#sorry for the random comment; i saw your observation and refused to shut up about it
casifer-is-king · 4 years
I'd Never
Pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader
Summary: It’s not that Javier isn’t interested in you, but there are some lines that can’t be crossed. Especially when you’re his partner’s wife’s best friend in Bogatá and he’s a DEA agent with a bad track record with relationships. But there has to come a breaking point, and this is it.
Rating: M
Warnings: curse words, alcohol and cigarettes (don't smoke kids), jealousy, a tiny bit of fem!receiving oral. If there's anything else I missed call me out.
A/N: This started as a simple little thing about why Javi avoids relationships. Then it turned into a "what would be the breaking point of that avoidance, though?" And it turned into this whole big thing lol. No beta we die like men. Please leave me feedback and reblog if you like 🥺💖
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It’s been two hours since Steve called Javier and told him Connie was dragging him out to the bar and Javier was coming too. Steve told him exactly when to be there and Javier showed up only five minutes late. That was an hour ago and he was currently wishing he had just stayed in his own apartment…
Finally, the bedroom door opened and Connie stepped out. She had on a short dress and some strappy heels, her hair curled and makeup done to perfection in dark, smokey colors.
“Can we leave yet? The bars are gonna be closed by the time you’re ready,” Javier quipped.
“Sorry to keep you from your drinks, Javi, but this woman’s hair would not cooperate.
It was only then that Javier saw you, stepping out behind Connie and dressed up similarly. Your dress was black, strapless and fitted at the waist, then flowing out into an a-line skirt that accented the curve of your hip. Your makeup was lighter than Connie’s, but the bright red lipstick brought attention to your mouth and had Javier licking his own lips.
“Sooo, are we ready or what?” Connie pulled Javier out of his reverie. She already had Steve by her side, helping her into her jacket by the door.
“Ready,” rasped the brunette, pulling a cigarette from the pocket of his shirt. He escorted you and Connie to the front of the building while Steve went to bring the car around.
“Can I have one?” You asked from Javier’s right.
He immediately offered you the one he had lit and watched as your much smaller fingers took the cig from between his, brought it to your crimson lips and inhaled. You let the smoke roll out of your mouth before handing it over to him again. Taking it back, his dark chocolate eyes observed the red stain on the filter before he inhaled the last drag. Dropping the butt to the ground, he dug for another, lit it then handed it off to you immediately.
It was a practiced action between the two of you by this point. Ever since Connie brought you over for one of those weekly dinners she insisted Steve invite him to - “or he’ll never have a good meal, Stephen” - almost three months ago now. Javier wasn’t sure if you never actually had cigarettes of your own, or if you just made it a habit of stealing from him specifically, but you always asked for one and he never said no. At this point, he was certain he wouldn’t say no if you asked him for most anything.
At the bar, Steve and Connie go to find a table while Javier and you go up for the first round of drinks. The bar is crowded, but Javier easily carves out a spot for the two of you to wait for one of the bartenders.
It’s only a few minutes before a guy sidles up to your side and begins a conversation with you. Javier tenses, but the bartender distracts him for the moment as he gets everyone’s order in and waits. When he turns to hand you your drink, the guy is still there and you seem to be happily having a conversation, letting him lean in close to your ear so you can hear him over the music. With your drink in hand you give the stranger a smile and a nod before turning to Javier.
“I’m gonna go dance,” you say over the music.
Javier nods, but his mouth is curved down into a frown as he juggles three full drinks to the table that Steve and Connie claimed. He sits and glares out across the dance floor while the married couple next to him have a quiet conversation all their own.
He watches you as you dance with the stranger, his hand on your waste and head ducked toward your neck. He’s obviously saying something into your ear, and whatever it is makes you smile. As the guy turns your body so your back is pressed to his front, Javier feels a rolling, burning feeling in his stomach. He has no right to feel this way, he tells himself. You aren’t his to be possessive over.
It’s not that Javier isn’t interested in you, but there are some lines that can’t be crossed. Especially when you’re his partner’s wife’s best friend in Bogatá and he’s a DEA agent with a bad track record with relationships.
Javier isn’t good at long term relationships. He knows this well. It's the reason that he keeps his interactions with women strictly business, both professionally and sexually (though sometimes those two things can be one in the same in his job). It’s the reason he left Lorraine on the day they were to be married and ran away to Columbia. And it’s the reason he keeps you at a distance when all he wants is to hold you in his arms and smudge your lipstick across your lips as he kisses you. Because you deserve better than a fast burn relationship that leaves you broken, and he knows better than to think he can get it right this time.
Instead, he watches your body as it melts into this random, watches as your hips meet his and you both move in time to the tempo of the song. And he glares. It isn’t a conscious action, but he glares across the room as he absently drinks his beer.
"If you glare hard enough maybe the whole place will burn down," comments Steve with a knowing smirk. “Or maybe he’ll just disappear and you can finally just make a move.”
Javier turns his glare to his partner. “Very funny, Murphy.”
Connie stands and places an arm on his shoulder. “Just go out there, Javi. Dance with her,” she urges him before turning to her husband. “Come on, babe. Buy me another drink and come dance with me.”
Steve turns blue eyes to meet brown. “Meet ya out there?” he asks Javier with a snarky little smile.
“Yeah fucking right,” Javier mutters to Steve’s retreating back, eyes quickly finding their way back to you. He watches you. Watches as you embrace Connie and pull her in to dance. Watches as that stranger’s hand finds it’s way over your stomach and up, up, up until he’s grazing the bottom of your breasts. Watches as he finds himself pushing through the crowd, getting closer and closer to you, and as his own hand engulfs your wrist and pulls you away from the asshole.
“What the hell, Javi?” you exclaim, spilling a bit of your second drink between the two of you.
Javier doesn’t answer; he silently accepts the car keys from Steve and nods at his partner's brief, “we’ll catch a cab home, man.” Then he leads you through the bar, draping his leather jacket across your bare shoulders before you even hit the doors, and continues to lead you to the car.
“Javier! What the hell?” you reiterate. You don’t fight him, though, and you accept his chivalry when he opens the passenger door and helps you into the seat.
He mutters some excuse that you barely hear before he shuts the door and jogs over to get in the driver’s seat. He pulls out of the parking lot with only a muttered, “I’ll drive you home,” but stays quiet other than that. He barely remembers walking out onto that dance floor, doesn't know why he dragged you away, and has no words to explain himself to you. He knows he owes you more than that, owes you some sort of excuse that he can’t give. Not without opening a door to something that he’d never be able to take back.
He tries not to look at you sitting next to him, swamped in his coat with confused eyes and a pout on your painted lips. Instead, he focuses on his driving, focuses on the dark streets in front of him, and focuses on bringing his emotions back in check. Building his walls back up so that he doesn’t hurt you.
He lights a cigarette, taking two drags before silently handing it to you. You accept the smoke, finishing half of it before passing it back without a word. You both smoke two more cigarettes like this before Javier pulls up to your building.
“I’ll walk you up,” he finally breaks the silence. And so he escorts you all the way up to your door without so much as another word. In the harsh fluorescent lights, he can feel you observing him, knowing you can see the hardening of his brow over his stormy eyes, the way his mouth is turned down into a pouty frown and the hunch of his broad shoulders.
At your door, you pause and Javier knows you want him to say something. Anything at all to make you understand. But when he doesn't, you unlock your door, hand resting on the doorknob.
“You know what? No, Javi. I’m not going to let you just leave me here like this without an explanation,” you finally explode. “What was that about back there? Why did we leave early?”
Javier huffs, but his eyes refuse to meet yours. You won’t back down, though. “Please talk to me,” you practically begged now.
He has thought about this moment a lot, how he would respond if you finally confronted him about this push and pull that you both engaged in. The light flirtations that he allows himself to indulge in without ever letting it advance to the next step. Light touches as you pass the cigarette back and forth between quiet banter, eyes meeting across Steve and Connie’s dinner table, a fluttering of your lashes and the twist of his lips into a grin just for you.
Javier makes the mistake of meeting your eyes. “I didn’t like seeing that cabrón all over you,” he finally spoke through clenched teeth. “I don’t like seeing any man looking at you the way he was, or dancing with you the way I should be.”
“The way you should be...?” you trail off, trying to understand what he’s saying.
“The way I want to be,” Javier adds.
There is a heavy pause between the two of you for a long moment, then you’re in Javier’s arms, eyes searching his expressive ones and looking for a sign that it’s ok to move forward. Javier answers that question by leaning down and capturing your lips with his - tentative, waiting to see where it goes. Wanting to see if he was really going to take this step after talking himself out of it for so long now.
You don’t give him too long to think about it, pressing into his chest and deepening the kiss. Javier pushes back, feeling your curves pressed into his torso as your back hits the door behind you. Your mouth tastes like tobacco with faint undertones of the alcohol you had been drinking and Javier finds himself falling into it. Any reason he has created to convince himself to keep you at arms length is crashing down around him.
Breaking the kiss when air becomes a necessity, Javier grasps your chin where your lipstick is smeared, wiping along the red stain before bringing his lips to yours again. Then it’s the fumbling to get into your apartment, the frantic removal of shoes and hands roaming skin. Making your way through the dark apartment, lit only by the orange streetlights filtering through the windows, Javier kisses every bit of skin he can find from your face to your shoulders. He takes note of all the noises you make, from the quiet gasp when he finds the soft spot behind your ear, to the giggle from that spot on your shoulder where his mustache tickles you.
Javier is pushing up the skirt of your dress, caressing your sides as he explores with his mouth, fingers dropping under the band of your panties and beginning to ease them down. Halfway down your thighs, Javier grasps your hips again and lifts until you are seated on one of the stools at your kitchen counter.
Kneeling between your legs, Javi looked up at you, eyes reflecting black with lust. “I want this all for myself,” he rasps out.
“It’s yours,” is your response, voice husky and dark.
At your word, Javier wastes no time latching his mouth to the soft skin of your inner thighs, exploring this new expanse of skin slowly. By the time he reaches his intended destination, he has you squirming in the seat, leaking onto the fabric beneath you and begging him to hurry up. And being the weak man that he is when it comes to you, he gives in easily and finally delves into the sweetness of your core.
He tries to take his time still, savoring in the moment. But you are impatient now, bucking into his face and letting out a constant stream of commentary, “please, Javie. So close. Please don’t stop.” And how could he stop when he finally had you here? Finally gets to hear your moans and taste you on his tongue. By the time your first orgasm has washed over you, he has already decided to see how many times he can make you beg in one night. How many times he can say yes to you and earn his name on your lips.
By the time you are both spent, he's lying with you in the crumpled sheets of your bed. He basks in the afterglow as you cuddle into his side, head resting on his chest and his arm around your shoulders tracing patterns across soft skin. Once he is sure you have fallen asleep, he begins to ease his way from under you. He doesn’t get far though, as your hand reaches out to grasp his larger one.
“Please say you’ll stay,” you whisper sleepily. Javier instantly relaxes back into your pillows, hand shifting to encase your much smaller one in his.
“I’d never say no.”
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penguintransporter · 4 years
Winning The Game Called Love (Hector Bellerin) Part I
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Here it is my ladies and gents! I hope you like it, and I apologise if it’s too long, but I got carried away. Please let me know if you like it because I am always up to work on my writing, so don’t hesitate to write me DM or send in an ask (I promise, I am the friendliest person out there). This one is dedicated to @bitchforaesthetics. Anyway, read, enjoy because part II is coming out very soon...
P.S. There is no covid-19 in this story :D
If one asked anyone at the Arsenal Training Centre to describe Aida - the young brunette behind the reception desk, nine out of ten times one would hear the same answer:
Bundle of positive energy. 
It didn’t matter if one was a know or less-known footballer, coach, manager, medical staff or just a random fan touring the grounds - Aida, with her smile and positive energy, could chase away whatever dark cloud was looming above one's head. Yet, despite her contagious smile that was just loud enough and genuine curiosity, as any other human being, Aida wasn’t able to chase away the real dark clouds that seemed to clutch Hertfordshire sky in a tight embrace on that Monday morning. 
Seated behind the desk and waiting for her laptop to turn on, Aida observed the gloominess outside the building and all she saw was heavy blots of grey that seemed to carry all the weight accumulated during the month of December. 
Her last month at Arsenal FC, doing the job she enjoyed more than anything.
If it only had snowed; just a little.
 She would be lying if she said she liked freezing cold, and if anyone, she would be the absolute winner of “the worst balance on icy pavements” competition - if there was one - but Christmas had a different feel to it when everything was covered in fluffy and pillow white cover. And even if she wasn’t religious or celebrated Christmas as the majority of the people, she was a firm believer that snowy Christmas made that cup of hot cocoa, as she sat in her tiny studio under her favorite blanket, just a tiny bit better. 
Aida glanced at the small card that sat next to her laptop - red and golden swirls decorating the backside of it, and with a sigh she averted her gaze back at the laptop screen that had already turned on and was humming quietly - red Arsenal FC logo staring back at her. The large and Christmas decorated lobby was still quiet, but not for too long. In just a few minutes, most of the footballers and some other employees will start pouring into the building, either for training or for their 9/5 job, and with that the building will start buzzing with contagious energy. 
All except Sead. He was late on most of the days.
Aida looked at the clock in the corner of her screen before looking up expectantly at the door, and as if on cue, Alexandre Lacazette walked in through the door, talking to his fellow countryman Thomas who worked as a medical assistant. Both Aida and Thomas, along with some others were shortlisted for the layoff, but in the end it was Aida who pulled out the shorter straw. 
She shook her head, refusing to create unnecessary tension.
 Aida knew that she gained nothing from sulking and sadness. She still had to sit behind the reception desk for another few weeks, smiling and giving the best first impression to everyone who came in. So, with a deep breath, Aida lifted her chin high and looked at the two men in front of her. 
“Bonjour lads,” she grinned - the dark thoughts disappearing as soon as she spoke, leaning on the till in front of her. “Lovely weather outside, no?”
“Good morning indeed, sunshine,” Alexandre responded while still walking across the lobby, “I am actually wearing my bikini on underneath this outfit, what about you?” he added as he disappeared through the hallway that led to the changing rooms while Aida only laughed after him.  
“What a ridiculous man,” Thomas commented, stepping in front of Aida’s desk, smiling at her. “It is so cold outside. How did you travel?”
Aida sighed defeatedly. “Clio took four tries and a bottle of warm water to start this morning, despite the lack of snow and ice. I was really chuffed for this winter, but so far it has only been disappointing.” 
Her soon-to-be ex-colleague nodded, agreeing with her words before his eyes landed on the shiny invitation on Aida’s desk. “Oooh,” he mused, running a hand through his ginger curls. “Who’s date are you? Is it David? Please say it’s not him?”
“Nope!” Aida replied, giggling. There was nothing wrong with David Luiz - he was in fact a genuine sweetheart, but also notorious around the building for his charm and flirting action. Whether it was Aida at the reception desk when he needed an excuse for being late for the training or if it was Simone in the kitchen when he wanted another round of hash browns - he didn’t pick his victim nor his weapon. “Actually,” Aida started, “it was Finn from HR. He thought it would be a nice gesture since I do not get to stay here.”
“I don’t have to tell you again how sorry I am that you have to leave,” Thomas mumbled and Aida shrugged, hiding the disappointment. 
“Oh well,” she trailed off as few of the other players walked into the building and she made sure that she smiled at each one of them. She also made sure to high-five Calum Chambers as she did every morning for more than a year. “There is nothing that you can do really… Post?” she asked, trying to change the subject, and Thomas nodded, leaning over the till to grab the signing pad that rested on Aida’s desk while she shuffled some envelopes before pulling out a big, mustard yellow one. “There is something from Miami. I am assuming it is for Michael,” Aida spoke, exchanging the signing pad for the envelope. “Just tell me if there—  ,”
They were cut off by  the upstairs’ doors slamming shut with a force. Both her and Thomas looked up, watching Mikel Arteta walk downstairs with a risky speed - phone pressed to his ear as he spoke in a very quick and heavily accented English. Thomas quickly cast his eyes downwards, but Aida kept her eyes locked at the dark-haired man, waiting for the manager to notice her. When he finally did, she gave him a bright smile - ignoring the fact that he looked as if he was angry with the whole world - including Aida.
To Thomas’ surprise, Arteta returned Aida’s gesture with a friendly grin and a small wink before putting his agitated face expression back, walking away towards the training pitches.
