#sorry to john and sera that i had less thoughts about them but i think they're accurate
oplishin · 1 year
headcanons centering main cast’s passive abilities
I just think having your power constantly manifest itself in some way would be pretty impactful on your life actually
If Remi goes into a room with a lot of complex electrical stuff going on (a computer lab maybe) she’ll start getting a headache from how overstimulating it is. She functions as a portable phone charger which Blyke and Isen take full advantage of. She can identify any circuitry problem by just. feeling how the electricity is flowing through the device
Seraphina always knows exactly what time it is down to the millisecond. John always asks her what time it is just to annoy her. 
arlo tried to get more piercings once, but it didn’t work because his passive defense stopped it from happening. Any sort of invasive medical procedure does Not work on him. This includes IVs and needles in general (he hasn’t gotten vaccinated in 2 years). honestly i have a million headcanons centering arlo’s passive and his theoretical medical trauma
John uses his aura detection to sneak up on people and jumpscare them. by people i do mean arlo. 
isen’s (not a high tier but i had the idea and wanted to put it here) eyes are based on tracking movement, so he has a really hard time with focusing on things that are stationary. what im saying is that his ability gave him both adhd and dyslexia. he has hair trigger reflexes that let him crush Blyke at video games which pisses Blyke off to no end.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s5e13 the song remains the same (w. sera gamble, nancy weiner)
sometimes forget they banged in the impala, but then i'm like why is dean being so soft and familiar with her? oh right. anyway, kind of sweet this little interaction in dean's pg-13 stripper dream.
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when he wakes up, there's a little chime that sounds just like a doorbell that's been muffled (in my house specifically to try to keep it from waking up a sleeping infant). anyway, the sound design on the original score is rarely very creative, kudos to them. startles the shit out of me every time, but good job on something interesting
ANNA Sam Winchester has to die.
this surely is going to end well for all parties involved.
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there was a boy in my high school who had a fucking gorgeous late 70s black pontiac firebird trans am, god the rumble on its engine was delicious. i think i somehow got a ride somewhere with him at one point. he was a cute and smart boy but honestly the car was it.
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DEAN So, what, you're like a Delorean without enough plutonium?
CASTIEL I don't understand that reference.
tell him, cas! i just complained about the number of references they use in this show a few episodes ago
cas sure folded like an ugly tan trench coat. "i should go alone" dean: "🥺" ok zap
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SAM He's breathing. Sort of.
the line about buying microsoft stock reminds me when i was in middle school i think? there was a project where you had to "buy" a stock and then track its price in the newspaper over some number of days/weeks. imagine that. using the newspaper to check stock prices. ~it was the 90s~
all right so wasn't cas's point back when dean met mary to begin with that you can't change destiny? so isn't this all moot? when does #TeamFreeWill become a thing
JOHN Shut up, all of you! Look, not another word, or so help me, I will turn this car around!
DEAN Wow. Awkward family road trip.
SAM No kidding.
just like home, right, guys?
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he reminds me of a combination teen wolf derek (tyler hoechlin) superman (henry cavill variant). one tv superman+one movie superman=young john winchester
SAM Pretty much forever. My dad raised me in it.
JOHN You're serious? Who the hell does that to a kid?
SAM Well, I mean, for the record, Mary's parents did.
JOHN I don't care. You know, what kind of irresponsible bastard lets a child anywhere near—you know, you could've been killed!
SAM I, uh...came kind of close.
JOHN The number it must've done on your head...your father was supposed to protect you.
laughing out loud. i'm sorry sera and nancy, i will always appreciate any and all john winchester shade, and especially unknowingly delivered by john winchester -- but i believe 0.00% late 70s generic straight white man has the emotional intelligence for this thought process / willingness to speak on it / willingness to talk shit about someone's father (a stranger no less) to their face
and i do not appreciate that it caused sam to come rushing to john's defense. gross child neglect, bro. y'all wrote this story and you gotta live with the consequences of how horrifyingly awful of a parent you made him be. just say no to the rehabilitation of john winchester
DEAN You have no other choice. There's a big difference between dying and never being born. And trust me, we're okay with it, I promise you that.
have they talked about this? they're both totally chill with never existing??
DEAN Team Free Will. One ex-blood junkie, one dropout with six bucks to his name, and Mr. Comatose over there. It's awesome.
oh, well. there you go
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MARY Ohh...quite a kick there. Troublemaker already. It's okay, baby. It's all okay. Angels are watching over you.
so did michael scrub her brain but also leave some pro-angel bias in there? she said there's no such thing previously about angels. just how much did he scrub? i wonder how much is retcon and how much was actually planned. i imagine i could find the answer if i looked but i kind of like consuming this show in my little bubble the way i do. also, effort
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uno-writing · 3 years
This is @queer-verse’s ask on ep 250!!🍿🥤🍭🍬🍫🧋🥨🥬🍦🍧🧊🐇🍩🥖📦🌻
Ep 250!
This is prolly mostly gon be in caps warning
- not much to say except
- John coaching Blyke from the sides? Blyke telling John to get his shit together???? Giving him a pep talk? Plsssssss 😌✋
- blykes improved fr
- like I went back to the turf war episodes
- it might be bc his opponent was less powerful but he took way less damage and dealt a lot more of it in a shorter period of time
- his strat isn't just attack dodge go in head first
- ofc John played a part in this but it was nice to see that his stupid decision to become a vigilante to get strong wasn't completely useless
- ardfgvdwrd everyone in uno is attractive. Even Zeke... If he put his hair up...
- anyway it was nice to hear john give his analysis
- like in super power based animes or manhwas/ mangas whatever, u can usually see the flesh and bones of the fight, if you will
- like u see the decisions the characters make as they study their opponents
- we've never gotten it from John. He's such a troll but he's actually really good at fighting. Like I'd his tactical skills are prolly superior than all the other main characters
- that shit is like breathing to him, we saw how easy it was for him in this ep
- and man, did he work hard to get strong. Obvs his talent had a lot of potential, but I think it took him more practice to get as good as he is than the other high tiers. Idk. Clearly they worked hard to, esp blyke, but idk. He seemed to dedicated to it, like Blyke was (is?)
- and the fact that his power increased by a whole number (I think) when he didn't use it or practice for more than two years is impressive
- um, this was supposed to be short idk where all this came from
- anyway, John in the end? Omg. Those last few panels were so fuckin badass.
- like actually, goddamn. I so sorry we didn't get to see the rowden royals faces
- I wonder when the rest of the gang will show up (we need a name for all six of them together, no super six is not acceptable)
- or literally any of the others lol. Sera's gon be so proud of him. If she's not, Im gonna be worried about her bc she's clearly too stressed
- arlos gon pull an isen and just be so done
- meanwhile, isen would pass out seeing on John fighting again
- Remi's jumping in the minute she sees. If she arrives after shed being that one field trip teacher and doing damage control, clearing everyone out, talking to the authorities, making sure safe house kids are okay.
- blykes confused bc he doesn't know how to congratulate/celebrate w John while also being pissed at him (bc obvs, they'll win. John ain't losing to those punks sorry and there's Blyke too they're ded)
- Dylan is adorable btw
- But yeah
- proud of john
- I hope we get his thought process while fighting
- boba anon 🧋
Lol to add to ep 250, I found it fucking halarious when they were like "where did that kid come from? He's so POWerfuL" (talking about Blyke) when there were literally four other people, one of whom was standing right there, that are stronger than Blyke. Like their king was probably as strong as Zeke.
At first I was trashing the rowden royals for being so cocky despite being weak, but I realized that legit no one around could fight them. Granted there were four of them, but they were acting super powerful despite prolly being below/around 5. (we're gonna get their stats and I'm gonna so off) Prolly they dominate their turf wars. Which really shows us how freakin insane Wellston is. High tiers are rare, and two god tiers in one place is probably unheard of.
On the flip side, maybe whatever authorities were there had the power to stop them but couldn't be bothered? And obvs the bystander effect was taking place but to think that there wasn't a single person stronger than them?? (Yeah ik people were just being cowards and there probably was someone as strong as them somewhere in the crowd but still) Wellston really is hella op.
You can just add this on to the end of what I sent earlier lol sorry
*It probably was half vigilante work and half fighting John
*Like he fought John a LOT and yeah, he got his ass kicked
*But he lasted longer each time
*And fighting John had to give quite a lot of experience just bc he’s such a good fighter
*Lol aside from ‘Main Cast’ I’ve been calling them ‘Chaos Crew’ but I think main cast just sticks better lol
*And Wellston is CRAZY powerful
*Like the turf war episodes were against the #2 school in the region
*And their STRONGEST was 4.9
*Like…6 of the top 10 at Wellston are stronger than that
*Wellston’s completely cracked dude
*And there’s 3 god tiers there
*Like they’re supposed to be like 2% of the population
*And there’s 3 at one school!
*I think that just bc of the way that society is in UnO that people have learned that strength=authority
*So like the Rowden Royals are stronger than the security so everyone’s just like “well damn. guess we’re screwed”
*I think their levels are definitely elite tier, probably not high tier tho
*Like Blyke was having very little trouble with them and he’s like 5.0
*So I doubt they’re all high tiers bc if they were he’d probably have more trouble with them
*And they’re not midtiers bc the healing dude and Arlo’s mentioned that only elite tiers and up can extend their abilities to other people
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unordinary-analysis · 4 years
Episode 177
Honorable mentions:
I’m working on tweaking my analysis format a bit still. Last week was a bit too low-maintenance for me. I don’t know, I’ll figure it out lol. The readability of it was very high though so that was nice.
My head hurt to see that Isen centered his text in the google doc he was writing
Don’t really know how to talk about Terrence in this episode, but the possibility that Terrence can extend his ability to other people is interesting
I’m not sure why this post is so late
There’s a bit of repetition in the thiccer section, so sorry about that
Exposed Joker (Isen):
    So what seems to be the main conflict within this particular topic is that Isen is debating on whether or not to expose Joker who he truly is: John. This has received a lot of backlash by most readers I’ve noticed, or at least, the readers who have given their thoughts on this that I’ve seen. I don’t know lmao. Anyway, I’m still kind of split on this, on whether or not Isen exposing John would be a good idea. 
    It seems to me like the main argument against Isen revealing John is that doing so would bring more violence to Wellston. That students would purposefully seek out John, or that John would just beat up everyone just because he can, or that students will rally behind him (though I don’t exactly understand this one). But generally: by getting rid of the mystery behind Joker, the limitations on what violence is possible are lifted. A.k.a. (Because I know my wording is confusing), There will be more opportunities for violence.
    I would like to say, however, that the school is currently full of violence as well. The issue of lower-tiers assuming the joker mantle is obviously problematic for the school and promotes the idea that even low-tiers can fight whomever they want, which is a mirror to how Rei ran Wellston, though this is stemming from a more violent cause. There is also the issue that, even though people think that John will be glorified and looked up to when he is unmasked, I believe that we’re already seeing some form of that. This is even brought up in episode 176. Students are rallying behind this belief in Joker because he is the strongest, and that is how the hierarchy works. This is a separate issue, but It’s struck me how useless the hierarchical structure is at this current time. According to the hierarchy, the low-tiers are encouraged to follow John and look up to him, which, as I just explained, is part of the problem at Wellston. And at the same time, by following Joker’s example and putting on the mask, they are also breaking the mechanics of the hierarchy by attacking those more powerful than them, which is also established as problematic in the UnOrdinary universe. John really has taken down the hierarchy. Anyway, back to what I was saying, lower-tiers are finding inspiration in Joker’s actions and copying his violence, which is, consequently, angering all of the low/mid-tiers who do not follow Joker’s example. These are the “victims” of the Joker attacks, which we often see become the aggressor as the scene progresses. So, as the masked attacks multiply, so does the anger of the rest of the student body. This leads to exponential and predictable violence.
    So, when both of Isen’s options are supposedly violence, how does he choose which path to take? How can he compare the two and decide which would be best for the school?
    Numbers vs Power is the main concept behind this decision. Currently, as the school is filled with lower-tiers running around every hallway and fighting whomever they want. They aren’t particularly strong, but their mask suggests that they could be, which gives their victims pause. And even if the “joker” is unmasked before they can do real harm, we’ve already seen examples of their victims turning into the assailant and targeting them back. This is where we get our understanding of strength in numbers. If there were only a handful of these low-tiers ambitious enough to pose as Joker, Isen would not be likely to want to expose John because they wouldn’t cause a lot of damage, however there are many of these low-tiers, and the number is growing higher and higher each day. 
    Now, power. A.k.a. Joker. John is the strongest person in the school. He’s defeated all of the other high-tiers and his presence is so effective that low-tiers have taken his mask to try to copy it. John, however, is only one person and is limited to the physical disadvantages that brings. His rage is catastrophic, and yet there is a cap to the destruction he is able to do. John is advantaged because of his natural strength, and yet his existence as a singular person with only his power accessible leaves him almost on par with the mass of low-tiers and their masks. 
