#undertal fandom
shinyeclair · 5 months
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Having fun with Esha's portait sprites ! I'm not experimented with shaded pixel art, what do you think...?
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restingobject5757 · 1 year
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This was made off the wonderland Au from @llamagoddessofficial 
Again I did a little bit of a different story. Mc was put into a marriage with a rich dude's weird son. He has a thing for anime, and for him Mc family made her wear the get-up. But again he's wired and not good wired. After a long painful chat about anime girls well listening to anime ost in a limo, Mc needs a break and asks the car to stop so she can use the loo. But instead she walks, and walks, and keeps walking until she falls into wonderland. Away from her doomed marriage, to find a word that seems unreal.
I have more, heck I could write a little something about it when I find the time. 
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know it's not something that matters to a lot of people, but imo one of the more insidious ways tsams poisons the well of discussion is in the "sun & moon are brothers!" thing -- not bc of shipping (although that's gotta be frustrating), but bc of how it erases the complexity of systems. like, the fandom's come a long way in that people actually acknowledge the dca as a possible system now, but... well, "brother" is an easier, more digestible way to refer to & understand it -- particularly if you struggle with/are ignorant of this stuff -- but it's not necessarily the most *accurate* way, if that makes sense. the relationship between brothers is easier to understand than the one between alters for most people, yeah, but they're never gonna understand the latter if they don't engage with it at all. it's the coward's way out, and that sucks! (and you're free to disagree, but it's how i feel about it </3) (--springtrappd)
discourse-y stuff under the cut ahfJjdkzjgj
GAAHHHH NO YOU'RE SO RIGHT ABOUT THIS GENUINELY...... LIKE ofc the shipping thing is annoying too but THAT'S MY HUGEST GRIPE WITH IT!!!!!
i know they're not the best system rep in the world or anything but you don't fix that by completely getting rid of the fact that they are, in fact, a system!!! (or at least very easily read as one)... because then you're just erasing that part of their identity to make it more easily digestible and understandable to a common audience who's unwilling to engage with world views that aren't their own (but this is an entirely different subject ghsjgjrj)
at the very least i do definitely believe that tsams was a huge influence on the amount of people who separate sun and moon into two separate bodies in their fan works... and even if it's not entirely the show's fault (since i feel like it would've happened regardless) their huge prevalence in the dca fandom (and at such an early point in it's formation) is undeniably a contributor to it + could be why it's so prevalent these days even outside of tsams related works
tsams has just generally poisoned a lot of the fanwork surrounding the dca in such a way where it's impossible to cleanly separate the two. and as someone who mainly sticks to the source material it's just... i just hate it. idk what else to say about it
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mags2theythem · 5 months
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florshedworf · 7 months
getting into super giant robot brothers has made me realize how much of a lack of sibling media there is. like genuine sibling songs and memes n stuff
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fluffnugget16 · 3 months
All the fandoms I'm in and tow favorite characters I love form those fandoms cuz I wanna keep track. some of these I don't talk a lot about but I still like them :P
Ihnmaims(AM and Ted)
Digital circus(Caine and Kinger)
Helluva boss(Mammon and Stolas)
Hazbin hotel(Adam and vox)
Undertal(Sans and Gaster) (probably my first fandom I got into)
Deltarune(Spamton and idk honestly)
Beetlejuice(Beetlejuice and Lyida)
Luigi's mansion(King Boo and Luigi)
Salad fingers(Salad fingers and Hubert Cumberdale)
DHMIS(Red and Duck)
Invader zim(Zim and Gir)
Billie bust up(Barnaby and Fantoccio)
Happy meat farms (jarad and mother)
Electric dreams (Edgar and Madline)
will you snail (Squid and Amelia)
Awful hospital (crash and chip)
Fosters home for imaginary friends (bloo and mac)
I'll add more when I get into more fandoms
(The fandom I'm into the most currently is Ihnmaims and Electric dreams and will you snail,awful hospital)
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thegeminisage · 6 months
as someone who wasn't around in 2014....can you tell me what it was like? (stucky) can you give me a taste of the gardens of babylon etc
what was it like...this is such a fun question i want you to know i gave serious thought to my answer and also discussed it at length with my 2014 friend last night and i know already it's gonna be so long. sorry that i answered your ask at fuck o clock in the morning i am scheduling it to go up later and also at the time you sent the ask in to make sure you see it
ok so like. i mean, you're on the fandom website, right, so i assume youve been in fandoms. idk if youve ever been in a really, REALLY big fandom, at the same time that said fandom was also producing content (even if the source material was not). think d*stiel post nov 5, or undert*le circa late 2015/early 2016, or z*lda after totk came out, or h*rry p*tter as the seventh book was being released. (i'm censoring to avoid a false positive of anybody's blacklist except in the case of the last one, which i am censoring out of <3 disrespect.) like there's something REALLY luxurious about being in ANY large and active fandom and it's mostly the power of crowdsourcing. st*r tr*k 2009's tarsus iv headcanons. the storm trooper lore re: the f*rce awakens before the second two movies came out. everyone just kind of agreeing that dean w*nchester was a teenage hooker. you know?
