#sorry for the rant but I needed to get this put pf my system
venusbutkafkaesque · 2 years
Ngl, I wish it was safe for me to have a platform to talk openly about being a lesbian and femme4butch.
Every day I see other butches and femmes connecting and forming beautiful friendships thanks to social media and I envy them so much, it feels like looking through a window, like being shut away from my own community.
I spend hours imagining scenarios where I live far away from my small town, I imagine myself with them, I live through them, but at the end of the day, in real life I’m still alone.
(Ofc, they don’t know me and don’t have any reason to let me in but I just wish I could be part of that social circle, finally talking to someone who understand)
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charleslebatman · 11 months
Okay about the retirement act: it’s not wrong that the retirement age is going up, people need to realise that Europe is aging and not enough babies are born that will keep the economy going on for longer. 64 as a retirement age is pretty normal in the rest pf the European countries. [what oecd/google tells you after a quick google: Excluding Turkey, the minimum current retirement age across Europe is 62 years for men and 60 years for women. The current retirement age is 65 years or over in most European countries where OECD data is available] (also for example in my country there are talks about it being bound to life expectancy from 2030 so we will see. If it passes I might work myself to death lol)
The problem is with the way it was increased, going from 62 to 67 (also the reasoning of 43 years of full work contribution is just nonexistent) is too big of a jump to be done like this (because who will get 43 years of work and steady income until 64?💀), the way it got introduced and pushed through, and it doesn’t really offer any benefits like in other countries, for example lower retirement age for women that gave birth. The act itself is very bad, and I am saying it as someone who works with some very bad acts/laws. That’s my two/five cents.
The other thing is a clearly privileged girlie liking a tweet about it, which is bound to leave an awful aftertaste in people. Not everyone is as lucky to have rich family and study something (admittedly) useless for normal life as art. No wonder she deleted her account, I too would because this is not painting her in that “shy artsy lovely girl” light that is being pushed down our throats by her army 😒
Sorry for the long rant-ish message besties, but I don’t think lot of people around here know what we are talking about. 🦁
Thanks for this. ❤️ I’m too much involved in this to be enough clear and objective.
Above all, people are going to work themselves to death in difficult jobs, and they'll never be able to retire at 64. They'll even be forced to retire later. That's the main problem, even for those who have studied long and hard. People will never have accumulated enough to have a decent retirement at 64. So they're more likely to retire at almost 70. Even for those who've worked their asses off to get a long education.
It's sexist, as the government itself has admitted. ☠️ Many countries with retirement at 68 were even shocked by this law. This law was the beginning of the end for France. It's not for nothing that today there are riots everywhere. Everything's on fire, and the army is likely to come out.
So, to see a girl who takes advantage of the french system for her studies, but will be able to return home without being impacted by this law, appreciated this kind of talk puts me on edge I can't hide it. I think it’s better to shut myself on her now. If you want to talk about her, I’ll share it but I'll give less my opinion. My contempt will show too much and I'll really be biased. ☠️
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