#sorry to my 7 simp bestie
9-punk · 6 months
What about 9x7
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hispipsqueak · 2 years
Training Camp
Tsukishima x F!Reader - fluff
TW: college au, drinking mention, mild cursing, jealousy, pretty fluffy. There is one mention of reader having long hair.
A/N: wake up besties, Pip posted. I’ve been writing this off and on for like months just as a comfort fluff piece but I decided to finaly share it after some sweet feedback. I hope you like it. It’s v self-indulgent bc i am a SIMP. 
Everyone is 18+
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Hinata was yelling.
Tsukishima rubbed his temple. It was 6 AM and the team was on their way to an intercollegiate training camp. He was not excited. The cold bus was a stark contrast to the soft warm bed he left too early this morning.
The training camp was going to gather a few different schools so he was going to see his friends, Bokuto and Kuroo. He was hoping to work on a few more blocks with them, to improve his playing. However, having to deal with HInata and Nishinoya on the bus was testing his patience.
"Screaming isn't going to make you any taller, idiot." He hissed at Hinata. Hinata made a face and was about to shout back until he was interrupted by Ukai.
"We are pulling into the camp. I expect you guys to be on your best behavior as you're representing Karasuno University." He parked the bus and the guys started loading out their bags. Everyone was buzzing, excited to see their friends and test out new skills. Tsukishima pulled his headphones around his ears and started moving his bags to the team dorms.
"OI TSUKKI!" A boisterous voice shouted from behind him. He was immediately enveloped in a hug that lifted his tall frame off the ground.
"Bokuto...it's like 7 AM." Akaashi muttered, wiping sleep from his eyes. He nodded at Tsukishima who was grateful toward the dark-haired man for getting the giant owl to let him go.
"Tsukishima! Aren't you glad to see us?" Another cocky voice came from the corner. Kuroo sauntered in before clapping him on the shoulder. Tsukishima rolled his eyes.
"I feel like I see enough of you two, especially since you added me to a groupchat that you won't let me leave."
"To be fair, they won't let us leave either." Kenma muttered from behind his Switch. Akaashi chuckled in agreement.
"Anyway, Karasuno better be prepared because the practice matches are gonna go HARD!" Kuroo said laughing. Kenma rolled his eyes and they headed back to the Nekoma dorms. Bokuto's laugh echoed in the hallway and Tsukishima was just grateful the actual practice wasn't starting for another two hours so he could nap.
"Welcome all to the intercollegiate training camp for 2020! We are glad to have you all here!" The man running the camp said. He was an older athletic coach and was going to assist with match setup and drills, though individual matches and team practices would be run by each respective coach.
"Sorry I'm late, I got stuck in traffic!" You said running into the gym, tossing your bag on the nearest bench.
"Ah! Glad to see you –" The older coach started before the yelling commenced.
"Y/N!!!" Bokuto shouted, running and spinning you around. Kuroo ran up as well and gave you a tight squeeze.
"GUYS STOP HOGGING HER!" Noya shouted before running up to squeeze a hug in as well.
It seemed all the older boys knew who you were, though Tsukishima had never seen you before. A few other guys shouted greetings and waved, from each team. You smiled and Tsukishima felt his body grow tingly. He rolled his neck and focused on the older coach, who began speaking again.
"As many of you know, this is Y/N. She's our resident medic and will be taking care of anything you guys need. Y/N, a few words?"
You grinned. "Hello guys! I'm glad to be back here. As Coach Sato said, I am Y/N, your medic. Please meet with me before you leave today to get my contact info in case anything occurs after hours and you need assistance. I'm in the Medic dorm, so feel free to come see me whenever!"
You bowed slightly and waved before turning back to the older man.
Tsukishima wasn't sure why he felt restless all of a sudden but he pushed it out of his mind as the coach discussed the agenda for the day.
Day one was grueling. The drills were tough and since everyone had vastly improved, everyone had to work harder to top each other. Tsukishima saw you a couple of times, discussing things with Coach Ukai and Coach Sato. You were always smiling, and it seemed everyone was drawn to you. You complimented Daichi on his receives, laughed with Tanaka and Noya, and even got Kageyama to crack a smile. You were walking towards where Tsukishima stood when a guy from another team skidded across the floor, 
You jogged over to pull him up and check him over. Tsukishima couldn’t help but feel a pang of something...wash over him. Why was he so...aware of everything you did? You were just some girl whom he didn’t even know. Yet, like everyone else at the camp, he was drawn to you for some reason. He had to snap out of it. He put all his effort into playing for the rest of the session and even Daichi complimented his newfound energy.
They were wrapping up for the day and Tsukishima headed to the bench to grab some water when he felt a soft voice calling his name. He turned around and you grinned at him.
“You’re...Tsukishima Kei right? I’m Y/N! Sorry to bug you, I just wanted to give you my number.”
Tsukishima gulped, swallowing too much water. His face reddened as he tried not to spit up water all over you. You laughed, the sound pouring over his heart like warm honey, and patted him on the shoulder.
“Sorry! That sounded weird. It’s just in case something happens I can rush over if you need medical assistance. Sometimes you’ll get hurt in practice and walk it off only for the pain to worsen late at night or something. So don’t be afraid to text me any time of day, if needed.”
He nodded and handed you his phone. You input your number and smiled before heading over to speak with the coaches again. He looked at his phone.
Y/N 🚑 😉
“Tsukki!” Bokuto’s booming voice echoed across the hall. Tsukishima looked up from his book.
“Kuroo, Akaashi, Kenma, and I are gonna work on some blocks later. You should join us!” 
Tsukishima looked back down at his book. He was exhausted and about to tell Bokuto no until Kuroo walked into the room.
“Bo, I reserved the back gym and Y/N agreed to stay with us for practice tonight.” He said, tossing a volleyball in the air. “Tsukishima, you joining? Or are you too tired? I know you crows are weak.”
“Shut up, stupid cat. I’m fine and I need to practice some blocking anyway.” Tsukishima said a little too quickly.
Kuroo cocked an eyebrow. “You...you of all people are agreeing to extra practice? We have to drag you to spend time with us and now you are so...eager? Interesting…”
Kenma, who was behind him smashing buttons on his Switch, smirked without looking up from his screen.
“Probably because of Y/N.”
Kuroo let out his classic hyena cackle, eyes wide.
“NO! You have a thing for Y/N?” He asked incredulously.
Bokuto’s jaw dropped. “TSUKKI YOU LOVE Y/N?!”
Tsukishima rolled his eyes, trying to hide the blush creeping up his ears. 
“No I don’t LOVE Y/N. I don’t even know her.” Tsukishima said, trying to remain casual.
“You wouldn’t stop staring at her the entire day. Every time she was on your side of the court, you slammed on the ball like some final boss. Also, you choked on your water when she talked to you.” Kenma said, still engrossed in his game.
Tsukishima glared at him. Kenma ignored him, unfazed. 
Kuroo grinned wickedly.
“So, we have a new plan. Get Tsukishima to confess to Y/N.”
Bokuto clapped. ‘YEAH! Tsukki, you gotta tell her how you feel.”
Tsukishima turned back to his book. “I don’t FEEL anything. I don’t even know her. I’ll see you guys tonight. To practice, not for some ridiculous love story.”
Kuroo and Bokuto shared a conspiratorial look.
Operation: Tsukki and Y/N was a go.
“Y/N! Fancy to see you here!” Bokuto said grinning mischievously. You furrowed your brow.
“Did Kuroo not tell you I was going to join you guys tonight?” You turned toward the raven-haired boy, who glared at Bokuto.
“Yes, Bokuto just doesn’t listen. Anyway, we are just waiting for one more...there you are!” Kuroo threw a megawatt smile to someone behind you. You spun around to come face to chest with Tsukishima. His gaze narrowed as he looked down at you. You gave a small smile and cautiously stepped back.
“Oh! Tsukishima. I didn’t realize you’d be joining! Great, because I don’t know if I can handle these four by themselves.” You smiled, gesturing to Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, and Akaashi. 
Kuroo tossed a volleyball up in the air. “Now that we are all here, let’s practice.” You took this as your cue, to head to the sidelines and finish up work for the day. Once you were safely out of earshot, Kuroo leaned in towards Tsukishima.
“‘This is your chance. Show her how good you play. We’ll even go easy on you!”
Tsukishima shook his head.
“I’m not here for some girl. I’m here to get better and improve. Play me to win or don’t play.” His honey-tinted eyes held a fire behind them that Kuroo had never seen before. He shrugged and the boys split up on either side of the net to start practicing.
You watched them from the sidelines, while filling out your reports for the day. You knew most of the guys from previous training camps. Tsukishima, being a first year, hadn’t met you until today and you didn’t get a whole lot of time to interact with him throughout practice so you could tell he still hadn’t warmed up to you just yet.
You watched as the guys jumped, and methodically blocked the ball from scoring on their respective sides. It was amazing to see really, especially because you knew these guys outside of the court. Akaashi, who was one of the sweetest people you knew, was slamming the ball over the net like a man in war. Bokuto, who normally was all over the place, was hyper focused on preventing the ball from passing the wall of him and Tsukishima. Even Kenma, who normally showed very little passion outwardly, did an impressive dig to stop the ball from hitting the floor.
You tried to gauge some sort of personality from Tsukishima. He was methodical, calculating every move from each member and putting himself in a way that forced his opponents to do what he wanted. His demeanor changed from apathetic to focused and driven and for a first year, he had a lot of skill. You hadn’t had a chance to really gauge who he was outside of a first impression so you made a mental note to focus more on him in the coming week.
Your phone buzzed, pulling you away from the practice.
Yūji : hey bbygirll ;P
You rolled your eyes. Terushima was always overly flirtatious, though harmless.
Y/N: Hey Yuuji, what’s up?
Yūji : throwing a party ths wknd N u better goooo ;)
Y/N: mmm...maybe. Who’s all going to be there?
Yūji : literally evry1. Tendou n Ushiwaka, Oikawa  (🤢) and those guys from Seijoh, some guys from inarizaki, maybe some from ur training camp thing, and YOU
Y/N: FINE. But I might bring backup since last time I had to take care of your drunk ass.
Yūji : :D can’t wait to see you
You looked up. The guys had finished their practice and were staring at you. 
“Sorry, Terushima was talking about some party this weekend. You guys going?”
Kuroo nodded, “Thought about dragging Kenma to it. You going?”
You shrugged. “Maybe. I’ll go if you guys go, because I don’t wanna have to deal with that mess alone again.”
Bokuto laughed. “We should go together then. It will be a good way to end this week.”
He looked at Tsukishima. 
“You have to go with us Tsukki!”
Tsukishima shook his head. “No way. A party with loud, obnoxious drunk people? I’m fine, thanks.”
You giggled. 
“Come on Tsukishima! It’ll be nice to blow off steam from this week, plus I’d kill to see you at a party.”
Tsukishima looked over at you, his expression unreadable.
The rest of the week was tough but fun. You got to see all the boys improve, and you even managed to get Tsukishima to crack a smile a few times. You couldn’t deny that you were showing a slight favoritism toward the tall blonde. You told yourself it was because he was so difficult to reach, but you couldn’t help but seek him out in each practice.
Turns out you didn’t have to look far today.
“Medic!” Coach Ukai shouted. You looked up from your clipboard and saw a group of boys crowded in the Karasuno area. You jogged over there and the boys cleared.
Tsukishima was standing in the center of the circle, clutching his hand. You could see it was red, swollen, and bleeding. You pulled on gloves, and started inspecting it, gently squeezing and prodding to see where the pain was at.
You pushed on his knuckle and he let out a low groan. 
“Ouch. It looks like you may have dislocated this. Come with me back to the medic bay, and I’ll patch you up.” You led him by the elbow to your office. He remained silent but you could hear his breathing had become heavy.
You motioned for him to sit in the chair as you started pulling out different creams and aids to ease the bleeding first. 
He hissed as you applied pressure to his finger.
“Sorry, Tsukishima. It’s just to stop the bleeding so we can start working on your knuckle. This is going to sting okay? So keep your eyes on mine.”
Your voice was soothing and he felt his heart slow down as you started pulling out some sort of tonic. You looked up at him and he tried to focus on anything else but the blush creeping on his face. You smiled at him and then…
The tonic you sneakily applied on his wound BURNED. You held his hand firmly, while avoiding the injured area.
“Don’t move too much or you could hurt yourself worse.” You said while wrapping a small bandage around his finger.
Your hands felt so delicate in his. He almost forgave you for the stinging. Almost.
“Okay, let’s look at the swelling. Can you move it at all?”
He tried and his finger gave a pathetic twitch.
“Okay, so that’s not broken. I think we’ll just splint it up, but you may want to follow up with your doctor if it becomes more of an issue after a couple of days.”
“Can I still play?” He asked. 
“Definitely not today, but you should be good to go by next week. Unfortunately, you’ll be out for the rest of this week.” You gave him a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry.”
He exhaled slowly and nodded, though you could tell he was disappointed, which surprised you a little. You busied yourself putting away your tools and pulling out the wraps. “So you really like volleyball huh? Wait…sorry, of course you do. Just…I didn’t peg you for being so passionate.” Face burning, you turned around digging in a cabinet.
“I’m not like Bokuto or Hinata, if that’s what you mean.” His voice was quiet and you snuck a glance back at him. He was staring at his finger. You waited for him to continue but he stayed silent.