“I really don’t know how you do it,” Aida’s colleague muttered, and she responded with a childish giggle. 
She was about to add something sarcastic, but the main entrance doors opened, letting the gust of cold wind trail in with force as Héctor Bellerín walked in with confidence that he mastered so well. He was dressed in clothes that resembled every outfit of Aida’s dad in the family photographs from the nineties, looking the only way Héctor Bellerín could -  both ridiculous and extremely cool at the same time.
“Want to watch me how I fail?” she whispered before clearing her throat a little, following their vice-captain with her green eyes. “Good morning, Héctor!” she called out, raising her voice so he could hear her perfectly. “Bollocks weather, innit?”
Not an eye-contact, a simple shrug, or any kind of motion or face expression that showed a tiniest bit of interest. 
Aida was aware that her friendliness sometimes caused people to recoil and shy away from her, and that her behavior could be overbearing at times, and she often wondered if people in the modern world, including Héctor, forgot how to be friendly and appreciate an honest smile. Aida was confused and a slightly bit hurt because it has been more than a year since she started working  for the club, and they only spoke two times - morning of her first day, and that time when they accidentally slammed into one another as they crossed their paths in the medicals. 
She wasn’t sure if she was doing something wrong because to Aida, he seemed like a nice and down to earth lad, and occasionally when she would observe him interact with his teammates and other staff members, she felt a pang of jealousy because she never got more than a cold stare across the room or occasional roll of his eyes.
“Maybe he’s just not a morning person,” Thomas commented, breaking Aida’s train of thoughts. He placed the envelope under his arm as he stuck his woolly hat inside the pocket of his puffer. “Anyway, I have to go. I have meeting in ten minutes. I’ll see you around.” 
“Yeah, good luck with your day,” Aida responded, watching Thomas walk towards his office on the ground floor. 
She sat back in her comfy chair with an itch of confusion mixed with some foreign feeling of sadness that started to tickle her. She couldn’t pinpoint what she was doing wrong when it came to Héctor Bellerín. They barely interacted, and yet he wasn’t giving her a chance. It didn’t help either that out of all people that Aida interacted with on a daily basis, he was the only one who made her heart both flutter and break at the same time. 
Her eyes glanced at the small calendar taped on the inside of her desk before resting on the party invitation again - her heart soaring with that familiar feeling.
Aida nodded, forcing a smile at some of the guests who passed her by. She wasn’t sure who they are or what their names were, but judging by their expensive clothes and blinding jewelry and watches, she figured out they must be very important people with lots of money.
The evening of the charity party has arrived quicker than she expected; quicker than she wanted, and even if the party was for a good cause, and she was meant to have a good time, she couldn’t shake off the tension that slowly accumulated over the past few weeks - her last weeks as the club’s employee. She didn’t want to leave, but despite talking with the HR department once again, there was nothing that she could do. Official answer was that the previous season was really bad for the club both, in terms of injury and finances, and that they had to cut the cost when it came to everything, including staffing. 
“Ada!” a boy’s scream rang out over the classical music they played, making Aida look up from where she was standing, and observing her pointy loafers and tiny specks of water residue from the drizzle of rain she caught on the way from the parking lot to the party.
Aida’s eyes connected with the small boy, dressed in a mini version of the official Arsenal FC suit as he ran towards her - his curly and unruly hair giving him a few extra inches in height. Despite feeling anxious and a bit sad, Aida smiled greatly at him, crouching down to his level before catching him in a tight embrace. Over his shoulder, she noticed his mother Alysha giving her an apologetic smile, but with a small nod, Aida reassured her that it was okay. She spent a lot of time with the boy on more than one occasion - in fact,  whenever Pierre-Emerick brought him to the centre, Pierre Jr. spent half of his time, sitting behind Aida’s desk as he talked in delight about his favorite cartoons and toys. 
“My God, look at you! You are so handsome tonight,” Aida mused and the boy giggled, embracing her once again, silently asking her to lift him up, and Aida obliged. Letting out a puff of air, she straightened up with the boy in her arms - it always surprised her to learn that he was heavier than he looked. With a smirk, she pulled at this red tie jokingly. “Has your daddy helped you with your tie?” she asked, tickling his stomach.
Pierre Jr. let out a loud cackle, squirming in her arms. “No, it was mamie. She also tied daddy’s.” Aida smiled at the boy’s mix of using French and English words, but as soon as the boy started telling her something about minions, Aida, as much as she hated to admit, stopped listening. 
The fact that she was going to be without a job occupied her brain and wasn’t something she was able to push away easily. Where did it go wrong? Obviously, like everyone else, she had her fair share of personal problems over the year, but she managed to keep them away from work - being nothing but professional and friendly the entire time. Aida always tried to give her best, treating everyone with nothing but respect, and even ran a couple of successful campaigns with the fans touring the grounds, but it was all in vain. 
Aida loved the club and being part of it. She loved the mornings when she would be one of the first to arrive, she loved that cup of coffee with Simone in the empty canteen, listening to all the anecdotes that happened since the older lady started working in the kitchen, fifteen years ago. Aida enjoyed the silly banter with footballers and the staff - heck, she even liked when Granit mispronounced her name and she had to correct him every day. She experienced so many nice moments during the past fourteen months and it felt so strange knowing that soon enough those moments will just be a nice memory.
“—so I told Curtys to stop hitting me with the pillow, but he didn’t. So I ate his hobnobs.”
Aida blinked quickly, reverting back to the reality from her thoughts and looked down at the little boy who was proudly explaining his hobnob revenge on his older brother. 
“Great job,” she answered, ruffling the boy’s hair before looking away from his glinting eyes and cheesy grin. Various groups of people mingled around her, and Aida moved her gaze across the room. Manager Arteta was talking to the club president while Claudia, the girl that was going to take her job along with being Arteta’s assistant was chatting excitedly with Naomi from PR. Everyone seemed to be in a better mood than she was, and Aida hated it. 
“Papa!” Pierre Jr. cried out happily and Aida followed his gaze. She spotted Pierre-Emerick, surrounded with some of the teammates and their significant others. 
“Do you want to go there?” Aida asked softly. Pierre Jr. nodded rapidly, and Aida craddled him before making her way through the well-dressed crowd.
Héctor Bellerín wasn’t exactly a man of few words, and everyone who knew him privately, knew that fact. The young Spaniard with an extraordinary London cockney accent loved to talk, appreciated a silly joke and banter, but also enjoyed discussing serious subjects and matters at any given opportunity. He was no stranger to a good book or a documentary, but also loved playing CoD with his teammates and just chill around his house. 
He considered himself polite, trying to treat everyone with respect, and most of the time he kept his cool - except that one time with Richarlison, but the lad deserved it. Yet, despite it all, the behavior of the girl behind the reception desk, for some reason, annoyed the shit out of him.
Héctor found her behavior tiring and utterly insincere. Ever since she started working, she would greet him with that smile that couldn’t have been a real one, asking him about the weather - day in and day out. It tired him to the point that he just decided to ignore her. 
On the other hand, he didn’t think that there was something wrong with her - moreover, he did agree with some of his teammates the first week she started working that she was actually pretty, but after another few weeks, her “eager beaver” behavior became a huge turn off. To Héctor, she seemed to be a type of girl that had no rest nor knew how and when to keep it down, and in his head, he used to paint this picture of her where she is making cupcakes every day, talking to fluffy animals and farting rainbows.
So, when she approached their group at the party, wearing a teal-coloured dress that wasn’t really a proper fit for her height or body type, carrying Aubameyang’s son in her arms, he waited for that bubble of overbearing happiness to burst in front of them. 
But it never did.
Instead, she greeted everyone with a short “hello” before reaching the little boy back to his father. “I apologise for interrupting your fun, but the best dressed man in this room wanted to go back to his daddy.”
“Excuse me—” Calum started, clearing his throat loudly as he smoothed down his tie. “What about us? We look decent as well, no?” 
His hand went towards Héctor’s shoulder, brushing the invisible dust from Héctor’s suit. 
Héctor swatted his hand away. 
“You look good too,” she replied, followed by a brief silence as Héctor took a sip of water, stopping himself from rolling his eyes. 
Wasn’t she a walking chatterbox? 
Has she already asked about Calum’s mother's wellbeing?
“Only good?” Alexandre pressed, but she sighed in defeat. 
“Well, I hope you enjoy your evening…” she trailed off, breaking the banter that his teammates started. “I have to go back to—” she bit her lip, looking behind her shoulder, “—I have some stuff to do.”
Only a few seconds later, Héctor watched her walk away through the crowd of men dressed in black suits and red ties. 
Part II
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Touch in the Dark Ch 4.2 (Bucky)
“Winter, the boy is here.” James waved to let Dmitri know to bring Tony—no, Stark, he needed to remind himself not to get too attached—in and he left without comment. James had been in a mood all day, unusually snappish and irritable. And he refused to believe it was because of the young man walking through the door who was just shy of 20 years old. Someone much too young to have any kind of effect on him. 
Not to mention that the boy was Steve’s. This whole thing was becoming ridiculous. What he had started out as a game to just mess with Steve and his young paramour had ended up blowing up in his face. But. At least it was just sexual, some negligible attraction probably born from messing with someone who was with Steve.
They’d shared lovers before, just no one that meant anything. Beautiful, nameless one night stands discretely arranged by Natasha’s all-seeing eye that were pleasurable but easy to walk away from in the morning.
Thinking about the people easily walked away from made something chill inside of him and James embraced that cold, let it spread. When Stark walked in, James didn’t bother with a greeting, simply rising and barking out a brisk, “Follow me.”
He idly noted how Stark’s face shuttered at the coldness of James welcome, hiding the hesitant nervousness that had been writ plain on his features. James led the way to the fighting ring housed in the lower basement, three floors down from his office. The mid basement had a shooting range and the higher one had meeting rooms for some of his more paranoid contacts.
Dmitri met them there, hands already wrapped and a fresh roll in his hands that James took.
Nodding his thanks, he pulled Stark to him and lifted his hands. “Watch. You’ll have to do this for yourself next time.” Making sure Stark’s eyes were on his movements, James took his time wrapping the other man’s hands to protect his knuckles.
That done, he gestured to the ring. “A huge part of successful knife-fighting is footwork. You have to be quick on your feet, able to dodge and weave when someone is coming at you. Even while you defend yourself, you have to learn to simultaneously pick apart the openings in their movement and their form, finding the spaces to step in with your own attacks. The best thing to teach you that is boxing, so right now, we’ll start with Dmitri. Any questions?”
Stark’s warm brown eyes were wide and terrified at the quick recitation, revealing his alarm before he seemed to gather his determination. James noted how his hands were clenched into tight fists, but the younger man went into the ring, ducking and entering without hesitation. Dmitri shared a look with James, eloquently conveying his doubt but he also obediently went.
It became abundantly clear that Stark had very little skills whatsoever. Dmitri moved much slower than usual, and while Stark did dodge some hits, his body was stiff and uncomfortable. Dmitri aimed hits in what seemed like a random fashion to Stark’s inexperienced eyes, but James saw the calculation in the different levelled hits. It gave James good context to see Stark hit by multi-levelled attacks, observe how he was more likely to be able to block a mid-range hit to his core or chest than a low-level hit to his legs. 
Sideways movement wasn’t too bad, but he didn’t know how to move backward without stumbling and seemed to have only some awareness of his surroundings. Stark’s surprise was clear on his face when he stepped back to avoid a hit and felt himself hit the ropes, causing him to glance behind him instinctively. Turning back to find a fist heading towards his face, James watched as surprise turned into pure terror and Tony reacted in a full-bodied flinch, arms rising in a desperate bid to protect his head.
Dmitri immediately backed off but Tony didn’t move, body trembling and panicked breathing audible in the silence. Fuck. He was having a panic attack.
James moved swiftly, ordering Dmitri to get some water as he moved into the ring, shrugging off his jacket and draped it across Tony’s trembling shoulders so he could be warmed by the fabric and residual heat. He very gently pulled Tony into a loose embrace that the young man could break if he needed to but would provide warmth and stability as he struggled to emerge from the nightmares in his mind.
James eased Tony down to the floor and pushed his head between his knees, rubbing his back soothingly. He pulled an arm still raised defensively and placed it over his chest, tapping a finger on it that echoed the beat of his heart. “Come on, Tony, that’s it, just breath for me. That’s a good boy, yes, just like that, deep breath in, let it out now, slowly, mhmm, very good, yea just follow me, do you hear that?” James continued to murmur soothing to the man in his arms, letting him rest his head heavily on his shoulder as he concentrated on breathing.
I should have expected this, he reprimanded himself. His mind flashed back again to the first day he met Tony, saving the young man as he was beaten brutally from his father. God, Tony was just like Steve and him, all of them united with legacies of abusive fathers, and he should have known that fighting would bring up horrible memories for him and overwhelm his mind. 
James hadn’t had it as bad in comparison, his own father only drinking near the end, right before the accident. And even then, he and Steve had had each other to hold them up and see them through the tough nights. Tony had a brother to protect and no one to protect him.
Giving up trying to remain distant from Tony, he stroked his hand through the other’s hair and down his back in long motions, offering comfort, offering safety. Slowly, gradually, Tony allowed himself to be consoled, relaxing enough to breathe easily. Lifting his face from where it was resting on James, he pulled away, eyes avoiding James as he struggled to gather his shields. Intimately aware with avoiding people who’ve seen your vulnerabilities, James touched one finger to Tony’s jaw, tilting his head to meet his eyes with Tony’s haunted ones.
Tony immediately interrupted, voice contrite. “I’m sorry.”
“I’ll do better next time. I promise. Just, don’t—please don’t give up on me.” James could see the self-flagellation starting to begin and he was quick to cut it off.
“You have nothing to be ashamed of.” When Tony opened his mouth to butt in, James glared. “I’m going to kiss you again if you don’t shut up. And believe me, Steve wouldn’t even mind if he knew it was to stop whatever stupid self-blame that was about to come out of your mouth. So shut it before I shut it for you.”
Tony gaped at the threat but at least for now, he was too shocked to continue whatever toxic cycle was rolling in his head. Mission accomplished.
“Good. What I was saying was that this was my fault. I should have known better than to put a traumatized kid,” he snorted at Tony’s disgruntled expression, “in the ring without easing him in it first. Don’t worry,” at this, he softened his voice, “I’m not going to give up on you. We might have to go a bit slower and watch out for your triggers but we can do this. I can still train you and you’ll still be able to protect yourself and your loved ones.”
“Yea?” James felt his heart twist at the wet, hopeful look in Tony’s eyes. Damn, this boy was dangerous, no wonder Steve couldn’t say no to him.
“Yea.” Trading smiles with Tony, he rose to his feet, extending a hand to help him up. His mind noted the softness of Tony’s palms after nearly a year of little manual labour and he sighed, mourning the loss of that softness in the near future.
Catching himself for those ridiculous thoughts, he shook it off and led Tony back upstairs where Dmitri met them in the hallway.
“I took the liberty to prepare some food in the living room for the young man to eat if he desires, Winter.” He informed him in Russian. “It might do him some good to have something warm in his stomach.” Reminded once again of why Dmitri was his second, James clapped him on the shoulder and smiled, giving his thanks before letting his friend go eat his own dinner.
A couple of bowls of a rice stew waited for them in the living room, positioned on the coffee table with a couple of glasses and a pitcher of water. It was simple fare, fragrant and filling without being too heavy.
Dmitri knew that James sometimes liked to take his meals here, able to relax against the cushions of the couch easier than at his empty dinner table. James walked over to the arched windows, pulling down the heavy drapes on top of the gauzy ones to block any direct views from passersby or would-be assassins both. Then he made his way to the marble fireplace, kneeling in front to stack wood and tossing in a match to create a fire to warm the cold room. That done, he settled into the armchair, letting Tony take the couch and pouring them both some water. 
The shaken man smiled in thanks before digging in ravenously. They ate in silence for a bit, both too concentrated on their stomachs to talk. Eventually Tony sat back, leaning his head against the backrest to gaze at the ceiling and cradling another glass of water between his knees, raising it to his lips every now and then. 
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”
Tony turned his head on the cushions, looking at James curiously.
“For letting you get triggered like that. Steve trusted me to look out for you and I did a shit job of it. I’m sorry.”
