#sorry rotoscoping rant over. i love it so much
bmpmp3 · 2 years
the thing about me is i adore rotoscoped animation with all my heart
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My Reaction... to “Pocahontas II:  Journey to a New World”
Who decided that this was a good idea?  Who?
OH it just starts right away!  Oh dang.  No opening logo or nothing.
I will be extremely surprised if they somehow managed to wrangle Mel Gibson back as John Smith
AN:  It’s his younger brother Donal Gibson
Also this is such a strange way to start a movie about Pocahontas- a rooftop sword fight
What am I watching?
Why is the King of England wanting to start a war with the- oh wowww the animation really dipped
“Walt Disney Home Video” well that explains everything
How did they get the news of John Smith’s “death” already?  Mail must travel really freaking fast over the Atlantic
If this setting was animated with the original animation crew for the first movie, this scene with Pocahontas in the snow would look gorgeous
Wait wasn’t her necklace broken in the first movie?
It would have been interesting if we actually see a shot of Pocahontas just reacting to the news of John Smith’s “death”.  That way we as viewers just feel the gravitas and impact it has on her instead of just cutting to the shot of the ship leading into the opening credit bit.
Oh that shot [of Pocahontas above the frozen river in the snow) is gorgeous
“I beg your pardon!”  “All right.  You have it.”  *snorts*
I almost feel like they put a little more effort into the culture of Pocahontas’s tribe.  I mean I don’t know if it’s entirely accurate- probably not- but it feels like it.
HEY GET THIS THOUGH.  The original screenwriters thought that taking the plot of this movie for the FIRST one would be too complicated and violent.  WOW.
AND they took creative license anyway because of the actual story of Pocahontas is... not great.  Look I’m not even gonna deny that even though they made creative differences in order to convey the story to a younger audience and you can tell some of the filmmakers mean well to be partially accurate but the other executives just want the movie to make money and that’s it.  They don’t care that even though racism is addressed like in little spoonfuls here, it’s still racism.
Plus Katzenburg didn’t really have the balls to address the effect of assimilation or the whole “noble savage” concept.  He just wanted the moolah.
AN:  I’m sorry if I’m ranting but I’ve written ESSAYS ABOUT THIS.  I spent an ENTIRE SEMESTER writing about this stuff.  Seriously.
ALSO ALSO FUN FACT:  GREGORY PECK was originally cast as the spiritual ancestor in the first movie but he dropped out because he made the point to the writers that the character had to be a maternal figure instead of a male one.  Boom now we have Grandmother Willow.
Also I like that when the Indians first see the horse, they’re a little perturbed by it.
Meanwhile my anthropology part of my brain is just screaming
Oh my God I just realized where I’ve heard the actor that played Powhatan from... he’s the Navajo man from “Natural Born Killers”. 
Also yes I have seen “Natural Born Killers”
One kudos I’ll grant to this is that they put more nuance into Pocahontas’s facial expressions.  You can see her squint in frustration or just glare someone into oblivion.
Or this scene where her best friend says goodbye.  There is just so much emotion in this shot alone.  The animators had to have used reference shots for bits like this.
*Meeko gets stuck in the mop for cleaning the deck*  Comedy
“And honor is the backbone of our civilization.”  OK we’re getting somewhere.
Ah yes, London.  Nothing but the colors purple, yellow, blue and cobblestone as far as the eye can see.
Also yes England so they’re gonna throw in EVERY stereotypical European clothing style EVER on the general population
Freaking Shakespeare...
They bumped up the animation whenever Ratcliffe shows up.  Priorities.
Mrs. Potts is the teapot on the table!
You can tell that the writers are TrYinGGgg to mature the characters by addressing that yes Ratcliffe is manipulating the king to do what he wants. 
*Pocahontas tries putting the corset on as a bonnet*  Yes
Why is Mrs. Jenkins giving Pocahontas a crinoline?  In 17th century London?  The hoop idea didn’t even come around until like the 1850s
Unless it’s a farthingale.  But it’s obviously NOT
“John’s always had a fondness for girls with curls.”  HMM
The sound of Pocahontas’s necklace hitting the table sounds exactly like those really thick magnetic rocks clashing together
This movie definitely has a different vibe from the first one.  It’s just focused on letting these events happen and there’s an emphasis on scale.  Like they let this scene where Pocahontas finally meets the king pause because she does not know how to address him.
Oh!  And the general population is established by them just being really curious about her and not immediately cursing her.  They’re just as “ooh and aah” about her as she is about them.
The king is 100% voiced by Jim Cummings
Oh man this animation... rough...
Did... did I just step into a different movie?  What the heck am I watching? 
This song is like a weird hybrid of “Playing with the Big Boys” from Prince of Egypt and one of the other songs from Hunchback of Notre Dame
Bear baiting?  What?
Discount Strider there’s gotta be John Smith
That animation of John Smith walking toward the screen was definitely rotoscoped
If the rest of this third act is just this weird sword fight, I’m signing out
Oh so no... third act fight?
“You [John Rolfe] love her.”  I mean it’s a little weak sauce but I can tell they tried.
I just realized what’s up with this movie:  it’s like a really weak Wonder Woman movie.  Seriously.
I... have actually no idea how the rest of the third act is gonna go.
What exactly is Governor Ratcliffe governor of?
John Smith is not written well at all in this movie.  And I don’t know what to think of his “mmm hmm good show old sport” back and forth with Rolfe
OK so if we’re gonna end this movie with the ships clashing together and a weird sword fight on board, at least tell me Pocahontas is gonna duke it out with Ratcliffe where she sends him overboard.  Please.
*John fights him instead*  COME ON
Well that was disappointing
They’re TRYING to amp up the romance between these two and it’s just... eehhh so close... but dishonest.
Whoever is voicing John Smith is like trying to do some pseudo-British version of Mel Gibson and it’s weird
I do like this contrast between John Smith who is like “I have great plans for exploring the world where we can always be together” and John Rolfe who is like “I want to establish a peace between us two without forsaking each other” and I wish more effort was spent on THAT
BUT WE CAN’T.  For historical reasons.
John Rolfe, what kind of shirt are you wearing?!?
Hmm.  It just ended.
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