#sorry u have to squint for that last one. guy who hugs 9 at the end is hanny
thatsnotbuddies · 2 months
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separate yourselves for two seconds challenge
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i will find u in every universe, even in cartoon form. or whatever.
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celestialrry · 3 years
stood up
hello everyone!!!! I've been awol for literally weeks because i had absolutely NO motivation to write but i finally finished this piece ˊᗜˋ so YAY. ALSOO thank you for following me, liking, and reblogging my pieces (it encourages me somuchsothankyouireallyappreciateit-- and remember reblogging really helps us writers :))) )  here’s a hug for all ur patience and feel free to send me asks or requests i love talking to you guys! ε(♡'-')з
summary: Harry keeps standing Y/N up. (request from @ballerinrry! thank u love)
warnings: cursing, mentions of alcohol and sex, angsty but with a happy ending cause for some reason i can never let them end on a bad note
Y/N was excited.
It had been a while since Harry had asked her to go on a date, it was always the other way around recently. She couldn’t blame him though, Y/N knew just how busy Harry always was, and it wasn’t like he was purposefully not asking her to go do things, he just had a lot on his plate.
That’s what she kept telling herself anyways. 
It’s what she told herself when it had been 2 weeks since they had even eaten a meal together, and given the fact that just a few months ago Harry had come back to London for a while, that was rare. So, Y/N asked him to grab lunch on a Saturday while they were lying in bed together, and when he agreed, but failed to show up, leaving Y/N sitting at the cafe, her lips morphed into a frown and her eyes not focusing on the phone in front of her, she told herself he was simply booked up with meetings and studio time and such. 
Thats what he told her when he got into bed that night to apologize for accidentally standing her up. She forgave him, of course, and suggested they could just get dinner the next week. He agreed, even walked around to his calander her to show her he was marking the date off in his calendar with a heart, her first initial, and 7:00 PM etched into the little box with red sharpie. 
So, the week passed with quick kisses of good mornings and good nights, and while Harry was gone Y/N had on a black dress she had been excited to wear for a while now, with those little mini silver heels and a coat strung over her shoulders as she sat on her couch waiting for Harry to swing by to pick her up. She shot him a text that simply asked “You otw? xx”
He was not.
It took about 30 minutes of waiting on their couch to realize he was standing her up, again. And it took until the next morning for Harry to see her text (his phone had been on do not disturb while he was at the studio and he ended up spending the night at Sarah and Mitch’s after a few beers), and for the guilt to seep through his veins. 
He apologized, again. And Y/N forgave him, again. 
Only until it got to the point where Y/N no longer remembered the amount of times Harry had stood her up, for being at the studio, or sleeping after a meeting, or simply just not paying attention to his phone, she knew there was a problem. 
Harry was fully aware of the problem too. He knew that this was no way to ever treat a partner, and if someone was doing this to him, he’d dump them— well, he’s never been one to end a relationship unless it was necessary, so that’s an exaggeration, but it’s the principle of the thing. 
Which is why when he got home one day around 11 PM, gave her a kiss to the forehead after she sat up in their bed to give him a hug, and a soft  “Can we talk?” escaped her lips, he knew he had to fix this. So he asked her if they could talk over dinner the next night, he just wanted to sleep but also wanted to fix things with his girl, asking her if she was free of course, before telling her he’s gonna make a reservation at that nice restaurant the two of them used to go to quite often, because “it’s been a while since I’ve taken my favorite girl out”.
A grin broke out on her face because he had asked her! And if Harry was planning it, there’s no way he’d cancel or stand her up. 
 So yeah, Y/N was excited.
She woke up that morning with a smile on her face, and something akin to a what she thinks a rainbow would feel like running through her veins. It had only been a few months since she’d last been on a date with her boyfriend of almost 2 years and a half in person, and she was going to make the most of it. Because after this date, things would change. They’d spend more time together again and it would be like this little bump (that neither had acknowledged) never happened.
Y/N did, well, everything to prepare. Took a long shower, shaved, put on that coconut lotion Harry likes— he tended to dig his face in her neck when he smelled it while holding her—, brushed her teeth more than 3 times, dug in her closet to find that one patterned soft purple dress she bought ages ago but never had a change to wear it, until now, put on those really cute heels Harry said he liked once (“Looks like something you’d wear on a runway pet, I love ‘em.”), and even styled her hair differently than normal.
He had told her he would swing by at 8 on the dot after the studio, and soon enough, it was 8, with no sign from the man who made the promise himself. Y/N thought maybe there was traffic, he was just running late, texted him a quick, “Can’t wait to see you!! xxx” and put her phone on the coffee table, waiting on their couch. 
8 turned to 9, 9 turned to 10, 10 turned to 11, and soon it was midnight. Y/N doesn’t think she’d ever felt more empty than how she felt then, walking to their shared room of a year, slipping off her heels and tossing them towards the closet, as well as pulling her dress over herself and letting it fall to the floor behind her, grabbing that one t-shirt she always wears when she needs comfort (which just happened to an extra 2018 Live on Tour shirt Harry had laying around that she snatched just 3 months into them dating), and flopping into bed.  
She couldn’t fall asleep, and instead spent her time curled up in their bedsheets, a steady flow of tears making their way down her blush covered cheeks.
Harry usually didn’t make mistakes.
Sure, he had his moments, grabbing the wrong coffee off the counter when his name was called at the cafe, forgetting to text Jeff that he actually couldn’t make it to a meeting that was scheduled in a few hours. Just little things, things that didn’t matter that much, and could always be fixed. He didn’t usually make mistakes that weren’t easy to fix. He just wasn’t that kind of guy.
Until, he was.
Harry loved Y/N. He loved having her around, loved spending time with her, loved loving on her, loved kissing her, loved touching her, loved the way she went about almost everything. He was so in love with her, that hurting her was out of the question. He never wanted to be the one to make her cry, make her bottom lip quiver before the tears rushed out like he’d seen many times before, due to movies, his songs (which as sadistic as it sounds was an ego builder to have someone so close to him so affected by the music he wrote), her school work, or even her friends that weren’t being so nice.
In fact, he was so in love with her, even being so afraid of commitment (it took him over a year of them dating to ask her to move in), all he wanted to do was blurt out those 4 dreaded words. “Will you marry me?” It was a bond for life, and he was terrified of that, but with Y/N all he wanted to do was spend the rest of his living days with her.
When Harry had come back from being in L.A. for so long and finally being in the same city as his girlfriend back at their home, all they did was spend time together. Every time he saw Y/N all he wanted to do was say those 4 words that he hadn’t even fully come to terms with himself. It was dangerous, and Harry’s self control when it came to Y/N was lacking, so he simply did was every normal person would do in his situation.
He stood her up. 
Many more times than he could count, and of course he felt like the shittiest person in the world— shittiest boyfriend in the world—but at least now she can’t possibly be under the impression that he wanted to marry her, which is what he wanted. Or thought he wanted, until Sarah called him up one day after he had stood Y/N up for dinner the night before and told him off. Told Harry just how fucking terrible he made Y/N feel, how unwanted she thought she was, how she felt like they were loosing their relationship, and Harry didn’t know what to do with himself. (Of course Y/N had sobbed to Sarah about it over the phone while she was drunk off the wine she opened 40 minutes after Harry said he would be there, so she really didn’t even remember the conversation).
And later that day Harry had come home, heard her wavering voice asking if they could talk, and decided in his head he would tell her how he felt, how sorry he was, and how he wanted to be with her forever and love her forever if she allowed him. He had a few expectations for their dinner, that Y/N would probably tell him how he’s made her feel, and Harry would apologize, tell her why he did it, explain he thought it was no excuse, then tell her he plans on marrying her (obviously not proposing just yet, but finally bringing up the conversation they had never had even though they were in a serious committed relationship) and they’d go back home, have the most amazing sex ever, and forget about the whole thing. 
What Harry didn’t expect was to get a call from Jeff around 5 asking him to come to the studio to fix few vocals, then end up nailing down 2 songs in one night, go to a bar with the band to celebrate, get drunk, then pass out at Mitch and Sarahs flat. 
But that’s what happened, according to Mitch, who woke Harry up the very next morning. 
“Good morning man, wakey wakey,” Mitch’s teasing tone echoed through Harry’s (what felt like full of vodka) brain as he groaned and squinted his eyes. “Why are you waking me up at this hour in the morning?” Harry asked drearily, sighing and simultaneously regretting last night as a whole because the last thing he wanted to do while hungover was be up before at least 9 AM.
“We’ve gotta go to meet with Jeff about tour in like a hour, H” Mitch stated .
At Mitch’s words Harry sat up on their couch, eyes wide in fear. “Wait mate, I thought tha’ meeting was on Wednesday.”
“It is Wednesday H, god how drunk did we let you get last night…” Mitch said, beginning to recount some of Harry’s antics the night before. Harry however, couldn’t hear a thing with the blood pumping through his ears. If today was Wednesday, that meant yesterday was Tuesday, and he went and got trashed at a bar with his friends Tuesday night when— when he was supposed to be on a date with Y/N, when he was supposed to confess his intentions, when he was supposed to apologize for standing her up over and over, yet instead he went and did it again.
Now this, this was a mistake.
“…H. H. Harry? Are you there?” Mitch’s voice came back into focus and Harry shook his head. “I- fuck, I was supposed to take Y/N out last night.” Harry said, his voice trembling.
‘I’m sure she’ll forgive you, it’s just one night.” Mitch tried to make Harry feel better. He knew Y/N was a very forgiving person, she would get over this in no time.
“No, she won’t. I-I’ve stood her up for the past month and a half, Mitch.”
At these words, Mitch stands straight up  making pained eye contact with Sarah in the kitchen who was overhearing most of this conversation with her eyes wide. She had no idea it was this bad. “Month and a half? I thought it was just that one time a few weeks ago, Harry what the hell is wrong with you?” Harry simply shook his head and didn’t reply. He had absolutely no idea how to make it up to her. “I-fuck, I don’t know Mitch!” Harry raised his voice. “I need to see her and apologize, now.” Harry said, standing up and rushing over to the front door and slipping on his shoes. 
“This meeting is mandatory Harry, as much as I want you to see her too, she’d probably still asleep, and I don’t think this can be solved in under an hour.” Mitch said calmly, already knowing Harry was close to walking out his door. Harry stayed silent for a moment, weighing the options. Either go apologize to his girlfriend, or prioritize himself over her again. 
“We can do it another day, I’m sorry, but I have to go see her, tell Jeff I feel sick.” And he walked out without another word.
The morning after Harry stood Y/N up again was brutal. 
She stayed up all night, replaying moments with Harry in her head, analyzing if he wanted to be there with her, wondering if maybe he felt like he had to stay with her out of pity. It was torture, and the pain seemed to turn into numbness as time went by, and eventually the sun came up, and she stayed in bed, her motivation lost.
A loud crash and “Fuck!” woke her up, swollen eyes fluttering open to the invasive noise. Y/N furrowed her brows, her mind connecting everything that happened yesterday and unfortunately reminding her of the unbearable pain she went through the night before. A groan escaped her lips as she sat up and flung her legs out of her bed sheets that had been flung off the bed in the middle of the night.  She began grumbling to herself as she made her way downstairs, ready to tell Harry off for making so much noise.
Her mouth stopped moving, and instead remained in limbo as her eyes met Harry’s. His mouth opened to speak, but his words were caught in his throat as he saw the state she was in. It was when her mouth pressed into a line that he could begin talking. “Y/N, baby, please I know you don’t wanna see me or talk t’me right now but I’m so fuckin’ sorry, love. So so sorry, it was an accident, I went t’ the studio to fix a few things then got hung up on the songs and by the time we went to celebrate I completely lost track of time, and I was too drunk to drive home so I crashed at Mitch’s.”
Her mouth fell open at his words. Everything was happening too fast. Hearing that he stood her up to drink at a fucking bar to celebrate himself, then coming home and accidentally knocking over a glass in their kitchen (which she put together was the crash earlier after seeing the shards of broken glass on the floor) frustrated her to no end. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him any longer, and Harry had stopped talking after realizing what he just admitted to her. Without another glance, instead of looking at Y/N’s tear stained face, all he saw was her back, walking up the stairs to their room. 
“Fuck,” He said to himself before following her up the pink stairs. “Y/N, love wait-please, I’m so sorry, I just need to talk to you, I need to explain myself, please.” He begged as she shut their bedroom door in his face, his voice turning into a desperate whine at the end. 
It’s been 3 days since then, and she hasn’t spoken to him. He would leave in the mornings, kissing her forehead and mumbling an “I love you” and telling her exactly what time he’d be home, before leaving and coming back on time to find an empty plate in the sink and her lying in their bed, whether it be reading, scrolling on her phone, or typing on her laptop. He would apologize many times, reaching his hand out for hers and she would simply situate herself in their bed and lay down, back turned to him. 
Harry just couldn’t take it anymore. 
It was when she had finally let him kiss her forehead goodnight that he decided to take his chance. “Y/N.” He spoke softly, with no response or anything to indicate she heard him. “Baby, can we please talk- or I’ll talk and you listen, I just- I really need to say some things.” 
She was still faced away from him when he leaned against their headboard and he decided to keep going. 
“I- um. I’m sure you know how sorry I am, but I really am- sorry I mean. Not just for tonight but for every other time I’ve stood you up. I’m so sorry for not showing you how much you matter to me, and how much the things you do matter to me.”
It was then that she slowly sat up next to him and looked at him, eyes begging him to continue. He blushed at her intense eye-contact that he had barely gotten over the past few days and took a breath, opting to look at his hands fidgeting in his lap.
“We’ve been together for 2 and almost a half years, which is the longest relationship I’ve been in, and it’s no excuse to treat you this way, but I had just been thinking about how things progress even further than now,” He coughs. “Which is marriage, and when I finally came home, all I wanted to do was ask you to marry me- I don’t- m’not proposing right now, I just- I got really scared because wanting to spend the rest of your life with someone is crazy to me,
I’ve never thought that way about anyone else until you, I didn’t even really want to get married before you, and I started to distance myself before I ended up telling you this, but obviously that blew up in my face.” He chuckled a bit, locking eyes with her unreadable ones for a moment and lifting a hand to run through his hair. “What I’m trying to say, is that I love you, so so much, and I plan on marrying you— obviously if you want to too, of course— and I’m so sorry for trying to make you think that I didn’t care about you anymore or love you any less, because it’s the complete opposite of that.”
His eyes were watery now, as he started down at his interlocked fingers, and his eyes widened when her hand was gently placed over his own. “Harry,” Y/N began. “Look at me, please.” 
His head lifted to see her facing him, her brows knitted and a small smile on her face. “I forgive you, okay? I could tell you were kind of scared of commitment when we first started dating, and I wish I could say your reason for standing me up is surprising but it’s not.” They both chuckled a bit at this. “I- I’m still upset at you, I need you to know that, because 2 months of thinking the love of your life is avoiding you doesn’t feel all too great, so you suck for that,” she said, planting a quick kiss to his cheek which quickly turned pink. “But Harry, even if you asked me to marry you a year ago I would have said yes. I love you, so much, and I plan on spending the rest of my life with you as well. I’m sorry for giving you the silent treatment, it was… unnecessary and immature. So, thank you for apologizing. I love you.” She confessed again.
“S’okay, I deserved it, and I love you too. Maybe even more. So um, we’re okay?” Harry asked, a hopeful smile on his face. 
She nodded with a smile and pulled him into a much needed hug and pulled away only for him to bring her into an even more needed kiss. “If you ever try to pull that shit again, I’m breaking up with you.” She laughed and he tackled her into the sheets hiding his face in her neck.
“Duly noted, love. Duly noted.”
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baroquebucky · 3 years
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bucky finds love where he least expects it
word count: 1.9k
a/n: hi bffs i am back w my usual fluff ,, i hope u all enjoy !! let me know what u all think ! a fundraiser? more like raising buckys heart rate ! (I’m funny please laugh)
“it’ll be fun! It’s for a fundraiser and my friend is counting on us” Sam spoke, “and plus when was the last time you went to an arcade?” He questioned and bucky rolled his eyes.
“I’m 106 i don’t go to arcades” bucky grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and looking to the side. Sam rolled his eyes, walking over and sitting down next to his friend.
“Cmon buck y/n will kill me if you don’t show up, she already promised who know how many people that we’d show up” sam frowned and bucky looked at him angrily.
“fine whatever” bucky agreed reluctantly, “but I’m leaving after the first hour” he added quickly and sam smiled at him, knowing he would end up staying the whole time.
“you’ll get along just fine” Sam smiled, “the easiest thing you can do in life is fall in love with y/n y/l/n” bucky rolled his eyes. Fat chance.
“When is it anyway” bucky asked, sam gave him a toothy grin before replying, “tonight at 6! See you there at 5!” He spoke quickly, rushing out of the super soldier’s apartment before he could suffer the consequences.
Bucky groaned, his hands flying to his face before he checked the time, he had three hours before he had to head out.
You were giddy, it was your first fundraiser for your new nonprofit, posters spread around the arcade in hopes of reaching your goal. You expected a larger crowd tonight, the buzz of Captain America and The Winter Soldier making a guest appearance made your heart race.
You smiled as you saw bucky walk in at 5:30, you checked yourself out in the mirror next to you before walking towards him with a smile.
“Mr. Barnes! hi I’m y/n” you grinned, holding out your hand. He shook it lightly before giving you a tight smile, looking around for Sam.
“uh, wheres sam? He said he would be here by now” he asked you let out a breathy laugh, shaking your head.
“he’ll probably get here at like 5:30, he’s always late” you smiled and bucky laughed a little, the sound making your smile widen.
“I’ll let you go change into your suit, the restrooms are right over there” you smiled and bucky nodded, heading towards the restrooms, bag in hand with his suit.
Before you knew it people were filing in, Sam running out just in the nick of time to stand next to bucky.
As everyone met and took pictures with the two avengers you made small talk with some business people, giving out information about your fundraiser and graciously accepting donations left and right. You skipped over to the giant whiteboard near the prizes, smiling widely throughout the night as you colored in the box closer to the goal. Bucky smiled at how excited you were, he admired how passionate you seemed about your project.
The night progressed and you finished making rounds with most of the visitors, many people taking interest in how to help and spreading the word online. You finally let yourself relax, heading over to Sam and bucky who had already changed back to regular clothes and were sitting by the restaurant area.
“how’d it go?” You smiled at sam, ordering a water quickly.
“it was good, lots of people” he spoke, “my cheeks hurt from smiling, can’t imagine how hard it was for this guy” he teased bucky, nudging him with his elbow. Bucky frowned at sam, sitting up a bit straighter.
“i smile all the time” bucky spoke gruffly, “I’m a happy guys I’ll have you know” he turned his attention to you, smiling for a second.
“i never said you weren’t happy” sam shot back and you smiled as the two friends bickered.
“You implied it!” Bucky frowned and you laughed.
“okay notes break it up” you sighed, smiling as you finished your bottle of water. “any one wanna get their ass handed to them in air hockey?”
Sams eyes widened and he shook his head quickly, you groaned. Bucky looked at him confused, squinting his eyes a little.
“no way” sam replied and you pouted.
“why not?” You frowned, bucky was quiet as he observed the two of you.
“you’re a whole different person when you play!” Sam continued to shake his head, eating some of the fries bucky ordered, earning him a small angry ‘hey’ from the metal armed man.
“oh they can’t be that bad surely” bucky smiled at you, the frown on your face quickly replaced with a grin as you grabbed his metal hand and dragged him towards the air hockey table.
“oh god” sam mumbled, getting up from his seat and following the two of you through the crowd.
“you know how to play?” you asked bucky and he nodded. You handed him a paddle, and grabbed the puck, slipping in some coins and smiling brightly.
“for the record i am on Buckys team, simply out of spite” Sam spoke loudly, still eating Buckys fries.
“you’re eating all my fries!” Bucky grumbled and Sam rolled his eyes, shoving another handful of fries into his mouth.
“ready?” You asked and bucky nodded, you hit the puck gently, easing into the game. Bucky stuck it quickly, a smirk on his face as it smoothly went in. Your mouth dropped open as he scored.
“from what Sam said i thought you were better than that doll” bucky smirked, you felt butterflies in your stomach but you shoved them down, determined to beat him.
“was gonna go easy on you considering you might break your back trying to get the puck” you shot back, sams mouth wide open at your comment. Bucky smirked, you were witty and cute?
You took the puck and placed it down, hitting it quickly and bouncing it off the walls of the table, bucky strikes it quickly, you managed to hit it back before he scored and landed it cleanly in the goal. You smiled in satisfaction.
“glad to know you can score” bucky teased, hitting the puck, both of you focused on the game as you spoke.
“glad to know you won’t get a heart attack trying to keep up, old man” Sam watched from the side, eating the fries and enjoying the entertainment.
“i keep up quite well sweetheart” bucky replied, hitting the puck sharply and scoring, your eyes met and he smirked. You narrowed your eyes at him, grabbing the puck and hitting it quickly, he bounced it off the wall and you struck back without hesitation, the two of you going back and forth before you stuck the puck softly, catching him off guard before hitting it again and scoring.
“we’ll see about that james” your tone was sharp, bucky was taken back at the venom in your voice, looking at Sam with wide eyes.
“i warned you” the man chuckled, eating the last couple fries.
Bucky turned back to the game, both of you fiercely trying to score on the other.
“cmon thought you were a super soldier? cant use that extra strength to beat me?” You teased as you scored, bucky rolling his eyes at your tone.
“want me to put it to good use?” Buckys voice got deeper and you gulped a little, your Kees growing weak. He smirked and placed the puck on the table, your eyes unfocused as you thought of the tone of his voice. He scored easily, winning at you. “cats got your tongue?”
Your competitive nature got the best of you, anger rising in your chest as you saw the score, 9-8. You need two points to win, no way he was gonna beat you.
You set the puck down on the table, hitting it as soon as bucky tried to score again, not giving him time to move, a smile on your face as you heard it slide into the goal.
Bucky was silent as he set the puck down again, hitting it quickly, you were quick to react, bouncing it off the wall and into his own paddle. As bucky tried to move back to block the puck, he accidentally hit the puck with his paddle, causing it to slide into the goal and score on himself.
“i thought you could keep up?” You whined, pouting a bit before smirking at him proudly. Bucky bit his lip as the machine announced your win. You smiled at him as he set the paddle on the table, winking at him before turning around and telling Sam you were gonna go to the restroom.
Bucky was left in awe as you walked away, his mouth slightly agape. Sam smirked at the man, patting his shoulder as they walked to their table again.
“you like them dont you” Sam smiled and bucky looked at him like he was crazy.
“wha- me? No! i just met them!” Bucky protested and Sam rolled his eyes.
“as if you guys weren’t flirting that whole game?” Sam laughed and bucky shook his head.
“isn’t that how they talk to you when you guys play?” Sam widened his eyes and shook his head.
“oh god no i wish, last time they called me a bird brain!” Sam frowned and bucky laughed, “and then they said, ‘had known you were gonna play like this, i would’ve stayed home, it’s the same as playing with a fish’”
Bucky couldn’t stop the fit of laughter as Sam frowned at all the things you told him during the game, smiling slightly as he remembered the way you apologized after, hugging him and kissing his cheek and offering to buy him all the food he wanted.
“what’s so funny?” You asked, a smile on your face as you slid into the seat next to sam.
“just telling bucky all the things you say when we play” sam spoke and your face turned red.
“I’m really sorry, i hope i didn’t hurt your feelings or anything” you smiled softly and bucky shook his head.
“oh no I’m fine i get it” he smiled at you and you nodded, stomach in knots as you thought back to his words. Your throat went dry and you looked at him, quickly glancing to your hands. It didn’t go unnoticed by bucky though.
“actually, that super strength comment kinda hurt” he frowned slightly, trying his best to look genuinely hurt. You looked at him with wide eyes, frowning at his words.
“really? I’m sorry i didn’t mean it i swear, I’ll do anything to make it up to you” you spoke quickly, guilt washing over you.
“going on a date would make me feel so much better” bucky smiled and your mouth dropped, a smile on your face as you realized he was just messing with you.
You crossed your arms over chest as Sam smirked at bucky, proudly looking at him.
“if you wanted to ask me out you could’ve just said so sergeant” you smiled and bucky shrugged his shoulders.
“where’s the fun in that doll face” the two of you kept eye contact or a while, you wanted to just lean over the table and kiss him, bucky wanted nothing more than to crash his lips onto yours. Sam wanted more fries.
“is that a yes then?” Bucky asked and you were quiet for a moment before speaking up.
“maybe it is” you quipped, “depends” you smiled, making Sam shake his head as he realized where this was gonna go.
“depends on what?” Bucky questioned, cocking his head to the side as the smile on your face grew.
“how good are you at basketball?” You questioned, already getting up to head to the game, hand slipping into Bucky’s and pulling him behind you.
You were gonna be the death of him, but he didn’t mind it one bit.