Tony just looked at James, soft honeyed eyes examining him before he sat up. “I’ll forgive you if you answer one question.” He waited for James’ agreement before speaking. “The kiss…” he paused, considering what he wanted to ask before blurting out, “Is that normal?”
James’ eyebrows came together in confusion at Tony’s question. “Is what normal?”
“The feelings.” Tony seemed to have pushed the words out through force of will and red flooded his cheeks. “It’s just, Steve is my first and I didn’t think I would feel anything, for anyone other than him because I love him.” His words held a combination of worry and fear and James realizes that enjoying their kiss had frightened Tony. He was worried that it meant he was a bad partner, no awareness that sometimes skill could cause pleasure just as much as feelings.
James ignored the voice in his head that reminded him that it wasn’t skill that made him lose himself, or forget that the kiss was a ploy to mess with Steve.
That voice could fuck off.
“Listen, sweetheart,” he said rising and pulling Tony to his feet and into his arms. Tony’s eyes widened comically at the endearment and James’ closeness, but he was curious and waited to see what James would do. James’ mind spun with the knowledge of Tony’s innocence, even after months of being with Steve. “I’m going to teach you something, okay?” He kept his voice soft and questioning, and Tony gave a hesitant nod.
James stroked a hand up Tony’s back the way he had before, when he was soothing him. The movement relaxed him the same way this time that it had then, so James took it a step further, squeezing the nape of Tony’s neck with his hand. He dug the pads of his fingers into the muscles there, applying firm pressure and massaging into Tony’s skull. Tony went pliant, eyes fluttering in pleasure and mouth opening in a moan. James was amazed at how sensitive he was, how eager he was to drop at a pleasurable touch.
Unable to resist, James brought up his right hand and dragged his nails lightly up the side of Tony’s neck, inwardly delighting in his responding shiver. He dropped the hand massaging Tony’s nape and curved the arm around his waist, using the other hovering by his neck to cup his head and pull him closer until there were mere inches between their lips.
“Tony, look at me,” he murmured, soft words landing lightly on Tony’s lips as he tilted his head under James’ direction. He followed so sweetly that James had a moment’s envy for Steve. Honeyed eyes met his as Tony hmmed a questioning noise.
“This feels good, doesn’t it? Being held by me?” There was a dazed blink before the words seemed to filter in and the fog started to clear up in Tony’s eyes. Hurriedly, panicked hands rose to press against James’ chest, preparing to push away. James buried his hand back in Tony’s curls and resumed massaging Tony’s nape, quieting him and trying not to feel the thrill that went through him at Tony’s acquiescence. Knowing he had to be careful not to push Tony over the edge, he eased back just enough to squash the rising guilt and panic he could see in Tony’s eyes.
“It’s okay,” James soothed, watching as Tony’s eyes flickered from one eye to the next. “It feels good, doesn’t it?” He kept stroking lightly, waiting for Tony’s tentative nod. “But here,” he untangled his hand from Tony’s soft hair to press against his heart, “it doesn’t feel the same, does it?” Tony’s forehead crinkled in confusion and James laughed.
“Close your eyes.” He obeyed. “Now, think about Steve, and think about Steve touching you, his hands replacing my own.” The crease eased a bit but James saw that he still didn’t fully understand, thinking rather than feeling the memory of Steve’s touch. He brought his mouth close to Tony’s ear as he continued speaking, each breath a tantalizing brush that made Tony sensitive to every point where their bodies connected.
“Think about him, the way he holds you against him, his hands caressing your body, his lips on yours…Touching you, surrounding you,” his voice went even lower, “inside you.” Tony gasped and his eyes opened wide.
“You get it now, don’t you? I can please your body but Steve, it all means more just because it’s him. Because you love him.” And with that, he stepped back, walking with studied casualness to his armchair and dropping down, crossing his ankle over his knee.
“Okay mal’chik, it’s getting late so get out of here before Steve comes hunting you down.”
Tony seemed frozen in place, body still trembling. As James watched, he blinked a few times like a dreamer waking from sleep before sucking in a deep breath and pulling himself together.
“What does that mean?” Tony cleared his throat, words coming out less choked sounding. “That word you call me.”
James laughed. “Gay boy.”
Tony’s eyebrows rose. “Wait, but you called me that before I got together with Steve. How did you know I liked men before I did?”
“You were obvious.” James rolled his eyes. “I’m pretty sure there was drool when you so much as looked at Steve.”
Tony blushed again but he didn’t shy away. “I was eager for a taste.” Pink tongue flickered out to lick his lips illustratively and James had a vision of Tony swallowing Steve down just as eagerly as he enjoyed a massage, almost groaning out loud at the stab of lust he felt.
Fuck. Someone should not have the right to be so innocent and lusty at the same time, it was messing with James’ head. He probably needed to get himself a new lover. Someone who didn’t have blond hair and Irish skin or—god forbid—soft curls and a lithe body.
With a last grin, Tony left with Jeremy the driver as an escort and James relaxed in his chair, catching the scent of Tony on his clothes when he moved, that distinct blend of oranges and cream. Conflicted, he reflected how in one evening, Tony became Stark became Tony and James had the sneaking suspicion there was no going back.
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sunlitroom · 7 years
Gotham – s4e10 – Things That Go Boom
As I watched it, and some random observations here and there.
Previously on Gotham:
Jim got his tainted captaincy from a tainted man by tainted means.  Oswald knows that Sofia paid off the mayor, but only asks that she never betray him again.  Oswald wants Ed back from the narrows.  Barbara shot Cherry.  This is Lee’s turf!  He’s eating cooking them.  Martin is in danger.  Jim arrested Pyg. Sofia will never be Jim’s enemy.  Martin told what he saw.  Oswald says Sofia will pay for what she’s done.
 As always, long post will be long.  There are likely to be rambling digressions. Gobblepot might appear (although I welcome all shippers and non-shippers alike :)).  There will be naked favouritism and naked not-favouritism.  Broader comments at the end on plotlines and parallels and general direction.
Arkham, and the usual parade we get.  Thanks, show. Strolling over to the gramophone player, Pyg changes the record to Ave Maria and does some Hannibal-esque hand movements in front of it, eyes shut.  He’s such a tool.
The other patients seem ok with the new music - except for one who doesn't like the song.  His mother used to beat him to it, and it was playing when he killed her.  He tells Pyg to turn it off or he’ll do the same to him.
Pyg smiles nastily and walks towards him.  In a mocking tone, he asks why his mother beat him – was he naughty?  Did he soil his trousers?  Did he stutter?
The poor man, visibly struggling, swings a punch at him.  When Pyg reels away – we see a close-up of his face, which looks strangely distorted.
Telling the man he wishes he hadn’t done that, he pops his jaw back into place.  He comments that he paid a fortune to look this good, deliberately flicking the record back on again.  When the man rushes towards him, enraged, Pyg stabs him in the gut with the cracked record, and then slits his throat with the other half, and we see the man die to the tune that tormented him.
Pyg goes back to conducting. I start to ponder who I’d like to kill him and how.
 At GPCD, where Jim and Lucius are examining an x-ray.  Pyg apparently has titanium plates under his skin, altering his appearance, as well as having had his fingerprints burned off.  Lucius says he must have had multiple surgeries.  Jim says this makes no sense – Pyg is a ‘glory hound’, a classic sociopath: why doesn’t he want the credit?  He asks Lucius if he could reconstruct Pyg’s original face, and then leaves.
 Harper catches him on the way up to his office, and tells him he has a visitor: Sofia.  He thanks her.  Entering the office, he asks Sofia what she’s doing there.  Sofia says that she hadn’t heard from him in a few days. Jim looks askance at her, and remarks that he didn’t know he was meant to call.  Sofia replies that after the other night, she thought they were seeing each other again
(An aside – yeuch. Really, Jim?)
Sofia is very bright and smiley.  She thinks Jim’s worried about Oswald, and tells him he doesn’t have to be – she told him. Jim’s eyes widen
You did what?
Sofia claims that she has it under control – she’ll remove Oswald, and then they can be together.
Jim shifts uncomfortably. He tells Sofia that whether Oswald is in the picture or not, they’re not going to work.  He doesn’t see a way forward for them.  Sofia’s face shifts into a huffy, affronted expression very similar to the one she wore when Carmine told her she wasn’t ready for Gotham.
(A lengthy aside.
Ugh.  I’m really hoping that we find there’s more to Sofia in the next episode, and that she was playing Jim here as much as she has apparently been playing Oswald.  There was plenty about her that was interesting early on.  The fact that we view her in a parent/child context due to her being Falcone’s daughter, her manipulativeness, her sulkiness at being overlooked, her ability to seem non-threatening: these were all characteristics that gave her a certain kinship with Oswald, the man she was in town to overthrow.  That gave their relationship room for nuance – would she empathise with the man she was planning to ‘remove’?  Feel conflicted?
Her close relationship with her brother meant that she had ample cause to resent Jim and want revenge, even though she was seemingly in town to help him out, as well as sleeping with him.
If, from those promising beginnings, what we’ve actually ended up with is yet another character who holds Oswald in total contempt for no good reason, and yet another woman who has mystifyingly decided that Jim is her one and only – then I’ll be pretty disappointed.
Another ugh – this ‘relationship’.  If she is sincere, what has Sofia’s romantic past been that a relationship with Jim looks so enticing?  There’s been an occasional fuck after business meetings and lots of mistrustful staring and now she’s starry-eyed?  Am I supposed to be sold on this?  The whole thing has just seemed tawdry – especially from Jim, who seemingly continued things even after hearing Sofia describe Harvey – the guy who saved his neck more than once - as weak, incompetent and a burden.  
It’s never really felt particularly passionate, either.  There’s no trust, no emotional engagement, no romance.  You could at least see emotional neediness at play in his makeshift relationship with Valerie Vale – but what the hell was I supposed to see here? It’s just seemed sordid.  And torpid.  Turgid.  Flaccid. Putrid.  Take your pick.)
 The Narrows - where Lee is holding court over a dispute.  Ed advises, but Lee wants to solve issues peacefully.  Where Ed remarks that allowing one to stab the other would solve the problem, Lee wants them to join forces.  Before the man leaves, Lee asks after his daughter.  He tells her that her fever is down, and thanks her.
Ed looks at her.  He says that
These bums are so lucky to have you
Lee sighs, and says she hasn’t forgotten about him.  Ed, agitates, says she says that, but he’s still a moron.  Lee says that she said she’d fix him, and she will.  
Their conversation is interrupted by a man with a broken nose.  Someone called Samson did this after he refused to pay protection money and told him Lee was in charge. Ed says she has to show him that she can't be pushed around, and she should send Butch.  Lee says she can’t have Butch solve everything while preaching peace to everyone else – it’s hypocritical.  Ed asks what she is going to do, then?
 As Sofia gets home, we hear stormy weather outside, and see Oswald waiting for her.  She feigns a smile, and says that this is a pleasant surprise.  Oswald smiles tightly and assures her that this is nothing pleasant.
Oooooh – Victor strolls into the room.  Hi Victor.  Take me now, Victor.
Oswald continues.  He says he was continually suspicious of her – but she always had the perfect explanation to defuse his suspicions
(An aside – this alone is implausible.  Oswald has played that game before – he knows that too many perfect explanations are suspicious in and of themselves.  It doesn’t wash that he’d have put it to one side.)
He says, though, he finally has proof of his enemy.  She told him she hated Jim, but she is – in fact – his lover.  Martin saw them both.  She tries to deflect, but Oswald says he’s had enough of her lies, their entire friendship - the intimacies they shared: all a pathetic charade
Sofia insists that she cares for him deeply.  Oswald says that he wishes that were true, but he did some digging and found out about Jim’s trip down south just before Sofia arrived in town
(An aside – again, implausible.  We’ve seen that Oswald tends to know Jim’s home address.  He was likely to be keeping a particular eye on him at that time due to their disagreement over the Pax.  Yet he’s only just found out he went on a short holiday?  Nope)
Sofia stares at the floor, apparently caught out.  Victor chips in
Coincidence?  I think not
Oswald says that they were plotting to destroy him the whole time.
Sofia’s face changes, and takes on a shark-like blankness.  She spits venom.
Bravo, Oswald. I was warned you were a mastermind, but you were an easy mark. It’s amazing what you can accomplish with goulash and a good foot rub.
As if things weren’t already weirdly domestic enough between them at the Iceberg Lounge, Victor glances at Oswald’s feet.
Oswald tears up listening to her.
Now I see the real you.  I was blind to your manipulations – but I will correct that mistake
Oswald apparently has decided on a very specific person to take revenge for him, the Dentist – a tall, thin man who appears in the doorway.
 Jim is visiting Pyg at Arkham.  Pyg is pleased his ‘little scuffle’ brought Jim along.  Jim, though, says that he wants to know who Pyg really is
Don't you know, Jim?  I’m a reflection of you
Jim, being almost comedically unreflective, doesn’t get this, and punches Pyg in the face instead. One of the plates shifts.  Jim asks him who is hiding behind the mask. Pyg tells him what he sees is what he gets.  Jim brushes past this – telling Pyg he craves attention, so why not take credit?
Pyg smirks that the whole town is crazy for him – but Jim tells him he’s yesterday’s news,  a second-class psychopath.  Jerome, Fish, Oswald – now they have staying power.
(An aside – Jim, you total nitwit, if you complimented Oswald like that to his face he’d probably have agreed to dismantle the Pax and take you to dinner.)
Pyg gets agitated at this. Jim says he’s already forgotten, and this is his last visit.  He’ll never think about Pyg again.  Pyg laughs at this, claiming it’s just mind games.  I dunno – Pyg, ask Jonathan.
Jim calls the guard, telling him
We're done here
Pyg is irate
We’re not done here
He tells Pyg to have a nice life
Pyg’s accent abruptly shifts and becomes….southern.  Sorry – I can’t do any better than that.
Don't you walk out on me
Jim smiles, satisfied
There you are
 Back at the Narrows, Lee and Ed are visiting Samson.  Lee tries to negotiate reasonably, while Ed bristles at being described as a has-been. Despite Lee’s efforts, Samson remains stubborn – he doesn’t want to negotiate, he wants to take.
Ed recommends using Grundy again, but Lee sees Samson cough blood into a handkerchief and quickly invents an illness – Narrows’ Lung – which she says she will treat in him and his people free of charge.  
Samson laughs at the idea he gives a damn about his people.  His laughing turns to more coughing.  Lee tells him she’ll be back to negotiate in a few days with his replacement, after he’s drowned in his own blood.  She and Ed turn on their heels, but Samson calls them back.  Make it 30% of fight night profits and they have a deal.  Ed whispers that this is too much, but Lee agrees, and tells him to come by the clinic.
 The Dentist is manipulating Sofia's jaw left and right, examining her teeth, which he looks forward to seeing in his trophy case.  Sofia tries to pull the ‘do you know who I am?’ trick, but the Dentist knows only too well.  She’s the daughter of the man who killed his brother.  He turns on his drill, and says he’ll enjoy this.
Sofia turns stone-faced again.  She says it’s true her father killed his brother. She says, too, that she knows the address of the Dentist’s wife and son, and that she learned every detail of Oswald’s organisation
(An aside – either she’s outright bluffing, or a whole bunch of stuff has been happening with absolutely no hint to the viewer – which is irritating)
Sofia essentially says she knows everything about everything and has orchestrated everything that has happened.  If he kills her, then his wife and son will be murdered.  She leans back, smirking, and tells him to drill away.
The Dentist tells his assistant to tighten her restraints.  When he leans in to do so, he murders him.  Sofia tells him imperiously that he made a wise decision, and orders him to untie her.
 Immediately after this, she leaves the house.  However, the car door is locked, and peering inside, she sees her driver is dead.  Tabitha, Barbara and Selina have shown up, and proceed to kidnap her.
 At the gun shop, Sofia is tied up.  Barbara wakes her up, and introduces the curiously boring girl gang.  This recap is taking forever, and I care increasingly less about any of the characters in this scene, so – Barbara wanted to use Sofia as leverage over Oswald when she though he and Sofia were bffs, but now Oswald wants her dead instead.  That doesn’t matter to Barbara, though, because that means Os will negotiate to get her back either way.  Sofia makes more superior noises about her super awesome master plan that only worked because Oswald was suffering an unfortunate attack of ooc again.  
 Oswald is in his office. Martin is in his chair, and a smiling Oswald says he’ll grow into it.  Martin helped him vanquish his enemy, and has a beautiful future ahead. Oswald is going to impart all his wisdom, and if Martin pays attention, all this could be his one day.
