have any idea, but I imagine it might be a dumbed down version of the type of software that movie studios use when they create upscaled Blu-ray releases of older films. I know the obvious question is, ā€œWhatā€™s the software program?ā€ Iā€™m a little scared to say it without some explanation first, because it has ā€œAIā€ in the title. I know and understand (and agree with) why AI is such a hot button today. However, this is not generative AI where it generates a new work out of nothing, and itā€™s performing a function that a human could not reasonably do.
The way I understand it, it runs an algorithm to analyze all the frames in the video and figure out how it can remove some of the visual ā€œnoiseā€ and also add missing details to some frames based on what it finds in other frames. It then updates every single frame in the video. The videos Iā€™m currently working with have 30 frames per second. A 30-minute video would therefore have 54,000 frames. For a human to compare 54,000 frames and make all the tiny changes required to each one would beā€¦ impossible I think. So anyway, after that long preamble, the name of the software Iā€™m using is ā€œTopaz Video AIā€.
There are a variety of settings you can tweak, so I focus on upscaling one video source at a time because the same settings that work with one source may not work for a different source recorded with different equipment. I try different combinations of settings to small sections of the video until I find settings that seems to return noticeably improved results without adding any weird distortions. Sometimes I have to give up and proclaim the task impossible. If the video has too much noise and/or not enough good detail already there for it to work with, then it wonā€™t upscale well. I get much, much better results with original video files than I do with files from YouTube. I think the videos were compressed when they were uploaded to YouTube and lost some of their quality.
If I find a setting that works, I tell the software to apply those settings to all of the videos from the source I'm currently working on and then leave my computer to crunch through them. That can take hours, and it makes my computer sound like it's preparing for liftoff, but it doesnā€™t require my involvement. Iā€™ll often let it run overnight, then check it the next day to see if it came out ok. Sometimes I have to go back to the drawing board because I find parts of it didnā€™t come out well at all, but usually if the sample looked good then the full result also looks good.
Then I take my next video source (another set of videos recorded by a different person on different equipment) and repeat the process.
Color Corrections
This is all done in my video editing software. Iā€™ve been using Adobe Premiere Pro. Thereā€™s free software out there that might be a better choice. I tried one early on and didnā€™t do very well with it, but I had no idea what I was doing. Video editing is new to me. So for me, the advantage of using a very popular software program was that there are tons of answers out there for just about every question Iā€™ve ever thought to ask. Now that I have more experience, maybe Iā€™ll give some of the free options another try. I have to decide whether or not to renew my current license at the end of the year and the price is pretty crazy, especially considering it's only for a limited period of time.
Soā€¦ back to color corrections. My original attempts at this did not start out well. My first set of videos were the CHICON 2007 videos and those colors looked fine to me, so it never even occurred to me to adjust colors. When I moved on to Comic-Con 2008, I was confronted by a bunch of badly red-tinted and green-tinted videos and I thought, ā€œHmm, I wonder if this video editing software can do anything about that.ā€
And I tried. I drove myself absolutely mad. Iā€™m not good with colors in general, Iā€™d never worked with color adjustment settings before, and my eyes were going crazy trying to figure out if I was making things better or if I was just creating a new variety of bad. I put out a plea for opinions/advice here on Tumblr with some screen shots showing what Iā€™d done so far, and sensitivehandsomeactionman came to my rescue. They took one of my screen shots and adjusted the colors in their own software to show me what could be achieved. And it looked amazing. Having that example to reference was a huge help. It was still a challenge for me, but I eventually got pretty close to what they did.
Iā€™m not as good at it on my own, but I learned a lot through that process that Iā€™ve been able to apply to my subsequent videos. I think every video Iā€™ve worked with since then has had at least slightly wonky colors, so I've had a lot more practice. There are a bunch of complicated color-related settings in Adobe, but eventually I found the ā€œLumetri Colorā€ panel which has a simpler set of set of controls consisting of a few sliders that let you adjust between two opposites until you find the right balance.
One slider is for Exposure and it basically changes the lighting from darker to lighter. Then there are two color-related sliders. One shifts between blue and orange and the other shifts between green and purple. I play around with those sliders until I think the colors look more natural, focusing mostly on their skin tone. Then if needed, Iā€™ll adjust the Saturation slider a little to tone things down. For the most part, playing with those 4 sliders usually gets me something that I think looks decent.
