#sorry if its really inacurate
edwardpinestar · 1 year
Can I request a fluff deathpuss wedding or honeymoon fic? Since you've gotten a few requesting fic for your angsty au's, thought you'd appreciate one that's more light hearted.
Most definitely! I do have to admit, as much as I love the angst, it can get a bit tiring after a while, so some good old fluff is a most appreciated pick-me-up. Sorry for taking so very long with this, though.
Posted this on AO3 too!
It was sunset.
Soft, pink and orange light filtered through delicate, pink cherry blossom trees, the flowers and petals of which had drifted down from abudent trees, to blanket the cobbled path the trees hugged the side of. The air was warm, with a refreshing, slight breeze, and in the sky, there where smatterings of fluffy white clouds coloured pastel by the sinking sun. The subtle, life-filled smell of spring filled the air, fresh and green.
Two cats and a dog walked down the path.
One, a black and white, tuxedo molly, was dressed in a soft pink suit, with a caplet over the shoulder, the left lapel pinned by a red rose, and neatly pressed pants, which were tucked into tall white boots that had a wedged heels. She had her arm linked with the cat beside her, and a faint, fond smile on her face.
The dog, a small chihuahua pup, was bouncing alongside excitedly, his tail wagging a mile-a-minute, tongue lolling out as he panted. He was dressed the same colours as the tuxedo cat, in a little suit jacket, with a rose on the lapel, and a red bowtie around his neck. He looked as though his excitement was barely contained, but kept slow pace with the two cats.
The third of the party, standing between the molly and pup, was a ginger tabby cat. He, unlike the others, wore white. The floor length gown he wore was fluffy, whimsical tulle, its skirt puffed out, with off the shoulder, billowing bishops sleeves that tapered around his forearm to look as though they wrapped and twisted around his arms. The bodice had flower embroidery, which spread down to the outerlayer skirt and dispersed the further down they went, and formed a sweetheart neckline in the sheer bodice, not extending over the sleeves. While his arm was linked through the crook of the molly's elbow, in both paws he held a beautiful bouquet of red roses, soft pink carnations and red moth orchids. He wore a silver circlet atop his head, around his ears, that resembeled vines, with silver roses, the centres of which were inlaid with deep red rubies, along it as a faux flower crown.
They walked in mutual anticipation, yet silence, as they rounded a corner on the winding path, and found themselves in an open clearing, fresh green grass still blanketed by flower petals. In the clearing, several cushioned benches sat, lined up to make a walkway to an arch adorning in many flowers, of all different colours, with reds and pinks being the most prominent. The benches were filled with people, dressed their finest, watching keenly as the three cats and dog made their way down the aisle. Soft, disembodied piano music filled the air, a peacefull, romantic song.
But Puss in Boots had eyes for none but the man standing at the end of the aisle, right in front of the archway.
The wolf wore a dress as well, his own tea-length, a white gown with the same fluffy whimsy as his approaching groom's. The skirt poofed out, and the sleeves were short and billowy, while lace, completely fingerless, elbow length gloves, embroidered with flowers and sheer where there were none, were on his forearms. His bodice had a plunging neckline, splitting down the centre of his chest until it reached a soft, pastel green sash he wore around his waist. Upon his legs, he wore a white wraps, which left the fronts of his hind paws exposed, and in his tall, thin ears, he wore a pair of gold and emerald earrings.
Puss felt his mouth grow dry at the sight, a soft blush colouring his cheeks as red eyes roamed over his body with the most besotted expression Puss had ever seen.
Another wolf, dark grey were Death was silver-furred, and silver where he was dark grey, just a bit shorter than Death, and dressed in a pastel green, short tulle dress, watched Death with the proud, fond look of a sister glad to see her brother in love, as Life so was for him.
As Puss stepped in front of Death, handing his bouquet off to Kitty, who, along with Perrito, stepped behind him, Death stooped low, almost kneeling, to be more on level with Puss. While the wolf was still taller than the tabby, Puss no longer had to crane his neck back to look into those mesmerising, gorgeous red eyes.
"Hola," Puss breathed out as, in oh-so gentle paws, Death took hold of Puss' paws, dwarfing them entirely, and yet using two to hold him.
Death raised the tabby's paws to his lips, pressing a soft, tender kiss to the backs of them. "Hola," he whispered back, his lips brushing against Puss' paws as he spoke, "Te ves hermoso."
Puss smiled, a bit shyly, the clear lipgloss Kitty and Fiona had insisted upon him wearing glittering in the setting sun. "Tu también lo haces," he replied, his eyes wandering Death with soft appreciation, soaking in every detail of the man before him. "I love you."
