#sorry if the format is awful
gomzdrawfr · 4 months
First words with Uncle Simon
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part 1 | part 2
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danlous · 5 months
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I could feel the movement of air with his movement... his breath on the back of my neck...
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teenagenutant · 1 year
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these have been rattling around my brain for months, so i figured it was finally time to post them AHA
i felt bad posting these without some kind of spoiler warning because i love this scene so. times five. on ao3. by @pickledcarrotsandradish. you should check it out!!
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m-kyunie · 4 months
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The designs for yulma mermay I did……if u wanna see all the prompts I drew it’s all on IG won’t be posting them here
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idkaguyorsomething · 9 months
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if nobody else is gonna make memes about the original tardis team i’ll do it myself
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crinoline-gurl · 4 months
🃏♠️more casino cups headcanons but it’s just mugman bc he’s my favorite♠️🃏
- he was that perpetually sick kid I think
• victorian child with tuberculosis coded
• “take me to see the garden one last time” headass
• but he gets the flu every year and is absolutely bedridden
- it would definitely be worse now that he’s doing all this calix animi business
- but that doesn’t stop him
- bro is still pulling all-nighters with a debilitating headache
- which only makes his flu worse haha dumb idiot
- latches onto father figures like hella
- genuinely arrogant
• it’s the autism womp womp
- someone says “aw I only got six hours of sleep” and mugs is like “OH YOU GOT SLEEP? THATS NICE”
- his playlist (what Mugboy would to (like in the modern day not in 1933 obviously))
• mitski
• tv girl
• hot take but like… he’d like the smiths and listen to some mcafferty and Radiohead he’s so male manipulator coded I need you to listen to me
• lemon demon
• dear evan hansen and hamilton probably 💀
• queen and the beatles like a nerd
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rileys-castle · 5 months
i!! LOVE!! POKEMON!!!!
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Well Husk, welcome to heaven, I guess. Help em, and maybe see if you can meet your inlaws while you're here. I'm sure they'd love to know about the babies
Husk: *grabs Emily’s hand* Breathe, Emily. Just keep breathing. We’re gonna get through this.
Sera: *quickly conjures a bed and medical supplies* Alright, Emily, we need to get you comfortable. Husk, help her onto the bed.
Husk: *guides Emily to the bed* Easy now, just like that. You’re doing great.
Emily: *squeezes Husk’s hand tightly* I’m scared, Mr. Husk!
Husk: *softer tone* You’re gonna be fine, Emily. Just focus on your breathing and listen to Sera. She’ll help you.
Sera: *begins examining Emily* Alright, Emily, you’re progressing quickly. It’s time to start pushing.
Emily: *groans* I don’t know if I can do this!
Husk: *leans close, still holding her hand* You’re stronger than you think, Emily. You’ve got this.
Sera: *supportive tone* Listen to Husk, Emily. You’re doing great. When you feel the next contraction, I need you to push, okay?
Emily: *nods, tears streaming down her face* Okay... okay...
Husk: *wipes her forehead with a cloth* You’re almost there, Emily. Just a little more.
Emily: *starts pushing with all her might* Aaahhhh!!
Sera: That’s it, Emily! I can see the head! Keep going!
Husk: *encouragingly* You’re so close, Emily. Just one more big push!
Emily: *with a final push and a scream, the baby is born*
Sera: *gently lifts the newborn, smiling* It’s a boy!
Emily: *crying tears of joy and exhaustion* He’s beautiful...
Husk: *smiles, visibly relieved* You did it, Emily. She’s perfect.
Sera: *places the baby in Emily’s arms* You did an amazing job, Emily.
Emily: *looks up at Husk* Thank you for being here. I couldn’t have done it without you.
Husk: *squeezes her hand* Anytime, kid. I’m glad I could help.
Sera: *softly* Husk, you’ve done your part. You can say your goodbyes now.
Emily: *teary-eyed* I’ll never forget what you did for me, Husk. Thank you.
Husk: *hugs Emily gently* Take care of yourself and that little one. You’re gonna be a great mom, Emily.
Emily: *nods, holding her baby close* Wait! Before you go…I want to name him after you…what was your name when you were alive?
Husk: *looks uneasy but says* Henry…that will be his name. Thank you so much…Goodbye, Husk.
