#sorry for the confirmed artists aah
shinyeclair · 5 months
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Having fun with Esha's portait sprites ! I'm not experimented with shaded pixel art, what do you think...?
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patibato · 1 month
[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-B05 - That jeans in GHOST WORLD
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Akuta: unlove?
Nanaki: …
Akuta: Nanaki?
Nanaki: Well…
Kiroku: …The masked… artist… unlove…
Ushio: The same unlove that made the song for R1ze's HosLive?
Muneuji: The one being lauded as the next big thing online—
Nanaki: … Well…
Akuta: …
Yachiyo: Pl…!
Muneuji: …What a remarkable jump into a bow. I'm amazed.
Yachiyo: I'm sorry I'm sorry! I just went and blabbed out serious information!
Of course, it's not like the President leaked that info or anything! I just went and—
I just went and gave in to my stalker tendencies because I wanted to know what kind of person could make such lovely music!
I searched a whole bunch and found out! I'm sorry for being a creep~~~! Death! Death!
Nanaki: No… I'm, uh, grateful you think so, so you can get off the floor now.
Yachiyo: I'm a huge fan~~~~!
Nanaki: Thank you… …
Ushio: Holy shit, he's got like a hundred thousand followers.
Did that live song make a bit of a buzz? The number just keeps going up. Bandwagoning much?
Muneuji: That's incredible, Nanamegi. I'd never have thought I'd be so close to someone so famous.
Nanaki: Aah… I didn't really intend to hide it, but I figured it'd be fine if only people in the know like Oguro-san were aware…
Ah, I do want to keep it a secret at school. I'd appreciate you doing that for me.
Kiroku: …Right… got, it… But still… that's, ama… zing…
Ushio: Hah, it's like a swan egg got mixed in with us. Right, Idiotake?
Akuta: …!
That's AWESOOOOME, Nanaki!!!! What? A hundred thousand? How many people per follower is that???
Muneuji: A hundred thousand.
Akuta: Woooah, that's our music head for ya~!!
That rules~! As for me, I've still—
I've, still… …
(What the—I can't get my words out. …Why?)
(This weird fuzzy feeling… won't go away…)
Ushio: …
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Liguang: … It's been awfully quiet since this morning.
What of those brats?
Yukikaze: Apparently they're back at school today.
They've been making the mornings lively lately. It feels… a bit lonely. That said—
There's some leftovers from the bentos I made for the students and Momiji. Would you like to eat together?
Liguang: Much appreciated.
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Female Student A: Morning! Hey, did you check dazzle!? Some weird ball thing's heading North!
Female Student B: I saw~! The egg thing, right? Apparently it's getting closer to here.
Female Student A: Yeah yeah! It's jumping and walking up! I don't get it at all! Like, what the hell?
Female Student B: There's lots of eyewitness reports, but I hear it keeps escaping when they try to catch it. Just what is it?
Nanaki: Time to go, then.
Momiji: Hold on, everyone gather round. Let's review.
The press release from the other day was just an announcement aimed towards journalists. News for the general public will be published at a later date.
In particular, the matter of who we've appointed is top secret for the time being—
Akuta: …
Momiji: So you can't go telling anyone that you're Ward Mayors now, okay? Promise me.
Ushio: You don't have to drill it in so hard, we've got it.
Muneuji: It's important enough to confirm multiple times. —Understood, Chief.
Momiji: Ok! Let's reconvene in the clubroom after homeroom.
Kiroku: … We'll… get, going… then…
Nanaki: …See you later.
Akuta: Ah, conversation's over? 'Kay, I'll get—
Momiji: Ah, hold back a moment Akuta-kun!
Akuta: Yeah!? What's up?
Momiji: Just want to do a quick progress check! How's the concept coming along? Are you making progress?
Akuta: I mean, I am making progress, but it's not done yet. Anyway—
Honestly, I don't think there's any time for school, y'know…
Momiji: … I understand how it's going. It's alright, we can think about it together again later.
Akuta: …
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Akuta: Good morning everyone!
Mornin'~ Okabe~
Okabe: Aah… morning.
Akuta: Mor~ning, Sasaki~
Sasaki: …
Akuta: …
(My classmates are basically i~ndifferent towards me.)
Hey hey! Did'ja see the news about the Ward Mayors?
Sasaki: You mean how they were chosen from Asu-High? An important role like that's gotta go to Rank Five students like Kuraku.
Akuta: (Their faces are screaming that they don't think I could do it.)
Well~ the truth is, I'm actually one of them~~~~!
Sasaki: Huh?
Akuta: (Ah, crap. I said it without thinking, even though I promised not to.)
(Ah, but getting fussed over might help me come up with something… probably!)
I kinda happen to be one of the Ward Mayors~
Sasaki: …Pfft… ahahaha ahaha! That joke's not even funny, coming from a Rank One~~~!
Okabe: Why would they pick YOU of all people! You damn bomber! Hahahahahaha!
Akuta: … You really gotta laugh so hard?
Classmate C: …Uum, sorry to interrupt. Isotake-kun.
Akuta: ? What?
Classmate C: There's someone waiting for you… in the hallway.
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*door opens*
Akuta: Yo! Nanaki? Kiroku? Muneuji? Or, no way, is it Ushio—
Yumenosuke: Good morning, Isotake Akuta-kun.
Akuta: Huh! Who're you?
Yumenosuke: E-excuse me!? You don't know I, the Student Council President!? I'll have you know I frequently give speeches at school assemblies!
Akuta: Do you? I don't remember!
Yumenosuke: H-hmph, what can I expect from a Rank One. Well, whatever.
Apologies for calling you out so suddenly, but there's a matter I wish to discuss with you. Akuta-kun—
Though not officially announced yet, you are appointed as a Tourism Ward Mayor, aren't you.
Akuta: -— Why do you know that!?
(Wait, this means there's finally someone who's noticing me!)
Yumenosuke: Hahahaha… finding out this much is no trouble at all. Now then—
Just what kind of tour plan are you going with? I'll keep it between us, so you can tell me, can't you?
Akuta: Uh… it's kinda…
Yumenosuke: Based on your reaction, is it perhaps not going well? Even though the open days will be upon us soon?
Akuta: …
Yumenosuke: Ha ha ha ha! Don't look so despondent now!
If you tell a high schooler to suddenly come up with a business plan, it's only natural that it won't go well!
Particularly when that student is a below-average Rank One!
Akuta: … …
Yumenosuke: Well, I thought something like that would happen! I've just sent something to your school email address.
I apologise for my impertinent behaviour, but I believe it will help you out of this situation—I implore you to watch it.
Akuta: It'll help me?
