#soul 2020 Jerry and Terry
sakuraswordly · 7 months
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Later part 1
Terry: This is where the history of all living things is stored. I remember looking into the files to see if I could find Joe Gardner, to which I continued planning to find him and returned him to the Great Before.
Peter: Wait.....there was a human lost in here.
Punch: Yeah. He was a mentor to 22. When he fails to be a good mentor he is about to be sent to the Great Beyond. However, 22 grudgingly helps him “get back”, telling Joe that he “talks too much” when he questions her about why she was helping him.
Peter: Terry….you're a silly one, Jerries trick you into thinking that they don't know about Joe Gardner.
Punch: This place is based on human technology, just like in Sonic's world.
Terry: I already told you that this place was King Gilgamesh's idea.
Peter: Huh....so they got the technology idea.
Punch: The same reason why Mr Gilgamesh sent Eggie to....umm..you know....
Peter: Huh.....I know what you mean "Punch".
Punch: I wonder how's Eggman doing now...I kinda miss bullying him..
Peter and Terry: Umm.......
Later part 2
Terry: This is the space between the physical and spiritual. Thanks to 22 I guess....
Peter: If we fight those lost souls.....
Terry: Sorry but soul can't feel hurt or pain.....whaaoooo what are you doing with me????
Punch: You also too so give us a hand okay?
Peter: Nice shape rope!
Punch: I catch a soul!
Peter: Don't worry Terry, we got you!
Terry: Hey! Don't use me as a thing here!!
Peter: At least, It was me who got him out.
Terry: What?!
Peter: Eep!!
Punch: Ha ha! What weird movements!
Later part 3
Terry: Okay the next....
Punch: Mother Teresa! Long time no see! How are you doing? And do you remember me?
Teresa Soul: Oh, I remember you as a naughty child, and I remember you as another naughty child.
Peter: Long time no see...heh...heh...
Punch: You will be safe here.
Teresa Soul: I know.
Punch: Terry? Where are you going?
Peter: Terry? Wait!
Terry: You guys are really something huh....my existence here is just doing this job.
Punch: That's why we came here, Terry.
Terry: Huh?
Punch: I will show you that you're not alone.
Peter: You're just an old grumpy female you know that. We came here to play with you.
Terry: I had uh....Jerry.
Punch: I know but still.....
Peter: Why does Peter Pan always fly? Because he can Neverland!
Terry: *giggle*
Peter: But well…It’s always that one of Jerries who takes their job too seriously. That's why your name's Terry…
Punch: Because you're Tedder
Terry: Oooohhhh I'm going to get you for this!!
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askfordreams · 6 months
I recently watched "Soul" 2020, and i came across your post about your obsession with Terry. I'm interested to know, why do you like Terry so much? :)
Haha I do love Terry a lot, yes. Thanks for the question! Did you enjoy Soul?
Terry is my favorite character from Soul and I might as well say, is pretty high on the list from all Disney characters. One thing about Terry, they are not your usual antagonist, and tbh I'm not sure why they are even called that. They have ONE (1) job, Terry is the ACCOUNTANT, their only job is to make sure all souls that die make it to the Beyond. So naturally, if the count is off, they will make sure it gets fixed. Throughout the whole movie Terry insists that the only problem is that "the count is off": Terry has no problem with who and what Joe Gardner is or does, Terry only cares about fixing the Count. Terry has such a strong work ethic (or obsession), that their only purpose is this - the count. That resonates with me because I can understand how it is to be obsessed with one particular thing. (I mean I'm writing a whole essay on Terry lmfao.)
Terry is also a know-it-all, and a fix-it-all, and smug - BUT for good reasons! When Terry is under the impression they fixed the count he makes the other Jerrys reward Terry with a prize. My favorite line: "thank you for giving me this very special award that I requested, but that I absolutely deserve." Terry just wants recognition for doing a terrific job, not just for the sake of the prize. Terry knows they do their job well and doesn't care about others opinion - I thrive to have the confidence of Terry, but also backing up that confidence by being and doing the best.
Obviously, Terry messes up, but in the end it doesn't stop them from moving on and still believing in themselves. - Accepting that you made a mistake and moving on is an important life lesson in itself.
Terry is also a goofball - in the end one of the Jerrys tricks Terry into believing the count is ok, by quickly tricking Terry to look the other way - no matter how smart Terry is, they are just as gullible and simple like everybody else.
And lastly, Terry is not a Jerry. There is one TERRY, while there are 5 Jerrys. Terry is small and blue, all the Jerrys are pink and tall. In a world full of Jerrys, don't be afraid to be a Terry. In the end I think Terry resonates a lot with me because Terry is the analytical Jerry - all the Jerrys are in charge of teaching the souls, they are creative, they create personalities, but Terry? Terry only COUNTS. That's it. For me, Terry is the analytical and different Jerry that found one passion they had - counting, and all the other Jerrys pushed them away to be the Accountant because they were different. (Let's not forget none of the Jerrys took Terry seriously in any moment during the whole movie :( - "dont play dumb with me" ).
I rambled a lot about Terry and they only appear in 2 and half minutes of a 1 and half hour movie so I'll stop here, but basically: Terry is different, but not a whole lot different. I think Terry is the most human than all the other Jerrys.
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agendaculturaldelima · 5 months
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🌎 Cine Club del Banco de la Nación, presenta:
🎬 “SOUL” 🎵🎷
🔎 Género: Animación / Fantástico / Drama / Comedia / Música / Jazz / Gatos
⌛️ Duración: 100 minutos
✍️ Guión: Pete Docter, Mike Jones y Kemp Powers
📷 Fotografía: Matt Aspbury e Ian Megibben
🎼 Música: Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross y Jon Batiste
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💥 Argumento: ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado de dónde provienen tu pasión, tus sueños y tus intereses? ¿Qué es lo que te hace ser... tú? Pixar te lleva en un viaje desde las calles de Nueva York a los reinos cósmicos para descubrir las respuestas a las preguntas más importantes de la vida.
👥 Reparto en Voces: Daveed Diggs (Paul), Rachel House (Terry), Tina Fey (22), Richard Ayoade (Doradca Jerry), Jamie Foxx (Joe Gardner), John Ratzenberger (Guy on the Subway) y Ronnie del Carmen (Windstar)
📢 Dirección: Pete Docter y Kemp Powers
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© Productoras: Pixar Animation Studios & Walt Disney Pictures
💻 Distribuidora: Disney+
🌎 País: Estados Unidos
📅 Año: 2020
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📽 Proyección:
📆 Miércoles 24 de Enero
🕡 6:30pm. 
🎥 Auditorio Artes de la Nación (av. Javier Prado Este 2499, 5º piso - San Borja)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre, previa reserva: https://info.bn.com.pe/CineClubBN
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beatrixkiiddo · 3 years
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SOUL (2020) dir. Pete Docter
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asymptoticway · 3 years
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The whole Soul movie but it's just Terry the Accountant correcting your absent-minded mistakes
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gameponygirl1 · 3 years
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Jerry, Jerry, Terry and Not Jerry
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i-am-the-inquisitor · 3 years
“the count hasn’t been off in centuries” - Jerry
Me: “uhhhhh, so what happened last time the count was off?!?!?” 
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awesomesaurous · 3 years
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[Favorite Characters 24/?] Terry [Soul, 2020]
“Thought you could cheat the universe? Well, you thought wrong!”
all of the Counselors/Jerrys in Soul are great, doing amazing stuff with design
but Terry was the runaway hit best character
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cinema-tv-etc · 3 years
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“Everybody has a soul. Joe Gardner is about to find his.” ―Tagline
Soul is a 2020 computer-animated fantasy comedy-drama film produced by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The film was directed by Pete Docter, co-directed by Kemp Powers, and produced by Dana Murray as Pixar's 23rd feature film. Originally intended to be shown in theaters, the film's release has been delayed multiple times as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and instead was released on December 25, 2020 on Disney+.
Joe Gardner is a middle school band teacher with a love for jazz music. After a successful gig at the Half Note Club, he suddenly gets into an accident that separates his soul from his body and is transported to The Great Before, the place where all souls go before being either reincarnated as newborn babies, or transported to the Great Beyond. Joe must enlist help from the other souls-in-training, like 22, a soul who has spent eons in the You Seminar, in order to get back to the Land of the Living before he dies, while also avoiding a soul-counter named Terry, who tries to bring Joe back to the Great Before.
Joe Gardner is a middle school band instructor. Despite his job entailing the handling of rowdy students, he expresses his passion for music and jazz with his excellent skills on the piano. He is offered a full-time position at the school, which concerns him as he wants to become a full-time musician. His mother, Libba, wants him to accept as it would keep him financially secure. By chance, his friend Curly reveals that jazz musician Dorothea Williams is holding open auditions for a piano player at the Half Note Club. Joe arrives and plays the piano beautifully to the point that Dorothea offers him the job on the spot. As Joe happily heads off to prepare for tonight's performance, he accidentally falls down a manhole.
Joe finds himself as a soul heading into the Great Beyond. Not wanting to die just yet, he escapes the conveyer-like pathway and instead finds himself in the "Great Before," where soul counselors, all named Jerry, set up young souls for life on Earth. Joe poses as an instructor who is set to train the souls and is given 22, a soul who has remained in the Great Before for many years. 22 does not like Earth and finds it pointless and purposefully badgers her past instructors to leave her alone. Joe reveals to 22 the real reason why he is here and looks at his life up to the point he supposedly died. He realizes that he has not done much with his life, which gives him more incentive to return. 22 reveals that she has a badge that fills up with traits. She needs to find her "spark" to complete it and say she will give it to Joe to return home.
Joe tries to get 22 to find something to be passionate about, but nothing works. She takes him out to "the zone," an area that people enter when their passion sets them into a euphoric trance with no other options. It also houses the lost souls who become obsessed with minor things. They meet Moonwind, a sign twirler who enters the zone to rescue lost souls. He agrees to help Joe return to his body, and they learn that he has fallen into a coma and is on life support. Joe excitedly hops back to Earth but accidentally brings 22 with him, resulting in 22 entering his body and Joe ending up in the body of a therapy cat. Meanwhile, Terry, an accountant in the Great Before, realizes the souls to the Great Beyond are miscounted and learns quickly that Joe is missing and convinces the Jerrys to let her go look for him to bring him back.
22 and Joe escape the hospital, and the former is frightened by the sights and sounds. Joe qualms her by giving her a pizza, allowing her to enjoy something for the first time. They run into Moonwind, who tells them that he can attempt to swap their bodies back, but after he is off work at 6:30, cutting it close to Joe's show at 7:00. They head to Joe's apartment, where Connie, one of Joe's students, arrives to tell him that she is quitting band. However, 22 listens to her trombone playing, and she changes her mind, perplexing her. They next go to get a haircut where 22 holds a conversation with Dez, the barber, and the two hold a very poignant conversation with each other. After 22 rips Joe's pants, they go to see Libba to have it fixed, and "Joe" finally has a serious talk with her about his passion resulting in Libba giving Joe his father's old suit.
Outside the club, 22 has an epiphany about many of the things she has experienced and decides she wants to live. Not wanting to switch back, she runs, and Joe gives chase. Terry catches up and removes them from their bodies and back to the Great Before, where 22 sees that her badge has been filled out. However, Joe tells her that she was using his experiences and that it does not matter. Angry, she tosses the badge at him and disappears to the zone. Joe learns from Jerry that a "spark" and "purpose" are not the same thing, and he heads back to Earth, where he makes it to the club on time. After playing for the night, Joe does not feel right about what happened and heads back home. Changed by 22's experience, Joe enters the zone and reunites with Moonwind to search for 22, who has become a lost soul. Joe chases 22 back to the Great Before and tries to give her her badge back but ends up getting eaten by her.
22 feels hopeless and broken about her purpose inside the corrupted body, with Joe trying to make her feel better, only to be stopped by the negative comments 22 was told (including his own). Taking a small petal that caught 22's attention before, Joe gives it to her, and she returns to normal. With her badge back, Joe rides with her as far as he can as 22 finally enters Earth. Joe is prepared to head into the Great Beyond but is stopped by a Jerry who tells him that he has inspired them and will give him another chance at life (as well as reveal that they distracted Terry from her counting so that she doesn't encounter the same situation as before). Joe thanks them and returns to the living, now with the intent to live his life to the fullest.
In a post-credits scene, Terry tells the audience that the movie is over and orders them to go home.
