#gotham s3e22
honestmrdual · 4 years
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Tetch and wounds he received from people infected with Alice’s blood.
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sunlitroom · 7 years
Gotham s3e22 - HeavyDirtySoul
As I watched it, and some random observations here and there.
Previously on Gotham.
We don’t get one because it was like two minutes ago.
As always, long post will be long - monstrously long.  There are likely to be rambling digressions. Gobblepot may appear (although I welcome all shippers and non-shippers alike :)).  There will be naked favouritism and naked not-favouritism.  Broader comments at the end on plotlines and parallels and general direction.
GCPD is deserted as a TV tells us that the city is in lockdown.  Jim is watching while twitchily fighting the virus.  He receives another phone call from Lee.
He asks where she is, and tells her the city isn’t safe.  Lee is drinking again – and tells Jim she’s leaving town and wants him with her. She's been beating this drum for ages.  Jim says there are checkpoints everywhere.  Lee says they can be together without judgment or secrets or jealousy
(An aside.  Apart from Galavan – which Lee guessed – where were the secrets?  It was sold to us that Jim told Lee everything, he certainly told her about Barker. And the judgment?  She forgave everything – was more than willing to turn a blind eye to two murders.  Jealousy? After they’d broken up, and Lee was engaged.  So…. just random words, there, then?)
Don't we deserve that?
Jim is silent.  Lee sighs and changes tack.  She’s leaving on a train
I want the real you.  Tell me you'll stop fighting it.  I won't lose you again. Tell me you'll be there
I'll be there.
(An aside – God - they'd be a really unpleasant couple.)
Harvey enters the room. Barbara and Nygma gave the mayor’s office a list of demands in return for Jervis.  The only deliverable item on it is Oswald.  Harvey refuses – he says they don’t have the authority to broker a secret deal, much less one that would lead to the death of a former mayor. (and I’d quietly like to think, and it’s quietly implied, that Harvey also finds this wrong).
Jim is all growly.  He knows Ed will betray Barbara and hand over Tetch.  He does a silly snarl
I need to save Lee
(An aside: You know – I’m guessing that this is supposed to be super-romantic but, honestly, it just makes Jim sound like a selfish creature.  The fact that the relationship isn’t really engaging doesn’t help. Everyone and anything is collateral damage for the resumption of a relationship which was pretty seriously flawed, featuring a queasily self-righteous couple.)
He grabs Harvey
I don't have much time.  It’s now or never
Harvey looks at him seriously.
You know, one of these days I'm going to say never
 Sirens.  Jim phones Ed and offers a deal.  In the background, Butch tells Tabitha it’s time to kill Barbara. She’s insulted Tabitha in every way possible.  Tabitha weakly mentions the money.  Butch tells her that he knows they were close, but she treats her like dirt now, and doesn’t deserve her loyalty.
Barbara approaches, and asks them what they’re talking about.  Butch covers, and asks if there’s any word from city hall.  Barbara is confident they’re about to own the town. Barbara asks where Ed is.  They all notice he’s gone.  Running to a small room – they find Jervis is gone.  Barbara screams in rage
She accuses Tabitha and Butch of idiocy before storming out.
 Jim, Harvey and Oswald are heading out to some police cars. Oswald wants to know where they’re going.
I’m not trying to aggravate you - but this doesn't seem above board.
Jim gravels annoyingly.
It’s small price to pay for saving the city
Oswald snaps back at him.
Yeah for you -  for me it’s a very large price.  Look, he cannot be trusted – you’re risking everything based on the word of a sociopath
Jim snarls at him to get in the car
Harvey looks ill
They get out at a warehouse. Oswald speaks again.
Look - if I'm going to be city's sacrificial lamb, the least you could do is lead me to slaughter with a little dignity.
Jim says no
Oswald turns threatening.
You don't think that I can't cause you trouble inside?
More snarling from Jim. Such nuance.
You do and I'll kill you.
No you won't - not before you have Tetch, or make the exchange and after that what do you care?
Harvey uncuffs him. Oswald thanks him.
(An aside.  My shipping preferences completely aside – we saw Jim, two episodes ago, tell Oswald to stay away from the Court business for his own sake.  It suggests that he does, in fact, not utterly despise him and want him dead. Buuut – suddenly he’s not only blithely OK with assuring his death, but he might just kill him out of temper?  
You could easily have Jim make this call – say he has no option if he wants to save the city – and at least have him tell Oswald that with some sort of regret, or try to appeal to his own love for the city of which he was mayor.  But they don’t.  They just make him as dickish as possible.)
The warehouse, where Ed greets them
My three favourite men
Jervis looks small and scared beside him.
(An aside – Jervis, again, looks genuinely pitable.  Like Barnes, he’s been hauled out of Arkham and used)
Ed gives it his usual hot air: Oswald’s death at his hands was inevitable, blah, blah, blah.
Jim points out that Jervis is wearing a grenade – Ed says this is a precaution.  