Yumenosuke: Of course. —Oh my, would you look at the time! I must be off now!
I'm entrusted with many important roles, and so I'm very busy! Today I must stand before everyone at our full-school joint homeroom—
Akuta: Ah, 'kay…
Yumenosuke: Excuse me, then! Ha ha ha ha!
Akuta: …
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joysmercer · 2 years
technically canon-compliant in the sense that nothing in canon suggests it didn’t happen (i think) but…well. 
“Ah, there we go,” Charles says, turning off the stove. He balances the pancakes, fruit bowls, and syrup holders carefully on a tray and walks over to the dining table, where two little girls in tutus and plastic crowns beam up at him. “Breakfast-for-dinner is ready for my favorite-est four-year-olds in the whole world. Have you chosen the plates you want?”
He would normally serve them on regular tableware, but Kara had insisted on buying about ten different sets of disposable party plates the last time they went shopping, and, well, he isn’t in the business of saying “No” to his granddaughter.
“I want the gla—galaxy!” she immediately shouts out, obviously excited to use the new word she’d learned.
“Now, Kara, remember, we have a guest with us. What do we say?” Charles asks sternly.
“Oh, sorry. Nina, pick yours?” Kara looks at Charles, and he smiles in confirmation, so she continues, “There’s a castle, a space one—that’s mine—some princesses, and, um—”
“Look, Nina, we’ve got a bunch of shiny colored ones too,” Charles says, opening the cupboard for Kara’s friend to see. The girl only furrows her brow. “Would you like me to choose for you?” he asks kindly.
Nina shakes her head and points to a stack hidden towards the back. “What’s that one?” she asks quietly. 
Charles draws out the golden plates and almost drops them in shock. He doesn’t remember buying these; in fact, he’s certain he saw them and immediately steered his cart in the other direction. Quickly regaining his composure, he says, “It’s a treasure chest. See all the jewels and gold coins on it?”
“Why’s there a cup in the middle?”
Charles winces internally. Uh oh. “That’s called a goblet. It’s a very fancy cup kings and queens used to drink out of.”
Nina nods and smiles. “I want that.”
He grabs the two requested designs and puts them on the tray, then walks over to the table. “Now, for Pr—”
“Do the voice! Do the voice!” Kara interrupts.
Charles laughs. “I’m sorry, my dear.” He starts again, forcing himself to revert to his native British accent. “Now, for Princess Kara Tatiana”—Kara swings her legs in anticipation—“one star-shaped pancake with sides of blueberries and maple syrup,” he declares, placing said items on her plate.
Kara picks up her fork, but he shakes his head at her. “Princesses always wait for their guests to be served too,” he reminds her. Kara nods solemnly and puts it back down.
Charles walks to the other side of the table. “And now, for Princess Nina, one heart-shaped pancake with strawberries and chocolate syrup.” He smiles at both of them and claps his hands. “You may eat!”
“Why’d you want that plate?” He hears Nina ask through a mouthful of fruit as he starts washing up.
“It’s pretty. I wish it had the moon too. That’s my favorite star.”
“Yeah. My plate’s pretty too.” 
It’s strange, Charles muses internally, how children always seem to know their own destinies when adults never do. He then resolves to take Kara to the local children’s museum so she learns the difference between a satellite and a star.
Just then, the doorbell rings. “Gran!” Nina exclaims, running to the door. Charles opens it for her and Nina runs forward, hugging her grandmother around the waist.
“Hi, Nina! Did you have fun in preschool today?” Evelyn asks. She smiles at Charles. “I hope she wasn’t too much trouble.”
“Billy was the only one who got in trouble today ’cuz he kept throwing beads when we were making necklaces,” Kara chimes in. “It wasn’t very nice.”
“Gran, look what I made!” Nina excitedly shows her a beaded chain around her neck. “Look, I put all the colors on it!”
“Oh, how pretty!” Evelyn kneels down and examines it carefully, ooh-ing and aah-ing. “You’re quite the artist.”
Nina giggles and Evelyn stands back up and looks at Charles. “I can’t thank you enough. It took a lot longer at the realtor’s than I thought it would, and I didn’t know what else to do but ask Lisa to pick this one up too,” she says, ruffling Nina’s hair. “I didn’t know she was working late and you were babysitting; I never would have asked otherwise.”
“Oh, no. It wasn’t a problem at all,” Charles says. “Nina’s a sweetheart.”
Still, Evelyn looks apologetic. “The way the real estate market is these days, you just don’t want to take any chances, especially so close to the end.”
“So you’re really moving, then?” Charles asks, hoping he sounds far more casual than he feels.
“Next week, actually.” Evelyn smiles wistfully. “Nina’s going to miss seeing Kara every day, that’s for sure.”
“And I’m sure Kara feels the same way,” he responds, his throat catching on the last word. From the look on Evelyn’s face, he knows that she knows he wasn’t really talking about his granddaughter.
A few seconds pass before Evelyn pulls her gaze away from his and pats Nina on the head. “D’accord, ma chérie, go put your shoes on.” Once Nina sits on the porch, light-up sneakers in hand, Evelyn quickly steps forward and places a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll see you around, Charlie.”
In a perfect world, you will, he thinks, briefly imagining them in a decade’s time, next to each other in the audience of their grandchildren’s graduation ceremony. He just has to figure out how to get to England before the cancer takes him first.
if anyone’s curious about the paper plate designs, I was imagining them something like this: 
Nina’s, but with a small goblet drawing somewhere near the middle
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bpro-cardstories · 5 years
Goshi Kaneshiro SSR
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“......Then, how about the bathroom?”
Part 1
Yuta: ‘Waah~, Gochin’s room is so cool! So many records!!’
Goshi: ‘Oi, why did you enter my room ahead of me.’ 
Yuta: ‘Ehehe~, it’s alright, it was just for a bit! I was interested in how Gochin’s『Ideal Solitary Life』looks like. But it’s simpler than I thought. A bit surprising!’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I agree.. I thought there is more music equipment or…. looks like a studio.’ 
Yuta: ‘Right, right, exactly that image!’ 
Goshi: ‘What? That sort of studio is fine. If you can’t afford to spend too much money, it’s better to not have half-baked equipment. Besides, if the room is a place where I can rest then it’s fine. More than the output, I want to concentrate on the input.’ 
Yuta: ‘Input, huh~. Is that why the records are all lined up?’ 
Goshi: ‘Well, yeah. It’s also merely a hobby…..’ 
Goshi: ‘That said, the lined-up records here…. It’s a good hobby.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Based on the questionnaire written by Kaneshiro-san, the staff member chose what seemed to be to your liking.’ 
