#and Shiro will worry himself to death
gojoidyll · 1 year
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Yandere ! Gojo Satoru x Female ! Reader
Part 4 | my life
Warnings | death , gojo starts to get a bit delusional , yandere gojo , gojo being salty about y/n's new life , mentions of su!c!de by poison , murder , grammatical errors , etc.
Notes | this fic will be using she/her pronouns for y/n. Also this is a reincarnation fic, so Gojo's name will not be "Satoru" in this part. And please let me know if you want to be in a taglist for this series !! ^-^
Summary | And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you.
Infinity Masterlist
year 1120 AD
GOJO SHIRO, at the somewhat middle age of 30, couldn't believe his eyes. His six eyes, dulled a bit due to age, seemed to ignite with a sort of happiness as he looked down at a newborn that his dear daughter wanted him to meet. (As he got older, he was practically forced to marry someone from the clan elders despite him being the lord of the land and head of the clan now. He honestly didn't want to as he saw it as him betraying y/n, but alas, life must go on for the Gojo clan.)
"Her name is Y/n Gojo, isn't she cute?"
Life sure was cruel. Here he was still not dead from his second life and here y/n was already in her third, her second reincarnation. A sort of dark pit settled within him. A seed of pure rage entangled him and took root.
"She is cute," he muttered, but she wasn't supposed to start her second life without me. And she's a Gojo no less, so even if I reincarnated we wouldn't be able to be married together, we would be related to each other for God's sake!
He had to right the wrong.
So, he made a quick decision. A just decision.
"However, she's been cursed."
His daughter paled, "w- what?! Cursed?! But father-"
He held up his hand as y/n laid gently in his arms, "you know the rules as much as I do. That husband must of done something to you during childbirth, or when she was being conceived. You know better than anyone else that the Gojo clan has enemies lurking in the shadows."
"Minako would never hurt her! He loves our little girl!"
"And how can you be sure? You nor anyone else has the six eyes, you nor anyone else can see what I see, and this child is cursed. She'll bring the Gojo clan to ruin if she exists a second longer."
"But father-"
"Enough! If you do not have the will to end this cursed child's life, then I will take it upon myself."
"You can't father! You can't! There must be another way! We can save her!"
His daughter was in hysterics. All she wanted was for her father to finally meet her baby little girl. If she knew this was going to happen, then she would of run away with y/n and Minako in tow.
Urumei was summoned a moment later and had grabbed a tight hold of Gojo's daughter.
"Take her outside while I handle this."
"Of course, my lord."
His daughter could only kick and scream in Urumei's grip. Her wails being heard outside the door and down the hall as Gojo was left with y/n. His six eyes now focused onto the small baby in his arms.
"You're quite cruel for doing this to me, but don't worry y/n, my precious little y/n. I know you didn't have control over where you were born and who you were born too. But you must understand .. if I die and am reincarnated and you're not there, then how will I live? You're my world. And I'm your moon. You said so yourself. We made a deal. Its only fair that we be reincarnated at the same time so that we're together."
He activated hollow purple. And, for a moment, he was glad that she was still asleep. He doesn't think he would be able to go through with it if she were awake, and just as he was about to go through with it. She had opened her eyes. They were a brilliant, bright (color) and his breath faltered. Looking up at him, she smiled and giggled and held out her chubby, small hands up to him. Her fingers making grabbing motions.
He deactivated hollow purple and decided to just come up with the excuse to raise her himself and to "make sure she wasn't cursed anymore and didn't hurt anyone within the clan."
His daughter, when she was brought back in, could only weep and smile at the good news, grateful to her father for not killing her baby. Granted, since y/n was still "cursed" as she and everyone else within the clan were told to believe, then it meant she wouldn't be able to take care of her daughter and instead her father would look after her instead. But she was still happy nonetheless.
And that was how life went for the next fourteen years.
"Father, father, father!"
Now at the age of 44, Shiro could be found carrying y/n around on his back as she would point at the different food stalls, wanting to try all the different kinds of sweets they had.
Now, Shiro was, in fact, her grandfather of course, but he decided to blur the lines a bit on that since he was still young and because his daughter and her husband had passed away tragically in a cursed spirit attack when y/n was only two years old. Many found it odd how he didn't seem phased over their deaths but reckoned that he just needed to focus on caring for his newly made daughter instead.
And y/n simply didn't need to know. Besides, as he said, he was still relatively young so what was the harm in posing as her father figure instead? (Not to mention that he erased anything and everything related to his previous daughter and wife. Hell, he couldn't even remember their names!)
"You want to try that next?"
"Yes, please!"
Much to Shiro's delight, despite living under his doting care she still turned out the same as in her first two lives. Cute, shy, and super adorable. However, she was a bit chubby but that was only because he absolutely refused to see her in a sickly state as she was seen previously in her other lives. And it was nice seeing her so happy. He doesn't remember ever being so happy before with her first two families. Granted, in her second life her mother there was nice but y/n didn't have a father and her mother was always working. Not to mention those bullies were- he seethed a little, that's right. To y/n, this was the only life she lived, but to Gojo he was still in the life where those damn brats killed her.
He tried to clear his mind and focus on y/n instead.
The day went on and soon night fell which meant their usual routine. Y/n would wash up and immediately get dressed in her night clothes and come into his room. He would already be in bed and would pat the spot next to him as she would happily clamber in next to him.
But just before she would fall asleep, he would tap her on the nose.
"Forgetting something?"
She giggled a little as she turned towards him and lifted her head forward. Her lips gently pressing against his cheek as she gave him a tiny goodnight kiss.
"Goodnight, father! I love you!"
He kissed her forehead in return, and hugged her close, "goodnight my sweet angel."
And as she would fall into a deep sleep, he would find himself in discomfort. This was not the life he wanted with her. Not at all.
So he would find himself reaching into the cupboard next to his nightstand. His eyes glinting into the dark when he would find a dark vile. In it was a heavy poison. He knew what he had to do.
Uncorking the lid, he parted y/n's lips and let the liquid slip down her throat.
Now, this wasn't a rash decision, he's actually been thinking of this for quite some time. He couldn't wait any longer to die and to get reincarnated with y/n. He didn't want to be her father figure or even a father to her. He wanted to be her husband. But life was cruel.
It wasn't fair.
not fair
not fair
not fair
not fair
Thats what he always told himself, and he finally went through with it, and making sure that her heart stopped and she was truly dead. He, too, took a swig from the bottle and then promptly tossed the vile out the open window for someone to find while on patrol.
It wasn't fair. He deserved to have y/n as a wife, not a daughter, or as a granddaughter. It only made sense to finally start anew. Besides, she lived a decent life. A decent childhood. He could have killed her as a baby. Oh, he really could have. But he didn't. He let her live.
So, by doing that, he deserves to take that life away too and start again.
He knew they would be reincarnated together this time. Because they didn't end up together. This wasn't their happy ending.
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Infinity taglist | @whore-for-hawks @esthelily @huicitawrites @flaming-vulpix
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Dating HC for Rin and Shiro
Anon had request a dating headcanons for Rin and Shiro, but tumblr ate the request with the draft.....
Thank you for requesting! I hope this is of your liking!
Please let me know what you think!
Tsuki's note: I considered Rin a minor here and I am an anime only fan. Oh, not Proof read...
Ok, so Rin is good boy, but he can get nervous af.
His confession to you went pretty natural, a bit awkward because of the timing, but it felt just right for both of you.
But that doesn't mean he didn't became as red as a tomato.
On your first date he was so nervous on what to do. Take you to eat? A walk in the park? Cook for you? Just hang out at the dorms?
Oh clothes. What should he wear? Should he tuck his tail?
After pestering begging Yukio for some help, he finally deduced on what to wear and what to do.
He sat down and reflected about you. What did you like to do? Where did you mention you wanted to go?
First date he was a nervous train wreck, but in a cute way.
After the first date Rin wasn't as nervous and, well, he noticed he could just be himself, tail out and all!
Because he got comfortable, your dates became a lot more fun.
Rin absolutely loves taking you to amusement parks or just trendy places.
He enjoys having a great time with you, laughing, talking and just being bubbly!
But home dates aren't bad either.
They all turn out having Rin cooking something! And it's always delicious.
In home dates he really enjoys play games or just cuddling while watch a show or something.
He does talk through it though. Asking your opinion and expressing his emotions and thoughts ( he cries, gets mad and scream and so on)
Might try to put on a horror movie to play the tough boyfriend. But he will get spooked by the jump scares.
Dating Rin also means seeing and hanging out with Yukio.
You must have a good relationship with his brother. Yukio is very important to Rin, after all.
So there might be times that you three hang out at the dorm watching a movie or something.
Be prepared for snarky remarks from Yukio though.
If you are an exorcist, then you know his friends and you probably has gone through a tough patch together.
So it is safe to assume you are all friend, which for Rin is very important.
Just brace yourself for the teasing!
Being an exorcist isn't easy, so Rin will be worried about you 24/7 specially if he isn't on the same mission as you.
He trusts your strength and skill, but he will still worry a lot.
But if you are not an exorcist, Rin will introduce to everyone, he expects you to get along well!
Boy will get overprotective
He is terrified someone will aim for you to get to him.
Like being possessed or something.
He will try to explain to you about his universe, what demons are, which types and so on.
Yeah he is trying to show off.
May be corrected by Yukio here and there.
Still cute though!
On either cases Kuro might be part of your dates and hangs out.
Kuro loves you to death!!!
That's why he goes too. Sometimes Rin shoo him away. Poor kitten
All in all, dating Rin is a wild ride.
You will have a lot of fun, because he has a heart of gold.
But you will also live in constant worry for him - he is reckless and he has a big target on his back for being who he is.
Dating Shiro is a wild ride.
You probably met him after he took in the twins.
So it is a constant of juggling between parenthood and being a Partner.
But! He kinda manages it.
Before you start dating, he will make absolutely sure that you are a good person - that you won't hurt the boys, you will protect them.
And that check takes a long time.
After Shiro certifies you are trustworthy then he takes the steps to a relationship, but he will not introduce to the twins just yet.
