#sort facebook newsfeed
mariacallous · 5 months
A lawsuit filed Wednesday against Meta argues that US law requires the company to let people use unofficial add-ons to gain more control over their social feeds.
It’s the latest in a series of disputes in which the company has tussled with researchers and developers over tools that give users extra privacy options or that collect research data. It could clear the way for researchers to release add-ons that aid research into how the algorithms on social platforms affect their users, and it could give people more control over the algorithms that shape their lives.
The suit was filed by the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University on behalf of researcher Ethan Zuckerman, an associate professor at the University of Massachusetts—Amherst. It attempts to take a federal law that has generally shielded social networks and use it as a tool forcing transparency.
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is best known for allowing social media companies to evade legal liability for content on their platforms. Zuckerman’s suit argues that one of its subsections gives users the right to control how they access the internet, and the tools they use to do so.
“Section 230 (c) (2) (b) is quite explicit about libraries, parents, and others having the ability to control obscene or other unwanted content on the internet,” says Zuckerman. “I actually think that anticipates having control over a social network like Facebook, having this ability to sort of say, ‘We want to be able to opt out of the algorithm.’”
Zuckerman’s suit is aimed at preventing Facebook from blocking a new browser extension for Facebook that he is working on called Unfollow Everything 2.0. It would allow users to easily “unfollow” friends, groups, and pages on the service, meaning that updates from them no longer appear in the user’s newsfeed.
Zuckerman says that this would provide users the power to tune or effectively disable Facebook’s engagement-driven feed. Users can technically do this without the tool, but only by unfollowing each friend, group, and page individually.
There’s good reason to think Meta might make changes to Facebook to block Zuckerman’s tool after it is released. He says he won’t launch it without a ruling on his suit. In 2020, the company argued that the browser Friendly, which had let users search and reorder their Facebook news feeds as well as block ads and trackers, violated its terms of service and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. In 2021, Meta permanently banned Louis Barclay, a British developer who had created a tool called Unfollow Everything, which Zuckerman’s add-on is named after.
“I still remember the feeling of unfollowing everything for the first time. It was near-miraculous. I had lost nothing, since I could still see my favorite friends and groups by going to them directly,” Barclay wrote for Slate at the time. “But I had gained a staggering amount of control. I was no longer tempted to scroll down an infinite feed of content. The time I spent on Facebook decreased dramatically.”
The same year, Meta kicked off from its platform some New York University researchers who had created a tool that monitored the political ads people saw on Facebook. Zuckerman is adding a feature to Unfollow Everything 2.0 that allows people to donate data from their use of the tool to his research project. He hopes to use the data to investigate whether users of his add-on who cleanse their feeds end up, like Barclay, using Facebook less.
Sophia Cope, staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital rights group, says that the core parts of Section 230 related to platforms’ liability for content posted by users have been clarified through potentially thousands of cases. But few have specifically dealt with the part of the law Zuckerman’s suit seeks to leverage.
“There isn’t that much case law on that section of the law, so it will be interesting to see how a judge breaks it down,” says Cope. Zuckerman is a member of the EFF’s board of advisers.
John Morris, a principal at the Internet Society, a nonprofit that promotes open development of the internet, says that, to his knowledge, Zuckerman’s strategy “hasn’t been used before, in terms of using Section 230 to grant affirmative rights to users,” noting that a judge would likely take that claim seriously.
Meta has previously suggested that allowing add-ons that modify how people use its services raises security and privacy concerns. But Daphne Keller, director of the Program on Platform Regulation at Stanford's Cyber Policy Center, says that Zuckerman’s tool may be able to fairly push back on such an accusation.“The main problem with tools that give users more control over content moderation on existing platforms often has to do with privacy,” she says. “But if all this does is unfollow specified accounts, I would not expect that problem to arise here."
Even if a tool like Unfollow Everything 2.0 didn’t compromise users’ privacy, Meta might still be able to argue that it violates the company’s terms of service, as it did in Barclay’s case.
“Given Meta’s history, I could see why he would want a preemptive judgment,” says Cope. “He’d be immunized against any civil claim brought against him by Meta.”
And though Zuckerman says he would not be surprised if it takes years for his case to wind its way through the courts, he believes it’s important. “This feels like a particularly compelling case to do at a moment where people are really concerned about the power of algorithms,” he says.
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thefirelookout · 2 months
Dead silence
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This post is an attempt to share or let out some of my complex feelings about the situation in Bangladesh.
We went to our city's protest yesterday. It was a silent, peaceful protest. The Bangladeshi student community here in Kingston stood in a human chain with placards. "Save Bangladesh student", yes grammatically wrong, yes, it assumes that young revolutionaries need saving, so on and so forth. The protest started and ended quietly. My non-Bangladeshi friends were a bit confused, since they're used to chanty protests for Palestine, or union picket lines with cars passing by, honking in support. There was more noise even for the Iranian protests, Zan Zendegi Azadi. The silence of a graveyard in this one, though.
Who cares about little old Bangladesh? I sometimes wonder. We're not in the eye of the middle eastern storm like Syria, Lebanon or Palestine are. We're not strategically important, we don't even have many natural resources like Sudan or Congo do. The Prime Minister visited China recently to ask for an aid or a loan, and came back pretty much empty handed. China isn't very interested in us. India has gotten what it needed to get, and can milk more out of us, but they can do the same with Nepal or Bhutan too. We're never in the headlines, the US or the West in general isn't interested in us at all. And Pakistan denies that the 1971 genocide ever happened.
Which is why, the world isn't missing our voices due to the internet blackout.
The voices were all over my Facebook newsfeed. Aunties and apus on Facebook live selling sarees, jewelry, crafts, elderly boomers sharing gardening tips, quick fixes or herbal remedies that they swear by, people sharing posts about cricket or which cricketer's wife wore what, food bloggers calling every possible dish juicy (be it a burger or the meat in biriyani), celebrity drama, political drama to the extent of what was allowed back home. That sort of thing.
Now, again, there's the silence of a graveyard over here. And I feel like screaming till I snap my vocal cords. Can you all please come back? Please? The silence is unbearable! Please! I won't judge you if you sell your wares! Please! I won't judge if you think turmeric water can act as a miracle detox! Please, please I won't say a word if your post about your stupid cricket match! Just something, please say something! I haven't seen a single one of you online. Please don't die, please stay safe. When the internet comes back, please, post about your vacations and your pets. Not the dead, please, don't post about the bodies. I can take a bit of silence but not more bodies please!
Speaking of bodies. There was an armoured vehicle, painted navy blue in the colours of the police (fuck them). And there was a body on top of it. Dead, obviously, very dead, because it flopped down with the slightest nudge, and was left on the streets. Before that happened, the vehicle drove about as if parading its spoils of war, with the body on top. Sending a message. This will happen to you if you raise your voice.
That image has been haunting me for two nights now. So yeah, I'm not man enough to get some incisive political analysis out. I have no either or predictions for what happens if the regime falls or doesn't fall. My body feels numb, I've been binge eating because I still have food in the house and I won't be gunned down if I go out to get groceries now. My non-Bangladeshi friends, bless their first world hearts, have never had to live under fascism. Bless their hearts, have never had to stifle their voices to the extent that we've had to. Bless their beautiful hearts, could hardly pronounce Bangladesh. But they still showed up to that docile little protest because they care about my spouse and I. I can't even begin to thank them.
My insides are tearing up. I'm sitting with a poker face typing all this word vomit, but my insides are nothing but a scream. No clever realpolitik comes out of a heart that's screaming, because our mouths are sewn shut.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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I was stunned to find the number of people in the tech industry who are all-in on the theory of scientific racism and eugenics. They've been out about that for years, though.
There's a sort of complex where this was the birth of, whether you want to call it the intellectual dark web, I think that was the moment there. They've sort of been radicalized gradually, as happens with these things, where they started with, like, Slate Star Codex was a really big key central point for them to gather and sort of say, well, we have to interrogate and question a lot of these (egalitarian) assumptions. They were very actively courted by the neo-reactionary movement.
So you have things like Peter Teal holding dinner parties with the founders of the movement, and sort of people who have explicitly endorsed slavery, explicitly endorsed disenfranchising women, and people of any non-male gender from being able to vote.
And I always resent it because I sound like a crazy person by just merely accurately describing what they have publicly said. I sound like a conspiracy theorist who's pinning up red strings on a cork board by literally being like, “This is a thing they said out loud, in public, multiple times.” And people are like, “There's no way.” And I'm like, I don't know what to tell you, but it's all out there. We have receipts for ten years.