like, that's "just fanon," sure, but part of the beauty of it is that no one person makes up fanon, we all gather in the biggest writing group in the world and collectively go insane and bat ideas back and forth. there are a hundred THOUSAND fics about bucky barnes on ao3 and that's just the people who were writing, not even counting artists and gifmakers and meta-writers and people who just reblog stuff. i can't possibly begin to put an accurate number to how many people are in any given fandom at any given time, but imagine (on the low end, i'm sure) there are THOUSANDS, perhaps tens of thousands, of people going nuts about stevebucky at all times. tens of THOUSANDS people doing "yes and" with each other on the internet 24 hours a day seven days a week. it's just like being in any fandom, you log on to your dash and see what the mewchies posted while you were gone, but in a fandom so huge and so active you were getting bombarded with idea after idea after idea every single second, so if you don't like one you're spoiled for choice in what you engage with next. it didn't even matter that cap3 was two years away or that it sucked when it finally got here because we collectively wrote cap3 a million times over. like, genuinely, it was a mass creative exercise. it's the biggest writing group in the world. for better or worse, we were shaping our own version of that universe, without any input from or regard to the people who actually created the characters and movie, in a way that compelled most strongly to our own tastes and demographic.
what made this particular movie/fandom special though was a few things. firstly i still genuinely believe it was ahead of its time...marvel shit pre disney was allowed to be political in ways it is ABSOLUTELY not now. like, cap2 could say "the government is secretly full of nazis and they all need to burn" in 2014 two years before the 2016 election and 7 years before jan 6. like you just couldn't say that now. "war bad" is an oldie but goodie, but "our entire government is corrupt and needs to be torn into flaming pieces and cast into the potomac" is um. pretty radical. so is, by the way, "men as victims" and "men having emotions" etcetc. like, not in fandom, fandom all but invented that shit, but as far as dumb superhero movies go. i can't tell you the number of metas i read AND WROTE discussing steve rogers and masculinity and how all that was portrayed, intentionally or not, in that fucking film. i had entire separate universes built up in my head for steve who was born a cis girl and steve who decided later in life that "nonbinary" or "trans woman" was a better fit and then steve who was born as a cis boy and remained a man his whole life but felt weird and different ways about being queer which clashed with the weird and different ways BARNES felt about being queer. i'm not saying the film (or the fandom! good lord) was perfect, it was a product of its time, but it was also WAY ahead of its time too. it was weird to expect the next film to come out and actually, like, be good. it wasnt, but we fully believed it would be and that wasn't delusional behavior because the last one had been. i would never have that kind of faith in a marvel project now because they've been bought by disney.
