#feat. katherine
artificerdusty · 1 year
who: Dustin Henderson & @kathcrinefms where: Melvald's general store parking lot
With Luke being missing and absolutely no answers and everything going wrong, Dustin was more on edge than usual. If Willa had complained about him being overbearing before, it was a completely different level now. Every time they left the house, Dustin was plagued with ideas of them being snatched by whatever-- whoever-- had nabbed Luke... which was why he'd packed both kids with 'survival packs' for the walk from the house to the car-- complete with walkies with extended range, enough protein and astronaut food to last two weeks, a canteen of water, a flashlight and several batteries.
As they clamored out of his van, Dustin double-checked the contents of their bag. "And if anyone approaches you, you say....?" he asks, looking from Ward to Willa, who doesn't try to hide her eyeroll. "Wills, this is serious! I'm not dicking around! This is--" he pinches the bridge of his nose, willing himself to calm down and stop yelling at his kids in public. Not a good look. "This is real, okay, it's real," he whispers, pulling the twins into him and squeezing tight. He opens his eyes to see Katherine standing across the parking space, and Dustin's mouth goes dry.
Seeing her hasn't gotten easier, not even a little. A fresh wave of guilt washes over Dustin and he feels queasy, but still he straights out his posture and offers an awkward smile, lifting his hand in greeting. "Uh- okay- you got your water?" he asks Ward. "Flashlight?" he asks Willa. When they nod, he kisses their foreheads and they climb off into Katherine's car.
Dustin clears his throat, approaching her slow and steady, like she's a skittish animal or like he might... like he might hurt her if he gets too close. "I-- uh-- with everything... you know... I wanted to make sure they were prepared. I guess. It's stupid, but if you could... if you could makes sure they have their packs. Just so I could sleep better." Not that Katherine owed him anything close to good sleep. He raked a hand through his hair and glanced at his feet, chewing intently on the inside of his cheek until he tastes copper.
"So.... how are you? All- all things considered?"
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walkman-cat · 9 months
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newsies star trek au. you agree
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schnitzelsemmerl · 5 months
cleves: halli-hallo guter Mann einmal ihren Bärsonalausweis bidde schön und danke :)
howard: (high-pitched screaming while running away)
it's just as funny in English lmaoo
cleves: halli-hallo good man may i please see your bearsonal ID card please and thank you :)
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euphoriclusts · 2 months
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"hey," he greets her breathlessly, his smile short once he's collected up the toys and stuffed them carefully into the bag. "sorry for not being pre-prepared it just uh --" he scratches at his chin, looking over his shoulder towards the room that had been consumed by chaos not all too long ago. not that you'd be able to detect it now. he'd done a brilliant job at tidying up. "it's been....quite the day. we have a biter in our midst. not eden, not jude either, but it's caused quite a scene this afternoon." not that it was the first time and noah knew it wouldn't be the last time, either. one of the parents was pissed about it and whilst he couldn't blame them, it wasn't as though he hadn't tried his utmost to prevent it from happening. "how's your day been anyway? less eventful than mine, i hope..." / @wvnderlands
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sensitive-trait · 1 year
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In the week following Alice’s birth, her parents had to quickly adapt to their new routine. As Kate recovers, James happily volunteers to take the night shift watching over the baby.
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Every time he closes his eyes, James sees The Mother looming over his little girl; her massive tendrils poised to pull her into the darkness or swallow her whole. Despite a rather vivid memory of her downfall, he can't shake the feeling that something is still out there.
So he fights sleep, remaining vigilant in the quiet darkness of the nursery.
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Until he inevitably loses this battle and the nightmare begins.
When morning arrives it takes a full minute to realize that it’s his wife standing over him instead of a monster from his dream.
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Oblivious, Kate smiles and says "Morning, sleepyhead," as she hands him their sunny infant.
Holding her in his arms, his fear subsides as he notices that Alice feels a little heavier, and looks more alert than the night before. Rather than wishing he could slow time, he cherishes any sign that she's healthy and that the dream was only a dream.
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little-miss-buffy · 1 year
Katherine vs. Buffy vol. II: Katherine's Revenge
For @malka-lisitsa
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Devil Katherine and her vampire man bitch, Angelus
Feat. @malka-lisitsa
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
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rhett-meadows · 2 years
“You’ll have to speak louder, it seems like there’s something in your mouth.”
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Cuando estás bien, te alejas de mí Te sientes sola, y siempre estoy ahí Es una guerra de "toma y dame" Pues dame de eso que tiene' ahí
Oye, baby, no seas mala (on, no)
No me dejes con las ganas Se escucha en la calle que ya no me quieres Ven y dímelo en la cara
Theme Song: “Chantaje” by Shakira ft. Maluma
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hybrid-royalty · 2 years
Dog breath
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courtofmuses · 2 years
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from here with @taleswritten
                  ❝   OF   COURSE,   ❞   HE   GRINNED   DOWN   AT   HER.   It   would   hardly   be   difficult   to   find   someone   for   Katerina   to   feed   from.   There   was   a   long   standing   system   within   New   Orleands,   rules   that   once   upon   a   time   Klaus   would   have   dismissed   entirely.   Now   being   a   parent   and   understanding   the   need   to   protect   his   daughter,   he'd   learned   to   abide   by   those   rules.   For   the   most   part,   the   city   was   peaceful   among   its   supernatural   community.   Feeding   was   something   that   had   become   meticulous   for   all   the   vampires   who   chose   to   dwell   within   the   city.   ❝   I'd   hardly   say   they're   compelled.   More   like   willing   donors.   There   are   all   types   in   this   city,   love.   Their   blood   is   sweeter.   ❞
A   low   groan   left   him   as   she   kissed   him,   tugged   his   bottom   lip   with   her   teeth.   Klaus'   fingertips   traced   random   patterns   on   the   flat   surface   of   Katerina's   stomach.   It   was   hard   to   resist   her,   especially   when   he   knew   in   a   few   days   she   would   be   in   the   wind.   It   could   be   another   several   decades   before   he'd   see   her   again.   Never   before   had   he   wanted   to   ask   her   to   stay,   but   his   desire   for   companionship   had   begun   to   weigh   on   him   as   of   late.   ❝   Trust   we   can   make   sure   you're   hunger   is   sated   and   we   never   have   to   leave   this   room,   ❞   he   murmured   against   the   side   of   her   neck.   