They are way out there, and they have an explicit agenda of normalizing, really radical, really hateful agendas.
And for me, it's like, it's just a very simple thing.
It's like I have to care about my kid’s safety. I have to care about my friend's safety, I have to care about, you know, basic moral values that we used to agree on.
And that's the other thing too, is because I knew these people 10 and 20 years ago. Like the first blog that Marc Andreessen ever had, I set up. It was on a platform I helped build. So I know that there was a point in which, at least from the public visible face, this was once a reasonable person. And for them to embrace the sheer intellectual dishonesty, along with the hatred… the fact that they're just like, they don't care that they're lying because it's an effective tool to get what they want.
That stuff is… I don't know.
It really soured me on the traditional tech industry.
This is what their tech is for. The things they fund are meant to carry out their agenda.
Let me give you a clear example: To the people who believe in this extremist racist ideology, Elon Musk being willing to lose tens of billions of dollars in value of his own money, presumably, in Twitter, turning into “X,” is a principled person who puts his values ahead of the dollar. He is so committed to advancing this reactionary movement that he's willing to forego tens of billions of dollars of personal wealth in order to advance it.
And what rational people see as the destruction of Twitter is rather, the destruction of the ability for anybody to ever again make a Black Lives Matter hashtag, or to make a Me Too hashtag. And that is because he's not a dumb person. Like the thing that a lot of progressives and reasonable people want to just say, well, he's racist and evil, so he must be dumb.
He's not a dumb person.
Peter Thiel's not a dumb person.
So if we assume they're smart people who understand how systems work and have virtually unlimited resources, then why would they choose to do this?
Well, there must be a reason.
And there is a reason.
It's just one we don't like to confront.
Even more insidious is the fact that these tech moguls own huge companies with enormous influence, and wielding that kind of power over their employees creates a herd mentality within their workforces.
So if, for example, Facebook's board includes both Peter Thiel and Mark Andreessen. They don't have to give somebody an order to say what kind of content they want to promote on the newsfeed, on Facebook.
Everybody who works there knows this is who our bosses are. This is what we got to do, because they're smart. Everybody's smart, everybody's very reasonable.
And so you don't have to imagine, like I said, I don't have to be a conspiracy theorist that's putting up some red strings on a cork board to connect the dots and whatever. You're like, “Oh, I'm a midlevel product manager at a company. I'd like to make a name for myself and make the share price go up. And I know the boss's boss has been on every podcast in the world saying we need to promote more voices that are calling for ethnic cleansing,” okay?
Message received.
That's what a person who has no moral context would do. And there are a cohort of people in the technology industry that have come up entirely consuming media owned and created by these people, because they know the programming site Hacker News, which is owned by a venture capital firm and run by Paul Graham, is one of these guys.
They read blogs written explicitly by these guys. They consume it. They were on clubhouse. They're in a Discord chat with others that are sort of buying the stuff. They have a full wraparound media bubble. If they just read substacks and listen to the blog posts or read the blog posts from these folks, you can have what feels like an entire media diet shaped solely by this dialogue.
And this is why they're trying to own the media outlets and the distribution, like Twitter, alongside owning the platforms. And the fact that they can control more parts of society, right? The leverage of owning the distribution networks, the leverage of owning media outlets, the leverage of owning the platforms is very, very different, because we do have a lot of historical precedent.
If we go back 100 years ago and we say you're reeling from coming out of a pandemic, you are reeling from economic precarity and inequality at unprecedented levels, and you see the rise of, again, a direct parallel, virulent antisemitism. And you have things like the oil barons giving way to the Henry Fords of the world, the labor crackdown of the Pinkertons, Ford's embrace of, you know, to the point where he's pen pals with Hitler, and IBM building the technology.
The first person that ever asked me to do technology work for him was a neighbor of ours, and he had a tattoo on his wrist. And I was a little kid and didn't know what it meant. And I asked him what it was. It was his concentration camp tatoo. And what people don't realize is those are database entries in an IBM database.
And IBM's stance at the time was that they were neutral.
This is what technology does to enable the rise of fascism and victimization around the world. And we have a direct precedent less than 100 years ago, of how these technologies are used.
And I don't say that lightly.
I'm not saying we're there yet, but that is how you get there. And I would be surprised if the pattern doesn't play out in some ways, in terms of if you have tycoons of industry at a moment when the world is reckoning with massive social change, cultural change, along with recovering from things like economic destruction, inequality and pandemics… And you have rising military threats around the world.
That is exactly where we were a century ago.
—ANIL DASH shares his thoughts and experiences on Richard Hanania and rampant neo-fascism in Silicon Valley
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liskantope · 1 year
Since I'm evidently in the mood for grousing (without providing much argument) about stuff my acquaintances post on social media tonight, also seen on my Facebook newsfeed today was a highly educated, highly intellectual friend of mine suggesting that therapy bills should be a tax write-off. Now I don't particularly mind this view; in fact, I think there are potentially good arguments to be made that health care expenses in general should lower one's taxes, although this does just seem like a superficial variation on making more health benefits more widespread in the first place. But part of her justification is that "we already do it for charity, and what else is therapy but charity for the self?" And that sort of attempted reasoning, combined with flowery words about how "good mental health is how we show up" in our moral duties, makes me feel Somewhat Irritated, more than I know I should be.
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cpw-nyc · 1 year
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‘The Automat,’
Where Dining Out Was D.I.Y.
The director Lisa Hurwitz discusses the history of the Horn & Hardart chain of restaurants, which offered comfort food in coin-operated glass boxes.
Audrey Hepburn at a Horn & Hardart restaurant. The dining chain is the subject of the documentary “The Automat.
By Nicolas Rapold Feb. 18, 2022
What do Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Colin Powell, Elliott Gould, Carl Reiner and the former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz have in common? They all fondly recall eating at an Automat — that beloved institution of D.I.Y. dining that lasted from 1902 to 1991 in New York and Philadelphia. Lisa Hurwitz’s detailed documentary, “The Automat” (in theaters), toasts Horn & Hardart’s storied chain of restaurants, where comfort-food dishes perched in coin-operated glass boxes lining the walls. Sort of like a mailroom, but with delicious pie and soup instead of bills.
The bustling Automats merged marble-and-brass style and a come-one-come-all philosophy. Horn & Hardart’s last Automat (on 42nd Street and Third Avenue) closed in 1991, after a decline hastened by fast food joints, real estate trends and changing habits. The film, Hurwitz’s debut feature, teems with historical detail and varied interviews (including all of the above fans plus Mel Brooks, in a movie-length swoon).
I spoke with Hurwitz about her self-distributed film, which was nearly 10 years in the making. These are edited excerpts from our conversation.
Why does the Automat hold a special place in many people’s hearts? Do you have any personal connection?
Zilch. I grew up in Los Angeles, my mom is from the Midwest, my dad is from L.A. When our families emigrated to America, we did not settle in New York. So I became interested from stumbling upon it in the library. Eventually I made a short film in a nonfiction media class, a profile about Steve Stollman, the Automat collector. I didn’t really start hearing people’s personal stories until I started making the [feature] film and talking to people in New York and Pennsylvania.
For people who are younger and remember going to the Automat one or two times, it was this incredible experience, going as a kid. For a lot of kids, that was the first time they got to choose what they wanted. Their parents would give them coins, and they could do what they wish. But for older people, I think the nostalgia is connected to the loved ones they went there with, people who are no longer with them. They think about their grandparents, their parents. It was like a second home.
Lisa Hurwitz, the director of “The Automat.
The superfan Mel Brooks sings a tribute to the Automat, with a 26-piece orchestra. How did that come about?
When I was directing this film festival in Olympia, Washington, we had a 3-D 35-millimeter presentation of “Jaws 3-D.” We had one of the screenwriters, Carl Gottlieb, who is part of that Mel Brooks circle. Carl and I became Facebook friends after his visit in Olympia, so he saw my Kickstarter campaign pop up in his newsfeed. He sent me a message saying, “I’m having dinner with Mel Brooks tonight. Do you mind if I mention your project?” He used his Mel Brooks card for me! I was really appreciative.