Grabbing the supplies you needed you sat in front of him and pulled your tray next to you. “Yeah those two can be a little…enthusiastic.” You laughed and reached for his hand. He hesitated a moment and you grinned. “No more tonics, I promise.”
His hand dwarfed yours and he felt his mouth go dry as you delicately ran bandages over the injury. Why did he suddenly become hyper aware of how close your knee was to his? He looked away, blood rushing in his ears. He suddenly realized it had gotten silent and you were looking at him. Fuck. “Uh, sorry.”
You smiled, that smile that made his hands tingle with electricity. “I was just asking if you were excited about the party this weekend.” 
Fuck, The party.
“I know, it can be a lot. But I’m glad you’re going. I’m excited to see you in party mode.” You winked and he felt his heart stop for a second. “Anyway, you’re all done.” You let go of his hand and he tried to push away the emptiness it felt now. “I’ll let Coach Ukai know and I’ll see you this weekend.”
“Hey Tsukki…how was your chat?” Kuroo sidled up to Tsukishima who was sipping water on the bench. Tsukishima rolled his eyes. “What are you talking about?”
Bokuto slid on the opposite side, sandwiching Tsukishima in the middle. “So did you tell Y/N you love her?” 
Tsukishima glared at him. "No. And I don't love her. She just bandaged my finger."
"Oooh romantic. You guys were in there for a while." Kuroo said, winking. Tsukishima forced himself not to look in your direction, instead focusing intently on his water bottle. 
A whistle blew and the guys headed to their respective teams. Tsukishima allowed his gaze to wander over to you. You were looking at your phone, a small smile on your face. You must have felt his gaze because you looked up, meeting his eyes. You shot him a small grin, before you were distracted by Lev tripping on a mat. 
Tsukishima looked back down at the bandage wrapped neatly around his finger.
"Okay boys. We gotta make sure Tsukki looks good." Kuroo declared, dragging Kenma, Bokuto, and Akaashi behind him. 
Tsukishima looked up from his book. "What are you talking about?"
"The party tonight. You have to dress to impress. You want Y/N to fall for you, don't you?" Bokuto said, rummaging through the closet. Kuroo looked Tsukishima up and down. "Is that what you're wearing?"
Tsukishima rolled his eyes. "Yes. I don't need fashion advice from a rooster and an owl, thanks." He didn't mention that he had gone through three different shirts before settling on the current one he was wearing.
"He looks fine. We better get going anyway." Akaashi said, looking at his phone. Kuroo looked at Tsukishima smugly.
"Don't worry. She's meeting us there. So we can pep talk you on the way."
Tsukishima grabbed his jacket. "You are delusional. There's nothing between us." He turned away, trying to ignore the buzzing in his stomach. The guys headed to Bokuto's car, piling in as Bokuto drove to the party. 
Bass boomed from the house and people were strewn everywhere. Tsukishima saw a few people he recognized as he walked in. Oikawa and his cronies laughing in the corner, the Miya twins dominating the beer pong table. Kuroo led them to Terushima, who was doing a shot of an amber liquid.
"Yo, where's Y/N?" Kuroo asked. Terushima made a face as the liquid went down, before pointing to the staircase. Tsukishima turned.
You looked incredible. Your hair was down from its usual ponytail, and it spilled down your back in long waves. You wore a tight shirt and jeans that hugged all of your curves and had that gorgeous smile on your face. You were standing next to Ushijima, listening intently to him discuss something before you nodded, replying back with something that made the large man smile. 
"Oi Y/N!!" Bokuto yelled, and you turned, blinking at the interruption. You excused yourself from Ushijima and walked to where the guys were standing. 
"Hey guys! Glad you finally made it-" You started before Osamu Miya tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around and he gave you a tight hug. "Hey come be my partner for this. `Tsumu got Suna and he's scary good." You nodded before waving a quick goodbye to the guys and followed Osamu to the beer pong table. 
"Don't worry Tsukki, she's just really popular. We need drinks." Bokuto said, dragging Tsukishima to the cooler in the kitchen. Tsukishima narrowed his eyes. "I'm not worried. I didn't come here for some girl."
Bokuto fished two beers out of the cooler, handing Tsukishima one. "Exactly. Play it cool. Girls love that." 
A cheer came from the beer pong table and Tsukishima glimpsed Osamu carrying you in a celebratory hug. 
Kuroo sidled up next to him. "Miya's been desperate forever. She won't give him a chance. In other news, Oikawa brought his fan club with him." He rolled his eyes, gesturing to the gaggle of girls that were whispering next to the pack of Seijoh boys. They were all young, way too young to be at this college party and definitely overdressed. Oikawa and his crew barely gave them a second look, choosing instead to laugh amongst themselves.
The tall one, Mattsukawa, Tsukishima thought his name was, turned to Oikawa and whispered something before stalking toward the table.
As Tsukishima watched, he headed toward you. He saw a glimpse pass between Osamu and him before Matsukawa approached you. You listened, before nodding and laughing, turning to say something to Osamu and walking back to Oikawa's group. Oikawa's fans shot daggers at you, as you hugged Oikawa and talked animatedly with the group. Tsukishima frowned into his drink. You were friendly with everybody. He didn't know why he had let Kuroo get into his head.
The room felt hot and he slipped out the back door. The cool night air was refreshing on his skin. The house was near a dock, which was probably not the safest for drunk people, but it was quiet. Tsukishima walked along the wooden planks, the party sounds dying down as he moved further away.
The moon was bright, reflected on the water. He remembered an old story his mom used to tell him, something about a kingdom on the moon. He sipped his drink. 
"There you are."
He turned around. You walked towards him and sat next to him at the edge of the dock. He became very aware of how alone you both were out here.
"I was looking for you. Guess parties aren't really your thing, huh?" You laughed, pulling a bottle of water out and taking a sip.
He shook his head. "People aren't really my thing." He cringed internally. Why did he sound so pretentious?
"I definitely understand that." You nodded, looking out towards the water.
He blinked. "You seem pretty popular." 
As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt his ears burn. Now you would think he was some crazy stalker, watching your every move. 
Surprisingly, you didn't seem fazed.
"I know a lot of people. It comes with the territory. But, sometimes I feel like…I don't know. None of them really know me? Ugh that sounds cliche, I know." You groaned. 
He laughed, in spite of himself. "That does sound cliche." 
You laughed. "Tsukishima! You're supposed to pretend I said something profound, not agree with me!"
Tsukishima shrugged, biting back a smile. He liked the way his name sounded on your tongue. You said it almost like a song, Tsukishima. 
You scooted closer to him on the dock. "But cliches are cliches for a reason, right? There's some truth to them, I think." Your arms wrapped tightly around yourself and you shivered. 
Tsukishima unzipped his jacket and draped it over you. "Here. Aren't medics supposed to be prepared for anything?"
You smiled, grateful for the warmth. "Well yeah, but then we can't steal jackets from grumpy volleyball players." You teased.
You were inches apart now. Tsukishima could see the glitter in your lip gloss, reflecting the moonlight. Your lips looked really soft. He felt his face burn and turned away, grateful for the darkness. 
The wind blew a heavy breeze and he shivered in spite of himself. Without a second thought, you wrapped your arms around him. 
His pulse raced. He could feel his heartbeat in his ears and smell the sweet perfume you wore as it enveloped him. He froze and felt you shrink back.
"Sorry! I thought, since I stole your jacket I…uh…" You stammered and a buzzing noise came from your pocket. You fumbled with your phone and answered it. 
"Yeah. What?! No. No. So? Why did you- no please. Well can anyone else-? Uh-huh. But- I-..." You frowned as the line went dead. You looked upset, your brow furrowed and bit your lip. 
"Um, so that was Kuroo. Bokuto got drunk and threw up in the car and so he asked me to take you to the dorms since they don't have room. Um…yeah." You trailed off, fidgeting with the zipper on the jacket you wore. 
Tsukishima got the feeling you were not excited about spending time in a car with him. 
"I can just find a ride."
Your eyes widened. "No! I mean, I don't mind. We are going to the same place. Um, here's your jacket. I parked uh, pretty close so we can just head there right now." You hopped up, yanking his jacket off and handing it to him stiffly. He blinked and took it from your hands. You avoided his gaze and you led the way to your car. 
"Door is unlocked." You said and he opened the door. A waft of your perfume, that damned intoxicating scent, washed over him. He squeezed into the passenger seat and you fiddled with the radio, tuning to an old rock station before checking your mirrors and backing out.
Your hands drummed on the steering wheel as you drove, determined to not look at Tsukishima. He looked out the window, the tension in the car thick.
What happened to make you switch your mood so fast? You seemed jumpy, almost in fear of him and he was 1000% sure you would rather be anywhere else. 
You pulled into the parking lot of the dorms and stared straight ahead, your knuckles white. Tsukishima waited a moment before undoing his seatbelt.
"Er, thanks."
You nodded, still avoiding eye contact.
"Of course, no problem. Sleep well." He closed your door quietly so as to not disturb the dorms and slipped into his room.
You finally sighed, looking at your passenger seat where his dark jacket laid on the seat.
Tsukishima quietly slipped through his door and flicked on the light.
"Hey hey hey how was it?!" Bokuto yelled and Akaashi shushed him. Tsukishima stumbled back.
"What the hell?"
Kuroo clapped him on the shoulder. "I told you, we got your back. So did you kiss her??" Even Kenma looked up from his game.
Tsukishima frowned. "No. What the hell? I thought you were drunk." He said, pointing at Bokuto.
Akaashi smiled. "Of course not. I wouldn't let him get drunk and drive." Bokuto nodded solemnly.
Kuroo shot his signature cat-like grin. “We told a tiny white lie. But more importantly, did you make a move?!”
The boys waited impatiently. Tsukishima sat down on his bed.
Bokuto jumped up. “What?! Why Tsukki????” He cried out, Akaashi desperately trying to shush him.
Kuroo stared incredulously at Tsukishima. “What? Why not? You two looked cozy on the dock!” 
Tsukishima narrowed his eyes. “How did you see us at the dock?”
Kenma shrugged, turning back to his game. “It’s a Pokestop. I was trying to catch a Wartortle.”
Tsukishima rolled his eyes. He looked at his phone, scrolling past your contact info, the winking emoji taunting him from the small screen.
Kuroo sat down beside him. “What happened, bro?”
Tsukishima took a deep breath.
“Nothing. We talked on the dock and then she got really weird and distant and it was very clear she did not want to give me a ride, thanks for that by the way, and she drove us here and barely spoke to me. She didn’t even look at me when I left.”
Three pairs of eyes stared at him stunned. 
“Wait, what? She was VERY clearly into you based on the picture Kenma sent us.” Kuroo said, scrolling through his phone. “Look.”
He pulled up a picture of you and Tsukishima sitting very close on the dock. It was blurry and far away but he could make out the image of you in midlaugh. If he hadn’t been there, he wouldn’t have believed that was the same girl who barely spoke two words the entire drive home.
“I don’t know! She just started stuttering and wouldn’t talk to me.” Tsukishima said, exasperated.
Bokuto looked close to tears. Akaashi hummed. “Well what happened before she started acting strange?”
Tsukishima thought back. “She was shivering because she was dumb and didn’t bring a jacket. I lent her mine and we were fine. And then she hugged me and when she pulled away she got distant.”
The room was silent. Then Kenma spoke up. “Did you hug her back?”
Kuroo laughed. “Of course he did Kenma, what kind of question is that?” He looked at Tsukishima and then frowned. “Are you fucking serious right now?”
Even Bokuto looked aghast. “You didn’t hug her back? She gives great hugs, what the hell, Tsukki!”
Akaashi cleared his throat. “I think what they are trying to say is, that was a stupid move. She thinks you rejected her.”
Tsukishima frowned. “What?! I didn’t have time to react. She was hugging me and I just…I froze, okay? I don’t do well with that stuff. By the time I realized what was happening, she was already handing me my jacket.”
Bokuto facepalmed. Kuroo grabbed Tsukishima by the shoulders, shaking him. “YOU LET HER GIVE YOUR JACKET BACK?!” 
Akaashi groaned. “So now she thinks you rejected her and probably only gave her your jacket out of necessity.” 
Even Kenma looked annoyed. “Practice is going to be weird tomorrow.”
Kuroo looked over at Tsukishima and frowned. “Wait, where’s your jacket?”
Tsukishima looked down.
Tsukishima woke up and stared at the ceiling. Coach Ukai pounded at his door. 
“Up and at ‘em! Just because you’re finger’s broken doesn’t mean you can stay in bed!”
He sighed, throwing on his practice gear. He stared at his phone, willing a text to come in from you. Or maybe you would just pretend he didn’t exist. That might be helpful too. He stared at the ground.
Ukai pounded at the door again and Tsukishima sighed.
When he got to the gym, he glanced at the area you usually worked, near the coaches. There was no sign of you. He re-tied his laces, fiddling with the knots. 
“She’s not here yet.” Kuroo muttered from behind him. Tsukishima looked up. “Weird, because she’s never late.” He looked pointedly at Tsukishima before he headed back to the Nekoma team and Tsukishima frowned. 
With each slam of the door, he expected to see you saunter in, laughing as you carried your clipboard. When Coach Sato blew his whistle, you still hadn’t arrived.
“Teams, we expect some good matches today. As you may have noticed, Y/N is not here today as she is under the weather. If you have any injuries, please reach out to Coach Itto here who will assist you for the day.”
