#sorry for the length of my answer 😱😅😱😅😅
graygiantess · 3 months
Thank you for In Hell Together After All, it absolutely crushed me (in a good, painful way). ❤️ It made me wonder what is your history with IWTV/The Vampire Chronicles: how did you become a fan, what caught your attention and what made you want to "stay"?
And also, you probably write a lot of your headcanons into your stories, but do you have any specific headcanons of any of the characters/relationships in the series?
Hey Nonny!
Sorry for the late reply. Covid broke my brain and I can only focus on reading/writing for very short stretches of time.
(I love getting these asks, though, so please no one feel deterred by this, lol!)
I'm so glad you enjoyed In Hell Together After All! And thank you for your ask. 😊
Putting my answer under the break again so as not to clog up people's dash with my novel-length ramblings.
Luce and TVC
I first got into TVC when I was 14, which is almost 21 years ago. My 13yo foster sister and I were completely obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 
I was aware that there was a vampire movie with Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt and wanted to see it. I have a much older half-sister and the three of us ended up having a movie night at her house. We watched Interview With the Vampire and The Blair Witch Project.
We were all very 👁👁 throughout the entire movie. Then I bought a boxset of the first four books, foster sister and inhaled the first three books, watched the QotD movie and got very pissed off by how terrible it was. 😂
We were like, "Guess we'll always have the books 🤷‍♀️". I ordered TVA, because QotD had left me completely Armand-obsessed, and started reading Tale of the Body Thief.
I don't remember quite what it was, but Lestat says something at the start of TotBT that my 14yo self just thought was so stupidly retconny that I went, "Yeah, fuck that". I think it was something about how he only ate bad guys and that that was somehow in service of Jesus? Whatever it was, I wasn’t having it, so I put it down and never picked it back up. 😂
Then in my late teens/early twenties I followed Anne Rice on Facebook for a while, but I got kinda creeped out when she started addressing everyone with 'dearest People of the Page'. I distinctly remember thinking, "Lady, I'm here for gay vampire reasons, not to be in a cult". 😅 So I unfollowed her and spent about a decade not thinking about TVC very much at all.
AND THEN in early summer of 2022 the YouTube algorithm informed me that AMC was making an IWTV show. I reread IWTV and in October thought, "Let’s give this a go."
I had my reservations because I still remembered my teenage rage at the QotD movie, and I wasn't sure how I felt about them changing the time period and casting 'some old guy' as Daniel (sorry Eric! 🙈).
BUT THEN Jacob came on all, "Dear Mr. Molloy, did you know you can orgasm just from hearing a man's voice? Wanna finish what we started half a century ago?" and my head just about exploded!
This is the second interview?! They’re revisiting it 49 years later?! OMGGG, that's the most genius storytelling move in the history of storytelling! 😱
I watched ep2 right after and then desperately needed to yell about the show with other sickos. So I joined Twitter and started reading fic again (which I'd only really done when I was 17 and obsessed with that wizard school franchise), started writing fic, joined fic-themed group chats/Discords and made a Tumblr so I could (lovingly) yell at other fic writers.
And now I've published over 150k words in fic and there's IWTV fan art all over my house. 😂
So it was really the show that made me come back to stay. It's just thee best TV show of all time to me.
And as much as this fandom can be a shit show, it's really helped me stay sane while grappling with my long covid, which has left me very incapacitated in many other areas of my life.
Luce's headcanons
Asking me for my headcanons has the same effect as asking me for my favorite movies or songs in that it immediately makes me forget any headcanons I ever had. 😂
You're right that I write a lot of them into my fics, which are mainly me exploring my headcanons and asking myself what if...? I have a couple others, though I'm not sure these are really headcanons or more actual theories, though, so I apologize if this wasn't what you were looking for.
- I've mentioned this one before, but Louis and Lestat had a grand old time during their honeymoon phase between Louis getting turned and Louis almost eating Grace's baby. I think people tend to make too big a deal out of Louis being an unreliable narrator but it's a little too convenient how quickly he skips over those 6-7 years. I think he doesn’t like to think about how much fun he had with Lestat just having all the sex, getting super rich and eating whoever the fuck he wanted.
- Daniel isn’t going to give a single fuck about the ethics of killing people in order to survive once he finally becomes a vampire. We already know he’s selfish and a hypocrite. I can just see him fully ready to view all humans as savory inferiors once he’s no longer one of them.
- If show!Daniel ever met Marius, he would punch him in the face. 🤭
- Santiago is going to be SO jealous of Louis's relationship with Armand. I don't care if Santiago and Armand end up having zero homoerotic tension between them on screen, they're fucking to me.
- I'm also a Claudeline truther. Show!Claudia doesn’t need a parental figure the way book!Claudia does but she very much yearns for romantic love, and she did say Charlie was the last boy she'd ever love, and went after the woman when Lestat asked her if she wanted the Mr. or the Mrs. in ep7.
