#sorry i just. aaaaaaaaaaaaa. explodes.
riddlerosehearts · 1 year
godddd it is always so hard getting into media that has sibling characters especially when the fandom is smaller and when the siblings are adopted :(
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channoticedmeuwu · 3 years
`°dates with na jaemin
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holy holy holy holy HOLY NA JAEMIN
this babie is seXshEeeee
Ok sorry about that
So I feel like jaemin and dates would be adorable.
He's usually one to take you on midnight food dates or midnight drives
Or maybe just even eating ramen together on a lazy 4am night
He'd consider that as a date
Because the small moments with you is what he treasures, not what you're doing or where you are
It's more like "oh she's with me", rather than, "oh we're at the movies" uknow?
like he'd wake you up just to gaze at stars
That's the na jaemin for you
Dates in general would be chill and not very extravagant
Just calm, still, and only depend on each other to lighten the mood
And honestly, with a laid back personality like his, he enjoys those better
But obviously y'all are a power couple, am I right?
The cheerful bitches that you are
You surE LOOOOVE the amusement park, am I right?
Imagine going on a date with Jaemin at Disney Land
when you both are at a chill date
Jaemin is just very very very calm and chill
Most of your dates are chill actually
Just getting in bed after a shower, hair still messy and damp, clothes kinda wet, and just his warm cheeks leaning next to yours as you watch Toy Story
yes, I said Toy Story, its my comfort movie ok leave me alone
So yes, just watching a movie and smiling together, maybe adding small comments in here and there
Lazy pecks and tight hugs
And chuckling
Slowly either one of you just you actually would fall asleep and the other just jaemin actually would be cooing over the other you
most of it would just be alot of touching and pecking and hugging
Just feeling safe in each other's arms
Sometimes Jaemin wouldn't even focus on the movie, just watch your beautiful, glassy eyes stare at the screen with such interest like WOW he's in love
He'd find himself tearing your face away from the screen and just kissing you
You'd be like "damn is everything ok?"
"yeah, everything is fine, why?"
"that was sudden, jaemie."
"oh, no, you're just pretty"
And obviously you'd start blushing, and he'd start blushing, and it's just two cute morons staring at each other all heart eyes
Get a room smh
so yes, he's very much into falling for your cute aura
When you both go to fun, exciting dates
So, like I mentioned, Jaemin doesn't care where you both are
As long as you're together, he's happy
But, your happiness matters to him, too
So occasionally, you'd suggest where you want to go
This time, you said amusement park, and he said "AHAHAHAH WHY NOT BITCH"
So here you two are, standing together, hand in hand, with your eyes the size of golf balls as you stare at the incREDIBLY fast dollar coaster whOOSHING here and there
Not to mention the scREAMING AAAAA
but, since you're ready for this shit to go down, and so is he, y'all are in line
At first, he's all like "oH yEaH bAbY yOu cAn hOlD mY hAnD iF yOUre scArEd uKnow??"
And you're like 👁️👄👁️👍
But as soon as it's your turn to sit in, he's all, "actually uknow what, this is a bad idea."
And you're just laughing
In the end he kinda just was literally DROWNING in your chest BECAUSE HES SO MF SCARED
But it was literally all worth it because the smILE you gave him after you both hopped out
He MELTED let me tell you MELTED
Into pink shaded, orange scented glitter
and he's like "oh wOW"
Eventually you'd go on smaller rides too
Like the carousel and ferris wheel
And you two may or may not have stopped at the veRY top of the ferris wheel
And he's holding your arms and you're holding his
and you're just like "wow look at these stars"
And he's looking
Correction : he's TRYing to look
But he can't when the literal UNIVERSE is sitting right infront of him, holding his hands
He kind of taps your cheek and says "yn."
Really serious
"look at me."