Try anything and - Kaboom.  No more Tetch.  No more antidote
(An aside - stop manhandling Jervis, Ed.)
Oswald taunts Ed
A little crude
Jim cuts in to growl and yell, because the virus apparently brings out the laziest and most reductive writing for him.
Jervis’ eyes light up
You're infected - oh, how wonderful
We see that Oswald's head snaps round – this is news to him
(An aside.  No – I’m sorry.  What?  What?  He didn't get that in the slaughterhouse - when Jim was casually tossing assassins all over the place? He didn’t get it when JIM PICKED HIM UP BY THE THROAT AND SINGLEHANDEDLY HELD HIM OVER HIS HEAD? Are you kidding me? Seriously?  What.  The.  Fuck)
Barbara has arrived.
Did you think you could get away with this?
Ed asked how she figured out where they were.  Babs has cops on the payroll.  She turns to Jim, and delivers one of the other best lines of the episode:
Honey – you might want to use your 'inside growl' when making secret calls
She demands that Ed hand Tetch over
No-one knows what to do for a moment, then Ed grabs the grenade from Jervis' neck chain and rolls it towards Barbara.
Everyone scatters. Jim and Harvey grab Tetch.   Oswald runs for the door.  Ed chases him.
Butch and Tabs aim for Ed, but Barbara tells them to get Tetch instead, to Tabitha’s annoyance.
Ed finally gets outside - where Oswald is waiting for him with a metal pole, giving him one hell of a wallop on the back of the head.  Well done Oswald!
(An aside – I actually said this out loud and applauded.  It was a downright magnificent moment)
Jim, Harvey and Jervis finally make it out, only to see Oswald stealing their car, waving and grinning at them as he drives away.
That's…that’s beautiful, it really is.  This is maybe the happiest I’ve been all season.
 A chaotic hospital where Alfred is being wheeled in.  A curious doctor asks asks how the wound was  cauterized. Bruce says he doesn’t know.  He asks Bruce’s relationship to patient?
We're family
Alfred is prepped for surgery.
 Meanwhile, Jim and co still running from Tabitha, Barbara, and Butch. Jim breaks the chain on a fence, and they run into a warehouse.  We see them hide as Tabitha, Butch and Barbara search.  Barbara tries to taunt Jim out of hiding.
You and the ex are infected huh?  Lee wants to remove my pretty little head.  Is it weird it makes me like her?  You thinking about ripping my head off?
So close, says Jervis, watching Jim fulminate.  Next time you give in – you’re done.  He tells Jim the virus will give him strength, and laughs – telling him to give into the darkness.  Jim grabs his face.  Jervis tells him he can see he wants to kill him, but if he does, then he doesn’t get an antidote.  Harvey tells Jim to fight it,
He's right, we need him
But Jim has made a decision
Yeah - but not all of him
He clamps a hand over Jervis’ mouth, muffling his scream.
We see Barbara hear a sound. When she runs to the source she finds Jervis, whose throat has been cut, and is chained to a trolley – looking half-dead.
(An aside - that's just terrible. Jervis is an inexcusable person – but what the fuck?  That was hideous)
Barbara is similarly appalled - oh Jim, you sick bastard
Back at GCPD, Jim and Harvey hand a jar of blood to a confused lab tech.
 Police cars scream past a parked car.  We see an unconscious Ed begin to stir.  I’m surprised his skull is intact, to be honest.  That was one hell of a swing.  Oswald grins and sing-songs
He's awa-ake. I was getting lonely.
They had to hide briefly from a police blockade.  Ed asks where he’s taking him.  Oswald smiles.  He doesn’t know- he’s improvising.  And it’s not like Ed has any place he needs to be. Ed comments that he assumes he’ll be dragging this out?
(An aside – remember digging up Oswald’s father’s corpse?  Yeah – shut up, Ed.)
Oswald smiles beatifically.
There are so few moments of pure joy in one’s life - I feel compelled to savour this one
Ed is surreptitiously using a tie pin he found in the back seat  to undo his cuffs.
You mean gloat – it always was your least attractive quality, Oswald.
Oswald jabs right back – sarcastically saying he’s not as smart as Ed, then pointing out that all Ed’s planning -  driving him crazy, destroying his empire, desecrating his father’s remains, taking him to the river – all for nothing.
Ed can’t handle this criticism.
That plan was perfect - you know it
Oswald laughs at him.
You failed.  I am still alive, while you are handcuffed in the back seat - never able to correct your mistake
Ed smirks, still surreptitiously working on the handcuffs.
Guess not
 At Sirens, Babs is stuffing money in a bag, ranting about Ed, and getting to a safehouse to regroup. Tabitha asks what they’re regrouping for.  Barbara spits for whatever the hell she tells them to do.  Tabitha’s jaw drops.  Butch says he isn't waiting anymore – Barbara has broken every promise.  The safehouse is the perfect place to get rid of her. Tabitha finally agrees, and says they’ll do it together.  Butch nods, and Tabitha kisses him.
