#sorry to my followers for putting this on your dash. i still have more drawings to post don't worry!
jerrythebug · 5 months
The League days are over in my read through :( JLA run ended and Extreme got cut off really randomly. Idk what's up with them. Sadly my beloved League is no more. I must detour into BOP now, chronologically. But I'm kinda beefing with Batman right now, I see too much of him and I don't want to read stuff with him. I kinda get this way with overexposed characters. Hopefully he won't appear there much, but I think he might. We'll see.
I'm actually really excited to meet Babs and her girls! Is she the leader? Idk, but I think she's very important. Also gotta see for myself what that Babs x Dinah talk is about 🧐 Time to branch out into more yuri.
Also also, it's time for me to read some Ted solos I think. I've only ever read Booster's one, still haven't finished that one actually. Idk, the more comic I read the more I want to read next. It's never ending. Probably gonna get tired of it soon. Maybe I'll rewatch Peacemaker and daydream about the Booster show that's apparently coming soon. That's one more reason to stay alive, huh? I'd sure love to see that one! It's totally happening, right? Idk, even if not, it's fun to pretend like it is so I have something to look up for.
Usually my hiperfixations switch up every few weeks and Ngl, I kinda feel like the DC/Boostle/JLI one is leaving me. Well, I'll always carry it in my heart and also will be coming back to it sporadically. I hardly abandon my special stuff forever. We'll see how it goes. For now I'm super tired from work & life, I need to get a day off (or two) and then maybe my mood will change. Maybe the Boostle is here to stay.
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frozenambiguity · 5 months
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Anonymous asked:
Hey, mun. What are your thoughts on heavier/proship content?
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Ah. The question everyone keeps wondering about. Answer under read more because it got long.
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Ooc; Hi there. Sorry it took me a while to reply, I have been a bit busy asdfgfds. To put it simply: I have no issues whatsoever with portraying heavier or darker concepts in fiction. I roleplayed for an entire decade in a fandom widely known as highly "problematic" content-wise, and I absolutely loved the characters and how wicked the plot could get (and if you know Diabolik Lovers, then you really know how wicked it can get). 
I think the main point here is the ability to distinguish fiction from reality. Writing a gruesome scene does not make you a violent person, for example. So, really, it is all about knowing your preferences and your partners' and respecting boundaries.
I strongly believe that, even if you enjoy something and someone else does not, that fact alone should not taint your entire relationship as a whole. You can still find other points of interest, without reducing your entire friendship to a specific topic you disagree about. But, again, I speak for myself. I know that, unfortunately, some people disagree and this is a red line for them. And that is okay — if so, we can go our separate ways.
As for the proship part, listen — I have been around for a long time. As such, I also know that people have different interpretations about what being "proship" means. Too many, in fact, to keep track of. So what I will say is that I follow the "ship and let ship" policy. Of course, people can have ships that they cringe a bit thinking about. But does that mean that one should straight up harass people or vague about them for it? No. Far from it. Again, it is all about knowing your boundaries. Will you stop being friends with an amazing person just because they view or write X and Y romantically? Not me. I can just — skip those types of posts in the dash, for example. Try to curate my space a little, because I can appreciate whatever else that person is bringing to the table. 
What I mean to say is, sincerely, I do not think our tastes in fiction define us as people. And another big sensitive topic here is that interpretations can be different. Cultures are different. People are different. I will write about this because it is relevant when it comes to Kaeya and I am pretty sure that is what you want to know: I do not care about fandom discourse, i.e. Ragbros vs KLK.
Some can view it as a familial type of bond and that is okay (though, please bear in mind that the entire thing about Kaeya being adopted is not real. It is a mistranslation, as they are sworn brothers and not adopted brothers. And I am being impartial here).
Why am I talking about this? Because of objectivity. You may view them as familial because that is your personal experience and you play the English version of the game and that is what you are comfortable with. And that is okay. But that does not mean that people who view them romantically are wrong or should be crucified or considered monsters.
