#kiddie paladins
missingexaltation · 2 years
Eddie has now 'gifted' Hellfire to Will as he's not returning to high school, graduating on a technicality. However, he suggests to the new DM that they play a one off over the summer (to get Will used to the group's dynamics, and so he can say goodbye to his little sheepies in style).
But he gets to play with them too, at Will's insistence, as Eddie's DM'd for so long he never really gets a chance to be a PC. Eddie's character is a bard that the group meet, playing in a tavern and magically enslaved by the innkeeper. Because of the spell, he has no memory of who he is, except that he's a bard.
(Which works meta wise too, as Eddie might have knowledge on the DM side...but he's a bit shaky as an actual player. it's been a while after all)
The Party take pity on him, breaking his bondage by brutally killing the innkeeper and bringing him along. He's lower than everyone else in most stats, except for charisma, which he's insanely high for. And since as they're off to find a hidden God to convince him to come back to his people...that high charisma would come in handy.
At the end of the one shot, it seems like the God they face, concentrates damage on the person physically closest to him, which is Eddie's character. Eddie gets brutally taken down until the team drag him away, and revive him. (Eddie makes some snarky comments about the new DM staking his claim by annihilating the old DM and the party finds it hilarious)
But the God keeps aiming for the bard, until Eddie is at zero, then he goes after Dustin...the mage...who is technically the most powerful on the team and nowhere near the God in comparison to the others. Then when Dustin goes down, it's their paladin next...and the group start to freak out.
Eddie passes his death save roll, heals himself and is almost immediately taken down again. The party realise pretty quickly that it's not proximity that is the issue, and that the God is taking out the most powerful first. But Eddie's bard is one of the weaker characters, so that doesn't make ANY sense.
It's Gareth that makes the connection, a split second before Jeff does. He sits back in his chair, stares thoughtfully at Eddie and uses his own turn to grapple the God's weapon from his hands.
It's surprisingly easy, and The God immediately shrinks into a gnarled, grizzly looking goblin, who screeches until Mike cuts his head off with a nat 20 he hadn't been able to roll all night.
It was the weapon. The weapon that contained a God's power.
Gareth and Jeff are still looking at Eddie.
"No memory, huh?" Gareth asks.
Eddie shrugs. "Nothing at all."
"Just pick up the fucking sword, dude." Jeff sighs, and Eddie does.
The instant his character's hands touch the sword, it changes into a golden, glowing lute, the power flows into him, and their bard ascends back into godhood, agreeing to go back to his people.
The whole table descends into chaos, while Eddie and Will high five each other. Of course they were in on it together.
"Fucking DM's" Gareth complains, but he's not angry, not really.
"Ah, ah, ah, G Bear, no swearing in front of the kiddies." Eddie reminds him, gleefully.
The 'kids' didn't even hear him, too busy crowding around Will to congratulate him on his grand return. He'd written the entire thing, and collaborated with Eddie just to make sure it was a good fit for the Hellfire gang.
"Well, I saw it coming hours ago." Steve says, from his spot on the sofa, surprising the older teens. "You don't give up control easily, Eds."
"Ugh...way too much info, Harrington." Jeff groans, wrinkling his nose, and laughing with Gareth at the violent flush to Steve's cheeks.
"Aww you did kinda walk into that one with open arms, baby boy." Eddie coos, swooping down to press kisses against Steve's embarrassed cheek.
He scoops Steve into an embrace, ignoring his grumbles, and looks up at his bandmates, "So what do you think, did baby Byers pass the little test that you thought I didn't know about?"
"Hell yeah." They both agree, enthusiastic and immediate.
"This year's gonna be awesome, Eddie." Gareth adds, grinning.
They all look over to where the younger kids are, still crowding together and excitedly discussing the last few hours. Will is glowing with pride and happiness. It's a good look on him. Jeff and Gareth slap Eddie on the back and wander off to join them.
Eddie sighs, curling into Steve as much as he can. He knows he's clingy, but he needs this right now. It's bittersweet. While he's not in school anymore, he has a part time job and an apprenticeship that's going to take up far more time than he'd realised. And he's lost all of his D&D shit too. It all makes sense to hand over permanently, but it still hurts.
"You ok babe?" Steve asks. He's so nice and lovely and sweet that Eddie melts on the inside at the concern in his voice.
"It's like my kids are leaving home." He admits. "Even though technically I guess I'm the one doing the leaving."
"Growing up sucks." Steve agrees. He rubs his fingers down Eddie's arm, reassuringly. "Don't worry babe, they're not gonna forget you."
"Better fucking not." Eddie grumbled, pressing his face into Steve's neck.
He looked over. The kids had already forgotten that they were both there, too busy packing up and trying in vain to get details from Will about the next campaign.
It was a good thing though, Eddie tried convincing himself. They were all so enthusiastic and in good spirits, they didn't need him for that. It's why he'd started Hellfire in the first place, to inspire this kind of camaraderie for the outcasts. Something that would outlast him (even if the rest of the town had their own legacy instead).
"It's not forever, Eds." Steve reminded him. "Once we've got our place we'll host every week if you want."
It wasn't soon enough to soothe him.
But they were ok, and happy, and alive.
So it would have to be enough...for now.
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spider-jaysart · 6 months
Thing to know about you
When did you start drawing like first time ever?
I think this one also counts, but when I was a toddler, my first time doing anything artsy was a random finger painting
Then when I turned five or six, that's when I officially started drawing and I think it was just messy, kiddy doodles of me and my family that I made lol and then later it would start becoming more about Powerpuff girls and other cartoons that I loved too, as I kept slowly growing into my skills :)
Thanks for the ask, buddy!
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Happy Father’s Day
This is a day late, but I spent Father’s Day with my own day and celebrating him. I thought this would be an especially important day for this AU and this long monster of a one-shot was born. Prepare for lot’s of cuteness and fluff and I hope to those who celebrated they had a wonderful Father’s day. Enjoy!
              “Happy Father’s Day Takashi!” Shiro laughed as his parent’s faces lit up on the computer before him and Keith. The sound of Keith’s grandparents instantly captured the young baby’s attention, and he vigorously attempted to locate his grandparents. At nearly a year old, Keith was rather perceptive and a very curious baby.
              Shiro couldn’t believe that his baby’s first birthday was going to be coming up in just a couple of weeks. At the moment, Shiro’s parents had flown back to Japan for a family event, but Shiro had opted to stay back with Keith. He wasn’t quite yet comfortable with traveling so far with Keith. However, both of Shiro’s parents had promised to be back for Keith’s first birthday. If there was one thing that Shiroganes were good at, it was keeping promises.
              They would be back in time.
              Shiro had no doubt that they were spending most of their trip showing off their adorable grandson to everyone that they could. Whether the person was family or not.
              Shiro hadn’t realized that today was Father’s Day – the first Father’s Day that Shiro was an actual father. He guessed that this was sort of a big deal really. He and Keith had skipped over Mother’s Day, calling Shiro’s mother to celebrate.
              Father’s Day snuck up on him, but he couldn’t have hoped for a better day. After all, how could it be bad to get to spend the entire day with Keith and watching Keith had fun and play with all his new toys. The best part was that Shiro had Keith all to himself and no grandparents to steal him away for, like, ever.
              “Oh yeah. That’s today, isn’t it?” Shiro chuckled and bounced Keith on his lap. The baby giggled as he stared curiously and he continued to stare curiously at the screen. He cooed upon seeing his grandparents’ faces and attempted to grab at Shiro’s computer screen. He was unable to reach his grandparents and could only brush tiny fingers against the screen. “Happy Father’s Day dad.”
              “Takashi Shirogane, how on Earth did you forget that today was Father’s Day?” His mother playfully scolded while Shiro tried to balance the baby and the laptop on his lap. Next to his mother, Shiro’s father, Thace, laughed loudly and Keith squeaked again. “Especially on your first Father’s Day!”
              “I just forgot. I’ve spent the day more focused on Keith.” Shiro laughed while his mother shook her head and his dad snorted. “Besides, Father’s Day is about being a father to Keith. That’s all I really care about.”
              “I know dear, and you are doing wonderful. I just wish your father and I could be home now so we could have all gone to the park or the beach together.” His mother sighed and Shiro felt a small smile slipping on to his lips.