Jamie Foxx as Joe Gardner/Mr. MittensRamone Hamilton as Young Joe Gardner
Tina Fey as 22/Joe Gardner
Graham Norton as Moonwind
Rachel House as Terry
Alice Braga as Counselor Jerry A
Richard Ayoade as Counselor Jerry B
Phylicia Rashad as Libba Gardner
Donnell Rawlings as Dez
Ahmir-Khalib Thompson "Questlove" as Curley Baker
Angela Bassett as Dorothea Williams
Disney and Pixar’s Soul | Official Teaser Trailer
SOUL - Behind the Scenes/Interviews
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randomlyrandoms · 3 years
Celebrity Deaths 2020
JANUARY Lexii Alijai - Jan. 1 (Rapper) Nick Gordon - Jan. 1 (Reality Star) Carlos De Leon - Jan. 1 (Boxer) Don Larsen - Jan. 1 (Baseball Player) Sam Wyche - Jan. 2 (Football Coach) John Baldessari - Jan. 2 (Conceptual Artist) Derek Acorah - Jan. 3 (TV Show Host) Gene Reynolds - Jan. 3 (Director) Andrea Arruti - Jan. 3 (Voice Actress) Walter Learning - Jan. 5 (Director) Ria Irawan - Jan. 6 (Movie Actress) Neil Peart - Jan. 7 (Drummer) Silvio Horta - Jan. 7 (Screenwriter) Elizabeth Wurtzel - Jan. 7 (Novelist) Harry Hains - Jan. 7 (TV Actor) *Edd Byrnes - Jan. 8 (TV Actor) Buck Henry - Jan. 8 (Screenwriter) Maxie - Jan. 8 (YouTube Star) Alexis Eddy - Jan. 9 (Reality Star) Brian James - Jan. 10 (Rugby Player) Stan Kirsch - Jan. 11 (TV Actor) La Parka - Jan. 12 (Wrestler) Rocky Johnson - Jan. 15 (Wrestler) *Dwayne Johnson's Dad* Christopher Tolkien - Jan. 16 (Novelist) David Olney - Jan. 18 (Folk Singer) Bubby Jones - Jan. 18 (Race Car Driver) Joe Shishido - Jan. 18 (Movie Actor) Jimmy Heath - Jan. 19 (Saxophonist) Terry Jones - Jan. 21 (Comedian) Jim Lehrer - Jan. 2(Journalist) Gudrun Pausewang - Jan. 23 (Young Adult Author) Jim Lehrer - Jan. 23 (Journalist) Clayton Christensen - Jan. 23 (Non-Fiction Author) Sean Reinert - Jan. 24 (Drummer) Rob Rensenbrink - Jan. 24 (Soccer Player) **Kobe Bryant - Jan. 26 (Basketball Player) *Gianna Bryant - Jan. 26 (Family Member) *Kobe's Daughter* Bob Shane - Jan. 26 (Rock Singer) John Altobelli - Jan. 26 (Baseball Manager) Keri Altobelli - Jan. 26 (Family Member) Jack Burns - Jan. 27 (Comedian) Harriet Frank Jr. - Jan. 28 (Screenwriter) Nicholas Parsons - Jan. 28 (TV Show Host) Tofig Gasimov - Jan. 29 (Politician) John Andretti - Jan. 30 (Race Car Driver) Fred Silverman - Jan. 30 (TV Producer) Mary Higgins Clark - Jan. 31 (Novelist) Anne Cox Chambers - Jan. 31 (Entrepreneur) 
FEBRUARY Gene Reynolds - Feb. 3 (Director) Nadia Lutfi - Feb. 4 (Movie Actress) Kamau Brathwaite - Feb. 4 (Poet) Kirk Douglas - Feb. 5 (Movie Actor) Beverly Pepper - Feb. 5 (Sculptor) *Raphael Coleman - Feb. 6 (Movie Actor) Jhon Jairo Velásquez - Feb. 6 (Criminal) Orson Bean - Feb. 7 (Movie Actor) Paula Kelly - Feb. 8 (Stage Actress) Robert Conrad - Feb. 8 (TV Actor) Qing Han - Feb. 8 (Illustrator) Keelin Shanley - Feb. 8 (Journalist) Mirella Freni - Feb. 9 (Opera Singer) Abam Bocey - Feb. 10 (Comedian) Lyle Mays - Feb. 10 (Planist) Louis-Edmond Hamelin - Feb. 11 (Non-Fiction Author) Jamie Gilson - Feb. 11 (Children's Author) Hamish Milne - Feb. 12 (Pianist) Jimmy Thunder - Feb. 13 (Boxer) Lynn Cohen - Feb. 14 (Movie Actress) Esther Scott - Feb. 14 (Voice Actress) John Shrapnel - Feb. 14 (Movie Actor) Caroline Flack - Feb. 15 (TV Show Host) Amie Harwick - Feb. 15 (Doctor) Vatroslav Mimica - Feb. 15 (Director) Jason Davis - Feb. 16 (Voice Actor) Zoe Caldwell - Feb. 16 (Stage Actress) Tony Fernandez - Feb. 16 (Baseball Player) Frances Cuka - Feb. 16 (TV Actress) Harry Gregg - Feb. 16 (Soccer Player) Ja'net Dubois - Feb. 17 (TV Actress) Owen Bieber - Feb. 17 (Activist) Charles Portis - Feb. 17 (Novelist) Lindsey Lagestee - Feb. 18 (Country Singer) Ashraf Sinclair - Feb. 18 (Movie Actor) Pop Smoke - Feb. 19 (Rapper) Jose Mojica Marins - Feb. 19 (Director) Gust Graas - Feb. 19 (Painter) Lisel Mueller - Feb. 21 (Poet) Tao Porchon-Lynch - Feb. 21 (Fitness Instructor) Katherine Johnson - Feb. 24 (Mathematician) Clive Cussler - Feb. 24 (Oceanographer) David Roback - Feb. 24 (Guitarist) Ben Cooper - Feb. 24 (Movie Actor) Mario Bunge - Feb. 24 (Philosopher) Jahn Teigen - Feb. 24 (Pop Singer) Dieter Laser - Feb. 29 (Movie Actor)
MARCH Jack Welch - March 1 (Entrepreneur) James Lipton - March 2 (TV Producer) Roscoe Born - March 3 (Soap Opera Actor) Nicholas Tucci - March 3 (Movie Actor) Roscoe Born - March 3 (Soap Opera Actor) Javier Perez De Cuellar - March 4 (Politician) Marnie the Dog  - March 5 (Dog) Danny Tidwell - March 6 (Dancer) McCoy Tyner - March 6 (Pianist) Henri Richard - March 6 (Hockey Player) Mart Crowley - March 7 (Playwright) Max Von Sydow - March 8 (Movie Actor) **Cookie Pansino - March 8 (Dog) Josie Harris - March 9 (Reality Star) Lorenzo Brino - March 9 (TV Actor) Eric Taylor - March 9 (Country Singer) Beba Selimovic - March 10 (Folk Singer) Josie Harris - March 10 (Reality Star) Michel Roux - March 11 (Chef) Charles Wuorinen - March 11 (Composer) Genesis P-Orridge - March 14 (Rock Singer) Roy Hudd - March 15 (Comedian) Wolf Kahn - March 15 (Painter) Stuart Whitman - March 16 (TV Actor) Roger Mayweather - March 17 (Boxer) Lyle Waggoner - March 17 (TV Actor) Alfred Worden - March 18 (Astronaut) Peter Whittingham - March 19 (Soccer Player) Kenny Rogers - March 20 (Country Singer) Pradip Kumar Banerjee - March 20 (Soccer Player) Mike Longo - March 21 (Pianist) Sol Kerzner - March 21 (Entrepreneur) Carmen De Mairena - March 22 (TV Actress) Serena Liu - March 22 (TV Actress) Stuart Gordon - March 24 (Screenwriter) Terrence McNally - March 24 (Playwright) Manu Dibango - March 24 (Saxophonist) Bill Rieflin - March 24 (Drummer) Floyd Cardoz - March 25 (Chef) Fred "Curly" Neal - March 26 (Basketball Player) Jimmy Wynn - March 26 (Baseball Player) Mark Blum - March 26 (Movie Actor) John Callahan - March 28 (Soap Opera Actor) Jan Howard - March 28 (Country Singer) Tom Coburn - March 28 (Politician) Linda Roper - March 28 (TikTok Star) Alan Merrill - March 29 (Rock Singer) Joe Diffie - March 29 (Country Singer) Krzysztof Penderecki - March 29 (Composer) Bill Withers - March 30 (Soul Singer) Tomie dePaola - March 30 (Children's Author) Andrew Jack - March 31 (Voice Actor) Smokinhottballz - March 31 (TikTok Star) Wallace Roney - March 31 (Trumpet Player)
APRIL Bucky Pizzarelli - April 1 (Guitarist) Ellis Marsalis Jr. - April 1 (Piantist) Adam Schlesinger - April 1 (Bassist) Eddie Large - April 2 (Comedian) Logan Williams - April 2 (TV Actor) Tom Dempsey - April 4 (Football Player) Shirley Douglas - April 5 (TV Actress) Honor Blackman - April 5 (Movie Actress) James Drury - April 6 (Movie Actor) Mac P Dawg - April 6 (Rapper) Earl G. Graves Sr. - April 6 (Entrepreneur) Al Kaline - April 6 (Baseball Player) Ital Samson - April 6 (Rapper) John Prine - April 7 (Country Singer) Hal Willner - April 7 (Music Producer) Allen Garfield - April 7 (Movie Actor) Mort Drucker - April 8 (Cartoonist) Chynna Rogers - April 8 (Rapper) Linda Tripp - April 8 (Politician) Glenn Fredly - April 8 (R&B Singer) Tarvaris Jackson - April 12 (Football Player) Tim Brooke-Taylor - April 12 (Comedian) Stirling Moss - April 12 (Race Car Driver) Luminor - April 12 (Rock Singer) Rick May - April 13 (Voice Actor) Brian Dennehy - April 15 (Stage Actor) Lee Konitz - April 15 (Saxophonist) Adam Alsing - April 15 (TV Show Host) Henry Grimes - April 15 (Bassist) Howard Finkel - April 16 (Sportscaster) Steve Cash - April 16 (YouTube Star) Jane Dee Hull - April 16 (Politician) Norman Hunter - April 17 (Soccer Player) Peter Beard - April 19 (Photographer) Tom Lester - April 20 (TV Actor) Derek Jones - April 21 (Guitarist) Jerry Bishop - April 21 (Radio Host) Laisenia Qarase - April 21 (Politician) Shirley Knight - April 22 (Movie Actress) Fred the Godson - April 23 (Rapper) Jace Prescott - April 23 (Family Member) *Dak Prescott's Brother* Harold Reid - April 24 (Country Singer) Per Olov Enquist - April 25 (Playwright) Aarón Hernán - April 26 (Soap Opera Actor) Ashley Ross - April 27 (Reality Star) Troy Sneed - April 27 (Gospel Singer) Nur Yerlitas - April 27 (Fashion Designer) Eavan Boland - April 27 (Poet) Mark Beech - April 27 (Non-Fiction Author) Jill Gascoine - April 28 (TV Actress) Yahya Hassan - April 29 (Poet) Irrfan Khan - April 29 (Movie Actor) Sam Lloyd - April 30 (TV Actor) Rishi Kapoor - April 30 (Movie Actor) Chuni Goswami - April 30 (Cricket Player)
MAY Matt Keough - May 1 (Baseball Player) Cady Groves - May 2 (Country Singer) Erwin Prasetya - May 2 (Bassist) Dave Greenfield - May 3 (Pianist) Don Shula - May 4 (Football Coach) Michael McClure - May 4 (Poet) Millie Small - May 5 (World Music Singer) Didi Kempot - May 5 (Pop Singer) Brian Howe - May 6 (Rock Singer) Florian Schneider - May 6 (Flute Player) Ben Chijioke - May 7 (Rapper) Andre Harrell - May 7 (Entrepreneur) *Roy Horn - May 8 (Magician) Percy Inglis - May 8 (Facebook Star) **Little Richard - May 9 (Rock Singer) Kristina Lugn - May 9 (Poet) **Corey La Barrie - May 10 (YouTube Star) Nick Blixky - May 10 (Rapper) Betty Wright - May 10 (R&B Singer) Jerry Stiller - May 11 (Movie Actor) Hutton Gibson - May 11 (Family Member) *Mel Gibson's Father* Michel Piccoli - May 12 (Movie Actor) *Gregory Tyree Boyce - May 13 (Movie Actor) Beckett Cypher - May 13 (Family Member) *Melissa Etheridge's Son* Rolf Hochhuth - May 13 (Playwright) Phyllis George - May 14 (Sportscaster) Fred Willard - May 15 (Movie Actor) Jorge Santana - May 15 (Guitarist) Lynn Shelton - May 15 (Screenwriter) El Chino Antrax - May 16 (Criminal) Shad Gaspard - May 17 (Wrestler) Ken Osmond - May 18 (TV Actor) Ravi Zacharias - May 19 (Religious Leader) Hagen Mills - May 19 (TV Actor) Jerry Sloan - May 22 (Basketball Coach) Mory Kante - May 22 (World Music Singer) Zara Abid - May 22 (Model) Eddie Sutton - May 23 (Basketball Coach) Hana Kimura - May 23 (Wrestler) Mota Jr - May 23 (Rapper) Jimmy Cobb - May 24 (Drummer) Anthony James - May 26 (TV Actor) Richard Herd - May 26 (TV Actor) Stanley Ho - May 26 (Entrepreneur) Larry Kramer - May 27 (Screenwriter) Houdini - May 27 (Rapper) Sam Johnson - May 27 (Politician) Bob Kulick - May 29 (Guitarist) Hassan Hosny - May 30 (Movie Actor) Blake Fly - May 30 (Instagram Star) Christo - May 31 (Painter)
