#sorry ik i said i wasn't gonna say anything but well i lied
stinkrascal · 9 months
oh jeez i could say so much right now but i wont. i'll be nice
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btsrmono · 4 years
Trial & Error | chapter 1.
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A/N: hey guys ik this is really random for my page but i got bored lol pls enjoy?? 
Main Pairing: (jimin): student/idol x (main): foreign student
Side Pairs: main x taehyung,, main x (nct) jaehyun 
"I still can't believe you're moving."
 You sighed, leaning your head on your boyfriend's shoulder. "Don't remind me."
 It had been a month since your parents had told you about the big move and school would be starting the next week, which is when you'd be moving.
  Ryan lied his hand on your thigh as he squeezed it a bit. "I was thinking, you know," he started, "since you're moving and all... y/n, don't you think it'd be better if we--"
  You already knew where this was going. "Break up?" you finished for him. He didn't say anything, causing you to chuckle a bit. "It's alright," you told him. "I've been thinking the same thing."
 "You have?"
  You took your head off of his shoulder, looking him in the eyes. "Yeah. I mean, it only makes sense, right? What would be the purpose of staying together?" You gave him a small smile of which he returned. You and Ryan had only been together for 5 months, not really making it a big deal.
"You know I care about you, right?"
"Yes," you confirmed. "Same goes here. Just because we're 'ending this', doesn't mean we're ending us. I'll still keep in contact with you and check up here and there."
 Smiling at you, he stuck his pinky finger out. "Promise?"
 You quickly interlocked your pinky with his. "Promise."
  Turns out, saying your goodbyes to your friends wasn't the hard part. You already knew this was going to be a problem but you had been in Korea for over two hours and still had yet to find someone that spoke English. You guys began to settle in your apartment with the help of moving guys, and you had decided that you wanted to take a look around, maybe buy a snack.
  Little to no avail, you couldn't find many American snacks like you were expecting to, and when you did, they surely didn't taste the same. Anyway, you was trying to make your way back to your new home when you realized you didn't know where you were going. Google Maps was acting up, and you were too afraid to attempt the Korean you actually did know with local natives. Therefore, you tried to ask, using as much broken English as you could to make it simple on them. However, they weren't very helpful but at least they all seemed nice. You thought maybe if you made one more attempt, you could have hit the jackpot. "Uh, excuse me sir."
The older man stopped in his tracks and stared at you. "Uh... Yes?" He asked, sounding quite nervous.
Right then and there, just from his tone, you knew he wasn't going to be much useful. You politely smiled. "Never mind." You bowed and he went on with his day. Ugh, why were you so scared to speak Korean. You were actually pretty good at it at some point due to your childhood best friend, Shi Ah. Practically her sister, you two were around each other all the time and you easily picked up the language. It was fun because you guys would always say things about people with them right there without them knowing what you two were speaking about.
 But, unfortunately, Shi Ah had to move to China Freshman year due to a job opportunity for her journalist parents. The goodbye was extremely hard but you both eventually moved on, you becoming best friends with Mariana and Riley, her doing God knows what. You even fell out of touch so you had no idea what she’d been up to the past few years. It was sad but it quickly became your new normal.
 Anyway, you knew, eventually you were going to have to get over your fear of speaking Korean but until then, you sighed and took in the scenery surrounding you to see if anything looked familiar, but nope. You stood there, deciding that maybe it was time to call a parent. As you went to dial your moms number, you suddenly become very distracted.
"Lost?" you heard a voice say.
You looked up from your phone to the girl that now stood in front of you. "You speak English?" you stupidly asked. The girl laughed. "I'm sorry," you apologized, realizing how rude you probably sounded.
"Don't be, it's understandable. What can I help you with though?" The girl was really pretty. She had perfect skin with long blonde hair and bangs that made her wide eyes stand out.
You let out a breath, looking down at your phone. "I need help getting back home."
She giggled. "Already? Come on." She then proceed to walk ahead of you as you, confusingly, followed.
"But wait, you haven't even asked where I live."
"Its alright, we're in the same neighborhood. I saw you earlier," she explained. It then made sense. However, you had not seen her. The girl was gorgeous, you must admit, so you would have remembered seeing her.