I have seen KLK enjoyers being bullied to the point that they stopped writing the characters. Stopped drawing them. Lost their passion for something just because they knew they would be met with anger and intolerance. And now, just to be safe, they prefer not to create any content or address this type of topic because of backlash. They have to censure themselves because of others. And that is absolutely devastating. If you ever took part in any of this, I hope you reconsider your actions thoroughly. Fandom spaces are to be shared, not to be owned, "cleansed" or dominated.
To this day, in asian communities, KLK is considered the original BL clickbait couple of the game. And, to this day, they still are a very famous ship in those communities. 
This is to say: do I have an issue with Kaeluc//Luckae? No. Not at all. I write KLK with a very dear friend and we are happy in our little own bubble. Isn't that what writing is about? To feel emotion in and through our interactions?
However. Does that mean that I will approach every single Diluc with the intent to ship? No, not really. The fact that some people may think so is... astonishing. I, too, appreciate the familial aspect of their bond. Because, romantic or platonic, they are each other's home. They are important to each other, to the point it almost transcends friendship or a romantic relationship. To quote Kaeya: "Perhaps we're fated to be doomed together".
Regardless of the nature of their relationship, their fates are bound.
And, to put a bit of perspective on the matter, I, too, started in the "ragbros" team, even before creating this blog. To the point when my friend told me they were shipped a lot, I remember staring deeply into nothing for a few moments. Only to let out a dramatic "HUH?????" afterward. Laughs. But then I started to talk with more people, started getting more insight, to the point where I don't really mind the ship. And that, if you choose to view them as a ship, they are one of the strongest and most complex ships out there — right next to Haikaveh. Trust me. Even as platonic, their relationship is very deep and meaningful.
Now, I realize that having this sort of view on the matter may be considered a "sensitive" topic (although, sincerely, I don't understand why). And following this philosophy also brings other types of questions along: when people have "if you write incest, dni" in their rules, do they mean KLK? I assume they do, just to be safe. But again. They are objectively not related nor incest, so the seed of doubt is always planted there. 
TLDR: People have boundaries, and it is important to respect them mutually. However, one should not reduce friendships to something they disagree about, nor end them because of that. Also, I hate that this sort of topic has become something seen as "taboo" or "drama". Please. There are more important things to care about than silly little pixels.
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buckera · 7 days
1000% agree with your fandom post, which is part of why I stopped trying after months and months. People stay in their circles or only repeat what the "popular blogs" say. Best case scenario was my stuff was stolen and got notes lol Worst case was nobody cared (even though I reblogged a lot, went through the tags, did fic recs etc it was never reciprocated) So now when people complain about engagement or there not being enough fics on something, well... it's your own fault. I'm still sad about it obviously, so sorry for being a little bitter but yeah :/
yeah, it's a tough spot to be a creator and watch other people get notes only because they move in the right circles or worse seeing your stuff stolen and reposted, especially right back onto the same damn site instead of an actual reblog
and this includes all arts; drawings, edits, fics, gifs, etc and i say this as someone who has done all of the above and had their stuff stolen and reposted either to twitter, pinterest or right back to tumblr, hence why i changed my watermark recently (i'm not happy about it and i know it won't exactly stop anyone from reposting my gifs, but at least it makes it more obvious)
and ngl even as someone who is trying to consume art of all kinds, i have to wade through posts that are visibly stolen and reposted — put on my dash by mutuals who clearly couldn't care less, unless of course it's their own fics or art or gifs or whatever.
and not that you asked for it, but my advice is still the same: start tagging your moots, however uncomfortable it makes you, because if you don't, it'll just set you behind people who are unashamedly tagging everyone who even they themselves don't follow, but know have a lot of followers
(there is a now relatively popular writer in the fandom who went around tagging everyone unfiltered and now all their stuff are doing pretty big numbers — i personally think that isn't polite, but whatever you can stomach for your art i guess)
the other thing i have to say is that sometimes you have to actively ignore the frustration that comes with all of this and create for your own joy. they are now mostly privved (or were posted onto a twt which is now deactivated) but the last time i was active as an artist i found a sort of freedom in knowing that my stuff won't get any notes, which sounds a little insane, but it was a nice feeling to just sit down, draw whatever for whatever fandom or sketch ocs and then not even having to worry about their reception
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decepti-thots · 1 year
re: meta again. first, thank you for the long answer! you have a lot of interesting points, e.g. how fandom spaces influence how you interact with media: my first fandom space was restricted to teenagers who mostly knew nothing about media analysis (and it was also animanga haha), and then I moved onto tumblr, where - in my memory - most users were slightly older teenagers but still didn't know much about media analysis. there probably was meta somewhere (apparently on LJ?), but I didn't see (or notice?) a lot of it. which possibly also was because I changed fandoms a lot more quickly, and I feel like many others did, too. there's a book fandom where five years ago, the general sentiment about an antagonist was 'well fuck him' and now people write extensive posts on why he did what and what that means for the story and why it mirrors the protagonists arc etc, which maybe means that sometimes fandoms need time to get past the initial excitement of new things to give more attention/time to meta?
