#sorry this took YEARS bff!!!! but we're in business
artificerdusty · 1 year
who: Dustin Henderson & @kathcrinefms where: Melvald's general store parking lot
With Luke being missing and absolutely no answers and everything going wrong, Dustin was more on edge than usual. If Willa had complained about him being overbearing before, it was a completely different level now. Every time they left the house, Dustin was plagued with ideas of them being snatched by whatever-- whoever-- had nabbed Luke... which was why he'd packed both kids with 'survival packs' for the walk from the house to the car-- complete with walkies with extended range, enough protein and astronaut food to last two weeks, a canteen of water, a flashlight and several batteries.
As they clamored out of his van, Dustin double-checked the contents of their bag. "And if anyone approaches you, you say....?" he asks, looking from Ward to Willa, who doesn't try to hide her eyeroll. "Wills, this is serious! I'm not dicking around! This is--" he pinches the bridge of his nose, willing himself to calm down and stop yelling at his kids in public. Not a good look. "This is real, okay, it's real," he whispers, pulling the twins into him and squeezing tight. He opens his eyes to see Katherine standing across the parking space, and Dustin's mouth goes dry.
Seeing her hasn't gotten easier, not even a little. A fresh wave of guilt washes over Dustin and he feels queasy, but still he straights out his posture and offers an awkward smile, lifting his hand in greeting. "Uh- okay- you got your water?" he asks Ward. "Flashlight?" he asks Willa. When they nod, he kisses their foreheads and they climb off into Katherine's car.
Dustin clears his throat, approaching her slow and steady, like she's a skittish animal or like he might... like he might hurt her if he gets too close. "I-- uh-- with everything... you know... I wanted to make sure they were prepared. I guess. It's stupid, but if you could... if you could makes sure they have their packs. Just so I could sleep better." Not that Katherine owed him anything close to good sleep. He raked a hand through his hair and glanced at his feet, chewing intently on the inside of his cheek until he tastes copper.
"So.... how are you? All- all things considered?"
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charlewiss-writes · 2 years
make damn sure / charles leclerc
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day 19: wonder (part of one-word november prompts!)
word count: 1.5k.
pairing: bff!charles x reader
summary: being the hopeless romantic that you are, you've been dreaming about your special other your whole life. you're talking to your best friend pierre about the dream guy. what if you already knew him?
author's note: not proofread, so for sure many errors lmao. hope its still understandable (? also, im sorry for the delay! will try to have day 20 ready soon but its one prompt i really like so i dont want it to be short :( ill see what i can do! thanks for sticking with me through almost 20 days already!!
since being childhood friends, charles, pierre and you were inseparable. going to school together, joining them on their karting days, them joining you in your school plays. you were always there for eachother, without doubt. so when things started to get complicated at your house and you decided to move, they were 100% in. and that's how you ended now, two years after living with them, in the couch while talking to the frenchman.
"don't you wonder sometimes?" you had started the conversation, voice dry after hours without saying a word. it went like that sometimes, all too busy with their stuff: sometimes, even though you lived with two other people, thanks to their jobs, it seemed like you lived on your own. pierre straightened himself a little on his seat and turned his body towards you, so he could look into your eyes as he said "about?".
immediately regretting your decision to bring this topic to the table, you tried to back off. "well of course you don't, you already have a girlfriend" jokingly, you said. that only seemed to interest the boy in front of you more, being one that didnt like to leave things unresolved. "what are you talking about?". after knowing you for so long, they already knew you were a hopeless romantic at heart, but still, it made you nervous to talk about it out loud, being aware that it could seem ridiculous to others. "promise you won't laugh about it".
"when did I laugh to you?" he said, tilting his eyebrowns like you were telling him something unbeliavable. but you two, having the brother-sister relationship that you had, knew that he was blantantly lying as he always made fun of you, as you made fun of him too. seeing your glare, he laughed before saying. "fine, I won't, i promise". still, you took a bit of time before actually telling him what had been on your mind all day. "I don't know, I started to think about how everyone has met their significant other but I can't seem to find them".
"what if you did already? you know plenty of people".
you fully laughed at him, with no means to offend the frenchman. it truly seemed hilarious to you that he would believe that. "I think I would have realised if a certain person with all the qualities that I look for passed in front of me, pierre. I'm not dumb".
"you sure?"
and if look could kill, you would've been charged for murder. "you're being awfully mean to me today, pierre".
"it's cause you're so blind sometimes, like you purposely don't want to see". he looked pissed off now, and the change between his playful tone and this much colder one threw you off. "see what?" you asked.
"the way he looks at you".
it was a common discusion betweet you two, ever since you realized that you didn't love both boys the same. and although yeah, you cheered for their wins and stood through their hard times the same, the smile that adorned your face was different when you were greeted at the other side by the grin of a certain monegasque, who you also lived with. but for you, he was completely off limits. and you were okay with that, with being alone on the sidelines cheering for him, not expecting anything else from him. "oh shut up. you know we're just friends".
"if telling yourself that lets you sleep at night, go ahead. but you have to know that its okay to fall in love. if it goes wrong, i'm sure we can figure it out: you won't lose us. but what if it goes right and you're wasting your time? won't you like to know?".
"know what?".
the voice of a certain someone startled you. it wasn't like you didn't know he was in the house, but after a few hours asleep you had forgotten about him at all, otherwise you wouldn't be talking about this topic in the middle of the house. "know why she likes to talk about deep topics when we should be asleep" he quickly managed to answer, and even though it wasn't a lie, it felt wrong to lie to charles like that. "but why don't you two continue with the chat, eh?, i'm sure charles as more answers than i,he's smarter after all". the monegasque laughed at that and punched his arm in his way out, while he entered the room and started to get comfortable in the same couch that you were sat in.
"i love talking about deep topics, why don't you ever talk to me about it?" he sounded genuinely hurt, like the fact that you preferred to talk about certain stuff with pierre over him really bothered the ferrari driver. "thought you were asleep, charles". and it wasn't a lie.
"don't you trust me?"
"don't be silly, cha. I didn't want to bother you, that's all"
"you could never bother me".
after a few moments in silence, where he directed his eyes towards the ceiling instead of looking at you, he said, softly this time, like he truly didn't want to wake pierre up with his tone. "pierre's right. we need to talk. i want your opinion about something". at that, you clearly became more interested in whatever charles had to say. it had been a while since you two really talked, since he was always away, and when he wasn't, you were the one with the busy schedule. "it's really really really complicated, but i think i like a girl, and i don't know how to talk to her about it".
ah, that's it. that's your worse nightmare coming true, once again.
obviously, being the pretty boy that charles was, always so well manered and the perfect boyfriend that a mother could ask for his child, it wasn't the first time that he had a partner. but as the time went on, you knew he was getting more serious about the whole dating thing, and it scared you to think about him settling in for someone lese. someone that wasn't you. so, after all the years that passed, it still hurt quite a bit to hear him talk about other people in the same way you wished to be talked about.
after a few minutes where you didn't say anything, too stunned to actually answer him, you started to get self concious. obviously, he for sure saw how your face dropped when he told you that. would he realize that you had feelings for him all this time? would he feel betrayed? after all, he thought that you were only his friend, and thats why he was telling you this in the first place.
"you don't get it, do you?"
you furrowed your browns, now confused at what he was implying with that last sentence. "what do i have to get?".
he laughed about it and took your hands into his, to gently brush your fingers over your palm. "i'm talking about you, silly".
"what do you mean? why?".
his deep greenish blue eyes looked straight at yours, and it was impossible to pull away from his gaze. he softly started to answer your question. at least the one you had told him about, since your brain was already a mess with all the questions you had for him. since when? how didn't you see it before? did pierre knew about this? was that why he always talked to you about it?
"cause i've been in love with you for my whole life, more or less. i was just too scared to ruin things between us, but pierre talked me into it. said our friendship is bigger than anything that life could throw at us. and im confident we can work things out, you know? we have known eachother for so long. i know you like the palm of my hand. and you know me the same. please, don't tell me you didn't think about it, at least once, y/n".
you smiled, knowing about the endless times you had fallen asleep to the thought of you two together. wondering exactly this, if you could ever work out. how, each time, pierre and you talked about what you were looking for, you were, knowing or not, describing the boy that was in front of you, looking lovingly into your eyes. "i think about it all the time, cha".
"and why didn't you say anything before?" he reached for your face, gently caressing it with his right hand. "cause we're both dumb, i guess. but i think it's for the better, no? we've grown so much. we know how to make this work"..
"i'm gonna make damn sure, love".
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misshoneyimhome · 10 months
Ahhh okay normally I’m a reader that loves to enjoy your writing and not a requester but these Willy fics and how well you bring others ideas to life have inspired me! (I apologize if this is a weird ask) I am obsessed with the pictures of him with the lil journalist kids and the article that came out about him and Alex as kids playing hockey and being BFFs and was wondering if you’d write something about being in Sweden and having it be the first real moment when you realize you want Will to be the father of your kids and although you know neither of you are ready for one yet the admission of you wanting kids with him, being around family and not having a lot of alone time with you since landing down makes him broody and want to get some baby making practice in with you🤭
Oh honey, I am living for this! 😊 Willy with kids is just beyond what my ovaries can handle (in a good way of course) ❤️ and love, thank you so much for your sweet sweet comment and no requests are too weird on this page 😉 I’m always open for inspiration! (Sorry I didn’t include the smutty part; let me know if that’s a wish 😉)
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"I swear, those two were inseparable!" Camilla beamed, sharing heartwarming childhood memories of your boyfriend Willy and his brother Alex. "They competed in everything, and I really mean everything.
"That's so adorable," you chuckled, absorbing every detail of the proud Swedish mother's story.
"It truly was. These boys always shared something special between them. And watching them grow up while maintaining that connection makes a mother incredibly proud," she said, trying to hold back tears of joy.
"You have such an amazing family, Camilla," you expressed with genuine admiration. "You all seem so close; it's just truly wonderful." Your voice resonated with sincerity.
"Well, y/n, you're part of this family now," she chuckled. "We're all thrilled that William found you. He absolutely adores you."
You couldn't help but smile at her sweet words.
"Well, I adore him just as much."