Klaus   trailed   kisses   along   her   soft   skin   and   he   breathed   in   the   scent   of   her.   It   was   familiar   and   nearly   comforting.   They   had   so   much   history   together,   five   hundred   years   in   fact,   and   it   had   always   been   something   of   a   rollercoaster.   Klaus   had   spent   so   many   centuries   both   hating   and   desiring   Katerina.   Now   he   just   desired   her.   
The   hybrid   rolled   onto   his   back   then,   an   arm   looping   around   the   woman   next   to   him   and   tugging   her   on   top   of   him.   His   arms   wrapped   about   her   waist   to   keep   her   close,   his   lips   catching   hers.   ❝   You   drive   me   insane,   ❞   he   said,   voice   husky   as   his   hands   wandered   up   and   down   the   expanse   of   her   back.   
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lilareviewsbooks · 4 months
4 SFF Books For (Humanities) Nerds
Hey guys! I know I promised this like, last year, but life got in the way :( But now I can finally present to you - my list of books for humanities nerds!
To put it simply, these are books I think broach topics that are close to the humanities nerds' interests - sociology, history, art, anthropology, political sciences... And sure, they could be considered "boring", but if you're into the humanities - you'll have a ball with them! (and, of course, anyone can enjoy these!)
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The Goblin Emperor, by Katherine Addison
5 stars | 446 pages | standalone, but there are spin-offs | queer side character
This is the book that spurred this list, so, if you want a longer review, I have it on my blog. But suffice it to say that The Goblin Emperor is a fairly long and detailed account of what happens in the court of a country of elves when the youngest, unfavoured and half-goblin son of the king ascends the throne. This book is masterful. It seemlessly weaves in personal and political concerns as we follow Maia, the newly crowned emperor. The writing style is slow - we follow the emperor's every day life. We are with him when he rises in the morning until when he wakes up. It waits for something to happen, and is quiet and slow. It's absolutely delightful: despite his politicking, Maia is mostly and more ardently concerned with kindness. He wants to treat people fairly. This not only makes for a sweet main character, it also means the book is a fascinating character study, as well as an incredible feat of world-building. I think nerds will enjoy its slow and traquil pace, its dedication to politics, language and customs of this world and its charming main character.
A Memory Called Empire, by Arkady Martine
5 stars | 462 pages | completed duology | queer main characters
For a sci-fi twist, I think A Memory Called Empire is the way to go. The duology follows Mahit, a citizen of a small satellite of the Teixcalaan Empire, who is chosen as the next ambassador for her home. She must journey to the capital with a very important mission - find out why her predecessor mysteriously disappeared. Again, what there is to enjoy here is lush, expansive world-building. The Teixcalaani feel so, so real. Every little detail was thought of, from their language to their smiles. It's truly impressive, and the prose, I remember, is also beautiful, making these details pop out even more. This is also incredibly political, as Mahit descends into the belly of the beast, so to speak, in search of answers. But it is framed by a pretty straight-foward murder mystery, which might be fun for people used to mystery stories. And the second book broaches first contact! - it's just so much fun! I also have a longer review for this series, if you would like more details! Nerds will be drawn to the expansive world-building, attention to detail, and reflections on empire, memory and legacy.
Elder Race, by Adrian Tchaikovsky
4 stars | 201 pages | standalone | no one's queer, I don't think :(
This one might be a good pick for veterans of SFF - it has a fun gimmick! You must've heard the phrase "any science advanced enough in undistinguishable from magic", attributed to Arthur C. Clarke. This book takes that concept and runs with it. For Lynesse, a princess in a medieval society, Elder Nyr's "giant tower" is magical, and he, a magician. For Elder Nyr, an anthropologist come from a different planet, his interests are scientific, and his "tower", a spaceship. The fun of the novella is that we flip-flop between these two people's perspectives, so that half the story is a sci-fi, and the other half, a fantasy. I found this story to be unique, and to understand its place in the speculative genre quite well. It defies expectations and conventions in a creative way that I think nerds familiar with them will enjoy!