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Kudos to anyone who made it all the way to the end of this answer! Your prize is getting to choose if I share:
A) A silly anecdote about that movie night I had with my sisters.
B) A shocking fact that might get me cancelled as an Armandaniel fic writer. 👀
(Though tbh, if you pick B, I'll probably still give you A for free.)
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You prefer short hair?😱 I feel betrayed. Think of the curls!! But yeah, he looks how with any hair. All of them do. Saaame. I want to hear it already, but at the same time I dont want to. If the rest of the CD sounds anything like Miss You, that would end me. I love that song too much. And if he sings a ballad...I'd die too. There's no way to win. (Also, i wont be able to see him and that would definitely kill me. I will be a sad mess, byeee). 1/3
Aaagh. I hate his team so much. How is it possible that Larries-Louies are better at doing promo than them? (Shoutout Louies, i love you). C'mon, his team is supposed to have the means!! Do you know how mad i get bcs i havent heard any of his songs on a spanish radio since JHO? I have heard Harry’s, Liam’s, Zayn’s and Niall’s, but not Louis’. MISS YOU DESERVED BETTER AND I’M NEVER GOING TO STOP SEEKING JUSTICE FOR IT. (Like literally. My friends are sick of me playing it everytime we meet). 2/3
Sorry about the lenght. I also have a lot of thoughts (and love) on Louis. I’m a bitter Louie with a lot of love to give. Thanks for reading me 😂🤷
Hi!!!! I don’t have a preference, really, jajaja. I like every style on him. But I already saw him with the curls on 2014. And it’s sad that I missed the long long hair, arrrrggggg he looked amazing too during MITAM promo. 😍😍😍😍. But, seeing as it’s impossible to see him with that hair ever again (at least in the near future😕), I wanted to see his short short hair,jajaj.
Now Louis. 😜. I LOVE MISS YOU!! And JLY!! And JHO will always be in my heart, bc those lyrics… My least favorite is BTY, I have to admit it, sorry. But I like how he sounds with Bebe.I can’t wait to hear Always You (of that’s the Amsterdam one). That music!!! Jdikjenvkiefvirofce. When he posted the snippet on IG I heard it so many times that the next morning my brother asked me what the hell was I listening to the night before, bc I woke him up in the middle of the night 🤣🤣. And well, if he sings a ballad it will be the end of me. It was my pleasure to know you all, and all that,jajjaja.And his team… I really pray to every god I don’t believe in, that someone is working with him, advising him, even if it’s bts and we don’t get to see it right now or even this year. But I really hope he’s getting the profesional support and advice he, as a /new/ artist needs to become someone people will know and recognize in the future.I said /new/ artists bc here in Spain, or least where I’m from, he is a no one. Not him, and not the rest, to be honest. I work in a shop and my main group of customers (I think there’s a word for that, but I can’t think about it rn,oop!) are teens. And I always have the radio playing. And the few times they’ve played any of the boys, the only one they’ve recognized it was Zayn. They even had used his song (Dusk till down?) on a project. But I was trying to sell those Harry’s tickets that I told you about, and they didn’t know who it was, lol. And it’s Harry… FUN FACT: before I went to Madrid to Harry’s concert I went to the gas station. And p, as you can see, I could talk with a stone… jajajjaa, so I told the worker there (a man in his late 50s) that I was going to a concert. And he asked me who I was going to see. I told him: oh! You won’t know him. It’s called Harry Styles. He only has one album out. And, to my surprise!! He asked me: is he the one who was in that boy band?? AND I WAS SHOKED HE KNEW ABOUT THEM, LOL. I told him that yes, it was. And he told me to have fun. And that he had been to see Sting the week before (and he really is a good singer). I had to agree to disagree, jajaja.Anyway, going back to Louis and the rest. Yeah, they don’t play them? I don’t know why. I mostly hear Los40, and Liam has 2 song on the list, so they’ve playing him more often lately. And Harry had SOTT in the list too, so it was played quite often back then too (I think it got to number 1, but I missed it 😔). And yesterday or Monday, I don’t remember, they played This Town, bc Niall won that Batalla de fans they do every day on twitter. Does barely the only way they’ve played Louis there 😒. And a couple of Sunday in Tony Aguilar’s program (the global show, or something like that). Also, Cadena 100 used to play SOTT A LOT! My brother-in-law used to send me audios every time he heard the song at work!! 🙄 jajajajaa. But he doesn’t know about Niall or Liam. And I’m, not gonna talk about Louis…
ANWAY, I don’t know what I’m talking anymore,jajajja.They ALL deserve better here. But, also they have to know they have a fan base here too, so the can come to visit us sometimes, 😝😝😝.
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