 Jim is trashing the locker room. Harvey enters, and cracks a joke to break the tension before telling Jim that they’ve found an antidote.  Jim says he needs to get to Lee, and they head to the lab.  When they get there, the tech asks Jim to roll up his sleeve, and tries to explain about how the antidote is made, and why it takes time.  Jim barks that he doesn’t have time – he needs to catch Lee before she leaves.  He grabs at the antidote, breaking the tech’s wrist – by the looks of it – and storms out, leaving him on the floor. Lovely.  Great job, Jim.  Well done.
 Back at hospital, Bruce waits, head in hands.  Selina approaches tentatively.  She’s heard about Alfred, and want to know if he’s going to be OK.  Bruce tells her to go home.  She asks what happens, and Bruce has an outburst.  He tells her she doesn’t get to walk back into his life.  He doesn’t need her pity.  He tells her she wouldn’t understand – anyway.
Selina looks taken aback at the sudden hostility, and answers defensively.
Because I'm not desperate to believe in something?
Bruce lashes out at her.
You don't believe in anything or anyone but yourself!
(An aside – I’m guessing Bruce is partly lashing out due to his guilt – he doesn’t want to admit what happened to Alfred.  That being said, his accusation is just…. not even slightly true.  He’s had so much evidence to the contrary that Selina is a generous and loyal person, who believes in friendship, and longs for family – so this feels a little like conflict for conflict’s sake.)
Selina’s face turns icy
It's called surviving.
She aims a shot of her own.
And unlike you – I know who I am.  I don't need anyone to tell me
Bruce then says something fairly unforgiveable, and – again – without foundation.
What are you doing here, anyway? You don't care about Alfred and you sure as hell don't care about me.  I know you better than that.
Selina’s face hardens completely.
Yeah - I thought you did.  Have a nice life
She leaves.
 Jim is at Lee’s house. I’m summarising this because I’m terminally bored with this plotline.  Lee goes on some more about giving into darkness and how much she wants his darkness.  They kiss. She stops Jim from administering the antidote, and crushes the vial under her heel.
 Oswald is humming chirpily as he drives.  In the backseat, Ed smirks - he's free.  He immediately sets about provoking Oswald.
Don't you get tired of making the same mistake over and over? You should have killed me when you got the chance.
He suggests Oswald is prolonging this for egotistical reasons.  Oswald laughs
You want to talk ego, riddler?
Ed tells him that he will always fail because he lest base emotions drive him, like hate, anger, fear….. love.
Oswald’s eyes spark with temper, and he tells Ed to shut up.  Ed goes on, saying he could never have loved Oswald, because he’s a spoiled child who throws a tantrum any time he doesn't get what he wants -  especially when what he wants doesn't want him back.
(An aside - does strangling your girlfriend count as a tantrum?  Enquiring minds would like to know)
Oswald loses his temper – stopping the car.  He tells Ed he’s right - he shouldn't have waited, and unlike Ed, he’s in a position to rectify his mistake.
Prepare for one massive tantrum
As he leaves the car, though, Ed flings the door open, causing Oswald to drop his gun.  He screams in rage on the pavement as Ed aims the gun at him
No  - it’s not possible – it’s my turn to kill you!
Ed plucks his hat from Oswald’s head, telling him he will always fail because he cannot change.  Oswald sneers
Maybe – but at least I know who I am.  That day by the edge of the river was when you were reborn and that was a lie.  Your entire persona is based on a lie and there is nothing you can do to change that.
Ed considers,
Actually - maybe there is.
 At the railway station, we see travel checkpoints.  Jim and Lee are trying to skip town using sunglasses as a cunning disguise.  We hear a commotion – Harvey searching for him. Lee turns to Jim
He's trying to stop us.  You can't let him. I'll see you on the train
Harvey points his gun at Jim.
You gonna shoot me, Harvey?
Harvey looks desperate
This isn’t you
Jim snarls that it is him. Harvey begs him not to make him do this. Jim tells him that he and Lee belong together.
I know how bad you want that, to forget about everything that happened - but you can't.  It's not real.
This enrages Jim, and he hurls Harvey against the train carriage.
This is who I am!
Harvey just stares at him sadly.  Jim snarls again.
This is who I've always been!
Harvey shakes his head.
Who you are is a choice - always has been, still is.
He holds up Jim’s badge
This who you are.  The best cop I've ever worked with, and the best friend I've ever had. If you love Lee, then go save her
Jim raises his fist, and punches the carriage.
 Jim boards the train and spots Lee.  She smiles.
To our great adventure.  
Yes, being the couple everyone avoids on the train.
Lee gives their ticket to the conductor.  Jim looks at his badge, which has two vials of antidote attached.  Telling Lee he loves her, he administers the antidote.  
No - what have you done?
She passes out, and then he administers it to himself.  They both slump, unconscious.