Goshi: ‘Hee….. That person’s amazing. Those are only things I like to see through.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘They seem to be a big music lover.’ 
Goshi: ‘I figured. Should they come to the location, I want to talk to them later….. Oh.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘........?’ 
Goshi: ‘This….. Did you ever listen to this one?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘No, I know this artist but….. Is it from an early period?’ 
Goshi: ‘Yeah, it’s the one that made a phantom debut. Right now his premiere is slow but, he has a deep bass….. Maybe you’ll also like him.’ 
Yuta: ‘Only Tsubasa-chan!? What’s with me!?’ 
Goshi: ‘You don’t have a clue. Well, for now, let’s try that one out. Your mood will also raise.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, then I will go confirm with the staff if we can use the record player.’
Goshi: ‘Yeah, thanks.’ 
  Part 2
ーIn the house with all 14 members.ー
Mikado: ‘ーーAlright, we received a mission from the staff. Decide the rules of the Shared House together, so they said!’ 
Momotaro: ‘Certainly, rules are mandatory for this number of people.’ 
Mikado: ‘After all there are 14 people. However, the rules that must be decided……’ 
Goshi: ‘Is one fine?’ 
Mikado: ‘Kane-san…..? Why?’ 
Goshi: ‘Why you say….. When I heard the talk just now, I just proposed one rule.’ 
Mikado: ‘Eh, a suggestion!?’ 
Goshi: ‘Ah? What’s this reaction.’ 
Kento: ‘I mean, anyone would be surprised if the ever so seemingly grumpy and silent someone suddenly says something, am I right.’ 
Goshi: ‘It’s not like I’m doing it on purpose.’ 
Yuta: ‘But, it sure is rare for Gochin to voice your opinion so assertively at such moment~!’
Kento: ‘And? What’s the suggestion.’ 
Goshi: ‘Aah…… For now, the most important thing for the life in this Shared House. There are 14 people here. From the start, I don’t think it’s possible to have a peaceful life with this lineup.’ 
Mikado: ‘A-Ahaha….. You are quite right.’ 
Goshi: ‘If it was a day I could maybe put up with it. But in fact, it’s a week.’ 
Goshi: ‘When there’s a different environment, stress is involved. If there is an unusual difference happening, it’s not unlikely that stupid fighting will occur.’
Tomohisa: ‘Indeed, that might happen. It would be good if there is a single room, one where you can come to rest….. If we assigned each a room, can’t we prepare the vacant room?’ 
Goshi: ‘Yeah, that’s the problem.’ 
Mikado: ‘Hmm….. Just like Kane-san says, that may be the most important point. Because who wouldn’t want their alone time, right.’  
Hikaru: ‘Hm, then, how about we make one when someone isn’t returning? Like on days where we are off~.’ 
Ryuji: ‘That’s not what Shared House means, right?’ 
Hikaru: ‘Ah, true.’ 
Goshi: ‘......Then, how about the bathroom?’
All: ‘Bathroom?’ 
Goshi: ‘The shower time is decided to be in the morning and evening, outside of those times, when the board hanging at the door says『CLOSE』, entry is prohibited. Treat it as a private room.’
Mikado: ‘Ooh, I see! That’s easy to understand then, and looks easy to do.’ 
Yuta: ‘Yep, I think so too~!’
Yuta: ‘But you know, if it says『CLOSE』, don’t you want to open the door out of curiosity to see who’s in there?’
Goshi: ‘That won’t happen. First of all, should you open the door if I’m in there then I’ll hit you.’ 
Yuta: ‘Hyaah…..! I-I definitely won’t open the door!’ 
Part 3
After a call from the staff, Tsubasa came to check on Goshi who has been in the bathroom the whole time.
Tsubasa: ‘Kaneshiro-san, are you here? Kaneshiro-san…..?’ 
(There’s no answer, after all. It’s as the staff said. But he hasn’t come out for hours…… I wonder if he’s fine….) 
Tsubasa: ‘Excuse me, Kaneshiro-san. Is it fine if I come in?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘......I am coming in.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Kaneshiro-san……?’
Goshi: ‘..........’ 
Tsubasa: ‘!? Are you okay, Kaneshiro-san!?’ 
Goshi: ‘.......Hm……..’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Kaneshiro-san, please keep it together!’
Goshi: ‘Ah…….? Oh, why, you……’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I am sorry, I heard from the staff that Kaneshiro-san has been in the bathroom since forever and did not come out……’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Are you fine? Could your condition be so bad…..’ 
Goshi: ‘No…… Uhm, my bad. I was sleeping.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh….. Only sleeping? For your body, it is better…..’ 
Goshi: ‘That’s no problem. While I thought about the lyrics here, I fell asleep before I realized. Haa……. Well, it’s true that I am a bit worn out though.’
Tsubasa: ‘Worn out….. As expected, life with 14 people is difficult?’ 
Goshi: ‘Well, yeah. However……’ 
Goshi: ‘How to say, I’m used to having a large number of people around. That’s why I thought one week will pass by quickly….’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Is it again a different feeling from the dormitory time?’  
Goshi: ‘Yeah. It’s probably because I grew up since that time….. In the first place, my time in the dormitory during Bambi is shorter than of the other guys. During my overseas stay, I also had a single room…..’ 
Goshi: ‘It’s not that I dislike anyone too. But, having people everywhere, that isn’t like me.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘That is…… I can somehow understand. Uhm, should it be difficult for you, we could think about somethingーー’ 
Goshi: ‘Fuuh, it’s not like that, so don’t worry. I don’t want to be the guy that doesn’t do his job. But…. I didn’t expect the day would come where I miss my usual home.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Kaneshiro-san……’ 
Goshi: ‘Anyway, sorry for causing you trouble. I’m fine, so it’s okay for you to go backーー’ 
Unbeknownst to both, they had two familiar figures eavesdropping…..
Kento & Yuta: ‘Hee~’ 
Goshi: ‘......Eh!?’ 
Yuta: ‘That Gochin likes our life together so much…… I’m so moved~!!’ 
Goshi: ‘Haa!? Who said that……’ 
Kento: ‘But our usual home is the Shared House for the time being. Goshi, your mentality is weaker than I thought.’ 
Goshi: ‘Bastard….. You both don’t exist, so don’t enter my view.’ 
Kento: ‘Oh? What if you have to enter our view, what’s then?’ 
Goshi: ‘What? …….Oi, what you mean! Try saying that again.’ 
Yuta: ‘Hnghh~! Geez, even though it was so moving, you have to fight.’ 
Goshi: ‘To start with, that doesn’t make sense.’