"Welcome, friends, family and all between," the officiant said, loudly for the small crowd, before Death could respond. Puss' eyes flickered briefly to her, before returning to his groom's eyes. "We've all gathered here, in this beautiful place, to witness something far more beautiful than it. We've gathered here to watch the beautiful union, of a deep, beautiful love, between Puss," the officiant gestured to the tabby, before gesturing to the wolf as she continued, "and Death."
Death gently rubbed the pads of Puss' paws with his thumb, his touch soft, yet still making sharp claws flex out involuntarily. "Now, I know neither of them want to dally- they are eager for that married life!" There was quiet laughter from the guests, and the officiant waited a moment for them to quieten down, before continuing, "So, we'll get onto the words Puss and Death are so eager to hear today. So, Puss, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Death in marriage?"
"I do," Puss answered firmly, smiling brightly up at his groom, hoping his sheer love and devotion was obvious in his eyes, which shone with unshed tears of overwhelming joy.
Death swallowed thickly, and carefully squeezed Puss' paws. "Lovely," the officant said with a smile, "And Death, do you come here freely and without-"
"I do," Death interrupted her, sounding a bit choked up. Puss bit back at gasp at how much emotion was in his voice, in his eyes. He had a burning inferno of love, but it did not burn- no, he kept Puss warm with his endless adoration, as he encased the cat within it.
The officiant laughed, as did the guests. "Eager, huh?" she joked, smiling at the couple. "Well, I suppose we ought to get to the vows then. Death, please repeat after me- I, Death, take you, Puss, to be my husband."
"I, Death, take you, Puss, to be my husband," Death repeated, shifting a bit to be closer to Puss.
The tabby cat tuned out the officiant as she spoke, focusing solely on Death's words as they passed his lips, his voice calm and lilting, yet rich with feeling. "I take you as you are, and will love you until time itself ends. I pledge to be by your side for the rest of eternity, through trials and tribulations, I will love you through it all. I am yours, just as much you are mine."
Puss bit his lip, a few tears streaking down his cheeks, as he felt butterflies in his belly like he did when he asked Death on their first date. He was grinning so wide, his cheeks hurt, but even if he'd wanted to, he couldn't wipe his smile away. "I, Puss, take you, Death, to be my husband," Puss dutifully parroted as he distantly heard the officiant speak.
Death's tail was wagging under his dress- Puss could see the fluffy tip popping just barely into view on either side, and the shape of its movement through his dress. "I take you as you are, and will forever be grateful for our love. I pledge to be by your side for however long time provides, and through struggles and ease alike, I will love you forevermore. I am yours, just as you are mine," Puss declared, his claws kneading into Death's paw as he spoke.
"Please present the bracelets," the officiant said, and three little kittens stepped forward, each with a paw on a red satin pillow. Perla, wearing a pretty, soft pink, poofy dress was on the left on Timoteo, who was in the middle, and was leaning into his side to make sure she was touching the pillow. Gonzalo, who was wearing a little suit, a bit like Kitty's, in the same colours as Perla, was doing the same. Timoteo was holding the pillow in both paws, and he wore a suit identical to his brother.
On the pillow, were two bracelets, one significantly larger than the other. They were both made of gold, and shaped to look like vines, with little gemstones within the hold of the vines. The smaller one, that looked more about the size of a ring than a necklace, had rubies and black pearls between the vines. The larger one, looking more like a choker necklace, had emeralds, and black pearls as well.
Reluctantly, the couple released each others paws, to grab a bracelet- Puss taking the larger one in both paws, and Death carefully hooking the smaller one with a claw to lift it. The three children stepped away, as the officiant began to speak again. "Your wedding bracelets are a symbol of your promise to one another. The bracelet, an unbroken and never ending circle, is a symbol of your eternal love."
"Death, as you place this bracelet on Puss' wrist, repeat these words after me; this bracelet symbolises my love for you and the commitments we made today. I will love you forever, I do swear." "Puss, mi sol," Death said as he took Puss' left paw in his, the cat shifting his hold of the much larger ring to his right paw. "This bracelet symbolises my love for you," as he spoke, he lined the bracelet up with the tabbty's paw, and slowly slid it up until it sat snug around his wrist, "and the commitments we made today. I will love you forever, I do swear."
Once his paw was released, Puss was immediately marvelling over the glittering jewellry, the weight and fit of it making his heart swell. "Te amo," Death murmured, before he slowly let go of Puss' paw, and held his left paw out for his own bracelet.
Puss grabbed the bracelet in both paws again, lifting it up from where he'd been holding it at his side. "Puss, as you place this bracelet on Death's wrist, repeat these words after me; this bracelet symbolises my love for you and the commitments we made today. I will love you forever, I do swear." And just as Death did, Puss quietly murmured to him, "Te amo."
"Death, mi luna," Puss began as he lined the bracelet up. "This bracelet symbolises my love for you and the commitments we made today." He pushed the bracelet onto his lover's wrist, until it sat snug, and left both paws on top as he stared into Death's eyes. "I will love you forever, I do swear."