Mel took a liking to me and the project, and he asked what else he could do to help. I asked him if he would sing a song. I would have it written for him, so all he had to do was go to the recording studio and perform it. He said, yeah, sure, and maybe even you and me, we can write something together, think up some ideas. A few weeks later he called me back and said, you know, Lisa, I’ve been doing some writing, and I got something. “Listen to this!” He starts singing to me on the phone, and it’s the beginnings of the song. Then a few weeks later, he’s got more. So he wrote the whole song. It’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me! Mel thinks I’m nutty in the nicest way possible, but he believes in the project. And I wanted the music to match the era. I wanted it to feel like an old Hollywood movie.
Does the Automat represent an American ideal in some ways, with its democratic approach?
It really does. And it’s a window onto America over 100 years. It was such an important place for immigrants. As people came into New York, the Automat became part of their American story. It played a role in the Americanization process, because it was an incredible environment: it had incredible food, it was cheap, you didn’t need to speak English, you could stay there a while. You could get freebie fare like ketchup soup, lemonade, water. And a place to stay warm. I think the Automat represents people coming together in the literal and metaphorical senses.
What surprised you most in learning about the Automat?
The big moment was when I found out about Howard Schultz. The creator of what has become the new Automat — ugh, I know people will hate me for saying that. But the way you see a Starbucks on every other block, that’s the way it was with Automats in New York! So to hear from Howard about how he’s never stopped thinking about the Automat when he’s thinking about how to grow Starbucks, I’m just drooling at this point. He could be serving shoes on a plate for all I care, but the point is that one of the most successful food entrepreneurs in the world is saying that. And it was easy to go about getting connected to him because at the time I lived in Seattle, which is kind of like a small Jewish town.
If I had to choose one thing that the Automat was about, it’s about people sitting together and taking their time. It’s not only Starbucks — there’s a gazillion cafes out there. I just think it’s really healthy for society, for people, for us to be stuck with each other and to share a table with one another.
What would you get if you could go to an Automat now?
Macaroni and cheese, creamed spinach, mashed potatoes. I would try all the pies. And I would for sure need to try that coconut custard pie that Mel and Carl were both talking about!
‘The Automat’ Review: Put a Nickel in the Slot for Nostalgia
A documentary about Horn & Hardart’s automated cafeterias is sweet and shaggy, but an engrossing tale of cultural harmony.
By Wesley Morris Feb. 17, 2022
The Automat Directed by Lisa Hurwitz Documentary 1h 19m
Customers at an Automat in 1964, as seen in “The Automat,” a documentary by Lisa Hurwitz.
Customers at an Automat in 1964, as seen in “The Automat,” a documentary by Lisa Hurwitz.
Customers at an Automat in 1964, as seen in “The Automat,” a documentary by Lisa Hurwitz.Credit...Stan Wayman/The Life Picture Collection/Getty Images, via Film Forum
When you purchase a ticket for an independently reviewed film through our site, we earn an affiliate commission.
Whatever nostalgia is — homesickness, fantasy, delusion — it’s flooding “The Automat.” There’s something about people’s memories of these automated cafeterias that flourished in the United States for much of the 20th century — you put a nickel into a slot, open a door in an enormous wall of cabinets and pull out, say, a slice of pie or a ham sandwich — that sends them back to the era in which they frequented one. The documentary Lisa Hurwitz has directed about Automats is shaggy and full of cutesy stuff, mostly involving Mel Brooks. But the sight of all these lit-up faces — see Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Carl Reiner, Colin Powell — made me hunger to be back where they wish they were: at 5, at 17, at 20-something, plunked down at a table with a bowl of baked beans.
The movie unfurls the history of Horn & Hardart, the Manhattan-and-Philadelphia-based chain of restaurants the Automat was synonymous with. It’s an engrossing tale of commercial expansion, industrial innovation and cultural harmony even in times, like the Civil Rights era, when that kind of unison seems tough to fathom. Hurwitz finds biological descendants of Hardart and professional heirs of Horn. She locates John Romas, an Austrian immigrant who was the company’s vice president of engineering. There are conversations with the authors of a Horn & Hardart book, a moving visit to one of the designers of a powerfully witty 1970s ad campaign and a sit-down with W. Wilson Goode, Philadelphia’s first Black mayor, who served during a notoriously cataclysmic period. And the worst that anybody has to say about anything is that the Automat is gone.
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halcyonramblings · 2 years
Letters I Can Never Send, No. 5
Dear D,
After our New Years Eve date, I heard from you just about every day. Some days it was a meme, sometimes it was a song, and sometimes it was a deep philosophical question meant to initiate heated banter. Those were always my favorite.
Valentines Day came and went with little fanfare, but it didn’t matter because you spent your evening with me. Granted, it was through texting as opposed to in-person, but still you dubbed me your Valentine and we talked all night, so I went to bed with a contented smile on my lips and - dare I say it? - love swelling in my heart. I had three months until graduation, I had recently been awarded a full scholarship, and I was falling hard for you. I swore to myself that my first night at college, I was going to sleep in your arms.
Two days later, February 16th started as just another mundane day of high school until it all fell apart during 2nd period, AP U.S. history. Mr. Brown’s classroom felt as chilly as the biting air outside, and the fluorescent lights felt too bright as I shivered against the fuzzy fleece of my North Face jacket. Classmates chattered idly all around me while Mr. Brown swore under his breath at the Smart Board, which was refusing to display the Power Point that would guide his lecture.
Covertly, I slipped my iPod Touch out of my pocket, the pink and white giraffe print case cool and smooth in my palm. It had recently become common knowledge that the school’s wi-fi was unsecured, so we could freely use apps just so long as we didn’t get caught. I clicked onto Facebook and began to absently look through my newsfeed, when the sight of your name made me pause my scrolling. You had “liked” a photo.
I had never seen the girl before. Never had I seen a trace of her in the comments of your posts, never a tagged photo, never a wall post, never a mention of her as part of your regular rotation of friends. Already feeling panicked, I clicked through to her profile. Right there, under her recently added, there you were. Brand new Facebook friends. I clicked back to the picture, began to scrutinize her.
As much as I hated to admit it, she was kind of pretty, in a hipster sort of way. She had shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair in flat-ironed layers, thick bangs covering a large portion of her face. A purple bandanna was tied in her hair like a headband and she wore a gray t-shirt bearing the emblem of your university. Her eyes were partially obscured by thick, rectangular glasses and she smirked at herself in the mirror she was using to take her picture.
At this point, my heart had completely fallen out of my chest and landed in stomach acid, where it threatened to come up my throat and splatter like a tomato on the grimy tile floor. I clicked back to her profile, tears bubbling up in my eyes. She was pretty. In one picture, she didn’t wear her glasses and instead flashed huge, ice-blue eyes, black mascara piled on long lashes. In another, she played a guitar in the middle of a convenience store, right in front of the icee machine. There was one where she sat cross-legged on her bedroom floor, trippy posters on the turquoise wall behind her and a Spam can on the bookshelf being used as a pen holder. She had a professional grade camera; photo after photo featured her holding up random objects in front of a fisheye lens.
I couldn’t deny it; she was everything I wanted to be. She was perfect. And she was your type. As the day wore on, I obsessively stalked both your Facebook profiles. You “liked” another of her photos, an older one taken with a webcam; she had obviously recently showered, hair in damp, wild curls framing her face.
That night, though, you texted me as if everything were normal. You made no mention of this mystery girl, instead sending me a song to listen to: “Warning Sign” by Coldplay. In return, I sent you “Bedroom Eyes” by the Dum Dum Girls. We continued like this, back and forth musical tag with some conversation sprinkled in, until you said goodnight around midnight. You promised you would talk to me tomorrow, punctuating your text with a ;-) face. Perhaps I had overreacted, I told myself as I burrowed under the covers.
You didn’t text me the next day, though. In fact, that was the last I heard from you. Days or weeks passed, I’m not sure. It felt like forever.
You certainly had time for your new friend, though. Over the next several days, I endured constant “likes” and even wall posts between the two of you - feigned sarcasm, playful arguing, exchanging songs, just like we did. It almost felt as though you were rubbing it in my face. But the thing that hurt me the most, the twisting of the knife - remember one of the songs you sent her?
Fucking “Warning Sign” by Coldplay, D.
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davidastbury · 6 months
Let’s stay together. No harsh words or sarcasm or trying to be top dog. Let’s enjoy our Facebook bubble of warmth and humour and support. If we can meet up - wonderful! But that’s not everything; just knowing each other through the newsfeeds and messenger can be enough. Certainly enough for us to feel valued and respected - and have a sympathetic audience for our troubles, joys and peculiarities.
So let’s stay together - don’t ‘unfriend’, don’t take things ‘the wrong way’; don’t be misled by appearance, knowing that every one of us has a struggle of some sort going on.
