#sorry for not being super around today but work has been busy (tm)
cchellacat · 6 years
Vacation (Part 2 of It’s Not A Cuddle)
Love All The Marvel Ships Challenge 
Day Nine ~ Hanging Out With Friends
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She stared Steve down as he locked his jaw and gave her that judgmental holier than thou frowny face. God, the guy was such a disapproving stick in the mud sometimes.  She bet he shit in red white and blue too, the sanctimonious party pooper.   They didn’t come any more Apple Pie than good old Captain America.  But Darcy had had enough, this was her home too, technically it was her home first. Not that Rogers had figured that out yet.  She knew the others had and she also knew the pool down in security was pushing ten thousand at this point on when he would find out.  
“Bucky’s got a long road of recovery ahead, he needs quiet, not your usual brand of disturbance Darcy. I know you’re a good person, that you’ll respect my position in this.  Just keep your distance for a while, I think your behaviour is confusing him.”
Darcy mentally counted to ten, then ten again and just for good measure started reciting the periodic table too.  She would not lose her temper in a pointless argument with Captain Righteous.  Except the other part of her brain, the Stark part was screaming in the back of her head to taser him in the balls.
“Look Steve.  I know you mean well, but Bucky’s a big boy, he can use his words just fine.  If he doesn’t want me around, he can tell me himself, but I am not abandoning him just because you’re jealous.”
Steve glared down at her while she sneered back.
“I have no interest in you Miss Lewis.”
“I never said you did. I’m not blind and this isn’t 1940 anymore.  You’re losing your cool because your BAE has been flirting with me nonstop since I gave him a ‘Welcome Back, Glad You’re Not Brainwashed’, cupcake back in June.”
“I am not jealous Miss Lewis, Bucky is like a brother to me.”
“Sure you aren’t, and the Lannister’s were just siblings too, doesn’t mean they didn’t bang like rabbits.”  
Her sarcasm was so thick she could probably cut it with a knife.
Steve went a brilliant shade of puce and stalked away.  
Darcy watched him go and wrinkled her nose.  This was getting ridiculous; the guy had a massive bug up his butt about Bucky spending so much time with her.  What he needed was to pull the stick out of his ass and have some fun.  When she really thought about, all of them could use a little down time.  When was the last time any of them had had a vacation?  Probably not since before the Mandarin had blown up the house in Malibu.  Darcy hums to herself as she makes her way down to Tony’s workshop.
“Hey Pop, Peter.  What you doing?”
Tony was elbow deep in a piece of machinery and Peter was hanging upside down from the ceiling peering at whatever their dad was pointing out to him with an expression of awe.
“Just some adjustments for the engine we’re putting together”
“Cool, you building a car as some sort of father son bonding exercise?”
Tony and Peter shared an identical look of mischief and Darcy felt the hair on the back of her head rise in warning.  That was never good, the last time they had worked on something there had been doppelgangers popping in and out through portals to alternate universes, the clean up on that mess had been a bitch.  As always it had landed in her lap to deal with the fall out.  On the other hand, it had been really sweet getting to meet her counterpart in another world. In that one she was happily married to one James Buchannan Barnes with a baby on the way.  She really hoped it worked out for them, they seemed really happy together.
That world had been running a little ahead time wise though, so she figured her own delectable Mr Barnes and she had plenty of time to get their romance on the way to happily ever after, or at least she had till Captain Cockblock started lurking around every time she managed to get some alone time with him.
There was a clunk and spark from the table the boys were messing with which brought her attention back to the possible trouble the two were no doubt brewing.
“Do I have to call Mom and tell her you guys are “Up To Something” again?”
Twin looks of terror washed across their faces and the curl of satisfaction in Darcy’s gut turned her grin wicked.
“Darcy, light of my life, child of my heart, what can dear old dad do to keep you from ratting me out to Pepper?”
The look of delighted triumph that sprang up told Tony he was going to regret offering almost cart blanch for whatever scheme his daughter had concocted this time.
“Can the new house in Malibu be ready for guests this time next week?”
“I think the Avengers and their various support staff and significant others could really do with a vacation, some family time to recharge after the craptastic year and half we’ve had.  I’ll even arrange some cover for a week with Xavier. What do you say, family Va-kay?”
Tony let go a long suffering sigh and gave her ‘The Look’ TM.
“I’m not gonna get out of this am I?”
“Fine, but if Barton breaks anything it’s coming out of your allowance.”
“Bucky, are we cuddling again?”
For a long minute he just continues to hold her close, tucked into his arms protectively.  She squirms a little till he slackens his hold enough for her to look up and check his eyes.  Well that’s good, no Winter Soldier today, but something must have triggered him, he’d been doing much better in the month since she’d dropped Sam in that vat of goo.
“Umm, sorry Darcy.”  He shrugs a little and goes to step back but the squishy part of her heart has just been bent out of shape again and she wraps her arms around his waist and buries her nose in his chest.
“No sorry’s allowed Bucky-Bear.  We can hug now it’s fine, I like cuddles, remember?” Her playful tone has him slipping his arms around her again and she melts into his embrace.  
They stand that way for a few minutes, leaning into each other.  It’s the strangest way a guy has ever come onto her in her life, but she’s learning to appreciate these odd moments when Bucky just seems to need an anchor.  
For whatever reason, almost as soon as he’s been brought to the Tower, it was Darcy who had been his focus when the world around him got to be too much.  Natasha thought it was because Darcy was the least threatening looking person there, Clint was adamant that Darcy just looked like the softest most cuddly woman imaginable and that Barnes was probably a boob man.  Tony had got a pinched look on his face and told her that she probably reminded Barnes of the pin ups the guys back in the day would have postcards of, that the familiarity was a comfort.  To be honest she could see the merit in all the answers, it was probably a combination of the three.  Also, bonus for her because he was an absolute snack.  Who wouldn’t want to be wrapped up in the embrace of a six-foot super soldier with muscles like that?  Just being around him gave her the shivers, the good kind, and his eyes were a thing of beauty.  Anytime he had her caged in his arms she felt safe and warm and was tempted to start purring like a kitten.
The only thing stopping her from moving things forward was Captain “I can do this all day” Rogers.  Every time it seemed like Bucky was going to go in for a real, honest to goodness kiss the Captain would show up and she’d be back at square one.
Well, she was going to fix that.  She had plans to make, lots of villain level plans that were going to get her laid, damn it. All she needed was the house in Malibu, Sharon Carter and a little favour from Fury.  
“What are you plotting, Doll?  I can almost hear the wheels turning in you brain.”
“How would you feel about a little sun, some time by the pool and me in a bikini?”
“Sounds like a plan. How are you gonna pull it off?”
“I have my ways.”
  A week later Darcy settled into the hot tub and was quickly pulled onto Bucky’s knee.  One arm held her securely over her waist and the other handed her a drink.  She snuggled back and bit her lip as he nuzzled into her neck and placed tiny kisses at the juncture of her shoulder, sweet mother of Thor she could get used to this.  Everything had went off without a hitch.  Currently Fury had sent Steve and Sharon undercover for a month, a conveniently timed operation in Russia.  Without the good Captain to muck up her plans the rest of the Avengers had all headed to Malibu and the new house to take some vacation days.  
Everyone looked happy and relaxed.  Clint and Laura and the kids were by the pool, the kids getting a swimming lesson from Sam.  Laura was snuggled into Clint’s side on the double lounger as the archer read a book.
Peter, MJ and Ned were playing volley ball on the beach a little way down with Tony, Pepper and Happy.