I very much agree that tumblr makes interactions/discussions harder. especially re: reblogs - its so easy for someone to disagree with you in a reblog and some of their followers to take that as a hint to hate on you - I've seen this happen mostly related to "shipping the wrong things", but why wouldn't it happen for drawing the "wrong" conclusions in a meta post? I feel like the general tumblr user is older than they were 10 years ago so maybe I should hope that they've grown up as well and are more reasonable about this to be fair
what I also noticed regarding the book fandom and TF is that TF fans - depending on your specific bubble probably - seem to be more aware that writing meta is a thing, because they're more likely to call it that.
re: elitism - it's important to me that the things I was referring to can feel elitist, not that they are, if the distiction makes sense? maybe it also wasn't the best/fairest choice of words, sorry. the sentiment isn't meant towards e.g. the people complaining about headcanons that have become accepted in the fandom but have zero relation to canon. its more frustration that theres seemingly infinite canon material and you can't really join any conversation without interacting with a good chunk of it, while (seemingly) everyone else has already done that already.
and finally, wonder if part of who writes meta and who doesn't is fandom "socialization"; there seem to be a few people for whom it appears easy to express their thoughts online, and then a much larger amount of lurkers who don't, and I've never really figured out the cause.
god tumblr does really let me put as much text as I want here, I'm a bit sorry for the long message. If you have any further thoughts I'd be happy to hear them but no pressure
First of all: no apologies for the long message! I love it, I will put my thoughts under a cut for everyone's dashes but we LOVE an in depth fandom meta-meta discussion in this household. I started this blog to RAMBLE and rambling is WELCOME my friend.
You make an EXCELLENT point about how longevity can influence fandoms here, anon. Especially for fandoms where there isn't a constant drip-feed of NEW canon, I absolutely think fandoms living on and people going back and re-engaging the source material to look for new ways to engage it can gradually make meta a larger part of the fannish space sometimes. (To give my own book fandom example, I was on the periphery of book!Good Omens fandom back in the day, and the amount of time people had spent with just that one single book meant that more and more discussion of the ways you could read and work with that one book meant there was some very in-depth meta going on there.) (…as you can imagine, the last few years have been a hell of a wild time for me with the show fandom becoming the Hot New Major Fandom, LMAOOOO.)
There's definitely also something there about the old "if someone I follow clowns on a person, my (para)social relationship with them means I feel like I'm doing a social faux-pas by not choosing a side" you mention here too. Tumblr really makes visible the idea of social networks in a way I have to admit I overall find uhhh. Kind of not great. "If I follow someone who follows someone my mutual hates, do I need to perform my support of someone here", that kind of thing. (Answer: no, that is some Panopticon shit, bring in the Foucault. I am only half joking.) Even over an objectively inane Transformers headcanon take, it's the social mechanism more than the content that brings in the pressure I think. Again. Web 2.0 wants everything pushed at everyone all the time to encourage More Interaction, and reducing any sense of wider social circles being removed from you personally is a part of that I think. It's all equal on The Endless Timeline, innit.