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peaches-writes · 3 years
there’s nine days left until christmas
skz of christmas day 1: early morning mass with jisung
member: jisung wc: 1.6k genre: fluff, comedy, childhood friends to lovers au (but the lovers part is so tiny), neighbour au warning: explicit language note: this the one time im making church boys skz happen bc it’s kinda funny + i made a rlly corny joke somewhere there but u hav to squint rlly rlly hard
Having to live in the city for almost 350 out of 365 days a year in order to study at university, you’ve naturally come to appreciate the peace and quiet of the countryside you would spend long stretches of holidays at. From the screeching but natural sound of roosters replacing your phone’s alarm clock to the gentle breeze that doesn’t need you to run around in circles a few times to brush past your open arms, you’re always looking forward to staying with your grandparents in a small mountainside village just an hour away from the main road because of all the healing it has to offer.
Well, maybe except small but constant inconvenience in your visits in the form of your neighbor, Han Jisung.
“Ji, I swear I will drag you out of your bed and take you to church in your pajamas if you don’t get up right now.” You threaten the still snoring boy on the bed you’ve been crouching next to for the past five minutes. Slapping his cheek once more, you frantically try and wake him up again by adding, “Han Jisung, get up now! We’re going to be late!”
Like you, Jisung only visits on Christmases and a few weeks at the beginning of each summer. He stays with his own grandparents who live next door to yours which, in hindsight, sounds like it doesn’t give you much reason to be hovering over him at 3:55 AM on a Thursday if not for the fact that when there’s 9 days left before Christmas Day (aka today), your grandparents want to attend the early morning mass in the town proper but the only means of transportation is the shuttle that only comes at 4 AM.
Jisung’s clearly not a morning person, either, so you can see where your problems currently lie.
“Jisung...” You call his name again between gritted teeth now. You’ve pulled the covers, took his extra pillows away, and switched off the electric fan across the room but to no avail—the boy just groaned, whined, and curled up into a ball on his sleeping bag. “Deadass the only reason I haven’t killed you yet is because your grandma promised me rice cakes again if I got you dressed before the shuttle arrives so wake up, you dumbass, or I’ll turn you into the rice cake.”
In front of you, Jisung only rubs his closed eyes and whines even more. “Five more minutes, baby.” He mumbles under his breath, lazily bringing his bare arm up to his face to cover his eyes from the harsh light flickering on the ceiling.
The nickname has you rolling your eyes and smacking his head. In frustration, you then stand up from your position and walk over to his closet, throwing him his clothes. “I’m going to count down to five and if you still haven’t opened your eyes and started changing, I’m calling Minho in from next do—“
The mere mention of your other childhood friend across the street immediately has the boy opening his eyes and throwing the random shirt over his head.
“You have drool on your face, dumbass.” You point to Jisung with your index finger, chuckling when he aggressively wipes on the area right next to his bottom lip. “The whole church would smell the morning breath through the speakers.”
“Shut up.” He rolls his eyes, sinking into his seat with his acoustic guitar hugged to his chest and a yawn. “What’s taking so long, anyway?”
“The priest who’s supposed to preside had something come up last minute, apparently,” You shrug, flipping through the song book and practicing on the old piano in the mean time. Nearby, both of your grandmas are conversing animatedly with the rest of the choir while your grandfathers have both wandered off somewhere—most likely to the small vendors outside the building. “I’ll give it ten minutes until they get the priest from the next village.”
Jisung groans, finally placing his guitar back on its stand and sitting up properly only to scoot closer to you and rest his head on your shoulder. “I could’ve gotten more sleep at home.”
You immediately shrug him off in response but to no avail. “And who said you can sleep on my shoulder?”
“You woke me up so you take responsibility.” He pouts, linking your arms to hold you in place and adjusting his head on the crook of your neck. “Wake me up when we’re about to start, okay? Goodnight!”
“Ya, Han Jisu—ya!” You tilt your head down to meet his gaze to find his eyes already closed forcibly shut. When you flick his forehead and complain even more, he simply cusses at you and swats your hand away with his free hand. “So that’s how it is...”
“Don’t you dare...”
Moving your hands as close to the piano keys as you can, you then surprise the sleeping boy by practicing on the piano as loudly as you can. Great Amen echoes throughout the entire church, amplified further by the speakers set up near every pew and, naturally, veryone in vicinity jumps in surprise, including your own grandma who drops her fan, Jisung’s grandma who almost topples over in her seat, and even Seungmin who’s supposed to help sacristans this morning with the candles. 
“I hate you so much.” Jisung mumbles with furrowed brows. 
“Then get off my shoulder.” 
“Why are you playing a Bb6? It’s a Gm7.” 
“No, it’s not.” 
You and Jisung squint your eyes at each other as you continue playing through the song anyway. Fortunately, the people sitting in for choir haven’t noticed the small mistakes yet and you’re already halfway through the mass.
“It was a Gm7.” Jisung insists anyway, leaning forward on your piano to look at the handwritten music score properly as he strums his guitar. “Whoever wrote this needs to get their ears checked.”
“You wrote this in last year with Changbin.” You point out, biting down a chuckle. The song then finally finishes and the two of you lean back in your shared seat to wait for the next one. When you look over at the choir where your grandmas have been for the past forty minutes, you see them paying attention to the mass and not at all caring about the two of you arguing. “I’m trying to follow you, dumbass.”
Stubbornly, Jisung scrunches up his nose in denial. “No, I don’t think so? I’d remember if we did.” He defends himself, earning him an eyeroll from you as he then picks up a nearby pencil and writes the ‘correct’ chord on the paper. “Anyway, it’s only the first mass.” 
You’d erase the correction on any other day had your grandma cued you again for another song. Sitting up properly (and making sure you elbow Jisung enough for him to scoot away and give you space to play on the lower keys), you then deadpa, “You don’t even remember anything else you write.” 
“Yes I d—!” Before his tone of voice could rise up higher and disrupt the entire mass, you make sure to push him back from the microphone nearest to his mouth by placing a hand over his face. “Ya!”
Speaking of your other other childhood friend, you and Jisung immediately trail after Changbin once the mass concludes. Stifling your giggles as you try and blend in with the crowd of aunties who are now talking about where they could eat breakfast together and children who’ve just woken up from napping throughout the entire ceremony, you find your target by the rice cake vendors at the church entrance with the same (almost annual) look of distress on his face. 
“Third year in a row.” You whisper to Jisung as the two of you hid in the mini garden right in front of the church. Just a few meters ahead, Changbin is still contemplating on buying the rice cakes. “Do you think he’ll do it this year?”
Next to you, Jisung is quick to shake his head. “Sorry to break it to you, baby, but did you see him back there? He couldn’t even hold the other person’s hand!” He laughs, a hand hovering over his lips to muffle the sound. “I’m pretty sure the rice cakes are gonna take another two years.”
“I did, I saw him! He looked nervous as fuck I felt really bad for him!” You topple over in laughter at this, clasping your hands together. “Ah, Changbin shouldn’t always be hanging out at the rice cake vendors after every mass if he’s not going to buy. He keeps giving them—and us—false hope!”
“Can you believe this guy ditched us to flirt? He can’t even do it properly.” Jisung dramatically scoffs, breaking into another fit of laughs when Changbin walks away from the rice cake vendor at seeing his crush already walking home. “We should ambush him later when we play basketball, ‘no?”
“And you think you can do better?” You quirk an eyebrow teasingly, elbowing Jisung by his side. “Flirt, I mean?” 
“Yeah, totally!” Jisung nods with so much conviction and exaggerated determination in his expression that it makes you laugh again. “Stop doubting my skills, Y/N!” 
“Of course I’d doubt it, you’re all bark and no bite most of the time.” You scrunch up your nose, making his eyes widen and a string of protests to come out of his lips. “What? It’s true!”
“That’s not fair, you only see me on Christmas and summer!” 
“Exactly.” You cross your arms smugly which he squints his eyes at. “So, think you can do better than Seo Changbin, Ji? Prove it!” 
Taking your hand in his, Jisung then pulls you up to a stand and starts dragging you over to the rice cake vendors. “Oh, I will prove it.” He rolls his eyes, even going as far as intertwining your fingers before you could even fully comprehend what’s happening so suddenly. “What color of rice cake do you want, baby? Also, you like cheese on the rice cake, right?” 
december 17 (lee felix)
skz of christmas (masterlist)
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nalulovelife · 3 years
Secret Santa for @petri808 !
     I’m soooo sorry this is late! I was really trying to cram a lot in, and I bit off a bit more than I could chew. So, I really put my heart and soul into this fic! It’s Christmas related and really fun. It is a modern AU, but I suppose you can interpret some things differently and make it in their time. I hope you like it!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Christmas Cuddles 🥰 
     Natsu promised! He promised to be home by Christmas. But low-and-behold, he’s not here. Ughh...I’m sure you’re confused, maybe just a bit, but let me take you back to the beginning of the week, the 21st, when all this drama started...
     I quickly shot open my eyes at the sudden loud noise that arouse from behind me. I’m generally not a light sleeper, I don’t wake up easily at all, but this noise freaked. me. out. Even though my eyes had shot open, they were still heavy and droopy. I sat up almost immediately and grabbed whatever was in my reach.
     “Who’s there!” I yelled, but in a mildly croaky, I-just-woke-up, voice. I had grabbed the big, fluffy pillow I was sleeping on and pointed it at the window behind me. It was silent for a moment and I thought ‘well, maybe it was just a dream’ as I was about to reset my pillow in its rightful position, I heard a stifled noise.
     “Pffffftttttt!!” The noise sounded. I squinted at the figure that had opened my window and was sitting on the window sill. Only ONE person would do that, well, him, and his crazy blue cat.
     “Wha- Natsu! What are you- It’s 1:00 in the morning!” I yelled at him, his voice finally breaking out into high pitched laughter. He clung onto the window above him with his hands, laughing hard enough to which he had to. I groaned and rolled my eyes, laying back down and covering my face with my fluffy pillow. Once he calmed down, he finally spoke.
     “C’mon, Luce! It’s all just fun and games!”
     “Not when someones braking in!” I yelled at him through my pillow. He stood, more like sat, in silence for a while - as did I. I quietly stared at the pillow covering my face, waiting for him to do something. I waited a few more minutes, still in complete silence. Then I heard him moving. I could feel him staring at the pillow above my face, as he did this often. W-well, I don’t cover my face w-with pillows like, all the time, he just stares at my face a lot while I’m sleeping! Now that just makes him sound like a stalker..! Well, back to reality. I then felt the pillow move, just slightly, before it was lifted from my face. My hands were like noodles, they slid off the pillow quite easily. He threw the pillow from his hands onto the floor. We were staring at one another, eyes agape. I was laying down on my bed, and he was hanging on my bed frame - like a child, might I add - in front of the window he was just hanging on. He began to lean down, - I have no idea how, but he did - as I began to lean upward, propping up my elbows on my bed. We became close enough, close enough to feel each others mild breath on each others skin. In a boldly fast, yet, hot, move, he kissed me. Of course, who was I to oppose. It was a light and gentle kiss, but full of passion. It was just one kiss, then we pulled away. He did some weird maneuver, then plopped down next to me on my bed. He let out this big, disgusting, yawn, I scoffed at his boyishness.
     “So, what’s up Luce?” Natsu spoke grinning at me.
     “Ugh your disgusting.”
     “Tell that to the cute smile on your face.” Natsu backed talked, making me realize my ginormous smile that had crept up on my face. I blushed momentarily, but when I saw him blushing, I laughed, I realized what he said.
     “Did you...Did you just say that I was cute..?” I smiled, teasing him.
     “Ummmmm...No? Yeah, no. No. No no no no-”
     “Yes you did!”
     “No I didn’t!”
     “Yes you did, and don't you say you didn’t!” We bantered back and forth, laughing when we were done. He gave me a peck on the cheek, and we both settled down a bit. 
     “So, where’s happy? You’re always, like, walking him or carrying him around in a matching backpack.” I spoke as I laughed. 
     “Oh, he’s sleeping. I want him rested in the car ride for the trip, or else he's gonna be a cranky kitty!” Natsu spoke in a little baby voice - more like kitty voice. I was a little confused, however.
     “Trip? What trip?” I asked Natsu, confused.
     “Oh, yeah. That’s what I was coming to talk to you about...” Natsu spoke, losing the happiness in his voice, sounding very lets-get-to-buisness.
     “Uh, ok?” I said, kinda weirded out.
     “So, work called. They said I need to check out some business thingy over in Clover. It’ll be a ton of meetings and it’s very urgent, apparently.” Natsu spoke. I suddenly had this feeling of dread and sadness crawl up my spine and into my shoulders. 
     “Clover?! B-but Clover is 9 hours away! Natsuuuu!” I yelled in annoyance. He very rarely has work complications, and especially not during the holidays. He’s even off on Christmas!
     “Luce, I know your upset-”
     “No! You can’t call me “Luce” right now! You’re being a...a...a butt-head!!” I yelled at Natsu. He looked at me a caressed my cheek with his soft palm. I calmed down instantly. Damn that ass knows how to push my buttons!
     “Luce, I know your upset, and we have plans for Christmas, but I promise, I promise promise promise I’ll be back for Christmas Eve. At the absolute latest, 12:00 on Christmas morning. We’ll have Christmas cuddles on Christmas! Lucy, I promise...” Natsu spoke softly. I tried to keep it together. I wouldn't meet his eyes.
     “S-so, w-when do you leave...?” I asked, obvious sadness in my voice. 
     “My plane leaves early tomorrow morning. I can stay the night if you want.” Natsu spoke, still in his soft, calming voice. I finally met his eyes and pulled out a tiny smile.
     “O-ok” I spoke. He hugged my waist and we laid down together, cuddling.
     “You promise?” I asked, my eyelids becoming heavy again against his hot torso.
     “Yeah, Luce. I promise it’ll be the best Christmas ever-” I fell asleep, as he paused his speech. I heard a light chuckle.
     “Night, Luce. Love you.”
     ‘Love you too.’ I spoke in my head.
Early Morning - Dec. 22nd
     I woke up the next morning at 8:00, and hour later than usual. Damn Natsu, probably kept me awake too long.
     “Natsu! You kept me up-” I paused. He wasn’t there. My eyes made their way into a frown. He was gone. He had left. Without saying goodbye, well, at least to my conscious mind. I rubbed my eyes and glanced over to where he had been sleeping. I saw a slightly crumbled piece of paper, he probably got it from my notebook. I turned it over and read his note. It was simple. The usual “I’m sorry, Goodbye, Love you” thing that guys - and girls - do in movies when their leaving. Usually, they don’t come back. I decided to text Levy, to see if we could hang out, maybe do some late Christmas shopping. She agreed, and we were off about an hour later. We ran into a lot of the other girls there, and we started hanging out with them too. It was a great way to occupy my time. I even got Natsu a little something, I know he’ll love it.
Afternoon - Dec. 23rd
     Today is present wrapping day. I thought I would invite the girls over again and make a day of it, they were a great distraction last time, but today their all spending time with their boyfriends. Soooo...It’s just me and Plue, he’s the cutest dog ever! I tried texting and calling Natsu this morning, but it didn’t deliver, he’s most likely in a rural part of Clover, they have NO service there whatsoever. All I just keep thinking about is Natsu! He leaves occasionally for longer periods of time and I do just fine! So, why am I like this now?
     “Ugghhhhh!!” I sighed.
     “Boys are so stupid!”
Late Afternoon - Dec. 24th
     I scrummaged through my closet to find the dress I had bought two days ago. It was perfect for this Christmas party Gramps was hosting at his giant academy. Gramps made this great academy for training of certain talents, that’s where all my girlfriends - and Natsu - and I all met! They’re my closest and best friends. We’ve been there for years, well, our studies actually ended there a while ago, but Gramps actually shut down the place because he liked us so much. Gramps is the best. It sucks that Natsu isn't here, he and gramps have a great connection. He’d also gets hella crazy and rambunctious, his specialty. I was in the middle of changing in my bedroom when I heard a knock at the door. Levy said she’d be coming to pick me up so I assumed it was her.
     “Come in! I’m almost ready!” I yelled. I heard the door open and close.
     “Good, cuz we’re- OH MY GOD!!” A voice yelled, an almost masculine voice. I looked up.
     “OH MY GOD! Gray!! Turn around!!” I yelled at Gray, who was really embarrassed. Hell, I have the right to be more embarrassed than him! He’s the one who saw me in my bra and underwear.
     “Gray! I am so so so so so so sorry!! I thought you were Levy!” 
     “U-um I-It’s ok...I should’ve...announced myself.” Gray said. I was trying to zip up my gorgeous red dress, but it wasn't working.
     “shit...” I mumbled.
    “What’s wrong?” Gray asked with concern.
     “Nothing...It’s just... I can’t zip up my dress. Could you...maybe...help?” I asked awkwardly.
     “U-um are you dressed?” Gray asked, also awkwardly. I sat in silence for a moment, dumbfounded by his stupidity.
     “Well, if I’m asking you to zip up my dress, then what the hell do you think?” I asked Gray. He cautiously turned around and walked towards me. I turned around and moved my hair. He was still awkward. Boys are so bizarre. Gray also went to Gramp’s academy. 
     “A-alright. You’re all zipped up!” Gray spoke. I turned around and looked at Gray. He looked surprisingly nice, and he hadn’t stripped yet! Although, he was missing his tie. I chuckled.
     “Gray? Where’s your tie?” I asked, still laughing a bit.
     “Uhh yeah. Juvia...sort of...tried to tie me- she just took it.” I laughed more at Grays predicament.
     “Levy’s here, by the way. She’s driving. She just asked me to get you.” Gray spoke as he lead me out of my apartment. I glanced at my phone; I felt a buzz in my hand. I looked at it with hope in my eyes, wishing it to me Natsu. However, it wasn’t. It was some notification from the local library. My eyes became filled with disappointment.
     “Hey, Gray?” I spoke.
     “Whats up?”
     “Have you...Have you heard from Natsu at all?” I asked with hope streaming through my voice.
     “W-well um no n-not really...?” Gray spoke, but in a jittery sort of way.
     “Wait! Has he reached out to you?! Is he on his way? Will he be here in time? Is he o-”
     “Lucy! He will be here. Just...trust me.” Gray interrupted me. We moved in silence until we reached Levys car. Gray opened the door for me.
     “Hey Lev!” I yelled to her.
     “Hey Lu!” She yelled back. My question to her was the same as my question to Gray.
     “Soooo...Any word from Natsu? Has Gajeel heard anything?” I asked, again, with way too much hope in my voice.
     “I’m sorry Lu, but neither of us have. He’ll show up though! I just know it!” Levy spoke to me in her usual bubbly voice. But if he’s not here yet, and no one’s heard from him, then chances aren’t likely that he’ll be here intimate for Christmas.
     “If he’s not at the party by 11:00, then you can come crash with me. Maybe the girls would like to join!” Levy spoke with excitement. I smiled, a Christmas sleepover with the girls sounded awesome.
     “Ok, thanks Lev”
     “So...that’s the story. And now it’s 10:45, still no word from Natsu, and I’m depressed...” Lucy spoke with sadness. All the girls looked at her with sadness in their eyes, but also with a consoling touch to make Lucy feel better. 
     “Awwwee...I’m so sorry Lu. At least we can have an awesome sleepover tonight at my place!” Levy spoke with excitement, again. All the girls loved the idea, and as did Lucy. That being said, all Lucy wanted to do was spend Christmas with Natsu.
     “Ah, what the hell. If he’s not here for Christmas, screw em’! I don’t need that jerk! I’ve got you guys! Now, let’s get drunk and have the best Christmas hangover ever!” Lucy yelled with promise, snatching a beer from a waiter strolling through the party. All the girls looked at her with surprise.
     “Hell ya! Now you’re talking my language, Lucy! WoooooHoooo!!” Cana yelled, drinking out of her huge barrel of beer.
     “Cana! Don’t encourage her!” Mira yelled at Cana. 
     “And you know why...she can’t be hungover on Christmas. EEEHHHH It’s so exciting!!!!” Mira whispered at first, out of Lucys range of hearing, then yelled loudly, much to Lucy’s range of hearing. Everyone shhhed Mira.
     “What’s exciting?” Lucy spoke, intrigued. All of the other girls facepalmed at Mira.
     “O-oh just the epic sleepover we’re gonna have! Yay!” Mira spoke, saving the surprise. Lucy nodded at her good excuse, believing it.
     “As excited as I am about about the sleepover, don't you guys all have boyfriends to cuddle with on Christmas?” Lucy asked, taking large sips of her beer. Cana took Lucys bottle of beer mid-sip.
     “Hey!” Lucy yelled at Cana.
     “You’re too much of a lightweight to be drinking on Christmas Eve, plus, we could be Christmas cuddling with our boyfriends, but trust me, it’ll all be worthwhile when tomorrow comes. And no one wants you drunk on Christmas, Lucy. That would suck!” Cana spoke to Lucy. Lucy smiled. Lucy was about to speak, to say a ‘Thank you’ but then Cana started chugging the beer Lucy had once been sipping on. Lucy decided not to pipe up. Just to relax, and spend time with the girls. They laughed and talked until 12:00, and then decided to start their sleepover. The girls said goodbye to their boyfriends, and went over to Levy’s place. They played weird Christmas games and laughed for hours. at 2:00 in the morning, Lucy was handed a glass of water from Mira.
     “Have a sip!” Mira spoke. Lucy felt as though everyone was watching her take a drink. She grabbed the cup of water and took a sip, next thing she knew, she was out cold.
     Lucy yawned loudly as she slowly opened her eyes. She looked around where she was, and came to a realization.
     “I’m in my house?! On my bed!?” Lucy yelled, very confused.
     “Did my friends drug me?” She asked sarcastically. She knew her friends would never drug her, much less drug her then bring her back to her apartment, but it sure as hell felt like it. She sat up and looked around some more. She didn't see her friends. She was incredibly confused. She got up and decided to keep on her cute Christmas PJ’s. She walked around a bit, testing the waters to make sure she and the girls didn’t do some crazy shit. She sat back down on her bed, seeing that everything was ok. She grabbed her book from her nightstand and started reading. Only then did she realize...
     “IT’S CHRISTMAS!!” She yelled, completely forgetting the date. Right as she was about to run into the living room, the heard a-
     “Meooowwww~” Lucy turned her head to see a “happy” blue cat rubbing up against her leg.
     “Happy!!!” She grabbed Happy and hugged him so tight against her face. Another realization hit. 
     “Wait a sec. If you’re here Happy, then-” Lucy stopped. She began running down the hall of her apartment, Happy cuddling up against her. She began to notice rose petals on the ground as she ran, however, the only thought on her mind was seeing Natsu.
     “Natsu! Natsu are you there!?” She shouted as she ran. She was coming up on the living room.
     “Natsu! Nat-” She paused. She stopped. Her whole world had stopped. She lightly dropped down Happy and covered her mouth with both hands. She started to tear up. In front of her, was all of her girlfriends, and all of her awesome guy friends standing around looking at her. And there was Natsu. Down on one knee, with a tiny red velvet box in his hand. Lucy fell to her knees. She started to cry. 
     “Lucy” Natsu spoke, with the absolute sweetest, calmest voice imaginable. Lucy was shaking, shivering, exhilarated.
     “U-Um, I’ve...for” Natsu spoke, nervous and stuttering, Lucy chuckled at his nervousness. Gajeel and Gray kicked Natsu in the back to get him in the right headspace. Natsu used all his strength to keep from hitting them back, well, almost all his strength. He used a lot of it to get up the courage to actually propose. Natsu breathed in.
     “Lucy, I’ve...I’ve loved you for my whole life. Well, not my whole life. I’ve only known you for a few years...b-but I’ve loved you ever since. First as a best friend, then quickly after, as a girlfriend. And now I-I hope I can love you...as my wife.” Natsu spoke, blushing and happy. Gray and Gajeel facepalmed. They had basically helped Natsu develop this big, sweet, speech(with the help of the girls), and he just skipped to the end. All the girls were teary eyed, though, especially Levy. Eventually the guys even smiled, happy for their friends. Lucy was crying along with the girls too. She couldn’t believe this was reality. She pinched her hand to see if it really was, and she was so so so so happy it was.
     “Lucy...” Natsu spoke. Lucy was anticipating the big moment.
     “Will you...marry me...?” It was silent for a moment. All that was in the air was the suspension affecting those whom were watching the proposal, and Natsu and Lucys eyes staring at each other for the longest time. Lucy arose to her feet, and walked close to Natsu. She then got back on her knees and caressed his cheeks, he was still holding the ring out.
     “...yes...Yes! Yes yes yes yes!!!” Lucy screamed as she hugged Natsu. He hugged her back. Along with everyone else in the room, Natsu’s eyes started watering too. The pair started to kiss, everyone watching was just staring at them. After a few moments of them kissing, - with everyone still staring - someone spoke.
     “Ummm we should probably leave them be.” Gray and Gajeel said in unison. Levys eyes watered magnificently.
     “You ok, Lev?” Gajeel asked Levy.
     “*sniff* yeah, just *sniff* happy for her.” Levy spoke. Gajeel lead her out of the apartment, hand on her back.
     “Love you, Lu!” Levy spoke, before the two left the apartment. Just as they were about to leave, Gajeel and Levy heard Natsu mumble something in Lucys ear, then Lucy laughing, then them making out again. Gajeel shut the door. He put his arm around Levy. 
     “C’mon, shrimp. Let’s spend some time together.” Gajeel spoke. Levy nodded happily.
     Lucy laid in bed, being cuddled and hugged by Natsu. She was staring at her hand, more so the gorgeous diamond that sat upon it. Natsu, noticing this decided to speak.