"I know, we all can see it," Camilla remarked. "And who knows, perhaps one day, you and Willy will also contribute to this family," she teased with a playful wink, though her undertone hinted at a hopeful sentiment.
And as both of you smiled and chuckled together, observing William with his father Michael, you sensed a subtle shift within yourself.
You knew you loved William deeply. That much was certain.
And over the past couple of years of being together, you sensed that your relationship was slowly evolving into something more profound.
Initially, meeting Willy was meant to be a casual hookup, as you'd weren’t really looking for a long-term serious relationship. But things quickly shifted.
The more time you spend together, the deeper your bond got, and both of you found it difficult to let go.
Yet, being a typical young man, William struggled with expressing his feelings. Coupled with his demanding hockey schedule, being together simply wasn't easy.
And with those challenges, you had to gather the courage to bring it up. Through tearful eyes and a trembling voice, you knew you had to confront him.
"Either you tell me how you feel, Willy, or we can't continue like this! I have strong feelings about you, and I'm trying my best to adjust to your busy schedule. But if you don't want this, I need you to be honest with me so I can move on."
Those had been your words, which naturally had caused you a lot of discomfort and anxiety, yet deep down, you believed it was necessary and the right course of action.
And luckily, William had no intention of losing you. It took him a few days to realise and find the right words, but eventually, he found the courage to express his feelings.
And since then, you've been together, supporting each other through thick and thin.
And tonight, you were there with his family.
From the moment you met them, they welcomed you wholeheartedly into their arms. William wasted no time introducing you during one of their family video calls, and his pride in you was heartwarming.
Following meeting them in-person during the offseason was a truly wonderful experience. Right from the start, Alex and their sisters naturally teased William about you, and before long, you became an integral part of the Nylander inner circle, which became clear when the banter extended to include you.
However, you didn't hold back in returning the teasing, and the family absolutely loved your lively comebacks.
But something became different tonight, as you accompanied Camilla while William attended media engagements during the Global Series tour.
While observing your boyfriend amidst his bustling schedule, his broad smiles, infectious laughter, and his genuine radiance in his Scandinavian home of Sweden didn't escape your notice. It was clear that Sweden was where he truly belonged.
However, a new sensation emerged when a group of children approached the hockey players for a journalistic interaction. A sudden yearning for a child stirred deep within your abdomen.
Which was an unfamiliar feeling for you.
But watching your boyfriend exude such happiness and warmth around those children triggered a vivid image: a miniature version of Willy Nylander (or perhaps two), accompanying you both as you grew old together.
Maybe Camilla's words had triggered something, but regardless, you could almost hear your own ovaries clapping.
And your lingering gaze didn't escape the Swedes’s notice.
"He seems to be having a good time out there," she remarked, flashing a warm smile.
"Yeah, he truly does," you replied, trying to mask your thoughts with a deep breath, yet failing to conceal them entirely.
"He's always had a way with kids, you know," she winked before heading off to meet her husband.
Well, that did not calm down your uterus…
Later in the evening, you found yourself back in the hotel room with William after a day brimming with interviews, conversations, and hockey training - a schedule that left him longing to be with you.
Since their arrival in Sweden, he had yearned for your company, yet his packed schedule hardly allowed for it. However, witnessing your radiant smile around his family had put him at ease, and made him even more sure of the fact that you belonged with him.
And as you were getting yourselves ready for bed, you paced between the bathroom and the bedroom, seemingly indecisive. Abruptly stopping, turning, then hesitating before retracing your steps back to the bathroom.
"Babe," William chuckled from the bed, casually lounging under the covers. "What's going on?" His playful tone filled the room.
"Nothing... it's nothing," you replied, attempting to sound confident. But with a raised eyebrow, William sat up on the bed, prompting him to question you further.
"Come on, I can tell something's up," he insisted from the bed.
With a small sigh, acknowledging that he was on to you, you slowly approached the bed.
Glancing down at your palm for a moment, you then met his expectant gaze.
"Do you... ever... think about us... as a family?" you asked, a tinge of uncertainty evident in your voice.
The question itself didn't necessarily embarrass you, but a part of you wondered if it might be too early to broach the subject.
But William's response caught you off guard.
"Of course," he chuckled. "I mean, it's not a daily thought, but seeing the other boys with their families has made me think about it once in a while."
His smile exuded pride and confidence, yet a hint of embarrassment lingered beneath the surface.
William had never been the type to envision himself having children, not with his previous girlfriend or at any other point. However, witnessing more of his teammates embrace parenthood and witnessing the joy of family moments at the rink and in their homes reminded him of his own time with his family.
All the cherished moments he had experienced over the years with those he held dear, moving across North America and spending summers and holidays in Sweden.
In fact, something had happened a few months ago, during the off-season when he had taken you along to travel with his family; he realized that you were the one he wanted to build his own family with. However, he hadn't voiced these thoughts. Uncertain of your feelings on the matter, he struggled to initiate the conversation.
With a wide smile adorning your face, you joined him on the bed, pulling him into a deep kiss. In that moment, you were more certain than ever that this man would be the father of your children and the person you'd spend every day with.
Pulling back slightly, you maintained a smile, keeping a comfortable distance between the two of you.
"But, just to clarify, it doesn't have to happen right now... right?" You asked with a light chuckle.
"No, not right now. But I'm glad we both agree that it's in our future," he replied with a smile, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as your eyes locked.
"But... how about we practice for it? You know, just to make sure we'll be well-prepared," he teased, wearing a mischievous expression.
"Oh, I definitely like that idea," you chuckled.
William returned your smirk, drawing you in closer by placing his hands on your waist and connecting your lips once more.
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orangesaek · 2 years
Since it’s Christmas, Merry Christmas btw 🥰 maybe bff reader x jaehyun who secretly crushes on each other and ends up below a mistletoe during a party 🥹
OMG although it's late, but Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones! Happy New Year 🤍 thanks so much for your request, and so sorry it took so long 🥲 anyway, I hope you see this and let me know if you liked it 💕
warnings: mentions of alcohol and some light cussing lol again, nothing serious! safe for minors 🤍
a/n: slightly proofread
It was Christmas Eve, and Chenle has invited everyone to his house for a small party. With his mom flying back to Shanghai to attend a very important business meeting, Chenle had the entire house all to himself. And although not everyone in NCT was able to come over since they also had other plans with their family, he was still happy to have at least some of his hyungs with him.
Including you, Jaehyun's bestfriend since middle school, who had also become one of Chenle's treasured friends over the years.
"Hyung, be careful." Ten gently reminded Yuta, who was assigned to chop up the vegetables along with Yangyang.
"Hai~ thank you." Yuta responded, his eyes focused on the cucumber in front of him.
Everybody was actually busy doing something as soon as you arrived. Some of the guys put up the decorations for the party, some set up the Christmas tree, and some of them prepared the food.
Meanwhile, you were assigned to take care of Chenle's one and only princess—Daegal.
"Is Jaehyun still not done with his schedule?" Johnny asked you as he came down from the ladder after being assigned to put up the Christmas lights in the living room along with Jeno, while Jungwoo, Hendery, and Ten decorated the Christmas tree.
"Not sure... he promised he'll be here before midnight, though." you answered. You looked at the time on your wristwatch before letting out a quiet sigh. It was already 9pm.
"Renjun's on the way! He said he's with Jaehyun," Winwin shouted from the kitchen before going back to seasoning the salmon.
You heaved a sigh of relief at the update, but quickly turned to look at Johnny, who had sat beside you to rest after putting up the Christmas lights for the past hour.
"I have a feeling we're gonna starve later." you chuckled, turning your head to the direction of the kitchen. Johnny chuckled as well.
"I know, right? Such a crazy group of people." he said before chuckling some more. "But as long as Kun and Doyoung is there to supervise, then everything's gonna be fine. At least I'm hoping..."
All of the least skilled in the kitchen were assigned to cook that night, and you couldn't help but worry for Chenle's house getting burned down to ashes on Christmas day.
"What are some of the Korean members doing here anyway?" you asked out of curiosity after seeing Doyoung, Jungwoo, Jeno, Haechan, and Jaemin.
Nearly all of the members present in Chenle's house were the foreigners (except Mark, who has his family in Korea), so you wondered why some of the Korean members were there and not with their families.
"Oh, I'm not sure about the other guys, but Doyoung and Jungwoo told me they had dinner with their families before coming here." Johnny answered as he stretched his arms wide and exhaled in satisfaction. It was partially a lie. They were there to help carry out Chenle's plan to get you and Jaehyun to confess your hidden feelings for each other.
Although Chenle was the only one who knew about your feelings for Jaehyun, the other members have already caught on even before he has told them anything. And they were also successful in making Jaehyun confess through an extreme drinking session not too long ago that he's actually in love with you. Thanks to Haechan's shenanigans.
"Guys, I'm gonna start the grill outside!" Jaemin announced.
"Let me help." you kindly offered, still holding Daegal in your arms. Jaemin shook his head lightly and smiled at you.
"Noona, thank you, but I got this." he said before opening the sliding door that lead to the backyard. "But you can come watch if you're bored!"
You hopped on your feet and quickly followed Jaemin outside. You found it fascinating how he effortlessly started the fire and grilled the meat.
"My father taught me how to grill meat properly," he answered when you asked him where he learned to grill.
"Sorry i'm late." a familiar voice suddenly said. You turned around to see Jaehyun standing by the doorframe, hands in his pockets and a smile on his face.
You returned his smile and walked towards him in excitement, with Daegal still in your arms.
"Good to see you, hyung." Jaemin greeted quickly before turning his attention back to the grill. Jaehyun hummed in acknowledgement.
"How's my bestie doing? I missed you..." he said as he looked into your eyes. You felt your heart stop for a second, but just as you were about to respond, Jaehyun suddenly bent down and patted Daegal's head gently.
"My Daegal~ so cute!" he squealed as he softly bopped her nose with his index finger.
Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment and scoffed at him in disbelief. For a moment there, you really thought he was talking to you. And for the first time in your life, you were jealous of a dog.
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry," he chuckled with a teasing look on his face. "I was just kidding... kinda."
"I swear I would have already choked you if I wasn't holding Daegal right now." you said through gritted teeth.
"Ohhh~ kinky." he teased with a wink before putting his hands up in surrender after seeing you glower your eyes at him.
