#sorry if this is completly irrelevant
koolaidashley · 1 year
Hmm thinking of it bc of a tweet I saw so I’ll say it rq just in case even thought I’m not sure it’s relevant bc it’s important to me
04 Leo blindness will not be reversed or taken away or healed or anything at any point in the plot. I know some media’s like 2 give a character a disability then “heal” it later as like a victory point or reverse it to have some emotional moment or whatever but ..I don’t like that :/
Being blind is just a part of being Leo. I’m not gonna take it away from him 🤧
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hitmeupaep · 11 months
Erik Krippe, Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins could all come to my door and look me dead in my eyes and say destiel isn’t real and i would not give a single fuck
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hinnymicrofic · 1 year
Are you guys taking suggestions for next month's prompts?
And on top of that, is this account run by multiple people? Whether it is or isn't, still, congrats on actually getting this started and having it be as successful as it is! It's an awesome opportunity, plus it's just plain fun.
Hiya @rmwb-fanfics!
I am definetly happy to take suggestions for next months prompts - although I haven't even began compiling a list for next month yet 🤦‍♀️typical me 😅 (I am actually pretty damn organised in real life, just not so much on the internet lol).
If you would like to suggest a prompt (it would be very much appreciated! Less of me using my brain 🧠) I will create a 'prompt submissions' post and link it to the Important Info post which is pinned at the top of this blog, you'll then be able to comment your suggestions on their. Alternatively - if you don't fancy letting the world know your suggestions, you can pop @hinnymicrofic a message 😊
In answer to you second question, this blog is not run by multiple people! It's just little me 🙃. If anyone is interested (or just super bored or feeling nosey) my personal Tumblr blog is @lynnelupin (although it's now 90% Wolfstar stuff so that may not be your cup of tea, and that's okay - I'm a firm believer in SALS (ship and let ship) and hope to see everyone in the fandom share the same values and understandings of respecting others and their shipping preferences).
I completly agree that @hinnymicrofic is a great opportunity! If your a writer and wanting to get more people seeing your work or if your a reader and wanting to check out a writer you might of not seen before, this blog is perfect. It's also great to test your writing abilities, especially if you haven't wrote for a bit or don't have much time to write everyday, but still want to get fics done. And like you said, microfics are so fun - I could spend hours just writing tiny little pieces of fanfiction! ❤
Thank you so much for the support and ask @rmwb-fanfics - I've also really being enjoying your interpretations of the prompts 😄 Sorry if I've just completely info-dumped a load of irrelevant stuff here - asks get me excited!!!
Have a fab day <3
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spiegelgestalt · 1 year
Raging loops third route is such a disappointment that it spoils the game for me
So i finished the darkness route. In the end our MC considered killing little children and gets killed by sheep. The game tries to play it off with a laugh. And Haruaki says: - "What happened in the darkness route stays in the darkness route" and moves on.
Here is the main difference to umineko/higurashi: Some wild shit happened in those games but it always took the emotions of its characters seriously. Thats why higurashi/umineko don't need the perfect mystery (even though it had some really good ones)- because you loved the characters and wanted them to succed.
Rage under the cut
So i had still hopes for the end of darkness. Iwanted some soul searching. Some regret. I kept hoping that he would kill himself in regret - saying something like - even if this ends the loops, i don't want to end the loops that way - something, anything to start rooting for him again.
But no - instead an evil Monstergod (TM) appears and he is crushed by sheep in a.fucking.joke.segment!!!!!!! after that you could not take anything what that game does seriously again. Imagine if Keichi at the end of onikakushi suddenly met a monster and than was crushed by sheep and we were supposed to find this funny! Or if Rika just went: Guess this time i'm the bad guy. Lets kill everyone! Kekekekekek (wait that's just bernkastel, right?) and then gets crushed by a giant sheep (Okay that is something what lambdadelta would do but my point stands)
The worst thing was: the giant evil god provides an external motivation for Haruaki to not kill again as a wolf when he fucking should have an internal one: the cute girls his relationship to the people in Yasumizu. That should make him special. I break the rules until i find a way without killing.
I really had high hopes for key number 20. I really hoped that then some remorse would start but no- just a throwaway line - oh yeah i became the worst kind of villain and nearly killed a child but that's not important right now. And then we moved on. God forbid Haruaki be sorry for one minute or be emotional vulnerable (even though that is IC at this point. I just hate it)
And to add insult to injury
all the boundary pushing i wanted to see was apperently done by chiemi offscreen (BTW she was the better timelooper as i predicted)
God is a delusion of haru (who just happens to be able to read minds, i guess??? Or is really good at spotting time loopers?)
