#this thing doesnt have an algorithm and i want my post to be seen
cloudbrooksblog · 1 year
TRIGGER WARNINGS/content warnings: mentions of various commonly triggering things, descriptions of car-related triggers, many stupid "get over it" phrases that might be triggering if you're a victim of something, and also mentions of suicide, just read with caution ok?
yknow, I've been thinking about PTSD lately. Specifically people's reactions to me involuntarily displaying symptoms of it (dissociating, having flashbacks that make me cry, avoiding triggers, etc).
Most of this is from people who are related to my main abusers (my parents) but they don't react this way for no reason. They were raised in a culture that thinks this way.
The reactions are all similar: when I have an involuntary or instinctual response to triggers (like the ones I mentioned above), they say that I shouldn't let these things hurt me. Want a couple more specific examples, actually?
I avoid movies with car crashes and dissociate+sometimes have flashbacks when I hear tires or brakes screeching on the street. I start to shake if someone honks their horn near me, even in a parking lot. When I do this, INVOLUNTARILY (i cannot stress it enough), my brother will say that I let it bother me too much. Other assorted reactions I've gotten to this specific circumstance have been "you need to get over this one day", "you can't just avoid cars your whole life", and paraphrased, "you need to move on", "if this bothers you you'll never survive in real life", and "you're so dramatic".
That's just with car-related triggers for my PTSD. Don't get me started with sex jokes, cigarettes, talking about wanting to hurt children, etc. And DONT get me started about people's reactions to me wanting to cut off my family.
If I talk about any of that (when it naturally comes up, usually after questions about why I don't talk to certain people from members I'm about to cut off as soon as I don't have to depend on them,) the general reactions are that I'm like a ghost. Holding onto grudges that are just hurting me, that by holding onto them I'm hurting myself pointlessly, and that if i just *tried a little harder* I could live a much more peaceful and happy life. This is in reaction, let me remind you, to things like... me being uncomfortable around cigarettes. Me flinching when I hear sex jokes. Me leaving the room when people start talking about wanting to beat up kids and strangle them. I'm holding a grudge! I'll be encountering these things for the rest of my life!
That last one I get a lot, too. I'll be encountering these things for the rest of my life.
Let me tell you a secret. That's why I tried killing myself. That's why I've been to crisis facilities 6 different times. That's why I've made plans to move off-grid, to move to somewhere isolated, etc. But since I'm still right fucking here, obviously I'm not going to do any of that. So why point it out? Why point that out, as though it's not something you just WITNESSED my way of coping with?
Yes, I'll be encountering PTSD triggers the rest of my life. And every time I do, I will avoid them. That's why I don't buy into the whole "just try a little harder" angle. I'm not going to waste my time and my life trying to do that. This isn't a fear. This isn't a phobia. I don't sprint the opposite direction whenever a car honks and I'm walking on the sidewalk. I still have friends who smoke various things my abusers did. My PTSD still gets triggered by it, and I still get uncomfortable when they smoke. But you know what? They're my friends. They understand that and don't get annoyed at me for being uncomfortable. My friends who make sex jokes do it even though it makes me flinch because I've made it very clear: I'm going to react to them. It's not an insult. There's no need to feel bad. It's just nature.
When you tell me to get over it, it's NOT because you care. Convince yourself that it is, but listen closely: You're making it WORSE. And people with PTSD tell you that. And you ignore them, because you don't really care. Our PTSD just makes you uncomfortable and annoyed. It's inconvenient to think about and be around.
I'm not going to brute-force my way out of having triggers. It's just not happening. I'm going to have these involuntary responses. If you're my friend, you'll deal with it and understand the truth:
It's just nature :) deal with it. It's worse for me than it is for you, you selfish person.
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lesbianralzarek · 1 year
tumblr in reddit terms
blogs: personal subreddits where the theme/topic is 99% of the time just “me and whatever the hell i feel like at the moment”. for reference, the most common other theme rn is “wizard roleplay that never breaks character”
reblogs: crossposts. these are crucial to maintaining tumblr’s ecosystem. due to blogs generally having fewer followers than subreddits have subscribers, this is the way that posts get seen and passed around. the vast majority of posts on a person’s blog tend to be reblogs, so if the people you follow dont reblog a whole lot, your dashboard is gonna be a ghost town. post limit (combined total of reblogs and original posts per day) is 250, so feel free to go hog wild
tags: this one is complicated. theyre a combination of flairs and Comments But Low-key. you can use them for organization and to avoid seeing content you dont want to (go to your blog, settings, account settings, content you see, and then add tags you want tumblr to warn you about before seeing it). if op tags the post #reddit (in the tags, not the body of the post), itll show up in the #reddit tag when anyone searches that tag. tags are also used for comments that dont really add anything to the post. you know how a jpeg gets kinda gross when its been through a million screenshots and has ifunny watermarks and shit? thats what adding “lmao same” as a comment does to a post. comments stay on reblogs, while tags show up in 4 places: op’s notifications, the notifs of whoever you reblogged it from, when someone clicks on the “notes” button of a post and actively looks for the tags left on it, and when people view your specific reblog of the post (like a follower would on their dashboard)
likes: upvotes but weaker. almost everyone turns off all the algorithms (settings, account settings, dashboard preferences, toggle off the first 3 options. also, make sure your dashboard is on "following" and not "for you". this is highly recommended), so leaving a like doesnt boost the post in any way. they still matter to some people. you can also use them to bookmark a post and go back to your likes later
enthusiastic and/or hyperbolic tags: reddit gold. you wanna let op know you like their art? leave something like ”#printing this out and stapling it to my forehead #op you wanna get married?” in the tags
pornbots: both reddit and tumblr have an issue with them. we block and report them on sight. they usually have hot women as their icons, no posts or reblogs, and a description like “22, brazil, nurse <3″. try to not look like that if you dont wanna get blocked by everyone you follow
blocking: you have this as well, but it seems like a bigger deal on reddit. the reason we are not twitter is because we block bitches who annoy us and move on with our day. do not feed the trolls
things we dont have:
karma: clout-chasing is The Most embarrassing thing you can possibly do on this site. we are all in this circus together and the clown who gets the most laughs is still a clown. popular users will literally deactivate sometimes because clout is a burden. no one here makes money
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electraslight · 4 months