JUNE Joey Image - June 1 (Drummer) Kailum O'Connor - June 1 (Snapchat Star) Chris Trousdale - June 2 (Pop Singer) Wes Unseld - June 2 (Basketball Player) Héctor Suárez - June 2 (Movie Actor) Mary Pat Gleason - June 2 (TV Actress) Bruce Jay Friedman - June 3 (Novelist) Steve Priest - June 4 (Bassist) Ybc Bam - June 4 (TikTok Star) Basu Chatterjee - June 4 (Director) Reche Caldwell - June 6 (Football Player) Chirru Sarja - June 7 (Movie Actor) Bonnie Pointer - June 8 (Rock Singer) Pierre Nkurunziza - June 8 (Politician) Ain Kaalep - June 9 (Poet) Paul Chapman - June 9 (Guitarist) Pau Donés - June 9 (Pop Singer) Jas Waters - June 9 (Screenwriter) George Canseco - June 12 (TikTok Star) Grandma Daisy - June 13 (Instagram Star) Sabiha Khanum - June 13 (Movie Actress) Sushant Singh Rajput - June 14 (Movie Actor) Yohan - June 16 (Pop Singer) Charles Webb - June 16 (Novelist) Eden Pastora - June 16 (Politician) Vera Lynn - June 18 (Pop Singer) John Bredenkamp - June 18 (Entrepreneur) Ian Holm - June 19 (Movie Actor) Tray Savage - June 19 (Rapper) Carlos Ruiz Zafon - June 19 (Young Adult Author) Pedro Lima - June 20 (Soap Opera Actor) Jim Kiick - June 20 (Football Player) Nastya Tropicelle - June 21 (YouTube Star) Steve Bing - June 22 (Film Producer) Joel Schumacher - June 22 (Director) Siya Kakkar - June 24 (TikTok Star) Huey - June 25 (Rapper) Kelly Asbury - June 26 (Director) Ramon Revilla Sr. - June 26 (Movie Actor) Linda Cristal - June 27 (Movie Actress) Pete Carr - June 27 (Guitarist) Rudolfo Anaya - June 28 (Novelist) Carl Reiner - June 29 (TV Actor) Johnny Mandel - June 29 (Composer) Benny Nardones - June 29 (Pop Singer) Young Curt - June 29 (Rapper) Willie Wright - June 29 (Soul Singer) Ida Haendel - June 30 (Violinist)
JULY Hugh Downs - July 1 (TV Show Host) Reckful - July 2 (Twitch Star) Earl Cameron - July 3 (Movie Actor) Saroj Khan - July 3 (Dancer) Sebastián Athié - July 4 (TV Actor) Bhakti Charu Swami - July 4 (Religious Leader) Nick Cordero - July 5 (Stage Actor) Charlie Daniels - July 6 (Country Singer) Ennio Morricone - July 6 (Composer) **Naya Rivera - July 8 (TV Actress) Flossie Wong-Staal - July 8 (Biologist) Jack Charlton - July 10 (Socccer Player) Morris Cerullo - July 10 (Religious Leader) Marlo - July 11 (Rapper) Nicole Thea - July 11 (Dancer) **Kelly Preston - July 12 (Movie Actress) Joanna Cole - July 12 (Children's Author) Benjamin Keough - July 12 (Family Member) *Elvis Presley's Grandson* Grant Imahara - July 13 (Reality Star) Zindzi Mandela - July 13 (Politician) Galyn Gorg - July 14 (TV Actress) John Lewis - July 17 (Politician) Zizi Jeanmaire - July 17 (Dancer) Miura Haruma - July 18 (TV Actor) El Dany - July 18 (Rapper) Kansai Yamamoto - July 21 (Fashion Designer) Demitra Roche - July 22 (Reality Star) *Regis Philbin - July 24 (TV Show Host) John Saxon - July 25 (Movie Actor) Peter Green - 25 (Guitarist) Olivia De Havilland - July 26 (Movie Actress) Malik B - July 29 (Rapper) Herman Cain - July 30 (Politician) Karen Berg - July 30 (Self-Help Author) Alan Parker - July 31 (Director)
AUGUST Wilford Brimley - Aug. 1 (TV Actor) Ryan Breaux - Aug. 2 (Family Member) *Frank Ocean's Brother* Leon Fleisher - Aug. 2 (Pianist) John Hume - Aug. 3 (Politician) Dick Goddard - Aug. 4 (TV Show Host) FBG Duck - Aug. 4 (Rapper) Horace Clarke Aug. 5 (Baseball Player) Isidora Bjelica - Aug. 5 (Playwright) James Drury - Aug. 6 (Movie Actor) Kurt Luedtke - Aug. 9 (Screenwriter) Tetsuya Watari - Aug. 10 (Movie Actor) Trini Lopez - Aug. 11 (World Music Singer) Ash Christian - Aug. 13 (TV Actor) Linda Manz - Aug. 14 (Movie Actress) Julian Bream - Aug. 14 (Guitarist) Shwikar - Aug. 14 (Movie Actress) Robert Trump - Aug. 15 (Family Memeber) *Donald Trump's Brother Emman Nimedez - Aug. 16 (Director) Kobe Nunez - Aug. 17 (YouTube Star) Gary Cowling - Aug. 17 (Stage Actor) Dale Hawerchuk - Aug. 18 (Hockey Player) Ben Cross - Aug. 18 (Movie Actor) Jack Sherman - Aug. 18 (Guitarist) Landon Clifford - Aug. 19 (YouTube Star) Chi Chi DeVayne - Aug. 20 (Reality Star) Frankie Banali - Aug. 20 (Drummer) Allan Rich - Aug. 22 (Movie Actor) Lori Nelson - Aug. 23 (Movie Actress) Benny Chan - Aug. 23 (TV Actor) Riley Gale - Aug. 24 (Rock Singer) Gail Sheehy - Aug. 24 (Non-Fiction Author) Lute Olson - Aug. 27 (Basketball Coach) **Chadwick Boseman - Aug. 28 (Movie Actor) El Loco Valdés - Aug. 28 (Comedian) Cliff Robinson - Aug. 29 (Basketball Player) John Thompson - Aug. 30 (Basketball Coach) Tom Seaver - Aug. 31 (Baseball Player) Pranab Mukherjee - Aug. 31 (Politician)
SEPTEMBER Erick Morillo - Sept. 1 (DJ) Ian Mitchell - Sept. 2 (Guitarist) Annie Cordy - Sept. 4 (Movie Actress) Lloyd Cadena - Sept. 4 (YouTube Star) Lucille Starr - Sept. 4 (Country Singer) Ethan Peters - Sept. 5 (Instagram Star) Kevin Dobson - Sept. 6 (Soap Opera Actor) Lou Brock - Sept. 6 (Baseball Player) Xavier Ortiz - Sept. 7 (TV Actor) Stevie Lee - Sept. 9 (Movie Actor) Diana Rigg - Sept. 10 (Movie Actress) Barbara Jefford - Sept. 12 (Stage Actress) Anthony Woodle - Sept. 13 (Director) Alien Huang - Sept. 16 (TV Show Host) Winston Groom - Sept. 17 (Novelist) Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Sept. 18 (Supreme Court Justice) Destiny Riekeberg - Sept. 19 (TikTok Star) Jackie Stallone - Sept. 21 (Family Member) *Sylvester Stallone's Mother* Michael Lonsdale - Sept. 21 (Movie Actor) Tommy DeVito - Sept. 21 (Guitarist) Zaywoah - Sept. 22 (Instagram Star) Joe Laurinaitis - Sept. 22 (Wrestler) Archie Lyndhurst - Sept. 22 (TV Actor) Juliette Greco - Sept. 23 (Movie Actress) Gale Sayers - Sept. 23 (Football Player) Dean Jones - Sept. 24 (Cricket Player) Yuko Takeuchi - Sept. 27 (TV Actress) Mac Davis - Sept. 29 (Country Singer) Helen Reddy - Sept. 29 (Pop Singer) Archie Lyndhurst - Sept. 30 (TV Actor) Quino - Sept. 30 (Cartoonist)
OCTOBER Derek Mahon - Oct. 1 (Poet) Murray Schisgal - Oct. 1 (Screenwriter) Bob Gibson - Oct. 2 (Baseball Player) Thomas Jefferson Byrd - Oct. 3 (Movie Actor) Kenzo Takada - Oct. 4 (Fashion Designer) Armelia McQueen - Oct. 4 (Stage Actress) Johhny Nash - Oct. 6 (Pop Singer) Eddie Van Halen - Oct. 6 (Guitarist) Tommy Rall - Oct. 6 (Dancer) Mario Molina - Oct. 7 (Chemist) Whitey Ford - Oct. 8 (Baseball Player) María García Galisteo - Oct. 9 (TV Actress) Joe Morgan - Oct. 11 (Baseball Player) Conchata Ferrell - Oct. 12 (TV Actress) Saint Dog - Oct. 13 (Rapper) Rhonda Fleming - Oct. 14 (Movie Actress) Fred Dean - Oct. 14 (Football Player) Johnny Bush - Oct. 16 (Country Singer) Doreen Montalvo - Oct. 17 (Stage Actress) Pinky Curvy - Oct. 17 (Instagram Star) James Redford - Oct. 17 (Director) Sid Hartman - Oct. 18 (Journalist) Spencer Davis - Oct. 19 (Guitarist) Marge Champion - Oct. 21 (Dancer) Frank Bough Oct. 21 (TV Show Host) Matt Blair - Oct. 22 (Football Player) Kastiop - Oct. 23 (YouTube Star) Jerry Jeff Walker - Oct. 23 (Country Singer) Diane DiPrima - Oct. 25 (Poet) Lee Kun-hee - Oct. 25 (Entrepreneur) DeOndra Dixon - Oct. 26 (Family Member) *Jamie Foxx's Sister* Billy Joe Shaver - Oct. 28 (Country Singer) Tracy Smothers - Oct. 28 (Wrestler) Bobby Ball - Oct. 28 (Comedian) Leanza Cornett - Oct. 28 (Pageant Contestant) Travis Roy - Oct. 29 (Memoirist) Nobby Stiles - Oct. 30 (Soccer Player) Herb Adderley - Oct. 30 (Football Player) *Sean Connery - Oct. 31 (Movie Actor) Rance Allen - Oct. 31 (Religious Leader) Betty Dodson - Oct. 31 (Novelist) MF Doom - Oct. 31 (Rapper)
NOVEMBER Eddie Hassell - Nov. 1 (TV Actor) Nikki McKibbin - Nov. 1 (Pop Singer) Magda Rodríguez - Nov. 1 (TV Producer) John Sessions - Nov. 2 (Comedian) Max Ward - Nov. 2 (Entrepreneur) Elsa Raven - Nov. 3 (Movie Actress) Ken Hensley - Nov. 4 (Rock Singer) Geoffrey Palmer - Nov. 5 (Movie Actor) BraxAttacks - Nov. 5 (Rapper) King Von - Nov. 6 (Rapper) SauxePaxk TB - Nov. 6 (Rapper) **Alex Trebek - Nov. 8 (Game Show Host) Bert Belasco - Nov. 8 (TV Actor) Tom Heinsohn - Nov. 10 (Basketball Player) Phyllis McGuire - Nov. 11 (Football Player) Mo3 - Nov. 11 (Rapper) Asif Basra - Nov. 12 (Movie Actor) Doug Supernaw - Nov. 13 (Country Singer) Paul Hornung - Nov. 13 (Football Player) Des O'Connor - Nov. 14 (TV Show Host) Soumitra Chatterjee - Nov. 15 (Movie Actor) Ray Clemence - Nov. 15 (Soccer Player) Kirby Morrow Nov. 18 (Voice Actor) Bobby Brown Jr - Nov. 18 (Family Member) *Bobby Brown's Son* Jake Scott - Nov. 19 (Football Player) Jan Morris - Nov. 20 (Non-Fiction Author) Mustafa Nadarevic - Nov. 22 (TV Actor) Hal Ketchum - Nov. 23 (Country Singer) David Dinkins - Nov. 23 (Politician) Abby Dalton - Nov. 23 (TV Actress) i_o - Nov. 23 (DJ) Joe Luna - Nov. 23 (Comedian) Bob Ryder - Nov. 24 (Journalist) Aaron Melzer - Nov. 24 (Rock Singer) Flor Silvestre - Nov. 25 (World Music Singer) Ahmad Mukhtar - Nov. 25 (Politician) Heavy D - Nov. 25 (Reality Star) Diego Maradona - Nov. 25 (Soccer Player) Markus Paul - Nov. 25 (Football Coach) Sadiq Al-Mahdi - Nov. 26 (Politician) Tony Hsieh - Nov. 27 (Entrepreneur) David Prowse - Nov. 28 (Bodybuilder) Lil Yase Nov. 28 (Rapper) Ben Bova - Nov. 29 (Non-Fiction Author) Papa Bouba Diop - Nov. 29 (Soccer Player) Jerry Demara - Nov. 30 (World Music Singer) Paid Will - Nov. 30 (Rapper) Nobby Stiles - Nov. 30 (Soccer Player)
DECEMBER Hugh Keays-Byrne - Dec. 1 (Movie Actor) Alexis Sharkey - Dec. 1 (Instagram Star) Michael Marion - Dec. 1 (Family Member) *Bobbie Thomas's Husband* Pamela Tiffin - Dec. 2 (Movie Actress) DC Fontana - Dec. 2 (Screenwriter) Pat Patterson - Dec. 2 (Wrestler) Alison Lurie - Dec. 3 (Novelist) Whitney Collings - Dec. 3 (Reality Star) David Lander - Dec. 4 (TV Actor) Sara Carreira - Dec. 5 (Instagram Star) Tabaré Vázquez - Dec. 6 (Politician) Natalie Desselle-Reid - Dec. 7 (TV Actress) Dick Allen - Dec. 7 (Baseball Player) Joselyn Cano - Dec. 7 (Instagram Star) Alejandro Sabella - Dec. 8 (Soccer Coach) Paolo Rossi - Dec. 9 (Soccer Player) V.J. Chitra - Dec. 9 (TV Actress) Phil Linz - Dec. 9 (Baseball Player) Barbara Windsor - Dec. 10 (Soap Opera Actress) Tommy Lister - Dec. 10 (Movie Actor) Carol Sutton - Dec. 10 (Movie Actress) Kim Ki-duk - Dec. 11 (Director) John Le Carre - Dec. 12 (Novelist) Ann Reinking - Dec. 12 (Stage Actress) Terry Kay - Dec. 12 (Novelist) Charley Pride - Dec. 12 (Country Singer) Gérard Houllier - Dec. 14 (Soccer Coach) *Jeremy Bulloch - Dec. 17 (Movie Actor) Rosalind Knight - Dec. 19 (TV Actress) K.T. Oslin - Dec. 21 (Country Singer) PlasmaMasterDon - Dec. 21 (YouTube Star) Stella Tennant - Dec. 22 (Model) Rika Zarai - Dec. 23 (World Music Singer) Rebecca Luker - Dec. 23 (Stage Actress) Leslie West - Dec. 23 (Guitarist) Kay Purcell - Dec. 23 (TV Actress) Danny Hodge - Dec. 24 (Wrestler) Genevieve Musci - Dec. 25 (YouTube Star) KC Jones - Dec. 25 (Basketball Player) Tony Rice - Dec. 25 (Guitarist) Lin Qi - Dec. 25 (Entrepreneur) Brodie Lee - Dec. 26 (Wrestler) Phil Niekro - Dec. 26 (Baseball Player) Tito Rojas - Dec. 26 (Folk Singer) Ty Jordan - Dec. 26 (Football Player) Nick McGlashan - Dec. 27 (Reality Star) William Link - Dec. 27 (Screenwriter) Fou Ts'ong - Dec. 28 (Pianist) Armando Manzanero - Dec. 28 (Composer) Jessica Campbell - Dec. 29 (Movie Actress) Pierre Cardin - Dec. 29 (Entrepreneur) Luke Letlow - Dec. 29 (Politician) Shabba Doo - Dec. 30 (Movie Actor) Frank Kimbrough - Dec. 30 (Pianist) Phyllis McGuire - Dec. 31 (Pop Singer) Alexi Laiho - Dec. ?? (Guitarist) 