    A third factor, however, must also be considered: Predictability. And this is likely the most deciding factor. When describing the low-tiers situation above, I used the sentence, “This leads to exponential and predictable violence.” Because of the steady increase of attacks by Joker posers, it can be expected that as time passes, the attacks will only increase. The thing about John, however, is that he is, for the most part, very unpredictable (though you could argue the opposite). He is, at the very least, less predictable than the low-tiers, whose violence follows a trend. By exposing John, Isen would be choosing to gamble with safety rather than to watch known destruction play out. John could react in a very explosive way to being exposed, and that might harm a lot of the student body, but the whole idea is that he might not. John could take any action, and though violence is most likely, to Isen it might look like a chance at peace is better than inevitable self-destruction. Logically, I am still not sure which side I want to support, but I have to admit, I am rooting for Isen to expose John purely because of the drama so--
Here are my notes for this section if they’re easier to read/understand. I don’t know:
Isen very much dislikes the idea that lower-tiers are looking up to Joker=incentive?
Joker is strongest around and the strongest person is supposed to be the person you look up to, right?
Flaws in the hierarchy and universal law^^
Look up to someone not only because they are strong
Anyway, the low-tiers who don’t look up to Joker are getting pissed at the attacks and responding with violence
So basically: everyone is more violent
Numbers vs power
Isen is basically saying that it would be better if it were Joker hurting people rather than everyone hurting everyone.
John hurting everyone isn’t even confirmed, though that’s what most readers seem to think that I’ve seen. So Isen is taking his chances with Joker rather than seeing every low-tier tear themselves apart
EMBER (small):
More focus on the ability enhancers means more focus on EMBER
Multiple characters and two different from before
Total of 5 (main) characters, not including Terrence, aware of EMBER which is again pushing its relevance in the story
Sera’s kidnapping (small):
Very interesting that she brought them up
Sera thinks ‘they were all low-tiers’
That teleportation thing was interesting though
I do think that EMBER steals strength from the high-tiers and turns it into an injectable serum which they can sell
All I can think of is that the people trying to kidnap Sera didn’t have the ability enhancers yet because they didn’t get Sera, who had the power, yet. I don’t know
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uno-writing · 3 years
This is @queer-verse’s ask about ep 249!!!🍿🥤🍭🍬🍫🧋🥨🥬🍦🍧🧊🐇
Ep 249!!
Warning this is long lol
- the mind games have begun
- im still sure that sera isn't gonna fall for it but it must be really rough for her rn
- lmao i screamed when she told him to group up
- as in my anxiety kicked in
- like how tf do u even do that, esp when uk they don't want u there
- "it must be a sign" ASSRFVJN
- and oof i was waiting for a confrontation
- i wasn't really vibing w this weird lets be fake nice limbo
- and Honestly Blyke has so much to work thru. like hes a hypocrite rn, but i think the only way forward is accepting is that he was once just like john, just way less extreme
- and hello? the dialogue is killing me. most of the drama in uno starts bc no one knows how to use their words
- if someone beat me up brutally for months and then said it was bc of my headspace, i would be furious too (not that blyke is totally justified). thats not even close to a real apology (if john already apologized i forgot sorry)
- but thb
- they dont deserve an apology unless they own up as well
- like why r they "putting up" w john rn? all of them? its bc they all feel guilty deel down, but noone is ready to own up.
- "saints for being able to keep their cool"???? hello? did u just point at arlo? boi, they haven't denied their actions as deeply as u have. they know that they were at fault as well.
- everyone had kinda concluded "we've all fucked up, so lets just silently move on and be polite to eachother" on their own
- and blyke broke that mutual agreement
- and im glad. stuff needs to be said
- arlo was the biggest piece of shit for what he did. he was a flaming arse hole, the worst of em all. and even tho he kinda realized it, it was for all the wrong reasons and he STILL hasnt give a legit apology
- blyke comes second, ive given my reasons. He's come far but he still has a long way to go. so many apologies
- remi is the embodiment of toxic positivity and i really hope that Changes. she might owe a general apology to john for not being a better queen at first but assuming she was doing good anyway. ill never understand why she didn't try to carry on her brothers legacy. i mean, i do understand but sis didn't even try
- isen 😭😭 he needs to treat john like person. but honestly, the way hes so done is peak entertainment
- obvs there are things john needs to be sorry for as well, but its like thats the only thing everyone (in the story) sees
- anyway, w the way hes going i bet john is going to be the first one to step up in the group, good for him.
- good for fucking him that he went after Blyke
- yea, and blyke needs to cope w the fact that he was a part of the fucked upness of the heirarchy, and that somewhere in there, john had a point
- he needs to accept that someone who hurt everything he cares about is actually just a person who is trying to change just like john has
- perpetually obsessed w the trope of a lowerclass less privileged "genius" rising to the top and being rooted for but then they slowly get more and more questionable and loose support and get called the fuck out but we realize that theyre just doing what the "rich" did all along and it's not fair that they're the only one who had repercussions
- like that's basically human history
- Boba anon 🧋
*I’m guessing she’s not gonna fall for it since she told John to go group with the others
*God John is such a menace
*I personally don’t think Blyke’s being a hypocrite. Like to me I think Blyke has a wayyy better reason to act like this to John than John did to Blyke
*Like Blyke got trauma from the Joker v Royals fight and with all of the further fights between Blyke and John and with John actively targeting Safe House, Blyke learned that John’s a threat
*Stuff like that takes a long time to work out
*Like he TRIED really hard to be John’s friend like he said this episode
*And I don’t think John’s actually apologized to anyone other than Sera but I might be wrong
*I mean the royals kinda did own up
*Especially Blyke and Arlo considering they owned up to people other than John
*The big example of this is Safe House and the new peace at Wellston
*But I absolutely wouldn’t say Blyke is hiding what he did
*I mean the Zeke v Blyke fight he literally says that the royals fucked up and how they needed to do better and stop bullying everyone
*I understand both the polite move on and Blyke’s point
*Like the polite part is to keep the peace and bc they can’t go back and change things, they can only more forwards
*And as I mentioned before, Blyke literally has at least a minor form of PTSD from the crap John did
*He has so many symptoms of minor PTSD
*Plus Blyke seems like the type of guy to treat others how he’s treated
*He’s super nice to Remi, he’s sarcastic and crap with Isen, he’s respectful to Arlo and Sera
*The only thing he’s gotten from John is hatred and aggression
*Didn’t Remi apologize when she met with John in his room? I might be remembering wrong though😅
*I think everyone’s just trying to do what’s best
*Plus I don’t think John would be accepting of their apologies
*Like up until this trip, he didn’t give a shit about anyone other than Sera
*While I give John props for going after Blyke, Blyke doesn’t owe John anything
*Like John’s done NOTHING but hurt people Blyke cares about and be an asshole from the moment they met
*I don’t blame Blyke at all
*Like I’d be soo pissed if I were in his shoes
*Bc from Blyke’s perspective John’s just this super dude that pretended to be weak for a lil while, got angry and then hurt a lot of people, including putting me and my best friend in the hospital before targeting the club members of the Safe House that was created to help out people
*Like I’m p sure that Blyke doesn’t even know that John’s ability developed late (i might be wrong though)
*John’s just a bloodthirsty bully for the entirety of the student body except Sera, Arlo, and maybe Remi
*But yes!!! I’m so excited to see them fight together!!!
*Also John canonically only has 1 method of making friends and that’s to just keep following people around, even when they tell him to leave them alone until they just give up
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unordinary-analysis · 4 years
Episode 173
Honorable Mentions:
PSA (I keep repeating in every recent post sorry) this greatly relies upon things I’ve said in previous episode analyses especially for episode 167 where I go most in depth about John and his inner battles (his fake personality vs. his old one). (seach “#episode 167” on my page). My recent post “John’s “fake” self,” though kind of extreme, is good too but please read the reprise I just posted on that.
Finally I’ve been able to create a concept that holds up both in my mind and in the story and that I find myself sticking to, and then this whole issue of having to explain it every post appears…
This comes off as annoying self-promotion and I’m aware of that, but I just really value reader comprehension uishiuskjh
When I refer to John’s “fake” self/side, I don’t mean it’s actually completely false, it’s just easier to differentiate his two sides that way. One side is John’s dominant nature, his “evil” side (I call this “dark, evil, and true” side) and the other side is John’s “good” side (I call this “fake, false, fabricated” to emphasize the idea that it’s “borrowed” in a way/not really ‘from John himself.’ I explain this a lot in the actual post though lmao im kinda redundant
Do new people even read my posts? I feel like they’re too bulky for a new follower to commit to reading… lmao. If so, this post really isn’t helping 
John asking Sera why she didn't take him for a drink or on a walk to talk to him like they haven’t been avoiding each other for like a month sends. When even is the last time you got drinks with Sera, John.
Sera keeps bringing up stuff for the first time in the comic and its great
How thick are these school’s walls istg it’s like every other episode that one of the characters is yelling at another in one of these classrooms smh
I recently had the thought to go back to watch the progression of the ratio of John’s text bubbles changing from white to black in each episode as a sort of scale/timeline of how John’s dark side is overpowering his good one. But then I didn’t…
I want to talk about Sera’s mention of UnOrdinary the book so much, but this is too long and I don’t know what I would say
Word choice is hard :(
Lot of redundancy in this one that's what I get for going in chronological order
Favorite words of the day apparently: “obviously, “we’ll get to that later”, and further”
This doesn’t have a title because instead of breaking this into multiple sections like I normally would, this episode is only one scene plus the things I want to talk about are kind of intertwined. So you get this mega post.
    I actually wasn’t too keen on the confrontation being limited to a single episode because usually I feel, it seems very crammed to read and just usually doesn’t resonate, but I thought this episode was actually amazing. I was so well entertained throughout and the conversation didn’t just “happen” you know? That was probably because the episode was a little longer than it normally would be, at least I think it was. It felt like it.
    Anyways, this is still in chronological order, so let’s start at the beginning.
    The first thing I want to talk about is how this episode starts off. John and Seraphina are alone in a room together, and John has on his wide, innocent (, fake) smile. And I know that was kind of expected due to him still trying to sell the whole harmless cripple thing to Seraphina, but it really struck me right off the bat because of much it stood out to me (love the repetition). John’s fake personality has been in use less and less in the comic recently because he hasn’t been interacting with Sera as much who really is the last person that he puts it on for anymore. This absence of John’s false innocence has dissolved my immunity to it and for the first time in a long time, I feel like I’m recognizing just how different the two sides of John are. When I would see it every chapter, I got used to it and became numb to the constant switches back and forth by John, but the heavy focus put on his more darker side recently has changed that.
    This can also be taken into the context of that slow progression from the fake John to the old John that I’ve been talking about since my analysis for episode 161. Like I said, before I was used to both of John’s faces, and the fact that we have seen so little of his fake persona recently alludes to the thought that, just like it reflects on screen, there is less and less of that side to John left. Brief disclaimer: this sounds kind of dumb if you don’t understand my context. I have been in this continuous explanation of John’s two sides (fake personality that I just talked about and true personality shown recently by Joker and previously by New Bostin John) being in an ongoing battle with one another, a battle that is very much so one-sided as it is already established that the real John will win because John’s anchors to his fake side are slowly disappearing. That probably made some sense if you’ve never read one of my posts before, but if you don’t understand me even a little, please look at the honorable mentions. It is important to everything I talk about in this episode.
    Anway, like I said, this is the first thing in this episode that points to this concept, and we’re only on like the third panel. 
    Something else that we get teased for in the beginning of the episode is John still putting effort into displaying this fake persona because in this episode, Seraphina does not even once smile back at him or display anything warmer than a deadpan expression (maybe later, but not right now). His immediate reaction is to still act so cheery and motivated. I will be honest though, this is only for a while though because he does start to show frustration and similar emotions while still trying to keep Seraphina believing in his created self, but more on that later. Anyway, the main idea this is hinting at is that John is clinging to his false personality as best he can and the easiest way to do that is through extremity. By showing more negative emotions, he is risking accidently slipping out of character, which would not only lose Sera (makes sense now, but will make more sense later), but also something else, which is why his go to with Sera is that over the top smile, that wouldn’t be naturally appropriate for a serious conversation that is obviously about to happen. More on that later too. 
    More recently, I made a post about what I refer to as John’s “fake” self, and I explain there how Seraphina is an anchor and draw of goodness for John. Him trying his best to put that goodness forward and project it onto her in not only this episode, but every episode, really shows how much he relies upon her because, as I said a bit ago, she is the only person he really does this for. When John is with Seraphina, he tries to get the most out of the person he’s forced to become. 