That means it will be hard to get a hold of his free time!
For sure when you do get a hold of him, you can bet it's oing to be an awesome date.
He is not very romantic, but Shiro does enjoy some quiet alone time with you.
So expect some bar dates.
If you are an exorcist, he will probably take you in missions with him - missions that won't pose a threat to you, of course.
He does trust your skills but you are a precious bean and he also expects you to watch out for his sons on the long run.
Eventually you will meet little Yukio, but you will be introduced as a friend.
A Trustworthy friend, someone Yukio can rely on and cry to.
Don't take it badly, he wants to protect his boy.
When you are introduced he watches your interactions closely, just to be sure they are safe and they like you.
The twins liking you is also very important.
If you are not an exorcist, he will try to make the dates normal, but it somehow ends up with him explain alot about his world.
Regardless of you background, he worries you might get into trouble with satan, like being possessed or something.
Back to the dates!
Shiro might bring you some gift here and there, most of the time they are simple gifts but very thoughtful ones.
He pays a lot of attention to you, to the minimal details.
Some of you dates might include patching him up either because of a mission or Rin.
But the man does have a knack to make it silly and sweet.
Is he beaten up? yes. But that doesn't stop him from being cheeky, he makes it his mission to make you smile or giggle.
Shiro absolutely loves just dropping one arm around your shoulders is his top form of affection.
All in all, dating Shiro is preparing to be a parent very suddenly, but it is also having a attentive boyfriend.
He worries about you getting possessed or getting hurt because of him, so he might put some distance at first.
Shiro will fail to keep it, if you know how to push the right buttons - just be there for him, he will fall into you again.
It is also taking up his whishes of caring for his twins - they must like you too, if you want this relationship to work, as contradictory as it might sound.
Definitly a great partner if you are into some lae night drinking and silly talk!
Thank you for reading!
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ria-777 · 2 months
There is not enough letters in the alphabet for me to tell you how much I love you
A - Affection
It was so unexpected.
Maybe it wouldn't have been if he questioned himself sooner, but feelings were never his field of expertise.
One morning, like any others, she sat down next to him for breakfast, like she did for every meal of the day and greeted him with a simple, "Good morning Keith," accompanied by a gentle and tired smile.
He always thought it was pretty cute, but she probably wouldn't appreciate the comment. He responded kindly.
Like usual.
Nothing less. Nothing more.
So why the heck did his heart skip a beat like that? Sure, sometimes he worried his cheeks might turn red, but today, it was like a truck hit him and then reversed to be positive he was as crushed as an ant.
Since he was young, Keith always doubted that one day, he'd find his person and instantly know it. There wouldn't be fireworks all around them while the world disappeared and everything became blurred except for them. Careless whispers wouldn't start playing out of nowhere. No one would be able to see his heart beat fast, as if it was trying to pierce through the skin of his chest in a comic way, making a loud sound. His pupils wouldn't take the form of hearts as he stared lovingly at this amazing girl while hers did the same.
That was ridiculous.
She just began eating what Hunk cooked, for once choosing to participate in the conversation while he panicked inside, hoping it wasn't showing too much. That would be embarrassing and the boy wasn't sure he could play it off at the moment.
What were you supposed to do in those kinds of situations?
Act like everything was normal? It sounded nearly impossible, coming from one of the guys who fights aliens every day and had been on the verge of death more than once.
Be nicer than usual? How did he typically behave? Why couldn't he remember their past interactions without noticing how pretty she always looked? Too many questions.
Grab her hand under the table? No way, he'd freak her out. That was like the opposite of acting casually.
Ask Shiro for advice? No, he wanted to figure this out on his own.
Prepare some kind of stunning declaration of his undying love? This was way out of character for him and not the type of things she seemed to be into.
No. No. No.
None of these were good enough ideas. Despite how hard the first one appeared unimaginable to accomplish, it was the best option. For now.
Keith had no idea if he could pretend he was careless of everything while Pidge sat next to him, unaware of the chaos she caused in his brain.
Where could that kind of affection have come from?
Of course he found himself fond of their other teammates for some time now, more than he thought possible when he first met them on that fateful night. Even if he still had some trouble voicing it out.
This was probably why the blue paladin liked to call him emotionally constipated.
Actions were how he did things, how he showed he cared.
Shiro had been his favorite person since the day they met, being the first to actually pay attention to him since his dad tragically passed away.
Hunk was a nice guy to talk to, understanding that it wasn't because the red paladin stayed mostly silent that the conversation didn't interest him. He liked their discussions, so much that just listening was honestly enjoyable and didn't make him uncomfortable in any way.
Even if Lance could still be obnoxious and get on his nerves from time to time, it was bearable, more than he was willing to admit. Some of his jokes were actually a bit funny too, a secret Keith was prepared to take to the grave, not even the Galra could force this kind of information out of him.
Allura, ever since finding out he was part Galra and had a pretty bad reaction to that news, they were getting along quite well. She was kinda like a big sister, caring, but knew how to be bossy and annoy him.
And then, there was Coran who was... well, Coran. There were honestly no better words to describe him. When they were back on earth, they should try making his name an adjective, or at least a type of person that fitted his... special character.
However, his feelings toward Pidge were way out of... of what?
What should be acceptable?
His competences? Hers? Theirs?
He wasn't about to give up because of something foreign to him. If he did so, God knows that being a paladin of Voltron, who consistently had to face new kinds of dangers and environment would be impossible.
Keith had realized some time ago that she had an effect on him, but only now, as she observed him waiting for an answer, all of their eyes were on him. Someone had probably asked a question while they were all still sitting around the table for breakfast. "Sorry, can you repeat, I wasn't paying attention?”
Was her face a bit red? "I was just wondering if you were okay. You barely said anything since you sat down and were just staring." Oh, had it been that long already Keith thought, realizing all of their plates were close to being empty. Maybe they were all just very hungry and ate in five ticks?
"I'm fine, just tired." She simply nodded, avoiding looking him directly in the eyes. "Suuuure, that's why you were gazing at Pidgeon there for the entire meal, 'cause you were exhausted, noooooo other reasons at all." That's why he refused to admit Lance didn't piss him off all the time. He still knew how to pull his strings and ruin the mood.
"Lance, leave him alone." Keith didn't have to look at Shiro to know he was thinking like the Cuban, his tone of voice said it all. Not like he cared right now.
All he could ponder about was how he was going to make Katie "Pidge" Holt his. One way or another. No matter the effort it would take.
(Posted on ao3 and wattpad)
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fic rec friday 40
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
The Heart of the Scorpion by crystalklances
Lance has a big old crush on the school's Soccer Captain, Keith. He tries to deny having a crush even while their every interaction sends his heart aflutter. Romantic horoscopes and secret love letters? Totally not related to Keith. Luckily, heart and stars align to prove him wrong.
i will fucking miss crystalklances every single day of my life he was a PILLAR. i wish he had kept his account and just abaondoned it but im grateful at least that he only orphaned his fics and didnt delete it. he had so much to write about the college scene and soft klance and them being tender and soft and open about it!! he also often gave keith parents and he almost ALWAYS wrote trans lance like he invented the tag!! crystalklances i miss you and this was one of my favourite fics of yours
2. It's Not Spying If You Don't Call It Spying by @jilliancares
Turns out everyone is spying on Lance and Keith's blossoming relationship.
this is truly so goofy and silly and the team is SO so nosy and they need to be involved in 110% of klance's shit. as they deserve tbh. theyre all so annoying and i support all of their crimes
3. i wanna love you (but i don't know if i can) by @rickybowens
So, of course, that was when Hunk had said, "You know, it's really good that we're all friends here. I feel like it always gets awkward when two people in a group start dating, you know?" "Well, I don't think we have to worry about that with this group," Pidge had piped up, "I love you all, but there's no way in hell I'd date any of you." Everyone else had murmured their agreement, except for Lance and Keith, who had shared a look before trying to discreetly scoot away from the other. (Or, Lance and Keith decide to date in secret so their relationship doesn't make their teammates uncomfortable. It goes about as well as is to be expected.)
secret relationship you will ALWAYS be famous. its literally my favourite trope idc!! and this arc made SO much sense in terms of a reason for them to be dating in secret!! i loved how the team was the problem but that was very much not their intention but it made sense why klance was afraid and just...this whole fic was cinema truly i love it so so much
4. Of Pidge, Perception, and Prosecution by @erinnovelist
Of all the paladins, Lance knew Pidge was the one he had to watch out for. The only time her guard was down was after she woke up. She didn’t talk, glasses discarded after long hours staring at a screen, and she couldn’t function properly without her daily cup of coffee-equivalent alien juice. Which was why, when he wandered into the kitchen that morning, Lance hadn’t expected Pidge to zero in on him and ask, “When did you and Keith start fucking?”
teehee this one made me giggle its so ridiculous. and yes i did scroll thru the secret relationship tag again idc its so good!! i love the idea of klance thinking theyre so so sneaky and the whole time pidge is like yeah bitch ive been knew yall aint subtle in the slightest
5. Shifting Rock by @ohcontrary
Shiro is back with the team and things are... difficult, but getting easier. But even as he feels more and more like himself, he notices how his relationships have change. It's possible his relationship with Lance is changed irreparably. Luckily, the mission they go on gives them a chance to talk. But on a trip so perilous, they'll need to pay attention-- It isn't just their relationship that's on shaky ground.
lance and shiro NEEDED to talk fr. if ur gonna pretend the later seasons happened then they needed to CHAT. and what better place to chat then mortal peril and the threat of being crushed to death!! holy metaphors!!