"So we're neighbors," you stated.
"What's your name?"
Still walking, she looked back at you and smiled. "Jinsoul. But my English speaking friends call me Zoè. Say which ever you'd like."
You nodded, repeating her name in your head a few times. A habit you picked up in order to remember people’s names. 
"And you?" she asked.
"That’s pretty," she complemented you. “It’ll be hard to forget.”
Only a short block later, you guys were back into the neighborhood. "Thank you so much," you said as you began to reach your doorstep. "I owe you." 
 After exchanging numbers, she informed you that she only lived a corner away from you and that if you ever needed anything, you could just ask.
 The next day, you were starting school. You walked around the corner and saw your mom in the kitchen cooking breakfast. You knew that your Dad didn't leave the house until 9 am. "Morning, Mom," you greeted her.
She turned away from the pancakes she was in the middle of making and smiled at you. "Y/n! Morning baby, are you excited for school?"
 You shrugged your shoulders while smirking as you placed your back pack on the kitchen island table. "I guess. I don't really know what to expect though."
"Well if there's any advice I can give you, it's : Don't stress. Seriously, it'll make everything go wrong."
Instead of a reply, you sighed, still feeling sleepy. "Why are you up so early?" you asked her.
She then proceeded back to making the pancakes. "For you."
"Oh no, you didn't need to do that, Mom. I'm about to leave out."
She looked at you with a confused expression on her face. "Well then what are you going to eat?"
"There's a store around the block, I was just gonna grab a quick snack and head to the school early."
"Early?" she wondered.
You shook your head. "Yup. Want to get my schedule 100 percent accurate and get a mini tour of the building before it gets too crowded." Your mom kind of smirked, looking at you from the side of her eyes. You giggled. "What?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing, it's just nice seeing you be responsible and positive on the first day. I know you didn't exactly picture your senior year to go this way but I just want you to make the best of it and I think you're off to a good start so far, sweetie."
You smiled. She was right, you guess. You did feel very out of place but not in a bad way exactly. You'd rather be home but you weren’t. You were in Seoul, South Korea and what would you be able to do about it? Nothing. So why not do what you can and make it a good experience rather than a negative?
She then turned the stove off and fully looked at you. "Get going. Have a nice day of school!"
As soon as you left the apartment building, you saw the girl from the day before walking in your direction. She beamed widely at your appearance. "Y/n!" she yelled.
You gave her a gentle smile, waiting for her to catch up with you. Once she did, you both continued walking together. "You look nice for your first day."
"Thanks, you look nice too!"
You started to think that she was also going to the store. So you both walked in silence for a little bit until you arrived there. The bell dinged on the door as she opened it. The older cashier man looked at you strangely. She noticed this. "Don't mind him," she said. "He does this to everyone."
You shook your head understandingly. "Okay."
She went over to the fridge section and grabbed banana milk, as did you, then a pack of peanuts and you went up to pay for your stuff while she was still looking. Once she was done, you two stepped back out into the hot heat. Only a few moments later, a group of three good looking guys showed up, talking amongst themselves as they headed to school as well in their uniforms. This made you believe you were getting closer to the bus stop.
On the side of you, you heard Jinsoul let out a slight laugh, making you turn to her. She was looking at the boys. Next thing you knew, they were looking back at her and walking over towards you guys. "A-are they coming over here?" you stuttered.
"Looks like it," she replied cooley, a small smirk glued to her face.
You quickly gave your hair a little fix as you both suddenly stopped walking, waiting for the boys to join.
"Yah, Jinsoul!", one of them said. He continued to speak in Korean as you zoned out, worried about if they would try to speak to you too. Sooner or later, you heard your name being said by Jinsoul and the boys all kind of glanced your way, throwing you off track. 
They eventually turned their attention back to Jinsoul, continuing their conversation. All except the one boy, whom was the most adorable of them all. He blankly stared at you, his eyes even squinting a bit.
You shifted one foot to the other as you looked down at the pavement, slightly uncomfortable with this. You then heard him laugh and when you looked back up, he was smiling at you. You nervously smiled back before he finally went back to paying attention to Jinsoul. They spoke in some more Korean.