You look down and fuCK
He just leans in and gives you a quick yet meaningful kiss on your lips
After a while, when the wheel is moving again, he's smacking his lips all suspiciously
And when you ask what's up, he's like "oh, just a question, but, did you put on cherry flavoured chapstick?"
in the end, you're standing down, hand in hand, staring at the fireworks
And wow the world really meant something then and there for both of you
Staring at fireworks and your reason together? Seems like a pretty good combo
Jaemin would absolutely aDORE moments like these with you
At the end of the day, he'd enjoy a day out
Especially with someone like you
His one and only :D
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nct dream : masterlist
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plucky-belmondo · 4 years
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[ @angelfairy-ships​ / @raudrfox​ ]
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💘 - hhhhhhhhh-*explode*
gosh dang where do i begin with my husband in terms of gushing? has there been a time where I HAVEN’T gushed about him? most likely not!!
i don’t think i’ll ever stop gushing about my dear hunter!! i mean ffs, look at him, how can anyone NOT love R/ichter??? he’s strong, has a gold heart, and heck, he’s p r e t t y y y y ~ HECK MAN regardless of which F/O i’m thinking about, my thoughts immediately make a beeline for him and I’m just--aaaaa--i’m sorry, i just love my hubband to the point i have to pick up my heart pieces for the 14, 853, 278th time (i might as well borrow the Poltergust 5000 to suck them up xD)
seeing him for the first time made my heart go 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖; i didn’t expect myself falling for him this hard, but there’s just...SOMETHING about him aside from what i mentioned that made me go dokidoki!! i wanna hold his hand (how lewd of me--) and be carried by him now aaaaaaaaaaaaa-
r/ichter if you’re out there, blease dm me ;w;
❤️ - His greatest weakness is whenever I give him a small kiss on his neck, it basically renders him into jelly!!
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1,2,3,5,7,8,9,11,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,24,28,29,30,31,39 Just talk about what makes you feel good.
//1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie. I don't really have a favorite movie, and I barely remember watching some movies I'm sorry lol. 2: Talk about your first kiss. It's something I wish had never happened. It was in the middle of the hallway, right before class. It was quick. And not what I was expecting. I hated it. 3: Talk about the person you've had the most intense romantic feelings for. Oh, now you're gonna make me ramble about my lover? That's great! I love talking about her!!!! She's so patient and understanding and cute and silly and she doesn't mind Everything that's wrong with me(which is everything). And she finds my possessive and protectiveness attractive and aaaaaaaaaaaaa I love her so much. I want her to be happy, no matter the cost. I hope I can be included in the happiness, but if she doesn't ever want that anymore...as long as she's happy I'll be able to understand. 5: Talk about the best birthday you've had.IT WAS JUST LAST YEAR AND WE WENT TO ALBANY. There's this really expensive restaurant there, that they have in Dallas. So, we went all the way to Albany just for the restaurant. We also went to a hibachi grill, which was awesome! 7: Talk about your biggest insecurity.Hnggg my personality. I can live with being ugly, but being annoying? Nope. I'm always scared people will say something about my interests or how I'm so clingy and possessive and loud. So I usually try to keep quiet about stuff when I'm with people. 8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of.My writing and my art! Only a few years ago I was absolutely terrible and now I might be considered good! It's great! I love the arts~ 9: Talk about little things on your body that you like the most.I have two scars. One on my right arm, and one on my left breast. The one on my breast is from a cat I used to have. It's like something from him to keep me from forgetting him. It's becoming more faint so I'm scared it will go away. The one on my arm is from when I accidentally made a glass pan explode. My mom's now ex then bf got pissed at me. When I was having a panic Attack. I just….i don't mind scars…..11: Talk about the best dream you've ever had.I never remember my dreams, sorry. 13: Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time.I'm sorry, I'd rather not talk about this. 14: Talk about a vacation. Eeeeeeee not too long about I went to universal! And Diagon Alley! I lost my pumpkin juice!15: Talk about the time you were most content in life. Recently, I've felt rather content. Yea, I have shit going on. But I'm getting a bit better. I have people who actually care. My little brother. My lover. Things aren't 100% horrible anymore. 16: Talk about the best party you've ever been to. I've never been to a party and the dances I've always went to end up sucking. 17: Talk about someone you want to be friends with.We don't talk much. But I'd like to talk more. You're one of the few people I trust. Besides, your accent is probably amazing. 18: Talk about something that happened in elementary school.In kindergarten a boy kissed me and wouldn't leave me alone and it got to the point that my mom took me out of kindergarten and had to homeschool me. 19: Talk about something that happened in middle school. I made my Tumblr. 20: Talk about something that happened in high school. I had my first girlfriend. Her name is Emily. We don't talk anymore. We were really close friends….21: Talk about a time you had to turn someone down. Just a few months ago a friend messaged me, telling me that they liked me. It was awkward….i considered him a brother. I told him I'd think about it and now I'm a lesbian. 22: Talk about your worst fear. Being forgotten. Or abandoned. I don't like being alone. And, I've moved around so much I've never gotten the chance to make a lasting impression on people. Yet I remember them. Even though they probably don't remember me. 24: Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot. When Lukas started calling me big sister...and we discussed me hopefully being able to get him someplace safe….the fact that he trusts me. To want to stay with me. And be so open with me. It means so very much. 28: Talk about your fetishes. Are kinks and fetishes the same thing? Cause like? I don't think I really have a fetish? But I have kinks? 29: Talk about what turns you on. @nyo2p-norways-googlesearches *awkward coughing* yea, love, tell the people...what turns me on? (When you're too awkward to answer things so you just throw your girlfriend under the bus, probably causing things to become more awkward)30: Talk about what turns you off. Men. Daddy/mommy kinks. Um... assholes. ?????? 31: Talk about what you think death is like. I'm….not really sure. 39: Talk about things you wish you'd known earlier. I wish I knew it was okay to open up to people. And be upset. And...to still not be okay with things that seemed to happen forever ago. That it's okay to not be able to trust people easily….