Martin shakes his head, looking unhappy.  A worried Oswald asks him what’s wrong.  Martin writes in his pad
I lied
Agitated, Oswald asks what he means – did he not see kissing?  Martin did see kissing, but Sofia wanted him to report this back to Oswald. Oswald is confused for a moment, but then twigs.  She knew how he would respond and wanted this confrontation.
(An aside – does that mean the whole affair with Jim was just part of her plan?)
Victor enters the room and tell Oswald they have a problem.  The dentist has gone – whereabouts unclear, and now Barbara has Sofia.
Oswald yells in temper – asking how Victor knows this.
Hilariously, Victor pulls an exaggerated scandalised shush face, and tells him he knows because Barbara is
On.  The. Phone
Barbara and Oswald talk. She has Sofia – but will exchange her in return for the gun shop and complete autonomy.  When did that become so important to her? Didn’t seem to be an issue when she worked for Ra’s.
Oswald agrees to this, and says he’ll send Victor over to collect her.  Victor smiles.  Oh my.
Martin looks nervous, and Oswald irritably tells him that their conversation is not over.  This poor child.
 Lucius and Jim have a new sketch of Pyg.  Jim tells Lucius to start the search in the South.  
(An aside - All of it? Isn’t it quite big?)
Lucius suggests that Pyg was faking, but Jim is certain it was a slip-up.
(Another aside – Probably not a coincidence that we learn Pyg is from the south in the same episode where Oswald clearly reminds everyone that Jim took a trip south before Sofia’s arrival)
Walking to the clinic, Ed asks Lee why not just let Samson die.  Lee says Narrows’ Lung is made up – he just has bronchitis.  Her smile fades when she opens the door, and sees the clinic trashed. Ed tells her this is the kind of person they’re dealing with.  No more diplomacy – she should take Butch and end this.  
Lee refuses – she’s got a better idea.
 Back at the gun shop – Sofia says this is too easy.  Oswald couldn’t wait to get off the phone, so they need to get out of here.  She tells them she’ll give them everything they want when she’s in power, but Tabitha bridles at Sofia’s assumption of being in charge.  Selina, meanwhile, has spotted Victor in front of the shop with a rocket launcher.
Outside, Victor shoots, and then grins widely.
(An aside, would you shoot that right beside your ear?)
We see that Tabitha, Barbara, Selina and Sofia have escaped through the back door.  Barbara snarls that she’ll break Oswald’s little beak in half. After what Barbara pulled last season, I’d say she had it coming.
 Sofia runs into GCPD, face all smeared with soot and tears.
She turns on serious crocodile tears.  She underestimated Oswald, and now he’s tried to kill her!  She tells Jim he won’t stop until she’s dead and he needs to
Use the position I gave you and end this
Jim has an army, she points out.  He should take the fight to Oswald.
Light finally fucking dawns on Jim’s face.  This was her plan all along.  She never had the numbers to start a war, so she schemed to set them against each other – make Jim captain and send him to take Oswald out.
Sofia says his job is to stop criminals, and that’s what he’d be doing.
Jim says it’s not that simple.  It never is with Oswald, eh Jim?
Sofia says they can bring law and order back – this is what he wanted, and it’s his for the taking. He needs to crush Oswald.
 At the Iceberg Lounge, Oswald is telling Martin he betrayed him.  Martin writes in his pad.
She used me.  I'm so sorry
Oswald wonders aloud about sending him back to the orphanage, which is a shitty thing to do, Oswald, so stop it.  
Victor returns, but before he can speak, Oswald dismisses the little spy from the room.  A tearful Martin leaves, and an incredulous Victor watches him go.
He tells Oswald the place went up in flames.  Oswald grins, and tells Victor they are going to unleash a crimewave like the city has never seen to teach Jim a lesson for cheating on him with another gangster aligning with Sofia Falcone. Victor gives Oswald a hilariously smitten smile.
I wouldn't make that call
Jim is here.   He tells Oswald he spoke with a very alive Sofia. Oswald says he has witnesses as to his whereabouts.  Jim says he’s not there to arrest him.  They’ve both put up with Sofia long enough. Oswald knows when it’s time for some sexually-charged antagonism and bargaining, and asks Victor to give them a moment.
Oswald sighs wearily and tells Jim he has his attention.  Jim says that Sofia deliberately put them on the path to war, and will let the city burn to the ground to prove herself to her father.  He can’t allow that.
Oswald asks what he wants from him.  Jim says he’ll put her on a train, and he doesn’t want Oswald involved.  Oswald wants her to suffer, though, and laughs incredulously at Jim’s notion that she’ll meekly accept this betrayal and go home.
Jim says if she returns to the city, he’ll jail her.  If Oswald refuses, Jim will use GCPD to tear him apart piece by piece
(An aside – GCPD is Jim’s personal grudge squad, apparently)
Oswald says that doesn’t sound pleasant, and he is willing to  put aside personal feelings for the good of city, but
Where does that leave us?
(An aside - the shippy stuff just kind of writes itself)
Jim says there can be no more licenses - but he won’t have to worry about Sofia.  He holds out his hand.  Oswald looks down at it and smiles.  He says it’s good to know, after all they’ve been through that they can resolve this diplomatically.  
Jim gives him a smile which can best be described as flirty, and leaves.
 Back on Samson’s turf. He mocks Lee’s Narrows’ Lung ruse. Lee tells him she wants him out of the Narrows by the end of the day – Ed backs her up.  Samson says they’ve dug own graves.  Lee claims to have had Samson’s drinks poisoned, and claims to have the antidote.  He caves fairly fast, and she tosses him the antidote.
 Jim and Sofia at GCPD. Jim says he’s doing this to protect Sofia.  She tells him not to pin this on Oswald – if he’s got something to say he should say it. She kisses him, and tearfully tells him they’re the same, she saw it the moment they met.
(Lord – this shtick again from one of Jim’s love interests)
They both want power, she says, but it’s easier to send her away than confront that.  Jim draws the scene to a brusque close by cuffing her, telling Harper to take Miss Falcone to the train station.
 A fairly relaxed Oswald drinks at the bar of the Iceberg Lounge.  Victor says that Jim did indeed put Sofia in a train, and Oswald amiably remarks
Talk about a turn of events - I didn't see that coming
(An aside – seriously, this is all so domestic.  What did he need Sofia’s friendship for again?)
Victor asks if Martin is to be sent back to the orphanage.  Oswald has the good grace to look regretful, at least, and says that won’t be necessary.
He walks through to his office and begins to apologise before seeing that Martin is gone.  A note of panic slips into his voice, and his eyes widen when we see Martin has left a picture illustrating a kidnapping, at which he panics in earnest.
 Martin is shoved into a car by Selina.
(Hey – remember when Selina was an individual with her own unique moral code, and who would likely never have considered this?  That was good, wasn’t it?)
Barbara comments that Martin is cute.  Selina says he doesn’t talk.  Tabitha says he gives her the creeps. Tabitha, being someone who liked to listen to a confused Gertrud crying and begging to see her son, is quite the authority on creepy.
Sofia is on a train with Harper, who tells her to get comfy.  We hear tickets please, but it’s not a conductor, but Victor.  Hot, hot Victor.  
He knocks Harper out and asks Sofia where the boy is.  She smirks, and tells him he’s alive, and if Oswald wants to keep things that way, he’ll meet her at Crown Bridge in an hour.  Victor shoots her cuffs off.
(An aside, that’s the second child Sofia has threatened to murder in this episode alone.  She also does not seem give a tuppenny fuck at the thought of abandoning her orphanage)
Everyone is under the bridge.  Sofia is using Martin as a bargaining chip.  Barbara, Tabitha and Selina – standing alongside her – are tacitly OK with this.
Oswald promises martin everything will be alright.  Sofia says if he hands over control, then she’ll let Martin keep his head.  Oswald says the Falcone name meant something once, and her father would be disgusted by her actions.  Sofia snaps back that her father would be proud.
Oswald smiles, sensing a raw nerve, and possibly remembering what Jim said earlier.  He tells her it must be hard, living her whole life trying to get daddy’s approval.
Sofia’s face twitches, and we see he’s hit home.
I myself can’t relate, seeing as my parents loved me without condition
(That was downright beautiful, Oswald.  Drag her.)
Sofia’s temper has flared.
Say one more word and I will kill him and execute you.  I am choosing compassion but I am willing to change my position.
Oswald tells her not to kill the boy – he’s innocent.
Barbara smirks.
(Remember when Barbara used be halfway likeable too?)
Oswald says he submits. Sofia releases Martin, who heads straight to Oswald. Oswald tells Martin he's sorry for what said earlier: he does really care about him.  A tearful Martin nods, and Oswald sends him to wait in the car.
Looking over at Tabitha, Victor does a tear down the face motion.
Martin gets in the car as Sofia watches.  Oswald looks at her.
You were wise to use the boy, as you know – my heart is my greatest weakness.  But I will not allow him to be used as a pawn in your game. 
 Lifting his hand, he presses a button on a remote device, and the car explodes.
Oswald’s men start shooting, and Barbara retaliates.  Oswald screams at Sofia
You wanted a war, you got one!
(God - Victor’s shooting stance.)
 At Cherry’s Place, Lee asks Ed why he’s so blue.  He feels useless – he’s not a sidekick, but Samson is right, he’s a has-been.  Lee says that since he trusted her, she’s going to trust him with something.  There’s nothing wrong with Ed’s brain – his ability to guess Samson’s actions proved that. The block is psychological.  
Ed asks how she could have lied to him – looking genuinely hurt.  She says that she was afraid he would simply go back to being the Riddler, and she likes who he’s become – who he used to be: Ed Nygma, her friend.  Ed looks touched.
 Sofia, Tabitha, Selina and Barbara trudge sulkily into Sofia’s mansion.  She wants to hit Oswald again.  Selina says she lost.  Sofia is still scheming aloud – and Barbara comments acidly that she probably didn’t get told ‘no’ a lot as a kid, and reiterates that she lost her shot.  
Sofia says she’s not done, and she’ll cut them in – telling them they need here.  Oswald might have won the battle, but she’ll win the war.
 At the Iceberg Lounge, we see Oswald alone, looking thoughtful.
Victor is there with Martin, who - of course – is not dead.
My boy - you did a splendid job of dying
There was an escape hatch in the car.
Oswald tells Martin that Victor will take him to a safe location, and he can never return
Martin shakes his head, and writes in his pad
I don't want to leave you
A tearful Oswald comforts him
There there.  This is what I have to do to protect you.  You’ll understand when you’re older.
Martin steps forward and hugs him tightly.  Oswald hugs back.
Victor is impatient and wants to finish Sofia now, while they have the advantage - but Oswald wants his top man to take Martin to safety.  Victor has a mini internal conflict over the desire to go do some killing, and puffing his chest a little at being described as Oswald’s top man.
Besides, Oswald remarks, he has a better plan for her.
 At GCPD, Lucius says Pyg was known as Lazlo Valentine down south.  His crimes were also very different.  Jim says serial killers don’t change MO.  Lucius then comments that he was never released but escaped.
 At Arkham, walking down a dark corridor, a guard walks towards Pyg’s cell – where we can hear strange noises.  As he enters, he sees the cell is empty, before a noose drops round his neck from above the door, and we see him hanged.
 Somewhere in Cherry’s club, Ed washes his face.  When he glances back up at the mirror, we see his Riddler persona, behaving much like Bad Ed used to.  Ed seems dismayed to see that he’s back – angrily calling out
 Back at Arkham again with Jim – who finds Pyg’s cell empty and the guard dead.  There’s a message on the wall
It's been fun, James – Lazlo.
General Observations
It’s hard to say too much, since there’s obviously a lot to be continued next week.  Some temporary thoughts, then.
I will be surprised and confused if it’s not revealed that Pyg was put in place by Sofia, all part of the same plan to unsettle Oswald and bloat Jim’s ego.
Jim rattled on about sociopaths this week.  If anyone showed a much darker side to herself this week, it was Sofia – blithely willing to murder two children to further her plans, faking tears to manipulate, and dropping into a stone face when found out.  If she’s behind Pyg, then she effectively ordered the slow, painful deaths of several cops – including Harvey.  I still think we might find something out about her next week - maybe from Carmine.
I am so bored by the Sirens. So bored.
Sofia learned a lesson that others have learned before her, Jim will flip his loyalties/attentions back to Oswald when pressed.  How long, you have to wonder, did it take him to edit her out of the picture after he got the captaincy? He just about tells Oswald she’s a third wheel that neither of them needs to be bothered with. Fickle, fickle Jim.
We again have a situation where our main villain – Jim openly recognises how dangerous Oswald is – is more sympathetic than just about anyone else.  Sofia’s a poor creature – all dead eyes and a desperation to please daddy. Jim is…well, Jim.  The Sirens are all smirks and catsuits.  Oswald does terrible things – but again demonstrated a selflessness that we don’t really see elsewhere.  He loves Martin, and he’s desperate for companionship – but he’ll send him away to keep him safe.
Poor Lee is destined for disappointment with the return of Bad Ed/Riddler.
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platinumshawnn · 7 years
Keep kissing boys in the street | Tom g.c
A/N: I guess this is just another random idea that is to hold people over until I get the pt. 2 of my Jack mini series done. It's rushed and shitty sorry
This was inspired by Boys In the Street by Greg Holden.
Summary: Tom and James return to Manchester, back to Tom's family home for the first time since Tom's leaving.
Word count: 1,696
‘I want you out of my house,’ He finally snapped, Tom’s head turning to look at his dad with a confused furrow of his eyebrows as he stopped halfway of the stairs; the previous sarcasm and bitter laugh, careless smile now gone as his mouth opened in a silent stutter of shock.
‘What?’ He quietly asked, his mouth dry and pale faced, feeling as if his heart had just dropped into his stomach and could fall right out of his body right then and there as the two stared at one another for a long minute.
'Get your stuff. And get out.’ His dad eventually repeated, stern faced. ‘Take what you need but I want you gone by dinner.’ He added in a quiet voice as to not disturb the rest of the family in the living room, Tom’s wide eyes looking around at the pictures hung up in the hall and the dining room as if he was looking for something that would make sense of the words that came of his the other man’s mouth, still confused as his hand tightened its grip around the railing. He felt unbalanced and as though the ground beneath him was spinning too fast, a wave of nausea washing over him as he slowly turned to look up the stairs into the darkened hallway, still unsure of how to reply.
'oh.’ He weakly uttered. His dad said nothing, just as hesitant as he walked away without any further comment, leaving the blonde to process his words and drown in his emotions; the walls feeling like they were closing in around him as he stood there. His knees were weak and ready to give out from under him, as he slowly turned to plop down on the steps with deep breaths; unable to catch his breath. The disgust that washed over him was a feeling he knew he didn't deserve, one he didn't and shouldn't have felt, because he knew there was nothing wrong with him -- it wasn't wrong of him. His sexuality was not wrong.
And yet, his father's words echoed in his head, guilt and shame weighing down on his shoulders as if there was something he should have done or could have -- as if this natural part of who he was was at all his choice and up to him to decide upon. A quiet sob ripped from his body as he sat there in the still silence, pressing a sweater sleeve over his mouth to muffle the sounds.
   Four years later
His hands were shaking as he held his phone, looking down into where the device was in his lap while the train came to a complete stop; a voice over the intercom announcing his stop but the words were disoriented and warped, inaudible to him. There were only a few comments but it still stopped him in his tracks, the derogatory comments that belittled and called him the few familiar degrading terms he had heard time and time before still causing his heart to clench and breath to hitch as he scrolled up and down to read them over and over again; the words now a blur.
“Tommy.” His head shot up to find familiar hazel eyes watching him, eyebrows raised as James looked at him from the doorway that went down towards the stairs to the first level of the train. His arms were stretched out slightly and holding onto the frame as he gazed expectantly. “This is our stop, c’mon you goof.” He finally added, a soft laugh leaving his mouth that was paired with a wide smile that made the blonde melt and his heart race every time; an involuntary smile turning up the corners of his mouth as a warmth spread throughout his chest. The comments were forgotten by the sight of the beautiful boy with sandy brown hair and big hazel eyes that always held a twinkle of curiosity and wonder for the world wherever they went, a clumsy boy that more often than not refused to get up in the mornings and would pull his blonde lover back into bed with muffled complaints about ‘waking up at ungodly hours,’ -- a boy who had the ability to see positivity and hope in the darkest times and brought joy with him everywhere. The boy with a beautiful laugh that made Tom’s day and and entire world spin.