"Just kidding! Come on~" he chuckled some more before pulling you (and Daegal) in for a hug. "You know that I miss you the most." he quietly said, but this time, he was sincere.
You stayed quiet, slowly melting into his warm embrace.
"I hate being single." Jungwoo blurted, shaking his head as he passed behind Jaehyun, carrying a box of decors.
Jaehyun let go of you (much to your dismay) and let out a light chuckle.
"Let's get inside," he said, slinging his arm on your shoulders to pull you inside with him.
The two of you went over to the kitchen to check the other guys, and Jaehyun glanced at you with a worried look on his face.
"It's going to be okay," you mouthed to him before chuckling quietly, knowing exactly what he's thinking. "Doyoung and Kun are helping them. There's Chenle, too."
"Were there any changes in our plan?" Renjun asked quietly to the members sitting with him on the couch. Johnny, Ten, Jungwoo, Haechan and Hendery looked over to where you and Jaehyun were standing before turning their heads to look at Renjun.
"No, it's still the same." Jungwoo whispered.
"Yeah, Jeno put up the mistletoe over there earlier." Hendery whispered back as he pointed quickly to the mistletoe that was placed on one of the pendant lights above the kitchen counter. Perfectly hidden away.
Being a member of the 'poor eyesight group', Renjun had to squint his eyes to find it before letting out a gasp, to which Ten was quick to cover his mouth. He pulled Ten's hand away from him and checked his watch.
"But there's still a lot of time left. What if they end up finding it later?" Renjun asked in slight panic.
"That's why we need to start this party right now. I think the guys are almost done cooking anyway," Haechan whispered as he glanced to the kitchen. "We'll just have to keep those two distracted until then."
The other boys nodded in agreement.
"Hyung, noona~" Renjun called out (cutely) from the living room. You and Jaehyun (with Daegal now in his arms) whipped your heads and looked at the 6 boys.
"Come play Jenga with us!" Ten shouted. Jaehyun looked at you with a big smile on his face. It was one of his favorite games to play.
The two of you went over to them and Jungwoo patted the empty space between him and Johnny—your and Jaehyun's back facing away from the kitchen.
Unknown to you, the guys in the kitchen (namely Yuta, Winwin, Yangyang, Doyoung, Kun, and Chenle) exchanged knowing looks with a huge grin on their faces.
"They've commenced the plan," Kun whispered just enough for the guys to hear. "Let's finish this quick and join them."
"I'm gonna call the kids outside." Doyoung whispered back, giggling to himself as he made his way out of the kitchen and to the backyard where Jaemin and Jeno were.
Meanwhile, the 8 of you got pretty competitive and didn't even notice that you've been playing Jenga for more than an hour already.
Which means there's just a little over an hour left for the guys' plan to succeed.
"Okay, who wants to karaoke?" Doyoung asked as he walked over to the living room with the rest of the guys who have just finished cooking in the kitchen.
"Me!" Yangyang raised his hand in excitement, while the lot of you who were playing Jenga just hummed in response, too focused on the blocks of wood haphazardly stacked in front of you.
Everyone was having their own fun. Some exchanged turns in singing, some danced to the songs comically, and some (including you and Jaehyun) opted to play board games while laughing at the other guys' antics.
Chenle discreetly nudged Winwin (who was dancing like a drunk man next to Jungwoo) to look at the time. There was only less than 15 minutes left before midnight.
"Hyung, it's your time to shine." Chenle whispered. Winwin nodded and walked over to Jaehyun, kneeling to his side and lightly poking his shoulder.
Jaehyun put down his UNO cards and turned to face him.
"U-uhm," he stuttered nervously. "I was wondering if you could help us mix the drinks..."
Jaehyun was known around the group for being one of the best drinkers and one of the guys who actually knew how to create drinks.
"Sure, i'll just finish this round." he said. The other guys who heard his response, panicked.
"Hyung, we'll pause the game and wait for you and noona." Haechan said quickly.
You whipped your head to look at Haechan in shock.
"Me?" you pointed to yourself in disbelief. "I can't even make a simple glass of somaek for myself." you reasoned out.
"Then it's the perfect time you learn from the somaek master." Ten retorted. "Everything's already on the kitchen counter."
Jaehyun chuckled before standing up and dusting himself.
"Let's go, bestie." Jaehyun said as he offered his hand out to you. You sighed in defeat but took his hand anyway and walked (begrudgingly) to the kitchen.
As soon as your backs were turned, the guys cheered in silence, already feeling the success. Chenle looked at his watch and noted the remaining 10 minutes left.
"I still can't believe you suck at making somaek when i'm your bestfriend. Such a disappointment." Jaehyun said with a playful smirk on his lips as he opened a bottle of whiskey and some other drinks.
You let out a snort and handed him a measuring cup.
"I guess that means you failed as my bestfriend." you retorted. Jaehyun chuckled.
The two of you fell in comfortable silence as Jaehyun mixed the drinks and you assisted him. A soft smile fell on your lips when you looked at the guys having fun in the living room, singing and dancing their hearts out while the others munched on the snacks. Jaehyun secretly took a glance at you and chuckled.
"Something funny?" you asked accusingly as you turned your body to face him, one hand leaning on the counter and the other on your hip.
Jaehyun smiled, pouring some more alcohol into the mix.
"I just find you cute," he said, not looking at you. You blinked in surprise, feeling your heart skip a beat.
Jaehyun stopped what he was doing and put the ladel he used for mixing on the counter. It was his turn to face you, mirroring your body.
"You look like you've just seen the love of your life," he teased, looking straight into your eyes this time.
You could only respond with a snort and turned your attention back to fruits in front of you. You tried to ignore Jaehyun's stare, focusing on chopping up the fruits, when you suddenly felt his arms around your waist from the back.
"W-what are y—" you were about to protest when you felt his chin rest on your shoulder. You stood there frozen as Jaehyun let out a sigh.
"I was planning to get drunk before saying this, but anyway..." he started. "Remember how I've always received love confessions and gifts during Valentine's day when we were in school, but never dated any of them?"
You nodded slowly, remembering how Jaehyun was always on the receiving end of love but you have never witnessed him reciprocate any them at all. Not even once.
"And do you also remember when you got really drunk one time and called me on the phone in the middle of the night just to tell me that i'm a cold-hearted selfish jerk? And when I asked you why, you said it's because I never gave anyone a chance to really love me?"
You nodded again, slightly feeling embarrassed at the memory.
"Y-you know I never really meant that..." you said quietly, almost in a whisper. You could feel Jaehyun smiling.
"It doesn't matter," he lightly chuckled. "But do you know why I never gave my heart to anyone?" he asked.
"No..." you answered, shaking your head. He adjusted himself slightly, feeling his hug tighten, as if you were about to disappear suddenly if he loosened his hold on you.
"It's because of you," he sighed. You turned around to look at him in confusion. You weren't sure what he meant by that, or where the conversation was going.
"I-I don't... just what are you trying to say?" you asked, clearly puzzled.
"What I'm trying to say is that..." he answered as he held your hands in his, looking directly into your eyes with sincerity. "I can't give my heart to anybody else because you already have it. You've always had it."
You just blinked in response, unable to process everything he just said. Jaehyun softly smiled at you before gently pulling you in a hug.
"In other words, I like you," he said, his voice soft and full of sincerity. "More than just my bestfriend."
Despite your mind thinking it was just a dream, your heart swelled in happiness and you found yourself hugging him back.
"And here I was thinking it was one-sided all these years." you mumbled into the embrace.
Jaehyun let go of the hug and looked at you with a huge smile of relief.
"HURRY UP AND KISS!" Chenle shouted through the mic. You and Jaehyun looked at him and the other guys in utter confusion mixed with embarrassment. You totally forgot the guys were there as well, and have started wondering how much they have witnessed.
"HURRY! 10... 9... DAMN IT!" he shouted once more impatiently, and the rest of the guys have started counting as well.
You and Jaehyun faced each other with puzzled look on your faces before Doyoung abruptly took the mic from Chenle.
"THERE'S A GODDAMN MISTLETOE ABOVE YOU!" he shouted in frustration.
Jaehyun looked above, failing to find the mistletoe. He took a step back and finally found it hanging on the cover of one of the pendant lights. He gently pulled you to him and grinned.
"3...2..." the members counted. You blinked your eyes at Jaehyun, feeling your cheeks burn again from embarrassment.
"I love you," he said, holding your waist with one hand and the other gently lifting your chin up for a kiss. "and Merry Christmas." he mumbled into the kiss before taking your lips again.
- end.
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always-wizu-you · 10 months
WITH Winter Live 2023 Rehearsal Log (part 1)
WITH's seiyuu (Yamashita Seiichirou, Kobayashi Tatsuyuki, Tsuchida Reiou) have been meeting up for Winter Live rehearsals since earlier this month. Here's their tweets translation!
November 7th
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Kobatatsu: Rehearsal today It's been a while since I danced this much and it was fun I secretly took a picture of a certain someone who's busy drawing something 😀 His eyelashes are so long 🏅✨‼️ It's our first live after a long while, so WITH is really excited!! We'll take a pic of us three next week ❤️🫰 Reiou: Guaranteed muscle pain [pic of him and Seichi] Kobatatsu: So you were taking pics after all! 😆🫰🫰🫰🫰 Reiou: If I don't, he might sulk, so 😉 Kobatatsu: Oh my Seichi is a baby 👶 huh ✨✨🥹👶 Seichi: What a dull face I worked hard all day today
November 10th
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Kobatatsu: We've been rehearsing (^^)! Can't wait for Winter Live ✨‼️😆 It's really calming to be with these two after all 😉 The three of us drank Starbucks on the way home (lol) We were like "It feels as if we're high school boys huh" but saying that actually makes me think we're getting old lololol Look forward to our performance 😍 Reiou: We're the best~✌️ [pic of low-res starbucks with decorative texts "hanya? (huh?)" "LJK (last-year joshikusei/high school girl)" "Isshou nakako (BFF)"] Reiou: I intentionally make it low-res so that it looks like flip phone photo quality Kobatatsu: The "Hanya?" is too much lololol This is so good lmao also the "Isshou nakako" is too funny lololol Seichi: This Winter Live is very maji yabe. Seriously 🤭 Stay tuned ❗️
November 15th
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Pretty Series: ⛄#Winter Live 2023⛄ Rehearsals for each member for the event are progressing smoothly♪ Today we are showing you off-shots of WITH's #Seiichiro Yamashita, #Reiou Tsuchida, and #Tatsuyuki Kobayashi👀 They are very excited for their first appearance after so long🌞🌌🕛 The live will be held on Sunday, December 3rd at Makuhari Messe✨ 👇Venue tickets are now on sale!! Seichi: ※After this [rehearsal], I had muscle pain Reiou: This is the photo where I was told to look serious Kobatatsu: Please give us lots of "IIZE!!!" calls on the D-day! ❤️😆
Bonus: WITH talking about flip phone
This happened in late October, likely before their first rehearsal.