    This chronological order is already getting on my nerves, sorry about that. This might be a hard post to follow.  Anyway, if you take two of the ideas I talked about in the previous paragraphs and put them together, they connect into the next thing I want to say. My statements “there is less and less of that[fake] side to John left” and “John is clinging to his false personality as best he can” lead into my next point, which is supported by the first outburst of the episode (there’s a lot). And I’ve  also said this in previous posts. John doesn’t want to be overcome by his evil, past self. John doesn’t want to lose the person he created to hide behind, his fake self, because once that image of himself is shattered (haha get it) the only person left is John’s true, hidden self. All we will have left is the dark side of John. Obviously because John created this fake personality for himself, he doesn’t like the person he really is and attempted to overcome it, defeat it. But his attempt is experiencing exponential failure (for reasons I’ve kind of said before and will explain in this post) and his dark side is corrupting him again, slowly but surely taking over. Again, I repeat, John does not want this. John is scared of himself. This is one of the reasons why, whenever he can, John takes the opportunity to deny the progression being made by his evil side. This is why, when Seraphina tells him that she knows John is Joker and there’s basically nothing he can say to make her not believe that, John says, “How many times do I have to say it? I’m not Joker!” This internal refusal to accept that he is Joker (evil) is what I was referring to literally a second ago when I said that by slipping out of his fake personality, John would be losing Sera, but also something else (I swear I thought it would take me longer to get to this). That “something else” would be his belief that there is any good in him at all. Let me explain. Because dark John’s takeover is inevitable and we can recognize that he makes up most of John’s mind currently, if John switches to his dark side now, it would basically represent the defeat of his fabricated (“good”) self. A quote of mine from my analysis from episode 161 is, “By denying that Joker is himself, John is in part saying that Joker isn’t the only thing that makes up John.” The moment John stops denying that he is Joker to himself, he admits that he is wholly evil, and you’ll have to wait a second for a full explanation on this. In John’s mind, his two sides are very black and white: his past self (evilness) and his new one, (goodness). This is exemplified in his previous flashbacks to New Bostin and their contrast to his daily life. The colors used, the words used. Very good vs. evil, hero vs. villain. And it’s meant to be. It’s one or the other. Anyway, as long as John denies that he is fully old John, fully evil John, he is saying that there has to be some left of the other side (good) in him. (usually it isn’t this black and white but I hope I literally just explained how he sees it as so. For John, it really is one or the other). 
    A very important aspect of this whole thing, this whole denial, however, is actually in who he’s with. Seraphina’s presence in this scene is very influential, as I’m trying to stress. Her image, to John, is a symbol of his goodness, which I’ve said earlier in this post (briefly), but first in my analysis for episode 161, and even more so in my recent post “John’s “Fake” Self.” John draws his “good” (what I refer to as “fake”) side Seraphina because he doesn’t want to risk trying to get it from himself (because he’s scared of himself). Anyway, I said in the beginning of this post that by showing his evil side to Seraphina, he would lose her. And beyond the obvious, which is that she would hate him for it and leave, there’s also the reason that because Sera is where John tends to get his goodness from, by showing her his evil self, by admitting he is joker (what I talked about more recently), John would be exposing himself as completely evil (already explained this line of thinking). This would mean he doesn’t have any goodness (aka Sera) in him, or that Sera would have somehow lost her own goodness as well, which is something that I just thought of, so I’m not sure if I’ll expand. I’m still thinking. Anyway, John doesn’t want to fully be evil, or at least doesn’t want Sera to know, which is why this all has a more symbolic meaning. And why this episode is so polarizing for John. This is a confrontation between what he considers his goodness and what he considers his evilness.
    Next in the episode, when John says a second later, “Hello? It’s me, John! I’m a cripple! I don’t have an ability! I like going out for drinks, and hanging out on the roof, and exercising, and playing games! Sure, I act like a smart-ass and it gets me in trouble sometimes…! But have you seen the kind of shit Joker has done? That’s not me,” this supports my statements that John is clinging to his fake self, that he does view his Joker side as his “evil” side (old statement, but confirmation is nice), and that he will keep denying himself as Joker to not become him fully. 
    Anyway, the next thing really shown in this episode is when John grabs Seraphina and begs for her to believe him. Specifically he says, “Everyone else can think I’m shit. But you have to believe in me! PLEASE!” Another nod to his obsession with Seraphina and my concept of her as the source of his good. This is just kind of repeating what I’ve already said, just in a very extreme and eye-catching way so I wanted to say something about it.
    This back and forth that the chronological order is putting me in is not it.
    Now we get to the part where Seraphina validates me :). John finishes his plea to her with, “I’m not Joker. I’m not a monster, okay?” To which Sera responds (in her head), “”Monster”? Why is he acting like this? Is he really still trying to convince me? Or… Is he trying to convince himself?” This is the first time an UnOrdinary character has brought this idea up. Sera is probably the only character to have been in such a situation with John, though. Anyway, the concept that John is trying to convince himself of his own goodness has largely only been used in my own episode analyses rather than the actual comic (lol). I’ve already talked about it in this post, but it’s been a common theme for me throughout my last 10 posts or so.  Seraphina thinking this same thing herself confirms the importance of the idea. John’s denial of himself as Joker is just as much for his sake as it is for Sera’s, likely even more. I said all of this up above when I talked specifically about his denial of himself as Joker, but the direct confirmation from the comic made me happy.
    When Seraphina tells John that she knows about what happened at New Bostin, it’s significance is more grounded than these mind games I’ve been talking about up until now, thank god. I can never tell when I go too far… This can still be taken into that context, but I want to talk about a different aspect, because I would just be repeating myself from earlier if we talked about all that again. Anyway, when Seraphina says, “John, I already know everything… New Bostin, your expulsion, how you’re secretly a high-tier... “ John has a very extreme reaction, instantly throwing himself back into those flashbacks to New Bostin. He sees himself as the monster he was then now paired with the knowledge that Seraphina knows all about it too. 
    The aspect of the story I want to talk about is one of my favorites :D. Parallels! The parallels between John’s past and his present are absolutely phenomenal and I love them. And they’ve been growing a lot more ‘in your face’ as of the more recent episodes. Some examples are when John and Seraphina fought off that fake joker in the hall that one time and also that one scene between Cecile and John where John got all pissed off at Seraphina. That probably made no sense to you, but I talk about it a lot in my analyses for episodes 161 and 167 so….. I don’t know what to tell you lol. Anyways, with my analyses, I’ve been pushing the concept that John is becoming more and more unable to differentiate both events and people from his past and his present. My main evidence for this is that John’s flashbacks have been pairing up with details from the current storylines. In my analysis for episode 167, I say, “John’s flashbacks are making it so that John cannot separate the present from the past. He cannot exist at Wellston without his subconscious relating everything that is happening to what happened to John at New Bostin.” I also talk about what this means for his relationships with the other characters who go to school with him currently, especially Seraphina. Here are two quotes that are, again, both from my analysis of episode 167: “This episode’s flashbacks to Claire and situations revolving around her and the comparison to current events revolving around Seraphina, and especially the outburst by John at her; they all suggest that John doesn’t see Seraphina as her own person anymore, maybe that he never has.”... “It’s become clear that John is, currently at least, viewing Seraphina as another Claire.” My whole support of this is because of Seraphina resembling Claire in the events of episode 161 cueing John’s flashbacks of her, but more importantly (at the moment): how John, when told about Sera and Arlo meeting behind his back, has automatic flashbacks to Claire’s betrayal and seemingly takes his anger at Claire out at Seraphina. 
    So, basically, Claire was John’s best friend, but then she went behind his back because of his evil actions to secretly recruit their other classmates to defeat him. I know anyone reading this post should know that, but I wanted to mention it because of how startlingly similar this is to how John is viewing his current situation with Seraphina. Sera was John’s best friend, yet she’s been drifting away from him, and according to Cecile, she has even met with Arlo behind John’s back. I’ve talked about all of this before (I think? I don’t really remember lol). Anyway, the developments that this episode adds to this parallel, this comparison, are quite substantial. Both Seraphina telling John that she knows he is Joker and that she knows about the events of New Bostin further push this concept of her and Claire’s similarity, which in turn encourages John’s mental association of the two characters and his inability to differentiate between the past and the present.
    Seraphina telling John that she knows he is Joker is adding to the similarity between the storyline at New Bostin and the storylines at Wellston. As I described in my brief summary of Claire’s buildup and betrayal, Claire turned against John because she realized how horrible he’d become. This is why we have the infamous one-liner, “monster,” from Claire. Claire’s entire motivation for turning against and leaving John was that she saw how corrupted and twisted he was becoming and wanted to put her other classmates’ suffering to an end. Now, there’s a bit of bias here on John’s part, as I do not believe he truly grasps that Claire only wanted him put out of power/authority (which was what corrupted him in the first place). I think John just thinks that Claire couldn’t stand the person he was and what he was doing, and that attempting to defeat him was purely a retaliation without an end goal and less of the logical decision and mission it was (to dethrone him). I think Keon’s classes really pushed this into John’s head, actually, because they were so focused on enforcing the fact that John was a monster. He became overwhelmed with that idea of himself as a monster and assumed everyone else was too. (The last few sentences have awful word choice and consequently worse comprehensiveness, but it is what it is). Anway, back on track, because John thinks that when people discover what a “monster” he is, they go behind his back and plan attacks. Now, because Sera has admitted knowing of John’s past/his identity of Joker, which are the most obvious examples of the “monster” in John paired with her having recently gone behind his back to talk to Arlo about John, her actions are obviously mirroring the buildup at New Bostin for John. Something else that’s big in this episode, is the later panel of Seraphina and Claire overlapping each other says, “monster.” This is both a support for what I’ve been saying and its own separate addition. With Seraphina now playing Claire’s part, this is going to further John’s association and muddlement of his past and his present.
    There will be a lot more of this later in this post though, so stay tuned.
    I do realize that without the confusing explanation of John’s difference in view regarding the events of New Bostin in comparison to Claire’s was kind of useless, I just included that because it really emphasized the comparison to this episode particularly, which is what this post is about lol.
    Next in the episode, we get the creepiest panel of John drawn ever. You know the one. I first saw that and was stunned. Anway, normally that would go in honorable mentions, but come on.
    Moving on, we have finally reached the turning point for this post, for this episode, and for the entire comic of UnOrdinary lmao. Early on in this post I said, “John doesn’t want to lose the person he created to hide behind, his fake self, because once that image of himself is shattered (haha get it) the only person left is John’s true, hidden self.” And, besides me still laughing because of that, it really helps me explain what’s happening here.
    Currently, we are at the panels of the episode where John is seeing an image of his created self, aka L for loser John, aka hair gel John, splintering and shattering like glass. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what this means. Everything I’ve been talking about for a while. Not only this post, but for many posts in the past, is finally completely itself. 
    This is the final takeover of the dark side of John. I’ve always talked about this gradual battle between good and evil within John where the evil side is going to inevitably win and this is that. Most of this episode has been me saying stuff like ‘if this happens, it will mean that John has truly lost himself and is completely evil.’ And that’s where we’re at now. All of that has happened, okay? It’s time to abandon everything I’ve been saying recently because it’s in the past now.
Which is why, we see that completion of Seraphina and Claire becoming mirrors of each other in John’s mind. Throughout the rest of the episode there is obvious molding of the two, more so than ever before. So much so that I can’t really call my ideas on this topic an idea because they’re proved correct. John is blatantly viewing Sera as Claire now, and it’s meant to be understood by the reader because of the constant switches between the two from frame to frame. The concept of John’s anger at Claire being targeted and associated with Seraphina also makes a comeback. I am confident enough now to say that it is confirmed in the comic that John cannot fully differentiate Seraphina and Claire’s characters from one another. 
Even the whole idea that John cannot fully differentiate his past and present as wholes gets extreme support, though not exactly enough for me personally to say that it is confirmed. After the “shattering”(I like that, might keep that), John instantly attacks Seraphina with accusations of going behind his back and why even when Seraphina kept telling him that she was in no way taking sides, only collecting the facts, John repeatedly told her that she was abandoning “his side.” These are obviously things that happened at New Bostin, and though it fits into the more set in stone Sera vs. Claire comparison, I am using it to support this more overall idea of present vs. past. But the best support for that past vs present thing is in this episode when Seraphina says, “You’re repeating everything you did at New Bostin!” That line is very self-explanatory, I feel. Also, the fact that it’s one of the characters saying this, makes me pretty confident that this is true.
I have now decided to call this turning point in UnOrdinary “The Shattering” because of both John’s and Seraphina’s uses of the concept. So, that’s fun. And it also leads into the next thing in the episode: Seraphina’s personal shattering.
Seraphina is always a more grounded character than John and it’s kind of refreshing turning my analysis onto her because she makes more logical sense. In this episode, Seraphina really lets loose at John about everything she’s been through because of him and even uses the phrase, “My whole world shattered.” She expresses how she feels like she’s been lied to about everything for such a long time (which she obviously has) and how to figure out what parts of both her relationship with John and even her own personality are true. It’s a very passionate and straightforward moment and I do feel like I tend to overlook Seraphina in analysis when it comes to focus, probably because there’s more to analyze with John, but I do feel like while reading this episode, my focus was really split between the characters.
Seraphina has completely changed as a person since she met John. Mostly, in fact, because she met John. Upon learning that he isn’t who he says he is, she’s met with this inevitable question of ‘how much of my personality, of myself, is also built upon lies.’ John largely influenced the changes in Seraphina and if that wasn’t true, what does that mean for her.