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andyl394 · 7 years
10 Signs an Introvert Likes You (9/10)
Summary: Bucky wasn’t the type of guy to show his feelings and neither were you the one to notice subtle things, until you come across this video. A guidance that may help you discover rather The Winter Soldier likes you or not.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 910
Chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Warnings: None, just cursing and FLUFF.
A/N: So, I found this video here and the idea crossed my mind. YEAH, I TOOK A LONG TIME I’M INCREDIBLY SORRY, I TRULY AM BUT NOW I’LL HAVE A 15 DAYS VACATIONS AND I’M FINISHING EVERYTHING! ALL THE REQUESTS, THIS SERIES, I’LL WRITE FOR HAPPY YOU’RE HERE AND CLUB SECURITY AND AAAAAAAAAAAAA ENJOY <3 (btw, I had written the start of this chapter a long time ago so when I read it today, I almost cried bc I’m a emotional mess.)
Masterlist of the Series
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Nine: Revealing secrets – Everyone has a secret they keep to themselves. Introverts – especially – are very careful about who they reveal their secrets to, it can be something like allowing you to read their diary or sharing an important aspect of their past. If an introvert is allowing you to know a secret part of their life, you are someone whom they really trust and like.
Your eyes were wide open; Bucky was screaming the whole night and you couldn’t sleep with the sounds, they were physically hurting you.
The feeling of your stomach sinking made you cringe, the pain on your heart made the air get stuck in your throat and you couldn’t handle his pain.
The screams stopped, finally. Making you think that Steve must have wakened Bucky, so you waited for him to enter your room in a couple hours and cry on your neck.
The light knock on your door made you fly to open, thinking it was Bucky earlier than the other times, but you frowned in confusion when you saw Steve on his pajamas, calling you with his hand.
“What?” He smiled softly and took your hand before walking into Bucky’s room with you on his heels.
You had never seen Bucky that way.
Yeah, you had seen him cry, but not the way he was at that moment.
He lifted his bloodshot eyes at you before getting back to cry again, burying his face on his arm.
“See, pal? She’s okay. She’s safe.” Steve whispered, getting close with you, he sat on one side of the bed while you went to another, hesitantly caressing Bucky’s hair.
“I-I thought I…” You shooed him, laying him gently, covering his body with the cushion and glancing at Steve to also lay down.
“I’m okay, Buck. You would never hurt me, you love me too much to do that.” He gave a little chuckle and you smiled, taking his hands off his eyes so he could look at you. “Steve and I will stay here with you to shoo away the bad dreams, ok?”
Your heart sank when you saw his vulnerable state, it was something you weren’t use to see at any cost.
You noticed that he couldn’t stop crying and so you pulled him more to your side, making him lay almost on top of you as you jokingly ‘oofed’ at his weight.
“You need to go easy on those donuts, love.” He chuckled between sobs, mumbling against your neck:
“Don’t you fat-shame me, little Kitten.” You laughed, running your fingers through his hair and wiping the tears from his cheeks
“I’m not fat-shaming you, I’m just saying! How do you expect me to carry you bridal style on our wedding?!” When he gave you a hearted laugh, denying with his head and getting more comfortable by turning you around and cuddling your back, you knew he was already starting to feel better.
“You’ll have to hit the gym harder, I don’t care. You’ll find your way, but you’ll have to lift me from the church to our home with a white fence.”
“Baby-blue will look weird! Right, Steve?” He turned his neck, expecting to see Captain America in there, but was met with an empty bed.