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Seichi: WITH's LINE group interaction has been very Y2K-themed lately Why are those two kids so excitedly talking about their flip phones from their school days? Looking forward to see you guys in Winter Live Seichi: These past few days, I've met some Winter Live performers in the dubbing studio. "Can't wait to work with you on December" I'm so happy to be able to say it, it feels very nostalgic like some kind of a tradition. Reiou: This guy [Seichi] is only lurking in the chat, as usual 🤷‍♀️ Kobatatsu: I talked about old flip phones on WITH LINE group 📱 lmao Even though we were talking about Winter Live at first lol By the way, the one I used was docomo's What about you guys??? lol Reiou: Facts about people who spent their youth using a docomo flip phone: they usually remember the model name Mine was the blue F905 🟦 I watched TV a lot back in the days, so I really enjoyed 1seg* 📺 *) 1seg is a broadcasting service that allows flip phone users to watch TV programs Seichi: It's amazing how the model numbers of the flip phones they used when they were both students came out so easily. Yabbe Everyone… Do you know… About vodafone…? ✋
Bonus 2: Seichi comments about Kobatatsu's Primagi
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Seichi: I can't stop thinking about Kobatatsu's Primagi pretend live during the rehearsal Seichi: Sorry, I said it was pretend But he actually sang about 3 songs
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diggersofgraves · 2 years
im gonna rant here, but if anyone wants to give me advice 😭
so. there was a girl i used to talk abt a lot here. i might rb a few things that i mentioned her in. anyways. i had a big old crush on her in hs. but i moved away for school and that was that. what might have been during hs was kinda dropped. i still saw her when i came back for holidays it summer, but she was more of my bffs friend than mine by the end of hs, so i only saw her once in a while. and by the time i finished college. ig i still remembered the crush i had on her, but i felt like i had gotten over it.
the thing abt this girl is she's a very big jokester and kinda deflective. shes kinda like. an elementary school kid who has a crush on someone and only knows how to handle it by being mean to them? thats kinda her. but with jokes??
well, i never took ANYTHING she said abt us srsly bc. its just what she does. she jokes.
and a few weeks ago, my friend invited us to a little kickback and she was there. i made a post abt it i think, bc obviously everyone needs to be in my business. but quick run down. she made a joke abt kissing me. when i didn't go along with it she said, "why didn't you lean in?" and that's the moment it kinda hit me that she might be fr 😭
and the she got "defensive" again and she told me she was gonna talk to the cute girl over there or w.e.
(and im not a jealous person when im not in a relationship with someone. even if i like them, im not gonna play jealousy games with ppl, sorry, so if she wanted a reaction from me, she did not get one)
okay, we've seen each other a couple of times since then. nothing big. someone realized i had a little crush in her bc apparently i act a FOOL, a SIMP, even when we just talk abt her.
now the NEW MAIN PART OF THE STORY (sorry that was all suppose to be a quick recap lol).
my close friend always throws a big old costume party for her birthday since she's an october baby, duh. and shes make a deal of inviting anyone she was ever cool with. so some ppl from hs, some ppl from shows she goes to, shes knows a lot of ppl. and ofc this girl is gonna be there (lets not talk abt the fact that my ex and her new girl was there lmao, i didnt mind, i just had no idea how to react)
and me? im a little loose from the alc. i dont even remember how we ended up hanging together, but we did. we played beer pong (and ofc we're both amazing so a lot of celebration hugs).
and i think from there we stick to each others sides. kinda close. right?
and she says things I once thought were jokes, but now im like 😳 u think my beauty doesnt compare fr ??
well by the end of the party we're making out. again, i dont remember how it happened. just that it did.
and we went home and I have not texted her since then and vice versa.
i had a conversation with ANOTHER friend yesterday tho. who told me while i was in the bathroom and they were all drunkenly hanging out outside. she told them she's been having a crush on me since hs and she's always been too scared to do or say anything. now lets forget abt the fact that my dumbass is living through a 7 year slow burn with a apparently a shit ton of mutual pining. lets forget abt that. or else ill punch myself.
point is, she has yet to contact me and i have yet to contact her. and im scared if i do she'll pass everything off as a joke. which will hurt. but i still want to reach out. i just dont know what to say. i dont talk to her much outside of in person situations. i should've stolen her sweater so i could have an excuse to give it back 🙄
anyways. that was my little rant. im still stuck on what to say. if anyone has advise. ill give u a little digital heart or smth idk.
the solution might literally be so simple, but i dont have an outside perspective rn, i have dumb dumb lovesick brain rot >:(
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amberluv28 · 2 years
Hey Ladies, I’ve been so so busy with life but I’m ready to start posting again! I love Tumblr because it allows me to express myself and why i absolutely adore being a woman and share that among other amazing woman all over tumblr. So with that being said thank you. I hope my post may empower woman in a certain way or even inspire them to embrace there own life as a woman and all the amazing things it comes with!! So with that being said here are 18 reasons why I love being a woman! 🥰🙍‍♀️💄💅
The 18 best things about being a woman
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1. We live longer. Got to love that higher life expectancy, eh?
2. We use handbags. Sure, sometimes guys will treat themselves to a backpack, but I honestly don't know what I'd do without my ridiculous Mary Poppins style holdall.
3. We have so many more clothing options than men. You only have to watch any red carpet event ever to feel sorry for them.
4. The is no greater thing in this world than girl talk. It is everything and is 100% (fine, maybe 95%) worth the 40+ years of periods.
5. Drunken conversations with random girls in club toilets are extreme self-esteem boosters. You may wonder the next day why you took life advice from a stranger with loo roll stuck to her heel, but still.
6. Speaking of toilets, ours are always way fancier than boys'. I'm pretty sure I could live in a Wetherspoons bog if I really needed to.
7. Makeup is our jam. Obviously, makeup isn't gender specific (James Charles, the first male CoverGirl, can attest to that) but still, there's nothing some of us love more than a good eyebrow transformation.
8. We are crazy organised and shit hot at multi-tasking. Sometimes I even surprise myself when I'm talking on the phone, painting my nails and reading my horoscope at the same time.
9. We're so much better at giving gifts. No shade, but one time my dad bought my mum a blender for Christmas and he thought it was the most romantic thing ever.
10. We have a seriously high tolerance for pain. HELLO CHILDBIRTH.
11. We're more fluid in our sexuality. A Boise University study found that 60% of heterosexual women have been sexually attracted to other women - and who can blame us?
12. We are emotional AF, and we aren't sorry about it. It's so unfair that some men feel they can't be open about their feels, but we on the other hand give zero effs angry crying to our BFF about how the barista in Starbucks was rude to us this morning.
13. We always know the best camera angles for our friends. I'll be damned if I let my girl upload a subpar profile pic to Facebook.
14. We're insanely loyal. If you're ever in trouble, you can guarantee we'll have all the receipts to back you up.
15. We are the queens of pettiness. Sure, some people see this as a negative, but those people clearly don't have a 10-person deep WhatsApp group and a camera roll full of screenshots.
16. If you're lucky enough for your squad's cycles to sync up, you're basically all physic for a week. "Chocolate?" "Chocolate".
17. Multiple orgasms. That is all.
18. WE RUN THE WORLD. When you've got women like Michelle Obama and Beyoncé on your team, it's pretty hard not to feel like a boss.
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
okay I literally just made this acc bc there's no anon requests and I have an idea that I asked someone else but they turned it down and I'm lowkey embarrassed that they denied my request. I PINKY PROMISE ITS NOT BAD, HERE ME OUT
do you think you can write a lil bit about schlatt ending up having to "babysit" the reader (even though she's dead ass 18 lmaoo) because her parents are strict and don't trust her and they think Schlatt is a good influence because his parents are "🇺🇲🍟🐟🐷" but he's genuinely nice and respectful of other peoples views and opinions (unlike his other family). Basically Schlatt was like "aww hell yeah we're gonna play video games until 4am and watch action movies and be homies there's no parents stopping us" but the reader gets her period and she's just like laying around in misery and schlatt literally doesn't know what to do (bc yk periods are supposed to be a secret shhh) so he looks up what to do when girls get their period so while she's sleeping he just goes out and buys a bunch of stuff for her and its just fluffy (DONT FORGET PLATONIC) and the reader wakes up to all this stuff and its just 🥰 anyways she ends up falling asleep while watching Schlatt play COD.
(the reader is afab and uses she/her pronouns)
This is amazing. I have one other request but I am going to hop right on this one. Also sorry about the anon thing. I'm still newish to tumblr and I have no clue on how to turn it on. I've been trying to but i seriously cant find it. 😭
If this takes a bit I do apologize sincerely.
Warnings:periods cursing, strict parents.
Schaltt with an AFAB bff reader that he 'babysits'
Your parents. Thay dont know when to let you go.
Teaching you everything about females are supposed to be like this or that. Periods arent supposed to be talked about. They were the strict, bible Americans.
The best way to put it. Periods meant sin. And you were supposed to hide it. You were 18 in their eyes you're still a child. A child that worked 2 jobs just to hopefully live away from them.
But there was that rare day where you had it off from both jobs and could just relax.
That was until you heard there was someone coming to babysit you. You're a perfectly capable 18 year old. Not a toddler.
Yet your parents didn't trust you. You have a bed time of 10pm. And they got a baby sitter just for that.