Natasha was lying on a lounger, Bruce happily rubbing lotion into her back, they’d been doing that for a while now and no one was about to mention it or even raise an eyebrow.
Across the hot tub from them, Thor and Jane were enjoying a little cuddle time of their own.  
Sipping on her Mojito as Bucky’s fingers skimmed the edge of her bikini bottoms Darcy felt like everything had fallen into place nicely.  This was exactly what they had needed.  Just a nice relaxing time away from New York, the whole gang getting the chance to hang out together without the usual pressures and stresses of every day Avenging business.  
Without Steve to cock block her at every turn Bucky been in had every night since they arrived.  With both of them able to relax they had fallen into a nice routine of going to bed early and getting up late.  This morning had been especially good, waking up in his arms and exchanging sleepy kisses he had told her he loved her and then he’d shown her just how much with as much enthusiasm as he could.  
“We should do this every year Darcy.”  Bucky told her she traced her fingers over the plates in his arm.
“What, get Steve sent off for a month?”  she throws him a cheeky grin, the responding smile and chuckle and the sweet kiss he plants on her cheek brings a swell of happiness in her heart.
“No, just this, spend time together as a family, just hanging out, having fun.  Think everyone needed it, even you Doll.  You haven’t pranked anyone once since we got here.”
“Well I did promise Tony not to break anything.”
“And I know you’re more than capable of coming up with ways to inconvenience people without property damage.”
“Tony would disagree, he had to rip out the whole air filtration system at the tower three months ago on account of the number of glitter bombs that I’ve set off.”
“You never did tell me where you had Fury send Steve?”
The feral smile that graces her lips makes his cock twitch.
“Well…..  you remember that Sharon’s been working with Interpol on infiltrating a Russian human trafficking ring?  I had Fury send her Steve to help out.  Right now, he’ll be sitting in a brothel in St Petersburg which is being used as a front for illegal money laundering and weapons distribution. Sharon said she’d send him in as a customer, you know, get him a regular girl and turn an asset for them.”
Bucky choked on his drink then threw his head back and laughed.  She giggled right along with him, the thought of Steve stuck in that situation gave her a ridiculous level of satisfaction.
“Doll, I love you, don’t ever change.”
“I love you too soldier.”
He kissed her then, right in front of everyone.  The wolf whistle from Clint had her flipping him off while she closed her eyes and sank into Bucky’s warmth.
Best.  Vacation.  Ever.
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Apologies on Freedom Day
Read more: http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/672296/2c1f13214d/288055965/bbd34d3431/
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“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.” Martin Luther King Jr.
MESSAGE FROM CYNTHIA BRIAN, Founder/Executive Director
Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, marks the end of slavery in the South on June 19, 1865. As PBS proclaims, “in this sixth month of the non-stop stunner that is 2020, the country finds itself in a period of education and reckoning of the racism embedded in its birth.”
I write this message to apologize for using the “color blind” analogy in our previous newsletter. After sending out the newsletter to share solidarity, a few of our dedicated BTSYA volunteers politely emailed to inform me that the use of the words “color blind” is offensive in todays vernacular. (You may read excerpts below) I thank these brave individuals for their courage to stand up, express themselves, and educate all of us,
specifically me. One of my mottos has always been “Failure is fertilizer. Throw your mistakes on the compost pile and grow a new garden.” I made a mistake and from that I learned so much. I am sorry.
We are living in unprecedented times and the world is in chaos with Covid-19 and the largest wave of civil unrest since the 1960s, spurred by outrage over police brutality and racism. Here at Be the Star You Are!® we are INCLUSIVE. We don’t tolerate bigotry, racism, or any other negative attitude towards any race, religion, gender, culture, or viewpoint. We stand together as a colorful united family of brothers and sisters from many different countries and backgrounds. Take a peek at our website, https://www.BetheStarYouAre.org or our teen radio show at http://www.expressyourselfteenradio.com and you’ll see that our volunteers represent the nations of the world. We are very proud to stand for freedom and equality for all.
My acting union, SAG-AFTRA released the following statement from President Gabrielle Carteris and National Executive Director David P. White on the murder of George Floyd. It states more eloquently what we at Be the Star You Are!® believe so I share this with you.
“The murder of George Floyd is deeply emblematic of a corrosive inequality and injustice at the heart of America. As protests spread across the country it is not enough to condemn injustice. It’s not enough to demand change. We must recognize that racism lives in our culture and only we can change that. We must speak up in the face of injustice and fight back against the indignities our fellow citizens face every day. We must be defenders and allies. We must be better than this.The ugly truth is that Mr. Floyd's killing was one among many murders of black people over many years. Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Philando Castile, Michael Brown, Jr., Marsha P. Johnson, Emmett Till, and the list goes painfully on and on stretching back for centuries. It must end. Black lives do matter.”
Again, I apologize if the newsletter offended, Please forgive me. It was never my intention to be offensive in any way.
There is no room for bigotry, brutality, or racism in our world. We are all on a learning curve and open to all feedback. Although we are all sailing together in this time of pandemic, I recognize that we are not in the same boat.
This is a time to be kind. To help one another. To be inclusive. We will not tolerate injustice. When we embrace diversity we increase peacefulness. Let’s remember that love always wins when kindness prevails. Smiles will keep us happy.
Juneteenth is not currently recognized as a Federal holiday but by celebrating it, we take one step forward towards reconciliation and the fight for freedom for all.
We want to hear from you. How do you demonstrate that Black Lives Matter? We’re interested in your thoughts and actions. Send your comments (less than 50 words) to our Kindness Coordinator, Karen Kitchel at [email protected] by June 30. We will include a variety of responses (first name only) in our July newsletter.
I know I'm going to make many more mistakes. We all will. But let's learn and grow from them. We are COLOR BRAVE!
Be strong, be brave, be safe.
And don’t forget to also celebrate Father’s Day on June 21. A salute to all the great dads of every color and creed.
In solidarity,
Cynthia Brian Founder/Executive Director Be the Star You Are!® PO Box 376 Moraga, California 94556 [email protected] https://www.BetheStarYouAre.org http://www.BTSYA.org
DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
"I'm emailing you now about the newsletter I recently received that was titled Become Color Blind. I understand the need to be in unity in this fight against institutional racism and police brutality, so I do appreciate your response on this. But I feel that asking everyone to "become color blind" is counterproductive and incredibly tone deaf in light of recent events.
Saying you are color blind says that you ignore the fact that oppression/racism exists for people of color like me. As recent events have shown, we are all not treated equally, unfortunately. I in no way mean to attack you, but this was something I found to be offensive. Put short, I feel there are better ways voicing your support.
Here is a video that might help explain some of what I said better. https://www.ted.com/talks/mellody_hobson_color_blind_or_color_brave Sincerely, Anika "
"I admire all of the work you do in order to enrich the lives of young people. I received your email earlier this week regarding the Black Lives Matter movement and in it you stated that your organization is ‘Color Blind’, I know this statement is not meant to have malice or be hurtful. So I felt obligated to explain why this popular statement is damaging and can make people of color feel uncomfortable.
I am Latina and for me this statement, while well intentioned, can feel as if my unique experiences with being Mexican are overlooked. We can no longer be colorblind, we must recognize people’s experiences and understand that someone who is Black has had a different experience than someone who is Asian. To say that your organization is ‘Color Blind’ diminishes the experiences of POC. While we all bleed the same blood we are all experiencing a different reality, while some of us may never struggle because of the color of our skin others will have to live in fear because of theirs. And these differences need to be acknowledged. What you must strive for instead is to not be color blind, but to be actively Anti-Racist. Being anti-racist means that you are actively acknowledging other experiences while educating yourself on how to be a better ally. We must realize and digest how Black people in our country carry the weight of hundreds of years of systematic oppression and learn how to fight for a system that values Black lives. Color blind and anti-racist are not interchangeable and while one diminishes the existence of oppression and experience the other acknowledges oppression and actively tries to counteract it.