The Traitor Baru Cormorant, by Seth Dickinson
5 stars | 399 pages | uncompleted series | queer main characteres
Another good bet is The Traitor Baru Cormorant, the first installment in the Masquerade Series, which is not finished yet. It follows Baru, who, as a child, watches her country be colonized by the Masquerade Empire. She vows revenge, and to destroy the empire from the inside out. In this installment, she is finally trusted to be sent as an Imperial Accountant to Aurdwynn, a famously ungovernable territory... This one is very, very brain-y. It's dense political fantasy, and I admit I had some trouble following the economics, sometimes - that was never my strong suit!! The tapestry of betrayals, alliances and twists is rich, intricate and realistic. People have diverse interests, are multi-faceted individuals, and yet have a reason to be acting they way they are acting. This makes for satisfying plot lines, and incredible twists. I still haven't recovered from what the first book did to me, to be honest. Nerds, if you want to be dazzled and made to work for it, pick this one up. The Traitor Baru Corumorant will have you scratching your chin, thinking hard and having a lot of fun with (yay!) economics and accounting!
I have a couple more of these if anyone is interested :) And as always, if you need a book rec, feel free to send me an ask!
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walkman-cat · 3 months
i love turn of the century (19th-20th) womens' fashion and i love costume design! so heres my costume design for katherine plumber/pulitzer!! (feat. split cycling skirt and chatelaine. because i'm Normal about them)
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i tried the best i could to stick as true to history as i could. there are some anachronisms though (both intentional and unintentional) so please forgive me!!
as usual, some more references and preliminary sketches under the cut:
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Computer e arte. Grafica – Scultura – Musica – Film. Roma, Genova, Napoli, Palermo, Firenze, Milano, Torino, Trieste, Goethe-Institut zur Pflege deutscher Sprache und Kultur im Ausland, München, 1971 [Studio Bruno Tonini, Gussago (BS)]
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Editor: Herbert W. Franke Introduction: 'Spiegazione dell'artmetica binaria' by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz Texts: Konrad Zuse, Herbert W. Franke, Design: Stefan Schwarz
Feat. works by Marc Adrian, Otto Beckmann, Alfred Grassi, Jack P. Citron, CTG Computer Technique Group (Japan), William A. Fetter, Herbert W. Franke, Roland Fuchshuber, Kenneth C. Knowlton, Ben F. Laposky, Katherine Nash, Georg Nees, A. Michael Noll, Manfred R. Schröder
Exhibition: Curated by Käthe Klarissa Schröder, Galerie Kubus, october 19 – November 12, 1969
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teddy06writes · 5 months
Much Ado About Nothing
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Alfie Solomons x fem!reader
Warnings: Mentions of drinking,
Premise: It's a Much Ado About Nothing AU, with Alfie as Benedick and Reader as Beatrice
Useful links: click here for a plot summary of the play, here for access to a version w/David Tennant and Katherine Tate, here for a proshot of a production at the Globe, and here for a wonderful video essay that discusses the plot and has a very insightful tangent about Judaism in Shakespeare.
{I've got a lot going on right now what with the production I'm in being in tech, plus even if I'm doing a simplified version of this, it's still quite a bit of work to go through the script bit by bit, I've decided that I'm going to just release the bit that I have done, and then if people really want more I'll do it in parts}
{Most dialogue is either directly quoted or paraphrased directly from the original text}
It was a beautiful day in the seaside town of Margate, and for the first time in years, you and your family were finally able to enjoy it. The war had been over for months, and with the arrival of spring, it felt like the world was finally alive again.
You were out lounging on the veranda with your cousin Esme, and her friend Ada, enjoying the fresh air when you heard footsteps coming down the gravel driveway. Esme sat up, in her deck chair, "Are we expecting company?"
"I didn't think so." You frowned.
Ada was already at the railing, peering around to try and make out who it was, "I don't recognize him- but he is wearing an army uniform!"
Esme let out a squeal, all but jumping up out of her chair and rushing over to look over Ada's shoulder. You let out a groan, reaching for your drink.
It only took a few moments for your uncle, Johnny Dogs to come bursting out onto the veranda, a letter in hand, and followed closely by Polly and the messenger Ada had seen, "I've learned, in this letter, that Tommy Shelby and his unit are coming to Margate, this very night!"
Esme let out another squeal, quickly chattering away to Ada, filling her in on the events of the Unit's last stop in Margate just before the war.
"He was very near by this," The messenger offered, "They were just getting into town when I left them."
Johnny Dogs nodded, "And how many gentlemen did you lose in this- action?"
"Our unit seems to oppose the rest of the war: we lost few of sort and none of name." The messenger said proudly. This prompted another little burst of excitement from Esme.
"A victory is twice itself when the achievers return home in full number."
Johnny aimed a pointed look at her, reading a bit more from the letter, "It says here, that Tommy has bestowed much honor on his younger brother John."
You chuckled as Esme went bright red, practically glaring back across the veranda with the look of someone caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
"Much deserved on his part, and equally remembered by the Sergeant Major. He bore himself beyond the promise of his age, doing, in the figure of a lamb, the feats of a lion. He has indeed better bettered expectation than you must expect me to tell you." The messenger excepted the drink offered to him.
You pulled yourself up out of your chair, "I pray you, has signor Mountanto returned from the war, or no?"
The messenger turned to you with a frown, "I know none by that name, Lady."
"My cousin means that Captain Solomons from Camden town." Esme spoke up, glad the attention was finally gone from her and her crush.
"Oh, he's returned and as pleasant as ever."
You let off a scoff, "I pray you, how many has he killed and eaten in this war? How many has he killed, for I have sworn to eat all his killing."
"Niece, you tax Mr. Solomons too much." Johnny Dogs scolded.
Polly chuckled from where she'd taken up your empty chair, "But he'll meet with you, I have no doubt."
The messenger still focused on you, "He has done good service in the war, lady."