18 notes · View notes
doomonfilm · 3 years
Review : Soul (2020)
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Pixar has carved out a very distinct niche for themselves in the animation world... not only have they pushed the boundaries in terms of looks, but they are not afraid to deal with heavier topics.  Soul is a perfect example of these things in motion, as they have not only once again upped the ante for animation quality, but have graduated from dealing with emotion to dealing with death and the afterlife.  For all of the movies that debuted on Christmas of 2020, Soul stands out as the leader of the pack.
Middle school music teacher and aspiring jazz pianist Joe Gardenr (Jamie Foxx) has hit a point in life where he is feeling depressed and unfulfilled.  His mother Libba (Phylicia Rashad) does not support his dreams, and the rut of teaching thankless kids is wearing on him, but with the help of former student Curley (Questlove), Joe is given the opportunity to audition for a spot in famed jazz saxophonist’s Dorothea Williams (Angela Bassett), and in a moment of inspiration, Joe nails the audition.  In a cruel twist of fate, however, Joe falls down an open manhole and is killed, leading him to a journey in the Great Before where he must help 22 (Tina Fey), a soul disenchanted about living on Earth, to find purpose in the form of a new human to occupy.
For a kid’s film, Soul definitely addresses some heavy, esoteric topics, but handles them with a level of kid gloves that is not too jarring or depressing for a young mind.  Surprisingly, there is also enough depth in this handling to keep adults not only interested, but introspective after the fact.  Soul is an observant film that not only teaches you the value of your own life, but the value of the lives of those around you as well.  The attempt to try and provide an understanding and reason behind the existence of purpose is also a driving force of the narrative, making Soul possibly the most emotionally fulfilling piece of entertainment presented in 2020.
Concepts like alchemy, thin places, transcendental meditation, quantum physics, astral projection and more are laid out on the table in a very “explain it to me like I’m five” nature, which makes them easier to digest for young, developing minds.  Much like a film such as I Heart Huckabees, Soul stands as an ode to universal interconnectedness… films like these are a reminder that no matter how bleak the outlook, or now matter how lost and isolated we feel in this world, we are not alone on our journey.  Joe Gardner, therefore, stands as a role model for the kids who feel as if their passions and talents aren’t important, aren’t worthy, or make them outcasts, and hopefully it will provide them with a sense of self-worth and a drive to follow their dreams if, for no other reason, self-fulfillment.
It’s nearly impossible to talk about a Pixar film without talking about the animation quality, and Soul presents at least 3 distinct animation looks to tell this story.  While the souls and animals look great, the amount of detail in every human on the screen (be they key characters or animated extras) is incredible to the point of being breathtaking.  New York also looks stunning, with its vibrant sense of life, mixed bag of history and cultures and its proud presence all resonating in the same manner as actual real, filmed images of the city.  The pathway to the Afterlife, the Beforelife and space are also given wonderful detail in their visual presentations, making each environment immediately easy to read in terms of emotional tone.  The writing is very strong, with the tender and humorous moments equally balanced and distributed… the Jerrys and Terrys all being British also cracks me up.
Jamie Foxx subdues some of his cocky, confident nature in order to make his character as relatable as he is talented, grounding Joe Gardner in a sense of humility and respect for his craft that is admirable on the highest levels.  Tina Fey indulges in her poetic license to put the humorous pedal to the metal, but not at the expense of being able to portray a real sense of both wonder and hurt at appropriate times.  Angela Bassett brings a mix of dignity and no-nonsense leadership to her role as bandleader, manifesting as one who recognizes talent just as well as all of the baggage that often comes with it, and translating that into a tough but worthy emotional hurdle to overcome.  Graham Norton brings some of the most humorous moments to the table, while the hilarious administrative esoteric hot potato of the After/Beforelife is passed around between Rachel House, Richard Ayoade, Alice Braga, Wes Studi, Fortune Feimster and Zenobia Shroff.  Appearances by Phylicia Rashad, Questlove, Daveed Diggs, Donnell Rawlings, June Squibb, the criminally underrated and mega-talented Cody Chestnutt and more fill out the world of Soul.
With the track record that Pixar currently boasts, I’d be more surprised if they failed than I am when they succeed.  Soul more than likely would have broken box office records given the opportunity for a proper release and theatrical run, and I’d be willing to put money on it bringing home numerous awards in the animation field.
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bongaboi · 3 years
2021 Grammy Awards: The List.
New age
Best New Age Album
More Guitar Stories – Jim "Kimo" West
Songs from the Bardo – Laurie Anderson, Tenzin Choegyal & Jesse Paris Smith
Periphery – Priya Darshini
Form//Less – Superposition
Meditations – Cory Wong & Jon Batiste
Best Improvised Jazz Solo
"All Blues" – Chick Corea, soloist
"Guinnevere" – Christian Scott Atunde Adjuah, soloist
"Pachamama" – Regina Carter, soloist
"Tomorrow is the Question" – Julian Lage, soloist
"Celia" – Gerald Clayton, soloist
"Moe Honk" – Joshua Redman, soloist
Best Jazz Vocal Album
Secrets are the Best Stories – Kurt Elling featuring Danilo Pérez
ONA – Thana Alexa
Modern Ancestors – Carmen Lundy
Holy Room: Live at Alte Oper – Somi With Frankfurt Radio Big Band
What's the Hurry – Kenny Washington
Best Jazz Instrumental Album
Trilogy 2 – Chick Corea, Christian McBride & Brian Blade
on the tender spot of every calloused moment – Ambrose Akinmusire
Waiting Game – Terri Lyne Carrington and Social Science
Happening: Live at the Village Vanguard – Gerald Clayton
RoundAgain – Redman Mehldau McBride Blade
Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album
Data Lords – Maria Schneider Orchestra
Dialogues on Race – Gregg August
Monk'estra Plays John Beasley – John Beasley
The Intangible Between – Orrin Evans and The Captain Black Big Band
Songs You Like a Lot – John Hollenbeck with Theo Bleckmann, Kate McGarry, Gary Versace and The Frankfurt Radio Big Band
Best Latin Jazz Album
Four Questions – Arturo O'Farrill & The Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra
Tradiciones – Afro-Peruvian Jazz Orchestra
City of Dreams – Chico Pinheiro
Viento y Tiempo - Live at Blue Note Tokyo – Gonzalo Rubalcaba & Aymée Nuviola
Trane's Delight – Poncho Sanchez
Gospel/contemporary Christian music
Best Gospel Performance/Song
"Movin' On"
Darryl L. Howell, Jonathan Caleb McReynolds, Kortney Jamaal Pollard & Terrell Demetrius Wilson, songwriters (Jonathan McReynolds & Mali Music)
"Wonderful is Your Name"
Melvin Crispell III, songwriter (Melvin Crispell III)
"Release (Live)"
David Frazier, songwriter (Ricky Dillard featuring Tiff Joy)
"Come Together"
Lashawn Daniels, Rodney Jerkins, Lecrae Moore & Jazz Nixon, songwriters (Rodney "Darkchild" Jerkins Presents: The Good News)
"Won't Let Go"
Travis Greene, songwriter (Travis Greene)
Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song
"There Was Jesus"
Casey Beathard, Jonathan Smith & Zach Williams, songwriters (Zach Williams & Dolly Parton)
"The Blessing (Live)"
Chris Brown, Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe Carnes & Steven Furtick, songwriters (Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes & Elevation Worship)
"Sunday Morning"
Denisia Andrews, Jones Terrence Antonio, Saint Bodhi, Brittany Coney, Kirk Franklin, Lasanna Harris, Shama Joseph, Stuart Lowery, Lecrae Moore & Nathanael Saint-Fleur, songwriters (Lecrae featuring Kirk Franklin)
"Holy Water"
Andrew Bergthold, Ed Cash, Franni Cash, Martin Cash & Scott Cash, songwriters (We the Kingdom)
"Famous For (I Believe)"
Chuck Butler, Krissy Nordhoff, Jordan Sapp, Alexis Slifer & Tauren Wells, songwriters (Tauren Wells featuring Jenn Johnson)
Best Gospel Album
Gospel According to PJ – PJ Morton
2econd Wind: ReadY – Anthony Brown & group therAPy
My Tribute – Myron Butler
Choirmaster – Ricky Dillard
Kierra – Kierra Sheard
Best Contemporary Christian Music Album
Jesus Is King – Kanye West
Run to The Father – Cody Carnes
All of My Best Friends – Hillsong Young & Free
Holy Water – We the Kingdom
Citizen of Heaven – Tauren Wells
Best Roots Gospel Album
Celebrating Fisk! (The 150th Anniversary Album) – Fisk Jubilee Singers
Beautiful Day – Mark Bishop
20/20 – The Crabb Family
What Christmas Really Means – The Erwins
Something Beautiful – Ernie Haase & Signature Sound
Best Latin Pop Album or Urban Album
YHLQMDLG – Bad Bunny
Por Primera Vez – Camilo
Mesa Para Dos – Kany García
Pausa – Ricky Martin
3:33 – Debi Nova
Best Latin Rock or Alternative Album
La Conquista del Espacio – Fito Páez
Aura – Bajofondo
Sobrevolando – Cultura Profética
Miss Colombia – Lido Pimienta
Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano)
Un Canto por México, Vol. 1 – Natalia Lafourcade
Hecho en México – Alejandro Fernández
La Serenata – Lupita Infante
Bailando Sones y Huampangos con Mariachi Sol De Mexico De Jose Hernandez – Mariachi Sol De Mexico De Jose Hernandez
Ayayay! – Christian Nodal
Best Tropical Latin Album
40 – Grupo Niche
Mi Tumbao – José Alberto "El Ruiseñor"
Infinito – Edwin Bonilla
Sigo Cantando al Amor (Deluxe) – Jorge Celedon & Sergio Luis
Memorias de Navidad – Víctor Manuelle
American roots
Best American Roots Performance
"I Remember Everything" – John Prine
"Colors" – Black Pumas
"Deep in Love" – Bonny Light Horseman
"Short and Sweet" – Brittany Howard
"I'll Be Gone" – Norah Jones & Mavis Staples
Best American Roots Song
"I Remember Everything"
Pat McLaughlin & John Prine, songwriters (John Prine)
Laura Rogers & Lydia Rogers, songwriters (The Secret Sisters)
"Ceiling to the Floor"
Sierra Hull & Kai Welch, songwriters (Sierra Hull)
Sarah Jarosz, songwriter (Sarah Jarosz)
"Man Without a Soul"