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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astralscrivener · 1 year
✨ fic directory ✨
i’ve created a post to keep all of my fics in one place. all fics can be found on ao3. (last updated may 4th, 2024)
major ongoing works
- voltron: legendary defender: a rewrite of vld seasons 4-8. - team focus, broganes, klance, adashi, romellura - rated M, graphic depictions of violence + other warnings in author notes - 22/45 chapters, 251k words (december 25th, 2022) - last posted: chapter 22: season 7, episode 3: elliptical orbit
- voltron: legendary defender: canon-divergent au in which keith and shiro are captured by the galra at a coalition gala. things become more complicated when the team’s search for shiro turns up someone else: adam, shiro’s fiancé.  - broganes, klance, adashi - rated M, graphic depictions of violence + other warnings in author notes - 8/? chapters, 25k words (september 2nd, 2023) - last posted: chapter 8: division and discord
- voltron: legendary defender: oneshots, one prompt for each letter of the alphabet, focused on keith and lance’s relationship - variety of aus, some overlap with squad up (2017-19 modern au), mostly established relationship klance - 18 works, 87k words (may 4th, 2024) - a: artistry • b: brutality • c: comfort • d: defeat • e: elegance • f: faithfulness • g: grief • h: homelessness • i: information • j: jealousy • k: knell • l: loyalty • m: mercy • n: need • o: opportunity • p: pain • q: quest • r: rumor • s: sleep • t: trust • u: uncertainty • v: victory • w: worry • x: xenon • y: yearning • z: zero - last posted: lightning in a bottle (y: yearning)
other ongoing works
- voltron: legendary defender: modern au + d&d series started in 2020 as a stress response to quarantine - team focus, klance, adashi, romellua, hunay
• main work: the rawring 20s XD - chatfic that only updates if i think it will be funny - rated M, no archive warnings apply + other warnings in author notes - 5/5 chapters, 17k words - last posted: chapter 5: there is no easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy, (september 8th, 2022)
- other works include klance-centric oneshots + snippets of the group’s ongoing d&d campaign - 5 works, 37k words - last posted: midnight into morning coffee (february 7th, 2024)
- voltron: legendary defender: oneshots across a variety of aus written in response to prompts from friends and followers - variety of ships, but mainly klance and adashi - some overlap with squad up  - 15 works, 92k words (july 8th, 2023) - last posted: distraction
major completed works
- voltron: legendary defender: canon-divergent trilogy in which lance and keith fool their way behind enemy lines and onto lotor’s ship to steal vital information on the galra empire—only for lotor to become far more dangerous than anyone anticipated. - mainly klance, extremely one-sided lancelot - written before gay shiro reveal + age discourse, contains side shallura - 3 works, 315k words - completed june 15th, 2018
• WHERE PEOPLE GO TO DIE - lotor mistakenly believes that lance is a galra soldier spying on the paladins, and invites him to return home. keith follows him undercover as a prisoner, and quickly draws lotor’s ire as things spiral rapidly out of control. - rated M, graphic depictions of violence - 14/14 chapters, 49k words - completed july 9th, 2017
• DYNASTY DECAPITATED - lotor becomes vindictive after having been played for a fool by team voltron, and the team struggles to hold the voltron alliance together while fending off his rapid advances. meanwhile, keith and lance explore a new stage of their relationship and learn exactly what the other means to them. - rated M, graphic depictions of violence - 18/18 chapters, 67k words - completed august 7th, 2017
• STARS GO DOWN - lotor has captured lance and sentenced keith to death halfway across the universe. lance struggles to hold onto himself as he plays the role of an amnesiac, while keith attempts to fight his way back to the team, alone. meanwhile, the team, down two lions and two paladins, scrambles to bring keith and lance home amidst betrayals and tumult in the voltron alliance. - rated M, graphic depictions of violence, temporary major character death + other warnings in author notes - 37/37 chapters, 198k words - completed june 15th, 2018
- voltron: legendary defender: modern au written from 2017-19 to cope with the horrors of being in high school and the transition into college - written before gay shiro reveal + age discourse, contains side shallura and shiro/allura/matt - 25 works, 561k words - completed may 10th, 2019
• main work: squad up - chatfic chronicling the gang’s last year of high school - rated M, no archive warnings apply + other warnings in author note - 140/140 chapters, 327k words - completed june 15th, 2018
• main work: a midsummer night’s meme - chatfic chronicling the gang’s last summer before college - rated M, no archive warnings apply + other warnings in author note - 27/27 chapters, 79k words - completed august 31st, 2018
• main work: because guys like us are cool in college - series of oneshots/snippets following keith and lance’s freshman year of college - rated M, no archive warnings apply + other warnings in author note - 84/84 chapters, 83k words - completed may 10th, 2019
- voltron: legendary defender: 28 oneshots completed for klance au month february 2019. - klance - variety of aus, including but not limited to modern au, canon-divergent/other paladinsverse, fantasy au, and more - rated M, creator chose not to use archive warnings + other warnings in author note - 28/28 chapters, 49k words - completed february 28th, 2019
additional oneshots not mentioned here can be found on archive of our own ✨ other writing (including drabbles, snippets, and prompts from tumblr ask games) can be found in my writing tag ✨
happy reading!
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discordiansamba · 8 months
The first time Shiro met Krolia Kogane was during the Galaxy Garrison's open house.
They held it every year- it was a time for prospective recruits and their parents to come and check out the facilities for themselves. He'd given Keith the invitation himself- after seeing his performance on the simulator, he knew that they couldn't miss a talent like this. He'd been kind of worried that he might not show up, but his concern was short-lived.
He actually spotted his mother first.
It was easy to tell the two were related- they looked almost exactly alike. Krolia's eyes were even more violet than her son's, but she shared the same striking combination of pale skin and dark hair. Their expressions nearly mirrored one another. The biggest difference was their height- Krolia stood tall, about half a head taller than himself. Combined with her leather jacket, ripped jeans, and combat boots, she came across as very intimidating.
Then he saw the soft way she smiled at her son, and suddenly she wasn't.
They had a good long talk with one another. Shiro showed them around the facilities himself- save for the dorms. It turned out Keith wouldn't be living at the Garrison- apparently Krolia owned some property a couple miles out from the Garrison where they both lived. Commuter students at the Garrison were rare, but not unheard of.
Krolia was a little... strange, in the same way her son was. She was guarded, and there was something almost military in the way she held herself. She spoke with a strong southern accent like her son, but there was a lilt to it that Shiro couldn't quite place. Apparently she'd once been a pilot herself, but had since retired to raise Keith after the death of his father. She worked as a mechanic in Plaht City now.
When he offered her his hand to shake, she'd grasped his forearm instead.
(Her nails didn't look sharp, but they pricked his skin anyways.)
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ao3isthehomogod · 2 years
I'm Sorry
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Days, months, years?
Lance couldn't tell. It had felt like forever he had stood in front of that pod. That horried pod he refused to take his eyes off of.
"your an idiot, a fucking idiot."
Lance's words felt like daggers in Keith's heart. But he had to understand where the paladin was coming from.
"Seriously this sucks man, I mean this really sucks"
Lance has every intention of sounding angry, but the cracks in his voice and the way is hands trembled while applying pressure to Keith's bare chest was a dead give away.
He was terrified
"L-lance...i'm sorry"
His voice was raspy and unclear, but Lance heard every word.
"No- no we are not doing this."
"We are not having that sappy near death conversation right now."
"You're going to be fine. We'll get you in a pod, e-everything w-w-ill be f-fine"
Lance was surpised it took himself this long, but now he finally broke, hiding his face in Keith's hair.
Keith tried, he tired so hard, but-
"L-lance..i'm -ired"
The blue paladin shot up, immediatly pressing harder on Keith's wound that was now bleeding profously.
"no- no no no, Keith! Buddy I need you to stay awake! Help will be here soon I-I promise but-"
His voice broke
"please, don'-"
"don't d-do this..."
Their eyes met, both filled to the brim with tears. But Keith's started fluttering.
"-im -orry...Lance."
His eyes closed, and Lance felt his heart stop there and then.
"no! Keith please!"
"p-please d-dont do -is"
another sob
He held Keith tight; staring at his pale, sweaty, and nearly lifeless face. And holding back the desperate scream that clawed at his throught, causing him to wimper.
"im so sorry Keith"
Lance shot up and let out a gasp
"God! Lance you scared the quiznak out of us!"
In an instant Lance felt Pidge's arns around him in a comforting way.
"That must have been one heck of a dream that it kept you that deep asleep. Weve been trying to wake you up for doboshes" -Coran
Lance blinked a couple times, still not fully adjusted to his surroundings. Thats when it hit him.
His eyes fell on the still occupied pod in front of him. He let out a sigh. There still laid the boy, Keith.
The very boy he held in his arms as he felt his heart stop. Keith...stop.
And just like that, he felt himself crying again.
"H-hey Lance? Whats wrong?" - Hunk
The yellow paladin followed the others gaze to the pod and sighed.
"Lance I know you're worried, we all are but-"
Hunk paused, unable to find the right words.
Just then,
When Lance looked up his heart speed up.
It all happened in slow motion.
Keiths limp body falling from the pod
Lance nearly tripping in his immediate response
And Lance feeling his entire being crumble as his body collided woth Keiths.
The sound of his beating heart comfirming Lance's nightmares to be false.
"H-Hey buddy.." "How are you?"
"I-I'm alright, I little sore...how long have I been in there?"
Lance hugged him tighter if even possible.
"About 15 quintants" -Coran
Keith sighed
"Well that explains it..." -Keith
The red paladin brought his gaze back to the boy in his arms.
"Woah Lance!"
"Hey whats wrong?"
Lance snuggled in the crook of Keith's neck.
"Hey, not that I dislike you hugging me...but your squeezing me really tight."
Lance immediatly lossened is grip. He chuckled nervously.
"Sorry man..guess I got a little carried away"
The rest of the team read the room, decideding-
"We'll give you two a minute" -Shiro
Then they left.
Kieth's attention turned back to the boy in front of him.
"i'm sorry"
i'm so sorry if I had jus-"
His sentance was interrupted by Keith gently putting his arms around him.
"No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I put you through that"
Lance crumbled and sobbed into Keith's hair. Finding comfort in how much more healthy and warm Kieth had felt from the last him he held him in his arms.
Eventually, they both fell asleep. With the ressurance that the other was safe, and that everything would be okay again.