You raised an eyebrow, "You had stale food, and he helped you eat it. He's a very brave eater. He has good stomach for it."
"And a good soldier, too, Lady."
"And a good soldier to a lady," You shot back, "But what is he too a lord?"
"A lord to a lord, a man to a man, stuffed with all honorable virtues."
"It is so indeed," You nodded, punctuating your words with a sip from your drink, "He is no less than a stuffed man. but for the stuffing- well, we are all mortal."
"You must not mistake my niece, sir," Johnny Dogs interrupted, quickly explaining, "There is a kind of merry war between Mr. Solomons and her: they never meet but there is a skirmish of wit between them."
You groaned, "He learns nothing by that!"
"It's true enough." Ada teased.
You crossed to the rail of the veranda, leaning back against it, "In our last conflict, four of his five wits went halting off, and now the whole man is governed with one. So that if he have wit enough to keep him warm, it marks the difference between he and his horse. It is all the wealth he has left, to be known for a reasonable creature."
The messenger let out a laugh, "Truly?"
"Aye," You nodded, "Tell me, who is his companion now? He has a new sworn brother each month."
"Is it possible?"
"Very easily possible, he wears his faith like the fashion of his hat- it always changes with the next block."
"I see, Lady. The gentlemen is not in your books." The messenger nodded as if he finally understood.
"No, and if he were I would burn the whole library." You nodded in a agreement, "But truly, who is his companion? Is there no young man who make voyage to the devil with him?"
"He's mostly in the company of the younger Shelby brother: John." And as he gestured back toward Esme, who blushed again, you had to hand it to the messenger: he was a quick learner.
"Oh lord," You groaned, "He will hang upon him like a disease. Alife is sooner caught than the pestilence and the taker always runs mad. God help young John, if he has caught the Solomons it will cost him much to be cured of it."
The messenger chuckled, "I will hold friends with you lady."
You grinned, reaching out to clink your glass to his, "Do, good friend."
"And you'll never run mad niece?" Your uncle asked.
"No, not till a hot january." You quipped.
Before anyone else could retort, the sound of gravel crunch under tires filled the air, and Johnny Dogs was leading the way off the veranda and around the side of the house to meet the new guests.
There in the driveway, your little party was met with the grimmer one of Mr. Shelby. Thomas himself was leading the way towards the house from the cars, flanked by the others as he called, "Johnny Dogs, you've come to meet your trouble. You know the fashion of the world is to avoid cost, yet you encounter it."
Johnny Dogs let out a barking laugh, "Never came trouble to my house in the likeness of you and your good men. For trouble being gone, comfort remains and when you leave- sorrow abides and happiness leaves with you."
"You brace your charge too willingly." Still, Tommy allowed himself to be dragged into his hug. When they seperated, Tommy caught sight of the rest of the party, "Ah, then this your daughter, Esme."
"Her mother has many times told me so."
Finally disentangling himself from the ruckus being made by the soldiers now that they were out of Tommy's orders, Alfie appear at his side, "Were you in doubt sir, that you asked her?"
"Ah, Mr. Solomons, no, for then you were only a child." Johnny said, slapping him on the back.
"You have it full Alfie, and we can tell what kind of man you are for it," Tommy, turned making his way back to Esme, "Surely the lady fathers herself. Be happy lady, for you are like an honorable father."
"If Johnny Dogs be her father, then she would not have his head on her shoulders for all of Margate!" Alfie laughed, but the group had already moved away, as Tommy caught up with the rest of the household.
From where you had found a perch against the side of the house you sighed, "It's a wonder you will still be talking, Alfie. Nobody marks you."
"What-" Alfie slowly turned on his heel, taking in the sight of you, lounging in the sun, "My dear Lady Disdain- are you yet living?"
You smirked, raising your glass towards him mockingly, "Is it possible disdain should die when she has such food to feed on as Alfie Solomons? Courtesy itself must convert to disdain, if you come in her presence."
"Then is courtesy a turncoat. But, it is certain I am loved of all ladies, only you excepting," He wagged a finger in your direction, "and I would I could find in my heart that I had not a hard heart- for truly, I love none."
"A dear happiness to women!" You cheered, pushing off the wall to stalk closer to him. "They would else have been troubled by a horrid suitor. I thank god and my cold blood that I am of your humor for that, I would rather hear a dog bark at a crow than a man swear that he loves me."
Alfie barked out a laugh, pointing a finger your direction, "God keep your ladyship in that frame of mind! So some gentleman or other can escape a scratched face!"
"Scratching could not make it worse, if it were such a face as yours."
"Well, you are a rare parrot teacher!" Alfie scoffed.
Your face suddenly felt hot, and you scrambled to retort, "Well better a bird of my tongue than a beast of yours!"
"I would my horse had the speed of your tongue and so a good continuer. But keep your way, in god's name, I am done." He all but waved you away, turning to follow as the rest of the company began to make their way into the house.
You sat for a long moment, watching him disappear, before shaking your head and making your way back around towards the veranda, muttering, "You always end with a jade's trick. I know you of old."
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kasagia · 2 years
Our little game pt. 3
~Part 1~ ~Part 2~ ~Part 4~ ~Part 5~
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x witch! reader Summary: Thomas has been trying to mend your relationship all weeks leading up to the wedding. You must admit that he was a true, sweet gentleman, but… something was wrong. You didn't feel those butterflies (or moles as Kol used to say) in your stomach when you were close to him. You thought that maybe after bachelorette party and wedding you two would again get along with eachother and everyting will be fine. But drunk you had a completely different idea to solve this situation. Warning(s): smut mention, swearings, I used the thread from "Friends", I don't regret anything (I guess) Word count: 4,6k
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*Two months later*
"I can't believe it has gone by so quickly, I feel like I just arrived in New Orleans." I said to the girls while we were putting on our dresses for the party.