Husk: *steps back, a portal opening behind him* Goodbye, Emily.
*Sera watches as Husk steps through the portal, returning to Hell, leaving Emily and her newborn son in Heaven, ready to start their new life together.*
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cosmicangsts · 7 months
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▸ is your muse tall / short / average? : the fifth doctor is six - foot, so he's fairly tall. ▸ are they okay with their height? : the doctor tends to be an average height when he regenerates ( aside from two, who honestly isn't even as short as he seems. troughton was five - eight lol & for reference i am five - four ) ; four was six - three, so five is pretty used to being up there. it annoys tegan when she has to look up to address him, though, so he's been conditioned to lean down or have a seat when speaking to those shorter to him . . . maybe tegan just likes to assert dominance? that, & feeling tall. she likes to feel tall. ▸ what's their hair like? : wheat blonde, blinding in direct sunlight. soft & luscious, he often flips it out of his face. ▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair / grooming? : considering he makes his own shampoos & soaps in an effort to be as eco - friendly as possible, he inadvertently does. ▸ does your muse care about their appearance / what others think? : of course. cleanliness is next to godliness. if you feel good & look good, the day is already off to a good start yes?
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▸ indoors or outdoors? : outdoors. that's where the flora & fauna are, it inspires poetry, fresh air is good for the mind & body, & more importantly, it's how the TARDIS compendium expands its data on the lifeforms and locations found throughout the universe. he may not be the TARDIS's favorite iteration of the doctor ( putting it lightly ) , but it's quite likely his love of the outdoors & documenting things in his journals to be later entered into her databanks ranks him the largest contributor to the encyclopedic layout of knowledge that later regenerations have access to. thanks, fivey! ▸ rain or sunshine? : both have their benefits. sunlight helps things grow & supplies energy to many different civilizations ( yes, solar power was in use by other planets & civilizations long before humanity discovered it ) , while rain means that plants don't have to be manually watered, & the doctor can work moderately undisturbed because everyone else on board is asleep. the TARDIS garden has its own internalized ecosystem & weather cycling for the benefit of the plants. & there's nothing quite like walking in a downpour to gather one's thoughts. . . . just be sure to change into dry clothes once the rain stops. ▸ forest or beach? : forest. the doctor hates the beach. sand gets in his shoes & slows him down, & playing in saltwater just isn't his steez. ▸ precious metals or gems? : metals are neat, & have many other properties aside from looking appealing. they can be utilized in repairs for various components found in the TARDIS, & are quite easy to work with. ▸ flowers or perfumes? : flowers, easily. when untampered with in nature, most have a subtle scent that is just right. the fifth doctor has an acute sense of smell, & there's nothing quite like an overwhelming perfume to give him an unbearable headache. why faff about with something that's already perfect as is? ▸ personality or appearance? : given that he isn't ever actually looking for romantic companionship ( or otherwise ) , as long as you've got a good personality & can follow instructions, you're welcome aboard the TARDIS!
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✩ — 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒. ( cont'd. )
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▸ being alone or being in a crowd? : this seems like an easy answer, but it's hard to say. he isn't as well - socialized as he would like ( despite being much more so than his prior selves ) , & playing cricket like a regular person on a sunday is quite fun for him! despite the frequency with which he is kidnapped, being out & about is usually a good experience & he can still see the best in people! that being said, there is a time & place for everything. he values his time alone while valuing his time with others, as well. he would never actively turn down someone's request to spend time together because he'd ' rather be alone ' . there really isn't a social battery to recharge or anything, either. ▸ order or anarchy? : he will have order. ▸ painful truths or white lies? : despite being one of the more honest iterations, he is still the doctor. a fugitive from gallifrey whose existence in the lives of others is built on misdirection & deceit, even if it's prettied up & packaged nicely. but the fifth doctor isn't the type to blatantly lie, preferring to just . . . omit. much easier to just avoid addressing things fully. ▸ science or magic? : science. witches almost ate him alive, once ( no, i'm not kidding ) . he doesn't hold a grudge against practitioners, it's quite interesting stuff, really! but science is something he understands, & magic is not. ▸ peace or conflict? : major peacekeeper. the desire for maintaining it leads to him being a bit of a pushover, with nobody who breaks terms of service facing any real consequences. it's literally why his companions tend to walk all over him & people don't tend to take him seriously. ▸ night or day? : well it's always night or day somewhere, isn't it? you truly have no concept of such things when space is your home. ▸ dusk or dawn? : dawn. it may be a bit trite, but nothing inspires poetry & rouses the spirit like sweet birdsong. ▸ warmth or cold? : no preference whatsoever, usually. time lords maintain an average body temperate of around fifty degrees fahrenheit. as long as nothing is too extreme in either direction, he is fine. but if he had to choose, he wouldn't want to be in the direct sunlight for hours & hours on end, of course. ▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends? : . . . the life of a time lord on the run means nothing but many acquaintances. he never stays in one place for a long period of time, how could anyone get to really know him? he always encourages others to forge lasting friendships with others however, & to never take them for granted. ▸ reading or playing a game? : reading. adric suggested game night in the TARDIS once upon a time, & it was a disaster.