Mochi stays completly boring and irrelevant (would it kill to see some emotions from him other Hehehe i'm so random Hehehe) i really expected him to at least try to kill Haruaki in the end. Show some of that aggression he had during his wolf run. But alas! It would only made the route longer so i should count my blessings i guess.
And now we are supposed to ship Chiemie/Haruaki again because she happens to be the woman who gives him attention. How long is that gonna last? Until Haru or Rikaku show up? Why not throw Kaori in the mix? Or Mamiya? [And i'm not angry because it's a harem - Keichi has a harem and it works for him. It's because even here there is no emotional agony, no i love these two women at the same time, i'm loyal to both of them...which had potential for really juicy drama just: what happens in 1 route stays..]
In my world Haruaki was hanged in the darkness route and just never came back to life. He blew it. Someone else solved all the mysteries and ended the loop. Or not. i don't care anymore. The answers would probably only enrage me
Haruaki turned out to be the worst of the wet blanket protagonists
The edgy evil kind.
And i just don't have the emotional energy for that. What a fucking disappointment.
P.S. (the sad thing is: the characters were all excellent and route 1+2 were great: Nosato, Chiemi, Haru, Rikako; Kaori, even Tae-chan and Kanzo, the journalists ... aahh! what could have been)
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Hot take: it's irrelevant if the the writing team for S6 had some that were just starting their careers or they had previously worked in few shows before, in the end it all comes down to the showrunners. They are the ones that come up with the main story and the plot and the themes, etc. Then they break it down with the writers to develop it across the episode order they get. Notice how once SG ended there literally wasn't any post-mortem interviews with Queller and Rovner. It's all on them.
What I meant was that you can't avoid contradicting the canon, make characters OOC etc. when your writers room is full of new people, who simply don't know the story, characters and what happened in the past seasons. You simply can't. It's normal to replace some staff members but here it's like a completly new group. Also, I feel like they were told "Don't worry abou the past seasons, crisis made the plate clean, do whatever you want, yolo" and it shows. And well, it's easier to manipulate new folks without big esperience to do what you want when you are the producer.
So yeah, sorry but it was relevant.
But also of course the most blame is on the producers. They are the main bosses and they do what they want. They are responsible for taking care of the staff, where the story should go, blah, blah.
The problem with the last season of SG is:
-shit producers who simply should have not been responsible of a comic book show
-writers who had no idea what was going on, had no experience, were new and obviously didn't check the past seasons
-cast that clearly wanted out
-fucking crisis
-pandemia, long break, whatever that allowed writers to rewrite story for x times. You would think it was a good thing, because it gave them enough time to think over about plot, how to tie the loose knots, give characters satisfying CONCLUSIONS etc, but here we are
-toxic SC fans who harassed cast, writers, producers, staff. If it's true what some soucres say about how the assholes affected some people's mental health, then good lord.
-shitty  budget?
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catndi · 5 years
SPOILERS WARNING. Do not read if you haven’t watched Miracle Queen!
it’s me just ranting a bit and not making much sense tbh but I need to let this out of my chest in order to be able to act as functional being again because I really can’t get over this season finale.
So, it’s been a whole 24 hours and I still have problems copying with miracle queen. unbelievable
Like, the very little improvment of chloe during this season? GONE, Lila? completly MIA, eventho she is suppoused to be one of the main villains?? I’m impressed of how irrelevant she gets to be except for just a few episodes...
Also, the whole amnesia thing with Fu?? mmm wat??? That was cruel for no reason. He could have been out of the map even with his memories tbh. I feel really sorry for marinette having to deal with everything on her own, especially after that breakdown in love hunter, but yea lets put this poor child in more misery by giving her even more responsabilities I guess. I’m hoping they will work this next season??
and don’t take me wrong, I love kagami and luka and I get why the series is going in this direction with adrien/kagami and marinatte/luka, we all saw it coming so it’s not like I wasn’t prepared for that but, are we really gonna ignore the fact that adrien suspected in kwami buster that marinette could be the love of his life aka ladybug??? I mean, yea, he’s trying to get over ladybug but why isn’t he giving a second thought to marinette, aka the everyday ladybug, at least? idk, I mean, it sounds kind of horrible if we put it that way because he would kind of see her in other light just because she ~resembles~ his lady since he is not over his lady yet. but well, even if I know adrinette is endgame please give me a very little sign from adrien’s side, just him glancing at her or w/e at that end bc I kind of need it after 3 seasons of null improvment from the main ship, give me something to hold on for the whole damn year that it will take to get season 4 please. I know the idea is him /really/ trying to move on but I’m still sad about it dkslajdlj
I think I’m mostly pissed because of how much the lovesquare could have improved over the season, especially adrinette if they were given proper time instead of making them interact in their civilian form for the last 4, 5 episodes only?? out of the 25/26 total, srsly. 