Some videos are more difficult than others though, and I still consider this to be very much outside my wheelhouse. When I announce a new video on Tumblr, I usually display a comparison image of the original video versus the enhanced. Those help me see that the end result does in fact look at least a little better than the original. Sometimes after staring at the video for hours on end, I start to doubt.
If there are any wonky aspect ratios making the video look squished, thatā€™s a really easy fix by just changing the scale percentages for that video in my video editing software.
All The Rest of the Work
All those things I just babbled about probably take up only 25% of the time I spend on each video. Less if the videos don't give me much trouble with upscaling or color adjusting. I could write another book about the rest of the process, but what I've already typed is probably overkill as it is so I'll try to be brief since this stuff isn't as much about the visuals anyway.
This is when I move on to the process of choosing which videos to display at which times and editing everything together into one (hopefully) cohesive video. I also try to choose the clearest audio that covers most of the panel. Audio changes are very noticeable, so I try to minimize them and use a single audio throughout the whole video as much as possible. Often the audio youā€™re hearing was from a different video than the one youā€™re seeing.
Once I have all the footage edited together, thatā€™s when I start adding the subtitles and the extra content. These things are by far the most time-consuming part of the process, especially the subtitles.
I hope this answered your question. Thanks again for asking! If I didn't answer your question and if you want to risk having another book typed to you, let me know. šŸ˜…
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schumi-nadal Ā· 6 months
15 questions
Thank you @absolutebloodychaos for tagging me (again I'm so sorry to answer 5452332 days later) šŸ„°šŸ’œ
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: Nope. But I almost was named MĆ©lissa after one of my mom's cousins btw.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: like two days ago? my poor goddaughter was coughing so hard and it was so heartbreaking to hear her crying that I ended up crying as well šŸ˜Ŗ
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: Nope, maybe someday šŸ‘€
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: I used to play football (I refuse to say soccer, guys) for 10 years, I stopped when I was in HS because of an injury. šŸ¤•
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: Every. Single. Second. Of. My. Life. šŸ˜
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: I don't really know... Their clothes, I guess? šŸ˜‚
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: If you'd asked me some years ago I would have said scary movies, but I'm becoming an old lady and I prefer happy endings and no jump scares šŸ˜…
ANY TALENTS?: My best talent is being talentless I guess, i'm just an average French woman doing average things šŸ˜‚
WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: In one of the most important cities of Ā the Gallo-Roman era, good luck finding which one. šŸ˜
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: Watching my favorite sports (Tennis, MotoGP and Formula 1 in that order , please), reading, writing (especially when it stays WIP šŸ’€), daydreaming, i'm still back at playing video games too btw šŸ˜Š
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: Yep, a dog, nine cats and two budgerigar šŸ•šŸˆšŸ¦œ
HOW TALL ARE YOU?: I'm a hobbit, I'm 1,60m. šŸ˜
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: I used to love English, Spanish and Portuguese but also History and Geography.
DREAM JOB?: Now that I have a degree in Art History and Archaeology, I would love to be a tourist guide (I'm about to pass a tourism degree next year).
Tagging @rafasbiscuits @bluespring864 @acrazybayernfan @yoellglia @artemisalilianvesta @luzmyway (feel free to do it or not šŸ’—)
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because-its-eurovision Ā· 10 months
Congrats on 10 000 posts! šŸŽŠ To celebrate, I have a question for you (sorry if you've already answered this): I was just wondering earlier today (while reading the Viisukuppila bulletin board out of boredom), based on the "clues" we have been given of next year's UMK contestants so far, do you happen to have any theories, hopes or sophisticated guesses on who might be participating? šŸ‘€
Thank you darling! ā¤ My weak spot is that I don't really follow Finnish music scene and only have a vague idea which artists are popular šŸ˜… But let's see what others have to say!
1. A talented artistā€™s first 90s-style dance song
The Finnish clue specifies that this is the debute song of the artist in question. Reminds me of Keira last year (success in The Voice of Finland and now releasing their first single). Timmy Tattari reached 3rd place in this year's TVoF and has a record deal with Capitol Finland (same as Keira) but hasn't released anything yet. He follows UMK, Cornelia Jakobs and Monika LinkytƩ on IG but that doesn't prove anything other that he watches Esc. Another candidate is Olga Heikkala, a singer and an actress who announced this month that she's leaving the soap opera Salatut ElƤmƤt after five years. No apparent UMK connections or label afaik, but is friends with KUUMAA boys and has performed on their music video.