i always hate when i see people make posts on tumblr saying 'i hate it when people say they dont like the like button, blah blah insert funnypost about how you like seeing cute hearts or whatever' like artists and creatives on tumblr havent been struggling to get any sort of interaction or have any fun with this site for a while because no one reblogs anything or even sends asks. like i know youre trying to be silly but likes really are causing the downfall of interaction on the site. a lot of you guys are artists, and i bet you remember getting a lot of asks and interaction a year or two ago, even when you werent actively pandering to fandom interests (i know some of you do this now, i see you, i feel you, that's not healthy because it doesnt work either), and now most people's like to reblog ratio is crazy small. look at any art post, and you can see ratios like 17 to 100, 5 to 150, etc etc. and of course no asks, at least not from people who arent telling you to tag 'food warning' or tell you youre a horrible human being for shipping a one year age gap or whatever. and i get a lot of the point of those posts is that you shouldnt be upset that youre getting more likes than reblogs, because you should be happy that anyone likes your art enough to show you they like it, but i think an artist's urge to grow isn't as clout related as these people assume. its wanting more people to see your work, to interact with it. to feel something from it, and the dry well of interaction has made a lot of people move away from the site, because tumblr interactions always felt so personal and so community driven, and now there's no interaction besides harassment. it's not a sin to want your art to be seen, and it's not 'clout goblin behavior' to want members of your community to interact with you and your work. 'likes are interaction too' doesnt matter, because no one gets anything from the interaction besides number go up, which you may find cute and funny, but cute and funny didnt help me meet my best friends, come up with new concepts, have my art feel wanted. Interaction did. And this site has no algorithm, so reblog things you like, type everything you can think of in the tags, comment, send inane asks, or a lot of your favorite artists, creatives, even mutuals just blogging, wont hang around for long
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joculatrixster · 28 days
"ill admit i dont watch sos nor raft streams but im calling out ppl who r calling scott specifically abusive and ive literally never seen anyone as vilinized as scott in fics i can think off the top of my head 3 fics ive seen where scott is the vilian and portrayed as jimmys abuser which is NOT true for anyone u mentioned." You can't say Scott is the only one villainized in the same breath as admitting you haven't seen content where other CCs get villainized by the audience.
Many of the *exact same people* who criticize Scott have also come out with posts talking about how uncomfortable Sausage makes them, some of them specifically citing his behavior toward Jimmy in SOS. Of course, I can't say that's true for everyone in fandom who criticizes Scott, but in my experience people critical of Scott are critical of others, too, regardless of their sexuality. Saying the criticism is fueled by homophobia doesn't track when the people criticizing Scott are also criticizing straight CCs/characters for very similar things.
Everyone has a different fandom experience based on what circles/fan archives/discussion boards they're on, and even on the same site people can have different experiences because of stuff like algorithms and who you're following. IIRC I have seen a fic where Grian, Jimmy, Joel and Lizzie were all siblings and Lizzie called out Grian and Joel for not being good brothers to Jimmy, while the only fic I've seen with Scott being "villainized" was a short ficlet where he did something small out of jealousy that didn't have any long term effects. I have actually gone *looking* for toxic FH fanfic and not found any. (I like complicated messy relationship story lines, so I feel like toxic FH in fic form would be fun to read.) Obviously this has not been your experience, but you seem to be treating your fandom experience as if it's the same for everyone else, which it's not.
its nnot just my experience when multiple multiple ppl have spoken out about how prominent it is specifically for scott again if its just a small issue id understand but the normalization is insane, ive seen a fic where scott turns jimmy into his pet doll and he needs to be saved from his clutches. ive read a gic where scott kills pearl and wants to destroy the entire world and has jimmy as his pet who he promised to keep as long as he stayed uner his thumb. ive read a fic where scott just leaves jimmy at the alter and pearl hunts him down and lashes out violently at him and we r meant to side w pearl for attacking him bc he didnt feel bad for poor jimmy. these were not obscure fics or small fics. u seem to assume an issue others r clearly pointing out theyve seen way more than others is only something some fridnge guy is complaining about instead of perhaps something UVE missed hm? uve seen 1 fic where joel and grian r kinda shitty to jimmy and get called out ive read multiple fics where scott breaks down jimmy as a person and needs to be saved from him, ive seen multiple posts calling irl scott smajor am abuser bc of one clip, ive seen pll say jimmy deadass is uncomfortable w FH and doesnt like scott which is just weird ass behavior. yes sausage gets flack i belive this but i haven't seen a shit ton of fics making sausage break jimmy soan mentally then get killed or punished in the end for being an irredeemable abuser. ive seen multiple of that for scott or just seeing scott in general in a veryyy negative light which is clearly due to an unfavorable interpretation of his character. which is fine, but name three fics where grian is intpreted that unfavorably w over 100 kueos. no seriously show me the fics where grian dies in the 3nd and its a thing everyone is happy about in the ficand they do not mourn him at all bc they hated him. go on!
its funny how ur orignal anon nitpicked my post and ur reply again nitpicks one part of a wider post as if the point i said was even what ur replyin to, im talking fandom space but even if i wasnt im talking life series fandom while i do mention oli thats just to ponnt out that One scott clip is not Just a scott thing, girl. vilinized in life series aka what i tagged, dont be stupid here its literally just making u look stupid 😭i used grian as an example bc hes someone who acts similar in the space i was criticizing and not sausage bc i am aware things may be different in a DIFFERENT context. ur majorlyyyy derialing and not rlly proving me wrong ur just proving that u dont rlly get what im saying which is fine but also all ur points r just...not disproving anything l. ur example is 1 grian and joel being criticized in one(1) fic(which is not what vilianized even means dude but hey ill give u this u did find one somewhat grian neg fic!) and 2 a guy not even in the fandom i tagged. girl...
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silkysong · 1 year
On the topic of not accepting a gift of ad-free subscription.
I'm honestly confused by the take that you wouldn't be willing to accept a gift sub for Tumblr. I totally understand the frustration with the advertisements that don't respect block lists (especially when it's due to a medical issue like the flashing lights), but I do not understand the distaste for purchasing a skip on the ads.
Tumblr as a platform is free but does have costs associated with its operation. It would be awesome if it could be free and not have ads, but unfortunately server space and bandwidth cost money.
Why not subscribe (or in this case accept the gift) if it 1) improves your experience, and 2) supports the site in a way that doesn't require them to bow to advertisers.
I see the same sort of thing with YouTube. Instead of encouraging premium people use adblockers and force creators to curb their content to match the algorithm and advertisers wants (sponsored videos, unnecessary censoring, etc). It confuses me to no end.
And I also get it that some people can't justify the cost. But in this case that isn't a concern as someone could have given you that without cost to yourself.