“Do I gotta carry ya’ or are you just gonna sit there and stare?” James teased, beginning to walk back to their previous seats, one hand reaching out. Tom laughed.
“No, keep your hands off of me, you eejit.” He warned playfully as he hurried to stand up and shove his phone away into his jacket pocket, weaving his way to the door where James was stood. “I was just admiring you.” He confessed, nudging him to walk with a shy, crooked smile.
The brunette chuckled again and thumped down the stairs, darting out the door and turning and stopping as he stepped out into the platform to wait for the other whose hand he grabbed immediately. Their fingers enlaced, walking shoulder to shoulder as they navigated their way out of the crowd that was now boarding into the train they had just gotten off, the cool autumn air turning their cheeks and noses pink as they walked.
“Admiring? That's what you call it?”  James snorted and looked over at Tom.
“Yeah, shut up.” The blonde retorted, glancing over at him with a grin.
Another snort. “Okay then, creep.” He finally finished, both boys letting out cackles as they made their way down the familiar streets of Manchester that Tom knew like the back of his hands; the signs of winter's looming arrival evident by the sight of Christmas lights and wreaths hung around the city already and the cool air that made him shiver and shove his free hand deep into his pocket. He became quite envious of the boy holding his hand for the red scarf that he wore that looked warm, knowing he, too, had a pair of mitts in the bag he carried on his back, blue eyes flickering to the scarf as they made their way to his parents; regretting his choice to just wear a thin fall jacket. He remained silent.
He didn’t have to say anything though as they stopped at a curb a few blocks away, pulled to a halt by James so he could unwrap his scarf and place it around shoulders. “Jay, no, you-” Tom argued, being shushed.
“You’re freezing, take it.” He softly said, taking his hands into his own and ducking his head, blowing hot puffs of air over his fingers for a few seconds before he flashed a smile up at him again. “There, better. Do you want my gloves too just in case?” He asked, earning a shake of head and smile.
“Now you're gonna be cold though.” Tom complained as they entwined their hands again, resuming their walk.
In reply, the other chuckled, “I'll be fine, it's only another few blocks. Hurry up.”
The walk was, as the other said, another few blocks; at one point Tom managing to squeeze both their hands into his own coat pocket for warmth and shield from the wind that came and went, sharing quick glances and smiles as they walked. They lightly conversed but it remained minimal, the nerves quite clear for both of them the closer they got to the small familiar house, stopping a few feet from the porch once they arrived to look at one another -- giving Tom a chance to gather himself and observe the place he once called home.
His mother invited him and he couldn't stop thinking about how his dad would react when he saw him. When he saw them. Did he even know he was coming?
“Hey.” James finally piped up softly, pulling on his elbow to turn him to face him. They looked at one another, wordless for a minute. “It's okay, he's gonna be happy to see you again. Things are different, don't worry, okay? I'll be right here.” He reassured, cupping his face ever so gently.
Tom glanced to the house once and then back to him and nodded once slowly, swallowing. “You’re right, yeah…” he breathed out. A quick kiss was shared before they found each other's hands again, holding onto each other's as tightly as if to stable one another as they made their way to the door and stood there as Tom knocked, more anxious now. The wait was excruciatingly long, becoming fidgety the longer they stood there, suddenly numb to how cold it was outside tonight.
“Yeah, I got it!” the muffled shout startled him, the door swinging open to reveal his father stood there, both just as stunned and staring silently; James’ eyes flickering between them, noting the similarities between the two men. “Tom-”
“I'm sorry mom didn’t tell you, I didn’t think you’d want to see me again, she insisted though, I-” He quickly rambled with now teary eyes, his voice high pitched and almost a cry as he hurried to speak, shakily. He was abruptly stopped by an arm wrapping around his shoulders to drag him into his father's chest, hugging him tightly with a sigh that almost resembled one of relief.
“No, no, it’s..” He drifted off, shaking his head. “It's nice to see you home.”
They stood there like that for a long minute, Tom relaxing after some time and sniffling against his shoulder, trying to stop the tears from flowing, leaving James to just stand there and watch on; a small smile on his face now. “So this must be…” The older male croaked shakily, clearing his throat and trying to hide the tears when he finally pulled back and nodded the the waiting boy. Tom looked at James.
"James,” He stated all too quickly. “My fiance.” He then sheepishly added.
His dad nodded and smiled slightly. “Nice to meet you, James.” He greeted.
“Hurry up, you three! Dinner's getting cold!” The shrill voice of Tom’s mother shouted from inside, the three scrambling into action again with soft mumbled of apologies before complying and heading inside.
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meenasmoon · 7 years
Renegades Ch 2: My Way
The elevator descended a few floors until it hit B5 and the doors slid open to reveal a room completely different from the one before. The space was wide open, taking up space equivalent to an aircraft hangar. In the center there was a wide platform with steps leading up to it. Buster avoided stepping into it but gestured to it as the motley group walked past. It felt vaguely like they were tourists touring a museum. 
Buster led them into one of the closed off areas and suddenly they were in an observation box, staring at a dark room. Buster snapped his fingers and the lights came on to reveal that the room was littered with high tech laser beams that washed over the space.
"This is the Combat simulator where the computer generates holographic opponents for you to battle. There are ten levels of difficulty but until you're fully trained you will only have access to level 5 at the highest." He smiled plesantly and pressed a few buttons on a control panel, prompting the computer to form a holographic form that dashed around the compound, leaping and spinning off of walls and boxes of various sizes that rose up from the floor.
"The course is dynamic and the environment around you will change as you fight, much like in the real world. Isn't it fantastic?" He asked excitedly and turned around to take in their expressions. Rosita was looking at the machine in wonder and her fingers twitched slightly at her side as if they ached to take apart the technical marvel. Buster made a note to lock the main control room on their way out as a precaution. Gunter looked intrigued but not particularly impressed which put a dent in Buster's pride for a second. Until he saw the look on Johnny's face. The handsome young man had a huge grin on his face as his brown eyes followed every movement of the computer simulation as if trying to memorize is pattern. Buster smirked to himself, the young man wouldn't find one, there was no pattern. Finally, Ash was staring down at her nails, still chewing that infernal piece of gum, looking thoroughly bored. Just as Buster was about to look away he caught a glimpse of something in her eye, an unreadable emotion that set him slightly on edge. It would be a challenge to find out what was going on inside this girl's head.
Deciding that they had seen enough, Buster shut down the program and led them throughout the rest of the compound. He showed them the obstacle course, another unique marvel that he promised would change every day into a new challenge, and the exercise room which was equipped with weights and machines of every type. He was talking about the holographic satellite map that displayed their locations at any time during the mission and provided in depth access to the most advanced satellite imaging  in the world when Miss Crawly appeared out of nowhere at his elbow.
"We're ready for testing sir." She said, nearly scaring Buster straight out of his suit he was so startled. He spun around, placing a hand on his chest as if trying to stop his heart from leaping out of his chest.
"Miss Crawly! I told you not to scare me like that." He scolded her and the old woman had the decency to look sheepish even though her one good eye glinted with amusement.
"Ah. Yes. Sorry sir." She said and gently took the personnel folders from him, fumbling slightly before she regained her grip and held them to her chest.
"Um... I'm sorry what testing?" Rosita piped up nervously, her yellow handbag still clutched in a death grip at her side. Buster nodded to Miss Crawly who wandered off towards the command booth as Buster wordlessly led them to the exercise room.
"I know you've all been tested by he agency but I have my own program. We will be running diagnostics on your skills and physical forms in order to determine your level of readiness on my scale." His smirk widened and for the first time the friendliness that seemed to emanate from him seemed less than apparent.
"What are you talking about Moony?" Ash spat out the derisive nickname with a scowl. Her arms were firmly crossed over her chest once more and her scowl was dark with anger. Everyone else seemed just as confused and frustrated and Buster found himself on the other end of their questioning glares.
"I'm talking about tests Ash. Lots of tests. We'll be running them today. All day." With that he snapped his fingers once more and Miss Crawly appeared with tech pads assigned to each agent, "Let's begin shall we?"
They were all ushered to various areas of the compound and faceless techs walked them through various tests including running on a treadmill while vitals were monitored, strength diagnostics, psych evaluations, and various technical tasks common to their specialty. Ash was tasked with assembling a bomb out of random materials and then disarming a complicated explosive all withing fifteen minutes. Rosita was given a similar task down in the garage where she was tasked with assembling various gadgets and then finding and fixing a problem in one of the many vehicles at their disposal. Gunter was led to a large area off of the side of the garage where he was tasked with driving various vehicles through an obstacle course. Johnny was being given a combat exam where he was tested in his knowledge and application of various forms of martial arts. After all of their individual testing was complete Buster brought them to the firing range area of the practice gym and they were all tested in their ability to handle firearms.
Once they were completed Buster moved the exhausted agents to the center platform where they all but collapsed onto the mat. Buster grinned when he saw their state of exhaustion, satisfied that his tests had been sufficient in actually testing their skills both mentally and physically. He held out his hand and Miss Crawly handed him the first tech pad in her stack. He scrolled through the results and then looked up at Gunter who was panting and yet still smiling hugely. He seemed to be enjoying every test, even his own exhaustion.
"Gunter. You excelled on the track with smaller vehicles but I want you to continue to practice with the larger vehicles. you need to be equally proficient with them. For your position on this team that will be essential." Gunter nodded happily and then laid back on the mat to relax. Next to him Rosita was shifting uncomfortably in the tight jumpsuit that everyone had been given for the tests, mumbling about the obscene amount of skin that was being shown. Buster chuckled and traded pads with Miss Crawly so that he was holding hers.
"Rosita. Your strength tests were... eye-opening to say the least. Your devices are unique, to say the least, but I want you to further familiarize yourself with the vehicles that we use. I doubt that will be a problem." He grinned at the blushing blonde who just nodded happily and did a little celebratory dance. Buster chuckled and moved on to Johnny who was sprawled on the mat, covered in sweat and panting.
"Johnny. May I call you Johnny?" He didn't wait for a reply before hurrying on with his comments, "Your strength and martial arts skills are stellar but I want to see more development with your spontaneity in combining these techniques. I don't want you to be too predictable. Miss Crawly will give you lessons until she is satisfied. I trust her judgement implicitly." He moved onto to Ash as Johnny stared at the fragile looking woman that had been assigned to teach him mixed martial arts. She just gave him a lopsided smile and handed Buster the final pad.
"Ash." He glared at her over the pad and she returned the look, waiting for the inevitable complaints that every other supervisor had spewed out after her testing, "Your demolition expertise and marksmanship are off the charts. I am impressed. However, your refusal to engage in the psychological testing does prove a problem." Suddenly his glare melted into the sunny grin that was starting to become familiar, "We'll get there eventually."
Ash just stared up at him in shock as the compliments hit her like a truck. She wasn't used to being complimented by her superiors, rather she had braced herself for a verbal dressing-down just like every other agent she had served under. The shock was quickly replaced by suspicion as she examined the happy little man. She didn't know what his game was yet, but she would be damned if she wasn't going to find out.
"Well everyone that was a very informative first day if I do say so myself." Buster bounced on his toes cheerily and patted the pads happily. "Your results are so encouraging that I have decided that tomorrow we will run our very first test mission. I expect you all to be here at 6 am sharp to prepare. Until them you're dismissed."
They all groaned as they rose from the mat and headed towards the elevator. Buster watched them until they had disappeared into the elevator. His smile faded and he hurried towards the command room where Miss Crawly was waiting, a worried look on her face.
"I have Judith from the Director's office on line one. She wants to speak with you about the mission and the team." She announced as soon as he bustled in through the doors. Buster shed his suit jacket and glared at the phone that sat innocently at his command station.
"Tell that woman I'll have to call her back. I don't have time to listen to her prattle on about our budget and our timeline. I know. I know we don't have much time. I know they're not ready. I know I know I know." He ranted as he slumped in his chair and glanced hopefully at his email inbox. It was devoid of any new messages and the little bit of hope that had held fast in his chest since he sent out the email, died. She wasn't going to come in voluntarily. He should have known.
He glanced at the three techs that were desperately jumping in between computers in the tech room. They were capable and intelligent but they were disorganized and needed a leader, but his expert wasn't cooperating. Time to bring in the big guns.
He grabbed the phone on his desk and took a deep, bracing breath before dialing a number that he dreaded to call. Calling her only ever meant trouble. The phone rang twice before she picked up, her tone tense and stern. "What?" She snapped and Buster winced when he heard the anger in her voice. This was not going to be an easy sell.
"Nana!" He said, his voice dripping with false cheer, "It's so good to hear your voice darling. How are you?"
"Moon. How many times have I told you not to call this number. Go through my secretary." She hissed out and Buster's smile became more strained as he attempted to keep his cool. The woman was impossible but she was essential to his mission and his personnel problem.
"I know Nana. I know. But this is important. I need a little help." He winced when her harsh laugh echoed over the line and sent chills down his spine.
"What on this planet would make you think that I would willingly help you with anything." She asked but Buster knew that it wasn't a question. He knew that this phone call was going downhill fast. If he didn't grab her attention he might lose her completely.
"It's about Agent Jones." He said plainly and the other end of the line went silent for a second before Nana spoke once more.
"We had better be talking about Agent Jones in Accounting." She hissed out and Buster's stomach dropped to his shoes.
"No ma'am. Agent Jones from project Kindergarten." There was a barely audible growl from the other end of the line and then the clacking of a few buttons. Buster waited patiently, his foot bouncing slightly.
"You idiot. You can't speak about that project on this line." She finally replied, her tone laced with venom but Buster could detect a hint of fear in her voice.
"I don't want to talk about the project Nana. Just the agent. I want her for Operation S.I.N.G. but she is... resistant." here was another long silence and for a minute Buster thought that she might have hung up on him.
"I'll put in a transfer, she'll be there in a day. But I better not hear another word about any of this. Any of this. Am I understood?" She finally spoke, her voice still strained but significantly less threatening. Buster nodded to himself but realized that she couldn't see his nod over the phone.
"Yes Ma'am." With that she hung up and Buster was left staring at the papers on his desk. They were in disarray, spread about in a manner that only he could decipher. He ran a tired hand through his gray hair and let out a long sigh. He heard Miss Crawly walk over and set a cup of coffee on his desk. To his surprise it was full and prepared just how he liked it.
"Sir...?" Se asked tentatively and Buster looked over his cup at her with a raised eyebrow, "Are you sure it's a good idea to bring Agent Jones into this?"
Buster sighed, took a sip of his coffee and let out what felt like his millionth sigh of the day, "I don't know Miss Crawly, but we're out of options."
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I will go down with this ship: Chapter 32
"We're screwed" Karin muttered distastefully. Sasuke didn't comment. Though Sakura spoke up without hesitation.
"So how do we plan this out?" Sakura stated enthusiastically, clearing not hearing Karin's private confession. Karin remained quiet for a few moments, her index finger tapping on the counter in front of her. To the naked eye, it was a picture of scheming; though Sasuke knew filibustering when he saw it. Karin spared a glance towards Sakura before returning it to the counter.
"First thing's first" Karin started, "We gotta get him outta those clothes" Karin gestured, Sasuke raised an eyebrow and observed his apparels. Not finding a spec out of place.
"Why?" Sasuke questioned, Karin rubbed her forehead in a tiresome manner.
"'Cuz if you take one step into Konoha, every person from the slums will recognise you" Karin explained, removing her hand and looking over to Sasuke, "You already stick out like a sore thumb, even if you had a cloak you're still clearly an Ojo" Karin continued, Sasuke wasn't sure of the implications, though pursued for his role.
"Meaning?" Sasuke enquired, Karin gave out a non-committal grunt before returning her attention to the counter.
"A change" Karin answered, anticipating the squeal that emitted from Sakura. She immediately cupped Sasuke's hand with her own. A bright smile shining from her features.
"This is great! We can go into the town, buy some new clothes, create a whole new style!" Sakura listed off, Sasuke raised an amused eyebrow toward the animated pinkette.
"I think you're a little too excited about this" Sasuke responded, Sakura waving it off without another thought.