oh yeah and that's the other thing too like. speaking of queer people. gay marriage wasn't legal in the US on a federal level until 2015, and you couldn't just flip on your TV and see them whenever you wanted. ten years doesn't seem like that long ago in the grand scheme of things but like, we lived on glee and cw/mtv queerbait (disclaimer that i personally only participated in cw queerbait) and that was it. we had crumbs. and like when people write gay characters theyre Just Gay, but if you decide to be crazy stupid in a slash fandom you can decide these layered characters are gay and that's even better rep than um whatever was going on in other pieces of media. these guys are both so lonely and out of step with time and lack other people with "shared life experiences" (girl what the hell was that) and their connection w each other keeps them afloat in a world that doesn't want them so like of COURSE it seems like it's supposed to be romantic. and like, i could and did make myself and my tumblr buds crrrazy (and got made crazy by them) thinking about:
how steve's size when small and again when big interacted w his gender identity and his sexuality and how that sexuality manifested. barnes's identity As A Man hinging on his ability to go to war for his country bc Thats What Men Did but now he's no longer fit because theres worms in his brain. loss of bodily autonomy which usually happens to women and natasha being later in that journey than steve and bucky are and so close to being at peace with it but not there yet. stigmatization of seeking treatment for mental health issues lessened by the presence of sam who could have been a Macho Tough Guy but actually gives off strong Talk About Our Feelings And Be Soft vibes. don't even get me started on the relationship (predatory) between steve and rumlow and how it parallels the one between barnes and pierce (and if any of you motherfuckers BREATHE a word of that h*dra tr*sh p*rty shit in my direction i will END you) and the stigma that comes from being preyed on when vulnerable As Men. steve's depression and ptsd and him getting triggered by, yes, the fucking ALS ice bucket challenge. the collective belief that he was conscious when he was frozen even though nobody said that so that he and barnes could have that in common too. the headcanon about barnes having roma heritage - shoutout to not easily conquered my beloved, and the 14k smut coda i wrote for it✌ speaking of smut, i would be remiss also not to mention there was a STRONG element of collective lust involved. i'm immune to 99% of it bc im ace but the winter soldier was uh. VERY graceful. you know? i didn't write 14k of porn because i was uncompelled. we were on one. we went fucking crazy. fandom in general but especially big fandoms have a kind of nonstop endless well of creative energy born from obsession that is the absolute envy of people like my mortal enemy grrm. we NEVER quit.
also, HISTORY (and other vaguely educational subjects). we were all so desperate to know how steve and bucky would have lived in the years we couldn't see them it sparked a sitewide interest in 1940s american history. there was a thing about bananas tasting different now because of a plague. m&ms being invented as wartime candy. stuff about how shoebox apartments looked and how rations worked. 1940s recipes and radio shows. the 1940s queer movement and how it interacted with ballroom dancing and private drag get-togethers. how amputations work and how prosthetic limbs work in real life so we could extrapolate it to fantasy. how to hand-draw that fucking arm in photoshop. why soldiers are trained to say their serial numbers when captured. what ww2 was like. what dog tags are for. what did they get in the ration packs. what brand of cigarettes did they smoke. what brand (and i am being so serious, i STILL own a tube) of LIPSTICK did peggy carter use. caloric intake of someone with a 4x speed metabolism and how much famine peanut butter he'd need to eat daily to keep from starving to death. oppression of irish immigrants and their children/grandchildren back in the 1940s. the difference between conservatives and fascists, back when there was a difference. what activities generally took place on these mysterious but ever-present new york city docks. just exactly HOW many terrible movies and tv shows has sebastian stan been in ranked by his resemblance to james buchanan barnes in each one. (i personally went through his entire imdb list at the time and then made a venn diagram.) electroswing! teachers and professors would have killed for their classes to have the kind of enthusiasm a bunch of mentally ill teenagers and 20-somethings on tunglr dot edu were showing about this one very specific set of subjects. this film also sparked my love of fight scenes. if you've read this fic or this fic and liked the Big Fight Scenes in them, you can thank cap2 for leading me down that path.
and then yes there was also discourse. my personal most hated thing was the above mentioned h*dra tr*sh p*rty (DO NOT GOOGLE THAT, i will just tell you it's nazi rape porn🤢 and i hope everyone involved is having a bad day today) and also the fact that SOME FUCKING PEOPLE can't understand "don't be shitheads about a fanfic where the author can see you doing it." but then ofc people were also sexist about nat and racist about sam and minimalizing those guys (and every other character besides tony really but sometimes him too) for the two white male leads was a whole thing. and on the funnier side of things you had (justifiably, i suppose) bitter st*ny fans who HATED what those two got in avengers and got real mad when stucky started outpacing them on ao3. and people complaining about the characters being too uwu soft. and then other people arguing whether or not barnes counted as disabled when he was missing a Whole arm. and THEN discourse about was it ethical to remove the arm and build him a new one ESPECIALLY without his consent (if people don't know they're being ableist in their fanfics hypothetically is it still ok to kill them with hammers?) and why was tony doing it if that guy killed his parents and is it ok that we keep making tony not that mad about his dead parents is it not enough that barnes stole his limelight as the guy who gets shipped with steve but what if all three of them fucked but can you really fuck the guy who offed your folks but ACTUALLY isn't it cringe to like tony anyway since RDJ and gwenyth paltrow are bad people and who says chris evans are sebastian stan are such good people etcetcetc. and let us not even get started on the plausibility of the avengers tower fanon after age of ultron came out and it turns out nobody became friends and they all still hated and mistrusted each other. and whether or not the avengers could be considered found family if the other characters were constantly getting shafted into being barnes's little support animals. and then ofc every once in awhile one of the actors of people involved creatively would say something ranging from mildly controversial to absolutely horrible on the internet and we'd all fight about THAT for awhile like a dog with a bone. i mean. typical infighting of any fandom tbh.