              “It’s alright mom. We can celebrate when you get back before Keith’s birthday.” Shiro said. Upon hearing his name, Keith jumped and twisted in Shiro’s lap in order to see him. Laughing, Shiro maneuvered Keith while trying to still hold onto the laptop.
              “You bet your bottom we will. We’ll be back next week. With plenty of time before our grandbaby’s first birthday.” Shiro’s mother said lightly and Thace nodded next to her. After a little while longer, Shiro and his parents hung up and Shiro was left alone with Keith.
              As Keith bounced on Shiro’s lap, Shiro couldn’t help but remember the last six months he’d had with Keith. The last six months of pure happiness that had brought Shiro back from the darkest moments of his life.
              “This was a good Father’s Day, wasn’t it Keith?” Shiro asked and Keith cooed. “And it only get’s better from here.”
              Shiro was awoken, rather early by a small lump that was crawling all over his bed and over himself. Shiro had no doubt that the precious little lump was trying to be as careful as possible, however being so precious and small, he probably had trouble climbing onto his bed.
              Shiro kept his eyes closed as the lump continued to crawl across his bed and feigned being asleep when the little lump stopped just in front of his face. He could hear a tiny giggle coming from the little lump as he tried to catch his breath.
              “Happy Daddy’s Day.” The lump known as Keith Shirogane, giggled and pressed a sloppy kiss to his Shiro’s forehead. Shiro gave Keith another second before he snatched the four-year-old into his arms and buried them both under the covers. Keith shrieked with laughter and the sound was like music to Shiro’s ears. He would forever love the sound of Keith’s voice and laughter as long as he lived.
              “Daddy! No! No!” Keith continued to laugh loudly when Shiro peppered his face with kisses and continued to squeeze him in a hug. Keith squirmed to get free, though he didn’t try very hard to escape his daddy’s clutches.
              “No? Oh, can’t daddy give his boy some love?” Shiro chuckled, allowing Keith a few precious moments to breathe. “After all, it’s my special day, isn’t it?”
              Shiro allowed for Keith to ponder in serious thought for a few seconds. Keith’s entire face had scrunched up in thought as he rubbed his chin. All in all, it was rather adorable and Shiro was having a hard time trying to control himself from kissing the boy again.
              “I guess you can.” Keith sighed dramatically, pretending as if kisses were the worst possible scenario that he could imagine. Shiro grinned, causing Keith to quickly smile. “You can have as many kisses as you want today.”
              “Oh, thank you sweetheart.” Shiro pressed another kiss to Keith’s cheek and hugged him tightly. “That’s very considerate of you.”
              “It is.” Keith agreed and was soon attacked by another parade of kisses.
              Every year, Shiro couldn’t imagine life getting better and yet every year, every Father’s Day, Shiro grew to love more and more. Keith was opening his heart and there was no going back. Not that Shiro would ever want to go back to life before Keith.
              He was perfectly content to spend every day like this with his son.
              To spend a lazy morning, snuggled up in bed and giving out hugs and kisses as they watched the warm morning sun rise. Yeah, Shiro could live life like this forever.
              Father’s Day happened to fall on a game day this year.
              It was a warm Sunday, with the perfect weather from Little League baseball. As one of the two coaches, Shiro had to be present at all the games (not that he wouldn’t want to be present anyway) and hadn’t missed a single game since he had started the team.
              Lance and Keith were both members of the team and had been present to every game too. These little games weren’t meant to be serious and were more for fun for the kids rather than a competition. The kids were still young enough that it wasn’t a serious game but old enough to be doing more than picking flowers in the outfield all the time.
              Initially, Keith hadn’t been interested in joining any sports. But after hearing that his daddy was going to be the head coach and some persuading (read: teasing) from Lance, Keith had joined the team. Surprisingly he wasn’t awful at it, but he was by no means the most extraordinary player. Keith had to work a little bit harder than some of the other kids to be where he was on that Father’s Day but it was enough to have a good time.
              “Papi! Papi! ¡Feliz Día del Padre!” Lance waved from where he was standing at Homeplate. Behind the fence, Lance’s father beamed brightly, snapping another picture of his young son. Lance grinned enthusiastically as he saw his whole family beside his dad cheering him on. Many of the parents were kind and supporting of all the kids on both teams, and enjoyed the warm moment between father and son.
              “Gracias! Mantenga sus ojos en la bola!” Lance’s father waved back and Lance nodded determinedly. Parents were already getting ready with grills and dishing out food to prepare for the after-game Father’s Day barbeque. This was the last inning for the kids before the barbeque and Lance and Keith were the last two up to bat.
              The young pitcher from the other team threw the ball, Lance stepped toward them and swung his bat as hard as he could. There was a loud crack as the ball and bat made contact, and the ball was sailing over the pitcher and over second base into the outfield. The entire crowd erupted into loud cheers, especially Lance’s family and Lance squealed in excitement. He advanced to first, while the others made it to their next base. One of which had passed Homeplate, as the other team scrambled to get the ball back to the pitcher.
              The score was tied!
              Keith swallowed, watching as his dad and Lance high-fived before Lance turned to him with thumbs up.
              “Your turn now!” He laughed and Keith managed a smile back to him. “Good luck!”
              Before Keith could get over to home plate, he felt a soft tap on his shoulder and he turned, only to find Shiro waiting for him with a grin. Keith clutched the bat tightly as Shiro knelt down before him and put both hands on his shoulders.
              “Hey buddy, are you having fun?” Shiro always asked this to Keith.
              “Of course, daddy.” Keith answered truthfully. Though, he didn’t admit that he was a bit nervous to be the last up to bat with the game tied. Normally it wouldn’t matter to Keith, but today was Father’s Day and how cool would it be to win a game for his daddy?
              “Good. That’s all I want from you Keith.” Shiro grinned and gave a gentle pat to Keith’s helmet.
              “Are you having fun on Daddy’s Day?” Keith asked quietly, causing Shiro to chuckle.
              “Yes I am. As long as you and everyone else on the team are, then I am.” Shiro admitted softly and Keith beamed. “Now, don’t worry about this hit. Take a deep breath and just play your best.”
              “Okay daddy.” Keith took a deep breath before turning back to Homeplate. He felt his daddy give him another pat on the back and cheer him on with his teammates as Keith prepared himself to bat. He took a deep breath, tightened his grip on the bat and stood firm. This one is for my daddy.
              Happy Daddy’s Day.
              “Hey Keith, you coming to Angela’s party this weekend?” Keith looked over from his gym bag to see Hunk and the rest of his friends looking expectantly at him. He blinked before zipping up the bag with a frown.
              “Isn’t Sunday Father’s Day?” Keith asked.
              “Um, is it? I didn’t realize it.” Pidge admitted and Keith snorted.
              “I’m pretty sure it is, so I can’t.” Keith answered, already moving across the park to head home. His friends followed close behind.
              “Aw how come? Why do you have to be a party pooper?” Lance sighed heavily, causing Keith to roll his eyes. He stuck his leg out, making the other trip and stumble. Luckily, Lance was able to catch himself and he glared darkly at Keith.
              “It’s Father’s Day. I always spend it with my dad.” Keith informed the others softly. Lance and the others playfully rolled their eyes at Keith, but knew full well that this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. It was a well-known fact that Keith and Shiro had spent Father’s Day together since, practically forever. Even as Keith got older.
              “Oh, come on. I think he can handle one day away from you. You’re sixteen.” Lance replied as they reached Shiro’s car.
              “Keith is sixteen? Really?” Shiro couldn’t help but comment from his seat in the driver seat. Keith sighed at his father’s comment but he couldn’t hide the smile off his face.
              “Hi Shiro!” Lance greeted as Hunk and Pidge waved before everyone got in the car.
              “Hey kids. What’s all this about someone handling a day away from Keith?” Shiro asked with a raise of his eyebrow. Instantly, that seemed to shut everyone up who had been complaining before and this time Keith did in fact roll his eyes. Now they chose to keep quiet?
              “Lance and them all seem to think that I should skip Sunday to go to some party.” Keith finally answered. Shiro nodded softly, knowing full well what day Sunday was. He and Keith had spent every Father’s Day together since Keith had arrived at his house all those years ago. He was lucky that Keith had been willing to spend every Father’s Day with him when he could be out with friends or having fun without his old man.
              “If you want to go, I don’t mind.” Shiro said softly. “You don’t have to be around, I get it if you want to go to this party.”