Tom Overby & Lucinda Williams, songwriters (Lucinda Williams)
Best Americana Album
World on the Ground – Sarah Jarosz
Old Flowers – Courtney Marie Andrews
Terms of Surrender – Hiss Golden Messenger
El Dorado – Marcus King
Good Souls Better Angels – Lucinda Williams
Best Bluegrass Album
Home – Billy Strings
Man on Fire – Danny Barnes
To Live in Two Worlds, Vol. 1 – Thomm Jutz
North Carolina Songbook – Steep Canyon Rangers
The John Hartford Fiddle Tune Project, Vol. 1 – Various Artists
Best Traditional Blues Album
Rawer than Raw – Bobby Rush
All My Dues are Paid – Frank Bey
You Make Me Feel – Don Bryant
That's What I Heard – Robert Cray Band
Cypress Grove – Jimmy "Duck" Holmes
Best Contemporary Blues Album
Have You Lost Your Mind Yet? – Fantastic Negrito
Live at the Paramount – Ruthie Foster Big Band
The Juice – G. Love
Blackbirds – Bettye LaVette
Up and Rolling – North Mississippi Allstars
Best Folk Album
All the Good Times – Gillian Welch & David Rawlings
Bonny Light Horseman – Bonny Light Horseman
Thanks for the Dance – Leonard Cohen
Song for Our Daughter – Laura Marling
Saturn Return – The Secret Sisters
Best Regional Roots Music Album
Atmosphere – New Orleans Nightcrawlers
My Relatives 'nikso' Kowaiks – Black Lodge Singers
Cameron Dupuy and The Cajun Troubadours – Cameron Dupuy And The Cajun Troubadours
Lovely Sunrise – Nā Wai ʽEhā
A Tribute to Al Berard – Sweet Cecilia
Best Reggae Album
Got to Be Tough – Toots and the Maytals
Upside Down 2020 – Buju Banton
Higher Place – Skip Marley
It All Comes Black to Love – Maxi Priest
One World – The Wailers
Global music
Best Global Music Album
Twice as Tall – Burna Boy
Fu Chronicles – Antibalas
Agora – Bebel Gilberto
Love Letters – Anoushka Shankar
Amadjar – Tinariwen
Best Children's Album
All the Ladies – Joanie Leeds
Be a Pain: An Album for Young (and Old) Leaders – Alastair Moock And Friends
I'm an Optimist – Dog On Fleas
Songs for Singin' – The Okee Dokee Brothers
Wild Life – Justin Roberts
Spoken word
Best Spoken Word Album (Includes Poetry, Audio Books & Storytelling)
Blowout: Corrupted Democracy, Rogue State Russia, and the Richest, Most Destructive Industry on Earth – Rachel Maddow
Acid for the Children – A Memoir – Flea
Alex Trebek – The Answer Is... – Ken Jennings
Catch and Kill – Ronan Farrow
Charlotte's Web (E.B. White) – Meryl Streep and Full Cast
Best Comedy Album
Black Mitzvah – Tiffany Haddish
I Love Everything – Patton Oswalt
The Pale Tourist – Jim Gaffigan
Paper Tiger – Bill Burr
23 Hours to Kill – Jerry Seinfeld
Musical theater
Best Musical Theater Album
Jagged Little Pill – Kathryn Gallagher, Celia Rose Gooding, Lauren Patten & Elizabeth Stanley, principal soloists; Neal Avron, Pete Ganbarg, Tom Kitt, Michael Parker, Craig Rosen & Vivek J. Tiwary, producers (Glen Ballard & Alanis Morissette, lyricists) (Original Broadway Cast)
Amélie – Audrey Brisson, Chris Jared, Caolan McCarthy & Jez Unwin, principal soloists; Michael Fentiman, Sean Patrick Flahaven, Barnaby Race & Nathan Tysen, producers; Nathan Tysen, lyricist; Daniel Messe, composer & lyricist (Original London Cast)
American Utopia on Broadway – David Byrne, principal soloist; David Byrne, producer (David Byrne, composer & lyricist) (Original Cast)
Little Shop of Horrors – Tammy Blanchard, Jonathan Groff & Tom Alan Robbins, principal soloists; Will Van Dyke, Michael Mayer, Alan Menken & Frank Wolf, producers (Alan Menken, composer; Howard Ashman, lyricist) (The New Off-Broadway Cast)
The Prince of Egypt – Christine Allado, Luke Brady, Alexia Khadime & Liam Tamne, principal soloists; Dominick Amendum & Stephen Schwartz, producers; Stephen Schwartz, composer & lyricist (Original Cast)
Soft Power – Francis Jue, Austin Ku, Alyse Alan Louis & Conrad Ricamora, principal soloists; Matt Stine, producer; David Henry Hwang, lyricist; Jeanine Tesori, composer & lyricist (Original Cast)
Music for visual media
Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media
Jojo Rabbit – Various artists
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood – Various artists
Bill & Ted Face the Music – Various artists
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga – Various artists
Frozen II – Various artists
Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media
Joker – Hildur Guðnadóttir, composer
Ad Astra – Max Richter, composer
Becoming – Kamasi Washington, composer
1917 – Thomas Newman, composer
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker – John Williams, composer
Best Song Written for Visual Media
"No Time to Die" (from No Time to Die)
Billie Eilish O'Connell and Finneas O'Connell (Billie Eilish)
"Beautiful Ghosts" (from Cats)
Andrew Lloyd Webber and Taylor Swift (Taylor Swift)
"Carried Me with You" (from Onward)
Brandi Carlile, Phil Hanseroth and Tim Hanseroth (Brandi Carlile)
"Into the Unknown" (from Frozen II)
Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez (Idina Menzel featuring AURORA)
"Stand Up" (from Harriet)
Joshuah Brian Campbell and Cynthia Erivo (Cynthia Erivo)
Best Instrumental Composition
Maria Schneider, composer (Maria Schneider)
"Baby Jack"
Arturo O'Farrill, composer (Arturo O'Farrill & The Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra)
"Be Water II"
Christian Sands, composer (Christian Sands)
Alexandre Desplat, composer (Alexandre Desplat)
Remy Le Boeuf, composer (Remy Le Boeuf's Assembly Of Shadows featuring Anna Webber & Eric Miller)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella
"Donna Lee"
John Beasley, arranger (John Beasley)
"Bathroom Dance"
Hildur Guðnadóttir, arranger (Hildur Guðnadóttir)
Remy Le Boeuf, arranger (Remy Le Boeuf's Assembly Of Shadows)
"Lift Every Voice and Sing"
Alvin Chea & Jarrett Johnson, arrangers (Jarrett Johnson Featuring Alvin Chea)
"Uranus: The Magician"
Jeremy Levy, arranger (Jeremy Levy Jazz Orchestra)
Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals
"He Won't Hold You"
Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier featuring Rapsody)
"Asas Fechadas"
John Beasley & Maria Mendes, arrangers (Maria Mendes Featuring John Beasley & Orkest Metropole)
"Desert Song"
Erin Bentlage, Sara Gazarek, Johnaye Kendrick & Amanda Taylor, arrangers (Säje)
"From This Place"
Alan Broadbent & Pat Metheny, arrangers (Pat Metheny featuring Meshell Ndegeocello)
"Slow Burn"
Talia Billig, Nic Hard & Becca Stevens, arrangers (Becca Stevens featuring Jacob Collier, Mark Lettieri, Justin Stanton, Jordan Perlson, Nic Hard, Keita Ogawa, Marcelo Woloski & Nate Werth)
Best Recording Package
Vols. 11 & 12
Doug Cunningham & Jason Noto, art directors (Desert Sessions)
Everyday Life
Pilar Zeta, art director (Coldplay)
Kyle Goen, art director (Lil Wayne)
Julian Gross & Hannah Hooper, art directors (Grouplove)
On Circles
Jordan Butcher, art director (Caspian)
Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package
Ode to Joy
Lawrence Azerrad & Jeff Tweedy, art directors (Wilco)
Flaming Pie (Collector's Edition)
Linn Wie Andersen, Simon Earith, Paul McCartney & James Musgrave, art directors (Paul McCartney)
Giants Stadium 1987, 1989, 1991
Lisa Glines & Doran Tyson, art directors (Grateful Dead)
Jeff Schulz, art director (Depeche Mode)
The Story of Ghostly International
Michael Cina & Molly Smith, art directors (Various Artists)
Best Album Notes
Dead Man's Pop
Bob Mehr, album notes writer (The Replacements)
At The Minstrel Show: Minstrel Routines From The Studio, 1894-1926
Tim Brooks, album notes writer (Various Artists)
The Bakersfield Sound: Country Music Capital Of The West, 1940-1974
Scott B. Bomar, album notes writer (Various Artists)
The Missing Link: How Gus Haenschen Got Us From Joplin To Jazz And Shaped The Music Business
Colin Hancock, album notes writer (Various Artists)
Out Of A Clear Blue Sky
David Sager, album notes writer (Nat Brusiloff)
Best Historical Album
It's Such a Good Feeling: The Best of Mister Rogers
Lee Lodyga & Cheryl Pawelski, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Mister Rogers)
Celebrated, 1895–1896
Meagan Hennessey & Richard Martin, compilation producers; Richard Martin, mastering engineer (Unique Quartette)
Hittin' the Ramp: The Early Years (1936–1943)
Zev Feldman, Will Friedwald & George Klabin, compilation producers; Matthew Lutthans, mastering engineer (Nat King Cole)
1999 Super Deluxe Edition
Michael Howe, compilation producer; Bernie Grundman, mastering engineer (Prince)
Carolyn Agger, compilation producer; Miles Showell, mastering engineer (Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark)
Throw Down Your Heart: The Complete Africa Sessions
Béla Fleck, compilation producer; Richard Dodd, mastering engineer (Béla Fleck)
Production, non-classical
Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical
Drew Brown, Andrew Coleman, Shawn Everett, Serban Ghenea, David Greenbaum, Jaycen Joshua, Beck Hansen & Mike Larson, engineers; Randy Merrill, mastering engineer (Beck)
Black Hole Rainbow
Shawn Everett & Ivan Wayman, engineers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Devon Gilfillian)
Gary Paczosa & Mike Robinson, engineers; Paul Blakemore, mastering engineer (Katie Pruitt)
Shawn Everett, engineer; Shawn Everett, mastering engineer (Brittany Howard)
25 Trips
Shani Gandhi & Gary Paczosa, engineers; Adam Grover, mastering engineer (Sierra Hull)
Producer of the Year, Non-Classical
Andrew Watt
"Break My Heart" (Dua Lipa)
"Me and My Guitar" (A Boogie wit da Hoodie)
"Midnight Sky" (Miley Cyrus)
"Old Me" (5 Seconds of Summer)
"Ordinary Man" (Ozzy Osbourne featuring Elton John)
"Take What You Want" (Post Malone featuring Ozzy Osbourne & Travis Scott)
"Under The Graveyard" (Ozzy Osbourne)
Jack Antonoff
"August" (Taylor Swift)
Gaslighter (The Chicks)
"Holy Terrain" (FKA Twigs featuring Future)
"Mirrorball" (Taylor Swift)
"This Is Me Trying" (Taylor Swift)
"Together" (Sia)
Dan Auerbach
Cypress Grove (Jimmy "Duck" Holmes)
El Dorado (Marcus King)
Is Thomas Callaway (CeeLo Green)
Singing for My Supper (Early James)
Solid Gold Sounds (Kendell Marvel)
Years (John Anderson)
Dave Cobb
"Backbone" (Kaleo)
The Balladeer (Lori McKenna)
Boneshaker (Airbourne)
Down Home Christmas (Oak Ridge Boys)
The Highwomen (The Highwomen)
"I Remember Everything" (John Prine)
Reunions (Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit)
"The Spark" (William Prince)
"You're Still the One" (Teddy Swims)
Flying Lotus
It Is What It Is (Thundercat)
Best Remixed Recording
"Roses (Imanbek Remix)"
Imanbek Zeikenov, remixer (SAINt JHN)
"Do You Ever (RAC Mix)"
RAC, remixer (Phil Good)
"Imaginary Friends (Morgan Page Remix)"
Morgan Page, remixer (Deadmau5)
"Praying for You (Louie Vega Main Remix)"
Louie Vega, remixer (Jasper Street Co.)