Yuta: ‘Yes, yes! Anyway, there are only two days left for the Shared House, you know. You’re happy when thinking about that we three return to our usual life soon, right? That’s why okay? It’s only a bit left, let’s do our best!’ 
Goshi: ‘Such crap, that’s not what I said!!!’ 
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x0401x · 5 years
Reports and Highlights: Yuukei Roadshow in Tokyo
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Compilation of info found on Twitter, Togetter and Privatter. Many thanks to ayara-resara for indicating them all.
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Before reading any further, I highly recommend those who haven’t seen the first show’s reports to read them, since one is related to the other. I advice those who have already read the previous reports to take a look at the bottom of the post again too, because I’ve managed to find and translate more info on it.
Q.: Is Kano left-handed? A.: Ah~, I kinda feel like I’ve heard something about this from Sidu-san~! But there’s also the possibility that we’re being deceived... There’s a chance that he’s actually a vigorously right-handed right-hand shot! He seems to think of himself as cute. Like, “It’s so cute that I’m left-handed~”. Please wait for an official announcement on that...
I asked about this when I was getting his autograph... I’d wanted to confirm it no matter what...
(T/N: The “right-hand shot” part is a gatcha reference. Scoring a big hit from the right side is called “right-hand shooting”.)
LISTEN UP!!!!!!!!! JIN SAID THAT ASAHINA-SAN IS A CUTE GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, y’see, I asked about what she likes.
I’m getting lots of reactions here so lemme tell you about when I got his autograph...
Q.: Does Asahina-san have anything that she likes other than cats? A.: She’s a cute girl who likes normal stuff. (The nuaces are difficult here so I can’t convey the whole idea, sorry.)
This is something that had been decided since the very beginning: she likes pancakes.
Jin-san: She probably wouldn’t make them herself, though. Me: She’d be like, “You do it”? Jin-san: She’d be like, “You do it”.
Jin-san: I wonder what state her bedroom is in... Me: Indeed...
Me: I tried to think of Asahina-san’s way of thinking (preferences), but I couldn’t come up with anything at all... Jin-san: Eh? She’s a girl who surprisingly likes normal stuff, isn’t she? Staff member: She is. I don’t remember the details so well but how much does that staff member know...?? They said something about “24 hours a day 365 days a year”. They did say that.
Jin-san said, “Actually, just how much of what Kisaragi Shintarou says to his comrades is the truth?” and that’s too much for me; I’m in pain. I remember him saying before and after this that he was “going to kill a Kisaragi Shintarou cluster”, but my memory is kinda flying off the nest, so I hope I wrote this in my memo.
Me: I like Haruka-senpai, so I dressed up like him today... Jin-san: Uwah~! Amazing! That blue plaid is really Haruka-like! Speaking of Haruka, I wanna make a spin-off with him as protagonist or something... Me: !?!?!?!! My memory is fuzzy from the point he said “spin-off” onward so I don’t remember it very well, but I feel that he talked about how he “wants to write it” and said that he’d “probably publish it”... I recall him telling me to “look forward to it”... probably...
By the way, I was dressed mostly like this back then:
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Me: When will Takane-chan’s birthday be revealed? Jin: Hu~m, I have no plans for it right now... but it’s a very important day. Some big incident or something of the sort will happen. Ah, but it might be in the future edition... Me: “Future edition”!? Jin: Yep, Takane-chan maybe being a Mama... Me: “Mama”!? I asked about this when I got his autograph.
I only took a memo of the colors of the limelights during each song and my impressions on them, in case anyone wants to use it as reference... 🙇‍♀️
1. Imaginary Reload Lights: blue, green. The background guitar was cool. 2. Shissou Word Lights: purple, blue, green. It stopped at the second “watashi wa” (lol). 3. Additional Memory Lights: red. The interlude was long (nice). The last hook was emo. 4. Lost Day Hour Lights: white and peach with a mirror ball. Lights during the last hook: orange, peach, yellow, white and purple flashed on and off. Jin kept raising his right leg and his smile was cute. 5. Yume no Hana I don’t remember this one. It was a request from the last person to ask a question in the Q&A corner. “A song from THE BACK HORN that Jin-san likes.” 6. Remind Blue Lights: purple and blue with a mirror ball. 7. Solitude From the MV. Jin’s first independent album will be released. He wants the album to be like a picture book of short stories that will make us think he wants to create a new self separated from Kagerou. 8. Mermaid Lights: blue, green. A song from the album. It depicts a honeymoon. A song about boarding a plane alone. Jin: It’s a sad song, isn’t it? 9. FREAKS Lights: white, red. Lights during the last hook: peach, white, green, orange and red flashed on and off. Once upon a time, there was a clumsy monster. The song is about him, who entretains the crowd in a circus group today as well. Jin-san was lifting his right leg in this one. It was the one I liked the most, super emo. Parts of the song that I was able to catch: “I cried out of emptiness” (from the hook) “They laughed at me, who couldn’t become anything” (from the first part)
I was overwhelmed by “FREAKS” and how its lyrics tear your body apart when you catch on Jin’s full-throttle melody and some other bits; the tears poured out of my eyes with pitter-pattering. Even though I don’t know anything about Jin, it left me in tatters, like, “Aah, he has it so hard; he’s suffered so much; must’ve been so painful”, and I saw in it the earnestness of an artist’s story depiction. I wanna listen to it again soon.
PV of MekaRelo
A funny story (about Jin’s chronically bad health) 🎵 Imaginary Reload
Q&A 🎵 Shissou Word
Q&A 2 🎵 Additional Memory
Break 🎵 Lost Day Hour
Lottery 🎵 [Requested song] Yume no Hana (THE BACK HORN)
Remind Blue Encore
Jin’s first solo album will be released! 🎵 Mermaid 🎵 FREAKS
The editor of Mekakucity Talkers, Kuroda-san, was the host this time too.
Jin-san entered the stage with a mask on. “‘Why is that?’ Is what you’re thinking, right?”
He’d fallen into a bad condition at the end of the year. Caught a persistent cold that wouldn’t get better at all, and just when he thought he had finally cured himself from it, it turned into influenza. It got better a week prior to the concert, and when he thought he’d be able to do the live just fine, his molar swelled up two days before. Since his tooth was swollen, he got an edema in his face, and so he put on a mask.
There were cavities doing bad things to the root of his molar. He was told that he had no choice but have the tooth pulled out, but he explained that he had a live concert to do, so he received symptomatic treatment. He got three injections on the spot, in a place that had him going, “You’re gonna inject it there!?” and went home. Next morning (the morning of the day before the concert), he had an incision in addition to the injections, so he was in a lot of pain.