So I'm genuinely curious as to the why, especially when you've made heavy use of the platform already (and it's appreciated, I've really enjoyed seeing your posts on different media!).
i dont have to justify my personal choices on this. i dont want people to give money to tumblr to fix a problem that shouldnt have been one in the first place. but since im already here, im gonna do it anyway
my problem isnt with advertisements as a whole, i know websites need them to stay afloat, i dont need to be told all about this since ive seen the odds and ends of this field since my teenage years. BUT it doesnt make it okay to put the safety of a very very large part of the population behind a paywall. they could spam me with 100 static ads and i wouldnt bat an eye, but they use very aggressive flashing advertisements that are NOT necessary. at all. there is no excuse for that. its a literal health hazard, and for what? for people to be hospitalized (or in worst case scenario, but a very real one, die from a seizure) because tumblr needs to make a profit?
second of all, youtube and tumblr are not comparable in this sense. the money from these tumblr advertisements dont go to any creators. if anything, theyre personally profiting off the vast culture and inside jokes that the community has built over the past 15 years, and in return the community gets. nothing. more shitty features that pose a risk to people, like the recent kokobot advertisements, while the company itself is deep in allegations regarding the ethics of their practices, or the very severe privacy risk of tumblr live, and so on. if it can be avoided, i would rather not give these clowns a single dime, to be brutally honest
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kiruliom · 1 year
hihi reddit's mogai peeps, welcome to mogaiblr, here's a (not so) small guide by your host Vivian to help you grow accustomed to this place.
press the read more/keep reading thingy to continue, dont worry, it dont bite!
general tumblr etiquette
tag your stuff, they wont be seen otherwise.
do not crosstag (tag a group youre complaining about), or tag unrelated stuff
reblog, reblog, reblog! if you see a post that interests you, reblog! this is super important as there is no algorithm and all the like button does is basically save the post for later
tag triggering things!! [thing] tw or [thing] cw should suffice, dont tag every possible version of a trigger, you only have 30 tag slots, it's the reader's responsibility to block all possible tags as theres no limit on blocked tags. I suggest trigger tagging after the 20th tag as tags after the 20th one dont show up on search (stupid I know) but still gets blocked okay
get a profile photo as soon as possible, this site has a massive bot problem and if youre thought to be one you will be blocked without hesitation
if youre on pc, I highly recommend you get xkit, its a browser extension that helps a lot with your tumblr experience
these are the basics, these have been talked about over and over with twitter refugees as well so I wont drabble on them too much
mogaiblr etiquette
1: keep in mind the intersectionality
the mogai tumblr community has a lot of overlap with other communities, namely the disabled community, nonhuman community and plural community. respect them, and listen to them, for they are your allies. you will see the overlapping community get referred to as "LIOM" a lot (like in my username), it stands for labels, identities and other minorities and is meant to be an all encompassing umbrella.
2: make your posts accessible
as I just said, theres a lot of disabled people in this community, so its important to make your posts as accessible as possible. I will talk more on this later
3: dont be afraid to ask individual blogs
there is no subreddit posting system, and if you just post a general question you likely wont get any answers, if you get seen at all, so dont shy away from asking individual blogs about stuff, if their asks are open, it means they WANT you to talk with them and ask them stuff, so never view it as bothering them. the askbox doesnt always say "asks" and similar stuff though due to being customizable, so just know its the little button to the left of the follow button.
4: check pinned posts
pinned posts are posts that are pinned on top of a persons blog, when you open someones blog, theyll be the first post to be seen upon scrolling down. a lot of people use these to introduce themselves, set boundaries, give request rules, talk about availability, etc. so its important to read these through whenever possible.
more on accessibility
1: image descriptions!!!
its basically where you describe the image, as the name suggests, tumblr has an alt. text function for it but it doesnt always work so little [boxes like this] right under the image is ideal for most, yes it makes it look less pretty, but is your aesthetic worth more than someone whos visually impaired not being able to understand the post? trust me no one cares if your posts are pretty or not. anyway, the ideal way to know how to describe an image is pretend youre explaining it out loud to someone across from you, who cant look at your screen for whatever reason.
2: plain text!
yes, tumblr has a lot of cool text features (like bold or italic, or even colored [PT: like bold, italic, or even colored. end PT]) but this is, again, unfortunately inaccessible, due to tumblr being a broken website it often doesnt register formatted text for screenreaders, plus it can be hard to navigate for people with disabilities even without a visual disability. this goes for fancy text and symbols as well (like stars emoticons or a cursive text font). so you have two options, offer a plain text alternative or dont format text at all. offering plain text can be done in the same way as image IDs (theres even an example above).
3: eyestrain
bright colors are awesome, trust me, Id know, but not everyone can view them properly without a migraine or even worse, a seizure. so its important to tag your posts with eyestrain if you decide to make a brightly colored flag, or even better, do your best to make the flag accessible instead, with slightly duller colors with more (or less depending on the flag) contrast. it doesnt make your flag as ugly as youd think, trust me ^^
4: availability cant do one or more of the things mentioned above for any reasons? dont fret! theres blogs out there that can help you, most of them do this out on their own accord.
currently the most active ones are @plaintextpro , @accessmogai and @transflorall (my blog hehe), who specialize in plain text, image descriptions and eyestrain-help respectively
thats about it that I can think of!!! thank you for reading, and if theres anything you'd like to add, dont be afraid to!
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fipindustries · 7 months
first course completed!
that was arc 1 of introduction to magic.
and this is the first drawing i made of the main characters all the way back in 2019
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what is this
now that the first arc is done i would like to take a chance to actually stop and properly self promote a little here. it was about time.
i am currently writing a novel called Introduction to magic, an examination of a magic system i came up with by way of following the lessons of magical apprentice Katerina Dolcevita under the aprenticeship of Maria Bellanova. the best way i have to summarize the feel and tone of it all is Fantasy AU-R63! Rick and Morty. imagine if rick and morty were both women and they were exploring magic rather than sci fi.
the first arc is intended to be a prologue of sorts, to get you up to speed with the nature of this world and the nature of the two main characters.
where this came from
i came up with the story and the concept around this world proper in 2021, while reading pale. i was looking at all the extra material that wildbow had written for its magical world and i found myself really wishing that we didnt have to just see excerpts from the magical books like famulus or 100 years lost. and it came to me that if i really want a book about magic to exist then i can just write one myself.