"Yes. Me too. I feel like Elijah proposed to me yesterday, and now the four of us are going to my bachelorette party."
"Actually five. I invited Cami." Rebekah corrected Kath while fixing her makeup.
"Since when have you exactly been friends with Klaus' therapist?" I asked, not believing for a moment in her good intentions toward the bartender.
"Since she's trying to talk you out of the ridiculous idea of getting back with your ex."
"Hey! We all agree that we're not going to discuss that topic. Today is about Katherine. Only her."
"Take it easy, Y/N. We're just worried about you."
"There's no need, Katherine. I can take care of myself. Also, I haven't decided yet what I'm going to do with this mess around me. It's enough that the Mystic Falls gang put me on their blacklist a week ago. I don't need more complications."
Yes. Officially, Damon Salvatore has become my enemy because I refuse to help him bring Elena back from her "sleeping beauty state." At least Bonnie stayed my friend.
"Well, I saw both of you in that new restaurant. You two seemed quite enjoyable with your company." Rebekah snapped me out of my thoughts.
The original vampire spent the whole two months trying to force me to set up with her brother. It was getting pretty tiring to the point that I decided to avoid Klaus like the plague and not give the blonde a chance to put her plans into action. I loved her with all my heart, but I will not allow anyone to meddle in my affairs and try to set me on a particular path. Not even one of my best friends.
"Yeah, like one meeting was a declaration of true, unconditional love." I replied sarcastically, turning my attention back to my reflection in the mirror. I started putting on my makeup, being careful not to accidentally gouge my eye out with mascara. "Thomas and I spent half life with ourselves. It's obvious that we're feeling good together when we know each other better than anyone else."
"That's what we're all trying to tell you!" the woman snatched the mascara from my hand and turned to look at me in the eyes. "You don't love him anymore! He is like an old, favorite movie; you watch it because you have a soft spot for it, not because it brings you new, amazing emotions. You got used to having him around. And you're afraid that my brother will destroy your idea of loving Thomas. Even if it's obvious to everyone that you don't have any feelings for him. You fell for Nik, finally admit it to yourself!" she burst out, reproaching me again.
"Rebekah, enough. You're crossing the line." Freya stepped between us, wanting to reassure her little sister and trying to lighten the atmosphere.
"You want me to finally make a decision? Fine. Right after the wedding, I'm going back to Thomas. You don't have to wish me luck. I already know I'll be very happy with him." I replied, staring furiously at the blonde over Freya's shoulder.
"You have to be joking?! Seriously? Are you doing it just to spite me?"
"I'll meet you all downstairs. I promised to call Tom before we went out all night." I said, ignoring Rebekah's angry look at me.
I left the room quickly before any of the vampires (or the witch) could stop me, heading for the only place I could get some privacy.
Klaus' art studio.
The guys had already left the mansion an hour ago, teasing Katherine that they would make one last effort to find someone better for Elijah before she "ringed him with a golden muzzle," so I was sure no one would find me there. Who would have guessed I was hiding in the "cave" of a big bad wolf?
I was walking in a dark room, lit only by the moonlight. I took my phone out of my dress pocket and dialed Tom's number. I put the device to my ear, staring at the unfinished painting on the easel. Klaus must have been pretty pissed while painting it. I hadn't even seen so much intense red when the hybrid returned covered in blood from one of his "preventive missions."
"Y/N?" Thomas's voice snapped me out of my thoughts about the original.
"Hi." I replied with a little smile, sitting on the piano opposite the easel. Klaus went all out designing his studio.
"Hello, honey. Are you going out with the girls?"
"Yes. So don't bother calling; I won't answer, and even if I do, I doubt I'll be in a good condition." I replied jokingly, smiling wider as I heard his laugh.
"Ha ha. You know what they say: You are the truest version of yourself after alcohol."
"Is this your way to tell me that you're waiting on a drunken love confession from me? It isn't quite romantic, don't you think?"
"I don't care about it as long as it's true." I smiled. I wanted to respond to his taunt, but I froze in place as I saw someone's all-too-familiar blue eyes in the darkness of the studio. As our gazes met, he went out from the shadow and stood right in front of me. "Y/N? Can you hear me?"
"I have to go. I'll call you tomorrow, Tommy." Klaus wrinkled his nose at the "cute" diminutive.
"Have a good time, honey. Don't drink too much or I'll have to pick you up." before I could answer, Klaus snatched the phone from my hand.
"You don't have to worry about her. She will be in my excellent care, Timon," he said maliciously before aggressively hanging up.
"Seriously? Don't you have a brother to drink up instead of messing with my boyfriend? By the way, his name isn't Timon."
"Your boyfriend?" he laughed incredulously, shaking his head. "Since when? If I remember correctly, he left you for like... two years ago?"
"So what? You're not better at all."
"Unlike him, I was interested in your fate, love."
"Sending your minions to follow my every move is stalking, not caring. And stop calling me that. It's disgusting." I said, turning towards the exit, but the hybrid blocked my way as usual. The look of displeasure on his face instantly made me feel much better.