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▸ what are some of your muse's bad habits? : quick to trust, although is conditioned to be warier later in life. is known to be somewhat moody, & can get snappy at times. can talk for extended periods of time about nothing, just to keep a conversation going, even when the other person may just want some silence. gets kidnapped A LOT, although this isn't really something he can help. ▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them? : many times. however in this lifetime, adric is his biggest regret. the guilt over what happened never left him. not a day goes by where he doesn't think about him, & what he could have done different. could he have bent the laws of time a bit to save him? SHOULD he have? adric was the last person on his mind before he regenerated. ▸ what are some fond memories your muse has? : with this face? . . . teaching adric how to fly the TARDIS ( and almost dying along with everyone else, adric was NOT A GOOD PILOT ) , preparing a candlelit dinner for tegan & nyssa, having a weekly book club with turlough ( the ginger did NOT want to be there. ) , being in the TARDIS garden with peri, sitting together & talking for hours on end about anything & everything while looking at the flowers . . . comes to mind. ▸ is it easy for your muse to kill? : when the situation calls for it & there is great evil at hand— when it's between the imminent threat or his companions & the lives of the innocent . . . how could he not? remember, he's great with a gun. ▸ what's it like when your muse breaks down? : he doesn't. no time for that! too many people depend on him, he's careful to never idle, & the fifth doctor is quite good at processing & dealing with his emotions in private ( so he thinks ) . his outlets include gardening, researching flora & fauna on foreign planets to fill the TARDIS databank, playing cricket & composing poetry. he doesn't cry, either, but if he's close enough with someone, having a conversation about the things that trouble him can be quite therapeutic. ▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? : . . . yes. ( delay intended. ) ▸ what's your muse like when they're in love? : when the fifth doctor does fall in love, the person he loves is likely already his best friend, as well. he's not as guarded when it comes to love as some of his other regenerations, & if it happens, he'll accept it pretty easily. not much will change, honestly, & he'll be fine not ever confessing. if a romantic relationship happens, he'll give them poems he's written for them & rare / hard to cultivate pressed flowers, take them around the universe to show them the places he thinks are the most beautiful & amazing, hold hands, learn how to go on dates ( does he looks like He Knows ) , partake in their hobbies alongside them & spend as much time with them as possible.
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tagged by: i stole it, lmao. i can't remember from who :( i just yoinked to my drafts tagging: @bleachbrainrotbro , @solarisgod , @riiese , @therapardalis , @isbrilliant , @agedrot , @tenfoldrage , @curamorte , @theresastargirl you, pizza slice
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freeuselandonorris · 9 months
do you have any landoscar snippets you can share? From Monday or any other fic! I love your writing and I NEED the crumbs 🙏 🙏
(if not that’s totally okay!!)
hello anon this message made my day!! 😭
i am trying hard to be good and finish Monday off before i get distracted by a new shiny headcanon (cough drag queen lando cough free use lando) so here is a snippet from the final chapter for you! beneath a cut in case anyone is avoiding spoilers (although there is zero plot in this snippet, just schmoop) enjoyyyy 🫶
When he opens his eyes again, it’s because his phone is vibrating on the table next to him. Oscar groans, shuffling his way across the bed to grab it and praying he hasn’t forgotten about some vital event.