A short man bowed to the teams and Coach Sato blew the whistle again. 
Tsukishima headed to the area where Karasuno was stretching. Nishinoya was talking to Tanaka.
“Sucks that Y/N is sick today. I was gonna show her my new receive.” He said and Tanaka nodded. 
“I heard there was some wild party last night. Maybe she’s hungover?” He guessed, laughing. Sugawara, who was stretching next to them, frowned. “I doubt it. She’s responsible and wouldn’t do something like that. I hope she feels better soon.” He noticed Tsukishima staring. “Tsukishima, aren’t you two friends? If you see her, tell her we hope she feels better.”
Tsukishima looked down, saved by Ukai’s whistle. 
Your phone buzzed.
Bokuto: Hey Hey! Are you feeling okay?
You smiled at the screen, typing a message back before collapsing onto your pillow.
Y/N: I’m okay, just a little under the weather. How about you?
Bokuto: I’m doing great! I gotta go tho because Akaashi is staring at me. Bye!
You grinned. He was definitely cheery for a person so drunk he threw up in his own car the night before. You sank back into bed.
You knew it was a coward’s solution, avoiding Tsukishima by missing practice. But ugh, you felt like an idiot. You were sure he liked you, he gave you his jacket for crying out loud. But then when you stupidly made a move, he just…stared at you. You shivered thinking about his look when you let go of him. Ugh, he probably thought you were some lovestruck schoolgirl. 
You groaned, covering your face with your blanket. Peeking out from under the covers, you spotted his jacket on your desk. He had been so freaked out, he left it in your car. Now it taunted you as a reminder of how you threw yourself, literally, at him.
The last whistle blew in the gym and Tsukishima grabbed his water bottle as he turned to leave. He ran smack into Hinata.
“Oi Saltyshima! Watch where you are going!” The tangerine yelled at him, rubbing his head. Hinata carried a box in his other hand. 
“What’s that?” Tsukishima asked, gesturing to the box. Hinata smiled wide.
“We are going to take snacks to Y/N’s dorm so she feels better. You want to come with us?”
A few other boys perked up from their respective teams, including unfortunately, Bokuto and Kuroo. Kuroo sidled up next to Tsukishima.
“He would love to go, RIGHT TSUKISHIMA?” He turned, glaring at the blonde. Bokuto stood on the other side of him, boxing him in. Tsukishima sighed, taking the box from Hinata’s hand.
“Fine, I’ll go.”
Hinata glared at him. “No way. You don’t get to take credit for these snacks!” 
Tsukishima stared down at him. “What are you gonna do about it?”
Daichi came between them. “Tsukishima will tell her that they are from you. But we shouldn’t all go. It will overwhelm her.” He looked knowingly at Tsukishima. “I think Tsukishima should go alone.”
Tsukishima looked down at the box. He shrugged. 
The walk to your dorm was long. Tsukishima dreaded having to face you. You probably hated him, which he didn’t mind from other people, but didn’t want that from you. When he thought of your eyes scrunching up when you laughed, the way your hand felt over his…it made his stomach hurt. He finally could delay the trip no longer. He reached the medic dorm and knocked.
It was silent. He waited a moment before knocking again.
“Y/N?” he called. No answer.
He looked at the box in his hand. Should he just leave it here? Should he leave a note? He heard voices coming towards your dorm and turned around.
You were walking with Osamu Miya, that damned smile on your face. You laughed at something Osamu said before you noticed Tsukishima standing there.
“Tsukishima! Um, what are you doing here?” You looked at the box in his hand.
He shoved the box into your hands, not meeting your eyes.
“Hinata sent these for you and says he hopes you feel better.” He turned around, walking quickly back to his dorm, ignoring your calls of his name.
Tsukishima ignored his phone as it buzzed on his desk. He tried to focus on his book, where he had re-read the same line at least 5 times. His phone buzzed again and he glanced at the screen.
He didn’t know whether to be relieved or frustrated that it wasn’t a text from you. On one hand, he wanted you to feel guilty. But on the other hand, what did you have to feel guilty for? You weren’t together. You could talk or date anyone you wanted, even Osamu Miya, though he didn’t know why you would choose him. The guy had grey hair and was just as annoying as his stupid brother.
A knock at his door broke him from his thoughts.
“Oi Tsukishima, open up!” It was Kuroo. 
He tried to ignore the door, focusing back on his book. He banged on the door again.
“Tsukki, I know you are in there and I will wait here all night.”
Tsukishima groaned, getting up to answer the door.
Kuroo barged in, followed by Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, and surprisingly, Daichi. The guys stood in a weird semicircle around Tsukishima’s bed.
“Well, what happened?” Kuroo asked. Bokuto nodded, looking excited. “Did you finally apologize for being an idiot?”
Daichi nodded. “They filled me in. Please tell me you fixed this.”
Tsukishima sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Everything is fine. She was out and got there when I was about to leave and I gave her the stupid box.”
Akaashi looked at him. “What did you talk about?”
Tsukishima shrugged. “We didn’t. She was with Osamu Miya and they were coming back from somewhere so I just handed her the box and told her it was from Hinata.”
Daichi, Kuroo, and Bokuto groaned. Akaashi stared at him, disappointed. Kenma was focused on his game.
“Well, did you declare your love for her? Kiss her in front of him or something?” Bokuto asked and Tsukishima rolled his eyes. 
“No. Clearly she’s over whatever happened. The end. She’s with Osamu. Can we stop this stupid romantic comedy bullshit?” Tsukishima said, frustrated. 
Kuroo grabbed his shoulders. “Tsukishima! She would never choose Osamu. That guy has been chasing her for YEARS and she has never said yes. She missed practice today because you were a dummy who hurt her feelings. You need to go make this right!”
Daichi nodded solemnly. “Tsukishima, you don’t understand. There’s something big there between you two. Everyone can see it. The tension between you two is insane. Osamu probably called her at a time when she was vulnerable and hurt. You need to tell her how you feel.”
Tsukishima looked at the guys. Even Kenma was nodding along. Tsukishima groaned and sighed.
There was a knock at his door.
“Who is that?” Kuroo whispered. Tsukishima shrugged. “Probably Hinata to ask about the snacks.” He answered the door.
You stood there, shivering and wet, holding a plastic bag.
Tsukishima closed the door.
“Was that her?” Daichi asked and Tsukishima nodded. 
“Open the door idiot!” Kuroo hissed. Akaashi pointed to the bathroom and the rest of the boys silently herded into the small room. Tsukishima swallowed hard and re-opened the door.
You shivered again and he blinked. “Shit, sorry er, come in.”
You gave a small smile and stepped into the room. He grabbed a towel from the small closet and handed it to you.
“Um, here.”
Taking it, you nodded. “Thanks. Sorry it rained on me when I was walking here.” You quickly tried to dry your dripping hair. The room was silent except for the occasional droplets of water.
“Um, I uh, I brought your jacket.” You said, extending the bag to him. 
He looked at your outstretched arm and silently took the bag from you.
“Thanks.” He placed the bag on his desk. 
The two of you were silent again. Then you both began.
You laughed. “Um, you go ahead.”
He swallowed hard.  “I guess you are feeling better.”
Inside the bathroom, Kuroo facepalmed silently.
You nodded. “Uh, yeah. I was just feeling really uh, weird this morning.”
The room got quiet again and you concentrated very hard on the floor tiles. He spoke first.
“I’m really bad at this.”
You looked up. “Bad at what?”
He sighed and fiddled with his fingers.
“I’m not a person who talks about feelings. Or very good at reciprocating them…appropriately? I feel things, obviously, but–” he trailed off.
“I’m sorry I hugged you. I thought I was getting a vibe but then I saw how you reacted and it made me realize you do not like me like that. I shouldn’t have been presumptuous.” You said quickly. Your face was flushed.
He blinked.
“I do though.”
Your eyes met his. “What?”
He nodded. “Like you, I mean. In that way.” His face was reddening and you had the urge to kiss his cheeks.
You stared at him. “Wait what? But you–” 
He sighed. “I froze. I told you. I’m not good at expressing these things and it was overwhelming, a cute girl on top of me.”
You blushed, then frowned. “I was not ON TOP of you.”
He smirked. “Yeah, you kind of were.”
You pouted, and he had the strongest desire to kiss your lips. “Tsukishima, I was NOT on top of you!”
He cocked his head to the side. “Are you calling me a liar, Miss ‘called in sick to work today’?”
Your mouth fell open in mock offense. “Tsukishima Kei, you are a mean guy.”
He smirked, again. Stupidly handsome mean guy, you thought.
“JUST KISS ALREADY!” a voice from the bathroom startled the two of you. You turned to the noise and Tsukishima grabbed your face, surprising you with a kiss. Your eyes widened in shock before you melted into his embrace. His lips were soft and you felt fireworks exploding in the back of your brain as all the stupid drama floated away for this moment.
You didn’t even notice the trail of boys leaving the bathroom, Kuroo stopping to shoot a thumbs up at the two of you.
“God I love training camps.”
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munsonology · 2 years
Maybe its just me, but I rarely wear skirts. I wear some dresses but it's always knee length and and any shorter I wear thick leggings (mainly because I was shamed when I was younger by my family because I am really tall and any skirts that fit normal people were super short on me and I was called a slut, like I was a preteen but go off).
Anyways, imagine that you don't wear skirts, only ever pants. And you are trying so hard to get Eddie's attention (of course you always have him but you're slightly insecure and don't REALLY believe he likes you that way, I mean you aren't dating, plus there are so many other girls who he flirts with like Chrissy why YOU). So, you're supposed to go out with him to the Hideout and you decide to wear a skirt. A skirt that for most would probably be slightly above knee for most but mid thigh for you. Eddie opens his trailer door and almost falls straight out seeing you, eyes immediately focusing on your legs. Suddenly, the Hideout is closed for the night for...repairs? Anyways come on in let's just hang out ;)
Awww anon I’m so sorry your family treated you that way. I hate that some of our families have old ways of thinking like this. I went through puberty early and was told similar things. I begged my mom for this jlo dress (it was in the young girls section) and she eventually bought it but I could never wear it and I couldn’t wear the booty shorts like the other girls did (I miss 2000’s booty shorts 😭 what a time). So I hope you’re at a point where you feel comfortable to wear what you want how you want ❤️ and thank you for sharing that!
I think if you only ever wore pants Eddie’s mouth would drop seeing you in a skirt. It’s new and unexpected to see your knees and he’s mind blown because you have great knees and he’s drooling over your beautiful thighs as the fabric rides up a bit when you get in the van. I think Eddie is so aware that wearing a skirt is new for you so he’d tell you he wants you, not what you think he likes. But if you like wearing skirts from time to time he’s not gonna complain 😭 he’s still horny 24/7 for you so what you wear doesn’t matter bestie. He’ll fuck you wearing a potato sack if that’s your fav outfit.
Ugh and he’s such a simp to see you in his clothes. I think both of y’all’s style would evolve when you get together a little bit so he’d have some things I yours and you’d have some things of his. Imagine you take some old jeans of his and turn it into a skirt tho 😭 he’d be on his knees so fast, gripping your thighs as he eats your pussy like he’s bobbing for apples 😭😭😭
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sungtaro · 9 months
2023 kpop recap ♡ tagged by @ambivartence !
Groups You Started Stanning?: well the big ones of course are wayv and nct (mostly 127 but i tune in for nct u of course of course ... loved golden age) ... i would say i also got really into triples this year musicwise, but i don't actually know the girls
New Ult Biases?: dejun ... my cringe bestie it was inevitable from the moment i saw him cleaning up poop on the puppy interview ...
Idol(s) Who Got The Most Of Your Simping?: idk you all tell me . i think i'm pretty normal KJSGJHBS but i'm sure we can make some arguments for mr. jaehyun and also my husband sehyoon who returned from war god bless
Most Streamed Group(s): cravity, treasure, enhypen, and purple kiss according to my spotify wrapped; nct and wayv definitely are my most streamed in the last couple of months though!
Most Streamed Soloist(s)?: woodz is the only one who made it into my wrapped report, but i'd guess probably also yena, yuri, and maybe eric nam
Top K-Pop Song(s) Of This Year (Opinion Or Streaming, You Choose): nct djj perfume is definitely my song of the year. others i think deserve soty shoutouts: save me kill me - cix, busted - woodz, rising - triples, fate - enhypen, agit - purple kiss, kick it 4 now - tnx, regret it - exo
Top Debut This Year: for the girls kiss of life with shhh ! for the boys ... dojaejung counts right ??