I wanted to contact you to explain this because I know that your email had the best intentions and did not mean to diminish any experiences. I am very happy to see your organization be so accepting and so against discrimination. I wanted to mention that I mean no disrespect in sending this email to you and solely wanted to let you know how this term has changed and evolved. I understand that the words I use today when it comes to fighting against discrimination will be replaced in the future with other terms better suited for the fight against racism. I am very happy that I worked with a group that has taken a firm stance on this issue and I wish you all the best.
If my definition was not very clear here are some resources that may explain it better than I could:
https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2018/10/05/white-parents-teach-their-children-be- colorblind-heres-why-thats-bad-everyone/
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/culturally-speaking/201112/colorblind-ideology- is-form-racism
Thank you for reading this and hearing my perspective in this issue. Best, Olivia"
Don't live your life by default, live by design.
Passions into Profits Women's Summit
Hosted by Jane Applegath at http://JaneApplegath.com.
Summit begins on June 20th, 2020 with a special guest featured each day .Be the heroine of your own epic life. Watch and learn from a league of leaders and trailblazers to help you to lead a life you love. Your dreams can be your reality!
Cynthia Brian is the featured guest on June 25th. FREE registration.
http://www.janeapplegath.com. WRITER WEDNESDAYS and SUPER SMART SUNDAYS
As part of our Be the Star You Are! Disaster Relief Outreach program (https://www.bethestaryouare.org/copy-of- operation-hurricane-disaste), Be the Star You Are!® has collaborated with the Authors Guild to showcase the new books launched by many authors from around the country in a variety of genres. We will also be showcasing artists, actors, and musicians, all of whom had had their gigs canceled and are out of work. We believe in supporting creativity and believe that books, art, music, and film provide escape and
joy, especially during tough times. For the next few months, make sure you are tuned in to both StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® on Wednesdays at 4pm PT for “Writers Wednesdays” LIVE http://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2206/be-the-star-you-are as well as our teen program, Express Yourself!TM airing on Sundays at 3pm PT for “Super Smart Sundays”, https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2014/express-yourself
Both programs broadcast on the Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel and will be archived on that site as well as iTunes, Stitcher, etc. It’s a giant artistic festival!
Our Star Teen Book Review Team is busy reading and writing reviews for you to enjoy this summer. Reviews are honest and the personal experience of each writer. Check them out at our website, http://www.btsya.com/book_reviews.html, and at our partner, The Reading Tub, https://thereadingtub.org/books/be-the-star- you-are/. Many thanks to our Book Review Coordinator, Stephanie Cogeos, for keeping us on track. If you are interested in joining our team, you can find the info at http://www.btsya.com/book_reviews.html,.
Need a gift for Dad, birthdays, graduations, weddings, or just for yourself? These are on- line shopping portals that will sell you what you need, offer discounts, and assist our mission as a nonprofit. Please use these web sites for all of your shopping essentials,
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Celebrate Freedom Day! 
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” Mahatma Gandhi
Be the Star You Are!®
PO Box 376 Moraga, California 94556 [email protected] https://www.BetheStarYouAre.org
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trdwriting · 7 years
Moving Pains
Summary: After graduating college, Wilbur decides to move out of the Robinson household to live on his own. Carl doesn’t take the news very well.
Content Warnings: Two instances of foul language.
Portals: Fanfiction.net | AO3
A/N: Thanks to @that-guy-in-the-bowler-hat for requesting this. We were talking about headcannons after I wrote my 10th anniversary Meet The Robinsons fic and we got on the subject of Carl and Wilbur having an argument if Wilbur were to ever move out of the house. Thus, this fic was born!
This fic takes place in the same universe as my last one-shot “Revisited”, so George is making a return as Wilbur’s boyfriend. Hopefully, you all find him just as interesting as Wilbur, haha!
Wilbur uncapped the black Sharpie lying next to his leg and labelled the box he had recently taped shut “Winter Clothes”. He carried the box to the door and sat it alongside other cardboard boxes piled nearby. Packing up all his belongings was more of a transformative experience that he had originally anticipated. After many months of stomach aching, searching and discussion with his boyfriend, George, Wilbur had decided to move out of the Robinson household and live in a nearby apartment. Wilbur and his boyfriend both had secure jobs- him as a burgeoning video game developer and George as a staff writer for a local magazine. They had found an affordable apartment out closer to the city center. The floor space was rather small; there were two rooms and a bathroom. But it was cozy. George had moved the last of his belongings into their space yesterday. Wilbur was moving the bulk of his stuff today. His biggest worry with this transition had been his family. All his life, they had been more than supportive to pretty much anything he did (outside of abjectly stupid choices), but his entire extended family lived under one roof. For him to move out was against tradition. Because of this, Wilbur confessed his desire to live on his own as casually as possible over dinner, not knowing what to expect. The reactions were mixed. Uncle Joe sobbed, sucking his thumb vigorously (though he reacted that way if he didn’t eat on schedule, so that didn’t mean too much). His grandpa cheered for him, and his two uncles clapped him on the back. Aunt Petunia rolled her eyes and complained that his new “boy toy” was making him forget about the family. His mother and father wore indiscernible reactions on their faces. They looked at each other, exchanging information in just a glance. The rest of the family was swept up with mumbles.
His parents pulled him aside for a TalkTM, but ultimately, they encouraged him. His mother understood, as she had moved in with Cornelius after they had become a serious couple. “Should I be expecting an engagement announcement soon?” she asked him playfully, smirking at Wilbur. He just blushed and scrubbed at the back of his neck.
His father’s response was noncommittal. He said, “Well, as long as you are happy, I think you should do it. You are old enough to live on your own” and left the conversation at that. Wilbur could sense that his father was holding something else back, but he didn’t push the issue.
With his parent’s blessing, Wilbur was slowly gathering his belongings together. The rest of the family helped him out, making the actual move an easy affair. Uncle Art offered up his flying saucer as transportation, though Wilbur declined because he wasn’t sure if Uncle Art was allowed to use the company vehicle for personal purposes. Everyone else searched the house for anything that was Wilbur’s and brought it to him, so he could decide from there what to do with it.
Carl was the exception. Ever since he broke the news about his move, the robot hadn’t spoken much to Wilbur. Anytime they did talk, Carl fiddled with his hands and avoided eye contact at all costs. The conversations were brief and never about anything too serious. Whenever Wilbur asked him what was wrong, Carl would come up with some excuse and zip away before Wilbur had a chance to stop him.
Wilbur had started wrapping up his Captain Time Travel figures when he heard a knock on the door. Carl peered into Wilbur’s room, an unreadable expression on his face.
“Hey. Can I come in?” he asked, almost in a whisper. Wilbur beamed at his friend, standing up to meet him at the doorway.
“Yeah, of course, Carl.”
After Carl stepped inside, he narrowed his optics and looked away from Wilbur, tapping his metallic fingers against where his chin would be if his face weren’t a smooth cylinder shape. He turned back to Wilbur, ready to say something, but he paused, frowning. Wilbur arched an eyebrow, waiting for Carl to find his words.