"They didn't follow you... most of the time. I just wanted to make sure you're okay and you're not putting yourself in unnecessary danger for the sake of those imbeciles."
"Did you know that there is an ancient gadget called the telephone? You could have checked for yourself if I was alive."
"You changed your number." I blushed at my stupidity. He was right. Right after breaking up with Tom, my phone suffered minor damage due to my sudden emotions and relative lack of control over my magic. I just don't know why it hurt so much that he couldn't text me. It's not like I've been waiting for his call all these years... right?
"Well, we can't go back in time and change that anyway. There's no point in dwelling on it." I finally replied, looking away from him to hide my true feelings.
The man wouldn't let me get away from him so easily. His left hand went to my chin, forcing me to look again into his blue eyes, which gradually began to give way to his night-black pupils.
"So that's it? You want to go back to him as if nothing happened? Like I didn't send you a thousand bloody letters to beg you for a little piece of your attention like a desperate fool, that I am every single time you look at me!" he exploded.
His jaw was clenched in anger, and his other hand was clenched so tightly that it seemed to me that droplets of blood were dripping from it. But my stupid brain could only process one goddamn thing in this improbable situation.
"Letters? What letters?"
"Oh, don't play with me like this, love…" he tried to walk away from me, but I grabbed his arm before he made any step towards the exit.
"Klaus, what letters? I didn't get anything from you since you went." I asked, searching his face for any explanation.
"Don't lie to me. It's even beneath you." he replied contemptuously.
A red light went on in my head. The son of a bitch had no right to walk into my already messy life with his fucking shoes and accuse me of whatever shit he fancied. This is exactly what caused my agitation. Not the hostile look I couldn't take from him.
"Beneath me? How can you tell if something is in "my type" or not?! You don't even fucking know me!" his jaw tightened. In the next second, he pushed me into a wall and put his hands on both sides of my head. His eyes were enraged, mad, and... passionate.
"I know you better than myself. I spent months admiring you in the shadows until you decided that I was curious enough to be noticed by you. It took you a bloody year to warm up to me and to treat me like something more than a monster. And when we were apart… I've never missed anyone as much as I have missed you in the thousand years I've lived. You told me here months ago that you would be the one to burn me. You were too stubborn to admit our connection that much, that you, love, didn't notice I was already burned by you a long time ago."
"You're lying. You wouldn't even have come up with that stupid excuse if Thomas hadn't shown up. You want me to lose my chance at happiness, don't you? The moment I trust you, you'll stab me in the back for your own amusement."
"Is your beloved ex-boyfriend, as I would like to point out, clouding your mental clarity so much?"
"Maybe he's my ex, but unlike some people, he really cares about me, not my power."
"Did he? Because if I had a chance, which you gave him, I would never, ever leave you. Not even if I could rule all of this damn world."
"Please, it's impossible that you could truly love…" he cut me off, pulling my face closer to his lips to shut me up by kissing me.
I imagined that moment so many times in my head, but nothing conveyed the true feeling of his lips on mine.
I moaned as he bit my lips and opened a way into my mouth like that. His treacherous tongue slipped inside like a snake, catching mine in his snare.
The sounds of brushes and paints falling were my only warning before he grabbed me around the waist, set me down on the table, and made me his height to (surely) kiss me dead.
The moment one of his hands started wandering toward the zipper of my dress, making me shiver every time his fingers touched my exposed skin, was a time when the warnings of my mind shouted over the dark, hidden desire of my foolish heart.
My hand left a small red mark on his left cheek for a while before his vampire power healed it. He slowly turned his head towards me, with his own hand on the place I slapped him, shocked that I (a little, mortal witch) was that dumb-brave to do this.
I breathed heavily as I stared into his impenetrable oceanic iris.
"Because I… you… we can't…" He leaned his head down toward mine so that our noses were touching. Our lips were disconcertingly close for me to express any logical thought that wasn't related to HIM.
"Y/N!! We're going to be late! Hurry up!" Katherine's voice made me jump out of the hybrid's embrace, scared of what might have happened in the art room if she hadn't interrupted us.
Before I left the room, he grabbed my hand and turned me to face him. I fell straight into his chest. His second hand grabbed around my waist, making sure I wouldn't go before he stopped talking.
"Have your fun, love. We'll continue this discussion when you return." he said as he tucked my hair behind my ear. 
"Y/N! What could possibly be taking so long?!"
"We have nothing to discuss." I growled, yanking myself out of his grip, and went out without even looking at him.
I need vodka or I'll completely lose my mind.
"Ha ha, I can't believe it!" I was laughing so hard when Rebekah finished her story about Klaus and Elijah running from bees when they were humans.
"I swear to you, they came out of the river drenched as ducks, only to meet some "huge and terrifying wild beast" and roll in the mud to let him lose their scent. They screamed like little girls as he approached them and growled at them. Kol was bursting with laughter, but in the end our mother's old fur fell off him and he had to run away from them."
"All right! How do I look?" Katherine emerged from the dressing room, making an impressive turn in front of us to present her dress (not a particularly successful one, given how much alcohol we had consumed).
"I like it, but you look much better in your real wedding dress." Freya commented as she adjusted Cami's fake veil.
Yes. All five of us decided to put on white dresses and continue our evening dressed like this. I have no fucking idea how it happened.
"I know where we should go next!" Rebekah screamed, threw my legs off her and got off the couch. She ran over to Katherine, showing her something on her phone and whispering conspiratorially. I shrugged, grabbing a bottle of champagne.