Lando 🧡 19:37
u up?
but no really are u
Oscar P 19:42
I am now 😕
Lando 🧡 19:43
send me ur room key xx
Embarrassingly, the fact that Lando hadn’t asked, but rather demanded, makes something stir in Oscar’s stomach. He likes that Lando feels entitled to his time, his presence. He opens the app, sends a guest key over and closes his eyes again, dozing until he distantly hears the main door opening five minutes later.
“Bloody hell,” Lando says from the doorway. Oscar cracks an eye open. “Alright, Sleeping Beauty.”
Oscar groans and rolls onto his back, trying to rub the feeling back into his face where he’d slept with it squashed into the blankets.
“How are you not asleep?” he says. His voice comes out in a croak, and Lando snorts, already undoing his jeans and slithering out of them.
“Had a bath,” he says, getting onto the bed next to Oscar and insinuating himself into his personal space. “It’s one of the fancy ones in the middle of the room. I had bubbles.”
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septembersghost · 1 year
"(and take a guess at who destroyed the professional affinity they built with him" is this the colonel? jfc I keep hating that man
who else? leiber and stoller initially didn't know who elvis was and had some preconceived judgment in place (which happened to him a lot), but then once they actually met with him, they were impressed and developed a rapport. elvis wanted them to be in the studio when he recorded. they had suggestions and encouragement for him, about songs, about his career, and parker didn't like that, was threatened by the idea of them getting in the middle, or worse, giving him ideas (this would repeat throughout his life, it's not dissimilar to what happened with steve binder). the colonel eventually destroyed the relationship they built by sending leiber and stoller a blank page and calling it a contract as an intentional slight. they told him exactly what they thought of that, and never worked with elvis again.
longer details from here
"Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller were like the rap artists of the early '50s, pushing buttons, inviting scorn and testing the limits, as rock roared into being from its roots as blues and rhythm and blues. They were writing music for black artists, when one of their songs, Hound Dog, was heard by a young Elvis Presley. His adaptation turned it into a No. 1 hit and helped aim Leiber and Stoller toward the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
They wrote 20 songs for Elvis until the brash young songwriters had a falling out with Colonel Tom Parker, the Svengali they now remember as a 'bully' and a 'foul, greedy' man who helped destroy Elvis. But the estrangement didn't change their respect for Elvis.
'We feel that Elvis Presley was the high water mark of the 20th Century. He's legend. No, he's myth. He's in that celestial place for mythological figures. At the time, we just thought he was a white kid trying to make it as a singer', says Leiber, the man who supplied the words as lyricist of one of the worlds' best-known songwriting duos.
Leiber and Stoller originally met in 1950, sharing a love of the blues and boogie woogie. They were writing for black artists, their earliest songs recorded by Jimmy Witherspoon, Little Esther, Amos Milburn, Charles Brown, Little Willie Littlefield and, among others, Willie Mae 'Big Mama' Thornton.
It was for Big Mama Thornton that they wrote Hound Dog in 1952. Her version came out in 1953 and was adapted by several groups. Stoller had gone to Europe with royalties from some of those early songs and was on his way home aboard the Andrea Doria when it sank in 1956.
Rescued by a lifeboat, Stoller arrived in New York with Leiber yelling from the dock: 'We've got a smash hit'. 'I said, 'You mean Big Mama Thornton's record?' He said, 'No, some white kid named Elvis Presley'. Elvis had heard Hound Dog in a Vegas Lounge by a group called Freddie Bell and the Bellboys', says Stoller.
Elvis' recording of Hound Dog was released in July of 1956 and bounded up the charts, selling millions of copies. Released the same year as Heartbreak Hotel, it put Elvis on TV and turned him into a phenomenon.
After Elvis' great success with his version of Hound Dog, Paramount Studios and music publishers Hill and Range selected additional Leiber and Stoller songs for Elvis' 1957 film Loving You. It was on April 30, 1957 while working on the movie Jailhouse Rock that Elvis first met Leiber and Stoller. They were skeptical of meeting the newcomer, thinking he was a country bumpkin. However, they were very impressed when upon meeting and talking to Elvis that he was very knowledgeable of R&B music and could discuss its nuances in great detail. They went on to work closely with Elvis on the Jailhouse Rock soundtrack with Stoller appearing in the film playing the piano for Elvis' character. After an incident of pitching songs and movie ideas directly to Elvis and not going through the usual chain of command with Elvis' manager, Colonel Tom Parker, they had a falling out with Parker and essentially ended their collaboration with Elvis. Fast-forward to 1960, they did write a couple of songs that were in the running for inclusion in Elvis' first post-army movie, G.I. Blues, but, ultimately they were not used. Although the direct collaboration ended, Elvis did choose several additional Leiber and Stoller tunes to record over the years.