"Young & Alive (Bazzi vs. Haywyre Remix)"
Haywyre, remixer (Bazzi)
Production, immersive audio
Best Immersive Audio Album
The judging for this category was postponed.
Production, classical
Best Engineered Album, Classical
"Shostakovich: Symphony No. 13, 'Babi Yar'"
David Frost & Charlie Post, engineers; Silas Brown, mastering engineer (Riccardo Muti & Chicago Symphony Orchestra)
"Danielpour: The Passion of Yeshua"
Bernd Gottinger, engineer (JoAnn Falletta, James K. Bass, Adam Luebke, UCLA Chamber Singers, Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra & Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus)
"Gershwin: Porgy and Bess"
David Frost & John Kerswell, engineers; Silas Brown, mastering engineer (David Robertson, Eric Owens, Angel Blue, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Chorus)
"Hynes: Fields"
Kyle Pyke, engineer; Jesse Lewis & Kyle Pyke, mastering engineers (Devonté Hynes & Third Coast Percussion)
"Ives: Complete Symphonies"
Alexander Lipay & Dmitriy Lipay, engineers; Alexander Lipay & Dmitriy Lipay, mastering engineers (Gustavo Dudamel & Los Angeles Philharmonic)
Producer of the Year, Classical
David Frost
Beethoven: Piano Sonatas, Vol. 9 (Jonathan Biss)
Gershwin: Porgy And Bess (David Robertson, Eric Owens, Angel Blue, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Chorus)
Gluck: Orphée & Eurydice (Harry Bicket, Dmitry Korchak, Andriana Chuchman, Lauren Snouffer, Lyric Opera Of Chicago Orchestra & Chorus)
Holst: The Planets; The Perfect Fool (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony)
Muhly: Marnie (Robert Spano, Isabel Leonard, Christopher Maltman, Denyce Graves, Iestyn Davies, Janis Kelly, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Chorus)
Schubert: Piano Sonatas, D. 845, D. 894, D. 958, D. 960 (Shai Wosner)
Shostakovich: Symphony No. 13, 'Babi Yar' (Riccardo Muti, Alexey Tikhomirov, Chicago Symphony Orchestra & Chorus)
Blanton Alspaugh
Aspects Of America - Pulitzer Edition (Carlos Kalmar & Oregon Symphony)
Blessed Art Thou Among Women (Peter Jermihov, Katya Lukianov & PaTRAM Institute Singers)
Dvořák: Symphony No. 9; Copland: Billy The Kid (Gianandrea Noseda & National Symphony Orchestra)
Glass: The Fall Of The House Of Usher (Joseph Li, Nicholas Nestorak, Madison Leonard, Jonas Hacker, Ben Edquist, Matthew Adam Fleisher & Wolf Trap Opera)
Kahane: Emergency Shelter Intake Form (Alicia Hall Moran, Gabriel Kahane, Carlos Kalmar & Oregon Symphony)
Kastalsky: Requiem (Leonard Slatkin, Steven Fox, Benedict Sheehan, Charles Bruffy, Cathedral Choral Society, The Clarion Choir, The Saint Tikhon Choir, Kansas City Chorale & Orchestra Of St. Luke's)
Massenet: Thaïs (Andrew Davis, Joshua Hopkins, Andrew Staples, Erin Wall, Toronto Mendelssohn Choir & Toronto Symphony Orchestra)
Smyth: The Prison (Sarah Brailey, Dashon Burton, James Blachly & Experiential Orchestra)
Woolf, L.P.: Fire And Flood (Julian Wachner, Matt Haimovitz & Choir Of Trinity Wall Street)
Jesse Lewis
Gunn: The Ascendant (Roomful Of Teeth)
Harrison, M.: Just Constellations (Roomful Of Teeth)
Her Own Wings (Willamette Valley Chamber Music Festival)
Hynes: Fields (Devonté Hynes & Third Coast Percussion)
Lang, D.: Love Fail (Beth Willer & Lorelei Ensemble)
Mazzoli: Proving Up (Christopher Rountree, Opera Omaha & International Contemporary Ensemble)
Sharlat: Spare The Rod! (NOW Ensemble)
Soul House (Hub New Music)
Wherein Lies The Good (The Westerlies)
Dmitry Lipay
Adams, J.: Must The Devil Have All The Good Tunes? (Yuja Wang, Gustavo Dudamel & Los Angeles Philharmonic)
Cipullo: The Parting (Alastair Willis, Laura Strickling, Catherine Cook, Michael Mayes & Music Of Remembrance)
Ives: Complete Symphonies (Gustavo Dudamel & Los Angeles Philharmonic)
LA Phil 100 - The Los Angeles Philharmonic Centennial Birthday Gala (Gustavo Dudamel & Los Angeles Philharmonic)
Langgaard: Prelude To Antichrist; Strauss: An Alpine Symphony (Thomas Dausgaard & Seattle Symphony Orchestra)
Nielsen: Symphony No. 1 & Symphony No. 2, 'The Four Temperaments' (Thomas Dausgaard & Seattle Symphony)
Elaine Martone
Bound For The Promised Land (Robert M. Franklin, Steven Darsey, Jessye Norman & Taylor Branch)
Dawn (Shachar Israel)
Gandolfi, Prior & Oliverio: Orchestral Works (Robert Spano & Atlanta Symphony Orchestra)
Singing In The Dead Of Night (Eighth Blackbird)
Whitacre: The Sacred Veil (Eric Whitacre, Grant Gershon & Los Angeles Master Chorale)
Best Orchestral Performance
"Ives: Complete Symphonies"
Gustavo Dudamel, conductor (Los Angeles Philharmonic)
"Aspects of America - Pulitzer Edition"
Carlos Kalmar, conductor (Oregon Symphony)
Daníel Bjarnason, conductor (Iceland Symphony Orchestra)
"Copland: Symphony No. 3"
Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor (San Francisco Symphony)
"Lutosławski: Symphonies No. 2 & 3"
Hannu Lintu, conductor (Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra)
Best Opera Recording
"Gershwin: Porgy and Bess"
David Robertson, conductor; Angel Blue & Eric Owens; David Frost, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus)
"Dello Joio: The Trial at Rouen"
Gil Rose, conductor; Heather Buck & Stephen Powell; Gil Rose, producer (Boston Modern Orchestra Project; Odyssey Opera Chorus)
"Floyd, C: Prince of Players"
William Boggs, conductor; Keith Phares & Kate Royal; Blanton Alspaugh, producer (Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra; Florentine Opera Chorus)
"Handel: Agrippina"
Maxim Emelyanychev, conductor; Joyce DiDonato; Daniel Zalay, producer (Il Pomo D'Oro)
"Zemlinsky: Der Zwerg"
Donald Runnicles, conductor; David Butt Philip & Elena Tsallagova; Peter Ghirardini & Erwin Stürzer, producers (Orchestra Of The Deutsche Oper Berlin; Chorus Of The Deutsche Oper Berlin)
Best Choral Performance
"Danielpour: The Passion of Yessuah"
JoAnn Falletta, conductor; James K. Bass & Adam Luebke, chorus masters (James K. Bass, J'Nai Bridges, Timothy Fallon, Kenneth Overton, Hila Plitmann & Matthew Worth; Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra; Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus & UCLA Chamber Singers)
Donald Nally, conductor (The Crossing)
"Kastalski: Requiem"
Leonard Slatkin, conductor; Charles Bruffy, Steven Fox & Benedict Sheehan, chorus masters (Joseph Charles Beutel & Anna Dennis; Orchestra Of St. Luke's; Cathedral Choral Society, The Clarion Choir, Kansas City Chorale & The Saint Tikhon Choir)
"Moravec: Sanctuary Road"
Kent Tritle, conductor (Joshua Blue, Raehann Bryce-Davis, Dashon Burton, Malcolm J. Merriweather & Laquita Mitchell; Oratorio Society Of New York Orchestra; Oratorio Society Of New York Chorus)
"Once Upon a Time"
Matthew Guard, conductor (Sarah Walker; Skylark Vocal Ensemble)
Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance
"Contemporary Voices" – Pacifica Quartet
"Healing Modes" – Brooklyn Rider
"Hearne, T,: Place" – Ted Hearne, Steven Bradshaw, Sophia Byrd, Josephine Lee, Isaiah Robinson, Sol Ruiz, Ayanna Woods & Place Orchestra
"Hynes: Fields" – Devonté Hynes & Third Coast Percussion
"The Schumann Quartets" – Dover Quartet
Best Classical Instrumental Solo
"Theofanidis: Concerto for Viola and Chamber Orchestra"
Richard O'Neill; David Alan Miller, conductor (Albany Symphony)
"Adés: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra"
Kirill Gerstein; Thomas Adès, conductor (Boston Symphony Orchestra)
"Beethoven: Complete Piano Sonatas"
Igor Levit
"Bohemian Tales"
Augustin Hadelich; Jakub Hrůša, conductor (Charles Owen; Symphonieorchester Des Bayerischen Rundfunks)
"Destination Rachmaninov - Arrival"
Daniil Trifonov; Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor (The Philadelphia Orchestra)
Best Classical Solo Vocal Album
"Smyth: The Prison"
Sarah Brailey & Dashon Burton; James Blachly, conductor (Experiential Chorus; Experiential Orchestra)
"American Composers at Play - William Bolcom, Ricky Ian Gordon, Lori Laitman, John Musto"
Stephen Powell (Attacca Quartet, William Bolcom, Ricky Ian Gordon, Lori Laitman, John Musto, Charles Neidich & Jason Vieaux)
"Clairières - Songs by Lili & Nadia Boulanger"
Nicholas Phan; Myra Huang, accompanist
Cecilia Bartoli; Giovanni Antonini, conductor (Il Giardino Armonico)
"A Lad's Love"
Brian Giebler; Steven McGhee, accompanist (Katie Hyun, Michael Katz, Jessica Meyer, Reginald Mobley & Ben Russell)
Best Classical Compendium
"Thomas, M.T.: From the Diary of Anne Frank & Meditations on Rilke"
Isabel Leonard; Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor; Jack Vad, producer
"Adès Conducts Adès"
Mark Stone & Christianne Stotijn; Thomas Adès, conductor; Nick Squire, producer
"Saariaho: Graal Théâtre; Circle Map, Neiges, Vers Toi Qui Es Si Loin"
Clément Mao-Takacs, conductor; Hans Kipfer, producer
"Serebrier: Symphonic Bach Variations; Laments and Hallelujahs; Flute Concerto"
José Serebrier, conductor; Jens Braun, producer
"Woolf, L.P.: Fire and Blood"
Matt Haimovitz; Julian Wachner, conductor; Blanton Alspaugh, producer
Best Contemporary Classical Composition
"Rouse: Symphony No. 5"
Christopher Rouse, composer (Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony)
"Adès: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra"
Thomas Adès, composer (Kirill Gerstein, Thomas Adès & Boston Symphony Orchestra)
"Danielpour: The Passion of Yeshua"
Richard Danielpour, composer (JoAnn Falletta, James K. Bass, Adam Luebke, UCLA Chamber Singers, Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra & Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus)
"Floyd, C.: Prince of Players"
Carlisle Floyd, composer (William Boggs, Kate Royal, Keith Phares, Florentine Opera Chorus & Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra)
"Hearne, T.: Place"
Ted Hearne, composer (Ted Hearne, Steven Bradshaw, Sophia Byrd, Josephine Lee, Isaiah Robinson, Sol Ruiz, Ayanna Woods & Place Orchestra)
Music video/film
Best Music Video
"Brown Skin Girl" – Beyoncé, Saint Jhn & Wizkid Featuring Blue Ivy Carter
Beyoncé Knowles-Carter & Jenn Nkiru, video directors; Lauren Baker, Astrid Edwards, Nathan Scherrer & Erinn Williams, video producers
"Life Is Good" – Future Featuring Drake
Julien Christian Lutz, video director; Harv Glazer, video producer
"Lockdown" – Anderson .Paak
Dave Meyers, video director; Nathan Scherrer, video producer
"Adore You" – Harry Styles
Dave Meyers, video director; Nathan Scherrer, video producer
"Goliath" – Woodkid
Yoann Lemoine, video director; Horace de Gunzbourg, video producer
Best Music Film
Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice – Linda Ronstadt
Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman, video directors; Michele Farinola & James Keach, video producers
Beastie Boys Story – Beastie Boys
Spike Jonze, video director; Amanda Adelson, Jason Baum & Spike Jonze, video producers
Black Is King – Beyoncé
Emmanuel Adjei, Blitz Bazawule, Beyoncé Knowles Carter & Kwasi Fordjour, video directors; Lauren Baker, Akin Omotoso, Nathan Scherrer, Jeremy Sullivan & Erinn Williams, video producers
We Are Freestyle Love Supreme – Freestyle Love Supreme
Andrew Fried, video director; Andrew Fried, Jill Furman, Thomas Kail, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Sarina Roma, Jenny Steingart & Jon Steingart, video producers
That Little Ol' Band From Texas – ZZ Top
Sam Dunn, video director; Scot McFadyen, video producer
6 notes · View notes
charliejrogers · 3 years
Soul (2020) - Review & Analysis
See? 2020 wasn’t so bad. We got TWO Taylor Swift albums AND two Pixar movies! I joke. 2020 still sucked. Still, it is pretty notable to be getting two Pixar films in the same year. Last time that happened was in 2015 when we got Inside Out (what I thought was a masterpiece) and The Good Dinosaur (and I will die on the hill that more than a visual stunner it was a good movie too!) This year we’ve already had what I consider the functional equivalent of The Good Dinosaur in Onward, a very good, but ultimately light adventure tale of brotherhood. That means my expectations for this film Soul, from Inside Out’s director Pete Docter (also the director of Monsters Inc. and Up) were unfairly high. This was to be the year’s Pixar masterpiece.