“Look…Wilbur…uh…” Carl’s optics darted around the room, sticking onto places were his belongings were missing. “I…I’m really happy about you and George. You know, he’s…he’s a good kid. And I’m really proud of you! Super proud of all the things you’ve done and seriously…being your friend has been…such a gift.”
“…But?” Wilbur knew what was coming.
Carl gave him a deep sigh. “…but…I really don’t think you should move out.”
There it was. Although Carl hadn’t said as much, Wilbur had a feeling this is what Carl had been refusing to talk about. Wilbur swallowed back his frustration. “Why?” he asked, as he returned to packing.
“Well…you already have a home here! You don’t need to live away from us, you know?” Wilbur took another sheet of wrapping paper as he listened to Carl speak. “It’s a lot of work to live on your own, too. You have to pay your own bills and make your own food and- “
“Dude, I know. That’s why I want to move out. I’ve never done anything without the family before and…I want that to change. I think learning to be self-sufficient would be a good thing for me.” Wilbur loved his family-always had, always will. He was proud to be a Robinson, but sometimes he wished to exist as a more independent entity. People had associated his face with his father’s his whole life. He wanted an existence outside of that shadow, at least as much of one as he could.
Carl changed the subject. “Well…maybe George could move in here. We have plenty of room.”
“George wouldn’t want that. You know how he gets all shy when he is around too many people. The Robinsons would drive him nuts!”  
When Carl didn’t say anything, Wilbur spoke up. “Look, Carl…George and I…We are in a serious relationship now. This isn’t one of my high school dates that I broke up with after three months. I’ve been with him for two years now.” Wilbur met Carl’s eyes. “I want to take the next step with him. Who knows, maybe some time down the line, we’ll get engaged.” His face blossomed red at the words. “But we won’t know if that’s the right move unless we spend time living with each other.”
Wilbur could hear the way Carl joints creaked as he moved and he imagined Carl was wildly gesticulating, the way he always did when he was passionately speaking. “So what? You don’t need to move away when you have a serious relationship. I haven’t moved out of this house once in all my years of dating!”
“All of your ‘dates’ lived here already, Carl! There was no need to move.”
“Well, if they didn’t live here, then I wouldn’t move anyway. A little biking never hurt anyone.”
Wilbur glared at Carl from the box he was packing. “Why are you bringing all of this up now? Right as I’m about to leave when you could’ve mentioned this to me at any point these last few weeks? I’m almost completely packed!”
Carl’s mouth flapped open and shut like a fish.  He fidgeted.  “I...I was having a hard time coming up with what to say. I mean, you seemed so dead-set on leaving, I…I only just now figured out all of my thoughts.”
“That’s such a lie.” Wilbur muttered.
“I’m telling you the truth!”
He felt all the seams of his composure break at the same time, his bile pouring out all at once. “You’ve never had a real relationship in your life! They were all with appliances!”
Wilbur regretted saying that as soon as it came out of his mouth. Carl stood there, shocked. If he had tear ducts, he would most certainly be crying. Before Wilbur could apologize, Carl left his room, sobbing.
 The next day, Wilbur ate dinner with his family, his last dinner at home while living under the Robinson roof. The family found the occasion momentous enough for celebration, so they ate more dessert than usual- lava cakes, macaroons, apple pie and even ice cream sundaes. Wilbur could only stomach a bit of the lavish food. He probably would have had a larger apetite if a wad of guilt wasn’t weighing his stomach down. In between small bites of ice cream, he would glance at Carl, but Carl never met his eyes.  He busied himself with serving the food and collecting any dirty dishes to be cleaned later. Wilbur glanced back down at his ice cream, suddenly feeling his stomach twist. He pushed the sundae away from him, the treat turning to ash on his tongue.
“Wilbur, why aren’t you eating your ice cream?” Cousin Lazlo asked, fiddling with his paint gun. “You love ice cream.”
At that comment, the whole table looked to Wilbur. He sat up a bit and cleared his throat. “Sorry, I’m just not that hungry right now. It was good, though.” He didn’t bother to look up. He knew his family were probably concerned, but Wilbur couldn’t be bothered to care.
Carl made no comment about Wilbur not finishing his favorite dessert. He merely stretched his arm over the length of the table and scooped the now- sundae soup without so much as a concern tilt of the head. As soon as his dishes were taken away, Wilbur got up from the table, heading back to his room.
“Wilbur?” He turned around when his dad called his name, hands in his pockets. Cornelius’s arms were folded over his chest. “Is everything okay?”
Wilbur drew a hand through his hair. “Yeah…yeah. I’m fine, Dad.” When Cornelius’s eyebrows didn’t lower, he realized that his father didn’t believe him at all. Not surprising. “Alright…no, I’m not fine.”
The creases in Cornelius’s face softened. He came closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.
“No…I got it, Dad. I just got to talk to Carl and apologize for being a shithead,” he mumbled, ignoring the sour look Cornelius gave him at his curse. “Trust me. I know what to do.”
“Alright, son,” Cornelius pat Wilbur’s shoulder. “If you need anything, you know who to talk to.” Wilbur watched him walk away before heading to the kitchen, where Carl was planning out the next meal for the family. He had his head in the refrigerator when Wilbur cleared his throat. “Carl?”  
He heard a metallic clank and a muffled ow. Carl emerged, rubbing the back of his head. “Jeez, Wilbur. You scared me!”
             “Sorry.” Wilbur put his hands into his pockets again. “So, Carl. I just…came here to apologize for, y’know what I said to you and everything. It was pretty stupid of me and…and it wasn’t cool.” Wilbur studied Carl, waiting for the forgiveness that he was positive would be coming.
             Instead, Carl just looked back at Wilbur blankly. “That’s it? That’s your apology.”
             “What else am I supposed to say? I’m sorry for what I said about you.”
             Carl huffed. “Do you think that’s going to make me feel better? Look, I’m sure you are sorry, bro, but I’m still hurt. What you said…….that was pretty painful. I’m not….I’m sorry, but I can’t forgive you just yet, okay?” Carl turned away from Wilbur, focusing on writing out a list of ingredients.
             “Why not? I didn’t mean what I said!”
             “You still said it.” Carl said bitterly. A rather awkward pause passed between them, heavy with Carl’s cold shoulder. Wilbur left without a word, getting Carl’s message.
 Wilbur sat on the couch in his new apartment, playing a new video game he bought, hoping it would lift his spirits. Being stuck on the same jump wasn’t helping his mood. He groaned as the lost his last life to the same empty pit, tossing the controller to the side.
He cradled his face in his hands, so he only felt the couch dip when George took a seat next to him. “Couldn’t beat the level?” he asked. Wilbur felt a gentle hand rub between his shoulder blades.
He peered out from between his fingers at George. “No. I couldn’t.”
“Something up?” George had gotten good at reading his emotions over the years. Too good, sometimes.
Wilbur sat fully upright, the curve of his back pressed along the back of the couch. “It’s been a week and Carl still won’t talk to me. I’m starting to think that we might never be friends again.”
             Wilbur heard George heave a sigh. “You’re exaggerating again, cariño.”
             “Am I?” he huffed. “I apologized to him the day after we fought and yet he still won’t talk to me.” He stared up at the ceiling. “He told me he couldn’t forgive me yet, but I have a feeling maybe he never will forgive me! He’s never been this quiet before. Every time we’ve ever disagreed on something, we’ve always made up by the end of the day. But now…I don’t know if I can ever fix up what happened…What do I even do?”
             A hand rested on Wilbur’s knee and he turned to look at George. To save what little resolve he had, he didn’t meet George’s hazel eyes. Wilbur couldn’t afford to get lost in them.  He focused on his nose instead, narrowing on the minute shrinking and flaring of the nostrils.