Choreographies You Learned: i don't learn choreo like on purpose HAHA but i can kind of dance along to groovy by cravity
Albums/Merchandise You Bought: too many albums per usual since cravity and treasure both had comebacks, and i just started buying for my new obsessions 🧍🏼‍♀️ i also got a tshirt at the omega x concert, and mary and i got the new truz crossbody bags which are actually so cute ... and we also got wayv seasons greetings to share which i think was a great decision
New Kpop Mutuals You Made?: my new nctuals i love u guys thanks for letting me in and treating me like a bestie even though i just got here 7 years late with my giant iced coffee in hand and sporadic posting around my insane work schedule. and for anyone else who started holding my hand this year, just know ... i don't let go easily or ever ! 😈
Tagging: gonna go through my follow list and tag my most recently made mutuals as inspired by that last question hehe no pressure though! also sorry if we haven't actually interacted before, in my mind we are best friends as soon as u follow me back . just fyi . <3 @minhyukie @bouncingback @neonsbian @irlvernon @lenteur @yutaslaugh @yunogf @baekhyunnybyun and bc i mentioned her in here @dongkwan teehee
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janahanooo · 1 year
Meet my son OC
Aspen - He/Him
Age - (before Twst) - 33 (in game timeline) - 40
Job - (before Twst) - office worker
- (in game timeline) - math teacher
(How he looks is still a mystery for you dudes. I won't let you simp for him that easly)
Aspen Hawkey is an office worker, who was very into gacha games in his early childhood. He also loved every Disney film, even in his adulthood. He tragicaly died by a car accident, but when he opened his eyes, the person in front of him was Crewel Divus. He offered him help and tried to explain where he was. It failed, making him belive this is the afterlife and he is indeed in heaven (almost baby, almost). So he got an offer to teach at Nrc math even if he does not, or only posess very little magic.
In the game timeline, every 2nd and 3rd years know him, since it has been 7 years since he got here. The first years thinks he's stricht and in a constant bad mood, but in reality, he's just very much tired of students asking him on out dates. Yes, it happens every few days in school.
His favourite student is..... Leona. Yep. Since Leona doesn't bother him at all, and is actually pretty smart in math. And come on, he was an office worker. He too loves to sleep. But don't worry, he loves everyone equally. Really, just don't anger him.
He's besties with Crewel, but also likes Trein and Vargas. Sam is cool, he ocasionally gives him discounts (It's not like, someone has a crush or smt...). Crowley in his eyes is a bit trouble some, but thinks of him as a great buddy to talk to... sorry Yuu, this prof won't join in the anti-crowley club.
Aspen: what do I think about RSA? It's quite nice. No, don't get me wrong, I love NRC, but the people in RSA seem a bit nicer, that's all.
Aspen: about myself? Huh. Well, I teach at Nrc and- oh. Not that kind? Then, I would say, I'm very great in fixing things. I like DIY. I can show you a few, if you want me to.
Aspen: Crowley? That birdhead can be nice when he wants to, but he would rather lay around all day and cause chaos.... well, other than that, I like him. He's nice to me.
Aspen: I'm from 《%#&!¡》, it's a small town near 《&!@%#》. Heh, I figured you wouldn't know where it is. However, since I came here, I've been living with Divus. Yes, Crewel Divus. Why, is there a problem?
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Bestie please your hcs on Cass! 👀
Hey!! I can't believe you're commenting on my post I feel so honoured!! So here's Cassandra! Sorry it's a bit late dealing with my wisdom tooth and I'll do Daniela once I'm done with the pain and this would be my last post for now! And will surely edit it-
Works as a supermodel as well but have part time job such as a fencing teacher
Fits the theme as "Dark Feminine" very much and was known for it
Great at her jobs but focus on her modeling career more
Has the powerful walk
Paparazzi would never try to get near her knowing she wouldn't be afraid to punch them with no hesitation
People know she has a bitchy attitude and she's aware of it but never really care
Actually loves her fan more than some of her co-models
Well supported from the community as well
She's more chill out of the spotlight and treat ordinary people normal and doesn't like entitled
Paparazzi couldn't do anything because Cassandra will be throwing things at them and doesn't care if she'll hurt them
Also has a persona on stage for being the seductive model
It's just the gays having gay panics
Nice to her fencing students since most of them are kids
Received a letter from an innocent young girl who confess that she has a crush on her from one of her students
She frame it in her room and was happy about it Personal Life:
Luxurious lifestyle as well
Has two IG accounts but the other one is a secret and only have IG
Likes reading
Same school as her sisters but have lesser decent grades than Bela but still a bit better than Daniela
Used to be in the fencing club throughout school
She only post on her public accounts
Doesn't like her personal life being too much exploited very much just to gain attention
Definitely made fun of Bela's emo phrase
Even though she did had one-
Troublemaker with Daniela as her partner by her side
Annoyed Bela 24/7
Or sometimes would annoy Daniela when she's feeling it
Somehow still alive when she tried to steal her mother's lipstick and draw on her mirror
Hate paparazzi and actually throw a rock on their face multiple times and didn't care about her reputation being stained
She just want to be a model with a normal life she grew up with like why the hell is she gonna be sorry? Relationship:
Met her during her fencing lesson and was a fan of her as well but you two didn't spoke a lot during the first few days since GAY PANIC
Her commanding voice just had an effect on you whenever she teach
Got a bit close a few weeks later till she ask to grab lunch together
Spend more date before eventually both of you to be in a relationship
Cassandra post a picture of you while training
Same like her sisters her relationship with you is low key despite her problematic relationship in the past she finds this low key relationship with you to be more peaceful
No one knows about you except for some people and that's all matters
Her fans were happy for her to be finally to be in a happy relatiosnhip
Most of your pictures are from your fencing lessons or sometimes or workout session together
She LOVES watching you work out those muscles and couldn't help but to take multiple pictures and post a few online
Even some of her fans were simping over you muscles
She tease you about it
And same goes for you, you post pictures of her with her face covered and MADE SURE something wouldn't link about her identity especially her fans are some detectives
Some dates sometimes includes a VIP bar section and made sure to hide you from the paparazzi or else they'll be breaking their cameras and face with no charges
Oh yea she did broke one when he tried to take pictures of you when the two of you were just taking a morning stroll
She make 100% sure your identity is private and no one would know you to the PR
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chumpovodir · 1 year
sorry i'm actually still on that castlevania brainrot, with a big big focus on CoD since i've been re-playing it in my free time, but felt like i was being too annoying about it between simping for Hector in a way i have not publicly done for any other blorbo and bitching about netflixvania lmao
now that i've had some time to let my thoughts Stew and Simmer, and after consuming whatever Hector-centric fan content i can get my greedy little hands on, i got some Thoughts on all the pairings i've come across, and put together my as-of-now takes on them:
• CV: CoD Hector/Isaac - yes! THE ship of all time! versatile, but however you ship them, They Are Each Other's Whole World!!! they're best friends at minimum (at least before Hec's betrayal) and hell yes they're fooling around with each other - they're 2 dudes in their early 20s who grew up together, literally have no one else and probably spend damn near 24/7 together as a result of their living situation/jobs. is it a casual friends with benefits thing? are they romantically involved and devoted to each other? work besties? mentor mentee kinda thing? is it mutually toxic and/or abusive? friendly rivalry? bitter enemies til the end? it all works! the beauty of the canon not being set means theres so much room for interpretation, but i don't think hector or isaac would be as broken up as they are if they didn't feel something for each other. for me, it all tracks and part of the fun is seeing new ways to interpret their dynamic (except no one makes content for their game counterparts anymore after netflixvania 😢)
• Netflixvania!Hector/Isaac - sorry but i just can't get on board the Forgehusbands thing here. in this version, the most chemistry they have is barely tolerating each other as colleagues. its not even animosity, just straight up indifference. then hector spends some months in his own personal hell being Lenores plaything probably just trying to not lose his sanity while isaac is thousands of miles away consumed by the thought of revenge but otherwise living it up. Issac doesnt even really save Hector in the end…? and idk why but the writers were really pushing a Lenector agenda so there really isn't much of anything to ship here. N!Isaac's too dry and serious about his own misanthropy without any of the mindless, fanatical devotion to Drac's cause CoD!Isaac has, while N!Hector is just. barely a character tbh with how passive and contradicting he feels (and i will CURSE the writers for forever squandering his character when he probably has the most official, coherent material dedicated to explaining his whole deal!!!). there's not much in this canon that drives them towards each other in a way i find compelling, but if someone out there could take on the challenge and actually show how they end up getting together (as friends or romantically) i'd be interested in that! because the current status quo where they're Inexplicably An Item From The Start is a little stale tbh
• Hector/Rosaly - YESSSSSS i love how their relationship is depicted in both PtR and the manga series! (favorite panel of all time: "Oh, you bit right away") i've seen some criticisms of this ship and specifically Rosaly essentially being Lisa 2.0 and a namedropped source of Man Pain™ for all of CoD's intro cutscene before never being mentioned again and. yeah, that's all true. BUT its so soft, and quiet and loving. they really are perfect for each other <3 and it's an interesting parallel for Drac/Lisa, and how Hector doesn't go on a genocidal rampage after losing his beloved in the exact same way, despite his own misanthropy still holding strong. does that say something about Hector's character, or was it all just Death's scheming going exactly as planned?
• Hector/Julia - nnnnooo…. come on man. you cant fuck your ex's (that you killed btw) sister that just so happens to look like your recently deceased wife. who was murdered by aforementioned ex. god the baggage going in all directions here... thankfully, even in canon its only implied at best, if you turn your head and squint. i like 'em as Just Friends, thanks - 2 magic wielders that share a bond through being persecuted by humanity, and for losing a mutual someone they cared for deeply. (side note: wish we saw more of Julia! i love that for what little we got of her, she does seem to mirror Isaac, in ways only siblings who are close can)
• N!Hector/Lenore - no and FUCK no. i actively hate this pairing. the only acceptable interaction between these 2 is Hector staking Lenore through the heart with a smile on his face. and before anyone comes for me, it has NOTHING to do with the fact that it's a m/f ship, because as mentioned above, i adore Hector/Rosaly. it's not even because it's abusive, you CAN write and enjoy darker relationship dynamics but. this just wasn't it. if they were going for an enemies-to-lovers kind of thing, they failed spectacularly at establishing the 'to lovers' part. the only reason i enjoyed their S4 interactions is because it's seemingly the only time in the entire series anyone talks to Hector with any level of respect, even if it was just dumb sex jokes.
• Hector/Alucard - this one surprised me, for simultaneously seeming to hold both statuses as 'squarely defined as a rarepair by most fan's standards' but also 'there were at least a good few pages worth of the Hector Castelavnia tag on Ao3 that was just these 2 as the main pairing'?
not really sure how i feel about this one - i like them as individual characters who have a lot of parallels going on (probably because Hector is supposed to be like an 'improved' version of Alucard from what i've read?)
i like the idea of their netflixvania versions trauma bonding after the shit in S3 because good lord they both need someone who can understand what they've been through. but they don't interact at all in the netflix show, so no dice there imo. under a more cynical lens, my feelings are something like "you only ship these 2 because they're both soft prettyboys you wanna see fucking huh"
if you go by the games canon and lore then they're just about the same age and logically would have interacted at least occasionally in their time at Castlevania but ofc we dont see any of it. theres some ancient fanfics out there that expand on this with alucard, hector, and isaac all being childhood friends before they grew up and had to kinda move into their respective roles and protocol and formality and work kinda made them drift apart and i find those very cute <3
i think this pairing could work honestly, they're both generally kind-hearted albeit tragic souls with a cold disposition who experienced the madness of Castlevania and Dracula's vengeance firsthand. there's gotta be something you can pull outta there. mmmaybe not quite friendship either but.... kindred souls. they have that "prince and his knight" kinda vibe, at least aesthetically, which i can get behind! and i like what i've seen from the exceedingly rare pre-netflixvania fics that exist, and even the netflixvania fanfics are kinda cute (please can we move away from the theme of N!Trevor brutalizing N!Hector out of mistrust just as a chance for N!Alucard to swoop in and save him? shit is damn near ubiquitous even in my very brief time exploring)
• Hector/Trevor - (i should specify i'm referring to their games versions exclusively here. N!Trevor isn't even aware of N!Hector's existence afaik) i dig it, there's just the very inconvenient fact that Trevor's supposed to be married to Sypha lol. and i dont really see a trephacard type of situation happening here (not that im crazy for trephacard now that i mention it. it's cute, it's wholesome but eh, not much substance to it? im realizing i like my ships with a pinch of tension)
so much comedic potential! a fun ship to entertain, but i feel like no one seems to make any content that captures their dynamic well. so ultimately this is a "the best ship is friendship" type of relationship for me. i have a headcanon that Trevor tries, really, really tries, to reach out and befriend Hector post-CoD in a way he might not for other people, out of guilt and concern he'd end up like Adrian (except at least Adrian has the option to wake up and rejoin the world, if he felt like he was finally ready someday. Hector, for all his demonic powers, is still very much human and is shown not once, but twice, ready to let himself go peacefully from this world because he just can't envision a future for himself after Castlevania and losing everything that's important to him. and i generally just like Trevor being a Genuinely Good Person, despite being a bit of a pompous hot-head. miss me with whatever netflixvania was going for)
• Hector/Dracula - ….okay so a certain tumblr user's AU got to me and i do enjoy how dark and fucked up this is <33 and thats pretty much exclusively how i view this ship - always a power imbalance, never wholesome. that's all i have to say about it, don't really wanna go into specifics and squick anyone out but uhh yeah. it's not pretty lmao
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ultramori · 2 years
Since some of you want to see it, here is my ECU (Elsen Cinematic Universe) concept!
This post is of January 8, 2023
So uhhh basically
These guys?
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I'm working to give them little personalities :) Idk when I first started making these little dudes I didn't have the idea of them being the specific Elsen in-game, if that makes sense? Basically these were originally just Elsen OCs lol. But! Now I'm trying to kinda go more towards that idea. Of course I'll probably make more Elsen just on their own. So uh lemme introduce you to the guys I have so far! Warning, spoilers for the game OFF, which should've been kinda obvious, but I can't blame you for thinking otherwise.
Elsen 1 and 2!