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okay so I know I said I’d have a post for Monday but stuff happened (nothing bad don’t worry) so this is late and also not what I had planned. but it’s something at least while I’m working on drawing and trying to actually finish a drawing for once in my life
anyways without further ado: more Voltron dragon prince AU shenanigans because that is still very much a thing that I want to do and am going to at least have some “official” art done for at some point in the year.
I only have an idea for Shiro’s design right now, but I have so much more to talk about in this post.
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Shiro doesn’t really have a direct parallel to anyone in the dragon prince, but he’s still important (obviously) and he still goes missing. I can’t really say too much about him because of story and plot reasons but there is gonna be Cool Stuff happening. I decided to make him a moon shadow elf because it makes the most sense, and also I just thought he would look cool as one. He’s still engaged to Adam, and he still goes missing with Sam and Matt Holt.
That’s all I can say about Shiro for now, but I still have other characters to talk about.
Adam is going to be playing an active role in this because I want him to and also he won’t fucking die because I think he should live. As a treat.
In this AU, Adam is human. A huge part of his whole deal is that he will be looking for a Shiro and Keith alone because they’re the two most important people in his life and he wants to find them.
Also, Adam and Shiro’s relationship is secret, only Keith knows that they’re together and that’s a huge motivation as to why Adam goes searching for them alone since he’s kinda trapped since he can’t exactly go out and get help finding Shiro and Keith. Anyways, that’s enough about those two, let’s get on to everyone else I’m talking about today
I’m just going to make a quick bullet point list of characters I don’t have much to say on in this post but I still wanna say what their deal is in the AU:
Coran is going to be Opeli (the like, advisor in TDP). He’s the royal adviser, but he also helped raised Lance and Allura. I don’t really have much to say about him other than he will still very much be himself and I love him
Matt is a scholar or something of that type along with his father, and they meet Shiro while doing research and end up befriending him (thank you Aeon for this suggestion your brain is great)
Romelle is going to be the equivalent of Ellis (the kid with the wolf). Also trans Romelle because I am a trans Romelle truther
Veronica is going to be this AUs Amaya but not going to be exactly like her (also, please let me know if you guys think that I should make Veronica deaf like Amaya since I would like having a deaf character in this but idk if it should be her or another side character that would most likely be an OC)
Krolia is going to be missing/MIA
The BoM are going to be the moonshadow elf assassins, but without the whole knowledge or death deal since. I just don’t want them to have that and it’s my AU I get to do what I want
Honerva is dead lol
Zarkon will be Viren
Ezor, Zethrid, Narti and Axca are still Lotor’s Lesbians and I have Several Ideas for them
I still have a lot that I wanna do, like learn how to draw dragons because Whoops I made an AU that has dragons and a lot of them but I don’t know how to draw them, and I have a lot to talk about when it comes to certain decisions I made for this, like Zarkon and Honerva and some things I have in mind for them. This is probably going to be a project that will take a long time to even officially get started because I don’t know how to write but I so desperately want to tell the story I have in mind and have it be enjoyable.
I’ll make another post soon with more in-depth descriptions and ideas for Zarkon, along with something I like to call the “kill-die scale” and also some ideas I am still struggling with
Also as always, thank you to @deuxaeonn for the help, your brain is so good and ik this hasn’t been worked on for a while but still lmao
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the-demons-within · 5 months
Trigger warning:
Suicide, death, hints at drugs and/or alcohol
"Lance, you don't you don't understand!" Keith argued, "nothing has been working!"
"Keith, you can't just do this, please. If not for me, then for shiro? Or Pidge, Hunk, Coran, Allura?"
"Allura," Keith spat. "You expect me to do anything for her when she stole everything from me!?"
"What has she ever stolen from you?!" Plance claimed. Keith looked at Lance, his expression un readable but silent none the less.
"You.." Keith whispered.
" I said You! Okay? She stole you from me." He cried, his voice began to crack. "She stole my everything," he whispered. Lance stood stunned at Keith's declaration. Every beat of silence became loud, lance had said nothing, not even a sound. He just stood there as if the idea of Keith liking him in that way was unheard of, like it was impossible. Every second, the large drop that was in front of Keith became more tempting. Every second, his urge to jump, to get rid of the pain of all these years, was getting larger. Everything he tried, the drugs, alcohol, any of it lead to only momentary numbness. Happiness for only a short time. Death, though? That was a different story. Everything would be gone. Finally, he would have control. It was like this was the only thing in life he could control, and Lance was taking that away from him. Keith heard footsteps shuffling frantically up the stairs to the roof. "What did you do?!" Keith demanded."No, no, you are NOT taking this away from me!" Keith's tears began to fall down his face. A dreaded sense of betrayal looming over him. Lance wanted him to be happy. Right? So why would he take that away?! The footsteps got closer. "Probably shiro, pidge, Hunk and coran, of course not Allura though she hates my guts," Keith thought. A worry filled Lance's eyes. And yet, Keith didn't care...
One step...
Keith lowered his head, "Lance, I love you, I really do." he looked up, seeing the broken and dishevelled Lance one last time, and he jumped.
"NO!" Lance cried, leaping forward, his hand just slipping past Keith and failing to grab on to him. "I love you too..." he said, voice cracking and eyes filling with tears.
"You can join him." Somone said from behind Lance. He turned around quickly.
"Wha-" He began, but no one was there.
"Over here," the voice said, pulling Lance over to the edge, his stomach slamming against the railing borderline winding him. "Tempting, isn't it?" The voice giggled. "Do it, I know you want to. Follow him." The voice tempted in his ear. The ground became soothing, like it was calling him. Lance couldn't believe he was being persuaded to actually do this. And by the air at that. "Oh, I'm not "Air. " I'm the other voice. The one inside your head. The one with the "bad thoughts." But really, is this one "bad?" The voice questioned. "Go on... be with him. Join us."
"I-" Lance began
"They are almost here. Choose now. I think you know what you want..."
"Go on, do it."
" I'll see him? Yes?"
"Yes," the voice responded. Lance looked to the stars. He decided.
"I'll he there soon Keith... I love you, " he breathed into the night. Slowly, yet hastily, he crawled over the railing in front of him...
"I'm coming, my love..." he whispered. Still looking at the stars, he submitted himself to the ground. Giving in at last.
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justmultifandom · 9 months
Kidge winter event
Day 3: Christmas gifts
Keith had lived in the desert his whole life, the only people he knew were his teachers or classmates before Shiro, so being welcomed and immersed in what they called Christmas cheer was strange to him. Living in the desert meant no snow, no Christmas tree, no presents after his father's death and very small, inexpensive things before that. That's why when Lance, after looking at the space calendar created by Pidge and Hunk, jumped on the spot noticing that we were close to Christmas, he certainly didn't waste time explaining everything to Coran and Allura. Both were very excited about the idea of celebrating an important Earth custom like that, in fact they immediately ran to the space mall to get some things.
“Okay guys! I want you with bags full of decorations and gifts!”: Lance had said, and in fact that's what Keith did. He had bought, well… stolen inexpensive items that he was sure would like, yet he felt ashamed when he saw others with two or three bags full of food, objects or decorations, when everything he had taken he had hidden in his large trouser pockets .
He watched the rest of the progress from afar, leaning against the wall or training. Sometimes he caught Hunk in the kitchen trying to create some space variation similar to Earth's Christmas desserts, other times he saw Pidge intent on genetically modifying some space plant in order to create a real Christmas tree, not to mention the fact that he often met in the corridors with Lance while he tried to hang something similar to mistletoe on the ceiling…
All of this was so damn strange to him and… he felt somehow left out. Sure, the paladins were his family now, even if in Lance's case he had preferred they weren't, but in that moment everything and everyone seemed so distant. Sometimes Shiro would give him a quick check-up to see if he was okay, but each time it happened less and less, perhaps Lance was dragging him into the Christmas cheer that everyone was used to. Everyone except him.
Many times Keith had wondered that if his father hadn't thrown himself into that fire many years earlier, perhaps he would be different than he is now, or perhaps not. After all, with or without his father, he had grown up alone in the desert.
When he arrived that day, for a moment he felt like a ghost. Everyone got up with joy and started the celebrations right from breakfast. He sat on the other side of the table silently eating the strange sticky substance while on the other side laughter and the sound of tearing paper filled his silence. He got up immediately afterwards and headed towards the training room. He discovered that fighting made him feel good in a certain way: he felt alive and relaxed, perhaps this also had to do with the symbol on his mother's knife. The Altean gladiator descended from the ceiling and began deftly swinging its spear as he made the bayard appear in his hand, ready to dodge, defend or strike.
They didn't stop even when the door to the training room opened and a figure entered and then sat down on the cold floor near the wall.
“What do you want, Pidge?”: Keith asked annoyed, giving the robot another blow with his sword.
“I'm just here to give you something, you ran away before I could…”: she replied, showing a small red package in her hands.
He didn't respond, continuing to fight and then stepping back to keep his distance and give himself a few seconds' break.
“I'm pretty busy right now…”: he growled, lunging forward at the robot.
“Don't worry, I can wait”: she replied with a shrug, watching the whole fight with interest.
Keith turned his gaze momentarily to look at her, and for a moment he wondered what was so interesting about a stupid fight. Well, obviously, Pidge was the green paladin, the most logical, curious and courageous: everything he saw, for her was a source of inspiration, a teaching and there was nothing that her sharp eyes couldn't perceive. That's why he was so attracted to her. Her decision-making ability, physical and mental strength, intelligence and tenacity made her an excellent companion in battle and a strong warrior.
When Keith finally brought the robot down with one last blow, he sat down next to her and she handed him the towel.
“Thank you”: he said, wiping his sweaty face.
“You're welcome”: she smiled, then handing him the gift when he had finished: “For you…”
“Oh… thank you…”: he took it carefully, delicately tearing the decorated red paper with which the gift had been carefully packaged.
“I also wanted to tell you that you are not the only one…”: she looked into his eyes for a moment. He raised an eyebrow.
"Lance organized everything...": Pidge continued: "In my family we celebrate a different Christmas than the American one with huge parties, decorations everywhere, mistletoe..."
