#sorry i think i could literally lift a car right now wow i love sports
jockpoetry · 4 months
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poguestvff · 3 years
Used To The Cold — S. Cameron
In which Sarah Cameron comes to a realization after her girlfriend moves across the country.
taglist | main masterlist | 2.0k words
warning(s): none, fluff, i heart sarah <33
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Have you ever lost something that held either so many memories or brought a sort of happiness that just warmed you immediately even at the sight of it? Most people have something like that. Such as for children when it comes to losing stuffed animals or action figures that were a source of comfort, they missed it like hell. Said children grow up and look for a new source of comfort. Some teenagers found it in weed and alchohol, others in sports. For Sarah Cameron, she grew out of the beautiful pink blanket her father had gotten her as a toddler. As she grew into a teenager, she found a new solace.
Her girlfriend.
Sarah made it very apparent to show her love to her girlfriend who, at one point, was just her best friend who she could hardly even bare to be away from. Sarah had known she'd loved Y/n before they even got together by the way Sarah had never felt claustrophobic in the friendship that she held with the other girl. She said the three words within the first six months of being with her, words she had never spoken to another being other than her family. It was a word she, personally, took seriously. For her to say it to Y/n showed the amount of trust she held within her. Trust to not feel so closed off with Y/n.
At the beginning of the relationship, Sarah was glad that not much had changed between the two of them. That Y/n let her have her space whenever she needed it without the dependent need to be together all day though it quickly became backwards. Sarah grew even more clingy to Y/n, hardly able to deal without her hands being stuck to her girlfriend like glue. Whenever they went out to lunch, Sarah played a one sided game of footsies that only brought a smile upon Y/n’s features, one of Sarah’s favorite traits about her. Sarah loved the idea of always having a person to call her own, Y/n seeming to be the one person who could bring out her newfound touchiness. Though, sometimes she pondered on whether Y/n herself was even handling it or if she just ‘put up’ with it. If she did have an indifference towards Sarah’s actions, she surely never showed her disinterest in it.
Though the last time Sarah had held on to her girlfriend felt soul crushing and gut wrenching. As the two of them stood on the creaky, wooden dock just before the ferry, Sarah felt drained. Between the amount of crying she’d done in just the past few days had been enough to make her want to sleep forever and the comfort of her girlfriends arms around her hadn’t helped that feeling. Tears held a steady stream down both of their faces though Sarah was the one who was unable to contain her sobs. People passed around them, solemn looks given to the two of them as they listened in on the sniffles and soft wails.
Y/n didn’t need to be a genius to understand that this was twice as hard for Sarah as it would be for her. Y/n was leaving, miles away that Sarah couldn’t even pin on when the next time she’d being able to hold on to her would be. All she knew was that this embrace that Y/n held on her would be the last one for months and there wasn’t a thing that would be able to make up for it between now and then.
It evoked an indescribable sort of fear within Sarah but she knew it was immutable. If Sarah could, she'd even drop her whole life within Outer Banks to follow her girlfriend across the world. There wasn't much Sarah wouldn't do and there wasn't much Y/n wouldn't do for Sarah either, including the moving date having already been pushed back a month because of Y/n's several arguments with her parents.
"I don't want you to go." sarah whispered as y/n kissed her neck. She could hear the blonde's pained and wavering voice, how affected she already was even as Y/n hadn't even stood on the boat yet.
"I know, lover." the y/h/c girl spoke in a low tone, only sarah able to hear her words of affirmation. Y/n was first to pull back, placing her hands on Sarah's cheeks. The sight of Sarah with puffy eyes and a quivering lip made y/n's heart throb and a guilty feeling blanket over her like a raising tide. "i'll visit. Every chance I get, you know I will."
"It won't be the same." she lamented. Y/n placed her lips against Sarah’s, delicately as if the blonde were made of porcelain. When Y/n's parents had called for her and Ward and Rose had called Sarah away from the dock, Sarah only seemed to want to cling further, fingers pressing further into the thin jacket Y/n worse, but their time had finally run out. Even after weeks of pretending that they had all the time in the world, like nothing could pull the two of them apart, it had happened.
The first few weeks, the whole Cameron house had known Sarah spent most of her nights crying herself to sleep and the entire Y/l/n house knew Y/n was not going to be speaking to them for a little while due to their newest decision. Both groups of parents hadn't known that pulling the duo away from one another would become such a quagmire for each of them.
When Y/n did finally decide to talk to her parents, it was usually to say she was leaving to explore the area in which she refused to get to know the first few days. With a driver license, it gave her just a bit of freedom from her parents who's impromptu decisions had still caused for a tearing in their familial relationship.
Y/n sat in her parked car, a hot beverage in hand to adjust to the cold in which she'd just stood in for five minutes. All of it for a drink that wasn't even that good in her opinion but she dealt with it. With the hand not holding the steaming drink, she opened her phone, smiling immediately at the photo of her and sarah as her background. She unlocked it, scrolling around to find Sarah's contact and setting her phone up against the dashboard. While it began to ring, Y/n situated herself to begin to drive. "Hi, Y/n/n!" Sarah shouted excitedly the second she'd answered.
At her tone of voice did Y/n laugh. The enthusiasm was no surprise but it was funny to Y/n every time. "Hi, baby." She replied, fhe smile remaining on her face as she looked towards the screen. Sarah sat at her desk, her hands under her jaw though a pencil between her fingers. She had focused all of her attention from the papers in front of her to the driver on the other end of the phone. "What are you doing?"
The sound of whizzing paper had made Y/n glance to the phone seeing a math sheet now replacing Sarah's face before she placed it back down, a frown appearing on her features. "Math."
"Didn't you just start like two days ago?" Y/n asked, taking a sip from her drink.
"Yes and this teacher is an absolute bitch. You're just lucky you don't start for another week. You would hate Mr. Henley."
Y/n let out an awfully dramatic gasp. "Um, hello, Mr. Henley was literally my home room teacher last year, I'll have you know. Show some respect." She said, almost missing Sarah's chagrined look as she smiled.
"You're supposed to be on my side here."
"Sorry, i don't believe in biases, Sar." She joked for sarah to let out a small snicker.
"So tell me, how's minnesota?" Sarah asked, trying to spark up a conversation even if the distance was the same thing she wanted to keep her mind off of.
"Oh, it's so great. So many hot people." she remarked.
"You're not funny, no one has ever found you funny." Sarah replied though unable to hold in her laugh along with her girlfriend. "I'm serious. we haven't talked much about it and i don't want to like... avoid your new life now."
Y/n sighed, looking towards the phone to see Sarah looking back down at her work in front of her. "Fine. Well, it doesn't particularly suck. The no surfing part definitely does, though, but what can you do. And the coffee here... no, its just so bad, babe. granted, i only had one, and it's in my cup holder right now but it's gross."
"My coffee making is better, right?" Sarah asked as Y/n gave a hefty nod.
"So much better, even if it is the only thing you're good at making." Y/n laughed and Sarah attempted to refuse a smile, her cheeks quivering from trying to keep it down. "But the weather dropped today, randomly. It was seventy yesterday, fifty today but i think i'm getting used to the cold."
Sarah lifted her head back to the phone, watching Y/n focus on driving, her eyes diverting on places away from the screen. Sarah but at her inner cheek, drumming her fingers against the white wood that rested under her forearms. "Used to it?" Sarah asked. She knew Y/n's move was permanent at least until she was eighteen but something about those words made it seem more realistic. She was getting used to a place that wasn't home.
Y/n hummed. "Yeah, i'm probably being dramatic. I saw a guy walking around in a tank top and shorts while i'm wearing double pair of socks right now." she grinned at her own comment though picking up on Sarah's sudden discomfort when she replied with a small 'wow'. "Lover?"
"What's going on?" Y/n asked, the car slowing to a stop at a red light.
Sarah quickly shook her head. "No, it's nothing. Just... the work. Keep your eye on the road."
"Sarah." The blond recognized the tone of voice quickly.
"Just... I just fully realized how permanent this is. I won't see you until, what? December? That's a long time, Y/n! And, i get it, it's your home now and i can't do anything about it but—"
Y/n was quick to cut her off. "I never said this is home. Sure I live here but it's just a couple walls and a roof. It's not home, Sarah." Y/n began. "Home is you. And trust me, i've been missing home the second i got on that ferry."
Despite them having to look at one another through a glass screen the feeling—the connection between the two of them was still felt. Sarah could feel the normal warm feeling she would've gotten whenever Y/n would simply hold her hand or brush her hair over her ear. she held that much of an effect on Sarah in person and somehow even thousands of miles away.
Sarah hadn't even realized she had been staring for a total of twenty seconds until a singular tear fell down her blushing cheeks. she quickly sniffled, recomposing herself as she wiped it away. "Are you seriously making me cry right now?" She muttered with the way the atmosphere had become though relishing in the way Y/n laughed in response.
"Yes, thank you for ignoring everything i just said, lover." Y/n put the car back in drive as the light went green. Due to the steets being relatively empty in her new small town, she took the time to look back over at the phone to Sarah. "I love you."
Sarah's smile widened in thag very moment, pursing her lips before pushing them out. "I love you more."
"And don't worry. I won't get to used to it. I'll be back home, to you, before you even know it." Y/n took a small glance to the phone, enjoying Sarah's gaze that showed even with the distance put between the two of them, they'd be fine.
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puckinghell · 4 years
The Plus One Pact | William Nylander | Part 2
Summary: Your ex is getting married, and you don’t have a date, which means the unavoidable “why don’t you have a boyfriend” question is about to haunt you for the rest of eternity. But then there’s Will, who could be the answer to all your problems. A simple business pact, no feelings involved: that won’t be hard for you, because you really don’t like him anyways. Except pacts were made to be broken… or something. Right?
Note: This is part 2. Click here for part 1. 
“I’m sorry I bailed.” Zach is sitting on the couch, his leg up on a pillow. Lady is laying on the floor, and both of them are looking equally guilty.
You think maybe Lady puked in Zach’s shoes somewhere again, and maybe he kinda deserved it.
“I hate you,” you tell him, but there’s no heat behind it. Alannah comes out the bedroom holding a pair of shoes.
“See if these fit you,” she orders, giving them to you.
“I like your wife more than you,” you say to Zach, who just laughs. He knows that’s not true: you love them equally.
You may love Lady a little more than both of them combined, however.
“I think it’s good that you’re going with Willy,” Zach says. “You can practice looking like you don’t hate him.” He holds out your cup of coffee, and you take a sip before handing it back to him.
If he’s not going to this wedding with you, he might as well hold your drink.
“I don’t hate him,” you mumble. “I just don’t adore him like you do. You worship the ground he walks on.”
“I think you’d get along great, if you tried,” Alannah says, although you can’t remember asking for her opinion – fine, maybe you’re a little grumpy about it all. “He’s very funny, and he’s easy to chat to. Your family will love that.” She grins. “Besides, he’s hot.”
“Very hot,” Zach nods in agreement, and it would be weird if it wasn’t how everyone responded to William Nylander.
It’s exhausting, to be honest.
Zach, being the great friend that he often is, must notice your reluctance, because he smiles, and his voice is gentle when he says: “Hey, you look beautiful, Y/N. Honestly, nobody is gonna believe that you brought Willy, you’re way outta his league.”
You’re about to tell him to stop lying – you’re not stupid, thank you very much, and William Nylander is still very much not in your league, maybe not even in the same sport - when there’s a knock on the door.
“Must be him.” Alannah fixes your hair and your dress, and Zach gets up and hobbles towards the door, Lady on his heels.
“It’s gonna go great,” she whispers with a wink, and you wonder if you look that nervous, or if your friends just know you very well.
It’s just…
Fine, normally you don’t like Will, but you can stand him for an hour or two. Especially because you’re never alone with him, so you just plaster yourself to Zach’s side, or Mitchy’s, or Dermie’s, or…
Well, anyone, really.
But now you are alone with him, and for multiple hours at that, and you’re going to have to convince your boss and your colleagues that he’s your plus one.
How on earth are they ever going to believe you? Worse, what if someone recognizes him?
“Wow, you look great.”
You turn around to see Will staring at you, a genuine smile tugging at his lips. He’s cleaned up nice, to be fair; his grey suit fits just right, hugging his muscles in all the right places, and you can tell he’s actually put effort in his hair today.
“Already told her she’s out of your league, buddy,” Zach jokes, slapping Will on the shoulder the way bro’s do, sometimes, and then there’s some pleasantries exchanged and Alannah fixes your lipstick and then suddenly you’re in Will’s car.
It’s a nice car, but it’s not overly posh or flashy, and it surprised you a little. With Will’s ridiculous clothing choices something – Balenciaga socks, really? – you’d expected him to have some sorta matched car to Mitchy’s stupid sports car.
“You look like I’m putting you in a tractor,” Will laughs, as he starts the car. You must’ve been looking around a little dazed, and you feel your cheeks heat up at the notion that you’ve been caught.
“Sorry,” you say. Then, because you wanna start this day off on the right note: “It’s a nice car, just not what I expected from you.”
Will hums. “Usually when people say that, it’s not a compliment.”
But he doesn’t say it in a malicious way, just very matter of factly, so you don’t bother to defend yourself – he’s kinda right, after all – and just listen to the music that he puts on.
“Country?” you feel yourself smile. “Where’s the ABBA?”
“I was born in Calgary,” Will rolls his eyes in a playful way, then turns up the music.
It’s not until you’re almost there that Will speaks.
“So, how do you wanna do this?”
For a second, you wonder what he’s talking about; you were lost in the music and staring out the window at the beautiful scenery surrounding you. Your boss is getting married in an old, beautiful mansion somewhere in the countryside, and you’re surrounded by green fields and scenic streams.
“Oh, I thought we’d just go in and like, see what happens. We’re only gonna go to the reception, not the ceremony, so it should be good. Drinks and food and music, and stuff.”
“I meant more in regards to the fake dating stuff.”
“Oh.” Now your cheeks are truly flaming. “I mean, I guess I could just introduce you as my plus one and they’ll assume we’re dating?”
Then, - and you have no idea where this came from - you add: “We could try to look flirty, so it makes more sense.”
Willy nods in agreement. “You’re a smart one.” When you snort in response, he raises an eyebrow. “What, I can’t say that?”
“No, you can.” You decide to tell him the truth. “It’s just funny cause the one thing I never liked about Noah was that he would always compliment me on my appearance when I was dressed up or whatever, but he would never compliment me on any accomplishments or my characteristics or just, anything other than my body, basically.” You look out of the window. “I’ve been thinking a lot about him because of this wedding stuff, and I guess it’s just one of those things that tells me it was never meant to be.”
It stays quiet in the driver’s seat, and when you glance up at Will he’s frowning.
“Literally everything you’ve said about this guy makes me want to punch him in the nose,” he finally says, and there’s an edge to his voice. “You deserve so much better, Y/N, and…” He cuts himself off, settles on; “He just sounds like a dick.”
You must be staring at Will like he grew a second head, because that’s not what your… acquintanceship, has ever been like. You’re not even really friends, and Will has never said anything to you that wasn’t a mere observation – “nice restaurant” – a question about logistics – “did you wanna hop in this Uber or are you going to ride with Matts?” – or, well, a chirp.
But he seems genuinely offended on your behalf and you have to admit it warms your heart a little.
Maybe, just maybe, you kinda see why Zach likes him. This type of loyal, fierce protectiveness reminds you of your best friend a lot. Maybe Will isn’t so bad.
“We’re there,” Will says then, and the mansion that dooms up in front of you is big enough to be classified as a castle, you think. Will parks the car, but doesn’t get out. “So,” he asks, eyeing you carefully, “you ready?” 
Not really.
But you nod anyway. 
As soon as you walk into the building, which is massive and beautiful, one of your colleagues comes running up to you.
“Ellie,” you greet her with a smile, and she kisses your cheek quickly.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” she beams. “It’s just no fun without you.”
Ellie is one of your favorite colleagues, always down to go on coffee breaks with you and talk about whatever is on your mind. If anyone would know that you were going to take Will to the wedding, it would’ve been her, except she hadn’t known, so you’re not surprised by her wide eyes as she takes Will in.
“Hello?” she asks, an obvious question mark at the end of her sentence.
“Hi, nice to meet you.” Will’s smile is bright and polite. “I’m Will, Y/N’s plus one for the night.”
“Oh, how lovely!” Ellie smiles, then turns to you and hisses: “You didn’t tell me you were gonna bring a hot guy!”
Except she’s not being quiet or subtle at all, and a smug smirk appears on Willy’s face.
Just when you thought his head couldn’t get any bigger.
It turns out to be way easier than you thought it would be, to go around and introduce people to Will.