but i was very happy. it was all the most enormous thought experiment and creative endeavor (and semi-educational adventure??) that we all participated in daily for like two-ish years without stopping ever. i loved doing it. AND, when you click with a piece of media like that, you also click with other people who clicked with that same piece of media, so in addition to the sheer level of dopamine going into my brain at all times i also formed decade-long friendships that will certainly last the entirety of my lifetime, and when we're in our 90s in nursing homes i will be able to say, "we are friends because i wrote 14k of smut for your fanfic" or "we are friends because i couldn't get enough of your gifsets" or whatever because you know, we quite literally went to stucky together.
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bobeaubow · 8 months
guys please I'm being so serious when I say I want my inbox full of drawing request PLEASEE !!!
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carpisuns · 1 year
legitimately curious as to what’s in your inbox rn
by inbox do you mean my secret drawing box? I was about to say there is nothing new in there bc I just posted all the new ones but then I checked and was surprised to see all these DHSKSK
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guys I got sans undertaled help (that made me burst out laughing)
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i honestly love that people just send whatever in these things. i have gotten a lot of owl house and ladybug stuff bc those are my fandoms but there is so much random stuff as well. here are a couple favs I saved from my old box before I lost access
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I found this weirdly wholesome YP fanfic on wattpad with this like poly kate x brian x hugo vibe thing going on, it's about them having a slumber party or something, IMO i thought it was cute
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undertaleofficial · 2 years
This is my called shot, if Deltarune continues to follow Live A Live (spoilers of LAL below)
All things in brackets are things that happened to Oersted from LAL which may not be applicable to Deltarune's variant on it but it's worth noting the exact circumstances just in case I'm right
A single new party member will be added every chapter [and the previous members who aren't a part of the hero triad like Noelle may not recur as playables in the Dark Worlds ever again until the finale where they could potentially be used one last time to face off against the final boss].
The seven revealed chapters will turn into nine chapters. (Likely 6 and 7 will be released together as supposedly the final chapters, but it'll actually be revealed that 8 and 9 are unlocked when 7 is completed like in LAL.)
Kris will kill someone important (most likely Susie) after being tricked/forced into doing it and then framed afterwards.
The perpetrator of this would have to be Ralsei as he is the only one so far who matches up with Oersted's wizard ex-friend who frames him (and Ralsei is also literally called 'prince of the dark' which is incredibly similar to the title used by the big bads in LAL, 'Lord of Dark').
To back this 'traitorous Ralsei' line of thought up since it's very controversial in the Deltarune fandom, Ralsei is the one who taught Kris how to use their 'proceed' ability in Chapter 1's jail segment and he mentioned it at least once before that with very odd, specific wording to include it. He also is aware of the metanarrative as directly shown in Chapter 2's genocide route when he's upset that the narrative won't move on to where it should during both scenes with Noelle and Susie, yet he does nothing about the route itself. Unless his awareness of the metanarrative is extremely limited to the point he can't see any of Snowgrave happening somehow, that makes him incredibly suspicious on its own.
Also, while not proof exactly, Oersted's final boss forms in LAL directly inspired every one of Asriel's final boss designs in Undertale (even Omega Flowey)... this may explain why Kris (a knight, like Oersted) takes the role of Oersted and Ralsei as Oersted's ex-friend (also a wizard) since Asriel's story is not really similar to Oersted's and Asriel is still a good person when he loses Flowey's emotionlessness.