'We were completely unconscious of what it might imply. We were just doing numbers', says Leiber. Stoller says those numbers were unfamiliar to white audiences because he and Leiber had written 'almost exclusively for black performers, so we wrote in a black idiom. People started thinking it was entirely new, but the base we started from was the blues and boogie woogie'.
Stoller says they didn't specifically tailor songs to that early Elvis persona but began by supplying songs they had already written, like Love Me, a ballad they had already recorded. 'Then we were asked to write for a movie, Loving You, with Elvis and Lizabeth Scott'. The next project, Jailhouse Rock, included four songs Leiber and Stoller wrote while held captive in a New York hotel.
They had been living in Los Angeles, and Stoller says they rented a New York hotel suite with a piano in the living area. 'We were given a script for the movie and kind of tossed it in the corner. We were having a ball in New York, going to jazz clubs, cabaret, going to the theater and hanging out. Finally, Jean Aberbach who ran Elvis Presley Music knocked on the door and said, 'Well boys, where are my songs?' I think Jerry said, 'Oh, Jean, you're going to get them'. Jean then pushed a big overstuffed chair in front of the door and said, 'I'm not leaving until I get my songs'.
They wrote four songs in five hours, including Jailhouse Rock, the movie's title song and Treat Me Nice, both major hits.
After that, Elvis 'wanted us in the studio with him whenever we recorded', says Stoller. It was part of Elvis' 'perfectionist' tendencies in the early stages of his career, says Jerry Schilling, a member of Elvis' Memphis Mafia. Leiber says Elvis 'was like an Olympic champion. He could do 40 to 50 takes. I never saw him happier than when he was on a microphone, performing'.
Both songwriters say that studio time was their primary contact with Elvis, who was kept at arm's length from them by Colonel Parker. Stoller says Elvis once asked, 'Mike, could you write me a real pretty ballad?' Over the weekend, they wrote the song Don't for him and handed it to him only to be berated by Parker.
'He was upset that I handed a song directly to Elvis. They didn't want anybody to have direct access to Elvis. It was like Elvis was kept kind of in a glass box and away from contact except for the Memphis Mafia. They were like paid companions'.
Like almost everyone else, they also had little contact with Parker himself. 'The longest I ever spent with him was a dinner at the Beverly Hills Hotel around 1956, after Hound Dog', says Stoller.
The breaking point for them came when Leiber was recovering from a bout with pneumonia about two years later, and Parker ordered them to California to write songs for a new movie project. Leiber explained that he had just been released from the hospital and was unable to travel. 'Parker said, 'You'd better get your ass out here'. He then sent a packet with a contract for them to sign. Leiber says he pulled the contract from the packet and found only a dark line across the middle of a blank page for his signature.
'I called and said, 'I think you made a mistake. There's no contract in here'. He said, 'Don't worry about that, boy. Just sign your name, and I'll fill it in later'."
"Jerry Leiber: I called and asked to speak to (Colonel) Tom. He got on the phone and said (Leiber imitates Parker) 'How you doin' boy?' I said, 'I'm OK. I had a real close call there. I had walking pneumonia and I just got out of the hospital.' He said he wanted me to pack right away and catch a plane. I told him I wasn't in any shape to catch a plane because I'd just gotten out of the hospital. He said, 'If they let you out, that means you're all right'. I told him I needed a day or two to get myself together, but he said the schedule was very tight and he needed me to come out right away.
Then he said, 'Did you see the contract yet?' I said, contract?' He said, 'I'm sure it's there by now. It's a contract covering the forthcoming movie and soundtrack album. You better take a look, sign it and send it back. So I hung up, took the contract out of one of the manila envelopes, and saw nothing but a blank page. Nothing was written on it except two lines at the bottom where Mike and I were supposed to sign our names.