“Loxonin is amazing; it’s the only thing I can rely on.”
“Master, I’ll have the same as always,” he said as if to make his order → Jin-san and Kuroda-san’s drinks were soon delivered to the stage. One of the songs was the theme of the drinks...
🎵 Imaginary Reload
(On the tooth) “Thanks to the Loxonin, I’m not feeling pain, but it’s hard to move my mouth. Like, ‘it won’t go any farther than this point’.”
(Regarding Kuroda-san’s question of, “How’s the Imaginary Reload drink?”) “It’s carbonated, and I can’t be having carbonated drinks. Also, I had an incision yesterday, so all the more...”
Q&A Corner ①
Q.: Where do Hiyori and Hibiya live? A.: This would become a matter of “where is the setting of KagePro?”. There are models for it. I was indecisive as to whether I should reveal the actual place or not. In the series, it gets messed up (by terrorists and the like), so we’d decided not to announce it for the time being. As for the model of where the two live, it’s based on a village from somewhere in Hiroo Town, in the Tokachi District of Hokkaidou (where Jin-san himself used to live in the past). If you go there, you’ll figure that it’s a place where perverts are born (because it’s too full of nothing).
Q.: What’s Tsukihiko’s eye color? A.: Ah, I’m also curious about that (lol). The eye colors are important, so they’re all decided, but I told Sidu-san that “Tsukihiko is a normal human being”. Sidu-san also thinks lots of things out, like, “Won’t it be passed down to his daughter and granddaughter?”. In the Kisaragi family, too, there’s the setting that the father has orange hair and Shintarou takes after him, and the mother has black hair and Momo takes after her.
The comics would be over soon. They were going to end, but will continue.
This time, they’re following the track order of the album...
🎵 Shissou Word Right before the second hook, Jin-san ate the lyrics by the middle. He started singing again as if nothing had happened.
Q&A Corner ②
Q.: What kind of “story that -- the eyes” are Daze, Days and RED? A.: Daze and Days were made to be the theme songs of the anime from the very beginning, so I haven’t decided on that. If I were to give a subtitle to RED, it would be “the story that changes one’s eye color”. It’s a song about how two friends, one who likes to play around and one who is the studious type (memory is faint here), become self-conscious of the fact that the other has grown up. That “their eyes have been dyed into a color that they had never seen before”.
Q.: Please tell us about what you hesitated to say regarding Shintarou in the previous Q&A... A.: Ah, it’s the topic that will come up in this month’s Gene. Shintarou is the protagonist, but I didn’t get to delve into him, and there are more depictions of other people’s viewpoints than of his. Shintarou will be in the continuation of the series and will be a school teacher. Since marriages between characters and things like that are esteemed, I’ll write the continuation story, but this will be in a parallel what-if world. The next protagonist and abilities have been decided too. There are also new characters, characters that remained the way they are and characters that have grown up. It might not happen just in Japan. I wanna hurry and write.
Q.: How did you come up with Benisake-chan? (T/N: For those who don’t remember, that’s the name of the salmon mascot that Momo likes.) A.: I’ve always liked trout salmon ever since my days in Hokkaidou. I couldn’t eat it after coming to the Kantou Region because it’s expensive here, so I had it delivered from my family’s home and when I ate it for the first in a long while, I noticed that it makes you stinky even if you only touch it a little bit, so I was like, “This is it!!” and made her up. Sanrio’s Kirimi-chan was invented immediately after that, and it made me go, “Hey, hey...”. She was cuter and had me like, “This is how a mascot character is supposed to be”, ww.
Q.: What do you create first, tune, lyrics or melody? A.: I started using VOCALOIDs after the band I was in broke up, and when I thought of “doing what I wanted to do”, I considered creating a story through albums and started KagePro. I’d decided from the beginning that the story would include phrases that go “a story that ○○ the eyes”. KagePro was the first thing I made in which I created songs from world-building. Sometimes, songs come out of phrases like “Oh, my dirty!”. And the phrases come from requested themes.
🎵 Additional Memory
(10-minute break)
The song that Jin-san was happy to write out of the ones from this album... 🎵 Lost Day Hour
Lottery (prizes below)
A picture with Jin
A Jin can badge set
A special (signed) ticket holder and two bookmarks of the study books series
Mekakucity Talkers (signed)
A poster of MekaRelo (signed)
A secret present (which would be mailed at a later date, since Jin-san couldn’t look for it in his house due to his poor health condition)
The right to request a song
The request → a song from THE BACK HORN that Jin-san likes.
🎵 Yume no Hana (THE BACK HORN)
“This is the last one...” he said, and a video played after he was done, but then he was like, “I’ll come up and play one more song w” (swinging his body forward).
🎵 Remind Blue
Jin-san leaves the stage. The PV of Solidute plays. At the end of the PV, the confirmation that Jin-san’s first solo album will hit the shelves is announced.
Jin-san reappears on stage. “I’ll release a full album,” he says. He composed Solitude about four years ago and sang it at CDJ before.
“They’re songs I made because I wanted. I’m looking forward to this the most.”
🎵 Mermaid (a song about someone boarding a plane all alone on their honeymoon)
When he only played the songs he was asked to play, it was like, “Lie low.”
“I’ll do other concerts so please come again!” With this one sentence, it was over.
On the topic of Jin-san’s tooth: “My mother always told me to brush my teeth so I always brushed it... How did it turn out like this...? It’s like it comes from the side of the tooth...” *proceeds to explain the proggression of the cavities*
Q.: Jin-san, when you’re create a song, do you give them to a character after making the song? Or do you come up with a character and make a song for them? A.: I formed a band in high school in the past and we used to be active, but though I’d wanted to continue on the band, the others wound up turning into “adults”. From there, I was recommended to use VOCALOIDs, but I could only make incomplete songs, like, the type of song that you play a little bit and just two people in the audience go, “wa~h” at it. Back then, the common usage of “eyes” caught my attention, like, “people become idols when they draw in the eyes of others”. So I started making KagePro. Also, I’d wanted to make idol-like songs. And that is connected to the following topic. I wanted to write a story of growth. Just like Hoshi wo Tsunagete from Kemono Friends, you can make stuff that goes, “this character is like that~”. It varies with each song.
So, Jin-san wanted to create idol-like songs. Also, Kisaragi Attention (he didn’t state this but most it likely) is a song with the theme “it doesn’t matter if one’s own nature (their sense?) doesn’t match them, as long as a third party accepts it”, and it seems it turned into an idol song from this.
Jin-san: *sees the lottery poster* I want that poster... The host: Do you not have it? Jin-san: I don’t. I might’ve given it to my mother.