“Oh, I see…”: he replied, focusing again on the package. When he removed the red paper, he slowly lifted the lid of the box and was surprised to see a knife carefully placed on a black pad. It was certainly made of a very precious and expensive metal and the hilt was made of leather and metal decorated with sumptuous floral embroidery.
“Wow…”: he admitted, taking it in his hand and checking the sharpness of the tip.
“I saw how fond you are of your knife, so I thought I'd give you another one…”: she said: “I know it's maybe not what you imagined, but you're always so introverted and it seemed difficult to find something suitable for you…”
"Are you joking? It's perfect!”: He smiled. One of those few sweet and rare smiles.
“I'm glad I made the right choice, it was quite difficult to steal it…”: she sighed: “That Unilu was so careful about everything!”
“I have something for you too, Pidge”: he laughed, taking a small USB stick out of his pocket and handing it to her. Her eyes lit up as soon as she saw it.
“But this is-?”: She exclaimed, stealing it from his hands: “I can't believe it! A USB stick! And it's a terrestrial model!!! Thanks Keith!”
She hugged him.
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Angst prompt based off something that I overheard that could definitely be angsty:
"Are you stupid? Why are you saying it doesn't hurt when you're in pain?!"
Idk I feel like Klangst
My baby :(
Trigger Warning: - Blood - Major Injury
Lance slumped against the wall, wishing he could slide his helmet off. Every breath stung, sharp pain exploding over his chest as he forced himself to inhale. He pressed the back of his head against the wall, grinding his teeth as his hands held the object lodged in his right rib cage. 
Just breathe Lance. This isn’t so bad. Just in and out, he commanded himself.  Fighting the urge to scream in pain. 
“Alright Paladins, we need to get off the ship before it explodes.” Shiro said, “get to your lions and head back to the castle. Pidge how much time do we have before the bombs detonated?” 
“About five dobosh’s,” the green paladin called back. 
“How far is everyone from their lions?” Shiro asked. 
“Back in Yellow!” Hunk said, peppiness in his voice. 
“Almost back to Green!” Pidge called. 
“Running up to Red now,” Keith said through panting. 
“I’m in my lion...what about you Lance?” Shiro called out. 
Lance opened his mouth to respond, but the words died on his tongue. 
“Buddy?” Hunk asked, anxiety plaguing his voice. 
He could only manage a wet cough. Splattering the inside of his helmet with blood. 
“Lance?!” Pidge screamed. 
“I’m fine- got some metal in my chest...no biggie,” he wheezed out. 
Panic exploded over the coms, Shiro demanding to know his location while Pidge frantically scanned for him. 
“Just leave- don’t have time,” he took a shaky breath, coughs forcing their way out. “Time to save me.” 
“Got him!” Pidge said, “this is where he’s located.” 
“I’m closet!” Keith called out. Everyone get out of here. I’m going to go get him.” Keith was already running as he spoke. 
Shiro screamed at Keith over the comms, but whatever he said fell on deaf ears. Lance could only focus on the roar of blood in his ears. His speeding heart rate. Does your heart get faster the closer you are to death? He released a morbid laugh, he should have paid attention in health class. 
A familiar red filled his vision, hands on his shoulders. “Guys I have him. Lance...can you hear me?” 
“Hey," a rattle breath, "Mullet.” 
Keith rolled his eyes, “come on. I need to get you out of here.” He slid his arms under his armpits. Lifting quickly. 
Lance choked on a scream, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. 
“Sorry-shit sorry.” Keith frantically said as he got Lance on his feet. “I'll make this up to you I swear.” 
Lance leaned on him, unsure what words were coming out of his mouth. Sleep tugged at him and he wanted nothing more than to embrace it with open arms. 
More pain.
“Sorry. I’m so sorry,” Keith said under his breath as he began to run down the hallway. Carrying Lance bridal style. 
Every step felt like fire. Every subtle movement was the equivalent of electricity through his veins. He chew on his inner cheek until more metallic taste filled his mouth. He didn’t want Keith to feel more guilty for trying to help him. 
“Just under a dobosh Keith!” Shiro said, panic seeping through his usual collectiveness. 
“Coming up on Red now! Is Blue going to be okay?” Keith asked as he reached his lion, holding Lance even tighter. 
“Don’t worry about the Blue lion. She will follow you back to the castle,” Allura’s voice made its way through the coms. 
“Roger.” Keith panted. He laid Lance down on the small beds each lion has. “I’ll be right back. I need to get us off this ship.”
Lance gave a shaky thumbs up, groaning as the lion began to move. 
“Stay awake for me Lance!” 
He smiled to himself, of course, Keith would be concerned for him. He was always protective of Lance. “Yes sir,” he slurred out. 
He felt himself fading out more, only snapping back some when his helmet was slid off his head. “Almost back to the castle,” Keith’s eyes scanned his body, focusing on the metal still lodged in Lance’s body. “Sorry for moving you. I may have caused more damage doing that.” 
Lance lifted his hand weakly, trying to wave his hand. Attempting to tell his fellow paladin that he held no hard feelings. He did save his life after all. “Doesn’t hurt.” He slurred out. 
Keith furrowed his eyebrows. “What?” 
Lance closed his eyes, trying to take a deep breath through his nose. “Doesn’t hurt.” He stated again. As if Keith didn’t hear him.
“Are you stupid?!” Keith flicked the other boy’s forehead. “Why are you saying it doesn’t hurt when you’re in pain?!” His voice rose slightly, his eyes scanning his face multiple times. 
Lance tried to meet his eyes, but he didn’t have much energy left. “You’re pretty." One more clunky breath. "Even with a stupid mullet.” He slipped into a slumber, Keith’s pleading fading away. 
He felt himself falling, strong arms wrapping around him tightly. “Thank goodness you’re okay,” Hunk whispered. 
Lance hugged him back, enjoying the strength of the hug. “Think I would die on you? Have some faith.” 
Hunk laughed as he pulled away. Wiping his eyes on the process. 
Lance looked around at his friend. “Where’s everyone else?” 
“Asleep. It’s basically three in the morning.” 
“Ah,” Lance rubbed his eyes. “Guess we should head to bed then.” 
Hunk smiled, “want some food first?” 
The blue paladin shook his head. “Proper sleep first, I’ll eat later.” 
“Alright,” Hunk patted his shoulder, “I’ll walk you to your room.” 
They whispered back and forth, Hunk giving him one more crushing hug. He slipped into his room. Unzipping the back of the body suit, letting it fall off his arms. Keeping it around his waist. He reached into his closet, pulling out the first shirt he touched.
A hesitant knock sounded on his door. 
He tilted his head and made the way to the door, the shirt in his hands. “Yeah Hunk?” He said as the door swooshed open. 
Keith stood on the other side. His posture was stiff but his eyes filled with relief. “You’re awake.” 
“Keith?” He was about to say more, maybe crack a joke or two but two arms wrapped around him. Causing them both to stumble into his room. The door closed behind Keith. Shaking. 
“I’m so glad you're okay. I was so worried about you.” He mumbled into Lance’s chest. 
Lance released an uncomfortable laugh, hesitantly wrapping his arms around the other boy. Nothing to worry about, just an attractive man hugging him. “Yeah...I’m okay.” 
They hugged for a bit, and Keith pulled back first. His eyes were glued to the white color on Lance’s ribs. A new scar to add to the collection. He pressed his hand against the skin, his thumb moving slightly over it. “We could have lost you.”
Lance swallowed, his eyes glues to Keith’s face. “I’m here.”
“I could have lost you.”  The raven boy whispered. Seeming to curl into himself ever so slightly. 
“You didn’t,” Lance lifted his head up with his fingers. Gently cupping his face with his hands. His thumbs moved against his surprisingly soft skin. “I’m right here. And it’s all because of you.” 
“...you called me pretty.” 
“When I was delirious?” 
Keith nodded, laughing softly. 
“I mean. You are pretty, that wasn't a lie.” Lance said, ignoring the blush rising on his face. 
“Shut up,” Keith pressed his face back into his chest. “Don’t ever do that to me again.”
Lance rested his cheek on Keith’s head. “I promise I won’t.” 
Soft Pre Establish Klance 
I hope you liked it!
Thank you <33333
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awhoreintheory · 1 year
Katie Holt; Status? Deceased.
TW: Major Character Death and graphic violence. Continue at your own digression.
14 year old Pidge. 
Pidge, the child of the group. 
Pidge Pidge Pidge Pidge Pidge. The girl who fought with every part of her, the girl who broke into the government for her family, a girl too smart for her age, a girl who was awkward around new people but never hesitated to help. A girl. A child. 
She lay there, this child, on the cold metal floor of a random Galran ship in the middle of nowhere. A meaningless battle, worth no lives, no information, no resources. A ship on its last legs, only bots on board with simple coding. She'd — she had just been talking — she was giving Lance shit, she was barking out laughter and poking fun at him for tripping. She'd been alive. She'd been there — just behind Shiro, just fucking behind him when it happened. A sentry — not an enemy, not a general of the empire, no Zarkon, not Haggar — a sentry; a sentry who got a couple of lucky shots. 
Well. One lucky shot, really. That was all it had needed.
Pidge lay there, motionless. Her body rapidly cooling, her unseeing eyes boring into Lance's, usually sparking and honey-coloured and filled with endless curiosity now dead and blank. A round hole, carved into her forehead, straight through her skull. Bloodless. The empire used plasma powered weapons. Right. Instantly cauterized words. Her eyes— eye, Lance realized belatedly, one eye, only the one — would haunt him. A shot through her left eye at an angle. An amateur shot. Bo finesse, no skill, just programming. 
Pidge died to a fucking sentry. 
Pidge died without seeing her dad and brother safe and alive. Pidge died before she could save them and take them home to her mom. Pidge died. Pidge died. She was dead. She was dead, in a random Galra cargo ship, in the middle of dead space. She died.
Pidge is fucking dead. She’s dead. Dead dead dead dead dead —
A shot through Hunk’s right arm, followed by a pained grunt, snaps the team out of their stupor. Right. They are in the present. 