     “You like it, huh?” Natsu asked snuggling Lucy even more and resting his head upon her shoulder. 
     “It’s beautiful...When did you get it? I never saw it. And I’m always snooping around your stuff.” Lucy smiled. Natsu chuckled at her cuteness. 
     “Well, I got it on that “business trip”.” Natsu put in quotations. Lucy turned her attention to Natsu, looking confused at him. Lucy had it written on her face: Natsu, explain.
     “So, when was on the plane, it was announced that the meetings were cancelled, well, more so postponed. But since I was on the plane, I never got the notification. Once I got off, I tried to find another flight back to Magnolia, but they were all booked, so I couldn't fly out until the time in which the ticket I had bought said, which was late the 23rd. So I decided that I should wait it out. I was resting in my hotel that morning, and I fell asleep. Then I woke up from a dream. I quickly got out of bed and got dressed and headed to the ring store thingy. You see, I had been planning to propose to you for a few months, but I just didn’t know how to go about it or when to do it. My dream, crazy as it sounds, told me everything I needed to know. So I bought the perfect ring, that I knew you'd love, called the boys and told them to spread the plan, then the plan was to get on the plane and spend Christmas Eve with you, then propose. But my flight got delayed, and I didn't end up leaving until late the 24th. Luce, I’m sorry I wasn’t here. But, hey. At least you got one hell of a Christmas present.” Natsu explained. Lucy chuckled at his .
     “Speaking of Christmas presents, I got you a little something.” Lucy spoke. She released herself from Natsu arms and pulled out a perfectly wrapped gift from under her, their, bed, and handed it to him. He opened it, smiling. Without finishing unwrapping it, he looked at it, and smiled more. It was a picture of the first time they met. They met outside of Gramp’s academy on their first day there, and back then, Levy was a vivid photographer, and she took pictures of everything. She took that picture of when they first, and gave it to Lucy for her to throw away, or keep, and Lucy kept it. She decided to Give it to Natsu since he never saw it before. He stared at the picture for a moment, then looked back at Lucy, who was looking at him. He kissed her, vigorously, for a while. They then cuddled for the rest of the night eventually falling asleep.
     “See, Christmas cuddles...Luce...”
The End! I really hope you like it!
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demonsofhunting · 5 years
"That's My Boyfriend!"
( A Destiel One Shot )
Summary: Dean wakes up in a foreign environment. He's hurt and can't remember anything. And he isn't alone.
Warnings: a good amount of angst, fluffy ending ( aka one of my fav things to do XD )
Words: 1500
A/N: What even is the layout of this title?! I'm so sorry guys, tumblr is being a bitch lately. XD Anyway, have some sweet angst to get you through the day, some cuteness included. I'm a sucker for Cas protecting/saving his fav human... *dreamy sigh*
[ This is very lose connected to season 9, so the conflict between Crowley and Abbadon is mentioned, but you don't need to know the season to read this fic♡ ]
I hope you'll like it! Enjoy! <3
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Dean struggles to open his eyes. Pain pulses in the back of his head, his body feels like he's paralysed. He coughs, quietly. After a couple of heavy breaths, he finally manages to clear his sight. He's lying on the ground, his head resting on his right shoulder. It's a floor made of wood, probably of an old, empty house. It's full of spiderwebs and dirt, so he's pretty sure about the 'empty' part. Spiderwebs, dirt and...blood.
There's much blood on the floor too.
Dean blinks, his thoughts are crawling through his head in slow motion.
Where the hell am I?
He tries to remember, but he can't. There's just a big, blank space.
He moans, trying to move. He manages to raise his right hand, but cries out as the pain flashes through his whole body.
Why does it hurt so much? What's wrong with me?!
Dean starts to panic, he can already feel his heart beating faster. He sweats, everything is about to black out again.
Don't you dare to pass out! Calm down, Dean! You need to focus.
He tries to slow his breathing, carefully. Then he counts to three, silently, and pulls himself in a sitting position. It hurts like hell and doesn't work at all, but at least he manages to lift his head a little to look around. He blinks until his stupid sight stops to be blurry, and scans the room within a few seconds.
Oh shit.
There are bodies on the floor.
Many bodies.
Demons. Their eyes are burned out, seems like some of them were additionally stabbed with an angel blade too.
They're all more than just a little dead.
It's about five or six of them, the blood of their dead vessels is still running over the floor, thick and disgusting.
Did I kill them? How?
Apart from the painful noise in Dean's head, it's absolutely quiet in the room. Too quiet.
There are a couple of windows, but they're all boarded up. Only a few sunrays are crawling through the small cracks. Dean looks down in himself, checking how bad he's hurt.
Well...I kinda fucked up, did I?
He did. His clothes are full of blood too, his flannel and his jacket are in shreds.
"Son of a bitch," he rasps, coughing. There are cuts all over his body. It seems like somebody wanted to carve words in his skin and messed up, horribly.
No wonder I feel like somebody tried to peel my skin off.
He inspects his hands, and can't hold back a little gasp. There are big, aching bruises on his wrist, just like he had been tied up, roughly.
What the -
He shakes his head, suddenly mad at himself for not remember anything that happened to him. The last thing he knows is that he was on a hunt with Cas, nothing serious just a little demonic accident in a small town. Sam stayed at the bunker, trying to find out something about angels and stuff. Since they fell, they have been nothing but a pain in the ass.
And now I'm here with one of the heaviest hangovers I've ever had. Awesome.
Dean decides to think about the weird circumstances later. He has anything but time for that now. The elder Winchester listens again, carefully.
"Well," he mutters, already preparing himself for a great amount of pain, " Let's get out of here."
It's way more difficult than it seems, to walk on your own feet while feeling like you have been run over by at least four trucks. Dean makes a face, trying to pull the old door open, that hopefully leads to the floor of the old house. He sticks his head out first, one hand already longing into the the inner bag of his jacket. The floor is dirty and empty, fortunately. His weapons are gone, of course, and he finds nothing.
Well, it was worth a try.
Dean sneaks down the floor, always close to the wall in case he needs something to hold on. His heart beats, loudly.
Adrenaline pumps through his veins, actually it's the only thing that keeps him up right now.
At the end of the hall, there's another heavy, wooden door. The elder Winchester leans against it, carefully, his hand already on the door handle. It opens with a loud creak. Dean narrows his eyes, expecting thousands of demons to run him over.
But nothing happens.
The hunter sighs in relief, and pushes the door open, eventually.
His heart skips a beat as he takes a look inside the room behind.
There are feathers, oh so many feathers. They're covering the floor, mixed with liters of light blood. Dean feels like he needs to throw up. Right now.
His knees are giving in, and he falls to the ground. His whole body is shaking.
Suddenly, he remembers something.
He remembers that he wasn't the only one who was brought here.
There's a rumbling noise coming from the open door to the room next to the one with the massacre on the ground. Dean winces, his head flows up.
A shadow crawls over the ground near the doorstep, becoming smaller and smaller. And then someone clutches the frame with bloody hands, pulling himself into Dean's sight, slowly.
"Hello, Dean," a hoarse voice says, and suddenly, all the hunter wants is to cry in relief.
"Cas!" he cries out, trying to get on his feet, ignoring the pain, "What the hell is going on? What happened here? A demonic orgy that turned out to be a gigantic massacre or what?"
Cas sticks his head into the room, his blue eyes being a heavy contrast to all the blood that covers his trenchcoat. He looks pretty tired, squinting his eyes.
"I don't understand what you mean, Dean," he mutters then, walking over to the hurt hunter, pulling him in a big hug. After that, he kisses his forehead, softly. Dean collapses in his arms. He looks up to the other, diving into the blue seas that are his eyes.
"What are you doing here? Where is Sammy? What happened?" he repeats, his voice is almost breaking.
Cas swallows, tugging Dean closer.
"It's okay," he begins, "It's over."
Dean nods: "I can see that. But - "
"They were after us and I didn't see them coming. It was a bunch of demons, powerful ones. Abbadon sent them, I think."
Dean winces. "Oh hell no. I hate this stupid bitch. The next time I see her she will be dead before she hits the ground!" he growls in frustration.
Cas sighs: "That was exactly what you said last time. And the time before that time. And - "
"Okay, okay, I get it. Just ignore my stupid comments and go on," he interrupts the angel, trying to hide the pain that still pulses through his body like there are flaming swords carving through his insides.
"They brought us here. They separated us, tortured us without any reason. Believe me, you don't want to see what my wings look right now. I broke free, and managed to kill them all. Obviously, they didn't thought that I would be powerful enough to beat them," he continues, seriously, "And well, it seems like Crowley isn't any longer the king of hell. Seems like Abbadon claimed his job. That could be why she was in charge of so many demons. And she has a thing for you, Dean. It makes me more than just a little uncomfortable, and I have no idea what you said to her to make her that mad at you, but..."
He looks down at Dean, making a face.
The hunter shrugs, wincing a little: "Maybe I said that she's an ugly whore. I mean, she obviously is one."
Cas cocks his head, a small smile on his lips, on of his hands touching Dean's forehead, gently.
After a heartbeat, all the pain is gone and the hunter relaxes.
"Thanks, honey," he mutters, giving the angel a small kiss. Cas chuckles, quietly.
"Where is she now?" Dean asks, eventually. The angel hesitates.
"I couldn't find her. Seems like she was too busy carving things in your...your skin to hear me killing her people. As soon as she noticed, she knocked you unconscious and fled. God, I'm so glad that you're alive, Dean," he mumbles.
"Yeah, I'm glad to," the hunter adds, thoughtfully. He licks his lips.
Cas swallows: "Uh, this isn't my blood by the way. Just in case you were worried." He looks down on his filthy clothes. Dean laughs, softly.
"What did you do in that room?" he asks, pointing in the direction where Cas came from. The angel tilts his head.
"There is a telephone in it. I informed Sam. Maybe they will be after him, next time. We need to be prepared," he tells the other, nodding, slowly.
"That's my boyfriend!" Dean chuckles, kissing his angel again.
Aaaand that's it! Thank you so much for reading and if you would like to leave a comment or reblog this shit, I will love you forever! <3
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Feel free to tell me if you found mistakes, too. I know that this is far from perfect. ♡
Destiel/Forever Tags: @adoptdontshoppets @rebeloftheseas @ablavalba @smodernlife @ignis-glaciesque @trenchcoatsandfreckles @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel @xsghn @helpmeluci @legendary-destiel @leahslovelylibrary thank u!💕
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dabble-writes · 5 years
The Magician and I- (1)
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Suga is a wish-granting magician. He grants wishes—for the price of your most prized possession.
Your parents and brother died tragically in a plane crash and you visit Suga to grant your wish to bring them back to life...but instead you become his assistant.
Now you’re thrust into a world of magic and the mysterious being known as Suga.
Fantasy, romance, comedy, a bit of a slow burn, angst
Mentions of death, strong language
You knew instantly you were in a dream.
Strange, you thought, I never have such vivid dreams.
You looked around you and recognized that you were in your home—the home you lived before the accident. It was unchanged, and you were marveled at how your mind remembered every detail.
You turned around and was met with the vision of your mother.
“Mom!” You cried as you ran up to her and gave her a tight hug.
She chuckled, “Oh my, what’s gotten you this excited?”
You could barely speak as you sobbed quietly against her shoulder. She felt so soft and warm, like she really was alive and here in your arms. It was so vivid you can even smell her familiar scent, which made you choke.
“There, there.” She rubbed your back, trying to soothe you, “I’m here.”
You reluctantly step away so that you can see her face again, “Mom, are you really here?”
She gave you a warm smile, “Of course, darling.”
“Then I wish I never wake up.” You said honestly and she brought up her hand to stroke your cheek.
“You are so strong, know that I’m always proud of you.”
This made you cry.
“Please don’t cry, honey, I have something I need to tell you.”
You felt the world start to shift around you and you scrambled to grip unto this dream.
“No wait, Mom, tell me!”
Her face became more blurry as her voice seem to be muffled, like your head was underwater.
“Go find the magician, Suga.”
“Suga, he will help you.”
You reached out for her but you just grabbed at air, “No! Mom, don’t leave!” 
“Go and ask for a wish. He…and you…”
“And what? Mom what are you talking about?” You asked, panicked, but you couldn’t hear her now and everything was spinning.
“MOM!” You cried as your eyes flew open, tears running down your cheeks.
It took a moment for you to orient yourself as you wiped the tears from your eyes.
About three months had passed since the accident, but it was still a fresh wound for you. You look around at the unfamiliar room, so different from the room you were used to for the last twenty years.
It unnerved you to have such a vivid dream, you still could feel her lingering touch where she stroked your cheek.
You then remembered what she said to you and you were puzzled by the message.
Who is Suga?
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“Maybe he’s a long lost relative or something.” Your best friend, Hyelin, said and you shook your head.
“I doubt that’s what it is.”
“What did your mom meant that he’s a magician? Like the one-that-pulls-rabbits-from-hats kind of magician? They are all con artists, you know.”, She looked thoughtful as she took a sip from her coffee.
You rubbed your temples, “I don’t know. All I know is that I’ve been having that same dream for a month now and it’s kind of freaky.”
“Do you think it’s a sign? From your mother?”
“Probably not.” You answered, “Maybe my mind is making up things because I miss them so much.”
Hyelin’s smile dropped, “Right, I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. I’m sorry for bringing her up.”
You smile sadly, “It’s fine, you didn’t brought her up, I did by mentioning the stupid dream. I just…it just feels weird…without them…you know? I keep waking up, expecting to smell my mom’s cooking. I keep thinking that I’m going to hear my father’s voice asking to come take our daily walk or that each knock at my door is my annoying brother coming to tease me. There’s just so much I took for granted with them, and in one moment it’s all…gone.”
There was a pause and you realize you made the conversation awkward.
“I’m sorry, Hyelin, this was supposed to be a fun meeting to cheer me up and here I am, bringing the mood down.”
“It’s fine, y/n, you don’t have to appear strong all the time.”
“Thanks, Hyelin.” You smiled and squeezed her hand, “I don’t know how I would have gotten through these months without you.”
“What kind of friend will I be if I didn’t? Now enough with the somber mood, you’re right, today was supposed to cheer you up. As your good friend it is my obligation to distract you at least for a little bit.”
You laughed, “Yeah, it’s just this dream. It just puts me in a strange mood.”
“What you need is closure.” Hyelin said and took out her laptop, “Your mind will probably not let it go until you find out the truth.”
“The truth about what?”
“Is Suga a real person? Is he or she really a magician? And finally, can they really grant your wish?”
“Hyelin, you can’t possibility think that the dreams were message that held some truth in it?”
Deep inside though, you wished it was true because then you could make the wish that can make your life right again.
“Listen, y/n,” Hyelin said as she typed on her laptop, “there’s only one way to find out: by googling his name.”
You rolled your eyes, “It can’t be that easy.”
“Never underestimate google.” Hyelin said solemnly, “Now how do you think it’s spelled?”
You gave her an incredulous look, “How am I supposed to know?”
“Fine we will go with S-U-G-A. ‘Suga…magician’.” She typed as she said those two words.
You huffed, “You’re probably going to get a sugar daddy magician or something like that.”
Hyelin laughed, “Don’t be a hater, y/n—oh wait, this looks promising!”
Curious, you peered over her shoulder and snorted.
“Wow this website is so obviously old.”
“Stop it,” Hyelin chastised, “look, it says ‘Have a wish that needs to be granted? Visit Suga, the wish-granting magician.”
“Hyelin, this is written in comic sans, how much can you trust this website? This interfacing and graphics are making my eyes bleed.”  
“Ok, but how much of coincidence is this? You get a dream for a month about a magician called Suga that grants wishes and he actually exists.”
“Uh, correction: he claims to be a magician that can magically grant wishes. Do you not see anything shady about this?”
You just couldn’t believe your friend was actually believing this bullshit website. Not to mention you are kind of peeved that the website doesn’t seem to have been updated since 2001.
“Oh my god, this gets even better.” Hyelin said, obviously not listening to you, “the address they give here is right here in Seoul! Y/N, this is obviously destiny.”
“Let me see.” Sure enough, not only the address was in Seoul, it was like a 10 minute walk from your apartment. “Wow, that’s freaky.”
“Or…fate. You have to at least check it out, y/n.”
You sighed, knowing Hyelin is persistent and won’t let this go. Plus, you were just a tiny bit curious and wanted to check this Suga out.
“Fine, I’ll go on my way home. Do you want to join me?”
“Of course!” Hyelin said excitedly, “How often do you get to meet a magician who can grant wishes?”
You decided not to not break her bubble and looked back at the screen so you can take note of the address properly. You then noticed fine print in the bottom of the screen and squinted.
“ ‘The price for a wish is your most prized possession, so be warned’—what the heck?”
“Where does it say that?”
“There”, You pointed at the screen and she squinted.
“Wow, your eyesight is good, I probably wouldn’t have caught that. It also doesn’t help that it’s yellow text on a white background…”
“Hyelin, do not realize what that means? My prized possession?That is some serious bullshit.”
“Okay, but what is it?”
“Your prized possession?”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “I don’t know, I used to be so sure…but I lost it.”
“Wha—oh.” Her face fell, “Well it’s not like you’re going to make a wish anyway, right?”
Right, you were just going to check out if Suga is legit or not and why your mom sent you to him in a dream.
“Right.” You said, but were not so convinced.
“Plus I thought you thought it was bogus anyway.” Hyelin teased you and you laughed.
“Okay, okay, I get it. Let’s go and check this Suga out.”
Why does his name have to be so ridiculous?, you thought, it’s probably not even his real name.
“Alright lemme just pack up my laptop.”
You nodded as you finished your iced coffee. Hyelin’s phone dinged and she looked at her phone.
“Oh my god, I forgot!” She exclaimed as she started to text furiously.
“What happened?”
“My dad is back from his business trip today! We are supposed to meet him in the airport in half an hour.” She looked at you and bit her lip, conflicted.
“Hyelin, it’s fine—go to your father. I know how much you miss him.”
“I’ll be fine going on my own, I’ll tell you all about it.”
“Thank you so much, y/n! I’ll see you tomorrow then” We hugged goodbye as she ran out of the café.
You’re a little disappointed that you’re going by yourself, since this Suga guy could be a creep.
Thankfully your parents made you take martial arts classes as a child, so you know that if things take a turn for the worst you’re able to defend yourself pretty well. Not to mention that you developed fast reflects because of Jin, your brother; he loved sneak attacks and claimed he was “training you”. For what, you never knew.
You reached the building where Suga’s business supposedly resided and was surprised that it looked like a very nice office building instead of some mystic hole-in-the-wall shop with mood lighting.
Maybe it’s an outdated address, you thought, that website was old after all. Maybe some company bought the building, knocked it down, and erected this fancy building instead. You were about to leave when the doorman called to you.
“Hello miss, do you need anything?”
You blushed, knowing you looked very out of place, “Oh um, I was trying to find someone by the name of Suga but I think I got the wrong address—“
“We get that a lot, don’t worry. He should make it more clear. He’s on the 5th floor.”
You blinked, “Wait, this is the right address? Someone by the name of Suga has an office here?”
The doorman chuckled, “I hope you find what you’re looking for, miss.”
You gathered your thoughts together and gave him a smile, “Thank you so much for your help.”
As you walked to the elevator, you admired the prestige condition of the lobby. The floors looked recently polished, it looked so shiny you were afraid to make a mark on it. This was honestly the opposite of what you were expecting and was very nervous.
Who the heck is Suga? Is he making so much money scamming people that he can afford to have an office space in this building?
You entered the elevator and pushed the floor, trying to get yourself together. The door opened to a hallway with only one door. You walked up to the door and saw the sign “Suga, Magician. Monday to Saturday 4-10 PM”.
What unusual hours, you thought and checked the time, I should be fine since it’s 4:10 PM.
You didn’t know what to expect when you open the door, but it sure wasn’t a classy waiting room. Everything was so shiny, you were almost blinded by the opulence of it all. You went up to the window, but saw no one behind the counter.
Strange, you thought. You then noticed a bell in front of you and a sign that says, ‘Ring Once For Assistance’ in fancy script.
You rang it once and waited a moment. Nothing happened. You rang it a few more times and wondered if whoever was supposed to answer it heard it. You were about to ring it again when the door flew open, making you jump.
“What part of ‘ring once’ do you not understand?” The man in front of you said in a gruff voice, giving you a dark look.
The man was handsome, probably the most handsome man you’ve seen besides your brother. His glare didn’t mar his delicate features, his skin so beautiful and pale. His hair was a unique shade of mint that surprisingly suited him very well. He wore a slick business suit that obviously came from an expensive brand. 
“If you’re finished with checking me out can you tell me what you want?”, He asked with a bored tone, making you blush.
Unlike your brother, who was always joking by how attractive he looks (he even called himself “worldwide handsome”), this man just said it in a matter-of-fact way.
“Are you Suga?”
He gave you an unamused look, “Yes, are you here to wish for something?”
You hesitated, how crazy would it be if you told him your dead mother told you in a dream to visit him? Your mom said to make a wish so maybe you should just make a wish…
“Follow me.” Suga simply said and walked back into the room he came from. He didn’t wait up for you and went into an office. The office has a whole wall that was just windows and showed the beautiful skyline of Seoul. You stared at it in awe as he just sat down on a seat and regarded you.
“Sit down.”
You nodded and awkwardly sat down to the nearest chair, fiddling with your hands nervously as he just studied you.
“Tell me your wish, I don’t have all day.”
Suga looked so different than your stereotypical fortune-teller or shaman. For one, he looked like a business man and didn’t speak in flowery language. He was curt to the point of it being rude. He also looks like he couldn’t care less with what you had to say, his face barely showing any emotion. His voice was gruff, like he just woke up from a nap. Still, there was a certain aura about him that makes him…not ordinary.
“You can grant me anything at all?”
“Yup, just know that the price is your most prized possession.”
Fuck it, you thought, what harm can it do to tell him what you want most?
“Can you bring back my dead parents and brother?”
There was a silence and then he replied, “I don’t know what you heard before you came here but I can’t grant wishes that mess with existence, that’s more God’s area and I don’t want to get into that mess.”
You look at him in disbelief and anger, the anger mostly at yourself for letting yourself believe him. You had a tiny spark of hope that your family can be brought back to you and it just fizzled out in smoke.  
You forced yourself to not to cry, “How convenient.”
“Is there anything else instead?”
You snorted, everything else seems trivial, “What, so that you can say that you can’t do it? I can’t believe I stooped so low to ask some sham for a wish like a fucking five-year old.”
You stood up and saw that he still had that expressionless face; you hated that face and wanted to get some reaction out of him. You saw a vase next to you and pushed it, making it fall with a crash. He didn’t even flinch which made you even angrier.
“Fuck you, you’re just a fake magician, I’m outta of my mind to visit such a place.” You started to leave as you mutter, “Forget it, I hated the idea of giving up my prized possession anyway, bye.”
But you found that you couldn’t move a single step, as if you were frozen to the ground. You panicked.
“What the—“
Suga lazily got up and walked up to you as you continued to struggle to move your legs. “Coming here was your decision, but I decide when you get to leave.”
“You’re doing this! Let me go, you creep!”
“I’m sorry I can’t do that, seeing how I’m a ‘fake magician’.” He smirked at you as he threw your words back at your face and you were not amused at all.
“Let me go now, if you don’t I’ll—“
“You’ll do what?” He asked, “You don’t seem to understand your situation at all. Once someone has seen my face, they have to make a wish or…”
“Or what?” You asked and he took a step closer to you.
“Or you die.”
You started to panic. Oh my god, I can’t die. He looks like he would kill me too, he’s not bullshitting. Why did my mom send me to this psycho? Oh my god I’m gonna die—
The world started to spin and before your world turned black you just saw that jerk’s emotionless face.
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You woke up saw that you were on the cold floor. You remembered what happened and realized that you fainted. You looked up and saw Suga sitting again. You tried to get up but of course you couldn’t move a muscle.
“Let me get up.”, you said with gritted teeth.
“Will you be civilized and not break things again?”
You looked at where you dropped the vase but saw that it was repaired without a single scratch in its original place.
“Fine.” You muttered and you were able to get off the floor. You glared at him and took a seat.
“Let’s make a deal.” Suga said and you narrowed your eyes at him, suspicious.
“What do you mean by a ‘deal’?”
Do I have to sell my soul to him or something now? Just my luck.
“Since you don’t wanna make a wish or die, give me your body.”
“W-what?” You gasped out as you crossed your arms over chest defensively, “W-what do you mean by that?”
Just what kind of sick fuck is he? I shouldn’t have listened to some stupid dream—
He smirked as he stood up and walked towards you, “What I mean—“
“—d-don’t come any closer!” You exclaimed but he simply walked passed you and opened the door.
“—is that my assistant suddenly got pregnant and resigned. You are going to be working for me starting today.”
It took a moment to process what he said.
“Wait, what? Says who?”, You walked up to him and put your hands in your hips.
“Your service ends when you make your wish.” He looked at you, “Unless you have a wish in mind—besides the one you already said, of course.”
The bastard, he knew that was the only wish you really wanted. Nothing else is worth giving up your most prized possession. Plus, you’ve seen too many movies where wishes can go horrible wrong.