Nobody mentions that they recognize him and you’re glad for it, because the one time someone stared at him a bit too long Willy started shuffling on his feet and staring at the floor, as if the attention made him uncomfortable.
You know it doesn’t, because you’ve seen him with fans before, but you can’t help but be glad that he doesn’t have to be William Nylander from the Toronto Maple Leafs, tonight.
It’s not like you would really know how to handle that.
Apart from that moment, Will fits in like he was always supposed to be there. He charms your coworkers, your boss, and it doesn’t surprise you because you don’t think you’ve ever met anyone who’s not been charmed by him, but it still lifts a weight off your chest.
At first, Will follows you around the room while you talk to people. He stays close enough that his shoulder keeps brushing yours, and every now and then his hand lays heavy on your lower back.
You suppose it’s better that way, to make people think that you actually like each other.
Somehow, though, and you really don’t remember the exact time you lost him, Will ends up talking to some people you’ve not even ever met before, while you’re standing by the bar with Ellie.
“So,” Ellie says, and the knowing tone in her voice puts you on edge. “You forgot to mention you have a smoking hot boyfriend.”
Immediately, you go into defense. “He’s not my boyfriend. He’s a friend of Zach’s, and he’s come as my plus one as a favor.”
Ellie knows Zach from your birthday dinners, and she nods knowingly.
“I figured. He plays hockey, too, right?”
How the hell does she know that?  
The question must show on your face because she laughs. “It’s not rocket science. Have you looked at his ass?”
You can’t say you’ve never looked at it, but you haven’t looked at it today. However, now that she’s mentioned it, you can’t stop yourself from letting your gaze travel.
His ass looks really good in that suit, you have to admit.
“If you thought he was my boyfriend, why were you looking at his ass anyway?” It’s mostly teasing, but Ellie hears the underlying edge under it and rolls her eyes.
“I don’t have to drive the car to admire the engine.”
It such a ridiculous comparison that you burst out laughing. You’re still giggling when Ellie adds: “However, if you’re not dating, maybe I’ll go shoot my shot.”
Something twists in your stomach, but there’s absolutely no reason for it. Why would you care if she flirts with Will? He’s not actually dating you. 
“You do that,” you tell her, and you ignore the heavy feeling in your stomach as she winks at you and saunters over at Will.
The thing is, Ellie is exactly the kinda girl you’d expect Will to be interested in. She’s beautiful, with long legs and long hair, and she’s witty and funny and smart. She’s also actually good at flirting – you’ve seen her in enough bars to know that.
You watch as Will turns to her, welcoming her with a sly smirk and a hand on her elbow. She throws her head back when she laughs, and suddenly your wine doesn’t taste so good anymore.
You don’t really see Will – or Ellie, for that matter – the rest of the evening. You go around and mingle with people you don’t really care about, congratulate the happy couple and drink a little too much wine.
It’s a lot later when suddenly, a familiar hand lands on your lower back.
“Don’t kill me,” Will’s voice sounds low in your ear. “But I did something kinda dumb.”
Oh no.
You put on your fakest smile as you excuse yourself from your conversation and let Willy pull you with him through the crowd, until you’re in an empty hallway that you think leads to the kitchen.
“What did you do?” you hiss, and Willy’s hand drops away from you as he stares to the floor.
“First, you need to promise not to get mad,” he says.
You really can’t promise that, but Will has crossed his arms and is stubbornly staring at you, and you know Will is used to getting what he wants and won’t tell you unless you agree with him. So you do.
“So your friend Ellie was flirting with me,” he starts. Instantly, your blood runs cold; if he did something to upset her… “Fucking hell, Y/N, I didn’t hurt her.” Will rolls his eyes. “What kinda jerk do you think I am?”
He seems genuinely offended and you chide yourself for rushing to conclusions like that, when you’ve never known Will to be that kinda guy.
Sure, he’s annoying, cocky and loud and flippant, sometimes, but he’s not evil. He’s one of Zach’s best friends, after all.
“I was nice to her,” Will continues, “and she was nice, too. Super hot.” His eyes twinkle, and you have to shove back the flash of annoyance that tears through your body. You don’t need Will to see that.
“Anyway, I’m here supposed to be dating you, so obviously I didn’t flirt back, but she wasn’t giving up and it was getting a bit much, so I thought, if I just talk with someone else she’ll get the hint. And I was just being nice to that other girl, but I guess it looked like I was flirting.”
The most horrible thought crosses your mind.
“You didn’t flirt with the bride!”
The sigh Will lets out is heavy. “No, obviously not. You have a really low opinion on me, huh?”
You kinda do, but you just stare at him blankly.
“It was just some girl who maybe kinda has a boyfriend, and now that boyfriend maybe kinda wants to break my face.” His eyes widen comically. “I have a very nice face, I don’t want to break it.”
You can’t help it; immediately, you’re snorting out laughter.
“Willy,” you giggle, “are you telling me you’re about to get beat up at a wedding?”
Will huffs. “It’s not funny. He was massive.”
Suddenly, you think of something. “Oh my God, please tell me it’s not Rick from finance.”
“What does Rick from finance look like?” Willy’s eyes are wide and a little wild.
With every detail you describe, he gets paler, until he nods. “Yep, I’m pretty sure it was Rick from finance.”
“Rick from finance does MMA fighting in his spare time,” you tell him, finally feeling a little sorry for him. “He could destroy you.”
Will reaches out and grabs your hand, squeezes it tight as if that will somehow keep him safe. “We have to get out of here.”
Maybe, if you were a lesser person, you would’ve stayed, just to see Willy sweat. But you do feel bad for him and to be honest, you’re tired and kinda done with the wedding, anyway.
“Okay, let’s go home,” you promise him, softly patting his hand with yours. “But when we get home, I’m so gonna tell Zach you nearly got beat up by some guy in finance.”
“Don’t you dare,” Will threatens, but he’s smiling again and you won’t admit to yourself that you’re glad for it.
“Hey, Y/N?” 
“I really wasn’t flirting with that girl, or the other girl. I wouldn’t do that when I came here with you.”
And it shouldn’t matter, it really shouldn’t. 
It kinda does, anyway. 
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hearteyesbowen · 4 years
twenty-dollar baby ☆ ricky bowen
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big red thinks that ricky’s lost his touch and isn’t as smooth as he used to be, so they make a bet to see who is right
warnings: swearing, kinda cliché, fluff
part I , part II , part III
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Big Red and Ricky were sitting at their usual lunch spot, staring at his now ex-girlfriend, Nini Salazar-Roberts. It had only been two weeks since school started again and Ricky was still angry at how Nini had moved on so fast. He believed that they were only on a break, just so he could wrap his head around the whole “I love you” drama.
“You know, the more you stare, the creepier you look.” Big Red teased, nudging his best friend.
“I’m so over Nini now. How could she just find a senior boyfriend so fast?” Ricky complained.
“You broke up with her, dude.”
“It was a pause!”
Ricky stopped himself from getting any louder. He ruffled his hair, trying to destress himself. He pushed his lunch tray to the side, clearly losing his appetite over his anger.
“I should move on, too. I’ll start dating again.” Ricky declared.
Red scoffed, “Good luck.”
Ricky snapped his head at Red, raising an eyebrow. “What does that mean?”
“It means you’ve lost your game. You were in a relationship for almost a year, how would you know how to get another girl?”
“You’re so supportive, you know that?”
Red rolled his eyes, pushing his tray away and sitting up. “I’ll bet you $20 that you can’t get another girlfriend in a week.”
“Excuse me?” Ricky asked in disbelief.
Red quickly scanned the cafeteria, looking for a girl that he can give to challenge Ricky. His eyes found you, sitting at a table in the center with your best friend Carlos. You were sitting extremely close with him as you he had his phone out to show you some videos.
Red smacked Ricky’s arm and pointed towards you, “I bet you can’t get Y/N to be your girlfriend.”
“What? No, I don’t want to be a dick. She’s super nice and literally in all my classes. Plus, I don’t need a bet to prove that I can get a girl.”
“You auditioned for a musical just to get Nini back and she’s still dating her new boyfriend and doesn’t even want to look at you.” Red pointed out.
Ricky sighed, staring at you from across the lunch area. Strands of your hair framed your face. Your head was laid on Carlos’ shoulder as you stared at his phone screen. Ricky never denied that you were pretty, in fact, he thought you were one of the most beautiful girls in the school. Everything about you captivated him, it was like you had him under this spell for the longest time.
You and Ricky shared almost every class with him. Only meeting at the end of your sophomore year, you both grew a treasured friendship. He would always try and get you to laugh during lessons, sometimes getting you both in trouble. If you were lucky, the teacher would let you two partner up for class projects. You thought he was cute, really cute. You never thought could like him, maybe because he didn’t seem like your type or that he had a girlfriend for a year. When they broke up during the summer, you made sure to check up on him whenever you could. He would ask you to hang out a majority of the time, so you grew even closer.
Ricky’s ego was building up, and maybe it was because his best friend was playing with his emotions, but he decided that he would take the bet. He knew he would have regretted this choice completely, but that’s a problem for later.
“Fine, in one week, I’ll get Y/N to be my girlfriend.”
Ricky and Red shook hands, finalizing their new deal.
➢➣ ➢➣
You rolled your eyes the more your teacher lectured minutes before the final bell rang. You rested your head on your chin, doodling swirls all over your notebook where your notes were supposed to be.
“Make sure you keep in touch with your partner, I’ll give you some class time tomorrow to finish the assignment.” Your teacher closed his textbook and walked to his desk as everyone packed their things.
You sat up and closed your notebook. You stuffed it inside your backpack, tuning out all of the noise of kids laughing and talking loudly. You took out your phone and your earphones, plugging them into your ears when you felt a small object hit your head. Your head looked to the floor where the item fell, and you found a tiny paper ball. You laughed and looked a few desks in front of you to your friend. Ricky was already staring at you, smiling to himself as he got up with his backpack and squeezed through the aisle to get to your seat.
“There wasn’t any other way for you to get my attention?” You wondered, picking up the ball and throwing it back at him.
Ricky laughed and kneeled in front of you, “I tried to call you but you ignored me. It’s your fault for sitting in the back.”
“No, it’s your fault for getting moved for distracting me from learning.” You teased.
The last bell of the day rang, making everyone in class shove each other out the door. You stood up with Ricky who grabbed your backpack for you, and you both headed out the class. He grabbed the door handle before you could and held it open, letting you pass through first.
You gave him a confused look, “Who let you be a gentleman today?”
Ricky’s mouth grew open in shock, “I can’t just be nice to my friend?”
“No, you’re a dick.”
“Wow, you and Red both make me feel so much better about myself.” He joked.
You walked down the staircase to the bottom floor. The theatre door was ahead, meaning you and Ricky had to part ways.
You tilted your head, “What did he tease you for this time?”
Ricky’s eyes widened, averting from yours. He scratched the back of his neck, “The usual.”
You laughed, said bye and started to walk away, assuming Ricky would just walked into rehearsal. Before you could take two steps away from him, he called for your attention.
You turned around on your heels, facing the anxious boy. He stood with his hands in his pockets, swaying back and forth on his feet. His mouth was open, as if trying to find what to say.
“Ricky?” You asked, stepping closer to him.
“What are you doing later?” His voice was soft, almost nervous.
“Nothing, why?”
“I have rehearsal for only an hour today, we’re ending early. Maybe I can pick you up and we can go out?”
You were now face-to-face with him. He had a timid smile, anticipating your response. You smiled brightly at him, easing his anxiousness.
“Are you asking me out on a date, Ricky Bowen?”
His lips grew wider, relieved of your reaction, “What if I am?”
“Then I would love to go on a date with you.”
Ricky sighed, making you giggle. He wrapped his large arms around your body for a tight hug. Your hands went around his neck as he lifted you off the floor for a few seconds. Once you were set back down, he checked the time on his phone.
“I’ll pick you up at 4:30?”
You stood on your toes to kiss his cheek lightly.
“Don’t be late.”
➢➣ ➢➣
Looking in the mirror, you finished checking yourself to make sure you were ready for your date. You finished fixing your hair, making sure it’s perfectly smooth.
You don’t know why you were so excited about going out on a date with Ricky. Sure, you thought he was cute, but you never thought of him that way. He was always really nice to you, and made sure you were ok after anything happened to you. Maybe it was because of how close you two got recently, but something felt different with him.
Ricky had sent you a text five minutes ago that he was on his way to pick you up, so you picked up your small purse and opened your bedroom door to leave.
“Y/N, Ricky is here for you!” Your mother called out from the living room.
You walked through the hall and saw Ricky in front of the door next to your mother, holding a small bouquet of red and yellow roses. He wasn’t dressed formal, just a light sweatshirt and jeans. You practically matched him, mostly because you didn’t know what his plans were for the date.
His eyes looked you up and down, his lips were parted slightly. “You look beautiful.”
You stood in front of him and smiled as he offered you the roses. “Thank you very much. You look handsome.”
His face grew pink, making your mom laugh behind you. “Remember what we talked about, alright?”
Ricky nodded his head furiously as he held your hand, “You can trust me.”
He sent a wink to your mother before he opened the door. You waved goodbye to her and closed the door behind you once you got out. You turned and saw Ricky’s small car parked in your driveway.
“Sorry it’s not some sports car, but I hope it will do.” He said nervously.
You laughed, “Anything will be fine. I’m just not sure what we’re doing today.”
Ricky opened your door for you, ushering you inside. You got in and watched as Ricky closed the door and ran around the car to his side and sat inside as wel.
“I’ve learned a thing or two about dates. Not sure if I’m any good at it yet but I’m learning. But I thought it would be nice if we go to the pier.”
“Like, the beach?”
“Yeah, why? You don’t like the beach?”
You scrunched up your nose and hid your face in shame. Ricky put his hand on your shoulder, his face in awe.
“How do you not like the beach?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “Just never did.”
“I’ll try and make this the best date ever. We don’t even have to go near the sand, the pier is way more fun anyways.”
“Well this is a step up from any date I’ve been on.”
Ricky started the car, letting the engine run for a few minutes. Confused, he tilted his head towards you.
“What do you mean?”
Great, now you get to look like a loser in front of your date. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, clearing your throat and fixing your hair, a habit you developed when you get nervous.
Ricky put his hand on top of yours which rested on your lap. You faced him, a small grin on your face.
“Have you never been on a date before?” He wondered. You shook your head slowly. Your head grew hot from the embarrassment. “Am I your first ever date?��
“I feel pathetic now.”
“No, no, no, don’t feel that way” He promptly put his hand on your shoulder. “I promise to make this the best date you will ever go on.”
➢➣ ➢➣
The sun was already beginning to set by the time you both made it to the pier. The beach was tame, not many people were swimming, mostly families running around with each other in the sand or friends starting bonfires in the charcoal pits towards the center of the beach. The pier wasn’t as full, either. Other, older, couples were walking together, holding hands or dining together at the restaurants. It was fully lit with lamps on the sides of the fencing blocking you from the sand. Any other light came from the sun already dimming away.
You didn’t know what to focus on first. Everything about the atmosphere was so breathtaking. To think that you had never gone out to see beautiful spots like this was a crime.
Ricky made sure to hold your hand the entire way, keeping you from running off to the numerous sites that caught your attention. He couldn’t help but be amazed at how beautiful he thought you looked in front of him. It almost made him forget this wasn’t real.
You dragged Ricky to the edge of the pier, staring straight ahead at the ocean in front of you. The sun was barely showing anymore, and all the colors molded together from day to night. You stepped on the fence and leaned over, gazing down at the water below you. Ricky’s strong arms held you at your waist, preventing you from falling over.
“I’ve never seen anything like this, or anything this beautiful.” You awed, stepping down from the rail.
Ricky’s arms stayed wrapped around your body and nestled his head in your neck. “I can think of something.”
You rolled your eyes playfully and laughed as you turned around to face him. “You’re really cute.”
His eyes glanced at your lips the more you stared at each other in silence. Your hands rested on his shoulders as you leaned up hastily. Ricky followed your actions, his breath shaky.
Ricky’s loud ringtone interrupted your possible kiss, making him scrunch you his face in frustration.
“Sorry, I should have silenced my phone.” He apologized, bringing out his phone to see it was a call from Red.
You shook your head, laughing slightly, “It’s fine, answer it. I’ll be here.”
He was quick to kiss your cheek before answering his phone and taking two steps away from you. As much as you knew it would be rude, you were curious as to what Big Red could have called for. Fortunately, you could make out some of what he was saying through the phone, and all of Ricky’s responses.
“Yeah, I’m with Y/N. Why?”
You turned your head slightly, your attention fully in their conversation at the sound of your name.
“So is it going to happen tonight?”
“Dude, don’t say that. Be respectful, you dick.”