              At this, Keith made a face that looked absolutely appalled that Shiro would even make such a suggestion. Shiro bit his tongue to keep from laughing and Keith shook his head.
              “No way. We always spend Father’s Day together. Don’t think that you can weasel your way out of this Takashi.” Keith pointed a threatening finger at his father, who just laughed while the others all sniggered at their friend. “As if I would want to go to some dumb party instead of going to Japan with you.”
              At that, the entire car went silent. When they conveniently came to a red light, Shiro looked at Keith with wide eyes.
              Keith laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Oops. Surprise?” With that, he pulled out two tickets that he had hidden in his bag meant to be a gift for his father. “I got us a flight out to Japan on Sunday for a week. I figured we could visit the family and you could take me to all the places you went to as a kid. Grandma and Grandpa will meet us there at the end of the week.”
              Shiro didn’t know if he was going to start embarrassingly cry in front of Keith and the other kids, so instead he tried to wrangle up Keith into a tight up. Keith laughed at his father’s actions with a gentle smile.
              “Happy Father’s Day dad.”
              “Happy Father’s Day.”
              Shiro blinked when he opened the door and came face first to a large bouquet of flowers. Quickly accepting the flowers, Shiro’s grin widened as far as it could go when he saw who was behind the flowers.
              It was none other than his little boy. Who wasn’t quite so little anymore.
              “Keith! I wasn’t expecting you! Where’s the hubby?” Shiro asked before drawing his son into a hug. He then ushered Keith into the house and tried to find a home for the beautiful array of flowers.
              “He’s at home. He’ll be over in a couple hours but wanted to let you and I have some father-son bonding time or whatever.” Keith rolled his eyes, watching fondly as Shiro put the flowers into an old vase with water. Shiro chuckled with a shake of his head.
              “That man. I swear he’s far too polite. He must know I consider you both my sons now.” Shiro said and Keith nodded.
              “Of course. But hey, I’ll always be the favorite son, right?” Keith joked and Shiro snorted.
              “Yes Keith. Of course.” Once the flowers were perfect, Shiro set them aside and grinned at his son. For a moment, Keith could take a good look at his dad. The years had been good on him. By now, at his age, his entire head was almost gray rather than just white bangs. Crows feet and laughter lines were at the edges of his dark eyes from years and years of laughter. There were newer spots and wrinkles on his face than the last time Keith had seen his dad, but overall Shiro looked good.
              At the same time, Shiro was observing the man that his boy had become. Keith was now even taller than Shiro but was still lean and skinny. His hair had been cut with only his bangs being long now, rather than the mullet he had sported for many years. His eyes were sharper as was his jaw and face.
              “It’s good to see you Keith.”
              “You too dad.”
              “What brings you here, out of the blue?” Shiro couldn’t help but ask. His son still made an effort to at least take his dad out for food every Father’s Day that he could. It wasn’t every year like when Keith was a kid, but it was still rather impressive.
              “It’s Father’s Day and I happened to be in the neighborhood.” Keith stuck his tongue out, looking more like a little kid than a grown man. Shiro rolled his eyes playfully. “Besides, I have some news to share with you.” Keith eyed the front door and Shiro frowned when the doorbell rang. However, before he could answer his own door, Keith was out of his seat and ushering someone in. Shiro couldn’t see who it was with Keith in the way, but he had a good guess of who it was when Keith leaned in towards the person.
              Thankfully, Keith chose that moment to turn around and Shiro could see his son-in-law. Before Shiro could greet Keith’s husband, his breath was caught in his throat at the sight of the bundle in the man’s arms. His son-in-law soon deposited the bundle into Keith’s awaiting arms. Shiro’s heart almost stopped at the look of love in Keith’s eyes – so much love – and the smile that graced his face. He continued to hold his breath as Keith and his husband came closer and closer to Shiro, until Shiro could make out the face of tiny baby (even younger than Keith when Shiro had finally adopted him), staring up at Shiro with big, brown eyes.
              “Dad, how would you feel about being a grandpa?” Keith asked and Shiro felt the tears fall when the tiny bundle was placed into his arms. Even after many decades of not holding a baby, his body knew exactly what to do and how to support the baby.
              His grandchild.
              Shiro had always felt lucky after adopting Keith, and he never thought he could love anyone as much as he loved Keith. But looking down at the chubby face of his grandchild Shiro was in love all over again and he couldn’t be more blessed to have Keith in his life.
              Beside the flowers, there was a small card that lay forgotten on the counter, but no one minded as grandfather and grandchild got familiar with one another.
              Happy Father’s Day, to a new and wonderful Grandpa.
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obstinaterixatrix · 7 years
for me villains that don’t get dunked on at all just aren’t interesting. but then people start crawling out of the floorboards groaning about complexity with a lot of analysis that’s informed by a shit-ton of projection. I swat them with my broom. leave me alone. I don’t care.
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ephemeralfuture · 7 years
In Which the Paladin Bond and The Force are the Same [Part 3]
Keith is screaming and Lance- Lance scrambles over in a fit of panic and guilt.  The light pulse was drawn tight anyway in his mind’s eye- why did he decide to pull it?
“Keith!” Lance goes over to his side and sees his face, crying and flushed, eyes shut, “Keith I’m sorry! I’ll never do it again- I’m sorry!” At this point tears are rolling down Lance’s cheeks, Keith’s worry and his own worry needling into his brain.  Lance cups Keith’s face, even as he screams.  He begs the force to help him, even as Hunk’s tendrils prod at him to pull away. Suddenly Keith stops screaming, his voice reduced to whimpers and Lance is brought back to the common room.  Allura, Coran and Shiro are there now, shocked at what they see and Hunk is tugging Lance away from the common room, away from the chaos and he can only see himself casually plucking a tendril from a light pulse, like plucking a hibiscus.     Lance pulls himself tight from the Force and the Paladin Bond completely despite the Force’s niggling and nagging.  Now there’s no more pulsing, no more light and no more tendrils branching out to meet him.  He aches to feel it again, to see it again.  Yet, to easily hurt a light as pretty Keith’s? No way.  
Lance stares up at the ceiling of his room, staring at his fingers.  It has been three Earth days since the Incident and Keith is fine, according to Hunk, but it’s a good idea not to force any branches.  Keith seems fine, normal for himself but all he can remember is the worry.  What’s Keith worrying about now? He’ll worry himself to death.  
Lance doesn’t go to sessions with Hunk anymore, despite the pull of the Force being strong and almost painful sometimes but it’s easier to just brush it away.  He thinks about how awful it would be if he accidentally plucked an unseen thread from Pidge’s light pulse and unraveled her completely.  
The Paladin Bond doesn’t affect Voltron.  Lance knows this because the team initially needed headsets to forge a mental bond and even then, they simply formed Voltron without it. So time went on where Lance feels the pull of the Force and the Paladin Bond. But Voltron is formed anyway without the pulsing or the light.  
Lance is surprised and guilty when Keith appears at his door.  Something about him is different.  Lance wishes that he was dumber with Force sensitivity to feel Keith’s pull.  
“Hey Keith, what’s up?” Lance asks, his smile is steady, he feels exhausted.  Keith is looking at him steadily, unreadable, but probably worried.  
“Why are you holding back?” Keith asks suddenly and Lance is startled, his head aches from resisting the pull of the force, from remembering Keith’s worry and his own worry.  
“What do you mean?”  Lance asks, and the field around Keith grows stronger.  
“I haven’t felt you all week, neither has Hunk, Pidge, Shiro or Allura. Hunk says that you might be shutting us out.”  
Lance wants to feel insulted, that they don’t understand that he fears that he can break them using the Force but he wants to hold Keith’s light pulse again.  
“I- I-” Lance’s rebuttal dies in his throat, “I hurt you Keith.”  
He can’t look at Keith, because if he does he’ll remember his tight screaming face.  
The bed dips next to him and Keith’s hand grips Lance’s bicep.  
“Lance look at me”
When he looks up, Keith’s eyes are shimmering and violet.  
“Just let it in.”
He allows himself to be pulled into the stream of the Force, he could let it unravel him, take him across the uncharted gaps of its grisly 20,000 History if it weren’t for one thing.  
Keith.  Keith holds onto him, firm and bold and strong and refuses to let him go, tendrils blossomed upon him, bright.  