(After the lottery) Jin-san: I’d wanted to bring it over from my house, but lots of things happened... I’ll mail the big deal on a later date. After the concert ends, please... talk to the staff member over there. We won’t do anything bad with your personal information. *laughs*
During the introduction of the colaboration drinks: “We did this in Oosaka last time, and we prepared the same stuff for Tokyo.” He called the drink a “soup”. “This soup has a nice color, huh~. Master, I’ll have the usual (lol).” A red “soup” came straight from the back. “It’s almost as if it was already prepared, lol.” The host joked as it was brought to him, “You’re getting VIP treatment, huh (lol).”
First half of the question and answers corner. “Think of a question with my songs as the BGM (lol).”
“Jin-san is in a period where he uses ‘I really like you’ in his songs a lot (lol)!”
“Now comes the song by your beloved uncle for your other beloved uncle: Additional Memory.”
Jin-san waving his hand as he retreated into the waiting room looked so happy and cute that everyone waved back. I wound up lost as to whether I should applaud or wave.
“How was the album?” “It was the be~st!” some people raised their voices. “I listen to it a lot too. But I don’t cry. I did cry when taking the injections, though (lol).”
“I’m glad I was able to compose this one: Lost Day Hour.” The prolongation of his voice during the hook was wonderful. The high-pitch parts were beautiful. “This song is about the character called Kokonose Haruka.” (My memory of this talk is faint.)
To explain the rules of the lottery: anyone who made an additional order would get a lottery ticket. “(The special present) Could be a signed truck tire (lol) or a signed light-motor vehicle with an expired license (lol). Something that would be a pain in the ass (lol, lol).”
Here, he talked about brushing his molars. “‘How do you brush your molars?’ The dentist’s face looked like a lightning had fallen in front of him.”
The request of the lottery winner was for Jin’s favorite song by THE BACK HORN. “I’m indecisive about this one (lol)! Seriously?! Okay, then!” He played Yume no Hana. He was excited and seemed to be having fun. To the person who made the request, thank you... “I didn’t think I’d get to play THE BACK HORN. It was the best.”
Then, we had the last song... or so he said. “Though I say this is the last one, we will play a video, and I’ll come back after the applause, so I might play something once more (lol),” he stated. “Let’s see each other again somewhere else. This has been Jin. Thank you. Here’s Remind Blue.” The arrange of the second part was amazing. The hook of that part... was great...
The animation of Solitude was cool but the lyrics were good too... Below are a sketch I made of the girl from the video while watching it, as well as a drawing I made of her relying on my memory.
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“I played this at COUNTDOWN JAPAN. Is there anyone who listened to it?” About ten people raised their hands. “So there is~. I had thought something along the lines of, ‘let’s do this (solo album)’ after releasing the second album. I was asked things like, ‘Won’t you make that into a CD?’ by the people who listened to Solitude. I’m the one looking forward to it (the release of the solo album) the most.”
He introduced a new song from that album, Mermaid. “Weren’t your titles always supposed to be written in kanji and katakana!? What happened (lol)!?” “Nothing happened (lol).”
“Until I started using VOCALOIDs, my songs felt like holding a concert for only two people while going, ‘It’s destruction~! I’ll tear up your eardrums~!’ (lol)” “It’s been about eight years since last time I made something just because I wanted to compose and listen to it. I wanna make stuff that I feel like conveying.” It seems he composed it based on that. Unlike KagePro, this album will be like a “collection of short stories”.
Mermaid was a song about a honeymoon. The high-pitched hook was melancholic. Jin-san also said this, but it was like a fairy tale.
When he was making songs on request or KagePro songs: “It was like, ‘Even if you have a scenario in your head, lie low’.” He managed to put the things that crossed his mind into songs. He did it...
(A little before another song.) “Can I do it? It’s okay, isn’t it (lol)?” “I’m happy to release (the song) in this occasion (talk live concert).”
The thrilling melody of FREAKS is damn great. It’s a song that gives you courage.
This one was really the last song, so Jin concluded it with his farewells. “I’m thinking of playing many other new songs.” So he’ll do concerts again...? Ambiguous...
After this, there was an announcement, and an autograph session of sold goods and sets.
From the time I got Jin-san’s autograph: when I said, “I like Kisaragi Momo-chan! Thank you very much for always!” he replied, “She sure is popular, huh~”, so I think there were probably about two more people before me who showed the appeal of a Momo fan.
It was a really fun talk-and-play show and I wasn’t able to cool down my excitement. I wanna go again...
Yuukei Roadshow in Tokyo Memo
(About his tooth.) His face was swollen, so he came wearing a mask, but even after his cavities healed a little, instead of going “wah~”, he ended up feeling dejected. “It was like, ‘Did I put on weight?’”
This time, the host ordered a drink that was named after one of the album’s songs! “That’s right; if you pay for it, you get a drink.” He thought it had a good color and was happy to receive it. “Then, Jin-san, you order yours too,” he was prompted. “Master, give me the usual soup.” → “Oka~y.” And so, a red drink came to him as if it had been waiting for a cue. It was an Imaginary Reload one.
The first track was Imaginary Reload. The lights were green. I got emo when listening to that yapping electrict guitar song being played with an acoustic guitar... He’s good with the guitar...
Once it was over, the host was like, “It was a cool song with a dashing sense to it, huh?” and Jin-san interjected, “That’s right.”
When he was asked why he wasn’t having his drink, he said, “I can’t drink anything carbonated right now (because of his molar).” “Don’t cry~” Why did he choose that, then? “Carbonated drinks seriously sting. They make me feel awake.” “It’s literally an ‘imaginary reload’.” “It smelled of blood.” Seriously, why did he choose that?
Here we had the first questions and answers corner. *Looks at the letters displayed on-screen* “This is like a detective drama!” “You can ask about anything, even if it’s not KagePro-related! It can be about secrets regarding Jin’s birth and things like that too!” [roar of laughter] “It’ll finally be revealed...!”
Shintarou’s mother is set to be originally from Hokkaidou. Speaking of which, Momo-chan had mentioned this.
HibiHiyo’s village is based off the village where Jin-san used to live in the past. It’s linked to a town, but the place is actually a weird gathering of villages that you could hardly call a town. There’s seriously nothing there at all. “You’d understand if you saw it, but it’s a place where perverts are born. You have nothing to do there except be delusional.”
(On the topic of Tsukihiko’s eye color.) Sidu-san is in a zone unknown to Jin-san regarding this. In volume 4, his eyes “don’t open because he’s laughing”, but in the manga, he indeed has them closed at all times, www. Jin-san said he had normal eye color, but Sidu-san’s “normal eyes” are wicked, so we can’t know for sure.