You laughed at the way Ricky and his friend fought. He struggled to hang up with Red. The look of impatience on his face grew more and more. Boys are so stupid.
Once he was finally able to hang up, he shoved his phone in his pocket and turned back to you.
“Do you want to get ice cream?” He offered, holding out his hand.
You walked up to him and held his hand, “I would love to.”
➢➣ ➢➣
The sun had already set completely, so the pier looked even more gorgeous. Lights coming from the inside of shops and restaurants lit up the walkway along with the lamps. Less people filled the area, most of them leaving to the sand.
You and Ricky had just bought your ice cream, almost finished with it immediately. Your plan was to go to the arcade. He challenged you to play against him in Guitar Hero, so you simply couldn’t back down. This night was far too perfect for you, it was almost like a dream.
Ricky, on the other hand, couldn’t keep steady. He bounced his leg or fumbled with his hands when they weren’t holding yours. It’s not like he wasn’t trying to take you out on a nice date, he wanted to make this as special as he could for you. He never truly realized how much he really did like you until now. You made him feel something he never felt when he was with Nini.
Ricky’s problem was that he was still lying to you. He didn’t ask you out because he has loved you since you two met, or at least that’s what he wished was the case. He wishes that he discovered this emotion towards you early, that it could have been different. He still made a bet, a $20 bet that was just useless at this point. But when would he tell you this is what aches him the most.
“I need to tell you something, Y/N.”
You stopped walking along the pier and stared at him confusingly while you threw away the spoon with your finished ice cream, “Is everything alright?”
He toyed with the spoon inside of his almost empty cup, not able to look at you. “I seriously need you to know something, but I’m really scared that you will hate me forever.”
You rubbed his arm soothingly, hoping he would look at you. When he did slowly move his head up to you, you gave him a soft smile.
“I could never be mad at you. Ricky. Especially after everything you have done for me tonight. You’re the nicest guy ever.”
His eyes saddened. His foot tapped rapidly along the wooden flooring, and his upper body looked as if he tensed up. One of his hands went to his eyes, rubbing his temples furiously.
“I just feel bad.” He mumbled, still covering half of his face.
“Why?” You wondered, feeling petrified of his tone.
Ricky lifted his head again from his hands and had a smirk displayed across his face. “I feel bad that I’m going to beat you at every single game in that arcade.”
Your whole body relaxed at his response. You let out a relieved laugh and picked up the spoon from his cup that had the smallest scoop of chocolate ice cream.
“Yeah, but at least I don’t have chocolate on my face.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, “What do you mean?”
You gave a sinister grin as you took the spoon and smeared it on the top of his cheek and across his nose. You laughed and threw the utensil in the trash near you.
He groaned, throwing the cup away as well. He wiped his face with a napkin he had and eyed you down. “You’re going to get it.”
You bolted off immediately away from Ricky, who was still cleaning up his face from the chocolate. You went inside the arcade, knowing he would chase you down.
You ran around the children and teens playing in front of the large machines, hoping you would lose Ricky as quickly as possible. You tried to find something large to hide behind so you could watch out for him. Soon, you found a large basketball game that was set up on the side of the wall towards the back. You ran to the machine and ducked down, trying to see if you could spot him.
After a few short minutes of looking, you couldn’t find Ricky anywhere. You thought that maybe he just completely lost you. Well, he didn’t.
Once you stood up to try and get a better look around the area, a pair of strong hands grabbed you from behind and picked you up. You screamed, only to hear a familiar laugh from the person who grabbed at you.
“You aren’t good at hiding.” Ricky teased as he set you down.
You faced him, still being held in his arms and quickly greeted with his devilish smile. “Yeah, yeah, don’t get too cocky.”
“Sorry, loser.” He joked, bringing you closer to his body.
You decided to make the bold move and lean up to plant your lips on his. You held at his neck and stood up on your toes higher to meet his height. Ricky was completely shocked, but only for a second so he could kiss you back. Your lips molded together perfectly, making you feel warm. Although it was short, you didn’t think it was anything less than perfect.
You pulled away after a few seconds, and giggled at his peaceful face. His eyes stayed closed, along with a small smile.
“Wake me up when I’m done dreaming.” Ricky whispered.
You placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, making him open his eyes. He pecked your lips once more, making you giggle. You held his hand and led him to one of the games you ran past earlier.
As you both walked around, Ricky felt another buzz from his phone. He pulled it out of his pocket and checked the notification.
Big Red 🔥
Nini and EJ broke up, and I’m pretty sure it’s because of you.
A/N - we love a cliffhanger lol this is for sure going to be a longer series ( maybe not too long but longer than two parts ) . hope u guys like this one !! also i hope u guys are home , staying safe and healthy , and all that stuff cuz we’re not trying to spread and catch diseases ): love y’all xx
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noona-clock · 5 years
Which One? Joo Hyuk - Part 8, Final Chapter
Genre: Coffee Shop!AU
Pairing: Joo Hyuk x You
Warnings: Mild cursing
Prologue, Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Epilogue | Words: 2,664
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You were fairly sure your heart had just stopped.
Like, literally stopped. It was no longer beating because you had died of embarrassment.
“Oh my god,” you muttered after you realized it was actually you and Joo Hyuk on the Kiss Cam.
“Oh, wow,” Joo Hyuk said with a nervous chuckle.
You slumped down in your chair and hid your face with your hand, but you could see Joo Hyuk putting his own hands up and waving them slightly in front of him as if to tell the cameraman ‘nope, not today.’
A few seconds later, he murmured, “Okay, it’s gone.”
Your eyes flicked up to the screen just to be sure, and indeed, you saw another couple who had no qualms kissing each other.
“Wow, that --”
The camera cut from that couple, though, and you and Joo Hyuk came back on the screen yet again.
Cheers erupted from the audience, and you heard a group of guys in your section cry out, “Come on! Kiss!”
Okay, they didn’t know you and Joo Hyuk were barely dating. They didn’t know you and Joo Hyuk at all. But still. They were traitors.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, averting your gaze and hoping you looked as embarrassed as you felt. If the cameraman felt bad for you, maybe he would cut away quickly and move on to someone else.
Joo Hyuk, again, waved a hand and this time actually said out loud, “No, no.”
You figured your self-conscious face was no longer on the screen when you heard the crowd begin to boo. They were obviously disappointed the two of you hadn’t kissed after being shown twice now, but oh well. They could deal with it.
“All right, it’s over,” Joo Hyuk told you, though he wasn’t looking at you.
“Good grief, I don’t think I’ve ever been so embarr---”
The crowd suddenly erupted into cheers again, and they began chanting KISS KISS KISS KISS!
Oh, come on.
It couldn’t be.
But one look up at the Jumbotron confirmed your fears.
You and Joo Hyuk were up there for a third time.
“Oh, my god!” you whined in disbelief, practically doubling over as you buried your face in your hands.
You waited for Joo Hyuk to make another dispute, but instead of hearing him say anything related to the word No, you heard him mutter. “All right, come here.”
You sat up, and before you knew it, Joo Hyuk’s hands were on either side of your face.
He was leaning toward you.
And then his lips were on yours.
Unsurprisingly, the stadium filled with approving cheers, claps, and whistles. Even though probably half of the spectators were out of their seats buying food and drinks, it still felt like every single person there was watching you, applauding your kiss with Joo Hyuk.
Your first kiss with Joo Hyuk.
Hopefully not your last but definitely your first. There was no margin of error on that one.
...Oh, great. Your first kiss was in front of thousands of people. On the Kiss Cam at a sporting event.
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Joo Hyuk pulled away after only a couple of seconds, but he stayed close to your face, his hands still cradling your cheeks.
“Sorry,” he whispered.
You managed to shake your head the tiniest bit, not wanting in the least to force him to take his hands away. You very much liked the warmth of his skin against your cheeks. “No, it--it’s okay,” you whispered back. “We... didn’t have much choice, it seems.”
“No, not really,” he chuckled, his breath fanning over your lips and reminding you of that ever so brief kiss.
Joo Hyuk slowly let his hands drop from your face, his fingers sliding off practically one-by-one. He leaned away from you, and a soft, nervous laugh bubbled up from your throat.
Now that the kiss was over and you were each back in your own personal spaces...
Well, you could hardly stand to look at him because you were so embarrassed.
So, after about a minute or two of just sitting there, avoiding each other’s gazes and drinking the last of your beers, you cleared your throat.
“I, uh -- I’m going to use the restroom,” you told him, barely waiting for his response before standing and heading over to the stairs.
You took this time to compose yourself and, of course, call your best friend.
“Hey, you!” Jane greeted cheerfully. “How’s it going?!”
“Well, we were on the Kiss Cam,” you told her immediately, not doing anything to hide your slight panic.
“We didn’t do it at first, but then they came back to us -- twice. So we kissed. And now it’s really awkward.”
“Please listen to me, Y/N,” Jane pleaded. “Just tell him you feel awkward. Get it out in the open. Once you do, you can move past it or you can just both feel awkward together.”
Obviously, you didn’t want to tell him. But Jane was more experienced than you; she knew what she was talking about! And she cared about you. She would never steer you in the wrong direction willingly.
“Okay,” you breathed. “I’m going to head back, the game should be starting again soon. I’ll just tell him.”
“Good for you!”
You nodded to yourself, hoping it would help boost your confidence, and then you a murmured a ‘good-bye’ to Jane before hanging up.
The players were coming back onto the field as you jogged down the stairs to get back to your seat, and you let out a soft sigh as you plopped back down on the hard, plastic chair.
“Just in time,” Joo Hyuk grinned.
“Yep,” you replied. “Sorry, I just -- it was a little awkward after that -- you know.”
Joo Hyuk’s smile turned shy, but he nodded in agreement. “Yeah, it was. But now we can focus on the game.”
“Right, exactly!” you chuckled.
The two of you stood as the players formed their line-up on the field, and when the whistle blew to start the second half, you almost let out a very long, deep sigh of relief.
Well. You’d gotten that over with. And it had been pretty painless, too!
Thanks, Jane!
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The rest of the game was uneventful comparatively. The Tigers scored two more times, so you and Joo Hyuk double-high fived two more times, and there were some pretty rough fouls, but nothing even close to the Kiss Cam Incident happened.
So, that was good!
When the final whistle blew and the horns blared to celebrate the Tigers’ win, you and Joo Hyuk cheered and clapped and were far happier and way less awkward than you had been about an hour ago.
As it is with most crowded events, pretty much everyone started leaving at the same time. You and Joo Hyuk filed out of your row and headed up the stairs with everyone else in your section, Joo Hyuk following behind you.
When you reached the main level of the stadium, the crowd got even larger, a huge mass of people moving toward the exit at the same time. You felt Joo Hyuk’s hand on your shoulder, obviously not wanting to lose you. You were extremely tempted to reach up and just take his hand...
So, you did.
You lifted your arm and put your hand over his, grasping his fingers and moving his hand from your shoulder so you could lead him back to your car.
Of course, your heart was pounding.
But he didn’t let go.
In fact, you continued to hold hands once the crowd dispersed in the parking lot. But then Joo Hyuk murmured that he was going to take off his jacket, so that was the end of it.
You almost wondered if he’d done that on purpose because holding hands had made him too uncomfortable...
Once the two of you were in the car, waiting to back out of your parking space, Joo Hyuk requested you simply take him back to The Mug.
“Ji Soo is still there, so I should probably help finish closing up,” he told you, looking at his phone screen, presumably a text message from Ji Soo.
“Oh, yeah, closing by yourself is no fun,” you remarked. You’d worked enough retail jobs to know this very well.
You managed to inch your way out of the parking lot, your conversation with Joo Hyuk shifting from the game to The Mug. You’d been wondering for a while about the origins of their cute little shop, so you finally decided to ask.
“Well,” Joo Hyuk began with a sigh. “We both grew up here, but we went to college a ways away from here, so we were there for quite a few years. We decided to open up a coffee shop because that’s just what we wanted to do. We both like coffee, I have the business brain, Ji Soo has the customer service brain -- we figured it would be perfect. We tried finding places to rent where we used to live, but there just wasn’t anything. So we both thought ‘why don’t we move back home?’. We found this space, and here we are.”
Ha! So they were new in town.
Kind of.
The point was, you’d been right about not seeing them around before. Two guys as attractive as them and a single girl like you? You would’ve known who they were, so you felt mightily vindicated to hear they had just recently moved.
“Well, I’d say you guys made the right decision. It seems like you’re doing really well,” you said, glancing over at him.
“Yeah, I think we are. We’re about to look for a part-timer, so that’s a good sign. And we’re going to pay you back for helping with our Instagram, too, don’t worry,” he assured you.
“No! Joo Hyuk, I’m serious, you don’t have to. The free drinks are more than enough. I would’ve done it for nothing.”
“Would you really have done it for nothing? Or are you just saying that to be polite?” he asked with a smirk.
“I really would have. I know stuff like that is my job, and I’m glad I do get paid, but it’s my job because it’s what I love to do.” You took a gulp before continuing on, mentally thanking Jane again for being your cheerleader. “And I like you guys. I like your shop. Any excuse to go there, I’ll take it.”
Okay, sure. It wasn’t a confession or anything, but...
“That’s good to hear,” Joo Hyuk mumbled, his grin very apparent in his voice. “You’re welcome any time.”
You pulled into The Mug’s parking lot just as you were starting to feel completely comfortable and hardly awkward at all -- of course. You and Joo Hyuk had been talking more about starting the shop, and it had turned into him telling you all these funny and embarrassing stories about being friends with Ji Soo.
It was wild how similar he was to Jane! You were pretty certain you could become really good friends with Ji Soo, especially if you and Joo Hyuk actually started dating.
“Well, here we are,” you said with a sigh as you pulled into the spot closest to the entrance. “Thanks for coming. And say ‘thank you’ to Ji Soo for covering for you.”
“I will,” Joo Hyuk chuckled. “Thanks for inviting me, I had a really good time.”
“Me, too,” you grinned.
You watched as he unbuckled his seatbelt, your heart suddenly racing because you wondered if he would lean over and kiss you.
Not only were you wondering it... you were hoping. You wanted him to.
You knew that meant you should just go ahead and do it.
But before you could say or do anything, Joo Hyuk was opening the car door and sliding out of his seat.
“Thanks again,” he said, lifting his hand in a wave as he closed the door.
You simply waved back, hoping your disappointment wasn’t showing on your face. But Joo Hyuk had already turned to head inside, so it wouldn’t even matter if it was.
You let out a sigh, and as you moved to put your car in reverse, something caught your eye.
Joo Hyuk had taken off his jacket when the two of you had been walking through the parking lot, and once he’d sat down in your car, he had put it down on the floor.
Well, he’d forgotten it.
You quickly bent to grab it, unbuckling your seatbelt and turning off your car so you could run in and give it back to him.
But as soon as you set foot outside, he was there.
He wasn’t in the shop or even on his way to the shop.
He was standing practically right in front of you.
“Oh!” you gasped, startled by his sudden appearance. “Oh, my gosh. Sorry, you -- you forgot your jacket.”
The expression on his face was quite serious, his brow furrowed earnestly as he took a few steps toward you.
“I couldn’t go inside -- I had to come back because I have to tell you something,” he said.
“...What is it?” you asked softly, your voice almost trembling.
“I like you. I’m sorry I haven’t had the nerve to say it before now, but I like you. I’ve liked you since I spilled that drink on you.”
Your heart had leaped into your throat at his words, but you still managed to smile at him and say, “I like you, too.”
This prompted Joo Hyuk to take another step toward you, and he reached out to take your hand.
“So, this was a date, right?” he asked, running his fingers over your knuckles.
You nodded.
“So... can we have a re-do on that kiss?”
“Oh, yes, definitely,” you replied with a breathy chuckle. And without missing a beat, you stood on your toes and pressed your lips to his.
Joo Hyuk let go of your hand but only so he could slide his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him. You smiled into the kiss, managing to wrap your own arms around his neck while still holding his jacket.
Speaking of...
You pulled away just slightly, letting your nose brush over his. “So, you didn’t take off your jacket as an excuse to stop holding my hand?” you whispered, smirking.
“No,” he chuckled. “I had wanted to take it off even before then because the crowd of people got too hot.”
“So you were suffering silently.”
“Yes. But no because I was holding your hand.”
A very soft laugh escaped through your lips, and you were just about to lean in for another kiss when you remembered --
“Also, I lied to you earlier,” you admitted.
“You did?” he asked, squeezing your waist. “What about?”
“Ji Soo did bug me to ask you out. And I didn’t actually have an extra ticket. I just made that up to make it easier for me to ask you.”
Joo Hyuk’s lips pulled into a grin, and he shook his head slightly. “I’m not surprised. He’s been on my case since the beginning. I knew it was only a matter of time before he moved on to you.”