(3 seconds. That's all it took. All the time it took for Pidge to be shot through the brain, a faint spattering of the little amount of blood that managed to escape on Shiro's face and floor.)
Preoccupied by the fighting, Pidge’s body is left on the floor. No one pays full attention to their fight. Just silence. Allura and Coran's worried questioning is left unanswered and unacknowledged. They can see her heart monitor. They can see it is flat. They can put two and two together. 
But denial isn’t just a human emotion. Once the last bot falls by Keith’s hand, the team — slowly, painfully, full of disbelief — makes their way to Pidge. Face pale, with a good chunk missing, body cold and growing stiff with her bayard still tightly clenched in her hand. Shiro is the first to drop down, hesitantly reaching a shaking hand to caress her pale cheek. 
Of course, there’s no movement. Not even a twitch. Somewhere, Shiro knows this, but he seems incapable of stopping himself, desperate to keep trying.
“Katie. Katie, please." 
Katie. Katie Holt. Her name is — was — Katie Holt. She was a 14 year old kid who would've barely been graduating from middle school had she been a normal kid. No one let their tears drop — not yet, not while in enemy territory, not while they're not safe, not while nothing felt real. Not when Katie was just a child in a war she had no part in. Not when she had been so alive just moments before. Not now. Not here. 
Not her. Gods, why did it have to be her? Why was it them? Why were they chosen? Why did Pidge have to bear the consequences? Why was it always the children? Why couldn't Shiro ever protect the people he loved? Why was Shiro such a failure? Why did Shiro have to fail Sam and Matt? Why couldn't Shiro get them back to Colleen? Why was he so incompetent? He'd been right in front of her. He'd been right in front of her. 
He's the leader. He's the pilot of the Black Lion. Why, as a leader, could he not even protect Pidge? Why, as a part of the universe’s only hope, had he been so powerless? Why why why why why why why why why why why why why?
"...We're heading back to the bridge. Coran, prepare a pod." 
Shiro’s normally powerful voice is reduced to a quiet whisper, hoarse and barely eligible. 
"Shiro —" Coran starts, hesitant. 
"A pod, Coran. I said "prepare a pod." Shiro’s voice cracks. 
The team stares. They stare and stare, even as Shiro gingerly slides an arm under her leg and lifts her up. She weighs barely anything. The automatic doors opens and closes without a sound. 
The first to move is Lance. He jerks forward, as though he'd been yanked by an invisible force, stumbling toward the door with his hand outstretched. 
His voice is behind a crack, it’s splintered and ripped apart and lost. It’s broken. Just so, so broken. 
Fighting out of the cargo ship, Green doesn’t follow. Hunk wordlessly grabs the shut-down lion, trying to gently place her down in the hangar only for her to collapse like a marionette with the strings cut. It was only the safety of the Castle did the team finally move with some sort of urgency, somewhat grasping the situation. 
Pidge is hurt. She’s hurt really bad. She’s hurt so bad... they’re sure if the pods can bring her back. 
(They’re not. Of course they’re not. They’re machines, not miracle workers. What can machines do to bring back the dead?)
But they will try.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
How would K change if Munakata were not in it?
Damocles fall, everyone dies :D The first question would be if Munakata isn’t there then do we have a Blue King at all, like is Habari still alive or is there just some random guy Blue King. It actually brings up an interesting question of would Mikoto still pursue his revenge if he didn’t have a failsafe person prepared to stab him, knowing his plan to avenge Totsuka would certainly result in the death of basically everyone around him. I feel like as much as Mikoto wanted to avenge Totsuka I really can’t see him deciding that killing Colorless is more important than, say, Anna’s life, and she would certainly never go far enough away that she wouldn’t get caught in the aftermath of his Sword falling. Particularly when we consider the sheer size of the Kagutsu Crater — in The First manga they specifically have Shiro take everyone off the island just in case but let’s face it, if Mikoto’s Sword fell everyone still would have died at that range. I don’t think Mikoto would be willing to take that risk, that he could end up killing everyone he loves just to avenge one person.
Which means he still needs someone to kill him, so if we have another Blue King presumably this would be that person’s job. Of course it also makes things messy if Habari is the King still, since his own Sword would likely still have destabilized in some manner from Kagutsu’s Damocles Down and he would be in danger of needing his head cut off by Zenjoh even if he did manage to kill Mikoto first. Actually in this case I wonder if Kokujouji would actually get off his butt and do the deed, since he doesn’t have a convenient Blue King to pass the duty off to and besides, he’s going to die himself soon anyway so if his Sword gets destabilized first so be it. I think the issue here would be that he needs to be able to rescue Shiro (though we have no idea how he saved Shiro from being, y’know, vaporized so maybe the Rabbits could just do that) and can he do both that and stop Mikoto.
Also in the aftermath I wonder if Hisui would even bother to look for Shiro first or if he would just go ahead and grab the Slate while the grabbing’s good. There’s no Red King, presumably no Blue King, and no Gold King, so does he even need to hold back in case Shiro is around, he may as well just take the Slate and see what happens. I think Hisui would really be way more likely to have won in a scenario with no Munakata just because he was at least a presence to hold Hisui back, a King that Hisui still had to keep in mind — Anna’s just awakened and isn’t at the height of her powers yet and Shiro is a wild card. Hisui obviously wanted the Silver King senpai to notice him but I think he would have been more willing to be bold if he only really had one seasoned King to worry about (and presumably he could have taken out Anna or at least weakened her in Mihashira, Munakata saves everyone there at the end). And even if Hisui did decide to take things slow Munakata does the bulk of the fighting during the Christmas attack on Mihashira, without him it seems like it would have been easy for Hisui to take the Slate — and without Munakata around does Fushimi even infiltrate the Greens, and if Fushimi doesn’t then there’s no way to open the gate to get into jungle’s hideout.
(And speaking of Fushimi — without Munakata, does he join jungle? There’s no indication that Hisui specifically needed the Minato twins scenario to go after Fushimi, so I imagine the whole hallucination thing would still have happened. Munakata’s hint about catching a cold is what let Fushimi figure out what was going on, would he still figure out the virus on his own here — and even if he does, does Mikoto arrive in time to save Fushimi from Hisui, or for that matter does Hisui even back down? He let Munakata take Fushimi precisely because he was aware that Mikoto was outside and Hisui didn’t want to face two Kings, but if it’s just Mikoto I could see Hisui going for it, taking Fushimi to his side, and now there really is no one to infiltrate jungle later on.)
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littleshysheep-at-da · 3 months
oka's whole thing is so tragic. do u have anyheacanons for herand /or poti
I do not know what the “ooooAAAUGHH” is in response to but I feel like I agree 🤔 lol.
TBF Oka was quite literally born into the hands of one of the MOST manipulative man (Potimis) EVER. So I don’t think anyone who knows the full circumstances could really blame her but I know she’ll probably never stop blaming herself.
I like to think at some point Kyouya apologizes to Oka for what he said when they first met because he felt it was hypocritical and unfair. Which I think Kyouya is the type to not apologize for all the things he’s had to do for war, not because he doesn’t feel awful about it, but sort of because he’s resolved himself and apologizing would feel insincere and unfair (let me make this about Kyouya lmaooo my bias is so strong can you tell). But I feel like he would apologize to miss Oka for what he said to her and I also think Katia would jump in with her own form of not quite apologizing for her actions (because she was right to doubt Oka but not because of Oka herself but because of Potimis lying to her), but apologizing that she had to be put in such a position. Also Katia also is a bit of the tough love and would probably try to reason with Oka that she shouldn’t have to feel responsible for all her students just because they have a connection from their lives (as a way to sort of to try and lessen Oka’s guilt over everything). But yeah I think a lot of the reincarnations would apologize to her and try to do right by her own once they learn her full circumstances.
I would honestly be really interested on what Oka’s thought on Shiro are though? Like? To Shiro Oka is quite her savior who she owes a life debt but idk if Oka even remotely remember her at all. Like afterwards do you think she’s just like “the classroom Spider? What.” 😭 I think she would want to speak to Shiro about it which would,,, go as well as anyone (aside from Ariel) who tries to hold a conversation with her. I think once Oka knows who Shiro is she would try to include her with the other reincarnations (which has the vibe of a mother trying to get her child to socialize… sorry I love found family parent child structure sooooo much with KumoDesu lol I should make my Headcanon family tree…) it has… mixed results.
Also ngl I still find it SO FUNNY that no one taught Mera suffixs so he thinks the San (which is translated to Miss in English) is part of her name.
I genuinely call Potimis Elf H*tler cause… ngl the similarities are there. Thought they were the “superior race”, blond hair blue eyed (which obviously this one isn’t an evil trait and I feel I should specify that it’s just funny to me), actually really unhealthy themselves… y’know it’s there.
I also think Potimis sort of captures KumoDesu’s pacing when you think about it. Like the pacing of KumoDesu is REALLY GOOD, Kumoko struggles enough to make things feel intense so then when she gets overpowered it just feels so deserved. And I think seeing how fast Potimis goes from big deal to nothing that difficult to deal with is really interesting because it doesn’t feel rushed at all despite how fast that change happens? Like it’s interesting to think about that at a certain point Kumoko is sooo OP nothing is a problem of strength but more of tactics you make sure things play out the way she wants.
Also for Potimis I really think Ariel’s words to him sum it up (paraphrasing here) “was a life running from death really worth it?” Because yeah he spent so much time afraid of the inevitable did he ever really live? It’s kinda a good statement on how worrying does not prepare you for tomorrow only takes away from today.
At this point you might be able to tell the difference based on format but even if I don’t already have stuff Written down (most of what I have Pre-Written is Ship Based) I come up with stuff pretty quick! I have many thoughts! Way more than I remember to actually Write lol!
I’ll probably just start signing these Asks with this but: Again my Obligatory Thank You for Asking for my Opinion!!!!! I LOVE KUMODESU WITH MY WHOLE SOUL!!!!
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The hole doesn’t go away in the pod. 