There was a lottery after this. The rule was that people would win based solely on the amount of food they got. “You don’t have to spend too much money. That’s not the kind of game it is.”
*drinking his beverage* “Is there anyone here who was also in Oosaka? [lots of hands go up] “I love you...” [roaring laughter]
Second track was Shissou Word. He trailed off at the first verse of the second half like, “wata(shi wa)...” and then resumed after three seconds as if nothing had happened. I forgot why, but he said “I love you~” again afterward.
I think Shintarou is a smart, lovable and good person, but Jin-san sees him as mysterious. He doesn’t know very well how much of what Shintarou says is the truth.
Jin-san was shocked that Vegeta and Bulma from DB got married. “That yankee and Bulma...” It seems he thought he was gonna die.
Everyone thinks that so and so are in a romantic relationship and will definitely get married! Jin just hasn’t written that yet! Even though this kind of thing goes on (in fandom), he can’t bear to see these sprouts of hope get plucked. That’s why the future story that he’ll write next will be like a parallel/what-if thing, and won’t become the future of the normal route. There’s no definite answer to the things Jin writes.
The next protagonist is already decided. The new characters too. It might also happen in places other than Japan. For Mekakushi-dan, there’ll be those who will appear just like they were before and those who will appear grown-up. I think it’ll be a good story.
Jin-san: How was the live? Me: It was great! I also went to the one in Oosaka, but it was so good that I also came to this one in Tokyo... Jin-san: Thank you very much. How were the new songs? Me: They were good! Jin-san: Which one did you like most? Me: Ah... Mermaid! I was touched...! Jin-san: I’ll do my best in the other new songs! I’ll also make even better albums than this one (MekaRelo)! Me: I’m looking forward to them! I’ll buy them for sure! Ah, also, this... *hands over a letter* Jin-san: Wah~, thank you so much! *stares at the letter fixately* There’s a musical note written here~🎵 *sees my name written at the back* Thank you very much, [my name]-san. Me: ......!!? (He called my name...!!???) Jin-san: I’ll also do my best to fix my cavities! Me: Ah... please do your best! I’ll be cheering for you!
Me: Thanks for having me win the lottery! Jin-san: Ah, it was you?! We also met in Oosaka, didn’t we?! This time, unlike back in Oosaka, we obsessed with the CD order for the songs so it was different, right? Did you have fun? Me: There was Imaginary Reload and it was really the best! Speaking of which, that person who’s been an Asahiner for seven years came today too, but there was no My Funny Weekend. 😇 Jin-san: Ah, that’s true. You noticed it. You see, I can’t open my mouth to sing My Funny Weekend. 😇 That one has really high notes~, honestly~. Me: Indeed. Since your mouth is swollen, it might be difficult. 😇 But getting to listen to new songs was also the best! (He finishes writing the autograph)... If it’s okay with you, can we shake hands? Jin-san: That’s fine! Thank you for coming today! I intend to do this again somewhere else, so please do come listen~! Me: Thank you very much too! I’ll definitely go! And I’ll definitely not wash these hands anymore! Jin-san: Please stop that, ww. Please wash them, ww. Seriously... you’ll get influenza, ww.
We had a conversation like that. 😇
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Raphtalia and Filo's Voice Actors Explore Their Shield Hero Relationship
This piece was originally published on WebNewtype and is republished on Crunchyroll News with permission from KADOKAWA. 
From The Rising of the Shield Hero
©2019 Aneko Yusagi, KADOKAWA/Shield Hero production committee
  Be sure to read Part 1 of the interview!
  The Rising of the Shield Hero is a currently airing popular TV anime series. In the second half of our interview, with Raphtalia voice actor Seto Asami and Filo voice actor Rina Hidaka, we’ll be focusing primarily on episodes 18 and 19, particularly in regards to the relationships between Naofumi, Raphtalia, and Filo.
  Starting in Episode 18, the fight against the Pope begins.
  Seto: From the very moment he first appeared, I just knew there was something going on with him (laughs).
  Hidaka: That attack (Judgement) was foul play!
  Seto: It was really strong. That’s the power of the believers of the Church of the Three Heroes, and for better or worse, it gives you a real sense of just how strong the power of belief is.
  Hidaka: The Pope is strong too, but it reminded me of just how incredible Filo is. Before the first attack came she said, “Put a bunch of shields above us,” and tried to protect everyone. If she hadn’t realized, I’m not sure what would’ve happened to everyone.
  Seto: It was very admirable of her to try to protect everyone.
  Hidaka: Yes it was. Not just her own comrades, but she even tried to protect Motoyasu and his crew as well. It really made me think, what an amazing girl.
  In the same episode (18) there’s also a fight with Motoyasu, but in Episode 19 the four heroes combine their powers.
  Seto: In Episode 18 it was like, “Motoyasu, you again?” (laughs). Naofumi finally stepped up to open his heart and meet him halfway, and he starts attacking because of his ridiculous misunderstanding that Naofumi has killed Ren and Itsuki. Even though Naofumi even tried to confirm with him, “Did you see it with your own eyes?”
  Hidaka: Motoyasu did say, “Ask your own heart.”
  Seto & Hidaka: Like he has the right to say that! (laughs)
  Hidaka: Motoyasu can really get on your nerves a lot, but there is a bit of a comedy element to it, so you can’t completely bring yourself to hate him.
  Seto: In Episode 18 Filo sends him flying after all. And he screams, “Aah~!”
  Hidaka: That was a line that [Makoto] Takahashi-san fussed over and recorded multiple versions of, so we were looking forward to seeing which one they ended up using in the anime.
  Seto: It makes you look forward to seeing Motoyasu every time because you wonder what kind of performance Takahashi-san is going to give.
  Hidaka: Motoyasu tends to get involved with Filo a lot, so I also look forward to it for that reason. I anticipate it every time like, what kind of interaction are they going to have, how is Filo going to beat him this time? (laughs) It was satisfying seeing Filo kick him and send him flying with all her might.
  In Episode 19, Naofumi gets to unleash the anger he’s been living with up until now on Motoyasu and the other two heroes.
  Hidaka: You get the impression that Motoyasu is hopeless just by looking at him, but the other two are relatively hopeless in certain aspects as well. For the moment they’re working together, but seeing the four of them interact makes you wonder if everyone really does feel sorry for the mistakes they made (laughs).
  Seto: Ren is very hero-like, and yet there is something disappointing about him. Since we entered the second season there’s been moments when he’d listen to what Naofumi had to say, and it heightens your expectations now that they’re finally fighting together. But then seeing Naofumi make these good comebacks again him, you can’t entirely trust him yet.