             It took him a moment to realize George was calling his name. “Sorry, what?” he asked, looking up, finally creating eye contact.
             “I said, you need to give Carl some time. You obviously hurt him a lot. He is allowed not to forgive you, you know?”
             Wilbur’s shoulder sunk. “Yeah, yeah…I know.” His head drooped with his sagging shoulders until George took his jaw in his hand and brought their eye contact together again.
             “But…you and Carl have been friends since you were a baby. I have a feeling someone who put up with you as a bratty kid will be able to forgive you for being an idiot.”
             Wilbur pouted. “I take offense with that.”
             George’s mouth twitched to a smile, but his lips fell again. “Besides, I can’t really blame Carl for being upset about your moving out. He never liked me very much.”
             What? He didn’t know what George was saying. Everyone loved him! “Dude, c’mon. Why would Carl not like y-“ The answer hit him in the face like a wet washcloth. “…You think he was jealous of us?”
             George nodded. It was his turn to break eye contact. “He was okay with me when we were just friends, but…I think at some point he noticed that I had a crush on you and…well….”
             Wilbur thought back to before they started dating, looking for evidence of George’s claims, but he came back empty-handed. “What do you mean? I don’t remember Carl acting weird around you. He might’ve while we were dating, but….”
             “He was, cariño. Créeme.”
             Wilbur wanted to believe his boyfriend was mistaken, but considering how wounded Carl had seemed after he had left the Robinson household didn’t give much hope to an alternative explanation. Wilbur took George’s hand. George turned to look at him, gently chewing the inside of his cheek like he always did when he was thinking.
             Wilbur let go of his hand and wrapped it around his waist, resting his head against George’s wild chestnut hair. “You know, I’m really happy we moved in together.”
             George tilted his head, but didn’t say anything. His wore a genuine smile on his lips, the kind that warmed his stomach the way a recent sip of hot chocolate did. “Me, too.”
             Their lips met, gentle and loving. Wilbur cupped one of George’s cheeks and traced his cheekbone out with his thumb. After a few softer pecks, they separated. Wilbur smiled, moving his hand from his cheek to just along his jaw.  
             “Remember that one time when Carl caught us making out in my room?”
             Wilbur snickered when George’s face immediately flushed, the red bleeding onto his neck. “Don’t remind me.” He grumbled in Spanish.
             “I think he was more upset than you.” Wilbur said through a chuckle, replying in the same language.
             George wrinkled his nose and squinted his eyes at Wilbur. He had shifted so their hips were touching. “Why are you bringing up the most embarrassing moment of my life?”
             George’s expression was so cute that Wilbur needed a couple extra seconds to translate. “Well..” he put their foreheads together. “....because the way you kissed me was unforgettable.”
             Wilbur’s heart kicked up a couple of notches when George smirked a bit and shook his head, chuckling. “You make it sound like that was the best kiss you ever had from me. We’ve shared an awful lot of them.”
             Wilbur shrugged, trying to seem as unaffected as possible, even though George sometimes made it hard to breath. “Mind sharing some more with me?”
             George replied by kissing Wilbur until his lips were red with them.
               Dust floated in and out of the sliver of light spilling into Carl’s room as he shuffled through his belongings. As he quietly organized tools, he noticed a picture frame that had somehow wedged itself behind his desk. He retrieved it and almost immediately he wanted to return it to the dark corner of his room where it came from. A younger Wilbur, George and him smiled up from the frame, arms wrapped around each other. Carl was in the middle with Wilbur and George on either side. The two boys were no older than ten. Wilbur still had his rounded baby cheeks and George’s hair was long enough to almost cover his eyes.
             Carl sighed (a purely vocal sigh, as he had no air to expel. It came out more like he had just discovered he could make sounds at all), cradling the frame in his palms. Wilbur, George and him had been in separable for Wilbur’s entire existence.  The two boys had been in the same kindergarten class. From that point on, if he saw one of the boys, he guessed the other was not too far away. In the beginning, he had assumed their friendship would morph into a strong brotherly affection. That’s how Carl saw Wilbur anyway. (Technically, they shared a father.) When George was thirteen, their relationship shifted. They were still friends- always spending time together, but Carl could sense a tension between them- subtle enough to ignore, but strong enough to make their interactions minutely different. George would often cast glances at Wilbur when he wasn’t looking and Wilbur would do the same. He was surprised when Wilbur and George dated other people, expecting for a confession to come at any time. Finally, they started dating once Wilbur went off to college. And now…well…Wilbur was living with George.
             Ah yes…He recalled the bitter argument he and Wilbur had before he left. Wilbur’s claim that he would never understand human romance still buzzed in his audio processors …Carl would admit that he was not the best with people, but Cornelius had programmed him well enough to see how much George meant to Wilbur. He understood the desire to stay around someone you cared about, especially someone you loved. He understood it, but it was still upsetting to see his best friend leave.
             He recalled the apology Wilbur had given him the day after, while he was in the kitchen. Logically, Carl knew that Wilbur didn’t want to leave things on bad terms and probably felt horrible about what he said, but emotionally, Carl hadn’t been able to accept the apology. Wilbur’s word had felt shallow to him. Not because Wilbur didn’t honestly feel sorry for his actions, but more that Wilbur had expected Carl to forgive him. In some ways, that stung more than anything Wilbur had said. Couldn’t Wilbur see that he needed time to heal? That he couldn’t say that everything was okay when they clearly were not?
             He was so lost in his melancholy that he almost didn’t hear the knock on his door. “Carl?”
             Carl felt his gears shift, taken aback. He was not expecting to here Wilbur’s voice call to him. He set the photo down and opened the door. Wilbur cleared his throat. “Hey, Carl. Can we talk for a bit?”
             Carl resisted the urge to leap at Wilbur and hug him. “Yeah.” He stepped out of his room completely. “Uh…so…Wilbur…”
             Wilbur help up his hand. “Let me go first. Carl, I’m sorry about what I said to you before I moved out. It was…shitty of me and I feel really, really bad about it. I know that your relationships are important to you. I mean, you are one of the most understanding and loving guys I know. For me to insult you like that…well, I really messed up. And then when I expected you to be in a place to forgive me right after what happened… ” Wilbur was silent for a moment, letting what he said stew before continuing. “The reason I was so upset when we had that argument was because I was expecting you to support me, but I didn’t really think about your feelings and that a change like this is going to affect the people around me.”
             Carl blinked, his lips twitching in a smile. He knew that Wilbur had a lot of pride, always thinking he knew what was best, that he had everything under control. For him to admit his weakness meant a lot. “I…I was really upset that you were moving out. Not because you were doing anything…you know, wrong…I just….” He sniffled. “…didn’t want you to grow up so fast. I mean, one minute you’re this…little buddy that wears space onesies…” He saw Wilbur roll his eyes at that comment.  “…and the next, you’ve got a boyfriend! Next thing I know, you’re gonna be bringing home little buddies of your own and…. and…Oh, Wilbur! I’m gonna miss you so much!”
             His resolve crumbled as he roped Wilbur into a hug. He didn’t notice he was squeezing too hard until Wilbur wheezed at him to let up, which he did. “Gosh, I’m so proud of you! I think you should name one of your kids after me.”
             Wilbur’s cheeks were a deep shade of red and he coughed. Instead of responding, he clapped his hand on Carl’s spindly shoulder. “Thanks, pal. I’ll try to stop by more, okay?”
             Carl nodded eagerly. “And I’ll stop by your new crib too. You have to show me around.”