Freya snatched the bottle from my hand, handing it to Cami. The barmaid drank the rest of its contents and sat down next to me. I put my head on her lap so she could comb my hair. I closed my eyes, feeling a little relaxed for the first time in weeks. The quiet whispers of the vampires in the background and the slow, calming movements of the blonde's hand were a wonderful sleep aid.
"Don't fall asleep, sleeping princess! We're going dancing." an enthusiastic Rebekah nudged me gently on the arm, trying to pull me out of my own world.
"Dancing? Where?" I asked, opening one eye to look unconvinced at the blonde.
"You will see. Come on, the night is still young, and we're not drunk enough." the vampire grabbed my arm and dragged me down the stairs to the waiting limousine.
The five of us drank chilled champagne from the limousine in seconds, continuing to talk nonsense until we were at the door of the club Rebekah wanted to take us to.
If I had seen its name better, maybe I would have realized that this is the same place the guys went to celebrate Elijah's bachelor party, and maybe what happened later that night wouldn't have happened at all.
But we all went inside and lost each other in a sea of other people.
I looked around the crowd until I saw a familiar face at the bar. Instantly, my heart warmed, and the unreasonable desire to approach him overcame the rational side of my brain. I ran towards him, doing my best not to step on the white dress. Without knowing why, the people around me immediately let me through, so I didn't have to push through them.
"Nikkie!" I screamed when I saw the hybrid. I made a few steps toward him, and I fell into his arms, tripping over my fake wedding dress. I could hear Kol chuckling in the background. "I've missed you, love."
"You know I can get you two married at any moment, brother? Just say a word."
Kol took his beer from the bar as I leaned dangerously close to him, threatening to accidentally spill the alcohol down my dress. Klaus held me closer to him so that I wouldn't wobble from side to side, checking to make sure my drunken walk towards them didn't injure me in the process.
"Shut up, Kol. She's drunk."
"Hey! I'm not drunk, but you're ridiculously hot when you're mad." I giggled as I cupped his face and kissed a crease between his eyebrows. "And so sweet when you're confused." I said, chuckling after he gave me an incredulous look.
"The offer is still valid." a vampire muttered under his breath, teasing his brother.
"For bloody hell, Kol, I'm not gonna marry her!" he growled at him. Suddenly, I felt very sad. Tears came to my eyes from nowhere.
"No? Why? You don't love me?" I asked, sobbing. His eyes immediately fell on my weeping form in pure panic. Nik gently pulled me to him and cupped my cheek, wiping away my tears with his thumb as he looked at me softly.
"Yes, Nikkie, don't you love her?" Kol interrupted our moment, much to Klaus' annoyance and anger.
"If you want to live to see tomorrow, get out of my sight. Now."
"Have fun together, Nikkie!"
He followed him with his eyes until he disappeared into the crowd of others. His eyes softened as he looked at my tear-stained face.
"Love, why are you crying?" he asked softly, wiping away my tears.
"Because you don't love me at all!" he sighed, hugging me tighter and kissing my head tenderly.
"Of course I love you." he whispered timidly into my hair.
"You do?" I moved away from him, placing my hands on his chest so that I could hold onto his body the whole time while looking into his eyes.
"It's impossible not to, love. Can we go home now?"
"No. Say it again."
"That you love me."
"Y/N. You're drunk, just come with me and…" I cut him off by catching his stupid, beautiful lips in a kiss.
At first, he stayed there, shocked, not even making the slightest move. I got a little irritated after a while, so I cupped his face in my hands and pulled him closer, biting his lower lip until it bled. I moaned in a kiss, as I could feel his sweet, addictive blood on my tongue. Without knowing why, I felt "the alcohol mist" in which I found myself begin to slowly leave my body. In the next moment, that annoying man finally started to respond to my affection. His arms were all around me, reaching into every part of my body.
In an attempt to regain control, his lips began chasing mine. We fought with each other, giving all our hidden passion, anger, and frustration into that kiss. But it still wasn't enough for me. And he knew this.
"Don't be such an asshole and stop teasing." I groaned, breaking away from him for a moment.
"Never." he whispered against my lips, skillfully avoiding mine.
"For the love of God! Kiss me right or…" I moaned as he interrupted my threat by biting into the sensitive skin of my neck.
He was drinking from me.
Klaus. Fucking. Mikaelson. Was drinking from me.
And it felt amazing.
I gasped, pulling his hair with one hand and grabbing his muscular shoulder with the other. After a few minutes, he pulled away from my neck and kissed me again, this time complying with my request. During our demanding kiss, I felt a trickle of blood running down my neck to my chest. The wound closed in a matter of seconds.
I summoned my magic to teleport us to his room. More specifically, his bed. I started to rip off his shirt so as not to interrupt our kissing session. But hybrid has other plans.
He pulled away from my bruised, tingling lips and grabbed my hands just as I was about to get to the waistband of his pants.
"We need to stop, love."
"Why? I thought you wanted me."
"I do."
"Then shut up and kiss me."
"No. We can't. Not like that." he sighed as I started to bite and make hickeys on his neck. He grabbed my hair, pulling me closer.
"Don't act like you didn't dream of it. Like you don't wanna feel my hot, naked body on yours. Like you don't wanna drink from me while fucking me and leaving marks on all of me to make it clear to everyone that I'm yours." I whispered against the skin of his neck.
"Y/N. Stop." he growled, pushing me away from him when he felt my hand dangerously close to his pants' fly.