 Back in the city, Butch is checking a hacksaw in the boot of his car.  Barbara approaches – she’s figured out what’s planned: he and Tabitha have been whispering like teenagers for weeks.  She says they shouldn’t have waited – and Butch says that if it wasn’t for Tabitha, she’d have been dead.  Barbara’s face is cold and hard, but wobbles when Butch says her hostility towards him comes from missing Tabitha’s loyalty and strength – which see sacrificed to play queen for a day.  He says she’s pathetic, and that she never deserved her.  
Barbara shoots him in the head.
I guess we’ll see.
 At the hospital, Bruce pleads with Alfred not to leave him.
 The docks again with Ed and Oswald.  Oswald seems resolute, standing at the edge of the pier.  Ed is chattering excitedly
Here we are again.  Wow! I have to tell you, this feels really great.
Oswald smiles. I’m glad I could help
Ed asks if he has any last words.  Oswald shrugs mildly.
I'm fine for now.
Ed frowns
I beg your pardon
Oswald reiterates
I'll wait
Ed loses patience.
I’m going to kill you now - not later – if you have something to say, now is the time
Oswald nods amiably.
Duly noted
Ed’s face twists in anger, because Oswald is spoiling his idea of how this should go.
I won't let you ruin this for me. I have something to say.  Goodbye, Oswald.
He pulls the trigger, and we hear a click.
Oswald presses his hand to the same spot where Ed shot him the first time… and takes bullets out of his waistcoat pocket
I removed the bullets when you were out, right before I called them.
He nods behind Ed.  It’s worth noting here how cool and composed Oswald is here, totally in control.
Ed turns to see Ivy, Victor and Bridget.  Oswald walks over to his new friends and family.
Ed looks sick as the realisation of how utterly he’s been played hits him
In the back seat, the pin.
Oswald smiles.
My tie pin.  I thought it should be personal
Ed shuts his eyes
You just trying to make me thing I had the upper hand.  But how did you know Barbara would show up at the warehouse?
I didn't.   If it wasn't for her - Gordon would have turned me over and I’d most likely be dead.  
He smiles and spreads his hands.
Fortune favours the bold
Ivy is watching, stone faced to an impressive degree.  Oswald’s her friend, and so Ed can go fuck himself.  
Ed sounds shaken to his core.
You said called after I was knocked out.  You knew I'd bring you here
Oswald smiles pityingly.
I might be driven by emotions, but you're driven by something much more predictable: a desperate, compulsive need to complete what you’ve started in exacting fashion.
It’s a brilliant, devastating blow.  Ed thinks he can outwit anyone – that his intellect makes him better, beyond the bounds of how others’ think.  But Oswald has just demonstrated that Ed is completely limited by his psychology, doomed to be outwitted.  He’s destroyed him here – made a complete fool of him, demonstrated his superiority in every way.
Ed looks destroyed. He asks Oswald why he doesn’t just kill him.  Oswald says that Ed is the one time he allowed love to make him weak.  His presence will be a constant reminder never to make the same mistake again.
(An aside – it’s a nice detail that Oswald doesn’t blanket say that all love is bad and makes you weak. He has proof to the contrary: Gertrud, Elijah, Fish.)
Ivy is still stone-faced – waiting.  Ed realises what’s coming and yells no – but to no avail – Victor freezes him.
(An aside.  This scene is glorious.  It harks back to season one Oswald:  manipulative, shrewd, daring – excelling in game-playing.  He’s had such a protracted time of being kicked about, controlled, humiliated, and seeing him back in control of himself again is intensely satisfying.  He acknowledges his faults, embraces his strengths, sees and accepts himself for who he is – and is all the stronger for it.)
Tabitha arrives at the safehouse, calling out for Barbara and Butch.  There’s a silver case on the table, which, when she opens it, reveals Butch's hand. Tabitha looks pained
Barbara approaches – tears in her eyes, but still furious.
Was killing Nygma really that important to you?
Tabitha has tears in her eyes, back to Barbara, hands up
Did you kill Butch?
Barbara doesn’t answer this directly
He said you didn't have anything to do with it.  Is that true?
Tabitha looks and sounds tired: what does it matter?
Barbara wants to know if they can move on.  Tabitha asks a question first.
Did you kill Butch?  I need to know.  It’s the only way to move forward.
Barbara admits she did. An expression of pain passes over Tabitha’s face.  It’s worth remembering that Tabitha was willing to sacrifice a hand to save Butch’s life.  Whatever the relationship might have started out as, it became meaningful to her.  Barbara speaks again
I killed him – it’s not like you gave me a choice
Tabitha looks resolved. She echoes Harvey’s words from earlier.
There's always a choice
There’s a long fight, notable mostly for this line from Barbara
I told you not to bring a whip to a gun fight
Tabitha uses her whip to pulls down a light.  It catches a metal grille at Barbara’s back, and she is electrocuted.
Now we can move forward
 A TV set in Alfred’s hospital room informs us that the antidote had a 90% cure rate.  Bruce is distracted as Alfred coughs and wakes – and launches himself at him for a hug.  He apologises.  Alfred tells him it wasn’t his fault.  Bruce talks about his identity woes.