After a good minute or two passed, you heard them saying goodbye, the cutest one being the only one to wave at you. Once they were out of ear shot, you turned to Jinsoul. "Uh, Jinsoul?"
"Hm?" she wondered, nonchalantly.
"Who were they?"
She laughed loudly before covering her mouth quickly. "Really?" she asked. "You really don't know who they are?"
Of course you didn't know who they were, why was she expecting you to? You tilted your head slightly. "I mean, I'm not from here," you explained.
"True." She began to walk again, you following. "They're all idols."
"Idols?" you wondered. "As in?"
"As in 'famous', y/n."
 You slightly hesitated, letting this new profound information soak into your brain. "Famous as in?"
"They sing. Dance. Rap. They're idols. K-pop idols."
You knew of K-pop, you looked it up upon arriving to Seoul but were no expert at it and of course the only people you ever even slightly heard of were Psy, Exo and Got7. Other than that, you were completely ignorant to the Korean pop industry. "Are they all in the same group?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "Two of them are. The other one, aka, my friend, is still a trainee, which means he hasn't debuted yet but he's training to."
"Interesting." You walked a few more seconds in silence until you absolutely had to ask their names. Specifically for the one guy.
She deviously smiled, already knowing what was up your sleeve. "I see what you're doing," she stated. "But if you insist. My friend's name is Bae Joon Young. We call him Jacob. The other one is Kim Taehyung and the one that you seem interested in is Park Jimin."
"Jimin," you repeated. "But wait. If they're all famous, why were they in uniform to go to school?"
"Because they have to," she told you. "They all made an agreement that if they ever dropped out of school, they are eligible to be dropped from their company. Plus Taehyung and Jimin just debuted so they have to listen to their company right now. It's a pretty logical idea if I do say so myself."
You guys finally arrived at the bus stop and she explained to you what you would do after being released at the first stop. You both went to different schools. While you went to a Foreign school, she attended a performing arts school with a ton of other inspiring and/or famous people.
Of course you saw the boys again at the bus stop but they did not bother you guys this time, instead, they met up with their other friends that were also at the bus stop. The bus eventually pulled up around 7:30am and everyone got on board. Since both schools were basically right across from each other, all students got off at the same spot too. The only difference is that you and about two other students had to walk an extra block before actually getting to the International school. Once you finally arrived there, you took a deep breath and headed inside.
A/N: Bruh, I’m sorry this chapter was so BORING but it was the 1st. It should get a lil more interesting moving forward since we got most introductions out of the way. More Jimin to come next chapter! 
ALSO: I’ll be putting a gif of a main character each chapter at the end! For this chapter, we have Jinsoul, the friendly neighbor and school bus buddy! 
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Heart Broken(Roman x Patton)
I have a oneshot book over on wattpad that is a request book for the sides and thomas and any of thomas' friends, and it could be an x reader by request.
I have a chapter from it that I am really proud of, so Imma post it here. Also, please ask for requests for my book.
"-because I really like you! Like, a lot. Would you please, please be in a relationship with me?" Roman says to Virgil with love filled puppy dog eyes. Virgil takes a step back from Roman, as his eyebrows raise in confusion.
"I'm sorry Ro, I'm not really over you being horrible to me. I'm really trying not to hold a grudge, but I still feel hurt from you saying all those things to me. Even if you apologized," he took a deep breath and exhaled some of his air before continuing. "My answer is no. I hope we can still friends." Virgil left the living room hugging his sides and pulling his jacket as close as he could to himself, barest trace of a heavy frown and wet eyes, heading back into his own room. 
He knew it was gonna hurt Roman to hear that he didn't like him back, but he didn't want to fake anything to have it hurt worse later. 
Roman was not taking it well. Being the fanciful side and the romantic side left for higher hopes and harder falls.
He stood there in shock for a moment before realizing what just happened. Then his eyes began to fill with tears and he hung his head in shame. However, his mind jumped to one person that would make him feel better. 