I’ve talked about this before in my analysis for episode 162, so I don’t really have much to say because unlike John, I pretty much have the same feeling for Sera as I did then.
    The real development in this episode, however, was obviously that, “Sera you’re just a cripple,” from John. That completely broke Seraphina. I know that she knew that he was faking his whole personality before, or at least most of it, but I think this is when she really takes that in fully. Before John said that, Sera even said, “This isn’t you, John. Something happened at New Bostin that you haven’t opened up about.” This really conveys the message that Sera still believes in part that John didn’t completely fake himself, or even that she’s in denial, but when John harshly mocked her for being a cripple, which is probably the thing most opposite what Sera could imagine the John she knew doing, she completely just collapsed into herself. Like she said, her whole world was shattered. We get this whole flashback collection of John that Seraphina knew and it’s almost like he’s died in a way and been replaced by this fake, but it’s even worse because that’s who he was this entire time.
    So then she hits him at the end so i'm kind of really wanting to read the next episode now so I’m putting this up now, over an hour after the new episode came out. ;-; r.i.p..
24 notes · View notes
unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Episode 167
Honorable mentions:
Going to ignore Blyke for this week until we have some more development
My analysis of episode 161 is very closely related to this one (give or take a few statements), so I suggest going and reading that, though you don’t have to :)
^^^ like very closely related
If you do read it though, not all of what I said I would like to discuss again in this post because either I am unsure about it or I have better ideas now. I might say something in this post that contradicts what I said in my post about episode 161. Do not consider episode 161 equal to this episode. Everything I say in this post is what I am currently thinking and is more important at the moment. BASICALLY: RELEVANCE>
TLDR at the end
I tried to make the quotes I used in this analysis as easy to read as possible, but there were a lot of parentheses in the quotes I used so whenever I wanted to explain what something meant or clarify something, I completely closed and reopened my quote. Sorry if I made things more difficult to understand. It’s a struggle.
Anyway, this is wordy on purpose and meant to be formatted formally because I really like that style of analysis as compared to my looser commentary type.
    Parallels are the best things. They’re phenomenal. And they create this easy way for readers to reflect on stories. And the one in this episode? Ooooooooo boy. I mean, it’s not exactly a new parallel, but it is the best and most important, recurring parallel in the entire plotline of UnOrdinary. And because of the way this parallel presents itself in this week’s episode, it will be discussed in the section below. This section just had to be included to acknowledge the great parallel work in this comic. Parallels are just such a great element and their use in UnOrdinary is extraordinary. Felt this needed to be said, repeatedly.
    This section will be the main, and only section for this episode analysis (discluding the small bit above) because it is extremely important and deserves your full attention. The episode this week was obviously very John centered and put heavy emphasis on his unhealthy relationships with Cecile, Seraphina, e.t.c., and though things similar have been touched on in the past, this episode has been the most obvious, the most telling, about this theme. 
    In this episode, we are reminded, again, of John’s obsession with Seraphina. And I said something similar in my post about episode 165, but, until recently, this hasn’t really stood out to the extent that it should. John has always seemed ‘obsessed’ with Seraphina, but there has never really been proper focus on that, as there is more and more of now. In episode 165, Arlo was explaining to Seraphina his history with John and kept saying that John would work himself up into a rage on her behalf, which, yeah we all knew, but it had never been pointed out as something as extreme as what Arlo described it as, which allowed us to view the whole situation in a whole new light. In this episode, John’s obsession with Seraphina is even more obvious, him growing so overwhelmed with anxiety at the thought of Seraphina not siding with him. He gets violent with Cecile, who really had nothing to do with Seraphina’s actions, and then right after hitting her to the ground, grabs her, and demands that she tell him what Sera said about him. The intensity of the way the panels read is hard to replicate in words. The comic really puts effort (the colors, blurs, etc) into stressing the feeling and passion behind John’s actions and words, multiplying the impact of what he is doing, what he’s saying. John’s anger is meant to be an intense thing and has always been meant to. 
    Now, the surface level objective of this episode is to stress John’s obsession with Seraphina, as the comic has been touching on and doing for the past couple of episodes. We are working towards a confrontation of some sorts, there is no doubt. But another very standout thing in this episode, and what I teased on in the introductory section, are the flashbacks from John to his past at New Bostin. The images of Adrion and Claire keep plaguing him. They always have. I said in the beginning of this post that they are “recurring”. In episode 161, there were similar flashbacks to this episode, and John kept seeing Claire. Anyways, these flashbacks, though they’ve always been recurring, have been becoming more and more common as of recently. And as I kept repeating in my analysis of episode 161, it’s hinting at how John’s past has slowly been catching up with him, overtaking him. John has been running from his past for so long, but now it’s leaking into his new created personality. This is very important to what my main idea of this post is.
    The particular use of the parallels in this week’s episode is very interesting as a development from episode 161 because in ep 161, the images of Claire and New Bostin came in flashes as John’s subconscious saw similar images before him. In this episode, however, John doesn’t only get these split second flashbacks when he sees something that reminds him of his past, he is actively thinking about his past, which is such a huge leap. There is a major difference between being reminded of something because of a similar image and being reminded of something either because you experience a similar emotion (the beginning of this episode) or if you are seemingly unprompted by the current moment (the end of this episode). It is a sign that those images and thoughts are circulating around John’s head more and more (especially considering that there was a time when John would go months without experiencing a flashback). Again, this is teasing how John’s past is overwhelming him bit by bit. I keep repeating this and it’s for a reason. It. is. Important. John has been able to feel angry or passionate in the comic without reexperiencing his past before and the implication that that is no longer true is alarming. 
    I know I keep referring to the fact that John’s inner self, his past self, has been overwhelming and overtaking his new personality. I literally just said it. I’ve said it multiple times in both this post and in episode 161. And I’ve also just described the stark difference of John’s flashbacks in the earlier days of the comic until now. John rarely would get a flashback, only in nightmares or maybe an image every once in a while. Now, because the last few scenes where we got to see inside John’s head have included flashbacks, it’s safe to say that this is a very common occurrence now. This means that not only is the John of John’s past is overtaking him, but also that it has already made a huge amount of progress. I said in my analysis of episode 161, “His [John’s] evil half (symbolized by Joker) is interacting with, confronting, his better half (symbolized by Sera),” (referencing an earlier comment about how Sera represents the good in John), “. . . . -In both the image of Seraphina and the image of Claire, either John or Joker is standing above them, obviously a more powerful and evil force. And the fact that both are direct symbols of John implies that this [John’s evil side] is the side of John that is much more dominant.” The fact that there was sensible enough evidence in episode 161 that I felt I could tell that John’s dark side, his past self, was already greater than his better side means that currently, as we are now at episode 167, it is even greater. Assuming, of course, that the concept of it’s growth really is how I’ve described it to be.
    All of these statements lead up to the same conclusion: John now isn’t the John he tried to be (the cripple, the dreamer, the passive). The fabricated John has been the lesser percentage of John for at least (and likely greater than if we look at the rate of growth) seven episodes now, using my evidence. This means: 
John isn’t the John we know, isn’t the character we were introduced to in 2016. He has regressed back into the old John. The John of New Bostin who became king and went on a violent rampage, brutalizing, what was it, half of his class? We don’t know much about him other than that because John tried to hide from that side of himself for so long. And the idea of John not being who he tried to be is confusing as a concept when you realize that we don’t fully understand exactly who this ‘dark John’ or ‘past John’ is. And more importantly, we don’t know yet why he’s come back. I know that I’ve already said that the flashbacks to New Bostin have been evidence of the takeover, but why did they occur in the first place? Why couldn’t John maintain that illusion of the person he wanted to be?
    I’m going to be straightforward with this part. First of all, Seraphina actually unknowingly played a huge part in John’s fantasy. We know that he relied on her. We know that he trusted her. But recently, Seraphina has been spending less and less time with John. Because: obviously, she knows now that he is Joker and wants nothing to do with him. Seraphina’s (who, again, for John represents his improved, fake self) absence has strongly affected John’s mind and rationality. The second reason as to why John wasn’t able to continue pretending to be who he wanted is a little more simple. It’s because John’s fabricated self was just that, fabricated. A fake was never going to hold up against John’s true nature or his true mind. And we know that John’s false personality was just him avoiding his old self, as John has canonically said multiple times. Due to the extreme lengths that John went to to delay his past self from overtaking him, old John is coming back strong. 
    Here’s where things get more interesting for me and more closely related to the concept of the recurring parallel that I was talking about earlier. John’s past self has been slowly manifesting itself into the fabricated John’s mind through flashbacks of their past. And because nothing else seems to get fake John as responsive, I’m going to assume that this is the only way that the true John has been able to make progress towards overtaking John’s body, through unwanted flashbacks reminding John of the reality of himself.
    I’ve been very vague this whole analysis, not really using details from the actual episode (this episode: episode 167) to support anything that I’ve been saying, just using the general concepts, but here I want to talk about the flashbacks in particular and their contents. In this episode, the first flashback we get from John is after Cecile describes to him how Seraphina and Arlo have been meeting up and talking with each other. John instantly thinks of something that happened at New Bostin: his old errand boy, Adrion, is telling him that Claire has been meeting up with the jack. Not only that, but that Claire and the jack were gathering a crowd of students to attempt to take down John. Hold on to this because, obviously this mental association is going to impact John’s future actions. 
    The last flashback in this episode is when John is at home and rethinking his conversation with Cecile. We get the same images from John: his past self being warned that Claire and the jack were recruiting his enemies behind his back to take him down. But this time, after, we get the thought, “Sera… She wouldn’t… would she?” And the use of this particular scene in context of Seraphina and John’s relationship plus their current situation is very obvious about the message it is trying to convey.
The content of the flashbacks paired with John’s current situation suggests that John is relating what is happening to him now to his past, molding them together into this illusion. Because of the images of New Bostin appearing, John has convinced himself that he is in the same situations once again. This is big. This is huge. John’s flashbacks are making it so that John cannot separate the present from the past. He cannot exist at Wellston without his subconscious relating everything that is happening to what happened to John at New Bostin. He cannot tell the two apart, which is what I’ve been trying to express for this whole post and what I’d like to talk about. It caused the downfall of his attempt to reinvent himself and will cause the downfall of John in the future of the comic as both a leader, and as a friend.
    But there is another flashback in this episode that I want to point your attention to. It does not appear in the same form as the others. It is not an image. It actually occurs in John’s outburst at Seraphina. It was obviously something so unexpected from John for him to blame Seraphina’s problems on her. Seraphina hasn’t done anything to wrong John, correct? In fact, she is (or was), in a way, acting as his emotional crutch, helping him in creating that illusion of his fake self. And yet, we see this fit from John at her expense, dragging her down, blaming her. I’m here to say that this. Is. A. Flashback. You will see why later, but honestly, because I’ve labeled this as a flashback for you, I’m sure it’s clear what I’m trying to get at and it’s been clear, but just in case you don’t understand my main point:
    I keep saying that John cannot now separate his present from his past, but I haven’t exactly stressed what that means. This means that John also cannot separate people at Wellston from the people he knew at New Bostin. This episode’s flashbacks to Claire and situations revolving around her and the comparison to current events revolving around Seraphina, and especially the outburst by John at her; they all suggest that John doesn’t see Seraphina as her own person anymore, maybe that he never has (I’ll give John the benefit of the doubt though and say that for the majority of their friendship, he was able to view her in an unbiased and unaffected way).
        It’s become clear that John is, currently at least, viewing Seraphina as another Claire. And I think that I’ve become numb to that after literally days of being obsessed with that fact and sorting through my thoughts to write it down here. But I first thought of this the night episode 167 came out and it completely blew my mind because everything lines up. 
    And obviously, the outburst in this episode towards Seraphina was formed from pent up anger towards Claire when she betrayed John. It’s pretty obvious now after I’ve told you what I think, but to John, because Claire’s betrayal started in the same way that it is presented that Arlo and Seraphina are talking, John is automatically assuming that it is the exact same situation. And he is channeling all of his anger at Claire for betraying him at Seraphina because he thinks that she’ll do the same thing Claire did because obviously, he has trouble distinguishing Claire from Serpahina, has trouble realizing that just because Claire would do one thing, Serpahina could do something completely different.
This statement helps to clarify all of my previous statements of, ‘the parallels in this comic, and especially this episode are amazing.’ Before now, there hasn’t technically been a clear parallel, but this parallel? It is no doubt the most important in UnOrdinary. So if the praise had seemed a little bit unwarranted until now, I apologize. I just really love parallels.
    Anyways, the main idea of this whole post is that: John’s subconscious isn’t able to move past the events of New Boston, and while creating a whole new personality did help John pretend like he did for a while, it was only a temporary fix and is causing him to experience this fresh wave of trauma that wouldn’t have been as harsh if he didn’t run from it. John will never be free from the events of New Bostin and he will never be able to forget it. And: he will also never be able to move past being the person he was, the real him. Becoming his true self, the New Bostin John, is, and always was, unavoidable. And because his subconscious will never develop or evolve from New Bostin, because he can never move on, John is not able to completely distinguish between the past and the present, forever returning mentally to New Bostin. He is not able to fully view other people as separate from his past and automatically associates his friends and classmates with people he used to know, holding on to the biases from his past (ex. Hating on Seraphina because he associates her with Claire). John is also associating any current event with something that happened to him in the past, causing him to act disproportionately or irrationally when the situation does not call for it.