Lance reels, gasping- how? How did Keith manage after the incident?
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry-” Lance croaks out and Keith’s tendrils wrap around his light pulse, coaxing him to unravel.  
I forgive you, I forgive you.  
“I forgive you Lance.  It was an accident.  You didn’t know.” Keith hums.  Lance’s cheeks are wet with tears, pressed against Keith’s neck.  
“Hunk helped me handle the Force but  Mostly within the Paladin bond. It was an accident, I forgive you.”  
Forgiven.  Lance unravels a thread and delicately wraps it around Keith’s many branching ones.  What a week can do.  
He wants to be close, he wants to hold him close.  
Trust in the Force.  Just let it him in.  
I normally dont Author Note anymore but I notice that my 2000 word fics don’t format well on tumblr so sorry if the pacing gets skewed because of cutting it into various parts.  
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sayonaramidnight · 3 years
100 Days of Writing: Day 52
Prompt by @the-wip-project
Pick an idea and write a short "shopping list" of what will happen in the story.
It turned out more like a recipe... XD
The team acquires an enchanted dagger and enquires into its origins in the shadiest district of the capital city. Make it less fluffy than it is in your head.
The team joins a caravan of merchants for a while; they go a wrong way, a very, very wrong way. A filler, but an atmospheric filler at least.
The witchie meets her childhood friend and he dies. The antagonist manifests fabulously. Be careful while writing, because important and angsty.
The mad scientist of the enemy team does some nasty experiments regarding the fertility problems of her species. And some other problems no one but her finds problematic. Put it in the story in the way that makes sense.
The team paladin warrior has to fight a bunch of angry and persistent kiddies, even thought he’d rather fight their boss. The setting will be crowded, do some logistics.
No, silly, it’s not gonna be a tetralogy!
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hdnprplflwrs · 4 years
here’s my renditions of the suits for my fic “spiderklance”
Read it here.
Okay, so I used like a kiddie make-your-own-Spiderman-suit generator because I suck at drawing and needed them  as like some kind of reference for my fic. Anyways, here they are!! If you’d like to bring some of these to life, please do!!! (Tag me as well, I want to see your art!!!)
This is Lance’s.
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Generally, I think it would be more like Miles Morales in that he would’ve spray-painted the suit but instead of black it would be blue. And then the spider on his chest would still be red, but I think he would leave the hands and feet white, like how Miles left the hands and feet of his suit red.
This is Allura’s.
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It wasn’t until after the fact that I realized that Allura actually had pink markings instead of blue, so the blue around her eyes would be pink. I tried to make it reminiscent of her paladin suit and I’m actually kind of vibing with this getup in general.
This is Shiro’s.
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Of course, in my fic, he has the Altean floating arm, but that wasn’t a choice for arms lol. So of course, I wanted to pay homage to him being the Black Paladin and then there’s purple from his Galra arm. The blue is homage to the glowy parts on their paladin suits. 
This is Keith’s.
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I really tried to make purple and red work, kind of. Red for Red Paladin and purple for the Blade of Marmora. Also, the parts that are gray are supposed to be black; I just wanted to be able to see the linework as I couldn’t change the color to white or something so it’ll show up.
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scrollforinitiative · 4 years
So I've been thinking on the Jedi. There's a think, a lot of people panning the Jedi Order for that scene where the Council interviews Anakin in TPM. It's scary to stand a slave and a child in front of all these intimidating adults and interrogate him, they say. I mean, yes, but they (the council) didn't do that. I mean one can get the impression that Qui-Gon put Anakin up for display because he's into the whole Chosen One legend. But Qui Gon isn't on the council - in part precisely because he doesn't follow procedure and has some questionable views. Most likely, however, I would suggest that Anakin chose to be interviewed. Even at this early point he wants to be a Jedi - he thinks of being a Jedi as being a hero a figure of awe and power who can use that power to free the slaves. Just how much the Jedi Council are informed of an understand Anakin's precise context is unclear. But Yoda is shown in AOTC to work with kids (and very well at that), so it's not like this is a seriousface bunch of adults who have no patience for or experience with children. These are people who are familiar with force-sensitive children, and are rightly concerned about potential force-sensitive children have to both cause and experience suffering in ways that non-adepts cannot. One can perhaps read Yoda's pronouncement that "A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind," as implying that Anakin lacks these qualities, and perhaps Anakin took it that way. But it reads to me as a warning - an attempt to curb youthful enthusiasm for a heroic vision of what being a Jedi Knight entails - instead trying to impart a sense of what actually being a Jedi means. Because make no mistake, becoming a Jedi knight is a deep and all too easily crushing commitment, one that the council is very much in the business of dissuading younglings from. If you'll pardon me a digression, I briefly worked in social services. The thing everyone in social services seemed to agree on was that being a Social Worker for Child Protective Services was just about the worst job on the planet. Because being a social worker in CPS meant you had to, on at minimum weekly basis, witness children - cute, adorable kids - in the worst sort of situations - hungry, abused, sick, frightened. Of course you want to help those kids. Why would you even be in the field and the Job if you didn't? But you have extremely limited scope of practice, lines of authority to navigate, and only minimal leverage in the majority of cases. You want to help, but all too often you can't, or can't help enough to be confident this child will be protected from harm or see an improvement in their circumstances. You could, and sometimes this happens, say 'fuck-it' to your job and the law and your license, and act outside the boundaries. Maybe it even works. You save a kid or three. But then you are out and you will be saving no more kids. Also, you need a new job. Most of the time, you do what you can, file the paperwork, arrange a follow up and pray. You go home, think about the bruises on that girl's thigh or the missing teeth on those half-clothed boys, and tell yourself that you did something at least, and maybe this time things will work out. You stare at the cheap grocery store vodka (you don't exactly get paid well) and figure that if you drink enough you might believe it. Yeah, they're not kidding when they call it the worst job on the planet. Does anyone think that being a Jedi Knight is better? I may be wrong here, but my understanding is that before he hit 20 (before TPM), Obi-Wan had already witnessed, at minimum, two genocides. The Jedi are the Space FBI and Arbitration specialists and (diplomatic) Special Envoys and the Secret Service among other duties. They have to deal with the worse things sophont species do to each other regularly, and somehow work out a peaceable solution after. They have to grin and bear it as mass murderers who are "legitimate local government officials" sneer at them, and sometimes even guard those same terrible people from assassination attempts from people who they find much more likable. The "deepest commitment and most serious mind" are not aspirational. They are the minimum qualification for knighthood. And the Jedi order and council are good at making sure that those who are knighted are able to commit. They have a monument to the 20 - only 20 in a thousand years, knights or masters who have left the Jedi order. And it is a monument. These are not people scorned for leaving. These are people who (at least the majority of them) are deeply respected for having found something so important to them that they must set aside their commitment to the Order for something else. I suspect that many of those 20 were the proverbial powder keg of justice Paladin. This is so important and vital that I will give up the order that has been my only family for near all my life to address it. There is an unfortunate tendency among youngling to see assignment to the AgriCorps or EduCorps or other service organizations under the Jedi banner as a sign of failure. But if it is a failure, it is not a lack of skill or ability or even character. The Jedi don't take Padawans unless they believe their apprentice has the dedication and focus to handle the worst and maintain their commitment - to have a sort of unswerving discipline. They don't raise them to knighthood unless they are sure this no-longer child can handle it. This is what Yoda and the other masters are used to. They are used to primarily being the gentle but strict gatekeeper who has to explain to the eager youngling - capable, bright, and so beautiful in their force-imbued striving, that being a Jedi is not a place of glory, that there is scant recognition or joy here, that to take this step is to walk in dark places and bear that weight accordingly. If that spiel frightened and distressed Anakin, well, it should have. Perhaps the Council erred in giving Anakin the more somber face for wannabe Padawan younglings instead of the cheery one Yoda had for the kiddie classes. But the council didn't do this for lack of care for Anakin. They are in their own way trying to protect him. The problem, perhaps, was that Qui-Gon didn't get the chance to properly debrief Anakin. If we must take the view that this turned out badly, perhaps Obi-Wan didn't know to do so in his stead. And because to honor Qui-Gon's dying wish, Anakin was taken up directly as Obi-Wan's Padawan, many of the usual screening and safeguard measures were bypassed. In this, perhaps Qui-Gon did Anakin a disservice.