I thought they had made a ridiculous blunder. I called Parker's secretary and said, 'There's been a mistake', she said, 'Let me get Tom.' Colonel Parker got on the phone and I told him, 'There's a piece of paper here with two places for signatures, but the contract is missing'. He said, 'There's no mistake - just sign it'. Then he said, 'Don't worry. We'll fill it in later'.
I got off the phone with Parker and immediately called Mike. I told him, 'Breaking up with the Presley outfit is like throwing away a license to print money. After all this work, I really hate to do it, but I am really offended' (When I was on the phone with Parker, I almost told him that I wasn't one of his 'okie dokies'). I told Mike I didn't want to work with this jerk anymore.
I asked Mike, 'How do you feel about this?' Now Mike is a very measured and modest with very good manners. He paused for a moment, and then he said, Jer ....tell him to f**k himself!'
So I called Colonel Parker back and said, 'Tom, I thought about what you told me'. He said, 'Good! What time are you gonna get here?' I said, 'Tom, I spoke to Mike about the contract, and he told me to tell you to go f**k yourself'.
I hung up, and I never spoke to him again."
"Like many others, [Leiber] wondered about Parker's hold on Elvis. 'I think he (Elvis) had a very weak father and didn't get a sense of what a father was like. Parker came along, and his attitude was, 'Do this, do that, and I'll take care of everything'. Parker became his surrogate family'."
"Leiber: Of course, the Colonel wasn't really a colonel. He was Thomas A. Parker, whose former job as a carnival barker defined his personality. He had a definite shtick ('Pick a number from one to ten'). He told dozens of canned jokes. I can't remember any of them except that they weren't funny. But it didn't matter that we didn't laugh, because the Colonel wasn't really conscious of us. Of course, he knew we were the songwriters of 'Hound Dog' and the new songs for Jailhouse Rock. He knew more hit songs for Elvis meant more money for him. Beyond that, though, he was more interested in putting on his own show than getting to know us.
He had his long cigar and his confected Southern accent. He was a nonstop talker whose ego was always on parade. He told us in great detail all he had done for Elvis - and all he intended to do.
'Elvis' he said, 'is going to be bigger than the president, bigger than the pope'.
Naturally we agreed.
Stoller: The Colonel had the kind of energy that sucked all the air out of the room, even the dining room at the Beverly Hills Hotel. I had little interest in the man. Elvis was the guy we were eager to meet.
The session was due to start later that week.
Leiber: My heterosexual credits have long been established, so I can comfortably say that the first thing that hit me when I walked into the recording studio and found myself standing next to Elvis Presley was his physical beauty. Far more than his pictures, his actual presence was riveting.
He had a shy smile and quiet manner that were disarming."
"Stoller: It's important to remember that on the day we met Elvis, he was twenty-two and we were twenty-four. We were contemporaries. Remember, too, that Jerry and I shared the uppity view that he and I were among the few white guys who knew about the blues.
In the first five minutes of conversation with Elvis, we learned we were dead wrong.
Elvis knew the blues. He was a Ray Charles fanatic and even knew that Ray had sung our song 'The Snow Is Falling'. In fact, he knew virtually all of our songs. There wasn't any R&B he didn't know. He could quote from Arthur 'Big Boy' Crudup, B.B. King, and Big Bill Broonzy.
Leiber: When it came to the blues, Elvis knew his stuff. He may not have been conversant about politics or world history, but his blues knowledge was almost encyclopedic. Mike and I were blown away. In fact, the conversation got so enthusiastic that Mike and Elvis sat down at the piano and started playing four-handed blues. He definitely felt our passion for the real roots material and shared that passion with all his heart.
Just like that, we fell in love with the guy."
"'Whenever I record' he said, 'I want you guys in the studio. You're the guys who make the magic'."
"When Elvis returned (after a studio break), his head was down and his demeanor totally changed.
'I'm really sorry, Mike', he said, 'but you're gonna have to leave. The Colonel came in and he doesn't want anyone here but me and the guys'. 'Okay' I said, not wanting to make any more trouble. And with that, I left. The next day at the shoot I mentioned the incident to one of Elvis' Memphis buddies. 'Don't take it personally, Mike,' he said, 'It's just that the Colonel doesn't want Elvis to develop a friendship with anyone but us'."