"Of course not! It's just that getting to dress you all up has always been really enjoyable, I mean, you're just so beautiful, Sasuke" Sakura complimented without hesitation. Sasuke processed her answer as he looked at her illuminated expression; the corner of his lips quirking up a bit.
"Well, if you're that insistent on this…" Sasuke trailed off, a happy gasp released from Sakura. Jumping up in excitement as she began to tug on his hand to follow.
"C'mon, I saw a few places that we should definitely try" Sakura said eagerly, Sasuke chuckled as they trotted off the ship.
"Seriously too excited" Sasuke mused, Sakura gave a sheepish look toward Sasuke.
"Sorry, it's just…" Sakura paused, stopping her movements, Sasuke gave her a concerned look as she remained quiet, "We've been best friends ever since I could remember, we still are even after all this time, but I sometimes feel like there's a weird distance between us" Sakura spoke, Sasuke silently watching her, "A part of me sometime wishes that everything would just go back to the way it used to be…" Sakura muttered, her expression turning into a bitter-sweet smile, "Playing dress up…" She whispered out. Sasuke stared at her with a loss for words, unaware that Sakura held such feelings; that he could cause her such hurt. Sakura suddenly snapped out of her despondency, giving a smile towards Sasuke. "Geez, I really am too excited, huh?" Sakura chuckled weakly, Sasuke observed her for a moment before leading off with Sakura in hand.
"Come on, I think I saw some places too" Sasuke stated, Sakura blinking in confusion at Sasuke's abrupt interest. Until she understood. Sakura just watched Sasuke. His moves were so graceful, so elegant, so flawless. Sasuke. Her saviour, her friend, her knight in shining armour. The one that rescued her from a woeful and agonising existence. A faint memory played before her eyes before she could even attempt to stop it.
"Sakura! We're going to get in trouble" Sasuke warned apprehensively, looking around for any sign of misfortune. Sakura just giggled as she continued to pull Sasuke along.
"Neh, Sasuke! You're so stressed for a kid!" Sakura responded light-heartedly. Though Sasuke frowned.
"Sakura, we're not children anymore, we're twelve, we can't afford to make any mistakes" Sasuke stated, still anxious of any onlookers; especially gossiping servants. Sakura smiled in response.
"It's just a little fun, Sasuke, besides, we're not doing anything wrong!" Sakura reasoned, though the nerves in Sasuke refused to settle. Sakura stopped in front of a grand, golden door. The mysterious door was always shut, though everyone knew what was behind the gleaming gates. Sasuke fiddled with the hem of his blue shirt.
"Sakura…my parents told me not to go in here" Sasuke reminded, though another smile was sent his way.
"But they're out of town, right? So they'll never know!" Sakura pointed out, but even with safe logic Sasuke felt fearful. "You trust me, don't you?" Sakura questioned, Sasuke sighed as Sakura stared with her practically sparkling eyes. He looked around once more before answering.
"Okay…but just for a few minutes, nothing more" Sasuke stated, Sakura gave a small squeal and nodded. Placing her hand on the handle and spreading the doors wide open. Sakura gasped in awe, her sight only taking in the purest white. Sakura slowly took her steps into the magnificent room. Sasuke scuttling in behind her and shutting the doors instantly. "Alright, you had your peak, now let's go" Sasuke begged, though Sakura was too entranced to turn back now.
"I knew that the Uchihas would hold a stunning collection of dresses, but this is heavenly" Sakura spoke softly, "I can't believe your family really does have an entire part of the mansion dedicated to all these beautiful dresses" Sakura breathed out, the endless hallways and room filled with intricate dresses, delicate veils and divine decorations. All acting as a beacon of light, as if truly sent by the heavens.
"We've seen it, can we go now?" Sasuke urgently persisted, but Sakura was too enthralled by such beauty that she couldn't help but rush to a set of bridal dresses aging back to Roman times.
"Sasuke, look!" Sakura called out, Sasuke sighed but went over to see Sakura caressing an old bridal dress. The adoring cape and medallions speaking volumes of the bride's prestigious nature. "Whoa…who do you think wore this?" Sakura asked, Sasuke had to admit the gold and grey was a sight to be admired. Another gasp from Sakura as she held a bridal dress from ancient China. "I've never seen a ruby wedding dress, but it's incredible" Sakura indulged, her hand smoothing over the scarlet satin. Her eased expression tending to the dresses as if they were small animals. "I really wish I could wear an Uchiha dress to my wedding" Sakura sighed, "That would be a wish come true" Sakura confessed. Sasuke gave a sympathetic gaze toward her.
"You'll look wonderful in whatever you wear, Sakura" Sasuke comforted, Sakura gave a small smile.
"Thanks" She replied, smirking as she grabbed a nearby veil that had strange flower poking out; sticking it on her head in a silly manner. "Oh yeah? And what about this?" Sakura joked, making Sasuke laugh.
"Take that off, you look ridiculous" Sasuke giggled, though Sakura continued to make outlandish expressions.
"And I thought I looked wonderful in anything I wear" Sakura quoted, Sasuke rolled his eyes playfully.
"Okay, so maybe not that" Sasuke agreed, Sakura giggled along as she plopped a random veil onto Sasuke's head. Sasuke ending up with a mouth full of the laced material. "Pfft-belgh-ugh! Sakura!" Sasuke complained, Sakura giving a loud laugh in return. Her amusement quieting down as Sasuke flipped the veil back to reveal his face. Sakura stared at him for what seemed like silent moments to Sasuke. He titled his head at her, "Sakura?" Sasuke probed, but Sakura remained noiseless.
"Wait right here" Sakura ordered quickly before speedily standing and rushing over to somewhere. Sasuke was lost in confusion before he stood to try and make sense of Sakura's random behaviour.
"Sakura, what-?"
"Put this on" Sakura commanded, Sasuke blinked a few times at the dress thrusted into his arms.
"Wha…Sakura, why woul-?"
"Just do it!" Sakura instructed, her demanding tone compelling Sasuke to follow her orders. As Sakura rushed off to another area, he stripped down and slid off his shoes. Holding the white mess of fabric to himself as he slipped inside the dress, wondering how Sakura managed to find a perfect fit for him. Sasuke slipped his arms through the armbands and brought the dress up. He struggled to reach the back to strap it up, but soon found Sakura's hands aiding him. She hummed a melody as she tied the back. Adjusting some of the dress's creases before turning Sasuke around and gently placing a matching veil onto his raven hair. She softly brushed a few of his locks out of his face, her expression that of a kinder mother. She smiled before going behind Sasuke. "Close your eyes" Sakura spoke.
"Why?" Sasuke questioned, though Sakura only gave a cheeky smirk. Sasuke sighed and closed his eyes. Feeling Sakura gently guide him towards somewhere he wouldn't know. The cold marble against his bare feet felt somewhat uncomfortable, but refreshing. They stopped.
"Okay…open your eyes" Sakura stated, Sasuke finally did and observed the sudden appearance of the mirror in front of him. His dress was pure white, of a light that even the snow would envy. From the hips down was a flowing fabric that gently stirred against nothing. Glossed with an unbleached glimmer that illuminated Sasuke's entire being. The waist was wrapped around Sasuke like a second skin; a traditional high neck neckline. The lacy veil reached down to his chest, flipped back so Sasuke could clearly see his saintly appearance. Sasuke stood in silence, not seeing himself in such a celestial light before. Sasuke surely thought he was a missing angel. Sasuke felt arms slip around his waist.
"You're so magnificent" Sakura whispered out, watching him through the mirror. It was kindly soft moment before Sakura spoke up. "If I were as half as pretty as you then I would have no problem in finding me a husband" Sakura confessed, Sasuke felt Sakura retract from him. He turned around with a concerned expression.
"Sakura…" Sasuke voiced before becoming more determined, "Of course you're pretty" Sasuke confirmed, Sakura shrugged.
"Maybe, but I'll never be as well-favoured as you" Sakura replied, Sasuke was instantly saddened by her insecurity. Walking over and combing back some of her hair.
"Sakura, you shouldn't think like that, we're equal" Sasuke promised, though Sakura shook her head.
"No, we're not" Sakura muttered, "You're so beautiful and smart and graceful and everything you should be, but I'm…" Sakura sighed, "…not" Sakura finished. Sasuke felt a pain stricken at his heart. His dear friend to be so despondent nearly broke his heart. "I just wish I was like you" Sakura said wistfully.
"If you're me, then who's going to be you?" Sasuke questioned, Sakura shrugged.
"Who would want to be?" Sakura mumbled, Sasuke held her chin to make her face him.
"I do" Sasuke stated, "You're my best friend, no one else, and if I didn't have you then I wouldn't even be me" Sasuke continued, Sakura staring in disbelief before giving an unsure expression.
"You would still be perfect with or without me" Sakura responded. Sasuke gently shook his head.
"I need you"
"Pfft" Sakura scoffed, rolling her eyes. How could she be compared to the poised moon? Such a energy, a stunning aura, a paragon. Sakura knew she wasn't worthy of sharing the title.
"I'm serious" Sasuke stated, "I need you, Sakura, I love you like I do my own brother" Sasuke comforted, though Sakura felt pangs of doubt smash her into pieces.
"What if I don't even love myself?" Sakura questioned in a dead tone. Staring at her feet without anything else to say. She saw Sasuke cup her hands and make her look into his eyes.
"Then know that I will be here for you" Sasuke promised, rendering Sakura to a silence, "I know it won't happen overnight, or weeks, even months, but I'm not going to give up on you, not ever" Sasuke lectured. Crystal tears nearly spilling over without Sakura's consent, but she didn't even notice nor care. Sakura caught in his trance as he gave her one of his usually rare, warm smiles.
"I know you'd do the same for me, Sakura"
Sakura never forgot the speech he made. The promise he kept to her. How Sasuke brought her from a dim place. Full of such hatred, such utter uselessness, a crushing pressure that she sure nearly killed her. Though he saved her. Again. Where would she be without him? That speech is what gave her the courage to leave with Naruto. The courage to move on, to grow stronger. To be able to protect herself and others. Where would she be without him? Trapped in a loveless marriage? Bound to a coffin? Either way, it was a cursed fate that would've doomed her to a lifetime of torture.
"I know you'd do the same for me, Sakura"
But Sasuke saved her.
Sasuke. Her saviour, her friend, her knight in shining armour. The one that recused her from a woeful and agonising existence.
Sakura's hand tightened around Sasuke's slightly. Her eyes refusing to blur as a sense of duty, no, a sense of destiny pulled at her. She refused to let Sasuke into the same tormented life. Her knight in armour was not to be slain by an unforgiving dragon. Her friend was not to be subjected to what horrors a cruel man wishes. Her saviour was not going to be another victim without justice. She refused.
"I know you'd do the same for me, Sakura"
Sakura wouldn't play the damsel in distress this time. She would save her saviour. She would rescue her friend. She would fight for her knight. With her brandished sword and her beaten armour, she will fight for Sasuke. Her hand tightened once more.
"I know you'd do the same for me, Sakura"
She would fight.
"How about here?" Sasuke's voice rang, Sakura's eyes widened when she realised she hadn't been paying attention. She looked up to see a random clothing store; bountiful in colourful clothing. Sakura blinked herself back into reality.
"I…yeah…yeah, this place looks good" Sakura responded, Sasuke gave her a strange look, but she just smiled. "C'mon, before all the good stuff gets bought!" Sakura encouraged, walking into the shop with Sasuke by her side. The shop was clothes and fabrics stacked upon each other enough to make the walls, all of which reigned high and unsteady. Sakura began leafing through the clothes, her hand running over potential garments before moving onto the next. Sasuke wasn't entirely sure of how to proceed. All his life his mother had designated his wardrobe, ordering what would look acceptable and not. This uncomfortable freedom caused Sasuke to trail Sakura like he would his mother. Relying on her knowledge rather than his own. "Oh hey, this looks nice" Sakura stated, picking up a random item of clothing and inspecting it.
"Mm hm" Sasuke responded, unsure of how he should give his opinion. Sakura offered the cloth to Sasuke with a casual demeanour.
"Feel the fabric, is it good?" Sakura questioned, Sasuke merely stared at her before glancing back to the apparel. He gave it an awkward poke before nodding.
"Mm hm" Sasuke answered, Sakura was a picture of confusion before realising.
"Oh right, I completely forgot" Sakura said to herself, giving Sasuke an understanding look, "I was just the same when Shikamaru and Temari took me to get new clothes" Sakura explained, giving a small chuckle and scratching her cheek, "I was so used to my mother dictating what I wore that I became overwhelmed" Sakura reminisced, a small tug of her lips quirking up every few moments. "I really had no idea…" Sakura mumbled nostalgically, Sasuke raising an eyebrow at her fond expression.
"Today's just an emotional day for you, huh?" Sasuke stated ironically, Sakura pouted playfully and rolled her eyes.
"Hardy har, Sasuke" Sakura responded mirthfully, enjoying his dry humour.
"Genç olanlar, you buying for celebration, evet?" The large woman at the counter questioned, they looked over in small confusion.
"Celebration?" Sakura replied, the woman nodded.
"Evet, prince is having celebration, coming of age" The woman explained bluntly, taking a puff from her hookah pipe. Sakura smirked, giving a mischievous glance to Sasuke.
"Up for a party?" Sakura prompted, Sasuke immediately frowned.
"I'm not so sure that's a good idea" Sasuke responded, Sakura shook her head without a care.
"We're not in any rush, besides, it's time we have some fun" Sakura contended, giving a small nudge of her elbow. Though the frown remained on Sasuke's face.
"Perhaps we should at least consult the others" Sasuke reasoned, Sakura gave a flippant gesture in return.
"Why? We're pirates, we can do what we want!" Sakura answered, turning to the woman at the counter who continued to flip through her own fabric; marking them down with prints of ink. "Excuse me, but where is the celebration?" Sakura enquired, the woman gave a small scoff.
"At the palace, but no entry if not invited" She informed, Sakura glowered slightly.
"Invited?" Sakura said to herself, Sasuke noticed her disappointed expression and gave a reluctant sigh.
"I think I know how we can get in" Sasuke admitted, even though he wasn't particularly ecstatic to attend, he'd choose festivities rather than Sakura's dejection. Sakura raised an eyebrow, but was evidently joyful with Sasuke's confession.
"Great! Let's drop off these clothes and head over" Sakura suggested, taking items so fast that Sasuke was left unaware of his future appearance. Sasuke watched from the background as Sakura negotiated with the woman on the price. Shouting, yelling and cursing ensuing as Sakura screeched at the woman.
"Dinere! Dinere!" The woman repeated aggressively before Sakura threw her hands in the air.
"Bah!" Sakura scoffed, slapping down some money before turning away. "What a rip-off!" Sakura complained. Ranting the entire trip back to the ship on how she had practically been robbed, Sasuke not understanding and settled for polite nodding. Her incessant tirade continued onto the ship where she placed down the clothes. "And another thing! These materials aren't even rare, so how can she expect such a ridiculous price?!" Sakura raged, throwing her hands in the air dramatically. "And I thought it was a country of trade!" Sakura huffed, not noticing a harsh presence that seek them.
"Oi" A voice ordered, making both friends turn to see a pissed Karin, "Why did you take so long? Did the brat slow you down this much?" Karin insulted, Sasuke had somewhat learned to accept Karin's detestation towards him and barely regarded her offense. Though Sakura's recent revelation had other plans.
"Why don't you back off, slut?!" Sakura snapped, a wash of shock for any who witnessed her words. Sasuke's eyes widened at her sudden petulant behaviour. Karin was taken aback before narrowing her eyes.
"Watch who you're talking to" Karin growled, Sakura's venomous words growing more hostile.
"You're always attacking Sasuke!" Sakura accused, more of the crews slowing down to watch Sakura's outburst. "Y'know" Sakura scoffed, "You're just jealous" Sakura criticised, Karin folding her arms in silent fury. "Sasuke's just better than you and you can't handle that" Sakura laughed mockingly, Sasuke worriedly watched as Sakura's own anger seemed only fuelled by herself.
"Sakura…" Sasuke tried, wanting to calm Sakura before she said anything she would regret.
"You just can't stand the fact that Sasuke's smarter than you, nicer than you and that the entire ship likes him more than they ever did you!" Sakura yelled, Karin's obvious ire increasing with every moment and word. Sasuke took a gentle hold of her arm in attempt to settle her burning flame.