    Even shorter: John thinks Sera is Claire and is hardcore relating the current storyline to his past at New Bostin. And parallels are literal works of art. Good day.
Bit of a choppy ending, but I was never good at those.
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Episode 160
The next two episodes will be done as soon as I can do them, hopefully today R.I.P. im sorry
Honorable mentions:
Why does everyone just assume that Blyke needs to leave his dorm and stay with Isen? Like I get that he planned that with Isen and stuff but when he went into John’s and his dorm, John asked why he was there because he obviously wasn’t expecting him to be there. Idk. It mostly makes sense i dont know what im being so annoying about lol
Blyke’s perspective on Joker:
So in this episode, Blyke talks about his annoyance (bad word choice but eh) that Joker is stronger than literally everyone. He doesn’t understand why the other high-tiers aren’t concerned by the fact that John is the strongest person at Wellston, especially considering the character John is. Blyke keeps seeing Joker beating up his friends over what seems like nothing and how irresponsible he’s been. All of the other high-tiers have decided that there is nothing they can do about Joker because, let's be honest, there really isn’t. And even though Blyke knows this, he still isn’t able to accept it because he doesn't want to accept that the fate of Wellston and the wellbeing of the school rides on John’s shoulders. He won’t let himself accept that someone with evil intentions has all of the control. It very much highlights Blyke’s white knight traits that I bring up every once in a while. His almost generic hero outlook on the world that really does make him admirable.
I’m very intrigued as to how this will make Blyke act in the future. Because he can’t allow John to be the king. His morals, his perfectionism, won't let him. This sounds pretty shit typed out, but that’s because I’m horrible at articulating myself. R.I.P.
Another very important thing to mention: Blyke’s insecurities about his ability. This has been a recurring motif for Blyke, thinking that he isn’t strong enough or that he’s not good enough to be the king. I think it stems both from the trait I mentioned earlier of not being able to accept something less than perfect (Joker as the king of Wellston) and from thinking badly of himself. They blend together because if Blyke doesn’t feel that he’s good enough and also feels the need to have everything perfect, he’s going to feel that he needs to make himself a ‘better person’ or maybe even a ‘perfect person’. This could take place in the form of extra training, and likely will, which I will talk about in a second.
I do, actually, want to be on the lookout for more nightmares or other similar torments from Blyke. If this issue becomes the psychological toil that I think it will for him, we’ll have something else on our hands. The nightmare shown in this episode also really reminds me of the nightmares that John used to have. It was presented in a similar way by Uru-chan, and I know that John’s nightmares happened because what happened with Claire had impacted him so extremely that he felt he couldn’t escape it and his dreams kept chasing him. John’s whole life became centered around what happened in his past and the lie that maintained that it didn’t repeat itself. If the events concerning joker and Blyke become similar for Blyke, that’s pretty serious. It would likely almost completely change his character, though I don’t want to assume anything based purely off of John because I know that one person’s experience isn’t everyone else’s. So I’m keeping this open. Anyway-
So I do believe that Blyke will train to make himself stronger until he is on par with at least Arlo. That’s my prediction. I think Blyke will get stronger and stronger and take everyone by surprise and then he will try to fight John again. This is what I think (hope) will happen. Still unsure on where Sera fits in this though because obviously she is one of the only characters who could take John, but her powers are still gone and there haven’t been any developments on that for a while. Blyke, though, has been actually thinking about these things, so my prediction for him is realistic. It’s practically obvious that this is where Blyke’s storyline is going to go, at least I hope it is lol.
Isen’s perspective on Joker:
Like i mentioned before in Blyke’s perspective the other high-tiers aren’t as concerned with John or at least they’ve resigned themselves to the outcome of the fight, they’ve given up and accepted defeat. Isen is one of them and his viewpoint really helped show how the others are thinking about this too, but maybe we’ll get more specific thoughts on the situation from the other characters in the future.
But we do know now how Isen feels. He says, “That’s just how life goes. We pissed off someone stronger than us and we were punished for it. It’s that simple.”
This is a very predictable response from a higher-tier because the foundations of this belief rely heavily upon the construct of the hierarchy and the beliefs that are spread with it. The strong are on top and the weak are at the bottom. It’s logical for anyone, actually, not just high-tiers to apply this rule to the events relating to Joker. Because at its roots, this really is a play for power. This whole Joker thing really is just a magnified rank battle. And John came out on top. Anyone who respects the hierarchy is going to accept his leadership. This is why most of the high-tiers have the same mindset in this situation, and why Blyke is an outlier. The hierarchy makes sense, okay? I will say it again and again, we’ve already seen what happens when people don’t fall into their proper place with Rei.
Isen is not, and never was, a royal, yet he was still a higher-tier with close relationships to those who were. He has been exposed to the hierarchy and its absence. In this episode he says that there was nothing that they could do, yeah, but also should do. Joker was the king of the school fair and square. He decided to show his strength and proved that he was more powerful than everyone else. That makes him in charge.
This doesn’t really make sense, not because of what I’m saying, but of the way I’m saying it and I’m sorry, but I literally can’t write wth.
Anyway, this whole concept and acceptance of the hierarchy that runs commonly within high-tiers seems to have missed Blyke. He’s an obvious outlier that believes he has to do something about Joker as king. The thing is, he isn’t technically contradicting the hierarchy because he knows the only way he can take Joker down is if he can beat him in a fight and that's the only way he’ll do it, and that technically in line with the hierarchy so idk.
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
AU-Thoughts: A personality/Role-Swap between Arlo And Seraphina (I thought of this while in the car today LOL!) X'D
(Edit: I hate everything i say in the top half because honestly after doing the bottom part, I don’t really agree anymore, but you know what I put time into this lmao and I need to post something, so yeah. Sorry about this.)
Sorry for late response but i think y’all know that by now lol
I really like this because, as I think I’ve said before, I really think that Seraphina and Arlo are very similar characters. Or, at least, under the right conditions, I think they could have ended up like each other.
The similarities are striking, actually. However, they really only are at that point of time before the story starts. The time that we see in flashbacks. Both Seraphina and Arlo came from impactful backgrounds or at least similar mindsets (Arlo’s background was quite different, but he was put in a similar position to Sera closer to the start of the story). Here’s a quick list of their initial similarities:
- very powerful (royals)
- apathetic to lower-tiers/anyone
- obsessed with their authority:
- Seraphina: obsessed with others viewing her as this perfect royal, a paragon
- Arlo: obsessed with using his command as a royal to maintain order
I didn’t even list indefinite personality traits (apathy is canon for both characters) and it’s easy to see how like their personalities are. I could even argue that Arlo was also obsessed with perfection like Seraphina because he really was obsessed with being the best royal. Not exactly in the same way as Sera, who was more invested in if people thought she was a good royal. Arlo wanted his reign to be just and, well, perfect.
We know Seraphina’s background was very involved with hierarchy, power, perfection. From a young age, Seraphina was shoved into this expectation of becoming the best of her peers by her parents, friends, teachers... She was really engaged in this mindset that she couldn’t let people down. She had to be the best royal because it was her responsibility as the most powerful student. She felt this obligation.
We know Arlo’s background is different. We don’t really know anything about his home life, or his family, but we do know about his experience serving under Rei, who was honestly such an influential presense in Arlo’s life that it probably doesn’t even matter where Arlo came from before that. Rei was the person that made Arlo who he is, though not exactly intentionally.
They’re both at kind of the same place before John transfers to Wellston. Both Sera and Arlo have been almost forced in a way to be part of this heriarchy. Sera by her peers and Arlo’s internal obligation to himself to make Rei proud (also could be exchanged for ‘Arlo’s obligation to fix what Rei had done by creating a perfect balance between destructive chaos and violent tyranny, honoring Rei’s reign, yet ensuring that who’s meant to be on top, stays on top.‘ But that’s too long lol).
The thing is, as Serahina’s friendship with John grew and his influence wore off on her, she gradually became less and less concerned with how others viewed her. While she used to be so concerned about letting people down, John taught her to not care what people thought. This is something that would really confuse the other royals, especially Arlo. Arlo and Seraphina understood each other, or had at some point (I literally talk about something like this in this post about ships a while back) if you scroll down my page). Then, suddenly, Sera replaces the parts of her similar to Arlo with those of John to form a new person that Arlo can’t really comprehend anymore. It’s likely why he tried hard to get her reinvolved in the hierarchy and why he felt that he had to get Seraphina back. I think that either Arlo was attached to the Seraphina that understood him, or maybe attached to her reign beside him as a royal because I know that Arlo was a very logical person, and rarely let his emotions guide his actions. Regardless, I am certain that Arlo missed the old Sera.
Seraphina grew away from Arlo as her personality became less and less similar to his, but it was entirely because of John. John was the sole (right?) cause of Seraphina straying from how she’d acted throughout her whole life.
In a proper au, the personality/role switch would ideally be from the beginning of the story, correct? Not just shoved in at like some random point, like now, because the characters in each situation has grown into it. Beginning Seraphina would not act like recent Seraphina. Same for Arlo. Their storylines have changed them as people and that means if we throw, say, Arlo into Sera’s current storyline, it would not be the same as his character having lived through her storyline for the entire time. This is a basic concept and I hope I’m not making people seem stupid, but maybe a better example is if we threw old Seraphina’s character into her latest storyline (basically: if Seraphina hadn’t changed at all when she became friends with John, which I believe is actually impossible because I don’t think they would be friends if Seraphina hadn’t changed but that’s off topic lol). She would no doubt act more indifferent, or probably be upset that someone more powerful is taking her old place at the head of the school (she doesn’t have her powers at this point, remember).
Because Arlo’s and Seraphina’s starting character traits were so similar
I personally believe that nothing much would be all that different.
So i know this answer is annoying as shit, trust me, but I don’t really think I can really think or prove a world where if Arlo had been put into Sera’s position at the beginning of the story, he would have acted much differently than she did.
If you guys disagree with my answer, cool. I actually do not really support this answer I’ve come up with because I keep thinking, “sure they acted similar in the beginning, but their emotions and what they feel connected to, that is different for both of them, so there’s no way of saying that something wouldn’t affect the storyline along the way. It’s called the butterfly effect.” Or... something like that idk.
Anyway. This is why I’ve decided to have a little more fun with this. Personality switch, I’ve debunked, but a less strict role swap (there’s a difference I swear)? Hell yeah.
Broooooooooo I really want to write out this small description of what this would look like so let’s go :D.
Okay first: let’s determine what roles Arlo and Seraphina have right now.
Seraphina has currently found out that her best friend of like a year, John, (??? I really need to get That timeline worked out) has been hiding something huge from her, something whose coverup gave birth to their friendship. Not only that, but his entire character, which has, Seraphina can’t deny, been getting more and more different for months now, his character, that Sera has grown used and attached to, has been completely flipped on its head. This is the friend that was there for her when Sera lost her powers, when she needed consolation, who gave Sera the courage to stand up to her mother. And he was all a lie.
Arlo has recently been facing a threat to the thing he holds above all else, something he put endless work into: the hierarchy. Arlo has put so much effort into establishing himself as leader, cleaning up after Rei, and making sure the school runs smoothly. He’s dedicated, okay. But then, because he wanted to fix another small part of the hierarchy and get a friend back, Arlo starts involving John, who despises him for it, so much so that after Arlo apologizes for bringing him back into the hierarchy, John says he’ll tear the whole system down (again: the one thing that Arlo is unbelievably attached to). One by one John is hurting his friends and there’s nothing he can do to stop him, nothing he can do. As a final, desperate blow, Arlo reveals a long kept secret to John’s best friend. If this doesn’t work, he has no moves left and he loses all the hard work he put into the hierarchy and has to watch John unravel it all.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way: let’s just... :
Arlo has currently found out that his best friend of like a year, John, has been hiding something huge from him, something whose coverup gave birth to their friendship. Not only that, but his entire character, which has, Arlo can’t deny, been changing for months now, his character, that Arlo has grown used and attached to, has been completely flipped on its head. This is the friend that was there for him when Arlo lost his powers, when he needed consolation, who gave Arlo the courage to stand up to his mother. And he was all a lie.
Seraphina has recently been facing a threat to the thing she holds above all else, something she put endless work into: the hierarchy. Sera has put so much effort into establishing herself as leader, cleaning up after Rei, and making sure the school runs smoothly. She’s dedicated, okay. But then, because she wanted to fix another small part of the hierarchy and get a friend back, Sera starts involving John, who despises her for it, so much so that after Seraphina apologizes for bringing him back into the hierarchy, John says he’ll tear the whole system down. One by one John is hurting her friends and there’s nothing she can do to stop him, nothing she can do. As a final, desperate blow, Sera reveals a long kept secret to John’s best friend. If this doesn’t work, she has no moves left and she loses all the hard work she put into the hierarchy and has to watch John unravel it all.