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bosstoaster · 5 years
I'd like to request a Director's Cut for Here it Goes Again or The Mane Event, please - your choice, I like both a lot.
Absolutely!  Let’s go with The Mane Event, then.
Climbing off of Allura, Shiro’s cheeks stained pink. “We were just practicing,” he muttered.
Ryou squirmed out of Lance’s grip and pressed his shoulder to Shiro’s. “Were we being loud?” He asked.
“Not at all, young paladins,” Coran reassured them. His eyes were practically sparkling as he took in the pair of them. “You don’t have to worry. The Castle of Lions is a very big place, so you can be loud if you require.”
Taking in the pleased flush to his cheeks and soft warmth in his smile, Lance suddenly felt bad that they’d let Coran toil away in the pod room. He was the one who knew the most about to fix them, but he looked so pleased to see the kiddie versions of Shiro and Ryou. Likely, he’d have enjoyed getting to play, too.
Shiro’s eyes went wide, and he and Ryou shared a quick look. “I’m supposed to be quiet and let Mother rest,” he admitted. “Grandmother says she needs lots of sleep to get better.”
I get two questions about this fic, both of which were left ambigious on purpose.
The first is how the memory situation works between the twins: Have they been altered to remember themselves as brothers, or are they both reacting to the same set of memories.
The answer is…. semi in the middle?  Mostly the latter.  They have some sense of where they are and who the people around them are.  Therefore, they look at each other and think ‘that’s my brother’.  This is the same reason they aren’t freaking out about the weird strangers around, and they still have their favorites (like how Shiro clings to Keith).
Mostly, however, they are just each remembering themself as Shiro, and remembering the situation.
Which brings us into question two: What happened?
The background of this is pretty similar to Spectrum, expect there are grandparents who fill in the gaps, not an aunt and uncle.  Shiro’s mother was alone, trying to provide for her son with minor support from her family.  Eventually, though, she got sick, and Shiro was passed into the care of family (first while she was in the hospital, and then after her passing).
This happens early on in the process.  I have Shiro’s mother passing when he was 9-10ish, and right now they’re six.  So right now, she’s just been feeling ill often, and so Shiro is asked to amuse himself and not interrupt as much as he can, because she needs rest to get better fast.  He doesn’t really understand the situation yet, only that he gets in trouble when he’s too rowdy, and that the adults in his life are very tense and serious.  
When she isn’t sick, she’s often working long hours, and Shiro knows that it’s important for her to be on time and that she can’t stop and play with him when she’s leaving.
Thus, both of the twins show the same behavior: They’re supposed to be quiet, self-reliant, and not make a fuss when someone has to work.  It’s not a situation anyone wants for Shiro, but the product of necessity when his mother is sick and getting slowly worse.
Keith does know the full story, which is why he’s so cagey and defensive of Shiro’s privacy.  The rest of the team hasn’t put it together, but they get a sense of something, which is enough to be humiliating when Shiro grows up. (Ryou, on the other hand, isn’t so fussed that they know, despite it being his childhood too)
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heartxofxthra · 5 years
📂 gimme BR EA
Ofc you would :D
She is really really strong for her build. When she was a childling, her family would get annoyed out of their wits because when she would latch onto something with her grubby kiddie fingers, you just couldn’t pry her off it. She carries stacks of heavy books like they’re nothing, and if she’s angry enough to hit you, book or no book in hand, you’re off for the count. She was properly clobbering the paladins trying to restrain her in that one scene, and the only reason SkekVar had room to talk is because he was twice her size. 
She’s been known to get over-excited and squeeze the air out of someone with a hug, though she avoids hurting people in any way, accidental or intentional, and it takes a lot for her to actually want to.  
But if someone picks on her loved ones, she will throw hands, and win.
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keeperartwork · 5 years
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Here we go kiddies! Starting off with a new project! @yeeshastone reached out to me on Tumblr and now I'm part of a big Pokemon dnd project where we get to dress up pokemon as different dnd classes. I got to draw whatever evolutionary line I want and I had to choose one of my favs. So here's my little Roggen Paladin and Rola Bard! Super happy with how they turned out, and now I'm super excited with how the rest is gonna turn out so keep a lookout!
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Come Home
Hello there! So, it’s been a few weeks mainly because I’ve been ill and exhausted. However, I’m sitting down, playing the Harry Potter soundtrack and banging out as many SDSAU one shots as I can tonight and this is wonderful! Thank you to everyone who is still sticking around and sending in prompts. You all keep me writing and I love you! This prompt is for an awesome fan! They’ve requested to remain anonymous so that I will respect. Their prompt was one of a challenge to the angst and I was ready. I hope your all ready for this angst-fest because it was painful to write. Ugh. I do hope you enjoy and thanks for sending in these prompts! Enjoy!
              “Daddy you’re a mud monster! Ew!”
              Shiro chuckled at his tiny son’s antics. He, of course, thought that he was safe up on the deck while Shiro was in the garden. Covered in mud and dirt after a rather hard day out in the garden. Keith had watched the entire time from the safety of his deck in hopes to avoid getting dirty. Shiro huffed and wiped the sweat off his eyes.
              “Oh really?” At this Keith nodded vigorously, clutching his toy lion closer to him and Shiro laughed. He couldn’t get over how cute his son could be sometimes. Keith never failed to fill Shiro’s heart full of love and life.
              “Well, then this mud monster is hungry for little boys!” Shiro jumped to his feet, fingers itching towards Keith, who had jumped back with a smile and a scream. When Shiro began to stalk up the stairs of the deck, Keith screamed again and bolted away from Shiro. However, it was hard to miss the blinding smile on the young boy’s face and Shiro couldn’t help but also grin.
              “No daddy! No! Bad daddy! Bad!” Keith shrieked, unable to stop his giggles as Shiro continued after him.
              “I’m sorry. Your daddy isn’t here anymore.” Shiro smirked and chased after his son who had fled back down into the backyard. “It’s just me now. And my muddy fingers.” Keith shrieked again when Shiro’s dirty fingers brushed against his shirt. He giggled once more and crawled away from Shiro.
              “No! No!” Keith giggled and ran again. However, after a few minutes, Shiro had the little boy cornered. Both of their faces were flushed red from laughter and exertion, though Shiro’s was significantly dirtier than Keith’s.
              Not for long though…
              “Daddy! No!”
              With that, Shiro had engulfed Keith into his arms and cuddled him as close to Shiro as he could get. Keith squirmed and shrieked and laughed but found that he couldn’t get away from his dad. At this, Shiro would rub his cheeks against Keith and ruffled Keith’s hair. Mud and dirt smeared across Keith’s cheeks and all over his arms and legs. Keith screamed again and soon enough Shiro had joined him with laughter.
              Soon enough father and son were rolling in the grass, filled with love, laughter and joy.
              If only we could stay like this forever.
              Shiro blinked back from the memory, of a blissful day from so many years ago. He pushed back on his heels to examine his handy work in the garden. Everything was planted for the summer, at the expense of a long afternoon and the destruction of Shiro’s t-shirt. He was quite the mess after all this and couldn’t help but snort. Keith would call me a mud monster if he saw me.
              At the mention of his son, Shiro’s eyes softened and a smile overcame his lips. His son was no longer a little baby. He was a man now, grown into a beautiful and strong person that Shiro was constantly proud of. At twenty-three, Keith was finishing up his last tours in the military. He was scheduled to arrive home tomorrow.
              For good.
              Shiro hated to admit it but he was more than happy that Keith’s time in the military was over and done with. He wasn’t sure how much longer his heart could take of fearing that Keith wouldn’t return home, or wondering if his baby was going to return the same as when he left. Deep down Shiro knew that Keith would never be the same person after this because Shiro was never the same, but Shiro felt blessed that Keith had never gone through anything like Shiro had when he served. He didn’t know if he could handle if Keith was kidnapped and tortured to the extent that Shiro had been.
              That was his baby.
              Shiro was just wiping his hands when he heard the doorbell ring. Shiro hadn’t been expecting any guests but ever since Keith had announced his return, people had been checking on Shiro more than ever before. Shiro had a feeling that Keith had something to do with this. That sneaky boy.