I completely lost my way.  I’ve been trying to find who I am for so long.  Who am I supposed to be?
Alfred says he’s a man now, and will have to discover that on his own.  Bruce says he’s not like Alfred, who’s always seemed so sure. Alfred says he’s not always been so sure, and has been in very dark places.  But Bruce needs to find his true north.  Bruce asks what his true north is and Alfred, of course, tells him that Bruce has always been his true north.  Bruce needs to find something he really cares about and protect it at all costs. When he finds it, he’ll never be lost again.  Bruce looks at the images of death and destruction on the TV screen.
 We then open on Selina walking tentatively into Sirens, looking for Barbara.  Selina, of course, is someone else Bruce should really care about and want to protect, a grounding, balancing presence – but he’s fouled that up badly.
Tabitha tells her she’s gone, and not coming back, and asks Selina what she wants.  Selina’s not sure, but she’s,
‘Tired of just surviving. I want more.  Want to move up.  I figured this was a good place to start’
(An aside – it’s maybe a nod to all that time ago, when Ivy and Selina stayed at Barbara’s, and Barbara tried to offer Selina some advice)
Tabitha’s interested – she’s at a crossroads herself.  She asks Selina if she’s hungry.  Selina asks if she’s buying.  They both grin.  Selina spots Tabitha’s whip.  Tabitha tells her to give it a go – and Selina hits the target first time. Tabitha is wide-eyed, and Selina smiles.
(An aside – bluntly, Selina deserves a good time.  She’s had a dreadful time this season, and – despite this - still managed to get herself to the hospital to check on Alfred, only to receive some completely unjustified insults.  Even if Bruce grovels after learning the truth from Alfred – that Selina nearly died trying to let Alfred know he had been kidnapped – she’s no real reason to forgive him.  He believed the absolute worst of her, despite all the evidence to the contrary.)
Oswald and Ivy. Sweet. Something has survived the carnage.  He’s proudly pointing out the logo for the new club.  Ivy tilts her head.
What we going to call it?
(An aside - Oswald doesn’t correct the ‘we’.)
The Iceberg Lounge.
Ivy smiles. Clever, because your name is Penguin.
Oswald smiles and nods – yes, there's that.  And then there’s the centrepiece attraction.
(An aside – it’s notable how relaxed, and assured and seemingly happy Oswald seems here.  His smile is genuine.  His movements aren’t manic.  There’s a calm to him.)
Jim arrives at Lee's home to find a letter on the table.  Lee narrates. 
She’s left town because she finally understands the city – where only the strongest and most cunning rule (we see Oswald looking at his centrepiece – Ed, encased in ice).
(An aside – that’s how everywhere works, Lee.)
‘The cost of survival is paid by others’
(An aside – we still see Ed on-screen here – but I don’t think many are likely to feel sorry for Ed here, which undermines Lee’s words a little)
‘Everyone feels alone’
(But we see Tabitha and Selina, who have found companionship in their loneliness).
She saw the city as it truly was, and she saw herself how she truly was.  Reborn
(We see Butch – whose real name is apparently Cyrus Gold, which is a comic thing I don’t get).
But the cure reminds us that there is always hope for who we can be, rather than who we were.  Lee doesn’t know if the city deserves saving – but if anyone can save it, and himself in the process, it’s Jim.
She closes by saying that maybe one day he’ll make his way back to her, but - until then – she sends her love always.   Gee. All the collateral damage, the bullets Mario and Valerie took respectively to their skull and gut, all totally worth it to get to the deeply moving conclusion of this soulful relationship.
(An aside – Lee’s left town because she can’t bear what Gotham’s really like?  I suppose there’s the implication in the letter that she wants to move on and change but…I don’t know.  This just feels like a damp squib.)
Can I come in, Captain?
No - you threw me against the train car – twice.  I felt like a freaking cartoon.
Jim apologises.  You better have a few more of those to dish out, blondie, sincere and grovelling ones before you and I will be on good terms again.
Lee’s left town again. Jim will apparently be OK.  Harvey asks if he wants a drink.  Jim points out it’s noon, and Harvey points out he didn’t ask the time.  Jim asks if there’s word on Tetch.  You might want to sound just the slightest bit repentant, there, Jim – you slit his throat and left him for dead. Harvey says he’s apparently been patched up in a hospital and is safely back in Arkham.
(An aside: There - right there - is the crux of the problem with Jim.  He'll apologise to Harvey - because Harvey is 'good' and deserves an apology.  Jervis deserves an apology too, awful though he is, but I doubt he'll ever get it, because Jim sees him as a 'bad' person.  This self-righteousness is now even less tolerable, given that Jim is now aware that he apparently has his own deep dark desire to murder everyone he meets, and that Lee, his angel at the hearth, is drawn to darkness and violence.)
Jim feels like doing some honest detective work after all the craziness.  Harvey suggests they hit the streets like beat cops and stir up some trouble.  Jim snarks that’s maybe beneath him now – him being the best cop Harvey’s ever worked with and all.  They banter their way out.