  Hidaka: Since the relationship between Naofumi and the other three heroes isn’t a straightforward one, I hope viewers will look forward to the types of interactions they’ll have from here on out.
  Seto: You know, I’d like to try living like Motoyasu.
  Hidaka: Huh? What are you talking about all of a sudden?!
  What would living like Motoyasu be like?
  Seto: The kind of living where, despite causing Naofumi an insane amount of grief, when he realizes he was wrong he’s able to easily switch gears and say, “Oh, so I was wrong.” Almost like the concept of pain is foreign to him.
  Hidaka: True, he does force everyone around him to go along with what he’s doing, so I guess in a way you could call it a happy way of living life. I was surprised he never once thought he was in the wrong when he was the one who falsely accused Naofumi but then had the audacity to say, “You sure are unlucky, Naofumi, to have been falsely accused like this.”
  Seto: Normally you’d feel guilty and remorseful for your actions. I think he’s pretty thickheaded. But I do feel like there are some times in life where that thickheadedness is crucial, I just wish he’d learn to differentiate a bit.
  Hidaka: Being thickheaded makes things easier for him, but it’d be better if he were someone who could show others consideration.
  Seto: It’s pretty complicated, isn’t it!
  How is the current relationship between Naofumi, Raphtalia and Filo?
  Seto: With Melty added into their mix, I feel like there’s a greater sense that they’re a team than there was when it was just the three of them.
  Hidaka: I now feel like Naofumi and Raphtalia are more mother-like and father-like. During Episode 7 at the hot spring, they had a relationship that was more like two sisters fighting over their father’s attention, but as the episodes progressed Naofumi and Raphtalia became more like a married couple and Filo has started to feel more like their daughter.
  Seto: I also kind of feel like Raphtalia has matured. The most surprising thing was in Episode 14 where she warns Filo about her table manners. She got mad at Filo for her messy way of eating. It made me think, she’s really become an adult. But… I also thought, aren’t you getting a little too mad over this? (laughs)
  Hidaka: It’s understandable though, it was someone else’s house after all. But, I do get the impression that Raphtalia has become more mature than she was before.
  Seto: From Raphtalia’s point of view, Filo and Melty are both younger than she is, so maybe she wants to look after them.
  Hidaka: She’s also finally speaking her mind to Naofumi.
  Seto: Although she swore allegiance to Naofumi as his sword, lately Raphtalia has started to show a motherly side (laughs). The number of times she gets exasperated and says, “Naofumi, this wouldn’t happen if you weren’t so…” have also increased. But I really love the position where she’s at right now where she’s like, “I’m the closest one to Naofumi so I need to be the one to understand him the most.”
  Hidaka: That might also be why she feels so uneasy about Naofumi trying to return to his original world. It’s painful seeing how lonely she acts when Naofumi hints at going home.
  Seto: This journey can’t last forever, and the more happiness she feels now the more terrifying it becomes to lose that, I’m sure. Most likely, I’d guess that Filo feels the same way.
  Could you tell us what episode or scene has left an impression on you?
  Hidaka: Most recently, in Episode 16 the battle with the Tyrant Dragon Rex was just so amazing. The way Raphtalia ran forward had so much impact and realism it felt like I was watching a film version. It made me worry that the animation staff were overworking themselves.
  Seto: I think this every time, but the visuals in Shield Hero are beautiful. The battle scenes are impactful, the girls are adorable, it’s just really fun to watch.
  Hidaka: Raphtalia and Filo will continue to get stronger from here on out, so I think their battle styles will change again. I’m looking forward to how that will be depicted on screen.
  Seto: This is off topic of the story, but I love the ending song for the second season. [Chiai] Fujikawa-san’s song and the animation are amazing. The screen changes almost like it’s a picture show with drama in it. After continuously fighting, they need money so everyone is selling things, but it looks almost like Naofumi is saying, “People won’t come because they’re intimidated by my appearance,” so he sleeps inside the carriage. That’s the kind of story I picture. I watch it every time thinking, the warmth from this song and these visuals are amazing.
  Hidaka: Raphtalia is really cute in it too. It makes your heart squeeze looking at her.
  Seto: The rain is falling when she’s in front of the flower shop and suddenly you think the rain has stopped but it’s actually Naofumi using his cloak. That scene really makes your heart squeeze.
  Hidaka: The opening by MADKID is also really cool, the visuals are fast-paced, I’ve watched it so many times. Shield Hero really has amazing music and visuals, which makes me really happy as someone who is acting in it.
  The story has finally reached its climax, but can you tell us anything of note that happens from Episode 20 onward?
  Seto: Something I think everyone is interested in is the mysterious character that appears in the new opening. In the future they will, of course, be heavily involved with Naofumi and his gang, so I hope everyone looks forward to what kind of character they’ll be.
  Hidaka: This character takes a completely different position from those you’ve seen up until now, so the way they interact with Naofumi is also completely different. I hope you’ll all look forward to seeing them!
  Interview / Article by Daisuke Iwakura
  TV Anime The Rising of the Shield Hero
Staff: Original - Yusagi Aneko (MF Books The Rising of the Shield Hero / Published by KADOKAWA) / Original Artist - Seira Minami / Director - Takao Abo / Series Composition - Keigo Koyanagi / Character Design & Chief Animation Director - Masahiro Suwa / Animation Production - Cinema Citrus / Cast - Kaito Ishikawa as Naofumi Iwatani / Asami Seto as Raphtalia / Rina Hidaka as Filo / Yoshitsugu Matsuoka as Ren Amaki / Makoto Takahashi as Motoyasu Kitamura / Yoshitaka Yamaya as Itsuki Kawasumi / Maaya Uchida as Melty
  The Rising of the Shield Hero Anime Official Website
Official Twitter
  Buy the Original Light Novel of The Rising of the Shield Hero at the Crunchyroll Store.
  Buy the Comics of The Rising of the Shield Hero at the Crunchyroll Store.
  Watch The Rising of the Shield Hero on Crunchyroll
  See the original article at WebNewtype.
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shinyeclair · 8 months
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On her way to hug you ~ 🩶
Esha's sprites made by myself !
Prologue appearance (alt casual outfit 1 long tied hair)
Current appearance (signature casual outfit hair cutted)
Current appearance (alt casual outfit 2 hair cutted)
I want to make more so baaaad ! (gala dress, swimsuit, more seasonal outfits, Halloween, cosplay, Christmas...)
Learn more about her here 🩶 Check her design here 🩶
As a newbie pixel art sprite artist, I'm open for some reviews hehe 🤎
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