It certainly tries to be. It’ a heavier film than Onward, deciding to tackle more existential questions like... “is there a point to life?” and “how do we avoid living a meaningless life?” You know… the stuff you usually see in kids’ movies. And while I am a big proponent of Pixar and recognize it is unfair to call their movies “kids’ movies,” the magic of their films usually derives from their ability to appeal to adults and kids alike. Though I love Inside Out dearly, I know it wasn’t a huge hit with kids, so it will never remembered as fondly as say Wall-E, Finding Nemo, or the seminal Toy Story . I say this because… I’m not even sure who this film is meant for? I really cannot imagine a child enjoying this film, but I’m also not a child so I won’t hold that against the film.
As an adult, however, I only moderately enjoyed the film. What it definitely has going for it is the beauty of the animation. I think The Good Dinosaur was probably still prettier, but that’s only because nature is prettier than city streets. This movie is drop dead gorgeous with environments sometimes indistinguishable from photographs.
Furthermore, the world of this movie is really, really interesting and creative in a way only Pixar could make. Well… sort of. A lot of the film is just our world, New York City to be precise. The movie tells the story of struggling, middle-aged jazz pianist Joe Gardner (Jamie Foxx) whose day job as a junior high band teacher pays the bills but doesn’t feed his soul. He’s only there at the behest of his mother (Phylicia Rashad). If not for her, Joe would be out there every day auditioning for gigs, trying to make it big and (likely) starving from want of work (though certainly not for want of talent). She’s more elated when Joe gets news he’s being made a full-time faculty member than when he gets a chance at a once-in-a-lifetime gig
But as fate would have it, that gig was what he’d been waiting for his whole life, his chance at the big time, the chance to play alongside a modern day legend, jazz sax player Dorothea Williams (Angela Bassett). He’s so excited when he gets the gig he can’t keep his eyes on traffic and inadvertently keeps getting himself into danger. Eventually, in his distraction, he actually falls down an open manhole. And he dies.
Yes. You read that correctly. Joe dies like 10 minutes into the movie. It’s really rather jarring tonally, and I feel like his death isn’t made dramatic at all. Something more impactful would make his inevitable resurrection all the more special. This is a studio that made me cry three times in 10 minutes when I first watched Up… they could have done something more here. Instead, the death just happens and we clip along to the next scene. This slightly rushed pacing continues throughout the film and is ultimately my biggest complaint with the movie. For something that tackles very big and heavy themes, it never really gives them time to breathe.
Anyway, the film then starts part 2 of 4. With Joe dead, we now see his soul alone in a vast black nothingness, standing on a bridge towards a bright light (what is referred to as the great beyond). Joe isn’t ready to die – he was just about to have his big break! So he manages to escape from the bridge to the Great Beyond into the world of the Great Before. It’s here that Pixar’s creativity gets to shine the most. The Great Before is the land in which personalities are born. Big Picasso-esque extradimensional figures (all inexplicably named Jerry and all with New Zealand accents) serve as guardians of the little, uniformly blue souls as they go through the “You Seminar” where they engage in various activities in order to become who they will eventually become. The Jerries usher the souls into various pavilions (including selflessness and insecurity as well as self-absorption!) in order to create all of our unique personalities. Apparently, the film sides hard on the nature side of the nature vs. nurture debate.
But the most important part of the seminar is pairing these newly developing souls with a recently deceased soul as a mentor. Together the two are supposed to work together until they find the developing soul’s “spark.” Once a soul gets their spark, they are ready to head to Earth and start life. Some people get their spark, i.e. their inspiration to live, from hearing about their mentor’s great life achievements in “the Hall of You” (mentors runs the gamut from Archimedes to Mother Teresa). Other souls get their spark from time spent in “the Hall of Everything,” where souls can try out various Earth hobbies and find what they will eventually love most in life (whether that’s painting, acting, or in Joe’s case jazz piano).
It’s a clever conceit, and I very much enjoyed my time spent in the colorful world of the Great Before. The movie gains its primary plot here when Joe (who isn’t supposed to be a mentor and should just be on his way to the Great Beyond) gets confused with a recently-deceased, world-renowned child psychologist and accordingly is assigned to be the mentor for a particularly difficult-to-inspire soul, referred to only by the number 22 (Tina Fey). Mentors have tried and failed to give 22 their spark for thousands of year. Ultimately, 22 just doesn’t get the hoopla about Earth and rather just enjoys the routine of their “non-life” in the Great Before. However, they and Joe make a deal. Since whenever a soul gets their spark, they get an Earth pass, if 22 gets their spark, they agree to give their pass to Joe, allowing him to return to his life and allowing themself to stay in the Great Before forever.
That plan doesn’t work. Instead the pair find some “shamans” in a desert within the Great Before who try to perform a resurrection ritual for Joe. This was probably the most creative aspect of this film’s plot. Shamans, mystics, or just serious meditators on Earth can actually have their souls transcend into the spiritual realm, allowing them to interacts with the other spirits who are permanently in the spiritual realm, like Joe and 22. I make special notice to include “serious meditators” because the main mystic/shaman is Moonwind (Graham Norton) who finds zen and therefore access to the spiritual realm by being a sign twirler on a street corner in NYC. But what I love about this aspect of the movie is its explanation that not just serious meditators can transcend to this realm, but actually any human can. Any time anyone gets “in the zone,” like when they get lost in playing music or basketball (or in my case doing physics problems), their soul can transcend up to the spiritual realm. The shamans are only in that they are aware of and can interact with that new reality; the rest of us are not.
However, in a fun, if a little too on-the-nose aside, the main job of the shamans is to return lost souls to Earth. Lost souls aren’t dead, they just belong to people who have become so addicted to something (e.g. greed) that they become soulless while living. The lone example the movie gives is of a hedge fund manager whose soul they manage to return and who subsequently quits his job. I’m sure there are nice hedge fund managers out there… so this joke fell flat for me even if I found the concept intriguing.
So the shamans perform their resurrection ritual. It goes predictably poorly as we’re only maybe 35 minutes into the movie and it can’t end yet. So we enter part 3 of the film where, because of the botched ritual, Joe’s soul inadvertently gets put into a cat and 22’s soul into Joe’s body. The rest of part 3 sees Joe and 22 try to put things back together. All the while, 22 by being in Joe’s body gets to finally experience real life on Earth (including their first experience of the human senses including tasting pizza). They find that they like Earth a whole heck of a lot, finding greatest pleasure in the smallest of things: a leaf falling from a tree, conversation among friends, a child’s hand being held. Plus, by being a naïve soul trapped in an old soul’s body, 22’s interactions with Joe’s family and friends (while Joe looks on in cat form) grants Joe an almost It’s A Wonderful Life type experience. 22 says and does things with Joe’s voice and body that he might never dream of saying, but the result of 22′s fresh take on life is the creation of new and genuine connections with those around him in ways he never had previously.
Of course, it’s not a kid’s movie without some sort of villain. While on Earth, Joe and 22 are being hunted by Terry, another extradimensional figure who serves as the Great Beyond’s accountant. Terry’s not so much a villain as he is a semi-comical plot device. While I appreciate that this movie eschews a true “villain,” I feel like Terry did little to add to this movie’s already very lacking sense of dramatic tension. I would have been perfectly content if they just added more horror and dread to Joe’s sense of loss of life.
Eventually, Terry manages to track down the pair and bring them back to the Great Before where, to everyone’s surprise, 22 somewhere along the way found her spark and now has a genuine Earth pass! She’s ready to live... and for once she’s excited to. That is, until Joe insists that 22 doesn’t deserve the Earth pass (i.e. to live) since they only gained a spark by being him and being in his body. In other words, 22 just got to copy Joe’s spark. So he takes 22′s Earth pass and rejoins life. He even realizes his dream and plays an absolutely outstanding show with Dorothea Williams!
And then feels empty. Earlier in the film, back in the Great Before, Joe got to see his “Hall of You,” that exhibit of his life, and he looking at his life so far decided that if he really stopped living that his life would be meaningless. He worked so hard for one thing for so long (to become a career pianist) and he never got it. Well, flash forward to the end of the movie, having now finally reached his dream, and Joe realizes it didn’t give him the payoff he thought it would. His life still feels empty. I appreciated the film’s quoting David Foster Wallace’s famous “This is water” speech even if it felt a bit hackneyed, and ultimately it serves as the movie’s message. Life isn’t about the big moments; it’s about what’s all around us. “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans” John Lennon once sange. Life is the stuff that made 22 so happy… the stuff that gave 22 her spark. She didn’t find a purpose or meaning when she was down on Earth that gave her a spark, she found a joy in falling leaves and conversations.
So with that realization, Joe returns to the Great Before, finds 22 and gives them their Earth pass back. Joe had in effect robbed 22 of the ability to live, and in the end undoes his harmful. But with only one Earth pass between the two of them, if 22 is to live, Joe must prepare for the Great Beyond. Now if you’re expecting to cry somewhere in this last part of the film… think again. As I said earlier, the film kinda clips along through these various story beats, not giving them time to be fully explored to the satisfaction of an adult thinker. And I don’t know about anyone else, but I didn’t feel much of a connection to either Joe or 22. so despite big moments of sacrifice and love, no tears came to my eyes. It’s not that either is unlikeable, but neither is particularly charming.
Some of it, I think, lies with some less than stellar voice acting on the part of Jamie Foxx. I don’t know. Some of his parts just felt phoned in? Tina Fey is adequate as 22, but not a stand-out. And I’m willing to concede too that the movie, the first in Pixar’s canon to focus on a Black character, may not have been made with me a white guy in his 20s as the target audience. Still, I’m not sure that race is particularly relevant to my dissatisfaction. I more think the film’s philosophy is a little jumbled, or maybe I just disagree with it. It seems to tells us that there’s no meaning to life and that the important part of life is enjoying the small things… but that’s a little naïve to say the least. Yes, trees are beautiful and music sounds good, but the movie shies away from the fact that life sucks for so many people. Like so many people. I’m sure poor and beaten down people will not feel comforted if you tell them that living is worth it because falling leaves are pretty.
But at the same time, I don’t want the movie to have argued that every person is “meant” to do something. In fact I think that idea is bullshit, and I like that the film denies this degree of determinism. If you can’t tell, I’m more on the nurture side of nature vs. nurture. But still by creating this world where souls are fully formed individuals prior to incarnation and to deprive them of a purpose feels… well soulless. Though, potentially bleaker, it feels more honest to just say we’re born as a blank slate, in a world devoid of meaning than to say that we are born fully formed into a world devoid of meaning. I would argue the later (and what the film argues) to reflect a darker, crueller world. Especially after watching a show like The Good Place which managed to so creatively and adeptly develop an entire moral philosophy that was relatively easy to understand and was largely agreeable... this feels lacking.