A city street. A family walking home is threated by a mugger.  A masked figure appears from nowhere, beats the mugger and runs.  We look upwards to the rooftops to see the figure take off his mask and gaze out over the city.  It’s Bruce, finally on his path.
Some random observations.
Jim and Bruce were paralleled this week.  Bruce under the conditioning of the sensei, Jim in the grips of the virus.  They both do a Very Bad Thing while not in their right minds, and murder proxy parent figures: Bruce kills his own, Jim kills Oswald’s.  They both regain clarity and remorse the moment the act is carried out.  The main difference here is that Bruce gets to take it back.  Jim can’t.
If I have an overall quibble – it’s that, well, brainwashing and crazy viruses are a little…. cheap, as plot devices.  If the only way you can envisage your character doing something is because someone has – to all intents and purposes – cast a magic spell on them, then maybe that’d because that action is wildly ooc?
I’ve commented in the recap for the previous episode that I find Jim’s response to the virus to be absurd.
I felt the Jim and Lee plot fizzled badly.  Lee felt relatively removed from the storyline in these episodes after being so important last week, and to hint at a battle with Barbara and then not deliver was an…. odd choice.  Plus – and I accept this is entirely subjective – Jim and Lee’s relationship lacks the emotional resonance to carry a substantial part of the plot.  Bruce and Alfred, Oswald and Fish, Bruce and Selina, Barbara and Tabitha, Butch and Tabitha… any one of these packed more emotional punch here than Jim and Lee.  I’m supposed to care, because they’re the ‘grand romance’ – but it’s always felt perfunctory, and it looked particularly shallow here.
On top of that, when you’ve infected them – and simply made Lee obsessive about Jim (because that’s essentially what they narrowed her darkness fascination to in this episode), and made Jim a violent jerk – well, where’s my emotional investment in either of them?  You’ve just reminded me of their worst qualities.  I’m barely invested in their tepid sane relationship, why should I care about this one?
So, where do we leave everyone?
 Alfred - ties strengthened with Bruce.  Should probably have to deal with psychological fallout, but we won't see it.
Barbara - electrocuted, no allies left, presumably about to become Harley
Barnes - on the loose, after Jim - but apparently not for the last two episodes, where he went to a spa or something, or did a Netflix binge.  Who knows.
Bruce - has found his sense of mission. Ties strengthened with Alfred. Insulted Selina. Should presumably want to apologise after Alfred tells him Selina almost died trying to warn him about the clone - but who knows if the show will remember that.
Butch - Injured, presumably about to become some notable character
Ed - literally on ice. Should be chastened when he comes out, but possibly after revenge on Oswald
Harvey - Captain. Still Jim's ally, but with the vague feeling that some day he's not going to go along with one of Jim's plans.
Ivy - now part of a family: Oswald, Bridget and Victor.  Particularly close and loyal to Oswald.  Presumably still has ties with Selina, although might be strained after Selina gave Oswald up to Ed and co.
Jervis - back in Arkham, presumably harbouring an even bigger grudge against Jim
Jim - I have literally no fucking clue.Theoretically, he should be reeling with the impact of finding out about his father, and witnessing his uncle's suicide.  He should be taking a long, hard look at himself after his bullshit deep and meaningful 'killer' revelation.  He should be processing the end of his relationship.  He should be dealing with the emotional and practical consequences of what he did when infected - on both himself and others.  I suspect I will see none of this.  He's got a letter from Lee telling him he's the man to save the city, despite ample proof to the contrary.  It also talks about him saving himself - but I'm never given any extended opportunity to find out what Jim thinks about himself, and his behaviour and attitude both vacillate wildly week to week depending on what the storyline needs him to do.  I don't know where we go with him from here.
Lee - left town, didn't sound like coming back soon, presumably reflecting on what she discovered about herself and her secret fascination with darkness.
Lucius - still at GCPD. Tied closely to Harvey.  Might be interested in Ed's welfare.
Oswald - presumably grieving for Fish, but otherwise doing very well.  A number of old wrongs addressed, new club planned, family structure of sorts, especially close to Ivy, and a renewed sense of himself and his abilities.  He should theoretically be alienated from Jim - but how he'll weigh the virus in his actions remains to be seen - we've seen Oswald be inexplicably forgiving on this front before without any convenient excuses.
Selina - alienated from Bruce. Is tired of simply surviving between being roped into Bruce's missions. Wants more, and is willing to learn from Tabitha, with whom she seems to have found some companionship. Presumably still has ties with Ivy, who saved her life.
Tabitha - association with Butch and Barbara over - unwillingly in Butch's case, willingly in Barbara's. Has new sense of purpose in acting as a mentor to Selina.
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briisadapaz · 7 years
Alfred: Estive em lugares obscuros, assim como você… Você precisa encontrar seu verdadeiro norte e deixar que isso guie você. Bruce: Qual é o seu? Alfred: Você. Sempre foi você… Precisa encontrar algo que realmente se importe. E protegê-lo a todo custo. E quando achar, nunca estará perdido de novo.