"Sakura" Sasuke spoke quietly, observing how the crew was at a standstill with no Naruto around. Sasuke may not have been on the best terms with Naruto, but he knew when his authority was needed.
"Maybe you should stop being such an envious whore and actually try to be a better person like Sasuke" Sakura suggested nastily, her eyes narrowed, "Maybe then someone would actually take you seriously" Sakura snarled, "And-" Sakura's speech was interrupted as Sasuke forcefully pulled her away, taking her back to his room and immediately shutting the door. He turned to see Sakura already stomping down the stairway and muttering furiously to herself. Sasuke sighed and walked down the stairway as Sakura paced back and forth.
"Sakura, calm down" Sasuke eased.
"No! I won't calm down! It's not fair!" Sakura exclaimed, fury and detestation laced through her voice. "That bastard of all people should know not to do this!" Sakura yelled, Sasuke sighed and took her wrist.
"Come with me, I know what'll calm you down" Sasuke promised. Taking her to settle on his bed, cupping her hands. "Deep breathes" Sasuke stated, Sakura rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"Sasuke, I don't need to do the bird-"
"After that performance, I think you do" Sasuke commented, Sakura huffed but did as she was told. Taking deep breathes and closing her eyes. "Now remember the bird" Sasuke instructed calmly, Sakura mindlessly imagined a delicate bird taking a gentle flight. A soothing rhythm along the movement of the wings. The bird always consoled her. Sasuke developed the bird to give her an outlet for her frustration. One that she had not practised in years. She opened her eyes with a fairly guilty expression.
"I know, I know, I…over-reacted a bit" Sakura admitted, Sasuke's raising an eyebrow at her statement. Sakura huffing in recognition.
"Okay, a lot" Sakura sighed, "I just hate the way she treats you" Sakura reasoned, Sasuke frowned towards her.
"But you know that that's no way to respond" Sasuke lectured, Sakura nodded. "I know" Sakura agreed. Sasuke's natural sympathy for her made him brush a lock of her hair back.
"Alright, you've learnt your lesson" Sasuke stated, Sakura giving a half-hearted nod in response. Sasuke sighed, but understood. "Perk up, we still have that celebration to go to" Sasuke reminded, Sakura looking up with more glow than before.
"Yeah, I guess so…but that remind me, how are we going to get in?" Sakura questioned, Sasuke readied with an answer.
"I have an idea"
"Status report" Itachi asked weakly, his throat dry and scratchy from unrest.
"No sign, my lord" The guard answered tiredly, his answer obviously repeated a myriad of times. Itachi was quiet before speaking once more.
"Please check for any changes" Itachi replied soundlessly, looking out of the window emptily.
"Yes, my lord" The guard sighed, knowing that no change would occur. Though he had come to expect this, everyone had. Apart from Itachi. His painful hope kept him up at night, left him wistfully gazing out of his office window. He hadn't left that position on days; evident by his stubbly beard, yellowish red eyes and grey skin. His mismatched clothes dishevelled and stained, his hair a bird's nest. Itachi never left as his office gave him the best view of the sea, the best chance he would see Sasuke return safely. Itachi felt the weight of responsibility crush him every moment, but every moment would be worth it when Sasuke returned safely.
"When Sasuke returns safely, when Sasuke returns safely, when Sasuke returns safely…" Itachi chanted to himself as if Sasuke would be summoned before him. The unending prayer surely would be answered if Itachi continued. If he truly wished for Sasuke's safe return. Though with every unsuccessful word uttered there would be a knife slowly digging into his heart. Bleeding him heavily to punish him for failure. So Itachi could repent for his sins. Though it would work. One day. One day his prayer will be rewarded.
"When Sasuke returns safely, when Sasuke returns safely, when Sasuke returns safely…" Itachi whispered out.
It had to.
More stains were added to Itachi's clothes as the tears once again soaked the fabric.
"When Sasuke returns safely, when Sasuke returns safely, when Sasuke returns safely…"
The door was opened once more and Itachi spoke.
"Status report"
"No sign, my lord"
"Please check for any changes"
0 notes
sunlitroom · 7 years
Gotham s3e22 - HeavyDirtySoul
As I watched it, and some random observations here and there.
Previously on Gotham.
We don’t get one because it was like two minutes ago.
As always, long post will be long - monstrously long.  There are likely to be rambling digressions. Gobblepot may appear (although I welcome all shippers and non-shippers alike :)).  There will be naked favouritism and naked not-favouritism.  Broader comments at the end on plotlines and parallels and general direction.
GCPD is deserted as a TV tells us that the city is in lockdown.  Jim is watching while twitchily fighting the virus.  He receives another phone call from Lee.
He asks where she is, and tells her the city isn’t safe.  Lee is drinking again – and tells Jim she’s leaving town and wants him with her. She's been beating this drum for ages.  Jim says there are checkpoints everywhere.  Lee says they can be together without judgment or secrets or jealousy
(An aside.  Apart from Galavan – which Lee guessed – where were the secrets?  It was sold to us that Jim told Lee everything, he certainly told her about Barker. And the judgment?  She forgave everything – was more than willing to turn a blind eye to two murders.  Jealousy? After they’d broken up, and Lee was engaged.  So…. just random words, there, then?)
Don't we deserve that?
Jim is silent.  Lee sighs and changes tack.  She’s leaving on a train
I want the real you.  Tell me you'll stop fighting it.  I won't lose you again. Tell me you'll be there
I'll be there.
(An aside – God - they'd be a really unpleasant couple.)
Harvey enters the room. Barbara and Nygma gave the mayor’s office a list of demands in return for Jervis.  The only deliverable item on it is Oswald.  Harvey refuses – he says they don’t have the authority to broker a secret deal, much less one that would lead to the death of a former mayor. (and I’d quietly like to think, and it’s quietly implied, that Harvey also finds this wrong).
Jim is all growly.  He knows Ed will betray Barbara and hand over Tetch.  He does a silly snarl
I need to save Lee
(An aside: You know – I’m guessing that this is supposed to be super-romantic but, honestly, it just makes Jim sound like a selfish creature.  The fact that the relationship isn’t really engaging doesn’t help. Everyone and anything is collateral damage for the resumption of a relationship which was pretty seriously flawed, featuring a queasily self-righteous couple.)
He grabs Harvey
I don't have much time.  It’s now or never
Harvey looks at him seriously.
You know, one of these days I'm going to say never
 Sirens.  Jim phones Ed and offers a deal.  In the background, Butch tells Tabitha it’s time to kill Barbara. She’s insulted Tabitha in every way possible.  Tabitha weakly mentions the money.  Butch tells her that he knows they were close, but she treats her like dirt now, and doesn’t deserve her loyalty.
Barbara approaches, and asks them what they’re talking about.  Butch covers, and asks if there’s any word from city hall.  Barbara is confident they’re about to own the town. Barbara asks where Ed is.  They all notice he’s gone.  Running to a small room – they find Jervis is gone.  Barbara screams in rage
She accuses Tabitha and Butch of idiocy before storming out.
 Jim, Harvey and Oswald are heading out to some police cars. Oswald wants to know where they’re going.
I’m not trying to aggravate you - but this doesn't seem above board.
Jim gravels annoyingly.
It’s small price to pay for saving the city
Oswald snaps back at him.
Yeah for you -  for me it’s a very large price.  Look, he cannot be trusted – you’re risking everything based on the word of a sociopath
Jim snarls at him to get in the car
Harvey looks ill
They get out at a warehouse. Oswald speaks again.
Look - if I'm going to be city's sacrificial lamb, the least you could do is lead me to slaughter with a little dignity.
Jim says no
Oswald turns threatening.
You don't think that I can't cause you trouble inside?
More snarling from Jim. Such nuance.
You do and I'll kill you.
No you won't - not before you have Tetch, or make the exchange and after that what do you care?
Harvey uncuffs him. Oswald thanks him.
(An aside.  My shipping preferences completely aside – we saw Jim, two episodes ago, tell Oswald to stay away from the Court business for his own sake.  It suggests that he does, in fact, not utterly despise him and want him dead. Buuut – suddenly he’s not only blithely OK with assuring his death, but he might just kill him out of temper?  
You could easily have Jim make this call – say he has no option if he wants to save the city – and at least have him tell Oswald that with some sort of regret, or try to appeal to his own love for the city of which he was mayor.  But they don’t.  They just make him as dickish as possible.)
The warehouse, where Ed greets them
My three favourite men
Jervis looks small and scared beside him.
(An aside – Jervis, again, looks genuinely pitable.  Like Barnes, he’s been hauled out of Arkham and used)
Ed gives it his usual hot air: Oswald’s death at his hands was inevitable, blah, blah, blah.
Jim points out that Jervis is wearing a grenade – Ed says this is a precaution.  
Try anything and - Kaboom.  No more Tetch.  No more antidote
(An aside - stop manhandling Jervis, Ed.)
Oswald taunts Ed
A little crude
Jim cuts in to growl and yell, because the virus apparently brings out the laziest and most reductive writing for him.
Jervis’ eyes light up
You're infected - oh, how wonderful
We see that Oswald's head snaps round – this is news to him
(An aside.  No – I’m sorry.  What?  What?  He didn't get that in the slaughterhouse - when Jim was casually tossing assassins all over the place? He didn’t get it when JIM PICKED HIM UP BY THE THROAT AND SINGLEHANDEDLY HELD HIM OVER HIS HEAD? Are you kidding me? Seriously?  What.  The.  Fuck)
Barbara has arrived.
Did you think you could get away with this?
Ed asked how she figured out where they were.  Babs has cops on the payroll.  She turns to Jim, and delivers one of the other best lines of the episode:
Honey – you might want to use your 'inside growl' when making secret calls
She demands that Ed hand Tetch over
No-one knows what to do for a moment, then Ed grabs the grenade from Jervis' neck chain and rolls it towards Barbara.
Everyone scatters. Jim and Harvey grab Tetch.   Oswald runs for the door.  Ed chases him.
Butch and Tabs aim for Ed, but Barbara tells them to get Tetch instead, to Tabitha’s annoyance.
Ed finally gets outside - where Oswald is waiting for him with a metal pole, giving him one hell of a wallop on the back of the head.  Well done Oswald!
(An aside – I actually said this out loud and applauded.  It was a downright magnificent moment)
Jim, Harvey and Jervis finally make it out, only to see Oswald stealing their car, waving and grinning at them as he drives away.
That's…that’s beautiful, it really is.  This is maybe the happiest I’ve been all season.
 A chaotic hospital where Alfred is being wheeled in.  A curious doctor asks asks how the wound was  cauterized. Bruce says he doesn’t know.  He asks Bruce’s relationship to patient?
We're family
Alfred is prepped for surgery.
 Meanwhile, Jim and co still running from Tabitha, Barbara, and Butch. Jim breaks the chain on a fence, and they run into a warehouse.  We see them hide as Tabitha, Butch and Barbara search.  Barbara tries to taunt Jim out of hiding.
You and the ex are infected huh?  Lee wants to remove my pretty little head.  Is it weird it makes me like her?  You thinking about ripping my head off?
So close, says Jervis, watching Jim fulminate.  Next time you give in – you’re done.  He tells Jim the virus will give him strength, and laughs – telling him to give into the darkness.  Jim grabs his face.  Jervis tells him he can see he wants to kill him, but if he does, then he doesn’t get an antidote.  Harvey tells Jim to fight it,
He's right, we need him
But Jim has made a decision
Yeah - but not all of him
He clamps a hand over Jervis’ mouth, muffling his scream.
We see Barbara hear a sound. When she runs to the source she finds Jervis, whose throat has been cut, and is chained to a trolley – looking half-dead.
(An aside - that's just terrible. Jervis is an inexcusable person – but what the fuck?  That was hideous)
Barbara is similarly appalled - oh Jim, you sick bastard
Back at GCPD, Jim and Harvey hand a jar of blood to a confused lab tech.
 Police cars scream past a parked car.  We see an unconscious Ed begin to stir.  I’m surprised his skull is intact, to be honest.  That was one hell of a swing.  Oswald grins and sing-songs
He's awa-ake. I was getting lonely.
They had to hide briefly from a police blockade.  Ed asks where he’s taking him.  Oswald smiles.  He doesn’t know- he’s improvising.  And it’s not like Ed has any place he needs to be. Ed comments that he assumes he’ll be dragging this out?
(An aside – remember digging up Oswald’s father’s corpse?  Yeah – shut up, Ed.)
Oswald smiles beatifically.
There are so few moments of pure joy in one’s life - I feel compelled to savour this one
Ed is surreptitiously using a tie pin he found in the back seat  to undo his cuffs.
You mean gloat – it always was your least attractive quality, Oswald.
Oswald jabs right back – sarcastically saying he’s not as smart as Ed, then pointing out that all Ed’s planning -  driving him crazy, destroying his empire, desecrating his father’s remains, taking him to the river – all for nothing.
Ed can’t handle this criticism.
That plan was perfect - you know it
Oswald laughs at him.
You failed.  I am still alive, while you are handcuffed in the back seat - never able to correct your mistake
Ed smirks, still surreptitiously working on the handcuffs.
Guess not
 At Sirens, Babs is stuffing money in a bag, ranting about Ed, and getting to a safehouse to regroup. Tabitha asks what they’re regrouping for.  Barbara spits for whatever the hell she tells them to do.  Tabitha’s jaw drops.  Butch says he isn't waiting anymore – Barbara has broken every promise.  The safehouse is the perfect place to get rid of her. Tabitha finally agrees, and says they’ll do it together.  Butch nods, and Tabitha kisses him.
 Jim is trashing the locker room. Harvey enters, and cracks a joke to break the tension before telling Jim that they’ve found an antidote.  Jim says he needs to get to Lee, and they head to the lab.  When they get there, the tech asks Jim to roll up his sleeve, and tries to explain about how the antidote is made, and why it takes time.  Jim barks that he doesn’t have time – he needs to catch Lee before she leaves.  He grabs at the antidote, breaking the tech’s wrist – by the looks of it – and storms out, leaving him on the floor. Lovely.  Great job, Jim.  Well done.
 Back at hospital, Bruce waits, head in hands.  Selina approaches tentatively.  She’s heard about Alfred, and want to know if he’s going to be OK.  Bruce tells her to go home.  She asks what happens, and Bruce has an outburst.  He tells her she doesn’t get to walk back into his life.  He doesn’t need her pity.  He tells her she wouldn’t understand – anyway.
Selina looks taken aback at the sudden hostility, and answers defensively.
Because I'm not desperate to believe in something?
Bruce lashes out at her.
You don't believe in anything or anyone but yourself!
(An aside – I’m guessing Bruce is partly lashing out due to his guilt – he doesn’t want to admit what happened to Alfred.  That being said, his accusation is just…. not even slightly true.  He’s had so much evidence to the contrary that Selina is a generous and loyal person, who believes in friendship, and longs for family – so this feels a little like conflict for conflict’s sake.)
Selina’s face turns icy
It's called surviving.
She aims a shot of her own.
And unlike you – I know who I am.  I don't need anyone to tell me
Bruce then says something fairly unforgiveable, and – again – without foundation.
What are you doing here, anyway? You don't care about Alfred and you sure as hell don't care about me.  I know you better than that.
Selina’s face hardens completely.
Yeah - I thought you did.  Have a nice life
She leaves.
��Jim is at Lee’s house. I’m summarising this because I’m terminally bored with this plotline.  Lee goes on some more about giving into darkness and how much she wants his darkness.  They kiss. She stops Jim from administering the antidote, and crushes the vial under her heel.
 Oswald is humming chirpily as he drives.  In the backseat, Ed smirks - he's free.  He immediately sets about provoking Oswald.
Don't you get tired of making the same mistake over and over? You should have killed me when you got the chance.
He suggests Oswald is prolonging this for egotistical reasons.  Oswald laughs
You want to talk ego, riddler?
Ed tells him that he will always fail because he lest base emotions drive him, like hate, anger, fear….. love.
Oswald’s eyes spark with temper, and he tells Ed to shut up.  Ed goes on, saying he could never have loved Oswald, because he’s a spoiled child who throws a tantrum any time he doesn't get what he wants -  especially when what he wants doesn't want him back.
(An aside - does strangling your girlfriend count as a tantrum?  Enquiring minds would like to know)
Oswald loses his temper – stopping the car.  He tells Ed he’s right - he shouldn't have waited, and unlike Ed, he’s in a position to rectify his mistake.