“It will not! Baby-blue is perfect. Is not completely white so we don’t have to paint it each month but is also not completely blue so we won’t get sick of looking at it.” Bucky hummed, resting his chin on your shoulder as you tangled your fingers with his.
“Is there anything I say that will make you choose another color?”
“Can I change your mind with donuts?” You bit back a grin, looking over your shoulder, your face inches away from yours and you couldn’t help but follow his lips with your eyes. When you looked back at his blue orbs, you thought you saw his looking at your lips, just like you had done with him.
“I’m listening.” You cleared your throat, turning your head to the front again.
There were a couple minutes of silence until you felt him moving away, you were ready to complain about the cold when he hugged you again, tugging his metal arm under the pillow and waving a diary in front of your face.
“I… I want you to read it.” You grabbed the notebook carefully, afraid it would fall apart in your touch.
“Buck… Are you sure? I know Steve is the only one who read it… If you’re not ready-”
“I am. I want you to read it.” He kissed your shoulder gently, hugging you harder as you slowly opened it - as if you were waiting for him to take his memories away from you.
Bucky slept after an hour and a half, but you kept reading it, drinking everything you could from his life, at least what he remembered.
You were caressing his hand so he wouldn’t have nightmares, when you felt yourself finally getting sleepy. Turning to face him, you studied his features; the men you loved seem to be in such pain that brought a sinking feeling to your stomach.
The diary was in his night-stand and your hands on his cheeks, softly tracing the wrinkles on his forehead.
“Thank you.” You said, kissing them and snuggling even more into him.
It had only a couple of seconds left and you felt like your heart was going to explode out of your chest.
10signs: @perrychastain @becaamm @the-witching-hours12-3  @17marvelousfreak  @i-just-love-bucky-barnes
All Bucky: @ifoundlove-x0vanessa0x @aya-fay
Condemn to a forever tagging: @fangirlandnerd @noones-girl1980 @myplaceofthingsilove  @hopelessgarbage  @elaacreditava
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andyl394 · 7 years
REQUESTED - Familiarity (1/2)
Request: So, i don't know if u take requests, but, i would like to make one. I saw u liked some Peter Parker X Reader stuff ( I'm not a stalker, I SWEAR) and i was wondering if u would do a one-shot or something like that about the reader being Peter's classrommate but for some reason being called to the avengers, and he is there in his suit and he keep seeing her in the school wondering why she was there? pls? - Anon
Pairing: Peter Parker X Reader
Word Count: 2,174
Warning: None, just cursing (Tell me something new)
(A/N): I’M HAPPY BECAUSE THIS IS MY FIRST REQUEST AND AAAAAAAAAAAAA <3 (Btw, It took me a long time to choose ONE gif, I’ve been looking gifs for a looooooong time by now.)
Part2 | Masterlist
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“Peter Parker is staring at you again.” My friend said under her breath, making me raise my eyes to where I knew the boy were before she even finished her sentence, and as if he heard her and saw me catching him staring, his gaze turned to the book in front of him. I chuckled at his red ears, and that seemed to make him even more embarrassed.
“He’s cute.” That time, I was the one staring. Not that I haven’t done it before, Peter just had this thing hidden under his soft, cute and “harmless” surface that always made my detective side itch.
“And you are totally calling him to a date.” She said, smiling at my arched brown “I know you have a crush on him; I’ve seen you looking at him before, Y/N. Don’t even try to lie.” I giggled and shrugged my shoulders, hearing her huff “If you don’t go there and call him, I will for you. However, I’ll make it from right here. You know how my voice is powerful.” She just winked at me with a smirk, fuck.
“I hate you.” I groaned while getting up and taking a breath before walking to where he was sitting, he had earphones but that didn’t stop him to look at me surprised when I sited in front of him, trying to give my best smile. He took his earphones slowly looking around to see if there was someone else before looking back at me “Hey, you’re Peter Parker, right?” Of course he was Peter Parker! Fuck, the teachers knew his name just because he was always late!
“Huh, y-yeah…”
“Y/N… I know you.” I laughed at his embarrassed face, and took a time to study him from close. He had muscles, even though they were hidden under coats of shirts and of a hoodie.
“So, I thought you were really cute and I know you are fan of the same things as me, so I was thinking, would you like to go out with me to the arcade on the center of the city?” He almost choked with my boldness, but please, I ain’t got time to be playing a shy ‘let’s be friends’ girl.