And guess who’s gonna stop there :DD. Me. I think- I think it’s better if I leave this here actually... Let’s you guys think about it... I don’t really want to write all this out, just trying something. I think it’s pretty good though hmm......
I still kind of think the characters would act similar, but I don’t know. I think the same things would happen regardless of the au, but there’s just something so intriguing about seeing the names in a situation we don’t normally see them in i d k.
Yo I sound so lame. I’m not new to au’s ugh I sound like a try hard don’t I? Lol.
Comment your au’s below or any criticism bye :) I’m too tired to fix this bc I know I sound really contradictory this whole time but I give up lmao (i have a 2% work ethic R.I.P.)
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Hey, I was just rereading, and, Elaine is a bad person?!? I don't think I'll be able to finish rereading, but was there any point where we started liking her? She literally called john gross for being powerless wth
Elaine: Is She a Bad Person and Why People Like Her
Know that I probably forgot all I wanted to say over the course of writing this so if it feels incomplete or off topic, i did my best lmao ok?
This is a hard topic to address because something being classified as inherently good or bad cannot be proven or measured. It’s all a matter of perspective, of where your morals, as the reader, lie. I don’t think anything that I’m going to say is going to strongly disagree with any of your ethics, but it’s good to know that going into this.
I decided to answer this question, yes, but also ask another. Along with asking if Elaine is a bad person, I also want to address why people like her character, because I know a lot of people do. People feel all different types of ways towards Elaine’s character and I want to explore why that’s the case.
Elaine, after reexamination, is actually one of the most morally intriguing characters to read. She’s still annoying as hell, but even when you hate what she’s saying, what she’s thinking, it really adds to your own perspective and makes you think.
I feel a lot of people that love her say that she’s one of the nicest and most caring characters in Unordinary. I’m sure a lot of people who don’t like her think this too. It’s easy to view Elaine as one of the nice, preppy girls.
But, like I said, after reexamination and a bit of rereading, I was reminded that her character isn’t so one dimensional. The UnOrdinary wikia (unordinary.fandom.com/wiki/Elaine) has a section labeled “personality” that is dedicated to describing Elaine’s personality. I think that the first two lines sum up Elaine very well: “Elaine seems to be one of the more friendly students at Wellston due to her outgoing and hospitable personality. However, like many students of Wellston, she's shown only enmity towards those with no abilities, and paid no attention to what lower tiers go through.” I say that this is true, but to an even more intense extent.
In what I think is the very first scene we meet Elaine (episode 7) she approaches John with kindness. She is friendly, smiles at him a lot, and welcomes him to Wellston. Then: she asks him about his power.
Instantly, the whole mood of the scene shifts. In previous panels, there were hearts and flowers drawn around Elaine. Then she asks, “So, John. What kind of ability do you have?” and suddenly this dark gloom wraps itself around the comic. Elaine is drawn with pointed eyebrows narrowed down her face. She is also sporting an impressive smirk for a character who most people classify as the naive, nice girl. The whole scene is so close from being taken straight out of mean girls it’s insane. Elaine is nice at first, but soon you realize she’s a predator.
So what really is Elaine’s true character?
Because Elaine’s true character has been somewhat elusive recently, I’ve laid out a nice list for you so you can easily see what traits of hers I will be proving and using to prove other points:
Elaine’s “good” moral traits:
Generally more aware of feelings and situations than a lot of other UnOrdinary characters.
Elaine’s “bad” moral traits:
Selective kindness
Unintentionally (?) biased
Doesn’t think for herself
Usually only shows her ‘good’ moral traits when interacting with her friends or with high-tiers
Elaine’s bad and good traits are surprisingly well-balanced. She’s not the perfect nice girl everyone currently seems to view her as. She has one of the most strategically used mindsets in UnOrdinary, but sometimes I feel it can be a little too subtle to actually notice. Because of the circumstances the storyline puts her in, we don’t really get to see as many of Elaine’s darker traits as there actual are.
It feels strange to write this about Elaine, one of the characters that seems to be the most recognized for her soft personality. And, I get it. Hell, I’ve hated her because she was so plain and nice and boring, but above all, actually, I disliked the way that her character was being used. God, Elaine has so much potential to just make the world of UnOrdinary so much more complex, but I feel like at this point of the story, it would be redundant to show Elaine’s worse traits because of what’s already been established, and it upsets me because I know that forcing Elaine’s less than admirable personality traits now in the story would take away from it, probably even backtracking the story, but seeing a character’s diversity is so important, especially for a main character. I support what uru-chan is doing with her right now because the loss of half of Elaine’s character does not outweigh the quality of the storytelling. But: All of Elaine’s flaws were shown in the beginning of the story, and I worry it’s been so long that most people have forgotten them.
So, I’m here now to give you reasons to hate Elaine, ok? Yeah, this is going to be fun.
I personally believe Elaine someone who thinks she’s nice, but really is selective with whom she’s nice to, if you understand what I’m saying. Elaine is that one popular girl who is apparently shy and acts all sweet around other popular kids, but is the type of person to also yell at some loner in the bathroom for being a loser or something.
She acts kind, but only to those that she considers worthy of attention. If she doesn’t care about you because you’re irrelevant, I’m sorry. You’re going to be treated like shit.
Liking Elaine as a character is actually so confusing, though. Because the first scene we ever see of her, she acts all friendly, but turns on John the instant he reveals that he is a weak low-tier, a cripple even. In other words, a waste of Elaine’s time.
Because of how that scene went down, its surprising how people think of her as this people pleaser, which she is, just only when she has something to gain. I think that the second part of her second scene in the comic (which I’ll show later) kind of overpowered anyone’s initial reaction to Elaine, whether they forgot who she was or whether they just hadn’t seen enough to label her as a total bitch.
Elaine’s second scene. At first, is also pretty bitchy. At the very end of episode 12, Elaine is waiting for Seraphina to come home from John’s house where she spent the night. Elaine says to Sera, “Why didn’t you answer and of my texts? Where were you last night? You had me worried sick.” On its own, it doesn’t sound too bad, but the panel also has a picture of Elaine glaring and with crossed arms. Also, when the scene continues into the next episode (episode 13), Elaine says, “Were you hanging out with that loser cripple again?! I DON’T GET WHY YOU’RE ALWAYS WITH HIM! YOU’RE MAKING YOURSELF LOOK BAD.” (Caps are proper quotes, I didn’t change them). It’s obvious at this point of the comic that Elaine is a character that you’re supposed to hate.
So… why is she widely known as this innocent and kind person?
Because of her like split fking personality that’s why skdfhigiuisrdughsk.
Elaine’s character experiences such drastic changes so quickly from scene to scene, it’s hard to peg her personality at first because it seems like she has every generic personality stuffed into her brain and they just take turns controlling her. In the same episode as Elaine insults John in front of Seraphina (episode 13), she literally gets a phone call, answers it, and turns into this stuttering, soft, bubbly mess, like what? (Second part of Elaine’s second scene).
Literally five lines after she acts all bitchy towards Seraphina, Elaine has this conversation with Arlo:
Elaine: “Ah, h-hello!”
Arlo: “Hey, I’m about to head out. Is Seraphina back yet?”
E: “Y-yea, she just got back!”
A: “Alright, I’m on my way.”
… What? In one of the earliest scenes Elaine is in, she goes completely 180º and turns into the basic, shy, adorable girl. This being such a contrast from literally everything we’ve seen from her character so far has to confuse the readers. Not in a bad way like the writing itself is confusing, but like the interesting and intriguing kind of confusing. The switch-up grabs the reader’s attention because suddenly the annoying, popular bitch (because, let’s be honest, that’s how her character reads up to this point) has suddenly revealed that she’s not like that all the time. Her character had been such a cliche that readers must have been pleasantly surprised to see that her character isn’t so black and white. Similar to the end of a movie or when you learn some secret about a character in a story, Elaine’s personality change makes it seem like you finally understand her, if that makes sense. It’s a storytelling cliche for something to be revealed about a mean character that makes them so much more understandable. Like Draco Malfoy when you learned how he just wanted to please Voldemort and make his family proud. That kind of thing.
This, I feel, is one reason why so many UnOrdinary fans like Elaine so much. It feels like they’ve skipped ahead in the story, makes them feel like they’ve been shown into Elaine’s life. Whenever this happens in other stories, the mean girl almost always gains redemption. Without realizing, some readers must associate Elaine’s supposed hidden, kind personality with some sort of atonement without Elaine ever actually doing anything or revealing anything. Because of widespread storytelling styles, our brains can easily connect this to patterns we see in most types of literature or media. We just skip over the middle part of, you know, the actual redemption. This trope being shown at the very beginning of the comic doesn’t give readers time to get used to Elaine before it happens, so they’re left pretty early on feeling that Elaine is being redeemed as a mean girl, but haven’t even seen the full extent of her morally bad traits. So, basically what I keep repeating: from the get go, Elaine’s appearances from scene to scene give the impression of someone who is trying to redeem themselves or has already redeemed themselves, without any of that actually ever happening.
I do not, however, think this is true for many fans. After this relatively clear switch near the beginning, Elaine’s character stays pretty consistently kind. When you see her being friendly more than you see her insulting some low-tier, it’s easy to associate her more with that. Maybe at the beginning of the story, this fake redemption would have drawn people to Elaine, but not this deep into the story. Because, let’s be honest, nobody even remembers her character from the beginning. It’s so easy to believe that Elaine’s character has always been portrayed the way it is being now because that’s all we’ve been shown for the past like 100 episodes. Elaine never really gets redeemed for what she did or how she acted towards the low-tiers. There’s not even evidence that her morals have changed at all or that she is more open-minded. It’s just, as the story progresses, Elaine is shown more and more exclusively talking to high-tiers or well-respected people at Wellston. As the story drags on, her negative traits are still there (we can assume this because we never see anything that clashes with this), they’re just not being shown. Elaine’s less desirable traits are being forgotten. All anyone really remembers or knows now is that Elaine is shy and kind. With or without the fake redemption I was talking about, she’s been acting like this for so long, it doesn’t even occur to most people that she didn’t used to be so nice.
This doesn’t fully explain why people like Elaine so much, but it’s a start to our investigation. This might explain why people don’t hate her as much as they should, based on canon events. They’re never actually shown her worst traits as much as they were in the beginning and the memory of those beginning events are fading.
I’m here to remind you: Elaine acts horribly to anyone that she doesn’t consider her level and she determines that mostly by tier. There’s loads of examples in like the first fourth of the comic, but not in recent chapters. Be aware of this.
I do believe I know the reason why she thinks and acts like this, though.
I’ve brought up this same thing in a post where I talked about Seraphina, but I think it was used differently than how I’m going to use it here, and, obviously, because of the reason, the circumstances are going to be different. I believe that Elaine has her mindset as it is because of her parents, how she was raised, and what she learned from the adults that surrounded her when she was younger.
Like I said, I’ve brought this up when talking about Seraphina once. I can’t find the post, but I basically said that Sera tended to be intensely self-involved because her parents always told her to watch herself, that she had to be number one, that she was in the spotlight because of her power. Elaine is different, though. I mean, obviously, we’re dealing with different issues here, so yeah.
Elaine inherited her tier discrimination mindset from her parents.
We know that Elaine’s parents have a good relationship with her (they send her oranges), so they probably talk a lot, so obviously Elaine would be influenced by their ideals. Also, I can’t think of any example out of any story ever or even in real life where someone discriminated against certain people or things when their parents didn’t. Ever. The kids are never that much more judgmental than their parents, kids usually even breaking the cycle. That’s how it’s been in real life for the last few years, and it’s great. Back on topic: I don’t believe Elaine gained these beliefs on her own. I believe her parents probably drilled it into her that she had to only associate with higher-tiers because not only is she not actually ambitious, which you would expect from someone who only acts decently to those who have more power than she, but she herself isn’t a high-tier. I don’t think she would learn to discriminate against those in her own tier (though she is a 3.5, not shabby) if not told by someone that she should because like…? Who’s like that?
So that’s why I’ve come to the conclusion that Elaine has been raised to believe that higher-tiers are more respectable and the only people deserving of total respect, based solely off of their ability, not their personality. Not something that I think is necessarily important to the questions I’m answering, so I didn’t really try to further my investigation into this, but I wanted to say what I think about this because I think it kind of impacts how I classify her as a person (good or bad)... god that sounds wrong to say.
This theory doesn’t excuse Elaine however. I didn’t excuse Seraphina for what I believed her parents were responsible for and I won’t let Elaine slide either. I hold her to this. She still does believe that low-tiers are inferior. That’s still an issue.
Most people that like Elaine like her because of her kind personality. She’s cute and shy, and that’s usually an instant recipe for success, right? But despite that obviously being the stereotype uru-chan was going for, she also managed to weave some character complexity into Elaine. It makes me sad that nobody notices, but I suppose it isn't super obvious.
I don’t think there is a definitive point that made Elaine into an understandable and likeable character, but her character detail is much more complex than I thought. I personally like characters for having diverse and different thoughts, so I like her concept. But to the people who like Elaine because she is nice and friendly… Move on to Remi. Elaine is not that person.