I see what you mean about the "feels like" distinction on elitism, anon, now you lay that out- that makes sense. I do think TF fandom is sometimes a bit of a minefield in terms of like, even within certain subdivisions of canon there's so MUCH stuff (and the fandom has, IMO, a bad habit of not bothering to decide what is more or less "useful" in conversations; sometimes tertiary material is… you know. Tertiary. LOOKING AT ALIGNED FANDOM). I think those of us who are sometimes a bit more "canon completionist" do need to approach these things in terms of like- take IDW1 fandom. If someone posts meta about MTMTE based on just material from MTMTE, approaching that in good faith and not going "well it's in continuity with phase one, and THIS phase one comic says [xyz]", but instead seeing it as a perspective that takes that one text as a complete thing in itself? (And maybe considering how that perspective and how it differs from one which looks at the whoooole canon is interesting, rather than deficient, in its differences of opinion.) There are folks who get very snotty about people doing that in a way that is, at the very least, unproductive. (And the folks bringing in their Extensive Lore Knowledge TM by whining stuff from other continuities contradicts a take on a different continuity are just uhhh. Annoying. Those people can just Stop, Please, lmao.) I think understanding that different approaches to what "canon" even is can be interesting rather than something to be "corrected" might go some way to making it feel less… intimidating? Alienating? For folks working with what they like.
As for the confidence in sharing opinions thing… I can only speak for myself but uh. If I have a personal flaw it is unwarranted overconfidence, not insecurity, haha. Let me put it that way. I do think that cultivating a confidence in the idea "I have my own personal tastes, and those tastes are idiosyncratic and do not need to be compared to other peoples' taste, and they are Valid TM" is a skill to be honed and one I think is worth honing, and I think may be a big thing here from my anecdotal observations. I find that many people in fandom don't have a lot of confidence in the idea that you can express not just an argument for "objective" (lol) "quality" but a sense of personal taste? (This is not unique to fandom, at all, but I think fandom has a lot of it, if that makes sense.) Especially because often the things fandom centres around lack cultural prestige. It's why an appeal to being Real Literature TM is the go-to argument for why fanfiction is "acceptable". I think a similar thing can be true of opinions; to let go of the urge to have everyone agree with you 100% of the time and to be "proven" right, you have to feel confident enough to sit in subjectivity and be like. My opinions may be subjective, but that's fine. And you do have to cultivate that! But I think that's where the "I can express an opinion and not feel destroyed if someone flat out rejects it and I can't even disprove their argument" trick kinda lies, maybe. And maybe meta is easier if you've already internalized that, so the possibility people will be like "nope" is less scary?
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auralina33 · 1 year
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So, you guys remember the little TTRPG AU I posted drawings of once?
I've spent the past 4 days running an interactive teaser in the server these campaigns are being ran, so, to lack of other content, putting them here
Part two
The text that accompanied these as I posted them and the players' answers below the cut:
-Hello, hello, hello, everyone! I'm so happy to see you here!
- My name is Soleil, but you can just call me Sol! I've got new songs all for you!
- How's everyone doing in this fine day?
> Say hello?
-> Say hello
-I'm great now that I get to sing here again!-
-WHOOPS! I need to be more careful about not falling off from here! Silly me!
-I've been practicing even more on the calliope! Been passing some of my flute songs to it.
-Without further ado, let me just-
> Something's not right > Look around
-> Something's not right (Where's your lantern?)
-Yes, yes, the calliope! Circuses use it a lot to draw in an audience! I- -...My lantern?
-Of course I have it with me! I would never forget about it, it's so important!
- In fact, it's right he-
- ...Oh.
- (Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no oh no-)
-Sorry! So sorry, so sorry, I think I'll have to cut the performance early today! I need to go do something! I'll be back later!
(The performer runs off, their breath already fast, their eyes frantically glancing around everywhere. If you want this to go the way it should, they need to find their lantern.)
> Ask if someone's seen it > Try to spot it in the crowd > See if its magic can still be felt
-> See if its magic can still be felt
-I think I feel it... around here, around there?
(The performer spends quite a while wandering around, trying to chase vague wisps and feelings that just don't seem reliable enough, getting to less populated zones of the town, until...)
-(I see a glow! Near those buildings!)
-(Is that...)
-(What's someone I don't know doing with my lantern? Is this a misunderstanding?)
> Call out to her > Quietly follow her > Run at her
-> Quietly follow her
-(Ok, ok... I'm following her!)