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mrspockify · 1 year
Okay I'm gonna ask... do you maybe have some more angsty/sad hcs for Mario? I'm craving some angst for that red plumber haha :D
Me? Have angsty hcs for Mario? Whatever would give you that idea? lmao You've come to the right place.
Since I'm probably not going to get around to writing anything for whumptober, have some disjointed headcanons and story ideas I've been throwing around in my noggin (sorry there's not a set theme here, they're gonna be random). TW for mentions of wounds and death.
The first time Mario is forced to use a 1-up mushroom, he feels.... wrong. He's happy to be back and grateful that the mushroom worked, but he can't shake the feeling that it's like he came back different. He's himself, but not. Eventually, he asks Peach about it, figuring she knows more about the magic of this world. She just kind of looks at him sadly and says that's what everyone experiences, and it doesn't really go away. Each time you use a 1-up mushroom, you get a weird feeling like that, and it's a little different every time. Sometimes better, sometimes worse. You just kind of have to get used to it. Mario doesn't.
Mario has a lot of scars from his adventures over the years. He tries to keep it hidden from people for the most part (Luigi obviously knows--he has his fair share, too), and especially tries to keep it a secret from Peach. After one particularly close call, Mario is out of commission in the infirmary from a nasty stab wound, thanks to Bowser's horn. It's bad. The wound gets infected, and Mario's condition worsens. Peach eventually offers her healing magic as a desperate last move. Mario is barely conscious, but the doctors help remove his shirt so Peach can access the wound, and she's mortified by the scars littering his body. She feels responsible for every single one. They're each too deep and too old for her to heal, but she uses every ounce of her magic to heal his new wound completely so there's no chance it will scar. She works herself to exhaustion, falling unconscious more than once while she heals him, but she doesn't stop until at least that part of his body is clear of any mark.
The first time Mario brings his daughter (Mia) on an adventure, he chooses what's supposed to be a very simple, easy journey. It goes horribly wrong. They're attacked, and Mario thankfully manages to get them out without her being hurt. He, on the other hand, is critically injured and bleeding out. He loses consciousness, and Mia has no idea what to do. Fortunately, she has two magical parents, and she just so happened to inherit both of their abilities (healing magic and firebrand). Unfortunately, her healing magic is newer, and she has no idea how to use it to fix a wound as deep as the one her dad has. She tries, mind you, but it clearly does nothing. She's young, she's alone, and she's panicking. She does the only thing she can think of, the only thing she can remember from those emergency survival lessons Grandpa Toadsworth put her through--she cauterizes the wound. She'll never get the sound of her dad's screams out of her mind.
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riddlingwife · 2 months
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not so aesthetically pleasing ellicho moodboard <3 sorry i'll stop talking abt them so much.
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grimweathers · 1 year
rules: happy pride! choose your 9 favorite canon LGBTQIA+ characters! 🏳️‍🌈 
tagged by @highkingpenny !
weirdly v hard!! had to really think about what is actually canon in the real world and not just in my head
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left to right, top to bottom:
eliot waugh, the magicians
quentin coldwater, the magicians
margo hanson, the magicians
robin buckley, stranger things
van palmer, yellowjackets
louis de pointe du lac, interview with the vampire
guillermo de la cruz, what we do in the shadows
fig faeth, dimension 20 fantasy high
mac, it's always sunny in philadelphia
not sure who's been tagged already but here we go: @impossibletruths @sparklyslug @horsegirleddiemunson @stevecarrington @fastcardotmp3 @fragilecapric0rnn and anyone else who wants to do it just say that i tagged you lol!
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otasnox · 5 months
tell her i was the one who did it / he said he'll always love you (may 3rd, 2024)
cover art by arok318
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ninjastar107 · 10 months
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███ [THE 5008 PLAYLIST] ■ [4 TRACKS ▪ 29:04 RUNTIME] ███
[TRACK_00 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Brother - Vashti Bunyan] [02:10] [TRACK_01 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪Exhibition - Ryuichi Sakamoto] [15:35] [TRACK_02 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ White Roses - Information Society ] [07:58] [TRACK_03 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪Tiger Tiger - Duran Duran] [03:20]
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