Liking Elaine is just a matter of what you enjoy in a character. I don’t like her personality, but I do think her character as a whole gives the UnOrdinary world such a diverseness.
Elaine is not a good person. I’m answering the question right here, right now. She’s, what word can I use here, tierist (?). She discriminates against people she doesn’t deem worthy of attention (bit too extremely worded but eh) and she decides who’s worthy based almost purely on ability, as we’ve seen so many times in this comic. Yes, she’s kind to her friends or people she wants to get closer with, but that should be a given. So I’m not exactly counting that as a good trait about her because it’s such a basic and fundamental thing, it would stand out a lot more if she wasn’t nice to her friends. It would be a lot more noticeable because how Elaine acts right now with her friends is honestly a societal expectation.
So: Elaine is a bad person, a diverse character, and someone that I’m overall happy to have in the story because of how her character impacts other characters and the plot around her. As with so many characters, in UnOrdinary especially, losing her presence in the story would drastically change the events of UnOrdinary. Without Elaine being who she is, UnOrdinary wouldn’t be what it is.
She’s still a dumb bitch tho.
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Totally here fangirling over last chapter but also wanted to run this by you, I really really want Sera to get her powers back before John fight Arlo. Because if she does I have no doubt in my mind she’d get involved to protect her new friends and end “Joker” once and for all. Her fighting John with all of he skills he taught her + her powers + John not wanting to hurt her = Sera demasking Joker and I just think that would be beautiful
(This was the ask i lost an 1000 word answer on R.I.P.)
Sorry this is so late btw
I really like this take. It’s completely possible and would be really fun to read. When I imagine how this current saga is going to end, it’s usually something like this.
Also thank you for this ask because it lead me to realize how much I need a proper Sera and Arlo friendship.
Ok 4 things i want to address:
1. Seraphina getting her powers back
2. Getting involved with the Joker situation
3. Fighting against Joker
4. Aftermath
1.) so this theory (?) is very reliant upon one main thing: Seraphina getting her powers back. This could easily be solved because I mean, it’s pretty likely it’s going to be actually canon soon in the series. Leilah’s appearance was obviously put in where it was so that she would learn about Seraphina. Then, Leila having (supposedly) worked with EMBER or at least the company supplying them, will have the knowledge and resources to heal her sister.
Some things that are unknown, however, are Leilah’s intentions. We don’t really know what her point of view will be. We barely know her, having actually met her character once. Something else to consider, she ran away from home years ago. She will not be as close to Seraphina as she might have been once. We don’t know if Leila’s will prioritize her sister over her work, another thing we know little about. Though likely, us readers are very much guessing that Leila’s works with an organization affliliated with EMBER (which is why I said “supposedly” above). We don’t know if Leilah even actually works at a place that would give her the tools to help Sera. Her reaction at the restaurant may have just been because it was her sister, not that she knew the reason behind Seraphina’s ability loss. Even if she really worked close to EMBER, Leilah could totally be loyal to them. I don’t know. Her character is just so unknown for me to rely upon her to bring back Sera’s powers. Though, that probably is what’s going to happen because lmao why bring back Leilah at all if not for that. So that’s settled lol.
I don’t know how Leilah would bring back Seraphina’s powers. I don’t know anything about EMBER or the drugs they use, that’s the whole point. So I can’t really explain anything there, we just gotta wait.
2.) Okay, now that Serpahina has her powers back, something else I’m wondering about is why and if Seraphina would fight against Joker.
Ask just assumed that she would, to help her friends, but it really goes a lot deeper than that.
She has 3 separate groups of friends: High-tiers, low-tiers, and John (lol)
Most of her high-tier friends have already been defeated by Joker
She said she wanted to see Joker kick Arlo’s ass
She seemed to accept it when John said that he was just climbing up the ladder
But, overall, I agree with ask. Seraphina is going to fight Joker if she is able and that list is a shorter one:
Though many of the high-tiers can be considered as fake friends to Seraphina, it’s been clear from the beginning that Remi has always been genuine. They might not have been the best of friends, but Remi and Sera respected each other and didn’t pretend to like each other. And guess what. Remi’s going to get beat up soon. Well, maybe. Depends on what this Remi and John conversation meant to John. Let’s assume things end badly. Remi’s a goner okay. Seraphina is a goodish person. She’s not going to let her just get k.o.ed
A problem with this is that by the time Sera supposedly gets her powers back, it’ll probably be after the whole john and Remi fight. And that’s why I have reason #2
Sera’s low-tier friends are afraid of Joker. They have told her that he’ll be able to do pretty much everything because he won’t have to face the consequences. I don’t know. They just spooked. They won’t be able to even attempt to fight back if Joker wants to duke it out. Seraphina, like I said, is a goodish person. She knows the low-tiers gave her true friendship even after she was an unbothered god-tier that couldn’t care less about them. She’ll be grateful and at least her perspective will have changed.
So if Seraphina finds herself in the position to fight back, she’s not going to just stand back like she did before. That was the old Serpahina: untouchable and uncaring. New Sera is aware of what her actions do to the lives of those around her. She knows that she is one of the only people that can do this, that can stick up for the low (and every) tiers. She gon do that.
So yeah, Sera’s fighting Joker.
3.) When Sera does fight him: I’m wondering a few things. First: things that ask mentioned:
Fighting how John taught her
Her abilities
John holding back
I’m not sure if Seraphina will actually use the tactics that John taught her when she’s fighting Joker. It could go either way. Initially, I thought that she obviously wouldn’t use them. John taught her fist fighting tactics. She learned how to throw a punch, how to block. Now, tell me why she would use those when she has her powers back and she is fighting against someone with an ability?
Then I remembered John’s ability. Aura manipulation. If Sera uses her power, he’d be able to use it too. And we have all observed by now that the stronger ability he borrows, the stronger John is. Remember, we haven’t seen John borrow an ability stronger than his, we don’t know what will happen. But, using her ability in general would be a major hazard. So using fists to fight is a good idea (in theory only because she doesn’t know how good Joker is at that too).
I personally think she would use her powers the most if the author went through the trouble of giving them back. Sure, she’d throw a punch is Joker got close, but I don’t think her type of ability will really suit close range fighting (i think, her ability confused me lol). So yeah. This isn’t really important to the whole of this idea, but I mean it was in the ask and I wanted to address it.
So that was the first and second points.
Now, onto something else ask said. They seemed to think John would hold back on Seraphina. I think it’s a little more grey than that.
Things to remember:
John was allied with Cecile and still went to far
Joker’s whole brand is merciless
The reason the high-tiers want him gone is because he doesn’t know where to stop, he keeps fighting even when the fight’s done.
Other things to remember:
Seraphina is John’s closest friend
Joker only exists because John wanted to protect Sera
Joker’s most common motive is to keep Sera safe
Cecile was more of a partner than a friend: he doesn’t care about her
So basically, I’m confused and I don’t know what John will do. Like ask thinks, John loves Seraphina (platonically, calm down). But he also is feared because he is completely merciless. Dark John’s character can be described by that one word: merciless. Let’s go down memory lane, k? Back to New Bostin. Remember Claire? Remember Claire? Same thing, guys. John’s best friend betrays him and turns on him and he crushes her into pieces.
Like I really don’t know what John would do if fighting Seraphina, and that includes whether or not he would hold back.
I’m going to skip the details of the fight and who I think would win because, like I said above, Sera’s ability vs. John’s would be too new for me to predict the outcome. And why bother. This headcanon kind of relies upon Sera winning so let’s just assume that for now.
4.) aftermath. Do you even understand how dramatic that reveal is going to be? How traumatized both of them are going to be afterwords? For Seraphina, she’s discovering that the guy beating people up and trying to beat her up is her best friend. Beyond that, he has an ability, which ultimately means everything she knew about him and respected him for is a lie. For John, he’s basically reliving the events of New Bostin, reliving the thing that ruined his life. Reliving what he tried to move on from for over a year.
How I think they’ll end up:
Seraphina: I think that Seraphina and John will cut ties with each other. Seraphina will want to hate John, but can’t help wanting to talk to him and laugh with him. She can’t seem to forget the person he was when he was with her. The humble and nice guy. She knows he doesn’t exist now. That he never did. The thought makes her sad, and she hates it. John did this to himself, brought this onto himself. He had dragged Seraphina into his mess, never confiding in her. It’s not her fault that he turned out to be such an asshole.
Seraphina becomes good friends with Arlo. After the fight, she feels he is the only one that understands her. She feels bad because she didn’t trust him when he tried to tell her the truth. She hasn’t apologized, but hopes Arlo knows that she’s sorry. They start spending lots of time together. It reminds her of the old days. When Seraphina first arrived at Wellston. Arlo had been king and she was queen. They were forced together because of their power and they bonded through that. They both had ambition, goals, a want to make things better for the students at Wellston and a need to prove themselves. They had been young then, and Serpahina had considered Arlo a friend. Then John came along and changed everything. Seraphina cant be ashamed of who she became because of him. If not for John, she would’ve remained ignorant about the mistreatment of low-tiers and EMBER. If not for him, she would’ve never learned how to laugh or how to reward herself. If not for John, she never would’ve stood up to her mom...
Now that Seraphina is back, all of her, her ability and rank, she feels whole again. Seraphina may have gotten used to the cripple life, but she never realized exactly how much her ability was a part of her. Now reinstituted as queen, Sera is with Arlo again. Nowadays, it feels like he’s the only one who knows what she’s going through. Seraphina realizes that he’s changed too. In the past year, he’s turned from the cold and ruthless leader she knew him as into a thoughtful, logical, and surprisingly kind person. He’s humbler too, which is new.
Sometimes they just lie on the roof together, not talking or saying anything, just enjoying each other’s company. It’s comforting not being alone. Seraphina finds it hard to trust him sometimes, but it doesn’t matter much. Though they like to spend most of their time in each other’s company, they don’t talk much, don’t tell each other things. They’ve known each other for so long, they don’t need to. And it’s nice. Seraphina... she’s happy. She may have lost her best friend, but she gained an old one. Her sister talks to her every so often because Leilah’s always in town visiting her boyfriend. Everyone is nice to Seraphina at school.
Seraphina knows she can’t ignore John forever, can’t just forget that he exists, but oh she wants to. In a perfect world, she could lie on this rooftop forever, carefree and forgetful, but she knows she can’t. Because this is not a perfect world. Seraphina tries to help the low-tiers defend themselves and tries to bring awareness to EMBER. Remi aids her in her ambitions, having similar ones herself, and their bond also grows stronger.
Seraphina is finally making a difference. It hurts to know that it’s because of John, but at least she’s trying. She’s better than she was before. Kinder. Stronger. Healthier. Seraphina realizes that for the first time in her life, she really has the chance to truly be completely happy. She’s not about to let someone’s memory ruin it for her.
John: After the fight, John was a wreck. He barely ate for a week, barely slept. Everytime he closes his eyes he sees her. And everytime, John breaks down because he can’t tell who she is. Can’t tell if she has pink eyes or blue ones. Can’t tell if she even exists.
In the end, it doesn’t matter. Claire, Seraphina... it ended the same. Ended with him sitting in these rooms, hands in chains, head pounding.
John isn’t really sure why they bothered to get him into these classes again. The authorities didn’t seem to care when he wore the mask. They didn’t bat an eye at a student climbing the ranks. John supposes he’s only here because of his past. And he can’t blame them. He’s really fucked up.
The classes are better than they used to be. They go faster. John knows all the right answers this time around. And Keon hasn’t returned, something John appreciates everyday. Instead there’s this strict lady running his classes. She’s not great, but so much better than Keon. She seems like she has a good heart.
When John got in here, he made a promise to himself. He promised himself that he wouldn’t forget. God he wanted to. He wanted to forget Wellston like he forgot New Bostin. But he knows how that ended up last time. He forgot too much. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
Everyday, he listed in his head: Claire, Arlo, Blyke, Isen, Cecile, Remi, Seraphina. He won’t let himself forget them. What he did to them. What they did to him.
When John gets out of his readjustment classes, he is more than surprised to find Cecile waiting for him. She doesn’t say much about what happened, and isn’t all that friendly, but he can’t complain. He treated her like trash. But for some reason, she sticks around. She visits his house. She talks to him about his new school. They text. It’s weird to have her. John realizes he doesn’t know anyone else quite like Cecile. Something he never really realized about her before is her genuineness. Yeah sure, she would keep secrets, but everything she did and said, everything screamed Cecile. She never put on a show to talk to him or a new personality that others would. It was refreshing. Cecile wasn’t instantly nice to him and it was great. She reminded him a lot of Seraphina... John wish she didn’t.
Seraphina... John wants to talk to her so badly... but he knows she won’t. He lied to her for the entire time she knew him. They were best friends. John still gets shocked sometimes as he remembers what he hid from her, all the secrets he kept. It never seemed like a lot at the time, only a little secret at a time. He hadn’t realized until recently that by the end, he was drowning in lies. Small ones and big. They had wrapped and choked him like a snake..