"Puss and Death, you have come here today, and before friends and family, declared your love, commitment and devotion to one another," the officiant said, as Puss took a tiny shuffle closer. "You have given and recieved a bracelet as a symbol of your promises." Death dipped his head down a bit, getting his muzzle close to the tabby's face. "By the power of your love and commitment to each other, and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss!"
They moved in unison, Puss tilting his head and Death leaning into him, their lips pressing together in a soft, chaste kiss that held the heavy undertones of wanting more. Death put a paw on either side of Puss' waist, encasing the tabby's entire upper body in his fur and paw pads, as the cheers of the guests filled the clearly. Puss leaned back into Death's hold as the wolf slowly dipped him. And when their lips parted, eyes fluttering open and warm with starstruck love, they whispered in unison, just like they'd moved.
"Yo también te amo."
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transarsonist · 8 months
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chrolloluvr · 7 months
Can you please do Stolas,Alastor,Lucifer,and Adam with a insomniac reader Hcs
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Alastor, Stolas, Lucifer, Adam x Insomniac!Reader
note: ty for requesting bookie bear! also i do not have insomnia, so if its a bit inacurate, sorry!! I am going purely based off of the definition! Also this is not proofread.
warnings: use of pet names, thats all!
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A couple months after your relationship started, he would sleep next to you (by sleep, he would lay with his eyes wide open, sprawled across your chest.) And would notice you rarely slept.
He would wake you up with a nice coffee, and say,
"My dear, whats with the long face?"
You would look at him deadpan, your eyes barely opening, and he would keep telling you to just rest your pretty little head, as he ruffled your hair.
When you try to explain to him that you are an insomniac, he wouldn't understand. Why cant you just sleep normally? (this rule does not apply to him)
He would try his best to help you, by giving you warm blankets, or even letting you rub and scratch his ears to help you sleep if you are lucky.
Would stay awake with you and read to you a story ranging from fairytales, to stories about when he was still alive.
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Stolas is very attentive because he genuinely loves and cares for you.
He catches on very quickly to this sleepless habit of yours, and becomes very doting. Constantly saying,
"My little owlette, you need your beauty sleep! Do you need a massage?"
When you tell him that you rarely sleep, and that it's hard for you, he understands completely. He is a Goetia, he is going through a divorce, and he has to take care of his daughter. He knows how tired you must be.
He will let you lay on his chest and ruffle his feathers, and will sing you a lullaby (similar to the one he sang Octavia)
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Oh boy. If he sees sees you having trouble sleeping, he will most likely make fun of you.
"Cmon babe, why cant you just sleep, its really not that hard..."
He earned a slap to the face after he said that...
Once you explain that you have insomnia, he doesn't fully get it, but he loves you, so he tries his best
He ends up not understand shit, so he grabs Lute to come and help you.
The most he can do to help you is let you play with his hair with his mask off, or will try and get you to laugh.
Will stay awake with you most likely, and you guys will probably watch a movie and cozy up on his couch.
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Also another one that understands. This man has gone through ALOT.
"Sweetie, why don't you come to bed, yeah?"
When you explain to him your issues, he feels bad for you, and offers to give you a back massage, or to play with his rubber ducks a bit.
Will try his best to at-least ease your mind
He will let you play with his wings and run your fingers through them, or even let you brush his platinum blonde hair.
He likes to remind you that he is always there, and that he will stay awake with you if you need it.
Will ask Charlie for help, and maybe get some advice from her
Will bring KeKe to play with you and keep you company.
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krasytoonz · 1 year
*gently slided this over*
I really love your King Wally, look at him! Corrput little thing <3
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(couldnt really find a refereve for him, so sorry if its inacurate :') )
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denzartriste · 3 months
Hi denz do you have any set designs for any of the other characters in you pirate AU? (I Might need ideas for art mayhaps :D) like you can choose any character or characters you want
I also just liked seeing your thoughts about technos design bc it made more sense to me when then reading the newest chapter
Hi Ýr! I actually do, and also've drawn up some designs (Ranboo especially, since i needed a visual refrence for their entire. Situation.) The top two drawings are a bit older since i did them a while ago, but i still think its accurate?
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The bottom one was the first of the new drawings i did, and i think its a bit obvious but that's fine. Gonna just point things out because i think that's the best way to explain :D Also trying not to delve too too much into spoilers but it will be tricky.
The before thing is referencing mainly when Ranboo met Tommy and Tubbo, it's after the boat crashing. Shaded parts are white, because ranboo scars white, and the mouth scars are placed where the jaw connects to the rest of the head. He also has ones on their tear ducks, thats what the scar lines near the eyes are. The top before drawing (the side profile one) has ranboo's braid still in, but thats technicly wrong because while Ranboo had their braid in when they met Tommy and Tubbo, they never tied it again. No reason to that, Ranboo just didnt feel a need to do it.