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So these fellas are actually inspired by this animatic from the OFF animator themself! Elsen 2 is a very anxious Elsen from Zone Two who is really scared of... Well, almost anything! Luckily, his very best friend (and only person he's interacted with in years) Elsen 1 tries to support him in any way that he can. He's from Zone One, though, so he travels from the different zones often. Elsen 1 can't do everything flawlessly and teach his friend how to be the most confident guy, but he can damn well try! The biggest problem in their relationship, though, is that Elsen 1 is constantly haunted by the anxieties and fears that something will happen to Elsen 2 when he's not around, which causes him to be on edge all the time. His other friend Elsen 6, however, is decent at calming him down. These two both count as my second favorites!
Elsen 3 and 4!
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These guys were inspired by an animation I made (hasn't been released yet sorry) where two Elsen play the balloon game together! Elsen 3 is a big chess nerd, and literally can play it all day. He and Elsen 4 love hanging out at The Park together, even if Elsen 4 has a better chance at winning each game every time. They just really like each other's company. Probably why they're best friends. If they were dating I wouldn't be surprised. I should really expand on their characters more ngl they're seeming a bit too simple right now.
Elsen 5 and 6!
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These guys are put on the same page, but only for organizing purposes, they don't actually know each other lol. Elsen 5 is the Elsen working at the rollercoaster in Zone Two! He's a Zacharie simp fan of Zacharie's work, as the latter made most of Zone Two entirely. When Elsen 5 isn't dreaming about the day he'll meet Zacharie, he just works his job at the rollercoaster. Elsen 6 works in the plastic mailing sector of Zone One, but he also is in charge of making sure Dedan isn't going on a violent rampage. One day a bunch of Elsen in Zone One peer pressured him into checking up on the furious guardian, and he's kept the responsibility since. In the great words of my best friend, "he's Dedan's unintentional bestie". He also has a little satchel filled with containers of meat, wristwatches, and Pedalo ride tickets just in case Dedan gets pissed and needs something to calm down. Outside of Dedan, Elsen 6 enjoys spending time with Elsen 1 and 7. Elsen 6 is probably my favorite so far because of how silly he is!!!
Elsen 7 and 8!
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These two Elsen also don't know each other either lol, though if they did, I don't think they'd get along very well. Elsen 7 is the only Elsen in Zone One to have all the jobs there. He works in the mines for four hours, then works in the cow barns for another four, then works at the plastic postal service for another four, and then works at the meat bottling section of Alma for four hours before having the rest of the day to do whatever he wants (if it's still daytime when he gets to his house). It's tiring work, but he's fine enough with it. Not like he has any dreams or aspirations. Well, depends on what you call a goal. Though, trying to get any higher personnel to even look at him wasn't really a well thought out goal from the start and he only kept himself in the same four jobs because he saw no other purpose in life. Elsen 8 works in the sugar factories in Zone Three, and oh boy does he suffer. By working there he's discovered exactly how sugar is made and he hates it. Probably the only Elsen in that zone who isn't addicted to the stuff. He dreads every waking moment because he doesn't want to stay in his job, but doesn't have a choice at all. Maybe the sugar addicted Elsen were right. Maybe sugar does make it easier to ignore every fault in reality.
Elsen 9 and 10!
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Y'know the old time-y art that appears when each element is explained? Elsen 9 was the guy behind those! Well, in the OFF universe anyway. You get what I mean. But anyway he absolutely craves attention and validation. Any support is good enough for him! He will probably try to be your friend if you merely smile at him! Also I actually haven't decided on where he lives yet because he's mostly a traveling artist, but I think he lives in Zone One. May be subject to change though. Elsen 10 became a real sweetheart the day he realized how sad everything felt. He thought that no one was getting enough appreciation for all their hard work, and with the help of Elsen 12, he started being a really nice person. He always tries to work his hardest in Zone Three, and makes sure to give some appreciation to his coworkers as well! What a guy!
Elsen 11 and 12!
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These guys actually know each other! Yippee! Elsen 11 was from Zone Two and was REALLY worried about safety. So worried in fact that he was scared that his necktie would choke him, so he took it off for that reason. Unfortunately, he also got kicked out of the residential area of Bismark because no one could tell he was an Elsen anymore without his tie. Damn. He moved to Zone Three — albeit very reluctantly — and got a job there. He didn't have a home until Elsen 12 let him in his own. This is kinda where I shift into Elsen 12's description! Basically Elsen 12 was an absolute saint and loves everyone. He was entirely content with his life, but he still wanted to be a good person. He helped Elsen 10 be a better person like him, and taught Elsen 11 how to face his fears. He's the glue that holds the three of them together! But, unfortunately, he one day fell onto the tracks of the Zone Three tramway and got into a bit of an accident with a certain black and white batter. He hasn't been seen since.
So uhhh yeah!!! That's my whole ECU as of rn! Of course I'm going to be making more Elsen in the future, and I'll be posting them here when I do! I know this little thingy isn't going to get really popular, especially since the OFF fandom is a bit dead rn, but still feel free to make your own ECU content if you want I guess, all art, fanfictions, and even more Elsen characters are welcome by me! Uh please enjoy my upcoming content! If you still have any questions or are curious about some things, make sure to hit my ask box! Thank you for reading, I'll be seeing you later!
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chans-room · 1 year
1, 7 & 10 bestie 😘
Kie you ruined my life with that last one I’ll tell you that rn
1 What's your ult group?
Shinee will always be my #1; their music, their concepts, the members, the vibes??? 1000/10. But Skz is also my ult bias group bc their music makes my brain feel sparkly and you would not believe how much I get done just listening to Stray Kids on shuffle during work lol
7 Best debut song?
I’m sorry but Replay will always be that bitch 💅🏼 other than the baddest bitch of all time, it’s gotta be Girls, Girls, Girls by Got7.
10 Favorite idol piercings?
LORD HELP ME Okay so I have two subsections to this: facial piercings and ear piercings.
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I love the cheek piercings on JayB I think they look so good plus the nose ring?? Dead. And I LOVE the labret on Mino. I also think his ear piercing styling is cool. And listen. I don’t care if it’s fake: chan with a lip ring (and the nose ring) are so 🫠
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For ears?? It’s not necessarily the amount but the styling 🫠 I love how Hongjoong and Felix style their piercings, I always think they look so good. And I love the amount Ten has and I think they suit him vvvv well. And I LOVE JayB’s styling, placement, and vibes in that photo specifically it’s so good 😩
Anyway I’m a simp and I’ll shut up now. Be grateful you didn’t ask about idol tattoos bc I have so many opinions. ily drift partner.
Multi asks
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bearcuryama · 8 months
Ive read worse mangas
《 The List 》
Kinda dissapointed this went from a 7/10 to 5/10. It really had a lot of potential. Not the plot, i ment the actors, they had good casting and the esthetics and colors scream my style.
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I went in not expecting much cuse i literally just chose it from the myflixer catalog, with no recommendations. Therefore, i was pleasantly surprised it was not absolute compost.
It's still not a good romance. But honorable mentions cuse it wasn't as cringe as it could have gone. They did a good job for a cliche white woman romance novel. The ending was just really disappointing. It started out so well. The ending is litteral trash.
My main issue :
They undersold the love intrest
Dude they casted him so well, he emanates "besties" vibes. But u guys do realise that for that type of love intrest to shine U STILL HAVE TO TREAT THEM AS A MAIN CARACTHER.
On my first watch, i thought the fault was on him and maybe he wasnt a charismatic actor. But rewatching his very few scenes, the fault is entirely on the director !!! Use the camera better !!! Center him !! Light him better, give us close ups and more individual shots just for him.
I know that the point was that she didnt see him as an option and she was focused on the 5 other love intrests but we all knew those guys wouldnt be endgame ( altho i was rooting a little for british boy, for selfish reasons. He sounds like tweksbury///)
But still... treat him like a main caracthers a little. He was off focus and off cadre most of the movie !!! I know he's a tiny boy but plz try to center the shots!!! Wtf was that TT
Also im sorry, there was a potential chemistry between them but idk it just didnt feel right in the end. Maybe casting them together wasnt a good choice. Or maybe the movie was way too fast and u didnt let the actors enought time to bond ( or even let the caracthers enought time to bond either). If you wanna do the friends to lovers trope MAKE THEM BESTIES not just friends who met a week ago. Homeboy was closer to her bestie than to her and they spoke less TT
Speaking of her bestie, she's my favorite caracther and im so happy to see her here TT omg girl !!! I knew this had to be you !!! Look at u ! From being a boy obsessed biker girl in disney's teen beach to a ride or die bestie that simp for her ex-gf TT
What do i call this type of era?
I call it "the result of my parents not giving me access to the internet as a tween and locking me in our house all summer with no cable either so all i had was the on demand bootleg service every imigrant house tv installs so ive gotten used to watching bad white people movies even if they are not up to my standards cuse u never know when ull discovers another love rosie ♡"
Or " i crave romance but all the new kdramas i wanna watch are still ongoing, ive finished rewatching my ults, ive read all the new shojo mangas i might like, and fics just dont hit the same ( people are cringe) so i have to stall for time and find a new source of romance".
Why am i awake
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thesixearedjax · 2 years
My dreams story
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Chapter 1 
POV {Redacted}: 
m-mom? What are you doing?! NO!! *Gunshot* 
“Ah! It was a dream... I hope...” I awoke from the dream (6366791) “Wait. What was I dreaming about again?” I forgot already? Odd.. I got up and got ready to go to school. As I was walking to school, I got a call from my friend Lunar. “Heyy bestie!!” “Hey Lunar, how's your morning so far?” “It's been good!” “Thats good. Hey, I`ll talk to you at lunch Oki?” “Oh ok..” I walked past some medium pink roses that also have white roses as well. I was wearing a Halloween hoodie (even though it was only September), jean shorts and black tights with black furry boots. 
When I got to school, I could tell that it was gonna be a shit day. Two fights already? It's like 7:59 in the morning!! “*Mumbles* I just want breakfast...” I walked into the giant building and walked to the cafeteria and sat down at my usual spot in the corner. “Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” “AHH! The hell Wukong??” My best friend decided at the last minute to be loud and hug me. “Sorry {Redacted}!” “It's ok, but please don't do that again.” “Oh alright..” my friend is trans and I like to call Him Sun Wukong, cause he simps for Monkey King in Lego Monkie Kid. I personally simp for Macaque, RedSon, MK, and Mei. Man, that’s a lot of characters... we got breakfast and sat back down. “Hey Sunny Boi, do you know what we are doing in science I forgot again..” “I don't remember either” “Oh well guess we`ll be surprised!” “Yep!” At 8:45 we departed to go to our classes. 
The entire day felt like a fever dream, but it didn't look like it. (927 48 2 373261) I got back home. “Home alone again? Not even a note damnit.” I went to the kitchen to get a snack. 
???`s POV: 
“Heh, you don't even remember the deal you made! Perfect.” 
I was watching J-{Redacted} again, after they ate their food, they left a note on faer front door. 
They were about twenty feet in the air on the swing. “I think this is a grand time to reintroduce myself! He's gonna fall off the swing and through my portal, and onto a bean bag chair! Splendid!” 
{Redacted}`s POV:  
“AHH!!” I was falling. not again! No! I landed on a purple beanbag. “Where am I?” “Welcome!” “Wha- where am I?!” 
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Chapter 2 
Where I was is still a mystery. “That is not important. What is important is that you are here to complete our deal!” “Deal?” “You really don't remember? Your job is to travel across the multiverse for me, you wanted an adventure.” they said. It was true I wanted a adventure... but I wasn`t expecting to basically be kidnapped! “Oki... um lemme guess.. Today is the day I start traveling the multiverse?” “Correct!” How did I forget?? “Oki soo that it?” “Yeah. Bye" 
Yet again I fell through a portal. Oh, shiiiiiiiiiiiii I landed on some gray looking trees. Wait.. Gray trees!?! “Oh, I'm in the mindscape.” I fell outta the tree. “OW! Mother of sins! Fuck!” I looked around my surroundings. Gray trees were everywhere, tall gray grass aswell. Something caught my attention. Bill... I should awaken him! I walked over to Bills statue and reached out my hand. Then I shook his hand, while I waited for him to return to normal, I sat on a nearby rock. “I'm back?” I heard Bill`s voice say. I looked up and he was suddenly Infront of me. “So, are you the one who set me free?” Bill asked. “Ye I am” “Why? You know who I am right?” “Yes, I do, you are Bill Cipher!” I exclaimed. Bill looked a little surprised. “So, why did you free me?” “I wanted to, that’s all!” I then quickly said. “Yeah sure...” Bill was obviously skeptical.  