He was there on time. And he looked you up and down in confusion. "This is who I'm babysitting right?" He looked the same age as you. "Alright. There will be no problem. They'll be in bed by 10pm. They'll have dinner at 6PM. And shower at 8pm." Your parents nodded in agreement and he watched them walk off. Shutting the door he looked at you. "Yeah. No. You are a grown woman and I'm not going to force you to do that. Also you're not paying me. You like call of duty? Action movies?" Perking up you nodded. "Yeah!"
He smirked. "Yeah. You up for a long night of movies and games?"
That day bloomed a friendship. The fourth time he came over you two were like best friends.
But the fifth time you seemed like you were dying. Laying around. Not wanting to play games. Not wanting to watch movies.
He was so concerned about you. Like deadass he thought you were dead his parents never saw the importantace of him learning what a period.
When you said the word period he was confused he searched it up and felt dread. You went through what every momth?! You can have so many symptoms yet nothing to help it?! What the fuck!
"Bro you want anything? Need anything?" You looked at him. He looked so concerned for you. "Heating pack. Dark chocolate. Please." He was quick to nod and start the heating pack.
Looking around the kitchen he couldnt find any dark chocolate and there was a store across the street. "You want strawberry ice cream and dark chocolate?"
The quite yeah was heard and he was off and back the heating pack fully heated and the ice cream that perfect texture. And a huge ass bar of dark chocolate. Along with a huge gallon of three flavored ice cream.
You know the neapolitan shit. You were so confused.
"Movie marathon or watching me play COD?" you thought for a sec. "COD." he nodded and sat next to you.
As you ate the sweet strawberry cream with frozen strawberries. Turns out he was preparing for when you finished you ice cream with the gallon.
When he saw you pint empty and you getting slightly sad he paused the game. In the middle of the campaign. And got you a huge ass bowl of the three ice creams.
You had never seemed so happy. Half way through the bowl you rested your head on his lap. You just wanted to sleep now and that's what you did.
You didnt know that schaltt left once more. Buying popcorn, your favorite candy, he felt embarrassed about this but he took a picture of the pads you use, like brand, size and everything. Got you quiet a few packs of them to be safe. Chips, chicken nuggets, even stuff to make your favorite meal by scratch. Stumbling into the stuffed animal aisle he scarned the shelves.
Finding a huge one with a zipper in it you had mentioned your parents have been trying to take your money and you could technically hide it in there.
Checking out the cashier gave him a weird look. But he didnt give two shits, he literally carried it back to your place. No car to help. He took that mile long walk with the bags and got back right before you woke up. Pads in the bathroom everything set up so it was easy access. And the stuffed snorlax was huge.
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Like a fuckin bed huge.
He didnt wake you. Just started up his game again.
When you did wake up you were covered in a blanket, snacks set out in a nice array of candy to chips.
Four drinks. Two waters and one coke with the other being your favorite kind of soda.
Then the heavenly scent that came from the kitchen. And before you could even get up to see what it was schaltt came out two (bowls/plates) of your favourite food.
"You didnt have to do this." He shook his head. "I wanted to. You're in pain and all that shit. You need to relax, keep hydrated, stay warm. All of it. And I might as well take care of my best friend."
I have finished. I do apologize if this isnt fully what you wanted!! And the other person was quite mean. I dont reject unless I fully explain it and tell them gently.
But I hope this is good. I have been quite busy as of late due to it being the first and all.
But yeah. Nearly died today and all. Roller coasters, indeed fun, but sometimes unsafe.
It's all good though had lots of fun at a fair, keeping safe with covid and all, I even got a shiny rock I am very happy.
Anyways have a good day!!
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
Sugar and Spice | MYG | Ep. 1
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Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Wordcount: 3.5k
Genre: fluff, strangers to lovers, crack, barman!Yoongi, lawyer!reader
Rating: 18+ for swearing and strong language
Synopsis: We're taking a trip back in time, before Seokjin and Buttercup got together, before Taehyung gave pottery lessons to Frog, before Namjoon started getting the hots for Plum. We're back to the Autumn before all of that happened, and we'll see how grumpy, secretly sweet Yoongi found his Spice.
Trigger warnings: usage of very strong language, bad ex-boyfriend, bad ex-bff, Hoseok is a womanizer, everyone thinks and says pretty disreputable things. Enjoy.
A/N: I posted this before I could get it edited. I reread and did some editing, but please be patient, I've been very busy 🥺
General Masterlist | Small Town Swoons Masterlist Enjoy!!! 💜✨
Navi: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
The night was gloomy, awfully damp, the fog so thick you could barely see the palm of your hand. Fucking fog. You sighed, pushing your beanie down on your hair.
“I deserve a holiday in Hawaii,” you muttered to yourself. “Oh, I’ll do it. Like hell I’ll do it.”
The closest bar was a dark, smoky place, low lights, brick walls, black counter, high stools. It looked like a 1920s speakeasy. It smelled like leather and bourbon. You liked it. There weren’t many people around. Probably because it was almost midnight on a Tuesday. It would have been surprising for there to be more than three clients.
You bit your lip.
It was your first time coming to a bar alone. Not like you had anyone to drink with.
You thought whether to sit at the counter or at a table.
The man at the counter looked at you with raised eyebrows. “Looking for someone?” he called. “If you’re here for Hoseok, you shouldn’t probably meddle with that manwhore.”
You smiled, frowning confusedly. “I don’t know this Hoseok dude, but—”
“Oh, come on, Yoongi. One pretty girl comes in here on a Tuesday with this awful weather and you immediately cut my balls? You’re fucking cruel, man.” The reply came from one of the guys sitting at the table on the corner. He looked pretty, not that you could see much through your fogged up glasses. He looked like a tiny splodge of colour against the dark wall, with bright red hair.
“You had the twins on the weekend, don’t be greedy,” replied a deep voice at his side.
It sounded cool, sexy even. You couldn’t see its owner quite well.
“Well, since you’re not here for Hoseok, how can I help you,” said the bartender.
You walked toward the counter, drying your glasses with a corner of your shirt. “I’m sorry, I’ve just moved. I was just looking for a place where to drink myself into a stupor.” Maybe that manwhore would be dumb enough to come close. You could use some game after all this time.
The barman laughed. “I can help with that. Tough day?” he asked, raising an eyebrow with a small smile.
“Tough year.” You took off your coat.
“Let’s warm up your blood, then. What would you like to drink?” He leaned on the counter and laced his fingers together.
Your gaze immediately went there.
He had pretty hands.
Covered in ink.
Maybe the manwhore wasn’t the best idea after all. “What would you recommend?”
“Let me give you a nasty welcome into this wet old town,” he joked, smiling.
Fuck, he was cute. He had pretty teeth. Dark eyes that glimmered in the dimmed lights of the bar.
“May I offer the lady’s drink?” said another man from the corner. It wasn’t Hoseok and it wasn’t the one with the sexy voice.
“Lay off, Tae,” reprimanded a giant sitting beside Hoseok. You fixed your glasses. That must have been the sexy voice. “Do I have to fucking leash the two of you each time we hang out?”
You didn’t know about them, but you’d gladly let him leash you.
“You into sweet things or more bitter, spicy ones?” The barman asked.
“Spicy.” You replied, smirking at him.
He smiled and went back to the drink. “Allergic to anything?”
“Nope,” you replied. That was nice.
You were a bit careful about your situation: three men at a table, another one behind the counter in a night like this, in a small town. This could be the beginning of a horror movie.
“I’m Yoongi, by the way,” he said, smiling. God, his cheeks were lovely. He was so insanely pretty.
You introduced yourself. He met your eyes and smiled.
“Welcome to Ginger’s, ____.” He placed your drink in front of you. “And don’t worry about the three rascals over there. They’re innocuous.” He cleaned his tools. “Limp dicks.”
You giggled.
He grabbed a glass and poured some water in it. “Cheers. Welcome to town, Spice.”
You grabbed your own glass and cheered too. “To new friends.” You sipped. It tasted good. Orange. Vanilla and… Pepper? Your tongue chased around the different tastes, confusing you a little. It was a bouquet of flavours so charming and intense.
It felt comfy and daring at the same time. “This is so good.” You said, taking another sip.
“So, what’s making your life difficult, Spice?”
The conversation at the back of the bar was going on, quiet under the soft jazz playing in the place.
“Boyfriend. Best friend,” you murmured, rolling your eyes. “Well, ex boyfriend.”
“Cheater?” Yoongi asked. He rolled up the sleeve of his flannel, more ink emerging from it.
“Dirty ass cheater,” you replied, combing your hair back with your hands.
“I don’t know whether to say sorry or I’m glad you’re rid of him,” he admitted with the tiniest of smiles.
“I deserve con-fucking-gratulations.” You paused and took another sip. “Got rid of two birds with one stone.”
“Then congratulations, Spice.”
You licked your lips and smiled at that word. Again. Could he possibly have a nickname for you already?
Maybe he used it with all the single girls coming in alone on a Tuesday in such a weather.
“Thank you, Yoongi.”
He found himself grinning. He liked that you called him by name.
“And you moved because of them?” he assumed.
Your drink was over. You stared at your empty glass with a pout. “Sort of. You know, we had plans.” You were going to pay him at the end of the night, so he might as well listen to your story. You were going to leave him an extra tip if he survived your pity-party. “High school sweethearts. Our parents were friends. We went long distance after I entered college, and then law school. We were supposed to get married after I finished law school.” You raised an eyebrow. “Funny thing he kept his dick wet with my best friend. My gay best friend. He has for years.” You placed your head in your hands.
Yoongi hissed. “Sorry, ____.”
“And I trusted him. I trusted them both. Fuck, I was like ‘Yeah, fine, you’ll have each other’ and ‘oh, you’re gonna be flatmates? That’s so cute!’ How fucking dumb am I?” You shook your head. “At least the engagement ring paid the move.” You commented.
“Practical,” Yoongi considered.
“Sentimentalism won’t get me any richer anyway.” You shrugged.
He laughed a loud belly laugh.
“Yoongi. Can we have one more round?” Hoseok called from their table.
“Coming.” He grabbed a beer glass and a two round, fat high glasses. “Pinot noir, guys?”
“Great,” said Taehyung. “Maybe you and your friend could walk here. It’s quarter past midnight. Nobody will come in.”
He looked at you as he prepared the beer. “Would you like to?”
