fictionkinfessions · 3 months
I.. miss my son. I miss him a lot. I don’t remember how horrible I was, even if I was.
Kid, my child. I hope you’re safe out there somewhere, which I highly believe you are!! I still love you. I miss you and the others very much!!! Please make smart choices now. :)
Also this is my first time fronting in a while, and I am a gatekeeper. I decided to front because I was having an issue with another gatekeeper from another system, who was NOT doing their job correctly and it upsetted me. So if there’s other gatekeepers reading this, please please keep your host safe. Let them know you care for them, let them know you love them no matter what.
Again, it deeply upsets me when there’s another gatekeeper who is going against their role as a gatekeeper. Those who do that do NOT deserve such role. Especially if they treat fictives and their host horribly. We’re supposed to be there to HELP. Not make anything worse than it already is. As cheesy at it may sound, we’re a family. We’re gonna be stuck with each other FOR YEARS. Like it or not, I do not care, you have to get over yourself and help too. Thats our role.
-Death (Soul Eater fictive) #👻♠️💀⚠️
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fictive-confessions · 2 years
To Jinx,
You're perfectly fine, I understand you! It's just hard, I guess, to separate myself from all that sometimes. The way I was treated in those interactions with out ex friend was just plain awful. I have no idea why I was always the target, but it made me feel like everyone was always out to get me. Trust is hard for me to form, but I'm doing my best to try and let myself open up again. It just takes time. Thanks for your kind words though, I hope you stay safe, okay? Have a nice day!
— Maka Albarn
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
*waves arms in the sea of people*
Hiya Liz, Lord death and kid! I miss you! Especially my sister!!!!! Love ya! :>
-a patty fictive (soul eater)
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
Hello fictionkinfession readers, um. Crona Gorgon here... Wow, this is weird...
Um. I need to get some stuff off my chest, erh, out of my system, so to speak. Heheh... (Okay, that was a bad pun.)
Anyways... I'm. I'm really hoping 2024 will be kind to Maka. She's like my best friend- My sister even! And she's just. She's just had it so tough for so long. She remembers so, so many things... So many false memories that she doesn't want to have anymore. It's so. Hard...
Our dads always say it'll get better one day, but. I think I speak for a lotta people when I say that waiting for that day can be hard. It can hurt to sit back idly and wait for the healing to fully begin.
But the most I can do is be there for Maka until that day comes. I love her a lot... She's the best friend I could ever ask for, and. And I'm gonna do anything I can to make it better. So that one day we can feel better together...
So, um. Here's to 2024, Maka! I'm really rooting for you... And you'll always have me by your side, even when things get real tough and scary... Our dads too. We all love you, like a lot.
Your Sibling,
Crona (PS: Please tag as fictive, thank you MPC! I hope your 2024 is good too!)
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fictive-confessions · 2 years
What happened was not my sourcemates faults. I know that. I'm effected by trauma that happened because of all that inappropriate talk and roleplaying with our ex-friends. But I'm so, so scared of all of them. And I wish I wasn't, because I want to give them a chance. I know they aren't actually bad like my memories say they are, and I miss my friends so bad. I want to remember Soul, Black Star, and Kid for all the good times we had. Not for being poisoned and attacked by a hallucination of Soul, not Kid blackmailing me. How could they ruin my best friends like this? I just want you guys to hold me without being afraid of you all hurting me again. I miss you all so much.
— Maka Albarn
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
"I'd be terrified to have an asura (soul eater) fictive"
He sent our partner system cat pictures for absolutely no reason then buried himself under a weighted blanket like a cryptid turned pet raccoon.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
Can I get an interest check for an 18+ doubles friendly Soul Eater kin server?
party note: If anyone is interested, please reblog, like, or reply to this post! No further ask responses will be posted for this conversation so that no one’s message is missed! Thank you!
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
Annoying. Humans are annoying. Loud, stupid. Filled with fear. Don't like them.
I wanna curl up under blankets. Alone. Avoid humans. Sleep again.
- Asura. (Tag soul eater + fictive.)
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
Me: idk since we split an asura (soul eater) fictive im kinda scared he might do harm to the system-
Asura fictive, co-fronting and just piling a weighted blanket on us: :).
Me: wwwwwwwwwww-
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
death the kid wass my brother.
canon divergent. i was ""better"". """tameable"".
....m. didn't trust anyone but him. only death the kid. only brother. not even trusted father. scared of father. scared of them.
still get,,, bad urges. killing urges. kill everything you're scared of so you're no longer scared of it.
- asura. (soul eater + fictive.)
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
Me: I think I kin Asura from Soul Eater but im kinda scared of this kin-
Two hours later, us finding an Asura fictive in the inner world: so it was YOU-
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
I lost count of how many Kaneki Ken fictives we have in the system and it's. Interesting. I believe there's 5 of us. Either way, half of us are yearning but we don't know who any of us were dating in our timeline so we're just left yearning for nobody.
- (End of :RE season) Kaneki Ken fictive. (#🥀🌌🛸)
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