We need each other.
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purplesurveys · 11 months
Are you interested in any reality TV shows?  Yep. I don't watch any religiously as in per episode, but I'll watch an episode of something every now and then. It can be anything too, depending on my mood haha. I can enjoy both cooking shows and the weirder stuff like that hoarder show.
What’s your favourite thing to have on toast?  Just butter is fine. I never have toast unless I'm at a breakfast buffet.
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever had to deal with at your job?  Unreasonable clients, messages or meetings beyond 6 PM, and weekend work. I hate all of these equally.
Do you think being born was a mistake?  I don't think it's a mistake per se but it's also just as valid when someone expresses that it wasn't their choice to be born and be here.
Do you have a large dog? If not, are you afraid of them?  I have a medium-sized dog. And no, I'm generally not afraid of dogs. I'll baby huge dogs as if they were a puppy lol.
What is something you used to always do but don’t anymore?  Read.
Has anyone ever told you that they loved you, and you didn’t say it back? Yes. What’s your favorite hairstyle on the opposite sex?  I don't care much for appearances but I personally wouldn't date a guy if they had long hair or that overly curly hair going viral on TikTok.
Have you ever done a Mason jar craft?  No. I've owned mason jars to store stuff but I never did anything artsy-craftsy with them.
Who is your favorite photographer?  Richard Avedon and Yeongjun Kim.
Were you shy in high school?  The first half of it I was. I opened up eventually.
Do you wish karma were real, or are you glad that it isn’t?  If it were real we'd tbh all be fucked. It would be so complicated too if all of our decisions and mistakes and even the slightest of negative thoughts would be punished.
Who are the cutest babies in your Facebook newsfeed?  I have one classmate from high school who has the cutest baby in the world.
Are your ears pierced more than once, if at all?  No, each ear only has one piercing.
Did the last guy/girl you kissed have any piercings?  Yeah if I remember correctly they do.
Do you actually love your parents?  Yes.
Do you know anyone autistic?  I personally don't know anyone who is.
How about someone bipolar?  I do.
Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?  Sure! It's monthsaries that I find a tad bit cheesy, but hey do what you want and celebrate the things you want to celebrate.
What was your very first pet like?  It was a pair of goldfish but I was too young to ever form any sort of lasting memory with them; plus they didn't live long either so.
What’s the coolest hobby one of your friends has?  Not friends but Alyssa's recently been into pottery while Jofab has been flying for as long as I've known him. Always found the both of them very cool for those hobbies.
Have you ever pet a cow, a sheep or a pig?  I haven't for any of them :( I'd love to experience that though.
What is the wallpaper on your best friend's cell phone?  I'm pretty sure it's either a photo of Hans, or a photo of her and Hans.
Do you like your girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s parents?  I don't have one.
Do you like Polaroid photography?  I love it, yeah. There's something so comforting and nostalgic about how the photos turn out, and the white-border look, too.
Is there a friend of yours who curses nonstop? Who would that be?  Hmm no, I don't think so.
What internet browser do you use?  Have always used Chrome.
What do you usually do to let your feelings out?  Sometimes I'll try to find the right music to match my mood; sometimes I'll simply find somewhere to sit in silence and process my feelings until I react in a way that I need to at that moment, like cry.
What was the last thing you uploaded/plugged into the computer?  The last thing I uploaded anywhere was a photo I took back in 2018 – in an amazing coincidence, I apparently own a photo of my laptop showing Matthew Perry on Friends, with Kimi standing right beside my laptop. I uploaded it on Instagram as a sort of quick tribute to both of them.
This is the photo:
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Are you participating in Project 365 (you take a picture of you/something every day of the year and post it)? I've tried this for a number of years now but always fail lol. Do you have a Flickr? If so, post the link.  No. I haven't even been on Flickr for a like a decade now I think haha.
Do you think it’s dumb when a band smashes their instruments, or do you find it totally radical?  The bands I like don't really do this so I don't have much of an opinion.
Have you ever made a gif? If not, do you think it’d be interesting to make one?  I've made GIFs but I kind of cheat because I use a website to do it, haha. I think the edits experts do it on Photoshop but I never figured out how to do that myself.
When you feel uninspired, do you feel like you need to go somewhere to become inspired?  I do. It doesn't even have to be a trip out of town – just a change of scenery somewhere like a coffee shop or bookstore would suffice.
Have you ever lived on a university campus?  I have not. My school was fairly close so I just drove to and from home for the whole four years.
Do you play any games on your phone?  Yeah I have a K-pop rhythm game on it.
Have you ever shaved your face?  Yes, my eyebrows.
What was the last vaccination you got?  Rabies.
Who’s your favorite rapper? And your favorite song by this favorite rapper?  RM - my favorite would either be Wild Flower or Reflection.
How about your favorite band? And your favorite song by this band?  Paramore - Turn It Off. It's been my favorite for eight years now and I don't think that'll ever change anymore no matter how many more albums they still plan on releasing.
Has anyone ever made a promise to you that they’d change? Who?  Nah.
Have you ever had any painful dental work done? If so, what?  I've felt discomfort at the dentist but it's never had anything to do with the dentist's handling – my tooth sensitivity gets awful and often winds up an unintentional effect.
Is there anyone you’d like to apologize to?  Not at the moment, no.
Could you go a month without talking to your best friend?  I could but it would suck the whole time and I would feel lonely.
How has your style changed since you were in high school?  Yes, so much. I didn't even much of a style in high school beyond my little black dress phase; I didn't start getting excited to shop for new stuff til I was halfway through college.
What was the last new drink you discovered that was delicious?  HEY the pumpkin spice frappe is really good apparently??????? I didn't have it for years because 1) of the hype lol and 2) it was always sold out at Starbucks anyway – until this afternoon when they were giving out free samples of it. And omg it's good. It's so so so so good. I mean it's extremely sweet and that makes it a little off-putting but once I get past that, simply put I loved the sample and might get it more often now hahaha.
What is your favorite way your hair has ever looked?  My hairdresser did such a good job dyeing my hair purple last June and it's been my favorite look yet; and I say this because while I got it retouched to purple again this past weekend, it just didn't end up the same... it kind of felt like they did the bare minimum with my hair, and it certainly looks that way. The dye is a lot lighter this time around, and just 3 days in and it's already looking more magenta than purple. :( Next time I should just show them my photos from June so they know how pigmented I hope for my hair to be.
Have you ever had a teacher that also taught your parents?  Nopes. We didn't even go to the same grade/high school. My dad and I went to the same university but our degrees are vastly different so it wouldn't have been possible for our curriculum to overlap.
Where’s the nearest GameStop near you?  I'm pretty sure we don't have GameStop here. The nearest video game store is a good 10 minutes away though.
What was the last thing you took a video of?  A POV of my TV playing the pilot episode of Friends.
What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?  Deciding to walk away from who was then the most important person in my life, while my mental health was in shambles and really couldn't be alone, and seeing where life takes me from there. Both the biggest risk and smartest decision I have ever made.
Do you believe your ex cares about you?  Well no, they have had no reason to in the last few years and that's okay and the way it should be.
What was the last compliment you received from the opposite sex?  There's nothing I can remember at the moment.
Have you ever been to an orchard?  Nope.
Who was the last family member of yours that died?  My great-uncle Alex.
What is your favorite color for cars?  White.
Do you have any gay family members?  As far as I know, no.
Did your last relationship end because of you or the other person?  It was both of us.
Would you be upset if you caught your boyfriend looking at porn?  When I was in a relationship we would both still watch porn but it was never an issue.
Have you ever had crabs, turtles, or lobsters?  No.
What is your favorite type of cat?  I don't have a favorite cat.
What if a friend asked you to go with her to get an abortion?  I'd be supportive as all hell but would also naturally be inquisitive about how they're going about it considering abortion is illegal here.
Who of the opposite sex has seen you at your worst?  I don't think anyone has. Maybe Hans, but from a distance. I was mostly alone during my lowest point because I didn't want anyone else to carry the same burden.
Are you sitting in a spinning chair?  I am not.
Are you one of those people who will not use a public washroom?  Mostly yes because ick but I do go if I have to go, so I leave it as a last resort kind of thing.
Have your parents ever disapproved of the person you’re dating?  I've never revealed a significant other to them.
Were you raised by someone other than your parents?  I was raised around extended family so to an extent, yes.
What’s the last chore you did?  Cleaned up after the dogs.
What is your favorite jungle animal?  Chimpanzees.