“Are they good guys?” you asked.
“Rascals, but good guys. Respectful.” He put down the beer and poured the wine. “I wouldn’t have suggested if I didn’t trust them. We met at university. I’ve seen them at their worst, and they were still pretty decent.”
You laughed. “Then let’s go.”
“What are you drinking, Spice?” he asked you.
“Something warm,” you asked.
“I have a thing called drunken cocoa that you might like,” he said.
“That. Yes.” You looked at his hands preparing your drink. God, those things could kill you. His fingers were so nice. Long. Slender. Strong. You stared as he opened a small container, unscrewing the cap. Screw that cap and screw me, please.
He filtered some vaguely orange liquid and fishing something with a pair of tweezers before putting several pieces of if in the glass. Next he added some espresso cocoa from a small machine behind you. “I like hot alcoholic drinks,” he said, smiling as the cocoa poured. “I like adding hot cocoa to almost everything. I hate the cold, but I love winter,” he explained. That warmed your heart a little. Cute. Bringing the cup back on the table, he added a small swirl of whipped cream and finally he grated some orange skin on top. Next he poured a transparent liquid in a tumbler. “Vodka. To wash it off. Drink it before you leave and You’ll sleep like a baby tonight.” He winked.
You wanted him to put you to sleep with an orgasm or seven. You shook your head, swallowing at your own rowdiness. “I’m a lightweight,” you admitted with a sheepish smile.
“How bad. I won’t make any money with you.” He shook his head before showing you his wide gummy smile.
Dammit, cuteness attack again.
“No, sir,” you teased. “But I live nearby and you have a pretty face, so I think I’ll be back often.” You looked at your drink. “I could use someone like you in my life.” You looked at him.
He was blushing. Jesus, you had a crush. “Thank you.”
“Plus your drinks are good,” you smiled. “And I love hot cocoa.”
“Yoongi, stop swooning!” said Hoseok.
He grabbed a ginger beer and a glass before carrying the tray to the table.
Seeing him from the waist down was strange. He looked like the skinny skater boy you had a crush on in middle school. With a way, way prettier face and a lot more ink on him. “Next time someone comes in asking for you, I’ll tell them you got crabs.”
“That would be a disgrace for three fourths of the local eighteen to thirty population,” commented a handsome dark-haired guy sitting in front of redhead Hoseok.
“Don’t overestimate him,” the giant with the sexy voice said. Holy fuck, he was enormous.
Yoongi put down the trail. “Wine for the distinguished gentlemen and beer for the slut.”
“I am an ethical slut,” he argued. “Plus I’m not as bad as you all think,” he continued with a slightly grumpy tone.
“I’m sure you’re just a misunderstood good boy,” you commented, smiling.
“See, that’s how he gets them. Incredible!” The handsome one said. “Oh, I’m Taehyung, by the way.” He held out his hand and you grabbed it, shaking slightly as you introduced yourself. “This is Hoseok, but you already know,” he said, pointing to the cherry-red-haired man. “And this is Dick.”
“I’m Namjoon and he’s just bitter because I keep him from doing dumb stuff.” You looked at the giant. His face was so kind. He looked friendly.
“He’s the only one I would trust you blindly with,” Yoongi added, opening his ginger beer and pouring it.
“Nice!” You smiled.
Namjoon blushed. “Thank you, Yoongi.”
Cute. He looked friendly too.
“Oh, come on, just because he’s the BFG!” Taehyung replied as you turned and shook Namjoon’s hand. It was warm and calloused, strong. Beefy.
“Isn’t that BFC?” Hoseok asked.
Yoongi shook his head, shoving Hoseok’s glass against his lip. “Drink and shut your mouth, you disgrace.”
You laughed. It felt nice being among these boys. Even though you were most likely in company of two manwhores, and two men you’d gladly offer all your holes to. Not that you wouldn’t offer them to the manwhores too, they were less your type, that’s all.
“Let’s drink to our new friend here,” Yoongi said, cheering to you. “Maybe we’ll have one wholesome soul on our sad Tuesday meetings.”
Hoseok turned, “Maybe she’s not wholesome, Yoongi.”
“Keep drinking,” Yoongi hissed.
You laughed quietly.
“So, you’ve moved here to have a fresh start?” He asked as you sipped your drink. You nodded as you swallowed. “Yes, my family wanted me to get back to him. His family wanted to save face. Everything’s gone to hell. And now I have a friend of my father’s who has a firm in town. They need a lawyer to substitute theirs, who’s going to retire in a year. He thought it would be a good idea for me to learn the ropes while he’s still round. And I could use a chance like this.”
“Well, good luck, darling.” Namjoon commented, pointing at his nose.
You frowned.
“Cream on your nose, kitty cat,” said Taehyung, sitting right in front of you.
Yoongi grinned. He liked this clumsy gesture. You had come in like a stray cat, disrupted, grumpy and wary, acting tough and now this small slip of cuteness softened him.
As the night proceeded, he realised he was more than pleased of you being around. He could use something sweet and spicy. And seeing you among his friends was heartwarming. You seemed to fit in naturally and he could see how much your vibe could go well with the other guys, from the way you had cheekily defended Hoseok, to the warmth on your face when you greeted Namjoon, to the attentive way you were listening to Taehyung talk about his job. “My mom thought I was doing coke. It was funny hearing her tirade only to tell her it was clay dust.”
You laughed, taking one more sip. “This cocoa thing snaps.”
“Thank you.” Yoongi smiled.
Namjoon looked at him, nodding. “Whose is the water?” he asked, grabbing the glass.
“Chamomile vodka. Don’t.” Yoongi reprimanded.
Namjoon put down the glass so fast you were afraid it would topple over.
“He also had a rough breakup.” Yoongi commented.
“Oh, a lifetime ago,” he revealed. “Old story.”
“So rough you moved out of town?” Hoseok asked, addressing you.
“The only way to avoid the ex boyfriend and ex best friend. And his shitty family begging me to take him back.” You shrugged, rolling your shoulders and stretching your neck a little.
“Did the damp air get you a cold already?” Yoongi asked.
“No, just moving boxes all day.” You shrugged.
“Are you unpacked already?”
“Nope. I’ll sleep on the sofa, I’ll have to literally diy the bed tomorrow.” You frowned and sighed.
“Is it from like… Ikea or something?” Yoongi asked, curious.
“Yup. It looked cute and I was cocky enough to think I could assemble it myself. Now I have all the bedroom furniture to build.”
“If you want I can help. The bar is closed till four, and I like doing that kind of stuff. In case you need help. I don’t mean to intrude or anything,” he added, a bit shy.
“I’d love to.” After all, he wasn’t a serial killer and you wouldn’t mind accidentally finding his hand between your legs. Was he a nice person? Probably. He looked respectful. He had plenty of chances to trick you, but he’d been nothing but kind and caring. Was it a good idea to base your idea of him on a thirty minutes interaction? Probably no. But this was a small town, and it was a new life, where you could live a little more carelessly. Your father had told you you could count on your landlady, the same woman who had told him about the job opening. You could ask her about him, just to be a bit surer.
“Well, it’s one am. And tomorrow you’re working, Hoseok. Gotta drive you back.” Taehyung said.
“You cool with driving?” Yoongi asked Taehyung.
“Yeah, chill.”
“Joon, if you want my sofa’s free,” Yoongi stated as he started clearing the table.
“It’s cool. I can drive.”
“It’s chilly and wet outside. It’s not safe with the bike.”
“I’ll text you once I’m home.”
“You’re biking? With this weather? As in a bicycle?” you asked, worried.
He tutted. “No, it’s a motorbike.” He smiled.
Oh, dimples. And he drove a motorbike. Cute. Hot. Cute. Whatever.
Yoongi put the glasses into the dishwasher. “Text me once you’re there.”
Namjoon got up and dressed to face the weather. He had the coziest jacket, it looked like very soft wool. Next he wrapped a scarf around his neck and chin. He shoved his hair out of his face, walking towards the door. “I’ll text. Love you, bye!”
“Bye!” Replied Yoongi.
Your brain got stuck on that ‘love you’. Was it for Yoongi, as in ‘I love you’? As in ‘I’m in a relationship with you and I love you in a very romantic, very homosexual way’?
Your brain short circuited. All the best ones were always taken or gay. Whatever.
“How much do I owe you?” you asked, standing by the counter.
“First one it’s on me. The second one’s on Hoseok.”
“What?” The other complained as you secretly placed a twenty on the counter. You knew those drinks must have been expensive.
“Be a gentleman, Hobi,” Yoongi reprimanded. He slapped your hand away.
“It’s on my ex. Engagement ring, remember?” You winked.
He shook his head, smirking, letting you push the banknote into his tips jar. “It must have been a very big ring.”
“You wouldn’t wanna know,” you replied, your eyes blacking out as you remembered the jewel. And the diamond in the middle.
“I’m sorry about your hurt.” He said, patting your hand with his. You had a chance to study his tattoos, some pretty lettering on his knuckles, delicate roses blooming all over the back of his hands, a bizzarre tennis shoe hidden on the inside of his wrist. He fixed the cuff od his shirt as he noticed where you were looking.
Yoongi felt a bit too observed.
“It’ll pass,” you said with a tight lipped smile, looking away.
“We’re heading out Yoongi. Put on the tab?” Taehyung asked.
Yoongi raised an eyebrow. “Sure thing. Drive safe, boys.”
He placed the vodka shot you hadn’t drank on top of the counter. “If you want to, I could walk you home. It’s safe outside anyways, but you know, if you’d like some company,” he reassured you.
You raised an eyebrow. That company? Did he really mean…?
“On your way home, I mean. It sounded strange, sorry.”
So he wasn’t making a move on you? You tried not to look disappointed. How in character of you to misunderstand. Maybe he was actually, really in a relationship with Namjoon.
“No, that’s so nice of you. I could walk by myself,” you stated warmly.
“I know, I was just asking, you know— chivalry. Stuff.” He was blushing to the tip of his ears. He looked so damn sweet.
“Don’t worry. What if I drink this while you finish and we go home?” you asked.
His mouth formed a small ‘o’ before smiling. “Okay. Yes.”
“To you.” You lifted your glass and downed it in one go.