So yeah… I just couldn’t connect philosophically with this world, the film tackles bigger themes than its kid-friendly world seems fully capable of tackling, and despite beautiful visuals, it lags in the sound department, making it hard to really relate to these characters. I know it will find an audience because it’s a superbly made film set in a creative world with a unique premise, but that audience just isn’t me.
**3/4 (Two and three fourths out of four)
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lindsaywesker · 3 years
2020 Deaths
7: Neil Peart, 67, drummer, Rush
8: Buck Henry, 89, screenwriter (‘The Graduate’), director (‘Heaven Can Wait’)
17: Derek Fowlds, 82, actor (‘Yes, Minister’)
19: Jimmy Heath, 93, jazz saxophonist, The Heath Brothers
19: Robert Parker, 89, R&B singer (‘Barefootin’’)
21: Terry Jones, 77, comic actor, screenwriter, film director (‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’)
28: Nicholas Parsons, 96, actor, radio and TV presenter
1: Andy Gill, 64, guitarist, Gang Of Four
5: Kirk Douglas, 103, actor (‘Spartacus’, ‘Paths Of Glory’, ‘Seven Days In May’)
15: Caroline Flack, 40, TV and radio presenter
17: Andy Weatherall, 56, record producer and DJ
19: Pop Smoke, 20, rapper
24: Tom Watkins, 70, artist manager (Pet Shop Boys)
26: Kobe Bryant, 41, basketball player
4: Barbara Martin, 76, singer (The Supremes)
6: McCoy Tyner, 81, jazz pianist
8: Max von Sydow, 90, actor (‘Star Wars’, ‘Game Of Thrones’)
12: Pete Mitchell, 61, radio DJ and presenter (BBC Radio 2, Virgin Radio)
15: Roy Hudd, 83, actor and comedian
20: Kenny Rogers, 81, singer and songwriter (‘The Gambler’, ‘Islands In The Stream’)
22: Julie Felix, 81, folk singer
22: Eric Weissberg, 80, folk musician (‘Duelling Banjos’)
24: Manu Dibango, 86, saxophonist (‘Soul Makossa’)
26: Bill Martin, 81, songwriter (‘Puppet On A String’, ‘Congratulations’)
27: Bob Andy, 75, reggae singer (The Paragons, Bob & Marcia)
27: Delroy Washington, 67, reggae singer
30: Bill Withers, 81, singer (‘Ain’t No Sunshine’, ‘Lean On Me’, ‘Lovely Day’)
1: Ronn Matlock, 72, singer and songwriter (‘Can’t Forget About You’)
2: Eddie Large, 78, comedian (Little & Large)
5: Honor Blackman, 94, actress (‘The Avangers’, ‘Goldfinger’)
6: James Drury, 85, actor (‘The Virginian’)
6: Onaje Allan Gumbs, 70, jazz pianist
7: John Prine, 73, singer and songwriter (‘Angel From Montgomery’)
10: Ceybil Jefferies, 57 or 58, house and dance music singer (‘It’s Gonna Be Alright’, ‘Love So Special’)
12: Peter Bonetti, 78, footballer
12: Tim Brooke-Taylor, 79, comedian (‘The Goodies’)
12: Sir Stirling Moss, 90, racing driver
15: Brian Dennehy, 81, actor (‘Cocoon’)
17: Norman Hunter, 76, footballer
20: Rohan O’Rahilly, 79, founder of Radio Caroline
24: Hamilton Bohannon, 78, percussionist, songwriter and record producer
28: Jill Gascoine, 83,  actress (‘The Gentle Touch’)
29: Trevor Cherry, 72, footballer
29: Stezo, 51, rapper
30: Sam Lloyd, 56, actor (‘Scrubs’)
2: Richie Cole, 72, jazz saxophonist (‘New York Afternoon’)
5: Sweet Pea Atkinson, 74, singer (Was (Not Was))
5: Millie Small, 72, singer (‘My Boy Lollipop’)
6: Florian Schneider, 73, musician (Kraftwerk)
7: Ty, 47, UK rapper
9: Little Richard, 87, singer, pianist and songwriter
10: John McKenzie, 65, bass player
10: Betty Wright, 66, singer (‘Clean Up Woman’)
11: Jerry Stiller, 92, actor (‘Seinfeld’, ‘The King Of Queens’)
15: Phil May, 75, singer (The Pretty Things)
15: Fred Willard, 86, actor (‘Best In Show’, ‘Modern Family’)
21: Bobby Digital, 59, Jamaican reggae producer
22: Mory Kante, 70, Guinean singer and kora player (‘Yeke Yeke’)
30: Michael Angelis, 76, actor (‘Boys From The Black Stuff’)
4: Rupert Hine, 72, musician and record producer
4: Steve Priest, 72, bass player and singer (The Sweet)
8: Bonnie Pointer, 69, singer (The Pointer Sisters)
18: Dame Vera Lynn, 103, singer
19: Sir Ian Holm, 88, actor (‘Alien’, ‘Chariots Of Fire’, ‘The Lord Of The Rings’)
26: Tami Lynn, 77 or 78, singer (‘I’m Gonna Run Away From You’)
29: Carl Reiner, 98, actor, film director and writer (‘The Dick Van Dyke Show’, ‘Ocean’s Eleven’, ‘The Jerk’)
1: Sir Everton Weekes, 95, Bajan cricketer
2: Jacque Hylton, 57, beautiful girl and dear friend
5: Cleveland Eaton, 80, jazz bass player (‘Bama Boogie Woogie’)
6: Charlie Daniels, 83, singer, songwriter and musician (‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia’)
10: Jack Charlton, 85, footballer
10: Steve Sutherland, club and radio DJ
12: Kelly Preston, 57, actress (‘Jerry Maguire’, ‘Twins’)
17: John Lewis, 80, American civil rights leader and politician
19: Emitt Rhodes, 70, singer, songwriter and musician
21: Dobby Dobson, 78, Jamaican singer and producer
21: Annie Ross, 89, singer (Lambert, Hendricks & Ross)
25: Peter Green, 73, guitarist (Fleetwood Mac)
25: John Saxon, 83, actor (‘Enter The Dragon’)
26: Dame Olivia de Havilland, 104, actress (‘Gone With The Wind’)
27: Denise Johnson, 53, singer (Primal Scream)
29: Malik B, 47, rapper (The Roots)
31: Sir Alan Parker, 76, film director (‘Midnight Express’, ‘Mississippi Burning’)
1: Wilford Brimley, 85, actor (‘The Natural’, ‘Cocoon’)
5: FGB Duck, 26, rapper
6: Wayne Fontana, 74, singer (The Mindbenders)
11: Trini Lopez, 83, singer (‘If I Had A Hammer’) and actor (‘The Dirty Dozen’)
18: Ben Cross, 72, actor (‘Chariots Of Fire’)
22: D. J. Rogers, 72, soul singer
28: Chadwick Boseman, 43, actor (‘Black Panther’)
1: Erick Morillo, 49, record producer, label owner and DJ
2: Ian Mitchell, 62, bass player (Bay City Rollers)
6: Bruce Williamson, 50, singer (The Temptations)
9: Ronald Bell, 68, songwriter and musician (Kool And The Gang)
10: Dame Diana Rigg, 82, actress (‘The Avengers’, ‘On Her Majesty’s Secret Service’, ‘Game Of Thrones’)
11: Frederick Nathaniel ‘Toots’ Hibbert, 77, reggae singer (Toots And The Maytals)
12: Edna Wright, 76, soul singer (Honey Cone)
16: Roy C, 81, soul singer (‘Shotgun Wedding’)
18: Pamela Hutchinson, 61, singer (The Emotions)
19: Lee Kerslake, 73, drummer (Uriah Heep)
21: Tommy DeVito, 92, singer (The Four Seasons)
29: Mac Davis, 78, soul singer (‘Baby, Don’t Get Hooked On Me’)
29: Helen Reddy, 78, singer (‘I Am Woman’, ‘Delta Dawn’)
30: Frank Windsor, 92, actor (‘Z Cars’, ‘Softly Softly’)
6: Bunny Lee, 79, Jamaican reggae producer
6: Johnny Nash, 80, singer and songwriter (‘I Can See Clearly Now’, ‘Tears On My Pillow’)
6: Eddie Van Halen, 65, guitarist and songwriter (Van Halen)
10: Dyan Birch, 71, singer (Kokomo, Arrival)
12: Saint Dog, 44, rapper
12: Conchata Ferrell, 77, actress (‘Two And A Half Men’)
14: Paul Matters, bass player (AC/DC)
15: Gordon Haskell, 74, singer, songwriter and musician (‘How Wonderful You Are’)
18: Jose Padilla, 64, record producer and DJ
19: Spencer Davis, 81, singer and guitarist (The Spencer Davis Group)
21: Frank Bough, 87, TV presenter (‘Grandstand’)
28: Bobby Ball, 76, comedian (Cannon & Ball)
30: Nobby Stiles, 78, footballer
31: Sir Sean Connery, 90, actor
2: John Sessions, 67, actor and comedian
4: Ken Hensley, 75, singer and songwriter (Uriah Heep)
5: Len Barry, 78, singer (‘1-2-3’)
5: Geoffrey Palmer, 93, actor (‘As Time Goes By’, ‘Butterflies’)
6: King Von, 26, rapper
8: Bones Hillman, 62, bass player (Midnight Oil)
11: Mo3, 28, rapper
14: Des O’Connor, 88, television presenter, comedian and singer
15: Ray Clemence, 72, footballer
18: Tony Hooper, 81, guitarist (The Strawbs)
25: Diego Maradona, 60, footballer
28: David Prowse, 85, actor (‘Star Wars’)
28: Lil Yase, 25, rapper
29: Papa Bouba Diop, 42, footballer
10: Dame Barbara Windsor, 83, actress
12: Charley Pride, 86, country singer
12: John le Carre, 89, author (‘Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy’, ‘The Night Manager’)
14: Gerard Houllier, 73, football manager
15: Albert Griffiths, 74, Jamaican reggae musician (The Gladiators)
17: Jeremy Bulloch, 75, actor (‘Star Wars’)
21: K. T. Oslin, 78, country singer and songwriter
22: Stella Tennant, 50, supermodel
24: John Edrich MBE, 83, English cricketer
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asymptoticway · 3 years
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A very frustrated Terry rant.
(Loose translation: "and you won’t believe me, Jerry, he’s like, look, the count’s off. I explain that, no, I checked it twice. Twice, so there cannot be any mystakes. I’ve been doing this job for centuries, I’m not some kind of noob who just finished school, like not really, right? So. And I tell him that, and I show him the abacus, and he finally grabs his head and shouts oh Terry dear, why am I so dumb, I forgot to add…" and then goes off screen. Semi-accurate quote from Kieszonkowy atlas kobiet, by Sylwia Chutnik, 2009)
Just in case you were wondering: yes I'm lowkey obsessed with the Polish localisation of Soul/Co w duszy gra (I was lucky enough to watch it on the big screen, twice). The dubbing is just So Good. I love the fact that Terry and the Jerries got their names changed to fit localisation, it's usually a bit of a risky thing to do but they absolutely killed it. And Terry's voice is just
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regarder-film · 3 years
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Passionné de jazz et professeur de musique dans un collège, Joe Gardner a enfin l’opportunité de réaliser son rêve : jouer dans le meilleur club de jazz de New York. Mais un malencontreux faux pas le précipite dans le « Grand Avant » – un endroit fantastique où les nouvelles âmes acquièrent leur personnalité, leur caractère et leur spécificité avant d’être envoyées sur Terre. Bien décidé à retrouver sa vie, Joe fait équipe avec 22, une âme espiègle et pleine d’esprit, qui n’a jamais saisi l’intérêt de vivre une vie humaine. En essayant désespérément de montrer à 22 à quel point l’existence est formidable, Joe pourrait bien découvrir les réponses aux questions les plus importantes sur le sens de la vie.
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Soul [2020] Film vf streaming complet gratuit en français Nationalité : United States of America Directeur : Pete Docter Écrivains : Pete Docter, Kemp Powers, Mike Jones. Genres : Animation, Comédie, Drame, Musique, Fantastique Distributeur : Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Durée: 100 min Acteur : Jamie Foxx (Joe Gardner (voice)), Tina Fey (22 (voice)), Ahmir-Khalib Thompson (Curly (voice)), Phylicia Rashād (Libba Gardner (voice)), Daveed Diggs (Paul (voice)), Richard Ayoade (Counselor Jerry (voice)), Graham Norton (Moonwind (voice)), Rachel House (Terry (voice)), Sous-titre: Anglais, Espagnol, Français, Italien, Néerlandais & Allemand
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