the magic system in this story follows a bunch of my own deeply held beliefs about life and magic. mainly that is kind of silly how we insists magic doesnt exist when we have things like computers and planes and psychodelics. it occured that if we were to live in a world where magic was real we wouldnt call it magic either, we would just think of it as the normal state of affairs. there is a post i read here, which i cant find right now, which said something about how weird conciousness is, how strange the fact that conciousness arises from the specific configuration of a brain. about how conciousness is the last, mysterious, seemingly ineffable property of reality. they concluded that we live in a fantasy world where our magic system has only one spell "summon daemon". obviously a lot of it was merely poetic and rethorical devices to see with fresh eyes of wonder something we take for granted.
and a lot of this book stems from a similar wish to want to see the mundane with eyes of wonder once again, which is why i insist that low level magic in this world is things as basic as writing and lighting a fire. is also the reason why a lot of the titles that i use for the magic specializations are normal every day professions.
the second, stronger impulse was to try to come up with a system of magic that could be broad enough to grasp all possible forms of magic humans have come up with and yet simple enough that could be understood in a few pages. the classification system i use on this book is based on all the broadest, most basic forms of magic practisce that i have seen in history and fiction. manipulating signs as drawings and writing, manipulating sound as voice and song, using tools and props, moving the body, combining and refining substances and materials, handling living creatures.
what's next
as we move forward on this story the format will switch to a more traditional narrative where we will properly follow the adventures of these two ladies. ocassionally i will dip back into textbook-like sections where i infodump about another interesting concept i thought of, but even in the narrative sections most of the chapters will be an excuse to explore some concept or idea. i gather by sheer quantity 80% of the content of this story is going to be maria explaining things to Katerina.
so yeah, if that sounds at all interesting please do read this, and please do leave a comment, i really want to see what people think of this work. i dont need money or donations or to be engaged in any algorithm, all i need to stay motivated and energized and thus continuing the story is to know that people are invested in it.
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thank you so much for reading.
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icedtoastt · 2 years
A quick guide on how to help c!Quackity and your favs in the mcytblr polls
hi! seeing as how close quackity and joe hills are in the mcytblr sexyman polls i just wanted to make a list on things you can do to help boost quackity! this poll has such a grip on me
1. Make alts! - alts are extremely helpful and every vote counts. i admit it can be boring and time consuming. but when the votes have just a 30 vote gap it can really make a difference! tumblr doesnt check emails, so its quite
2. Fanart! - this one is really time consuming but it pays off. its wonderful to see more art for our borblos so please go ahead! and make sure to support other artists too!
3. Slides! - these ones are always super fun to see. personally i always found slides to be the most persuasive (and has changed my votes a lot) so please, go ahead and make some slides about how your borblo is clearly the superior mcytblr sexymen (i'm listening)
4. posters, memes, shouting, whatever! - any sort of posting can help get a long way for your borblo. even if its just shouting telling your followers to vote, go ahead and do it!
5. bribes! - bribes are a good way for accumulating votes. you can ask people so send proof of voting for your fav and in return do stuff like writing, or doodles.
6. reblog reblog reblog! - for the tumblr newcomers, likes don't boost the algorithm! if you want more people to see a post make sure to reblog it! this especially goes for art, make sure to support artists
7. tell people! - if you know anyone with a tumblr account who knows, maybe outing yourself as a mcyt fan could be worth it! I have seen people tell the wildest of people to vote for their borblo. every vote matters so even if its just telling your friend its worth it!
overall its been fun to see people supporting this favorites in this silly poll. still, remember at the end of the day this is all a silly poll (don't be a jerk guys) and even if your borblo seems to be losing, don't give up hope! this has been so fun and may the best mcytblr sexyman win! (quackity. go vote for quackity right now)
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caelumsnuff · 1 year
I know guy’s not everyone cup of tea but maybe let’s all try to understand Erik’s probably dealing with stuff or busy with his real life. In the last podcast episode he mentioned he got his wisdom teeth out and was still dealing with a lot of pain while talking. Maybe Guy was all he could get out. Big lore stuff talks a lot of talking and time he may not have had. We all know YouTubes algorithm isn’t kind when people stop posting for a while and I’m sure Erik is well aware of that too. He had to get something out to keep up with it. I say this as someone who also deeply wants some lore or to hear from characters we haven’t seen in a while. Erik’s just been having a rough go of it and might need to make some simpler stuff like guy or Ollie so YouTube doesn’t crush the channel ya know? I understand frothing at the mouth for the big stuff trust me (I would do criminal acts to hear from Vega again) but Erik’s also a person with other stuff going on all while trying to work with a broken shitty algorithm that is constantly against content creators. I know it’s frustrating but I really do think there’s reasons for it.
i did not know about the tooth thing, so thanks for telling me.
I do think it's important for me to note that even when i am critiquing the videos themselves and the content in them, no malice is directed towards Erik. Sometimes I really am just complaining to complain on my blog on which i complain. Not everyone likes Guy, but a lot people do and if it's the case that Erik needed to make and upload something easy then so be it.
I will still remain questioning why he has fixated on Guy so much, but its more of a question in regards to what he does (or more accurately: doesnt) do for the story. I think there's reason behind the things he does or doesnt do, even if him choosing Guy is perhaps because his videos are more popular (i do not know for sure, i havent checked. Feel free to fact check this for me. or not), or just to have some semi normal bf rpasmr stuff on his channel.
Either way i wasn't really judging or critiquing Erik himself because of my dislike for Guy, moreso for my longstanding want to see more plot relevant videos or characters that predates just this recent video. I was complaining publicly bc i dislike Guy, but it wasn't an issue that was brought about because of him, it was just circumstantial to my complaining.
I know i have expressed general dislike for Erik's personality and whatnot on this blog, but it manifests more in apathetic feelings towards him. I don't feel any strong way, but i do still wish to treat him as i would a stranger. I am not actually angry at him for uploading or making videos i do not like, a lot of the things i say on this blog are melodramatic.
I do appreciate this ask. though i don't think i was necessarily forgetting the fact that Erik is Just Some Guy, it was nonetheless a reminder. I'm going to continue to talk about how i don't like Guy and how i want other things on the channel, but it's more a general complaint instead of something directed at Erik himself.
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cult--of--hypnos · 1 year
The tagging system on Tumblr is something i fo enjoy. HOWEVER, if you want to blacklist a certain thing, you have to think about that one word and how it could be spelled in 30 different ways because the open tagging system doesnt really allow for any consistency.