He tried not to look at the line of your throat. He failed.
Not that you noticed, your eyes were scrunched shut with the burn of the vodka. “Jesus Christ! It burns like hell.”
“It’s vodka, Spice. It was made to burn,” he teased you. As he took your glass and put it in the dishwasher, closing it and starting it. “The rest is already taken care of. Marnie comes tomorrow morning to clean up. You know Marnie? Lovely lady, lives down the street. She has a breakfast place.”
“Oh, that place that looks like a diner?” you asked, wearing your coat as he took his own from the hanger near the door.
“Yes!” He placed the tip jar under the counter. “Time to get into the fog.” He shut the lights and opened the door. “Shall we?”
You hid into your coat, scarf and hat as you exited. He followed, locking the door and rushing to pull down the metal shutter in front of the window outside. “Locked, good to go. Which way, Spice?”
You pointed to your left. “Just a few buildings down the street.”
“It’s the small house? The robin egg blue one?” He asked, curious and amused.
“Yes, that’s the one!”
“When I was little I always dreamt of buying it.” He laughed. “Little did I know about life and how it loves fucking you over.”
“Doesn’t it fuck us all.”
“And it’s not even fun,” he quipped with a sigh. His stare turned empty. The gloomy yellow light coming from the streetlights diffused through the fog. It felt like standing in a cloud.
As you stood in front of the short white wooden fence, you opened the small gate and walked through. “Would you like to see your dream house from within?” you offered, trying to call him back to whatever land of thoughts he was stuck in.
Yoongi hesitated, sticking his hands into his pockets. “Not today. I could come back tomorrow, if you want me to. I have...” He patted the pockets of his jackets. “I could give you my number, in case you need help with the house or in town.”
You arched your eyebrows. “Yes, sure.” You tried to hide your disappointment of him not coming in.
“Uhm, you wanna type it in your phone?” Yoongi asked.
“Yes, uhm, sure.” You patted your back pockets. If only it were his hands.
You whipped out your phone, and wrote it down as he spelled it.
“I’ll wait for your call, then,” he murmured, shy, slightly insecure.
“Yes, sure!”
“Goodnight, Spice.” He waved at you oh so adorably.
Heavens, he was so cute. “Goodnight, Yoongi.”
You fumbled for the keys and you noticed his silhouette from over your shoulder.
He was waiting for you to walk in safely.
Cute. Cute. Cute.
You entered your house.
You had a crush.
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Navi: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
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ready8210 · 5 years
„Let me in your heart again“
2. California calling
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Munich / Germany - Vivian's Hotel room
It's a shame you have to spend the whole day in a boring plane. I let my eyes wander out of the window, taking in the breathtaking bright blue morning sky, one last time.
It was a nice breathy summer day and I was standing in my hotel room in Munich, had grabbed my packed bags and was ready to go for our "two - year - adventure".
It took me some days to realize, what happened and that I would spend the next years with one of the biggest rock bands in history. Me, little clumsy, timid Vivian.
Unfortunately it didn't take me that long, to realize, my hero, the man himself, Mr Freddie Mercury, literally HATES ME.
Yes he hates me, for sure.
And I have to admit, I shad a view tears, as my fantasizing about what could have been, between the two of us, went overboard and got the best of me.
NO, you can't just really believe that. Of course I didn't cry!! I'm on a MISSION now....giving him the hardest time ever!!!!
I may be a tad to upbeat here. I'm afraid things will evolve in another direction.
* * * *
Munich / Germany - Airport
I took a taxi, earlier today, to get all my bags full of camera equipment and belongings to the airport. Two suitcases for all of my cameras, lenses and all the other stuff, that comes along with being a photographer, plus two, for all my clothes and personal stuff. I'm hopeless when it comes to packing, so I always end up with way to much to carry around.
Finally there, we had some hours to spare and I was killing time, strolling around the multiple shops with my new „friend" Roger Taylor, incessantly asking me about my life and flirting like a manic.
He really can be annoyingly persistent.
I ended up telling him I'm married, having high hopes he would draw his attention to somebody else. Big mistake, I tell you. It encouraged him even more. I finally found some alone time, which was much needed, cause for whatever reason, I didn't feel very sociable today, as Brian and John forcefully tug him away from me, to discuss "something" with the band.
Looking after them, strolling away and making their way to the other end of the hall, I rummage around my bag, to put out my cellphone and headphones and make myself comfortable, while waiting for boarding to begin. I have to smile, as I hear the first tones of „under pressure" resounding in my ear. „How fitting" I giggle, while laying back my head, with closed eyes and sealing myself off from the outside world.
„Boarding for business class passengers will begin in 5 minutes", I hear a tinny voice informing the waiting crowd, as I still lay back in my seat, waiting to head to sunny California. My head is killing me at the moment, many sleepless nights and pervasive anxiety attack's, for the last view days, didn't make it better. And to make matters worse, there's no chance, not even a spark of relaxation, for the next two years. Even less, when you have to deal with a hate - filled Rock God.
Convinced to fly economy today, as Mr. Beach had acknowledged me, a view days ago, I look at my ticket for the first time, since I received it, recognizing, much to my surprise and liking, I am booked for business class.
„Let's go" I mutter noiseless „Let the hell ride begin", putting my way to heavy bag over my shoulder and enthusiastically bouncing up. This new circumstances really lighten up my gloomy mood.
As I make my way to the end of the line of waiting people, I can see Freddie hectically gesturing in my direction and scoffing something to Paul, while shaking his head contemptible, to then shoot me a death glare.
Paul Prenter to be precise. He's one of Freddie's PA's and the both of them are literally inseparable. Sticking together like Siamese twins the whole time. Somehow I feel sorry for Freddie, spending his time with a sneaky, calculating, little rat, always controlling his every move and telling him what to do. I may be prepossessed against Paul, but that's the impression I got so far. Earlier today, Roger did his best, to convince me of Peters malice. And one look at him is enough to know, Roger is right.
Besides that, I already was able to see for myself, when I was invited to the studio again and we all went out for dinner, a view days ago. The day was packed with teasing, despicable glances and subtle insults coming from Paul. After I was invited, I hoped for a more ‚friendly' meeting with Freddie, but he unfortunately took Paul as an example and did his best to make life hard for me.
Someone is not too happy with the fact I will join them business class, I tell myself, as I look at Freddie. I put on a big satisfied smile and look in his direction, while nodding brazenly. His expression changes to pure fury, you literally can see smoke whooshing out of his ears, before he relaxes his hands, which were painfully clenched into fists, showing every vein on his skin, and grabs his bag to quickly walk towards me, with narrowed lips and madness in his eyes. For a second I'm pretty sure he will stab me right there.
I shirk from his look, as a subtle hint of timidity overcomes me and make my way to the counter, as I realize, I'm next in line. A woman behind it checks my passport and ticket with a bored expressing, putting on a exaggerated smile, while handing me my documents back.
„Have a nice and enjoyable flight Ms", I hear her fading voice, already making my way to the plane, through the boarding bridge.
„Your seat Ms Kurzmann", I be led to my place, by a warmly smiling flight attendant. „If you need something, just let me know. Enjoy your flight."
Stowing away my luggage and seating myself, I take in the surroundings. This will be my best flight ever, I smile in satisfaction.
It will not! You'll see.
„Ms Kurzmann?", a friendly man, with a nice British accent appears besides me, seating himself, reaching out his hand to me.
„Yes, Vivian Kurzmann?!" I say half asking, looking astonished, and puzzled at him, as I hesitantly reach out my hand to greet him. I have to stand up to do so. Social interaction is not that easy, when flying business class.
„So You're the photographer the band is all exited about?" he babbles out, putting on a toothy grin, one that indeed shows all of his teeth. He has a really warm and friendly smile, one that immediately makes you feel happy.
„Oh excuse me. How rude of me. I'm Peter Freestone, or Phoebe for almost everybody." he introduces himself, while still giving me a firm handshake.
„Oh, I'm pretty sure not ‚everybody' is pleased with this arrangement." I mumble suggestively, looking at my hands, with Freddie, my new BFF, in mind.
„Phoebe?" I wonder, as we end our handshake. As I realize the word left my mouth, I slowly shake my head, fixing his eyes again and continue „isn't that a woman's name?"
„I suppose it's Freddie you're talking about? Oh I assume you caught him in one of his „good moods" he quips. Realizing my perplexed expression, he continues
„I should explain that. I'm Freddie's PA and he gives all of his close friends new names. Female ones for male and vice versa. Mine is Phoebe." he blinks at me.
„Well then, nice to meet you sir." I respond politely.
„Please call me Phoebe." he requests, as he still tries to make himself comfortable, searching for something in his bag.
„Gladly. I'm Viv." I tell him, leaning back in my seat, letting out a pleased sigh and marveling at what my seat and his surroundings have to offer.
Phoebe starts giggling and mutters:
„I don't think so..."
I turn my attention back towards him with a baffled mien. I already know this flight will be an ‚interesting' one.
„And whats that suppose to mean?" I begin to dig deeper, looking at him, my eyes widening in curiosity.
„Freddie already has chosen your new name." his lips turn into a fiendish smile, as he glances up from his bag and puts out a more then worn out book.
„No way. He literally hates me. I really wouldn't call me a friend of him. Not even close. We're more like Kain and Abel, David and Goliath or Napoleon and Kutuzov. You'll see when we arrive in LA." I put him off.
Phoebe lets out a loud lough „I'm telling you. YOU already have your name set." he assures me, nodding confirmingly.
„Enlighten me please." I request him, feeling curiosity grow in me.
„Brody." he shrugs , without any expression on his face.
„Brody? He couldn't come up with something better?" I ask blankly, still wondering how he came up with this name especially with such a boring one.
„You may ask him yourself." a broadly grinning Phoebe encourages me.
A queasy feeling spreads out, as is realize, I have to handle him for the next two years. And looking back on our two ‚dates', this won't be peaceful two years.
Unfortunately, my naive dream of a happy cure world unexpectedly came to an end last week, on this history - charged Friday and bursted like a soap bubble.
I shake my head in refuse at his words „I don't want to be eaten alive."
„This will be interesting two years." he winks amused.