“Well then, it’s settled.”
“Wait! I can’t work here! I’m a busy student, I have classes—“
“Just think of it as a part-time job, I don’t work mornings anyway.”
Suga turned to you and grabbed your chin, “You don’t think I’ll kill you?”
You looked into his cold eyes and knew he was serious. You bit your lip and tried not to cry, “Ok, fine.”
Suga let go of your chin, “Just sit behind the desk for now and greet whoever comes in—you can manage that, right?”
You grit your teeth, “Yes.”
You were cursing him out in your head as you went to sit behind the reception desk. It’s honestly your rotten luck that you know have to work under him of all people. You looked around your desk and sighed, there wasn’t even a computer! Then again, if the state of his website is any indication he’s totally technology inept. You were organizing the highlighters by color when a door opened and a smartly-dressed older man walked in. You straightened up and put on your customer service smile as he walked up to you.
“Hello, how may I help you?”
He didn’t smile at you or greet you, “Is this the magician Suga’s office?”
You forced yourself to keep the smile as you remember that asshole, “Yes it is.”
“Is he available?”
“Let me check his schedule,” you said sweetly and looked at the planner in front of you that you knew was empty, “He is available. I’ll let you in then.”
You opened the door for him and led him to the office.
Those brand of clothes are expensive, he must be rich, you thought, I wonder what he came to wish for.
Suga was sitting behind his desk when you entered the room. He greeted the man with a handshake and you gave him a dirty look behind the man’s back, which Suga ignored.
“Do you want tea?” Suga asked the man and he said yes. Suga then turned to you, “Prepare some tea for this gentleman.”
You looked at him in shock but Suga gave you a pointed look and you gave him a gritted smile, “Sure! Tea coming right up, sir.”
It wasn’t until you left the office did you realize that he gave no indication how you were supposed to make the tea. Bastard.
You wondered through the hallway and found a kitchen. Does he live here or something? And started to go through the cabinets to find tea. Eventually you found that there was some tea that was already brewed and still hot, so you put a cup and the kettle on a tray and walked back to the office. I’m not going to serve any for that trickster.
You opened the door to find that they were in a middle of a conversation, so you were careful to be quiet.
“…wish for?”
The man spoke up, “Because of my own experiences with poverty, I’ve always been obsessed with making money, no matter the means. This was all for my only son, whom I never wanted to experience what I had to go through.”
You set the cup in front of the man and started to pour the tea, he paid you no mind. You saw that there was a photo of an attractive young guy on the table and figured that this must be the son he was talking about.
“For the sake of his future, I also went through the trouble to set him up with an acceptable match. But…without any consideration for me he went ahead and started to date a poor, unhealthy girl.”
You started to walk away, but when you mentioned that you paused. This doesn’t sound good at all.
“I’ve tried everything to separate them, but none of it worked and that’s why I’m here today. I heard you’d grant any wishes as long as it doesn’t mess with life’s existence.”
No, don’t tell me—
“So I’ll make my wish, it doesn’t matter if I go to debt—please split up my son and that horrible girl.”
You look at Suga in shock, surely he wouldn’t—
Suga seemed unfazed, “Your wish has been received. Those two people will definitely have to part.”
Does this guy have a conscious? Any morals? Your opinion of him, if possible, dropped even lower.
The man smiled, “Oh, thank you! How much do you require…?”
“I don’t take money.” Suga said simply, “But the moment your wish is granted I will take your most prized possession.”
The man looked a bit worried, “My most prized possession? It’s not money?”
“For the most part, humans live without actually knowing what’s most important to them. The most important thing to you isn’t money. The moment your wish is granted, you’ll understand exactly what that is.”
“…alright. Whatever it is, it won’t be a big deal..”
“Alright, then you need to sign the contract, I—“
You couldn’t hold your tongue for a second longer and set down the tray on the desk hard as you glared at Suga, “Why are you such an ass? Do you have any sense of decency whatsoever?” You then turned to the man, “Same goes for you, baldy—making such a thing as your wish! You should be ash—“ You felt lips move but no sound came from it. You gave Suga at dirty look, knowing that he did this to shut you up. The nerve!
Both men seemed unfazed as the man signed the contract and asked, “Then when will you…?”
“It will be granted at midnight.”
The man nodded, stood up, and held up his hand, “Pleasure doing business with you.”
Suga shook his hand and the man walked pass you and left the office. You just looked at Suga in disbelief.
“You shouldn’t have interfered.”  
You snorted and realized you were able to make sounds again, “You’d really grant such a wish? You think it’s just okay to grant any wish at all?”
He didn’t even looked up at you, “I don’t have any interest in human wishes to begin with. The only thing of importance is the precious possession I receive in return.”
Of course he wasn’t human, you thought, somehow that didn’t surprise you.
But still, granting a wish that will separate two people deeply in love…
“You’re truly evil.” You simply said, “I’ll stop that wish from coming true myself.”
He finally looked up, “Are you planning to kill me?”
“Once a contract is made if the wish fails to be granted I’ll die.”, he simply said, like he was discussing the weather, “I have no intention of letting you get in my way. It may not look like much, but I stake my life every time I grant a wish.”
You were not amused at all, “An idiot who banks his life on such things deserves to die.”
Suga regarded you and there was a heavy silence. He then said, “Fine, then try it. If you really think you can. Let’s make a bet. If you succeed, I’ll release you from having to work for me.”
You were wary of making a bet with him, but this was so tempting. Not only will you be helping this couple, you could be free.
“But,” Suga continued, “if you fail, then you’ll remain in my employment until I get tired of you.”
Until he was tired of me?, you thought, I can be very annoying, he’ll soon grow tired of me.
For you, it was a win-win situation. You have to at least try to help this couple, you don’t think you’ll ever forgive yourself if you don’t try.
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You managed to worm the address of the apartment where the son and his fiancee is living from Suga.
Gotta hurry, there’s only four hours until midnight. 
You were running to the direction of the address and slammed into a guy so hard you both feel on the floor. You sat up and looked over to see if the guy was alright but he was unconscious. Panicking, you rush over him and try to get him to wake.
“Oh shit—I’m sorry! Please don’t die, wake up!”
You heard strange sounds coming from him and paused, was that—-?
“Don’t worry,” the boy said, “This isn’t the sound of death, it’s my stomach growling.” He gave a small laugh and you were relieved that he was okay.
You then looked at his face and narrowed your eyes. 
“Do I know you?”
He frowned as he slowly sat up, “I don’t think so…”
Wait—he’s the son! He looks just like the guy in the picture! Wow, it’s my luck that I run into him here.
Before you can say anything, he gave out a cry of disappointment, “Oh no! The dinner I made…”
You looked to see what he was looking at and saw a lunch box knocked over and the food was all over the pavement. You grimaced and looked at the boy, who looked like he was a bout to cry.
“I made it just for her…and it was all the money I had left…”
His stomach growled again and he looked at you in embarrassment. 
Scrambling for the opportunity, you bluttered out, “Let me make it up to you--let me buy you some food!”
His face lit up, “You would do that? I’ll greatly appreciate it...”
You helped him off the floor and you guys walked to the nearest convenience store. 
“What’s your name? Mine is y/n.”
“Chan.” He answered.
“So, you mentioned a girl…?”
Chan lit up, “Yes! My fiancee, Jeonghwa, I love her so much. She’s a few years older than me, but I don’t mind.”
“How did you guys met?” You asked, curious. He obviously loves Jeonghwa so much, he is so animated talking about her.
“I was doing a summer internship at my dad’s hospital, my dad owns a hospital by the way, when I met Jeonghwa in the cafeteria. She was so beautiful and so sweet, I had to talk to her. It took me a while to impress her and make her see me as a man, but it was all worth it.”
“If your dad owns a hospital, how are starving now?” You asked, you can already guess what had happened though.
Chan’s face distorted to anger, “Yeah all my dad cares about is money. When he heard that I got engaged to Jeonghwa he threatened to cut me off. And when that didn’t work he kicked me out of the house and said the only way he would want to see my face again was if I broke up with her.”
You were shocked by how cruel his father was, “Wow, I’m so sorry. My parents are dead, but at least they were never like that.”
“I’m sorry about your parents,” Chan sighed, “My dad wasn’t always like this. Before my mom died he was actually really decent and actually cared about me. Afterwards though, he became obsessed with money.”
You fell silent and you paid for the food, “...Well at least I can help out in this little way.”
Chan lit up, “No, this is awesome--you didn’t really have to do this. We really appreciate it!”
You smiled at Chan’s beaming face, he was a good kid.
You guys continued to talk as you walked to the bad side of town and entered a worn looking apartment building.
“Jeonghwa, love, look—food!” Chan said excitedly as he burst through the door.  It was a small one bedroom apartment, obviously very run-down, and a beautiful but frail woman was sitting on the bed.
“Where did you get all this food?” She then noticed your presence, “And who’s this?”
“It’s a funny story,” Chan replied as he started taking the food out and preparing it. He then explained how the two of you met, “She bought all this because she felt bad, noona.”
Jeonghwa frowned, “But Chan, you caused so much trouble for someone you don’t know. You’re really…” she then stopped and looked away.
Chan stopped his preparations, “You were going to call me young again, huh?”
“No, but when you do things like this I—“
“I’m not that young, I’ll work hard to make sure you’re taken care of.”
“I took a leave of absence from school—“
“What? You quit school?” Jeonghwa was obviously not happy and the couple obviously forgot that you were here because they were talking quite freely.
“No, I didn’t quit, I’m just taking a break—“
“That’s basically the same thing!”
“Look, I was kicked out of home so it’s not like I can afford to go to school anymore.”
“I told you not to worry about school. I’m better now and can work, I can support us.”
“Don’t say that! You barely recovered, how can you work?”
“I don’t want you to end up like me!” Jeonghwa cried, “A loser with no job or future.”
“Don’t say that.” Chan said, grabbing her hand, “You have a future.”
Jeonghwa was crying, “I don’t want to ruin yours though.”
Her tears made Chan’s eyes start to water, “You’re not ruining my future, noona!”
“Yes, I am!”
They were getting agitated and it was one line away from it becoming a full blown fight. You panicked, what if they end up breaking up? I have to do something…
“H-hey!” You called, getting their attention, “I can take care of the food, at least until you can afford it. My family died and now I get monthly income that’s more than enough, so I can help you.”
They both stared at you, then looked at each other.
“She must have hit her head really hard when she fell.”
“We must be very pitiful, huh?”
“She’s clearly not thinking well.”
Great, that had the opposite effect, “Look, look, I can really help—!”
They simply ignored me and Chan started to feed Jeonghwa.
“Eat this, since you haven’t eaten been able to eat in a few days.”
You kept trying to get their attention, but they seemed to be in their own little world.
No, I can’t fail…but they won’t even listen to me…, you thought.
“What about you…?” Jeonghwa asked.
Chan gave her a bright smile, “I already ate.”
Liar, you thought, if his stomach growling earlier was any indication.
Jeonghwa started to cough and Chan was instantly at her side, “Noona? Are you okay?”
She started to hug her stomach, “My stomach…it hurts…”
Chan started to panic as Jeonghwa fainted in his arms. He turned to you, “Y/N, what should I do?”
Tears started to well in his eyes and you quickly brought out your phone and called a taxi.
“We have to get her to the hospital fast.” You said and he nodded as he picked her up effortlessly.
The travel to the hospital was tense, Jeonghwa came back to consciousness but she was still feeling very weak and her stomach was still in pain.
She was carted into the emergency room and you had the task in trying to comfort Chan.
“I knew it wouldn’t last,” he mumbled, “this happiness. I knew sooner or later her sickness was going to be too much. I don’t know how I’m going to pay for this hospital bill.”
You again offered to help him, but he shook his head.
“Jeonghwa is right, it’s too much to ask for a stranger—you already did more than enough.”
Before you can argue about that, the doctor came out and Chan ran up to him.
“Well the good news is that it’s nothing serious, she’s sick because you feed her such greasy food after days of not eating. But more importantly while I was running tests on her, I found out that her sickness has gotten much worse. If she doesn’t get surgery right away, she could die.”
Chan’s face fell, “But I can’t come up with the money right away…”
“I recommend you try to. Every minute is valuable.”
“But how could this be? Last time, you said she was getting better.”
“It’s perplexing to me too. It’s unusual for the patient to get worse in such a short time…”
Did Suga do this, you thought, the bastard, bringing Jeonghwa’s health into this—she could die!
You looked at the your phone and, sure enough, it was almost midnight. That son of a bitch, if she dies because of this…
You heard Chan sigh and looked up to him; he looked like he was debating something.
“There’s only one way...”
You noticed his father was there, and clenched your hands. Of course.
“You win,” Chan said solemnly, “If you can save her, I’ll do whatever you want. I won’t see her.”
His father smiled, “I knew you’ll come around.”
“They said she’ll get better once she gets surgery.”
“I’ll make sure she’s healed.”
“Then I’ll do it, I’ll break up with her.”
“No.” You whispered and looked at your phone. Midnight on the dot.
Chan’s father also realizes it’s midnight and he stared at his son as his eyes widened in panic, “Wait—”
Chan looked at his father in confusion, but then he suddenly collapsed. His father tried to catch him but he too went to the ground, unable to support all the weight. He started to panic.
“Chan! No, not my son!” Medics started to swarm around them and Chan’s father collapsed.
You were shook by the whole scene, which happened so quickly. You knew somehow Suga was responsible for all this and wondered if Chan ended up being his most prized possession.
I have to find Suga, you thought as you ran out of the hospital and to the direction of Suga’s office. Things can’t end like this.
You couldn’t remember when was the last time you ran this much, but by the time you reached the lobby you were really out of breath. You were able to catch your breath a bit when you were in the elevator. When the elevator door opened, you ran up to his office. Suga was resting in the couch. It seems like your entrance woke him up and he was glaring at you.
You ignored this and said, “What did you do to them?”
He simply stared at you.
“Well?” You asked, losing your patience.
“I didn’t do anything, now let me go to slee—“
He started to close his eyes when you poked his cheek, “Chan and his dad. The one who asked for the wish today—what did you do to them?”
Suga glared at you, “Don’t touch me. And I didn’t do anything to Chan. As for the father, I didn’t do anything to him, strictly speaking.”
“Then why did they both collapse? Right when the wish was granted, they collapsed.”
Suga seemed to realize that I wouldn’t leave until he offered me an explanation and let out a sigh. He slowly got up and started to walk. You followed him, confused. He walked down the hallway and opened one of the rooms. It was a room filled with vases and boxes. He went towards the middle of the room where there was a floating crystal orb. “See for yourself, they’re fine.”
He waved his hand and in the orb there was an image inside the crystal ball. It was Chan and his father, who was in a hospital bed. They seemed like they were talking and you heard soft voices coming from the orb. You strained your ears to listen.
“—you’re alright!”, the father grabbed Chan’s hands, as if making sure he was right there in front of him. “Yeah, I’m fine,” Chan said awkwardly, “I was starved for so long that I must’ve gotten dizzy. But what happened to you? Do you feel fine? The doctor said you just collapsed because of stress.”
The father still looked shocked, as if he was trying to process everything, “Tell me, is that girl alright?”  
Chan looked puzzled, “What?”
“Your fiancee—is she alright?”
“Y-yeah, they just finished the surgery on her and she should be recovering.”
“I’m glad that she’s doing better; you should go see her though.”
Chan looked so shook, “Wait, what? I thought you didn’t want me to see her again…”
“I know, but I while I thought you were gone I realized how silly I was being. You love her, right?”
“Then that’s all that matters. I was a fool before thinking that money will bring you happiness.”
“Father, I--” With tears in his eyes, Chan hugged his father, “Thank you.”
Confused at the scene in front of you, you turned to Suga.
“Why is he like that? You did do something to him after all.”
“I only took his most prized possession, as promised.”
“So then what did you—?”
“Greed” Suga answered, “Usually it’s a lie when parents say they do things in the kid’s best interest. He never did the things he did for his son, but because of his greed.”
You stood there in awe and looked back at the scene in the orb, “So what happens now?”
“Well since I took his greed away they’ll be happy, for now. But there’s always another type of greed that springs up eventually. Hopefully, he would learn his lesson by then.”
This guy, you thought, maybe he isn’t so bad after all.
“Did you plan this from the start?”
“No.” Suga simply said, “I knew his son was the most important thing so I risked my life and took the next best thing. Fortunately, it worked.”
He studied the vase labeled ‘greed’ and you have to say you were a little impressed.
“Do you do that often? Instead of taking someone special from them you take something else that can be lost?”
Suga laughed, “Oh no, I have taken souls before—see that vase?” He pointed to a vase across the room, “That’s my collection of good looking guys.”
You stared at him to see if he was joking but he was as serious as ever, “Wow, you’re sick—I definitely can’t trust you.”
And to think I was so close to thinking he was a good guy, I should have known.
Suga just smirked, “It’s probably better if you don’t. Well since you lost the bet, you’ll be working for me until I get tired of you. Which could be tomorrow, could be fifty years from now—we’ll see.”
You inwardly sighed, he’s right—I’m probably going to see him for god knows how long. The very least we can be is civil so that we don’t have such a miserable time. You held out your hand.
“I dunno if you know, but my name’s Y/N. In any case, I’m sorry I told you to die.”
He just stared at my hand and said, “Ah, yeah…”
So rude!, you thought as you awkwardly brought your hand down, “Don’t just say ‘ah yeah’. I said my name, so you’re supposed to say yours back.”
“You already know my name.”
“No, I meant your real name.”
There was a slight paused, then, “Just call me Suga. There’s a curse on my real name, so if you use it you’ll get hurt.”
Ugh, nothing can be simple with him, you thought, why do I feel like this is only the start of some cruel plan the universe had thought up for me?
“Fine, Suga.”
You were still suspicious of him and his agenda, he was still an absolute jerk, but at least you’re not alone anymore.
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iawv · 6 years
She Called Him Fen’Harel - Chapter 9
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This chapter was resting in my documents folder for last two years. The creation of it was long, hard, even painfull. After a long struggle and block I decided it is impossible for me to change it again. I am not able to write it differently. I don't want to tbh.
Maybe it is stupid of me to post it after two years break. Possibly it is but I will do it. I am doing it. I like this story. It sits in my head. I want to finish it. I just don't know how long will it take.
So, guys, I hope you will read it and I really hope you will give me some feedback. My block is not gone but today I wrote the end to this chapter so maybe there is still hope for me. Sorry for my english - I am still learning. Enjoy this short chapter and pls let me know if u want more.
On wolves and demons
The wolf snapped. He fought the manacles of a leghold trap. The metal bit into him but the animal seemed not to care. He would rip the flesh from his bones to reclaim what had gone beyond his reach. “Mana, mana!” her father's hands were in seconds on animal's head, his neck, holding him, soothing him. “Atisha. Listen to me. Calm down.” There was a command in her father's voice, which caught a wolf's attention, but it was the fear that brought the animal back to himself. Concern for his own life. Blood was running down his leg. The arrow stuck deep between his ribs. The creature made himself stop, baring his teeth but he kept his eyes on the elder elf.
"He will not survive this, my daughter" her father stated quietly. She came closer, her eyes widened, breathing heavy as she leaned next to them both. "He will not. Can we help him, papae?" she asked kneeling next to the tall blond-haired elf. His gaze met hers, and he raised his hand to brush her red hair from her forehead "We can, da'len." He handed her the knife then and nodded "You have just reached a thirteen year of your life, Celia. I believe you can take another step into your maturity." he spoke to her gently and calmly stroking wolf's head at the same time. "Lenalin?" young Celia's eyes filled with tears and her gaze drifted from her father's face to big, grey wolf. She saw it coming. She experienced it many times before. Shems killing wolves for their furs and claws, selling them later as souvenirs. Cheap toys to gain dirty money. She sobbed and took a deep breath deciding to trust father's decision - if he was certain of her capability, she should be too. She wiped away her tears with her wrist while her hand tightened on the blade. "You know what to do, Celia" her father sent her one of his most firm looks and squeezed her arm, "Remember, ashalan, every being deserves comfort and gentle death. Do what you must." She nodded, closed her eyes and started to pray softly. "Fen'Harel, grant that my blade does not wobble. Give me strength and confidence because here I am  to release one of your kinsmen." A small hand on neck stroked the warm, thick fur with sympathy and compassion. The quick blade cut the artery in strong, firm move. The wolf's last heartbeat under her small fingers, all that was him was gone. His last breath on her cheek as she hugged him ignoring the blood soaking into her hair. "I am proud of you, Celia." * * * * In the quiet darkness of moonless night, Falherna shook her head from memory. She stood by the lake next to their camp. It was her shift. The stars glittered overhead in a splash. The wind pulsed around her steadily. Carefully, her fingertips traced the scar at the center of her forearm, a token given to her by Fen few weeks before the Conclave. The sight of it made her throat tighter. She sighed quietly at the reminder of what she had, what she could lose in a few hours if Fen would happen to be among the wolves they intended to find. Dire thoughts fell heavy on her heart. Another tough decision. Another wolf in her life that she could lose. Another crack in her soul. She ran the hand across her face as if she was trying to wipe something away; sorrow, perhaps, or exhaustion. She inhaled deeply and went back to the fire. She sat down on the bedroll next to the flames, pulling her knees up under her chin. The situation required the strength of will, and she was a woman who did not lack it, neither did she lack logic. A simple syllogism guided her that she had the power over the thoughts that she admitted into her mind and that emotions were a derivative of the thoughts, that she could feel nothing that she did not previously think about. Feelings were a physical reaction to the thought which led her to the conclusion that by controlling her own thoughts, she was able to exercise power over her feelings. She was able to manipulate her emotions, to change them, by working on the thoughts that preceded them. She believed that only the those who alone could control their feelings were truly free. "You can only control what you are aware of; what you are unaware of controls you." her father's words spoke in her mind. Falherna gasped and closed her eyes as she started to open her mind to all the thoughts and emotions which accompanied them. She felt fear about her wolf - alone, corrupted; anger at herself and Fen because they did not found each other yet; furious because of the Breach and the mysterious person who doomed this world; sorrow because of the possibility she would not be able to save her wolf. Hands wrapped around her legs clenched into fists as she slowly acknowledged of what waited ahead. Seconds changed into minutes, minutes into hours as Falherna processed all scenarios. Without any other solution at hand, I will kill you ma Fen, she thought finally clearing her mind, accepting the situation and its consequences. A sense of dreaminess overcame her, her muscles relaxed, and she was on the point of giving way to a desire to sleep when the quiet sound reached her ears. A sound behind her as of somebody moving cautiously. Falherna cocked her head, tracing the line of trees and rocks. The silence that fell was disturbed only by the small hum of water. It came again. The sound of broken branches. The hair on the back of her neck prickled when the similar sound came from the other side of the lake. After the first growl, she rose slowly locking her gaze on the last source of the sound. "Wake up!" she raised her voice slightly withdrawing to the fire, bending carefully; one move after another. "Seeker! Varric!" she called when three pairs of green eyes glimmered in the dark. Her fingers squeezed the arm of Solas who was sleeping nearby. She shook him "Get up!". "What's wrong with you, Brighteyes?!" Varric mumbled leaving his tent and rubbing his eyes. "Varric, grab Bianca. Slowly. We are surrounded!" Falherna hissed in response. Another two pairs of eyes appeared, a deep growl cut the dark night. Adrenaline rushed through her blood. Without second thoughts she reached for a log setting it on fire, creating a torch and brandishing it to lightened up the small space in front of her. Falherna allowed herself for one brief look under her shoulders noticing Varric with Bianca in his grip and Seeker peering from her tent, with a sword in her hands, always ready to fight. "Five wolves around us," she informed them calmly, "We need to wake up Solas" her eyes focused on the animal few steps ahead as she poked Solas' arm with her barefoot. "Chuckles!" Varric roared under his breath at the apostate. Letting out a quiet groan Solas sat up on an elbow and rubbed his eyes, blinking away sleep and squinting against the dim firelight. "Solas, get up. Slowly." Falherna asked him quickly remembering to keep her voice low and firm. He looked around still slightly confused, but it took him only a few seconds to recognize the situation and the danger. In the dead of night, many shining eyes were seen peering on them. "Wolves" he murmured bringing himself to his feet. A dark wolf could be seen halted, gazing at them. A shuddering howl broke from him as if he were a captain summoning his pack to the assault. The wolf snarled and sprang towards them with a great leap. At that moment there was a sharp twang. Varric had loosed Bianca. There was a hideous yell, and the leaping shape thudded to the ground; the arrow had pierced its throat. The green watching eyes were suddenly extinguished. Their enemies were routed and did not return. * * * * "It was Alpha," Falherna stated as indifferently as if she was stating that the Breach's color was green. "No normal wolf would fight with such determination," Cassandra noticed cleaning her sword. They slowly came back to the fire camp. "The Breach may have driven them mad... or perhaps a demon took command of the pack," Solas suggested looking at Falherna who still stand at the wolf's corpses. "A demon?" Fal crouched to take a closer look at wolf's eyes. A green light was gone as was this poor animal. "Or a Breach drove..." he repeated understanding he made another mistake and said too much. She interrupted him "I understand your assumption about the Breach. I want to understand better what brought the idea about a demon" she sounded harsh while they hand was gently stroking the fur of the dead wolf.   "Well, demons pouring from the Breach have the ability to poses different creatures such as..." he started to explain with academic tone. She interrupted him once again "Wolves... yes..." "You did not hear it?" she stood up slowly and brushed off the dirt from her cloak. Then she looked at him and even in the dimmed light, he noticed she is irritated. Cassandra and Varric raised their gaze at her. "When we killed it" her voice was now calm and quiet "I heard a scream, not only howls of the pack." "I admit, I heard it too" Solas answered. There was no point to lie. "So why not say it?" she asked. Irritation appeared in her voice again. Solas looked at her searching for proper words. The question was simple but the answer was not. "Alright, so you are sure the pack is controlled by a demon?" Varric stretched his legs and crossed his arms behind his head looking at her with concern. "Crazy as it seems I think so, yes" she smiled at him but her gaze stayed sad and absent. "Crazy? For me, it is completely normal considering what we have seen so far" a deep laugh escaped his throat. "Inquisitor?" Falherna looked at Solas. He cleared his throat "We need to confront them," "That was my thought exactly." she murmured looking at the log Cassandra throw into the fire. They stayed silent for a while. Each caught in their own thoughts. A distant howl accompanied them through the rest of the sleepless night.
