#sorry for the amount of big tags
cloudbrooksblog · 11 months
TRIGGER WARNINGS/content warnings: mentions of various commonly triggering things, descriptions of car-related triggers, many stupid "get over it" phrases that might be triggering if you're a victim of something, and also mentions of suicide, just read with caution ok?
yknow, I've been thinking about PTSD lately. Specifically people's reactions to me involuntarily displaying symptoms of it (dissociating, having flashbacks that make me cry, avoiding triggers, etc).
Most of this is from people who are related to my main abusers (my parents) but they don't react this way for no reason. They were raised in a culture that thinks this way.
The reactions are all similar: when I have an involuntary or instinctual response to triggers (like the ones I mentioned above), they say that I shouldn't let these things hurt me. Want a couple more specific examples, actually?
I avoid movies with car crashes and dissociate+sometimes have flashbacks when I hear tires or brakes screeching on the street. I start to shake if someone honks their horn near me, even in a parking lot. When I do this, INVOLUNTARILY (i cannot stress it enough), my brother will say that I let it bother me too much. Other assorted reactions I've gotten to this specific circumstance have been "you need to get over this one day", "you can't just avoid cars your whole life", and paraphrased, "you need to move on", "if this bothers you you'll never survive in real life", and "you're so dramatic".
That's just with car-related triggers for my PTSD. Don't get me started with sex jokes, cigarettes, talking about wanting to hurt children, etc. And DONT get me started about people's reactions to me wanting to cut off my family.
If I talk about any of that (when it naturally comes up, usually after questions about why I don't talk to certain people from members I'm about to cut off as soon as I don't have to depend on them,) the general reactions are that I'm like a ghost. Holding onto grudges that are just hurting me, that by holding onto them I'm hurting myself pointlessly, and that if i just *tried a little harder* I could live a much more peaceful and happy life. This is in reaction, let me remind you, to things like... me being uncomfortable around cigarettes. Me flinching when I hear sex jokes. Me leaving the room when people start talking about wanting to beat up kids and strangle them. I'm holding a grudge! I'll be encountering these things for the rest of my life!
That last one I get a lot, too. I'll be encountering these things for the rest of my life.
Let me tell you a secret. That's why I tried killing myself. That's why I've been to crisis facilities 6 different times. That's why I've made plans to move off-grid, to move to somewhere isolated, etc. But since I'm still right fucking here, obviously I'm not going to do any of that. So why point it out? Why point that out, as though it's not something you just WITNESSED my way of coping with?
Yes, I'll be encountering PTSD triggers the rest of my life. And every time I do, I will avoid them. That's why I don't buy into the whole "just try a little harder" angle. I'm not going to waste my time and my life trying to do that. This isn't a fear. This isn't a phobia. I don't sprint the opposite direction whenever a car honks and I'm walking on the sidewalk. I still have friends who smoke various things my abusers did. My PTSD still gets triggered by it, and I still get uncomfortable when they smoke. But you know what? They're my friends. They understand that and don't get annoyed at me for being uncomfortable. My friends who make sex jokes do it even though it makes me flinch because I've made it very clear: I'm going to react to them. It's not an insult. There's no need to feel bad. It's just nature.
When you tell me to get over it, it's NOT because you care. Convince yourself that it is, but listen closely: You're making it WORSE. And people with PTSD tell you that. And you ignore them, because you don't really care. Our PTSD just makes you uncomfortable and annoyed. It's inconvenient to think about and be around.
I'm not going to brute-force my way out of having triggers. It's just not happening. I'm going to have these involuntary responses. If you're my friend, you'll deal with it and understand the truth:
It's just nature :) deal with it. It's worse for me than it is for you, you selfish person.
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snarkspawn · 4 months
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happy (belated) valentine's day @pharawee ❤ but also @ these two idiots
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nerosdayinanime · 4 months
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copy-paste quick explanation bc im lazy
au where sabito was turned & something something broken memories he needed to look for someone (giyuu. he was in danger. he has to find him. has to help. protect.) & (years later) ended up meeting rui instead, stopped rui from killing demon slayers to just hide (so theyd fuck off searching for demons elsewhere instead of sending more and more at them), rui invited sabito to his family as usual but instead of drinking his blood & shifting sab finger painted the dots on and smiled at him. somthn abt off the bat he didnt bow to rui's power + he actually choses to stay by his side instead of being forced to like the others
also hes shifted to look older instead of being stuck at 13/14 and thats why he didnt want to shift like the rest of rui's family, he cant shift to look like that and look older at the same time
at some point when theyre actually close rui finds him crying in front of a full length mirror in his real form, lamenting abt how he never got to be a man in life, "i wish we could actually grow up together" (later on almost-normal mt natagumo arc happens but they get sent to tamayo instead)
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payaso-gomi · 9 months
~☀️URL Songs☀️~
The game's to use songs to spell out your URL! Then you tag as many people as there are letters in your name
I felt like I did this too quick, and tbh I would have used songs from my clown playlist if I could but none of them matched :( Except for one! >:)
Thank you so much to @hexusproductions for the tag! This was fun to do!