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strokedeeznuts · 3 years
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"Why, do you have someplace you have to be?"
"Does it matter??"
-Oswald Cobblepot
-Edward Nygma
-Gotham s3e22 "Heavydirtysoul"
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political-bagel · 7 years
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Fixed it.
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wtfpeng · 7 years
So what you’re telling me is that Gotham was on fire, people were running around infected with the Tetch virus and killing people, and Gotham was in total havoc…
And Jerome didn’t get out of Arkham during that?
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millicentcordelia · 6 years
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Gotham s3e22: “The choice is now yours. Stay Bruce Wayne or accept your destiny. Become Gotham's dark knight.”
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S3E21/E22
Also, from this point on (from the S3 finale on), ALL of my Gotham reaction posts will be marked with the spoiler tags because while S4 has been over for about a month and a half now, I know some people on Tumblr have not been able to watch it yet.
As for the other reactions from S3, they are still works in progress at the moment because I am super busy at this moment.
On with da show!
OH SNAP!  Everyone’s goin’ nuts!
How the heck are they gonna disinfect the whole town?!?
“I’m [Jim] fine, Harvey.”  NO YOU’RE NOT
*Jim hands Harvey his gun*  There we go.
“Where’s Bruce?”  In some shit.  In some mighty shit.
Wait, there is an antidote [to the virus]?!?
Of freaking course Strange tries to make a run for it.
Oh that shot of Ed watching Gotham burn through the window is awesome
God, Barbara’s wearing that hideous striped dress again.
Ed is just completely stone-faced when Barbara starts running her hand down his face
“So where is this virus?  I [Fish] know there’s more.”  Oh God, please don’t.
*jams to the heavy guitar music that plays when Fish and her men leave with Strange*
“Killer... killer... you’re a killer.”  Oh I hate this
God, you could just see Jim just struggle to control himself with the virus...
How the heck is Alfred gonna snap Bruce out of this brainwash?
God, this whole interrogation scene between Bruce and Alfred is breaking my heart because you can just see Alfred look so heartbroken.
*Oswald reveals that he took the machine that Strange used to give him “therapy” in S2*  OH SNAP!
*Jim punches his way through the wall of ice with the virus*  Whoaa...
*is silent when Alfred tries telling Bruce some of his childhood memories in order to help Bruce snap out of it*
God, Sean Pertwee and David Mazouz are amazing in this scene... oh my God...
“I [Alfred] love you, Master Bruce.  I would do anything for you.  I would die for you.”  *yells in pain*
*Lucius knocks out Virus!Alvarez with a typewriter*  OH!  GO, LUCIUS!
*gasps when Lee pops up in Barbara’s club*
Oh snap, are we gonna have a Lee vs. Tabitha fight scene?
AN:  Nope.  Just Virus!Lee being Virus!Lee  :/
Bruce, where are you going?
So... what’s the antidote comprised of?
God, Fish, do not freaking drop it [the row of antidote vials]!
What the...
What.... who are these guys?
*Mr. Freeze blasts an assassin out of the air with his freeze gun*  OOOHHHHH!!!
Did Jim just freaking take down like five ninjas by himself?!?
*gasps when Jim stabs Fish*
AND SHE [Fish] DROPPED THEM [the vials of antidote]!  JIM, NOO!!
Oh my freaking God, they killed off Fish Mooney. 
“... I [Hugo] just need one thing.”  Oh God.
I actually really like this Barbara and Ed team-up, even if it is temporary.
*Bruce finds the Yuyan building*  Wait, so Ra’s has been hanging out in Gotham this entire time?  Seriously?
“I’m [Alfred] gonna follow Bruce.”  God, this is such a bad idea...
*gasps*  The League of Assassins! 
Wait, they were the ones that took out Fish’s goons!
OH MY GOOODDD IT’S THE LAZARUS PIT!  In all its glowy green glory!
“I am Ra’s al Ghul.”  YEAH YOU ARE!
“But for all my [Ra’s] years, all my travels, there is one thing that I never found:  a true heir.”  Yep, it’s definitely him.  Here we go.
*gasps when the League drags Alfred into the room*
*Ra’s slaps Alfred across the face*  NO!
“Kill him.”  YOU BETTER NOT!
*clutches pillow in worry*
“And you’re [Bruce] gonna remember how much I [Alfred] love you.”  Oh my God, this is killing me!
Like I know Alfred isn’t gonna die because he’s in S4 but oh my Gooddd....
“And I scooped you [baby!Bruce] up in my arms, and I held you, and you opened your eyes and you looked at me.  And at that moment, I decided that I would do anything for you.”  Oh my God.... Alfred...
*utterly screams in horror into my pillow when Bruce stabs Alfred through the chest*
This show better not make me cry during the middle of the night, I swear to God...
