#sorry i really went on a ramble with those kjfgkjfg
cheetee · 2 years
25-28? If that’s not too many. :D
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
One of my characters, in my original writing? Far more than I could possibly tell you. About Encanto characters? Not a great many that I haven't put into text posts, but once upon a time it was going to be plot relevant that Bruno was terrible at school and couldn't speak English, like, even a lick despite studying it for years.
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
I have a very clinical approach to writing. To me, the character POV is a technique, not an emotional state; I am only ever attempting to re-create what words and thoughts might occur to that person, but I will never know the full extent of what goes on in their mind, and my guesses at what they might think and feel are just that.
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Because HERE'S THE FUCKING THING ABOUT LORENZO, RIGHT? He's a silly saturday morning bully boy. He's MEAN, he's CREEPY, he has NO REDEEMING TRAITS, we will NOT be humanizing him, there will be NO NUANCE. We are setting out here with the explicit goal of writing a SHITTY LITTLE BOY, and that SHITTY LITTLE BOY needs to be IN LOVE WITH MIRABEL, so we've got to make those two work together.
Now, EncantoTV is explicitly meant to have a Saturday morning feeling, so on principle I'm not going to write anything that would be inappropriately creepy for a child to see, nor do I want to write anything that might be evocative for anyone who's experienced sexual harassment nor violence from a predatory man.
Like that entire scene with the confrontation with Mirabel? Just a long fucking stretch of me, panting and sweating when my natural instinct was to HAVE LORENZO PRESS MIRABEL AGAINST A WALL, INTIMATELY DESCRIBE HIS BREATH AND ALSO HAVE HIM KILL SOME RATS LIKE THE GODDAMN DAIRY FARMER HE FUCKING IS. Brutal.
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
My dear Watson, I don't write any characters that I don't find delightful! If I don't find characters fun I don't write them. If I find any characters more fun to write than others, then... I don't write the other characters! I chase my bliss!
But to give you an answer, the character that got me into writing real adventure stories, and taught me how to actually finish telling them... was a D&D character of my partner's.
Because I had a crush on my partner's D&D character. So hard. That I started writing fanfiction about him. Except it wasn't fanfiction because he was a D&D character who existed within an entirely homebrewed setting. I had discovered......... fiction.
His name is Laurens Fallow and he's like if Postman Pat had a sword.
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