-(Where is she going...? I don't recognize these streets, I don't recognize these streets at all...)
-(She seems calm. She's humming to herself...)
-(Maybe this really is some kind of mistake.)
> Keep going > Turn back
-> Keep going
(As the performer follows her, she takes a turn down a side street, and- Her footsteps suddenly fasten up as she takes off running.)
-(What? Wait...)
-Wait, no! STOP! PLEASE!
(He can only dash after her, calling out to try and call her attention)
-THAT'S MINE! Please, come back! I need that! I'll pay you for it, I'll give you something else, anything!
-(I lost her- I LOST her! No, I can't have lost her!)
> Follow the lantern's trail > Follow your sight > Follow your hearing
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malewifegradyruewen · 2 years
An Untitled Original Work, Part 11
previous | next | masterpost
trigger warnings: light swearing, ask to tag
word count: 872
shoutout to @an-ungraceful-swan for content and beta reading, as well as aer amazing drawing of Logan!!
“Mom! Tell Andrew to get out of my room!”
“Mom, tell Logan that she’s ugly!”
“Andrew Joshua Slater, apologize to your sister, then get out of her room. Don’t think I don’t know about your two weeks of missing math homework!”
Andrew gulped, said a quick “sorry,” and dashed into the hallway. 
Logan sighed and flopped down on her bed. She had nearly finished tidying up before Sammie came over when Andrew had burst in, asking what felt like a thousand questions about nothing in particular. She’d asked him to leave, because she really wasn’t in the mood, but that had turned into him hurling insults at her until their mom intervened. Finally, her room was quiet once more as she rolled over to grab her phone off her nightstand.
Ellison had texted her. lmk when Sammie gets there, I want to stop over but I’m babysitting my cousin rn
no worries, Logan sent back before checking the text from Sammie saying she was just a few minutes away. She took a minute to put her favorite hoops on before sliding her sandals on and heading downstairs to the kitchen. Andrew was sitting at the table, a textbook open in front of him. He glared at her and gave her the middle finger, which Logan quickly returned with a smile. 
Her phone buzzed again. Sammie was here. Logan walked to the entryway and saw her outside through the window next to the front door. As promised, she quickly texted Ellison before opening the door.
“Hey, Sammie!” she greeted her.
“Hi, sorry it took so long. My mom forgot she needed gas,” Sammie said as she stepped into the house. “Shoes?”
“Off, you can leave them by this bench here. Do you have to be home by a certain time?”
“Not soon. I think my mom said before ten.”
Logan checked her phone. “That’s not for like ten hours. We’ve got plenty of time. Here, follow me. We can go chill in my room for a bit.”
“Perf,” Sammie said as the two ran upstairs and closed the bedroom door behind them. 
Logan didn’t know how long they’d been cuddling, or how it had even happened, but she wasn’t complaining. It had started with Logan on her desk chair and Sammie on the beanbag, then suddenly they were both sitting on the bed, and next thing she knew they were cuddling, Logan leaning on a pillow against the wall with Sammie’s head resting on her chest. Sammie’s fingers had traced patterns up and down Logan’s thighs while Logan ran her fingers through Sammie’s hair. 
“What time is it?” Sammie mumbled. 
Logan checked her phone. “3:48. Ellison texted, she wants to know if we wanna meet her for dinner downtown.”
“I don’t know, I kinda just wanna stay here,” she said, looking at Logan sweetly. 
Logan could tell there was more Sammie wasn’t saying. “What’s up?”
“Nothing, I just don’t really wanna go out.”
“Bull. Tell me what’s up.”
Sammie sighed. “What are we doing, really? Me and Gina…” She trailed off, but Logan knew what she meant. 
She stroked her hair. “It’s okay. If you wanna go, it’s okay. But if you wanna stay—”
“I do wanna stay,” Sammie sat up. “But I don’t wanna hurt Gina. And I do kinda like her.”
She sighed as she laid back down on Logan. “It’s just so much.”
“I know. You have to tell Gina how you feel. Doesn’t matter what you tell her, I don’t care, but you have to tell her.”
“How do I know what to say when I don’t even know how I feel?”