"Why? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't finally get this damn feeling out of our system!"
"That's not how it works and you well know that."
"God! Why do you always have to make things so hard for me?!" I started gathering my things, intending to leave the refusing-me hybrid.
"Where are you going?!"
"To Tom! Maybe he will be a man and fuck me, if you don't want." I found myself instantly in his strong embrace. He was breathing rapidly, his pupils so dilated that his blue irises were almost impossible to see. He desired me. If he wanted me too, then why didn't he use his chance?
"Be careful what you wish for, love."
"Let me go. I wasted enough time for you." I groaned as I tried to break free from his grip.
"You're not going anywhere."
"Why?" I asked, lifting my head in challenge.
"Because you're MINE. Mine to touch, mine to kiss, mine to fucked from your mind every single thing that isn't me. We belong to each other. And you hate it. So much so that you can't accept the feelings that are between us. This is why you gonna go back to my bed and sleep by my side so I can make sure you're not going to do something incredible stupid tonight."
"Don't act like a protective boyfirend, if you don't care about me." I choked out, taking advantage of the fact that he doesn't look me in the eye and instead places small kisses on my face.
"You stupid woman, don't you see how much I've already done for you just to keep you safe and happy?"
"You wanna make me happy? You wanna satisfy me? You wanna make sure I'm only yours? Then shut up and finally let it happen." I kissed him, pushing him on his back, so I could sit on him.
I started to strip myself, looking straight at him. His chest rose and fell at the speed of light, black pupils completely replacing his blue irises. I take a moment to appreciate his tattoo and kiss every flying bird.
"Lie that you love me." he said, after turning us so I was under him.
"It wouldn't be a lie." I thought as he kissed his way to my underwear.
"I know it's part of your game. Just... pretend for a moment you really feel something for me Y/N."
"It's not a game anymore. And since our first meeting, I have felt for you... everything."
"You win." he said, kissing me with all of his desire for me, and trying to get any response out of me.
"You win.'" I thought, letting myself get lost in the feeling of his skin on mine. "And I'm fucking terrified of it."
Consciousness begins to slowly return to my battered, relaxed body. I sighed, snuggling into something warm and cozy beneath me. I put my head in a more comfortable position and took a breath of the amazing perfume.
Klaus' perfume.
I froze in place, afraid to make any move. After a few minutes, I finally decided to hesitantly open my eyes and lift my head slightly.
My fucking God.
I slept with Klaus Mikaelson.
With my brain overheating from the new information, I had the opportunity to take a closer look at the unconscious hybrid. He looked so... innocent when he slept. And carefree, even blissfully, judging by his gentle smile, which I could see despite the darkness in the room.
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The disheveled hair on his head only made him even hotter. It was also helped by the fact that I was probably the perpetrator of his messy look.
I tried to slowly put myself out of his arms to get the phone, but Klaus instantly held me closer when he felt from his sleep my littlest move. I carefully placed my head back on his chest. I let myself hear his beating heart and smell his addictive perfume for the moment.
Curiously, I looked around his room, enjoying as much as I could of what little peace I had left before my partner woke up. For a moment, I could imagine that Klaus was my boyfriend, we led a dull, safe life together devoid of anything supernatural. Hope lives with Hayley for a week, with us for the second, his family comes over once a month for dinner together. And above all, no one wants to kill us, we have no enemies from whom we must defend our loved ones. Maybe we'd even get married and have children of our own?
"OH MY GOD! Klaus! Hey. Nik. We have to get up, or we'll be late for the wedding! Oh, come on! You can't sleep that hard! Niklaus!" I screamed. I tried to pull his arm to wake him up, but his eyes were still closed. "If you don't wake up, I'll smear your room with all those expensive paints you have."
"Shh, five more minutes, love." he mumbled, turning on his side and pinning me to his bed with his arm. He pulled me closer, burying his nose in my hair.
"Katherine is going to kill me if we miss her wedding." I said in panic, unknowingly brushing his hair with my fingers.
"I won't let her do this." he tightened his grip on me, still in his semi-conscious state. "You might as well not mention her name in my bed."
"Klaus, I'm serious. Move. We have to get together."
"Vile woman, have you no pity on me?"
"Not even a little. Now get off me, you're heavy." I moaned under him, trying to move his body.
"I have a better idea of how to spend the day than being at my brother's wedding with the devil. I think you'll like it too. Last night, you did. Very much, considering the moans of my name coming out of your beautiful, alluring mouth."
"Yeah… talking about last night. It doesn't change anything, right? I mean… we're… we not…"
I stopped as he placed his head close to mine so he could lick up the dried blood from my neck. This man would be my death.
"Penny for your TRUE toughts?" he whispered against my neck, pulling away from it to look into my eyes.
"I just..."
"Yhm?" he leaned closer to my lips, but before he could kiss me, I pushed him off me and off the bed, sending him crashing to the floor. I took the opportunity to wrap myself in his duvet, running into the hybrid's bathroom before he recovered from my unexpected move.
"Dress up. We have to be there in 10 minutes. Don't forget the wedding rings!" I screamed, knowing full well that he would hear me through the closed door even if I was whispering. I listened for a moment, standing perfectly still, until I heard his grumpy mumbling and footsteps walking away.
With a sigh, I leaned against the door, sliding myself down to the floor. Memories of last night started to slowly come back to my mind, including his half-drunk "I love you."
What the hell have I done?
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