             “Maybe in a little while. There’s still some unpacking we have to do.”
             The two of them chatted until Wilbur wrinkled his nose. “Something smells like it’s burning.”
             Suddenly, Carl gasped and sped away to the nearest travel tube, yelling “NO! NOT THE APPLE PIE!” as he left. Wilbur chuckled and shook his head. He followed after him. Wilbur wasn’t going to miss out Carl’s apple pie for the world, even if it was a little burnt.
 Translation Notes:
-cariño= (literally: affection) term of endearment; equivalent to honey or sweetie.
-Créeme.= Believe me.
I am not fluent in Spanish, so I appreciate any feedback. I want to be as accurate as possible.
 Thank you for reading this work. I hope you all enjoyed it! Additional thank yous to @that-guy-in-the-bowler-hat for the request.
I have accounts on AO3 (TheRationalDove), Fanfiction.net (The Rational Dove) and Tumblr (tdrwritings). Want to request a fanfic? Send me an ask or PM!
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I'm so in love with your Single Dad!Shiro AU I am beyond saving bless your soul thank you for this AU. I have a couple of suggestions 1) everyone has fallen down the stairs once in their lives. Imagine Shiro's reaction to Keith's first trip (you can choose whether it's on a scale of I, who only fell about 5 to the bottom, or my sister, who jumped from the top stair because she thought her fairy wings were real). Also please consider: Keith going to his first Teenage Party(TM) ((y'know)).
Hello! Aw thank you so much for such a sweet ask, you’re making me blush! This is so great. Both of your asks are terrific and great. We all have had our moments down the stairs, some better and some worse (but omg your poor sister!). I hope you like this and the second one was also great but I only had time to write out one oneshot :’(. I still hope you like it! But as for Keith’s first Teenage Party, here’s some HCs:
-Keith went to his first ever party when he was 15, and it was a homecoming celebration of all things.
-Honestly he didn’t even want to go but Lance, Hunk and even Pidge were excited about it bc they knew the guy hosting the party.
-Red wound up coming with Keith bc of all the noises and the crowds and just from the outside, Keith knew this night was going to be a disaster.
-He found a small dark corner where he huddled up with Red standing guard at his side, growling at anyone that tried to get near him.
-Eventually Keith couldn’t handle all of the noises or the strange people or the alcohol and Red is getting antsy too, trying to keep everyone away until finally the kid who threw the party notices and pulls Keith aside (after Red almost tries to bite him) upstairs in his parent’s bedroom where it is much quieter and there are no people
-Red relaxes and the kid allows Keith to call his dad and keeps him calm before Hunk, Lance and Pidge can reach them, and the kid seems to know all the tricks to help Keith calm down until his dad and friends can come get him.
-When Keith finally asks how the kid knows all that, he tells him that his younger brother and sister were both Autistic and Keith reminded him so much of them and who they could be.
But anyway, here is the actual one shot about Keith V. Stairs. Enjoy!
              Keithwas bored.
              And whenhe was bored, things never seemed to end smoothly. After all, Keith was anadventurous four-year-old. He did not always like to sit around and color.Especially when the washing machine andthe dryer were both being obnoxiously loud today. No, Keith was an adventureror an explorer, which meant that Keith could not just sit around all day.
              Especiallynot when daddy was too busy doing taxes. Whatever those were.
              AllKeith knew was that his daddy had lots of ‘mportant papers all over the kitchentable and he has his reading glasseson, which typically was a sign for Keith not to bother his daddy.
              To befair, Keith hadn’t bothered his daddy for a super, duper long time. Consideringthat his daddy had first started working when the big hand was on the 12 andthe little hand was on the ten, on the clock. Now the big hand was almost onthe 11 and the little hand was in between the ten and 11. That must have been such a long time. At least 11 whole numbers!
              “Daddy,is your taxes done? No more?” Keith sauntered up to the kitchen table where hisdaddy was sitting. He had to stand on his tip toes in order to just see overthe table. His fingers began tapping against the old wood out of habit andShiro looked over at his son. Taxes weren’t hard for Shiro but that didn’t meanthat they never took forever to getdone, and with Keith’s adoption completely finalized after so long he had a lotmore work this year than usual.
              Shirohad to give Keith credit. The toddler had lasted nearly an hour of silencebefore bothering him. That was quite impressive considering Keith hadn’t hadhis snuggle time yet today. Carefully, Shiro pulled Keith up on to his lip andrubbed his eyes tiredly. Keith looked all over at the scattered papers,frowning heavily at them before rubbing Shiro’s cheek.
              “Alldone.” Keith announced, causing Shiro to chuckle.
              “I’msorry baby, but no I’m not done with the taxes.” Shiro apologized when he sawKeith’s expression fall.  He hated notbeing able to spend time with Keith (once Keith actually started Kindergarten,who knew how much time he and Keith would have together?), but unfortunately,Shiro had been putting this off for far too long and they needed to get done.“These take a while and Daddy is only about halfway done.”
              “But,I’m hungry.” Keith stated as if that would suddenly make Shiro drop everythingand the taxes would magically be finished. Well, it did work for the latter ofthose two things. Shiro had gotten up and decided that they could both use asnack break and went into the kitchen to make Keith and him a bowl of mac ‘ncheese.
              “Alright.I’m hungry too. How about we get a snack?” Shiro smiled when Keith noddedquietly but the smile on his face melted Shiro’s heart. Stay this way forever.
              Keithsighed dramatically.
              Hewasn’t hungry anymore and his daddy had made sure to make him an extra big andextra delicious bowl of food. He’d even made his own food and sat with Keith onthe bar stools to eat. Unfortunately, after some time when both were finished,his daddy had let Keith go and told him that he needed to finish with thestupid taxes. He promised Keith that he was almost done, but to Keith, that wassooooo long ago.
              Keithwas having trouble keeping occupied while his daddy worked. He colored all thepages in his coloring book (neatly and inside the lines). He’d organized hiscollection of rubber dinosaurs. He’d tossed a ball along the wall until hisdaddy had suggested he go play outside.
              Whichwas why Keith was standing on the outside porch looking down the stairs. Hecould play on the swings? Or he could pick dandelions and make a hat? He couldsit in the grass? Though, none of that sounded fun to the toddler as he stared at the stairs and hand rail of theporch steps. Keith eyed the stairs, debating if he even wanted to go down themand into the yard or stay on the porch. Besidesit takes a while to get down and then back up all those stairs.
              Keithsighed when he looked to the handrail before frowning. He remembered Lance oncetelling him about getting down the stairs faster and with a “funner way” evenif “funner” wasn’t a real word. Lance had bragged at school about the band aidon his elbow from sliding down the handrail at his house. While Keith didn’tcare so much about the band aid or the story, he did remember Lance telling himthat it was much faster than just walking down the stairs.
              PlusLance had only gotten a teeny little cut and that must be because he was superclumsy. Keith was much safer so that must mean he wouldn’t get hurt like Lancedid, right? And it was faster and fun.
              Climbingup the bars on the porch proved to be difficult for Keith and he almost slippeda couple of times, but his determination and motivation won out until he waseventually sitting on top of the handrail. Keith eyes widened when he lookedout into their backyard; he’d rarely ever been this high up before unless hisdaddy was carrying him.
              Was this how daddy felt every day? This wasamazing.
              Keithhad hoped that one day he too could be this tall, so that he may also see whathis daddy sees. Because it was a lot better than barely being able to see overthe kitchen table.