2. A power song by a true vocal talent
Finnish fans are speculating about Diandra every year, but I have my doubts. Someone suggested Neea River, who rose to Tiktok fame covering Celine Dion. She is Warnerā€™s artist, co-wrote a song for Blanka (Poland 2023), is friends with Benjamin and IG mutuals with KƤƤrijƤ & Jesse.
3. Perhaps the best song of an indie favouriteā€™s career
Stoned Statues just released their second album. Music magazine Soundi called them ā€œthe most promising young rock band of the momentā€ and Helsingin Sanomat ā€œthe new hope of Finnish heavy metalā€. They had three Emma nominations and were awarded ā€œupcoming artist of the yearā€ in Indie Awards 2023. I also saw suggestions for Maustetytƶt, but are they still considered indie?
4. Two big name performers doing a surprising duo with a serious refrain
The Finnish version of this hint suggests the refrain being ā€œhardā€, meaning catchy. Now we only have to find out which artists are considered ā€œbig namesā€ šŸ™ƒ Abreu & Pihlaja did release a single together in August, although it must be mentioned that Abreu has previously stated that sheā€™s not interested in Eurovision (although people can change their mind like Robin did). Fans are suggesting Sexmane, Isac Elliot and Costee to be the other half of the duo. I just hope weā€™re not getting the senior department who have no actual chance or desire to compete in Eurovision, like Danny/Tommi LƤntinen šŸ’€ Perhaps this is another Pandora & Teflon Brothers situation.
5. A thunderous rock anthem by a world-touring band
I saw rumours considering The 69 Eyes, but-- god please no. Their heydays are over. My own suggestion was Lost Society who could be the Blind Channel of this year. Shiraz Lane is also a possibility and they are from Ranka Kustannus as BC and Cyan Kicks were.
6. A seriously intense song from one of the most listened-to artists in Finland
The streets (X/Twitter) are saying that BESS is back and I wouldnā€™t mind it at all! Other suggestions are Gettomasa & Sexmane, the latter of which already had his brother Isaac Sene competing in UMK 2022. ā€œIntenseā€ can mean anything though. One possibility could be Bee who just released her first album and was selected as ā€œbreakthrough of the yearā€ by YleX. Jodel rumours suggested Evelina, but I have no idea how reliable that is.
7. A hard-hitting club banger by a well-known artist making a comeback
Jenni Vartiainen just returned from a five-year hiatus, moved back to Finland and published a new single. I doubt sheā€™d participate in UMK as a contestant though since she is one of the most successful Finnish female artists of all time and could easily sell out an arena. Perhaps sheā€™ll be the host this year and in return gets to perform the interval number like Antti Tuisku, Paula Vesala & Samu Haber? I'm leaning more towards Tuuli, who was kind of a teen pop star and is now making a comeback with new label and new style of music. One of the nominees for YleX's breakthrough of the year, released her newest album in August.
Bubbling under: At Tapiola Festivaali KƤƤrijƤ asked the audience how many of us voted for him in UMK, and said ā€œthe rest of you voted for Kuumaa and Portion Boys, right?? next year youā€™ll get Arttu Wiskari and thatā€™s exactly what you deserveā€ šŸ˜Œ
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vent post cuz I need to vent šŸ˜…
trying to do even the most basic tasks as a mute person is excessively time consuming at best, and downright impossible at worst. When I had to change my school computer password, it took over ten emails between myself and IT to get the password changed. The school policy was you had to phone the IT desk to confirm your identity. But, of course, I couldnā€™t do that. Eventually they allowed me to change my password. This process though took me three days compared to the five second phone calls the other students made
I am currently looking for a new massage therapist and physiotherapist, as mine have moved away. I found one place close to home that seemed promising. Their ā€œcontact usā€ page had an email address listed, so I emailed them. They said they would not book me in if I didnā€™t phone.
I decided to give up on them and try somewhere else. There was a very promising place in the same building as my therapist.
Once again, I went to their ā€œcontact usā€ page and they had an email address there. I emailed them and said I had some questions about their practice (due to being super immunocompromised and disabled, I have to repeat this process everywhere I go. Itā€™s frustrating). I received an email back saying theyā€™d answer my questions if I called them.