Mana: an imperative verb, like "Stop" or "Wait". Atisha: peace, peaceful. Da'len: "a little child," or "little one." Lenalin: father Ashalan: daughter
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zherronsstuff · 6 years
Little Paul || Z.H
Requested: No
Summary: After studying abroad for 9 months the younger Paul goes to live with his older brother to LA. She meets 5 boys that are going to change her life especially one of them
Words: 3.270
A/N: so I've had this idea for a long time now and i just wanted to show it to u guys. Tell me if u like it theres a possibility that is gonna have more than 1 part
April 15 2017
Bailee's POV
One hour! I've been here sitting outside the airport waiting for him to come and pick me up for one hour. I decided that it was time to call him and maybe remember him that her little sister is at the airport. I took my phone from my back pocket, I push the home button and the screen lights up just to show that I don’t have any signal. Fuck. I still have an international number. I connect to the airport Wi-Fi and FaceTime him. After three beeps he answered.
"Hi Bailee, what's popping?" Logan says calmly while I see him holding his vlogging camera towards the phone.
"Well u know everything is fine except for the fact that I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU FOR ONE HOUR!" I scream the last part causing him to wide his eyes realizing his mistake.
"Shit. I forgot that was today I'm so sorry B I'm coming right now just wait for me" he said while he was standing from his chair and talking to some people I didn't know.
"Just hurry up I'm tired of waiting" I sigh rubbing my fingers in my forehead.
"Yeah that's hard with LA traffic but I'll do everything possible. Love u sis. See u in a bit" Before he hangs up I heard him talking to his manager about some location but I didn't put importance in that, I just want to go to sleep after a long 11 hour flight.
I saw a bench and decided to sit down while I waited my brother. I lit a cigarette while scrolling down on Instagram. I stop scrolling when I saw a picture of me and my friends back in Chile. I sigh. I miss this girls. I was supposed to be there for a whole year but shit happened and here I am. Living with one of my idiots brothers.
After 45 minutes I see a car approaching to me, it stops in front of me and Logan gets down of it. When I see him I go running to hug him. He catch me and hugs me back.
"I missed you so much Logan" I said while he gets me down.
"I missed you too B, now let's put your luggage in the car" he says while going for my suitcases but suddenly he turns to me. "Bailey I need to tell you something"
"What did you do now?" I ask him crossing my arms in my chest
"Well before coming here to get you I was really doing something very important that I didn't finish and you are going with me to finish it" he said it so fast that I barely understood while closing his eyes scared of my reaction.
"And what is that 'something' you were doing?" I say raising an eyebrow
"Well it's a music video for this boyband called Why Don't We, I swear it's gonna be fun" he puts both of his hands together in front of his chest begging for me to understand
"Do I have other option?" I say giving up already knowing he was gonna find a way to make me go anyways
"Thanks B I knew you were gonna understand" he says while kissing my forehead and taking my suitcases to the car. I'm ready to open the car door until he stops me
"Before you get in to the car I have to tell you that these guys are around your age and they are hot but you can't date any of them" he says pointing his finger to me with a warning look
"Ok I get it you don't want your little sister to have a boyfriend but what if I fell in love with one of them? Not that I want that but are you really gonna stop real love?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow
"Yes, you're not allowed to date until 40" he says hopping in to the car while I roll my eyes at him.
I hop in the car and I see a guy around my age besides me. If this is one of the boyband guy Logan was right he is hot, no he is not hot he is a God. His brown hair that was in a perfect quiff looked soft and shiny, his rosey cheeks made him look even more cute.
When he realized that I got in the car he looked at me and smirked at me. God that smirk killed me, I know Logan warned me But I never thought that they were gonna be like THIS.
"Hi, I'm Zach Herron I don't know if your brother told you but I'm one of the boys in Why Don't We" he said holding his hand out for me to take it
"Hi, I'm Bailee Paul you know the sister that no one talks about, yeah that's me" I shake his hand smiling at him. He chuckles at what I just said "Yeah my brother just told me that you were recording a music video?" I continued talking as our hands separate from each other
"Yeah it's for our new single 'Something Different' you should listen to it you're gonna like it" he says putting his sunglasses down a bit and winking at me while I let out a little giggle forgetting that my brother it's at the other side of Zach
"Ok ok too much flirting over here, I knew I should have sit in the middle" my brother says to us while he takes his vloggin camera turning it on "So we had to make a stop before going to location number two to come and get my little sister say hi Bailey" he said shoving the camera in my face
"Hi" I say shyly to the camera waving my hand at it
"Awkward, anyways we're going to the woods my boy Zach is up next cause I want you ready" he says pointing at him
"Do i look ready?" Zach says looking at him
"I can't tell you have sunglasses on"
"How bout now?" Zach says while taking his sunglasses off
"Yeah you look ready bro" he says with an excited voice. He then turns off his camera and look at Zach "You may be hot but you're not gonna date my sister neither the other boys so don't even think about it" he says with a warning look on his face
"I'm flatter, you think I'm hot" Zach says while putting back his sunglasses gaining a stare from Logan "Ok ok I'll try not to do something" lifting his hands as he was not guilty a little giggle left my lips making Logan look at me with a serious face, I stopped and started to look out the windows as if nothing had happened.
After a few minutes we got to the place where they're gonna film there were people already there. A guy came to Logan to explain where was everything and where they had to go, I just followed Logan while he was vlogging the place
while Logan was going up the stairs vlogging Zach i decided to stay right there and I sat down on one of the couches until I saw Jeff, Logan manager’s
“Bailee long time no see” he says while getting closer to me to give me a hug
“Yeah it’s been a couple of months” I say getting out of his embrace
“So are you gonna go upstairs to see howyour brother works or what?” he says pointing where Logan went a couple of minutes before
“I think I’m gonna go in a little I’m just gonna rest for a while”
“Ok I’m gonna go to see if your brother has broke something already” He says turning to the stairs while I laugh at his statement
I sit again in one of the couches and lit a ciggarette just sitting there when i see four guys around my age entering the place where  I was, they stopped and looked at me with clear confusion on their faces until one of them decides to speak
“Hey you must be Bailee? Logan sister?” the taller one says to me with confusion still on his face
“Yeah that is me, and I suppose you are the other guys in the band?” I ask them but before they could answer my brother comes down the stairs with his laptop on his hands and when he sees the boys he stop what he is doing
“guys this is Bailey my little sister, and Bailey this are Jonah” he points the taller one that talked before “Daniel” He points one with pretty ocean eyes that you could see miles away “Jack” he points one that is smaller than the others with curly hair that I think it can’t be real “and Corbyn” he points the blonde one “they are the guys that I told you before” He says looking at me then he turns tolook at them “she’s out of limits you can’t date her” raising his eyebrows and pointing his finger to them to then go inside the house
As I roll my eyes at him the boys get closer to me and sit down with me.
“So what brings you to LA?” Corbyn asks me 
“Well I was studying abroad in Chile but shit happened and my mom thought it was best for me to come here and stay with one of my brothers until I get my shit together” I tell them while I finished my ciggarette
“Wow that must be tough but hey if need someone to have fun with we are here we can be friends” Jack says with an excited tone while the other three look at me with big smiles on their faces
“thak you guys I apreciate it” I say with a smile on my face just when I say that Logan comes out the house and looks at me squinting his eyes
“Were you smoking?” 
“If you are trying to stop me from doing it don’t try anymore I’m no gonna listen to you” I say to him in an annoyed tone
“Ok I’ll let you continue with that but you can’t do it in front of mom” he says giving up knowing that he can’t make me change my opinion giving me a warning look
“Ok I’ gonna tell her that I quit by the way when she is coming?”
“I don’t know in like a month I think” he claps his hands together making us all jump “Well we have a musicvideo to make where is Zach?”
“I’m here” Zach says coming down the stairs out of nowhere with different clothes than before
“Ok let’s go shoot” my brother says going up the stairs
We stayed a couple of minutes talking with the boys, they are really cool I think we are gonna be good friends, until we hear that something fall in the trees behind us I stand up to realize it was a ball i look upto see who has throw it and I see Zach looking at me with his cheeks redder than before while Logan whas vlogging all of this
“Hey Bailee can you take the ball out for us?” Logan ask me as if he hasn’t done anything, I see where the ball is and I can’t reach for it it’s to high up in the trees
“Yeah that it’s not happening, it’s too high. You weren’t supposedto be recording?” they both look at eachother and run where they should be. Iturn to the guys looking at me with big smirks on their faces “What?” 
“Oh it’s nothing, let’s go to see the shoot” Daniel says and with that the four of them gets up and go up the stairs Ijust stand there for aminute before following them to the location
when we get there we see Logan, that has an horrible hat on by the way, and Zach fighting about if the leafs were poison ivy or not (they clearly were poison ivy) I roll my eyes as I see these scene after these they start recording Zach’s part.
 When they finish recording these part Logan tells me that we have to go to the beach to record some more parts, as we were going down the stairs I was talking to Corbyn and he told me he has a girlfriend that lives in NY and how he thnks we are gonna be good friends if i meet her then I hear Logan turning of his camera and he turns to me
“I CALL SHOTGUN!” He screams in my direction and after this he ges running to the car that Jeff was gonna drive
“Oh you are on!” I say while running behind him clearly not passing him and he hops in the passenger seatscrolling down his window
“HA, I win! hop in the car loser” I give him a death stare while hopping into the car moments after Zach and Jonah enter the car, Zach being besides me, he enters and looks at me and gives me a smile that makes me wanna just grab him and kiss him but Ican’t do that so I just smiled him back
After a while we got to the beach as we were waiting for the other guys to get to the place Logan started to mess around with his camera recording how some random dude look like the hangover guy, as I saw the beautiful sea Zach got close to me
"So are you having fun?" He asked when he got beside me looking how the ocean moved
"Yeah it's been a great day but I don't know if I'm gonna get used to this LA life you know I'm too average for that by the way I like your song I'm gonna start listening to you guys" I say turning to him and giving him a big smile
"Yeah I still can't get used to this singing life but you know we are here if you need anything we're just like you and thanks I really appreciate that you like our music" he said giving me one of his smiles, I blushed a little and looked down to the floor
"Hey Zach, Bailee the guys are here let's go before Logan kicks your ass when he sees you're flirting with his sister" he pats Zach on the back while we both blush like crazy, a little laugh left Jonah's mouth, we started wto walk where Logan was and saw the other guys with him
“WHO’S READY TO SMASH?” Logan screams, Jack and Zach follow him and I just roll my eyes at them while shaking my head side to side
“So you and Zach?” Daniel asks me while wiggling his eyebrows at me 
“Pfff no, I’m not looking for someone right now but if I did there would be a big problem called Logan” I look at him while pointing at my brother that was messing around with the other boys
“Ok Bailee your secret it’s safe with me, I’m not gonna tell Logan nor Zach that you have a crush on the little Zachary” as soon as he said those words he left towards the others boys leaving me standing with my mouth wide open
“B, close your mouth if you don’t want flies in there” Logan close my mouth while he passes by as I roll my eyes at him following him to the shore
As we waited to be everything to be set up to start recording the guys were taking some pictures and messing up with Logan while I sit down I lit another cigarette watching the waves crashing on the sand and feeling the cold breeze hitting my face just thinking on the moment, as I finished smoking I got up and went where the were just to find my brother taking off his pants I shake my head laughing at my stupid my brother
after this break they continued shooting the music video when they finished we stayed a couple of moments just hanging out until we decided that it was time to go, as we were going to parking lot I was talking to Jack, Zach and Daniel about some random stuff
“Guys come here with me we need to finish the Vlog” Logan called the guys and with that they followed my brother
after finishing the vlog a fan came to Logan to ask him for a picture I was happy to see him succeed I felt some hand touching my shoulder and as I turn around I see Zach in front of me
“Hey Bailee I just wanted to let you know that I had a great time with you so I was wondering if you could give me your phone number? you know to hang out sometime, if you don’t want to it’s ok I understand I’m not pushing you or anything” Zach was scratchin the back of his neck while telling me this
“Of course, I had a great  time with you guys here give me your phone” He passes me his phone and while I put my number in it I can feel his stare that makes me blush after I finish I give his phone back ”Hope to see you soon Zach, bye” I smile at him and turn on my heels to go where Logan is 
“Let’s go home sis” Logan wraps an arm around my shoulder leading me to the car where my stuff were, the drive was calm listening to some music and talking once in a while.When we got to the apartment the first thing I saw was maverick
“Maverick! I missed you!” He started to make so much noise when we came I let him out not before closing windows and doors, he instantly flew to my shoulder and stayed there for a while 
“Hey Logan you think tomorrow you have some time to take me to repair my phone it’s not taking any signal I think it’s because the country change” I ask him while i pet Maverick
“Yeah I think we have some time, remember I’m moving tomorrow and you are gonna help me with that, now go to sleep take my bed and here is the Wifi password if you need it” after this he kisses my forehead and guides me to his room leaving Maverick on his cage
I put the password on my phone and while I wait for all my messages to pop up I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put me some pajamas after that I turn off the lights and go to bed, I check all my social media before locking my phone and put it on my nightstand just after I close my eyes I feel my phone buzz I take it and see it’s a message from an unknown number
‘Hey Bailee it’s Zach I just wanted to tell you that I had a great time today, maybe we can hang out again sometime with the boys? just let me know when you can x.’
I smiled when I read it, he’s so cute. I started to write a message for him
‘Hey Zach I had fun too, and I would love to meet up again, this week I have to help Logan with moving out his stuff so maybe next week? let me know x.’
I lock my phone and left it on my nightstand ready to fall asleep with a big smile on my face.
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rofics · 7 years
Hidden omega (part 19)
Fandom: Bts (Got7 + Big Bang + B.A.P + Monsta X + Seventeen + Block B+Vixx) Who doesn’t love a good ensemb Pairing:  Namjoon x Everybody Genre: Smut/Fluff/Angst Au: Canon / Omegaverse au Length: 3.3k
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20
Summary: Namjoon gets some fluff, dabbing is illegal in prison and Yoongi get’s his mind broken
Namjoon woke up to whispered yelling in his hospital room. “Jackson stop pouting like a little kid!” That was… Jiho?
“But I wanna smell his scent too!” Namjoon didn’t even need to open his eyes to know that the alpha was pouting, he could hear it in his voice.
Namjoon kinda just wanted to fall back asleep. The drugs still in his system making him drowsy, but Jiho’s rebutted. “Peaches and cream! It’s not that hard!”
Jackson didn’t seem to agree. “What does that even smell like!?”
“It’s your scent gland being fucked, not your nose.”
“Your face is fucked!” Yeah Jackson was straight up whining.
Jiho just laughed and Namjoon could now hear multiple people moving around in the room as a small hand was gently removing a piece of hair from his still closed eyes. “No I fucked you, you are clearly wrong in this.”
“You guys fucked in the shower just now didn’t you? God at least try to keep it in your pants.” Oh so it was Jinyong petting his hair, if he could just keep going a little bit Namjoon could fall back asleep. “Also I know you are awake Joonie, not that I’m sure how you missed the first part of those kids yelling. Or BamBam falling over his own legs and waking probably the entire hospital.”
“I said sorry! This is bullying!”
Namjoon opened his eyes to just see… Something yellow? Groggily he reached up to see what it was that was impairing his vision, it turned out to be a posted note. Youngjae who was sitting on the opposite side of Namjoon explained. “It was here when we arrived and we decided that removing it would be rude so we didn’t. It’s from Wonshik.”
The newly presented omega squinted his eyes to focus on the notes it said with almost childlike font. ‘You were sleeping when we got here, and Hakyeon said we couldn’t wake you up because that would be rude. So instead call us when you get tired of all those alphas fawning around you, and don’t let them push you around! You are better than that!!!!!!!! - Wonshik!’
Yeah that was definitely from Wonshik, the Vixx omega was… special. “Did you guys see him when you left?”
“Yeah he was physically dragging Jungkook away, with Hakyeon seeming completely done with him. I swear one day he is going to lose it and strangle both of them in their sleep.” Jinyoung laughed.
As Namjoon’s mind woke up a little bit more so did all his memories, and while he knew he couldn’t trust what Yoongi had told him he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about it. Did Got7 really use him? He didn’t know what to trust anymore.
“What is wrong? Does something hurt?” Namjoon focused on Jaebum who looked worried from his position as physically far away from Namjoon as he could be. Actually both Jackson and Yugyeom were doing the same?
“No… I’m just…” He needed to explain stuff. He wanted to shut himself up and ignore everything, but he had learned something the last few days… Ignoring stuff just made it bigger, ignoring stuff created all the issues.
“Yoongi hyung said something to me the night I came back from your guys place, and… It’s the reason I haven’t talked to any of you.” He looked down, he couldn’t look at them. He was about to find out that either they actually didn’t care for him and had just used him or that he had ignored them, deleted their number and let himself be manipulated. He wasn’t sure which one was to be prefered.
Everybody in the room was silent and you could have heard a pin drop in the room. Namjoon wasn’t sure how to start until he felt Youngjae reach out the grab his hand in a soft hold running his thumb gently over the knuckles. “No matter what have happened Joonie we don’t blame you and we aren’t mad at you. We understand that you haven’t been in a good place, and we are partial to blame for what ever have happened, this isn’t your fault.”
Namjoon wanted to fucking cry, they were being so gentle with him he didn’t know how to handle it. Got7 had always treated him nicely, but with everybody doing it now he simply didn’t know how to deal with everybody's eyes being on him and looking at him so softly. He could deal with the fans, and while he loved Army’s he also knew that he couldn’t take them yelling that they loved him to serious, they mostly only knew Rap Monster.
“Yoongi got mad when I got home that day… He told me that you were all just using me, that you really didn’t care about me at all. He made me delete and block all your numbers. I trusted him! I didn’t think he would have a reason to lie to me. I just… I wanted to fit in, I wanted them to accept me!” Namjoon felt the words leave his mouth in a word vomit and as he first started he couldn’t stop it. “I didn’t know what to do! I never saw any reason not to trust Yoongi, and even if I wasn’t a real member of the pack, I saw him as my pack alpha, I wanted to fit in and be happy with them! I just wanted to be good.”
Namjoon heard a low growl, and surprisingly enough it didn’t even come from a Got7 member, instead from Jiho that Namjoon had more less forgotten. “He made you delete and block my number as well didn’t he? How many of our old and current friends did he make you block?”
Jiho knew something was wrong, but he had no idea how bad it really was. He thought Namjoon had purposefully ignored them. He had never thought that Yoongi’s control over Namjoon was this deeply rooted. He tried to imagine his pack alpha… U-kwon telling him to delete all his friends from his phone, Jiho would just have laughed and have told him to go fuck himself. Pack alphas yes were leaders of a pack, but this didn’t meant that anybody should follow them blindly and he couldn’t imagine doing it. That wasn’t how pack’s were meant to run! The BTS pack was toxic!
“All of them… We needed to focus on our new album.” Namjoon sounded so ashamed, and that was how he felt as well.
A loud noise was echoing in the room as the chair BamBam had been sitting on hit the ground as he stood up in a sudden movement. “That’s it! I’m going to strangle him, and I’m going to enjoy it!”
“BamBam he is an alpha do, try and remember that.” Jinyoung tried to calm the omega down.
BamBam stared down Jinyoung even though the beta just raised an eyebrow from his comfortable spot next to Namjoon’s bed lightly. “You think I can’t take him? We are the same height and he is build like a… a very short underfed breadstick!” The younger challenged.
“I’m more worried that you can actually take him, and we will have to face murder charges for killing BTS’s pack alpha. May I remind you that dabbing is illegal in prison.” Jinyoung countered.
BamBam scowled at him. “You win for now, he will live another day, don’t tell me I am not a merciful god.” But he didn’t sit back down and his stance was still hostile until Mark came up behind him and wrapped him up in a back hug. Namjoon was almost amazed when he saw how the aggression almost melted out of BamBam who just leaned his head back on Mark’s shoulder.
Youngjae lifted Namjoon’s hand up to his mouth and placed a light kiss on his knuckles. His hand was still wrapped up lightly protecting it since he had hurt it when he had fallen after he had the heart attack. “We would never use you like that Joonie, we respect you… And…” He looked at Jaebum as asking for permission.
The alpha just nodded, he took a step forward then seeming to regret the decision and stepped back against the wall against grabbing Jackson's, who was standing next to him, hand and lightly squeshed it as to reassure both alphas.
Youngjae looked back at Namjoon. “We would like to court you, we would like for you to give us a chance to show you how a pack really loves a member. We loved you way before you presented as an omega, but we always thought that you belonged to BTS and didn’t have a chance with you, but now that we do… We would like to try. If you will let us?” Youngjae’s smile was soft and reassuring and he was holding Namjoon’s hand still, but not restricting or harsh, just reminding Namjoon that he was there to support him.
He looked around the room, Jinyoung still gently petting his hair, alphas standing up against the wall looking out of place like they weren’t really sure what to do about themselves. Lastly he looked at Mark and BamBam, they were omegas… Were they alright with another omega? Were they okay with having to share the attention with somebody else, but BamBam and Mark both just smiled to him in a calming and nice way. Both seemed eager for him to answer and to be honest BamBam kinda just looked like an happy oversized puppy in Mark’s arms.
“I think I would like that, Daesung-sunbaenim and Bang PD-nim explained it to me, and I think I understand… It’s okay for me not to choose BTS, or at least not choose them right now. I… I can be happy with somebody else and it’s okay, it doesn’t make me less of a person.” And then Namjoon looked up at each person in the eyes slowly before he said. “I would like to be courted by you guys.”
Everybody's  face turned into a giant smiley faces and BamBam made a move to almost jump ontop of Namjoon. Luckily Mark was faster as he tightened his grip on the younger. “He is in a hospital bed idiot, do you really want to make it worse?” Mark just shaked his head. “I have only been part of this pack for 3 days and I already feel like I’m babysitting the pack baby! I didn’t sign up for this!”
The room was silent for a moment, before it was broken by Namjoon who couldn’t hold back a giggle, this whole situation was weird. So he just opened his arms up towards BamBam for a hug. “Just don’t knock out the IV, I ripped it out twice because I was unhappy and if I do it one more time they are going to put me in the closed part of the hospital.”
Mark hesitantly let go of BamBam who quickly got into the bed and Namjoon’s lap to give him a hug. Namjoon couldn’t stop himself from giggling when that reminding him of just how him and Zico had been the day before, and then blush when he remembered what it had lead to.
“Actually the IV thing we should talk about, but… I think that maybe it could wait until we get you out of this place. But we will talk about it at some point Joonie!” Jinyoung exclaimed.
“Way to ruin the mood Jinnie,” Mark teased as he sat down next to the beta. “Also… you guys are making everybody including Namjoon really awkward, you aren’t allowed to be close to him yet, but at least take a seat instead of looking like you are in front of a fire squad, it is really just awkward.”
Namjoon looked confused at the alphas. “Why aren’t they allowed to be close to me?”
“Oh your doctor told us you are banned from seeing alphas and especially if they are alone. We just want to be on the sure side since I’m afraid she might actually kill us and make sure we are never found again.” Youngjae casually answered.
Jiho spoke up next. “Well, what happened to I get to ask him first? You are all rude. I can’t beat these fuckers, but we… which means all of us even if it is just me here, since some of us have a job, would like to court you as well. I know we haven’t done as much as an effort while you were a dud as these ones. But with so many betas already, we just couldn’t. I have known you longer than anybody else. I have known you even longer than your own group, and I think you could fit really well in with us, if you want to give us a chance?” He smiled at Namjoon.
He was right, Jiho was probably the person who knew him the best out of anybody. He was the person who had known him the longest, before all of this dud stuff. “Are you sure that this is what you want to do?” Namjoon didn’t want Jiho to commit to something he wasn’t ready for.
“Namjoon I think we need to work on your sense of self worth! Courting you is not something negative or a duty to take on.” Jiho placed a light kiss on Namjoon’s forehead. “Is that a yes though?”
Namjoon bit his lip hesitantly and then nodded. “Yeah… it’s a yes.”