Is your father injured?  Nope, and I'm always hoping he stays that way.
Are you part Native American?  No.
What are your pets’ names?  Cooper and Agi.
Have you ever worked two jobs? I have not.
Who is the oldest sibling in your family?  I am.
What are some of your happy thoughts?  Getting to 2025 and seeing my boys reunite and being reunited alongside them. My friends and I are also planning a trip to Korea by that year, directly related to BTS' comeback hahaha.
What are the names of all the dogs you’ve ever owned?  Kimi, Cooper, and Agi.
Would you ever get a face tattoo?  Nope.
How much was the rent/mortgage at the cheapest place you’ve ever lived?  I've never had my own place.
Who in life have you felt the strongest need to protect?  My ex (before) and my younger sister. It's interesting with my sister; we've mostly had – and still keep – a very unserious relationship but more and more I've also been finding myself looking out for her only an Asian big sister can lmao.
Like she's been seeing this guy and I've been nagging her nonstop about if she needs a ride to this or that for their dates, what his job is, what school he graduated from, if she's gonna wear a big thick jacket to their dates that can help cover her up...this weekend, too, she went to Batangas for a short trip with friends and I kept telling her to turn on live location and kept asking about their mode of transportation because I couldn't believe they hired a driver to get them there.
What is the cruelest thing a person has ever said to you?  My mom has a track record with things like that but I have tended to let my mind block those things from ever being remembered.
Who do you think was the worst criminal in history?  Ferdinand Marcos.
Which laws would you most like to change? I'd legalize divorce and abortion. I would also ban religion from being involved in any sociopolitical/political affair in any capacity. Who is the person you most wanted to have an affair with but didn’t?  Oh wow. Uh. Nobody?
Who have you most feared in your life?  At some point it was my own mother.
What is your strongest reason for your opinion on abortion? Your uterus, your opinion. What one natural thing would you most like to see?  The rest of the universe.
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heymarketeer · 1 year
5 Dos and Don’ts of Organic Reach on Facebook
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Facebook has made it increasingly difficult for business pages to be seen over the last few months. That even includes the people already following your page. Just because you make a post does not mean they will see it. That is, unless you pay to promote your posts.
Do not think that’s your only option.
Your organic reach, as in the kind you don’t pay for, can be increased if you encourage better engagement from your followers. If people are liking, commenting, and sharing your posts, Facebook will reward you by showing those posts to more people. Just follow a few basic rules.
Facebook Post DOs
Do: Go Live on Facebook
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Do: Shoot for more than just “Likes”
Another recently added feature on Facebook is the wide selection of reactions on each post. A “Like” is still the default, but earning a “HaHa” or a “Wow” implies that your content is more interesting and better quality. Bam! More organic reach.
Do: Encourage your staff to share posts
Your post will see more newsfeeds if someone shares it than it will directly from your page. Come up with a system to monitor and reward your employees for engaging and sharing your brand on their own feeds to build your network from within. This is a strategy that can work across all social media channels, not just Facebook.
Facebook Post Don’ts
Don’t: Post pages full of ads
Clickbait articles and fake news sites are full of pages with 2 sentences of content and 16 ads on each page. Facebook has an algorithm to identify and downgrade the exposure of these types of links because NOBODY WANTS TO SEE THEM. Do not share links like this to your page, and if your website looks like this, fix it immediately.
Don’t: Beg for Likes
Posts that say “Like for A, Share for B” do nothing to add value to your page. You are better off sharing quality content less often than fluffing your page with these sorts of posts. You also risk having followers start hiding your page from their newsfeeds, which is worse than no engagement at all.
Facebook is still about people connecting with people. Connect with your people with quality content and be careful not to torpedo your own efforts with fluff. It is still possible to reach new followers without spending your money!
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frog707 · 1 year
The Algorithm
I've seen Tumblr users say this platform is superior because it doesn't have an algorithm.
Since the platform runs mainly on computers, that's a bizarre claim to make. To my mind, an algorithm is just an unambiguous procedure for achieving some goal, a series of steps that doesn't require human judgment. Saying your website has no algorithm is a bit like saying, "I don't use pronouns." Dude?!
When people say "no algorithm" what they probably mean is that posts from other users are sorted chronologically in their feed, without prioritization based on content or popularity.
I often browse Facebook in that mode, using the "h_chr" option. It has its advantages. But the (capital-A) Algorithm Facebook uses to sort its newsfeed isn't necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes I want to see what's popular or prioritize images over text. I just wish I had more visibility into how the Algorithm works ... and more control over it. Even more so with search results from Google and DuckDuckGo.
The desire to learn how complex systems work (and use that knowledge to manipulate them) is a major driver for me and (I assume) most tech people.
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smgainssocial · 1 year
5 Advantages of Buying Facebook Likes
Social media is no longer as we once knew it. Algorithms have changed, layouts have changed, the focus has shifted; the internet has developed far beyond our wildest imaginations in just a few years. SMGains recall services such as G+, Orkut, and Yahoo Messenger as ways to stay in touch with friends and family all across the world. While this is still a valid and widespread reason for joining social media, it is no longer the only one. It is, in reality, not the most prevalent.
Now, businesses and influencers, marketers and producers, artists and musicians, and a multitude of other creative or otherwise professionals have joined social media for a variety of reasons that do not involve family. This shift in focus and objectives has resulted in a transformation in how consumers receive social media activity. There are now more platforms for buying Facebook likes than social media platforms on the internet. 
These social media engagement platforms enable you to increase engagement and promote organic growth by paying for services such as “buy Instagram likes,” “buy Facebook followers,” and so on. But why is this so? That is what we will cover in this article: the top five reasons why you should buy Facebook likes & followers.
Regardless of industry, if you want your social media initiatives to be effective, you must be famous on Facebook. You need popularity whether you are attempting to raise knowledge about your brand, be an influencer, or accomplish anything else. Purchasing Facebook likes secures your popularity. It establishes the basis, at the very least.
People are more likely to trust a popular page than an alienated one. Once you have a sufficient number of likes, your page will begin to take off and reach more people. Your audience will pay attention, and your target will quickly approach.
Consider visiting an influencer’s Facebook page, which has only a few hundred likes. In what world would you regard such a page to be a trustworthy source of influence? None, in my opinion.
A high number of likes lends a sense of reliability to many situations. People who visit your page for the first time will believe that they can trust your opinion because so many other people do. This advances your job as an influencer, brand, and so on. Essentially, it enhances your social media personality. As a result, trustworthiness is a key reason to purchase Facebook likes.
It increases your reach
This is a very smart assessment. When you purchase Facebook likes, especially from reputable sites like these, these likes do not materialize anywhere. These are actual Facebook users hired by companies for this specific duty, which means that these people have their own friends. If you average 10 friends per purchased follower and buy a hundred likes, you can easily reach a thousand more people. This is due to the fact that when a Facebook user likes your page, their friends will see it in their newsfeed. Even if just 10% of these friends are interested in your page, you’ve gained a hundred new likes for free. That’s a two-for-one deal. 
Attract advertisers
If a page is not popular, no company wants to approach it for advertisements. Why would they spend their money when the returns are certain to be zero? 
Brands are constantly on the search for new social media partners. Thus, if a brand sees your page and discovers that you have a significant following, they are more likely to contact you for a sponsored post, advertisement, affiliate posts, and so on than if you have a small number of likes. As a result, purchasing Facebook likes is an excellent approach to ensure that your page attracts marketers. With enough adverts and sponsored content, you may earn several hundred dollars every month.
Search results
This is directly related to point one. Most of the points here do. When a user searches for something on Facebook, the website sorts the results based on numerous variables, one of which is popularity. A Facebook page with a large number of likes is more likely to show near the top of search results when a person searches for something related to it.
This brings your page to the forefront, ensuring improved visibility and popularity. This point is meaningless without adequate SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). That is, you must include keywords in your Facebook postings, as well as ensure that your name, section, profile image, contact information, and other similar facts are current and, more importantly, appropriately optimized. 
Buying Facebook likes & followers offers various advantages, most of which involve popularity in some form. On social media, popularity is everything, therefore when you buy engagement, your social presence will skyrocket.
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What is Performance Marketing ?
What is Performance Marketing?
Performance Marketing is a Digital Marketing procedure that is driven by results. Ideal for organizations are hoping to contact their crowd at scale, since installment depends on how clients connect with the substance.
