karriezai · 8 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Prompt Ginny/Luna - you can use your headcanons.
Luna was not big on Quidditch, and Ginny knew that, so it meant loads when she wanted to come out to watch Ginny practice. Ginny wasn’t really one to wax romantic or espouse the power of love, but having Luna watching did seem to have an effect on her playing. It was a bit like taking Pepperup Potion.
“Good eyes,” Angelina said as they landed for their end-of-practice huddle. She clapped Ginny on the shoulder, and Ginny grinned. She’d caught the Snitch twice during practice, the second time when it was flitting near Jack Sloper’s ear, nearly startling him from his broom.
Angelina gave Jack and Andrew a bit of a dressing-down, then reminded Ron that he was doing well during practice but needed to get his nerves under control — Ginny listened with half an ear, distracted by the way Luna had waved and given a cheery smile when the huddle started, then gone back to intently watching the sky. Ginny was half-tempted to look up and see if another team had come to practice, but she knew better. This was Luna being Luna, and she’d find out what had the girl’s attention soon enough.
“Same time Thursday,” Angelina said finally. “Good practice, everyone.” The look she gave Jack and Andrew suggested she was being generous by saying everyone.
As the others broke for the locker rooms, Ginny crossed to where Luna stood, still gazing skyward. “Hey,” Ginny said.
Luna tore her eyes from the sky, but once she met Ginny’s eyes, she could feel the weight of Luna’s full attention shifting to her. Luna’s mind could run on a dozen different tracks at once, which often gave her a lost or distractible aura, and it was rare for her to devote all of her attention to one person. It warmed Ginny’s chest to realize how frequently she earned all of Luna’s focus recently.
Continued on AO3
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skillzyo · 8 years
I follow you because I follow the tag WayHaught and your fics popped up & I was like YES! so then I followed you & am so happy I did.
I am happy to serve the WayHaught fandom and I am so happy my fics have made you happy :)
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fratboykate · 8 years
I normally prefer to be anon but since they think all anons are you (which is impossible) I won't go on anon. I support the EXPOSING THECW trend & changing it from Calling Out because it won't trend with Calling Out. I support it over the other trends because you can't move forward in a movement by being nice & vague. Our Fight Is Not Over sounds like they are supporting The 1OO. It won't do anything for us.
I’m on fire tonight. Look at all the messages I keep sending myself. 
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Stay strong. We don't know each other but I've seen what your friends have posted & you seem like an amazing person. I can also tell you are truly loved. My heart & prayers go out to you.
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nightinngales · 8 years
Pretty sure I do have something to fear because I always fear sending messages off anon but since I love your blog & junk & stuff... I figured I could be brave enough to say hi. So yup this is me saying hi.
i have such nice followers i’m gonna miss you after i delete from this exposure 
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folktaylor · 8 years
GAH! Your fic was just so... I can't even words right now. I never knew how bad I needed nerdy Lexa until now.
isn’t she the best i love nerdy lexa. love of my life.
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longlivetheheda · 8 years
I wish this thing had replies because I really wanted to reply to your Starbucks post. I'm headed there too even though it is 5pm
Haha great minds think alike! Also I’m feeling 0 shame for it. We’ve been on an emotional roller coaster today. We deserve our caffeine.
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toodrunktofindaurl · 8 years
Do you go to any cons to sell your art? Now that I am living in London I am hoping to go to a Toronto con some day. (I've only be to Anime North)
I’ve always preferred being free to move around at Cons so I never got a booth, but I might in the future! It’s just a lot of work and I’m a lazy bag of potatoes. I’m always up for rendez-vous points & meet ups so I can sit and draw for people while chilling with them, though!
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aeryns · 8 years
I have to move in the morning so I should be asleep but instead I'm reading all these lovely Clexa posts. Totally helping me destress. Thanks! Keep it up please. All the Clexa. All the time.
haha glad it’s helping you destress but make sure you get enough sleep!!! and don’t worry i’ll definitely keep it up haha
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mkhunterz · 9 years
Interesting fact: When I was 6 the neighbour kid pushed me off a ledge. I went home told my mom my arm hurt & went to sleep on the couch. Woke up with a swollen arm. Turned out it was broken. The doctor wouldn't believe me that I went to sleep right after it happened.
when I sprained my wrist I got up and walked away and continued to play at recess for 20 minutes and then started to feel weird and went to the bathroom to throw some water on my face and felt really queasy and by the time recess was over I couldn’t stand and they sent me to the nurse who determined that it was a sprain, but none of the pain was in my arm.
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evilmcqueen · 9 years
A, B, C, D, O and V
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Swan Queen. My one and only ride or die OTP. Those two idiots will be the death of me. 
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
Mellie and Andrew on Scandal. At first I wasn’t feeling it, but it was nice to see someone show Mellie some love and attention. Of course, JUST as it was growing on me Shonda had to blow it to smithereens. 
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
Outlaw Queen. I tried but NOPE. I don’t see any chemistry and it’s just so half-assed. OUAT has spent so much time developing Regina that throwing her into this underdeveloped train wreck just doesn’t make sense to me. Plus Robin is the literal worst. (Was that too mean? Sorry!)
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
Olitz (Scandal). I get that their relationship is basically the cornerstone of the show, but I just can’t get into it. Olivia Pope is a queen and Fitz is the whiniest fuckboy to ever exist. (Sorry. Again.)
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
You Don’t Own Me - Grace and G-Easy. I’d like to sit Fitz’ ass down and have Olivia and Mellie serenade him.
 V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Swan Queen, of course. 
Cartinelli (Agent Carter) I just discovered them and they’re precious. 
Mellie Grant/The Presidency. 
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skywarrior108 · 9 years
soulsthatknow replied to your post:Sometimes, I look at my arm and think, “Holy shit,...
That is freaking awesome. I have a lemon & gold star on my anklet tattoo.
Dude, that sounds awesome. Do you have pics posted of it?
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faberrycon · 9 years
Supporting Member Giveaway Winners!
We have three lucky winners of free Supporting Memberships to FaberryCon South, sponsored by Faberry Week! 
Congratulations to our winners! We’ll be contacting you soon. And thanks to everyone for entering. We hope you’ll consider registering for a membership of your very own on our website. Thanks again to Faberry Week for making this drawing possible!
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playinginquicksand · 9 years
Once you get this, list 5 things that make you happy and then put this in the ask of 10 people who reblogged from you last.
So i got this like a month ago whoops sorr :p
1. Boooooooooks
2. My nephews and niece!!
3. Gay ass movies and webseries that arent about coming out but about pretty much everything else with the added awesome gay ass relationships!
4. Orphan motherfucking black coming back tomorrow
5. My best friend having her shit together before me as well as her getting a boyfriend who i think is definitely her best one yet and good both for and to her
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konako · 9 years
Queen Konako Designer of Flawless Art
dawwwwwww you
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sappharah · 9 years
Claiming that Supernatural has main character lgbtqia representation makes me so angry. I do ship Destiel. But I know that it is queerbaiting. I am starting to regret shipping them thanks to the fandom. I can admit when my shows are problematic. Supernatural and many other shows queerbait but don't have actual main character representation. Which is probably why I was so happy & shocked when The 100 had actual representation.
Yeah exactly. I would highly recommend getting into shows that have actual representation because it is so much more satisfying. Love yourself.
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