“Awesome!” He smiled big “Now the more important question, have you talked to your highly dysfunctional group?”
He just shook his head. “No, I heard that there were some issues, but I have been told Hoseok should come by today?”
“Issues… yes let’s call them that.”  BamBam jumped down from Namjoon’s lap. “Sadly the reason we got here so early is that we have dance practice. So we have to leave now to attend multiple hours of torture that people like to pretend is calling practice.”
Namjoon nodded, he understood he really did. They were all idols and they had shit to do so he smiled at them. “Go then, don’t be late cause you had to be here first!” He was just so happy that they had worked out their differences, to find out that they didn’t actually use him. To know that he had a chance to be happy with them, that he in general had a chance to be happy. “Oh! I said yes to letting B.A.P court me as well.”
“Oh we know, we also now have probably 200 pictures of you sleeping. Zelo was really excited about having snuck in and he really was happy you said yes.” Jaebum insisted.
“Oh.” Namjoon couldn’t help himself from blushing. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that.
“Don’t worry about it, you were adorable! And we are actually happy you get a lot of options! Yeah we prefer you pick us, but we are friends before anything. After everything you have been through it is really just important that you end up happy!” Youngjae gave his hand one last squeeze before he got up to join the rest of Got7 at the door.
For the first time since Namjoon had woken up Jackson said something. “Call me or text me when you get out of here please? I know you and your phone have a complicated relationship, but it would mean a lot to me?” The uncertainty in his voice showed that he wasn’t yet completely sure of how to treat Namjoon now that he was an omega. Which he could understand, god he wasn’t even sure how to act yet!
“I promise! Now go or I will actually get up and personally shove you all the way there.” Namjoon could feel the leader in him show itself.
A low party of laughter came from the members before they took their leave. Leaving Namjoon smiling in his bed with only Jiho left. “You don’t have to go as well?”
“Nope, I first have to go back later so I’m gonna stay if that is okay with you? It’s been awhile since we have just hung out?” He took Jinyoung's abandoned chair.
The omega nodded “Yeah… I would like that.”
They talked for hours, only stopping when the nurses needed to take different tests of Namjoon and came with food for both him and the beta. Namjoon had forgotten how much he loved just talking with his friend. They didn’t talk about anything important and avoided all talk of the reason why Namjoon was there. They bounced lyrics, talked about old times and Jiho told weird stories about his pack making Namjoon laugh.
It has been a while since he had been this happy.
Sadly happy was not something that could be said about all members of BTS. Yoongi hadn’t moved out of the studio since he found the lyrics. He had no more tears to give, and the lyrics sheet he found was almost unreadable. He had tried to understand them any other way but he knew he couldn’t. This was the truth, this was how it was, this was his fault.
He had never wanted Namjoon to think this about himself! He just wanted Namjoon to understand, he just needed Namjoon to stop fucking around with so many different packs when he didn’t have to! How could he have ended up doing this? He never meant to.
“So you read it I assume?”
Yoongi looked up at the figure in the doorway. Slow Rabbit PD-nim was looking at him, his stare none too kind. “I found it right after Namjoon-ah had the heart attack… It wasn’t pretty to look at let me tell you that. I went through his old lyrics to see if there were any hints of it we had missed. I found that one called always, and another one called Reflection. This is all our fault, but it’s your specifically.”
He closed the door behind him. “I don’t need to be soft like Bang, I don’t need to be politically correct. I care about you guys! You know I do, but we have all let you run free for to long. We have ignored what was infront of him because we didn’t want to be like SM and interfere with packs. We have let it happen because you are an amazing talented musician, but it’s too much now! You almost killed him! You understand this right? Had he actually been a dud he would have been dead! Do you understand this Yoongi?! You almost killed your own leader!”
“I DIDN’T MEAN TO!” Yoongi yelled almost desperately, pictures of a dead Namjoon flashing in front of his eyes, as he shook his head desperately to free himself.
“I don’t care what you meant to do, you almost killed. You almost killed a guy who has done nothing but support you all the time! Look at those lyrics! Look at every line! Remember that you did this!” There was none of the normal friendliness in Slow Rabbit’s face. Seeing Namjoon almost die in front of him had left nightmares in his mind he would probably never be free of. As an alpha he knew what alpha duties were, and Yoongi was so out of line!
Tears were now streaming down Yoongi’s face. “Please stop… I… please stop…” He whispered.
“Like you stopped your torture on an innocent guy just because he didn’t do what you wanted? A guy who saw you as his pack alpha, imagine telling Jimin and Taehyung that you killed their leader? Imagine looking them in the eyes and telling them you are murderer? Because you almost were.”
And that… That broke Yoongi. Uncontrolled crying as he curled in on himself… Slow rabbit had done what nobody else could… not any of the pressure from his family pack, not his own toxic mind… He had broken Min Yoongi’s mind.
Authors note: Two chapters in two days?! Is this real?! Previous Chapter ! Next chapter!
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inkytsuki · 7 years
in celebration for kish’s birthday i’m rereading the annotated version of the original illu so here it is for ya’ll!!
Includes my annotations from the stream and all the mistakes i made when i was twelve. its horrible. you are welcome
tw for furry bashing (i actually love furries i just hate myself)
Prologue (cara literally wrote that monologue from the hangover about being a lone wolf
at the bottom of the page)
The name Illusien has a history. A special name, on Glacitoria. It means Illumination. The name has always been given to a young woman; never a man or boy. The woman would receive her powers on her 16tth birthday; from that moment on, she became the light of Glacitoria.    The name was only given every 110 years. The name was a promise, a promise of life. She would live 100 years (????), then ten more years later, she would be reborn. Each time a different woman, a different power, a brighter light.    Each reincarnation stronger than the last. The ruler of all, lover of all, protector, savior, queen……….
Chapter 1: Illusien
The bright sun shone in her eyes. She winced and squinted as she got up and closed the curtains. Amber slowly opened her eyes. She looked around the room searching from her stuff. Tommorrow (aces thats literally how i spelled it) would be her 16th birthday. She couldn’t stand waiting.    When all Glacitorian’s turn 16, they can have their genes tested, giving them the ability to obtain their powers, and move into the above ground planet with a real sun and sky. The artificial sky and sun we so annoying to Amber.    She slipped downstairs and ran out the front door.    "It’s so dirty down here,“ she thought (kill me). "All you can smell is dirt. I wonder if Alex is awake.” (still kill me) Her brown hair glowed red in the sunlight, her freckles lit up her face and her green eyes, murky green and swamplike, shone in the artificial sun. (this is so homoerotic i was so gay)    She wondered what it would be like above ground. She hoped it would be much more lovely than this. The thought of only having to be underground for 24 more hours was unbearable. She walked on back to the orphanage. Living in an orphange (FUCKING HELL KATIE CORRECTED THIS TO ORPHANGE) was not odd because after your 16th birthday you were sent up.    But, there were in fact squibs (robbed terminology from harry potter), whose (I CANT BELIEVE I USED THE RIGHT FORM OF WHOSE) genes did not match anything but human DNA. So they were not able to go above and were doomed to live underground. Most children did not know their parents.    Being so excited, Amber did not know what time it was. She looked at the clock. It was 9:30 pm. And then she drifted to sleep. (LEGENDARY)
Amber woke up. Happy birthday to me, she thought. She stood up and looked around her room. Lauren was still asleep. (who the fuck is lauren) Wearily, she quietly walked out of the room.    She slipped downstairs. Andrea, the squib owner, caretaker, was waiting for her.    "Are you ready Amber,“ she asked.    "Yes and no, and Andrea?”    "Yes Amber,“    "Is Alex comming?”    "Yes, Celia is bringing him,“    And they left.
Amber looked at Alex, her twin brother. He had her hair, but not her face nor eyes. He looked nothing like her. (he was ugly)    Knowing soon they would pass into the real Glacitoria, was hard. (not this shit again. ALSO RANDOM COMMA FTW) It was a heavy weight. Soon, they reached a large cave. Andrea and Celia stopped.    "We cannot go any farther,” said Andrea.    "You must complete the journey,“ this time the voice was from Celia. (??????)    Amber hugged Andrea good-bye. Alex walked on. They entered the cave. this cave was dingy and weathered. There was a trickle of water running down through the cave.    Amber and Alex kept on and the water grew stronger.    "I see light!” Amber exclaimed.    They crawled out. It was loud. The rumbling of voices filled the air. (WHERE DO THESE PEOPLE GO. THEY LITERALLY ARE IN THE WOODS ALONE FOR MONTHS OK) They walked towards a door-like arch.    "Name.“ A short man boomed from a window (HOW DOES SHE KNOW HES SHORT)    "Age.”    "Sixteen.“    "Today?”    "Today.“    He told her to step into the arch. She did so. A green light flashed around her. (Daisy??? is that you………??) She saw a tail pop out on her back and felt ears sprout on her head. Her hair turned dark red and she felt a warmth.    A spark. It landed on her finger tips and went inside her. Pop! (pop yep. i used the word pop. sound effects. slay.) A green (surprise) outfit surrounded her. Black gloves popped (ugh) on her hands.    A whisper. More whispers. Then she started to float down, the light drifted away. The whispers ceased.    The dwarf (NOW HES A DWARF APPARENTLY) seemed to be in a daze. But one word stayed on her mind.    Illusien.
Chapter 2: The Newest Light
"I’m afraid I’m gonig to have to tell you,” the dwarf (ah…continuity) said, “you’re goig to start to forget who you are. Then you will become someone new.” (DEMENTIA)    "Sir,“ said the girl (???? transition????) "does this have anything to do with that word, Illusien, I believe it was?”    "I’m afraid it does,“ the (very afraid) dwarf said in reply. "That is now your name. You are the new light for Glacitoria.”    It stuck in her head like chewing gum on a desk. ( i like this analogy katie said it was stupid) “You are the newest light for Glacitoria.” She had heard that name before. Illusien.        She thanked him and left. She hadn’t seen her brother (bother was accurate tbh) cross through. Her fox ears and tail twitched. (it pains me to write that.) She stood up. Maybe her brother was a squib.    The beauty of Glacitoria is more than I would ever imagined, with undisturbed nature, the girl thought, much better than underground.    The fresh air smelled and tasted good to Illusien. She closed her green, cat-like (shes a fox tho) eyes to take a deep breath. She felt herself bump into something. (SPOILER: IT KISH)    She opened her eyes and looked up. The soft hazel eyes that looked back at her calmed her. His dark hair gleamed in the sunlight (moonlight was written over this but im so confused)    Real sun(moon)light, she thought, no artifical stuff.    He looked at her with his soft gaze. (hes actually batshit and a brat haha) It made her want to melt. She couldn’t look away.    "H-hi-um i-urr,“ she stammered. (ATTRACTIVE)    "Hello, my name is Mikish,” he said (awkwardly) cooly. “You can call me Kish.”    "Hi, my name is Am–I mean Illusien (theres a little :) next to illusien),“ Illusien said. (cause…we needed…to…hear…her…name…again…)    "You know, you’re a legend,.” Kish replied, “( I ca nt believe i ha ve to ty pe this) A (ew) beautiful one at that,” he said looking her dead in the eyes.    She blushed. (cause thats what u do when a guy is creeping on you) Wait! Mikish, she thought, the words suddenly creeping into her head; he’s a legend himself!    "You know,“ said she (why), "your a legend too.”    "Really? I wondered why they acted all weird when I went through two years ago!“ he said sarcastically. (ive used all my exclaimation points for the rest of my life and its only page like 6)    She laughed. She couldn’t help it. (ew ew ewewewwe WHY DO I HAVE TO TYPE THIS) He was so (…………………) handsome, he made her (???? what is) want to sing Amazing Grace at the top of her lungs. (?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)    "You tell my story (??),” Kish said, “And I’ll tell you yours.” (I love how there is always a break in the dialogue)
As Kish told her of her past, she watched him. All of his movents (?) so perfect, so smooth, so natural (i would fuckin hope so). He was a work of art.    She looked into his hazel eyes. They were so beautiful. He must be an angel, she thought. Only an angel could be so beautiful. (evan peters is actually weirdly attractive but lol)    Suddenly (obligatory anime faint) she was feeling super dizzy.    "Are you okay?!“ exclaimed Kish.    "Kish…” (jfc)    She closed her eyes and fainted. (why) (actually theres a reason but i didnt do this for that reason unfortunately)
(I do not want to type this part like no why WHY WHY DID I WRITE THIS. I LET PEOPLE READ THIS) It was dark. Illusien could hear the crackling of fire. She rolled over. Kish! Where was Kish? Kish came through the trees, carrying firewood. (another little :) )    "Well, you’re finally awake!“ Kish said.    "What happened?” asked Illusien, rubbing her head.    "You fainted!“ (he said mockingly as he laughed at her. he kept laughing. what a fucking idiot)    Oh no! (please dont make me do this) (this is literally right out of tokyo mew mew a la mode) I (plz) fainted in front of this (no plz) cute guy? (sigh) say it isnt so!
The fire was warm. Kish (sorry i changed POVs. now its in Kish’s pov????) looked up at her. She saw him and he averted his gaze. Her tail twitched as she sat across from him.    She pulled her hair back into (god fucking damn it. why why why why why why) ribboned (no) pigtails. Her bangs and (rolls eyes into the abyss) frames (anime hair sugoii desu) hung down. Her swamplike eyes lit up in the firelight.    His looked gray in the light. It made him look more handsome (so beautiful everyones so beautiful and white). If that was possible. (ew)    "Illusien.”    "Yes, Kish?“ (addressing one another by name so that the deer arent confused)    "You should get some rest. I’ll show you around in the morning. Don’t worry. (oh no  here we go with the white boy bull shit) I’ll always be around to protect you. Always. (haha nope)”    The words hung in her ears. (which ones) She smiled.    "Good night kish.“    "Good night, my light.” (next to it “awwwww how sweet” more like barf)
Chapter 3: Kish
“Good morning! ( :) )”    "Whaa!! (oh my god) Oh, kish!“    "Get up we must get going.”    "Kish (it looks like kush right here) what are you talking about? You sound worried!“    "I’ll tell you when we get there.”    "Okay. I trust you.“ (yoU ARE TOO TRUSTING) –
Her dark red hair bounced as they treaded through the woods. Her orange red ears stood straight up and her eyes on Kish.    The evergreen forest around her sent chills up her spine. She decided to follow behind Kish closer. She heard a stick crack. (ACTION)    "Kish! Get down!”    "What?!“    "Someone’s following us.”    They laid down behind a large log. Kish, she thought, where is he? (hes a fast little fucker apparently) Kish was gone. She heard a crack. Kish shot an arrow at their attacker. (apparently hes ann excellent marksman)    Illusien got up. She looked older now. (is this really the time for this) She didn’t think as she used to. (its been one fucking day) She walked over to Mikish, who was standing over the body. (who he killed with one shot. with a normal bow and arrow)    He picked up an amulet. “This belongs to Xalador (lmfao),” he thought. “This is what I feared!”
“Kish are we there yet? ( :) )”    "Almost.“    They stopped at a stream with a great water fall crashing down. (streams dont get great waterfalls…..like…no. just nope). It’s beautiful, thought Illusien, like nothing ive every seen!    "We’re here, Illusien.”    "Now tell me what we’re doing.“ –
"We are in danger. Mostly you. Do you know who Xalador is?”    "No.“ (why the fuck. she doesnt know anything shit head)    "He is a sorcerer (?). His power is greater than mine and has the ability to drain the power from you. That’s what he wants. Your power. He wants to destroy you
once and for all. If you are destroyed in your youth and not before your 100 years are up the light of Glacitoria will be extinguished forever.” (???????? okay whatever)    Illusien looked into his gray eyes. They had looked hazel the night before. His hair wasnt as dark either. It was sandyish. (jfc)    He looked at her with piercing eyes. (as piercing as an awkward 15 year old virgins eyes can be) She knew he was serious.
As she sat listening she had an eerie feeling as the words seemed to creep into her head:
“Mikish, the controller of mind (originally his power was water). King of all. Caretaker of Illusien. Always born two years earlier. He would follow Illusien through her journey.
Forever, until his destruction.” (too trusting)
They picked berries until the sun started to fade. They found their way back as it was almost sunset. Kish went to find firewood. (after sunset probably hes an idiot)    Illusien (being a fucking furry) started to play with a mouse. She got bored and killed it. (a symptom of both psychopathy and being a furry) She was about to eat it (?>>>????? fuckin furry) when Kish came back.    Kish was going to find some stones to start a fire with. He tried to strike a fire
with stones. (but he fuckin sucks so here we are) Illusien snapped her fingers and the logs burst into flames. (showy littl e cunt)    Kish looked at her. (he does that a lottttT) She smiled, proud of herself. She looked at him. She shivered.    "Good night Kish.“    "Good night Illusien.” Chapter 4: “What do we do?” (slay me already okay. also this chapter is literally 1 page front and back. thats it)
Illusien woke up. Kish wasn’t there. (this is a reoccuring theme)    "Kish?!“ (immediate panic. someone help her)    Kish was sitting on the cliff by the water fall. (okay so i have no idea why this is her immediate thought) "I wonder if I can fly or float or something like Kish,” she thought. (HOW DO WE KNOW HE FLIES??? THIS IS THE FIRST EXAMPLE AND LITERALLY NO ONE SAW HIM DO IT) She concentrated. The she floated up. She opened her eyes and flew foward slowly. She tapped down gently beside Kish. (nice to know she magically learned how to fly and is instantly incredible at it)    "Kish?“    "Yes, Illusien,”    (get ready for it. PREPARE YOUR SELF) “What do we do?” —
(OH GOD. OH GOD YES OH YES LMFAO YES)    "Lord?“    "Yes, Malaki?”    "We’ve located her.“    "Good. (fave fav e fave) Destroy her not. Lead her to me.”    "Lord, what shall we do about the boy?“    ”(THIS IS MY FAVORITE LINE) Bring to me him. I want to see the light leave their eyes.“ (?????????????? im like what cause thats not right but ok) —
Illusien waited for a reply from Kish. It was hard for Kish to say what to do. He did want to go through with it. (with what i m)    Kish thought a moment and then realized it had to be done.    "Illusien, we have to kill Xalador. If he doesn’t die, we surely will and the whole world will be under his control for all eternity. (i m laughing so hard rn)” Kish couldn’t look her in the eyes. He knew it was dangerous. But so was the rest of her life.    One mistake and all of Glacitoria will be gone forever, he thought. Or at least as we know it.    "Okay. But one question. How do we kill him?“ (illusien asking the important questions)
(wtf is this and why did i change povs and shit)    All of her past lives, thought Kish,she has defeated her enemies. Throughout all her reincarations she hasn’t failed. But what if this time, she doesn’t suceed??
Illusien looked around. Crack. Another crack. Something was out there. A dark shadow. It came closer. Then everything went black. (THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR A NARCOLEPTIC EPISODE)
Chapter 5: Captivity (?)
Kish woke up. He looked around. Illusien was gone.    "Illusien!”    No answer. He waitied, she didn’t come back. He started on his way. He decided to fly up to see where was. No movement. He couldn’t see anything in the dense forest. He realized he had to track her, (this was good until this point right her) or lose her forever. (F ucKin)
Illusien startled. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Kish, she thought. She opened her eyes. She was not by the stream anymore. (THE WRITING IS SO LIGHT RIGHT HERE JFC)    Illusien felt the tears well up in her eyes. (shes a cryer unfortunately)She didn’t know where she was. A figure appeared in front of her. He smelled charred. (HE SMELLED OF BURNING FLESH. WHAT A FUCKING GREAT DESCRIPTION 12 YR OL D ME BYE) And dingy. (nice. a real man) He leaned down and gave her a hand. (like a real anime gentleman) When she stood her green eyes met his equally murky eyes.    His dark hair blew in the wind (fuck) as he looked down at her. (wait i lied this is my favorite line) He didn’t look like a kidnapper.    "Hello.“ He said with a (totally sugoi) bow. (who the fuck does this little shit think he is.) ("I just met you and this is crazy. But i just kidnapped you. so fuck me maybe”)    Illusien though for a moment, then said, “Hello.” though “why did you kidnap me” would have been more appropriate. (narcolepsy man)    His murky eyes glistened (ANIME). Suddenly, she (sighhh) felt weak in the knees. She couldn’t move, she couldnt run, she couldnt (fucking stop making run on sentences?) do anything. (its the GHB in your system, honey. hes a creep.)    He was (no good god why did) even more handsome that Kish. (not rly tbh) He was hypnotising. Finally, he spoke up. (did they just stare at each other for like 2 minutes bc)    "My name is Luke. I have saved you.“
"My lord, we have lost her.”    "Well, then Malaki, find HER!“    "Lord Xalador.:    "Yes Jesse”    "Malaki you tell him.“ (pussy)    "Lord, we think she has found the boy.”    "Do NOT (underlined very heavily) let them get away!!“ (they already…ok) —
Illusien sat across from Luke. It was all confusing to her. (you are too trusting. he could be anyone. he could be a serial killer. a rapist. i mean. you faint all the time. you  need to g et away) The journey had not yet begun (what mother fuckin journey are you prattling about) and where was Kish? "I have saved you” From what?    She took a bite of the delicious (why was i such a fuckin weeb) rice cake, it was delicious (SLAY Me). Then she looked at Luke. (she looked at look is what i wrote the first time lmao) He stood. She stood too.    "Luke?“ (she always addressed people by their name like theres someone else there)    "Yes?”    "What have you saved me from?“    (DRUMFUCKInrOLL) "Mikish.”    "Mikish?“    "Yes. You must not believe him. He is a deciever!” (did i just watch spy kids 3)    "Kish?“ Illusien said. "He just doesn’t seem the type.” (what exactly is the type? since….theyre decieving you???)    "Oh but he is. He works for Xalador!“ (zaxbys he works at zaxbys)    "What can you tell me about Xalador ?( :D)”    "He is new to Glacitoria. Very young. In the four months you have been in Glacitoria he have been rising, plotting your downfall.“ (it has literally been like 3 days max. MAX)    "Why was I chosen?”    "You will find out. Illusien, you are the light. You are our queen, and our savior. Now, you should be worried about destroying Xalador.“ (he dont know. cryptic little shi.t)    Illusien looked up. She didn’t remember who she was anymore. (??) She turned to face Luke, who was standing behind her.    "Luke, I don’t know who to trust, anymore.”    "You can trust me.“    "Well. That’s exactly what Kish said.” (SASS)
Lord Xalador stood. He was ready to destroy all surrounding him.    "Malaki (i cant wait till i ge t to the glorious mispelling of his name), why is it the simple things I ask of you and Jesse, never get done!“    "Sir, we try our best.”    "Your best is not suitable!“ (wreckd)    "Lord, may we add that–”    "Jesse, fetch me Mikish.“ —
Illusien looked up (she does that a fuckin lot) throught the trees. The tall oak she was under glistened with dew. "You can trust me.” Can I really trust him? she pondered. Is he right about Kish?    Luke walked around the tree to where Illusien was sitting. He looked at her. She caught his gaze and he looked away. (ahh. romance.)    "Illusien?“    "Yes?”    He reached around his neck. He took off his necklace. It had a ruby on the end.    "I want you to have this.“ (white boy gift)    "Your pendant?” (fuckin wait for it)    "No. My promise. ( :) )“
Chapter 6: Lessons
She let her hair down. (god damn it) She brushed through it. (katies annotation on the page: "WHERE IN THE HELL DID SHE GET A BRUSH?”) Luke, it bounced through her head, Luke. (new hotter boy instant crush) She clutched the pendant with one hand. She closed her eyes. (was this it? was this the boy she was going to give her virginity to? was this love? she had his necklace, a part of him, a symbol of his affection. theyd only known each other a day, and he hadnt even asked her to be his girlfriend….but still…the necklace had to mean something….right????)    She looked over at Luke. He was still sleeping. She stood, put out the fire, and went to sleep. Luke opened his eyes (like a fuckin creeper), snapped his fingers and the log burst back into flames. (WHHHHAAAT)
— (HOLY SHIT THIS IS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD AND I LOVE THIS PART BYE) The sun shone through the trees. Kish was on his way to Xalador’s castle. He was upset with himself. He thought, why did I let her get away? Lord, oh god, the Lord will probably kill me, I wasn’t (best spelling mistake ever) supposeded to let her go.    He shook his head. I didn’t want to bring her in the first place. (!!!!) No use fighting emotions now. He couldn’t believe he let himself fall in love with her. (in 3 days nonetheless. impressive)    He looked up, the castle was just up ahead. He took a deep breath and pushed her out of his head for a moment, and headed inside. (this isnt the part i thought it was)
“So who is this Xalador guy any ways? I mean seriously, no one will tell me anything.”    "When the time comes, you will know.“ (this guy is useless. he aint know shit from dirt)    "Why does everyone keep saying that?” (because i was twelve and hadn’t actually come up with anything yet. i literally sat in my prealgebra class and wrote you)    "Because it’s true. You will know the horrible truth when the time comes,“ he paused, "and that is a promise.” (grOSS LITTLE SHIT STOP SAYING THAT)    Illusien looked away. (b-baka!!) She knew he would keep his promise. She clutched her necklace, closed her eyes, and turned to face him.    "What about my brother?“ —
"Mikish, your late.” (a wizard is never late, frodo baggins. nor is he early. he arrives precisely when he means to)    "Yes, my lord, I know, I apologize.“ ("I brought starbucks tho.” “You asshole! I only drink coffee from joe muggs! the cafe inside books a million!! sarah is my favorite barista!1” “OH NO SORRY MY LORD”)    "Where is the girl?“ (he asked, stroking his hairless face. he was a dark lord. why could he not grow facial hair.)    "Lord, you must understand, I, I…I lost her. She was kidnapped in the night.”    "Useless! Everyone of you. Malaki, Jesse, and you, of all people, Mikish I trusted you to bring her to me!“    "My lord! I really,  please I beg of you, one more chance.”    "Fine, Mikish. Get out of my sight.“
"Your brother, made it through, that’s true. But I say with a heavy heart, I cannot tell you what has happened to him.”    There was a brief silence between them. She (surprise) looked up at him.    "Teach me. Teach me to control my powers, Luke. I know you have the power of fire just like me. So teach me.“    He hesitated, "Okay Illusien, I promise.” (shuuuuut uppppp) —
(OKAY I LOVE THIS PART LMAO) How could I be so stupid? Kish kicked a tree. I can’t believe I did this. (from this point on katie is writing the scene and im helpingokay sorry. this is us together.) She probobly is sitting with the rebel boy, and he is telling her who i really am. He pulled at his hair in frustration. Lord Xalador expected Kish to bring Illusien to him.    How did Xalador talk me into this? If only I’d known……… (katie wrote: “how much of a slut she is…..” jfc man we were so brutal to this poor narcoleptic furry) Luke looked at Illusien. Her breathing was soft and light. She looked so much beautiful when she slept. (lmfao im dying rn so much beautiful) She was peaceful. The questioning look on her face was gone. (im always so confused by the weird out of context things katie wrote. like wtf was she talking about.)    He could see the damage Kish had done. (da…mag..e…??/) She stirred slightly. He wondered what she dreamt about. Kish had put through her head so many lies. Luke could see she didn’t want to believe him about Kish. (reasonable…since she doesn’t even know you dude.)    Her gentle nature was greater than he had ever seen. (oh not this fucking bullshit again comE ON) Her radiance and beauty were equal to her personality. (nonexistant??? cause really shes kind of like a brick.) (katie wrote: “bullshit! :)”)    Illusien shivered in her sleep. He walked over and covered her with his blanket. She calmed. He wouldn’t need it anyway because he wouldn’t be sleeping anyway. (…..what he gonna do bc,)    Kish would be on his way to find her at anytime and he had to be alert. (right. cause kish is the biggest threat in the whole forest. im laughing too har d omg)
Kish wandered through the forest. He couldn’t find her. It’s no use, he thought, the rebel boy has probably taken her out of the woods by now any way. (neg. also THE REBEL BOY WHY DID WE CALL HIM THAT IM GONNA PEE.)    Kish was confused. He wanted to be with her but he wanted her to be safe. (be…with…her……..youve known her like 4 days, kiddo. you just…want…other things ok)    He knew this was impossible, but he couldn’t think clearly anymore.    The other night he had read into her thoughts. He implanted false thoughts and sensed where she was. (sensed where she was?? ok katie PLEASE explain this to me i do not understand your reasoning behind this.) HE COULD DO THAT AGAIN!!! DUH!!!! (i dont think m y commentary is necessary on this lmao) The answer was right there! But did he want to put her in jeporady? (thats how its spelled) (katie loved loved loved the word jeopardy) As soon as they were together again, she would be in trouble. (understatement of the generation. TROUBLE. HA. more like mildly mortal peril)    If he could just decide! Thoughts kept whirling through his head. If he sacrificed her safety for his pleasure (WOW. WOW. WOW. THATS HIGHLY INNAPPROPRIATE WORDING FOR A TWELVE YEAR OLD. WOWZA) he would be a jerk. If he didn’t look for her, he would be killed.    Maybe they just weren’t meant to be………….