Prepare for one massive tantrum
As he leaves the car, though, Ed flings the door open, causing Oswald to drop his gun.  He screams in rage on the pavement as Ed aims the gun at him
No  - it’s not possible – it’s my turn to kill you!
Ed plucks his hat from Oswald’s head, telling him he will always fail because he cannot change.  Oswald sneers
Maybe – but at least I know who I am.  That day by the edge of the river was when you were reborn and that was a lie.  Your entire persona is based on a lie and there is nothing you can do to change that.
Ed considers,
Actually - maybe there is.
 At the railway station, we see travel checkpoints.  Jim and Lee are trying to skip town using sunglasses as a cunning disguise.  We hear a commotion – Harvey searching for him. Lee turns to Jim
He's trying to stop us.  You can't let him. I'll see you on the train
Harvey points his gun at Jim.
You gonna shoot me, Harvey?
Harvey looks desperate
This isn’t you
Jim snarls that it is him. Harvey begs him not to make him do this. Jim tells him that he and Lee belong together.
I know how bad you want that, to forget about everything that happened - but you can't.  It's not real.
This enrages Jim, and he hurls Harvey against the train carriage.
This is who I am!
Harvey just stares at him sadly.  Jim snarls again.
This is who I've always been!
Harvey shakes his head.
Who you are is a choice - always has been, still is.
He holds up Jim’s badge
This who you are.  The best cop I've ever worked with, and the best friend I've ever had. If you love Lee, then go save her
Jim raises his fist, and punches the carriage.
 Jim boards the train and spots Lee.  She smiles.
To our great adventure.  
Yes, being the couple everyone avoids on the train.
Lee gives their ticket to the conductor.  Jim looks at his badge, which has two vials of antidote attached.  Telling Lee he loves her, he administers the antidote.  
No - what have you done?
She passes out, and then he administers it to himself.  They both slump, unconscious.
 Back in the city, Butch is checking a hacksaw in the boot of his car.  Barbara approaches – she’s figured out what’s planned: he and Tabitha have been whispering like teenagers for weeks.  She says they shouldn’t have waited – and Butch says that if it wasn’t for Tabitha, she’d have been dead.  Barbara’s face is cold and hard, but wobbles when Butch says her hostility towards him comes from missing Tabitha’s loyalty and strength – which see sacrificed to play queen for a day.  He says she’s pathetic, and that she never deserved her.  
Barbara shoots him in the head.
I guess we’ll see.
 At the hospital, Bruce pleads with Alfred not to leave him.
 The docks again with Ed and Oswald.  Oswald seems resolute, standing at the edge of the pier.  Ed is chattering excitedly
Here we are again.  Wow! I have to tell you, this feels really great.
Oswald smiles. I’m glad I could help
Ed asks if he has any last words.  Oswald shrugs mildly.
I'm fine for now.
Ed frowns
I beg your pardon
Oswald reiterates
I'll wait
Ed loses patience.
I’m going to kill you now - not later – if you have something to say, now is the time
Oswald nods amiably.
Duly noted
Ed’s face twists in anger, because Oswald is spoiling his idea of how this should go.
I won't let you ruin this for me. I have something to say.  Goodbye, Oswald.
He pulls the trigger, and we hear a click.
Oswald presses his hand to the same spot where Ed shot him the first time… and takes bullets out of his waistcoat pocket
I removed the bullets when you were out, right before I called them.
He nods behind Ed.  It’s worth noting here how cool and composed Oswald is here, totally in control.
Ed turns to see Ivy, Victor and Bridget.  Oswald walks over to his new friends and family.
Ed looks sick as the realisation of how utterly he’s been played hits him
In the back seat, the pin.
Oswald smiles.
My tie pin.  I thought it should be personal
Ed shuts his eyes
You just trying to make me thing I had the upper hand.  But how did you know Barbara would show up at the warehouse?
I didn't.   If it wasn't for her - Gordon would have turned me over and I’d most likely be dead.  
He smiles and spreads his hands.
Fortune favours the bold
Ivy is watching, stone faced to an impressive degree.  Oswald’s her friend, and so Ed can go fuck himself.  
Ed sounds shaken to his core.
You said called after I was knocked out.  You knew I'd bring you here
Oswald smiles pityingly.
I might be driven by emotions, but you're driven by something much more predictable: a desperate, compulsive need to complete what you’ve started in exacting fashion.
It’s a brilliant, devastating blow.  Ed thinks he can outwit anyone – that his intellect makes him better, beyond the bounds of how others’ think.  But Oswald has just demonstrated that Ed is completely limited by his psychology, doomed to be outwitted.  He’s destroyed him here – made a complete fool of him, demonstrated his superiority in every way.
Ed looks destroyed. He asks Oswald why he doesn’t just kill him.  Oswald says that Ed is the one time he allowed love to make him weak.  His presence will be a constant reminder never to make the same mistake again.
(An aside – it’s a nice detail that Oswald doesn’t blanket say that all love is bad and makes you weak. He has proof to the contrary: Gertrud, Elijah, Fish.)
Ivy is still stone-faced – waiting.  Ed realises what’s coming and yells no – but to no avail – Victor freezes him.
(An aside.  This scene is glorious.  It harks back to season one Oswald:  manipulative, shrewd, daring – excelling in game-playing.  He’s had such a protracted time of being kicked about, controlled, humiliated, and seeing him back in control of himself again is intensely satisfying.  He acknowledges his faults, embraces his strengths, sees and accepts himself for who he is – and is all the stronger for it.)
Tabitha arrives at the safehouse, calling out for Barbara and Butch.  There’s a silver case on the table, which, when she opens it, reveals Butch's hand. Tabitha looks pained
Barbara approaches – tears in her eyes, but still furious.
Was killing Nygma really that important to you?
Tabitha has tears in her eyes, back to Barbara, hands up
Did you kill Butch?
Barbara doesn’t answer this directly
He said you didn't have anything to do with it.  Is that true?
Tabitha looks and sounds tired: what does it matter?
Barbara wants to know if they can move on.  Tabitha asks a question first.
Did you kill Butch?  I need to know.  It’s the only way to move forward.
Barbara admits she did. An expression of pain passes over Tabitha’s face.  It’s worth remembering that Tabitha was willing to sacrifice a hand to save Butch’s life.  Whatever the relationship might have started out as, it became meaningful to her.  Barbara speaks again
I killed him – it’s not like you gave me a choice
Tabitha looks resolved. She echoes Harvey’s words from earlier.
There's always a choice
There’s a long fight, notable mostly for this line from Barbara
I told you not to bring a whip to a gun fight
Tabitha uses her whip to pulls down a light.  It catches a metal grille at Barbara’s back, and she is electrocuted.
Now we can move forward
 A TV set in Alfred’s hospital room informs us that the antidote had a 90% cure rate.  Bruce is distracted as Alfred coughs and wakes – and launches himself at him for a hug.  He apologises.  Alfred tells him it wasn’t his fault.  Bruce talks about his identity woes.
I completely lost my way.  I’ve been trying to find who I am for so long.  Who am I supposed to be?
Alfred says he’s a man now, and will have to discover that on his own.  Bruce says he’s not like Alfred, who’s always seemed so sure. Alfred says he’s not always been so sure, and has been in very dark places.  But Bruce needs to find his true north.  Bruce asks what his true north is and Alfred, of course, tells him that Bruce has always been his true north.  Bruce needs to find something he really cares about and protect it at all costs. When he finds it, he’ll never be lost again.  Bruce looks at the images of death and destruction on the TV screen.
 We then open on Selina walking tentatively into Sirens, looking for Barbara.  Selina, of course, is someone else Bruce should really care about and want to protect, a grounding, balancing presence – but he’s fouled that up badly.
Tabitha tells her she’s gone, and not coming back, and asks Selina what she wants.  Selina’s not sure, but she’s,
‘Tired of just surviving. I want more.  Want to move up.  I figured this was a good place to start’
(An aside – it’s maybe a nod to all that time ago, when Ivy and Selina stayed at Barbara’s, and Barbara tried to offer Selina some advice)
Tabitha’s interested – she’s at a crossroads herself.  She asks Selina if she’s hungry.  Selina asks if she’s buying.  They both grin.  Selina spots Tabitha’s whip.  Tabitha tells her to give it a go – and Selina hits the target first time. Tabitha is wide-eyed, and Selina smiles.
(An aside – bluntly, Selina deserves a good time.  She’s had a dreadful time this season, and – despite this - still managed to get herself to the hospital to check on Alfred, only to receive some completely unjustified insults.  Even if Bruce grovels after learning the truth from Alfred – that Selina nearly died trying to let Alfred know he had been kidnapped – she’s no real reason to forgive him.  He believed the absolute worst of her, despite all the evidence to the contrary.)
Oswald and Ivy. Sweet. Something has survived the carnage.  He’s proudly pointing out the logo for the new club.  Ivy tilts her head.
What we going to call it?
(An aside - Oswald doesn’t correct the ‘we’.)
The Iceberg Lounge.
Ivy smiles. Clever, because your name is Penguin.
Oswald smiles and nods – yes, there's that.  And then there’s the centrepiece attraction.
(An aside – it’s notable how relaxed, and assured and seemingly happy Oswald seems here.  His smile is genuine.  His movements aren’t manic.  There’s a calm to him.)
Jim arrives at Lee's home to find a letter on the table.  Lee narrates. 
She’s left town because she finally understands the city – where only the strongest and most cunning rule (we see Oswald looking at his centrepiece – Ed, encased in ice).
(An aside – that’s how everywhere works, Lee.)
‘The cost of survival is paid by others’
(An aside – we still see Ed on-screen here – but I don’t think many are likely to feel sorry for Ed here, which undermines Lee’s words a little)
‘Everyone feels alone’
(But we see Tabitha and Selina, who have found companionship in their loneliness).
She saw the city as it truly was, and she saw herself how she truly was.  Reborn
(We see Butch – whose real name is apparently Cyrus Gold, which is a comic thing I don’t get).
But the cure reminds us that there is always hope for who we can be, rather than who we were.  Lee doesn’t know if the city deserves saving – but if anyone can save it, and himself in the process, it’s Jim.
She closes by saying that maybe one day he’ll make his way back to her, but - until then – she sends her love always.   Gee. All the collateral damage, the bullets Mario and Valerie took respectively to their skull and gut, all totally worth it to get to the deeply moving conclusion of this soulful relationship.
(An aside – Lee’s left town because she can’t bear what Gotham’s really like?  I suppose there’s the implication in the letter that she wants to move on and change but…I don’t know.  This just feels like a damp squib.)
Can I come in, Captain?
No - you threw me against the train car – twice.  I felt like a freaking cartoon.
Jim apologises.  You better have a few more of those to dish out, blondie, sincere and grovelling ones before you and I will be on good terms again.
Lee’s left town again. Jim will apparently be OK.  Harvey asks if he wants a drink.  Jim points out it’s noon, and Harvey points out he didn’t ask the time.  Jim asks if there’s word on Tetch.  You might want to sound just the slightest bit repentant, there, Jim – you slit his throat and left him for dead. Harvey says he’s apparently been patched up in a hospital and is safely back in Arkham.
(An aside: There - right there - is the crux of the problem with Jim.  He'll apologise to Harvey - because Harvey is 'good' and deserves an apology.  Jervis deserves an apology too, awful though he is, but I doubt he'll ever get it, because Jim sees him as a 'bad' person.  This self-righteousness is now even less tolerable, given that Jim is now aware that he apparently has his own deep dark desire to murder everyone he meets, and that Lee, his angel at the hearth, is drawn to darkness and violence.)
Jim feels like doing some honest detective work after all the craziness.  Harvey suggests they hit the streets like beat cops and stir up some trouble.  Jim snarks that’s maybe beneath him now – him being the best cop Harvey’s ever worked with and all.  They banter their way out.
A city street. A family walking home is threated by a mugger.  A masked figure appears from nowhere, beats the mugger and runs.  We look upwards to the rooftops to see the figure take off his mask and gaze out over the city.  It’s Bruce, finally on his path.
Some random observations.
Jim and Bruce were paralleled this week.  Bruce under the conditioning of the sensei, Jim in the grips of the virus.  They both do a Very Bad Thing while not in their right minds, and murder proxy parent figures: Bruce kills his own, Jim kills Oswald’s.  They both regain clarity and remorse the moment the act is carried out.  The main difference here is that Bruce gets to take it back.  Jim can’t.
If I have an overall quibble – it’s that, well, brainwashing and crazy viruses are a little…. cheap, as plot devices.  If the only way you can envisage your character doing something is because someone has – to all intents and purposes – cast a magic spell on them, then maybe that’d because that action is wildly ooc?
I’ve commented in the recap for the previous episode that I find Jim’s response to the virus to be absurd.
I felt the Jim and Lee plot fizzled badly.  Lee felt relatively removed from the storyline in these episodes after being so important last week, and to hint at a battle with Barbara and then not deliver was an…. odd choice.  Plus – and I accept this is entirely subjective – Jim and Lee’s relationship lacks the emotional resonance to carry a substantial part of the plot.  Bruce and Alfred, Oswald and Fish, Bruce and Selina, Barbara and Tabitha, Butch and Tabitha… any one of these packed more emotional punch here than Jim and Lee.  I’m supposed to care, because they’re the ‘grand romance’ – but it’s always felt perfunctory, and it looked particularly shallow here.
On top of that, when you’ve infected them – and simply made Lee obsessive about Jim (because that’s essentially what they narrowed her darkness fascination to in this episode), and made Jim a violent jerk – well, where’s my emotional investment in either of them?  You’ve just reminded me of their worst qualities.  I’m barely invested in their tepid sane relationship, why should I care about this one?
So, where do we leave everyone?
 Alfred - ties strengthened with Bruce.  Should probably have to deal with psychological fallout, but we won't see it.
Barbara - electrocuted, no allies left, presumably about to become Harley
Barnes - on the loose, after Jim - but apparently not for the last two episodes, where he went to a spa or something, or did a Netflix binge.  Who knows.
Bruce - has found his sense of mission. Ties strengthened with Alfred. Insulted Selina. Should presumably want to apologise after Alfred tells him Selina almost died trying to warn him about the clone - but who knows if the show will remember that.
Butch - Injured, presumably about to become some notable character
Ed - literally on ice. Should be chastened when he comes out, but possibly after revenge on Oswald
Harvey - Captain. Still Jim's ally, but with the vague feeling that some day he's not going to go along with one of Jim's plans.
Ivy - now part of a family: Oswald, Bridget and Victor.  Particularly close and loyal to Oswald.  Presumably still has ties with Selina, although might be strained after Selina gave Oswald up to Ed and co.
Jervis - back in Arkham, presumably harbouring an even bigger grudge against Jim
Jim - I have literally no fucking clue.Theoretically, he should be reeling with the impact of finding out about his father, and witnessing his uncle's suicide.  He should be taking a long, hard look at himself after his bullshit deep and meaningful 'killer' revelation.  He should be processing the end of his relationship.  He should be dealing with the emotional and practical consequences of what he did when infected - on both himself and others.  I suspect I will see none of this.  He's got a letter from Lee telling him he's the man to save the city, despite ample proof to the contrary.  It also talks about him saving himself - but I'm never given any extended opportunity to find out what Jim thinks about himself, and his behaviour and attitude both vacillate wildly week to week depending on what the storyline needs him to do.  I don't know where we go with him from here.
Lee - left town, didn't sound like coming back soon, presumably reflecting on what she discovered about herself and her secret fascination with darkness.
Lucius - still at GCPD. Tied closely to Harvey.  Might be interested in Ed's welfare.
Oswald - presumably grieving for Fish, but otherwise doing very well.  A number of old wrongs addressed, new club planned, family structure of sorts, especially close to Ivy, and a renewed sense of himself and his abilities.  He should theoretically be alienated from Jim - but how he'll weigh the virus in his actions remains to be seen - we've seen Oswald be inexplicably forgiving on this front before without any convenient excuses.
Selina - alienated from Bruce. Is tired of simply surviving between being roped into Bruce's missions. Wants more, and is willing to learn from Tabitha, with whom she seems to have found some companionship. Presumably still has ties with Ivy, who saved her life.
Tabitha - association with Butch and Barbara over - unwillingly in Butch's case, willingly in Barbara's. Has new sense of purpose in acting as a mentor to Selina.
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