Later today, they actually called me. Unfortunately, I couldnā€™t do anything about thatā€¦ I just watched my phone as it rang and wished I could just answer it. I ended up emailing them a second time, explaining why I could not answer their phone call.
My therapist has been ill the past month, so Iā€™ve not gotten to go to any appointments. I decided to do an online appointment using a site that allows you to text, video call, or phone call. Iā€™ve used this service for years and have always texted. I have a note on file that explains I can only text and why I can only text.
Unfortunately the only therapists available were ones I havenā€™t had before. They both spent up to a third of my appointment time telling me that it would be so much better for me to phone them or do a video chat with them than to text. I basically wasted my money because I spent most of my time explaining why I couldnā€™t do phone or video calls. The one therapist, even after I explained, continued to tell me to video call her throughout the appointment.
I am constantly prevented from accessing the care that I need, simply because I cannot communicate in the way people prefer. Itā€™s frustrating. Why put several contact options when youā€™re just going to refuse all but one? Where does that leave people who cannot communicate in the way that youā€™d like?
And this isnā€™t just a mute/ non verbal, semi verbal issue. There are many people who cannot get the care they need because of an inability to communicate in a single acceptable way. Iā€™ve spoken to many people about this issue, and itā€™s shocking just how many people are struggling unnecessarily simply because they canā€™t communicate in a single acceptable way. Disabled people, neurodivergent people, people with speech impediments, deaf and hard of hearing folks, etc all end up left behind.
It has become so frustrating that I just had to vent somewhere. Iā€™m so tired of always having to work extra hard just for the most basic things. And this doesnā€™t just apply to my speech issues. My illnesses and disabilities also require excessive planning and effort to ensure basic accommodations. I feel like I am living life on hard mode at all times. Everything is so much more time (and energy) consuming than it has to be. Iā€™m exhausted trying to simply have access to the things most people do. Itā€™s taken me four days so far just to get a hair appointment! I have been trying to get a physio appointment for three weeks! We need change as a society so people can have access to the things they need and want. I am absolutely fed up having to deal with this kind of thing every single day of my life
Sorryā€¦ that was a longer rant than anticipated šŸ˜… I just really needed to unload my frustration somehow
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rainbow-tazer Ā· 2 years
Yes it is that time again where it's late, I'm high, and I got particular thought keeping me up, this time it's beef jerky guy. With the recent video floating around of some chick checking to see if her bf actually used soap to wash himself it has made me relive the memories of beef jerky guy.Ā Ā 
Back in my younger days I want to say around 18 to 19 I hung out with a group that made incredibly questionable choices. I would pretty much hang out and party with these guys every single day if I wasn't at college I was hanging out with them and when I got home from college I spent the night's drinking with them. So the main couple of the group had texted me to come hang out one night and I got in the car not really knowing what we were doing just down for anything like always. They started out by warning me "hey we got to go pick up someone and drop them off somewhere, but just so you know they smell really bad"
I was like "what do you mean like how bad??"šŸ¤Ø
Immediately the girlfriend was like "oh my God like actually horrible I'm so sorry you have to be that back there with him like I would kill myself" šŸ˜­
at the time all I could think was damn there's no way it could be that bad she has to be exaggerating right? than she addedĀ ā€œlike its crazy we are about to pimp out this dude, he has a huge cock so girls pay to sleep with him despite his smellā€ he boyfriend shot her a look like girl we discussed this which she respondedĀ ā€œwhat she's gonna see the girl hand you the money anywaysā€ meanwhile I'm just sitting in the back of the car like .... ā€œWE ABOUT TO DO WHAT?!ā€Ā šŸ˜°.Ā 
The boyfriend then explain to me that the guy is his really close friend and despite his terrible smell women still pay to sleep with him because his Ding-A-Ling is just that grand. So they had worked out a deal where the boyfriend would drive this dude the places he needed to go to have sex with these women, and in exchange the boyfriend would get half whatever he got paid.