Moreover, the fact that we have been spoiled SO many important things and getting the episodes so out of order with zero consistency in terms of time (like, we got 2/3 episodes in a row a few times and then nothing for like 1 month or 2) that really messed up the whole experience of watching the show this time, more than usual.
The main reason I’ll keep giving a try to this mess of a show is because of the idea (and hope based on lit nothing more that just my fantasies) of getting all the marichat scenes that we’ve been robbed since 2015 approx for next season
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mourningroutine · 6 years
I feel like a lot of the things Jessicka is trying to make a huge deal out of are personal matters (like the affairs and stuff) and are completly irrelevant to the fanbases of the bands and artists. Like... Most of us know that adults do horrible crap like cheat on their spouse, but it's nothing to do with the music they make. It's personal shit that Jessicka really has no business bringing up on a public platform like Twitter.
(sorry i'm answering this days after you send it, but its late and i'm still annoyed! also sorry if this is kinda a mess but there is so much to the topic?)but yes definetly!! she has no bussiness sharing that and we have no bussiness knowing that? like, famous people still do get to have private lives lmao. the thing is, i feel like jessickas digs at the ways are very calculated? she goes for the things that will hurt lynz and her image the most? see, lyn is proud of her family and talks about how happy she is with gerard? lets talk about how she cheated, how bad her relationship to her family is and what a horrible person gerard is. lyn doesn't wanna be seen as mrs gerard way bc shes her own person and has her own career, shes been vocal about not wanting to be seen as merely an extension of her husband? lets talk about how rude she is to fans and call her a money hungry, ladder climbing starfucker! (jessicka addams the feminist icon, you guys!) i could go on but yea i'm sure lindsey did and said some shitty stuff in the past, like? who hasn't? but bringing it up like that?i don't think the whole thing is about calling her out, its about destroying her image
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tenrose · 4 years
Marching on Versailles gif tutorial
This is for the Anon who requested it, sorry it took so long. I hope I’m gonna be clear. Feel free to ask for any clarification! This tutorial could worf (with adjustments) on similar scenes with people of colours. Download the highest quality you can. I’m using a sharpening action before starting my colouring.
We’re going from this:
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To this:
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Now, I pretty much always start my colourings the same way: first with levels. Since the lightning of the video is pretty dark, I’ve been generous. However, depending on which angle of Melissa you want, you might have to lower it so she doesn’t look too pale and sick. Here is the setting that you can adjust to your liking and the result.
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After that, I still keep doing my usual colouring routine: you add some black with the selective colours (blacks -> black +10). And then one vibrance layer setting the vibrance to 100 because I LOVE colours. 
Now your gif would look like this:
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See ? Yes, colours! Love them! But it’s too yellow/green-ish for my liking (yellow is my nemesis tbh). So it’s time to play with the selective color layer. I’m focusing on the yellow and the red cause they are the main colours. 
Here are my settings:
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The gif now looks like this:
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It’s now less yellow-ish thanks to the increase of red, and I like it better. But as you can see, I love giffing not for having realistic colours, but vibrance and colours. So I keep going with a brightness/contrast level. Don’t set the contrast level too high or she’s gonna end up looking like too pale and we don’t want that. Contrast can good on faceless sceneries but not on people. Again, you can adjust this layer according to the angle it’s filmed so it’s not too white or too dark. My settings and the results: 
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Again I’ve added some black with the selective colours and another vibrance layer. Don’t put it to the maximum this time, add as much vibrance as you feel is right without having something that’s over saturated. Here’s the gif now:
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I now add a layer that is often very important in many gifs. The colour balance. Now in that case it’s subtle but most of the time it’s what really allow to stop some colours from taking over the whole gif (or help it). Now I just want to decrease the yellow. The setting and the gif:
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The final setting is gonna be another selective color layer, since the yellow is now under control, I only adjust the red. I also turned the blue into purple but that’s completly irrelevant, I’ve only added it cause I thought it was good looking. Here’s the final setting:
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And here the final result:
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As I said, you can adjust as much as you want all the layers. I do a psd for each scene but when you work on similar tones, you can gain time just adjusting each layer, especially when you have your own preference and know what you want. 
I hope this was helpful! :)
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