“Since the beginning? What do you mean?”
“When I came back from taking you home that night, he slapped me in the back of the head for not offering to pick you up again the next morning. He’s been scolding me to be more obvious ever since,” he chuckled.
“Well, I think it’s pretty obvious now,” you replied.
“Yeah, I think so,” Joo Hyuk whispered before capturing your lips in another kiss.
Not even ten seconds later, you heard the squeak of the front door. Before you could pull away, you heard a very loud and cheerful whoop.
“Hell yeah!” Ji Soo cried, punctuating his glee with some applause. “It’s about time!”
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
Consider: they go back to rescue Grace and bring her to Ellie like she’s a robot but Diego insists she has feelings so can she stay? And Ellie the lumberjack lesbian just sorta stammers ‘uh yeah sure ok whatever’ because wow for a robot nanny she’s really cute?? And they fall in love
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y’all are very insistent on this lmao for anyone new this is regarding the broken five au where Reginald tries to control Five by threatening Vanya’s life so the kids run away! for all of it check out the ellie fortuin tag ;3c
I should make a master list of my aus at some point smh
ANYWAY so after Reggie arrives and Ellie kicks him the entire fuck out the kids reveal that they wish they could also rescue their mother, which is the first Ellie is hearing about this (she assumed the reason they looked sad when she accidentally brought up mothers is because theirs gave the up and sold them to Reginald Fucking Hargreeves - she did her research when she figured out who they were okay)
but in all she looked up she didn’t find anything about Reginald Hargreeves being married or anything so ???
and there’s another thing she’s been meaning to do for a while which she kind of needs to go to the house/Reginald to do and whatever so, you know. She tells the kids she’s going out, puts on her nicest plaid shirt (because actually fuck getting dressed up to see this dude she’s going to wear her muddiest boots) and gives them all kisses and reminders to be good and then sets out
(she puts Marmalade in charge because as much as she complains about the cat she doesn’t trust Clyde not to be a pushover and at least Marm is street smart)
so there she is hammering on the door to the Umbrella Academy with a backpack pull of papers on her back, a lengthy consultation with a lawyer to remember, and a mission in her mind and the door opens and there is a chimpanzee in a suit looking at her and Ellie is honestly just kind of like “Ah you know now it makes some sense why the kids are weird about bringing up monkeys” and just embraces that her life is weird as she follows the chimp (who talks and has introduced himself as Pogo what the fuck) into the house and is told to wait while he informs Master Reginald of her arrival
and while she’s waiting impatiently and kicking off bit of dried mud on her boots to kick under the fancy furniture to be spiteful, she hears humming and who comes into view but an absolute angel?? Ellie would genuinely swear her heart skipped a beat
“Oh!” The Angel says, spotting her, looking mildly surprised, “A guest! Has Pogo already seen to you, dear?”
“Uh.” Ellie says, very intelligently as her brain short-circuits
“I’m Grace.” The Angel smiles warmly and Ellie genuinely wants the floor to open up and swallow her because she cannot form a single coherent sentence and also didn’t the kids say Grace was their mothers name this is not the random old lady she was expecting, “Are you here to see Mr. Hargreeves?”
Thankfully Ellie doesn’t have to embarrass herself any further by attempting to produce something approaching speech because Pogo is back and gesturing for Ellie to follow him.
“It was lovely meeting you.” Grace tells her, before turning back to cleaning or whatever she was doing and Ellie is helpless except to follow after Pogo to do what she actually came here to do.
So that’s what has Ellie standing in front of Reginald Hargreeves and slamming a whole bunch of papers on his desk and saying “Independent adoption” to him as though he, who literally bought seven children, did not know what adoption was.
And then there is a long an complicated argument that busts out a lot of legal terms and more than a few vague threats on both sides. Because Ellie does not want this man to have any legal power over her kids and apparently he is still under the delusion that the kids will ever go back to live and train under him or whatever which HA is not happening
“They need to stop the apocalypse.” Reginald Hargreeves insists to her face.
“Those kids,” Ellie says, voice low and dangerous, “Are powerful beyond measure, and before I got them they didn’t care about the world one lick. Because they’d never seen it. Because what had the world ever done for them? The only thing they knew about humanity was you, Reginald Hargreeves. And you taught them that people were cruel and ruthless and only wanted to use them. You taught them that people without powers were useless and worthless and ordinary.”
She opens her arms wide, “And you think that those kids would save the world? You think they would lift a finger to help humanity when all they knew was that it was evil? The way you were raising them, I’d be more shocked if it wasn’t them who caused the apocalypse for goodness sake.”
Reginald sits before her, pale in his fury, but she doesn’t drop it there.
“Luther likes building with his hands, and he’s really good at it. His favorite food is baby carrots because he likes the crunch and also likes sneaking them to Clyde. He likes helping people carry things to their cars and any praise makes him light up like a Christmas tree, bless him. And when I got him? He didn’t know how to help people, he only knew how to stop ‘bad guys’ and had no idea how to even talk to people.”
Reginald doesn’t say anything. Ellie presses on.
“Diego is an angry kid, yeah, but he had a heart of fucking gold. He’s the first one to volunteer to help with chores or dinner or anything. He’s protective as anything when it comes to his siblings. He was the one who brought home the cranky old tomcat that no one could get near just because he thought that he was lonely and needed a home. And when I got him? He would barely even talk to me because he thought he’d get in trouble for struggling with his words. Thought that his ideas were worth less somehow just because he took longer to get them out. And that’s what you taught him.”
Ellie is really still furious about that. Diego’s stuttering usually only surfaced when he was nervous or stressed now, which wasn’t as often as it used to be, but the fact that he told her once with anger and heartbreak on her face that he was just dumb broke her heart.
“Allison made friends quicker than anyone. She loves to talk to people. She was so excited to go to her friend’s birthday party and when I asked her why she said she’d never been allowed to have friends, before. Never allowed to have friends. Her and Klaus pick out some of the wildest clothes because they’d never been allowed to express themselves before. She’s so bright, and wonderful, and she loves going to the movies more than anything.”
“You can stop, now.” Reginald tells her.
“No I can’t.” Ellie surges up with a roar, clearly taking Reginald aback. “No, I can’t, because those kids are just that - kids. They didn’t know how to save the world because they didn’t even know what the world was! They weren’t allowed friends, they weren’t allowed outside, they weren’t allowed to be kids - do you know anything about them? Do you know that Klaus is brilliant at knitting, and that Vanya can be bribed into just about anything with butterscotch cookies? Do you know that Ben can’t get enough of soap operas, and that Luther would rather go a science museum over a gym any day of the week?”
Ellie shakes her head slowly. “Do you know that they’re all afraid of you? Does it make you feel big to have a bunch of children absolutely convinced that you would kill one of them to keep them in line?”
Reginald looks very tired. Ellie doesn’t feel very sorry for him though because she kind of wishes he was dead, so. “What do you want, Miss Fortuin?”
“Custody of the kids.” Ellie shoots back without hesitation. “I have the forms with me. I have arrangements made for a home inspection by the relevant people to make it official. I have the numbers of people to call to go through with it. They’re already living with me anyway, this would just make it official.”
“Why?” Reginald asks her, which is a fair question she supposes. She already has the kids and threatened Reginald into staying away from them, after all.
“It’s their birthday soon.” She tells him, after a long pause. “We finished the extension so they have their own rooms, even if they all end up camped in one. But I want to give them certainty. I want them to be absolutely sure that you can’t waltz right in and destroy everything that they’ve worked for. I want them to be less afraid.”
Reginald pulls the papers to him and starts scanning them, making Pogo (who had been standing silently by the door the entire time) start in alarm. “Sir? What about the apocalypse?”
And that just makes Ellie angry. She whirls around, jabbing a finger at the alarmed looking butler. “Why don’t you do something about the apocalypse, huh? Why don’t you fix the world? Those kids might have powers, but they are children. Fuck you for putting the weight of the world on their shoulders. Luther can pick up something really heavy? There’s an entire fucking sport that revolves around that, find one of those guys. Diego can curve knives? You built them a fucking robot mother I’m pretty sure it’s within your capabilities to makes some kind of targeting weapon. Heat seeking missiles exist, it’s not that much a stretch. Stop pinning all your hopes on them and start getting off your ass and do something yourselves you sanctimonious pricks.”
Pogo looks shocked. Reginald looks taken aback.
“They’re just little kids.” Ellie tells them, suddenly tired herself. “They’re just little kids. They aren’t soldiers in whatever war you’ve cooked up in your head. They deserve a chance to be happy.”
Reginald looks down at the papers, not managing to look her in the eye. “And if there is someone bringing about the end of the world? Will the children fight, then?”
“Maybe.” Ellie shoots back, no hesitation. “But before I let them have at it’s going to be me going in with my fucking wood axe first. Or at the very least I’ll be there right alongside them helping out. My axe will kill ‘em dead just as much as Diego’s knives or Vanya’s sound waves or Ben’s tentacles.”
Reginald sighs and signs the papers with a flourish. “Will there be anything else, Miss Fortuin?” He says it almost sarcastically, as thought he can’t imagine her needing anything else.
Ellie’s honestly surprised that it actually happened. She thought she’d leave her empty handed and furious but at least knowing she tried. She swipes the papers up into her hands, unwilling to give Reginald to chance to back out.
And then she decides to press her luck. “Actually, yeah. The kids want their mother back. I understand she’s a robot, so we’ll need the appropriate charging materials.”
Reginald raises an eyebrow at her.
“I’ll be back in a week to pick everything up. At the very least I’ll install charging stuff at my house so she can come and visit.” She feels a little bad for just demanding custody of the kids mother as if she’s just an object. Diego insists she’s a whole person who is just under the control of their dad, and unfortunate and hopefully fixable issue.
“It’s a robot.” Reginald says, almost dumbly. 
“She’s their mother.” Ellie corrects Reginald viciously, “And she did a damn sight better at parenting than you ever did, even though it must have been an uphill battle the entire time. I’ll be back in a week. Good day to you, sir.”
And with that she turns on her heel and strides out of the room, wondering when the fuck she turned into an angry character in some regency show. Good day to you, sir? Maybe it was the house. Or that ridiculous fucking monocle, god.
She almost runs right into Grace, who blinks at her and smiles beautifully.
“I’ll show you out.” Grace tells her, and Ellie doesn’t have anything to say to that. They get to the door, and Grace opens it, and - 
“Do you uh, do you want to come with us? In a week?” Ellie asks, before she gets all the way through, turning to Grace. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask I just - ”
“Thank you,” Grace cuts her off, eyes sparkling and Ellie knows she’s more than just a robot. “Thank you for taking care of my children. For doing what I could not. I will see you in a week.”
The door closes and Ellie is left on the other side with a whole bunch of papers in her arms and hope in her chest and the need to get in contact with more than one person to verify all of this and make this adoption go through.
There was still more to do - like changing the kids legal names (which were still numbers) and figuring out where the charging port and stuff would go in the house (would Grace want her own house?? Ellie was 100% sure they absolutely could not finish an entire small cabin in a week even between the eight of them but Ellie’s cabin wasn’t exactly as spacious as the mansion Grace would surely be used to - Ellie liked to refer to it as cosy)
(a week later, Ellie borrows a friend’s pickup and grabs all the stuff from the Hargreeves mansion she needs. Grace rides shotgun smiling the whole way there.)
(Ellie doesn’t mention that the ‘luggage’ Grace brought with her looks suspiciously like a wrapped up painting that may or may not have been stolen straight off of Reginald Hargreeves’ walls)
(Ellie might just be a little bit in love)
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Lucky in Love
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Warnings: It’s safe to assume that all my stories are going to have at least a little NSFW, 18+ and language. Just how I write.
Summary: Y/N became friends with Chris Evans shortly before Captain America fame made him a superstar. Now they’ve been through a lot together but Chris has always wanted more A/N: For @troublermalik. Chris Evans one shot with fluff and some NSFW/smut. This got long (WAY TOO LONG for a one shot probably) because I kept working on it and then putting it on hold and then today hormones made me their bitch so I went in on it HARD (while crying over the soundtrack from The Greatest Showman, naturally.) so sorry or whatever. Oh, and I hate this title!! I tried like 3 and didn’t like any of them
Word count: 8575 roughly.
Gif not mine, credit to owner
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Y/N breaking her tooth was the best thing that had ever happened to Chris Evans. It may have been painful for her and required an emergency visit to a dentist, but if she hadn’t slipped while bowling and managed to fall at exactly the wrong angle, they may never have met. 
It had happened 2 years ago. Y/N had been on a blind date, a set up through one of her friends, and the man took her to a cosmic bowling alley. The lanes were dark, disco balls and black lights flashing against neon paint as classic rock pumped out of the speakers. Although the idea for the evening was great and Y/N wanted to enjoy herself, the man who was accompanying her was the worst kind of date. He was overly competitive about the score, utterly uninterested in talking to her (not that he could have even if he wanted to with the volume of the music), and far too interested in her various body parts. 
All in all, when the laces of the rental shoes untied (something Y/N didn’t notice due to the dim lighting) and caused her to stumble onto the slippery wax lanes where she promptly fell on her face, it wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened. At least that was her immediate thought before she realized that she had chipped her tooth and the broken shard had injured her lip leaving her with a bloody mouth and damaged smile. She had bid a quick farewell to her date, promising to reschedule without any intention of actually following through on it, and left the lanes while searching google for the closest dentist’s office. That dentist just happened to be Dr. Robert Evans, who’s son Chris was lucky enough to be in the office visiting when Y/N arrived as he had just gotten home from filming his upcoming Marvel debut, “Captain America: The First Avenger”. Despite her bloody mouth and eventual slurred speech due to novocain, Chris and Y/N had hit it off immediately. 
“You have no idea who you’re messing with.” Y/N narrowed her eyes at Chris and tried her best to look intimidating despite the fact that the man was several inches taller than her with the physique of a superhero...literally. 
“Bring it on Y/N,” Chris taunted back. 
“I’m warning you...”
“If you’re so confident, why not make this interesting?” he retorted with his characteristic easy charm. Despite his light tone there was an undercurrent of competitiveness to his words. Chris played to win at everything in life.
Y/N sized the man up and arched an eyebrow. “Name your terms.”
“If your skills are what you say they are-”
“They are,” she interjected.
“Well then, I’ll owe you a six pack of beer to drink while I wash your car. If, by some freak accident, I prove to be more talented in this particular arena than you are though...” Chris smirked at her for a moment as he thought about what he’d claim as a prize. Then his entire face lit up with mischievous delight. “You’ll be accompanying me to the upcoming Avengers red carpet premier.”
Y/N pursed her lips as she thought about the stipulations. She felt very confident in herself but if something did go wrong...she didn’t like the idea of going to a premier. She had been photographed several times while hanging out with Chris and her picture had even gotten into the tabloids. It was not the most pleasant experience in the world. Many of his fans knew about her; she was his best friend after all so he had mentioned her in interviews a few times. Most fans were very nice in regard to her relationship with Chris, they knew she dated other men and knew that Chris dated other women so they did not see her as a threat. Every time her picture appeared in a tabloid next to the Captain however, a new outcry would rise from the internet and she would be hit with waves of negative comments and anonymous hatred from obsessed fan girls. Going to a premier where there would be rows upon rows of journalists and photographers seemed like pushing her luck. 
“Scared Y/N?” Chris had his most dangerous smirk firmly in place, one side of his mouth lifted and his brow quirked. It was obvious to Y/N that he was teetering on the edge of laughter, ready to break out any second in the full body shaking peals that were never far from the surface. 
“Of you?” She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin defiantly. “Never. I just feel bad that all the paparazzi are gonna be able to snap pictures of you washing my car. Maybe they’ll publish articles speculating about if you’re broke and working for me to make ends meet!”
His smirk just got wider. “Just remember, I like how you look in silver.”
“Thanks but I won’t need to know that. Now stand back in awe.”
Y/N pushed her hand against Chris’s chest lightly and the man took a step back chuckling, more likely to be kind than because the shove had any effect on him. She positioned her feet carefully, shoulder width apart and narrowed her eyes with focus. Her fingers tightened around the grip of the club in her hand and she drew her arms back slowly before swinging them out again in a gentle arc, knocking the bottom of the metal putter against the brightly colored ball on the ground. It connected with a pleasing knock and spun forward along the artificial grass.
“Go baby, go...” Y/N muttered under her breath as she tracked the ball’s progress. “Curve for me...!”
As though the ball could hear what she was asking of it, it swerved and began to ride along the ridge of a hill.
“Yes...yes...YES!” The ball found the perfect course trajectory and dropped into a small cup next to the large flag that marked the hole. “Hole in one! Fear my mini golf genius, Evans!”