Ā so we go to pick up the guy and the minute this man enters the car I shit you not my eyes started watering, this dude was fucking foul šŸ¤¢. the girlfriend was in no way exaggerating the putrid smell that leaked from this man, was only a smell I could describe as beef jerky being left out in the sun for months. Hence the name I coined for him beingĀ ā€œbeef jerky guyā€ partly because i could not for the life of me remember this guys name and kept thinking his name was Kyle for some reason šŸ˜…. They were nice enough up front to crack the window in the back which i was using as my only source of oxygen for the whole ride, oh believe me i was gasping as i could see the fumes rolling off him towards me. Finally we pulled up to this dark ass park where this lady walked up to the car payed the boyfriend and walked off over into the darkness of the nearest playground with beef jerky guy šŸ’€. This man smelled so bad i genuinely needed answers like his smell haunts me, I don't care how big his dick is idk how anyone fucked that dude without a gas mask let alone would pay for such an experience.
Immediately i was like this man must not have access to a working shower or have crippling depression right? nope as they explained which was later confirmed when i went to his apartments (because he had to get the drug he was making in the oven out before they exploded, you know normal stuff) that he indeed did own a working shower. Also the guy did not have crippling depression as it turned out this dude was just as they had originally described ā€œa hippie mf who didn't wash his assā€. Apparently everyone in his life brings it up, but i suppose when you have a big dick you get the confidence to stop washing your assšŸ˜­šŸ’€
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lhrry Ā· 2 years
Hi Agnes,
Iā€™m not an American fan whoā€™d want to organise a fan project for the upcoming concerts, but can I still ask whatā€™s the work behind one? Like, Iā€™ve enjoyed seeing the videos of stadiums packed with rainbow flags and rainbow lights choreos and projects, and Iā€™m so very thankful for that.. Iā€™ve loved seeing Harry react to them...but how do you guys make it happen?? Iā€™m so impressed and didnā€™t know those things didnā€™t just happen by luck.. šŸ˜… so do you go to people cueing and hand flags out or... if you donā€™t mind sharing.. thank you ā˜ŗļø
Hi, I'm sorry in advance for how long this is going to get, but some may find it useful! These things definitely don't just happen by luck and people often can't imagine the amount of work behind a project like that - it will always depend on the audience you're working with, the location, the size of the venue, whether there's an established project series etc. but it's a huge amount of work to be sure. As to the flags project, I'll speak about the Prague one, because that's what I've done myself and I know that was probably one of the most difficult (but rewarding) things I've ever done and but if you're for example in the UK or the US the work behind it could be much less complicated depending on the availability of the flags.
Either way, first thing you need to do is to start social media accounts because Tumblr is hardly enough right now. For all projects, I've found Instagram and Tiktok (although I hate to admit it) particularly useful. You need to reach people for different reasons - if you're doing a rainbow lights project in a small venue and only need a few people to print and cut out papers, you don't need it as much, although it's always good if people know about the project beforehand. If you are doing a rainbow lights project in an arena or even a large venue, especially sectored lights, you need more people to help - you need people to cut out the papers for the lights, you need people to distribute the papers (in Prague, there were two lights projects and papers were to be provided for everyone so that's around 18k papers per project that need to be cut out and distributed), you need people to hand out posters and inform people on what and when to do (again, Prague had volunteers in basically every sector and so only for the lights projects there were hundreds of volunteers). You need social media accounts to get these volunteers as well as inform people about when and what to do.
If you do a flag project like we did, you need those accounts even more. It was really difficult to get flags in Czech rep, and getting them delivered in time was difficult as well and there was basically one local store where you could buy them. Plus, although Liz and I bought a lot of them, we could hardly provide flags for 18k people. So, you need people to know about the project, you need as many people as possible to buy even a few flags if possible and you need people to make flags - which is what happened in Prague, people were making diy flags, printing them, painting them etc. For us, Instagram and TikTok were integral in getting people excited, sharing photos of the process, answering questions and stuff, and the two weeks before the show I'd spend hours on the project accounts every single day, because it was absolutely necessary for people to know about the project and bring their own flags and bring flags for others if it all were to work out. Which is also due to the fact that our project did not limit the flags to the golden stage or the floor as it is often done - we actually wanted the flags to be in every sector all over the venue (which happened), because this was not just about them being visible for Harry, but about the fans being surrounded by them and feeling safe no matter where they were in the venue. So, without getting many people engaged and involved, if you're working with an arena or a larger venue, your job is going to be really tough (and expensive).