Not only that, but the algorithm seems to think I enjoy seeing my triggers and shows me more posts like that on me "following" dashboard (from people thar I'm NOT following btw, they appear on that dashboard anyway so whats the fucking point!).
Im not suggesting here that we should remove the tagging system. I am asking to please not censor your content warnings in your tags. That way I dont have to keep seeing shit that will send me down spiralling because I didn't consider someone would replace all the fucking vowels with numbers, symbols and letters Ive never even seen before!
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cupcraft · 3 years
I guess since there are new tumblr users, esp in mcyt/dsmp/etc, I wanna add some of my own advice besides the change your pfp and reblog stuff (though i'll add onto this).
1. Reblog art AND writing/fanfic AND analysis posts if you liked them! This is is how things are boosted algorithmically.
2. I'm sure you've seen posts about tags and how they work objectively, but on another note definitely feel free to rant/talk in the tags. I and many people read those tags especially in response to writing/art/analysis/etc. and its like a "comment" basically and its always fun to see what ppl think (ik i always read the tags). This is especially true when replies are off.
3. Lots of people have a block and move on policy. If you interact and break a DNI list/are weird/op just doesnt want you to interact you'll just be blocked. This will appear as being unable to follow someone or sort of a loading error on a blog when you try to open it.
4. Ask boxes are great ways to communicate with people but like tags and in general dont be weird, even on anon you can be blocked.
5. Especially in fandom it is always good to curate your own experience. Block tags and posts you dont want to see or cannot see. And if something is triggering always feel free to reach out to a poster to see if they'll tag that (i know i will if asked if needed! I often put "ask to tag" to indicate I recognize this may need tw/cw tags but idk what).
6. Tumblr has a lot of yearly and weekly traditions that are celebrated for fun you may notice. Like Ides of March memes, mishapocalypse is still a thing in my experience, neil banging out the tunes, and etc.
Mutuals and anyone else can add on. These are just things i wanted to mention!
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dteam-thecollective · 2 years
Reblogs > Likes
im sure ive made posts like this before, but im doing it again and if youre seeing it i want you to reblog it bc everyone needs to hear it. i dont care who you are, what fandom youre in, what platform youre coming from, or if a post doesn't "fit in" with the rest of your blog. if you like fanart, fanfiction, gifsets, whatever, REBLOG IT.
likes mean nothing here. the only way your content is seen is if people reblog it to show their followers (who show their followers, etc.). i see so many artists putting this in polite terms and still being shit on so im going to go on record to state that this is not a polite request. this is a demand.
"it doesn't fit with my theme"? make a sideblog. it takes 5 seconds. you would not believe the amount of blogs called ____sreblogs. unsurprisingly this is a thing people regularly do but some of you still don't get it.
"i don't have any followers who will see it"? it doesn't matter because reblogs boost posts in the algorithm. the more people that reblog it, the more likely it is to show up in the top posts of a tag, and the more likely it is people will see it.
"my blog is for personal posts only" (yes this is a real actual excuse ive seen people use)? get off of tumblr and write a diary then, or use a different blogging website that isn't so heavily reliant on user interaction. alternatively, make a sideblog for reblogging things.
"no ones interacting cus it probably sucks"? no one reblogs -> no one sees the posts except for ops followers (which for new blogs is literally no one). it has nothing to do with the quality of the art.
"you can't tell me what to do/telling me to reblog makes me want to do it even less"? youre right. i cant. i can shout from the rooftops that you need to reblog fanworks but that doesnt mean youll do it. and if being told to reblog fanworks dissuades you from doing it, im sorry you feel that way. however, if you continue to see "reblogs > likes" posts and still refuse to reblog, then more and more creators are going to quit and deactivate until you have nothing left to complain about except the lack of fanworks that you caused
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slothcapsule · 3 years
Curious for your YouTube algorithm thoughts
THANK YOU RANDOM CITIZEN OK SO this is gonna be messy asf bc im on phone but i need it out there so. im gonna talk about just like Dream specifically because yes. this is gonna be a long post you can skip past it
so like the thing is about dream blowing up so quickly is that he knew and was confident that he was in fact going to blow up and he talks about it as a matter of fact like, he even said he told Sapnap and George to come along with him like he was confident that its gonna happen and 1. we love us a cocky man and 2. i wanted to know why so i went through his channel and old videos and i cannot stress how perfectly he executed manipulating the YouTube algorithm in his favour.
Most of it wasn't really luck, but there did have to be a certain point of skills for him to gain as much attention as he did, like obviously being cracked at the game but also being charismatic, he has an easy good personality and him being at something that so many people love was such a good set up like. minecraft was the perfect base for him to gain attention because it has such a wide audience and so many people love interacting with any of its content, its practically too easy. so its not really luck, just a happy coincidence.
That's the setup, just Minecraft and then we have the first few videos on his channel which are again- perfect for people to find his channel, and i like to imagine he had sort of a set plan before he started his channel of what he's gonna do, probably long the lines of something like this:
short videos that draw people to watch them in like 4am when theyre bored - clickbait someone everyone knows (in his case pewdiepie) those will make people discover his channel and gain him a lot of views because people are going to want to figure out what seed he used and they'd be curious about that, and some people would actually look for it.
there was also the "cursed video" era, they were satirical and funny and unoriginal and glorious because people love them, and they're the type of stuff that get recommended to minecraft enjoyers.
slightly more original content but isnt new if you think about it - slightly longer videos but in a subject that people are curious about (as he's done it- "the unsolved mystery of...." and a bunch of others, those will make people actually click his channel to seek more videos of the same idea
and then its a cycle of those two for a while, keeps people engaged and grow fond of his channel
but then he throws a couple of videos that will make people stay there for him and not the content. aka the "minecraft but xray is on series" and it works, he keeps a level of engagement throughout the video and make people grow fond of him without them losing interest and draws out the video for around 20 minutes and thats when the mod videos started coming in
fully original content, with friends to keep the video from being dull (minecraft but... series)
and at that point he's practically made it, he just needed that little push to make all people flock to his content. thats where manhunt came in, in its early points at least.
i wholeheartedly believe that the speedrunning thing wasnt originally meant to be something to draw clout, if it was i reckon he wouldve made speedrunning videos before- but he started adding some speedrun videos and that helped people see just how good he was at the game.
but that's just like a very rough idea of it from what ive seen by scrolling through his channel, and he also talked about his name in anthony's interview, he said that Dream was a name he picked because everyone knew it, everyone knew how its spelled and its easy to remember, its just so well thought out and he just reached a point where he doesnt need those deliberate moves because now people use him for clickbait, hell even pewdiepie did.
it just. blows my mind no one else or not many other people really thought to do it the way Dream did or didn't manage to execute it as well because its such like, an easy thing to do sort of yk? you just need to have basic knowledge of how algorithms work. But thats just my opinion on it! feel free to add more if you want or if theres anything else you want to point out :D
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xplrvibes · 2 years
I sent you an ask earlier but it showed as error so im going to assume you didnt get it and send it again because there are times i feel like its a reach with her but apparently when it comes to snc nothing is so i want an opinion .