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Chapter 3 
Bill`s Pov: 
This kid is obviously hiding something, I just need to figure out what. The kid was wearing a black hoodie, jean shorts and tights underneath, with a pair of knee-high boots with fur poking out. They had short dark purple hair with the front of their hair bright red to contrast with the purple. They also had a backpack next to them. “What's in the backpack?” “Hm? Oh! Wait when did that appear?” they questioned. “Let's see what's inside!” they then said. I floated nearby/looking over their shoulder. They opened the backpack and pulled out a sticky note that was attached to a sketchbook, the note said ‘Hey {Redacted}! This a backpack for you, it has some of your stuff as you can see and a bunch of your favorite snacks! I hope you enjoy :)’ 
“Soo the stuff is yours?” “I guess so, well honestly I'm just glad they gave me my sketch book.” they replied. “Ooooh can I see your drawings?? Are there any of me?” I asked mostly jokingly. “Yeah, I have one of you, it's you as yourself and what I think you would look like as a human, but I think that it's still in my room.” they flipped to a probably supposed to be blank page and there the drawing was. “Oh. There it is!” they exclaimed. I grabbed the drawing and examined it. “Ooh the suit is nice! And I like the crown shaped eye patch!” Then I looked at the description. “My weaknesses are not making deals and lavender! Making deals is what I'm good at and I don't like the smell of lavender!” I was a little angry at the fact they knew a lot about me and my weaknesses. “You done ranting?” they asked, clearly not caring too much. “I was not ranting!” “Ima take that as a no.” I glared at them; they moved a little bit away from me but still had the same face. 
{Redacted}`s Pov: 
Well, I was expecting him to be a little mad. But I didn't really want to look as scared as I was, so I just moved a little away but kept the same expression. I was actually kinda scared though, if he wanted, he could torture me with a snap of his fingers! I grabbed the picture from him and put it in the backpack and slung it over my shoulder. I wonder what my friends are doing... I stood up and said, “So are we gonna do something or just stay here and be bored?” “Well, I`m gonna go back to the nightmare relm! You can stay here!” “Wh-what?! Nuh-uh! You are not leaving me behind!! I'm coming with you.” I was shocked. “Kid I don't think the nightmare relm is where you want be, you humans are very fragile!” “I think I`ll manage” I don`t want to be abandoned. 242461 
To decipher the numbers: https://www.quotev.com/story/15108326/how-i-make-secret-messages-And-messages-to-decipher
to be continued
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emeraldenha · 3 years
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✰ SUMMARY. after all your years of pining for your best friend, Yang Jungwon, you suddenly catch him with his secret girlfriend… which happens to be your other best friend. deciding to forgive and forget, you heartbrokenly cut all ties and fall back into your habits of self isolation. however, that doesn’t go as planned when Nishimura Riki approaches you with an almost-confession and a stolen keychain.
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✰ PAIRING. nishimura riki x fem!reader
✰ GENRE. smau, high school au (hyung line are 3rd years and maknae line + reader are 2nd years), fluff, an unintentionally overwhelming amount of angst, acquaintances to friends to lovers, healing slice of life
✰ WARNINGS. cursing, unrequited love, insecurity issues, more on the serious side bc I have no humor, two-thirds smau and one-third written parts, slow pacing, any other warnings will be labeled in their respective chapters
✰ STATUS. complete (started: october 26, 2021 -> ended: february 5, 2022)
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♪ playlist ♪
CH.1: “i’m... wanted?”
CH.2: “suck it up buttercup”
CH.3: “keep up with the program bitches”
CH.4: “context would be nice”
CH.5: “social butterfly era”
CH.6: “bitter-edged truth” [written]
CH.7: “popsicle” [written]
CH.8: “it’s a goodbye”
CH.9: “he should be sorry”
CH.10: “i like you” [written]
CH.11: “attention seeker”
CH.12: “i could have a chance?”
CH.13: “favorite person”
CH.14: “to escape you” [written]
CH.15: “square one”
CH.16: “ignorance is bliss” [written]
CH.17: “the little details” [written]
CH.18: “bestie status”
CH.19: “one for the team”
CH.20: “while the opportunity still stands”
CH.21: “just say it”
CH.22: “let a girl thrive”
CH.23: “too chaotic to be trusted”
CH.24: “what a date implies” [written]
CH.25: “simp riki”
CH.26: “the hazard called your boyfriend”
CH.27: “first day”
CH.28: “why is she here” [written]
CH.29: “why is he here” [written]
CH.29.5: “can i kiss you?” [written]
CH.30: “bane of my existence”
CH.31: “jake’s pity fest”
CH.32: “long time no see”
CH.33: “i…”
CH.34: “pushing yourself away”
CH.35: “part of the process”
CH.36: “ugh couples”
CH.37: “bad night” [written]
CH.38: “wake up call”
CH.39: “waiting on standby”
CH.40: “i love you” [written]
CH.40.5: “best of luck”
EPILOGUE: “love you too, like always”
 *ੈ✩‧₊ bmit : scrapped!
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀✰ thank you note and announcements!
LOVE MONTAGE.ೃ࿐a bonus au series based on this smau!
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hanzyyme · 2 years
"What do you mean by no?"
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"What do you mean by no?"
Shoto Todoroki x Fem! Reader
There were a lot of questions running into his mind right now, for example how come you're always with the Bakusquad? How can you tolerate how loud Bakugo is when you should obviously be spending more time with him? How can you be in his mind 24/7 and how could you say no to him?
As the youngest son of the Todoroki family, Shoto was so used to getting what he wants no matter the cost. He was favored by his father who never tries to hide his favoritism amongst his children. His older sibling has some kind of special treatment whenever it comes to their younger brother.
Shoto himself knew he was kind of spoiled. What he doesn't know is he's very much a brat sometimes (all of the time) When he started learning at UA, that's where he found out that not all people think and acts like people inside his home.
By Mid-terms Shoto Todoroki became friends with the Dekusquad and he likes the people who surround him. They weren't as loud as the others and they prioritize becoming a hero as he does.
But there's someone he wants to get close to. And that's Y/n L/n
When he began learning more about his classmates, he always looks forward to you. Y/n L/n there was something about you that he could never explain. How his eyes would take a few seconds to scan the room in search of you. How he prayed to Almight that you two would be in the same group. How he would look forward to going to school just to take a seat next to you.
As much as he likes your personality and vibe. He couldn't help but to get irritated whenever you're with your own group of friends.
The Bakusquad.
He has nothing against them. But he couldn't grasp why you like hanging out with the explosion boy. He doesn't get how you find Kaminari to be really funny. He wants to know what's so fun being with Sero in his room for hours.
Don't get him wrong. He knows their good people.
But why do you spend time with them when he's over here?
Like seriously. He can help you with your studies, he can be the only man you would simp for whenever you're having a conversation with the girls. He can literally give you hugs, unlike Bakugo who is being forced. You can spend time in his room for hours being productive or lazy and he wouldn't mind if you never leave.
So why do you prefer being with Bakugo rather than with him?
Then it struck him.
"Oh, I like her."
He confronts Midoriya about this and Izuku comfortingly says that you and Kacchan have been friends since diaper. That's why you two get along so well (or how you can handle Bakugo's attitude.)
"Do you like her Todoroki?" Uraraka asks. Their eyes glistened with the information she found about her friend's crush. Knowing that even you find the peppermint boy attractive.
Shoto nodds and Uraraka clasp her hands and say "Why don't you try getting close to her and court her?"
Shoto blinks. "What do you mean by courting her?" he asks.
"Well, it's like asking someone to be your girlfriend or boyfriend, like the pre-dating stage. Asking for their permission to spend your time with them for eternity maybe." Midoriya answers.
Todoroki hums and continues to eat his soba.
You and Shoto were friends, but they were not besties, and most especially not close at all. But you can't deny that you don't find him attractive. He's smart, handsome, cool, rich, and straightforward.
So when he asks you in front of the class to be his girlfriend, you don't know what to say. He declared, "L/n be my girlfriend," while the whole class was staring at the two of you.
The school was done for the day and he just went up to you, which caught the attention of all your classmates since this dual-haired man never speaks unless it's something important or it's about dissing his own father.
"I'm sorry, Todoroki..can you please repeat that?" You stuttered, unsure of how to answer his question, and hoped that you had heard it wrong or that he had changed the question.
"Be my girlfriend," he monotonously said, eyes staring straight at you with love and gentleness. But you are not sure about this one.
"I'm sorry, Todoroki, but I'm not really sure about jumping into a relationship just yet." You bit your lip. After all, you two are far from close. If anything that you value the most is friendship and trust, How can you date someone who you only know so little about?
"You mean..no? How could you say no?" Shoto didn't mean to sound rude or for you to be obliged to date him. Cause he surely would have thought you would say yes.
Like how could you say no to him?
"No Todoroki, don't be like that. Its just" you scratched your head and look around the room to ask anyone for help. But even if everyone knew what whats going on. No one dared to speak.
"It's just I think we should start by being close friends before dating you know?" You laugh awkwardly.
"arent we already friend?" Shoto stares at her confused.
"She meant she wants to fucking know you first before dating dumbass." Bakugo spits out.
"I can give you my profile if you want by tomorrow."
You stared at him blankly then started to laugh.
"Sh-Shoto" you giggled then kissed his cheek.
"Why don't we go on a date first before you ask about dating me?" you smirked when you saw the boy's cheek flared up.
"so you will be my girlfriend?" he asks.
"If you passed my test then sure."
And that was the start of Shoto Todoroki learning about hard work.
He's your spoiled boyfriend.
I hope you guys enjoyed it T-T
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frogtanii · 3 years
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the heartbreak in osamu’s voice was clear to everyone in the room, but most of all to his brother.
though they hadn’t been close in such a long time, atsumu believed he would never forget his twin’s idiosyncrasies and the meaning underlying his words, no matter how far they drifted.
most of the members were likely to conclude that osamu’s heartbreak was coming from meiko’s obvious betrayal but atsumu knew better. meiko was a part of it, yes, but suna had been stuck by the twins’ side since birth and that was a bond that went deeper than any temporary girlfriend.
as much as he didn’t want to admit it, that hurt. the fact that osamu showed blatant pain from suna’s dramatic reveal but hadn’t shown an ounce of care as atsumu floated further and further away, stung.
they were brothers but they were also twins. they were supposed to stick together no matter what and yet...
a large, warm hand was placed on his shoulder while a smaller one weaved its way into his. when he finally took a moment to glance to his sides, he found sakusa giving him an encouraging tilt of the head and you, his angel, holding his hand tight.
you had no idea how much you meant to him, how deep his care for you ran. you didn’t know how just your presence alone soothed him in his darkest moments. how, since meeting you, he slept well at night with your face floating through his thoughts and dreams. how he hoped and prayed that you would eventually reciprocate his feelings one day.
if you’d heard his thoughts, you would absolutely call him a sap and he wouldn’t disagree. after all, it was you who made him that way.
“-ou told me you broke up with them, meiko. what, what the fuck is this? you’re dating osamu?” suna’s irritated voice jolted atsumu from his simping sappy mind and back into the present.
suna was squared up with meiko who seemed to be just as furious, while osamu stood behind the two of them at the island in shock.
“you knew what you were getting into suna, don’t fucking lie!” her manicured hands found their way to his chest before shoving him back into the living room. hard.
in an instant, yachi was standing in front of meiko with a righteous fury burning in her eyes. “go the fuck to your room. now. everyone else, you too. i have some calls to make.”
the authority in her voice had everyone scrambling, you wrapping atsumu up into your arms one final time before heading off with kenma and oikawa. suna shot the twins an apologetic smile while trailing behind their livid manager to her office.
in only a few moments, the room was empty, leaving the brothers alone in a stifled silence.
after a minute, atsumu finally opened his mouth to speak. “so. meiko, huh?” the attempt at conversation was absolutely pitiful but it managed to make the both of them laugh despite the heaviness in the atmosphere.
the lightheartedness left almost as soon as it appeared, the pair falling back into a contemplative quiet. “i- ya promised nothing would come between us,” atsumu whispered, his eyes growing glassy, against his best efforts. “what happened?”
osamu didn’t have an answer to that. he was meant to be the older twin and while that shouldn’t hold that much weight, it did.
he would never forget the day he’d given atsumu his word, the memory holding firm in his mind as though it happened yesterday.
the two of them had been so excited for their first official summer camp at the ripe age of 7 years old, happy to spend time away from their grandmother in, what they believed to be, an extended sleepover.
atsumu was bouncing off the walls with enthusiasm while osamu had been more reserved, determined to take care of his younger twin just as his grandma told him to.
after the first day of camp went by so swimmingly, osamu was starting to think he wasn’t even needed by his brother, especially after seeing him at lunch surrounded by girls and boys both fawning over him. atsumu was doing just fine on his own it seemed and there was no reason for him to stick around.
that all changed that night when osamu heard atsumu yelling for him from his bunk. the older twin raced over and climbed up into his brother’s bed, holding him close as he cried from the thunder booming outside their cabin window.
“nothing will get in between us tsumu,” osamu had murmured while rocking atsumu back and forth, “not the wind, not the rain, nothing.”
after that, their relationship was stronger than ever, the twins coming to one another for any and everything. their trust had grown so solid that osamu’s promise continued to hold true throughout the years, to the point where one was rarely seen without the other.
somehow, though, that trust had been broken in an instant, just because of one woman and it, for lack of a better word, sucked.
“i care about ya samu, ya know i do, but i can’t let ya mistreat or disrespect my best friend like that anymore. i love ya and i love her too. don’t make me choose,” atsumu before moving towards the stairs, his eyes never leaving his brother.
osamu was frozen in place, the image of atsumu that he’d painted with the help of meiko washing away to reveal his independent, assertive, kind, and caring brother whom he’d entirely lost sight of.
he couldn’t even imagine what atsumu saw when he looked at him—he didn’t think he wanted to know. all he did know was that he was no longer worthy of the title older brother, and he hadn’t been for a long time. osamu needed to become someone his brother could look up to again, someone new, someone better.
“i’m so sorry atsumu, i-i can be better,” he resolved, taking a step closer to his twin. atsumu just gave him a sad, worn smile, tiredness and disappointment written all over his face.