              Keitheyed the downward ramp of the handrail, remembering Lance’s words in the backof his mind. Surely Lance couldn’t be a liar? If he said that this was aneasier way and a faster way to get down, then he must be on to something. Keithwiggled himself along the edge of the handrail before turning his body aroundto get a better grip and begin sliding down.
              However,Keith only managed to travel down about a foot before he suddenly felt himselftumbling off the edge of thehandrail. The ground suddenly was coming up to Keith faster than he everanticipated.
              Therewas a harsh crack and a hard impact when Keith hit the ground.
              Then hescreamed.
              Shirowas so tired.
              But hewas just about done. He had one last page to do and he could call it quits forthis year’s taxes. Luckily, Keith had been fairly quiet since going outside andhe hadn’t bothered Shiro anymore since lunch. Giving Shiro plenty of time tohurry and finish with the taxes.
              However,Shiro nearly jolted out of his chair and almost spilt his coffee all over thetable when he heard a sudden, loud and shrill scream coming from outside.
              Heartthumping in his chest, Shiro left his coffee on the counter and scrambled outthe backdoor where he could not find Keith. But he could hear him (It was hard to not hear the pained screams). Shiro froze,eyes darting around the backyard when he couldn’t spot Keith. He was prettyclose to snapping until he saw a dark blur on the ground beside the porch.
              Quickly,Shiro raced down the stairs where he was horrified to find Keith rolling on theground, clutching one of his arms. When Shiro knelt beside the screaming androlling toddler, it was then that he saw the absurd angle of which Keith’s armwas at and Shiro’s heart sunk. There wasno way that his arm wasn’t broken. It had to be.
              “Keith,Keith, baby what happened?” Shiro gently put his hands down on Keith to keepthe boy from rolling on his arm. Keith wiggled and squirmed and continued toscream as if he were dying. He tried to wiggle free of Shiro’s grip and despitethe tears on his face, and the spottiness of his cheeks and the pain in hisscreams, Shiro did not budge. He knew moving Keith’s arm right now would onlymake matters worse.
              “Hey,hey now, it’s okay sweetheart.” Shiro cooed softly, trying to gather Keith upinto his arms without jostling the broken arm. Keith continued to scream for afew more minutes (breaking Shiro’s heart repeatedly over again) before finallycalming down to loud, wet sobs. It was then that Keith seemed to notice Shirohad arrived.
              “D-Daddyhurts! M-Make stop!” Keith sobbed loudly, unable to curl into his dad due thepain in his arm and the fact that Shiro was holding him rather tightly. “P-Pleasedaddy! Hurts!”
              “I knowsweetheart. I know.” Shiro whispered softly, before standing up. A lump formedin his throat when he moved too quickly and Keith screamed again through histears. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m going to help make it all better. I’msorry you’re hurting baby, I know.”
              “D-Daddy.”Keith moaned and hiccupped a sob. Shiro swallowed and ushered back the tearsthat were threatening to fall. In his mad scramble to get Keith help, he’dnearly forgotten to grab his phone or his keys in order to take Keith to thehospital nearby.
              “It’sokay sweetheart, you’re going to be okay.”
              “Whatdid we learn today?” Shiro found himself gently stroking back the hair offKeith’s pale face. The little boy looked at Shiro with glazed eyes and a loopygrin, from where he lay on the hospital bed.
              After anhour of excruciating pain, setting Keith’s arm and getting a cast on the boy,the doctor’s had confirmed that Keith had broken his arm in two differentplaces. He was finally all settled in a hospital bed, which was much too bigfor him, with child-friendly pain medications running through his veins. Shirofinally felt like he could take a breath again and even he had to admit that itwas a bit funny seeing Keith on pain medication for the first time.
              At least he isn’t screaming anymore.
              “Ilearned that daddy is super fast.” Keith grinned wobbily and Shiro held back asnicker. “Daddy why is your hair white? Are you an alien?”
              Thistime Shiro did laugh, which caused Keith to frown. “No sweetheart, I’m not analien. I promise you.” Keith frowned and eyed Shiro as if he didn’t believe himbefore nodding stubbornly. Until his eyes suddenly widened and he gasped.
              “Daddy!Your arm is gone!” Keith cried out, looking far more devastated than he should be.“Where did you put it?”
              Shiro swallowedback his laughter before flexing the metal fingers of his prosthetic. “Daddy’s armis right here see. It’s just a little bit different.” Keith’s eyes were almostbugging out of his head as he stared at Shiro’s prosthetic as if he had neverseen it before. Shiro almost wanted to take out his phone and film the littleboy.
              “Youmeant a lot different.” Keith gaspedquietly. “That is so much cooler than my arm. Can I have it?”
              Shirobarked out a sudden laugh before ticking Keith’s cheek. Instantly, the toddlergiggled and squirmed away, careful of his cast. “No, I’m sorry sweetheart butyour two arms are just perfect just the way they are.” Shiro gently kissed bothof Keith’s hands, causing him to giggle, and had to maneuver around Keith’scast. “Except, now you gotta be careful with this arm now.”
              Keithfrowned tiredly. “How come?”
              “Well,you accidentally broke the bones and that means –”
              “They’rebroken?! Did you have to glue them back together?!” Keith cried out in completedespair and Shiro continuously had to remind himself of being an awful father if he laughed at Keith now.“Am I gonna lose my arm too?”
              “Nosweetheart. Your arm will be just fine.” Shiro gently ran his fingers throughKeith’s hair which calmed the boy down slowly. Keith leaned back against thepillow, eyes drooping before he let out a mighty yawn. “Your arm will getbetter, but let’s not try to slide down anymore handrails okay?”
              Keithyawned again and smiled. “’Kay daddy. But next time, can you not write yourname on my arm?”
              “Keiththat’s a cast. You’re supposed to do that.”
              “’S notmy name.”
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goddessgardener · 4 years
Apologies on Freedom Day
Read more: http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/672296/2c1f13214d/288055965/bbd34d3431/
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“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.” Martin Luther King Jr.
MESSAGE FROM CYNTHIA BRIAN, Founder/Executive Director
Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, marks the end of slavery in the South on June 19, 1865. As PBS proclaims, “in this sixth month of the non-stop stunner that is 2020, the country finds itself in a period of education and reckoning of the racism embedded in its birth.”
I write this message to apologize for using the “color blind” analogy in our previous newsletter. After sending out the newsletter to share solidarity, a few of our dedicated BTSYA volunteers politely emailed to inform me that the use of the words “color blind” is offensive in todays vernacular. (You may read excerpts below) I thank these brave individuals for their courage to stand up, express themselves, and educate all of us,
specifically me. One of my mottos has always been “Failure is fertilizer. Throw your mistakes on the compost pile and grow a new garden.” I made a mistake and from that I learned so much. I am sorry.
We are living in unprecedented times and the world is in chaos with Covid-19 and the largest wave of civil unrest since the 1960s, spurred by outrage over police brutality and racism. Here at Be the Star You Are!® we are INCLUSIVE. We don’t tolerate bigotry, racism, or any other negative attitude towards any race, religion, gender, culture, or viewpoint. We stand together as a colorful united family of brothers and sisters from many different countries and backgrounds. Take a peek at our website, https://www.BetheStarYouAre.org or our teen radio show at http://www.expressyourselfteenradio.com and you’ll see that our volunteers represent the nations of the world. We are very proud to stand for freedom and equality for all.
My acting union, SAG-AFTRA released the following statement from President Gabrielle Carteris and National Executive Director David P. White on the murder of George Floyd. It states more eloquently what we at Be the Star You Are!® believe so I share this with you.