“I-I w-would l-love it! W-when?” I smiled from ear to ear and took his notebook from the table and a pen to write my number
“Today at seven?” He nodded like crazy with his head and that made me smile more before sliding the book back to him and say in my most ‘I’m sexy’ voice “I’ll be waiting for you, Peter.”
I heard him gasp in surprise while I got back to my table, finally feeling my cheeks blush when seeing my best friend laughing like crazy, curled on the books, almost sobbing
“I-I love you, Y/N. You are my spirit animal!” I just chuckled, going back to my studies, proud of myself to be able to call the boy I liked on a date without squeaking, even though I was an agent, I was still a human with awkwardness.
I had to run to my apartment, for the first time happy to live alone so I didn’t have to explain nothing to no one. I smiled at my on reflection; it was still me. Comfortable, pretty and with analytical eyes.
When I opened my door, ready to run to catch a bus, I stumbled into a massive chest. Jesus Christ, that man was a fucking wall!
I looked up at the both man, frowning my brows and locking my jaw. They were familiar, but I didn’t know them.
“Excuse me, are you Y/N?” The one I had hit asked, blushing slightly at my angry gaze. I studied him more, strong, blonde, and a little shy.
“Captain America.” I said, crossing my arms and checking the other man, it didn’t took me long to recognize him. “Tony Stark, A.K.A Iron Man. What do you want?” The Captain glanced surprised at the Stark
“Do you mind if we came in?” He asked and I looked at the time, I had half an hour to be there
“Actually, I do. Look, I would be pleasantly happy to welcome two heroes at my home at any day. But I have a date with a boy I’ve liked for a while, and I’ll be late if I don’t go right fucking now.” I said, making Tony Stark lower his glasses and smirk slightly. Oh, for fuck’s sake, is night. Why is he wearing sun glasses?
“We want your help.” He finally said, making me frown my brows
“Three minutes, and here, in the hallway. By the smell, my neighbors are too high to understand anything.”
“Look, I’m not sure if-”
“Two minutes and forty seconds.” I crossed my arms, seeing Stark giggle
“I like her. We want you to be part of the new Avenger’s intelligence. Natasha Romanoff heard of you from S.H.I.E.L.D, they got an eye on you. But well, we are quicker.” My jaw almost fell to the ground. Ok, one thing was being an ‘agent’ slash ‘hacker’, other was being An Agent. “But, we need you right now.” A groan came out of my mouth, I didn’t want to turn Peter down! Especially because I was stupid and didn’t ask his number, so if I called him by the number I got, it would be weird!
“Fine, but I have to set a new fucking date with Peter.” I mumbled while searching my phone in my bag, Stark and Captain America glanced at each other in surprise.
“Language.” Steve whispered and I smirked
“Fucking language, I know. My grandmother would always scream that I fucking cursed too much, but she would curse in between phrases- Oh, hey, Peter!” I smiled at myself when my phone ringed right when I was ready to call him
“Huh, Hey, Y/N… So… Huh, S-something happened and… huh, I can’t go… Sorry.” He mumbled looking nervous, I sighed, trying to look disappointed “I’m really sorry”
“It’s okay… Huh… I guess I’ll have to… Hm, I don’t know.” I smiled at my own sad impression, tilting my head to give a challenging glare at The Captain, which looked surprised at me “Huh, another time, then?” I could even hear him slapping himself and screaming at something to muff his words.
“I would like that. Sorry again.” I just turned the phone down, trying to sell better my “hurt and disappointed”, smiling at both man and crossing my arms again
“Okay, we can go now.” Stark just laughed as if he had won the lottery while the Captain smiled slightly at me and pointed at the corridor, asking without words for me to get out.
The whole trip on Starks car he would been giggling and smiling, while Steve Rogers - I found his name when he pulled his wallet to see something. Well, I got quick eyes. -, was staring at me and blushing when I smirked at him
“Soo, what is so bad that made the two Avengers go knock personally at my door?” I asked, trying to extract something of them before getting there
“It is a security failure on the government and we know you are a good hacker and… ‘Detective’. So, we want your help” The Stark said ironically, making me arch my brow
“Are you mocking my abilities? You know I can read you now and hack your precious high tec car, right?”