Their braid is tied on the right
The now drawings include the bandage, cause Ranboo doesnt really want to show his scars (bandage is tricky to do himself, but he can do it and usually does. There is a Reason in chapter 2 Ranboo asks tommy specificly to help him re-bandage his face.)
Last thing about them cause i know this is getting rambly (fully aware no one minds, but also i am trying to be clear and FAILING) : Ranboo has pointed ears. This is not a normal thing. Techno doesnt mention it because he choses not to notice it, but it felt impoprtant to mention since im talking about Ranboo's design.
Little baby tommy zoom in (i doodled it so small lmao sorry bout the pixels)
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I just felt like drawing him very little and young. The scar is face paint wow i wonder if its familiar i wonder if thats like, a hint to something who knowsssss :) (Also it might just be mud actually, not face paint. He put mud right next to his eye and he thought it looked SO cool)
Also, pigtails. That was important. He has pigtails. In my heart it matters, fem tommy for the win he deserves to have longer hair
ALSO. The full body is inacurate, but it would be spoilers to do an accurate kid tommy so i sadly can't. When it's revealed i will as a little sorry (and also cause i REALLY wanna draw it but shhh thats not important) (it might also be related to why Ranboo asked Tommy to help him with his bandages. But i refuse to give away more than that)
Last but not least, Tubbo!!!!
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He is NOT bald i just didnt want to draw more, so i took an screeshot of and older drawing of his scar because i think that's important. His eye droops and his face is a bit messed up, he also can't hear out of his left ear (obviously) but his other ear isnt that good at hearing either. Tubbo's been around cannons since he was too little to understand that, hey, maybe covering your ears will be helpful in the long run. But he was little and no one ever told him. He figured it out now, but his reflex is more of 'tense and stay very still' instead of 'cover your ears and duck'
He also tends to wear heavy outfits. Like, a big jacket and big boots and just clothes that are so puffy that they give him a round silhouette if that makes sense
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justsolid · 2 years
Reviews of purebasic
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#Reviews of purebasic windows
Somehow, this PB forms issue (being so complicated) is causing Before the messages start coming telling me to goīuy VB, I know there are alternatives like EZ GUI but I really wish PB had forms like VB 6ĭoes forms. You know.I am "stuck" when it comes to PB Forms.
#Reviews of purebasic windows
You are aware of the VB limits regarding forms.Īs mentioned, i like Purebasic for it's cheap and good development.īut the form and gadget stuff is way out.Įven if you can work around those, it's always running behind.īetter stick closer to windows itself is my motto.įreeware and commercial tools for PowerBASIC Nothing as bad as a bad implementation of window development. These are my 2 cents since they replied with inacurate (obsolete?) remarks. While using DDT with the windows commands gives you a more obvious way to program. PureBasic does not let you use ordinary windowstyles easily, so you are depending on what the author of purebasic will let you do. I'm equally in the position to say that in fact these controls have nmore limits due their implementation than the windows controls. The controls they mention are mostly derived from ordinary windows controls. The remark over there that PowerBASIC is only able to use plain SDK is a bit obsolete. Just wanted to say the PB/WIN has built-in commands to make windows too. I noticed this same question on the PureBasic site. please don't lock this thread, even if their are other topics on this matter, I really want the opinions of this forum for my specific situation. Also, is the price any indication of performance? Another question is about the syntax, since I am coming from VB I'm hoping to pick up either language quickly since they are both based on BASIC, and I was wondering which syntax is easier to convert to from VB (in terms of learning the new language)? And, in your opinions, what syntax is easier (PureBasic's or PowerBasic's)? I plan on posting this on both forums, so if any of you browse both, yes its me. Price is not a factor in the decision, although I gotta say you can't beat under 100$ and lifetime updates. I heard a couple people (even on PureBasic's forums) say that for now, PowerBasic is better for apps that need that last bit of speed, and are a little more rock solid (which really persuades me as it needs to be a server that can handle all the people in a speedy fashion, while still not locking up every hour). However I know that some of the most important programs are going to be servers, that need to be able to handle many many requests simultaneously (cant give a number, as I dont know how big the program will be). I plan on using which ever compiler I decide to make a variety of programs (which is why PureBasic seems interesting, because if both compilers are the same in performance yet PureBasic is including gaming functions built in.). I'll tell you some background about what I want to do with the compiler so hopefully in addition to facts you can give me an unbiased opinion on the right compiler for me, but first off is PureBasic / PowerBasic (apparently they are very similar, which is why im having difficulty deciding) faster than delphi (I heard it was favorably comparable to C++, and C++ is faster than delphi)? Currently I work with VB and I plan on buying either PureBasic or PowerBasic. Ok, I'm really sorry if this causes a flame war but I really wanted all of your opinions.
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