“be better osamu. i’ll be waiting.”
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℗ poker face
be better
series masterlist
an - ACK THIS CH GAVE ME SO MUCH TROUBLE tryna display the twins’ dynamics was so difficult, esp since i switched up the ages??? bitch i have no idea if this is even coherent lmfao m sorry besties it’s a lil bit shit but ily <33 don’t forget to feed me >:3
taglist - if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @katsulovee • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @syndellwins • @jooleuuh • @loubells • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saikishairclip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @risjime • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @crybabygumi • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
3K notes · View notes
sharkiethrts · 2 years
Can I request for a reader that's homura akemi like they can fight pretty well with guns and they seem unpredictable and also they're pretty cold and mysterious but they're actually the opposite like if you get close they're pretty much shy, compassionate and somewhat loving and they also have a shield that can summon objects that are stored in it(pretty much just weapons) and they also stole the weapons from the military, headcanons for karma pls and sorry if I'm bothering you too much LMFAO
writing style, casual
KARMA AKABANE: homura akemi!reader
[12:26PM, 7th May 2022]
no need to be sorry, really!
i never watched the anime nor do i know the character
but i did a few research, so im hoping its redeeming enough for what I don't know abt this character LMFAO
dude omg
he would be on his guard around u at first
like my guy u can summon objects??
but once he started to get closer to u
my guy he is such a simp????
hyping u up 24/7
constantly berating the people who misunderstood u
"wym theyre mean?? tf is wrong with u?? my s/o is literally the sweetest"
*insert his fuckboy smile that class 3E really can't stand rn*
once tried to convince u to mess a few delinquents up
u, thank goodness, said no
was pouty the whole day
stole weapons from the military?? its ok bestie he got ur back
hes planning to become a bureaucrat ltr anyway
once he has enough power
he'll make sure no one will make your "crime" a problem
cute corruption ykyk?? jk kids dont support corruption
126 notes · View notes
sparklingbluerose · 2 years
What If... #1
Genshin Impact is a popular game in Twisted Wonderland, and recently a new banner has been released. You are a 5 Star Character. What happens then?
A/N: Let me just start a damn taglist TvT
TW: None! A bit of cursing on my side XD also some things maybe wrong since i haven't played Genshin in a while! I HOPE I DIDN'T PUT ANYTHING "SHE" RELATED I'M SORRY–
GN! (Y/N) 《Other Genders Will Also Be Made》
Riddle Roseheart:
His team used to have Yanfei as DPS.
But look at that, your banner caught his eye.
Mans just did a bit of research on your character and DAMN, he pulled immediately.
Your skill and burst was best for him, he literally thought it was so cool and needed to get you.
Though he'd be a little raging tomato if he lost the 50/50 to Qiqi, he still managed to get you anyways.
Still has Yanfei on the team, expect you're now DPS.
Literally took him only 5 minutes to level you to 90, hell he was glad he won't spend hours grinding for your ascension materials, he already had them STOCKED.
He's not that good at dodging please help him.
Always has a healer or a shielder in his team with you, kinda hates it hearing your fallen line and death.
Sometimes it be like that, but he actually built you well. Tries to get your constellations on your rerun, and ended up with a C1 (Y/N) ♡
At least he got one, i'll give him that. Does like, 10K damage with you. Trey helped him choose the right artifacts.
Knows decent about it but honestly once tried to give Kaeya Diluc's artifacts. Please don't let him play alone.
Always struggled with regisvines as a noob player, but now that he got you with him he'll never die.
Also bought a (Y/N) figurine but let's not get to that...
Trey Clover:
Xiangling main turned (Y/N) main.
Kinda funny how he somehow manages to pull you twice in the same 10 pull out of sheer luck–
Makes an effort to build you since you're a 5 star. Doesn't mind much but he loves admiring your attacks.
Like omg you do more damage than any asian mother's slipper hitting your face. Went to spiral abyss on floor 10, obliterated every enemy almost in seconds with you.
Please i headcannon him to always feed you even if your health bar is more than half full. I love it.
Maybe sometimes stops moving just to hear your idle/chat voice lines. He'd be like "Aw ♡ you're nice". Then proceed to keep admiring your design like Mihoyo given a 5 star rating.
Once went Co-op with Cater just as he finished doing commissions and just went feral when he saw you–
"Trey omg!? Her banner just started 30 minutes ago!"
Yes Cater, we know. He's been saving up for his moment.
Checked to see if you have any voice lines about Xiangling and you do, you're besties. He loves you more now.
Probably triple crowned you, who knows.
Cater Diamond:
LMAO he got you 7 minutes before your banner ended.
Yes, he basically used up all his wishes tryna pull for Ayaka last time and lost the 50/50. Oh well, he got you.
Suprised NRC entirely when you came out honestly. You being the absolute heaven you are. He actually pulled for you like a few times until he had like one ten pull left.
Probably searched for a (Y/N) summoning ritual and watched some.
And yay, he went over to your nation archon's statue of the seven and pulled there. Screamed when he got a gold.
Literally skipped and just saw you in all your glory.
Time to build! He may have stolen some artifacts from a character but...they were probably useless to him now.
Probably took you out on expeditions all the time just so he could raise friendship lvl and know more about you.
Will Co-op and show off his lvl 90 (Y/N). Don't stop him, he's so happy. Try not to let him know about your C6 (Y/N).
I'm talking to all of you damn wHaLes–
Anyways, since he hated Childe's guts for trying to put chaos upon Liyue he beat him up with you LMAO
Really thinks you're cool and bought a lot of merch. Cause he does tons of damage with you why not? Dedicated simp.
His phone case is basically fanart of you and your burst.
Ace Trappola:
Built your vision build instead of physical.
Doesn't wanna admit it but also tested you out and made you climb some mountains...you know it, Genshin players. Tried it with Lisa, gonna try it with you.
I also think he'd be the type to nonchalantly reply to your chat lines or burst. When you say your burst he be like...
"Damn go off, (Y/N). Kick some ruin guard ass."
Somehow manages to make decent damage with you even though he's kind of shit with building. Pretty okay.
Isn't much of the type to help other players, but when he got you almost immediately he was in a good mood and built you to help others too.
Lvl 79 (Y/N) vs Lvl 40 Cryo Regisvine...
Yes i said 79, man didn't even bother for 80. Mans too lazy to keep leveling excuse me..
He's the kinda guy to probably secretly look up (Y/N) x Traveler fanart or fanfiction by secret.
Still doesn't know how to get your good ending in your hangout event..somehow always ends up making you sad and absolutely despises it.
Always uses emojis to chat with Deuce, what a mood.
Deuce Spade:
The one who goes to your lines in the menu and listens to everyone single one including your battle voice lines. Only a legend like him wouldn't get lazy listening to it all...
Doesn't have your own weapon, but he gave you a pretty good 4 star weapon anyway. More decent than Ace.
Is very troubled with certain bosses but since you're now his main life made everything for him so much easier.
Came back immediately and maxed you out to 90.
Doesn't have any of your constellations but pretty fine for him to have a C6 Qiqi.
I can feel his pain of gacha luck but wowie...you love him.
And so you came home. Pairs you up in a team with the two best Genshin characters he ships you with + a healer LMAO.
You may be doing 900 dmg but he has never been more proud of himself to actually be doing damage. Until he found out he forgot to level your talents and artifacts...Ace laughed at him so much.
"Shut it you orange you can't even properly use Beidou–"
Really shut him up so well that time.
When he met you in the archon quest, he could not be any happier and would be the player who screenshots that moment with their favs and stay until they have to go :(
Okay but when he saw an epic (Y/N) cutscene HE COULDN'T HELP BUT SCREAM IN HIS ROOM–
That scene remains played in his head the entire month.
Definitely had looked at some fanfiction with Ace lmao..
Leona Kingscholar:
Doesn't main, hell never even planned to pull for you.
But since our ultimate (Y/N) simp, Ruggie, was not taking any of that bullshit from him lol.
Made a bet with him and purposely won so the lazy lion would pull for you. And he reluctantly did. Even though you're a 5 star he used to think you weren't that good.
Until he watched some videos and now keeps you in his main team with Gorou XD
Doesn't Co-op, but did so once when Ruggie and Jack wanted to play together with him.
Gets chills when he activates your burst, it's so good.
The animation lives in his mind forever. Memorized your splash art and definitely knows your entire design.
Crowned you, triple crowned lol. You are respected.
Won't admit it but got attached to you and used you for everything. Expedition, cooking, fighting, even MINING–
He grew on you and you should be happy ♡
Never does his commissions but when he saw your story quest, he didn't want to do it but went like "whatever" and did it anyway XD
May or may not have also bought (Y/N) merch..
Ruggie Bucchi:
Since he's broke of course he's an F2P.
Saved for an entire year until your banner came. You were already guaranteed so uh...congrats bruv.
He only has a bunch of 4 star characters and weapons, but has Itto and Tighnari so it's pretty much fine. Look he love those two so much BAHAHA–
A good player. Doesn't have insane gacha luck but manages to at least get the characters he wants everytime.
You're the only one with 5 star artifacts because um favoritism ♡ just like my Kaeya TvT..
Somehow zooms through the entire exploration of the nation you reside in and it's all 100% TvT
I wish i was less lazy to actually be playing Genshin rn..
When someone slanders you they 'bout to be prepared, their food is going to get taken the next day at the cafeteria.
A pretty nice player, helps others but not often.
His favorite thing to do is probably explore Sumeru around with you, and screenshot a photo of you and Tighnari, the fluffy ear boi beside each other.
When he's in a bad mood literally goes to auto join Co-op and take stuff without asking and only say thanks LMAO–
Like pls stop and just ask first oh my God.
Fears nothing. Just has a resting bitch face while playing.
Jack Howl:
Softie alert.
Doesn't know much about you since you were just released but you're from his favorite nation so why not?
Probably wanting to save for Scaramouche but...
He still has enough time for the update, so just prays and of course, with the blessing of the archons he got you. Thinks your idle animations and entertainment.
OKAY but when he finally finished Sumeru he just remembered you had a hangout event. Man rlly just forgot to do it.
Thinks you're fun to play. Help he kicked Raiden's ass with you and just you no healers or anything whatsoever–
Just a lvl 70 (Y/N) coming to beat God's ass ToT...normal..
Don't ask how he even got through the second phase, it took him around a few tries but managed to do it.
Co-ops with ADeuce + Epel pretty often.
If he was ever a youtuber w/ the other three they'd probably do stuff like "Smashing Teyvat With Four (Y/N)s" LOL
Likes Itto since he's buff and has a cool personality, so he's still in his team but (Y/N) remains superior.
Probably apologizes when you die aww TvT ♡
Because he also has Zhongli always shields you. Even if there's no fight like man does it to make sure you're safe.
Subscribes to Voltyea, ItsPaikon, Tuonto & Antonychenn. Awesome Genshin youtubers, you should too ;)
Azul Ashengrotto:
Sigh, look man....he..
He thinks you're hot. Like went wide eyed at your banner even after he thought Ayato was the best.
Also saw people using you and those players were strong af. Really likes it when you just burst it down in one go, like man he wants a (Y/N) like that.
Doesn't have much luck in pulling so spent money since there was only a few days left for your banner sgsjgsvis–
If you also have another character skin in the future you'd bet he'd buy it too. Would like how you look in anything ♡
Co-ops with the tweels + Idia. They have to carry him lol.
The only player that loves fighting Oceanid all the time.
Switches to walk mode sometimes and loves seeing you walkng like oh my God, fictional simp.
Has an all Hydro team, please don't ask why. I headcannon him to be a little inexperienced, but as time goes on he picks it up real fast and slowly gets really good.
So yeah. Usually ends up with over 5 million mora so if you fight him prepare for consequences.
Sometimes toxic people Co-op with him.
But he knows how to fight back. Shows them his (Y/N) build and they shut up.
Here's to a (Y/N) that does a shit ton of damage.
Jade Leech:
As people always say, insane gacha luck.
I wouldn't know who he mains but probably between some sort of tall handsome character or hydro character. Ayato? Zhongli? Childe? Never know.
Has every character in the game except the ones that he doesn't want. Definition of whale. Probably has C6 of almost every character.
Also another boy that crowns you cause why not ♡
Very good at bosses and dodging. This mischievous ass also makes you climb mountains...God save you, (Y/N).
Sometimes just makes you stop moving and keep his focus on you, staring right through the screen as if he thinks that would magically isekai you into TWST–
...Yeah, i'll make this a fanfic for another time.
Does your hangout event and attempts to get all endings.
And by your guessing, he might have did so. Yes, he did. All of the endings. It took a few hours but he did it.
Likes dragging hilichurls to the water and using Raiden or any electro character to electrocute them. Finds amusement in it. Mother i'm scared.
Waiting for the harbingers to get them all. I just feel the connection...for some reason. Really scary but hot vibes.
Floyd Leech:
Probably has multiple accounts, all in which have you in it.
Doesn't main you, but keeps you. He just wants to have you around. Made you a sub DPS.
I can see both him and Jade playing spiral abyss. Might rage a few times if he doesn't get 3 stars but cools down a bit after attempting one or two more times.
"Ne~ (Y/N), do your idle animation again."
Always says that when he's bored and used up all his resin. Reminds of that meme–
That guy poking a rock with a stick saying the same thing.