Illusien stirred. She slowly opened her eyes. It was morning. (WILL LUKE BE THERE.) She looked down and realized that Luke had given her his blanket in the night. The fire had long since gone out.    She wondered where Luke was. She hadn’t seen him since last night. (OH NO)    As hard as the truth is to realize, Illusien said to herself, I’m starting to believe Luke. (under what basis? you’ve hardly spoken to the guy, and the only thing you really know about him is that he’s kinda cute and he smells bad. he told you that the last guy you were with was the bad guy but you didn’t really have any stock yourself that made it fit and you have absolutely no reference that can tell you if thE MAN WHO KIDNAPPED YOU IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT IS TELLING YOU THE TRUTH) (like sorry that birdman jr told you no flamingos when it came to kish but like you dont really know either of these guys) I mean, if kish was really that worried about me, wouldn’t he come looking for me? (girl)    And waht about when I brought up the subject of Xalador? He spoke hesitantly and always seemed to be hiding something. (did he??) Luke, wouldn’t lie to me, would he? (YOU DONT KNOW THAT.)    Luke, she was starting to fall for him. (YOUVE DECIDED THIS IN LESS THAN 3 PAGES) He was handsome and charming. (not the word i would use) But still, she still was getting over how Kish had built up her trust and was going to turn her over to the “Lord Xalador”. (but still she still)    She sensed Luke in the near distance, heading back. (her furry senses were tingling) Illusien quickly made sure her hair was in place, her ears neat, her tail shiny, and that she had nothing on her face. (picturing her grooming herself was the least attractive thing and im sure luke is not into furries either…however…..birdman jr)    Luke approached her. “Good morning.”    "Good morning, Luke,“ she blushed.    "I assume you’re ready for your lessons today.”    Lessons! Shoot! (shoot. shoot. i said shoot) I had forgotten about those. Of course I’m not ready! But I can’t let him know that!!    (katie wrote most of this scene lmao)“Okay, first, Illusien, you need to stand on that rock.”    "Okay, now what?“    "Incenerate that tree!!!” (god)    "What? OH!“ She snapped her fingers and pointed at the tree.    "It didn’t work, Luke.”    "You have to concentrate Illusien.“    She tried again. She thought only of what she was doing. (thats kind of shitty??/ like you have super powers but theyre INCREDIBLY difficult to use. like if you get mildly distracted they don’t work anymore) She snapped her fingers and the tree bust into blue flames. (i wrote that the flames were blue bc blue/white is REALLY HOT FIRE. but….then katie picked up after this paragraph.)    "Luke, why did it burst into BLUE flames?”    "Because the tree posed no threat to you. Your powers are enhanced when you are angry or scared. I am also holding back your power. (HOW IS HE DOING THAT. THATS SO FUCKING RANDOM) If I didn’t, you would probobly set the whole forest on fire.“ She gave him a questioning look. (ME TOO ILLU. What he’s describing as what he’s doing: holding back your power, sounds an awful lot like xalador’s power. because xalador drains the power from others. If Luke has the ability to siphon off her power, that would most definitely point to an ulterior motive in this plot. so thanks for making shit up katie. congrats on being 12)    "Illusien, your power is so great, so powerful, that you have enough to light Glacitoria. So, you could easily set fire to this forest. Your powers need to be controlled. This is what I’m trying to teach you.” She nodded and hopped off the rock.    "As long as you are with me Luke, I think I’ll be just fine.“ (my face right now. just imagine it. like ew no stop jfc) Illusien stared deep into Luke’s eyes (fidskfvcmdcx vfv) . Luke took her hand. (hand is darkened and underlined like 13 times and im so disappointed in katie rn. i trusted her) (thank god i write the next tiny little section)
Kish’s anger was getting worse. There was nothing to hold him back. He hated Xalador, but he knew this is what Xalador wanted, but he felt he must find her. (OOPS. NOT FINGER HER OMFG.) (ALSO THAT SENTENCE MADE NO SENSE) The conseqences were great, but he wanted to be with her more than l fe (thats what it says??) itself, and nothing was about to stop him. (oh gross, me. wtg. thats just. no. save me from myself)
Luke (was is scratched out) is incredible! He has taught me to control and use my powers. (literally no he didnt. you stood on a rock and he talked about how you were so stupid that you were going to burn the whole world down. which is actually probably right) But what would I do without him, she throught. (IM PISSING @ THROUGHT)    I’m just taking a quick break, but still. I wonder how he knew where I was the other night. (a little thing called stalking..?) Never mind that. (NEVERMIND THAT???? YES MIND THAT. YES MIND THAT WITH EVERY FIBER OF YOUR BEING) Oh Luke’s calling me. I wonder what I’ll have to do now. Oh well as long as I’m with him. I know I’m safe. (YOU DONT KNOW THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW THAT. I REALLY WANT TO HOLD YOU AND TEACH YOU SELF DEFENSE. AND IDK TEACH YOU ANYTHING ABOUT  ANYTHING OKAY IM A CONCERNED MOMMY)
Luke looked at Illusien. (he couldn’t believe she was this niave. It was far too easy to get her alone. Insert creepy thoughts here bc that hair is not the scariest thing about him ok) She seemed ready to start again.    "Okay, Illusien, stand on the rock again.”    Illusien stood upon the rock. (fun fact, this whole thing still takes place in my old back yard in my head bye)    "All right, now concentrate, (NO NO NONONONONOONNOONNOONONNONNNNOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOO) (WHY WAS I SUCH A FUCKIKNG IDIOT. THIS IS THE MOST EMBARASSING THIHNG WHY DO I HGAVE TOT TYPE IT) think a feeling, a wonderful feeling, a time or place or thing that makes you feel such a way. Let it fill you. Now fly.“ (JUST KIDDING. LUKE IS ACTUALLY PETER FUCKING PAN GOOD BYE)    She did as he said. She let it fill her. She started to rise. Up higher and higher. She was flying!
Kish was still looking for Illusien. He looked up. Illusien, he thought. Now’s my chance!    "Illusien!” —
Illusien opened her eyes, she was falling. The ground was getting closer. (I LITERALLY JUST REALIZED THAT I WROTE THIS EXACT FUCKING SCENE IN VIOLETS THING A YEAR LATER THATS HOW ROMANTIC AND GREAT I THOUGHT IT WAS. BYE) She closed her eyes and braced herself. She felt something catch her and break her fall.    She opened one eye. Luke, had caught her. (unnecessary commas FTW) She blinked.    "Luke,“ her cheeks flushed. (WHY DOES THE TOP OF LITERALLY ALMOST EVERY SINGLE PAGE JUST HAVE "Ichigo” WRITTEN THERE.)    Luke let her down. (she was grateful for that. She would have been much more grateful, however, if Luke would take a god forsaken bath. He smelled so rancid as their bodies pressed against one another. It was off putting.) Illusien stared deep into his eyes. Luke pulled her into a kiss. They were so close she could feel his heart beat. (wow)    It was long and slow. (cool) Illusien finally pulled away at the sound of a rustling in the bushes.
Kish stepped out of the bushes. (Sniveling, he tried to look like he hadn’t started to cry, but his eyes were telling all sorts of tales, brimming over with salty liquid. Not tears. They most definitely were not tears. He wasn’t crying.) He had a look of anger on his face. (But it wasn’t anything more than a facade. He was hurt, hurt right down to his core.) Luke stepped out in front of Illusien.    "You stay away from her, Mikish! You’ve done enough damage already!“    (He clenched his jaw, his hatred of Luke allowing him a new strength. His voice came out in a growl, his loathing dripping out the way an angry dog drools, throwing its barks directly at what’s pissing it off.) "Fool. (the best insult in the world) You don’t know who you’re messing with, Rebel. Now step aside, Rebel, she’s mine.”    "No. I won’t. You’re selfish and evil ways won’t prevail. (oh god why did i) Eat fire! (eat. fir re. good by ee. RIP in piss @ me) Luke shot a fireball at Kish. Kish stood. (aflame. He was aflame, burning alive in his own homosexuality) (seriously tho he just stands up like nah u cant burn me bitch )    "I see. But this won’t be the last you see of me. Illusien, I’ll be waiting.“ (thats…it?? wow way to be a man mikish) He took one, longing look at Illusien. She was staring at him with a blank look, her cheeks still flushed from kissing Luke. He shook his head and walked away. He could feel the both of their gazes on him. He just kept on walking. (oh, bae.)
— Chapter 7: Love and HATE
"Luke, ”    "Illusien, we have to be careful now.“    "I know, I just don’t know what to do.” Her tears stained her cheeks. (are they ink bc thats not how that works.) Luke put his arms around her.    "I just worry for your safety, Luke.“ —    (YES MORE ANGRY KISH HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIT) I should have known! Kish hit his head with his hand. How could I be so stupid? She doesn’t love me; she loves the rebel.    He kicked himself. She’d either be his or die at the hand of Xalador. He would take care of the rebel himself.    Oh, how he hated the rebel. He envied him for stealing her heart before he had a chance. Before…….(oops! wait)… Before……….. (before kish was able to lose his virginity?? is that what we’re getting at bc………….. lol)
Luke could’t believe what had just happened. He and Illusien finally had a moment to themselves, what he had be wanting for such a long time, and he couldn’t enjoy it. (you have literally been alone together this whole time i’m/)    Mikish had ruined everything. They had to move on. Mikish would surely tell Lord Xalador their whereabouts.    He hated to see the tears in Illusiens eyes. The look of terror on her face had startled him.    He would do anything for her, even sacrifice himself. (plz do. right now) Her beautiful face had been twisted with fear and he kept replaying in his mind.    He was (god fucking damn it) truly in love with Illusien. (do they live on a planet where love is just constant and always in your face bc) He had never been this way toward anyone else. Now that Kish had been angered (Aangered. lmfao), he would be attacking Illusien’s thoughts more often. (WHY DID I NOT DEVELOP ON THIS. okay its very important to note JUST HOW OVER POWERED KISH IS. Kish literally has the ability to read peoples mind/change their thoughts/manipulate them/possess peoples minds/detatch his own soul from him body. BU T THATS NEVER COVERED. KISH LITERALLY IS SO FUCKING POWERFUL)    And Luke could not see this happen to her anymore. Illusien gentle touched her fingers to her lips. She couldn’t believe Luke had kissed her. (good fucking god no this is some bull) She rememebered seeing Kish and his anger and jealosly (scratched out and corrected to jeluosly and then jealosy. are either of those correct even ) and the hatred in his eyes.    His words would haunt her forever. She flushed at the thought of Mikish. (what)    Luke was right. Kish is just a deciever. What was I thinking trusting him? He was just thinking of himself. She hated Kish. (wow) There were not many she hated. (IM HOWLING RN LMAO)    She leaned against the tree. Still in shock over what had just happened. (thats not a sentence.) She needed Luke more than she knew. (ew good lord, abraham help little me. some force go back in time and just delete this sentence from existence.)    (top of the page reads: “KATHERINE JANE PARR LUVVS THIS BLUE PEN!!!!”) An eerie feeling crept over her. She stood motionless.    "Luke?“ (OH FUCK WHERE IS HE)    Silence.    "Luke?” (UH Oh)    Silence. She (FUCKING HELL THIS TYPO IM LAUGHING SO HARD) turened around. A dark figure appeared behind her. (i hope its luke)    "(man fuck 12 year old me) How dare you deny me. Illusien, (MAN FUCK 12 YEAR OLD ME) oh yes, you shall now have to choose between me and death!“ (bye im dead)    "Kish?” She backed up. “Luke! Help!” (damn it) (this scene is so)    He darted at her. She flew up. She shot a burst of flames at Kish. Luke appeared below her. He shot a burst as well. (this aint a scene) (its a goddamn cry for help)    "Go back to the shadows Mikish.“ (didnt i already say this shit? it was stupid the first time)    "Not without her, Rebel.” (why did we call him that its not cool)    "She’s not going anywhere.“ (why dont we let the lady decide?)    "Then I’ll kill you.” (WHOOOOAAAAAA. WHOAAA. DUDE CHILL.)    Illusien stepped out in front of Luke. “You will not Kish. (why nottttttt its turkey season) I don’t plan on going anywhere with you anytime soon.” The tears poured down her face as she said this. (bitch y u cryin)    "I’m not going with out you Illusien!“ (normally this would be when he became a weird 3rd wheel companion and they became his parents lmao but)    "I’m not going with you, I plan on staying with Luke.”    "I could make you (ew wwww ui dont wanna type this part) b(ereeewwwww) my (fjkldsadhfldjfkldjfkdjkfjdk) pup (py he sai d puppy) pet if I wanted to.“    "But you won’t. So if you would kindly leave.” (WHOA. FIRE QUEEN ICE COLD SIR)    "This isn’t the end. I will never surrender.“ (im so glad i learned how to write dialogue) And he left.    Illusien dropped to her knees. Luke picked her up in his (sighs forever) strong arms. He carried her back to the campsite. (thank god this sce ne is over)
Luke laid Illusien down. He looked at her. (way to be a creep. just stare at her. im sure she doesnt mind) He knew it was hard for her. Her first battle, it must have been rough. I’m starting to worry about her though. (random shift into first person ok)    She’s scared of what will happen next. I can honestly say I don’t blame her. (this next part was written so light that i thought the chapter was over)    He kissed her gently on the lips. She smiled back at him. She dropped her head and fell unconscious. (SLAY ME) (BURY ME IN SATIN) (NARCOLEPTIC FURRY MAN)    He covered up. (a gentleman) They could move in the morning. She needed to sleep. Her first battle would be the worst. (I HIGHLY FUCKING DOUBT THAT. THERE WERE LIKE 3 MOVES MADE???? i mean like yeah the first gym leader is harder to beat but like then you get a solid team going an shit but like the elite four??? ok)
Kish stomped off. (surprise) If only he could lure the rebel and Illusien somewhere towards the castle. Or at least get them away from each other. But Illusien wasn’t ready fight yet and Killing the rebel with her alive would cause her to hate him, although she already did. (what is happening)    He sat down. He had to come up with a plan. Just what would he do? (who knows man)
"Jesse, has he found them again?”    "Yes my lord. He had told us where they are.“ (how ???HOW YALL BITCHES AINT GOT PHONES????????????????????? TELL MEE. like i just came up with a way literally right now but i was 12 so)    "Good. If Kish has fought them–”    "He has.“ (imagine Xaladors face at being interrupted. imagine the angry egg salad)    "Then she will be weak. She will have to rejuvinate the entire night.” (ooooohhhhhhhhh so tough to do??? like go to sleep shes really good at that)    "Yes sir, that is correct.“    "Malaki, send some troops (this is where the random troll army comes in???) in. I want to capture her while she’s weak.”
Illusien opened her eyes. She was feeling better. Luke was sitting by the fire. (INCREDIBLE. HALFWAY THROUGH THE NOVEL WE SEE SOME INCREDIBLE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. LUKE IS THERE WHEN SHE WAKES UP FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER.) She stood. She walked over to Luke. She sat next to him. (good sweet bagel bread wtf is this bullshit why )    "Luke we have to do something soon.“ (damn not even a good morning)    "I know. But I don’t want to lose you.” (bitch aint no one said shit about losing no one?? chill)    "Luke, you won’t. And that is MY promise.“ (deep fry me and put chocolate sauce on me because im so fucking done)
(this whole next page is scratched out. who knows what it holds but im gonna decipher it) Luke looked at Illusien. she was worried and knew they had to move soon. He looked into her murky green eyes, then looked away. (jfc man. youre so pathetic)    "If anything happened to you, I’d never forgive myself.”    "And I’d never blame you, Luke. I love you.“ (BYE FELICIA. IM DONE WITH U)    He pulled her close. she buried her face in his chest. She looked up at him.    "We have to kill him soon.” (NOW WE’RE TALKING. THIS IS WAHT I CARE ABOUT GIRL)    Illusien looked at Luke. (they do that so much) (also looked at look. ive always done that so muc h lmao) She held her breath.    "I know we’ll head there soon. Just not yet. You’re not ready.“    "Luke will I ever be read? Of course I won’t. But I know what I must do and I intend to do it.” She pulled away from Luke.    "At least rest the night you’ll need your strenghth (lmao). Promise me this.“    Her cheeks flushed.  "Fine, but we’ll head tomorrow.”    Luke pulled her into another kiss and her flush disappeared. She didn’t pull away. He broke away and kissed her forehead. “Good night.” Chapter 8: Destiny’s light
(at the the top of this page i wrote: “IM CHECKING OUT AT 11:30!!!!!” and katie wrote underneath it: “YOU GAY CRACK MONKEY” good lord) “Illusien must die now. Jesse, I cannot wait any longer. Malaki’s troups (is that the correct spelling i dont think so) should have found them by now.”    "Yes, my lord, we understand.“    "Hurry, we don’t have all night.” — “Luke I can’t sleep anymore.”    "It’s alright then. Just sleep as much as you can.“ (when the narcoleptic furry cant sleep)    (this whole part is scratched out, but as the rules say, i have to type it) Illusien scooted closer to Luke. (lol no wonder. Katie wrote like this whole page) He looked away.    "Illusien.”    "Yes, Luke?“    "Maybe it’s best if we…..”    "Yes?“    "Nevermind, Illusien. It isn’t right.” (is he askin to fuck bc)    "Okay…..“ She gave him a quesitoning look. He shook his head. (HE WAS)    Illusien took his hand. He brushed it off and got up. ("That’s not helping my boner, Illu.”)    "What is wrong, Luke?“    "Nothing.”    "Don’t say that. I know something is wrong. You don’t brush me away from you for no reason.“ (???? im lost af tbh.)    "Alright, it’s just that I keep thinking that you and me together are bring Mikish here. He seems to be drawn to us.”    "I don’t think so. It’s just his jealousy of you.“ (okay so disregard everything in that blurb because it makes no sense)    "I just can’t help feeling you know if he’s watching our every move.” (??? what does this even mean or say) `    "I know I get the same feeling.“ She looked at him dead in the eyes. (notice she didn’t look him dead in the eyes. she was dead in the eye in this sentence. amazing what one word can change)    "And that’s why I seek your comfort.” (they fuckin yall) —
Why did I tell them where they are? Kish felt like a total idiot. Now she will die. This massacre of my own heart, killing itself and all others in its path. (THERE I AM. LOOK AT THIS BEAUTIFUL METAPHOR. I WAS IN THERE SOMEHWERE)    Hot tears streamed down his angry face. He hated her, he loved her. He hated the rebel, the rebel loved her, she loved the rebel back. He hated himself. (man this is good. of course i could write angst)    He looked to the sky. A cloudy night. Ugly, he said to himself, just like the rest of this world, all of the world, (especially Luke. Goddamn that fucker was ugly), except her.
Illusien sat away from Luke. She closed her eyes. She turned away from him. After their conversation she could bear to look at him. She knew he was trying to protect her but of ocurse she wished they didn’t have to worry about each other’s safety. (healthy relationships normally don’t have that element)    Illusien wiped the tears from her eyes. If Luke hadn’t saved her she would be dead. But of course, now he pushed her away. The tears came again. (GIRL YOU DONT NEED A MAN. MAYBE A HOSPICE NURSE, BUT NOT SPECIFICALLY A MAN)    She heard a nose. (not a noise. a nose) Then a rustling in the bushes. She looked, the movement stopped. (this part is so ?/?) Her hair had grown long. She picked at it. The rustling resumed. (the fuck was that about lulu. why was that a necessary detail @ 12 yr oldme)    Luke stood. Illusien looked at him. (THIS PART IS SO WTF WHY DID I DO THIS BECAUSE IT AINT MAKE A LICK OF SENSE) Then thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands (thats a v big jump in numbers) of Malaki’s troups poured in.
“My lord, I have good news.”    "What is it Jesse?“    "Malaki has found them and the ambush is in process as we speak.” (UHM HOW DOES HE KNOW HOMIE)    "Good. Tell Malaki to kill no one. Bring them all to me.“
Illusien let out a scream as she was quickly aprehended. It all seemed like it was in slow motion to Luke.    (this is my favorite part) "ILLUSIEN!!!!!”    He fought the troups. He made his way to Illusien. He was in arms reach of her hand. He went for it, but just grazed her fingers.    "I’m sorry,“ he called back. He looked at the face of the one holding her. Maliki himself. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MALIKI) The scar across his face contrasted her beauty. He was pulled away. Tears stained his eyes. (inky ass tears) He was trampled, and that was the last thing he saw, troll feet. — “Illusien.”    She blinked awake.    "Illusien.“    Her dream faded. She was alone. (yet another kink coming guys. i do not disappoint.) The rusty bars gave away her location. Xalador’s dungeon. A gruff voice mumbled behind her. (and to the end of the line we have <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3)    (And here, I blatantly stole shit from Aladdin, a movie that Im not even fond of) She turned. An old man (????/??) sat behind her. He saw the tears on her face. (i wish yall could see my face right now because i am looking so concerned for this b)    "What’s the matter with you?”    "I just want to see them one last time.“ (girl chill dont be laying it all on this brother. YOU AINT KNOW HIM)    "Who?”    "Luke and my brother.“    "Ah the love of your life and the brother you miss dearly.” (yeah, martha stewart we don’t need your commentary)    "Yes.“    "Well, I can’t promise you’ll see this Luke person again, but you will see your brother again.”    Then he seemed to disappear. She was once again alone. (WHERE DID HE GO. WHAT HAPPENED. WHAT SIGNIFICANCE DID THAT HOLD)
“Lord, she’s in the castle dungeons."        "Good job, Malaki. Now resume your post.” (which is?)    "Yes, sir.“    "Jesse, go check on our other prisoner. He might like to see Mikish,” he said with an evil smile. (THE TRIFECTA)
Luke woke to a great darkness. The silence was eerie and there was little light. (theres little light in this story anyway. as in little hope that its ever going to get better.) (I JUST REALIZED WHAT PART THIS IS AND IM GOING TO VOMIT) A red crystal appeared in the distance. It light up the darkness. There seemed to be no ground. He seemed to be floating between life and death. (how does that seem exactly)    A slight humming noise accompanied the crystal. It was growling (i think i meant growing) closer. A sound was comming from the crystal, getting louder as it grew closer. A heartbeat.    It grew closer and closer until it shattered. The beating still growing louder and louder. then he realized it was the beating (blehgggg) of (ew) her broken heart. (????/ she aight actually.)