“[Bruce] Your strength only confirms what the prophecy has foretold:  an heir to serve as my [Ra’s] knight in the darkness.”  Oh my God..
I’m sorry, but what the hell?!?
Oh my God, use the Lazarus Pit to revive Alfred!
*Alfred comes back*  OH MY GOD YES!
[Incoming:  Lee]  Screw this noise
Wait, so do Jim and Lee still have the virus or has it worn off?
“And I want you [Jim] with me [Lee].  But I want the real you.”  Nope, they still have it.  Son of a...
“I [Jim] need to save Lee!”  Oh no.
So are Barbara and Tabitha is supremely on-again, off-again girlfriends at this point or what?
“Yeah, Penguin, Nygma, Tetch all in the same place for a high-stakes hostage swap.  What could possibly go wrong?!?”  Same sentiments here, Harvey!
*Oswald knocks out Ed*  OHHHH!
*Oswald steals Jim and Harvey’s cop car*  FREAKING OSWALD!
God, Bruuuuccee!
God, [Jim] do not listen to to Jervis...
*gasps when we see Jervis scream offscreen*
“[Gloating] was always one of your least attractive qualities, Oswald.”  Oh snap.
*Oswald puts on his bowler hat*  Oh there we go.
Oh my God, they’re [Tabitha and Butch] gonna freaking kill Barbara!
*Tabitha kisses Butch on the cheek*  Oh my gosh.
“Because you [Selina] don’t believe in in anyone or anything but yourself!”  Oh.
“What are you even doing here, Selina?  You don’t give a damn about Alfred, and you sure as hell don’t care about me [Bruce]!”  Yes she does!  You two are over the moon for each other!  Reconcile right now!
“I want you.”  Oh you better not.
*Jim and Lee kiss*  Oh my God...
“You want to know why I [Ed] could never love someone like you, Oswald?  Because you are a spoiled child who throws a tantrum any time he doesn’t get what he wants!  Especially when what he wants doesn’t want him back.”  Oooooohhh!!!
“[Ed] Your entire persona was based on a lie!”  Oh.  Snap.
Sunglasses.  Real non-conspicuous, you guys [Lee and Jim]...
C’mon, Harvey!
“[Jim] You’re the best cop I ever worked with.  The best friend I’ve ever had.”  Oh my gosh... Harvey...
*Jim finds two vials of the antidote on the back of his badge*  YESSSS!!!
*Jim gives Lee the antidote*  There we go!  Finally! 
*Jim gives himself the antidote*  There... we go...
*gasps when Barbara shoots Butch in the head*
“I [Bruce] don’t know what I [Alfred] would do without you...”  God, Bruce, you’re actually gonna make me cry...
Oh my God, we’re back at the dock.  Great.
Oswald, I’m actually really liking your outfit in this episode.
“Any last words [Oswald]?”  Sike?
*jaw drops when Ed’s gun is revealed to be empty*
*gasps*  Ivy!  And Mr. Freeze!
Oh my gosh this music here!
“You knew that I’d bring you here [to the dock].”  Because you’re too predictable!
“I [Oswald] may be driven by my emotions, but you [Ed] are driven by something much more predictable: a desperate, compulsive need to complete what you've started in exacting fashion.”  Oh.  Snap.
*gasps when Mr. Freeze freezes Ed*
“Barbara?”  Oh God, here we go...
“Yes.  I [Barbara] killed him [Butch].”  Crap.
*Barbara kisses Tabitha mid-fight*  What the....
*gasps when Tabitha electrocutes Barbara*
I’m sorry, what?!?!?
“I [Bruce] don’t know who I am, Alfred.  Who am I supposed to be?”  Batman.
God, Bruce is probably gonna go through some hardcore PTSD in the beginning of S4
*Selina eyes Tabitha’s whip*  Here we go!
“What are we gonna call it [Oswald’s new club]?”  “The Iceberg Lounge.”  THERE WE GO!
Where the heck did Lee go?  Out of town, hopefully.
*jaw drops when we see the Ed-sicle in the middle of the Iceberg Lounge*
*gasps*  Butch!
“That’s Butch Gilzean.”  “Really?  His chart lists his birth name as Cyrus Gold.”  WHAAAATTT?!?
Oh my gosh, and she’s [Lee] wearing the same outfit that she wore when she came back in the beginning of the season!
“I [Harvey] didn’t ask you [Jim] what time it was.  I asked if you wanted to get a drink.”  Sounds marvelous!
“Yoi know, I’d [Jim] actually like to get back to being a detective.  Do some some good old-fashioned police work.  The kind that doesn’t involve secret cults or blood viruses.”  Oh, wait til you get to Jeremiah, buddy... just you wait.
Whoa, wait, what is this?
*gasps when we hear a whooshing sound above the crime scene*
Take it off, take it off, take it off, take it-
*Bruce takes off his ski mask*  YOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
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wtfpeng · 7 years
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I shared this on my secondary blog (@political-bagel), so I might as well on my usual blog too. I fixed it.
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