“That’s the hardest part. Think about it. Who makes you happier?”
Sammie was quiet for a moment, before sitting up once more and turning to look at Logan. “Don’t you still have a boyfriend though? Isn’t this cheating?”
Logan was quiet for a moment. “I’m…going to break up with him. Nicely, of course, he didn’t do anything wrong, but our relationship just isn’t what it used to be. I told Ellison already, and we’re not going to let it ruin our friendship, but…I don’t know.”
There was more she wasn’t saying, but she couldn’t admit it to Sammie while she was both so conflicted about their feelings. Logan knew it would sting to see Gina and Sammie together, but she knew it would sting more to influence Sammie into being in a relationship that wasn’t fulfilling for her. Plus, what was life without a little drama?
“You’re the first person here in Lake Valley that I told about my dad. Only other person who knows is Mally.” Sammie grabbed her hand and looked her directly in the eyes. “I like you. Like, like like. But I can’t trust you yet.”
Logan was taken aback by Sammie’s confession of…whatever it was. She didn’t think it was love, per se, but it was pretty damn close. “Why can’t you trust me yet?”
Sammie was quiet. “I don’t know what happened between you and Gina. I need to know the real story.”
“Are you sure? It’s messy, and me and Gina are both the bad guy.”
“I need to know.”
Logan sighed. “Alright. Here’s what you need to know…”
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darkbluekies · 2 years
☁️  (1/3) hey! im back ^__^ sorry ive been away for quite a while. irl stuff has been taking up most of my time lately T__T ... but i still try and check up on your blog when i can. i have a lot to say hehe >:] so now FIRST OF ALL... lets talk about my previous ask.
— I CANT BELIEVE PEOPLE USED TO COPY YOUR STORIES WTF... what happened if you dont mind me asking 😓
— OML THE HUGGING DR KRY FROM BEHIND. IM SO HAPPY YOU WROTE IT TBH LIKE THAT WAS SO GOOD. i didnt know how much i needed a oneshot where his darling gets a panic attack but here we are 😭 THE CONFRONTATION TOO!!
— ... you shouldnt have said that. YOU SHOULDNT HAVE SAID THATTT!!!!HSJKS!!!JS!!SKD!!!! sqUEEZING dr kry's ARMS ? BUFF ARMS ? MAN WHAT IF I BITE IT TOO HUH??? WHAT IF I WHAT IF I (dashes to my secret stash of dr kry ideas)
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Don't apologize!!! Please make sure to take care of yourself<333333
Im she/her!!
I have a wattpad, and my readers send in when they find someone copying my stories. When I see that someone does, I message them and ask them to change or put me as the cred. I usually help them with a new idea and with the writing if they're understanding. One time someone copied a oneshot of mine and uploaded it to YouTube and took all the cred ... so mh readers helped me get it down!!
DR KRY SUPREMACY I LOVE WRITING ABOUT HIM. he's such a cold character to other people than his darling <333 ID SAY BITE IT, HED PROBABLY LIKE THAT-
The cynical playhouse is probably my favorite oneshot I've made to date (it contaisn EVRRYTHING FROM GORE TO FLUFF). I've finally started to find my old style again. When I was like 10-15 I wrote in a very graphic and violent way which I lost when I was writing fanfiction because I have limits when it comes to real humans :/ but now that i have made my own characters, I've managed to let lose and found back to the old style, especially with the cynical playhouse!!!
Please show me your drawing someday :((( I see the room in my mind and it's basically a rectangular space with the bed I the middle towards the bed, windows and Dr Krys desk on the readers right (when they're in bed), the door out to the corridor on the left and the door to the bathroom in front of them!! The bookshelf is on the empty wall to the left!!
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For me it really doesn't matter how people see my characters!! If you think he's blonde, make him blonde haha, I have the OG design but if you think he looks hotter in another way, imagine him however you want :>>
Blue is so cute :(((( my favorite color is dark blue (hence my username) and sadly, I don't have a lot of nicknames. My friend calls me (my name)-cita my family has a joined nickname for me but it's so ugly that I won't tell you haha. I'm perfectly fine with Blue, it's so cute :>>
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