“The murder of George Floyd is deeply emblematic of a corrosive inequality and injustice at the heart of America. As protests spread across the country it is not enough to condemn injustice. It’s not enough to demand change. We must recognize that racism lives in our culture and only we can change that. We must speak up in the face of injustice and fight back against the indignities our fellow citizens face every day. We must be defenders and allies. We must be better than this.The ugly truth is that Mr. Floyd's killing was one among many murders of black people over many years. Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Philando Castile, Michael Brown, Jr., Marsha P. Johnson, Emmett Till, and the list goes painfully on and on stretching back for centuries. It must end. Black lives do matter.”
Again, I apologize if the newsletter offended, Please forgive me. It was never my intention to be offensive in any way.
There is no room for bigotry, brutality, or racism in our world. We are all on a learning curve and open to all feedback. Although we are all sailing together in this time of pandemic, I recognize that we are not in the same boat.
This is a time to be kind. To help one another. To be inclusive. We will not tolerate injustice. When we embrace diversity we increase peacefulness. Let’s remember that love always wins when kindness prevails. Smiles will keep us happy.
Juneteenth is not currently recognized as a Federal holiday but by celebrating it, we take one step forward towards reconciliation and the fight for freedom for all.
We want to hear from you. How do you demonstrate that Black Lives Matter? We’re interested in your thoughts and actions. Send your comments (less than 50 words) to our Kindness Coordinator, Karen Kitchel at [email protected] by June 30. We will include a variety of responses (first name only) in our July newsletter.
I know I'm going to make many more mistakes. We all will. But let's learn and grow from them. We are COLOR BRAVE!
Be strong, be brave, be safe.
And don’t forget to also celebrate Father’s Day on June 21. A salute to all the great dads of every color and creed.
In solidarity,
Cynthia Brian Founder/Executive Director Be the Star You Are!® PO Box 376 Moraga, California 94556 [email protected] https://www.BetheStarYouAre.org http://www.BTSYA.org
DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
"I'm emailing you now about the newsletter I recently received that was titled Become Color Blind. I understand the need to be in unity in this fight against institutional racism and police brutality, so I do appreciate your response on this. But I feel that asking everyone to "become color blind" is counterproductive and incredibly tone deaf in light of recent events.
Saying you are color blind says that you ignore the fact that oppression/racism exists for people of color like me. As recent events have shown, we are all not treated equally, unfortunately. I in no way mean to attack you, but this was something I found to be offensive. Put short, I feel there are better ways voicing your support.
Here is a video that might help explain some of what I said better. https://www.ted.com/talks/mellody_hobson_color_blind_or_color_brave Sincerely, Anika "
"I admire all of the work you do in order to enrich the lives of young people. I received your email earlier this week regarding the Black Lives Matter movement and in it you stated that your organization is ‘Color Blind’, I know this statement is not meant to have malice or be hurtful. So I felt obligated to explain why this popular statement is damaging and can make people of color feel uncomfortable.
I am Latina and for me this statement, while well intentioned, can feel as if my unique experiences with being Mexican are overlooked. We can no longer be colorblind, we must recognize people’s experiences and understand that someone who is Black has had a different experience than someone who is Asian. To say that your organization is ‘Color Blind’ diminishes the experiences of POC. While we all bleed the same blood we are all experiencing a different reality, while some of us may never struggle because of the color of our skin others will have to live in fear because of theirs. And these differences need to be acknowledged. What you must strive for instead is to not be color blind, but to be actively Anti-Racist. Being anti-racist means that you are actively acknowledging other experiences while educating yourself on how to be a better ally. We must realize and digest how Black people in our country carry the weight of hundreds of years of systematic oppression and learn how to fight for a system that values Black lives. Color blind and anti-racist are not interchangeable and while one diminishes the existence of oppression and experience the other acknowledges oppression and actively tries to counteract it.
I wanted to contact you to explain this because I know that your email had the best intentions and did not mean to diminish any experiences. I am very happy to see your organization be so accepting and so against discrimination. I wanted to mention that I mean no disrespect in sending this email to you and solely wanted to let you know how this term has changed and evolved. I understand that the words I use today when it comes to fighting against discrimination will be replaced in the future with other terms better suited for the fight against racism. I am very happy that I worked with a group that has taken a firm stance on this issue and I wish you all the best.
If my definition was not very clear here are some resources that may explain it better than I could:
https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2018/10/05/white-parents-teach-their-children-be- colorblind-heres-why-thats-bad-everyone/
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/culturally-speaking/201112/colorblind-ideology- is-form-racism
Thank you for reading this and hearing my perspective in this issue. Best, Olivia"
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Cynthia Brian is the featured guest on June 25th. FREE registration.
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As part of our Be the Star You Are! Disaster Relief Outreach program (https://www.bethestaryouare.org/copy-of- operation-hurricane-disaste), Be the Star You Are!® has collaborated with the Authors Guild to showcase the new books launched by many authors from around the country in a variety of genres. We will also be showcasing artists, actors, and musicians, all of whom had had their gigs canceled and are out of work. We believe in supporting creativity and believe that books, art, music, and film provide escape and
joy, especially during tough times. For the next few months, make sure you are tuned in to both StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® on Wednesdays at 4pm PT for “Writers Wednesdays” LIVE http://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2206/be-the-star-you-are as well as our teen program, Express Yourself!TM airing on Sundays at 3pm PT for “Super Smart Sundays”, https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2014/express-yourself
Both programs broadcast on the Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel and will be archived on that site as well as iTunes, Stitcher, etc. It’s a giant artistic festival!
Our Star Teen Book Review Team is busy reading and writing reviews for you to enjoy this summer. Reviews are honest and the personal experience of each writer. Check them out at our website, http://www.btsya.com/book_reviews.html, and at our partner, The Reading Tub, https://thereadingtub.org/books/be-the-star- you-are/. Many thanks to our Book Review Coordinator, Stephanie Cogeos, for keeping us on track. If you are interested in joining our team, you can find the info at http://www.btsya.com/book_reviews.html,.
Need a gift for Dad, birthdays, graduations, weddings, or just for yourself? These are on- line shopping portals that will sell you what you need, offer discounts, and assist our mission as a nonprofit. Please use these web sites for all of your shopping essentials,
1. AmazonSmile donates .5% of purchases https://smile.amazon.com/ch/94-3333882 2. Discounted books at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shops/be_the_star_you_are_charity 3. Giving Assistant: Shop. Earn. Give! Use Giving Assistant to earn cash at 3500+ popular online stores, then donate a percentage to BTSYA:https://givingassistant.org/np#be-the- star-you-are-inc
& buy from your favorite stores. 4. Search and GoodShop: Choose Be the Star You Are as your charity to support. You can log in with Facebook, too! https://www.goodshop.com/nonprofit/be-the-star-you-are 5. Shop at over 1300 stores on IGIVE: http://www.iGive.com/BTSYA
Direct Links you can use for Be the Star You Are!®
Positive Results: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/positive-results About Us: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/about_us Programs: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/programs How to Help: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/how-to-help
Blog: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/blog-1 Events: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/events Contact us: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/contact GREAT NON PROFITS REVIEWS: https://greatnonprofits.org/org/be-the-star-you-are-inc GUIDESTAR/CANDID: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/94-3333882
We invite you to volunteer, get involved, or make a donation. Make a DONATION through PAYPAL GIVING FUND and PAYPAL with 100% going to BTSYA with NO FEES: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
Celebrate Freedom Day! 
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” Mahatma Gandhi
Be the Star You Are!®
PO Box 376 Moraga, California 94556 [email protected] https://www.BetheStarYouAre.org
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