Somewhat related, one strange thing about Deltarune's Darkner prophecy as foretold by Ralsei is that the Angel is excluded from it despite its continued existence in the Light World's version of the sigil. This could be willful doctoring on Ralsei's part or just unknown to him, but in my opinion it's likely that there is still an Angel, who is someone other than the triad of heroes and decides the fate of the world similarly to the Angel of Undertale.
Kris kills Ralsei in a fight to the death after Ralsei tries to use his full power to destroy/take over the Light World.
[Kris's love interest (Noelle?) commits suicide after learning about the two murders Kris committed, without being aware of the context behind them. (I think this is the most likely bit to be removed/changed since I also think Noelle is the real Angel of the prophecy and is the most likely person to be the true protagonist after Kris turns regardless, especially if Susie and Ralsei are both dead by this point, but this mayyy be relevant somehow anyway since she's crushing on Susie.)]
Kris becomes evil[/a Lord of Dark specifically], presumably due to the contextless backlash of killing Ralsei and the victim they'd been framed for.
Kris will be killed by the combined forces of the rest of the party members [after Kris has become the latest incarnation of hatred like Ralsei before them], thus saving the world... but at a great cost, and with the knowledge that any person has the capacity to become filled with hate and evil as it is said in LAL.
This is just my best guess of what Toby is going for with Deltarune's finale using Live A Live's finale as an outline. Undertale's pacifist route was the antithesis to Live A Live and I think Deltarune may be the reoccurrence of Live A Live, possibly regardless of route as indicated by the game's central theme (and the fact that Toby has said there is only one ending). It probably won't be exactly like I've said but most likely similar in some instances (some characters may be switched around, the exact contents of the story events might be altered compared to the LAL counterparts, etc.).
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shinyeclair · 8 months
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On her way to hug you ~ 🩶
Esha's sprites made by myself !
Prologue appearance (alt casual outfit 1 long tied hair)
Current appearance (signature casual outfit hair cutted)
Current appearance (alt casual outfit 2 hair cutted)
I want to make more so baaaad ! (gala dress, swimsuit, more seasonal outfits, Halloween, cosplay, Christmas...)
Learn more about her here 🩶 Check her design here 🩶
As a newbie pixel art sprite artist, I'm open for some reviews hehe 🤎
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restingobject5757 · 1 year
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This again is made from the moth AU from @llamagoddessofficial
this mc has a sleeping disorder. Making it difficult to stay asleep. Making super easy for sans to knock them out. But she wants to teach skull how to fly with fake wings that she made. But also to teach them how to display to make sure there wings are heathy.
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voidcake · 1 year
nine month late intro
howdy, im naomi
i try to do things and most of the time they fail or never come into existence
fandom brainrot
and here's a side blog i made for my gay and mentally ill rats i call my ocs: @kirbstomb
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mags2theythem · 3 months
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years
That is a updating post about mah life so feel free to read or to scroll by it!! I wish you a very nice week. July let’s gooo!
I know I’ve been kind of... not very interactive here those last weeks and, idk, I would like to explain why since even my monthly fic posting and rbs have been delayed and everything...
My phone broke asdfghjjgfrd.
I mentioned in a few tags some weeks ago however I realized it would probably be nicer to make an entire post about this so here I am! :D My phone is completely out of commission rn and I don’t really have an idea about when I will be getting a new one? Maybe around December or next year when I don’t have to pay for my preparatory course and stuff x))
That being said, I would like to say a GIGANTIC ‘Thank YOU!’ for all the dear beans who has been reblogging and liking my stories. That means a lot to me and I can’t wait to be able to answer to each of you personally on the notes! Writing comments and that kind of stuff on desktop is kind of weird for me and I will need a few tries before I grow used to it so until there I hope that litol post will surfice. Thank you very much for your support x33!  
Also! Each day I am getting closer to November, which means my days will get incresealy busier and tiring which, yeah, can delay even more my writing process and that really, really sucks. I really wanted to be able to create more content for this blog because I truly like the space I created here but I am afraid that will take a while before I can go back to be fully posting and reblogging stuff again.
That being said, I’ve got a new fandom that I will be probably writing for in the future and dfgjukigf let’s see, let’s see. We still got a lot of time to spend and enjoy! I even plan to writing more non-tickle-fics for my other blog. Plans and plans everywhere x))
I believe that is all I wanted to talk about here. If you read all of this, wow! Noice! Wish u a lot of glitter and sparkles in ur life :D
See ya! :DD
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