He walked up the stairs with his head still tilted downward and tears still leaking from his eyes. He ignored Logan with a small sob as he passed him in the hallway when he asked what was wrong. Logan decided to awkwardly walk on, as emotions weren't his strong point, and he knew roman was headed to Patton's room anyways.  
When Roman finally got to Patton's door, he just rested his head against it and said with all the voice that he could muster around the lump in his throat,
"Patto-" Only Roman couldn't finish his word before he broke into sobs. The door was quickly opened and Roman was pulled inside Patton's room by cat sweater covered arms.
The door closed behind the two of them and Roman was engulfed in a warm hug. He began crying, hard, into Patton's shoulder. Patton started swaying them back and forth while combing through Roman's hair, humming something soft that sounded an awful lot like Happier by Bastille(ft. Marshmellow).
Patton picked up Roman with his Dad Strength© and sat Roman down on the bed like he weighed nothing. He sat down next to Roman, pushing up his glasses in the process. Patton then wiped away Roman's tears with his thumbs, and cupped Roman's face with his hands.
"What's wrong Kiddo? What's got you all worked up?" Patton's voice soft, as to not make Roman feel any worse. Except Roman felt worse anyway, having to explain what just happened.
"I-I've li-i-i-iked Virgil for a lo-o-ong ti-" He stopped to let out a sob and catch his breath. Patton took a deep breath in through his nose and out through his mouth. Roman copied as he let in a gasp of air through his nose, and out through his mouth which is shaped like an o, and continues.
"I've liked him for a lo-ong time, and, I t-oh-o-old him, and he said I was mean! From when I was mean to hi-I-I-im. And it hurts my feelings!" He said through post crying hiccups. "I don't know what to-o-*gasp*-o do!"
"Oh kiddo! That sounds horrible! I'm sorry! That's rough. What did you say after he told you no?" Patton holds Roman's hands for support, and pulls a comforter around them.
"I didn't say anything! He told me he hopes we can still be friends, and then he left! Then I cane to you!" Roman pulls his hands away from Patton's, making Patton frown, and put his head in them.
"What am I gonna do Patton? It is going to be so awkward from now on. WhatdoIdo....." The last little bit was kind of muttered and smushed together due to Roman curling in on himself more.
Patton raised his eyebrows in concern and used his hands to gently lift Roman's face to look up at him. Patton placed a gentle kiss on Roman's forehead, then said,
"It'll be okay Princey. You know Virgil isn't one for grudges, so I'm sure you can still be friends. As for relationships, you could....." Roman didn't quite catch the last part of what Patton was saying, mainly because he mumbled it and looked away.
"What was that last part? Patton?" He was confused, but also hopeful. Patton was a wonderful person, and would surely know what to do in this case. Patton cleared his voice, and took a deep breath.
"You could be in a relationship with me! That's what I said..." Patton looked at Roman long enough to say the first sentence, but didn't want to see Roman's face once he finished the last one.
Roman's heart mended and melted at the same time. Patton was so adorable and cared for Roman enough to have feelings for him. It was completely endearing to Roman. But he had to make sure that he was taking this the right way.
"You.....like me? Like, like me like me?" Roman didn't want to be too hopeful, but he likes Patton too. As much as he likes Virgil(cause you can like 2 people at once fight me). Patton, still not looking at Roman, nodded and curled in lips. He was bracing himself for rejection, eyes closed tight, but wasn't prepared for Roman to cup his cheek that was still facing him.
"Aw, Pat. I like you too. Like you like you. You are absolutely adorable," he paused, "And you can look at me now, darling." Patton uncurled his lip and looked at Roman, with big eyes. A tear leaked out of his left eye, and he was quick to wipe it away, even though he knew Roman already saw it.
"Oh, come now. No need for crying. Only love in here." He pointed at his heart. "And in here." He rested his hand on Patton's chest.
Patton smiled big, and pulled Roman into a even bigger hug. They hugged for a minute, before Roman pulled his face away from Patton's chest and giving him a short and sweet kiss on the lips.
A wonderful end to a heart breaking experience.
Hope you like this as much as I liked writing it! This ship is probably my favorite out of all of them. Both to read and write.
Please request some ships, I would love to do lots of them!
Here is a link to the book if you want to check it out.
1151 words.
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