It was stupid to think that it would. They all watched him die. All of them. They watched his eyes go dull. They watched him collapse to the ground. He swayed, for a moment. Like his body wasn’t quite ready to fall, ready to give up, even as his brain was fried to death. 
He fell forward, in the end. Even though he was against a wall. He tipped right forward, nose smashing to the ground, like he was suddenly top heavy. None of them were fast enough to catch him. None of them were fast enough to even move, not for several moments, not for so long that they would have been killed, too, if their helmets had been cracked like Lance’s.
The worst part was that he laid there. For who knows how long. Just – by himself, on the ground, arms tucked close to his chest, face to the floor. Like he does when he’s really frustrated with something and needs to feel the weight of his body crushing him a little. Sometimes when he’s really frustrated he does that in front of Keith. He stomps to Keith’s room and flops right on Keith’s bed, careless of how many times he bumps into Keith on the way down, shoves his face in Keith’s pillow and tucks his arms under him. That’s how Keith knows he does it, the arm thing. Because he trusts Keith enough to feel frustrated around him.
It made Keith really guilty. Here he was, fighting off a hoard of Galran soldiers with burning eyes, as Lance lay frustrated behind him. Injured, too. That wasn’t fair. Keith was supposed to be helping. He was supposed to be quietly running his hand over Lance’s back until Lance settled enough to talk. That was his job. He needed to do his job. 
“Room’s thinning out,” Shiro had said quietly. “Keep it up and we’ll be done with this in twenty, okay, guys?”
There was no answer. Not even a twitch of acknowledgement. No one spoke up or grunted or nodded or nothing. Nothing until the final soldier was killed, slashed to pieces by Keith’s blade. Nothing for several moments after, even, as all of them stood still and listless and thoughtless. 
“We must go now,” Allura had announced, finally breaking the silence. “Home. Castle. We must.”
Her words seemed to snap the rest of them into action, each of them stepping over the carnage they made, with half-aborted movements, hesitant and confused. 
“We need the data,” Pidge mumbled. “That we came here for. Before we blow the place.”
Hunk had made a noise. Keith still doesn’t quite know how to describe it. It was gravelly, almost. Scraped raw. Not quite pained, though. Not then. Like a thought had travelled down from his brain to be shared to the group but had shriveled up and died in his throat. Like he wasn’t sure of anything, anymore. 
“I’ll wait with Lance,” Hunk had said softly. “He got hurt. He shouldn’t – he doesn’t like being alone. Not when he’s hurt.”
Hysterical laughter bubbled up in Keith’s throat, and it took every ounce of strength he had to fight it off, to shove it down somewhere dark and stupid inside him. “Not ever.” 
Keith stumbled over the severed leg of a sentry, on his way to Lance. The sting of his palms smacking on the metal ground zapped right up his arms, making his elbows shake. He struggled to get back to his feet. He thinks he kicked a few more scattered limbs on his way up. He’s not sure. He knows the sound of it rattled around in his brain. 
He and Hunk reached Lance at the same time. The rest of the team had already filed out by then, or at least Keith hadn’t noticed them in the room anymore. Not that he really noticed anything, at that point. At that point, all he was worried about were his hands, gently around Lance’s left arm, hauling him up with Hunk’s help to lean on the wall. Keith and Hunk sat pressed closely to either side of him, propping him upright.
“It’ll be okay, Lance,” Hunk had said quietly. “I’ll carry you back to the castle. And then a couple hours in the healing pod and you’ll be up in no time.”
It’s been six hours, now. None of them have done anything but stand, tired and banged up and exhausted, staring blankly ahead of them. Keith keeps cycling the day over and over in his brain. Somehow, the look on Lance’s face, seconds after the blast burns through his forehead, changes every time. The first time Keith was sure it was fear. Then surprise. Then pain, then exhaustion, then blank nothingness. 
Then, worst of all, accusation. The worst one of them all was the image in Keith’s brain of Lance’s dark brown eyes, sour in their pain, looking at Keith in some kind of betrayal. 
You can’t save me, those eyes said. I looked to you in my last moments and I was scared and I was hurt and I was vulnerable and I wanted to rely on you like you relied on me for months and months and months and you let me die. You killed me. I will never be alive again and it is because you failed me.
Keith has fallen in those spirals before. Lance likes to say that Keith is obsessed with making himself feel guilty before anyone else has the chance to. He’s right, of course. Lance is bossy and sarcastic and incendiary, but he’s right, a lot.
“Children,” Coran says, quiet and sad and wary. “The pods are –” he stops for a minute, choked. “The pods are not machines of miracle.”
“Don’t,” Pidge begs. There are tear tracks dried on her cheeks. “Please. He just needs a couple more hours.”
Coran slumps forward. Keith has never seen him slump, before. He’s always stood tall, heels clicked together. He has stood tall in front of Galran fleets that stretched farther than the eye could see. He has stood tall as the team failed again and again. He has stood tall as his entire planet burned to ashes and he was one of two people to be left to rise among them. 
But now he loses his strength. Standing in front of Lance’s dead fucking body and the dead fucking team he loses his strength. 
“He’s gone,” Keith chokes out, and he can’t hold himself up anymore. His knees buckle and hit the ground, hard, and it hurts but he can barely feel it. 
No one says anything else. No one has to. They stand in front of Lance’s corpse until none of them can anymore, and then they turn, one by one, and go to bed.
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next chapter
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canariie · 2 years
morning routine
Rating: T
Synopsis: Toushiro builds it into his routine to stop by Hinamori’s room before he begins his day. Sleep eludes him so much so that by the time he sees her, it is still early and dark with the streetlights still twinkling. While the world is still with blue muted tones and the infirmary night shift staff are exchanging guard, he has this moment of solitude with her.
But right as the soft light of dawn breaks, he departs immediately. 
Toushiro’s morning routine in the aftermath of the defection where he learns the healing power of proximity and trust.
Word Count: 2680 words
Setting: time in between the Save Rukia Arc & Arrancar Arc (around the time of the Bleach novel Honey Dish Rhapsody) 
Prompt: @hitsuhina-week‘s Hitsuhina 2023 Weekend Day 2 - Morning
Authour’s Note: This was an idea I had for a long time to expand on the few lines that Toushiro is mentioned in the first light novel, and Hinamori by proxmity. (I linked the novel up above if anyone wants to read a translation.) It really excited me to go super super deep into that one bit of him biting his nails as a nervous tick--which ended up being a whole story about hands haha
I didn’t spend too much time on final editing, in trying to keep with the unfiltered emotions and state of shock at coping with a loved one that is unreachable. I think I could have spent more time on this but also wanted to keep it quite raw.
Shout out to Chanhyuk’s songs Goodbye, stay well & If I can’t see you right now for being the songs that helped in the final push!
Toushiro never liked the healing barracks. The sterile whiteness of the walls, the artificial lights, the ticking of the clock. Everything felt bare and magnified like it was under a microscope.
He has been called to the intensive care treatment centers—when the shinigami that have almost slipped off the edge towards death have been hastily pulled up—and made to stand tall again for the Gotei 13. Currently, the center has seen its highest volume of patients and it makes his stomach drop as he passes by the doors of soldiers incapacitated by severed limbs and ailments that can only be treated with precedent prognoses.
But he endures it all as he watches the fourth captain check the vitals of her latest patient. He observes from the doorway; on the threshold of being involved, but far enough to be removed.
“Hinamori-fukutaicho’s treatment is complete. The damage to her body will heal sooner or later,” she says softly, her hands flipping through the paper charts; it’s careful in a way that makes Toushiro wonder if she is curating her words.
“The damage to her body…” Toushiro parrots as he bites his nails, a nervous habit he wished he had left outside of Seireitei.
He forces himself to stop.
Toushiro thinks of the times Hinamori chided him in the past. She would take his hands in hers and pull them towards herself, her brown eyes looking at him in admonishment before she would wrap his hands in her much warmer ones; they were always warmer, like she had just carried sunshine.
Shiro-chan, you shouldn’t do that! You’ll ruin your nails. She would tilt her head and smile, the pig tails drifting to the side, making him stop and stare.
If you’re ever worried about something, you can tell me, you know?
Now he has failed her and left her in a dreamless sleep.
It has only been a few days since the defection of the three captains, including Hinamori’s former captain; only a few days since she had been mercilessly stabbed through the chest, and left to die. His blood still runs cold as the sight of her lifeless eyes.
Admiration is the emotion furthest from understanding.
Toushiro gnaws at his thumb.
Unohana-taicho continues undeterred.
“I can only treat the wounds that we can see…Beyond that, we must rely on the patient’s own ‘will to live.’” She looks down at the sleeping girl who looks paler than ever before, as if the walls had sucked away the color of her life. Toushiro grimaces and quickly schools his face, before curtly bowing.
“Thank you Unohana-taicho,” he turns to leave.
“She is waiting for someone to call out to her,” Unohana-taicho calls out with something of an admonishment and plea.
Toushiro stops in his tracks. He knows the older captain knew the guilt he was drowning himself in. Without her intervention, he knew he would have bled out to death in that cold court and Hinamori would have surely not survived. And for that, he owes her an unpayable debt.
His throat tightens and his back remains rigid as he barely looks to the side.
“The way I am now, I can’t be the one to call out to her,” Toushiro says solemnly, before departing the room.
Toushiro builds it into his routine to stop by Hinamori’s room before he begins his day. Sleep eludes him so much so that by the time he sees her, it is still early and dark with the streetlights still twinkling. While the world is still with blue muted tones and the infirmary night shift staff are exchanging guard, he has this moment of solitude with her. But right as the soft light of dawn breaks, he departs immediately.
It surprises him one morning to see his lieutenant there before him as she moves around Hinamori’s room. She doesn’t startle when Toushiro calls out to her, instead turns with a worn look on her face, the soft shadows under her eyes looking deeper in the blue light.
“I knew you’ve been holding yourself back from coming in, Taicho,” she says resignedly. “But you shouldn’t punish yourself—we are both equally to blame and self-pity won’t help us.” Her tone is not unkind and she stares at the young girl in the bed with a loaded look that makes Toushiro feel like he’s not the only one carrying demons.