              However, when Shiro answered the door, he was surprised to see a man in uniform at his door. Shiro knew many people in the military and remained friends to several of his comrades even after coming home, though this man looked a bit too young to be someone whom Shiro would have served with. He looked to be about Keith’s age, maybe a year or two older, in a neatly pressed uniform with everything in place and orderly.
              “Hello? Can I help you?” Shiro asked, trying to clean off his hands. He must look like a mess, but the young man didn’t seem to mind. Rather, he looked solemn and rigid.
              Immediately warning bells went off in Shiro’s head and he swallowed.
              “Takashi Shirogane?” The man asked softly and to Shiro, it sounded like the loudest thing yet.
              The man didn’t say anymore but instead pulled something out of the back around his neck. With gentle hands, he pushed a white envelope into Shiro’s hands and presented Shiro with two pairs of dog tags.
              Takashi Shirogane.
              Keith Shirogane.
              “I’m sorry for your loss.” The man whispered but Shiro hadn’t even heard him. He couldn’t hear over the loud buzzing – so loud, why was it so loud? – in his ears. A horrid ringing had started up and all outside noises drowned out – I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe.
              All Shiro could focus on were the two dog tags in his hands. Two dog tags that Keith had never taken off. One of which Keith had worn since he was a child. Keith would never willingly take off his dog tags.
              Dead. Dead.
              That meant he was dead.
              Shiro’s heart crumpled and he felt his legs give out, as the man rushed to grab a hold of him and call out to him but Shiro couldn’t hear the young man. He wouldn’t hear the young man. Nothing was registering to him and he never felt more lost; more numb than he did in that moment.
              His son was dead.
              Hunk cried.
              Lance cried.
              Pidge and Matt cried.
              Even Allura and Coran had cried.
              But Shiro hadn’t. He had tried, oh how he had tried but no matter what Shiro found that he couldn’t cry. Instead, he constantly felt as if he were in a trance state. Nothing felt real and he didn’t remember as the days passed by. Suddenly, he wasn’t alone with the young man anymore and Hunk and Lance were trying to sit Shiro down on the couch and Allura was trying to read the letter through her tears, and all the while Shiro never let go of the dog tags.
              Now suddenly there was a funeral.
              And Shiro was expected to go.
              To his dead son’s funeral.
              Shiro didn’t argue. He had to go. But somehow, he kept silently arguing with himself that Keith was still alive. That Keith was coming home – Keith was supposed to be home. Safe. Alive. Keith was coming home.
              All the way to the funeral and through the memorial, Shiro kept this train of thought alive in his head. Over and over he forced himself to believe that Keith was alive. That is, until they pulled the casket out of the plane, covering in their country’s flag. The faces of everyone was solemn and full of pain, even Shiro’s as he stared at the casket.
              Shiro could feel his legs beginning to buckle underneath him as the casket drew nearer and nearer. It was only Hunk and Pidge’s combined support on him that kept him upright.
              “He’s home Shiro. They’ve brought him home.” Allura almost sobbed and Shiro’s throat tightened painfully.
              He stared at the casket until he stopped mere feet away from him. One of the men, a captain whom Keith was quite close with, stepped up to Shiro. His eyes were shiny but his posture was rigid and firm. He saluted once to Shiro, whose knees were shaking by now and wasn’t offended when Shiro didn’t salute.
              “Would you like the honors? Of sending him home?” The captain asked softly and Shiro’s chest hurt. However, he nodded and shrugged the others off him in order to stand beside the casket and fold the flag with several other men.
              Why was it Keith? Why my baby boy?
              Allura, Pidge and the others could be heard crying and Shiro felt his heart sink even further. He stared at the shiny black casket, barely going through the motions of folding the flag. He hadn’t even realized it when it was finished until the captain blocked sight of the casket and stood before Shiro.
              Why my son? What did he do to deserve this?
              He was a good boy.
              The captain was silent as he presented the folded flag to Shiro and waited for him to take it. It took a few seconds before Shiro had taken the flag into shaking hands. His entire body was trembling and he only realized he was crying when he saw many wet spots on the flag.
              Why my baby?
              Why not me?
              If anyone could hear the known, Captain Takashi Shirogane’s sobs, no one dared to comment. Instead they let a father grieve for his son. The pain a parent feels when losing a child is like none other and cannot be explained.
              Shiro found it ironic that he should live with one less arm, while Keith wouldn’t live with any.
              Shiro hadn’t cried as much as everyone had expected throughout the ceremony. He was silent and rigid beside Keith’s picture – why was his smiling face still there? - as people laid flowers beside the casket. Many people had begun to trickle out when the ceremony had ended in order to give the closest family and friends some privacy for the burial.
              However, when they began to lower the casket into the ground, Shiro felt his throat closing up and his chest constricting painfully.
              Keith was leaving for good.
              They were taking Keith away from him forever.
              “S-Stop! Stop! No!” Shiro finally yelled. Many people stared in confusion but some could recognize what Shiro was doing. Those who were in the same position as Shiro. A parent to a lost child.
              They’re taking him away! “No! He’s not dead, don’t take him from me! Please!” Shiro cried out and Allura looked away while Lance covered his mouth and Hunk cried. A wife and husband came quickly to Shiro, recognizing the signs immediately and held him back. Shiro struggled against their hold, desperate to reach his son.
              He can’t be dead! How could this have happened? Keith had so much left in his life. Why not me? “He’s not dead! He can’t be! He hasn’t gotten married yet, or had kids! He hasn’t visited Korea yet or gone to college! He’s not ready!”
              “Shiro, let go.”
              It’s not fair.
              It’s not fair.
              It’s not fair.
              “He hasn’t found a job he’s hated and quit or one that he loves! He hasn’t gotten a new dog after Red. He hasn’t experienced dinner in the mountains yet or fallen in love.” Shiro struggled, tears streaming down his face as he clutched the flag to his chest.
              It’s not fair.
              It’s not fair.
              “He’s not ready yet!” Shiro sobbed, falling to his knees, and finally burying his face into the worn flag. He felt the parents dropping beside him and the last pieces of Shiro’s hearts had shattered. “He’s not… he’s… he’s not…I’m not ready.”
              With that, Takashi Shirogane had broken.
              I’m not ready.
              It was to a loud shrilling noise that Shiro woke up. Tears still fresh on his cheeks and heart thumping painfully in his chest. He was confused for a few moments as to what was happening. His brain was in a fog as he stared at his dark ceiling and Shiro frowned. Glancing at the clock he noticed the time.
              3:30 AM.
              The shrilling noise continued and it took way too long for Shiro to realize that it was his cellphone. Though, Shiro couldn’t even bring himself to try and answer the phone. His whole body was exhausted, but he knew that whoever was calling would worry if Shiro simply refused to answer.
              It took more energy than Shiro thought he had to just answer the phone but when he did he answered with a meek greeting. Only to be surprised to hear his father’s cheery voice.
              “Hey Takashi! Look, I know it’s a bit early.” Thace chuckled and Shiro didn’t even laugh. “However, I couldn’t sleep because I was so excited so I can only imagine how you must be feeling right now!”?
              “…what?” Now Shiro was at a loss for words.
              “Don’t tell me you forgot!” Thace laughed whole heartedly and Shiro was truly confused at his father’s antics. “How could you forget that you’re picking up Keith at the airport tomorrow?! It’s all we’ve been talking about for weeks. You must be tired.” Thace laughed again and Shiro froze.
              “Yeah. You know, you’re son who is coming home for good after like five years on tour? That son who is flying home tomorrow. He’s already on the plane.” Thace continued happily and Shiro felt his breath catch in his throat. “You just talked to him a few hours again?”
              There was silence on Shiro’s end.
              “Shiro? Takashi?”
              Then a sob.
              “He’s okay. He’s coming home? This isn’t a dream?” Shiro sobbed and Thace’s voice sounded panicky on the phone.
              “Of course! Remember, he skyped us at like 11? He’s flying in and we’ll be at the airport to pick him up by six in the morning.” Thace said quickly and Shiro sobbed again, but this time out of relief. “Your son is safe and coming home. I promise you.”
              “He’s coming home.”
              “Yes Takashi, your little boy is coming home.”
              Takashi had hugged Keith before Keith finished coming up the stairs. Startled at first, Keith had dropped his bag but awkwardly hugged his father back with a small laugh. However, upon seeing everyone’s anxious faces and feeling the desperate grip his dad had on him, Keith slowly wrapped his own arms around his dad and buried his face into his dad.