Y/N jumped into the air and came down to rest on one knee, celebrating as if she were Tiger Woods and had just won the PGA cup. Chris couldn’t resist shaking with laughter at the display, his right hand coming up to grab his left pectoral as it always did when he laughed uncontrollably. 
“We’ve got a long course to play here, Y/N. Don’t get cocky on me now.”
“I wouldn’t dare,” Y/N retorted with a serious air before her face turned wicked. “Being cocky is your job.”
Chris shook his head and positioned himself at the line between artificial grass and sidewalk. All around him, children and families were delighting in the amusements of the mini golf course: chasing balls that had escaped into water hazards, taking pictures with the fake dinosaurs that lined the Jurassic themed diversion, laughing and lamenting their poor luck as they came out of a hole that was only par 2 with more than 5 strokes. 
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He and Y/N often ended up in strange contests like this as they were both competitive and had a fondness for sports...or at least sport like activities. They had done everything from beach volleyball to ultimate frisbee, usually with a small wager attached to the win. Most nights, Chris wanted to win because he liked to win. Tonight however, he wanted to win so that he could have Y/N on his arm at the upcoming premier. He had just broken up again with his on-again / off-again girlfriend and knew that showing up at the premier alone would only result in him being bored out of his mind most of the night. Y/N would absolutely prevent that; she was always fun to be around. 
“You going to shoot your shot Evans or have I intimidated you into quitting already?”
“Oh please, my skills are hotter than the fire coming from that very fake volcano.”
Y/N cocked her hip out slightly and braced her hand against it, striking the international pose of female confidence as her face resolved into an expression of exasperated incredulity. Chris tried not to focus on her, tempting as it was to ignore the game and spend his time watching Y/N and laughing in the unrestrained way she always caused. Instead, he trained his eyes on the blue ball he had picked out (a choice that Y/N had made some very uncouth remarks over) and concentrated on hitting it with enough force to find the cup but not the excessive amount that would cause it to skip right over the hole. With an apparent lack of effort, Chris managed to sink his shot in one as well. 
“Oooooh,” he chuckled and shook his head. “What’s Danny gonna say when you tell him you can’t go out for date night because you’ll be on my arm?”
“I don’t think he’ll be too upset,” Y/N deadpanned back. “After all, I’m sure he’ll be out with his new girlfriend that night.”
“You guys broke up?”
“Yeah, earlier this week.” Y/N ran a hand through her hair, mussing it up prettily as she led the way to the next patch of green. “He was too needy, ya know? Everything was always about him. Like, I’d get home from working a 10 hour shift and he’d be there asking me why I hadn’t made him dinner.” She shook her head in a frustrated way. “Who looks at me and thinks Stepford Wife?”
It’s definitely not the first thought I have, Chris mused silently. My first thought has always been...no, never mind. Better not to acknowledge that thought. 
“Wow, bad time of year for romance all around, I guess.”
Y/N looked at him in confusion, one eyebrow arched delicately. 
“Jenny and I broke up again too,” he clarified. 
“Dude, you know I love Jenny,” Y/N began, her shoulders slumping as she looked at her friend, “but I seriously do not understand how you do it. I get whiplash just watching your relationship from the outside. How do you even keep track of if you’re together or not?”
“Maybe that’s been the problem all along, Y/N. I was thinking we were together when she was thinking we weren’t...we’re just on the wrong schedule! You’ve solved it, Dr. Phil!”
“Don’t you sass me, Evans,” she said as she reached out to smack his large bicep playfully. “I’m not afraid to call your mother.”
“Ok, ok, I’m just teasing. Nah, Jenny is great...and when it works, it’s great. But...” he trailed off with a shrug. 
“But how often does it work? Like a rough percentage?”
“Maybe...10% of the time?”
Y/N looked back at him with her eyebrows raised, her face expectant as he thought over what he had just said. 
“Yeah, I get you. If it’s only working 10% of the time, the other 90% sucks.” 
She nodded at him, a hint of sadness in her face. “You deserve better than 90% suckage Chris.”
Chris knew that Y/N was serious whenever she called him by his first name. Most of the time she referred to him simply as Evans or by some new mocking nickname she had crowned him with. Despite their teasing banter, the two were very close and cared for each other deeply. He knew that she wanted to see him happy just as much as he wanted that for her. 
“I’m tired of the whole relationship thing at the moment,” Y/N continued. “It never seems like the people involved are on the same page. It’s never just relaxed and easy. Like this! The way that we are together.” Y/N reached out and laid her hand against Chris’s chest, stopping their progress along the course so that she could look him in the eyes. “Everything is always good between us. We can talk about anything, we can always have fun, we’re tend to agree on the big stuff and be on the same wavelength...why can’t real relationships work like this?”
Chris gave an easy shrug and shook his head, watching as Y/N turned to move on to the next hole. Real relationships. We could have a real relationship, he thought, we could have a great relationship, even better than what you just described. If only you felt the same.
“HA! Hahahahahahaha,” Chris had burst into the kind of laughter that doubled him over in exaltation. It ripped out of his belly and shook every muscle in his well toned body as he gripped his pectoral with one hand, his other hand holding Y/N’s shoulder as an anchor. 
“Not fair! If I hadn’t messed up the 12th hole so badly, I could have won!”
Chris could only shake his head as he laughed. He hadn’t just beaten Y/N, he had destroyed her. 
“Seriously, I think there was like, water on that hole or something. There is no WAY it should have taken me over 8 strokes to make a par 2 hole. STOP LAUGHING YOU BIG JERK!” She whined in a voice of fake outrage. 
“Oh, Y/N,” Chris sighed as he finally caught his breath. “You’re my favorite thing in the whole world.”
“Ha! I’ll believe I rank in the top 10, Evans, but I’m not claiming the top spot with your nieces and nephews around. Hell, I’m pretty sure even Dodger comes ahead of me on that list,” she scoffed. “Which is fair as he is such a great dog.”
He just smiled back at her indulgently, trying not to let on how wrong she was. “Whatever you say babe. Now, about what you’ll be wearing to the premier-”
“You can moan all you want, girlfriend. You made the bet, you have to deal with the consequences.” Y/N’s roommate, Angie, said in her thick New York City accent as she stood outside the bedroom. Years of being away from the city had done nothing to change how she spoke. 
Y/N felt like she had been groaning and moaning ever since she had lost to Chris that night at the golf course. She would never go back on her word so she had gone out and gotten a great gown, silver as requested, and prepared for tonight with a pedicure, manicure and professionally done make up and hair, but none of it had done much to calm her nerves. As happy and relaxed as she always was with her best friend, the spotlight was not her comfort zone. She didn’t want to think about how the next few hours would be spent in front of hundreds of people and in the company of movie stars. Sure, Chris was a movie star...but he was also just Chris. Silly, puppy-dog, can’t stop laughing, dork, sweetest human being alive Chris. Hanging out with him was like snuggling in a giant sweater. He was all fluff and comfort. Tonight was going to be a whole different ball game. 
“Seriously Ange...I’m not saying that I won’t go, but seriously...what am I doing?!”
“I can’t believe you’re whining about this, Y/N,” Angie replied with a roll of her eyes. “You’re going to the premier of a huge Hollywood movie where you’ll be next to some of the hottest men in the known universe. Oh yeah, and you’ll be there as the date of one of those absolute hotties. What is there to complain about?”
“Don’t call Chris a hottie...it’s weird.”
“He is a hottie. I can’t change the facts, girl. The fact that you are somehow magically blind to his intense good looks doesn’t mean I am.”
Y/N looked at her roommate and frowned. She wasn’t immune to Chris’s good looks; you’d have to be 10 kinds of stupid not to notice that the man was handsome. It was more that she chose not to think about him that way. Keeping him solidly locked in her mind under the label of “Friend” made everything much simpler. 
“If you’re going to stand there and mock me, the least you could do is tell me how I look?”
Y/N gave a small spin for her roommate. Her hair was pulled back into an elegant style that she would never be able to replicate again, which complemented her sleek gown nicely. The structured bodice hugged her beautifully and pushed her chest up to put a decent amount of cleavage on display. Its straps lay off the shoulders, a delicate drape of fabric brushing against her upper arm, and the fabric continued in long swaths down the back of the gown, creating a train-like effect. The skirt itself had a small train, really just a puddle of fabric attached to the slim tube that was fitted to her legs. The whole gown fit like a dream, she hadn’t even needed alterations, which was the main reason she had picked this one. 
“You look amazing. You’ll fit right in. In fact, I’ll be surprised if you don’t come home with a date...if you get your choice of the men, go for Tom Hiddleston. I’ve seen him dance; I think you could make good use of the way those hips move.”
“Angie!” Y/N cried out in shock just as there was a knock on the door. 
“What? I’m human, girlfriend.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Y/N responded, brushing by her roommate. “You’re something alright.”
Quickly checking her hair in a mirror and smoothing her hands over the front of the dress, Y/N opened up the door. Chris was standing in the hallway and before she could put up her guard against it, Y/N was struck with exactly how amazing he looked. His dark hair had been gelled lightly and slicked into a dapper style that fit his bone structure perfectly. His beard was trimmed and neat and before Y/N could reign the thought in, she found herself wondering if it would tickle to be kissed by him with that beard. Damn Angie, putting thoughts into her head just before Chris arrived. The best part though was his suit. It was a bright cobalt blue that accentuated his eyes until they became hypnotic. The bright white of his shirt made a gorgeous contrast to the bright blue fabric and the black that lined the lapel of the jacket. 
“Well damn,” Chris said with a frown as his shoulders dipped.
“What? What’s wrong?” Y/N looked down at herself nervously. “Is the dress not good? Do I look terrible?”
“Not at all. It’s just that..” he trailed off with a shake of his head and looked down while she waited anxiously. “Well, I tried so hard and thought I looked pretty good tonight but now it’s not going to matter at all because no one is going to be able to look away from how beautiful you are, babe!”
“Don’t do that, Evans!” Y/N reached out and punched his shoulder as he looked up at her from under his lashes with a wicked smile.
“Couldn’t help myself,” he said with a chuckle. “Seriously though, Y/N. You look more incredibly beautiful than any woman I’ve ever seen.”
“You can keep the compliments coming, I’m not forgiving you that quickly.”
“Since I have your permission, I think I’ll just keep complimenting you all night.”
“When are you just going to ask her out, Chris?” Angie called from inside the apartment. “I’m sick of you two doing this ‘We’re just really good friends and there’s no sexual tension between us’ thing.”
“Angie!” Y/N practically screamed. “I swear, if rent was not so obscenely ridiculous, I would kick you out and pretend we didn’t know each other.”
Chris laughed a bit awkwardly and cleared his throat.
“Alright, if you’re not going to jump on it, girlfriend, I’ll take this bullet. When are you going to ask me out?” Angie had come to the door and was looking at Chris with a cocky expression on her face.
“We’re leaving. Right now,” Y/N said, her tone dark. She gave Angie a small but forceful push back into the apartment, grabbed her clutch from the table near the door and proceeded to slam it behind her. “I cannot even. I don’t know what the hell has gotten into her tonight.”
“I hate to tell you but that was not a tonight only situation,” Chris said as he easily looped an arm around Y/N’s waist. “Your roommate has been flirting with me like that since the first time I met her.”
“And you never mentioned it?” Y/N looked up at Chris in confusion but he just gave a relaxed shrug. 
“She doesn’t actually mean anything by it. Trust me, if I took her up on it and asked her out, she would freeze up and then refuse.”
“And you know this because...?”
“Just one of those things.”
Y/N continued to look up at Chris, her brow furrowing and a small frown creasing her face. She didn’t like the sound of that. Had Chris asked Angie out? Had they actually gone out? As they walked out to the waiting town car, Y/N pondered the possibilities silently and tried to decide why the idea of her friend and her roommate having secrets or a relationship bothered her so much.
Flashbulbs were everywhere. It was beyond blinding and if Chris hadn’t kept a steady hold on Y/N, she probably would have bumped into someone and fallen down. 
“They’ll calm down in a bit,” he whisper-shouted into her ear. “The only reason they’re taking so many pictures is cause we just got here. A little down the line, you’ll have no trouble seeing.”
“How can you see?!” she asked in a terrified voice.
“I’m just used to it.”
“I don’t understand how anyone could ever get used to this...” Y/N muttered.
Chris took her hand in his and squeezed it gently. He knew this wasn’t where she felt the most comfortable but he also wanted Y/N to enjoy herself. Premiers weren’t always great but if you let them, they could be a lot of fun. 
“Mr. Evans, we need you for a quick chat over here,” an assistant came bustling up to direct him to an interview. 
“Do you want to come with or hang back?”
Y/N looked at him with wide and wild eyes. “Hang back, definitely hang back.”
He laughed and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek for courage. “Stay right here, babe. I’ll be back before you know it.” He pressed down lightly on her shoulders as though he were sticking her in place and moved off to the microphone the assistant had pointed out. 
Y/N took a couple of deep breaths and tried to calm herself. Chris had been right about the flashes calming down and now that some time had passed she was able to see a little better. In front of her were lines and lines of journalists and photographers, all calling out names and questions, but behind her there were bleachers full of fans. Many of them had signs and posters; some looked as though they had been camped out all day. Y/N turned slightly so that she could read some of the signs. 
“Hey, hey, Y/N!” someone called out to her. 
She looked around and spotted a fan at the barrier waving to her. “Umm...hi?”
“HI!! Sorry, this is probably totally creepy,” the girl said with a big smile. “I just feel like I know you from all the times Chris has talked about you.”
Y/N went a little closer to the girl. She was young and had obviously been waiting for a long time. Clutched in her arms was a canvas with all of the Avengers lovingly represented on it. One or two of the characters now bore a signature from the actor who played to role. 
“That’s really cool,” Y/N said pointing to it. “Did you make that?”
“Yeah!” Her face lit up as she held the canvas out for Y/N to inspect. “I want to be an artist when I grow up.”
“Do you mind?” Y/N reached out hesitantly and the girl placed it in her hands. It was incredible, each detail captured, every character given so much emotion. “You’re really talented.”
“Thanks! I was hoping to get everyone to sign it but...I couldn’t get a couple people’s attention. Do you think you could ask Mr. Evans if he’d sign it though?”
Y/N looked up at the girl and smiled. “Hold on to this,” she said, handing the canvas back. “I’ll make sure he comes over...or I’ll kick some Captain butt.” With a quick wink and smile, Y/N turned back to the front of the carpet and moved back to the space where Chris had left her. As if on cue, he finished his interview and returned to her. 
“Ready to keep going?”
“Not quite. I need two favors from you actually.”
Chris stared at Y/N, his eyebrows slightly raised. He could tell by her low and serious voice that she was being sincere. “What’s up?”
“Do you know who’s already inside?”
“Uh, yeah. I know that RDJ, Hemsworth, Mackie, Scarlett, Paul and Tom Holland have made it down the carpet...why?”
“Alright, she caught Rudd and Tom Holland. Do you have their phone numbers? RDJ, Hemsworth, Mackie and Scarlett, I mean?”
“Yeah...again, why?” Chris was beginning to look at Y/N like she had lost her mind. 
“’k, so favor number one: can you send a group text to those guys and the rest of the cast and ask them to make sure they sign this girl’s artwork?” Y/N jerked her head slightly to indicate where the fan stood. “She’s been here for a long time waiting and she made this incredible work of art to honor you all. It’d really mean a lot if everyone did this. If they could just come back out really quick?”
Chris was beaming at Y/N now, his phone already in his hand. He had been worried that she hated every bit of what was happening and it warmed his heart to see her caring so much about his fans.
“Done. Is favor number two that I go over and sign it right now?”
“Well...yeah.” Y/N gave an embarrassed shrug. “Sorry to be predictable.”
Chris wrapped his arm around her waist again, guiding her back towards the fan. “Trust me, babe. This is not an ‘’I’m sorry’ situation.”
Y/N smiled up at him brilliantly before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the young girl. “Look who’s here! And I didn’t even need to kick his butt. I just told him someone had a picture of his face and he couldn’t be stopped,” she said teasingly, looking between Chris and his fan. 
“It’s true,” Chris said with his trademark charming smirk. “I can’t resist beautiful things.”
Y/N laughed at him and shook her head, stepping back slightly so that his fans could have access to him. Watching him talk to everyone, sign posters and pose for pictures, she was reminded how lucky she was to have him in her life. His presence was something she had almost grown too accustomed to...almost taken for granted. 
“Hey Y/N,” said a low voice just behind her.
She turned to look over her shoulder and spotted Sebastian Stan standing at her side. She had met him several times before through Chris and had forgotten that as another Marvel actor he would be attending tonight. 
“Hey Seb, it slipped my mind that I’d be seeing you.” 