In a steadily, serious voice I say „Don't get to exited. I may be dead and gone by the end of this day." Letting my head fall on my shoulder and my tongue hanging out of my mouth.
„The boys were right, you are adorable." he snickers.
Immediately turning red on his last remark, I coyly look into my lap.
„Young lady, I have to leave you for a short while. I'll be right back." Phoebe breaks the short silence, standing up from his seat and turning his back to me.
„I'll do my best to keep the evil away and stay alive. See you later." I exclaim, forming a cheeky smile.
As Phoebe strolls away, I grab my phone to ask google about my new dubious name.
‚Dirt' and ‚mud' I read speechless, with widened eyes after some minutes of research.
Staring at my phone with rising rage, I loudly blurt out „THAT SON OF A BITCH.", as Freddie and his partner in crime arrive at their seats. Both looking at me with a mixture of astonishment and aversion.
Freddie?.....here? In business class? The fact he's not flying first class today, for whatever reason, explains the tense atmosphere, now laying over the cabin like a big black cloud.
„Speaking of the devil" I address Freddie, playfully smiling, nodding teasingly at him again.
Something tells me, he wouldn't have expected me to speak to him like this, as his expression changes to a soft puzzled look and every muscle in his face relaxes. Still staring at me and looking me straight in the eyes, I move up my hand to wave at him, shooting him a challenging look. He looks down quickly, as phoebe comes back and passes by. With a long loud sigh Freddie falls into his seat, chatting and snickering with Paul.
Two can play this game Mr Mercury. I move to face my phone again, while shaking my head, still smiling over my little triumph. If he thinks he can intimidate me, than he's on the wrong track.
I really don't know what's coming over me today. It's not my typical introvert behavior, that usually would cause me to turn red like a tomato and go on the run. But I might get used to it.
„Im glad you survived", a winded phoebe collapses into his seat.
„Mephistopheles and his companion decided to leave me alone.
NEVER underestimate a woman and her superpowers" I giggle in response. Phoebe, for whatever reason unable to speak, tries to suppress his laughter.
„Did you take part in a marathon?" I ask in amusement, watching his rapid breathing. „I'm afraid you may need medical assistance."
Phoebe gasps and laughs at my words, which isn't of advantage for his current physical state.
„I'm pretty sure it's you, being dead and gone by tonight, not me." I quip, before giving the pour man his much needed rest.
Taking notice of all the laughter, Freddie turns to face us, jealousy and annoyance washing over his face, looking back and forth between Phoebe and me.
Deciding to ignore him this time - i really don't want to overreach things - I relax in my seat, putting my headphones out of my pocket.
„I Never would" phoebe finally finds his breath again.
"Would what?" I ask startled.
„Underestimate you and your superpowers." he winks, before grabbing his book again and browsing through it.
Noticing Freddie standing there again and staring at us, he whispers „He's a good guy, he's just very serious about his privacy and cautious when it comes to new people coming into his life", while slightly nodding his head in Freddie's direction. „You both will get along well."
„I hope so" I whisper calmly, facing Freddie.
As our eyes meet he holds my gaze for a view seconds, looking at me, as if he is in some kind of trance, before quickly turning his head back in embarrassment - at least it looked like that, as his cheeks started to glow in various red tones.
* * * *
With plugged in headphones I shuffle through my phone, with shaking hands, trying to find the kind of music, that will keep me calm for the tricky part of this flight.
I really enjoy flying, but takeoffs and landings scare the shit out of me. Most of the times everything goes off well, but when anxiety comes over me, I tend to go completely nuts. And this is no understatement.
Feeling a hand on my knee, I look up in surprise.
„You're ok?" a soft voice interrupts my growing panic. „Your hands are shaking like leaves." A concerned phoebe looks at me.
„I will be fine as soon as this bird will be up in the sky" is say assuringly, pointing upwards.
„Fear of flying?" he asks with worry in his voice.
„Not flying per se, just getting up there and down again. Don't worry, I will be fine." I smile at him affirmative.
„What are you listening to?" Phoebe tries his best to distract me.
„Canzonetta Sull'aria" by Mozart. It always helps with my anxieties." And let me tell you I have a lot. I simply reply with a hint of embarrassment in my voice.
„Oh, so you're into classical music?" an enthusiastic Phoebe babbles, with sparkling eyes and a way to big smile on his face. He seems to be as excited as a little boy in a candy store.
„I grew up with it, my grandma would never listen to anything else. I never could understand why, as a young kid. But here we are, over 20 years later....I really enjoy it these days." I tell him while melancholy comes over me.
Phoebe, recognizing my growing nostalgia, warmly smiles at me „I love classical music. I would love to show you my collection one day. I'm sure you'll find some stuff you like. Maybe I can show you something new."
Giving him a sincere smile I nod warmly: „That would be lovely."
„We just have to smuggle you past Mephistopheles." Phoebe giggles while looking in Freddie's direction, his mouse turning Into a mischievous grin.
„Uh?" Unable To disguise my lack of knowledge. „Why is that?" I go on as Phoebe didn't answer.
„I live at Garden Lodge. I'm his PA, so I get paid to always be around. It works best like this." he explains in his soft, calming voice.
„My sincere condolences." I reply ironically. „Living with Mephistopheles must be tricky." I add playfully.
Phoebe shakes his head giggling "You have no idea."
„Please never tell him, I called him that....uhm Mephistopheles I mean." I urge him, as I let my gaze wander to Freddie, who's sitting there, his thoughtful eyes fixed on a pad laying on his lap, while fiddling with a pen.
"My lips are sealed darling." he pats my shoulder, smiling kindly at me.
As I let my gaze wander over Freddie, peacefully sitting there, I surmise sadness in his whole appearance, he's always surrounded by people, most of the time by Paul Prenter, but in his eyes you can still see pure sadness and loneliness. I know this feeling too well.  But that's another story to tell.
After a short while, I look back to my phone, to stop my thoughts and try to prepare for the upcoming departure. Unaware what awaits me on this flight.
My omnipresent panic increases to another level, as it abruptly turns dark outside and the sky is fully covered with thick pitch black thundery clouds.
We were told to be ready for takeoff, as a voice rings out of the speakers: „The flight is delayed due to bad weather. Please remain seated and keep your seatbelt fastened. We're ready for takeoff shortly."
„Ready for takeoff?" I yell hysterically. „They must be fuc*** kidding. They cannot possibly....FU**!" I exclaim much louder as intended.
Phoebe looks at me terrified, based on my unfortunate choice of words and screaming, not able to hold back his laughter.
„You're laughing?" I snap in frustration.
Phoebe puts on a sympathetic face, while trying to calm me.
„Relax Darling. It'll all be over in a view minutes and you'll enjoy the flight." he soothes me.
„Exactly, everything will be over, that's exactly the point." I object.
Freddie, now noticing my panicky splutter, shakes his head, frantically repressing his laughter.
Shooting him a destroying death stare, I cling to my armrests.
As lightening and thunder set in and a heavy rain falls down, I tremulously look outside, the tip of my nose pressed against the little window.
Turning back, I cup my face with my hands, stammering: "We're going to die. Oh god, we're going to die. Please someone get me out of here." Moving my body back and forth repeatedly.
Phoebe now puts his hand on my shoulder - at least he tries to, with this good distance between our seats - and whispers at me. "Look at me."
Hesitantly putting my hands on my thighs, I look into his calm eyes, as tears roll down my cheeks.
Ok Vivian, how embarrassing can it get? You're such a drama queen.
"Take a deep breath, everything will be alright. Keep breathing, calm down." He whispers, his hand still resting on my shoulder.
I thought I was calmly breathing, for everybody involved, it must've looked like the strained panting of a delivering woman.
The captain informs us, we are next in line and will takeoff shortly, as the rain decreases and the last thunder fades.
At this point I completely lose it: „Oh God, we're taking off, you said everything will be fine." I hiss at Phoebe.
„I will die in this fuc*** plane and Mephisto right there will bring me straight to hell." I gasp way to loud. Again!!
I scroll through my phone like a maniac, as a perplexed Phoebe asks „What are you doing?"
„Searching for music....if I have to bite the dust, it won't happen to the sounds of fuc*** Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart." I mumble frustrated.
I felt the plain moving faster and faster as I shuffled through my phone, not exactly knowing, what I was searching for.
I close my eyes, lay my head back and cling to my armrests even tighter. „Please don't crash, please don't crash, please don't crash...!" I wind the words like a mantra.
The moment the airplain gets off, is the worst. „Oh god, oh god, oh god,..." I gush out, til I notice the plane gains altitude and is now in the air.
„You see darling, nothing happened." Phoebe smiles at me, as I open my eyes again.
Much to my surprise everything went off without any turbulences.
„Nothing happend..." I whisper disbelievingly, scanning every part of the cabin.
„Am I dead?" I ask Phoebe in all seriousness, still taking in the surroundings and looking my body up and down.
Phoebe bursts out laughing and shakes his head.
Surprised by his reaction, I look over to Freddie, who is sitting there alone, turned around to face us, his hand pressed against his mouth, giggling uncontrollably.
As my expression hardens, I face Phoebe again. „If we're dead, we went straight to hell. Mephistopheles is still here." I gesture in Freddie's direction, rolling my eyes in annoyance.
Phoebe just giggles and draws his attention back to the book he is holding.
"Darling, you made my day. I hope you're ok? That was an overly impressive performance." I hear a posh British voice chuckle next to me, as I look out of the window.
I turn around and look up, straight into Mephi....Freddie's deep, brown eyes.
For the first time, the sadness is gone. I look into the two most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Eyes filled with honesty and warmth.
As I feel embarrassment grow, I try to avoid his gaze and look down into my lap, where my still shaking, cold hands are laying. "I hope you enjoyed the show." I stammer scarcely audible, to then face him again, and smiling sheepishly at him. It takes me all my remaining strength to do so.
"It distracted me from my own anxiety. From now on you will do this on every flight." He giggles and taps my shoulder, before strolling back to his seat.
Looking after him, like some love struck teenager, trying to grasp what just happened, Phoebe snaps me out of my thoughts.
"As I said, you'll get along well." He says convinced, not looking up, while reading.
"I really hope so" I mumble, my eyes fixed on Freddie's back, as i feel some hope flaming up in me again.
Part 3 will follow soon...
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