Or on the other hand,
Performance Marketing refers to a type of Digital Marketing wherein marks just compensation marketing specialist co-ops after their business goals have been met or when explicit moves have been initiated, like a tick, deal, or lead. As such, it is execution based advertising.
Performance Marketing works when promoters interface with either offices or distributers to plan and put ads for their organization on quite a few execution advertising channels — social media, web search tools, videos, implanted web content, from there, the sky is the limit. Rather than paying for a commercial in the conventional manner, these sponsors pay in view of how well their promotion performs, by estimating number of clicks, impressions, shares, or deals.
How Performance Marketing Functions
Sponsors put their ads on a given channel (see more on top Performance marketing channels below), and afterward pay in light of how that advertisement performs. There are a couple ways of paying with regards to Performance Marketing:
Cost Per Snap (CPC)
Advertisers pay in view of the times their promotion is clicked on. This is an effective method for directing people to your site.
Cost Per Impression (CPM)
Impressions are basically perspectives on your promotion. With CPM, you pay for each thousand perspectives (so assuming 25,000 individuals view your promotion, for instance, you’d pay your base rate times 25).
Cost Per Deals (CPS)
With CPS, you possibly pay when you make a deal that was driven by a promotion. This framework is additionally ordinarily utilized in affiliate Marketing.
Cost Per Leads (CPL)
Similar as cost per deal, with CPL you pay when somebody signs up for  something, similar to an email pamphlet or webinar. CPL creates leads, so you can follow back to clients and drive deals.
Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
Cost per Acquistiion is like CPL and CPS yet is more general. With this design, advertisers pay when buyers complete a particular activity (which could incorporate making a deal, sharing their contact data, visiting your blog, etc.).
Top Performance Marketing Channels
What channels work best with regards to execution showcasing? There are five sorts of execution showcasing that organizations and sponsors use to drive traffic:
Banner (Display) Advertisements
Assuming you’ve been on the web, you’ve most likely seen a lot of show promotions as of late. These advertisements show up on your Facebook newsfeed, or at the top or lower part of that news website page you recently visited. However show promotions are gradually losing their allure because of the rising notoriety of advertisement blockers and what specialists call standard visual impairment, many organizations are as yet making progress with show advertisements that use intuitive substance, recordings, and drawing in visual depiction.
Native Advertising
Native Advertising takes the advantage  of the natural appearance of a page or site to advance sponsored content. For instance, supported recordings could show up in the “Watch Straightaway” part of a YouTube page. Local advertisements are likewise famous on internet business destinations — you might have seen them on Facebook Commercial center, for example. Native advertising works since it permits your supported substance to live consistently adjacent to different sorts of natural substance. Frequently, clients will not separate between these sorts of content, permitting you to advance your image such that feels regular.
Content Advertising
Content advertising is tied in with teaching your crowd. As per OmniVirt, it likewise costs 62% not exactly outbound showcasing, and creates three fold the number of leads. With content showcasing, the emphasis is on giving helpful data to clients and placing your image in setting. For instance, a nutrient organization could compose a progression of instructive blog entries about the advantages of probiotics, with a connection back to the probiotics they sell. Content advertising is a channel that can incorporate blog entries, contextual investigations, digital books, from there, the sky is the limit.
Social Media
For Performance Marketers, Social media is a shelter. It offers not just the amazing chance to arrive at clients and drive them to your site — clients can likewise share your supported substance naturally, broadening your arrive at a long ways past the first post. Facebook has the most broad rundown of administrations for Performance marketing, yet different stages like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter additionally offer numerous potential chances to arrive at new clients.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Most internet based research is done through search engines, and that implies having a website that is upgraded for search engine marketing (SEM) is fundamental. As far as Performance Marketing, the emphasis is essentially on cost-per click (CPC), particularly for paid advertising. For natural SEM, numerous presentation advertisers depend on happy marketers and search engine oriented points of arrival.
Advantages of Performance Marketing
With the eventual fate of Performance Marketing looking seriously encouraging every year, utilizing Performance Marketing channels can assist you with scaling your advertising endeavors to address the issues of your organization without burning through every last cent.
Performance Marketing is an imaginative and compelling method for differentiating your crowd and grow your span, all while catching significant information. Furthermore, the advantages don’t stop there. At the point when you embrace the full usefulness of performance Marketing, from local and subsidiary publicizing to supported online entertainment content, you’ll find it’s more straightforward than any time in recent memory to develop your business.
What is Performance Based Advertising?
Performance based advertising is a strategy for digital advertising where the sponsor pays for explicit moves made by clients, for example, tapping on an advertisement, making a buy, or pursuing a help. This contrasts from conventional publicizing, for example, show promoting, where the sponsor pays for advertisement impressions whether or not the client makes a move. Advertisers frequently use execution based promoting to drive more quantifiable outcomes and improve their advertising spend.
How Performance Advertising Functions?
Characterize Performance Objectives: The publicist decides the particular presentation objectives they need to accomplish through the publicizing effort, for example, expanding site traffic, creating leads, or making deals.
Interest group: The publicist recognizes the main interest group they need to reach with the promotion crusade, including segment data, interests, and area.
Pick Promoting Channels: The promoter chooses the computerized publicizing channels they need to use to arrive at their interest groups, like web search tools, virtual entertainment, or sites.
Create Ad Content: The publicist makes the advertisement content, including text, pictures, or recordings. The promotion ought to be intended to actually impart the message and urge clients to make the ideal move.
Set Bid and Financial plan: The promoter sets a bid for each ideal activity and a spending plan for the whole advertisement crusade. The bid is the sum the promoter will pay for each ideal activity, and the financial plan is the aggregate sum of cash the publicist will spend on the advertisement crusade.
Launch Campaign: The publicist dispatches the promotion mission and presentations the advertisements to the ideal interest group through the picked publicizing channels.
Track Performance: The publicist tracks the promotion mission’s presentation and dissects the outcomes to decide its viability. This might incorporate observing the quantity of snaps, changes, and generally return for money invested.
Track Performance: In light of the outcomes, the sponsor might change the promotion mission to further develop execution, like changing the advertisement content, focusing on, or bid and financial plan.
These means give an overall outline of the presentation publicizing process, and the points of interest might change relying upon the promoting stage or organization utilized. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-performance-marketing-digital-marketing-ajmal/?published=t
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jiessicas · 1 year
07.05.23 boredom is a gift / a sufficient amount of emojis
boredom is a gift / thich nhat hanh said true joy is rooted in calm
the love of working & the work of loving
infrastructure bro….. (why has it felt like i’m emerging from something (tabs) (twitter) i didn’t realize i was submerged within to begin with,, ) — a jot from last fall, “the constraint is a disclosure of commitment and possibility” — new constraints, new commitments, new possibilities ✨
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breakfast w fwends!
Shared Realities are crazy … was latently anxious; after a lil planning breakfast it felt like i was once again holding shared dreams and schemes with others, not just adrift trying to juggle things by myself <3
with enough emojis any text/word-based app is a sufficient project management document
saw a very Cat cat if you know what i mean.... a real squealy lil guy, in one of those backpack carriers; then saw someone carrying a tiny dachshund in a shoulder bag
reshaping my internet browsing!
arc is LIFECHANGING oh my god — feel freed up from all the failed attempts to shuffle tabs around and feel freed to play online, which i have missed the feeling of :,,) i feel like it has restructured the frame i browse and hold the internet with
scrolled through the tumblr i wrote on for 10+ years, it was very tender, it feels tender to return to this form of writing
following up from yesterday's note on twitter - feeling freed up to recenter friend's writing now that i'm slightly more out of the easy pull of the newsfeed!!
trying to be an rss girly ~ from a quick peruse of this post, trying out feeder (200 feeds free; newsblur and inoreader look great too)
if you'd like to add this to your feed, 'jiessicas.tumblr.com/rss' :-)
small tumblr notes - added a lil statcounter.com & disqus comment thread (it was showing up on the index (?) view because of how this theme is set up, fiddled a lil and moved the disqus block into the permalink block)
bro can’t believe i’m listening to drake again unironically
sometimes i find myself feeling so bored that i check my email ~ it feels like (to keep with the phantom limb feeling) some core of an experience i’ve grown used to has been hallowed out; i’ve been uncentered and hallowed out
tidying just the immense amount of Things in my room (books, letters, notebooks, misc pamphlets from art spaces and museums 😭😭😭😭) and relieved to unscatter things (sort stuff into piles so i can properly discard / reorganize loool)
can’t believe facebook releases a twitter clone the week i try to quit twitter mobile,,,, there was this time i handed a dj my phone to type in a track name and it opened to my most recent notes app at the time …. this is how i imagine posting in a twitter-like setting for a group of people i know outside of twitter will feel like
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damacbycavalli · 2 years
8 Effective Audience Targeting Strategies for Digital Marketing Plan
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Audience targeting can be one of the most difficult things to do right in digital marketing since no one strategy works perfectly across the board. While there are many effective strategies, they might not all work equally well depending on the type of business you run and how people interact with your website or social media profiles. This guide will help you figure out the audience targeting strategy that will help your digital marketing efforts succeed in whatever market you’re trying to reach. This post will focus on the different methods of audience targeting.
1) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) — SEO is one of the most popular forms of marketing on the internet today. There are many ways to optimize content so that it ranks higher in search engine results pages, but remember that Google’s algorithm changes frequently so don’t get too caught up in what’s hot right now.
2) Keyword Research — The foundation of any successful SEO campaign is keyword research, which involves selecting words or phrases related to your business that people might be searching for in search engines like Google, Yahoo!, or Bing. It’s also important to note how competitive keywords are; if there are thousands of searches per month for a particular term then it may not be worth pursuing as an advertising platform.
3) Influencer marketing — These days just about everyone has some sort of social media following and you can use this following to boost your brand by partnering with influencers who already have relationships with your target market. And so on.
In this guide, we have covered all the strategies in detail. Keep reading to learn more!
1) SEO
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Strategies like content marketing, SEO, social media, and email marketing are some of the best ways to target your audience. These strategies can help you reach out to new customers that would be most interested in what you have to offer. To keep track of all your success, it’s important to analyze data from these campaigns so that you know which tactics work best for your target audience.
If you’re not sure where to start with all this information, tools such as Google Analytics or Kissmetrics can give you a good idea about who is visiting your website. From there, it will be easier for you to decide which strategies will be worth investing in. It also helps if you go back and revisit past visitors to see if they match up with your target audience.
What works for one person may not work well for someone else, so make sure you identify the kind of person who will benefit most from what you have to offer before deciding how to advertise. The more targeted you can get, the better. By targeting individuals based on their interests, age group, and location, you’ll find more people are receptive to your message. With all this information available at your fingertips on sites like Facebook or Twitter, taking advantage of these platforms shouldn’t be difficult.
Allowing friends’ updates to show up in newsfeeds through Facebook Live broadcasting has become a popular way for brands to promote their products while providing customer service 24 hours a day. There are many other great channels for reaching potential customers, such as LinkedIn Groups and Pinterest Pins.
In addition, by tailoring ads to specific audiences, companies can save money without sacrificing quality when it comes to reaching potential buyers. You might find yourself spending less time trying to come up with a clever slogan or catchy phrase because it won’t matter as much if the ad isn’t being seen by the right people. Make sure you take time to review all the different options before making any final decisions about what strategy will work best for your company.
2) Influencer Marketing
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Influencer marketing is one of the best ways to reach a specific audience. Influencers are important because they have credibility, authenticity, and trust with their followers. They also provide their audiences with valuable information that they can’t find elsewhere. For example, if you’re in the beauty industry, influencers could include makeup artists or hair stylists who post tutorials on how to make your eyes pop or how to curl your hair with a flat iron. You’ll need to identify which social media platforms are most popular among your target audience and what type of content is shared most often on those platforms.
What should you do once you’ve identified an influencer? The first step would be contacting them about a potential partnership and offering them free products as well as monetary compensation for any mentions or posts. When it comes time to pay them, make sure to negotiate the agreement ahead of time so both parties know what’s expected from the other person. Influencers want to feel valued and compensated for their work; don’t take advantage of them.
Once you’ve negotiated terms, decide how much budget to set aside each month for influencer marketing. With all this taken care of, start finding new influencers by looking at the metrics associated with people who share similar interests as your target audience.
3) Facebook Ads
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If you want to target your audience on Facebook, make sure you are considering the following:
1) Demographic targeting,
2) Location-based targeting,
3) Interest-based targeting,
4) Behavior-based targeting,
5) Retargeting.
A lot of people might be wondering why we have not discussed retargeting in our previous blog posts about advertising. Simply put, it is because this strategy needs a little more explanation than what we can provide in just one paragraph. The truth is that retargeting is highly effective and it can help improve your digital marketing campaign success by driving consumers back to your site where they will hopefully become customers.
To understand how to use retargeting effectively, you need to know two things: 1) how often should I show ads, and 2) who am I showing ads to? As soon as someone visits your website or sees your ad somewhere else online, those potential customers can be tracked so that their browsing habits can continue being tracked with Facebook’s Custom Audiences service. For example, if someone has visited your store’s homepage but didn’t end up making a purchase there, Facebook could show them an advertisement promoting your sale items while they’re checking out other websites or when they’re scrolling through their newsfeed.
Depending on how much you would like to spend each day/week/month, you can choose the frequency of these advertisements based on whatever amount of money you feel comfortable spending for each customer. Continue reading!
4) Retargeting Ads
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Another form of targeting is called re-targeting. Re-targeted ads are what are known as display ads which appear inside other companies’ platforms such as social media sites, blogs, and mobile apps. A retargeting ad is a type of banner ad that displays on other websites you visit across the web. As you browse the internet, these ads will follow you and be displayed on sites related to your search queries, visits, and browsing history.
Retargeting ads can help keep your brand in front of people who may not have been aware of it otherwise and offer them a chance to purchase from your website or service. For example, if you’re an e-commerce store owner and someone visited your site but didn’t buy anything, they might see one of your banners or ads as they surf around the web after having left. The goal is to give them another opportunity to make a purchase.
What’s more, this method saves time because you don’t need to spend money on developing additional advertising campaigns. You simply keep working with the same ads over and over again until the user either make a purchase or abandons their shopping cart.
5) Adwords Search Network and Display Network
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Adwords Search Network is a great place to start when you’re looking for qualified traffic. Adwords automatically target people who are searching for what you offer, and it’s easy to make adjustments to your targeting so that your ads show up in more places.
The Display Network is made up of websites across the web that use Adsense, which is a Google-owned product. You can target specific sites or audiences with your ads to increase the chances of someone clicking on them. For example, if your business sells high-end watches, you might want to advertise on high-end fashion blogs but not publications about general watchmaking. You can also take advantage of ad extensions like site links and callouts to tell people more about your business before they click on the link.
Sitelinks allow you to create links within your ad that lead to other pages on your website, making it easier for potential customers to find information about products and services. Callouts are similar; these allow advertisers to highlight important information or add an extra call-to-action.
Start using these strategies today!
6) Google My Business (Google Maps)
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Google My Business (Google Maps) is a great way to increase the visibility of your business on the Internet, which can lead to higher visibility and more customers. The best part about this strategy is that it’s free! Follow these steps to get started:
1. Visit Google Maps and click Get Started
2. Log into your Google account or create one if you don’t have one yet
3. Fill out the information about your business, such as address and contact info
4. Select whether you want to show up in search results, Street View, or other places
5. Select an icon for your business
6. Add photos
7. Make sure your hours are up-to-date
8. Save and Publish.
You should now be able to find your business listing by entering keywords related to your industry in the search bar. Click on See all at the bottom right corner of the screen and scroll down until you see More Categories. Click on this category and scroll down until you find Local Services. There should be a list of businesses with their names and addresses; check if yours is there by looking for your name. If not, then go back through all steps again to make sure they’re correct before trying again!
7) Joint Ventures
One marketing strategy you might want to explore is a joint venture. Joint ventures are when two or more businesses agree to work together in some capacity and share the profits. For example, one business could be an app developer and another could be an app publisher. The app developer would create the software and the app publisher would market it to their audience. This is a great way to reach new customers without spending any money on advertising!
It can also be used by companies who want to partner with other companies in a complementary industry that aligns with their products and services. For example, if you’re selling baby clothes, then partnering with a company that sells baby supplies is logical.
And if your company also manufactures toys, then partnering with toy manufacturers may make sense too. It’s all about finding good partnerships that will benefit both parties as much as possible while not hurting either party’s reputation. As long as the partnership doesn’t break any laws, anything goes. You just have to figure out what works best for you and your brand!
8) Affiliate Links
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Affiliate marketing is a popular strategy for digital marketers because it allows you to offer products and services without the need to have your inventory. Not only does this help save money, but it also saves time, too. By targeting people who already know about your company or are interested in what you do, affiliate marketing can be a great way to grow your business through word-of-mouth advertising. For example, if you’re an affiliate marketer for pet food companies and someone tells their friends that they buy their dog food from you, that person will most likely share the information with others as well.