While living in Vegas she had one of these sponsors where she gave followers a code, it was about a backpack and she promoted it like no other. Yet based on stuff i’ve seen of her provided by people keeping track of her nonsense, she always uses a xplr backpack that i have not even seen on snc. From that and moments where she posts herself i noticed she really does live in their merch. It goes beyond support as well, she wears it for tiktoks, dresses guests in it for tiktoks and when around snc she has it on all the time. It reminded me of a comment i saw on here where someone called her a walking billboard for xplr. I noticed in the new preview she even has the new color block hoodie they released. So its either rave clothing (ick) or every single merch drop since 2020.
A few weeks ago while out and about with a certain someone, people noticed a bouquet of roses in the background of one of her posts. She liked comments alluding to the fact that someone, a particular someone gifted them to her. Yesterday, she posted the exact same flowers with a discount code with her name on it. Its boxed roses for those wondering. Plus i dont think its algorithm what keeping her from supporting Katrina, she answers fans when the questions arent even for her or addressed to her, she is first (and the only one) liking core4 stuff on twitter, she has even liked things that only mentioned Colby and then unliked as if she realized she wasn’t mentioned. Katrina over promotes herself so i doubt shes not going to see 1 of those posts but does happen to see Colbys one tweet every few weeks and likes those.
She doesnt support anything that isnt snc or colby. She has many other “friends” with big projects and she never says a word, but like someone mentioned she made “Skin” fit into a rave/techno playlist. Up until yesterday she still liked pics of her and Colby in Europe and keeps mentioning Wales (ahem). Not exaggerating when i say i hope Kat drops her and its a domino effect.
I definitely did not receive the previous ask you sent, so thank you for re-sending it! I think asks have been getting eaten again 😕.
When it comes to wearing merch in snc's videos, I think thats a strategic decision that snc make to subtely promote whatever merch they have coming down the pipeline. I've noticed others that appear in their videos do that as well, on occasion. So, I assume they handed her and Kat some merch and said "wear this at some point during the next couple vids," and that was that.
As far as for every other day in her life- yea. She's always in xplr gear lol. I don't think I've ever seen her not in it (except for the rave outfits). It really does seem like 80% of her wardrobe is snc/Colby related. It's odd, but if someone was handing me free $50 hoodies hand over fist, I'd wear them til they completely unraveled lol.
As far as the rest of it (ie: the roses and the weird shit she likes on twitter), that's the stuff I have a hard time digesting sometimes. It gives me horrible flashbacks to the days of 🖤🦋, if ya know what I mean lol.
That being said: if this is what she feels she needs to do to get ahead and get notoriety and get her name out there...I mean, that's kind of pathetic, but whatever. That's something that snc need to put the kibosh on if it concerns them, since it's their name and popularity she's exploiting for her own gain. If they don't care...not much we can do about it, really. I choose to try my damndest to not give her what she wants, which is my attention. (Somedays it works better than others, lol).
But yea, I think somethings rotten there. And I do agree, I think it's only a matter of time before a fracture starts, and I think you'll see it start with Kat and work it's way up from there. She's gonna get sick of the selective displays of support eventually, especially if Stas claims to be her friend first. It's really only a matter of time. 🤷‍♀️
Oh, and btw: the roses thing. Wouldn't it be hilarious if Colby actually did get her a box of cheap ass roses that he used her own discount code to obtain? I am an avid watcher of colbybrockscloset on instagram, I know that he had an outfit on one day that was worth $6,500 US dollars. This man has TWO mansions and a closet full of designer clothes; I'm sure he could afford to send fresh roses if he so chose. So the idea of him using an influencer discount code to get a deal on something like that strikes me as funny.
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x-reader-theater · 3 years
Hey there, I've been thinking about reblogging your stuff before but now it seems you're being a little more aggressive about people not reblogging. Now, this is a genuine question but what inspires you to write? If it's just to get attention such as likes and reblogged, perhaps you should change your motivations. Some people are too nervous to reblog or dont truly understand it. Some accounts are also very small and dont have any attention at all.
Now I understand that getting likes and reblogs are exciting but sometimes it's not what you need. Perhaps if you think about it this way, it could help: you are getting likes and reblogs. You are noticed. If you dont write because someone isnt reblogging, then write because others are liking it. They enjoy your writing. Some are nervous, some are worried, some aren't so sure. You shouldn't blame someone for not reblogging despite liking it. Sometimes those people are the ones talking about your works to real life people like me. I told my friends about your works and they enjoyed it.
Also, in a way, it does sound like you're quilt tripping those who don't reblog. "If you like it, then reblog it" is a bit aggressive and changes people's opinions about you as the author. Like JK Rowling, she wanted attention and that attention seeking attitude turned so many against her despite people loving her HP series
Another issue is that sometimes the works you make may not fit with someone's followers. A few of your works are triggering and may not be to some. But if someone who doesnt mind the triggers posts it, their followers may be triggered and it encourages some of them to stop reblogging. Sometimes, you have to understand that everyone has different ways to support you, but they still support you.
This is an open letter to the person who wrote this ask.