“Sweetie, I’m a well-trained man and that build the intelligence of this car to be-”
“Tony Stark is currently single, he is a playboy, he has trust issues, haven’t slept in four days, he likes to eat donuts hidden from everyone in his lab, he wears his iron suit to try to make up the fact that he is a selfish, old man that uses sunglasses at night even though, he looks stupid doing it.” The robotic female voice of his car said, I looked up from my phone with a small grin on my face.
He narrowed his eyes at me while Rogers looked out of the window to try to hide his smile, and by his locked abdomen, I knew he wanted to laugh.
“You know, I really liked you.” I laughed and shrugged my shoulders
“Don’t worry, as long as you don’t doubt me, I’ll be good.” He tried to control his smile, but well, sassy people get along. “By the way, what will I gain with this?”
“Isn’t making good with your abilities and acknowledgment, enough payment?” Rogers said for the first time, making me arch one eyebrow at him
“Can I eat acknowledgment? Can I pay the bills with acknowledgment? I don’t fucking think so.” Stark laughed at my sentence
“She has a point. But, let’s just say your payment will good enough for you to go to a good college.”
“I won’t have to pay for it, I’ll enter with a scholarship.” I mumbled after a few moments, not being able to maintain silence
“Congratulations, you must have earned it.” Rogers said and I blushed slightly with that, I wasn’t used to people congratulating me for this kind of things. “You leave alone?”
“Yes.” I didn’t answer anything than that, it wasn’t something I liked to come up with.
When we finally got to the Avengers tower, I took every way I could run if they were trying to catch me. Well, people are weird, who knows, right? Caution is never too much.
I was welcomed with all the Avengers in the room, fuck they were tall!
“Everyone, this is Y/N, she’ll be helping us with our problem.” I studied everyone, Natasha Romanoff was the one that actually caught my attention, because she had something in her posture that made her stand out.
“I’m late, sorry!” A muffed voice was heard and everyone turned their gaze at Spiderman, he was still in his suit and stopped when saw me. Jeez, I know I am pretty, but don’t have to stare so much.
“Spider boy.” Stark smirked, making me look more into the boy, familiarity.
I controlled a smile when noticing something very interesting.
“So, what exactly you guys need my help with? Even though the boy I have a crush on was the one who turned down on me, I’m still not cool with being brought here just to stand and stare at heroes.” Spiderman gasped, making me control even more the laugh that wanted to explode.
“It’s the codes, someone is breaking them and releasing secret missions and… Other things, to the outside.” Natasha was the one to say it, I have to admit it. Being close to my favorite Avenger made me want to freak the fuck out.
“Is there a laptop or something like that?” She pointed with her head to the Kitchen’s counter, there was a silver laptop on it.
“Hey kiddo, Natasha tried before, don’t feel disappointed if you can’t, kay’?” One of them said, Sam Wilson, had been military.
“Okay.” I mumbled and started to work
“This might take some time, so, do you want us to call someone to warn that you won’t appear?” Captain America said, crossing his arms while I denied with my head, still focused on fixing the problem.
“Nah. And this tactic to make me say what you want, won’t work.” I heard a female laugh that I deduced to be Natasha’s.
“I like her.” I heard her say, I worked for a few more moments, with all the avengers watching me closely.
“Can I have some water, please?” I asked, hoping that it would make at least one of them get out of my back. That was making me nervous, shit.
“Spider, you heard the girl.” The Stark said and I rolled my eyes, the only one that was away, that stupid billionaire brought him close. I thanked when a cup was settled next to my hand
“Done.” I said tapping the last time before finally reaching to the cup of water.
“What? Already?” Someone said, I looked up from my shoulder, seeing that The Winter Soldier was the one to say it. “Natasha took hours and she failed.”
“Mind if I take a look?” She said, still surprised while I denied with my head, turning on the seat to face the others still drinking my water.
“So, how do I go back?” I asked, walking around the living room and receiving chocked gazes
“She did it.” Romanoff said “She even found the IP adress of the ones who broke it... How?”
“It wasn’t hard, actually. But the explanation would take longer than the actual deed.”
“I’ll take you home.” Stark mumbled, still surprised. I smiled at everyone
“You know I could have done that from home, right?” He laughed cheerfully while coming close to me, ready to lead me to the elevator again.
“Y/N, you just saved our asses so good! Thank you!” Sam Wilson said and I just waved with my hand
“It was nothing. Well, see you guys when you need me again. Less you, Peter. See you at school!” I smirked at a chocking Spiderman and followed Tony Stark, he was laughing loudly.
“I definitely like you.”
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