Kish was in pieces. He had been called to see Lord Xalador again. He knew that they had found Illusien and the rebel boy. (scratched out bc i was literally about to PUT IN ANOTHER GUY BECAUSE LULULUKE WASNT WORKING: “He had never even found the chosen boy”) He himself had failed his task. As soon as Xalador released him, Malaki would kill Kish.    Either way, he was dead. Now, he had to make a decision; to run or face his fears.
Illusien sat alone. She kept thinking about how she would die and never see Luke or her brother again.    "Amber?“    "That name sounds familiar.”    "Amber is that you?“    "I don’t know you! I don’t know any Ambers!” (poor narcoleptic furry with amnesia)    Then she saw the face, the familiar face, but then it disappeared. she cried. (surprise) The tears came without control. Then she stopped, a glimmer of hope. She felt it come over her. She would see her brother again and she would see Luke. She didn’t know how, but she would.
Luke’s dream faded. (look at my amazing dictation that definitely never repeats itself.) His breathing was heavy. (he had a good dream apparently lmao) Sweat rolled down his face. He saw the bars. He had been captured.    What about Illusien? (written in my secret code with katie that we used through middle school is this guys name: jake, its spelled star-of-david, comma, backward k, e with a tilda over it. nice) She couldn’t be dead yet! He remembered his dream. Then he rememebered how he had treated her. (dude shut up. that was like the newlywed version of an argument and im not even sure why you started it)    "Lord, let her be alive!“    Footsteps echoed throughout the dungeons. He sat up straight. The solemn face that looked back at him was none other than (the bae) Jesse.    "You all set?”    "No.“    "Tough luck.”    "Tell me.“    "Tell you what?”    Luke grabbed Jesse by the collar of his shirt. (i guess through the bars)    "You know what I mean Jesse.“    "Oh! The girl. Yes. She’s alive. Not for much longer though.” (sass)    "My brother, you’re making a huge MISTAKE. I can’t believe you w—“ (katie was like "whore amiright” and i was like “would do this???”)    "Jesse, the guest is here.“    Kish walked in. He didn’t show any emotion on his face. Luke walked away to the other side of the cell.    "Now Kish, you realize my brother is here on your account.”    "Yes I do.“    "Well I’ll leave you two alone to talk.” Jesse walked away.    More footsteps sounded, then a door closed.    "Look rebel, I didn’t want to hurt her. But you on the other hand–“    "It’s your fault. She’ll DIE because of you. Your selfish ways have once again left another to die. If she dies, we all die. Me AND you.” Kish looked away.    Kish said nothing more and turned and left. Luke knew he had to save Illusien soon or they would both perish.
Illusien startled. The clanking of metal and the jingle of keys.    "The time has come.“
Jesse came back. This time he unlocked the door. Then pulled Lukes arms around his back. (that sounds way different than its meant. it sounds like he made luke hug him)    "I’m sorry, Luke, but now is your time.”
(sexual tension oooooo) Malaki forcibly pulled Illusien out. (more kink from me. im so fucking sorry im so sorry) He pulled her against him. “My, my, what a beautiful girl in such an ugly dungeon.” (KATIE ACTUALLY WROTE THAT DIALOGUE LMAO)    "It’s people like you that put me in this position.“ (SASS FROM LULU) Malaki slapped her across the face. Her cheek grew red. A sly smile ran across his scarred face.    The anger seared inside her. She felt the flames enclose her. Everything came naturally. (NEVER HIT SOMEONE FOR NO REASON DICK HEAD) She sent all her force at him. He was knocked down. He laughed. (he fire proof too??? this some bullshit)    Her grabbed her once again and took her out of the cell. (you aint run or nothing lulu????) Chapter 9: Betrayal
Luke had seen and heard what Malaki had done to Illusien. (goddamn it shut up) Thankfully, she was alive, when she passed by him he was relieved. But, then again, Malaki was so cruel to her. (CRUEL MALIKI)    Luke was drug along behind her. Being so close to her was hard for Luke. (why? can u not control ur bonerz?) He thought back on what he had said. Mikish was the least of their problems now.    He walked on. Being held by Jesse was one of the worst experiences. His own brother was leading him and the most beautiful woman he had ever met (is that really an important detail at this point in the plot????) to their death. (their singular death. they are one)    He stood strong and fought the tears (lmao be a man fight those tears birdman jr)  for he feared her life more than his. (noble tbh)
Illusien walked with her head down. How had Malaki absorbed her attack? (tbh i wanna know) She was scared. (A FUCKING UNDERSTATEMENT SHE IS ABOUT TO DIE TO SAY SHE IS ONLY SCARED IS A BUNCH OF B-O-L-O-G-N-A: bullSHIT)    She daren’t look at Luke. (bye. kill me) The pain she felt inside was more than she had ever felt. She loved Luke more than anyone or anything. (please get counselling illu im concerned)    She (oh god this is tHE WORST SENTENCE IN THE WHOLE THING) left a trail of tears (like the one native americans were murdered on hell yeah) as she walked. She said nothing. No sound could be heard but the sound of footsteps on the stone ground. The came to an arch. It was golden, studded with precision. The jewels glimmered.    Past and through the arch, sat a shadowy figure sat on a throne. Xalador, Illusien knew right away. This moment she had dreaded for so long was now happening.    She caught Luke’s gaze. She looked at him with longingness. (please)    "I’m sorry, Illusien.“
Finally the moment is here, the moment of my triumph. Xalador grinned. He would soon rule all.    He saw (weesnaw) them walk in. He felt another energy as strong as Illusien. Where was it coming from? (where tho)
Kish stood next to Lord Xalador. He looked at Illusien but he said nothing. Luke looked upon him hatefully.    Xalador sighed dreamfully.    "Thank you, Mikish, for making all this possible.” He saw Illusien’s gaze shift to Kish and back again.    Kish said nothing and just stood attentively.
Illusien directed her eyes in the direction of the shadowed Xalador. Why was he holding back his identity?    The moonlight was shining through the glass in the roof in the center of the room. They stopped under the light.    Illusien looked up, a full moon. Jesse and Malaki walked away to let them stand. Neither Luke or Illusien had enough courage to move at this point.    Suddenly, a familiar voice rang through the room.    "Well, well, well, this is Illusien? What a disgrace. A puny girl, what an opponent. But then again, looks are decieving.“ Illusien let out a laugh.    Xalador stood. He took a few steps. Then stopped.    "Mikish, follow me.” Mikish did so, obviously in fear for his life. Xalador resumed his leisurely walk. Growing closer and closer to Illusien. He finally stopped.    She could see his face. She then knew why he had hidden his identity.    "Hello, sister.“ A cold shimmery wave was sent down her spine.    "Hello, Alex.” The fear inside her was overtaken by her anger. Hot tears streamed down her face. “Tell me why.”
“You, that’s why. Ever since our birth you’ve been better at everything. That’s why when you passed through the arch, and you became the most powerful being on Glacitoria something had to be done. (he h8 u)    "So I created an army and moved into this abandoned caste, rightfully yours, of course. I sent Mikish after you,” Kish looked down in shame. “And sent men and trolls (TROLLS THO WHY TROLLS) after you. And now you are mine to dispose of.” He had a look of pure glee on his face. (the original shitlord)
Luke looked at Illusien. The truth was hard for her to grasp. He had never seen such a look on her face before. Fear had disappeared from her face and anger seared inside of her.    He had been silent for too long. He had been still too long. It was too much to bear.    "So you became a tyrant because your own flesh and blood–who would never do anything to hurt you–is a little better than you?“ (PREACH LUCANTHROS)  (wait i made that joke too early) He walked over to Illusien, "What guts that takes.” Luke grasped Illusien’s arms.    "Who’s the wimp?“ (nice)
(in parenthesis katie wrote: something about illusien remembering childhood here? GENIUS!!! nah tbh) Kish watched them. Illusien was soon to be dead and it would devastate him. He saw Xalador move closer. He could feel Illusien’s pulse quicken. Luke stood up to him, why couldn’t he?    He ran in front of Illusien. He blocked her the best he could.    "Kish, get out of the way,” Luke said.    "No,“ said Mikish.    "What are you doing?”    "Saving your life.“
Illusien was dumbstruck. There she was ready to die, when the reason she was here, decided to save her life.    "Get out of my way Mikish.”    "No.“ (thats so funny to me "do the dishes” “no” “get out my way” “no”) (“get out me car” “no” “get off me train” “i cant”)    "I will kill you too if I must.“    "Then do it.” Xalador grabbed Mikish at the base of his neck. Mikish struggled. The blue bolts of electricity that shot from Xalador’s hands were blinding. Illusien looked away. She heard a loud thump. She opened her eyes. There Kish was lying on the floor, pale, face down.    Dead. (im crying tbh im sorry im weak)    Suddenly he came after Illusien. Luke jumped in front of her. Xalador knocked him across the room.    "Luke!!“
– (this part is so stupid) There was darkness. It seemed to Luke there was no ground. The silence around him sent chills up and down his spine. A red crystal in the distance slowly crept toward him. The beating of a heart gradually getting louder: The crystal and the heart beat growing closer and closer.    Whispers:     LUCANTHROS. lucanthros LUCANTHROS (THATS WHAT LUKE IS SHORT FOR APPARENTLY GUYS. PLEASE BEAT ME UP) (katie wrote: "this is gay. no”)    Realize your strength, your power. Save her, let destiny take it’s path. Let fate decide this battle’s outcome. Do not leave her alone. Take your place as king. (shes right. its pretty homo and not in a good way)
(okay tbh im laughing because kish is way more powerful than all these fuckers. he should be king without illu bye)
Luke stood. Xalador had cornered Illusien. The anger seared from him. (illu you can fly and you have fire powers please do something. do not make this pussy save you) Xalador didn’t look away.    "Xalador, put her down.“    "Who are you to tell me what to do?”    "Lucanthros, and I’m ready to take back what’s mine.“    "Oh, ha, another being of ‘power’,” Xalador snickered. “It’s like having your cake and eating it too.” (plz explain what i meant to me)    Luke sent a bolt of flame at him. (A BOLT OF FLAME???? “zip ur lip like a padlock”) Xalador sent a blue jolt (looking for new words to use obviously. im digging in the trenches trying to create some variety up in this bitch) of electricity at him. This carried on, never touching. Illusien could do nothing she just sat there.( like a fucking pussy ass bitch will you plz get the fuck up and aCTUALLY DO SOMETHING YOURE ONLY THE MOST POWERFUL FUCKING THING ON THIS GODDAMN SHIT PLANET WILL YOU PLEASE FIGHT FOR ONCE) She stood to try and help. (FINALLY DUMB CUNT)    Malaki grabbed her from behind. (im so fucking done with this damsel nonsense. ive had it up to my meatballs.) Let alone watching this horrible fight she was now being held by an ugly moron.    She turned to face him.    "Malaki, put me down.“    "No” (NO PUNCTUATION. JUST NO)    "Okay then.“ She kicked him in the (dick plz say in the dick) knee (dammit) as hard as she could. He dropped to his knees. She punched him hard in the mouth (only really succeeding in nearly breaking her hand and getting her hand cut up by his teeth im sure) then grabbed his knife and stabbed him through the heart. (DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO STAB SOMEONE ILLU. ITS REALLY FUCKING HARD)    She wiped the blood on his shirt and grabbed the knife and pulled it out. Malaki’s breathing turned to gasps for air. Then he became silent.    Illusien turned. She thought back on what she had done. (it literally just happened. you need to) She shook it off. She had to help Luke. (HONEY YOU NEED TO HELP YOURSELF MAMA *demyx voice* RUN RUN AWAY)
Luke was dodging Xalador’s attacks the best he could. His strength was depleting. He sent one last blast at Xalador. He gasped for air. Xalador was closing in on him. Closer and closer yet. (kill him alex)    Xalador stopped. His eyes went blank. He fell limp to the floor. Malaki’s knife stuck out of his back. (thats it? literally that is so weak.YOU HAVE FUCKING FIRE POWERS. YOU GUYS COULD HAVE ROASTED HIS ASS LIKE CHARLIE SHEEN) Illusien wept into her hands. Luke ran over to comfort her.    "Why? I killed them, I killed them both.” (you are the worst character i have ever made) Illusien wept harder, “I spent all this time looking for him, and he just wanted to kill me.” (bitch you were not looking very carefully. you were busy wandering in the woods pointing out woodland creatures and trying to find the D where ever you could get it tbh. smh)    "I’m sorry. I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you.“ (BECAUSE YOU FUCKING KNEW THAT SHE WOULDNT BELIEVE YOU. AND IF SHE DID SHE WOULD NEVER HAVE FOLLOWED YOU, SHE WOULD HAVE NEVER FOUGHT HIM. SHE WOULD HAVE HIDDEN.) (ITS A FUCKED UP SITUATION LUKE BIRD)    "It’s alright. (IT IS NOT) I just can’t believe I killed him.” Luke put his arms around her. She opened her eyes. Kish!    She broke away from Luke. Kish, he was dead. (THATS ALSO A FUCKED UP SITUATION) She held him close to her. She let him down and sat there. Luke sat next to her. He took her hand.
— (I JUST ABOUT PISSED MY PANTS THIS PART IS WAY TOO FUNNY WHY) Jesse walked back into the room. He realized what he just missed. (like did he go get some popcorn??) There were three bodies on the floor. Only one of them was suppose to be dead. (…that means they were going to kill Kish anyway…thats really)    He grabbed his knife from his hip. He started on his way to Luke. Luke stood and caught his hand. (dude)    "What now, Jesse?“    "Why aren’t you dead?” (“cause we won duh”)    (this part please help me) “Cause I’m smart like that.” (i)    "Oh really? Well I’ll show you smart.“    "Stop Jesse you don’t know what you’re doing.” (that is the most monotone sentence)    "I know pretty damn (KATIE SCRIBBLED DAMN ALL THE WAY OUT) well what I’m doing. Taking care of the problem in my life!“ (jesse. this literally did not work half a second ago. chil l) Jesse dove at Luke, he dodged. (hes fuckin untouchable.) (SPEAKING OF WHICH I LITERALLY NEVER ELABORATED ON WHY MALAKI WAS COMPLETELY IMMUNE TO FIRE)    "Trust me you have no idea what your doing.”    "I know what I’m doing so just give up!“    "No.” (lmao)    "Fine, I’ll kill you both. And don’t argue with me. Since I’m the only one left, you’ll either (??/?) become my slaves (????? dude chill a sec) or die, your choice.“    "As welcoming as that sounds, no thank you. We don’t do evil.” Illusien said with a smirk. (bitch you gotta go.)    "No body asked you bitch.“ (WOW JESSUP I NEED TO WASH UR MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP) Jesse pointed at her. (ok what pointing going to do cause you cant do anything unless bitches asleep) Luke shot him an evil look.    "I’ll give you ten seconds to get out of here. As long as you stay in a hole and leave everyone alone, we won’t have a problem. 1, 2, 3…”    Jesse made a sour face. Then turned to leave (????? man you give up way too easy) but Luke grabbed him from behind. (incEST)    "I actually have a better idea.“
Chapter 10: Secret Emotions
(why did i write this chapter is actually the title) (jessup immediately makes me angry lmao) I can see why Luke loves her. You can see all of her emotions plainly. She’s beautiful and sees the good in people even when there is none. (NAME ONE INSTANCE PLEASE JESSUP) She even hesitated to killl Malaki (no she didnt) and Xalador when they only wanted to see her die slowly and painfully.    Of course she loves HIM. (she actually knows him better than you so yeah that acTUALLY MAKES MORE SENSE THAN HER LOVING YOU DUMB ASS) She would never love me. (cause you’ve been a little shit so far) How I envy Luke. And how did I end up here?! Seriously, the dungeon?    I hate Luke. He has everything I never could have. Including her. (you NEED TO TAKE A CHILL PILL AND RE-EVALUATE)
Illusien looked up at Luke. (she had literally been sucking his dick for like an hour. when was he going to finish) (im sorry) (SHE LOOKS AT HIM ALL THE TIME) She wanted to sleep and never wake up. She had killed two men. (wow) One of which had been her own brother. She looked at her hands. They were blood stained.    She didn’t feel like crying anymore. You know, she never even cared that much about Alex. (ARE YOU SURE?)  But still, even so, it was like killing herself inside. (emo narcoleptic furry) Malaki deserved what he got tho. (preach)    Jesse was in the dungeons. She was sort of glad Luke hadn’t killed him. (why) Sure she had killed Malaki and Xalador, but she had watched them and Kish die and she didn’t want to see anyone else.    "So I created an army and moved into this abandoned castle, rightfully yours of course,” she remembered that. Xalador had said that in his monologue. (BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL IM PISSING)    "So this castle is mine? Oh, I’m sorry ours?“ (im making a stinky face right now this is so unnecessary i did not sign up for this)    "Yes.  You can kick me out whenever you want…..” (plz stop)    She pushed him, “Shut up!” He laughed. (his laughter echoed through the halls. the dead bodies did not laugh.)    "Like I could ever get rid of you.“ She gave a playful smile.    "Oh and your highness, what do we do with the bodies?” (totally a question you ask in a playful, flirtatious manner.)    "Give them a proper burial, at least Kish anyway,“ she paused. "And don’t call me that!” (this is all katie get ready lmao) (this was written in the dark by the light of my alarm clock after my parents told us to go the fuck to sleep)    "Did you love him?“ (BUT DID YOU DIE?)    "I thought I did, but i could never love somebody who decieved me and lied straight to my face.”1    "He loved you, Illusien. Very much.  I could see it written all over his face everytime he looked at you.“    "I know I saw that too.”    "To be honest with you, I was worried. When I first rescued you, I could see the fear in your eyes when I told you Kish was an imposter. You didn’t want to believe me. (well duh) I saw the look in your eyes when I said his name. The same look as when you look at me now.“ (how quaint) (recycled love)    "It was hard for me but….”    "Let me finish please? (IMMA LET YOU FINISH BUT. KISH WAS THE BEST LOVER BOY OF ALL TIME. JS) The moment I saw you, I knew I loved you. (ew?) At first, I thought you wouldn’t love me back because of Kish. You thought you owed him something when in reality he owed you his life. (OH SO HE DESERVED TO DIE. THATS WHAT YOU JUST SAID. THIS IS SUCH A DICK CONVO) The day when you had flying lessons with me and you fell, he saw your face when I kissed you. Sorry, but your facial expressions give everything away. (get ready for a katie-ism) Your face is a whiteboard of emotions. (the fuck that mean) He realized what was happening and he resorted to anger.“    "I felt guilty because I kissed you in front of his eyes. He was so angry, it scared me.”    "It scared me too. I think the kiss is what drove him to tell Xalador where we were. I could see that he later regretted his decision. He hated me but couldn’t do anything about it. If he killed me, you would be in jeporady. (lmao) If he took you away from me, you would be taken to Lord Xalador. He was torn between you and Xalador. The only reason he served Xalador was so he could live. He only wanted to live, to see you. Kish was a complex person. (???) It was too bad that he misleaded you. But now I’m here to love and protect you (from nothing now lmao) and nothing can stop that.“ He looked at her. Her face was distorted with tears. (NOT A GOOD WORD TO USE WOW) She looked up at Luke.    "That was so sweet, Luke.” (NO IT WASNT)
Luke saw the tears in Illusien’s green eyes. He didn’t aim for this. Now was supposed to be a happy time for the both of them. (uh no its not.)    But now, he made Illusien cry. Come on stupid, think! he thought.    "I’m sorry Illusien. I didn’t mean to make you cry. I–I….“ she stopped him.    "Don’t be Luke.” He stopped talking. She seemed to bend reality with her beauty. (NOT A GOOD TIME FOR THIS) They stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed forever. (quit)    "May I Illusien?“ (may you what)    "Yes Luke”    And they kissed. (ew) Luke looked at Illusien’s face. All her emotions showed on her face. She was relaxed now. He held on to the back of her head. (THAT SOUNDS REALLY VIOLENT LIKE HES GRIPPING HER BY HER HAIR) She broke off as if she had remembered something.    "What about your brother, Jesse? (“I’m gonna make torture porn with him and sell it online”) Where is he going to go now?“ She looked worried. He wondered why.    "For all I care he can rot in the dungeon.”    "Well we have to go down to him.“    "Why?”    "Just because he is evil, doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve any mercy. He is your brother after all.“    "That’s one thing I hate but, love about you, you can see the good in everyone, even my brother.”
Jesse was listening. He could hear every word they were saying.    "Well I choose to see good things and not bad,“ she said with a flip of her hair. Luke gave her a sly smile.    "Let’s at least check on him.”    "Fine.“ Jesse sat as if he knew nothing. (how do you do that) The door opened. Footsteps sounded.    "Okay, we’ve checked on him. Let’s go.”    "No, please, Luke, you promised.“    "Fine.”    They walked to him.    "How you doing Jesse?“    "Horrible.”    "So sorry,“ said Luke. "Let’s go please.”    "Stop nagging.“    "Jesse I’m very sorry your down here. But, it’s your ch–” Illusien grabbed Luke without turning around to pull him back. “–ildish actions that caused this.”    "Jesse, I really don’t want to talk to you at this moment,“ Luke let the words escape from his mouth.    "Too bad,” Jesse looked at Illusien, “I’m sorry, it’s just that I really think I can be good now (lmao me tbh) let me out?”    Illusien scooted closer to Luke. “Not on your life, sport.”
Luke put a protective arm around Illusien. She smiled up at him.    Oh come on, Jesse thought, do they have to do all this in front me? Are they just torturing me before they kill me? (me too jesse. me too)    "All right Luke, I’m going to look around the castle. You STAY HERE and TALK to your brother.“ Luke opened his mouth to say something.    "Please, Luke?” Illusien motioned to Luke to talk while she was gone. Without another word, she walked out of the room.    Jesse watched her go. (dat ass ma) So beautiful, he thought. Jesse was rammed against the wall. (howd luke get inside the cell) He looked at who rammed him. (cause it could be anyone else only bird man is there) Luke was holding him against the wall.    "Don’t get your hopes up, Jesse. Your heart will get broken faster than you can say 'I’m sorrry.’ (yes with 3 rs) Besides, Illusien is mine. I love her and she loves me. It’s odd. When we were growing up all the other girls liked you. (all the other girls had eyes, luke) But the one girl that actually matters likes me and NOT you.“ He paused a moment. "I wonder why.”    "I don’t care what you say,“ Jesse spat. "I can have anything and anyone I want. (katie really grossly mischaracterizes him) If they don’t cooperate, I’ll MAKE them. I’m far more powerful than Xalador ever was, and you know it.” (thats not true by a long shot sport)    "I know for a fact that if you had half of the brains he had, you would know that you can’t MAKE someone love you.“    "I can if I want to.”    "Well obviously you must NOT have the brains. Perhaps I judged you too fairly.“ (you simple)    "You know that this isn’t a game Luke. You can cheat. And I promise you if you play fair you’ll come in last.” Luke turned to go.    "And Luke, you might want to watch Illusien’s back. Just a fair warning.“ Luke started back toward Jesse but stopped himself. Luke shook his head and walked upstairs.
Illusien was worried. She had been heading downstairs when she had heard what Jesse said to Luke.    She quickly ran up the stairs. Luke came up soon afterwards.    "What’s the matter with you?”    "Nothing, its nothing!“    "It’s something. I know something’s wrong.”    "I’m just worried thats all. I’m going up to my room. I’m beat.“    "Your room?”    "Yeah it jas my name on it.“ She walked up stairs and turned the key in the lock. She took out the key and walked into the room.    It was beautiful, light blue walls were decked with tapestries. She saw the bed. She crawled in. She didn’t care what it felt like. She was bushed.
Luke turned down the corridor. He saw Illusien’s room. He reached to turn the door knob, but then changed his mind. He walked to the next corridor. Another room sat. He opened the door. He saw Illusien sleeping. (????????????????????????????????)    He closed the door lightly and went down the next corridor and finally found an empty room.    Once he got in, he sat on the bed and lit the candle besides the bed. He buried his head in his hands. What was he going to do about Jesse? What if he carried out his threat?    Illusien must have heard him. She sounded worried. Then again she had a pretty hard day.    He blew out the candle and went to sleep.
Illusien sat at Kish’s grave. She was silent. Luke came and sat next to her and put his arm around her.    "Thank you , Kish. You brought her to me, and now she’s safe. You finally got it right.”
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