The man reached out and draped an easy arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side. “Ouch, didn’t realize I was so forgettable,” he said with a chuckle. 
“Don’t be stupid,” she said with a roll of her eyes.
“He can’t help it, stupid is his default setting,” Anthony Mackie teased as he walked by on his way to sign the canvas.
Both Seb and Y/N laughed at the man, Seb miming a kick in his direction.
“So, did Chris bring you tonight?”
“Yup...I lost a bet.” Y/N hung her head in a comical display of shame. 
“Well you may have lost but I think we all won.”
She looked up at him with her head cocked to the side. 
“You look gorgeous, Doll.”
“Oh,” Y/N blushed furiously, both at the nickname and the words preceding it. “Thanks...?”
Sebastian laughed at the way her word went up at the end, turning it into a question. 
“Hey Seabass!” Mackie called out. “Get over here and look at this. The girl managed to capture my magnificent thighs!”
With a smirk and a quick squeeze, Sebastian released his hold on Y/N’s shoulder. “Gotta go, Doll. Duty calls.” He shot her a wink and walked off to the line of fans, clapping Chris on the shoulder as they passed each other. 
“Alright, I’m thirsty,” Chris said as he reached her. “Ready to go inside?”
“You didn’t tell me to make sure I had waterproof mascara on, you big jerk!” Y/N punched Chris’s shoulder again lightly, blinking her eyes rapidly and rubbing her hand along her cheek. The movie was fantastic, full of action and great one-liners like all Marvel movies, but it also had heart wrenching, terrible moments that had brought Y/N to the edge of sobbing. 
“I didn’t want to spoil anything,” he replied chuckling. “Besides, you look amazing.”
“I look puffy and red...and if I get a hold on Tom Holland tonight, I’m going to tear him apart for breaking me down like that!”
Chris was laughing in earnest now, his whole body rumbling. “That just means I have to spend the after party making sure you don’t get near him.”
“Good, you do that. Keep me at your side all night or I’m likely to hit one of your friends and cast mates for making me cry.”
“Alright, tough guy. Let’s go get a drink and enjoy the party, huh?”
“I can’t go in there yet!” Y/N looked at Chris in horror. “I have to go to the bathroom and take care of the trash panda mess that is my face! Get it together, Evans!”
She left him chuckling fondly as she strode off to check her makeup and gather herself. Hardly a minute had passed before Chris was joined by Sebastian, the man holding out a beer which Chris gladly accepted. 
“Where’s Y/N?” Seb asked casually. 
“Went to clean herself up. She got a little teary eyed during the screening.”
Sebastian nodded and took a long pull from his beer. “Listen man,” he started hesitantly. “Are you two...I mean, do you...”
Chris stared at his friend with his brow furrowed. 
“She still dating that guy? Davey, Dippy, Dopey...whatever his name was?”
“Nah, they broke up.”
Sebastian nodded thoughtfully. “And what about you?”
“I broke up with Jenny again, I told you that.”
“No, I mean, with her. Are you...would you be pissed if I asked Y/N out?”
Chris just stared at the other man. Sebastian wanted to ask Y/N out? His Y/N?? But she’s not mine, he reminded himself. She never has been. And she’s dated plenty of other men since I met her. What right do I have to tell Sebastian no?
“Uh- I mean, go for it.”
“Do you mean that?” Seb asked, studying Chris’s face.
“Yeah, sure. She did just tell me that she was kinda over the whole relationship thing right now though, so she might not be the most receptive...you might get a better response if you wait,” he added the last bit casually, tacking on a shrug and wondering if he was overacting the casual vibe he was aiming for. 
“I’ll take it into consideration,” Sebastian said thoughtfully. “See how the night goes and play it by ear.”
Chris just nodded numbly.
“Alright,” Y/N called as she approached the two men, “I’m decent enough to hang out with the world’s mightiest heroes again.”
“Would you settle for hanging out with the guy that plays a semi-stable 100 year old man?” Seb asked with a charming smile, stepping out to reach Y/N before she got to Chris. 
“Uh-” she said, glancing between the two men.
“Just don’t let her near Tom Holland,” Chris said, clapping Seb on the shoulder and moving away with a huge fake smile plastered on his face. “She’ll kick his ass and then we’ll all be in trouble.”
“Mr. Evans, I know it’s a party, but please don’t forget you still have a late night interview after this...it might be wise to slow down on the drinks?”
The small assistant was hovering near Chris’s elbow, his expression anxious as he watched Chris sip yet another scotch on the rocks.
Chris didn’t normally drink, but tonight was not a normal night. “Keep me at your side all night”, that was what Y/N had requested. That was what Chris had wanted. Instead, she had spent the evening on Sebastian’s arm, at Sebastian’s side, laughing at Sebastian’s jokes, dancing with Sebastian. He slammed down the rest of his drink, wincing as it burned his throat, and knocked the glass onto the bar. 
Most of the time, Chris was extremely easy going. He was good natured. He liked almost everyone. Jealousy was not something he felt often but at the moment it was twisting in his stomach like an anaconda around its prey. His center was nothing more than a tight fist of rage. This wasn’t him being competitive, this was a base instinct. Fight or flight. Protect what was his. And maybe it was just the alcohol or maybe it was seeing her with someone that seemed to pose a real threat to him, but at that moment, Chris decided that Y/N was his. She would be his.
“Mr. Evans? It’s about that time to head to the show?”
“Thank you, Harold,” Chris replied to the assistant with a smile, his face easing out of the angry mask it had become over the last few hours. “I just have to go and get something.” With that, he stood up and made his way over to where Seb and Y/N stood, the man’s arm laid casually around her shoulders. “Sorry to interrupt but I actually have to steal you away, babe.”
“Oh?” Y/N sounded surprised but not necessarily disappointed. 
“Yeah, gotta go to that chat show remember? Interview with James Corden for TV? You said you’d come hang out?”
“You can stay here if you’d rather,” Sebastian offered quickly. “I can always give you a ride.”
“Thanks Seb, but I’ll go with. I wouldn’t mind just chilling backstage. Besides, I really like James Corden. He always makes me laugh with his crosswalk musical things!”
Sebastian looked slightly disappointed but didn’t argue, choosing instead to simply give Y/N and Chris both hugs and send them on their way with a promise to call her and arrange lunch. 
“You guys are having lunch?” Chris asked as they left the building and walked towards the town car that was waiting outside for them.
“He offered to take me to a ball game and then buy me food,” she responded with a shrug. “I tried to make it clear that it wasn’t gonna be a date.”
“Oh?” he asked as his heart lifted. “Seb’s not your type?”
“I can’t imagine dating a celebrity,” Y/N replied, her tone laced with disgust. “Besides, I told you, I’m over the whole relationship thing right now.”
“Right...” Chris felt his heart sinking back down in his chest again. This was the first time since he had met Y/N that they were both single at the same time and he was free to try and start a romantic relationship with her. Of course she would be sworn off romance. Will I ever catch a break? he wondered as the car pulled out and began the short drive to James Corden’s studio.
Y/N sat backstage and watched the monitors of what was happening just around the corner. James Corden had brought Chris out to wild applause from the audience and asked him a few introductory questions about the movie. Chris gave all the right answers, promoting the movie well and exercising his not unformidable charm. 
“And there are deaths in the movie?” James tried to wheedle out spoilers. “Does everyone make it through?”
“Hey, I’d love to tell you, but I’m pretty sure Marvel has snipers in the audience that would take me out before I got a word out,” Chris joked jovially. 
“Well, at least tell me if I should go to the theater prepared with kleenex! That’s just good manners.”
“I’ll say this,” Chris hedged with a small smile, “I have it on good authority that waterproof mascara is recommended.” 
“Oh, well I always make sure to wear waterproof,” James retorted with a flutter of his eyelashes to the audience’s delight. “But who is this good authority? I heard a rumor you were recently single again; was I misinformed?”
“No, that’s true, I did break up with someone not too long ago.”
“Someone new in your life already?”
“No,” Chris said with a warm smile, his eyes flicking down briefly as the smile grew wider. “No, not new. Someone who’s been in my life for a while but I never fully appreciated.”
“Oh?” James tried not to interrupt or even make himself very noticeable. If Chris  kept talking, he may get a huge scoop. 
“That’s not the right way to say it actually. I always appreciated this person. I’ve appreciated her since the day we met...but I always thought that we couldn’t be any more than we were.” 
Backstage, Y/N sat frozen. Was Chris talking about her? She had told him off about the waterproof mascara...but the rest...?
“You���re married right?” Chris looked up suddenly at James who nodded. “Is your wife the greatest person in the world? The one that you want to tell all your stories to? The one that you can talk about anything with and always have fun with? The person who always seems to be on your wavelength?”
James was nodding frantically in agreement. 
“But more than that, right? Like, she also expands the things you know, gives you new experiences, takes you new places. She makes you better than you are. She’s the person that you see first in any room. You could walk into a full three ring circus and your eyes would still find her first. It doesn’t matter what she’s wearing, she’s still the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen. She’s my best friend and so much more than just that; so much more than I can put into words. That’s how it is with her; that’s how I feel about Y/N.”
All the air in the room, all the air in the world, seemed to have disappeared. There was no sound. Not a rustle of fabric or a whine of an electronic device. Y/N’s lungs seemed to be clenched too tightly to draw breath. Chris was in love with her. That was what he had just said, wasn’t it? He hadn’t used those words but what else could he have meant?
“Thank you for sharing that with us, Chris. And congratulations to you and Y/N. On that rather beautiful note,” James turned to the cameras with a smile, “We’ll take a break and be right back!”
The audience clapped and a crew member counted them out, letting James and Chris know when it was safe to relax. The moment the cameras were no longer filming, Chris leapt from his seat, shook James’s hand and practically galloped backstage. He was worried that Y/N might have fled but she still sat, frozen, in the chair she had taken before he made his confession. 
She turned her head to look up at him, her eyes wide and dazed. “That was...”
“The truth?” Chris finished for her.
“Was it?” She asked, her gaze becoming more focused on him. “Is that how you feel?”
He nodded. “That and more. I should have told you before, I should have just listened to Angie and asked you out but I...I don’t know. We were such good friends. And you were always dating other guys. And you hate the celebrity thing, you always said you’d never date anyone famous and you hate it when your picture shows up places, and I knew if we were together your picture would be taken.” Chris knew he was rambling but couldn’t seem to stop. “I always thought you just hated my career too much and that you weren’t interested but tonight...you were so great tonight. You took such good care of those fans and you even had fun but then Seb came around and he was flirting with you and you were laughing and touching his arm and I was this close,” he held up his fingers with a small space between them, “to tearing his arm off and beating him with it. Make him even more realistic as Bucky. So I just had to tell you, I had to-”
Y/N flung herself out of the chair and into his arms, her lips colliding against his with all the force of years of repressed passion. Chris responded equally as enthusiastically, wrapping his large arms around her and lifting her off the ground as he pressed their bodies together. Her lips were lush and tasted slightly of vanilla and cinnamon; Chris wondered if she always tasted this sweet and then if she would taste this sweet everywhere else. His hand went to the back of her neck as her fingers tangled into his hair, causing the gelled locks to splay and stick out in ridiculous, messy patterns. She tugged on his tresses lightly, garnering a moan from him, which allowed her to briefly slip her tongue into his mouth. 
Chris held Y/N even closer, his tongue chasing after hers and caressing its way into her mouth. He ran it along her lips, against her teeth, finally reaching out to brush against her own tongue, licking and exploring her as deeply as possible. 
“Chris,” she breathed out raggedly, breaking the kiss to speak. “Dressing room. Now.”
He didn’t hesitate for a moment. She had already been in his arms so it was easy to reach a hand down to the back of her thigh and pull her legs around his waist. Walking quickly, he carried her down the hallway, ignoring the looks of several crew members. He had been waiting years for this moment, god help anyone who tried to interfere or judge.
While they walked, Y/N kissed along his neck, her light nibbling causing his knees to tremble dangerously. 
“It does tickle,” Y/N giggled slightly. 
“What’s that, babe?”
“I was wondering earlier if your beard would tickle me if you kissed me.” She nuzzled against him and giggled again. “It does.”
“Just wait...soon it’s going to be tickling the inside of your thighs,” Chris retorted, his tone darkened with lust. 
Y/N sucked in a deep breath and bit her bottom lip. “I’ll hold you to that, Evans.”
They reached the dressing room and Chris shoved the door open, striding inside and dumping Y/N onto the plush couch. “Don’t move,” he warned before turning to quickly close and lock the door. She wouldn’t have had time to move had she wanted to; Chris moved rapidly and within seconds was over her again, his body a pleasant weight pressing against her, pushing her down into the soft couch.
“I love this dress,” Chris muttered against her lips. “You look so amazing in silver.” He stopped to kiss her again as his hands traveled along her body. “But it’s covering too much of you...”
Chris sat up and grinned wolfishly at her before moving his hands down to her ankles. He went slowly, his touch brushing the fabric upwards as his fingers traced along her skin against her ankles, her calfs...up to the outside of her thighs. As his hands reached her hips, he looked away from their progress to stare at her eyes again. 
“Lift your hips for me, babe.”
She did as he asked and he continued to slip the fabric off her, his palms stroking over her belly, brushing along her breasts and finally coming up to pull the gown over her head. He cast it to the floor of the dressing room and simply stared down at her for a moment, sprawled on the couch in just bra and panties, looking up at him with her eyes full of hunger and lust. 
“Damn, Y/N. You are even more amazing than I imagined...and trust me, I imagined a lot.”
He grinned at her wickedly again as she bit her lip and then trailed his fingers down her neck causing her to shiver. He continued his descent, his hand stopping only briefly to squeeze her breast through her thin bra before moving down again to find the edge of her underwear. 
Never taking his eyes from hers, Chris slipped his fingers into the edges of her panties and drew them down, pulling them away from her and dropping them on top of her discarded dress. Y/N seemed shy, closing her legs and blushing, but Chris coaxed them open, kissing her knee and trailing his hand along her inner thigh. 
“You’re beautiful, babe.”
“Chris, I-” Y/N started but broke off in a ragged gasp as his fingers brushed over her slit. 
“You what?”
“I,” she panted. “I-”
“Is there something you want to tell me, babe?” His tone was teasing as he smirked down at her. He continued to run his thumb up her slit, pressing it against the small bundle of nerves each time. 
“Mmmm...” She moaned and arched her back. “More...please...”
Chris stoked her again, this time pressing circles against her clit when he reached it. “I don’t think that’s what you wanted to tell me, Y/N.” He moved her legs gently so that he was sitting between them, her slick sex fully exposed to him. “What did you want to tell me, babe?” Instead of stroking, this time when he touched her, Chris pressed his long middle finger inside her, groaning at how she squeezed around it.
Y/N was panting and moaning, her hips moving on instinct against Chris’s hand, chasing pleasure, while her own hands squeezed and tweaked her breasts. 
“I love you, Chris,” she said on a breathy exhale. “I love you!”
“I love you too, babe,” Chris said triumphantly. He pulled his finger out of Y/N earning a moan of disappointment that rapidly became a groan of pleasure when his mouth took the place of his hand. 
Chris licked a stripe along Y/N’s wet pussy, savoring the taste of her, every bit as sweet as her lips. Just as he had promised, his beard tickled the inside of her thighs as he went to work, exploring every part of her with his tongue. Every few strokes and licks he would work his way back to her clit, giving it a firm flick with his tongue before sucking it gently. In a matter of minutes, Y/N was coming undone, chanting his name while he sucked on her and shaking as the waves of her orgasm washed through her. She was so overwhelmed by the pleasure, she didn’t even notice as Chris stood and began to undress. It wasn’t until his body weight was above her, pressing her pleasantly into the couch again, that she opened her eyes.
“Hey babe,” Chris whispered, kissing her lightly. His face hovered over hers, bright blue eyes shining down at her with a mixture of lust and love, his hair still standing on end from where she had run her fingers through it. 
Y/N moved her hands to his shoulders, squeezing the large muscles and sliding along the soft skin. He was the most beautiful man she had ever met and he loved her.
“I need you inside me,” she whispered to him. 
Chris wasted no time in complying. The tip of his hardened length had already been aligned with her, brushing against her entrance teasingly. At her word, Chris pressed his hips forward, both of them groaning as he slipped into her. 
“Damn, babe,” he moaned against her neck, his head falling against her, “You’re so tight.”
Y/N couldn’t think straight enough to protest that it wasn’t her tightness but rather his impressive size. Chris was thick and long; he was barely inside her and already filling and stretching her in that perfect blend of pleasure and pain. He moved slowly, pressing into her with gentle determination until he was fully sheathed in her. For a moment they simply stayed that way, as closely connected as possible, but before long, Y/N was aching for him to move, craving the friction and pleasure to come. 