On the day of the show itself - when it comes to the rainbow lights and they're sectored and there are enough volunteers, you distribute them in each sector in the venue. If you have scattered lights you can also e.g. pass on bags with cut out papers and an info poster in the queue (in Prague only golden stage, i.e. about 700 people were standing, so there was little queuing and we also did not have scattered lights). You can do the same with the flags - you can put about 20 in a bag with a poster saying something like "if you want to, take a flag and hold it up during Lights Up, more info about the project at the instagram acc...." and that way you limit direct interactions with people if you're afraid they'll turn you down/be rude. What we mostly did in Prague is that we posted on social media where we are and that people can come pick up flags, posters etc. and then we took turns and made rounds with the flags, approaching people and asking them whether they know about the project and whether they want a flag (and so so many volunteers were handing out flags as well, some came to give us their flags because they were afraid to distribute them, but the collective effort behind that project was absolutely unimaginable). But Prague was so special that it got to a point where it was difficult to find someone without a flag, it was incredible. Still, as we were walking around with the flags we'd have people running after us asking for one eventually (my personal favourite was a forty year old man I was sure was going to attack me but he was there with his daughter who already had a flag and he too wanted one). We spent an entire afternoon like that basically! You also want to print out posters and have them around the venue, on poles and stuff, so that people know what to do both with the flags and the rainbow lights!
Aand, that's basically it - a lot of time, a lot of effort, a lot of dedication and a hopefully magical moment in the end <3
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shippernessity Ā· 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
Sun and Moon/Cuddles
17 notes ā€¢ Posted 2021-03-29 03:57:16 GMT
So I've just recently been hooked in Little Nightmares series. I discovered it while wondering in YouTube and then I saw Mono and Six! They're beautiful characters in this oh so beautiful lore. I strongly believe that this is Tarsier Studio's masterpiece. Anyone who also knows and interested about the lore of the game? šŸ„°šŸ˜šŸ‘«
PS: I did not played the game, instead I watched speedruns but also a bunch of fan theories and I just can't have enough of it! It's so fun and it has a very awesome fandom!
Disclaimer: All the pictures are not from me, these are from Tarsier Studios (Little Nightmares 2 Comics) you can download the app and the 3rd pic is from a fan, all credits to him/her. I found it on Reddit I think?
Please do play the music below. It's so beautiful! šŸ˜­
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23 notes ā€¢ Posted 2021-06-19 14:54:26 GMT
When did you start shipping rosegarden?
Fav moment so far?
I think it has been more than 1 year now or 2? It was the moment when I was just scrolling in Tumblr looking for my fave cartoon ships like Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Star vs the Forces of Evil (shooocks I missed those!) AND THEN I SAW RUBY AND OSCAR! Shocks. Believe me or not, it's a Love at First Sight! When I saw them I immediately became interested in the show, it was around before the release of Volume 7 if I'm not mistaken? And at first I was just searching "Ruby and Oscar" in YouTube until I've known more about the show and theeen, I decided to watch RWBY but the Vol. 7 first and not too long after that, I WATCH THE WHOLE SERIES FROM VOL. 1 and I loved every single episode! I'm just sad about the toxic fans out there very critical about the show. I just want them to appreciate what CRWBY is doing and very wholesome about it but anyways... Yeah! I loved the show most especially because of RoseGarden, and before RG I was really a shipper back then. Since Pokeshipping, heck I don't even knew what 'shipping' was. šŸ˜‚
I shipped some of the characters too in Steven Universe, SVTFOE, etc.
Thanks for asking! I enjoyed answering your question. Just feel free to ask, sorry btw about my late reply to your question. šŸ˜…
PS: My favorite moments were of course every single moments of them interacting with each other šŸ˜‚ but to be more specific and the "MOST" favorite is still their awkward conversation about talking with Ironwood. I really loved that scene and it filled my Rosegarden shipping heart! šŸ„°ā¤ļøšŸ’š
28 notes ā€¢ Posted 2021-04-03 08:08:54 GMT
Watch "RWBY Rosegarden - Sun and Moon" on YouTube
30 notes ā€¢ Posted 2021-03-28 12:55:52 GMT
I just played Monster Hunter Stories and customized my character as Oscar. šŸ¤—
I think this is the closest one I can get? šŸ˜†
Maybe my character can find his Rose here if you know what I mean. šŸ˜ā¤ļøšŸ’š
PS: He also has freckles which is cooool! So I added one. šŸ˜
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30 notes ā€¢ Posted 2021-05-01 02:34:37 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review ā†’
Yay! šŸŽ‰
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