P - Pikebubbles by The Cardigans
A - Aquatic Mouth Dance by Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Y - Yo Te Dire by Miranda!
A - Absolute Territory by Ash Kencorp
S - She's a Big Boy by Mcbaise
O - ODDTAXI by Punpee and Skirt
G - Gordon's Garden Party by the Cardigans
O - Oh! by Shishamo
M - Me Estoy Enamorando by Inspector
I - In the Afternoon by The Cardigans
No pressure at all! Just if you wanna do smthing in your free time
Hell if you see this, aren't tagged, and want a shot at it, tag me I'd love to see it
@libertys-lovers @ssslep @sillysiha @white-meadow @murder-at-the-bingo-hall @underlapped
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avoidaboo · 4 months
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splatoon idols support palestine🇵🇸
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leomiku · 1 month
does anyone know where i could buy this little critter for cheap? not necessarily cheap, but the cheapest posible! even a bootleg or something of that kind is fine! as long as its from a safe, reliable site, anything works! sorry 4 asking for too much, i just reallyy want her :<
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limevirtual · 2 years
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last metal gear drawing for a while i SWEAR
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
dude I was just looking through the 'daigo dojima' tag and literally everything is you. every last photo is you. I mean thank u for providing but holy FUCK man. you need to be studied by scientists
i just got prescribed bupropion if you wanna start there
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ofcowardiceandkings · 3 months
one day i'll get the brainspace and balls to draw one of my other favourite Things i see happen in the Zelink space and it will deeply wound me but so good
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peskypixel · 1 month
i can never win (favourite character is the most hated in the entire fandom)
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singer-smiles-101 · 1 year
Aight y’all so here’s the deal. Saw a lot of people in the fandom were drawing the lovely @tulipsempai’s Iris, went, “ooh that looks fun I wanna try,” and got so into designing the outfit that I had to develop a whole concept behind it. The concept? Underwater themed masquerade. (because imposter = disguises = masquerade)
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akuma-homura · 11 months
seeing people be like 'omg i can't believe people are shipping kaito with himself omg they're repeating onceler/sans.........' bc people are shipping the Project Sekai KAITO's and i'm just
hand on ur shoulder
tell me you're new to vocaloid stuff without telling me, kaito x kaito has been around for longer than undertale has been out, and possibly longer than the modern Lorax has been out too
KAITO 1.1 and 1.0, the colorful KAITO Fanmades... the Project Diva modules, KAITO V1 and V3... and now, the Project Sekai KAITO's...
It's not repeating, it's convergent evolution. KAITO has been Onceler / Sans before Onceler / Sans was a thing.
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crowdsourcedloner · 8 months
35. How do they feel about the fact that they've killed a lot of people and/or things?
Nailah's been a mercenary most of her life. She knows she's good at it and carries herself as a consummate professional - it's her life or theirs and she has work to do, it's not personal.
This is what she's told herself, anyways.
Truthfully, Nailah struggles with seeing worth in herself under all the blood on her hands. There's a lot of unspoken survivor's guilt just under the surface, bubbling up whenever things are a little too quiet.
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chunkytron · 1 year
So here’s a lil idea, maybe a mythology au or something, megs a chonky beast/creature and I like to think maybe someone (sounds or Optimus ,) finds megs in a trap injured, and sounds or Oppy. Release his foot and patch him up and gives him a meal. Megs is suspicious at first, wandering is pois/oned but a beast of his size needs to eat, and put on some fat for winter. And thus they feed a beastly megs. (I know this is kinda off the rails/au stuff i hope you don’t mind me sharing)
I dont mind it at all^^ I like seeing what other people come up with!
This took a while since I didn’t know what creature to make Megs as so I went with a some wolf-like beast.
(I’m sorry it took so long to write fndnnsksms- )
The large wolf like being sat on the couch, a blanket around him as Opti/mus fed him meat slices.
Sound/wave stares in shocked silence.
“We’re keeping him.” “ABSOLUTELY NOT-“
They let Mega/tron stay for the winter…..and probably more.
Mega/tron would growl at the food, suspicious, before deciding to eat it. Living with them and having access to more food and snack ended up plumping him a lot more than before.
They spoil and force him to exercise. In the end, Mega/tron’s belly is full everyday…..and more during colder times
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tankvine · 1 year
i'm probably the only splatoon veteran in the entire fandom to have deep cut as their favorite idol group /hj
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jrueships · 10 months
Magic after running from one new authority figure to another so he can shed responsibility from his actions when his consequences catch him anyway: 🥺
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