I'm so glad you sent this because I think it's important to talk about everything you said. Just probably not in the way you think. I do not have to tell you what motivates me to write. Sometimes it's just because I want to, and sometimes it's because I want reblogs. There could be more, there also could not be more. But it's none of your business either way. But the reason why I want reblogs is because that is how this site works. A lot of people who have come to Tumblr recently, do not understand that likes are not the same thing as they are on Twitter, Instagram, and Tik Tok. There is no algorithm on Tumblr like there is on those apps. Your dashboard is what people you follow reblog. You can turn on a setting that gives you posts you might like, but that is not the default and most people have that turned off. So, if you never use the search function, you are only going to be getting what people reblog, and if everyone only likes my stories, and never reblogs, it's only going to be shown to people who follow me, instead of allowing me to grow a following, like I wish to. But let's say, for the moment, that you want to search for stories. Well, it's based on notes, and if you look at the top posts of all time, the more notes something has, the more reblogs it has. So, if I want to be at the top of search results, I need more reblogs. people are on Tumblr to reblog things they like, and if they don't reblog my work, I know they don't actually like it all that much because it's not reblogged to their one place where they share things they like. The thing is, it doesn't matter how small a blog is. A blog could have four followers and it could have a thousand. If that person with four followers reblogs my story, that's four more people who are going to see my work that most likely wouldn't have seen it before. Reblogging increases my changes of having more reblogs and more readers. Of someone is scared to reblog, or nervous because of what their mutuals might say, that doesn't mean they shouldn't reblog my stories, that means they should get better friends and mutuals who don't make fun of them for something they like/love. No one should have to be friends with someone who makes fun of them for something they genuinely enjoy. It can be hard cutting off friends, but as someone who has done it multiple times, it does make your life a lot better in the end. I have had people in real life make fun of me for what I write, and when I was a kid/teen, I would get genuinely upset since I wanted them to like me, but now I know they wouldn't have liked me anyways since this is a part of who I am, and how I make myself happier in life. People who are scared to reblog because of their mutuals don't have very good mutuals to begin with.
The reason why I want people to reblog my work is because I want them to read it. All authors want something when they publish their works. If it's political writers, they want to convince people that their points are the correct points, like Ben Shapiro or Michelle Obama. Some publish because they want money. People like Trisha Peytas or anything Amazon sells. It's all to make money. But there is one thing that every author publishes their work for. Attention. They want their books or stories or poems or whatever read by people. Any author who tells you otherwise is either lying to you, or to themself. They want to share their story with as many people as possible, and one way to do that is post it online, and have people share it. If an author only wrote because they liked to, and not to share it with other people, it would stay on their hard drive or in their notebooks forever. Authors want the attention of stories to show they can write well, and that people like what they write. It gives some of them motivation to write more. Some don't care how many likes they get, but for me, it's a preference. I'm not telling other writers what to do, this is simply what I wish to do with my space and my blog.
If something is triggering to you, you do not have to read my work. I put warnings on every single one of my stories that need it, and if someone asks, I will put new trigger warnings for certain things. But, I can't know every single trigger that is out there, so it's impossible for me to state them all, like with professionally published books. If someone is triggered by water in some way, that is a really hard thing to warn about since it's so rare. But, I put warnings on all my posts that need them. I trigger warn for Eating Disorders, Transphobia, Misgendering, Dysphoria, Graphic Violence, and more. If someone were to reblog my story, and a follower saw the warnings, they could just scroll right past it. I don't use triggering pictures in my stories, so if they scroll past, the letters will be unreadable, and they will not be triggered. I know sometimes mentioning a word can trigger someone, but again, that is almost impossible to account for, since by the nature of trigger warnings, you need to state what it is you're warning about so people don't read the more graphic side of it. If someone is triggered by a specific word, there are chrome extensions and the like that let you change and filter out certain words. A good one I know is a name changer. I used to use it to change versions of [Y/N] to my name, but I stopped using it since it wasn't really for me. But you get to put in whatever you want to change, so if the words "Eating Disorder" are triggering, you can put those words in there and change it to "ED" and your problem is solved. My job is not to make every single person on the entire planet comfortable. My job with my writing is to provide entertaining stories, and I don't even have to do that if I don't want to. If something is properly tagged and warned about, then it is up to the person who could potentially be triggered to not interact with that content. If they do, I am not responsible since they were warned about it before they decided to read. It's the same as if someone were to get angry about a story that featured sex scenes, when at the very beginning and before they started the story there were warnings about sex scenes. If you are triggered by something and I have warned you about it, you do not have to read it.
People don't like J.K. Rowling because of how horribly transphobic, racist, and antisemitic she is, not just in her books but I'm real life, and is using her platform to promote things like that. Nothing you are accusing me of is anywhere close to that, and as a trans person, this made me genuinely angry. Me asking for people to reblog instead of like is not the same as J.K. Rowling saying trans women are dangerous and not real women, and that trans men are just confused little girls. This made my genuinely angry and I'm actually very shocked and hurt that you would ever compare me to her, when I am nothing like her, and everything she is against. My platform is specifically for people who are not women, and most importantly, a safe space for trans people. I have stories where trans people are feeling dysphoric and comforted by their comfort character. I have stories where trans people are misgendered and their comfort character defends them. I have stories where transphobia and dysphoria doesn't exists as an escapism for trans people. Me asking for reblogs and blocking people who spam likes on my works is nothing like what J.K. Rowling has done and the fact that you bring her up makes me incredibly angry.
The tone of this message is incredibly patronizing, and you have no right to offer "advice" about my motivations. I am not a child, and you should not treat me as such. The message where you say I am aggressive, is not aggressive in the slightest. It is blunt and to the point, but nowhere in that reply am I aggressive. I am autistic, which means I have a hard time expressing emotions accurately to what I'm feeling. It's why almost all of my stories have very little emotions in them, besides love, anger, sadness, etc. It's because I genuinely don't know what other emotions feel like. I can't tell. The fact that you say I am aggressive, when I am not, is actually very ableist. Just because I can not say something "nice" or be "happy" I am aggressive. I am not a child. You do not need to infantalize me when you talk to me. I am an adult, and while I may have trouble determining emotions, I still have over 250 stories published to this blog, which has gained me a very close group of certain mutuals on here. Your advice is not needed and maybe you should think before you post next time.
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endcant · 3 years
aimless musings on subgenre, citypop, and internet subcultures
theres something very interesting about watching citypop become very mainstream in korea and watching that feed back into both western listeners’ opinions and also into the sometimes-cynical efforts of a variety of kpop producers
a lot of people in the youtube/kpop sphere talk about the growth of citypop as if it were a spontaneous wave that appeared out of nowhere with mariya takeuchi’s plastic love getting picked up by the youtube algorithm in like 2018 or whatever, but thats a very like online-ignorant view of the interaction between vintage japanese music and worldwide online EDM production. citypop has been used in future funk and vaporwave for almost a decade by now, and, as a result, a number of citypop songs took off on social media here and there before plastic love’s acceleration— dress down by kaworu akimoto is one of the big examples off the top of my head, but there’s likely many many more.