              His dad needed this, for some reason and Keith wouldn’t ask why.
              Eventually his dad pulled away to stare at Keith and smile.
              “I’m glad you’re home.” Shiro finally said and Keith smiled back.
              “It’s good to be back.”
              Shiro wasn’t ready to let go of Keith. He didn’t think he ever would be, but today he had more time with his son and Shiro was going to make every second count.
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hazelandglasz · 6 years
Kiss It All Better
A little fluffy Klance fic for @milkymaitrash who was not feeling so good
I hope it helps ;)
Somehow it works in canon, in a future fic, I swear these boys took the wheel
On AO3
Even though he travels through the Universe with the Blade--helping populations in need or training new members into the organization--Keith makes sure he comes back to Earth regularly.
To check on his fellow Paladins (once a member of Voltron, always a member of Voltron, he supposes), that’s what he tells himself.
An inner voice that sounds suspiciously like Shiro’s tells him that he’s being ridiculous.
An outside voice that sounds suspiciously like Slav’s tells him that he should admit the truth to himself “to save this reality”.
(And to tie his hair with a blue scrunchy, apparently very important.)
The truth is …
The truth is that Keith needs to go back to Earth every now and then to check on one slender, Cuban man and to remind himself of the sound of his voice.
Because Lance is …
Lance’s laugh is what gives Keith strength on the days where he would just want to wrap himself in his bed and against Kosmo and forget about the world.
Lance’s frown is what keeps Keith from lashing out at frightened people who don’t follow the guidelines the Blade gave them.
And Lance’s soft touch on his bruises is what makes them hurt less.
“Keith, Keith, Keith,” Lance tsks softly, gently cleaning up the scratches on Keith’s hands when he comes back to Earth after a rough encounter with aliens who didn’t know about the end of the Galra dictatorship and manifested their opposition to Galra help with their claws.
And clubs, as Keith tries to explain, only to be silenced by Lance’s soft smirk.
“And that was some diplomatic gesture, I suppose?” Lance asks as he brushes his antiseptic gauze against the bruise on Keith’s cheek.
Keith wants to retort something, anything really, like he was not the one asking to be on the receiving end of that stick to begin with.
But his words don’t find their way out of his mouth.
All because the tip of Lance’s fingers brushed his ear and Lance’s eyes are shining just the way they always do when he’s teasing and …
And by all the gods in the universe, he’s just so lovely Keith cannot remember how to breathe to begin with.
Keith snaps his mouth shut and looks away, to Lance’s chuckles. Hopefully, his crush is disguised as hurt pride and not as obvious as it feels.
Lance shuffles to his bag, throwing the soiled gauze in and pulling bandages out. “You’ll have to forgive me, Mullet,” Lance says with a crooked smile, sparkles already in his eyes, “but since I have a lot of kids around me these days, I have kiddie band-aids.”
“Can I pick?”
“Why, of course!” Lance exclaims, putting out different bandages. “You have the classic Disney princesses, some superheroes and--oh, you’re going to love this!”
Lance holds up a box of …
“Voltron band-aids?” Keith can’t help but laugh as he takes in the designs. “Is that from the show they made about us?”
“Yep,” Lance replies, popping the last sound with a satisfied smile. “Here, let me see if I have any Keith left.”
“What can I say, Mullet, you’re wildly popular with the young ones. Makes them feel like heroes,” Lance replies, looking up with a soft smile that goes straight through Keith’s heart.
“Do you have any Lances?”
Lance’s cheeks get flushed. “Hey, I am quite popular too.”
“I don’t doubt it.”
The words are out of Keith’s mouth before he can control himself.
Lance freezes for a split second, but it’s enough for Keith to want to slap himself silent.
“Aging agrees with you, Mullet.” Lance plucks a vivid blue band-aid and winks at Keith. “Made you all nice and mellow.”
Keith has a flash of him kicking the shit out of the Gabian who attacked them and gave him his bruises and snorts. “Right,” he replies, wiggling his fingers to show his scratches and bruises, “as mellow as can be.”
Lance laughs in response, carefully applying the band-aids to Keith’s different wounds, finishing with the one on his knuckle.
And then, out of the blue (no pun intended), Lance kisses the back of Keith’s hand.
“Kiss it all better,” Lance says softly.
Keith somehow manages not to die on the spot but he can feel his face heating up.
And then, in a surge of forwardness he doesn’t recognize, he points at the band-aid (a Hunk one) on his cheek. “Work your magic then.”
Lance’s lips stretch slowly into a smile Keith has never quite seen before, feline and dangerous for his mental health. Lance tilts Keith’s head upward to get better access to the area and slowly, deliberately almost, presses his lips to it.
“Are you hurt somewhere else?” Lance whispers, fingers still cupping Keith’s chin.
Keith turns slowly his head and Lance is just so close, and his eyes are so bright, and his lips are just so--so, and he can’t help himself, Keith leans forward.
It’s barely more than a peck, a matter of second and a brush of their lips. Nevertheless, it feels like an eternal embrace.
“Oh,” Lance breathes as he moves away. Before Keith can apologize or run away (or both. Both sound amazing), Lance smiles and slides his hand to the back of Keith’s head.
“You should have told me your lips hurt, Samurai,” he purs before pulling Keith in for a deep kiss that eclipses all others.
Keith kisses Lance back, shifting so he can face him properly and comfortably put his hand on Lance’s waist.
Lance hums into the kiss, tongue brushing Keith’s lips flittingly. His thumb brushes Keith’s ear and a moan happens. Keith would be damned to say who is responsible for sure for that noise, but he has an embarrassing feeling that it might be him.
“About time,” Lance whispers against Keith’s lips.
“I didn’t want to rush you.”
“Thoughtfulness has never been your strong suit, Mullet.”
“What can I say,” Keith says with a beaming smile, “aging agrees with me.”
Lance groans and lightly slaps Keith’s shoulder.
“Hey, I’m all injured here!”
“Don’t worry, Mullet, I’ll kiss it all better.”
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pftones3482 · 6 years
Thoughts on Season 8
Obviously, spoilers ahead, so scroll past if you don’t have my tags blocked: 
First of all, I LOVED IT. Anyone who didn’t like it and is looking to pick a fight, stop reading here. The voice acting, the colors, the MUSIC, and holy DAMN, just the overall plot and throwbacks to old episodes??? SO. GOOD. 
Second: the creators did not throw in the gay kiss just to appease us for Season 7 and Adam dying. Fun fact, this season was probably pretty much DONE before 7 even aired. That’s how animation works. The fandom doesn’t dictate the show, y’all. You ain’t that powerful. 
Third, here are some of my favorite moments: 
- Coran doing his fucking yelmore screeching like holy shit I was in tears I can’t wait to put that in FtT.
- The whole carnival episode in general really, but especially the parallels to the space mall (with Lance and Pidge trying to get more money) and Hunk and Keith getting stuck in the kiddie ride
- Also that arm wrestling match with the warden??? WHAT???
- The fucking!!! BALMERA SHIT??? I forgot they were animals and that animals could MOVE
- Iverson playing with Bae Bae
- The fact that the dogs name was Bae Bae
- Coran doing an exercise routine while Iverson played with Bae Bae and the mice following along with him was fucking PRECIOUS
- I’m really glad the Galra disbanded the idea of an emperor, I was worried they were gonna put Keith as leader
- the platonic Klance moments, the hand clasp as a throwback to the bonding moment, the fucking banter in the last scene. Ugh. Who says Klance still isn’t canon king?
- Allura’s goodbye speeches were both heartwarming and heartbreaking, and I cried, but also I really wish she had kissed everyone on the cheek
- The original paladins showing up shocked the hell out of me but it was SO nice to see them bond with the group and that father daughter hug sucker punched me in the feels
- Kinda mad Honerva got a redemption after all she did but it makes sense that they would want to end the battle in a peaceful way, and I thought it was a nice touch 
- Slav. Just....all of Slav. God I missed him. Poor, poor Sam. 