“Please, Chris,” she begged him. “Please fuck me.”
Chris chuckled and kissed along her neck, slowly drawing his hips back and starting a steady rhythm, rocking against her. 
“More,” she moaned as her fingernails dug into his back.
He snapped his hips forward forcefully and she cried out, her back arching as her face screwed up in pleasure. Chris kissed along her jawline and continued, his strokes becoming faster and harder now that she was accustomed to the feel of him. 
“I’m close, I’m so close,” Y/N moaned as he continuously hit the sweet spot deep within her.
“Me too, babe,” Chris said through gritted teeth, his thrusts becoming sloppy. “Let go, Y/N...just enjoy it.”
With one last moan of his name, she came undone again, her nails digging into his back as her body tensed and relaxed, her muscles clenching tightly around Chris and bringing him over the edge as well. He found her lips again, kissing her and moaning her name as he continued to thrust, coaxing them both through the waves of pleasure as they came down. 
For another minute, they simply lay on the couch, twisted in each other’s arms, enjoying the feelings they had been denying themselves for years. Then Chris drew back to stare down at Y/N; her hair was a mess from rubbing against the couch, her cheeks flushed and lipstick smeared. Her eyes were still glazed with recent pleasure and her chest heaved unevenly. 
“You’re just as beautiful as the first time I saw you,” Chris said lovingly, leaning down to kiss her chastely. 
“The first time you saw me I had a hole in my lip and a mouthful of blood,” Y/N scoffed at him.
“Yeah, you did. And you were still the most gorgeous woman I’d ever seen.”
“Such a liar, Evans.”
“Not to you, babe. Not about this.” He shook his head seriously. “I was crazy about you from the first moment I set eyes on you.”
Y/N blushed and looked away from him biting her lip. “Hey...what’s our percentage?”
“You know how things were only good with Jenny like 10% of the time? What would you say our percentage is?”
Chris looked down at her and laughed, enjoying the unrestrained laughter that she always brought out in him. “About...99.9%.”
She looked thoughtful for a moment before breaking out into a huge smile. “I’ll take that answer.” 
“What percentage would you have said?” Chris asked quizzically. 
“Nope, not telling,” Y/N said with a smile as her phone started to buzz. 
“Oh, come on, babe, that’s not fair!”
“You should have asked me before you told me what your percentage was if you wanted to know! Now I have no incentive to tell you,” she teased while grabbing her phone. 
“Oh, I can give you an incentive,” Chris growled playfully. “Come ‘ere!”
He grabbed her and pulled her laughing back to the sofa, kissing her wildly and tickling his fingers along her body. Y/N’s phone lay forgotten on the table, the screen open to a text from Angie that read simply: “Saw Corden. About damn time!”
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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Chapter 19
So who else is loving Derek and Juliet as much as @veroinnumera and I? Let us know!
“How many boxes can you possibly have?” Juliet asked incredulously, glancing all around her expansive living room at the copious amounts of crap Derek managed to bring with him. “I have never known a man with so much crap.”
Her sweet, badass boyfriend cut his eyes at her. “I have a lot of shirts and pictures of family and gym equipment...shut up! I have a lot of crap.”
Juliet snickered as she opened one of the boxes and saw a couple pictures from his mantelpiece. They were going to have to make a place for all of these pictures. This was his family - and hopefully in time, they’d be her family too. “It’s okay. I love you anyway.”
“Don’t even get me started,” he said, kissing her forehead. “You’re the one who practically proposed to me.”
“Shut up!”
It had been three weeks since everything had fallen apart and back together again. Well, mostly back together. Derek was still suspended because of some stupid federal government bureaucrats who refused to take their heads out of their asses. He’d been keeping busy working on other renovations, helping her out at the library, and enjoying the first real break he’d gotten from work in years. He seemed happy, but it killed Juliet inside to know he wasn’t out there doing what he really needed to be doing. Somehow these idiots couldn’t see that they were sidelining their best player. Oh, yeah, they’d also been watching sports together and not to brag but her “lingo” was getting pretty great.
Right now he was downstairs making pancakes. The smell wafted all the way up to the second floor, providing enough motivation for Juliet to pull herself out of bed. She looked around for clothes, only to realize the only articles she could find belonged to him.
Juliet paused for a moment after slipping on one of Derek’s old Northwestern University T-shirts. He hadn’t gone home for a night since everything had happened with Carter. He’d slept in her room every single night. And it looked like his closet had essentially appeared in her room. His toothbrush was next to hers on the sink. His shoes sat beside hers at the front door. All the little things said that his life was here, with her.
Was she thinking what she thought she was thinking?
...She wanted Derek to move in. Officially. Oh wow, that’s a big step. Am I ready for that? Are we ready for that? What the hell am I saying? He disarmed a bomb for me and refused to leave my side even though it meant his certain death, of course we’re ready.
This was what she wanted.
After having pancakes with Derek, she told him she had a quick errand she needed to run, which was good for him because he had to meet up with his team to figure out where the bureaucratic bullshit was heading. Of course they were good little conservationists and showered together, saving the planet’s all important water before heading their separate ways.
Since Carter had reappeared and forever disappeared, she’d been a little extra nervous getting on with her daily routine, but on the opposing end, she knew she had Derek, who was literally ready to walk through fire for her. As long as he was hers, she’d be okay. She was sure of it.
The first few stops were easy; the local party supply store to get streamers and balloons, flowers from Andra’s (a bouquet of freesias which according to Spencer symbolized complete trust), and candles from the fancy little artisanal shop around the corner.
Then came the hard part: food. Juliet wasn’t much of a cook. Over the years she’d learned how to make a few very basic things, but she stuck to them like glue. Eggs, grilled chicken with vegetables, and a few others were staples she was very confident in. Unfortunately none of those were Derek’s favorite. As she’d learned a long time ago from the very first pizza they’d shared. Derek Morgan was a “meat man.” He also loved Mexican food. So that meant steak fajitas.
Juliet had never cooked a steak before. She’d seen it done on Food Network and in Youtube videos….but she’d never actually tried to do it herself before. But special occasions called for stepping up one’s game. And if a hunk of red meat stood between her and moving in with the man she loved, then she was going to cook the hell out of it.
Figuratively. She was fairly certain overcooked steak was bad.
A couple hours later, the key was made, the food was made and she was panicking. What if the food was awful? Screw it, we’ll order out. What if he says no? Again, what the fuck brain, he loves me. He saved my life.
With the rice and beans made and set out on the table and all of the fajita fixings set out buffett style, she tried one more small piece of the steak to make sure it was okay. It wasn’t chewy or tough. That was a good thing, right?
The streamers were in place. Flowers in the vase? Check. Balloons blown up? Check, check. Candles lit? Triple check. “Okay this is good,” she muttered to herself. “He’s not gonna say no. He loves you. It’s all good.”
She was taken aback when she heard his car pull up, unlocking the door and sitting at the table to wait for him. “Well, well,” he said; he was about to get his flirt on. “This is all for me?”
When she nodded, he replied, “Then I might have to return to favor one of these days. Or later on.” His over exaggerated wink made her snort with laughter. “You made fajitas!” He exclaimed, eyes going wide. “You do love me.”
“You know I do you dork.” Juliet smiled, glancing down at the floor nervously. “I made beans and rice too. And all the toppings are on the counter. I think this is the first time there’s ever been a tablecloth on this table and-” She cut herself off. Oh fuck I’m rambling.
She was rambling, and it was quite possibly the most adorable thing Derek had ever seen. “Everything alright?” He asked gently, sitting down and piling some fajitas onto his plate. He was listening attentively but this all looked too good not to start eating.
Juliet nodded, unable to help but laugh at the sight of him tearing into his food. He looked about five. To be fair though, she looked the same way around good food. Say something. Just start talking. But nothing came out. It was like she could see the words written down on flashcards inside her head but her voice wasn’t working.
Slowly, she pulled the key out of her pocket and tossed it hesitantly to him. Given her poor aim it fell onto his plate rather than landing in his lap. Apparently watching sports didn’t make someone better at throwing.
Derek picked it up off the plate, staring at it quizzically for a moment, glancing up at her for some sort of context.
“Your toothbrush is next to mine on the sink!” Juliet found herself blurting. Wait. That didn’t make any sense. Try again. “I-I mean...would you...maybe, possibly, want to move in here? With me?” She asked softly, voice faltering slightly as she met his gaze.
This was it.
For a split second, her brain told her she’d fucked this up, but then Derek smiled wider than she’d ever seen him smile before. “You want me to move in? Is that what all this was about? A dinner to get me to say yes?”
“Maybe?” Juliet said. Plausible deniability.
Grabbing the key, he placed it on his keyring and stood up, walking to the other end of the table and taking her mouth in a sweet but heated kiss. “You didn’t need to do all this to get me to say yes, but the answer is yes.”
“Why do you look so surprised?”
He snickered and kissed the tip of her nose. “Touche. Also, I had no idea you could cook.”
“Is the steak good? I’ve never cooked steak so I was hoping it didn’t suck.”
“It definitely didn’t suck.” Derek grinned
“And you haven’t cooked for me since then.” He pointed out teasingly.
“That’s why I asked you to move in. So I could avoid cooking. It was all a ploy. I’m using you for your body and your culinary talents.” Juliet pushed back.
Derek came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Somehow I think I can find a way to be okay with that. In fact I love when you use me.” He whispered, trailing kisses down her neck.
She giggled, he was trying to be sexy which it was but it sounded straight out of a daytime soap opera and she couldn’t help but laugh.  
“Oh? So you think this is funny? I’ll show you funny.” He warned jokingly, before lifting her up onto the couch and starting a tickle attack.
“No! Please! I’m sorry!” Juliet gasped in between uncontrollable shrieks of laughter.
It felt good to be home.
@epiphanyys @crimeshowtrash @literallyprentissstwin @jazz91121 @jennferjareau @spencer-puppies-and-stuff @fl0werb0nes18 @stunudo @spencerthepipecleaner @theofficeofsupremegenius @ultrarebelheart @lookwhatyoumademequeue @lukeassmanalvez @mentallydatingspencerreid @nobravery @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @original-criminal-fanfics @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars @wonderboygenius @spxcxrrxid @imagines-for-criminal-minds @acespence @sweater-vest-reid @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid @sam-carter-in-training @parker-hopper @spencerwreid @ssahotchner @profiler-in-training @were-skye @trollitis @heyboywonder @ficrecswithcassie @janiedreams88 @gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid @tippy06 @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart @ssaunitchief @xxm3xxj @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo
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werenzki · 7 years
Chris Kreider #1
Anonymous said: Can I ask for a Chris Kreider imagine and can it be about him taking his kids to team practice and the guys making fun of him cuz there are like five or six of them and then the reader pops up and she’s pregnant again!
A/N: literally i was like ‘who is this guy again’ and looked up his tag and was like ‘omg its the guy who used to kiss talbys helmet!!!’ lol well i hope u liked it :) also writing this was a different POV was weird and sorry if it was weird to read or anything
Word Count: 1,730
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The fact the Kreider family was big wasn’t new news. So knowing the four kids would be skating around the ice rink, the oldest three in their hockey gear, everyone was happy enough to have the little ones on the ice. With practice over, a few Rangers stayed behind and hung out with Chris and his kids. 
“Kaitlyn is playing next year,” Chris told his teammate, and friend, Derek Stephan. They were standing at the blue line, watching as the third oldest Kreider kid - and youngest girl - skating up and a puck to shoot at Hendrik. He was nice enough to stay behind and let the kids have some fun with a goalie in the net. 
“She’s almost six now, hey?” Derek questioned. 
“Yup, she’s almost as tall as her sister now though,” Chris stated. 
“That’s cause she got your height, while Izzy got Y/N’s,” the two men laughed. 
“It’s like the height gene always skipped a kid,” Chris noted. His eldest son, Michael, was tall for his age as well. He was turning 13 this year and he could pass as 16 most days. And everyone knew he probably had another couple inches to go too. 
“Poor Jamie,” Derek said, referring to the youngest of the Kreider clan. 
“He’ll get my good looks though, so he’ll be good,” Chris joked before skating off towards where his three oldest were skating around the goalie net. Each one was carelessly shooting at Henrik, he only saved one out the the many shots, and had the kids laughing at his ridiculous reaches and lunges for each puck. 
“Mikey,” Chris called for his eldest, “Derek said he’d go through some puck handling if you hurry your butt over to him,” 
“Sick,” the pre-teen said before skating over towards Derek. Suddenly Chris and the two girls were joined by Mats. He played with a puck, hitting it through Kaitlyn’s legs and causing her to nearly fall as she tried to watch him skate around her. 
“Heard someone’s playing hockey this year,” Mats smiled to the little blonde haired girl. They had been favourite of each other since she was born basically. Just like how Derek and Michael clicked pretty instantly too. 
“Yeah!” Kaitlyn cheered. 
“Gunna kick some butt, kid?” Mats asked, coming to a stop beside her now. 
“Mom said I’m not allowed to fight the other kids,” she said. 
Mats chuckled and looked up at where Chris was watching the two, “yeah, don’t go being like your dad, or you’ll get in trouble with your mom for sure,” he said. Chris rolled his eyes but then turned his attention to his eldest daughter, Caroline, who was playing with a puck and looking just a little lonely since Hendrik’s had left the net. Chris hit her stick, getting possession of the puck she was using. 
“Dad,” she groaned. She had just turned 11 and was already acting like a whiney pre-teen. Chris and Y/N weren’t looking forward to the teen years with any of your kids, except many Jamie cause he was a little angel - but he was also almost 5 years old and got away with a lot too.
“Come get the puck, Car,” he said while skating off at a slow pace. She started to skate after him, poking him with her stick as he managed to keep it away from her. He rounded the corner of the rink wide, getting around where Michael and Derek were hanging out, and that’s when Caroline got the puck back. 
“Ha!” She laughed and came to a stop, only to make a turn and start skating back down the ice again. 
Chris smirked and went after her again, picking up speed much easier than she did and was in front of her in an instant. Being the usual bully that he is, he pushed her into the board and then knocked away at the puck. He was surprised at first by the fight his daughter was putting up, but soon enough the puck was on his tape and he pushed it around the board. 
“Dad!” She groaned again but went after it while Chris laughed. 
“Chris!” Y/N shouted across the ice, causing his attention to fall on her as she had the youngest Kreider standing at the bench in a pair of skates. Jamie had only been on the ice a few times now, so he needed all the help to learn still. 
“Hey buddy,” Chris smiled at the chubby-cheeks, and his little baby, while staking up to where he was being held at his hood by his mother. “Ready to skate?”
“Yeah,” Jamie nodded and wasted no time stepping down onto the ice. Chris was quick to help him, holding his hands while he stood there and looked up at his wife. She was watching her youngest with worried eyes, probably checking that his helmet was on tight enough before she put him in full care with Chris. 
She had her hand resting on her swollen stomach, her gaze now on the rink where she took in the rest of her children on the ice. At 16 weeks pregnant, she was showing and glowing that was for sure. She could no longer hide her belly, instead it was hard to miss the growing bump as she got changed every morning. Today her grey t-shirt clung to the belly and she and Chris were telling people the good news. 
“How are they doing?” She asked, looking at her husband now. He watched at Mikey and Derek continued to play around with some basic practice drills. 
“They’re good,” he replied. She smiled and brought her left hand to his face, the large diamond ring shined under the lights of the arena and caused a flutter of butterflies in her pregnant belly. 
Each day she woke up feeling blessed. Well, some days she also felt sick due to pesky morning sickness - she only had it with her girls so it was making her feel as though the fifth Kreider kids was going to be a female. Another blonde beauty for the world, or Mats, to love. Chris thought she was just being silly though, but also he was just hoping for another boy. No matter the gender though, Y/N was simply happy. 
She was married to her best friend, and they were raising a pretty damn great family. Michael was showing lots of potential in his hockey, and getting great grade with he was at it. Caroline enjoyed the sport, but had joined her schools volleyball team and never shut up about her upcoming games during dinners. Kaitlyn was excited to start up hockey, saying she wanted to be just like her daddy, while her teachers were saying she could skip a grade because of how smart she was. And little Jamie, well he was always smiling or laughing and always slept through the night and ate his vegetables so Y/N wasn’t complaining one bit. 
“How are you doing?” Chris asked, his eyes soft as he felt a constant worry for his pregnant wife. She smiled and brushed the pad of her thumb on his cheek. 
“I’m good,” she replied. “I’m going to go sit up there with Stephanie,” 
Derek and Stephanie’s kids were right behind Y/N, going around the bench and to the other door to skate onto the ice. The two boys were closer to the Kreider girls ages, and that meant there was always teasing and taunting of how they were going to get married one day. Caroline and Max clearly had some sort of crush on each other, while Kaitlyn and Logan were more like cousins. Simply because of the many times Chris or Derek had to run into a room after hearing Logan crying, finding Kaitlyn either beating him up or that she had taken something from him. 