Some resource includes affiliate links. If you purchase through these links, they receive a commission at no extra cost to you. However, please do share the content of these resources with others as well. We appreciate your time and hope that you found this post informative.
For any digital marketing campaign to be effective, you have to know your target audience. You have to know who’s going to buy from you and why, so you can make sure your content is relevant, your social media marketing strategy appeals to them, and your products are convenient enough that they won’t say no if the opportunity arises. With these eight effective audience targeting strategies, you can make sure your marketing plan reaches its target audience effectively, efficiently, and cost-effectively! So, read this guide carefully.
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Source: 8 Effective Audience Targeting Strategies forDigital Marketing Plan .
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gaybear-67 · 2 years
Online Redirection - The Specialty Of The Affiliation
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It's clearly a fact that there are bunches of unfathomable regions, web journals and instruments out there for performers. In any case, a piece of the time, the possibility scouring the general web looking for them seems like superfluously overwhelming of an undertaking. Besides, might we anytime at some point be look at things impartially, most performers in this way have a conventional normal work. Disdain you can basically sit before the PC and go during your time considering how you intend to go after the larger part. (On the other hand perhaps you can?) Such a lot of decision, so brief period... Considering this, we've assembled a quick overview of likely the best protests and devices we've gone over. Expecting nobody minds, note that this quick overview is certainly not a minuscule touch escalated or conclusive. We were unable to review each remarkable webpage or blog for one article. So we will keep on adding to it for future issues. In the event that you feel there is something we ought to be aware of, tell us.
Stage It
Your online show scene. This is where you can give continuously from your PC and make a striking and regular commitment in your gathering. Have you whenever contemplated what it might be need to visit from one locale? You can play a substitute show each opportunity to a substitute gathering and never need to leave your band room. You are in finished control of the sort of affiliation you truly need to make for your fans.
You should just:
1. Make your show - put it down on the timetable, time, and ticket cost of your show and some time later let the word out.
2. License fans to purchase tickets - your fans purchase tickets utilizing Notes (10 Notes = $1). Notes are open while purchasing a pass to the show.
3. Perform! - your fans can assist you through talk and show their help through a virtual Tip Holder.
Give your fans a really first fragment knowledge.
Headliner.fm is a brief procedure for getting your music to individuals who need it by exchanging suggestions with different trained professionals. For instance, you give a movement deals to your inclined toward social occasions by making a message or posting an affiliation. Expecting the referred to social occasions perceive, your channel will show up on their pages and in their newsfeeds for their fans in general. Degrees of progress on Headliner.fm go to fans plainly from the get-togethers they love, so you should have certainty the fans will tune in. Social events can send you a progress too which you can then get band bucks for persevering through them. You can lift up to 3 shows reliably, so contact all your #1 displays. Band bucks go unequivocally into your record when the message is presented on Facebook, MySpace or Twitter. You could get band bucks for welcoming social affairs to join Headliner.fm. So consider this, the going with time you have a show or transport another combination, it could appear at innumerable individuals immediately. Furthermore, the best part is that it's free.
Get Suggested
Join over 100k performers, bloggers, and content makers on Main event and get embraced to their fans straightforwardly on Facebook and Twitter.
Appear at New Fans
Main event accomplices you to different individuals so you can suggest one another. Push your message past your own circle and contact a more noteworthy, concealed bunch that is perpetually creating.
Help Each Other Out
You shouldn't for even a second wreck around with monstrous load of cash to appear at a ton of fans. Main event utilizes a virtual money called Band BucksTM. The more you advance one another, the more cash you get to impel yourself.
Partner and propose somebody today.
Jango Airplay
Custom radio that plays what you truly need and assists you with finding new music you're probably going to like.
Jango is a social music association that licenses you to make and share custom radio broadcasts. It's unprecedented in that it gives arising specialists ensured airplay on Jango's stations as 'close to gifted laborers' close by their leaned toward remarkable trained professionals. This program offers non standard specialists the superb chance to be proactively acquainted with countless individuals who like their sort of music. Bunches start at just $10 USD for 250 plays.
You should just:
1. Move your music and focus on the right group people,
2. Get played on Jango and gather fans,
3. Get reports and information on your new fan base.
Strong Airplay. Countless Group people.
This is 21st century A&R. The MusicXray stage connects with the business to open the passageways of chance to performers and entertainers wild. The site assists subject matter experts and lyricists with getting bargains and to get examination from experts who need to assist them with succeeding. MusicXray gives enormous doorways to proficient performers and specialists, including:
· Expert Progress
· Occupation getting ready
· VIP informed authorities
· Worked with tries
· Social events
· Transport bargains
· Responsiveness open doorways
· Celebrations and Gigs
· Name program thought
· Magazine/Print Studies
· The prepackaged game plans
· Creation bargains
· Scattering bargains
· Radio Playlisting
· Tune Positions
· Sync Permitting
... without a doubt
The MusicXray pack is based on giving gifted laborers and lyricists a quality encounter and hustles to development in the event that an industry supplier starts welching on their piece of the arrangement. With all that considered, this is a stunning device for performers and entertainers searching for potential doorways in the business, all from the solace of your own home. In like manner, the best part is that the business experts need to answer you with input.
Join the 21st hundred years.
This is basically an enchanted button that you can add to your web program. StumbleUpon helps you find and arrangement mind blowing objections. As you click the button, you'll find extraordinary pages matched to your own inclinations. These pages have been expressly proposed by your pals or one of in excess of 15 million websurfers with interests like you. By rating the protests you like, you subsequently share them with relative individuals. While StumbleUpon isn't a music-driven contraption, it's really an incredible music openness instrument and might actually assist you with getting found. You can present any bright. Anything you submit, there is continually the conceivable that thousands or even colossal number of individuals could unexpectedly find your substance.
The potential outcomes are boundless.
GoGirlsMusic.com is the most settled and most prominent internet based area free ladies subject matter experts. This is an unprecedented association that brilliant lights on inciting the vocations of free female informed authorities. The connection works predominantly to help experts through training, figuring out, and coordinating occasions like the GoGirlsMusicFest, Attack of the GoGirls during SXSW, GoGirls @ Society Interest and that is only a smidgen of something bigger. Specialists who become involved have the potential chance to perform, have their work explored, and attract with a determined get-together of ladies who "finish things" on the music scene.
Spread out by individual to individual expert, Madalyn Sklar, in 1996, the vision was for an alliance that brought together free ladies experts from around the world. The way that dream into a reality makes following 15 years, her changed. Madalyn has been named one of the 10 most Powerful Ladies in Music by Bend magazine and one of the 15 Individuals You Ought to Be aware In the Business by Non standard Music.com. She serves on the NARIP (Public Relationship of Record Industry Subject matter experts) Houston Board and was casted a democratic structure #2 in NARIP's Absolutely fantastic for Best New Media/Virtual Redirection Trailblazer.
So expecting that you are a liberated individual, or a band that has a part with an uterus, get related with this unprecedented collecting right away or miss being a piece of one of the most focal electronic music associations gay bear.
RockDex assists you with following buzz, find fans and spot plans. The site page presents a tremendous level perspective on your specialists' electronic buzz and an expansive image of progress and scale. Bounce into real discussions and comprehend what drives straightforwardness and fans' way to deal with acting as opposed to making blind ideas from numbers without setting. This is a steadily developing application that tracks gigantic number of districts, gathering information for melodic specialists from blog sections, fan affiliations, online visits, tweets, tune plays and different more.Spot viral models and track progress for quite a while with reliably stimulated charts, blueprints and guides. Measure your showing system's achievability by figuring out who your fans are, where they, and they're alluding to. Surveying begins at $23 USD consistently.
Benefit by a colossal and ordinarily excused resource: Your Information.
The better method for managing center around music. Innumerable tracks, any time you like. Simply look for it in Spotify, then play it. Simply take anything you need, at whatever point you truly need it. Spotify is spread out on the twisting that music is a social encounter. To be sure, they make it as clear as conceivable to find and offer music to your companions. Because of Spotify and Facebook, you can see and hear what your companions are zeroing in on - just hit play on any music post. You can in addition send music clearly to your partners or post tracks on easygoing organizations. You should simply make a record then, at that point, download and current Spotify on one or the other Windows or Macintosh. Then search and play, and a massive number of tunes are as of now yours.
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