- Colleen motherfucking Holt is the mom I want but also fear
- Hunk’s very soft “Shay” 
- Coran pulling a “so you come to me on the day of my daughter’s wedding” scene with full on gay Coralfor in the back
- Hunk being the one to make the Altean’s listen to reason by baking because the way to everyone’s hearts is their stomach
- As cringey as it was, Bex having to recreate the original Pidge’s voice was fucking amazing 
- Pidge giving up her game she so desperately wanted so that Allura could look nice for her date 
- The tree healing scene
- When Voltron and Atlas combined together and we got a shot of all the paladins and Shiro on the screen for the first time
Honestly I’m running on two hours of sleep and can’t think of anymore at the moment and have to go to work in 30 minutes, but I loved this season and I love this show. If you didn’t that’s fine. But don’t spread hate. We got enough of that last time. They did an amazing job. 
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falloutdialogue · 6 years
Three Dog’s Generic News Stories
Greetings and Goodbyes
People of the Capital Wasteland, you can HEAR MEEEE!!!! Yeeeaa haaaa!!! You can't stop the signal, baby!
People of the Capital Wasteland! It is I, Three Dog, your ruler! Hear me, and obey! Oh, sorry, that's that OTHER radio station.
Men and ladies, boys and girls, prepare to be astounded, bedazzled, and otherwise stupefied! I am Three Dog, your master of ceremonies!
Hey nifty America. It's me, your president, John Hen... Ahhhh... Gotcha! Three Dog here! How's everyone doin'?
Thrrreeee Dooooggg! That's me, kids. Comin' to you taped from my fortified bunker in the middle of the D.C. hellhole. Ain't life grand?
Because one dog ain't enough, and two is too low, it's me, Three Dog! How you kids handlin' Post-Apocalyptia today?
Hey kiddies, this is Three Dog your voice in the darkness. Or... at least, the radiation.
Hellooooo Capital Wasteland! This is Three Dog, coming to you loud and proud from Galaxy News Radio.
Wake up, Wasteland! It's me, Three Dog, bringing you all the music and news your little hearts can handle.
You're listening to Galaxy News Radio, and I'm your host, Three Dog, lord and master of all I survey!
GNR. Three Dog. All you need to know.
What's up Wastelanders? This is Three Dog, and you're listening to GNR! That's Galaxy News Radio, in case you forgot...
Hey everybody, this is Three Dog, your friendly neighborhood disc jockey. What's a "disc"? Hell if I know. But I'm gonna keep talkin' anyway.
Introductions to the News
Here's the latest news. Unemployment is down, stocks are up, and the U.N. has just declared global peace forever! Now the real news. *Sigh*
Everyone ready for the Capital Wasteland's latest news? Me neither, but it's that time again.
What rhymes with "shoes" and often gives you the blues? That's right, it's time for the cashews! Okay, that doesn't really rhyme. How 'boutà news?
Let me ask you something, children. You hungry for some 200-year old Salisbury steak, or you hungry for some news? I'm guessing news. Here ya go.
Seems we've got a bit of news. Just listen to this.
News time, children.
We interrupt our regularly scheduled program for some news.
Ah yes, time for the news.
And here's... me! With the news.
Got lots of stuff goin' down in Post Apocalyptia these days. Here some of the latest news.
Thanks for listening, children. This is Three Dog, and you're listening to Galaxy News Radio. We're Radio Free Wasteland, and we're here... for you.
Until next time, this is Three Dog, and you're listening to Galaxy News Radio, Bringing you the truth, no matter how bad it hurts.
Intros to the News
Here’s the latest news. Unemployment is down, stocks are up, and the U.N. has just declared global peace forever! Now the real news. *Sigh*
Everyone ready for the Capital Wasteland’s latest news? Me neither, but it’s that time again.
What rhymes with “shoes” and often gives you the blues? That’s right, it’s time for the cashews! Okay, that doesn’t really rhyme. How ‘boutà news?
Let me ask you something, children. You hungry for some 200-year old Salisbury steak, or you hungry for some news? I’m guessing news. Here ya go.
Seems we’ve got a bit of news. Just listen to this.
News time, children.
We interrupt our regularly scheduled program for some news.
Ah yes, time for the news.
And here’s… me! With the news.
Got lots of stuff goin’ down in Post Apocalyptia these days. Here some of the latest news.
Generic Story 1 - Canterbury Commons
All right, Three Dog has heard about some crazy things going on out there in the Capital Wasteland, but this one just might beat them all. I’ve been getting some scattered reports that a couple of costumed kooks have been battling for control of the settlement called Canterbury Commons. One of these wackos seems to be assisted by robots, and the other by mutated bugs. Every day it seems to be the same nutty scene, with the scuffles ending in a stalemate. So if your travels take you to Canterbury Commons, keep your head down and your assault rifle loaded for crazy.
Generic Story 2 - Enclave
Good golly, Holly. This is the worst thing to happen to our neighborhood since the HOA instituted their mandatory “scavenged rags” dress code. From Rivet City to downtown D.C., the Enclave is on the scene and setting up shop. Children, I don’t care if you’ve ignored every other word that’s come out of my mouth for the past five years. Please. Hear me now, and believe. The Enclave, and that includes their Homecoming King, “President” John Henry Eden and his gorilla Colonel Augustus Autumn, are NOT here to help you. Wake up, children the Enclave have a giant truck full 'o Brahmin, and they’ve been spoon-feeding you the bullshit. These guys are schemers, crooks, and killers, and the sooner you all realize that and stand up to their oppression, the better. That, my friends, is fighting the good fight.
Generic Story 3 - Grayditch
Okay… it seems the settlement of Grayditch has gone quiet. Residents haven’t come out to trade with the caravaners, and attempts to make contact have been met with… silence. So if you’re out by Grayditch, you may want to pop in and see what’s what.
Generic Story 4 - Tenpenny Tower
According to reports from the ever so hoity toity Tenpenny Tower, a group of displaced Ghouls have been trying to gain entrance. Ah, but lush at large Allistair Tenpenny says, “No zombies, no how!” Come on, Al, cut the Ghoulies a break. If they’ve got the caps and you’ve got the space, it’s a win-win, right? Whadaya say?
Generic Story 5 - Brotherhood Outcasts
Tensions continue to mount between the courageous forces of the Brotherhood of Steel and their estranged brethren, the Outcasts. Now, normally, family squabbles are none of my business. But when the Outcasts decide to take pot shots at my building which the Brotherhood uses as an outpost I make an exception. So, Brotherhood Outcasts knock it off! I’d prefer not to get murdered in my own backyard. The rest of you Brotherhood cats can’t you extend an olive branch or something? You’d think fighting the Super Mutants would be enough…
Generic Story 6 - Weather
Today’s weather excessively violent, with a chance of dismemberment. Tune in later for our 5-day forecast.
Generic Story 7 - Brotherhood
They’ve recently stepped up patrols in the downtown D.C. ruins in response to increasing sightings of everybody’s favorite freaks, the Super Mutants. Without our buddies from the Brotherhood, I’m guessing the entire Capital Wasteland would have been overrun a long time ago. So if you see a Knight or Paladin out there fighting your battles for you, give him a big thanks. Or even better some ammo. The boys and girls of the Brotherhood of Steel continue to fight the good fight, folks.
Generic Story 8 - Talon Company
I’ve been getting more and more reports of these mercenary maniacs from Talon Company, especially in the downtown D.C. area. If you see these hombres, steer clear. Whatever you have, they want, and they’re not really into asking politely. Word is, these guys take all the contracts the other mercs won’t. In short there’s nothing they won’t do. So be careful out there.
Generic Story 9 - Evergreen Mills
There have been more and more sightings of Raiders over by Evergreen Mills. Smart money’s on them having some kind of camp out that way. Keep that in mind the next time you feel like nosing around that neighborhood.
Generic Story 10 - Oasis
Here’s a question for all you faithful listeners. Have you guys and gals ever seen… a tree? No, no, no. Not those shriveled black things. I’m talking real trees. Brown bark, green leaves, photosynthesis, all that good stuff. Now what if I, the all-powerful Three Dog, were to tell you that somewhere right here in the Capital Wasteland, there’s a place with LOTS of trees. A veritable Oasis of green in that depressing sea of brown. Look, it was years ago, and I MAY have been experimenting with Jet at the time, but I’m telling you, it’s out there…
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Paladins is one of the most underrated games on the market, the level of depth and complexity made possible by the loadout system makes Overwatch look like the kiddie pool in comparison, even if Overwatch is mechanically and graphically superior. If anyone else plays it hmu, I’m Master’s on PS4 and competent on PC too.
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