“Plastic Love” by Mariya Takeuchi (1984). if you haven’t heard this yet, you’d better listen to it now. The video that first went viral was uploaded in 2017
“Selfish High Heels” by Yung Bae, Macross 82-99, and Harrison (2014) is a popular Future Funk remixes of Dress Down by Kaoru Akimoto (1986)
people who haven’t been very aesthetically literate online over the years— musically or visually, since those things are tied in subcultures— treat things like they come from nowhere. there are ongoing subcultural conversations that lead to certain aesthetic choices, and when someone tries to cash in on a trend without understanding what the trend is, that leads people to call bullshit. calling bullshit is not meanspirited, in my opinion, because it very much is like somebody who can’t speak a language getting up in front of everybody and saying “hey, i’m fluent!” and then speaking some vaguely that-language-sounding nonsense. of course people who genuinely speak that language will be outraged instinctively. it feels like being mocked.
that’s why the difference between music producers picking up on a trend cynically and music producers picking up on a trend with earnest interest in that trend’s origins feels different, even if the producers are similarly distant from the original subculture that produced that trend.
“Lady” by Yubin (2018) committed hard to the 80s JP citypop aesthetic, musically and visually, down to the sets, all fairly early in the major resurgence.
i’m sure that anyone with a passing familiarity with citypop and kpop can ascertain that not all kpop producers know what citypop is and what makes it citypop. all they know is that it is on-trend and they have to make it. not all kpop listeners know what citypop is and what makes it citypop. all they know is their idol said citypop as a buzzword in their little prepared statement. all this results in some interesting moments for me as a Music Fan, Online.
here is where i get to the thing that spurred this post: loona “did a citypop” for their japanese comeback. it doesnt sound like citypop.
“Hula Hoop (Citypop Version)” by Loona (2021). It has very odd percussion rhythms and mixing for citypop, no real attempt at a citypop verse, and strangely sparse gestures towards citypop in the form of a few seconds of bass and some synthesized orchestral embellishments that were taken from the original mix …all in spite of a very disco-inspired melody that should have worked perfectly for citypop
this is not a very big deal, and im not mad about it or anything. when a kpop act i like gets saddled with an unfortunate B-Side track i dont tend to take it very hard. however, it did raise a little bit of musical discourse in the loona fandom— in the form of remixes.
“hula hoop if it was actually a citypop song” by loonahatetwinks and Olivia Soul on youtube. this one has an original instrumental that is spot-on for contemporary k-citypop
My most favorite one of these remixes is a futurefunk remix by ZSunder, one of the very best LOONA fan producers. The fact that ZSunder thought to make a future funk remix at all speaks more to an understanding of the mutually supportive relationship between citypop and EDM genres than most kpop citypop producers or fanmixers seem to care to know about.
“Hula Hoop (Future Funk Mix)” by ZSunder is futurefunk made and mixed with such love that it has the infectious summery energy of a polished, big-name future funk hit
in the comments of this video, some people seemed to get the citypop-future funk connection and some didnt. many did get it, don’t get me wrong! but also, its not all that surprising for some kpop-focused listeners to not know much about EDM subcultures and the reasons behind various trends among producers, since kpop as an institution tends to take influences from any genre and culture it likes and then decontextualize those influences by just having their names used as buzzwords in the blurbs the idols have to recite when variety show hosts ask them about their latest single. this isn’t a criticism of the genre or the fans really, it’s just a part of the kpop industry that is used to add shine to an endless firehose-like stream of polished pop tracks. there are some issues with using whole genres and subcultures with complex histories as buzzwords, but god help us if we ever want a pop industry to give its influences their dues.
anyway, the intention behind ZSunder’s future funk Hula Hoop remix happened to remind me me of why i love Yukika’s discography so much, especially the Soul Lady album. I’ve seen some reviews online baffled by parts of Soul Lady, because the album in general is an exploration of that relationship between citypop and modern/internet EDM. i’ve seen plenty of Soul Lady reviews especially baffled by pit-a-pet, saying something along the lines of “what’s with the modern-sounding dance track in the middle of a retro album?”, but i think that pit-a-pet is a futurefunk-inspired track, at least in the chorus. considering both that and the Chill Lo-Fi Interludes, it seems like estimate’s team put together Soul Lady for Yukika in a way that shows that they love citypop and understand the online-specific electronic music subcultures that led to citypop’s resurgence.
“pit-a-pet” by Yukika (2020). the stacatto, bass heavy chorus is futurefunk enough, but the soaring orchestral part in the final chorus seals the deal for my interpretation.
“All Flights Are Delayed (1 hour version)” by Yukika (2020). Estimate literally released an hour-long youtube mix of one of the Lo-Fi interludes on Soul Lady as part of their promotion, clearly inspired by “Lo-Fi anime beats to chill out to,” which is another example of online producers from around the world using Japanese samples as a focal point of their music
Estimate, in the end, is still a Kpop production company, just the same as BBC, so they have no inherent claim over citypop, but the way that their exploration of subgenres clearly comes from passion and interest on the part of their production staff makes it so that their work with Yukika rings true. on the other hand, i really appreciate Ryan S. Jhun’s work on LOONA’s JP comeback, as well as on Not Friends, but the citypop mix thing was so clearly an afterthought to the point where fans of Loona who like citypop seem mostly just irritated by the cynical-seeming attempt.
heres one last good modern kpop citypop MV that has nods to the internet culture that led to its revival in the form of the videography— vaporwave, future funk, lofi, and other internet genres along those lines tend to have videos consisting of looping anime and vhs clips. future funk in particular is known for this, especially since a lot of future funk music, esp early future funk, is just loops of very short, catchy segments of citypop and disco songs. it’s all about the loops
“My Type” by Yoon JongShin ft. Miyu Takeuchi (2019). This song is so dedicated to the retro JP citypop sound that it’s almost beyond my personal taste. The singer, Miyu, was a headlining act at a seoul citypop festival and sang this song as part of her act (:
this video of “Only One” by Conscious Thoughts (2015) has a looped clip as an example for comparison with My Type. it also has a pulsing sidechain compressor working in time with its drum beat in a way that is common for future funk and that i think is a good example for my pit-a-pet yukika comparison to future funk
i guess the takeaway here is that media is more and more online, and the creation and propagation of digital audio and video content has been in the hands of literally almost anybody who wants to do it for the past two decades thanks to garage band and fruityloops and audacity and tiktok and youtube and bandcamp and soundcloud and myspace and newgrounds and p2p file sharing and so on and so forth. and therefore like… as with all things, the consumer class more and more is also the creator class, and therefore every member of an audio-visual subculture will have the ability to discern what is and isnt made with knowledge of the audio-visual language of that subculture
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