John stays silent at his new school. He’s friendly to everyone and greets people when they greet him. He doesn’t lie here. At a regular school, John is basically guaranteed the king spot. He doesn’t shy away from it. He tries not to embrace it too much either. It’s a difficult balance, but he manages.
He manages. And he remembers.
After all of this, I think they’ll kind of hate each other but also kind of not because of how close they are and still remain despite (Sera) wanting to hate the other. Then when ember starts becoming near future, they will be forced together to solve something or whatnot as the two strongest people. I can’t even express how much I want this now. Sorry for super long post. I get carried away sometimes... oof. Sorry for that weird story thing at the end. I probably could’ve written that more generic and narrative, but eh
(comment “arphina” if you read the whole thing) :)
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Episode 152
Honorable mentions:
Arlo’s gonna get his ass beat after this episode lmao
Okay okay I know this might sound whiney, but I refuse to believe that Remi never noticed low-tiers being bullied, but suddenly she walks into one being bullied in an empty hallway and being loud af. Like… what happened before? Would she just have walked right past them not noticing. It bothers me when things like this happen because no she wouldn’t, but it’s written like that idk iksduhjdsf
I love how oblivious Sera is
Lmao she only becomes suspicious of Arlo and John because Arlo was protecting her 
But why does she have the eyebags though… like lol im sorry does being powerless mean you sleep worse? She lives in a dorm with Elaine. She has nothing to be scared of at night haha
It really bothers me that the only reason that Seraphina finally believes Arlo is because Arlo beat up John like of all the things---
Even though I’m making this, I still love the way I’ve been running this blog recently. Please send in more asks! It makes me so happy to answer questions people actually have :)))
Also I’m just pretty trash at writing these.
I had to do an analysis for this episode. I just… had to.
    You know how recently literally every character has been telling Arlo that he can’t give up? That he’s weak for submitting to John? Yeah, well that’s bullshit. Elaine is stupid, I’m just going to say it. She lives in a world where problems can be solved by talking it out, like the girl is delusional. Remi, well Remi used to live in a world similar to Elaine’s, but now she’s more woke I would say. She still thinks that every problem has a solution and that the only way to win is to beat the competition. She’s a friendlier version of who Seraphina used to be. Blyke? He’s like Remi. Too caught up with winning. Blyke and Remi don’t stop to consider that sometimes the best solutions require giving in a little bit. I’m not even talking about compromises, just, I don’t know, accepting that you’ve lost and can’t win because if you don’t accept that, you’ll keep failing forever. They don’t realize that. Arlo does.
    But yeah. Arlo isn’t weak or defeated (though he is in the literal sense). By choosing to step down and submit to John, Arlo is securing the best outcome for Wellston as a whole, not just himself. He recognizes that by giving John the victory, he will resolve more problems than by just fighting back. Arlo knows that he should be striving for peace, not war. Arlo knows that the hierarchy can’t just disappear overnight, regardless of what John thinks. Hierarchy is natural. People follow those with more power. It’s not a set of rules, it’s instinct. 
    For time’s sake, I’m just going to use what Arlo said in this episode for evidence. He says (to Elaine), “I can’t keep dragging people into this. I’m the one who pushed John… So I’ll take responsibility for it. If dethroning me will put an end to his rampage… That’s fine.”
    Perfect. Well said. Wise. That last bit? Facts. Now there’s a good leader.
    I can’t stand Elaine in general (sorry guys), and this episode made me hate her more. She thinks Arlo is broken after he says this. Like… This is one of the wisest things that Arlo has said in such a long time, and you won’t even listen. Some of these characters seem to only hear the “I’ll let John dethrone me” and let all of Arlo’s reasons wash over their heads.
    When Arlo lets Joker dethrone him, the hierarchy isn’t going to end. Like I said in recent posts and actually in this one, people naturally follow people who are more powerful. I think Arlo knows this because I mean even old Arlo would know this. His whole thing is order. I don’t know. Not important. What is important is that John can’t actually get rid of the hierarchy. I still don’t understand how Rei did it. Like, yeah I understand the principles, but I don’t get how it worked. The ones who have more power can overpower others. Only an idiot would fight a battle they know they cannot win. Obviously, by siding with the more powerful, someone would have the most success. Obviously, being on the winning side is better. That’s why people follow those more powerful. That’s why the UnOrdinary world will never be rid of the hierarchy. I don’t know. My brain isn’t working right now.
    Also, other Arlo things: he’s become such a more thoughtful person because of John. Not like nice, though I suppose some would say he has been nicer. I just mean that he is now more aware of the consequences his actions have (actually every character has maybe i’ll make another post about that hm) and how his actions impact others. He’s not only understanding this now, but he’s also acting on it. Ksudjfbjsfwskwjfsf. Sorry, I’m just lowkey the president of the Arlo fanclub right now. 
    I’ve said all of this before lmao ssodfhskjdfn.
John and Seraphina:
    Okay, first of all, John is a great actor. Like, hpeter1 (hi :)) commented on my recent post saying they like John less because he told Seraphina a straight lie. That before, it was just deception through omission. Sorry, but I really can’t take this seriously. John’s whole character is lying to Sera. Like the whole not having abilities thing? Yeah. even if John didn’t lie to Sera a bunch, I mean… What was he supposed to say? ‘Yes, I’m joker’? I just… don’t get this. I don’t mean anything by disagreeing with you btw, you’re great :). But like I said. John is a great actor lmao (sorry I get off topic). I just wanted to address this.
    I said this in the honorable mentions and I will say this again: the way that Seraphina started to piece things together is… stupid. Like… She goes to herself ‘hm why is Arlo so mean to John’ then somehow that leads her to ‘aRLo muSt THiNk thAt jOHn CAN fighT bAck!” I just… I can’t… 
    As it is with most of these intense scenes, there’s not much for me to add R.I.P.
(send me more asks)
(also the handful of you who like and comment on my posts regularly, there’s a special place in my heart for you)
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
(2) Can you maybe give your opinion on the ships between the main characters(Jarlo, Jeraphina, John x Isen, John x Blyke, John x Elaine, John x Remi, Arlaine, Arlo x Remi, Arlo x Sera, Arlo x Blyke, Blysen, Blyke x Remi, Blyke x Elaine, Blyke x Sera & Isen x Remi/Elaine(yep, I have seen all of these ships at least once) and reasoning why you think about the ships(s) in that way?
Okay now I already know this one is going to be fun and easy (thanks) :)
(Btw this got long lmao)
I am not the biggest shipper. I don’t really enjoy stories where the entire plot revolves around a love story. Don’t get me wrong, there are always some characters I want to get together, but for the most part, I don’t care if people get a romance interest.
Now on to the ships:
First up: John.
Jarlo: no. I am not a fan of this one. It’s like the fan base is trying to push them into an enemies to lovers relationship, and it just isn’t supported by the way either characters thinks and acts. Like, be serious, could any of you ever see John crushing on Arlo or dating him? No and that’s just because this is one pair of opposites that just don’t complement each other. Their dynamic would never fit as a couple, I’m sorry. I wish they could realistically date, because that would be so fun to read, but alas. They don’t suit each other (hence the whole enemies thing).
Jeraphina: friendship? Hell yes. Boyfriend/girlfriend? Hell no. I don’t think that these two could ever have a relationship based on both of their pasts and the nature of their friendship. Neither of them are looking for a relationship and both seem absolutely content with where they are now: friends. I doubt that these two will even remain friends for long... I don’t know. Like I always say: dynamic is everything. And a Jeraphina dynamic just doesn’t work. Both of them would be pushing and pulling each other, a battle of their wills constantly. If they ever did get together, which I doubt, they would not last long.
John/Isen: no... I kind of get where y’all are coming from, but it’s just too random. And especially considering the love triangle that Isen is already in and just the fact that these two don’t actually interact face to face all that much and whenever they do John just threatens Isen lmao.
John/Blyke: I don’t ship these two, plain and simple. For the same reasons as Isen. But I would actually love to see a friendship between these two. I was king of hoping for it when they became roommates and before Blyke knew Joker’s identity, but I think my hopes have pretty much been crushed now... :(
John/Elaine: you guys are just crazy at this point. No.
John/Remi: we saw a lot of recent interaction between these two. I’m struggling to write how I feel about this. One one hand, they don’t complement each other (personality wise), but at the same time, I liked how Remi actually listened to what John had to say (which he was looking for). I don’t think these two would fit together well, however, because of John. He just doesn’t take her seriously enough and even if he did, he basically hates her. So I don’t think so.
John/Cecile: this was a ship I noticed you didn’t mention, but I wanted to add it here because it has been one of the most intriguing for me recently. Their whole dynamic... I don’t know I just really like it. Both are looking to get ahead and are using each other to do so. And it’s not like they’re faking being friends, they’ve been very open about using each other because that is just their characters. I have said this before, but I think after all this Joker stuff is resolved (which I think will end with John demasked), when Seraphina inevitably leaves John, Cecile will kind of become his only friend. I think that Cecile could replace Claire better than Seraphina ever could because, unlike both of John’s other friends, Cecile knows and understands what kind of a person John is. Cecile wouldn’t be horrified by it like Claire and she hasn’t been lied to about it like Seraphina. I just think that John and Cecile’s personalities complement each other’s very nicely. Cecile is the only person I kind of ship John with.
In conclusion: The only person I could possibly see with John is Cecile.
Now on to Arlo:
Jarlo: see above
Arlaine: no. I get you guys because Elaine likes Arlo, but I already ship her with someone else and I’m not budging.
Pinkass: aka Arlo/Remi. I am a fan of this ship actually. I think that these two can fit together well without becoming super annoyed at each other, or at least, when they become annoyed with each other, it would be endearing. I like this ship better than Arlaine because I think Elaine is too soft for Arlo. Remi won’t break, she isn’t fragile. I don’t think Arlo is the type of person who would appreciate someone holding him back, and Remi wouldn’t do that. 7/10 for this ship from me.
Arphina: I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. I need an Arphina friendship. I don’t think these two would do well as a couple, but as friends? I would pay for that shit. I want Arlo and Serraphina to become friends after Joker is unmasked. I think it would be symbolic of a beautiful cycle: them ending where they started. Arlo and Serpahina were originally pushed together because they were the most powerful in the school. I think they both knew that and thought that they could never actually be genuine friends because of it. After the Joker aftermath, I like to think that they’d realize that being forced together is why they should be great friends. They can understand each other in a way that nobody else can. I don’t know... I have a lot of feelings about this. Not as a couple tho... but friendship Arphina is something I want to see before I die.
Arlo/Blyke: no. They have a mentor/student relationship right now and it works. Don’t ruin that please.
In conclusion: I ship Arlo with Remi and would like him to be friends with Seraphina.
Blysen: I would ship this if it weren’t for the love triangle they’re in right now. Sometimes, that would be the recipe for a perfect ship, but I just think that Remi would drive them apart instead of together, you feel me? I low key think this friendship is going to end soon. I think that Isen will become kind of a loner character soon to...
Blyke/Remi: Now, this is going to be confusing because I already said I ship Remi with Arlo, but I kind of ship her with Blyke too (I also kind of want her to stay single purely because of all the romantic stuff happening to her, but that’s for another time). I don’t know why I like this ship. I think it is because they both kind of have that white knight thing going on and I don’t know, they have similar ideals. They complement each other. Maybe a stronger friendship between these two would satisfy me, but I don’t know...
Blyke/Elaine: no.
Blyke/Sera: no.
In conclusion: mostly, I don’t really ship Blyke with anyone hardcore because I think he does well on his own, but the idea of him and Remi being together makes me kind of happy :)
Isen/Remi: nah (see below).
Isen/Elaine: Okay I’ve said this once or twice, but the most recent time had to been a few months ago so I’ll explain myself here to all of you guys who didn’t read it before. One of the ships I ship is Isen and Elaine. I really want this to happen and I think that it’ll work between them and I know that I’m not making a lot of sense. Okay, so, Isen and Elaine both have this unrequited love thing going on. I don’t think they would go well with their crushes. Arlo would be too much for Elaine and he would’ve enjoy their relationship, probably feeling dragged down by it. Remi just... doesn’t like Isen. She’s nice and all, but she doesn’t really notice Isen like that at all and I feel if she was looking for someone, she would instantly look at Blyke. I think that Elaine would find the traits she liked in Arlo in Isen. Isen is smart and has good instincts. He is less noble that Arlo, but also is more humble in a way, if that’s the right phrasing. Elaine is nice like Remi is and, like Isen was compared to Arlo, more down to earth, and i don’t know, real. I don’t really know... Basically, I think that Isen and Elaine put their crushes on these pedestals, and I think they’ll realize that and fall for each other...? I’ve worded this really badly, but just know this is one of my favorite ships. I’m not even going to reread this paragraph even though I know it’s probably shit and all over the place. Just... think about it.
In conclusion: reread the whole paragraph above lol.
Okay that’s it I need to post this and I think I mentioned anyone I ship above so even if Seraphina and Remi and Elaine don’t have their own sections, they are mentioned elsewhere.
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