Anyways, plays Genshin all night usually. Finds entertainment in playing you and sometimes dares himself to even be using only you fighting weekly bosses AHHH–
Likes to put Klee, the destructive child and Kaeya, the handsome sly man with you in a team.
Got lazy to get your ascension materials for lvl 902 but when it was your birthday guess he wanted to do it somewhat as a birthday present lol.
Why do i feel like he watches (Y/N) MMD dances–
Kalim Al Asim:
Loves playing Genshin so much! Thinks it's fun.
Doesn't like seeing his characters die so probably makes a lot of food in advance before fighting bosses and stuff.
Overall shit player but gets better little by little! Sometimes forgets he gave you a 3 star weapon so quickly exits the domain just to put it back c'mon ToT
Likes using the wind glider with you probably. Reminds him of his flying carpet and thinks the plunge is cool.
Tell him to stop spending all his money for primos :>
Like you can spend in this game, yes but man probably wanted all the characters + you so bad he kinda spent over 20,000 madol the whole year...
Triple crowned C6 (Y/N). OH GOD.
Not to worry, Jamil stopped him though. A good sport. His (Y/N) does like 200 with burst damage. Had to learn about talents and stuff–
And yay he's no longer shit /j
I'm not a Kalim slander, okay don't be mad XD
I just play Genshin like a few days every month to a year so i have no idea how anything works anymore save me.
Pretty good at doing the time challenges, somehow ended up beating the ascension quest at the electro hypostasis with one second left–
His (Y/N) does 20K ♡ while my Kaeya does so much less ♡
Heart been broke so many times.
Jamil Viper:
A really good player, probably somewhat like Jade. At the start he probably mained Kaeya or something. Went straight to Diluc when he got him.
But boy oh boy you hit different cause you're (Y/N).
An F2P or a low spender, somewhere like that. Memorized all patterns and phases of Raiden, Childe & Signora.
Since he's okay it may just take him uh...probably around 10-15 minutes to beat up Raiden with you.
Once went across a (Y/N) slander account online.
God knows how or when that account got deleted but whohoo they're gone :)
Likes using you, takes you out on expeditions and God who knew he'd use your burst to kill Timmie's pigeons. Well he just saw a video about it and tried it haha bullying–
Probably went in a small state of shock seeing you in the archon quest like HELLO?? (Y/N) SIMPS ASSEMBLE??
Seeing you do all that big ass jumping and being hot..
Kinda reminded him of a second Eula or Zhongli idk–
So basically, probably tried to get some constellations on your rerun but it's up to you to know how much he got.
Vil Schoenheit:
Time where he actually likes a character design other than Kokomi or Raiden.
Pretty much pulled for you and yea all that whatnot, we all know he'd get you XD if he has his eyes on something you'd bet he deserves to have it.
And there you are, lvl 90 (Y/N) in all it's glory.
Since doesn't have enough primogems or fates he asked Idia what weapon you should be using. Also asked for one that would be aesthetically pleasing for your character.
Crit Rate 65.3%– he's a chill player.
Mihoyo releases a new (Y/N) skin? Yes. He'll get it if he really likes it, but if it's you he'd still take it anyway. I mean like you're his best character and all, so gotta make it worth.
Never goes broke on mora #2. If being broke ever crossed your mind to him then you're very wrong.
Actually as rich in game as in real life, damn.
Not a whale though, maybe just a dolphin. Likes Yunjin too so has her with you. I'm jealous of his team, jk.
Like he ain't gonna be number two in anything, sissy.
Probably audibly gasped when he witnessed Venti get kicked by La Signora but went "Omg slay" after–
Whoever said (Y/N) is trash, he'll prove them wrong.
Rook Hunt:
Bro just started playing Genshin like for a few hours and already got himself a good Lisa build...
...Speedy thunder weird creature is this man?
Though higher AR means stronger enemies he does not give a shit and will absolutely fight back with his awesome skills. Took himself to Adventure Rank 60. UNLIKE ME–
Knows how to save unlike you guys and got you on your banner when he heard of your release.
Loves playing you honestly. He made you so well–
Better than any other (Y/N) main could possibly do. Yours does 15K? Bruh, this hunter does 30K ToT
Teach me your ways master Rook. Earlier about Ace and Deuce i said they read fanfiction right? Well, this guy is the one who makes the fanfiction.
Wastes no time to download Twisttpad on his laptop and his fingers typed so quick even Raiden was INFERIOR.
...Okay lame reference but at least i got that out of my head.
Doesn't give a care, even if he had a lvl 40 (Y/N) with the most terrible build ever he'd be using that in Co-op boss fights. And oh my sevens–
Somehow everyone else who was like lvl 70-80 died and he solos it and somehow manages to kill it and survive. Jade may be a good dodger, but this man is the GOD of dodging.
Never underestimate no matter how hard it may be.
Well he brought some food with him anyways. Often plays with Vil and Epel.
Epel Felmier:
PLS– the first years are literally going feral debating about which one of them has the best (Y/N).
Until Epel comes out with his and they go pikachu shocked.
Of course he didn't do it alone with his own experience. Trusted Rook to help him with it and man did it work wonders. Probably uses healer artifacts for you...why–
Well unless you ARE a healer then yay, you'll be replacing his dear 'ol Barbara.
Keeps Beidou because y e s. He chose it himself.
The fact that he's actually the most normal Genshin player in the entire fandom of Genshin makes it hilarious. Please stop bringing lvl 1 characters to lvl 90 domains–
But i once did that myself, could say it was fun though...
Much like Deuce and Jamil...and less like Vil, he is very vulgar when someone trash talks you.
Literally spits it in their face that his (Y/N) is better than your Diluc. Will not stand for any mean slander. Loves you and forever does.
Always keeps a healer like Barbara or Kokomi even if he replaces them with you, he'll probably go like...
"Alright, now protect my (Y/N). Okay?" CUTE AHDGSHW–
Kinda sad when he finds out you're shipped with other Genshin characters. Then shakes it off afterwards, he isn't gonna fall in love with a fictional charater sadly.
You're his main DPS, naturally. He didn't crown you tho.
Didn't because he doesn't have any lol. Barely plays Genshins on weekdays, usually on weekends and maybe rarely Friday too.
Idia Shroud:
The Genshin God of TWST and the biggest whale.
Don't even start on you. Just a bit of grinding and leveling, boom C6 lvl 90 (Y/N) with your weapon.
Maxed out right artifacts and triple crowned. Don't ask. The only C6 he doesn't have is Kaeya, Lisa and Amber. Look even he has his own hardships. C2 Kaeya though.
Insanely good at patterns and dodging.
One-faces La Signora regularly with no problems. Even more so he loves using you for looking hot while fighting.
His room is half-filled with (Y/N) posters, plushies, figurines, etc. you name it. Never forgets daily commissions and uses only you because he's a gamer God lol.
Has Diluc, Fischl, Barbara & Jean's other skins. And if you also have one he'll be the 3rd to have it (Azul & Vil yknow)...
Never underestimate an otaku and pro gamer.
Probably plays challenges with Lilia on a live stream like who can kill Raiden the fastest, who can kill a cryo resgisvine without breaking the corrolla, stuff like that...
It always ends so intense that fans are going crazy smh.
And sometimes there's a catch that they only have to use one or two characters. Both always use you LMAO–
Always expect better things each day in his streams.
Ortho Shroud:
Usually watches instead of plays, but Idia encouraged him to play so both could have fun.
He pulled you and Kequing ♡ first two 5 stars.
Of course a pro gamer as well like, he gives me those player vs AI robot battle vibes so much– except he's the AI and not actually bad TvT
Has lots of fun in the archon quests and weekly bosses. Expect him to get to Raiden's second face in 5 seconds.
Mihoyo has no idea wtf happened and how he did it.
Always helps other players! And when streaming, he also sometimes joins Idia and Lilia in playing. Who knows, maybe Cater as well if he has time.
Best (Y/N) build next to Idia you wouldn't believe it.
Not a C6, but somewhere near that. He'd probably get it if you get a rerun.
Also probably gives players good gacha luck and like damn thank him properly. Even if he has no idea what's going on he'll say "you're welcome" anyways.
Finds spiral abyss fun. Obtained a Xiangling and he felt happy about that.
Will literally find excitement in anything about you–
You're a 5 star. How nice! You give bonuses when cooking? That's awesome~ He's such a sunshine omg..
Loves your hangout event. Finished it immediately.
You are a character to be appreciated. Everyone agrees!
Malleus Draconia:
Mostly finds the artifacts very confusing. Which ones should be used for (Y/N)? Should Lisa use travelling doctor? What does the +0 mean?
Lilia is always there to explain, and Malleus slowly understands. When i say slow, very slow.
But we'll be getting there soon nonetheless.
Amused when he pulled a 5 star which was you– like man didn't even try for the standard banner.
Wants to see if he'll get a limited character and he did. Probably has like three or four 5 star characters overall.
Does 5K damage, but that's good enough for him he says.
Probably the only TWST character that is most invested and interested in the Genshin lore. Maybe even your backstory, who knows.
If you have a really sad backstory like the others...
He'll feel bad. Always tries to remember it's fiction but can't stop feeling about it for you. Soft dragon.
When he first met you in game, i mean your cutscene–
He was both given a shock and wave of happiness. His favorite character is finally here! Very cool. Enjoyed the scene while it lasted and immediately ran to talk to you.
Two (Y/N)s up against each other...pff. Never does hangout events, actually too busy theorizing about Teyvat–
Just like anyone else. Unknown God? Celestia? The Fatui Harbingers & Tsaritsa? Expect him to be making lots of theories all the time. Sebek wholeheartedly agrees.
Lilia Vanrouge:
Not a Genshin god but could be a Genshin king probably. Another dolphin, mildly spends a little.
Pulled you on your rerun instead because he used all his primos for Zhongli. Used to main him too, always gets reminded of Malleus for some reason. Anyone else?
Doesn't even try. Can build you with his eyes closed, like do not even bLiNk and you're probably clashing dmg with Idia–
Which is why the streams are always so fun.
Co-op weekend nights with Diasomnia, in his world. He's at AR 60 and the others are probably around 50.
Will take a simple selfie with you admiring your character during the archon quest. If some epic cutscene happens he'll be very amused.
Little beastie is so strong~ he should make an entire cake dedicated to you! That's it.
Doesn't understand why everyone stopped him though.
Poor guy still doesn't know his cooking is shit but he tries– Also the one who makes the (Y/N) fanfiction.
But there's a twist to that. It's all smut. LMAO bestie doesn't even get fazed when he writes or reads lemons.
If it's you, then he gives no shit. Loves everything about your character and has a team dedicated to support you the entire time lol.
Often has to have C6 Qiqi to revive you. And probably has to always stick to Malleus incase well...stuff happens.
Overall likes your hangout event most. Good screenshots!
Sebek Zigvolt:
Very loud and obnoxious when it comes to you.
Will definitely show you off the other players with his nicely built (Y/N) thanks to Lilia, but never his first year friends because feels it's embarassing...
Manages to fight weekly bosses on his own, takes two or three tries but it's okay. He's a decent one
Imagine he bought a plushie of you and cuddles it AWW– nah that would seriously be so cute. (Y/N) simp.
Doesn't like Scaramouche for that one time he met with Traveler but wants his banner anyway...i mean, cool. Often updated with stuff and watches youtube Genshin leaks–
Asks Lilia or Silver for advice when doing puzzles.
Saw Dottore in the Sumeru trailer AND FREAKED OUT.
Another harbinger!? Damn, he'll be waiting for it. If anyonr of you want to see that trailer just message me!
Wait...are you shipped with any harbinger? Let him see.
Probably used to main someone tall and intimidating like his waka-sama...Zhongli, Kaeya, Diluc, Ayato, who knows.
Kinda felt mad when Traveler's sibling just left when they saw each other again. Hopes Genshin won't have a terrible ending and cry his crocodile tears.
Honestly same Sebek, same. Don't jinx it though.
Used to main any hydro character or healer maybe. Thinks Kokomi is calming and cute.
But only for you he switched because like...(Y/N). That's all i have to say for you to understand. (Y/N).
Never even has to try when fighting bosses. Like–
Literally somehow obliterates them with his sheer luck. He almost falls asleep during Childe's boss fight and almost didn't manage to dodge the big whale LMAO.
Lucky he has food. Precious food for you worries. Saves some of your fanart on his phone.
So whenever he wants to sleep, he'll just look at your face and falls asleep peacefully ♡ prolly predicted you getting isekai'd in TWST so he has no problems loving you..
...Don't ask how he also has a C6 (Y/N).
Dies in the middle of an archon quest when he trials you because he just got shocked he saw you then just really stopped moving.
But oh well, that's not a problem. Say hello to steak. Or tevyat fried eggs...who knows.
Doesn't fight Raiden often. He falls asleep and dies.
Ends up snapping when he hears your soothing voice in his earphones though. Just smiles and continues playing like PLEASE I LOVE HIM HE'S SO PRECIOUS–
Mm, we love the power of (Y/N). Very delicious.
Just please always have Sebek wake him up when he falls asleep in playing, gets dejected when you die– just opens the Paimon menu everytime he feels like dozing off.
Cause y'know, Paimon's mysterious way of stopping time.
(I'M SORRY AGAIN FOR ERRORS THIS IS SO HALF ASSED..want to be added in a taglist? Just say it!)
Taglist: @stygianoir
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