“Unohana-taicho updated me on her condition. She’s not gone but we have to prove her from here that we can bring her back.” She runs her hands through her long blond hair. “I’m proposing that we help with external care that the nurses wouldn’t normally do.”
He raises his eyebrow dubiously. “Like what?”
“Well,” she starts with that knowing tone, “We can do her nails! Who knows when Hinamori has had a manicure last and clearly there has been no time to do so,” she says matter-of-factly lifting up the young girls hands in her own and inspecting it. She tsks in disapproval while Toushiro can only gawk.
“Matsumoto, you cannot be serious.” His lieutenant has had some far-fetched ideas but this certainly tops them all.
“Isane-san said we’re not allowed to change her robes to something more colourful,” Rangiku said with a roll of her eyes. “So—this is the next big thing.” She stares at him, her gray eyes expecting him to retort.
Toushiro cannot say anything. His gut reaction is to do nothing and not move any closer. But he also knows that as much as his vice-captain says Hinamori needs this, Matsumoto equally as much needs this moment—to rid the guilt that is plaguing her.  
“It’s up to you,” he offers quietly.
She lets out a slight smile and exhales a long breath. “I know, I know it seems out there. But I truly believe that if she feels that someone is caring for—it’ll bring her back to us.” Rangiku pulls a seat by the bed and settles herself as she brings up a large hang bag that thunks on the side table.  
“I don’t think her nails will grow that long, but regardless we can still file them.” She pulls out a long nail file and begins on Hinamori’s smallest finger. "You take the file and move it along the nail,"—she demonstrated—"like that."
Toushiro only watches from the doorway, still in partial disbelief of what he was witnessing. Her eyebrows furrow as she concentrates, "Don't pull too fast or it might tear,” Matsumoto murmurs.
Toushiro wasn't enthused by the idea and the older girl could tell when she looks up at him.
She sighs. "Why don't you brush her hair? There's a brush in my bag," she gestured with her shoulder, her long blond hair spilling to the side.
"How much stuff did you bring, Matsumoto?" he asked warily, eyeing the unending volume of items she seemed to bring out of the bottomless bag. He makes no move to step forward from the doorway.
"Just the necessary items." Matsumoto defended as she started pulling out more items from her purse (“a make-up bag,” she had corrected him later). Finally in her hand she holds out the brush, but he still remains where he stands.  
“Why don’t you bring Tobiume closer to her?” the older woman asks, but Toushiro hears the unasked question. You can still carry it, right?
Zanptakou’s are remnants of their owner’s soul. Depending on proximity and the nature of the relationship, any close companion of the wielder is able to hold the sword. It implies trust and honor to carry another’s soul in one’s hands. Otherwise, it remains heavy and immovable to any stranger.
Typically with trust over time, it is common for a vice-captain to be able to carry their captain’s sword in their hand. What is rarer is when individuals outside of one’s division are able to hold the blade. It is a precious secret as it carries confidence—and therefore weakness.
He knew long before that he was able to hold Tobiume; he’s felt the warmth seep into him, like sunshine, like a warm flame, like Hinamori—vibrant and alive.
Toushiro steps forward from the threshold and approaches the sword that has been propped up in the corner.
A flare burns his hands and he drops Tobiume on the floor. The clang of the sword echoes in the room.
He stares down at his hands that are singed with burns, bright red bruises marring his skin.
It is with cold realization that he realizes they are in the same places as Hinamori’s bruises were from when she had accused him of murder.
Rangiku looks at him with great sadness and sighs in defeat. “It’ll take some time, but they’ll both come around.”
And so the routine began. Every morning the two would go and tidy up the room, with Rangiku tending to Hinamori and Toushiro just watching from far. After a couple of days, he starts moving closer—replacing the flowers by her bed stand, opening the curtains—but still never touching her.
A week passed and Matsumoto says that she had a lieutenants’ debrief in the morning and wouldn’t be able to come, which left him standing awkwardly in the door way of Hinamori’s room.
Toushiro went about his usual steps of changing the water for the flowers and opening the curtains. He makes a brief survey of her vitals, observing the machines that monitor her heartbeat with a steady steady soft staccato along with making a note to see if her IV bag has been replaced.
Ultimately, he finds himself by her side but cannot bring himself to tend to her hands, so he just opts to lift them. Rangiku has been dedicating a lot of care and besides the soft lines from her bruises, you couldn't tell she was in battle.
As he weighs her hand in his, he grimaced at the cold. He wishes she were warmer like when she was younger and would pull him along. He was never a fan of it, deeming it too childish to be directed by someone else.
Now, he regrets pulling away so quickly.
He studies her hand. There were still scars from when she had held Tobiume so tightly--with all her life to execute a dead man's wish. Which sent her to a dreamless sleep.
Her hands were never meant to carry such pain. They were to protect, take care and bring warmth.
He laments leaving her to face such demons on her own.
Toushiro drops her hand.
“She’ll wake up. I know she will.”
He turns to see the intruder in the doorway, taking up the whole width with his grand presence and bright orange hair.
“I’ve been told I’m not the best at detecting rieatsu but she’s there. I can feel it,” Kurosaki supplies like a hasty defense. "You looked so...sad," he finished lamely. There's a moment of pause as the older boy scratches his head, clearly uncomfortable. "It reminded me of when I lost my mom."
Toushiro regards him slowly. Though he wore the black death robes, his bright shock of hair made him stand out in the door frame, foreign and so alive. In every moment that Ichigo Kurosaki was present in Soul Society, his presence had disrupted their quotidian way of living. And though it was too soon for many captains reflecting on the unknown deceit, there was a begrudging admittance that the boy had wreaked havoc to save a friend and irreparably saved all of Soul Society.
Toushiro himself hadn't spent much time with the ryoka boy; he knew that Matsumoto had acquainted herself with the rest of the group, but he was not keen on making shallow introductions. Toushiro knows that he has been visiting Kuchiki from the Thirteenth but he did not expect to be sought out by the boy—especially to be offered unsolicited sympathy.
A flash of blood passes through his mind. Momo’s eyes pleading and drowning in confusion.
If Ichigo is bothered by Toushiro's silence, he doesn't show it. "My sisters were really young at the time so they couldn't understand the concept of death. Instead, my dad told the story of 'Sleeping Beauty,' and that our mother was far away, asleep and gone,” he speaks softly with the weight of someone who carried grief too prematurely.
"It gave them solace and relief that she'd one day wake up. But after a couple years, they realized it was a fairy tale."
(Toushiro doesn’t know who his father was and felt it was like fool hardy advice—but maybe he knew something more of consoling than Toushiro did).
The ryoka looks past Toushiro to the sleeping girl on the bed.
"But for you, you still have a chance. She's not gone—she's here. Don't give up, Toushiro."
The tenth captain was too stunned to correct the misuse of his title and watched as the human boy left.
Only the hum of the machines buzzed as time ticked by slowly. He looked to Hinamori, who was still asleep but maybe with the boys words and closer inspection, he could start to see a colour on her cheeks, and her chest deeply moving in breaths.
During one of his breaks later, he found himself wandering through a bookstore in the outer rings and found the tale of ‘sleeping beauty.’
He couldn't help himself and bought it.
As he reads it, it seemed like the stories that Momo would have liked to read—which made it harder to turn the pages, but he persists. Toushiro ends up bringing it with him in his morning visits and reads portions of it out loud to her.
A beautiful young girl who was tricked unknowingly into a dreamless sleep, caught in between life and death in a castle.
There were descriptions of flowers intricate and delicate as they covered up the walls of her castle. It seems that even in the image of death, there was life. But somehow, Toushiro knows, that when those hundreds of flowers seemed to pile up, then life would eventually fade. It makes him uneasy, knowing that there was this helpless person, left in a state of flux unknowing whether her saviour would come.
After he finishes the story, Toushrio found himself picturing the flowers in his hands. The nervous energy he had stored inside, started manifesting in little shards of ice. And he sculpted them—one by one. Picking at the shards and pulling them long between the prints of his fingers, pinching and piecing them into petals. It felt instinctual to one to bind them all together, until he had a single flower that reflected the light of the early dawn.
Toushiro glances at Momo, whose chest was rising up and down softly—higher than it ever did before.
A sigh of relief escaped his lips.
From then on, Toushiro comes every morning, and sculpts a flower, until he is called away to World of the Living, leaving behind a bouquet of ice by the sleeping girl’s bed.
The first thing that Momo could remember when she opened her eyes, was the warmth of sunshine on her face. Lifting herself slowly from the bed she looked down at her nails, painted with a light sheen reflecting the morning light, that she knew she didn't do herself.
She could hear the birds outside and the conversations of passerby. A soft breeze billows the curtain out and she can see the trees outside sway along.
A blinding flash of light catches her attention as she sees ice shimmer—and she is drawn to a beautiful bouquet of ice flowers standing by her bedside table. She drinks it in like water, the varieties of petals and designs and she marvels at the time that has manifested into it.
“Hitsugaya-kun?” Momo moves forward to touch the last remaining petal, but at the prick of her finger, it shatters into a thousand shards.
She wakes up alone, with broken shards of ice by her side of what once was.
Authour’s Note: I hope you all enjoyed this one! I really enjoyed taking on a sort of self-deprecating Hitsugaya and thinking about the ones that would get him out of his slump. Ichigo’s conversation was actually the first part that was written down, as part of my Hitsugaya gets life advice from older peers series haha I think Ichigo is the kind of guy that wouldn’t leave a sad kid without imparting something, right?
Also it’s a personal headcanon of mine that zanpaktous change perceived weight depending on the weilder and the holder’s relationship to the weilder! in tie with this, i would love to explore a future fic of Momo and Hyorinmaru post-Winter War.
I also hope that you got the Hyoten Hyakkaso reference! Sleeping beauty worked itself in somehow and then I was like, “oh! i must reference this! it all ties together!”
(but if you didn’t that’s okay! I hope the last paragraph was haunting enough haha)
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