“Alright,” Chris nodded. He leaned forward and pecked his wives lips before turning his attention to the eager child in his hands. 
“Y/N is pregnant?” Mats asked while staking up to Chris and Jamie - who were slowly getting the hang of things. Y/N was walking up the stairs and taking a seat next to Stephanie, who was quick to give her a hug in greeting. 
“Yeah,” Chris nodded with a smile on his lips. 
“Wow, congrats man,” Mats smiled. 
“Just can’t stop knocking her up hey?” 
“I mean, you’ve seen her right?” Chris questioned, his wife was gorgeous and everyone knew it. “Actually don’t answer that, don’t think about my wife that way,” 
Mats through up his hands in surrender. Chris laughed but then brought his full attention to the newest skater of his children. Little Jamie was doing well, even letting his dad let go of his hands a few times. Which Chris took as a good sign and was even able to go bug Caroline while Jamie skated on his own beside them. 
“Hey,” Derek skated up to Chris, making sure to not disrupt Jamie who was doing so well. “Congrats on another one of these hooligans, buddy,”
“Thanks,” Chris smiled. 
“Trying to make your own hockey team?” He joked. 
Chris laughed, “I think we’ll be done after this one.” 
“Well, I’m happy for you man,” he smiled. 
“Thanks,” Chris nodded and then skated up and grabbed ahold of Jamie. He lifted him off the ice and skated around as he laughed in his arms. “You’re doing pretty good, bud,” 
“I can skate like you,” 
Chris laughed and let put him down so his skates touched the ice agian, but kept his hands under his arms and skated fast. Jamie laughed as Chris skated them around the ice, he called out on each one of his siblings that he saw as the skated past them. Soon enough the whole clan was skating around the rink, trying to catch their dad and youngest brother. 
Y/N sat in one of the seats of MSG and watched as her kids skated around with her husband. She kept a hand planted on her belly while she smiled at the group of them. She loved all five with all her heart, and knew that having another was the right thing. She and Chris couldn’t wait to add another to their happy and health family. She was living a dream, with the best husband and best kids she could ever wish for.
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zodiacmac · 7 years
For the love of God what happens at the end of trailer trash!???!?? If you won't come bank to it will you just tell me where you saw the characters going next like a breif summary of what would happen next. PLEASE I need to know
okay, so turns out i actually had 2,800 words before i abandoned this LMFAOO. i do not remember writing this at all, but just for you, here’s what it was going to be. 
harry thinks he and louis have a sort of unspoken agreement about their relationship. he’s not sure if louis is aware of this though - because it’s, well, unspoken and all.
ever since louis had that little breakdown (louis squeezing his eyes shut so harry couldn’t see him crying even though it was obvious he had been), harry’s been walking on eggshells around him. it’s a little nerve-wracking because he thinks louis might need him to be a better friend, but he isn’t sure how to be.
harry’s sitting in class, twiddling his thumbs and staring at the clock on the wall, waiting for the day to end. he used to like going to private school before he knew louis - he’s friends with everybody here, has to be since he’s known them all since he was six. 
it’s so bad that every year when they start a new class, everybody knows where to sit without being told, because the teachers always go by last names. so harry is always on the opposite side of the room from nick. 
not that it matters, because they always text during class. harry met nick because nick dated his sister gemma before he realized he was gay. gemma graduated a few years before and still chatted with nick on facebook when she wasn’t working. 
nick’s wearing a light wash denim jacket over his uniform sweater and has a few pins in it, one pink peace sign given to him by gemma.  
he hears something buzzing. 
harry’s arm shoots down his pocket as he tries to silence his vibrating phone, but it’s too late. he glances down at it with a furrowed brow. 
louis picking u up 2day?
“harry,” mr. loomis sighs, walking over to him and holding out his hand. harry groans. “no- please-“ 
“you can pick this back up after detention today.” mr. loomis looks at the screen of harry’s phone and harry grins, already knowing what’s coming. “nicholas?" 
mr. loomis asks, "i take it you’ll be joining harry in detention? wonderful choice. phone, please." 
nick moans aloud, slumping over in his desk, and causing several of their classmates to giggle. harry sticks his tongue out at nick and nick waits til their teacher turns around to put their phones in his desk before he flips harry off. harry hears perrie laughing loudly from two rows in front of him. 
"shit,” he mutters. he was supposed to be meeting louis after school and now he had no way to tell louis he was going to be late. 
he rips out a piece of notebook paper and scrawls a note to perrie messily on it, asking her to tell zayn to tell louis what’s happened. he passes it to the kid next to him (who’s had bad acne since they were literally nine) with the name pez written on it and underlined so nobody else reads it. 
by the time it gets to perrie, harry can tell someone’s drawn a dick or two on it and there’s also a piece of chewed gum stuck inside. although harry would have once found this hilarious, he know finds it aggravating. 
perrie gives harry a thumbs up and then folds the note into a paper airplane and chucks it at the girl next to her (probably the gum instigator). she shouts like she’s been shot and mr. loomis whips around and, lo and behold, gives her detention. 
“fuck,” she mouths to harry, wincing, “i’m sorry.”  
harry buries his head in his jacket as soon as they sit down in the cafeteria. because the school is so tiny, only needing to encompass about eighty students, there’s no place for detention other than the same place they eat in. 
well, technically, they could use the basement, which is what the school used to used before formaldehyde was discovered. harry prefered the cafeteria anyway - there were no melting, waxy pictures of the virgin mary glaring at him on the walls there. 
harry lifts his head to see nick sitting across from him, rolling his eyes at harry. “don’t give me that look,” nick says, “this is for your own good, anyway." 
"what is that supposed to mean?” harry says sharply. 
nick shrugs. “i knew your phone was on vibrate." 
perrie comes up and drops two heavy books loudly on the table and sits next to harry just as harry leans over and punches nick hard in the shoulder. "what the fuck?” he asks. 
nick glares. “i’m just saying, maybe you shouldn’t be hanging out with him so much." 
harry gapes. "are you-” he pauses, stunned, “sabotaging me?" 
perrie watches on cheerfully, biting into an apple. "you guys, the cafeteria is still open. there’s no line." 
nick ignores her, leaning over the table and lowering his voice. "you’ve got no fucking respect for yourself! he’s never going to-" 
"who are we talking about?” perrie asks, frowning. 
“nobody!” harry practically shouts. 
“louis,” nick says softly. 
“oh, i didn’t know you knew him,” perrie says to nick, smiling innocently.
“he doesn’t!” harry cries. “and i don’t want yor fucking advice!" 
nick folds his arms across his chest. "you know i’m not sabotaging you. god, don’t be such a drama queen. i’m trying to keep you from making a mistake-" 
"is there anything i can do?” perrie asks, looking very uncomfortable. she’s already started to stand and leave the table before either of them answer. 
“look,” harry says, rubbing his forehead, “you don’t know him. there’s - things he does -”
nick interrupts him. “are you sure that’s not just you looking for something that’s not there?" 
harry groans and runs one hand through his hair. "he lets me rub his feet." 
nick’s eyebrows cinch. he pulls back, laughs, and says, "what?" 
"yeah. actually yesterday he asked me to." 
nick stares. "the guy you showed me pictures of on your phone with the rat tail and- fucking leather jacket- asked you to rub his feet?" 
harry flushes. "yeah." 
nick blows air out of his mouth noisily. "wow. maybe you do have a shot." 
"so what?” gemma asks. she sounds like she’s not really paying attention. 
“are you filing your nails or something?” harry asks, holding his phone to his ear while he’s in the bathroom. there’s only five minutes more of detention, but he managed to get his phone back early by saying his sister was going into labor. which- wasn’t really true. 
“he hasn’t even made a move. what are you doing with him today?” she asks slyly, “going to see his ant farm?" 
harry groans in frustration. "would you let a girl rub your feet?" 
"i don’t know, sure,” gemma shrugs, “why not?" 
"it’s, like, in pulp fiction,” harry whines, “you know, like when they say a foot massage is, like, a sex act?" 
"well, they said it’s like cunillingus, harry,” gemma snorts. “you planning on giving louis cunillingus?" 
"don’t say ‘cunillingus’,” harry moans. “and i’m trying to come to you for your insight." 
"i have girl insight, haz.” gemma must be blow-drying her hair because there’s some sort of noise coming from her end. “if louis’ dick shrivels up and falls off his body, let me know. until then, i have a shoot to go to." 
harry rolls his eyes. gemma is living out in california temporarily trying to find roles in movies and modelling on the side to make money. 
"fine. you suck. goodbye.” harry hangs up. 
“where have you been?” louis asks when harry jerks open the door to the truck. he’s sitting in there with one hand resting on the bottom of the steering wheel, the other hand laying on the inside of his own thigh. harry stares. 
“detention.” he easily gets up into the truck without having to step up on the foot guard first, which louis always has to. he throws his sports bag between louis and himself. 
“liar,” louis laughs. “you were probably tutoring some blind six year old girl who’s first language was spanish." 
harry rolls his eyes. "technically it’s your fault i got detention in the first place." 
"what?” louis smiles, shaking his head. he twists the key and starts the truck up. 
“nick texted me asking if you were picking me up and my phone went off in class." 
louis turns back to harry in disbelief. "so it’s my fault you can’t remember to shut your phone off?" 
"yeah,” harry sighs dramatically, “selective memory. your brain can only hold so many pieces of information at once, and you’ve been teaching me way too much about viruses and infections, so something had to go." 
"so i’m guessing you didn’t remember that my mom’s having her friends over tonight to sell those god awful purses?” louis is back to looking straight out at the road, and harry feels neglected. he wonders if it would be too much to ask louis to give him a foot rub right now. 
“uh, yeah,” harry says slowly, “that does sound familiar…." 
"well, where are we going, then?” louis asks. “zayn’s?" 
harry thinks. louis’ never seen his home before. he’s thought a lot about it - mostly because he doesn’t want louis to see it and think harry is bragging. 
because, truthfully, it’s very big. his mom’s been through two profitable divorces, the kind of settlements that come with houses and cars and child support. 
but louis has been complaining about his back a lot and it might be nice for him to sleep on a nice mattress, something nicer than the paper thin mattress in his trailer. 
"we can go to mine?” harry asks hopefully. 
louis squints. “why? is your mom going to be out?" 
"does she need to be?” harry laughs loudly. “what exactly were you planning?" 
louis scoffs and punches harry’s arm with one hand still resting softly on the wheel. "fag." 
harry ignores him. "so we can rent a movie and order in chinese, or something."  
"we can watch whatever you want if i can take a shower at your place,” louis promises. “my hair is nasty right now." 
"oh, is it?” harry asks, grinning. he rumages through his sports bag and pulls out his white velcro visor and sticks it on top of louis’ head. apparently harry has a large head, because the visor droops in louis’ face. 
“i’m trying to drive here, dickhead.” louis laughs and pulls it off, throws it at harry’s chest. he’s got stubble and, if harry looks close enough, chapped lips. his hair does look greasy, in that sexy, axe murderer type way. 
“what are you looking at?” louis asks roughly, fiddling with the radio to calm himself. harry can tell he’s on the precipice of another meltdown, so he thinks on his toes. 
shrugging, he plops the visor back on his own head. “the next serena willaims, obviously." 
louis laughs and his eyes crinkle, but his hand goes tight around the steering wheel suddenly. harry wants to grab it and hold it, but he looks out the window and pretends he doesn’t see. 
harry’s mom is still at work, so they sit on harry’s enormous plush couch to watch a movie. harry can feel louis’ terror from literally four feet away from him. louis is sitting as far from harry as he can without looking like he thinks harry might have a catchy airborne disease. 
he keeps glancing over at harry and then quickly looking away, licking his lips. harry is beyond confused, but decided to let louis move at his own pace at whatever he’s working out in his head. 
it isn’t until he looks down and sees that louis looks a little stiff in his loose sweatpants that he even considers it.
"hey,” harry says softly, patting his lap. 
louis manages a blank expression before scooting closer to harry and throwing one foot in harry’s lap, then looking back to the tv screen.  
louis’ foot is so hot compared to how cold harry’s hands have gone. he wraps one hand around louis’ foot, swallowing hard. his hand fits all the way around louis’ whole foot way too easily - louis’ feet are tiny. 
he’s so hard and so afraid louis will notice and pull away, but he tries not to move, though his dick strains straight up against his stomach in his pajama pants.
louis jerks his foot out of harry’s hand, and harry thinks he’s done something wrong until louis runs his toes up harry’s crotch. 
“pull yourself out,” louis says, looking at him oddly. “harry?” he asks, and harry realizes louis actually wants him to respond. 
he quickly yanks his pajama pants down enough to get his dick out before louis changes his mind. “yes?” harry chokes out when louis licks his lips and stares blankly at harry’s dick. 
“you’ve got a nice dick,” louis says wistfully. “i cant tell if - if i wish mine looked like that, or i just like it on you. its confusing." 
harry doesn’t really know what to say. he opens his mouth to crack a joke, but louis smears harry’s pre-cum onto harry’s stomach with his toes and he gets cut off. 
harry looks down, panting, so his chin is pressed against his chest, looking at his own dick and louis’ foot rubbing up and down against it. his dick aches, stiff against his skin.
"you shave?” louis says nonchalantly, like hes asking if it’s going to rain. “that’s bizarre.”
harry gasps when louis’ foot catches the slit. he nods frantically, not sure if he’s answering louis’ question or just nodding to egg louis on. he clenches his legs so he can rock his hips up towards louis’ foot as he tries to fuck against it without much progress. 
“can you get off like this?” louis asks, amazed. 
harry finally unclenches his legs and groans, hair falling in his face as he grabs louis’ foot and holds the ball of it against his shaft, slowly moving it until he’s shaking and gasping, still trying to hold on a bit longer, still leaking onto his own stomach and making a mess.
he forgets to look back up at louis, so immersed in louis’ foot, that when louis finally speaks again, he’s caught off guard. 
“are you gonna shoot all over yourself?” louis snorts, sounding disappointed, not even trying to turn him on. when harry looks back up at him, louis is giving him a judgemental look and that’s what does it for him. his eyes roll back as he pumps out, with louis moving his foot again to help him. 
louis wipes his wet foot off on harry’s clothed thigh and brings his foot back to the carpet. 
“do you want-” harry starts to ask eagerly, raising his hand to signal a handjob. louis shakes his head violently. “nah." 
"why did your bed cave in? did i break it?” louis asks, frowning. his palm is pressing into harry’s mattress and when he lifts his hand, the mattress shows the indent still. 
harry laughs. “it’s memory foam." 
"is this the kind of bed kim kardashian sleeps on?” louis asks, now punching the mattress earnestly to see it leave the shape of his hand.  
“remind me not to piss you off,” harry jokes, looking at louis’ brutal attack on his bed. louis takes out his phone and scrolls through it, frowning again. "what is it?“ harry asks. 
"nothing,” louis sighs, “my sister is saying her ex is dating some new girl already and that she sounds pretty." 
"you think an actual human would go out with him? i bet he reinflates her when he gets home from work." 
louis chuckles, looking fondly at harry. "try telling her that, though.”
“i will.” harry pulls out his own phone and begins typing a message to lottie. 
“what the hell?” louis asks, “you have her number?" 
"mmm,” harry says passively. he tries not to grin at how angry louis sounded at this news, feeling pleased with himself. 
harry leans up against his headboard, starting to nod off with his head propped up by his huge mass of pillows his mom had bought for him. he’s so close to falling asleep when louis turns the volume up on his tv, waving the remote around in his hand. 
“how many fucking channels do you get?” louis sneers in mock anger, but the way he excitedly goes to the guide once again tells harry that he’s not really jealous. 
harry shrugs sleepily, head drooping. “put whatever you want on. sorry if i fall asleep." 
he actually does fall asleep almost immediately after warning louis, exhausted from his horrible day at school and from louis’ amazing foot job. he startles awake later not knowing how much time has passed. his room is now almost pitch black except for the light radiating from the tv. 
his vision is blurry from sleep, so he rolls over facing away from louis, intending to go back to bed. then he starts hearing the noises. soft moans coming from the tv on the other side of his room. 
it sounds like a girl and a guy, but harry doesn’t even know if louis is awake or not to hear it. maybe he rolled over on the remote in his sleep and changed the channel to porn by mistake?
okay, so after the last part cut off, i’m pretty sure they were going to either jerk off in the same bed, or harry was just going to watch louis jerk off, i can’t remember. i should have just finished the fic, i hadn’t realized i had already written half of it LMFAOO. 
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